Living to Be Well

Not Looking Back Pt 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LTBW

Program Code: LTBW000010A

00:35 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim and welcome to: Live to be Well.
00:38 Today we're going to talk about: Holding On.
00:42 How do you hold on to God's goodness...
00:45 How do you maintain a relationship with God...
00:49 and how do you obey God
00:51 being an 18-year-old young woman all right, but... with old soul.
00:58 I want to welcome Diamond Kindred to Living Well.
01:01 Thank you for having me.
01:02 Hi Sweetheart, how are you?
01:03 I'm fine, how are you?
01:05 I am good, it is so nice to have you on.
01:07 I'm honored.
01:08 Oh my goodness, well, let's talk about Diamond
01:11 I love your name Diamond...
01:13 and you're doing a new thing with your hair.
01:16 Yes, stepping out the box.
01:17 You're stepping out the box...
01:19 all right, let's talk about... Diamond, you've been a
01:21 Seventh-day Adventist all your life.
01:23 Yes.
01:24 You came from a relationship,
01:27 your mother and father weren't married
01:29 and... but you have a relationship with your father.
01:31 Yes.
01:33 And, how many siblings?
01:34 I have four siblings...
01:36 wait, I included myself, I have three siblings.
01:38 And you're the youngest.
01:40 Yes, I'm the baby.
01:42 All right, what has that been like for you?
01:44 Um, it's good.
01:45 I'm spoiled... so they say...
01:49 I don't think I'm spoiled but I got the "baby treatment"
01:52 so, that was always nice,
01:53 they always have to do... around me...
01:56 or have stuff for me so, that was nice growing up
01:59 I appreciate it.
02:00 So, your father has other children...
02:02 how many other children?
02:03 Two.
02:04 And are you close to them?
02:06 Yes, I am, especially my older brother,
02:07 I'm a little bit more closer to him than my sister.
02:09 All right... all right,
02:11 so, you attended...
02:12 did you attend Seventh-day Adventist Schools
02:14 growing up?
02:15 Yes, I attended Orange Year Academy
02:17 for first and second grade
02:19 and then, my mom took me out and put me in a Charter School.
02:21 In the Charter School.
02:23 Was that... I know you were still young
02:25 but what was that like, growing up and being in Public School?
02:29 It was different from when I was in private school
02:33 because the classes were way smaller
02:35 and it was more time to get connected to the teacher
02:38 versus when I went to Public School and Charter School
02:40 the classes were bigger, about 30 kids in each classroom
02:43 and it's kind of hectic
02:45 when the teacher doesn't really pay attention to just you,
02:48 so, it's like, you're kind of fighting for attention
02:50 and then, you also have to stay on top of your classes and stuff
02:54 and the work that you're doing, so...
02:56 for me, it was a challenge to get to know the teacher
02:59 a little bit but I was always ahead
03:00 when it came to the schoolwork.
03:01 Right, you were very, very smart and still you are.
03:04 Church... you were in the choir...
03:08 Yes.
03:10 "Hands of Praise"
03:11 Pathfinders...
03:12 Pathfinders.
03:14 My mom kept me involved.
03:15 Oh, you were very involved, going to Camp Meeting...
03:17 Faithfully...
03:18 Faithfully, running around those Lake Region grounds, all right.
03:21 So, now, being 18... almost 19...
03:25 what challenges are you facing now?
03:29 Challenge that I face is, staying connected...
03:33 not so... since with God but within the church.
03:37 Hmmm...
03:38 It's more so hard to stay connected
03:40 in my opinion right now as the younger daughter
03:42 because you're always busy,
03:44 so, sometimes you feel like you can't always make it
03:47 but I always... always watch a line even if I don't
03:50 or I pray with my family all the time, faithfully
03:52 so the challenge in...
03:54 challenge could be going to church...
03:56 Yeah, physically being in church...
03:58 not being connected with God...
04:00 my connection with God would never... ever lose... so...
04:02 Let me ask you a question, but if you make it to class
04:05 hello, you can make it to all your different appointments,
04:09 get your hair done,
04:10 why is it a challenge to make it to church?
04:13 Um, well, for me it's like,
04:17 I guess being so tired sometimes
04:21 yeah, but I feel like that's still not an excuse
04:24 so, that's something that I plan on doing better with
04:27 attending church more often like I used to.
04:29 Now the Bible says,
04:30 "Do not forsake the assembling of themselves together"
04:32 that's a command...
04:34 Yeah...
04:35 And the Lord wants us to come together
04:37 so that we can... in the last days...
04:39 we'll grab those things to pull on... grow on...
04:42 that's where we learn our hymns, learn to pray...
04:45 learn to lean on Christ...
04:47 and being in an environment of fellowship,
04:50 that's how you got to know me.
04:52 You didn't just hit and miss, "Where's Sister Nolan?"
04:55 You saw Uncle Arthur and I every week in our rightful place,
04:58 all right,
05:00 you will be over to the house with us.
05:01 Yes.
05:02 We'd be fellowshipping at your home.
05:04 So, the encouragement needs to...
05:06 or the attention needs to be
05:08 "What do I need to do to pace my time management
05:11 so that I am at church?"
05:14 Do you like attending church?
05:17 Yes, I do... I really like attending church,
05:19 I feel like, it's my place to just let go
05:21 and let God come in my life
05:22 and help me during my weekly struggles
05:25 or things that I feel like I can do better with
05:28 so, yes, church is like my woosah with God, so yeah.
05:33 I always get excited when I look to my left
05:34 and I see you all sitting over there
05:37 and we're signing to each other
05:38 and I saw you this past Sabbath
05:43 get up... and again reconnect your life to Christ.
05:47 Yes.
05:48 Why?
05:50 I feel that sometimes I can feel like I'm falling away
05:53 or I can feel like I'm pulling away from God,
05:56 not so much He's pulling away from me
05:57 but I'm pulling away from Him
05:58 so, sometimes I feel like,
06:00 "Yes, I need to re-dedicate myself to Him,
06:01 I need to give myself away again,
06:03 because I could be falling off
06:04 so, I know that He's... I know He's never leaving me
06:06 but sometimes I feel like I can be pulling away from God
06:08 a little bit... so I always want to stay connected with Him
06:10 so I always try to push myself more closer to Him.
06:13 Do you feel a tug-of-war with Satan trying to pull you
06:16 with social media...
06:18 with all the different temptations out there?
06:22 Yes, it's a challenge but I know that
06:25 when he tries to pull me, I just stay looking at God
06:28 so, with social media and things like that,
06:30 I try to put more to a positive state with God
06:33 versus Satan pulling me towards him
06:36 to make it in a negative aspect
06:37 or trying to turn it to make it more positive.
06:39 Do you pray, do you study your Word every day... every day?
06:42 Yes, I pray every single day,
06:44 study my Word... I try to do every day
06:47 but it can sometimes be a challenge for me,
06:50 my mindset is so fast so I try to...
06:54 I'm trying to do better with that, I am...
06:56 my mom... she is really on my head with it
06:58 she does it faithfully every single day...
06:59 her and my grandparents.
07:01 It's a blessing, that's a blessing.
07:02 I know it's important...
07:03 I study the Sabbath School lesson in our Quarterly
07:06 and I've learned so much by taking time
07:10 to just spend with God
07:11 like, quiet time with God...
07:13 now, let's do some transparency, all right,
07:16 now, you're 18 years of age... and very attractive young lady.
07:21 Diamond: Thank you. Kim: You're very welcome...
07:22 have a nice style about you.
07:24 Diamond: Thank you. Kim: You are very welcome.
07:26 Young men... are you still a virgin?
07:29 Diamond: Yes. Kim: Really?
07:31 Yes, my mom, she's heavy on it,
07:33 especially with my whole family
07:34 but it's not more so because of my family
07:37 it's... because it's in the Bible
07:38 so, I'm very akin to that,
07:40 I feel like in order to stay connected with God,
07:42 you have to give yourself to God...
07:44 that means your body as well
07:45 so, I feel like I can't give my body away to any man
07:47 until he's my husband
07:49 and I don't have a ring on my finger yet
07:51 so, that means my body is still mine and God's, so...
07:53 So being connected...
07:54 Yes staying connected with God.
07:56 All right, now you were in public school in high school.
07:57 Yes.
07:58 And there were a lot of activities on the Sabbath
08:00 and you were in the Dance Program.
08:02 Yes.
08:03 Now, how did you get involved in the Dance...
08:05 because, you know, we as Seventh-day Adventists...
08:07 we don't dance... we don't party...
08:08 at least, we're not supposed to,
08:10 now, we know there are those who are struggling with that.
08:11 Yes.
08:13 So, how did you end in that... up in that class
08:15 versus music or something else?
08:17 So, in 9th Grade, we did an Orientation,
08:20 they had different clubs
08:21 where they thought that we'd be interested in
08:23 and I'm like, "Well, I always wanted to do
08:25 ballet and stuff when I was little
08:26 so, let's give it a try,
08:28 so, I signed up for the audition
08:30 but they ended up putting me in the dance class
08:32 and then, from there on,
08:33 I ended up going into Dance Workshop
08:35 where we were like the highest level of the dance
08:38 so we did mostly contemporary
08:40 and then I was in another smaller group that did Hip Hop
08:42 so, yeah.
08:44 And then these activities fell during the week
08:47 or were they sometimes on the Sabbath... Friday evenings?
08:50 Some of them were during the week
08:52 and sometimes they did fall during the weekend
08:54 mostly on... our concerts were mostly like, Saturday evenings
08:57 so...
08:59 Anything during Sabbath... church hours?
09:02 We would have to go to practice
09:04 like, at 3 o'clockish...
09:05 so that would kind of be like, right after church...
09:07 and so, they did know that I was Seventh-day Adventist
09:11 and I would rehearse and then I would like sit off
09:14 until it was time to perform
09:16 which would be around, like 7 o'clock, so...
09:18 usually the sun would be down by then
09:20 except for... closer to like, the summertime.
09:21 So that you didn't have it during the summer time
09:23 but closer to the summer.
09:24 Yeah, it was a little later.
09:25 So, how did you and God work that out?
09:27 I mean, where you just contributed...
09:30 "I'm a teenager, I'm going through this thing,
09:32 God have mercy on me"
09:33 but did you feel like God was saying something to you
09:36 because you knew...
09:38 Yeah, I felt like... um... it was...
09:42 it was something that I had to personally talk to God about
09:46 so I did talk to Him about it and like, for me...
09:48 dance... to me was like giving a message
09:51 so, I would... God would move through me
09:53 as I was showing the message to other people
09:55 because sometimes,
09:56 dance can connect with people in different ways
09:57 so, I felt like, for me, my challenge was the time...
10:01 The Sabbath...
10:02 The Sabbath, yeah, the timing of the Sabbath.
10:04 Because God says... we keep the 7th day Sabbath.
10:05 Yes, how we keep it holy
10:07 and so, I felt like that was upon me...
10:09 because I wasn't forced to
10:11 but at the same time I kind of was
10:12 because it was a grade requirement that we did it...
10:15 so, it was kind of like, "What do I do?"
10:17 "Where do I go?"
10:18 But I did pray, every time
10:20 before, during and after the performances
10:22 I asked Him for forgiveness for disobeying the Sabbath
10:25 you know, seeing like.. I committed something...
10:28 Excuse me, I didn't mean to cut you off.
10:29 That's fine.
10:30 But how... even in... being an adult woman myself...
10:32 you know, mature woman...
10:34 you say, "Okay, I'm going to commit this act,
10:37 I'm going to ask for forgiveness...
10:39 but I go back and commit this act again... "
10:41 and we are all... we have all fallen short of God's glory,
10:44 we sin... thank God for His grace and mercy.
10:46 Yes.
10:48 You know, but how do you think God looks at that
10:51 because we're... we... we... you know...
10:52 He is infinite... you know,
10:55 and His divine wisdom but, you know,
10:57 do you ever say, like, you know,
11:00 "God just please help me to get over this"
11:02 or "through this... "
11:04 Yeah, I did... and God knows my heart
11:08 and I just... I felt that it was something
11:11 that I kind of had to do...
11:13 because I'm so passionate about it and I felt like it helped me
11:17 and God was with me through all of it
11:20 and He made me a stronger person today
11:22 because I went through that.
11:23 Okay, I'm going to go back to something.
11:25 Something that you had to do,
11:27 what about when it gets to choices
11:30 because you're getting older
11:31 and you say, "I have to do this, God will understand
11:34 even if it goes against His Commandments?"
11:36 Hmmm... do you think God will honor that and think
11:40 "It's okay with God. " Diamond: No.
11:42 Kim: No... God does not compromise.
11:43 Yeah.
11:45 And God does not make any type of concessions,
11:47 His Word is His Word
11:49 as you are maturing and growing
11:52 and you know what I stand for and I try to be an example
11:55 because I have my Erin and you are older than Erin...
11:58 you're two years older than Erin
11:59 and my concern has always been the example you set for Erin
12:03 and the way you carry yourself, the way you dress, all right.
12:07 Now, recently you did something, can we go there?
12:10 You can go there.
12:11 Oh yeah, because I was just in shock...
12:14 I really cried.
12:16 Oh no.
12:17 I did... because I didn't think you would do that.
12:19 Yes.
12:21 Tell them what you did.
12:22 I pierced my ears.
12:24 You pierced your ears.
12:25 Yes.
12:26 Why would you do that?
12:28 Um, while I was growing up, everybody would ask,
12:31 "Why your ears not pierced?" you know,
12:33 because I was in public school
12:34 so they weren't used to seeing many people
12:36 who didn't have their ears pierced.
12:37 So, I had to explain to them,
12:38 "I'm Seventh-day Adventist, I can't pierce my ears,
12:40 it's a part of my religion"
12:42 and as I grew up, I felt like it was something I wanted...
12:46 well I wished... I always asked my mom...
12:48 she was like... "No, you're not getting your ears pierced,
12:49 you let it go...
12:50 you're not getting your ears pierced, you let it go... "
12:52 and I saw other people in my family
12:54 started getting their ears pierced and stuff...
12:55 I'm like, "You know, I really think I want to do it"
12:58 and at first, I didn't want to do it... I was against it
13:00 but then I did end up getting my ears pierced
13:03 and then, like, shortly after...
13:05 I was like, "I should have never got my ears pierced"
13:07 but it was already too late, yeah, so...
13:09 So, there were some regrets.
13:11 Yes.
13:12 In hindsight, you know,
13:13 this is why again, God knows what He's talking about.
13:16 His Word is true
13:18 and I'm not saying, "Piercing your ears...
13:20 you're going to miss out on the Kingdom"
13:22 because there's going to be a lot of folk...
13:23 I have never had my ears pierced,
13:26 I don't wear jewelry or anything...
13:28 Elder Nolan and I never exchanged wedding bands,
13:31 we didn't do that...
13:33 you know, and he would...
13:34 when he first came in the church he was like,
13:36 "No wedding bands"
13:37 he was happy because he was like,
13:39 "Oooh, I don't have to buy you an engagement ring
13:40 or wedding band, all right... "
13:42 and I think he went and bought golf clubs that time, all right,
13:44 but it's a personal conviction
13:47 because I could lose my soul because I love shoes,
13:50 everybody knows that I love shoes
13:52 and... but we are not to worship or idolize anything but God...
13:56 we are to worship God, He's the God of Israel.
13:59 So, now you've done that...
14:01 how are you holding on to the decisions to walk upright
14:08 you know, do you drink? Diamond: No.
14:10 Kim: Smoke? Diamond: No.
14:11 Kim: All right, any hard drugs? Diamond: No.
14:13 Now Marijuana is becoming legal.
14:15 Yeah, they're trying to make it a norm now.
14:17 A norm... yes they are.
14:18 It's... it's... you're hurting yourself, you know,
14:21 you're killing yourself trying these new things...
14:23 my mom always says, "Curiosity kills the cat. "
14:25 I don't want to be the cat that got killed, so...
14:27 I try to stay away from temptations and things like that
14:31 I can get happy off life,
14:33 I'm fine the way I am... with water.
14:35 It was really interesting this past weekend,
14:38 you spent Sabbath with Erin and I
14:40 and you're loving and I was just the old lady...
14:42 I love it... I love it... Diamond: I love you.
14:44 Kim: And... I'm not that old but okay
14:47 but you always give a presence of laughter and joy.
14:53 Diamond: Thank you.
14:55 Kim: You do, Diamond... and happiness,
14:57 where does that come from?
14:59 I mean, you're just happy.
15:00 My heart... my heart... Kim: Your heart.
15:01 Diamond: My family as well. Kim: Yes.
15:03 Diamond: My family is very goofy so, it's in our genes.
15:06 Kim: You have a beautiful family.
15:07 Diamond: Thank you... thank you,
15:09 I just feel like life would be so much easier
15:12 if you just put a smile to it,
15:13 sometimes, yes, everybody gets ups and downs
15:17 but if you always look at the positive
15:19 or stay focused towards God and your goals
15:20 you can't do anything or be anything but happy so, yeah.
15:24 Kim: Isn't God good? Diamond: All the time.
15:27 Kim: All the time, now let's talk about...
15:29 now you are in... you finished high school...
15:32 Graduated with honors. Diamond: Yes.
15:33 Now you are in the University, where are you attending college?
15:37 University of Michigan, Dearborn.
15:39 And what is your major? Diamond: Chemistry.
15:41 Kim: Chemistry... my Lord! blowing up things, all right,
15:44 so, what do you plan to do, what's your future goal?
15:48 I would like to be a Pediatric Orthopedic...
15:49 Hmmm...
15:51 And I love bones,
15:52 so, that's why I want to be an Orthopedic
15:54 because...
15:55 Hmmm... now that's interesting, you like bones?
15:57 Yes.
15:58 What is it about bones that fascinates you?
15:59 Well, when I was younger, I actually broke my Scaphoid.
16:02 Oh, where is the Scaphoid?
16:03 It's right here.
16:05 Really, I remember that, I remember that...
16:07 And after that, when I saw my X-rays,
16:09 I'm like, "Wow, like, how did that happen?
16:11 and how did they really snap in half?"
16:14 After that... I just knew I wanted to be a part of bones
16:17 and help people... make their bones stronger
16:19 and fix bones... repair bones of younger children
16:21 because our children are... are our future
16:23 so, if we don't take care of our kids, what are we doing?
16:25 Right, I broke my Patella, you know,
16:28 and it broke in four places
16:30 Uncle Arthur told me to walk back towards him
16:33 I was on Shelly Bay Beach in Bermuda
16:36 and I said... in Bermuda... on vacation,
16:39 I said, "I got this. "
16:41 And he said, "Kim, come back, come back"
16:43 and I was like, "Please, I know what I'm doing"
16:46 slipped on the algae, I was in gym shoes... not heels
16:50 and I went down and it just completely opened,
16:56 broke... four places...
16:58 and they were literally gathering my knee cap off...
17:02 Diamond: Off the ground. Kim: Yes...
17:03 and he said, "Will you listen to me next time?"
17:06 I'm like, "You should have been more stronger
17:10 and told me, 'Kim don't do that'"
17:11 because I didn't listen.
17:13 So that is always a reminder, I had three surgeries
17:17 so you took me to that with bones... and...
17:19 I've got it... and guess what?
17:21 They cut my nerves... and that's why I can wear heels.
17:24 Oh, see...
17:25 See and they cut the nerves...
17:27 Something good came out of it.
17:28 Something good... girl... give me some love
17:29 because if I wore flats... it's just real painful for me,
17:33 I can only be in gym shoes for a short time
17:36 but heels, I can stay elevated...
17:37 Yeah, because your foot's on a...
17:38 That's right...
17:40 and that's why you still see Aunty Kim in all these heels.
17:42 Looking fabulous every Sabbath.
17:43 I want to thank you, got to keep it right...
17:45 so, now, you plan to stay
17:48 and go back into medical school there?
17:50 I do want to go to either Loma Linda
17:53 or Johns Hopkins for medical school...
17:54 Well, all right.
17:56 But...
17:57 See, this is Dare to Dream, dream big, girl.
17:59 So, that's my first plan but if it's not in God's plan,
18:04 then I will stay in the University of Michigan
18:06 for medical school as well.
18:07 All right... praise the Lord.
18:09 All right, dating...
18:10 what is a good age for young people to start dating?
18:14 I say, "35... "
18:15 Oh, 35...
18:17 well, I don't think it's like a particular age...
18:22 well, of course not... in the lower teens...
18:24 Like 15... 16, that's too young. Diamond: Too young.
18:26 Kim: I'm glad you said that.
18:28 Diamond: But I feel like, it comes when you're ready...
18:31 The Maturity...
18:32 Yeah, when your maturity hits,
18:33 so, it's all about when you feel like you're
18:35 comfortable enough to start dating...
18:37 like, right now, I don't feel comfortable enough
18:39 to start dating... I think... that's something for
18:42 a few more years... so yeah.
18:46 So, that's 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25...
18:49 okay, all right, few more years...
18:50 I would say 25...
18:52 Because, you know, literally you have to finish College...
18:54 Yes.
18:55 Medical School... Diamond: That's another 8 years
18:56 Kim: Residency... if you do a Fellowship...
18:58 so you've got...
19:00 and some young ladies do marry and young men marry...
19:03 Medical School... Dental School, Law School...
19:05 but it's good to have all that behind you...
19:07 so you can focus in on your marriage
19:10 and then having children.
19:11 Yes.
19:13 And you don't have to worry about all that...
19:14 it's difficult to go to school and married and all that
19:18 that's a lot of responsibility.
19:19 It's a lot of... and work.
19:20 And work... I have a lot of friends
19:23 who have not completed and we call it: ABD...
19:27 you know what ABD is? Diamond: No.
19:28 Kim: All but dissertation...
19:30 Oh, okay...
19:31 And things have come whether it's finances,
19:34 couldn't complete the program,
19:37 children, parents, lot of reasons, all right...
19:41 and I was thankful
19:43 that I was able to complete them and move forward.
19:47 Let's talk about what type of young man
19:50 you think you would be interested in.
19:52 Okay, he has to be a God-fearing man,
19:55 he has to have God at the top of his list.
19:57 Now, does he have to be Seventh-day Adventist?
19:59 I prefer if he is Seventh-day Adventist.
20:02 Amen... "Be thou not unequally yoked. "
20:04 And I want to have an equal yoke.
20:06 You want to have an equal yoke, that's nice.
20:08 Yes, you have to have education.
20:09 Kim: Education... Diamond: Family.
20:11 Does he have to be a doctor, or lawyer... or dentist...
20:13 or just have education... under-grad degree... or...
20:16 Yes, a degree... a degree,
20:18 working towards something,
20:20 you can't just be comfortable in life,
20:22 you have to always be pushing to do better with yourself...
20:24 Okay, I'm sorry, pushing towards...
20:27 but what if he has his own business...
20:29 film production... or he has a lumber business
20:32 or paper business... that's big money.
20:35 Yeah, if that's what he loves to do,
20:37 then who am I to interfere
20:39 with what he loves to do with his career?
20:40 Kim: Okay. Diamond: So... yeah.
20:42 Kim: If he makes furniture...
20:43 somebody has to make these chairs.
20:45 Obviously, somebody has to do the job...
20:47 so, if that's what he loves to do, then yes
20:49 but if he has education... he has to be family oriented...
20:51 because I love my family,
20:53 family is second on my list because God is always first
20:56 but they have to... they have to just be connected,
20:59 they have to always be working harder... so...
21:01 So, you have a nice little crew
21:03 with your girls at church and Erin... and the girls...
21:06 they come over to the house... Diamond: Yes.
21:08 How important is your Christian...
21:10 Seventh-day Adventist support your girls...
21:13 It is very important to me
21:15 because they've been with me through my lowest times,
21:17 they literally have been with me all of my life
21:20 so my connection with them is very important to me...
21:23 to stay connected with my friends from church
21:25 because they are the ones who I can relate with
21:27 in certain situations
21:28 that people from outside world cannot
21:30 and they also help me to witness to other people
21:32 like we're... we are each other's backbones...
21:34 we pick each other up where the other one falls so...
21:36 And you do... I've seen that.
21:38 Now, you're so cute when you said,
21:39 "all my life... " like you're 85 years old...
21:42 all right... 18 years old, all right.
21:45 Let's talk about the importance of the standards of the church.
21:51 Okay.
21:52 I know we practice not wearing jewelry
21:55 or abstaining from alcohol and nicotine
21:58 and we... um...
22:00 going to places that are not conducive
22:03 to the teachings of the Word of God...
22:06 Yes.
22:08 Entertainment... in these times what do you do for entertainment
22:12 because... now we're not supposed...
22:14 I don't go to the movies...
22:16 I do not go to the movies, I don't...
22:19 because of things
22:21 and I can't sit that long, to tell you the truth.
22:23 Yeah, I haven't been to the movies in a while either.
22:25 So, you have gone to the movies.
22:27 I have... yes, but recently
22:29 I haven't been going to the movies... they cost a lot.
22:32 I know and you are on a budget.
22:33 You know, college student.
22:35 I paid for your lunch, didn't I?
22:37 I'm thankful for it, it was great,
22:39 but lots of my friends... the same way,
22:41 mostly I hang out with my friends when I have free time
22:43 because... two jobs... I work hard...
22:46 Yes, you're working now.
22:48 Pay all my friends... shopping... I like to shop, yes
22:51 sometimes I do watch television, sometimes...
22:55 Do you like to travel
22:56 or you think you would like to travel in the future?
22:58 I would like to travel, I don't travel as much
22:59 as I probably used to, but...
23:01 Do you have a passport?
23:02 No, not yet, but we're going to get one.
23:04 We have to get one because Aunt Kim's got some plans, yes.
23:06 And I want to be a part of those plans...
23:08 I'll definitely get one.
23:10 Okay...
23:11 But yeah, traveling would be coming in the near future.
23:13 Okay, so this person that you would like to date
23:17 and marry in the future has to have some good qualities
23:22 be able to... you're very articulate...
23:24 to be 18...
23:26 why is that so important because I don't hear you saying,
23:28 "Yay" and all... you say, "Thank you"
23:30 like you're southern grown, "Thank you"
23:32 and such manners...
23:35 I know your family... your grandparents, your aunts...
23:38 I know how important that is.
23:40 That's where I got it from.
23:41 And that's where you got it from.
23:42 They never allowed me to say, "Yay. "
23:45 Yay and naw... what is... how was that...
23:46 They don't like slang, I don't either.
23:48 So, "Yay" "Naw" "Uh huh. "
23:51 They're very, very stern on how you speak
23:55 because you're going to need it in the long run
23:57 with your careers...
23:59 how you speak to people is how they take...
24:01 how you are as a person, so,
24:02 speaking is a key factor in my family.
24:05 I was going to hire this young person
24:07 and they were going to be on the phone
24:09 because I needed to hire two... three new people
24:11 and well dressed... resume looked good...
24:15 and I put them on the phone, put this person on the phone,
24:19 and I stood back just listening...
24:22 and, "Kim Logan on vacation...
24:25 she not ready right now...
24:28 can I help you?"
24:31 Pause...
24:32 And I was like... and I walked in... I said,
24:34 "Can I have the phone for a second please?"
24:36 Because my Receptionist is the first person they meet...
24:39 Who represents you, yeah.
24:40 That's right, and they may say,
24:42 "Well, she hired that person"
24:43 and I spoke to the person and let them know
24:46 that you need to take some classes in communication,
24:50 it is very important,
24:51 I could not do this program on Dare to Dream
24:54 you know, "How you doing... Diam... "
24:56 "You know... lowing lo ah... "
24:58 "Well, let it be... where?"
24:59 I probably couldn't even take that serious.
25:01 I know... it's like really?
25:03 But we see it in our athletes,
25:05 we see it in our communities,
25:07 we see it on television.
25:10 Yes, and some people see it in their households as well.
25:12 Right.
25:13 And I feel like communication starts at home.
25:15 Yes, it does.
25:17 So, before you can even step out the door,
25:18 you should always get your communication from your family,
25:21 like, my mom... she always taught me,
25:23 "Don't use slang because it will hurt you in the long run
25:26 when you have a career. "
25:27 I can't talk to patients... Kim: "Wassup. "
25:28 Diamond: Yeah, I can't say that to my patients.
25:30 Kim: Walk into the room... "ahhh... "
25:31 Diamond: They'll be like, "Is this my doctor?"
25:33 Kim: Right... right.
25:34 Diamond: So, communication is the key of life,
25:36 you have to communicate,
25:37 you have to be able to communicate with the people so.
25:39 Kim: And it's important. Diamond: Yeah.
25:41 Kim: I remember I had a gentleman,
25:44 he was European American...
25:46 Caucasian... and he came to my office
25:49 now, back then it wasn't anything on internet,
25:53 there was no pictures... so he went by the name: Logan
25:56 and that's Irish...
25:57 and so, he came in... he looked at me... he said,
26:01 "Wow! you're African American. "
26:04 And I said, "Well, the last time I checked"
26:06 and he said, "But I was looking for a white therapist"
26:11 and I said, "Well, I'll tell you what
26:14 why don't you sit down, talk with me
26:17 and in an hour... if you're not satisfied,
26:20 you don't have to pay me anything. "
26:21 And he was like,
26:23 "You speak well, I understand what you're saying
26:28 you gave me tools today,
26:30 you diagnosed me today... "
26:32 I was able to let him know what type of stresses
26:34 he was dealing with.
26:35 Do you know, he invited me to do the training
26:38 for the Lutheran School System...
26:40 he invited me to come and do conflict resolution
26:44 at his school... he was a Principal...
26:45 He was at my wedding... I was at his wedding...
26:48 and we became the best of friends.
26:50 Diamond: That's a blessing.
26:52 Kim: Isn't that a blessing? Diamond: That's a blessing.
26:53 Kim: You can't judge a book by its cover.
26:54 Don't lump us all together,
26:56 no matter what our culture or background...
26:58 because we can speak, we can communicate.
27:00 Yes.
27:02 And young people like yourself are being raised
27:04 to be able to represent our communities... our people...
27:08 as a culture.
27:09 Yes.
27:10 All right... let me ask you this.
27:12 Okay.
27:13 What's your role in the church?
27:14 My role in the church right now
27:16 is a person who represents the youth
27:19 because the Pastor knows me very well,
27:21 so, he asks... sometimes, like, "What do the youth like?"
27:26 Or, "What can I do better?"
27:27 So, as being a voice of the youth,
27:30 I feel like that's an important role in the church as it is
27:33 because a lot of youth do not come to church anymore
27:36 and it's a struggle to get people in church
27:38 so, when he sees us... a group of friends together,
27:42 he's just like... he's happy and...
27:43 so, I feel like my role is a person of the youth,
27:47 a person that's living in today's time
27:48 at such a young age is difficult
27:51 so, I think that's probably it.
27:53 And to encourage others to come inside.
27:54 Definitely, yes.
27:55 Well, listen, Diamond, thank you,
27:57 you were amazing... Diamond: Thank you.
27:59 Kim: I want you to know it's important to hold on...
28:01 keep holding on... would you do that?
28:03 Yes, hold on.
28:04 Hold on... hold on in sign language, yes
28:07 and let's see Jesus together. Diamond: Yes.
28:09 Kim: I want to thank you once again
28:10 for being on Live to be Well.
28:12 I want to say to all of you,
28:14 "Hold on and continue to live to be well,
28:17 you can make it, don't ever give up. "
28:20 God bless.


Revised 2018-04-18