Jesus 4 Asia Now

Praying In Hiroshima

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000163S

00:00 (bright dramatic music)
00:21 - Hello and welcome to Jesus For Asia Now.
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood
00:25 and my husband Jon and I are here
00:27 in a park in Japan.
00:29 Hello, love.
00:30 - Hi, darling, how are you?
00:31 - Doing fine. - Good.
00:33 - So why did we come here?
00:34 I mean, what have we been doing here?
00:37 - Alright, so we have stumbled across this new thing to us
00:43 called prayer walking.
00:44 And we've seen such amazing results,
00:47 such success from prayer walking,
00:50 claiming Joshua 1:3,
00:52 "Wherever you plant the sole of your foot,
00:53 that have already given them to you."
00:55 And so we started looking around
00:57 at so many places that we were not in.
00:59 You know, we talk about all the work
01:01 that Jesus For Asia is doing.
01:03 Rarely do we talk about all the work that we're not doing.
01:06 And so we started looking around and it's like,
01:08 "Man, there's entire countries,
01:10 entire regions that have no representative
01:13 of The Three Angels Message.
01:15 And one of our colleagues at Jesus For Asia, Sharon,
01:18 has such a burden for Japan also.
01:20 And so when she saw us doing this trip, she's like,
01:24 "Can we just go to Japan also?"
01:26 And I'm like, "No, we can't.
01:28 Okay, let's go."
01:30 And you came in and saw the plan
01:32 and it was like, "No way."
01:34 And then the Lord kind of like took over and said,
01:37 "You need to go."
01:38 - Yeah, and you know,
01:40 we were originally just coming here to prayer walk
01:42 and then some friends of ours have contacts here
01:46 at the international church in Tokyo and said,
01:49 "Hey, why don't you have a small faith camp there?"
01:51 - That's right.
01:52 - So they contacted their friends there
01:55 and then we were able to have a small faith camp here
01:57 while we were at it.
01:59 - Yeah, and this was a groundbreaking faith camp
02:01 because number one,
02:02 we've never had a faith camp in Japan before.
02:05 We've had some in other countries
02:06 like the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand,
02:09 but not Japan.
02:10 And number two is the kind of thing
02:13 that we did at this faith camp
02:15 is so different.
02:16 Because we talked about prayer
02:20 and then we had them taste the prayer walking.
02:24 Now when you go prayer walking,
02:27 to do it effectively,
02:28 there's certain things you have to understand.
02:31 You can't just go out and pray a ritual type of prayer.
02:33 It doesn't work.
02:34 You have to be able to see,
02:37 you have to pray in faith.
02:39 'Cause, you know,
02:40 prayer without faith doesn't accomplish much at all.
02:43 And then in order to do that,
02:44 you need to see who you are in Christ
02:47 and see who God is
02:48 and his heart for the lost
02:50 and sense his presence.
02:51 So when you go prayer walking,
02:52 it's like you know he's with you.
02:54 And then you can share that with others that you meet.
02:58 - We were able to make some videos while we've been here.
03:01 We interviewed different people on the team
03:03 and some other people.
03:05 So let's go ahead and watch the first video now.
03:08 - Okay.
03:09 (bright music)
03:17 We are in downtown Tokyo.
03:19 37 million people.
03:21 There's more people here by like 7 million
03:24 than live in the entire state of Texas.
03:26 (bright music continues)
03:29 We just did a prayer walk down through Tokyo
03:32 because we don't know what to do to reach this city.
03:36 We have no clue.
03:38 Even though Christianity has been here
03:40 for hundreds of years,
03:41 there's still very, very, very minuscule amount of interest
03:46 in the story of Christ and what he has to offer.
03:49 (bright music continues)
03:53 We just prayer walked a city on the south coast of Java
03:57 and we'd go up and we would make eye contact with people.
03:59 We'd say hi to them.
04:01 They would just respond so friendly and so genuinely warm.
04:04 And then I come here
04:06 and we're walking down the streets
04:07 and it's like nobody makes eye contact.
04:10 They look right beside you and you smile,
04:12 and nod at them, say hello,
04:15 and they just like keep on walking.
04:17 And so it's kind of like,
04:19 "Whoa, what do you do?"
04:21 (bright music continues)
04:26 And I was feeling like I was getting into that mode is like,
04:29 "Well, everybody else is like ignoring me,
04:31 so I'll ignore everybody else."
04:33 You know, you just kinda go along with the trend.
04:36 It's like, "No, we're not here to go along with trends.
04:39 We're here to buck the trend with love and kindness."
04:43 There's a couple people that I got to,
04:45 like, notice that I was there,
04:47 and then other people actually, like, nodded.
04:51 And then there was one young man that I went up to
04:54 and I talked to and I stuck out my hand
04:56 and told him my name.
04:57 He spoke just enough English.
04:59 He was surprised that I would be friendly to him.
05:02 Before that, you know,
05:03 I was walking along and I was feeling so depressed.
05:06 I actually went through a lot of depression.
05:08 It like, "What are we doing here?"
05:09 It's like, "How is God gonna make an effect here?
05:12 How is God gonna make an impact here?"
05:13 It's like impossible.
05:15 Then I'm like, "You know what?
05:16 God is here
05:18 'cause he's where the people are.
05:20 He's where the need is."
05:21 And even though there's a lack of interest,
05:25 I absolutely believe that deep down inside,
05:28 there's a crying need for more.
05:31 And I started thinking about how does God see me?
05:35 He sees me as his son.
05:36 Then he was willing to trade Jesus for me
05:40 and that he's with me.
05:41 And then I felt so much joy and so much peace
05:45 that it's like it overflowed.
05:47 And so that's when I went up
05:48 and connected with that young man,
05:50 I was just like,
05:51 in my mind, in my eyes,
05:52 I was looking at him like just giving him affirmation,
05:55 giving him the peace and the joy that I felt.
05:58 And I know he responded to that.
05:59 He was like, surprised.
06:00 Like, "What are you looking at me for?
06:02 What are you noticing me for?"
06:06 I think that the key is like Jesus,
06:09 he mingled with men as one desiring their good.
06:13 And he was so full of love and joy and happiness
06:16 that that overflowed to others.
06:18 And I think that we have to experience,
06:20 we have to be saturated with that love
06:22 so that it overflows to other people.
06:24 And so I went through a period of depression
06:27 during this last hour's prayer walk,
06:29 but I don't feel depressed anymore.
06:32 I think God has, even one.
06:36 That's the thing, you know.
06:37 I get overwhelmed with 37 million people,
06:39 but man, if we can just find one,
06:43 it'd be worth it all.
06:45 So now it's not just I'm praying for Tokyo,
06:48 I'm praying for Lance,
06:49 I'm praying for Logan,
06:51 I'm praying for people,
06:52 I'm praying for this guy.
06:53 It's like now it's personal.
06:55 (bright music)
07:01 A man came up
07:03 and started talking to the Japanese lady that was with us.
07:06 And the guy was asking about God,
07:10 wanted to know about God.
07:12 How do we know God's real?
07:13 How do you know that what you believe is real
07:16 when you can't see it?
07:17 So we got to share lots.
07:19 I mean, it was a whole hour,
07:20 over an hour.
07:21 Got to share about some miracles that God did.
07:23 Why I believe,
07:25 why each person believes.
07:26 It's just a powerful time.
07:27 And when we left.
07:29 - We asked him at the end like,
07:31 "Hey, can we pray with you?"
07:33 And he was like, "Oh yeah, yeah.
07:35 You can pray for me."
07:37 And so that was just like such a blessing
07:39 to pray with him for him.
07:42 - When he left he gave me a big old hug,
07:45 which is not the normal thing to do in this culture.
07:49 (bright music continues)
07:55 - I think there's a lot more people that are here in Japan
07:57 that are just like Toshi and they're searching.
08:01 (bright dramatic music)
08:06 - That was an amazing experience
08:07 walking down the streets of Tokyo.
08:10 I mean, I don't know how many thousands of people
08:12 went past in that one hour.
08:14 And then while I was talking on the camera afterward,
08:18 that guy came up and said,
08:20 "You know, what do you know about God?
08:22 Can you tell me about God?"
08:23 It's like why would he ask us a question like that?
08:27 - Right, and the neat thing about this prayer walk
08:30 was that it was a virtual prayer walk.
08:32 I mean, you were physically there with a team,
08:34 but it was virtual.
08:35 So we had people joining on Zoom,
08:37 which is something we've been trying to do
08:39 in different places where we've been.
08:41 We did it in Indonesia,
08:43 and we've done it twice here.
08:46 And it is really neat 'cause it gives people at home
08:50 a chance to connect with what we're doing here.
08:52 There are so many people that would've loved
08:55 to be on the ground here with us praying.
08:57 And they can come here virtually with us.
08:59 So it's a huge blessing.
09:01 - It's cool 'cause I just walk with my iPhone.
09:05 And then stream on Zoom
09:08 and people can see what I see.
09:10 And they pray for people as they,
09:11 a lot of times there's like,
09:13 nobody's praying 'cause they're just looking.
09:14 It's like whoa.
09:16 - It's so different than what we see at home.
09:18 - But at the end, people are like,
09:20 "Wow, we need to do this more.
09:22 It's like feel like we're there."
09:24 It just like it gives you,
09:25 and that's the thing about the prayer walk,
09:27 boots on the ground,
09:28 praying in the neighborhoods that you're praying for,
09:31 is that you see what you're praying for
09:33 - Right. - You know.
09:35 Whereas if you're at home,
09:37 there's nothing wrong with praying at home,
09:38 it's just as powerful as praying there,
09:40 except that the burden for the place
09:43 is much more abstracted.
09:46 - Yeah, yeah, it's not impossible.
09:49 You know, God can answer those prayers
09:51 and he's just as willing to answer those prayers
09:53 as he is when you're physically there.
09:55 But you see the people,
09:56 you can look in their faces.
09:58 You can see, you know,
09:59 how they live a little bit and those kinds of things.
10:02 And it does grow the burden.
10:05 Now I did wanna mention
10:06 that while that segment was being edited,
10:10 the editor, Jonathan, was like,
10:12 "Hey, look at this."
10:13 Because he was walking out behind you on video
10:17 while you're talking about trying to connect with people.
10:20 And then he walked up to our team
10:21 and started talking to them.
10:22 - In fact at that moment that he saw,
10:24 I said if we could only make connection with one person,
10:28 and he was in frame.
10:29 - He was right there.
10:30 So that's really neat.
10:32 - It's powerful. - Yeah.
10:33 He walked right past you.
10:34 So anyway, we do have another video.
10:36 - Okay.
10:37 - We talked to some of the team
10:39 that's been here prayer walking.
10:40 So let's go ahead and share that now.
10:42 - Okay.
10:43 (bright music)
10:50 - I really appreciated the prayer walking opportunity
10:53 that we had here in Tokyo
10:54 because we are asking the Holy Spirit to come
10:59 and to be present with us.
11:00 And that's what Tokyo needs more than anything, right?
11:04 It's the Holy Spirit.
11:06 - We came here to pray
11:07 and that's what we've been doing is praying,
11:09 and we are walking up and down the streets
11:12 and asking the Holy Spirit
11:14 to enter into the lives of the people that we see,
11:17 the businesses that we go past,
11:20 the apartment buildings which are massive.
11:23 - One of the major times that we had to pray
11:25 was sitting on the train for an hour and a half each way
11:27 to get into the middle of the city
11:29 and just praying that God would,
11:31 you know, work on these people's hearts,
11:33 that he would give them hope,
11:34 that they would see that there is value and there is peace
11:37 and there is joy in knowing Jesus.
11:38 And that he would keep them going long enough
11:42 to be able to hear that message,
11:43 especially for those who are suffering from depression.
11:47 - Walking down the street and praying for people,
11:50 the shops only come into mind
11:54 when you want to pray for the shop owner.
11:56 Like what's being sold up and down the street
11:59 really isn't your focus.
12:01 What's your focus is that very tired-looking
12:04 businessman over there.
12:06 Or the woman pushing the baby carriage
12:09 who looks like she really needs help.
12:11 Or the older lady who's struggling to get across the street.
12:14 - There was one guy I saw
12:16 who was sitting across from me on the train one day
12:19 and he looked like he had a black eye.
12:21 Not sure how that happened.
12:22 Didn't get a chance to talk to him,
12:23 but it was like he just looked so down
12:26 and I just, I don't know what it was,
12:29 but for some reason I just kept feeling
12:30 like I need to keep praying for this guy.
12:32 I don't know what his story is,
12:34 but I know that Jesus loves him
12:38 and I want him to be able to see that.
12:41 (gentle music)
12:46 - I know for me it's been a big encouragement
12:49 'cause like the fact is that when we pray,
12:52 we can like really just like push back
12:55 the forces of darkness
12:57 and Jesus can come in.
12:59 (gentle music continues)
13:05 - So you can see that the prayer walking
13:07 is an inspiring kind of thing to do
13:09 and people really catch on to it.
13:11 - Right, right.
13:12 And one thing that's important to note
13:14 is that before we went out prayer walking,
13:17 we spent time in prayer and Bible study
13:19 and looking for promises to claim for the people
13:21 that we were gonna be walking through
13:23 or between or around or whatever.
13:26 And so it's not just like you just go out and start praying.
13:29 There's preparation.
13:31 And that's the same with every spiritual thing.
13:33 There needs to be the heart preparation time.
13:35 - That's right.
13:36 - And so these were some of their favorite promises
13:38 that they were claiming.
13:39 - Okay.
13:40 (gentle music)
13:44 - While we're walking,
13:45 we're claiming Bible promises.
13:49 So one of those was Isaiah 42:16 that says,
13:56 "I will bring the blind by a way they did not know;
13:59 I will lead them in paths they have not known.
14:02 I will make darkness light before them,
14:04 and crooked places straight.
14:06 These things I will do for them,
14:08 and not forsake them."
14:10 The second Bible verse that I've been praying
14:13 is Jeremiah 31:16.
14:16 And it says, "Thus says the Lord:
14:18 'Refrain your voice from weeping,
14:20 and your eyes from tears;
14:22 for your work shall be rewarded,' says the Lord,
14:25 'and they shall come back from the land of the enemy.'"
14:27 And when you're prayer walking,
14:29 you can feel like, "What am I doing?"
14:31 All I'm doing is walking down the street saying a prayer,
14:34 saying, "That person over there, Lord,
14:36 needs an angel.
14:37 Please send an angel."
14:38 And you can feel like nothing's happening.
14:42 But this verse says the work will be rewarded.
14:44 Our efforts of prayer walking
14:47 are going to do something big in God's kingdom.
14:50 - So as I've been prayer walking,
14:53 I'll pray for God to open people's blind eyes
14:57 so that they can see and understand his love
15:00 and hope that he offers them.
15:02 One Bible promise that goes along with this
15:06 is found in Acts 26:16-18.
15:09 "But rise and stand on your feet;
15:11 for I have appeared to you for this purpose,
15:13 to make you a minister and witness
15:15 both of the things which you have seen
15:17 and of the things which I will yet reveal to you.
15:20 I'll deliver you from the Jewish people,
15:22 as well as from the Gentiles,
15:24 to whom I now send you,
15:26 to open their eyes,
15:27 in order to turn them from darkness to light,
15:30 and from the power of Satan to God,
15:32 that they may receive forgiveness of sins
15:34 and an inheritance among those who are sanctified
15:37 by faith in me."
15:38 - There's a couple of promises that I've been claiming here.
15:42 One of them is more general,
15:44 and that's 2 Peter 3:9.
15:47 "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise,
15:50 as some count slackness,
15:51 but is longsuffering toward us,
15:53 not willing that any should perish
15:54 but that all should come to repentance."
15:56 The other Bible promise that I've been claiming
15:59 while I've been here
16:00 is one of my personal favorite Bible verses.
16:04 And I think it really fits in,
16:05 especially as I was talking about,
16:07 the high rates of depression here.
16:09 They said that the leading cause of death
16:11 between ages I think 15 and 39 is suicide.
16:15 And so the verse that really touches me in that respect
16:19 is from Psalms 139:11-12.
16:23 It says, "If I say,
16:24 'Surely the darkness will overwhelm me,
16:26 and the light around me will be night,'
16:28 even the darkness is not dark to you,
16:30 and the night is as bright as the day.
16:32 Darkness and light are alike to you.'"
16:34 That's been really special to me
16:35 because I've gone through times
16:36 where I've been really depressed
16:38 and I don't know what to do.
16:40 But to know that God is there
16:43 and that he cares and that he loves me
16:44 and that his light can overcome that darkness,
16:47 I want that for the people here.
16:50 I don't want to see people so depressed.
16:53 I don't want to see that people have no hope,
16:56 and Jesus can give that hope.
16:58 So I've just been really praying
17:00 that God's light will shine through the darkness
17:02 and so that they can see him.
17:04 That they can see that there's hope,
17:05 that they can have a future.
17:07 No matter what their current situation looks like,
17:09 that there's something more they can live for.
17:13 (gentle music)
17:21 - One of the reasons we came to Tokyo
17:23 and spent more time in Tokyo
17:25 is because we had been invited to do a faith camp there.
17:27 - Right.
17:28 - And so we came and did that faith camp
17:30 and we have some testimonies from that.
17:33 - Right, yeah, one of the things
17:34 that we specifically talked about during faith camp,
17:38 like you said, was prayer.
17:39 We did a lot of talking about faith.
17:42 You know, you shared a lot of Bible verses about faith
17:45 and different things,
17:46 and just encouraging people to pray.
17:49 And so this next video is talking about both faith camp
17:52 and one of the attendees, her testimony.
17:54 - Okay.
17:55 (gentle bright music)
18:04 - We came to the Tokyo International Church
18:07 to have faith camp
18:09 and we were really surprised and excited
18:13 that the people seemed really engaged.
18:16 People were responding,
18:18 you know, nodding their heads,
18:19 saying yes, amen, all of that,
18:20 like when people were speaking.
18:22 But then we actually not only told them
18:24 about what we had been doing,
18:26 but we also shared with them
18:27 how they can also start prayer walking,
18:29 you know, in Tokyo,
18:31 even just as part of their everyday life.
18:33 And then at the end, gave the opportunity,
18:36 for people to join us on a short prayer walk
18:40 and claim some Bible promises
18:42 just around where the church was.
18:43 And that was really awesome
18:46 because most of the people actually stayed and did it.
18:48 (bright music)
18:54 - I had attended other week of prayers,
18:57 but this one, I could see that there are lots of changes,
19:01 especially the way I pray.
19:04 (bright music continues)
19:07 Yeah, my experience from Thursday's prayer walk:
19:11 I usually work straight,
19:13 but I decided that I have to join to this prayer walk.
19:17 I feel that at first I was so hesitant.
19:20 How can I say?
19:21 'Cause I never do that in the public.
19:23 I think people might think,
19:25 "What what is she doing, right?"
19:27 So after walking like 500 meters
19:32 to the intersection,
19:34 I feel right away,
19:35 like there is a weight of burdens in my shoulder.
19:39 And I kind of think of, "What is that?"
19:42 Maybe I have a big obligation or my responsibility to share.
19:48 So it like opens up my mind that,
19:50 "Oh, you're not here just to work."
19:52 (gentle music)
19:55 God brought me here for 24 years.
19:58 I always think that, "Later, later, God.
20:00 I will do your work
20:02 when I go back to my home country."
20:03 But now I said, "Why should I wait?"
20:06 I decided that I will do that.
20:09 It's going to be a habit.
20:10 It's hard to start a new habit,
20:12 but I asked God that please help me
20:16 because it's going to be like a change
20:17 in my daily, daily activities.
20:21 But I have to get rid of other hobbies
20:25 that will not help to share the gospel of Jesus.
20:29 (gentle bright music)
20:37 - It was such an amazing experience
20:38 because, you know, right after we did the main prayer walk,
20:42 and then we did some other things,
20:44 some other praying,
20:45 and then she came to meet us in that downtown,
20:48 very busy area,
20:50 for her lunch break.
20:52 And we were walking back and she says,
20:55 "What is it like to prayer walk?
20:56 You know, how do you do that?"
20:58 So I just started praying out loud saying,
21:00 "Lord, please bless this business.
21:02 Please bless these people.
21:03 Please send your Holy Spirit here.
21:04 Please send angels, send missionaries,
21:06 send somebody to come here and work on this."
21:10 And then Jonathan took over
21:11 and he started doing some praying.
21:13 And then when we got to our destination,
21:15 she was like in tears.
21:17 She's like, "I had no idea
21:19 that you could do this kind of ministry.
21:21 I had no idea that you could pray and walk
21:23 and know the Lord is answering your prayers."
21:27 And it's just a tremendous change.
21:29 And this is the thing, anybody can do it.
21:31 And you don't have to go anywhere.
21:32 You can do it on the way to work.
21:34 You can do it on the way to the grocery store.
21:35 You can do it in Walmart.
21:37 You can do it anywhere.
21:38 And you don't even have to go overseas to do it.
21:40 You can do it for your home.
21:41 And from home, you can do it for the places
21:43 that don't have Jesus representatives.
21:47 - Right, and if you go on vacation somewhere,
21:49 you can pray for that area.
21:50 - Right. - You know?
21:51 It's not like you can only pray
21:54 in certain places in certain ways.
21:56 You know, many times we prayed without speaking out loud.
22:00 Like in some of the places we prayer walked in Indonesia,
22:05 it was impolite.
22:06 I mean, it would've been inflammatory maybe.
22:08 - So you pray in your mind.
22:10 - Right.
22:11 - But God's that close.
22:12 He can understand your thoughts, he can hear your thoughts.
22:14 And you can even plan a vacation.
22:16 You can say, I wanna go to the Bahamas.
22:18 Well, plan.
22:20 As you go, take God with you,
22:22 and pray for the people in that area.
22:24 - Pray for people on the airplane.
22:26 Pray for people, you know, in the airport.
22:28 It's realizing and intentionally realizing.
22:34 It's like, "I am taking God with me where I'm going."
22:38 You know, it's not like,
22:39 " Lord, just go with me,"
22:41 although we do ask that.
22:42 But it's like, "I wanna take God into this place,
22:45 because there are people here that need him."
22:47 - Right, well, it's kind of an interesting prayer.
22:49 A lot of people, everybody says,
22:50 "Lord, please be with me when I go."
22:52 It's like Lord's already promised that.
22:54 So let's go to the next level and say,
22:56 "Lord, as you go with me,
22:58 as you are with me,
22:59 I'm going to remember that you are here.
23:01 And your presence, please fill me with your joy.
23:07 and surround..."
23:09 You know, so like as you go,
23:10 you're conscious of his presence.
23:12 You're conscious of the angel's presence.
23:14 So that as you go, that goes with you,
23:17 and that pervades, invades the areas
23:20 that are normally inhabited by other spirits.
23:23 - Right, right.
23:25 So our next video,
23:26 we have a little example of prayer walking.
23:29 We have Jonathan and Hannah
23:30 and they were prayer walking.
23:33 So we can see what this is like.
23:35 - Cool.
23:36 (gentle music)
23:44 - [Jonathan] Father in Heaven, Lord,
23:46 we just thank you for the privilege of praying here
23:48 on this street.
23:49 And Father, I just pray
23:51 for all the people in the cars right here
23:53 that are driving on this street.
23:55 Lord, they don't know you and they need to know you.
24:00 And so I just ask that you will send angels
24:03 to draw their hearts to you,
24:06 to give them an openness
24:07 and an awareness of a spiritual need.
24:10 - [Hannah] Oh, Father, please reach down
24:13 and meet their soul hunger.
24:15 We know that they're hungry for something that will satisfy.
24:18 And so I pray, Lord,
24:19 that you would work in a way
24:20 to bring them in contact with life
24:24 and that you would open their blind eyes to see it
24:26 and their hearts to want it.
24:29 - [Jonathan] Amen, Father, I wanna pray
24:29 for that couple down the road.
24:32 I don't know their story, I don't know their heart,
24:34 but I just ask that you'll pour your Spirit on them.
24:37 And I claim the promise in your word
24:39 that says that you will lead the blind
24:41 in a way that they know not.
24:43 And Lord, they have spiritual blindness.
24:46 They don't know who you are.
24:48 But I just ask Lord
24:49 that you'll lead them in a way on the path to heaven
24:53 that they don't understand,
24:55 but that they will respond and follow.
24:57 - [Hannah] Father, I pray too,
24:58 that you would send your angels
25:00 to minister to this young couple that were just passing.
25:02 Father, please, I know you have angels
25:05 just waiting to go to minister to these people.
25:08 But I pray that you would bring,
25:10 they would bring hope to them, Lord,
25:12 that they would lead them in the right way,
25:15 that they would protect them,
25:16 that their lives would be spared
25:17 to give them opportunity to know you.
25:21 - [Jonathan] Father God, I just,
25:23 my heart is burdened for the people here.
25:26 Those people standing across the street,
25:29 Lord, please speak hope and life into them.
25:32 Give them life more abundantly through Jesus.
25:36 And we can't do this,
25:37 but I ask that you will do it for your glory.
25:40 Lord, I want to see them in heaven.
25:42 - [Hannah] Father, I pray also that you would work,
25:44 and especially on behalf of those who are depressed
25:47 or feeling suicidal here on the street tonight,
25:50 I can only imagine just the darkness.
25:53 Father, please send your Spirit.
25:55 Send your angels to bring light.
25:58 Send your angels to spare the lives of the people
26:01 that would take their own lives tonight.
26:04 Father, please bring them hope.
26:06 Bring them into the light of the knowledge
26:09 of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
26:12 - [Jonathan] Lord, we just thank you
26:13 for this privilege of praying
26:15 and ask that you will continue to pour your Spirit out
26:17 here on the people on this street tonight.
26:20 We thank you in Jesus' name.
26:22 - Amen. - Amen.
26:23 (bright gentle music)
26:38 - So you can see how simple it is.
26:40 - Right, and you know, Jonathan and Hannah,
26:42 they shared with us that they used to just pray
26:45 like silently or whatever,
26:47 but then they read some quotes
26:48 about the power of praying out loud,
26:51 and so they started doing that more.
26:53 And it's really neat to think that God is so close.
26:59 You know, he's right there with them
27:00 as they walk down the street.
27:02 - And what's beautiful about them
27:03 is that they actually move to a city in Thailand.
27:07 They're the only Adventist couple in the entire city.
27:11 And so their ministry to the city is to prayer walk.
27:15 And they have regular jobs.
27:17 So they're not full-time missionaries there for that city.
27:21 And so the time that they do have,
27:22 they can prayer walk
27:24 and they've had some amazing encounters
27:25 and God is moving in that city.
27:27 We may not see everything that God's doing with,
27:29 in fact, we shouldn't see everything God's doing,
27:32 because that's the nature of the spiritual battle,
27:34 is that you do not see the forces that are at work
27:37 or at play in those areas.
27:39 - Yes, and I would like to invite you,
27:41 if you'd like to know more about prayer walking,
27:43 if you'd like to contribute
27:44 to the Unreached People Group Seed Fund,
27:47 you can contact us at Jesus For Asia,
27:50 PO Box 1221,
27:52 Collegedale, Tennessee 37315
27:56 Call us at 423-413-7321
28:00 or visit our website at
28:04 May God richly bless you until we see you next time
28:07 on Jesus For Asia Now.
28:08 (bright dramatic music)


Revised 2024-02-06