Matthew 24

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MAT

Program Code: MAT000024S

00:01 Music...
00:20 Let's pray...
00:21 "Father in heaven, as we study our last topic
00:27 during this Series,
00:28 we ask as we have before,
00:31 that You will be present in our midst.
00:34 Give me a clear mind,
00:36 humble heart
00:38 and give all of those who are watching this Presentation
00:42 the willingness to follow Your will.
00:45 We thank you for the privilege of prayer
00:48 that we can approach the throne of the King of the Universe.
00:52 We know that You have heard this prayer
00:54 and You will answer
00:55 because we ask it in Jesus' most precious name, amen. "
01:01 As I mentioned in my prayer, this is the last Presentation
01:07 in this Series on Matthew chapter 24.
01:10 This is actually Presentation Number 24
01:14 and we want to begin by reading Matthew 25
01:18 and verses 1 to 13.
01:20 It's the famous parable of the ten virgins.
01:23 Now, as I read this parable,
01:26 I would ask you to try and place yourself
01:29 in the environment where this parable took place.
01:33 It's not only a parable...
01:37 Jesus actually told the parable
01:39 when He was observing the details before His very eyes.
01:43 There was a wedding about to take place.
01:46 So, I'm going to begin at Matthew 25 and verse 1.
01:50 "Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins
01:55 who took their lamps
01:57 and went out to meet the bridegroom.
02:01 Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
02:07 Those who were foolish took their lamps
02:10 and took no oil with them,
02:13 but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
02:18 But while the bridegroom was delayed,
02:21 they all slumbered and slept.
02:24 And at midnight a cry was heard:
02:27 'Behold the bridegroom is coming;
02:30 go out to meet him!'
02:32 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.
02:36 And the foolish said to the wise,
02:39 'Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out. '
02:44 But the wise answered, saying,
02:46 'No, lest there should not be enough for us and you;
02:51 but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves. '
02:57 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came,
03:01 and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding;
03:06 and the door was shut. "
03:10 Verse on screen.
03:32 Now, the coming of the bridegroom in this parable
03:37 is not the second coming of Jesus Christ.
03:41 We studied this in our previous presentation
03:44 on wedding customs in the times of Christ.
03:48 The context makes it absolutely clear
03:51 that the bridegroom comes to the wedding chamber
03:55 for the wedding
03:56 and that this wedding takes place in heaven
04:00 where Jesus will receive from His Father... the kingdom
04:04 and Jesus will marry His bride
04:07 which represents the totality of faithful believers.
04:12 We must link the parable of the ten virgins
04:16 with the previous context
04:18 at the end of Matthew chapter 24
04:21 and verses 36 to 44.
04:24 So, let's read those verses now
04:26 which is the context that appears immediately before
04:31 the parable of the ten virgins.
04:33 Matthew 24 verse 36,
04:35 "But of that day and hour no one knows,
04:40 not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. "
04:44 And now comes an example of this idea
04:48 that the wedding takes place in heaven
04:51 and then afterwards,
04:53 Jesus will come to take His bride to heaven.
04:55 It says in verse 37, "But as the days of Noah were,
05:00 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
05:04 For as in days before the flood... "
05:07 notice... "as in the days before the flood,
05:12 they were eating and drinking,
05:14 marrying and giving in marriage,
05:16 until... " this is the first until...
05:19 "until the day that Noah entered the ark,
05:22 and did not know... "
05:25 that is... those who were outside...
05:26 "did not know until the flood came and took them all away,
05:31 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. "
05:36 So, there's a coming here...
05:38 which is at the closing of the door
05:40 and there's a coming when actually Jesus comes
05:45 and the wicked are destroyed
05:46 and the righteous are spared inside the ark.
05:50 We find in verse 40 the following words,
05:54 "Then two men will be in the field:
05:57 one will be taken and the other left.
06:00 Two women will be grinding at the mill:
06:03 one will be taken and the other left.
06:07 Watch therefore,
06:09 for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. "
06:14 This is not the coming at the second coming...
06:17 this is the coming of Jesus to the Father
06:20 to marry His kingdom... to marry His bride
06:23 when the door of probation closes.
06:26 Verse 43, "But know this,
06:29 that if the master of the house had known
06:32 what hour the thief would come,
06:34 he would have watched
06:36 and not allowed his house to be broken into.
06:39 Therefore you also be ready,
06:43 for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. "
06:46 So, it compares the coming of Jesus for the wedding
06:50 with the coming of a thief.
06:52 Now, as I've mentioned before,
06:54 the coming of the thief has two specific points of time.
06:57 One... is when the thief actually comes.
07:01 Everybody's sleeping and doesn't know that the thief
07:05 has come
07:06 and then the people wake up in the morning
07:09 and they realize that the thief has come... but it's too late.
07:12 When Jesus comes to take His kingdom...
07:14 when Jesus comes to marry His bride
07:17 which is the totality of His faithful people,
07:20 people will be oblivious
07:23 that the wedding has taken place in heaven...
07:25 that the door of mercy has closed.
07:28 People will not know that the door has closed
07:32 until Jesus comes to receive His saints
07:36 to take them take them to the heavenly reception
07:38 and the wicked are destroyed.
07:41 So, the previous context indicates that this coming
07:46 is not the second coming of Jesus to the earth
07:50 but the coming of Jesus to His Father
07:53 for the marriage to His kingdom.
07:55 This is why these verses compare the coming of Jesus
08:00 to the coming of a thief.
08:03 So, you have a comparison between the days of Noah
08:07 and the parable of the ten virgins
08:10 and the close of probation.
08:11 So, let's draw a few parallels between the days of Noah
08:17 and the coming of the Son of Man to the Father
08:21 to receive the kingdom
08:22 and then, the ensuing destruction afterwards.
08:25 So, here are the parallels.
08:27 If we remember the closing of the door of the ark
08:31 and the destruction of the wicked
08:34 and the saving, of course, of God's people during the flood,
08:38 were two related but separate events.
08:41 In a similar way,
08:43 the closing of the door of Probation for the world
08:47 is related to the second coming of Christ
08:51 but they are two separate events.
08:54 The door closes and then after that
08:57 comes the second coming of Christ to the earth.
09:01 Second, the preaching of Noah
09:05 under the power of the Holy Spirit
09:07 inviting people to gather into the ark to be saved
09:13 is represented by the five... by the ten virgins
09:19 lighting the way to the bridal chamber
09:22 which symbolizes the preaching of the gospel
09:25 under the power of the Holy Spirit
09:27 inviting people to come as guests to the wedding.
09:31 Number 3: The midnight cry
09:35 represents Noah's last call at the door of the ark
09:39 for people to come into the ark.
09:42 The midnight cry in the parable of the ten virgins,
09:46 represents the final call to the living
09:49 to accept the invitation into the wedding chamber.
09:55 Number 4: The closing of the door of the ark
10:00 represents the close of probation.
10:01 The closing of the door in the parable of the ten virgins
10:06 represents the closing of the door of probation
10:09 for the world.
10:10 Five: When the door of the ark closed,
10:14 the kingdom of the faithful was complete,
10:17 Noah and his family... the saved were inside
10:21 whereas the wicked were outside.
10:25 In other words,
10:26 Noah's preaching divided the world into two groups.
10:29 Those who were saved and those who were lost...
10:32 those who were inside the ark
10:34 and those who were outside the ark.
10:37 Likewise, when the door of probation closes for the world,
10:42 the righteous will be inside the wedding chamber
10:45 whereas the wicked will be outside the wedding chamber.
10:49 Pause...
10:52 Next: Number 6...
10:53 The time of trouble for Noah and his family in the ark
10:57 which lasted seven days
10:59 represents the time of trouble
11:01 that God's people will go through
11:03 during the time of Jacob's trouble
11:05 before the second coming of Christ
11:08 and after the close of probation.
11:10 And finally, the return of Jesus from the wedding
11:14 to take His subjects to the wedding reception in heaven
11:19 is represented in Matthew 24
11:22 by the angels coming and receiving the elect...
11:26 catching up the elect into the clouds
11:29 to take them to heaven for the reception.
11:32 So, you'll notice that there's a parallel between what happened
11:36 in the days of Noah and the parable of the ten virgins.
11:38 And the coming of the groom to marry his bride
11:44 represents the coming of Jesus to His Father in heaven
11:48 to receive the kingdom...
11:49 to receive His bride...
11:51 to be married to His bride
11:52 the totality of His faithful people
11:55 after which, the door of probation closes...
11:58 the tribulation comes
12:00 and then Jesus comes for the second time...
12:03 takes His bride to heaven for a thousand years
12:06 and then brings His bride back to the earth
12:09 for the permanent home
12:10 in a new heavens and a new earth.
12:12 Now, let's take a look at the symbols of the parable.
12:17 We have ten virgins.
12:19 They represent those who profess to have accepted Jesus Christ
12:25 as Savior and Lord.
12:27 All of them accepted the gospel invitation to be guests
12:32 to the wedding.
12:33 The lamps represent the Scriptures.
12:37 "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet
12:41 and a light unto my path. " Psalm 119:105.
12:45 The oil that they have in their lamps represents the Holy Spirit
12:50 according to Zechariah chapter 4.
12:53 The lighting of the way to the wedding chamber
12:57 with the lamps that have the oil
12:59 represent the preaching of the gospel
13:01 in a dark world
13:03 inviting sinners to come to the wedding chamber
13:08 and be inside for the wedding.
13:10 The wise virgins represent the genuine followers of Jesus.
13:15 The foolish virgins represent superficial followers of Jesus.
13:21 They had oil in their lamps
13:24 but they did not have an extra supply of oil in their vessels.
13:28 They are represented in the parable of the sower
13:32 by the stony-ground hearers.
13:35 The stony-ground hearers started well.
13:39 The plant sprouted and began to grow.
13:42 However, when the sun rose...
13:45 which represents tribulation and persecution...
13:48 the plant dried up
13:51 which means that these are fair-weather Christians.
13:54 When everything goes well, they follow Jesus
13:57 but when a delay comes and trial comes,
14:01 they fall away.
14:03 The bridegroom in the parable represents Jesus
14:07 and the bride represents the totality of the believers
14:13 in Jesus Christ.
14:15 What does the extra supply of oil in the vessels represent?
14:20 Well, those who have accepted Jesus as Savior
14:25 receive the early rain
14:26 but if you do not persevere in the Lord,
14:31 you will not receive the latter rain.
14:34 In other words, the five foolish virgins
14:37 started well
14:38 but the delay in the coming of the groom for the wedding
14:44 discouraged them.
14:46 They allowed the early-rain experience to die
14:50 and the latter rain could not benefit them.
14:55 When the plant dies
14:57 it's no avail for the latter rain to fall on the plant.
15:02 The delay in the parable represents the coming of Jesus
15:06 to the wedding in heaven which delayed longer than expected.
15:13 The slumbering represents the length of time that passes
15:18 where God's people are expecting the groom to come to the wedding
15:23 but he delays in his coming to the wedding.
15:26 The midnight cry is the clarion call
15:29 for the beginning of the judgment
15:33 first of the dead in 1844
15:36 and then, the judgment of the living
15:38 shortly before probation closes.
15:41 The request for oil on the part of the foolish virgins
15:45 from the wise
15:47 represents the fact that character cannot be shared.
15:52 The character that is formed by the power of the Holy Spirit
15:56 by the oil cannot be shared with others...
15:59 they must develop their own.
16:01 The coming of the bridegroom
16:04 represents Jesus going to His Father in the Most Holy Place
16:08 to receive the kingdom or to marry His bride.
16:12 Now, this happens in two stages.
16:14 The first stage was in 1844.
16:17 When Jesus moved to the Most Holy Place
16:20 to begin the judgment of the dead.
16:24 The second is the return of Jesus to His Father
16:28 after placing the sins on the head of the scapegoat.
16:33 This is very important in the Court.
16:35 So, Jesus goes to the Court,
16:38 places the sins on the head of the scapegoat
16:41 that had been cleansed from the sanctuary
16:43 and then He returns to the Father
16:46 for the final wedding
16:48 because both the dead and the living have been judged.
16:52 The sins have been placed on the head of the scapegoat
16:55 in the Court... and now Jesus returns to His Father
16:58 for the wedding.
17:00 The wedding represents the moment when Jesus receives
17:04 the kingdom from His Father in heaven
17:07 when the judgment concludes.
17:09 The number of His people is complete.
17:12 His kingdom is complete.
17:14 His bride which is all believers
17:17 is complete.
17:18 Those who were ready go into the wedding chamber
17:22 for the wedding.
17:23 I want to underline once again that the totality of believers
17:27 is the bride or the kingdom
17:30 whereas the individual believers
17:32 are the guests to the moment when Jesus marries the totality
17:36 of His kingdom.
17:38 The righteous going into the wedding
17:41 means that even though they are physically unearthed,
17:46 they enter the heavenly chamber for the wedding by faith
17:51 because their records are up there.
17:53 In other words, they are written in the book of Life
17:56 and their deeds are written in the books
17:58 so, even though they are on earth,
18:01 Jesus goes in heaven
18:03 and marries the totality of His people up there
18:06 and then finally, you have the "shut door. "
18:09 The "shut door" represents the moment
18:12 when the wedding is about to take place,
18:16 everybody's case is decided.
18:19 When the five foolish virgins go to try and get oil,
18:24 that is during the time of trouble
18:28 when many will go from east to north
18:31 and they will seek for the Word of God
18:33 but it's going to be too late...
18:35 the Lord is going to say, "I never knew you. "
18:37 Amos chapter 8 verses 11 and 12 expresses this moment.
18:42 Verse on screen...
19:04 In other words, they're going to try and find
19:06 the... the... the oil for the lamp...
19:08 it's not going to be available because probation has closed.
19:11 Ellen White described professed Christians
19:14 in the time of trouble that are found unready.
19:18 In Great Controversy page 620 she wrote,
19:21 on screen...
19:50 The voice: I do not know you
19:53 is to those who have not prepared a character
19:58 fit for heaven before the close of probation.
20:02 "To be ready" in the parable means:
20:06 to pray... to watch... to occupy... to invest...
20:11 to work... and to reveal the love of Jesus.
20:16 Now, this parable has a three-fold application.
20:21 The first application is to the literal Jewish nation.
20:26 The second application is to the great Advent Movement of 1844
20:32 and the third application
20:35 is to the period of the loud cry of the remnant
20:38 just before the close of human probation.
20:41 Now, if we had the time, I would read a lengthy chapter
20:48 from the book Early Writings
20:49 where Ellen White compares the messages of John the Baptist,
20:55 Jesus and Peter... with the Advent Movement of 1884.
21:00 Unfortunately, we don't have the time to do that
21:04 but I would encourage those who are watching this Presentation
21:07 to go to the book: Early Writings,
21:10 pages 259 to 261
21:14 where Ellen White draws a parallel
21:16 between the message of John the Baptist...
21:19 the message of Jesus
21:21 and the message of Peter on the day of Pentecost
21:24 and the first, second and third angels' messages
21:29 that were given between the year 1840 and 1844.
21:33 It will be an enriching experience for you
21:36 to read that particular chapter, Early Writings, 259 to 261.
21:42 But then, let's talk about the fulfillment of this parable
21:47 with the Millerites in the 1840s.
21:51 I want to read a statement that we find
21:54 in Great Controversy, 393.
21:56 By the way, I would suggest that you read the entire chapter
21:59 I'm only sharing certain details...
22:02 Great Controversy, 391 through 408.
22:04 Ellen White wrote on page 393,
22:08 Chapter 25 opens with the words:
22:11 "Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened
22:15 unto ten virgins. "
22:16 Then she writes, "Here is brought to view
22:21 the church living in the last days,
22:23 the same that is pointed out in the close of chapter 24.
22:28 In this parable experience... their experience is illustrated
22:34 by the incidents of an Eastern marriage. "
22:37 So, the word "Then" that begins chapter 25,
22:41 connects with chapter 24.
22:42 So, we need to read the last verses of chapter 24
22:46 to understand the connection with chapter 25.
22:50 We have the going forth of the virgins.
22:53 In the 1840s, this represents the Reformation
22:58 under the proclamation of the first angel's message
23:02 announcing that the hour of God's judgment had come.
23:06 That's preaching on Daniel chapter 8 and verse 14.
23:11 Ellen White wrote in Great Controversy, 393 and 394,
23:15 on screen.
23:25 So, the coming of the bridegroom
23:27 is an announcement of the first angel's message
23:30 that the bridegroom is going to come for the wedding
23:32 and He's going to begin the judgment of the dead...
23:35 then afterward the judgment of the living
23:37 and then, His kingdom will be complete
23:40 and He will marry it.
23:42 So the going forth of the virgins represents
23:44 the Reformation under the proclamation
23:47 of the first angel's message.
23:48 The announcement that the hour of God's judgment had come.
23:52 Now, all who joined this Millerite Movement
23:56 claimed to follow the Bible and to have the Holy Spirit.
24:00 Ellen White wrote in Great Controversy, 394,
24:04 on screen.
24:13 Now, the error that they committed was
24:16 that they believed that the coming of the bridegroom
24:19 was that Jesus was going to come to the earth...
24:21 He was going to destroy the earth with fire
24:23 and He was going to take His bride to heaven.
24:26 They misunderstood the event...
24:28 they thought that the coming of the bridegroom
24:30 was the second coming of Jesus.
24:32 All of them claimed to be followers of Jesus Christ.
24:36 We also notice that the wise virgins
24:40 had a profound experience with the Lord
24:43 and longed for the coming of Jesus.
24:46 Ellen White wrote about this group of believers in the 1840s,
24:51 Great Controversy, 394, the following words.
24:54 On screen...
25:29 In other words, they had a genuine connection
25:32 with Jesus Christ... that is... the wise virgins.
25:35 What about the foolish virgins?
25:37 What about the foolish Millerites, if you please.
25:41 Well, they had a superficial emotional, impulsive,
25:45 fearful relationship with the Lord.
25:48 In Great Controversy page 394, Ellen White wrote,
25:53 "They had moved from impulse.
25:56 Their fears had been excited by the solemn message,
25:59 but they had depended upon the faith of their brethren... "
26:03 in other words, their brethren were all excited
26:05 so they got excited too.
26:06 She continues,
26:08 "once again, their fears had been excited
26:10 by the solemn message,
26:12 but they had depended upon the faith of their brethren,
26:16 satisfied with the flickering light of good emotions,
26:20 without a thorough understanding of the truth
26:23 or a genuine work of grace in the heart.
26:26 These had gone forth to meet the Lord,
26:29 full of hope in the prospect of immediate reward;
26:34 but they were not prepared for delay and disappointment. "
26:37 In other words, when the delay and the disappointment came,
26:40 they lost their faith
26:42 because they were not deeply rooted
26:44 in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
26:46 So, then there was a tarrying time or a delay.
26:50 What does that represent?
26:52 It represents the fact
26:54 that the Millerites believed that Jesus was going to come
26:56 to pick up His bride in the spring of 1844.
27:01 However, Jesus, of course, did not come to earth
27:06 as they expected in the spring of 1844...
27:08 in fact, He did not even go
27:11 to the Father for the wedding in heaven
27:14 in the spring of 1844
27:16 because the Day of Atonement was in the fall
27:19 and so, they had not taken into account
27:22 that the decree of Artaxerxes was given in 457 in the fall,
27:26 therefore, the end of the 2300 days
27:29 had to be also in the fall.
27:31 So, they were wrong about the season of the year.
27:34 During this tarrying time,
27:36 the superficial and the impulsive Millerites
27:41 fell by the wayside.
27:43 In Great Controversy, 394, Ellen White wrote,
27:46 On screen...
27:59 Both groups slumbered
28:01 but one group gave up their faith
28:05 and the other group did not.
28:07 Ellen White wrote in Great Controversy, page 394,
28:11 "They all slumbered and slept;"
28:13 one class in unconcern and abandonment of their faith... "
28:20 that is... the foolish virgins...
28:21 and then she says,
28:23 "the other class patiently waiting
28:26 till clearer light should be given.
28:29 In another statement,
28:31 we find in Great Controversy, 395,
28:34 "In this time of uncertainty,
28:36 the interest of the superficial and halfhearted
28:40 soon began to waver,
28:43 and their efforts to relax;
28:45 but those whose faith was based on a personal knowledge
28:49 of the Bible
28:51 had a rock beneath their feet,
28:54 which the waves of disappointment
28:56 could not wash away. "
28:59 On page 395, Ellen White also wrote,
29:02 on screen...
29:12 Ellen White also wrote that during this period,
29:16 between the spring of 1844 and the fall of 1844,
29:20 fanaticism arose among the waiting ones.
29:24 In Great Controversy, 395,
29:26 she says that many of those who had embraced the idea
29:29 that Jesus was going to come in the spring of 1844,
29:33 they then turned against those who were slumbering
29:36 but who had not lost their faith.
29:39 She wrote in Great Controversy, 395,
29:41 about these enemies of God's people,
29:44 "They feared it might be true" that is... the coming of Jesus,
29:48 "yet hoped it was not,
29:50 and this was the secret of their warfare
29:53 against Adventists and their faith. "
29:55 On the same page, Ellen White wrote
29:57 "About this time,
29:59 fanaticism began to appear.
30:01 Some who had professed to be zealous believers in the message
30:05 rejected the word of God as the one infallible guide
30:09 and, claiming to be led by the Spirit,
30:12 gave themselves up to the control of their own feelings,
30:16 impressions, and imaginations. "
30:19 But in the summer of 1844,
30:22 a man by the name of Samuel Snow...
30:25 this is known as the Seventh-month Movement
30:28 discovered the mistake that they had made.
30:31 No, Jesus was not going to come in the spring of 1844,
30:35 He was going to come in the fall of 1844
30:38 on the Day of Atonement that is mentioned in Leviticus 23
30:42 which fell October 22, 1844 in that particular year
30:47 and so, now there was a great revival.
30:51 Let me read Great Controversy, 398
30:53 where Ellen White described this discovery.
30:55 On screen...
31:16 In other words, the preachers used this expression in 1844...
31:20 in the summer... "Behold the bridegroom cometh"
31:24 and so, the slumbering at that time woke up
31:27 and there was a great religious revival.
31:31 They had kind of been in suspended animation,
31:34 if you please, there after the first disappointment.
31:36 They hadn't lost their faith
31:38 but they... they were looking for additional light.
31:41 So, now there's this great revival.
31:43 The printing presses rolled again
31:45 and there was powerful prophetic preaching
31:48 that instructed the people
31:50 the bridegroom was going to come back to the earth
31:54 to pick up His bride on October 22, 1844.
31:57 Ellen White wrote about this revival
32:00 in Great Controversy page 400.
32:02 "Like a tidal wave the movement swept over the land.
32:07 From city to city, from village to village,
32:09 and into remote country places it went,
32:12 until the waiting people of God were fully aroused. "
32:16 In other words, now they wake up.
32:17 "Fanaticism disappeared... " this is from... from the summer
32:21 from the time that the loud cry is being...
32:23 or the midnight cry is being given.
32:25 "Fanaticism disappeared before this proclamation
32:28 like the early frost before the rising sun.
32:30 Believers saw their doubt and perplexity removed,
32:34 and hope and courage animated their hearts.
32:37 There was little ecstatic joy,
32:40 but rather deep searching of heart,
32:42 confession of sin,
32:43 and forsaking of the world.
32:46 A preparation to meet the Lord
32:47 was the burden of agonizing spirits.
32:52 There was persevering prayer
32:54 and an unreserved consecration to God. "
32:57 Ellen White described this revival...
33:00 by the way, Folks,
33:01 Ellen White was an eyewitness to all of this.
33:03 So, she's not just writing as a historian
33:05 who is writing several years later about the experience
33:09 that some people went through.
33:10 She went through this experience...
33:12 what she's describing was her experience.
33:15 In another place, Great Controversy, 401,
33:18 Ellen White wrote,
33:19 on screen...
33:48 The people during this period
33:50 received an abundant portion of the Holy Spirit.
33:54 Those who had lost their faith...
33:55 who had a superficial knowledge...
33:57 they did not have the extra supply of oil...
34:01 they did not have that intimate relationship with Jesus.
34:04 It was a superficial relationship.
34:06 But those who had a relationship with Christ
34:10 after the first disappointment in the spring of 1844,
34:14 they did not lose that connection with Jesus.
34:16 We find in Great Controversy, 402 and 403, these words,
34:20 on screen...
34:46 on page 403, she wrote,
34:49 on screen...
35:30 But Jesus... instead of coming to the earth
35:33 to marry His bride here and take her to heaven...
35:36 Jesus actually moved from the Holy to the Most Holy Place
35:41 to begin the process of examining the garments
35:44 to determine who are subjects of His kingdom...
35:48 who belongs to the bride... in other words.
35:51 In Great Controversy page 427 Ellen White wrote,
35:55 on screen...
36:31 Was there a "shut door" in 1844?
36:35 Yes, there was...
36:38 the door shut for those who were superficial
36:41 and did not follow Jesus into the Most Holy Place.
36:44 You see, those individuals who had been superficial
36:48 when the faithful Millerites said,
36:51 "Well, Jesus went into the Most Holy Place
36:54 to examine the garments...
36:56 to then, after the process is finished,
36:58 to marry His bride or to take over the kingdom.
37:01 They said, "Ah, that's just a face-saving re-invention
37:03 on your part... " they lost faith.
37:05 The superficial did not follow Jesus into the Most Holy Place.
37:09 They remained in the Holy Place
37:12 and Ellen White describes vividly
37:14 how they received a counterfeit gift of the Holy Spirit
37:18 breathed on them by Satan
37:20 and they were left in total darkness.
37:23 You can read Early Writings page 54 to 56.
37:26 Ellen White wrote in Selected Messages
37:29 volume one page 63,
37:30 on screen...
38:05 So, the superficial class
38:07 represented by the foolish virgins
38:09 and those who did not accept the messages from the get-go...
38:15 these individuals... their door of probation was closed.
38:20 "When Jesus shut the door in 1844
38:23 those who had rejected the first two messages
38:26 found themselves in total darkness. "
38:28 Most of the Christian world, however,
38:31 kept worshipping in the Holy place,
38:33 thinking that Jesus was there,
38:36 oblivious that Jesus had entered the Most Holy Place
38:40 to establish who will be a subject of His kingdom
38:44 and Satan then took control of those who rejected the messages.
38:50 Once, Jesus the King has examined every case
38:55 and has determined who is a subject of His kingdom,
38:58 after the time of trouble, Jesus will come
39:01 to pick up His members of His kingdom or His bride.
39:05 Now, when Jesus comes to get His bride,
39:08 He will take His bride to heaven
39:11 and there the reception...
39:14 the wedding reception will take place.
39:17 The wedding reception includes the bride
39:21 which is the totality of God's people
39:24 whereas the individuals at the wedding
39:27 represent the individual persons
39:30 who are followers of Jesus Christ.
39:32 So, Jesus will take His people to heaven...
39:35 the wedding reception will take place there
39:38 and then, God's people will be in heaven for a 1,000 years.
39:42 I like to think that this is the honeymoon
39:44 and then, Jesus will bring His bride back to the earth...
39:48 the New Jerusalem with all of the redeemed in it
39:52 and this will be the permanent home
39:54 of the bride with the groom...
39:56 this place where there will be a new heaven and a new earth.
40:00 Now, this parable also has an application
40:03 to events immediately before the second coming
40:07 not only to 1844.
40:09 Let me read you a passage where Ellen White describes
40:12 the parable of the ten virgins vividly.
40:15 This is found in the book,
40:19 Christ's Object Lessons, 405 and 406.
40:21 On screen...
42:18 "As Christ sat looking upon the party
42:22 that waited for the bridegroom,
42:23 He told His disciples the story of the ten virgins... "
42:27 and now notice,
42:28 "by their experience illustrating the experience
42:31 of the church that shall live just before the second coming. "
42:36 So, this parable not only applies
42:39 to the Millerite Movement,
42:40 it also applies to those who will be alive
42:43 when the door of probation closes.
42:45 Now, let's take a look at the end-time fulfillment
42:50 of the parable of the ten virgins.
42:52 First of all, the virgins...
42:54 who are the virgins?
42:56 Christ's Object Lessons, page 406... Ellen White wrote,
43:02 on screen...
43:15 Incidentally, this is what the Apostle Paul wrote
43:18 in 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verse 2
43:20 when he wrote to the Corinthians these words,
43:23 on screen...
43:36 So, the virgins are those
43:38 who profess to have a pure and true faith.
43:41 Now, both groups of virgins
43:44 had many characteristics in common.
43:47 They all went out...
43:49 they all had lamps...
43:51 they all had oil in their lamps...
43:53 they all slumbered when there was a delay.
43:56 All claim to be waiting for the bridegroom.
43:59 What do the lamps represent?
44:02 The lamps represent the Word of God.
44:06 You have Psalm 119:105 where it says,
44:10 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
44:11 and a light unto my path. "
44:13 Ellen White in Christ's Object Lessons page 406 wrote,
44:16 "By the lamps is represented the word of God. "
44:19 What does it mean to light the way to the wedding chamber?
44:25 It simply means, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ
44:29 through the power of the Holy Spirit
44:31 because the oil represents the Holy Spirit.
44:34 In Christ's Object Lessons, page 406, Ellen White wrote,
44:38 "The oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. "
44:41 So, basically, the lamp with the oil
44:44 that gives light represents God's people
44:47 enlightening the way to the wedding chamber
44:50 and encouraging people to come
44:52 and go into the wedding chamber.
44:54 In Matthew 5 and verse 16, Jesus said,
44:58 "Let your light so shine before men,
45:01 that they may see your good works
45:04 and glorify your Father who is in heaven. "
45:07 And we read previously, Luke 12:35 and 36
45:10 where Jesus says to His followers,
45:13 "Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning... "
45:16 see, this connects with the parable of the ten virgins.
45:19 He says, "Let our waist be girded
45:21 and your lamps burning;
45:22 and you yourselves be like men who wait for their master,
45:26 when he will return from the wedding... "
45:28 so, God's people don't actually physically go to the wedding,
45:32 they wait for the Master to return from the wedding,
45:36 and it ends by saying,
45:37 "that when he comes and knocks
45:39 they may open to him immediately. "
45:42 Now, what does the extra oil represent?
45:46 That is the primary distinction between the wise virgins
45:50 and the foolish virgins.
45:51 What is represented by the extra oil in the flagons?
45:54 The wise had extra oil in their flagon
45:59 and when the bridegroom delayed,
46:02 well, the oil in their lamps began to be scarce
46:05 but when they woke up,
46:07 they had extra oil that they could put in their lamps.
46:10 The wise virgins... as we noticed,
46:12 had a deep relationship with Christ.
46:15 A relationship that could not be broken
46:18 by delay or disappointment.
46:20 The extra oil represents that they had formed a character
46:25 that was in close connection with Jesus Christ.
46:29 On the other hand,
46:30 the foolish virgins, as we've noticed,
46:33 were superficial Christians.
46:35 They were like the stony-ground hearers
46:38 that started growing well
46:40 but then, there was a foundation of stone
46:43 and the roots could not go beyond a certain direction
46:47 and when the sun came out
46:48 the plant that had started to grow... died.
46:51 Ellen White wrote in Christ's Object Lessons page 408
46:56 in the parable of the ten virgins...
46:59 "In the parable, all the ten virgins
47:02 went out to meet the bridegroom.
47:05 All had lamps and vessels for oil.
47:08 For a time there was seen no difference between them. "
47:10 Now, comes the comparison,
47:12 "So with the church that lives
47:14 just before Christ's second coming.
47:17 All have a knowledge of the Scriptures.
47:19 All have heard the message of Christ's near approach,
47:23 and confidently expect His appearing.
47:26 However, as in the parable,
47:29 so it is now.
47:30 A time of waiting intervenes,
47:33 faith is tried;
47:34 and when the cry is heard,
47:36 'Behold the Bridegroom cometh;
47:38 go ye out to meet Him,'
47:39 many are unready.
47:41 They have no oil in their vessels with their lamps.
47:45 They are destitute of the Holy Spirit. "
47:48 They have perhaps received the early rain at conversion
47:51 but they had not received the latter rain
47:54 which will allow them to go through the time of trouble.
47:58 So, what does the delay represent?
48:01 Well, people expected Jesus to come to the wedding
48:05 long before He has.
48:07 They expected Him to come in the second coming
48:10 long before He has come.
48:11 In 2nd Peter chapter 3 verses 3 and 4,
48:15 we find these words,
48:16 on screen...
48:33 But there is going to be a midnight cry.
48:37 What is the midnight cry at the end of time?
48:40 Revelation chapter 18 explains it,
48:43 it's called the loud cry of the 4th angel.
48:47 This angel is going to announce
48:50 not that Jesus is coming to the Most Holy Place
48:53 to judge those who died,
48:56 but Jesus is now coming into the chamber
49:00 to judge those who are alive at the very end of time.
49:04 This is the judgment of the living.
49:07 Now, I want you to notice what Ellen White has to say
49:11 about the coming of the midnight cry at midnight.
49:16 She says in Christ's Object Lessons page 414 and 415,
49:21 on screen...
49:44 You see, when Babylon is filled with every evil spirit
49:48 according to Revelation chapter 18,
49:50 there will be a loud cry saying,
49:52 "Come out of Babylon My people. "
49:55 Multitudes will come out of the apostate churches
49:58 and join God's remnant
50:00 and when all the decisions have been made
50:04 either for the Lord or to stay where people are,
50:06 then, the door will close and Jesus will marry His kingdom
50:12 because all of the subjects of His kingdom
50:15 have been made up.
50:18 What is meant by the refusal to share the oil
50:22 on the part of the wise virgins?
50:23 Ellen White wrote in the book Christ's Object Lessons,
50:27 page 412,
50:28 "No man can receive the Spirit for another.
50:32 No man can impart to another the character
50:35 which is the fruit of the Spirit's working. "
50:38 And then she quotes Ezekiel 14 verse 20,
50:42 "Though Noah, Daniel, and Job were in it... "
50:44 that is in the land...
50:46 "as I live, saith the Lord...
50:49 they shall deliver neither son nor daughter;
50:51 they shall but deliver their own souls
50:54 by their righteousness. "
50:56 In Christ's Object Lessons, 412, Ellen White wrote,
50:59 on screen...
51:27 So, the "shut door" at the end of time
51:31 comes when Christ's kingdom is complete.
51:34 He has judged those who died in the Lord...
51:38 He's judged those who are alive
51:40 right before the close of probation...
51:42 people have made their decisions to be on the Lord's side
51:46 or on Satan's side
51:48 and then the door will close.
51:51 In Great Controversy page 428 Ellen White wrote,
51:55 on screen...
52:33 You remember, the foolish virgins
52:36 had a superficial relationship with the Lord.
52:39 At the very end... this is a very important point now,
52:43 at the very end of His Most-Holy-Place ministry,
52:47 after Jesus has cleansed the Most Holy Place,
52:51 the Holy Place and the Court of the sanctuary,
52:55 you can read this in Leviticus 16,
52:57 Jesus will place the sins of all of His faithful followers
53:02 on the head of the scapegoat in the Court
53:05 and then, He will return to His Father
53:09 in the Most Holy Place...
53:10 change His garments
53:13 and put on His garments of a King.
53:17 He will take off His High-Priestly garments
53:19 because His intercession is finished
53:22 and He will put on His Kingly garments
53:24 because He is now going to come
53:26 as King of kings and Lord of lords
53:28 to rescue His bride from the earth.
53:31 It's obvious that Jesus could not come
53:34 to the Father for the final judgment of the living
53:37 if He is already with the Father.
53:39 So, Jesus goes from the Most Holy Place
53:42 where He studied the cases of the righteous dead
53:47 and then, He takes all of the sins
53:49 of those who died in the Lord...
53:52 of those who are alive when the door of probation closes,
53:55 takes all of those sins...
53:56 places them on the head of the scapegoat
53:59 and then He comes to the Father
54:01 for the final wedding.
54:04 How terrible are the words for the superficial virgins!
54:09 "I know you not. "
54:13 In Early Writings page 281,
54:16 we find these words of Ellen White.
54:17 On screen...
54:53 In Great Controversy, 620... a statement that I already read,
54:57 "Those professed Christians
54:59 who come up to the last fearful conflict unprepared,
55:03 will, in their despair,
55:05 confess their sins in words of burning anguish... "
55:09 they'll say, "Let us in Lord... "
55:11 pause...
55:14 but the answer will be, "I know you not... "
55:16 so, those professed Christians
55:17 who come up to that last fearful conflict unprepared
55:20 will, in their despair, confess their sins
55:23 in words of burning anguish
55:24 while the wicked exalt over their distress.
55:27 These confessions are of the same character
55:31 as was that of Esau or of Judas.
55:33 Those who make them,
55:35 lament the result of transgression,
55:37 but not its guilt. "
55:39 And so then Jesus, at the end of the tribulation
55:43 will come to rescue His bride from the death decree
55:47 and then, He will take them to heaven
55:50 for the great celebration
55:52 of the marriage supper of the Lamb
55:55 and that will be in person.
55:57 So, you notice that the wedding takes place in heaven
56:00 while God's people are on earth.
56:02 Jesus takes over the kingdom... He marries His bride...
56:06 the totality of His people.
56:08 The individuals who have been found faithful...
56:11 they are the guests to the wedding but they're on earth.
56:15 They go to the wedding by faith
56:16 but then, after the wedding takes place
56:20 and after... at the very end of the time of trouble,
56:24 Jesus will come to empirically pick up His bride
56:27 to take her to the New Jerusalem
56:30 and the New Jerusalem will be filled with the guests
56:34 or the corporate totality with the bride
56:38 and then, will take place... the reception.
56:41 What a reception it will be!
56:44 All of the redeemed together... the bride... all together...
56:48 the individuals at the table... the guests...
56:51 to this glorious wedding supper of the Lamb
56:54 and God's people will sit at that table
56:57 which Ellen White says is many miles in length
57:00 but their eyes will be able to embrace all of it.
57:02 There will be wonderful fruit there
57:04 and here is the amazing thing.
57:06 Jesus is actually going to gird Himself
57:09 and He is going to be the waiter.
57:12 God's people will be sitting at the table
57:14 and Jesus will wait on them...
57:16 Jesus will actually serve them...
57:18 Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses...
57:20 all the great heroes of history will be there at the table.
57:24 Every person who has ever joined Christ's kingdom...
57:27 who has ever become part of Christ's bride will be there
57:30 and so then, the wedding supper will take place...
57:33 a thousand years will go by
57:36 and at the end of the 1,000 years,
57:38 the New Jerusalem with all of the inhabitants of the city...
57:41 all of Christ's kingdom... His bride
57:43 will be brought back to the earth
57:45 and the New Jerusalem will settle upon the Mount of Olives
57:50 that has been split by the feet of Jesus
57:53 and Jesus will create a new heavens and a new earth
57:57 which will be His eternal home of Jesus with His bride.
58:01 What a day that will be!
58:03 Don't miss it for anything.


Revised 2021-10-20