3ABN On the Road

The Passion Of Christ

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Louis Torres


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000712

01:00 Welcome back.
01:01 How many of you have enjoyed the seminar so far?
01:04 It's been a great blessing
01:05 and man, in our last time together how near is the end?
01:10 This was fascinating wasn't it going through
01:12 all of those signs in Matthew 24.
01:15 Man, but the greatest sign is that, you know,
01:17 when you see these things have been look up
01:19 because Jesus is coming, that's the best thing, isn't it.
01:23 Well, tonight we are going to continue
01:24 on with the Passion of the Christ,
01:28 this is going to be just--
01:29 I think it's one of the most heart warming,
01:32 you're gonna go very excited, I know that.
01:34 As you look at this prophecy tonight,
01:36 you're going to be excited by-- and excited about Jesus.
01:40 But let's just ask His presence to be here as we study again.
01:45 Let's bow our heads.
01:46 Father in Heaven, tonight we are thankful
01:48 that You had a passion for this planet.
01:51 You came down, down and down
01:53 and became a little child and grew up,
01:55 You were in all points tempted like as we are.
01:58 And we're just thankful for God that would do that,
02:00 that's not aloof and far away but that comes near.
02:03 We ask You to come near right now,
02:06 near to our speaker, near to each person here,
02:09 near to each person watching.
02:11 And we thank You
02:12 and we come in the all powerful name of Christ, amen.
02:17 Well, we've been learning that theme song.
02:18 Let's stand together and sing it.
02:21 Marvelous message we bring. Let's sing it together.
02:34 Marvelous message we bring
02:38 Glorious carol we sing
02:41 Wonderful word of the King
02:45 Jesus is coming again Let's hear you.
02:49 Coming again, coming again
02:56 Maybe morning, maybe noon
03:00 Maybe evening but will be soon
03:04 Coming again, coming again
03:11 Oh, what a wonderful day that will be
03:18 Jesus is coming again
03:27 Amen. You can be seated.
03:29 You know I've been just blessed by all the different musicians
03:34 who've been able to come and share ministry in music.
03:37 And tonight we are going to hear something on the keyboard
03:41 and Anthea Hii, she is from the mission college
03:45 came with Louis Torres, our evangelist.
03:48 She is a concert pianist
03:50 and I know that you're going to enjoy this number
03:53 as she uplifts Jesus in a medley of songs.
03:57 I think you'll recognize them.
09:54 Amen.
10:08 After listening to music like that,
10:11 it's hard to get up and preach a sermon.
10:14 It was a sermon in itself, wasn't it?
10:16 Just beautiful.
10:18 Thank you, Anthea,
10:20 and thank the Lord for giving you the talent.
10:24 Shall we pray together?
10:26 Our Father, as we open thy word again,
10:28 we ask that Your spirit
10:29 will guide direct us as You promise.
10:31 Help me to share
10:33 that which will be a blessing to Your people here.
10:37 In the glory to Your name,
10:38 is my pray in Jesus name with thanksgiving, amen.
10:43 Several years ago,
10:49 there were two attorneys
10:50 who were traveling across Colorado.
10:56 And they got into a discussion.
11:03 One of them was an infidel,
11:08 a skeptic whose name was Robert Ingersoll.
11:13 The other one, his name was Lew Wallace.
11:18 Young attorneys, and Robert said,
11:23 "Hey, Lew, let's talk."
11:25 Lew said, "Talk about what?"
11:27 "Let's talk about the great themes of life."
11:30 "Well, like what?"
11:31 "Well, let's talk about is there a God?"
11:34 "I don't know."
11:35 "Is there a life after death?" "I don't know."
11:38 "What about Jesus? Who was He?
11:40 Was He really a Son of God or was He just a man?"
11:44 Well, they got into this deep discussion
11:47 it wasn't long before they both discovered
11:49 that they really did not know much about the subject anyway.
11:55 Lew Wallace, however, being the Christian felt bad
12:02 that he did not have an appropriate answer
12:05 to his friend.
12:07 And so after he became the governor of New Mexico,
12:16 Lew Wallace who later became General Wallace
12:19 and governor of New Mexico
12:22 wrote the book entitled "Ben-Hur."
12:28 How many of you have heard about the book
12:31 or have seen the film "Ben-Hur?"
12:33 Can I see your hands?
12:35 He wrote it as an answer to his skeptic friend
12:38 as to who Lew Wallace believed Jesus was.
12:47 The question then is who was Jesus and what was He all about.
12:55 The subject of Christ is something
12:57 that has surfaced in our recent days,
13:02 many are talking about Jesus,
13:04 who He is, what He was, et cetera.
13:07 The latest fling is that which is the Da Vinci Code.
13:11 How many of you acquainted with the Da Vinci Code,
13:13 you heard about it, et cetera?
13:15 A lot of curiosity concerning Christ
13:19 and unfortunately most people have
13:22 a lot of lack of knowledge concerning it
13:24 and so consequently they make statements
13:27 that really are not supported by the scriptures
13:31 and of course people who do not know the scriptures
13:34 do not realize that there are a lot of misconceptions
13:38 that supposedly come from the Bible,
13:40 but actually it doesn't.
13:42 For example, I had a lady one time
13:44 who came to me and said, "Pastor,
13:46 where in the Bible do you find the text
13:49 that says a whistling woman and a crowing hen
13:53 is an abomination to the Lord?"
14:03 I looked at her and I said, "Nowhere, madam."
14:09 It doesn't exist.
14:11 But people have notions, they think
14:14 that the Bible says this, the Bible says that,
14:16 they hear this and they hear that
14:18 but in reality they really don't know, what?
14:21 They don't know the scriptures.
14:23 And so tonight I think it's important for us
14:27 to study the scriptures, what do you say?
14:30 There are all sorts of human interpretations,
14:33 but I think as we look at the scriptures tonight,
14:36 we may find the answer through the scriptures.
14:39 First of all I want you to know
14:41 that the Bible is written with the intent of revealing
14:43 who Jesus is and there are several things
14:45 that we should consider tonight.
14:47 Number one, Jesus the greatest character of all the ages.
14:52 What does the Bible say and of course,
14:55 what does human experience say about Jesus Christ?
14:59 Let's consider tonight,
15:01 our beginning in that wonderful book,
15:03 the Book of Revelation 1:1.
15:06 You remember that it starts
15:09 with the words "The Revelation" of whom?
15:13 "Of Jesus Christ."
15:14 Notice that it begins with the word
15:16 "The Revelation of Jesus Christ"
15:19 because the intent of the Bible
15:21 and the Book of Revelation
15:23 is to reveal who Jesus really is,
15:25 that's why the word the Revelation of Christ.
15:28 Some people think that the word revelation
15:30 had some mystical meaning.
15:32 No, it doesn't have any mystical meaning,
15:34 on the contrast, the opposite,
15:36 the word revelation simply means reveal, means what?
15:41 Reveal, that's all it means and it is given to us to unveil,
15:45 to make clear, to unwrap as it were,
15:49 the mysteries that people have about
15:52 or the ideas that people have about who Jesus really is.
15:56 The Bible was written about Jesus
16:00 and that's why in the Book of Revelation 1:8,
16:06 He claims Himself to be the, what?
16:08 The Alpha and the what?
16:10 The Omega, the beginning and what?
16:13 The end, which is, which was, and which is to what?
16:18 To come the Almighty.
16:20 So notice that Jesus claims Himself
16:23 to be the Alpha and the Omega.
16:25 And for those of you who may not be aware Alpha
16:28 is the first letter of the Greek alphabet
16:30 and Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet.
16:33 But He says more than that.
16:35 He says I am the beginning and what?
16:37 The end.
16:39 Now you may not have caught what that signifies
16:43 but tonight I hope you do as we consider that.
16:45 Notice it says, I am the what?
16:47 The beginning and what else?
16:49 The end.
16:50 Now the entire Bible then is about Jesus.
16:55 How much of the Bible? The entire Bible.
16:58 Now that may surprise you.
16:59 It may surprise you
17:00 because you hear a lot of preachers say
17:02 that the Old Testament was about the Father
17:04 and the New Testament was about the Son.
17:08 How many of you have heard that?
17:09 Any of you?
17:10 Yes, but in reality the entire Bible is to reveal Jesus.
17:16 And of course if it reveals Jesus,
17:18 Jesus said He that hath seen Me hath seen whom?
17:22 The Father.
17:23 So the purpose of the scriptures is to ultimately reveal
17:26 who the Father is but it reveals
17:28 who the Father is through the Son
17:29 and the reason for that is that
17:31 the Bible says no man has seen the Father.
17:34 So in order for you to get a clear picture
17:36 as to what the Father and who the Father is,
17:38 we have to have something
17:39 that we can touch and feel and understand.
17:41 What do you say?
17:43 And so God then sent His Son to be with us.
17:47 Now when Jesus was on earth one other things He tried to do
17:51 is try to convince the people in His day
17:53 that He was who He claimed to be.
17:55 And so He tried to do that also by prophecy.
18:00 By what? Prophecy.
18:04 Now consider this, look at what Jesus says
18:06 in the Book of John 14:29.
18:09 If you have your Bibles John 14:29
18:11 notice it says "And now I have," what?
18:15 "Told you before it," what?
18:16 Come to pass, "that when it does come to pass, you may believe."
18:21 Remember I quoted that earlier today, remember that.
18:25 So the reason for the prophecy is to enable us to believe.
18:31 Now, one time I was in Switzerland
18:35 studying with a young man
18:37 and I site visited with him, he immediately said to me,
18:41 look, "I am a New Testament Christian."
18:43 I said I'm glad to hear that.
18:45 He said that, "I don't believe
18:47 that the Old Testament is for us any longer."
18:49 I said, "Whoa, why do you believe that?"
18:52 "Well, because I've been told
18:53 that the Old Testament was for the Jews
18:55 and the New Testament is for the Christians."
18:57 I said well, that's interesting.
19:00 Would you turn with me in the Bible?
19:01 I asked him and see what Jesus says about that.
19:05 Oh, he said, "Well, if Jesus said that,
19:07 I would be interested in finding out."
19:08 I said, well, then let's turn to the Bible
19:10 and see what Jesus says about the Old Testament.
19:13 So we turned to the Book of Luke Chapter 24.
19:18 Notice Luke Chapter 24.
19:20 Luke 24 is written about
19:24 the after the resurrection experience.
19:26 In other words, Jesus resurrects and in Luke 24:1 it says
19:32 now upon the first day of the week,
19:33 very early in the morning,
19:35 the ladies went with the ointment
19:36 to find Jesus and they found Him not, you remember that.
19:40 And then it speaks about the two men on the way to Emmaus
19:43 and Jesus shows up and walks with them,
19:47 they don't know who He is
19:48 and finally when He arrives at their home,
19:51 they ask Him to pray, He prays and as He prays,
19:53 they recognized Him and He disappears
19:56 and they run back to Jerusalem
19:58 to tell the good news that the Lord--
20:00 they have seen the Lord.
20:01 You remember that all right.
20:03 But notice then, on the way, on the what?
20:07 On the way they're disturbed, they're upset
20:11 because they believe that Jesus was the Messiah,
20:15 but He's been killed
20:17 and they don't know that He's resurrected
20:19 and so they're really upset
20:21 and when Jesus appears and walks with them,
20:24 they're so upset they don' t recognize who He is,
20:27 they think He's a stranger.
20:29 And so Jesus says then what to them?
20:31 After they tell Him,
20:33 Jesus what's going on why are you so upset?
20:35 Well, because we thought that it would be He.
20:42 Then He said unto them, what's the next two words?
20:45 "O fools," and what?
20:48 "Slow to here-- "and slow of heart"
20:50 pardon me, "to believe" all that the, what?
20:53 "The prophets have spoken,
20:54 Ought not Christ to have suffered
20:56 these things," and to what?
20:59 "Enter into his glory?"
21:01 Notice then what the next portion says, notice.
21:07 And beginning, where? At Moses and where else?
21:11 And all the prophets, he expounded unto them
21:14 and how much of the scriptures?
21:16 All the scriptures the things concerning what?
21:20 Himself.
21:21 So I asked that young man, "What did Jesus call people
21:24 who don't believe in the Old Testament?"
21:27 O fools.
21:29 And I said to him then "Do you want to be one?"
21:33 "Oh, no" he said.
21:37 Now, folks, Jesus said himself o fools,
21:42 and slow of heart to believe all that the, what?
21:47 That the prophets have said concerning Him
21:49 and so then He begins where?
21:51 Now notice where He begins Moses, now why do it says Moses?
21:56 In the German language,
22:00 the books that they have of Moses
22:03 they called First Moses, Second Moses,
22:05 Third Moses, Fourth Moses, Fifth Moses.
22:08 Did you know that? Yeah.
22:10 If you go to Germany and you say the Book of Deuteronomy,
22:13 they don't know what that is.
22:15 But if you say the Fifth Book of Moses
22:18 or the Fourth Book of Moses or the Third Book of Moses,
22:21 yeah, they know what book you're talking about.
22:23 Okay?
22:24 So the Books of Moses are the first five books
22:26 of the Bible beginning with Genesis, okay?
22:31 And so where did Jesus began to talk about Himself?
22:36 In the Books of Moses.
22:37 Think about it, friends, think about it.
22:40 And think about how many people are doing
22:43 away with Jesus by doing away with the Old Testament.
22:46 Because without the Old Testament,
22:48 you cannot determine who the Messiah is.
22:52 What did I say? Without the what?
22:55 The Old Testament, you cannot determine who the Messiah is.
23:00 And the reason why God gave prophecies
23:03 in the Old Testament of Jesus was to make sure
23:06 that no one could counterfeit who the Messiah would be.
23:13 Now you may say how is that?
23:15 Because God predicted many things concerning the Messiah
23:19 that only the Messiah could satisfy.
23:21 Only who? The Messiah could satisfy.
23:25 So even though there might have been
23:27 many messiahs that would come up and by the way,
23:30 Barabbas claimed himself to be a messiah.
23:36 He revolted against the Romans,
23:37 he was caught with some of his friends
23:39 and of course that's why two of his friends
23:42 were nailed to the cross, one on one side,
23:43 one on the other side of Christ.
23:46 Barabbas was set free because the people of that day
23:49 unfortunately chose Barabbas rather than choosing Jesus.
23:56 But if you had known the scriptures,
23:58 if they had believed the scriptures,
23:59 they would have never chosen Barabbas,
24:01 they would have chosen the true Messiah, why?
24:03 Because there are definite evidences,
24:08 prophetic statements that only Jesus would satisfy.
24:12 Now Jesus is found in all the Bible,
24:14 I already told you that
24:15 and the fact that he says that he began in Moses,
24:19 we then should be able to find Christ in Moses.
24:21 What do you say?
24:22 But where do you find Christ in Moses?
24:25 Well, let's look at Genesis 1:1.
24:28 Genesis 1:1 begins with the words,
24:30 what are the words there? In the what?
24:32 In the beginning. In the beginning what?
24:35 God created the heavens and the earth, okay.
24:37 Now notice it says in the beginning,
24:40 remember those words.
24:41 Now turn with me to the Bible in the New Testament
24:44 in the Book of John, Book of John Chapter 1.
24:48 Notice what it says in the Book of John Chapter 1.
24:50 How does it start? In the beginning.
24:53 Now let me ask you a question, is that the same word?
24:56 In the what? In the beginning?
24:58 Notice, what did it say? In the beginning, you see that.
25:04 So in what beginning?
25:08 The beginning of the world, okay.
25:11 In the -- In John it says, "In the beginning was the Word,
25:16 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
25:21 Now notice it says "The same was in the beginning with God."
25:24 Now remember it says in the beginning God created,
25:28 notice the next words, All things were...
25:32 what's another word for made? Created.
25:33 "All things were created by Him," by who?
25:37 Who's the Him? God.
25:38 Was the Word.
25:40 The whole subject here is dealing with who the Word is.
25:45 Is that true?
25:47 Yes or no? Yes.
25:48 So "In the beginning was the Word,
25:51 the Word was with God, the Word was God.
25:53 The same was in the beginning with God.
25:55 All things were made by the Word
26:00 and without the Word was not anything made that was made."
26:05 Okay.
26:06 Who was this word? Well, and the Word became what?
26:11 "And dwelt among us, and we beheld the glory
26:14 of the only begotten of the Father."
26:16 Think of this, how many of you remember John 3:16?
26:20 For God so loved the world, that He what?
26:23 Gave His what? Only begotten.
26:25 So well, who is the only begotten then?
26:29 The word or Jesus.
26:32 So who was in the beginning in creation?
26:35 Jesus.
26:37 And that comes as a shock to many Christians,
26:41 it comes as shock to many Christians.
26:43 How many of you have seen the film "The Passion?"
26:48 In the film of The Passion,
26:50 the Australian tried to focus
26:53 on the physical sufferings of the Christ
26:56 and made them very graphic
26:58 to the point that people wept
27:00 as they saw the suffering of Christ.
27:05 And not to the diminish from what He was attempting to do,
27:09 however, sadly
27:13 the sufferings of Christ was not--
27:19 the physical suffering of Christ was not
27:20 what the Bible thought to heightened.
27:22 Because a lot of people believed that Jesus was a mere man
27:26 who just appeared on planet earth at that time.
27:30 And as a man God chose him to pay the penalty for us.
27:38 And so the focus then is on the physical pain of Christ.
27:42 But let me explain this to you.
27:45 If you now understand that Christ was the Creator
27:49 and by the way in Colossians 1:17
27:53 and on you'll find that it says "Christ is the Creator."
27:55 In the Book of Hebrews it says
27:57 "that Christ is Creator," Hebrew 1.
27:59 And so the scripture reveals
28:00 then that Christ was the agent of creation,
28:03 he was what?
28:04 He was the agent of the creation,
28:05 in fact, if you look at Genesis 1:26,
28:09 it says "And God said let us make man in our image."
28:15 Which perfectly harmonizes the John 1:1.
28:18 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God.
28:22 Obviously, that was more than one present at creation,
28:25 what do you say?
28:26 Can you see that yes or no?
28:28 And so it says then that this Word
28:32 later on who was the Creator became what,
28:35 flesh and dwelt among us. Now think of it.
28:39 Now, we understand it was not just a mere human being
28:41 that was suffering from us
28:43 it was the divine being who was suffering from us.
28:47 It was the what?
28:49 A divine being who is suffering for us.
28:52 And what brought to Him the greatest pain
28:54 was not the physical suffering because if the only thing that,
28:58 that the whole passion of Christ was the physical suffering
29:02 then my friends, I have to tell you that,
29:05 that there are other people who have suffered worse
29:07 than being crucified on the cross.
29:11 I have heard of people who actually have been
29:13 torn apart chunk by chunk
29:16 with a pair of pincers or pliers.
29:18 The skin taken up bit by bit,
29:20 bit by bit until finally the all the flesh
29:23 from head to toe were removed.
29:29 In other words, friends, what I'm telling you is this,
29:32 that Christ suffered superhuman agony.
29:38 And the super human agony
29:40 that He suffered was that He felt
29:43 that the sins of the world
29:45 were separating Him from His Father
29:47 and that broke His heart.
29:52 And when you understand that it was the divine being
29:55 who came and took my place and your place,
29:59 it should create in us a greater gratitude
30:03 for what God has done for us.
30:04 What do you say?
30:06 If just a mere of suffering of Christ
30:08 brought pain and agony to your heart
30:11 think then how much higher the sacrifice was.
30:17 It was a divine being taking the risk
30:20 of being separated from heaven forever
30:25 to save you and to save me.
30:28 I would say hallelujah to that. What do you say?
30:30 Praise God.
30:31 And listen, we find then that the Jesus is in the first verse,
30:37 the first chapter, the first book of the Bible.
30:40 Do you see that?
30:41 He is where, in the beginning?
30:43 What do you say?
30:45 What do you say? Amen.
30:46 All right, He is on the first chapter
30:48 the first verse of first book of the Old Testament.
30:51 Well, that's interesting,
30:53 what, what was this Jesus notice let's rephrase it.
30:58 "In the beginning was" who?
31:00 "Jesus, and Jesus was with God and Jesus was God."
31:05 In other words it's saying that
31:07 just as the father so is the son.
31:09 The son has to, the godly attribute
31:12 is just like the father has the godly attributes, okay.
31:15 So now we find that Jesus is there
31:17 but what about the New Testament.
31:20 You will be surprised to discover
31:22 that Jesus is in the first verse,
31:23 the first chapter, the first book of New Testament.
31:25 Look at the book of Matthew 1:1,
31:28 notice what it says.
31:30 "The book of the generation of" whom?
31:33 "Of Jesus Christ."
31:34 So He is in the first verse, of first chapter,
31:36 the first book of the New Testament.
31:39 And guess what He is also the last verse,
31:44 the last chapter,
31:45 the last book of the New Testament.
31:48 Notice what it says, in the Book of Revelation.
31:50 This is the last verse, verse 21.
31:53 "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
31:55 be with you all" How much? "Amen."
31:57 "Amen." Okay.
31:59 And notice then,
32:01 we find Jesus in the first verse,
32:03 the first book,
32:04 the first chapter of the Old Testament.
32:06 We find them in the first verse, the first book,
32:09 the first chapter of the New Testament
32:11 and we find them in the last verse,
32:14 of the last book,
32:15 in the last chapter of the New Testament.
32:17 Can you understand now why it says,
32:19 "I'm the beginning and the end."
32:26 I'm the first and the last.
32:30 I'm the Alpha and the Omega.
32:35 Isn't that wonderful?
32:37 But listen, we just begun.
32:43 Jesus says Moses wrote of Me.
32:49 And the question is, where did Moses write of Him?
32:51 First of all, we already see
32:53 that he wrote in the first chapter there.
32:55 But when the Lord was speaking to Abraham
32:59 the Lord said to Abraham "And in thy seed
33:03 shall all the nations of the earth be" what?
33:06 "Be blessed."
33:07 Now, notice it says "And in thy" what, "seed."
33:11 Genesis 22:18.
33:14 I want you to understand that the Lord speaking to Moses
33:18 was not speaking about Isaac nor about Jacob
33:22 nor about the Jews.
33:24 By the way I should tell you I have Jewish relatives
33:29 but in spite of the fact that I have Jewish relatives
33:32 I know from the Bible that God was not speaking
33:35 about the seed as of Isaac and Jacob.
33:38 I want you to see a New Testament commentary
33:41 on this passage in the Book of Galatians 3:16.
33:45 Notice what Paul writes it says
33:48 "Now to Abraham and" to what?
33:51 "To his seed were the promises made."
33:53 Now notice it says "He saith not, and to" what?
33:57 "Seeds or as of many" a plural
34:00 because Abraham had more than one child,
34:02 do you know that?
34:03 How many of you know that?
34:05 And he's still fighting today isn't true.
34:07 Yes and so not in seeds but in seed
34:13 "And to thy seed which is" what? "Christ."
34:16 There is an apostolic commentary on the Book of Genesis.
34:22 God was not speaking about Isaac,
34:24 God was speaking about whom?
34:27 Christ.
34:28 Let me ask you a question,
34:29 has the world and all nations been blessed because of Christ?
34:34 What's the answer? Yes. Yes.
34:39 Moses indeed wrote about Christ.
34:44 Now, I should now help you to understand several things
34:49 there are prophecies in the Old Testament
34:51 as I mentioned before that help us to pinpoint
34:55 and to identify who the Messiah is.
34:58 In fact there are 48 prophecies, how many?
35:01 Forty eight prophecies that point to the Messiah.
35:04 Now, I want to show you several prophecies
35:07 and when you leave tonight you should receive
35:11 an outline of all the prophecies
35:14 because I don't have enough time tonight to give you
35:16 all the 48 prophecies and their fulfillment
35:18 but you can read them when you go home.
35:20 How many of you would like a copy of that?
35:21 Okay, don't forget to pick them up.
35:24 Now, let's go through some of them
35:26 and you will see the amazing thing about prophecy and Christ.
35:33 First of all, Christ was the one
35:37 who inspired the Bible through the Holy Spirit.
35:41 And the prophecy is given about Him
35:44 were predicted some of 1,000 years before He came
35:47 some 500 years before He came.
35:49 Many wonderful prophecies that came.
35:54 Now, let's look at some of them for example,
35:57 look at the Book of Psalms.
36:01 In the Book of Psalms
36:04 you'll find several statements.
36:09 Notice first of all it speaks about His betrayal.
36:13 It speaks about what? His betrayal.
36:16 Notice it says "Yea, mine own" what?
36:19 "Familiar friend in whom I trusted
36:22 which did eat of my bread,
36:24 hath lifted up his heel against" whom? "Against me."
36:27 Now notice it says my own familiar what? Friend.
36:31 My own familiar friend,
36:33 that was predicted a thousand years before Christ.
36:36 The Bible reveals then
36:37 that somebody would betray the Messiah
36:40 but that somebody was a friend, a what? A friend.
36:44 Now let's go to the New Testament
36:45 and see the fulfillment.
36:47 You remember Judas came to Christ by night
36:49 and he brought with him
36:51 a group of people to arrest Christ.
36:53 You will find that in Matthew 26:48-50.
36:56 "And forthwith he came to Jesus
36:59 and said Hail, master and kissed him
37:02 and Jesus said unto him" what's the next word?
37:05 "Friend wherefore art though come?"
37:09 Did a friend betray the Messiah yes or no?
37:12 Yes.
37:13 If a friend had not betrayed the Messiah
37:15 then he could not have been the Messiah.
37:17 It had to be a friend that betrayed Him.
37:21 Now, let's notice then some other prophecies
37:25 in the Old Testament concerning the betrayal,
37:28 I mean concerning Christ and the actual betrayal
37:32 and the actual price paid for Him.
37:34 In the Book of Zachariah 11:12,
37:38 it is predicted here the price, the what,
37:44 the price for his betrayal.
37:45 Notice it says "And I said unto me,
37:48 If you think good, give me my price and if not forbear.
37:52 So they weighed" how much what was it?
37:55 "Thirty pieces of silver."
37:58 So in other words if the Messiah was to be betrayed
38:02 how much would have to paid for Him?
38:04 Thirty pieces of silver not thirty pieces of copper,
38:07 not thirty pieces of gold, not twenty nine,
38:10 not twenty eight, not thirty one but how many?
38:13 Thirty, all right.
38:14 Now the amazing thing is that again
38:16 Zachariah was written about 500 years before Christ.
38:19 How long? 500 years.
38:22 Now we go over to the New Testament,
38:24 and discover the fulfillment of that particular prophecy.
38:28 And notice the detail, notice what the scripture says.
38:33 In Matthew 26:14-16
38:37 "Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot,
38:40 went unto the chief priest
38:42 And said unto them, What will you" what?
38:44 Give me. "What will you give me?
38:46 And I will" what, "I will deliver him."
38:50 And what do they do?
38:52 They agreed with him for how much,
38:55 thirty pieces of what of silver
38:57 and from that time he saw opportunity to betray Him.
39:01 Think of the amazing think, how much?
39:03 Thirty pieces of silver,
39:06 exactly like have predicted 500 years before
39:09 is exactly what took place.
39:11 What has Judas asked for twenty pieces of silver?
39:17 And by the way, do you know that the thirty pieces of silver
39:19 was a price of a slave?
39:22 Judas betrayed his Lord for the price of a slave.
39:27 Listen, let's continue as time goes quickly.
39:31 Somebody said time does not shout it
39:33 just has a way of running out.
39:34 And so let's look at it.
39:36 Zachariah 11:13
39:37 what would happen to those thirty pieces of silver?
39:39 Again, "And the Lord said unto me,
39:42 cast it unto" what? The potter.
39:43 "The potter, a goodly price that I was priced at of them.
39:47 And I took the thirty pieces of silver,
39:49 and cast unto the potter" where?
39:52 "In the house of" what? "Of the Lord."
39:54 So, the thirty pieces of silver must be used for the potter
39:57 but they must first be cast where?
39:59 In the house of the Lord.
40:01 Let's find out if that actually took place.
40:04 Notice again in the fulfillment in Matthew 27,
40:09 notice it says "He cast down" how much?
40:12 "The thirty pieces of silver in the temple
40:15 and departed and hanged himself
40:17 and they took counsel, and bought with them the" what?
40:20 "A potter's field, to bury strangers in."
40:23 Amazing, what do you say?
40:26 What do you say folks? Amen.
40:28 Doesn't that give you confidence in the Word of God,
40:31 doesn't it? Just think of it.
40:34 Just think of it.
40:35 Precisely as God has foretold it happened. Why?
40:40 Because you and I needed to have the certainty
40:43 as to who we should place our faith in.
40:47 You see if people will accept
40:51 the prophecies about the Messiah,
40:53 they could have never accepted Jim Jones.
40:56 They could have never accepted Koresh, David Koresh.
41:00 They could never have accepted anyone
41:03 who claimed to be the Christ
41:04 because according to the scriptures
41:06 the Messiah had several prophecies
41:10 that He had to satisfy in order to be the true Messiah.
41:16 And we already have seen several prophecies
41:19 but look Psalms 22:18,
41:23 when Jesus was crucified
41:25 what would they do with His clothing.
41:27 A 1,000 prior it says
41:29 "They part my garments among them,
41:31 and cast lots upon my" what?
41:34 So they divide "the garments and cast" what,
41:38 "lots for my vesture" a 1,000 years before.
41:41 Now notice the fulfillment.
41:42 Notice, John 19:23, notice what it says.
41:46 "Then the soldiers when they had crucified Jesus,"
41:51 notice it says "They took his garments
41:52 and made four parts to every soldier a part
41:57 and also His coat now the coat was without seam,
42:00 woven from top throughout."
42:02 And the scripture says
42:03 "They then cast lots for His vesture."
42:07 Okay, notice it says, "They said among themselves
42:11 let us not rent it but cast lots for it who it shall be
42:14 that the scriptures might be fulfilled which saith,
42:17 "They parted my raiment among them
42:19 and for my vesture they did cast lots.
42:23 These things therefore the soldiers" right.
42:27 So now notice a friend betrayed them,
42:31 the price thirty pieces of silver
42:34 it had to be cast in the temple correct in the house of the Lord
42:38 then it had to be used for the potter's field
42:40 and then of course it says that they took His garments and what
42:44 and cast lots for them.
42:47 Has the Bible been true so far?
42:50 Yes or no? Yes.
42:51 Okay, now notice then, in Psalms 22,
42:55 the very words of the Messiah have been foretold.
43:00 Notice in Psalms 22:1,
43:03 "My God, my God why hast" what?
43:06 "thou forsaken me?
43:08 Why art thou so far from helping me,
43:10 and from the words of my roaring?" Right.
43:14 The very words of the Messiah would have to say
43:16 and according to the scriptures we discover
43:18 that these are the very words of Christ
43:20 on the cross of Cavalry.
43:22 As Jesus hung on the cross
43:26 and He began to feel His father separating from Him
43:29 because He was been treated as the sin bearer
43:34 He could not bear it.
43:36 And the scripture says
43:37 "That the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice,
43:41 saying, Eli, Eli lama sabachathani?
43:46 That is to say, My God, My God,
43:49 why hast thou forsaken me?"
43:52 So you can see then that the very words of Christ
43:55 would have to be fulfilled.
43:57 Look at Psalms 34
43:59 and there we see in Psalms 34
44:01 another prophecy about His bones.
44:04 Notice it says "He keepeth all his bones
44:06 not one of them is" what? "Broken."
44:08 The custom in those days was that when people were crucified
44:13 they were hoping of course that the people die on the cross
44:15 but often times many of them did not die on the cross
44:18 but to ensure their death before they took him of the cross
44:21 they actually came and hit them in the legs
44:24 with something hard enough to break their legs
44:28 and then they took them of the cross
44:30 and threw them over, over the side
44:31 into the city dump for them to die.
44:35 That way it will ensure
44:36 that they could never escape but die of exposure.
44:40 Bones were broken, but when they came to Jesus
44:43 what do they find?
44:44 "They found that Jesus was already dead
44:47 and they break not his legs "for these things were done
44:49 that the scripture should be fulfilled
44:51 a bone of him shall not be" what?
44:53 Broken. "Shall not be broken."
44:55 Isn't it the amazing friends?
44:56 Doesn't that strengthen your faith
44:59 from the word of God and his veracity?
45:01 What do you say? Amen.
45:02 But listen, there is a--
45:05 something more interesting here to consider.
45:09 When we think of all these prophecies
45:12 we have to ask ourselves the question,
45:15 the question that Jesus asked.
45:18 "Saying what think ye of Christ?
45:21 Whose son is he?"
45:24 And that's the question you and I should ask tonight,
45:27 what do you think of Christ?
45:29 Whose son is He?
45:31 Is He just the son of man, the son of Mary,
45:34 the son of Joseph or is He really divine?
45:38 Was He really the Son of God?
45:41 Did He come from heaven?
45:43 Did He come to die for you, and for me?
45:46 What think ye of Christ?
45:48 And I think the answer to that would change the entire life
45:52 and course of your being.
45:59 The question then,
46:02 Jesus Christ is He God or is He man?
46:09 Was it just a man dying for you
46:12 or was it God manifested in the flesh
46:17 as it says in the scriptures?
46:20 I suppose if we were to ask people in His day
46:25 if we could bring people to the witness stand
46:28 and ask people who saw Him,
46:31 who touched Him, who felt Him, who heard Him
46:33 what is it that you think of Christ
46:36 who do you think He is?
46:38 I suppose we would get an insight
46:40 as to what the people in His day believed He was.
46:44 If we were to for example,
46:45 bring the John the Baptist on the witness stand
46:47 and say "John, who do you think Christ is?"
46:51 You remember what John the Baptist said about Christ,
46:55 look let me skip this here for a moment
47:00 and I will come back to it.
47:07 John said what? Behold what?
47:11 The Lamb of God.
47:14 If we were then to ask Peter,
47:17 "Peter, what was your impression,
47:19 who do you say that He is?
47:22 Peter response to that question.
47:25 Do you remember how he said
47:28 concerning the Messiah and his faith in Christ?
47:32 John, I'm sorry "In the beginning was the Word
47:35 and the Word was with God."
47:36 Now Peter, actually said thou art that what?
47:40 The Christ, the Son of the living God.
47:44 And if we continue asking testimonies of others,
47:47 Nicodemus who came to Christ by night,
47:49 what was his testimony?
47:51 "We know thou art" a what?
47:53 A teacher who has come from" where? "From God."
47:56 And if we were then to ask Pilate,
48:00 viley Pilate the one who was the judge of Christ
48:03 who seven times declared Him to be innocent.
48:06 In fact seven times he said I find no fault in Him.
48:13 Pilate, what do you say of Christ?
48:16 I find how much? No fault in Him.
48:19 That's quite a statement.
48:21 The thief on the cross do you remember
48:23 at the last hour when all had forsaken Christ
48:26 when it seemed like no one believed Him
48:29 in that dark hour there was somebody
48:32 who did believe in Him
48:34 and as the thief noticed Christ,
48:39 thief came and if you were to ask that thief on the cross,
48:47 "What is you impression of Him?
48:49 What do you say of Christ?" Lord.
48:53 He call Him what?
48:54 "Lord! Remember me
48:56 when Thou cometh in Thy Kingdom."
49:02 As Christ hung on the cross
49:06 darkness came around the cross,
49:09 and lightening,
49:12 and finally Jesus said those words
49:17 my God, my God and finally
49:19 the last words that He, declared was it is finished.
49:26 And then all of a sudden He died.
49:31 Everyone was spell bound,
49:33 there was silence and the silence was broken
49:36 by the witness of a centurion.
49:39 And if you were ask that centurion
49:42 what do you say of Christ?
49:44 What was your impression?
49:45 Remember he exclaimed "This was" who?
49:50 "The Son of God."
49:55 The resurrection then came and there was one disciple
49:59 that did not believe.
50:01 Do you remember his name?
50:03 Thomas, some people call him doubting Thomas.
50:09 Because Thomas said I will not believe except
50:11 I could put my fingers in His hands
50:14 and in His side and finally, Jesus did appear to Thomas
50:19 and if you were to bring Thomas in the witness stand
50:21 and ask Thomas "What was you impression?"
50:24 What do you think?
50:25 Do you remember Thomas's words
50:28 "My God and what? "And my Lord."
50:33 Thomas no longer doubts Him,
50:36 finally understood that the one who He walked with,
50:39 the one who He talked with,
50:41 the one who He was able to witness the miracles
50:46 in all that He did finally after all of that
50:50 he finally was convinced that this was not just a guru,
50:54 not just some man who had supernatural abilities
50:59 and the disciples were thinking boy
51:01 "If I could just tap into that mental power,
51:03 I also can do the same thing."
51:05 No, Thomas finally was convinced
51:09 that he was dealing with not just mere man
51:11 he was dealing with whom? With God.
51:14 And he exclaimed "My God" and what else "my Lord."
51:20 Let me share with you nine points
51:22 why I believe that Christ was divine.
51:25 First of all, Christ could read human hearts.
51:27 He could what?
51:29 He could read human hearts.
51:30 Number two, Christ could foretell the future.
51:34 Was He able to foretell the future yes or no?
51:36 Yes.
51:37 And did He ever make a mistake about the future?
51:40 No.
51:41 Number three, He had creative power.
51:43 He fed thousands of people from a piece of bread.
51:46 In fact, He resurrected Lazarus from the dead.
51:50 After the man had been dead for four days
51:52 He allowed the man be dead for four days
51:54 so that the man would begin to decompose
51:57 and the reason for that is that prior to this,
51:59 He had actually resurrected people
52:01 but He always made the statement
52:03 "She is asleep, he is asleep, he is okay."
52:06 So even though He performed miracles they would say,
52:10 don't you remember He said "She was asleep"
52:12 so He really didn't resurrect her.
52:14 So now Jesus allows his friend to be dead for four days
52:18 to decompose so that when they perform the miracle
52:21 there would be no question that He had divine power.
52:24 And so Jesus had creative power.
52:28 He brought Lazarus back to life as well.
52:30 And so He could resurrect people,
52:34 could give life and He had life unborrowed as well.
52:37 He had power to forgive.
52:39 Remember when the woman was brought to Him
52:42 and they wanted to stone her and finally Jesus sat down
52:47 and began to write the sins of those who were accusing her
52:50 and they began to flee away.
52:52 And finally they asked, He asked the question
52:55 "where are the accusers?"
52:56 And she said "No one accuses me."
52:59 And He said "go and sin no more."
53:01 Another time a man was brought down in the bed,
53:04 do you remember that?
53:05 They tore up the roof and the man was sick
53:08 and they expected Jesus to heal the man
53:10 but the Lord said "Son thy sins be" What?
53:14 "Forgiven thee."
53:15 He had power to forgive sins.
53:17 Number five-- six, He could receive worship,
53:20 many came to worship Him and He never forbade them.
53:22 Angels did forbid people to worship.
53:24 When John knelt down before the angel to worship
53:27 the angel said "Don't you do it,
53:29 because I'm one of your fellow servants, worship God."
53:33 So Jesus received worship.
53:34 Number seven, He had life inherent unborrowed.
53:38 Number eight, He could transform human hearts.
53:41 Number nine, He had power of infallibility
53:44 it never made a mistake.
53:46 My friends, what think you of Christ?
53:50 Whose son is He?
53:53 Is He who the Bible says He is?
54:00 Is He a divine being? Is He Lord?
54:06 Is He God and the most important question is He your Savior?
54:17 The Bible speaks about Christ being the rock,
54:20 do you remember that?
54:22 In fact Jesus himself said that
54:24 as a stone was rejected by the builders,
54:29 He said that, "That particular stone
54:32 if you fall on it you will be broken
54:35 but if it falls on you it will ground you to powder."
54:38 Well, Jesus was using the analogy of Daniel Chapter 2
54:41 where the stone comes out without hand
54:43 and smash the image and ground it to power, you see.
54:46 But that stone was Himself.
54:48 And so the point was this you have an option,
54:51 you either fall on the rock and then broken
54:54 or if the rock falls on you it completely destroys you.
54:59 Up in the Canada there is a place called the Great Divide.
55:01 How many of you have the heard of the Great Divide?
55:03 Any of you?
55:05 Well, people actually take tour,
55:09 excursions up to see this Great Divide,
55:11 well, just the name sounds like something great, correct?
55:15 And so people pay money, take the train
55:17 and go up there to this Great Divide
55:20 and when they get up there
55:21 they discover what the Great Divide is.
55:22 It's just a little spring of water
55:24 that comes out of the ground and heads toward to a rock
55:27 and when they hit the rocks
55:28 some of the water turns to the right
55:29 and some of it turns to the left.
55:31 That's the great divide.
55:35 The amazing thing is this.
55:37 That that rock determines the destiny.
55:40 That rock what?
55:42 Determines the destiny
55:44 and so Christ determines your destiny.
55:50 The question is this friends,
55:54 who is Christ to you?
55:56 Have you accepted Christ as your Savior?
56:02 Have you seen Him as the Lord of your life?
56:09 Will you accept Him tonight?
56:11 How many here have accepted Christ
56:13 as your Savior already? Can I see your hands?
56:16 Wonderful, heaven rejoices over that.
56:19 What do you say? Amen.
56:21 And perhaps, there's somebody here
56:23 who has not yet accepted Christ.
56:26 Why not make Him Lord of your life tonight?
56:31 Why not say "Lord, I didn't understand all of this
56:35 but tonight I can seek plainly that You are the divine Savior."
56:40 Listen, we need that kind of Savior,
56:43 we need a divine being
56:44 who could change our human hearts.
56:46 I thank God that He changed my heart.
56:49 I can add my testimony to the testimony of others.
56:53 And oh, friend, if you make Him your Savior,
56:55 He will change your heart also.
56:57 Let us pray together, shall we?
57:00 Our father, here we stand tonight with that question,
57:05 what thinking he has, whose Son is he.
57:09 Oh Lord I pray, that along with all
57:12 who raised their hands
57:13 and those have not can make Him their Savior tonight.
57:16 In Jesus name.


Revised 2014-12-17