3ABN On the Road

Observations Of A Dilligent Man

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Samuel V. Bonello


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000773

01:00 Hello, my name is Sam Bonello.
01:02 And here in Michigan where I'm residing,
01:05 I'm what's called a Bible Worker.
01:08 I've only been in the faith for about two years.
01:11 But to my knowledge it's a relatively new term,
01:14 it's a relatively new profession.
01:16 If I'm wrong I've only been here two years once again.
01:18 But something that I found in my door-to-door ministry,
01:23 that's taken place over the last two years is that,
01:26 the sort of people that, I meet can be categorized
01:28 into two main groups,
01:31 there's those that have no affiliation with God,
01:34 they have no relationship to Him, no association.
01:38 And these people will suggest
01:40 the one main reason for that disassociation with God
01:45 and often they say that it's a lack of evidence
01:48 and that's why they don't believe.
01:49 That's why they didn't have a faith
01:51 relationship with a God of any sort.
01:54 Now what strikes me
01:55 as interesting is often these people are --
01:59 they're not uneducated,
02:00 they're not disabled in anyway.
02:02 They especially, in this part of the world
02:05 here in Sterling Heights,
02:06 they're very educated, sophisticated people
02:10 and when someone like a scientist or a teacher,
02:14 a history teacher tells me
02:16 that there's not enough evidence
02:18 for them to place their faith in a God.
02:21 I have to question
02:22 because they're in a business of extrapolating
02:26 and dealing with information
02:28 pertaining to many different topics.
02:30 And there are these people that might also say,
02:35 well, you know, I don't like to talk about religion.
02:37 I don't like to talk about politics
02:38 because they're personal things.
02:41 And sometimes I've the courage to ask them,
02:43 I say, well, one of them
02:44 the politics affects your life now,
02:46 the other the religious aspect
02:48 that affects your life in the hereafter.
02:51 But you don't seem to have answers
02:53 and you don't want to research
02:54 or you don't want to talk about these things.
02:58 Doesn't that concern you at all?
03:00 And these people that say there's not enough evidence
03:03 and I don't like to talk about these things,
03:07 they bring to my mind a quote
03:08 from a Christian man many years ago.
03:11 He said these words while he was imprisoned
03:14 for the personal faith that he had.
03:16 Now he said that --
03:18 he said in relationship to Christianity
03:20 that was his personal faith.
03:21 He said that often times
03:23 it's not that Christianity was tried and found wanting.
03:29 It was that -- it was perceived
03:31 to be too difficult for people and left untried.
03:36 I believe personally that that's more the truth
03:39 with these people that have the skills.
03:41 They're in the profession of getting information
03:43 on various topics and making a decision.
03:47 Now these people
03:50 I've noticed when I approached their houses,
03:52 I can see the sorts of cars they have.
03:54 I can look through the door
03:55 before I press the bell
03:56 and I can see the size of their television screen
03:59 and I can see the things
04:00 that they're attiring themselves
04:02 with when they answer the door.
04:04 I can see a garage full of toys
04:07 that the children use to entertain themselves
04:10 or that the parents used to entertain themselves.
04:12 Different sports and hobbies
04:14 and different things that adults
04:16 take into their lives too,
04:18 what I believe is distract themselves
04:20 from the realities that they're going to die
04:24 and they need something past this life.
04:26 If they're going to be as great
04:27 as they personally think they are at that point now.
04:30 There's a cacophony of sound.
04:32 There's a kaleidoscope of colors,
04:34 they surround themselves
04:35 with everything that glitters and shines
04:37 to take their mind off of the realities
04:40 and give them some temporal satisfaction.
04:43 Some temporal distraction from the realities
04:46 that they will indeed have to face.
04:49 And it's that reality that the gloom of death
04:54 that hangs over one's mind
04:55 when they think into the future
04:56 if they take the time to do that.
04:58 That's what initially began to lead into my --
05:03 as I look back at the hand of providence.
05:05 I can see that there was one time
05:07 I was traveling and I prayed a prayer
05:09 because I was scared about death
05:11 and being all alone when my parents and my uncle,
05:14 who's very close to me, when they passed away,
05:16 I didn't know what was gonna happen.
05:17 How could I face such a big world on my own?
05:20 It was that reality
05:21 when I was alone in a setting.
05:24 I was actually in a cemetery in Stockholm, Sweden.
05:27 When I listened to the voice of God,
05:30 I recognized that now is the voice of God
05:32 but then I just thought there's --
05:35 I'm just thinking for my own accord
05:37 but I believe that, that the angels were there
05:39 and pressing me that they led me
05:42 to that place in Stockholm.
05:43 Not many tourists go to a cemetery
05:45 but I'd heard it was a very beautiful.
05:47 So I was just recounting this morning
05:48 because I received an email from some people
05:51 that prayed over me,
05:53 which was a strange thing
05:55 for a nonbeliever like myself.
05:56 They prayed over me in one
05:57 of the most public places in Helsinki, Finland.
06:02 I met them. I was -- I saw two girls
06:05 and I thought they were cleaning
06:06 their Kombi van and I thought,
06:07 well, maybe they can give me a ride to the next town.
06:11 When I approached them to ask,
06:12 they said, well, no, we're not going anywhere
06:14 but if you're hungry you can eat lunch with us.
06:16 And I entered into what was a church
06:18 and upstairs they were sleeping on the floor.
06:20 They're a team of ministry students.
06:22 They call themselves the "Jesus Revolution."
06:25 I just looked up their website today.
06:26 They're all across Europe.
06:28 Shortly, after I prayed in a cemetery
06:30 because I was scared of death,
06:33 I meet these people that pray over me
06:35 which is very uncommon to let me --
06:37 for me to allow myself to be in that situation,
06:42 in that uncomfortable position
06:44 in a very public place in Helsinki.
06:47 And then from then on the events,
06:49 I met different people from different
06:51 faith that made me think, that made me question,
06:54 some people put some books into my hands.
06:57 I was traveling alone
06:58 and I had lots of time on trains
07:00 when I was camping in the wilderness in a tent
07:04 for God to come near to me and say,
07:08 "What's gonna happen when you die?
07:10 You're having lots of fun now but what then?"
07:15 It's when we have the glitter and shine of this world
07:18 pulled away from our lives,
07:19 either it be a tragedy
07:21 or just some personal time traveling
07:22 and I fell into that situation
07:24 where God could speak to me that we begin to realize
07:27 that things aren't that bright
07:29 if we don't have some hope for the future.
07:32 So I said that when I meet people at the doors
07:34 there's two groups that they can be polarized into.
07:37 This is one of them
07:38 and the other is the people that have grown up
07:40 in the vicinity of a religion.
07:42 The vicinity that parents had it or the relatives
07:45 had it or a friend has a faith of some sort
07:47 that has influenced them to some degree
07:49 and they now practice methodically, traditionally.
07:55 They have a schedule, a religious schedule,
07:57 a religious way of life attached to their normal life
08:00 that contains many of the same things
08:02 that those that rejected completely have.
08:04 Now, one group is more troubling than the other
08:09 because the ones that,
08:11 I meet that do have this faith of sorts
08:14 and they claim that the Bible is the origin
08:17 of this faith of sorts for them.
08:19 They often now seem to be missing the point.
08:24 From my study in the past two years of this
08:26 and listening to people speak from this book
08:29 that has done so much for me.
08:30 I hear that Christ has given us a job to do,
08:36 a command or several commands
08:40 in relation to those that are polarized
08:42 at the other end of the spectrum,
08:45 where there is no faith at all.
08:46 So you have these two people
08:48 that I meet at the doors often.
08:49 And I get a real insight into their life
08:51 through the short conversations
08:52 we have and the place that they live in
08:54 and the things that they surround themselves with.
08:56 And I see that one group that has no relationship
09:01 to a higher being or a higher power at all,
09:04 remains that way because of another group
09:08 that says they have a faith, that wants to have a faith,
09:12 that practices a religious schedule.
09:16 They're the ones that are supposed to be influencing
09:18 those at the other end of the spectrum.
09:20 And I ask myself what is it that keeps
09:24 these people from sharing their faith.
09:27 The things that they claim
09:29 lead to such an abundant reward in the hereafter.
09:34 Now I'd mentioned a quote from a Christian man
09:37 many years ago who said that,
09:39 "with relation to Christianity
09:40 it's not that people try and find it wanting,
09:43 it's that they perceive it to be too difficult
09:45 and they leave it untried."
09:47 Now, what is it that keeps people from --
09:51 people that have a religious schedule,
09:53 that keeps them from sharing that with others?
09:57 When no matter which faith you're speaking about
10:00 there's such bountiful rewards in the hereafter.
10:04 In the Christian realm that's Heaven and the Holy City
10:07 and you know no more tears, no more sorrow.
10:10 The child will play with a viper,
10:12 the lamb with a lion,
10:14 that's the Christian reward.
10:17 Now what is it that keeps these people
10:19 at one end of the spectrum from building a bridge
10:23 and bringing the others to not only that spectrum
10:26 but one of a deeper commitment,
10:29 a more living faith with the higher power?
10:33 I personally believe from the conversations
10:37 I've had, from the studies that I've shared with people
10:39 and their reaction to them at some times.
10:42 It comes down to guilt.
10:45 The "Haunting Spectra of Guilt"
10:46 is one Christian apologist
10:48 spoke on the topic he titled it,
10:50 "The Haunting Spectra of Guilt."
10:53 Guilt is the thing that makes a faith,
10:57 a belief surrender to a high power.
10:59 Too hard for those --
11:00 the atheistic in the spectrum,
11:03 it makes it too hard for them to surrender
11:06 and give up the pleasures
11:07 that come with that or the pleasures
11:11 that create that guilt
11:12 and come to a relationship
11:14 with a higher power in anyway.
11:16 And then those that do have a relationship
11:18 or suggest they have a relationship
11:20 by their words or by their actions,
11:23 they don't share their faith because they don't feel
11:26 they're good enough to share it.
11:28 Now that's commonly referred to as guilt.
11:31 I've felt it. I'm sure you've felt it
11:34 and the world's not gonna change until
11:37 one group of people learns to overcome it
11:42 and reach the other group of people
11:44 with the message that they claim to hold so dear.
11:47 So these were some thoughts, these are some things
11:51 that I had known in my personal experience
11:53 when I came to God and said, "Here I am, I realize that,
11:58 that everything is gonna end one day
11:59 and I need something past that.
12:00 I would like something past that.
12:02 I am not satisfied with just my 70 years
12:05 or twoscore years and ten.
12:09 I want something more."
12:10 There was a lot of guilt
12:11 that came to my mind just like that.
12:13 It's funny how you can be distracted
12:15 from it for so long and then all of a sudden
12:18 you can remember every bad thing
12:20 you've ever did and you realize just
12:22 how bad everything you are doing at the moment
12:24 really is in the eyes of God.
12:27 Many faiths suggest the judgment day
12:29 and that's something that scares
12:31 them to behave themselves.
12:33 But from what I understand at least
12:37 with the God of the Bible,
12:39 He doesn't want us to be sacred
12:40 in a relationship with Him.
12:42 And as a matter of fact in First John,
12:46 we'll open there together.
12:49 First John comes to my mind
12:50 and it's Chapter 3. I stand corrected it.
12:54 It's actually John 4
12:57 and if you look with me in verse 14
13:05 and this is how it reads.
13:09 Actually, verse 17 of John, First John verse 4,
13:15 First John Chapter 4 verse 17.
13:19 Sorry to confuse you. The text reads,
13:21 "Love has been perfected among us
13:24 in this that, we may have boldness
13:27 in the day of judgment."
13:28 So the God of the Bible wants us
13:29 to have boldness in the day of judgment.
13:34 "Because as he is, so are we in this world.
13:38 There is no fear in love,
13:40 but perfect love casts out fear
13:43 because fear involves torment.
13:45 But he who fears not has been made perfect in love."
13:49 So from what I learned here in the Bible
13:52 is we're not supposed to have fear
13:53 when we think about the judgment day.
13:54 It says we should have boldness
13:56 because perfect love casts out fear,
14:00 so that we can have a positive relationship
14:02 with this higher power or God
14:04 whoever you choose to put your faith in,
14:05 today not just in the hereafter.
14:09 There's rewards for today.
14:10 And I think of a verse also in the Book of John.
14:13 Not one of the letters of John
14:15 but the actual Book of John. It's Chapter 10,
14:19 I'll try not to lose you again.
14:20 It's Chapter 10 and this time
14:22 it's verse 10 for your own reference.
14:26 But it says that Christ is speaking here and He says,
14:30 "The thief does not come except to steal
14:33 and to kill and to destroy you,
14:35 but I on the other hand,
14:37 but I have come so that they may have life
14:41 and that they may have it more abundantly."
14:43 Speaking in the present tense.
14:45 So it's not just the hereafter
14:47 we should be worried about.
14:49 It's not just the hereafter
14:50 that is the benefit of the message
14:52 that we as believers should take to others.
14:55 But it's for more abundant life now.
14:57 It's for a life in which we can have boldness
15:00 for the day of judgment in the future.
15:02 Now the lesson that,
15:05 we want to see today in the Bible --
15:07 the topic that we're gonna study is the Bible's dynamics
15:12 The way it speaks on the dynamics of guilt
15:15 and the solution that it provides for guilt.
15:17 The example that we're gonna see
15:19 some Bible character by the name of Peter.
15:22 We're gonna see the way he reacts to guilt
15:25 and we want to emulate our lives
15:26 after that, so that we can --
15:28 we can have a confidence
15:30 when we think about the day of judgment.
15:31 So we can have ten thousand charms
15:33 now and in the hereafter.
15:36 So if you bow your heads as I pray
15:39 and ask for God to speak to you
15:42 through the Bible, through me today.
15:45 Bow your heads and pray
15:46 before we enter into a sermon that I've entitled,
15:49 "Observations of a Diligent Man."
15:54 Father in Heaven, we thank You
15:55 for the opportunity to take time
15:59 away from the distractions of life,
16:01 away from the accoutrements
16:03 that distract us from the realities
16:05 that You want us to be confident as we approach.
16:08 Lord, I pray that today,
16:11 You would -- You would bring
16:13 other people to listen
16:14 to this that have been encumbered with guilt,
16:16 their life is compromised now
16:18 and it's fearing in the future because of that guilt.
16:22 I just pray that today
16:23 as we observe the life
16:24 of a diligent man named Peter,
16:26 the disciple of Christ,
16:27 You'd give us the courage to emulate
16:30 his response to the guilt that he felt.
16:34 So, Lord, draw near to us
16:35 through the being of Your Spirit
16:37 that we might hear Your voice
16:39 and feel Your comfort,
16:41 learn of You and learn how to better follow You,
16:44 to reach those that are at the other end of the spectrum
16:47 that are not in the polarization
16:49 of those that have a faith
16:50 but in the polarization of those who need a faith.
16:54 So, Lord, draw near
16:55 and give me a looseness of tongue
16:56 that You might use it.
16:57 I ask this in Jesus name, amen.
17:01 Proverbs 13 Chapter 13 verse 4 says that,
17:05 "The soul of a sluggard desireth
17:09 and hath nothing."
17:11 He desires nothing therefore he gets nothing.
17:15 The second part of the verse says.
17:17 "the soul of a diligent man shall be made fat."
17:22 The soul of a diligent man shall be made fat.
17:25 Notice that I didn't put in the title of this sermon,
17:27 observations of a perfect man.
17:30 And Proverbs Chapter 13 verse 4 doesn't say
17:33 the soul of a perfect man shall be made
17:35 fat it just says diligent.
17:36 "The soul of a diligent man shall be made fat."
17:41 Now we're going to look at,
17:43 at five P's that relate to Peter's life.
17:46 Peter was one of the 12 disciples
17:49 that followed Christ for three and a half years
17:52 of his incarnate ministry here.
17:54 And we're going to look at Peter's proximity to Christ.
17:59 We're gonna look at Peter's probability
18:02 and we'll expand on these as we get to them.
18:04 But the five words are proximity, probability,
18:08 performance, patience, and his power.
18:13 We're gonna look at those
18:14 five P's of Peter's life to learn
18:18 how we should relate to guilt,
18:21 so that we can share the solution
18:23 for guilt that those that --
18:24 with those that have no solution.
18:27 So open with me now,
18:29 I'm gonna read a Bible text it's found in Matthew 16
18:33 and it's verse 22 and 23.
18:35 Now we're gonna have to put our thinking caps
18:37 on together to see the point that I'm bringing out of this
18:41 and I'll give you a window to see into this text
18:44 and understand why I'm using
18:45 this to show Peter's proximity to Christ.
18:49 It's my conviction that, from my Bible study
18:52 that it's either John or Peter,
18:54 we could flip a coin for who is the closest to Christ.
18:57 Peter was a sticky beak. He was a busy beaver.
18:59 He was always on the scene
19:02 when Christ was involved. He was a faithful --
19:06 he was a diligent man in following the ministry,
19:08 supporting the ministry,
19:09 being part of the ministry of Christ.
19:11 So it's either John or Peter that was closest in intimate
19:15 spiritual relationship to Christ
19:16 while he was on this earth.
19:18 I'm gonna read this text
19:19 in Matthew 16 verse 22 and 23,
19:24 the two texts we're gonna read.
19:26 Read with me, "Then Peter took Him aside,"
19:29 took Christ aside,
19:31 "and began to rebuke Him," Peter rebuking Christ,
19:37 "saying, far be it from you, Lord!
19:39 This should happen to you."
19:41 Christ just told them in no uncertain terms,
19:44 the suffering and the crucifixion that,
19:45 He was about to go through for their sakes.
19:48 And Peter doesn't like this.
19:49 It's not fitting with his concept,
19:51 with his dreams for Christ's future.
19:53 And he says, "Far be it from You
19:55 that you should speak like this Christ.
19:57 It's does not gonna happen. I won't let it happen."
19:59 And Christ turns to him and says,
20:03 "Get ye behind me, Satan." He's speaking to Peter
20:07 who is most intimate in relationship with him
20:09 and he calls him, Satan.
20:11 He says, "Get ye behind me, Satan!
20:15 You are an offense to me,
20:18 for you are not mindful of the things of God
20:20 but the things of men."
20:23 Now, I'm using this text to communicate to you
20:28 so that you can see in the Bible
20:29 how Peter was very close in proximity to Christ.
20:33 Now if you don't see that there yet,
20:34 let me share a story,
20:35 a conversation that, I had with two of my friends.
20:38 One named Matthew and one named Ezekiel.
20:41 I was sitting there
20:42 when I was thinking about these things.
20:44 I'd learned this in my morning devotion at a time
20:46 when I needed it very much.
20:48 In full time ministry
20:49 I had failed to be the best ambassador for Christ
20:51 that I could be and I really needed this message
20:54 and the Lord saw that,
20:55 and he came to me in my hour of need
20:57 and He revealed this to me.
20:59 I was very thankful and I was discussing it
21:01 with my friends Matthew and Ezekiel.
21:03 And I put it to Matthew. I said, Matthew.
21:07 Matthew was engaged to a girl
21:10 now by the name of Sherise, the fiance.
21:12 They're gonna be married in January.
21:14 And I said to Matthew,
21:15 if there was an idea that I wanted you to adopt,
21:18 if I wanted to influence you in a certain direction
21:21 would it be more profitable for me to get Ezekiel
21:24 to suggest that to you on my behalf or Sherise?
21:28 What do you think Matthew said?
21:30 He said, "Sherise, of course."
21:32 Now why? Because she was closer
21:34 in proximity to Matthew than Ezekiel was.
21:38 No offense to Ezekiel but Sherise was his fiancee.
21:41 And the other reason that,
21:43 I know that this passage is indicating that Christ,
21:49 that Peter was very close in proximity to Christ
21:51 is that Satan used him,
21:54 tried to use him to influence
21:56 Christ in a certain direction.
21:57 Just the same as Matt suggested
21:58 I should use Sherise instead of Ezekiel.
22:01 Now the women here are blushing
22:03 and feeling uncomfortable
22:06 because I've revealed one of the powers
22:08 that they thought was secret that they have over men,
22:10 but people that are close --
22:13 women that are close to their husbands,
22:15 they know that they can influence them.
22:18 You know it's just a secret power
22:19 that women have and that's fine as long
22:21 as it's respected and not abused.
22:23 But this point is illustrating that,
22:26 that Peter was very close in his proximity to Christ.
22:29 That's why Satan used him to discourage
22:32 Christ from taking your sins
22:33 and my sins upon Him at Calvary.
22:36 Now Peter's proximity
22:39 and Peter's probability are two things
22:43 that compounded when he --
22:46 when he failed in his performance,
22:49 they compounded to increase the guilt
22:51 that was upon His back, disabling his ministry
22:55 and that's what we're fighting today.
22:56 We don't want Christians to be disabled
22:59 in their ministry by the spectra of guilt. Now.
23:06 In the text of Matthew 26 and 33,
23:10 we're gonna see the response,
23:13 one of Peter's responses in a similar situation
23:17 to that where Christ rebuked him and said,
23:19 "Get behind me, Satan."
23:20 We're gonna look in Matthew 26 and verse 33,
23:25 and this is what we read in Matthew 26 verse 33.
23:30 Christ is, is at the Lord's supper,
23:33 and he says that,
23:34 that someone will deny me and Peter says the following,
23:39 "Even if all are made to stumble because of You,
23:45 I will never be made to stumble."
23:46 Now that's a very emphatic statement.
23:48 That doesn't allow any room for him to be wrong.
23:50 He says, "I will never stumble because of You,
23:54 no matter what happens to You I'll by Your side.
23:57 I'll even risk my life for You."
24:00 That's illustrated when he begins to fight
24:02 when Christ doesn't require
24:03 that of him in the Garden of Gethsemane.
24:05 And Peter's probability of failing to be a good
24:11 witness for Christ was very low.
24:14 His proximity was very close.
24:17 His probability of failing was very low.
24:20 Was also very low because Peter that --
24:25 when he makes this statement --
24:27 one Christian commentator suggest
24:29 that the reason he is the first
24:31 one to say I'll never deny You
24:34 is because of a special way
24:36 that he learned of who Christ was.
24:38 We read of that in Matthew 16.
24:41 This isn't a difficult sermon
24:42 for those that are new in the Bible.
24:44 Matthew 16, still in the original chapter.
24:47 And we're just looking back to Matthew 16.
24:49 We're gonna look at verse 13 through 17 together.
24:54 So read along with me it says that,
24:57 "When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea,
25:01 Philippi, He asked His disciples saying,
25:04 "Who do men say that I am?"
25:08 So they said, "Some say John the Baptist;
25:11 some say Elijah, other say Jeremiah
25:14 or one of the prophets."
25:17 Jesus is satisfied with that answer
25:18 as to what men say about Christ but he says,
25:21 "What do you say about me?"
25:24 Picking up in verse 15,
25:27 "But who do you say that I am?
25:29 Simon Peter answered, saying,
25:32 You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."
25:35 Now this is the reason why Peter was so quick
25:38 to confess that Jesus is Christ,
25:40 the Son of the Living God,
25:41 it's the reason why he was so,
25:42 so adamant that He would never
25:45 stumble because of Christ.
25:47 We'd read in verse 17,
25:49 Jesus tells us how Simon was convicted and convinced,
25:53 how he came to the understanding
25:54 of who Christ was?
25:55 And why the Christ claims
25:57 about Himself as the Son of God were true.
26:01 Verse 17 reads, "Blessed are you,
26:03 Simon Barjona, for flesh and blood
26:06 have not revealed this to you,
26:10 but My Father who is in heaven."
26:13 So some of you may have come to a saving relationship
26:17 with God through Christ because of a preacher,
26:19 because of a book that you read,
26:21 because of something that you heard on the radio
26:23 or something that you read in a billboard
26:26 or many different ways.
26:28 But Peter was different,
26:30 this is why he has so much confidence
26:32 that he would never deny Christ
26:33 because he knew emphatically
26:35 who Christ was in relationship to God
26:37 because not flesh or blood
26:39 but God himself revealed to Peter who Christ was.
26:46 The probability of Peter falling,
26:49 stumbling because of Christ
26:51 was very low for the reasons of the fact that --
26:55 where is the exception to which Peter was present
27:00 when Christ performed miracles
27:01 or when He made a presentation to the public,
27:03 informing them about the Kingdom of Heaven
27:06 or His Father in Heaven
27:08 or how they should live their lives
27:10 in response to the message that He was in His person.
27:15 Rare was the instance where Peter wasn't present?
27:20 Whether it be the rising from the dead,
27:23 the daughter of the ruler of the synagogue.
27:26 Peter was there, he saw someone raised from the dead.
27:29 Whether it be walking on water.
27:31 None of the other disciples had done that.
27:34 But Peter actually walked on water
27:35 because he believed that Christ who he was,
27:38 who he was and when he said something he could --
27:41 so when Christ beckoned him to walk on the water
27:43 toward Him he had faith in that.
27:45 I mean, God himself revealed to Peter
27:47 that Christ was who he was.
27:51 He saw things like the transfiguration.
27:54 And he saw his own mother-in-law healed
27:56 along with the multitude of other miracles
27:58 and dissertations that Christ
28:01 made to convince him beyond the shadow of a doubt
28:05 that he was who he was claiming to be.
28:08 His proximity to Christ was very close.
28:10 The probability of him stumbling was very low.
28:14 Look what happens at Peter's performance?
28:17 When he doesn't perform the way he wants to.
28:20 This is where guilt comes into it,
28:21 that's what we're talking about today.
28:24 We're gonna look at Peter's performance
28:27 and we're gonna turn to Luke.
28:30 Just two books towards the back of your Bible.
28:32 We're gonna look in Luke 22,
28:37 it's gonna take me a long time to get there
28:38 if I go one page at a time.
28:40 We're gonna get to Luke 22 verses 60 and 62,
28:45 60 through 62 of Chapter 22
28:50 of the third gospel the Gospel of Luke.
28:54 Picking up in verse 22,
28:59 oh, verse 60 is how it reads,
29:03 "But Peter said,
29:04 'Man, I do not know what you are saying,'
29:08 immediately, while he was still speaking,
29:12 a rooster crowed."
29:13 Now for those of you that aren't familiar,
29:16 shortly after Peter said that he'd never stumble
29:19 because of what Christ was about to do.
29:21 Christ said to him,
29:22 "Let me correct you, you will stumble,
29:24 you'll stumble three times in denying me."
29:28 And in this instance he was denying Christ to,
29:32 to, I mean, just normal people like
29:33 they weren't special people.
29:35 They were just people
29:36 that were in the vicinity of the place
29:38 where Christ was being flogged,
29:41 beaten, spat upon,
29:43 beyond recognition for my sins,
29:47 for your personal sins and for the sins
29:50 that Peter was about to commit.
29:53 And the Gospel of John records
29:55 that he denied him with cursing and swearing.
29:58 Sorry, the Gospel of Matthew says that he denied Christ
30:02 with cursing and swearing that's a far cry
30:05 from I'll never stumble.
30:07 Now he stumbles by denying Christ and the cock crows.
30:13 Now thinking about this I've come to the conclusion
30:18 that there's two very guilty men in the Bible.
30:21 The two most guilty men in the Bible
30:24 would be either Adam, because in Genesis 3 and verse 8
30:29 we read that when the Lord entered the garden
30:32 and called Adam and Eve's voice
30:34 after they caused the fall of humanity,
30:38 they hid themselves, they were ashamed
30:41 and they were afraid.
30:45 They were naked but they weren't afraid
30:48 and they weren't ashamed, that's just guilt.
30:51 Those were the manifestations of guilt
30:54 in the lives of Adam and Eve.
30:57 They were ashamed and they were fearful.
31:01 May be you can sympathize with that.
31:03 You're sacred to face the one that you've let down.
31:08 Now put yourselves into a situation,
31:09 take a moment of time to put yourselves into a situation
31:12 where you felt guilty,
31:13 may be you've letdown a wife, a husband.
31:18 Maybe you're just hopeless at keeping the promises
31:21 that you make to your children.
31:23 Maybe your longtime employer trusted you
31:25 with a large investment or a large duty
31:28 that would be for his gain
31:30 and ultimately your gain 'cause you could have kept
31:31 your job but you failed him with that responsibility
31:36 and you felt guilty.
31:37 What's the most guilty that you have ever felt?
31:40 Or maybe it's something.
31:41 Maybe you do have a personal relationship with God
31:44 and you've let him down like I had when He gave me
31:47 this message.
31:48 Maybe you can just put that, that feeling into your mind
31:51 as uncomfortable as it always is.
31:53 Put that into your mind.
31:55 And times, as many times as your imagination wants to
31:59 and maybe you'll come to close to the feeling
32:01 of guilt that Adam and Eve had.
32:03 And the feeling of guilt that, that Peter had here.
32:08 Because the Bible records that,
32:12 "When the rooster crowed the third time,
32:19 the Lord turned and looked at Peter."
32:26 Peter's eyes met crossed eyes when there was blood
32:30 running down the side of the face,
32:33 down the bridge of the nose of this man that Peter said
32:37 he'd would never stumble, he'd never deny,
32:40 he'd fight to the death for this man,
32:42 and here Peter's eyes meet with His eyes
32:45 after he's denied Him, not for the first time,
32:48 not for the second time but for the third time.
32:52 They say if it happens once, you're a fool,
32:57 if it happens once it's a mistake,
32:59 if it happens a second time you need to learn,
33:01 if it happens a third time you're an absolute fool.
33:04 He denied the Savior whom he had amazing evidence.
33:08 The probability of him denying Christ was low
33:12 and his proximity to Christ was very close.
33:15 And there's another man that was in a similar situation.
33:19 His name was Judas and he hung himself.
33:22 Friends, "The Haunting Spectra of Guilt,"
33:24 is not just a nice Bible topic
33:27 that we're talking about.
33:29 Many, many people commit suicide on a daily basis
33:35 because of guilt, because they have no answer to guilt.
33:39 Do you have a loved one? Do you have a work associate?
33:42 Do you have someone that you care in any way for,
33:45 a child, a parent that doesn't know God?
33:48 That doesn't have any avenue to offload that guilt,
33:52 and any power to correct his life
33:54 to avoid collecting that again.
33:57 It's not just a theological thing.
33:59 It's practical.
34:00 People commit physical suicide
34:02 because of guilt every day.
34:06 And people commit spiritual suicide very often as well.
34:11 They turn back to the bottle. They turn back to adultery.
34:15 They turn back to a material life.
34:18 They turn back to the glittering shining things,
34:22 the distractions that they left that they overcame,
34:26 the addictions, the bad habits that they overcame
34:30 to live a life for God.
34:32 If they stumble, which we're bound to stumble.
34:36 The Bible says, "A leopard can't change his spots."
34:44 It says that, that we will fail ultimately.
34:46 He doesn't call us to be perfect.
34:48 He calls us to be diligent.
34:50 Remember that please, next time you stumble.
34:54 If you're down because you've just stumbled.
34:56 Remember, He calls us to be diligent
34:58 not perfect, not perfect.
35:01 There is a lot of P's in this sermon.
35:03 There's five of them.
35:04 We're on the third but none of them are perfect.
35:08 He calls us to be diligent.
35:14 Now, how do you respond when you're guilty?
35:21 There was a situation in my life
35:24 and I'll bare my soul with you.
35:25 It was 2002.
35:28 I was graduating from high school in Australia.
35:32 For the last 12 months of my educational time there,
35:35 I went into boarding school.
35:38 I went into the dormitories in the pursuit
35:40 of a higher academic grade.
35:42 Because I wanted to leave schooling year 10.
35:44 I love to farm.
35:46 I'm a farmer of origins.
35:49 And I wanted to leave in 10th grade
35:52 to become a farmer.
35:54 Now there's a lady at this school named Miss Spence.
35:57 A combination of Miss Spence is encouragement,
36:03 her sharing with me the potential that she saw in me
36:05 that I hadn't seen it myself.
36:07 Her encouragement and my father's encouragement
36:10 persuaded me to stay at school until 12th grade.
36:14 Now I went on beyond.
36:17 I reached things
36:19 that were beyond my comprehension in Year 10.
36:22 I hated school. I wanted to leave.
36:23 I wanted to become a farmer.
36:25 And so in 12th grade when I arrived there
36:27 I went into boarding school because I knew
36:30 that if I stayed at home I wouldn't do my school work,
36:32 I would go farming in the afternoons,
36:34 on the weekends, I wouldn't do my homework
36:36 and that wasn't in my best interest
36:38 if I was gonna be at school
36:39 I better do it properly.
36:40 So I went into this boarding dormitory
36:42 for the last 12 months of my time there
36:44 at the college.
36:45 And I got elected as student body president.
36:50 It was a school of 1,300 people.
36:53 There was a 180 classmates of mine in the 12th grade
36:56 graduating that year.
36:57 And a prefect body of 20 people was elected
37:00 from that and then two people, a boy and a girl,
37:04 male and female representative for the whole
37:06 student body was elected.
37:08 And I ended up being that person.
37:12 Miss Spence was the 12th coordinator and I was--
37:16 I was in the prefect body
37:17 which she coordinated as well.
37:18 I was the head of the prefect body
37:20 and so I had opportunities to make public addresses
37:24 on several occasions to the entire student body.
37:27 Something that daunted me.
37:28 I just wanted to feed cows not talk to 1,300 people.
37:32 There was things that I had to do in the public,
37:34 I am representing the entire school
37:38 for a memorial day or different things.
37:41 These events Miss Spence was there to counsel me,
37:43 to encourage me, she was an English teacher
37:45 so she'd help me script my speeches
37:47 and we spend a lot of time together.
37:50 She invested a lot in me not only time but trust.
37:55 She had invested a lot of time and trust in me
37:57 and I was stupid enough to carry on the tradition
38:01 of being a hooligan the night before graduation.
38:06 It was a tradition in the school and I now say
38:08 that it's not a good tradition at all.
38:11 I thought it would be a fun tradition and all my friends
38:14 made it seem like we'd really enjoy it and you know
38:16 we had to go better than the year before.
38:19 And so what we did the night before school is that about
38:21 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning.
38:22 We snuck out of our dormitories.
38:26 It was summer time in Australia, so we're in shorts.
38:28 We were running around. We were free.
38:29 We're able-bodied.
38:31 We were running over to the agricultural shed
38:33 to steal the tractor because I was,
38:35 since I'm gonna be a farmer
38:36 I drove that, that was my responsibility.
38:38 We drove it on the awning, a raised awning
38:41 at the front of the school library
38:42 that was just newly completed renovations.
38:45 We took a can of pink paint.
38:47 We painted the blue tractor pink.
38:49 We took the battery out we put it on the roof
38:51 so that by the time the students got to school
38:54 a combination of an absent battery
38:55 and flat tires on the tractor
38:57 would mean that everybody in the school got to see
39:00 the shenanigans that we've been up to.
39:02 And we thought that was what we want,
39:03 that was what we wanted.
39:07 But that a combination of setting my math's classroom,
39:11 we set it up entirely.
39:12 Chairs, desks, teachers' cup of pencils,
39:16 textbooks all the rest everything was neat,
39:19 was neatly set up not in the classroom
39:21 but on the roof of the classroom.
39:23 Now to do that I needed to steal Miss Spence's key.
39:26 She was one of the ones that had the very few people
39:30 that had the key, a master key for the school.
39:32 So she had invested so much time, so much trust,
39:35 so much encouragement in me and I steal her keys
39:40 and let her down.
39:42 I mean, compared to Peter that's not too much.
39:45 But it was enough.
39:48 The proximity that I had in relationship to Miss Spence
39:51 and the probability of me
39:52 being the one that let her down
39:53 after she had invested so much was low.
39:55 Those two things compounded my guilt and that's why
39:59 I at the age of 18 was the only one weeping
40:04 like weeping seriously in those dormitories
40:07 while everyone else went through
40:08 the graduation seminar
40:11 I was weeping at the age of 18
40:13 because of the haunting spectra of guilt.
40:16 Now, I can sympathize with, with everyone here
40:21 that it's not easy to apologize.
40:24 It's not easy to accept that you failed someone
40:26 that you love, someone that means a lot to you.
40:29 I'm not saying that it's easy.
40:32 And I certainly don't think it was easy for Adam
40:34 in the Garden of Eden
40:35 and I know it wasn't easy for Peter
40:40 I know it wasn't easy for Peter
40:41 because my experience with guilt,
40:44 but as we look at these texts in the Bible
40:47 where God's revealed to us the solution for guilt,
40:49 the way we should respond to guilt when we become
40:53 subject to it, victims of it,
40:55 when we lose side of the freedom
40:57 that Christ wants to give us,
40:59 when we don't depend on Him and we stumble.
41:04 The Bible is full of promises to help us from stumbling.
41:08 James 4 verse 7, I believe it is,
41:10 is the one that comes to my mind
41:12 and we'll share it together quickly.
41:14 Just in case any of you ask some-- battling
41:17 with the temptation.
41:19 It says, submit to God in James Chapter 4 and verse 7.
41:23 "It says submit to God, resist the devil and he,
41:28 being the devil, will flee from you."
41:31 It's not an optional thing it says,
41:32 "If you submit to God he will flee from you."
41:38 If you resist the devil through God's power he will,
41:41 a definite article flee from you.
41:44 But sometimes we stumble.
41:46 I mean, Peter, who is the one
41:48 we'd least expect to stumble he stumbles.
41:50 He told us he wasn't gonna stumble.
41:52 He stumbled in a big way, three times, not ones,
41:55 not twice but three times.
41:58 Look with me at the way Peter responded.
42:02 It's not the way that I, that I feel like responding,
42:05 it's not the way that I felt like responding
42:07 to Miss Spence, even though I loved her so much
42:11 and she'd done so much for me
42:12 I never wanted to see her again, like never.
42:15 The longer it took for me to run into Miss Spence
42:17 the better.
42:19 Not because I thought any less of her
42:21 but I certainly thought a lot less of me.
42:25 God doesn't see it that way.
42:28 He promises us in First John 1 verse 9,
42:32 that if, another definite article,
42:35 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful
42:39 and just to forgive us of those sins
42:42 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
42:45 We can't do that but He can.
42:49 If we submit to God, if we resist the devil through,
42:52 through God's power we can do that.
42:55 I'm not gonna look at what, what Peter did through
42:57 God's power in the ministry when he dealt
43:00 with the haunting spectra of guilt.
43:03 But he had to deal with it,
43:05 otherwise he'd end up like Judas.
43:08 How many of us want to end up like Judas?
43:10 I certainly don't. I certainly don't.
43:14 Don't give up. Do not give up.
43:17 Don't let guilt get you down when God's calling for you,
43:22 calling for me and calling for you.
43:27 I want you to, to go forth from today
43:30 and emulate Peter's patience.
43:34 We're up to our fourth P.
43:35 I want you to emulate Peter's patience
43:40 when he was weighed down with guilt
43:42 more than we can imagine.
43:44 We're gonna turn to Luke Chapter 24,
43:49 the 24th Chapter of Luke back to the third gospel.
43:54 Luke Chapter 24 and we're gonna read
43:57 verses 9 through 12 together.
44:00 So I'll give you a moment of time while you turn
44:01 to Luke Chapter 24 verses 9 through 12.
44:09 Starting in verse 9 of Luke Chapter 24,
44:11 it reads as follows, speaking with relation
44:15 to the women, this is on Sunday
44:18 the first day of the week,
44:20 it records in Luke 24 here.
44:24 Christ was put into the tomb on the, on the Friday,
44:28 the preparation day the Bible calls it.
44:31 And the women ceased to prepare His body for burial
44:35 because they wanted to keep the Sabbath that their Lord
44:38 was Lord of and so they rested on the,
44:41 on the Sabbath day and they came back
44:43 on the first day of the week, the Bible calls it
44:45 to finish the preparations of His body
44:48 for the custom of burial that took place in those days.
44:52 Now this is what they report to these men that they find.
44:57 Starting in verse 9, "Then they returned from the tomb
45:02 and told all of these things to the eleven
45:04 and told all the rest."
45:06 Now all of these things is it they found the tomb
45:08 was empty and two angels presented themselves
45:11 to the women and said "Be happy your Lord is risen."
45:17 I mean, this would have to be probably
45:18 the greatest day in human history,
45:20 the crucifixion is great
45:21 but the resurrection gives us hope.
45:24 Paul speaks in the New Testament of the fact that,
45:26 "If there is no resurrection our faith is in vain."
45:31 So the resurrection is like the pinnacle,
45:35 certainly of these people's lives and when we think
45:38 on the resurrection it should be
45:39 the pinnacle of our daily thoughts.
45:42 It's the hope that we have for that life after.
45:49 Verse 9 continues, that verse 10 sorry,
45:54 "It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna,
45:57 Mary the mother of James and the other women with them
46:01 who told these things to the Apostles."
46:05 Remember from verse 9 that there was eleven.
46:08 That's gonna be important for us
46:09 to understand the impact of this.
46:11 There was eleven men that these women returned
46:14 after seeing two angels and they told them
46:17 that their Lord had risen.
46:18 Now the situation that these eleven men find themselves
46:22 in the Bible says there was others,
46:23 but let's focus on the eleven.
46:25 These are eleven men.
46:27 Let's just think with our knowledge of the Bible
46:30 limited or extensive.
46:32 What were these eleven men doing?
46:36 It was twelve but Judas couldn't handle
46:38 the guilt of the betrayal of Christ.
46:39 So now it's down to eleven disciples
46:41 and for three and a half years, friends.
46:46 Like I didn't want to finish school
46:47 and that was just two years
46:48 but these guys do it for three and a half years
46:52 and I didn't have to sacrifice anything to do
46:54 two years of school.
46:55 My parents promised to feed me, to house me,
46:57 to take care of me, to provide with transportation
46:59 when I did my two years of school.
47:00 But these men left everything for Christ
47:05 for three and a half years and they followed Christ
47:09 step by step by step by step for three and a half years.
47:14 When they first came to Him they said,
47:16 "Where do You sleep?"
47:18 They wanted to know what He ate.
47:19 They wanted to know every word
47:20 that He had to say to them.
47:23 He'd speak to the public and then they want more
47:26 in private counsel.
47:27 Jesus told them this.
47:29 When the disciples had come apart Jesus told them this
47:32 and He gave them all of His attention,
47:35 all of His energy for three and a half years
47:37 and these men sacrificed a lot
47:38 to put themselves in that position,
47:40 in that proximity to Christ.
47:44 And so they've got all of their eggs in one basket.
47:48 As we study the Bible we see that the disciples
47:50 had a false conception that's why,
47:53 that's why Peter said, yeah,
47:55 "Far be it from You, Lord,
47:56 that you should suffer these things."
47:58 Because he wanted Christ to become a king
48:00 on a throne and rule forever
48:03 when Christ came to die on a cross,
48:06 before He came back and resurrected us
48:08 and then rule forever.
48:10 But the disciples they didn't want to comprehend that.
48:14 So they've got all of their eggs
48:15 that Christ will become their king.
48:16 They've got them all in one basket
48:18 and when he comes into the city
48:19 they're singing "Hosanna, Hosanna,"
48:20 you know, they're thinking He's gonna sit on the throne
48:22 and do what they want Him to do.
48:24 But they're marching along with all of their eggs
48:26 in one basket and they get to the cross of Calvary
48:28 and they trip and drop them.
48:32 Three and a half years of hopes, dreams, expectations,
48:35 investment of time, sacrifice of energy of--
48:40 Of everything.
48:42 An immense amount of faith was required of these men
48:44 to follow Christ for three and a half years
48:46 and then they trip at the cross because He does
48:48 what they didn't want Him to do.
48:51 And so there's eleven men in a room
48:53 and these women return and they say,
48:55 hey, hey, He's risen.
48:57 The three and a half years that you've just expended
48:59 in following Christ to learn of Him so that you can share
49:03 His message with the world
49:05 and give them a more abundant life,
49:07 He has risen, the tomb is empty.
49:11 And notice with me the ridiculousness,
49:14 the absolute preposterous stupidity of this event.
49:19 We're gonna read, we're gonna continue reading here.
49:23 It's in verse 11, where these men respond this way,
49:27 "Their words, the women's words seem to them
49:31 like idle tales, and they didn't believe them."
49:36 Eleven men, three and a half years of their lives,
49:41 their expectations, their hopes are dashed
49:43 because Christ is dead.
49:44 I mean, no one puts a dead king on a throne,
49:47 or a dead man on the throne of a king.
49:50 And then, they look, they look at the door
49:53 and it swings open and these women come in
49:55 and they have a, a glisten of hope,
49:57 a ray of light to revive their hopes,
50:00 their expectations, maybe it's possible.
50:02 Maybe we misunderstood something and Jesus is back
50:05 and maybe He didn't really die or whatever
50:08 they might have thought but it had to be
50:11 some glimmer of hope,
50:12 some light at the end of the tunnel.
50:14 And they say, "They're idle words we don't believe."
50:21 Now there's eleven there.
50:23 Notice with me verse 12,
50:26 "But Peter arose and ran to the tomb."
50:33 "But Peter arose and ran to the tomb, stooping down,
50:37 he saw the linen cloths lying by themselves
50:41 and he departed marveling to himself
50:44 of what had happened."
50:47 Hold on.
50:49 The Bible just told us that several women
50:51 went to the tomb to finish preparing
50:53 Jesus' body for burial.
50:55 They returned because he wasn't there
50:56 and two angels told them that He had risen.
51:00 And these eleven men sitting there,
51:02 that have all believed the same thing
51:03 and they all wanted the same thing
51:04 and this is the hope of that thing
51:06 becoming a reality possibly.
51:10 And this book here says but Peter,
51:13 it doesn't mention anyone else
51:14 but in the Gospel of John written by John.
51:16 John humorously suggests or informs us
51:19 that he ran to the tomb as well and it's probably
51:24 an essential part of the story but I just haven't understood
51:27 the effects of it but he beat Peter
51:29 maybe that's important, I'll understand that later
51:31 maybe but John tells us
51:33 that he ran to the tomb as well
51:35 and he beat Peter there.
51:37 Now let's forget about John
51:39 because John didn't deny Christ that way.
51:41 He was very close to Christ but he didn't deny Christ
51:43 that same way.
51:46 But verse 12 says, "But Peter ran to the tomb
51:53 and stooped down to see
51:55 if what the women said was true."
51:59 I know that on graduation morning
52:02 I did not run to Miss Spence.
52:05 I did not run to Miss Spence I'd mentioned before that,
52:09 no offense to her but I didn't wanna see her again.
52:11 I didn't wanna see my father again when both of them
52:14 walked into my presence when I eventually
52:16 had to face them, become a man and face them,
52:19 I wept in front of them. I was not a man at all.
52:21 I wept bitterly.
52:24 And no apology could, could, could rectify the things
52:27 that I'd done.
52:29 I'd abused their trust. I'd blown it.
52:30 I'd done it.
52:31 Just the same as Peter here in the Bible
52:33 had blown it. He'd done it.
52:34 There was nothing he could do to reverse the time,
52:39 but he runs to Christ.
52:42 Now turn with me quickly, we'll see it again here.
52:46 John 21, the last of the four gospels John 21
52:53 and I wanna look at verse 9.
52:58 Verse, I'll read verse 4 through 9,
53:00 and we'll read them together quickly.
53:02 John 21 verse 4 through 9.
53:06 It says, "But when the morning had now come,
53:10 Jesus stood on the shore, yet the disciples
53:13 did not know that it was Jesus.
53:16 And he said to them, Children, have you any food?
53:21 And they answered Him, No."
53:23 They didn't know who it was
53:25 but they answered his question.
53:26 "He says, Cast the net on the right side of the boat."
53:30 The side that was closest to him.
53:32 It's suggested by Bible commentators that,
53:34 that's the side of faith.
53:36 "Cast it on the right side of the boat,
53:39 and you will find some.
53:42 So they cast and now they were not able
53:45 to draw it in because of the multitude of fish."
53:49 Verse 7, "Therefore the disciple whom Jesus loved
53:54 said to Peter," So John said to Peter, "It is the Lord.
54:01 And now when Simon Peter had heard that it was the Lord
54:04 he put on his outer garment for he had removed it
54:07 and plunged into the sea.
54:11 But the other disciples came in the little boat
54:16 for they were not far out from the land
54:18 but about 200 cubits,
54:22 dragging the net with the fish."
54:24 Now in both of those passages we see this
54:26 but that separates Peter from the other disciples
54:31 and Peter's patience is not patience at all.
54:34 He was completely impatient to return to his Savior
54:38 even though he had botched it.
54:40 He blew it. He let him down.
54:44 And Peter runs to Christ.
54:47 He dives in the boat, dives out of the boat
54:49 into the water fully clothed and swims to Christ.
54:54 Friends, that's not what I've done in the past
54:58 when I'm guilty but Christ is different.
55:03 He never holds a feeling, a grudge.
55:06 He doesn't hold it against us.
55:08 He says, "Come unto me, confess your sins,
55:12 I will forgive them."
55:15 Turn with me to Hebrews Chapter 7,
55:19 to a book that divides the Apostles and the letters.
55:23 We're gonna look in Hebrew's Chapter 7 and verse 25
55:28 and this is what it says.
55:30 Hebrews Chapter 7 verse 25,
55:39 "Therefore He is also able to save
55:44 under the uttermost
55:47 for those who come to God through Him."
55:51 For those who come to God through Christ.
55:53 He is able to save without a shadow of a doubt. Why?
55:58 Verse 25 "Since He always lives
56:03 to make intercession for them."
56:06 Friends, if you're guilty, if you've let Christ down.
56:10 He lives to make intercession for you.
56:12 You're not waking Him up out of bed
56:14 and being a disturbance to him.
56:15 You're not distracting Him from any important business
56:17 that He has to do.
56:19 That's what He lives for, friends.
56:21 He lives to make intersession for you.
56:26 run to Him.
56:27 Don't let His ministry be in vain
56:30 because He has a ministry for us.
56:33 Isaiah 49 says that, "A direct purpose,
56:36 our only purpose is to bring people back to God,
56:39 to be the light that saves men."
56:43 Friends, there's a verse in Acts Chapter 4,
56:47 I'm gonna read it quickly in closing here to show you
56:50 the power that Peter had in his ministry
56:54 because he had the guts to overcome guilt.
56:59 Friends, I could share text after text after text
57:02 with you from the Book of Acts
57:03 to communicate to you the power of Peter's ministry
57:06 not because he was perfect
57:08 but because he was diligent
57:09 and he ran to Christ and overcame guilt.
57:12 Friends, remember one thing he was not perfect.
57:15 He was diligent.


Revised 2014-12-17