Cook 30 for Kid's

Macadamia & Cranberry Toasted Granola

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jeremy Dixon (Host)


Series Code: KCT

Program Code: KCT000011C

00:01 And there you have a delicious breakfast
00:02 in just 30 minutes.
00:04 Thank you, Shai and Amari, for coming today,
00:05 and these guys are actually brother and sister,
00:08 believe it or not.
00:09 Have you had fun? Yes.
00:11 Amari, can you say grace for us?
00:12 Yes.
00:14 Dear Lord, I thank You for this day.
00:17 I thank You for making this awesome food.
00:20 Please help this food strengthen
00:22 and nourish our bodies in the name of Yeshua is done.
00:25 Amen.
00:27 Alrighty, let's get into this. Okay.
00:29 We'll try this lovely granola, some for you there,
00:33 and this will keep in the pantry for,
00:34 you know, for a couple of weeks if you keep it...
00:36 Yeah, and the yogurt.
00:37 And the yogurt of course in the air tight container.
00:39 Here we go, and you dip in the grits,
00:40 some yogurt as well and berries.
00:43 I'll give some for you. Oh, here we go.
00:47 And almond milk, you wanna try some almond milk?
00:50 Yes. You like drinking almond milk, don't you?
00:51 Yes. Give it a whirl, just made by us.
00:54 It's just awesome,
00:55 I put a bit over and sprinkled a cinnamon on top
00:57 as well just to give it a little extra measure.
00:59 You can add it on your cereal. Well, get eating.
01:02 Please go for it.
01:04 This is a great nutritious way to have breakfast.
01:08 All these crunchy...
01:09 mm-hmm, it's still warm which is very nice as well.
01:14 Thank you for joining us
01:15 and we look forward to seeing you next time
01:17 on Cook:30 for Kids.
01:21 Whoa-oh-oh-oh
01:24 Whoa-oh-oh-oh Whoa-oh-oh-oh
01:31 Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
01:35 Whoa-oh-oh-oh
01:38 Whoa-oh-oh-oh Whoa-oh-oh-oh
01:44 Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
02:02 Whoa-oh-oh-oh
02:05 Whoa-oh-oh-oh Whoa-oh-oh-oh
02:12 Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
02:14 Yay!


Revised 2017-07-24