Jesus 4 Asia Now

Sensitive Countries

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000158S

00:01 (bright music)
00:21 - Hello and welcome to "Jesus for Asia Now."
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood, and today my husband John is here with me
00:26 in the studio, and we'll be talking
00:28 about working in sensitive countries.
00:31 Hello, love.
00:32 - Hi, darling. How are you?
00:33 - I'm doing all right.
00:35 You know, sometimes the most inspiring stories
00:39 are the ones you can't tell.
00:40 - Yes.
00:41 - Because people would be endangered.
00:43 The people who are witnessing,
00:45 or the people who are being witnessed to would be in danger.
00:48 - That's correct.
00:50 - And so it's with a lot of prayer
00:52 that we're sharing the stories that we're sharing today.
00:55 - Yes.
00:57 - And trying to keep them as anonymous as possible.
00:59 - [Jon] Uh-huh.
01:00 - So we're talking about sensitive countries today.
01:02 - Yes, and this is our newest category of Bible workers.
01:06 - Okay.
01:07 - In sensitive countries.
01:08 But it's our fastest growing segment
01:09 because there's several countries
01:13 that we're involved in that we cannot say
01:16 which country they are or which area they are.
01:20 - [Natalie] Right. - Except for the fact
01:22 that they're in Asia.
01:23 - Right.
01:24 - But Asia has 50 countries.
01:26 - Yeah, and some of the countries that we work in,
01:27 there's areas where it's more sensitive than other areas.
01:30 - Correct.
01:31 - So while they might be in the same country
01:33 that we've already listed on our list, as, you know,
01:36 available for Bible worker sponsorship.
01:38 - [Jon] Correct.
01:39 - We're keeping this one in sensitive countries.
01:41 Just because, you know, the stories are,
01:44 it's a sensitive area.
01:47 - Right. - [Natalie] Let's just
01:48 put it that way.
01:49 - And lives are at stake.
01:50 - Yeah.
01:52 - There's a real incident where there was a breakthrough
01:53 in one country into a specific religion.
02:00 Some of the leader, one of the leaders of the,
02:02 that religion was converted to Christianity, to Adventism.
02:07 And so somebody published that
02:09 - [Natalie] Mhm.
02:11 - in a magazine with a wide distribution
02:13 - Mm. - And others, you know,
02:14 that were not friendly, found out and saw,
02:17 and that person that was converted lost their life.
02:21 - Mm.
02:22 - [Jon] And so this is, this is a real thing.
02:24 - It's real, yeah.
02:25 - And the thing is though, that these stories
02:27 are some of the most inspiring
02:28 because there's, there is that opposition and we know
02:32 what's coming in prophecy.
02:35 - Right.
02:36 - That persecution is coming to us
02:37 so we can learn from them and be inspired by them.
02:41 - Right.
02:42 - In their, in their work.
02:43 So we get to tell their stories,
02:45 but unfortunately we have to blur their faces.
02:47 - Yeah, so we don't see their faces,
02:49 but we also don't hear their languages.
02:50 - [Jon] Right. - You know,
02:51 we don't know their names.
02:52 - Right. - [Natalie] None of that.
02:53 - Yeah.
02:55 - Recently, our foreign correspondent team
02:57 was able to go to this area and interview some Bible workers
03:00 in one of these sensitive countries.
03:02 - [Jon] Correct.
03:03 - So, let's watch the first video now.
03:05 - Okay.
03:07 (piano music)
03:10 (bell rings)
03:14 - [Narrator] In countries where challenges abound,
03:16 God's work continues to advance,
03:18 even in the most trying circumstances.
03:20 Recently, we had the wonderful opportunity to visit a group
03:24 of Muslims who have now embraced Christ.
03:26 And at the end of the weekend,
03:28 we bore witness to a powerful testament of faith.
03:31 47 precious souls moved by the Holy Spirit,
03:35 chose to dedicate their lives to Christ in baptism.
03:39 But this journey is not without its trials.
03:42 The Bible workers who are leading these people
03:44 to Jesus face opposition and many difficulties.
03:47 Though their identities remain hidden for their safety,
03:50 this is their story.
03:52 (piano music)
03:59 - I was born into a Muslim family.
04:01 My father, grandfather, and grandmother were all Muslims.
04:06 I lost my sight in 1998.
04:09 I met another blind person who lived
04:11 about 15 kilometers from my house.
04:14 He invited me to his home and offered me some food.
04:18 During our conversation, he told me
04:20 that if I believed in Jesus, my life would become peaceful.
04:25 I told him I would consider his proposal.
04:28 Over time, we continued to communicate
04:31 through our mobile phones,
04:32 and he gave me another brother's contact number.
04:35 I started communicating with him also.
04:38 After about two years,
04:39 he expressed interest in visiting my family
04:42 even though his district was far from mine.
04:45 I told him he was welcome to come visit us.
04:48 And so he came to our home.
04:50 (piano music)
04:54 He spent three days with us,
04:55 reciting the Bible to me and my wife.
04:59 Later, six months after his first visit,
05:02 he returned and emphasized that if I accepted Jesus
05:05 as my savior, my life would be peaceful,
05:08 and Jesus would shoulder my burdens.
05:11 So I decided to be baptized.
05:14 Despite being blind, I felt that God had granted me
05:17 good health and a favorable situation after my baptism.
05:21 I couldn't read, but others read the Bible to me.
05:24 I also composed songs and tried to sing them
05:27 as a method of preaching the good news.
05:30 My songs were based on the miracles performed by Jesus,
05:33 such as healing the sick and giving life to the dead.
05:36 I also wrote songs about his sacrifice for our sins.
05:40 (upbeat music)
05:44 I have established three house churches in my area
05:48 with about 17 people attending.
05:50 I share the knowledge God has blessed me with.
05:54 Although I am physically challenged, I live peacefully
05:57 because Jesus Christ has given me a chance
05:59 to survive in this world.
06:02 However, I faced adversity when some individuals learned
06:05 that I was an evangelist,
06:07 preaching the good news about Christ.
06:09 They attacked me, punched my mouth,
06:11 and broke many of my teeth.
06:13 Despite these challenges, I feel at peace in Jesus Christ.
06:18 Today, I have brought three people who were baptized.
06:21 Let me briefly tell you about one of them
06:24 who is a young man.
06:26 He used to visit our home, and I gave him a book.
06:29 I asked him to memorize the Lord's prayer, which he did.
06:33 And that increased his interest in learning
06:35 about Jesus Christ.
06:36 I did my best to help him understand the word of God,
06:40 and encouraged him to be baptized in the name
06:42 of Jesus Christ for eternal life.
06:45 Today he was baptized.
06:48 (piano music)
06:52 Currently, I live at home with no other job,
06:55 dedicating my time to evangelism
06:57 and writing songs based on the Bible.
07:00 I have a group that enjoys singing, and we meet at my home.
07:04 Four people have shown interest in learning more
07:07 about Christ, and one of them was baptized today.
07:11 I hope and believe that the other three
07:13 will also accept Jesus soon.
07:16 Despite my blindness, I am thankful
07:18 for the peaceful and good life I have,
07:21 and that God has opened my heart so I can see my Lord.
07:25 Please pray for me as I continue to work for our Lord,
07:29 stand firm in my faith, and dedicate the rest of my life
07:32 and time to evangelism for the glory of God.
07:36 Thank you so much.
07:37 (piano music)
07:45 - I love how his friend described
07:47 his relationship with Jesus.
07:48 Like, you will have peace,
07:50 and he will shoulder your burdens.
07:52 - Mm.
07:53 - Doesn't mean he'll take away the burdens,
07:54 but he will shoulder them.
07:55 And it's just, it's so beautiful.
07:57 I mean, he has so many challenges besides being blind.
08:02 He's been persecuted and it's just,
08:05 it's just beautiful to hear.
08:07 - Yeah.
08:08 - That he's gonna do it.
08:09 He's gonna go forward and share.
08:11 - Yeah.
08:12 A blind man leading people to Christ.
08:15 - Yeah.
08:16 - Even though he's lost a bunch of teeth.
08:17 - Yeah.
08:18 - Because of his witness.
08:19 - [Natalie] Right.
08:20 - If he had just stayed home, he wouldn't get beat up.
08:22 He wouldn't get persecuted.
08:23 - Right.
08:25 - Just keep his faith to himself.
08:25 - Right.
08:26 But he doesn't seem to be able to do that.
08:29 - [Jon] No.
08:30 - That's the thing about Christ.
08:32 Christ came into his life and he found a difference.
08:34 - [Jon] Yes. - He found that peace.
08:36 - Yeah.
08:37 - He found the one who can shoulder his burdens
08:39 and he's, he wants to tell other people.
08:42 - [Jon] Yeah.
08:43 - I mean, that's what it boils down to.
08:44 He doesn't wanna keep it to himself.
08:46 - Yeah, it's an internal piece,
08:47 not a piece in his surroundings or situation.
08:49 - Yeah, that's beautiful.
08:51 - Yeah, that's inspiring.
08:52 - Yeah.
08:53 All right, well, we have another video.
08:55 - [Jon] Okay.
08:56 - More testimony.
08:57 So let's go to that now.
08:58 - Excellent.
08:59 (piano music)
09:13 - I was born in a Muslim family.
09:16 I learned the prayers in the Quran from my childhood.
09:18 I used to read the Quran in Arabic every day,
09:21 but I had no idea what I was reading.
09:25 I felt sad because I couldn't understand what I was reading.
09:29 Then one of my friends gave me a translation
09:31 of the Quran in my language.
09:33 After that, when I read the Quran,
09:35 I could understand the meaning.
09:37 I found that in the Quran, it says that the birth
09:40 of Jesus Christ in his life is excellent
09:42 and different from the other prophets.
09:44 Then I heard the message about Jesus from another man,
09:47 and he taught me from the Bible.
09:49 He quoted John 14:6 to me.
09:52 " I am the way, the truth, and the life.
09:57 No man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
10:01 That really touched my heart
10:03 and I received Jesus as my savior.
10:05 (piano music)
10:09 After my conversion, I have faced a lot of problems.
10:13 My son is in sixth grade.
10:14 His classmates said to him, your father is a Christian.
10:18 You are not our friend.
10:20 Even my society hates me.
10:22 They don't like us because I became a Christian.
10:27 I'm a village doctor, but because of my conversion,
10:30 many people don't want to buy medicine from me.
10:33 Many people will just take medicine from my shop on credit.
10:36 But then they say, no need to pay him
10:38 because he is a Christian,
10:40 and he got a lot of money from the Christian society.
10:43 Because of all this, I'm slowly losing business.
10:49 My wife is a teacher at a non-government school,
10:52 and the parents don't wanna send their children
10:54 to that school because of my wife.
10:56 The people think that if they send their children
10:58 to that school, then they will become Christian
11:00 because of the teacher.
11:02 So we are facing a lot of problems,
11:04 but we are preaching the good news
11:06 according to Matthew 28:18 through 20.
11:09 I believe that as Jesus said,
11:12 whoever follows me, he will suffer.
11:15 So I accept whatever suffering
11:17 and persecution we face.
11:23 Now I'm working for God.
11:24 I share with people the truth about Jesus.
11:27 I believe in scripture.
11:28 As Jesus said, "Behold the fouls of the air,
11:31 for they so not, neither do they reap nor gather into barns,
11:36 yet your heavenly Father feedeth them.
11:38 Are you not much better than they?"
11:40 I believe that and teach the simple truth
11:43 to our fellow believers in the house churches.
11:45 They really love this teaching.
11:48 They are not worried about the future
11:49 or what will happen tomorrow.
11:51 They believe that Jesus is always with us.
11:54 They are living, following the scripture like this.
11:58 One of our brothers from the house church
12:00 was suffering from a disease.
12:02 He was taking medicine but did not get well.
12:05 Then our small group gathered around him
12:07 and laid hands on him as we prayed for him.
12:09 The next day he started feeling that he is getting well.
12:13 Now he's completely healed.
12:15 (piano music)
12:18 Please pray for me.
12:20 Though many people do not like to meet with me,
12:21 but yet people are joining with our small group.
12:24 I have been sharing Christ since 2019,
12:26 and I have planted six house churches in these three years,
12:30 and now I'm preaching to more than 200 people.
12:33 And within the next three years,
12:34 I have a plan to plant more than 15 small groups.
12:37 My plan and my prayer is to preach the good news
12:41 to at least 400 people.
12:43 So I ask for your prayer so that I can provide the medicine
12:46 for the physical health
12:47 and also the spiritual life for the people.
12:51 (piano music)
13:01 - Wow, your eyes are tearing up.
13:04 - Yeah.
13:06 It's just beautiful to think about people
13:08 who are sacrificing.
13:09 You know, it's like his whole business.
13:11 He's a doctor and his whole doctoral ministry,
13:14 whatever you wanna call it,
13:16 as a physician is people are not wanting
13:20 to come to him anymore.
13:21 And he's losing his business
13:22 and his wife's, you know, teaching,
13:25 the school she's teaching at is suffering
13:27 and all these things.
13:28 But yet it's like he's got so much joy
13:30 in sharing Jesus with these people.
13:32 - [Jon] Right.
13:33 - And he's praying to be able to share with more
13:34 and it just, yeah.
13:37 It's beautiful.
13:39 - [Jon] Yeah, it is. - I love it.
13:40 - [Jon] It is, it is.
13:41 - I keep saying that, but it's just
13:43 really, really, totally God.
13:47 - [Jon] Yeah. - That can give people
13:48 that kind of heart to share with others
13:52 - [Jon] Yeah. - about him.
13:53 - [Jon] Yeah. - It's really.
13:54 It's really neat.
13:56 - Yeah, it's really inspiring.
13:57 He could have a very good life, you know,
14:00 as a doctor and his wife as a teacher,
14:02 and yet, they choose to share Jesus.
14:06 - Mhm.
14:07 - If they just kept it to themselves,
14:08 they'd probably be okay.
14:09 - Yeah.
14:11 - I mean, he's raising up all these church plants
14:13 and plans to raise up so many more house churches,
14:16 and what can we say?
14:18 I mean.
14:19 - Yeah.
14:20 Yeah.
14:21 - When we struggle to get up in the morning,
14:23 it's on a Sabbath morning and go to church.
14:25 Oh, it's raining outside.
14:26 Maybe we'll stay home today.
14:27 - Yeah.
14:29 - And you know, these guys go out there
14:31 and do this kind of work. - They risk their lives
14:33 on a daily basis.
14:34 - [Jon] Yeah. - In reality.
14:35 - Right, it's such a privilege to be able to have
14:38 a small part in helping them to be able to follow
14:43 what they feel the Lord is calling them to do.
14:45 - Yeah, we keep saying that, but it's real.
14:47 I mean, that's the way we feel.
14:49 It's a huge blessing to be of service to them.
14:52 - Yeah.
14:53 And it doesn't take much.
14:54 - Well, we do have more testimony here,
14:56 so we wanna go ahead and go on with the next video.
14:59 - Okay.
15:00 (piano music)
15:06 - I was born into a Muslim family.
15:08 My father and mother used to read the Quran every day.
15:12 The first time I heard about Jesus was from my parents.
15:16 They told me that in the Quran,
15:18 it says that Jesus will come again
15:20 before the day of judgment.
15:24 My parents shared with me that in the third surah,
15:27 it is written that Jesus is the Word of God
15:30 and a sign of the day of judgment.
15:33 I was inspired by this verse, and it touched my heart.
15:37 I started to search for how I could receive Jesus.
15:40 I tried to find someone who knew more about Jesus.
15:45 One day I met an evangelist
15:48 distributing tracks in our small market.
15:52 I found a track that stated
15:53 Jesus is the savior of the world.
15:56 It included an address for a Catholic mission.
15:59 I asked my maternal uncle to go with me to the mission
16:02 because I believed that going there
16:04 could help me find Jesus.
16:08 When we arrived at the mission, I requested some books
16:11 because I knew that I could find Jesus there.
16:14 However, the priest told me
16:17 that he could not make me a Christian since I was Muslim.
16:20 He directed me to another man.
16:22 But this man was also hesitant to share about Jesus with me
16:26 because I was a Muslim.
16:28 He only taught me about sin, explaining that all humans,
16:31 as children of Adam, are sinners.
16:34 I asked how I could be saved from sin,
16:37 and he said that I needed to receive Jesus as my savior
16:40 and be baptized in his name.
16:42 (piano music)
16:45 We invited him to visit our home,
16:47 and he spent 10 days teaching us.
16:50 We came to believe that we needed to accept Jesus
16:53 in order to be saved.
16:55 After some time, we made the decision to be baptized
16:59 along with 20 other people.
17:02 We formed a group and committed to meeting once a week
17:04 to learn more about Jesus from the Bible.
17:07 (piano music)
17:15 Word spread among the villagers
17:16 that we had become Christians.
17:18 The villagers united to form a committee
17:20 to expel Christians from the village.
17:23 They destroyed our house, seized our cows and belongings,
17:27 and caused significant damage.
17:29 I wasn't at home during this incident,
17:31 so I fled and stayed away for several days.
17:35 I tried to talk to the local authorities,
17:38 but they gathered around 10,000 people
17:40 to take action against us.
17:42 They declared that from this day forward,
17:45 Christians were isolated from society
17:47 and would have no further relations with the community.
17:51 However, the chairman of the committee opposed persecution
17:55 and suggested talking to us
17:57 to understand why we had converted to Christianity.
18:01 But the committee ultimately expelled us from society
18:05 and filed a false court case against me and my family.
18:09 The court later dismissed the case,
18:11 and when asked if I was making Christians,
18:13 I replied that I did not make Christians
18:17 but was a follower of Christ.
18:19 (piano music)
18:23 After a few years, I noticed
18:25 that people were less angry with me
18:27 so I began preaching the good news among my people.
18:31 I now work in my area
18:33 and have established 10 house churches with 120 families.
18:37 (piano music)
18:41 I really love it when I see Muslims coming to faith
18:44 and following Jesus.
18:46 It makes me so happy.
18:49 I always love preaching the good news among Muslims
18:53 because his name is mentioned many times in the Quran,
18:56 and the Quran says that Jesus is the sign
18:59 of the day of judgment,
19:00 so this really inspires me to share the good news.
19:03 (piano music)
19:07 I want to share with you some miracles
19:09 happening in our small groups.
19:12 My sister was sick with an eye disease
19:13 and we believers gathered around,
19:16 touched her, and prayed for her, and she is now fully cured.
19:22 Another time, my sister-in-law lost consciousness.
19:25 And so my son and I laid hands on her and prayed,
19:29 and immediately she regained her consciousness,
19:32 and she is fine.
19:34 Allah has answered our prayers, and we are grateful.
19:38 (piano music)
19:41 The number of people joining us is increasing.
19:44 And today, we baptized eight new people
19:47 who came to seek Jesus as their savior.
19:50 One of them is a woman who was very poor
19:52 but very enthusiastic about Jesus.
19:55 I shared the good news from the gospel of John with her,
19:59 and it touched her heart.
20:01 Though she was just baptized today,
20:03 she has already started a small group
20:05 and meets regularly to discuss the Bible and pray.
20:09 She works tirelessly for the Lord.
20:13 Please pray for us as we strive
20:16 to reach the unreached people of this country
20:18 and work for God's glory.
20:21 (piano music)
20:27 - So let me get this straight.
20:29 This guy, his house was destroyed
20:31 and a bunch of his cows were.
20:34 - Everything was taken.
20:35 - Yeah.
20:37 And now he has how many house churches?
20:39 - He has 10, he said, with about 120 people.
20:44 - Wow, that's amazing.
20:46 - God's multiplication.
20:48 - Yeah.
20:50 So even though I'm sure that these house church members
20:52 that are coming to the house church,
20:54 they're probably getting persecution also.
20:56 - Yeah, probably.
20:57 - So Jesus is attractive,
20:59 even in spite of all these challenges.
21:01 - Yeah.
21:02 - [Jon] Yeah. - Yeah, amazing.
21:04 - Yeah, and here in America, it seems as though
21:06 Jesus has preached as if you follow Jesus,
21:08 you'll have a better life.
21:09 - Mm.
21:10 That's not what happens.
21:12 - [Jon] Not there.
21:13 - No.
21:14 - And yet Jesus is still attractive.
21:15 - Mhm.
21:16 - [Jon] Amazing. - Yup.
21:18 - Amazing story. - Yeah.
21:19 It's especially inspiring
21:21 because like in spite of the trials, he's like, you know,
21:25 I've gotta share Jesus with people.
21:26 - Yeah.
21:27 - And he waited a little bit
21:29 and kept Jesus to himself for a little bit.
21:31 But then he started to notice
21:33 they weren't so upset with him anymore.
21:34 So now, he's boldly going and sharing.
21:37 - [Jon] Yeah.
21:38 - And it's just, yeah.
21:40 - I can't help but think that their anger towards himself
21:43 a little bit when they saw his character change.
21:46 - Mm. - The way that he
21:47 lived his life.
21:48 - [Natalie] Right. - He didn't say that,
21:49 obviously, but that's usually what happens
21:52 when people see, oh, he's actually better.
21:55 - Yeah, and they see the response to persecution.
21:58 - [Jon] Mm.
21:59 - And things like that.
22:00 - Right.
22:01 - And speaking of trials.
22:02 - [Jon] Mhm.
22:03 - We have a story, the first story
22:07 you were gonna share about persecution,
22:10 and unfortunately, we don't have video of this one.
22:12 - Yeah, this was a man of the same group of people
22:15 that are studying the Bible and sharing with others.
22:18 And he was arrested, beaten, taken to the police station,
22:23 and interrogated all day long
22:24 and asking, you know, really tough questions,
22:27 very angry and very aggressive and beaten and electrocuted
22:31 and you know, all kinds of torture and stuff like that.
22:34 And at the end of the day, his persecutors turned to him
22:38 and said, do you have a Bible?
22:42 And so he looked at each one of them,
22:44 each one of the five persecutors asked for a Bible.
22:48 - [Natalie] Wow.
22:49 - So he opened his bag.
22:50 He looked in his bag.
22:51 Guess how many Bibles he had?
22:52 - He had five.
22:54 - [Jon] Yes, he had five Bibles.
22:55 - Wow, wow.
22:57 - So each of his prosecutors went home with a Bible.
22:59 - Wow. (Jon laughs)
23:00 That's really neat.
23:01 - Because they were so impressed
23:02 at his reasoning, his response.
23:04 But they saw that how he, you know, responded to them,
23:07 that he didn't get angry, and he didn't fight.
23:10 He responded with love.
23:11 And you know, he was patient with them.
23:14 And why would somebody that was being beaten up
23:17 and persecuted respond with love and patience?
23:19 - Only because of Christ.
23:21 - [Jon] Yeah. - Because it's not in humans.
23:22 - No.
23:24 And that's what Christ did.
23:25 That's how he, he's, I mean, Christ is such a beautiful,
23:28 such a beautiful hero.
23:31 And so he treated them like that.
23:35 And at the end of the day, they asked for Bibles.
23:37 - Wow. - [Jon] 'Cause they
23:37 wanted to learn more.
23:39 - That is a really awesome story.
23:40 (Jon laughs)
23:42 - Yeah, and there's another story about a man
23:44 who was beaten up and punched in the eyes.
23:47 And so he had to go to the hospital and he lost one eye,
23:51 but he was able to save the other eye.
23:53 And then just recently, he was sharing Christ again
23:56 and they started beating him up again
23:58 and punching him in the eyes.
23:59 And we haven't heard what's happened,
24:01 if he's kept his eyesight,
24:03 but we did hear that his heart
24:06 was to continue to share the gospel.
24:09 - [Natalie] Wow. - And he wasn't gonna give up.
24:11 - [Natalie] Hmm. - [Jon] He was gonna keep on
24:12 sharing the gospel, even if he lost his eyesight.
24:15 - Hmm.
24:16 - I think one of the reasons why they keep going forward
24:18 is that, yeah, they get persecuted,
24:19 but then those that accept Jesus into their lives,
24:23 they see the faith, the peace, that then starts to grow
24:28 in their lives and their souls.
24:30 And you know, the joy that comes from that.
24:34 Even Jesus, you know, Hebrews 12:2.
24:36 For the joy that was set before him,
24:38 he endured the cross, knowing that the cross,
24:42 the pain, the suffering, that's temporary.
24:46 And I think this is something we can learn from.
24:48 You know, as I talked to a lot of my friends
24:51 and I also, growing up in the church,
24:53 was always afraid of the persecution that was coming.
24:57 You know, we're gonna be persecuted
24:58 and I was so afraid of that, the pain.
25:01 How am I gonna handle that and everything?
25:03 It's like, well, the pain is temporary
25:07 and the bliss is eternal.
25:10 - Yeah.
25:12 This group that we've been hearing the testimonies
25:13 from today represents about 20,000 believers.
25:17 - So they have 20,000 followers.
25:19 - [Natalie] Right.
25:19 - Okay.
25:20 - Followers of Jesus. - [Jon] Wow.
25:22 - So, but we haven't been able to give them full sponsorship
25:24 for all of the workers that are in this area.
25:28 We've given them about enough
25:29 for each one to have a third,
25:31 which, you know, that's really not enough.
25:34 - [Jon] Yeah. - And we would love
25:36 to give more.
25:36 - Right.
25:38 - So we just have to keep praying.
25:39 - [Jon] Yeah. - 'Cause God knows,
25:40 and he will provide for them.
25:42 - And there are other countries with people like this
25:45 that we can't even get in to get video.
25:47 - Right.
25:48 You know, we've gotten requests from several
25:49 other sensitive countries.
25:51 - [Jon] Yes.
25:52 - And we're praying to go forward in those places also.
25:54 - [Jon] Right.
25:55 - But again, you know, one of the barriers
25:57 is learning enough to be able to help them
26:00 without endangering them or,
26:03 and actually being able to provide for them.
26:05 'Cause it's hard to get money into some of these areas also.
26:08 - That's right.
26:09 - Some countries don't like companies
26:11 to send money to individuals.
26:13 Some countries are suspicious
26:14 of any money coming from the West.
26:16 - [Jon] Yeah. - Some, you know,
26:17 it's a variety of issues.
26:19 Some of 'em, they don't have an ID
26:21 because they're poor, and they've never had any sort of ID.
26:24 - Yes. - [Natalie] So they can't
26:25 receive funding because they have no ID.
26:28 - Right.
26:29 - So, and no bank account,
26:30 if there's no ID, there's no bank account.
26:31 You know, those kinds of things are a challenge.
26:33 - [Jon] Yeah. - So we're just
26:34 praying a lot to be able to enable these people
26:37 because the gospel has to go to every nation,
26:41 kindred, tongue, and people.
26:42 - Yes.
26:43 - So that means every single place,
26:46 no matter where they are or what the circumstances are,
26:50 no matter what the current religion is or the government is,
26:53 the gospel's supposed to go there.
26:55 - Right. - And these people
26:56 are supposed to have an opportunity to know him.
26:58 - I'm really praying for this fund to continue to grow
27:01 because there are entire countries
27:04 without a single Christian or a single Adventist.
27:07 - Yeah. - [Jon] Entire countries.
27:09 - Yeah. - And so the dream is to
27:11 find people like these people that are willing
27:16 to take a risk and go and start setting up the banner
27:20 in those countries in which there are currently nothing.
27:23 - Right, right.
27:24 Well, I would like to invite you to please remember
27:27 to pray for the persecuted,
27:29 not just that they wouldn't be persecuted,
27:32 but that they would be strong and bold
27:34 and that doors would be opened to the gospel
27:37 to be shared to those around them,
27:39 that God would protect them and enable them
27:41 and give them everything they need
27:43 in order to share with those around them.
27:45 If you would like to learn more about sponsoring
27:47 Bible workers in Asia, please contact us
27:50 at Jesus for Asia PO Box 1221
27:53 Collegedale, Tennessee, 37315.
27:56 Call us at (423) 413-7321
28:00 or visit our website
28:04 May God richly bless you
28:05 until we see you next time on "Jesus for Asia Now."
28:09 (dramatic music)


Revised 2023-11-27