3ABN On the Road

You Don't Love Me Anymore

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ron Halvorsen


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000859

01:00 Bow our heads in a word of prayer.
01:01 Gracious Father, I thank you for the
01:03 joy of being a Christian. It's good to be here,
01:09 to sense your presence, to look into your face,
01:16 to feel your touch, and to have the assurance
01:24 that we're fully kept in the grace of God.
01:28 Father, there are so many people here
01:31 this morning that have burdens and troubles
01:34 and problems and they need the peace that
01:40 passeth understanding, they need to leave
01:42 this place not being themselves down
01:45 with guilt, but walking in the freedom
01:49 of grace and the freedom of love.
01:52 God speak to us but more than that God
01:58 help us to hear in Christ name, Amen.
02:04 The year was 1981, the month was July,
02:10 the date to be exact was the 28th,
02:13 the 28th day of July 1981, 750 million
02:18 people from around the world watched this,
02:21 the Cinderella story, the wedding of the century.
02:25 I mean this was the wedding made in heaven,
02:28 that's what they said, I mean this was the
02:31 epitome of what love is supposed to be,
02:33 what courtship and what marriage,
02:36 the perfect couple, the perfect match,
02:38 it was the way a wedding should be.
02:41 The world's most eligible bachelor,
02:44 Prince Charles, Duke of Windsor
02:47 and the beautiful lady Diana Spencer,
02:49 and by the way she was beautiful,
02:54 an aristocrat. Millions of men and women
02:59 swooned as those who lived out their fantasy
03:02 before the entire world. I mean the
03:04 pump and circumstances you would expect
03:06 at a wedding of royalty.
03:08 The place was in the most eloquent churches
03:10 in the world, St Paul's. I've had the privilege
03:14 of worshiping there at least four times.
03:16 It's a beautiful place. There's a sense of
03:19 history there; there's a sense
03:21 of the presence of God there.
03:22 It's a beautiful place St Paul's Cathedral.
03:26 All England, all the world thought this
03:28 was the perfect wedding; this was
03:30 the perfect marriage. I mean Charles stood
03:32 at the altar, dressed in full military splendor.
03:35 He awaited his bride. By the way I've never
03:38 seen an ugly bride. I've seen a few
03:41 grooms that needed help. But I've never
03:47 seen an ugly bride I mean there is
03:49 something about her, and when she
03:53 walked into the church, dressed
03:58 in an exquisite long, long, long, long
04:03 flowing gown and standing together
04:08 they looked magnificent.
04:09 And they repeated their vows,
04:13 their vows were vows of loyalty,
04:17 unconditional commitment.
04:21 Diana stared starry eyed into Charles'
04:24 face and said she would be his bride forever,
04:29 and Charles stared starry eyed into
04:33 her face and said, he would be her
04:36 groom forever. They kissed and it was over.
04:44 Well, oh, except the parade that's something
04:46 else. A golden chariot, come on what woman
04:51 hasn't dreamed of that. Four white horses
04:57 and they galloped off into the horizon.
05:06 That was then but something tragic
05:10 happened. The clock struck 12 on the
05:15 Cinderella story. Somewhere lives
05:17 grew apart, somewhere tensions began to mount,
05:20 somewhere love grew cold and stale and stagnant.
05:25 This story placed marriage became
05:27 common and ordinary. Now they try to put up
05:30 a front, public appearances were
05:33 made together, pleasantries were
05:37 exchanged but in reality it was over.
05:41 December 9, 1992, British Prime Minister
05:45 John Majors cleared his throat and broke
05:47 the news to the house of commons,
05:48 tragically, there would be a royal separation,
05:51 not a divorce mind you, just a separation.
05:57 In other words, there would be a truce,
06:00 mutual co-existence but the fact is the
06:06 wedding was dead, the honeymoon was over,
06:10 the glow was gone. I mean now its official,
06:14 the divorce, and now the bride is dead
06:17 and that's as final as it gets.
06:22 England's most celebrated marriage
06:25 became a national disgrace.
06:29 After following the royal wedding through
06:31 the years, the marriage, I thought about
06:36 our wedding, our marriage to the
06:38 Lord Jesus Christ, ours is the greatest
06:41 love story ever told. The King of Kings,
06:44 the King of glory courted us and
06:46 wooed us and wedded us and honeymooned
06:49 with us, he even lived in our lowly human
06:52 existence, in our common and corrupted mind,
06:54 weak and vulnerable human beings.
06:57 The wedding took place in a visible
07:00 and the invisible church of Jesus Christ.
07:02 We stood together before the entire universe,
07:05 the heavenly host, they were there at
07:07 the wedding day, they sang to the glory of God
07:09 when we were wedded to Jesus Christ.
07:13 Here is the story of the epitome of love,
07:16 that God would court us.
07:17 That God would love us so, that God
07:19 would put His arms around us,
07:21 that God would hold us in His arms
07:23 and He would whisper in our ears,
07:25 His eternal, unconditional love
07:27 that is the story of the epitome
07:29 of true love, courtship and marriage.
07:31 There was a time, when our hearts were
07:36 full of passion and excitement,
07:39 I mean Bible study was life changing.
07:41 There was a time when prayer was
07:43 soul lifting and heart lifting,
07:45 there was a time when worship was
07:47 earth shaking. We savored every moment.
07:53 When I came to Christ as a gang banger
07:56 in Brooklyn, New York, and I went out
07:58 toward Adventist Church, it was 2 hours
08:00 on the subway from my house.
08:02 And Jimmy Landaus and I head on the
08:05 subway 2 hours, early Saturday morning.
08:09 It was amazing, I could get there to
08:11 Sabbath school on time. Now I have a
08:17 call with four what? 250 whatever,
08:20 how many horses I don't know,
08:21 they keep making them smaller and
08:23 smaller the horses they're ponies now
08:25 but anyway and I hardly can make it.
08:30 And in fact I was, I would go to church
08:32 in the morning, you see we used to do
08:34 church in those days. Adventists don't do
08:37 church. We used to do, I mean we get there
08:41 for Sabbath school and day after Sabbath school
08:43 there would be church and after church
08:44 there would be potluck, well they
08:46 don't have much potluck Brooklyn
08:48 but my mother would pack me a lunch
08:52 and I'd have a sandwich, peanut
08:54 butter and jelly sandwich, I grew up on it.
08:56 And peanut butter now alright don't come
08:58 after and give me a sermon on that please,
09:05 and would pack a peanut butter
09:06 and jelly sandwich and I would eat
09:08 then we had, I remembered this beady
09:11 eyed home missionary leader,
09:13 now they call them lay activities
09:14 you've been sleeping ever since.
09:18 They change their names lay activities.
09:20 Everybody lays down Sabbath afternoon
09:22 that doesn't what it means.
09:25 Anyway it's beady eyed, I was,
09:29 black leather jacket, skull blood dripping
09:31 over it, dungarees, motor cycle boots,
09:34 that's all I had, that was myself.
09:36 I got a suit from the Dorcas about 8 months
09:39 later. It was from a dead man, every time
09:42 I hung in the closet, the arms folded,
09:44 I mean that's this suit, my first suit
09:48 from the Dorcas. Anyway, they had
09:55 territory I mean a beady eyed man hands me,
09:59 she says, this is your territory.
10:01 Now I knew my what my turf was
10:02 but I didn't what my territory was,
10:04 territorial assignment and every week
10:07 we would go out and give out literature
10:08 and then we were taught how to give
10:10 Bible studies that was in the afternoon,
10:12 and then came vespers and we had vespers
10:15 then young people, we had socials,
10:17 now we're so healthy, we're chasing our
10:19 children out of the backdoor because
10:20 we're afraid they're eating popcorn.
10:22 God deliver this church. We had socials every
10:26 Saturday night, and we ate popcorn.
10:31 And we had pizza at the Italian church.
10:33 I always loved it when it was at the
10:34 Italian church. And I get home, my momma,
10:39 she wasn't converted yet I led my first person,
10:41 I lead to Christ was my momma but my momma
10:43 says, why don't you take your bed to church.
10:46 There was a time when worship was earthshaking,
10:50 there was a time we severed every moment
10:53 of the Sabbath, we severed every moment
10:55 of the presence with God but that was then
11:00 something tragic has happened for many
11:02 of us. Our marriage has gone on the rocks
11:07 I mean we live in the same house
11:10 but we live in different rooms.
11:12 The courtship is over. For many,
11:17 the separation, the divorce is proceeding
11:20 is in progress. Legally we're still married
11:23 to Christ but marriage is motion not emotion.
11:26 We go through the motions.
11:27 We sing the right songs, Happy Sabbath
11:30 brother Halvorsen, we fought all the
11:31 way to the church, happy Sabbath Elder.
11:34 You don't think God sees that hypocrisy.
11:40 By the way my next happy Sabbath will be
11:43 when Jesus breaks through the cloud
11:44 and I said, we'll break with him,
11:46 flying to heaven, I began being there.
11:51 But the glow is gone, the feeling we felt
11:57 when we first felt the feeling isn't there
12:00 any longer. Such separation has
12:03 happened to so many million.
12:06 I travel around the world preaching the
12:08 gospel of God, I preach in big churches and
12:10 little churches, and I see it's same
12:12 everywhere, the membership and
12:15 those who attend and those who are really
12:17 faithful, very faithful. But this is not new;
12:24 this isn't unique with the Adventist church
12:28 in this century. Why the first century church
12:32 had this problem? It was a church at Ephesus.
12:38 Ephesus had lost their first love.
12:41 Now not in total but in part I mean the blazing
12:45 passion had cooled off I mean they fell
12:47 out of love with Christ. Everywhere I would go
12:51 I want to tell people about Jesus,
12:53 I mean subways I preach on subways
12:55 and street corners and everywhere
12:58 now I kind of have to dignify, be dignified
13:01 you know and get by audience.
13:10 Church lost its first love. They fell out of
13:14 love with Christ, you say how can that happen,
13:17 how can that happen? Falling out of love with
13:22 Jesus Christ, you know the amazing thing
13:26 about it, before we even get into it,
13:28 the amazing thing about it is that
13:29 Jesus with great love seeks to restore
13:32 the spiritual fervor again, to reinitiate
13:34 a call for them to restore that relationship
13:37 and Jesus always takes that first step
13:39 back to you. You see this morning the
13:43 bridegroom Jesus always takes that
13:45 first step back, and he woos us and then
13:48 wins us. This morning God willing
13:49 we will see how love maybe rekindled,
13:51 and let's carefully look at this at the church.
13:54 Let's take a trip back to the first century,
13:56 let's go back to Ephesus and here
13:58 is the study, a trip to Ephesus was like
14:01 taking a trip to most large cities today.
14:04 It was a busy thriving metropolis.
14:08 It was one of the most prominent cities
14:11 in Asia Minor, it was like New York
14:12 is to United States, like Brooklyn is to
14:16 Manhattan. You will get that summery by
14:19 Tuesday but anyway preaches maybe by
14:23 Wednesday. I don't know but anyway Los Angeles,
14:27 it was located 3 miles from the Aegean sea
14:31 up the Cayster River, it was the city of Ephesus.
14:34 Ephesus stood at the cross roads of travel,
14:37 there were four major highways that
14:38 intersected at the city of Ephesus.
14:41 Ephesus at all that which cosmopolitan
14:43 cities have it had the arena for sport
14:46 and a theater for drama, it had it's odd,
14:49 it's pageantry, this was no hit town.
14:52 This was in between Oklahoma City
14:55 and somewhere else or nowhere else.
15:00 This wasn't somewhere west of Casper,
15:03 Wyoming. I mean this was a metropolis,
15:06 this was a big city, this was a city,
15:14 Ephesus was the center of pagan worship.
15:20 Back then it was one of the seven wonders
15:21 of world, the temple to the Goddess Diana,
15:25 it was place of hidden worship and idolatry.
15:28 I mean this temple was the length of
15:29 two football fields. And on the inside
15:34 Pagan worship flourished with all
15:35 temple prostitution. It was the grossest
15:37 perversions, in fact I can't even tell you
15:40 about the worship of this temple to Diana,
15:44 so perverted. drunkenness and
15:47 sexual orgy, it's no wonder the city
15:49 was so popular with businessmen.
15:51 It was like the Las Vegas, they go to
15:54 have their meetings. Ephesus was truly the
15:57 cesspool of iniquity. But it's there that
16:01 God planted a church, and if you have your
16:03 Bibles I want you to look in with me,
16:04 Revelation the Second chapter and let's see.
16:11 A picture of this place called Ephesus.
16:21 And I read, and to the angel of the church
16:25 at Ephesus write, it was there that this
16:36 godly city was to hear the message
16:40 of the gospel. You know, there's a
16:43 principle really here, listen to this principle,
16:47 it is better to run a mission at the gate
16:51 of hell than to preach to the choir.
16:55 I mean that's the message that Ephesus
16:58 tells us. I mean here is the setting,
17:05 now the setting says to the angel
17:09 of the church of Ephesus, right,
17:11 the speaker. Now the speaker is not
17:13 mentioned by name but we know who it is,
17:16 there is no question of who it is.
17:18 I mean the Lord Jesus is dictating this letter,
17:21 He's dispatching this letter,
17:22 He communicates to the angel or the
17:25 word angel translated in the Greek means
17:27 messenger and the messenger is the
17:30 one who speaks for the church and the
17:32 messenger is the preacher who has
17:33 the prime responsibility by the way of
17:35 communicating the gospel, not waiting
17:37 on your tables, not hitting up your
17:39 Baptistry, not taking the bulk of society
17:42 on a trip. It's there to preach the gospel
17:45 and to bring men and women to God,
17:46 and disciple the lost. Amen.
17:49 I know some of you don't like to hear that,
17:52 but that's alright, I'm retired you can't
17:54 fire me and I sure don't work in Oklahoma
17:58 so your can't chase me out.
18:01 Some says, well, you can say that,
18:02 but I've said it before I was retired, amen,
18:05 come on, anyway. Its interesting to know
18:08 that Jesus Christ, has these messengers where?
18:13 In his right hand, there's significance there.
18:17 I mean he holds them in his right hand
18:20 and there are seven and seven is completeness
18:23 but also it represents each one of the
18:26 seven churches, I mean He's holding them
18:28 in His right hand, it denotes the place of
18:30 strictest accountability, the strongest
18:33 protection, I mean it's the most strategic
18:36 usefulness. These leaders are surrounded
18:38 and kept by Christ and He holds them
18:41 in His hand, they are directly re-answerable
18:44 to Jesus Christ. He alone has chosen them,
18:52 and He uses them as He pleases to use them.
18:55 Notice that He walks amid the lampstands,
19:02 their significance. You see He is on location.
19:10 He's omnipresent, He is there in presence,
19:13 He is there in personality,
19:15 He is there to touch them, to help them,
19:18 to win them, to woe them, to love them,
19:21 He is there close up, He accesses them,
19:25 He inspects them, He weighs them,
19:27 He evaluates them, I mean He evaluates
19:30 this spiritual condition and I want to tell you
19:32 here. You have no right to evaluate
19:34 my spiritual life neither by what
19:37 you see nor by what you quote.
19:39 I am only accountable to Jesus Christ
19:43 and He is the only one to see me as
19:45 I really am. He accesses me.
19:49 Now God recognizes two strengths
19:53 about Ephesus I like this.
19:55 First of all He says, they toil and preserve,
20:00 look at it, well, let's see it.
20:04 Don't take my word for it, you wouldn't
20:07 anyway, but look at this, Revelation chapter 2,
20:12 and the let the word expound itself and it's
20:14 exegete itself. Notice He says,
20:16 I know your works, your labor, your patience,
20:19 and that you cannot bear those which are evil.
20:21 So he says, they toil and they preserve
20:23 and then He goes on to say, He says,
20:25 we know, He says, that you don't, you
20:28 cannot bear those who are evil.
20:30 You tested those who say they are apostles
20:33 and are not, and have found them liars.
20:34 They are strict and they are sound
20:36 they are an orthodox church.
20:38 In fact, if any of us who had been called
20:41 in Ephesus in that day we would have packed
20:43 our bags and ran. Alright, come on.
20:46 I mean that's the perfect church it works,
20:48 it's strict and it's loving because you
20:52 could not say you've lost your first love
20:54 unless they first had it. Doesn't take a
20:57 theologian to understand that,
20:59 they had love, and yet they toiled,
21:03 they persevered, they were strict,
21:05 I mean this church is not a museum of
21:07 pastors and saints, it was an infantry,
21:10 an active duty. They didn't come to church
21:13 to be entertained, they need to be fed.
21:16 They came to work, to minister,
21:22 they came to give sacrificially and
21:25 to serve selflessly and to serve lovingly
21:30 and doing and toiling and giving and going,
21:31 Jesus says, I know all about your toil
21:33 and perseverance because there is nothing
21:35 we can do in a church or not do in a church
21:37 that Jesus Christ doesn't see.
21:42 There are not lazy lethargic Laodicea
21:46 members at Ephesus. They were actively
21:49 in love with Jesus Christ.
21:52 They were actively in love with Jesus Christ.
21:58 They were strict and sound.
22:01 They knew what they believed.
22:04 They would not endure evil men.
22:07 They set aside standard and chose
22:10 not to tolerate sin in the camp.
22:12 Now they aggressively fought against it
22:14 but they knew there was something
22:16 more in black and white that was you know,
22:18 and they confronted sin the way Jesus
22:20 would they tried their best to have that change
22:22 and if it didn't then they took strong stand.
22:26 Well, what a church. They toiled, I mean
22:33 this was a great church.
22:35 This church was disciplined by Aquila
22:39 that's actually 18 verse 36,
22:41 it was taught by a Apolis,
22:43 I mean it's a great church,
22:44 it's not a church with Pastor Ron Halvorsen,
22:46 I mean this is a great church, I mean,
22:48 it was taught by a Apolis who was pastored
22:50 by Timothy. It was instructed by John.
22:53 It was a recipient of eight New Testament
22:55 letters. By the way Paul was in Ephesus
23:05 when he wrote First Corinthians,
23:07 This church was a symbol of orthodoxy,
23:09 it was a bastion of faith, it was a
23:11 fortress of faith, it was a bastion of truth.
23:14 They had everything but the main thing,
23:17 they got so caught up in being strict and sound,
23:21 doctrinally pure that they lost love.
23:31 Abruptly Jesus changes His tone in his letter.
23:35 The master puts his finger one glaring
23:37 deficiency. He addressed one fatal flaw and by the
23:40 way if it continued it would destroy the church.
23:43 There is only one thing that can destroy the
23:45 church. That's the lack of love.
23:53 For some of you it's a lack of what you eat
23:56 or what you don't eat, it's a lack of
23:59 what you wear or what you don't wear,
24:01 that's not what will kill this church.
24:07 It's a lack of love that will kill this church.
24:10 That's not my word, that's his word.
24:12 That's his word to Ephesus.
24:14 I mean one fatal flaw, one deadly sin,
24:20 I mean the sin was so serious it endangers
24:22 the church existence and he says, why,
24:24 he says, thou hast lost thy first love,
24:27 verse 4, remember your first love.
24:31 Do you remember yours? I remember mine.
24:34 I'm still married to her. It would be 50 years
24:39 this September, 50 years, come on now.
24:48 Nowadays you go 50 days you get a
24:50 hand come on now. Amen.
24:56 I was sitting in the class at Atlantic Union
24:58 College, I was cool, I was like the fawns,
25:02 you know, I just came out of the gangs
25:04 of my DA, long side burns you know my
25:07 cool moves and I looked across this room
25:13 and there she was, in fact I could have
25:16 wrote a song about it, across this crowded
25:21 room, that's right Perry. That's right.
25:26 This beautiful French girl and I hit my friend
25:30 and I said, hey man look at that chick,
25:32 by the way translated for you Oklahonians
25:35 that means that beautiful girl.
25:39 Just in case you've been on this side
25:40 so long you've forgotten the other
25:42 side but anyway I looked across the room
25:44 and I said, wow, look at that beautiful chick
25:47 and I said, I'm gonna ask her out oh,
25:49 no she's engaged I said, yeah,
25:50 but she's not married.
25:56 Remember the first love, the excitement
25:58 and then I was thinking about the moves
26:00 and class bell rang and she was coming out
26:02 and I walked up and I said, hi, I'm Ron,
26:08 she says, I'm Carol. I said, hey nice to
26:10 meet you. I said, would you like to go
26:11 out on Saturday night and she was oh,
26:13 I'm engaged. I said, but you're not married.
26:22 Remember the chemistry, the mystical attraction.
26:28 When two hearts heap up and I mean romance
26:31 and flames and two lives fall in love and,
26:38 I went out. I know she thanks God everyday
26:42 for that, but at least every other day
26:47 I mean at least every other day,
26:49 at least every other day.
26:53 Remember the first love, but something
26:58 happens along the way for some,
27:00 not for everybody but for some.
27:06 The daily flow of things, the honeymoon ends
27:08 and the children come and the career takes off
27:11 and the business expands.
27:14 Now you're the big business man.
27:16 Never forget where you come from. Amen.
27:20 Big doctor now, stethoscope,
27:24 big nurse now. You're as big as
27:32 your prayer position. Amen.
27:35 Do you hear me? You're as tall as
27:39 your prayer position, stress is multiplying
27:48 you know how, and suddenly two people
27:50 wake up complete strangers.
27:54 They work for Christ but fell out of love
27:55 with Christ that was Ephesus.
27:57 Their minister became mechanical and
27:59 relationships became routine.
28:01 I'm reminded of a couple who are driving
28:03 home from prayer meeting one night
28:05 and moon was up, the little lady was sitting
28:07 over there in the passenger seat
28:09 and she looked up and she says,
28:11 honey see the moon, he was driving, yeah,
28:17 she said, remember well, when we used
28:19 to sit close together you used to put your
28:21 arm around me and it was so romantic remember.
28:25 He says, well, I haven't moved.
28:34 Jesus hasn't removed. The disenchanted
28:39 come to me with all kinds of reasons
28:41 why they leave. Church isn't the same.
28:45 It is the same, it is still 20s what is it?
28:52 28 I say 27 all the times and they keep
28:56 getting after you, it's 28 whatever;
29:03 Sabbath begins Friday evening by the way
29:05 if you still remember that, when the Sun
29:08 goes down, it ends when the Sun goes
29:11 down, hasn't changed. I can confess my sins
29:17 he's faithful and just to forgive,
29:18 it hasn't changed.
29:26 It hasn't changed we have changed,
29:36 we have changed. The distance was not
29:38 because of Him but because of us.
29:44 But you know one thing about this book
29:48 is God doesn't only put His finger on
29:49 the problem, He doesn't only deal
29:51 with the problem. I think too many of us
29:53 are always dealing in apologetics,
29:55 we're always dealing with the problem,
29:56 we never get to that solution.
29:59 In Ephesus, He doesn't deal only with the
30:02 problem, He told you how you can get back
30:04 that first love, would you like to learn
30:06 how you can get back that first love,
30:07 then let's read on. Look at verse 5 and 6,
30:12 wow! Look at verse 5 and 6, I can't
30:18 believe this, when I first read it,
30:20 I ran around, I do this when I come,
30:23 I jumped up, did a holy dance in my office
30:25 which I can't do for you Adventists till
30:26 I get to heaven but I got so excited,
30:29 ran around my room five times and
30:30 sat down again, it's amazing.
30:35 Look at verse 5 and 6, how do we get
30:39 it back. Remember therefore from
30:41 where you have fallen, repent and
30:43 do the first works; and I will come
30:47 or I will come to you quickly remove
30:48 your lampstand and then he says,
30:50 and remain, repent or remember,
30:55 repent, repeat and remain.
30:59 Let's look at it, first of all he says,
31:02 remember, remember back when you were
31:04 first fell in love. That's our problem we forget.
31:08 Lest we forget, remember the excitement
31:10 reading the Bible stories, remember
31:11 the excitement you felt at junior camp,
31:13 remember when you first came to know Him,
31:16 he says, do those, remember those things
31:19 I always go back to Brooklyn,
31:20 but once a year I go. I walked to the alley,
31:22 was when my children growing up
31:23 I took them with me. I drive out of Keene
31:27 as fast as I could go, head north,
31:30 back to Coney Island. Parked the car and
31:33 I hope it was there when I got back.
31:37 And I walked through the alley ways
31:39 and showed them the addicts and drunks
31:41 and the, I mean show them the wasted humanity
31:45 and I would say, son, save for the grace
31:48 of God that's what daddy would be,
31:50 Diane honey, that's what daddy would
31:52 be save for the grace of God and
31:54 I take that and I still go back.
31:56 I take my grand children now.
32:00 Remember, remember when you decided
32:05 for Christ, remember you see the road back
32:09 to Christ is first of all to remember,
32:12 memory is the handmade of revival,
32:14 remember unless you forget he says remember.
32:18 I was preaching in Brooklyn, they sent
32:20 me to Brooklyn to go back and preach him.
32:22 Brethren always send me to those places
32:24 they don't want to go. Sorry I mean I admit
32:27 that, I never make the back page of Review
32:29 and Herald because they don't send me
32:30 over to Philippines, they send the president
32:32 of the general conference there.
32:35 So you see I still have a little problem
32:37 but for Lord's sake working on it.
32:44 You know and I, you see I get so excited
32:51 about that I got a senior moment that
32:54 lasts an hour sometimes, so we better get on with
32:57 this sermon, anyway what I saying here,
33:00 you were supposed to be listening what was I.
33:05 Well, anyway I go back to the city and
33:08 but I was sent to Brooklyn and oh,
33:11 while the general conference president
33:12 went to the Philippines with 20,000.
33:13 I went to Brooklyn with about 20,
33:17 and I got a name and one thing I decided
33:21 as a believer that and as a minister all my life
33:24 that find a name I would try to do my
33:26 best to follow up that name.
33:28 Because that name was sacred trust,
33:31 and when I read that it was a daughter
33:35 of a Seventh-day Adventist minister
33:37 I wanted to more visit that because I had
33:39 a daughter she was and I read the address
33:42 and I told what is an Adventist girl preacher's
33:46 daughter doing in that neighborhood.
33:51 So I got my get ghetto car and drove down.
33:54 My ghetto car wasn't worth stealing.
33:59 I'd open a trunk even the spare wasn't worth
34:02 stealing. I leave the keys and the ignition
34:05 hoping they would steal it. it's how bad that
34:08 car was, I go down into the neighborhood.
34:10 Parked where I could park, went up the
34:15 stairs down the hall came to the door,
34:20 terrible neighborhood, I can't even describe it.
34:27 Sometimes you hear about these poor
34:29 mission places and how they need these
34:31 little church. I wish you would come to
34:33 the inner city with me and go to some of
34:34 these little Spanish churches, little black
34:36 churches in some of our cities in America,
34:39 and see the ceiling falling down and water
34:42 tripping out of the pipes and I wish you would
34:44 see life here where I spent my life as a
34:47 missionary and I went back to Brooklyn
34:50 and I come to the door and the music boom,
34:55 boom, boom, and so I gave a knock,
34:58 Christian knock I had my Bible with me
35:00 and I get back dignified ecclesiastical knock,
35:06 nothing happened, by the way it never does.
35:12 All preaches today get, spending all their time
35:15 trying to figure out post modernist instead
35:18 of just going out and preaching let God figure
35:20 that out. So I knocked and boom,
35:28 you know how music is, that rock boom,
35:31 you just hear the base boom, boom,
35:33 that's Satan trying to drive it down boom,
35:35 boom. So I got back and I ran at the door
35:39 and boom, boom, finally she came to the door
35:47 and unlocked the locks and there was
35:49 a chain lock she looked out and she said,
35:50 who are you? I said, Ron Halvorsen,
35:52 she said, who is Ron Halvorsen,
35:53 I knew that girl needed help.
36:01 I said, I am a Seventh-day Adventist preacher,
36:04 she says, I'm not interested, I said,
36:06 I know that's why I am here.
36:10 She's not interested, and she couldn't resist
36:13 it after that, I mean she close the door
36:15 unlocked it. I walked in, there she was in
36:17 her room, bed and chair and table,
36:20 little girl clinging to her dirty house.
36:26 What do you say? What you talk about?
36:32 2300 days, vegan vegetarianism,
36:38 come on give me a break, you listen,
36:44 that's all, you listen and I said, honey I said,
36:50 tell me a little bit about your life?
36:55 She said, I'm the PK. I said, oh yeah,
36:59 tell me more. She said, my daddy is a
37:03 Seventh-day Adventist preacher, I said,
37:07 yeah, tell me more? She said,
37:11 I grew up in a church. I sang in the youth choir,
37:17 I went to elementary school, I went to
37:19 pre-school I mean I had all the school,
37:21 I graduated went to academy
37:23 I mean then the story started deteriorating
37:30 by the way you can't put your academy for
37:32 and out and the country far enough
37:34 and you can't built the walls big enough.
37:36 What you got to do is insulate the heart
37:39 and not isolate the child.
37:47 And she said, I went to the academy
37:48 and I got with the wrong kids and that
37:50 happens by the way that's what the
37:51 prodigal son is all about, that's what
37:53 the story is. Said, soon I began to smoke
37:56 and drink and by the way that's not
37:58 the problem, always dealing with smoking
38:00 and drinking that's not the problem
38:01 it's the heart, get to the heart,
38:05 and she said, I got pregnant, wasn't
38:09 married and I went home and told my dad
38:12 he got mad, why did you get upset
38:15 but he got mad and it's a difference,
38:19 and yelled and fought with me and said,
38:23 you're not my daughter, get out of this house,
38:25 and so I packed my suitcase and.
38:31 Hitchhiked across the country from California,
38:33 got to New York and they were waiting
38:35 those leeches, those maggots, they were
38:41 waiting to set her up to lay her down.
38:51 I said to her finally, I said something.
38:54 I said, honey have you ever thought
38:55 about going home and she started to cry
38:58 and by then I was crying you know big lug.
39:03 She said, I can't go home. Can you imagine
39:05 a girl getting to a place in her life
39:07 where she can't go home. Preacher's
39:10 daughter PK. She says, if I wanted
39:17 to go home and there came a glimmer
39:20 of light in her eye that I saw it.
39:22 She says, but he wouldn't want me home.
39:26 I said, but if he wanted you home,
39:28 so that won't happen, that will never happen.
39:31 I prayed with her, gave her a holy hug,
39:38 left, ran to my car, I mean ran, jumped in,
39:44 drove back home, got out the GC book.
39:48 You can run from evangelist,
39:50 but you can't hide. Looked up the name,
39:57 sure enough the city, so I needed,
40:01 got on the phone information 5 minutes,
40:04 hey, call them up. He answered the phone
40:10 I could picture him, black suit, black tie,
40:15 black socks, black underwear, black
40:17 briefcase, real biblical. May I help you?
40:27 Give me a break you hypocrite, hypocrisy
40:33 I said, oh, yeah, you can help me.
40:36 He said, oh, you I said, Ron Halvorsen.
40:38 He said, who is Ron Halvorsen I knew
40:40 he needed help.
40:48 I told him I was an evangelist in
40:49 New York City. I just visited his daughter,
40:52 he said, to me I have no daughter,
40:54 I said, you're a liar. You have a beautiful
41:00 daughter, and a beautiful little grand baby.
41:05 He said, you don't understand I said,
41:07 I do understand. I was with her.
41:15 I saw if you only could see it
41:25 and he went on and told them you hypocrite.
41:31 How many times have you preached from
41:33 Luke 15, talked about lost prodigals
41:43 and then there was silence,
41:45 he was remembering.
41:48 The second is Bible says, right here,
41:50 he say, repent, not only are you to
41:53 remember when first found Christ
41:56 but you are to repent for leaving His side.
41:58 Hardest thing for us, spiritual Christian
42:02 people is to repent, to admit, to admit,
42:08 that gifted Godly theologian under
42:12 the inspiration said this about human beings.
42:15 We will have besetting sins to overcome
42:18 as long as we have life.
42:25 We don't like the quote those things.
42:29 Repent and he started to cry,
42:34 even preachers can repent, oh, praise God.
42:39 Even I can repent. And then he says,
42:44 do those things. He says do the deed
42:46 you did before. Well, it's so simple,
42:49 do the things you did before.
42:50 What were those things? You prayed.
42:53 Now the only time you praise when
42:55 you get a bad report from your doctor.
42:57 Some financial problem you can't solve
43:00 so now we'll call on God to solve it.
43:06 He said, do those things and you know
43:07 I looked it up now, I'm not making this up,
43:09 I'm not theologizing this, I am getting it
43:11 right here from scripture, he says,
43:12 they were devoted themselves to apostles
43:15 teachings, that's Bible study.
43:18 They had fellowship, they worshiped,
43:20 you will get so holy you can't even come
43:23 to worship with sinners.
43:28 They broke bread together.
43:30 You know what I have against you
43:33 Adventists and I'm one.
43:38 We can't break bread together,
43:39 we can't socialize together,
43:43 we can't sit down and laugh together,
43:46 I don't know if you're vegan or not vegan.
43:48 I don't know if you eat cheese or
43:49 don't cheese, I don't know if you eat
43:50 popcorn after a certain hour, and so
43:52 here I am, I sit at your table like this.
43:55 God get me out of here, they broke bread,
44:02 that's not communion by the way.
44:04 They broke bread, they socialize together
44:07 and they weren't counting what kind of bread,
44:11 and what they were having for breakfast.
44:15 They just enjoyed each others company,
44:17 there's gonna come a day when God's saints
44:20 and God's people will enjoy each others
44:22 company no matter what.
44:24 I was at a camp meeting. How was it.
44:26 I'm a renegade anyway. I was at a camp meeting?
44:28 And they had at that camp meeting God forbid.
44:31 They had at that camp meeting,
44:32 chocolate cake. Now I do not like chocolate
44:36 cake not because I'm virtuous,
44:38 now I like a sneaker bar now and then,
44:41 but I did not like chocolate cake,
44:43 and we went through and I met the pastor,
44:45 a friend of mine, and he took a piece
44:46 of chocolate cake. And I didn't not because
44:49 I was virtuous. I don't like chocolate cake
44:52 and so we sat down and this doctrine's
44:55 wife came, sat down across from us.
44:58 It's amazing they can so educated
45:00 and be so stupid. He looked across the
45:06 table at the chocolate cake cake and began
45:09 to rant and range about how terrible
45:10 that chocolate cake was.
45:12 What it was going to do for him and so
45:14 I got so, I mean I prayed but I got up
45:16 and I got two pieces of chocolate cake
45:19 and sat out and ate it in front of them.
45:21 God help me. Amazing we sanctimonious.
45:36 They broke bread together,
45:37 I prayed there come a day when
45:39 we can have socials without someone
45:41 looking over our shoulder and telling
45:42 us what we shouldn't do with our kids.
45:47 I'll ask you this, where are your kids?
45:49 I know where they are, they're both
45:51 preaching this day. But we ate popcorn.
46:00 They prayed. The church that loves Bible,
46:06 listen to me, you want to come back,
46:08 you want to have a new relationship with Jesus.
46:10 Well remember, repent, repeat, do the things
46:18 you did before. Each step rekindles our love
46:24 for Christ. Each step we get closer to Christ,
46:28 we get so close to Jesus. Repent and
46:33 then forth of he says remain.
46:35 Listen to me, you can't beat me out
46:37 of this church, you can't quote me
46:41 out of this church. Well I'm here for the
46:48 long run. I have given everything to it.
46:52 I told my doctor, my doctor said to me
46:55 the other day he said, Mr. Halvorsen,
46:57 he says, you got to take it easy.
47:00 He said, I should why, why I have a fibrillation,
47:04 so you could, actually could I die from that?
47:06 He says, yeah. I said, could I live with it.
47:09 He says, yeah, I said so either way I went.
47:13 If I die I'm gonna be with the Lord
47:18 because he's going to come.
47:19 If I live I work for him so both ways doc.
47:21 What about you? Remain, remain,
47:32 I remember my baptism in Brooklyn, New York.
47:35 I was only one in my family but
47:37 I had the privilege of leading my mother
47:38 to Christ. My four brothers to Christ,
47:42 my drunken father to Christ,
47:44 was a deacon in a church open the first,
47:46 open the first, the last to lock up,
47:48 you know the kind, until the day he died
47:50 he was faithful to Jesus. My mother
47:52 was faithful to Jesus, my four brothers
47:54 are faithful to Jesus. Listen to me,
47:56 I love this church, the storm's building.
48:07 Don't lose that love. If you've lost it,
48:11 take the steps back, the Lord's coming soon,
48:18 the storm's building not gonna get easier.
48:20 Listen, it's not going to get easier.
48:24 If you can't stand it now, you won't stand
48:26 it three months from now.
48:28 When I was a little boy I used to love
48:31 to go fishing, by the way I still
48:33 love to go fishing, everybody that
48:34 knows me. Now they ask me what
48:36 I do with the fish? Give me a break here,
48:38 I mean they even try to ruse,
48:41 I go to fishing when I come back my wife says,
48:43 catch any? I said, no honey, I went fishing,
48:46 catching is a different sport.
48:58 So, a little boy who wanted to go fishing,
49:00 that's what I wanted out of life.
49:02 I want to go fishing. My daddy was drunk
49:04 from Friday night till Monday morning
49:06 and we had not fishing poles we
49:09 lived in a tenement, cold water well
49:13 we had hot water in the summer,
49:14 cold in the winter. And I'd asked him,
49:18 daddy could we go fishing, could we go
49:20 fishing, bugged him, he never, yeah
49:22 we're gonna go someday son,
49:24 we're gonna go fishing.
49:25 One morning, Saturday morning,
49:28 this busy Saturday morning,
49:31 I was shaken awake in my bed which
49:33 was Billy's bed, which was Warren's bed,
49:35 which was Richard's bed, which was
49:36 Elle's bed, which, the neighborhood
49:39 kids the bed. And my daddy and I smelled,
49:44 they don't show you that on Budweiser
49:47 commercials, do they? Oh, always a chick
49:50 on each arm, come on what a deception.
49:53 Can't you see for what it is?
49:54 They don't show you sick and vomit,
49:56 they don't show you beating the wife at
49:58 home, they don't show your mommy
49:59 with bloody mouth, they don't show you that,
50:02 they don't show you that.
50:05 And my dad says, let's go fishing son.
50:09 He think he had to chase me out of bed,
50:11 to give me a sermon to get me out of bed.
50:14 I jumped out and landed in my sneakers.
50:19 Got on the bus went to Sheepshead Bay.
50:22 My daddy had the rink poles.
50:24 We had no poles. Dad rented a little
50:27 boat with a outboard on it.
50:29 Being Norwegian, I knew I was in safe hands,
50:32 by the way you brethren always do
50:34 this to me at this camp.
50:35 You try to make a swede out of me.
50:37 Spell my name right please, anyway.
50:40 We'll talk about that later, but anyway,
50:43 drive out in the Atlantic.
50:46 I'm fishing, not catching, fishing,
50:52 my dad's fishing, the storm's coming up.
50:55 While looking at the storm and wow!
51:00 Looking at the storm and I'm a little boy
51:04 in this big boat and the storm and
51:06 I'm looking I'm spending all my
51:07 time looking at the storm and soon
51:08 I'm crying but I didn't want my daddy
51:10 to see these big boy don't cry,
51:11 I wasn't became a Christian discovered
51:13 big boys do cry and I am crying
51:16 then my dad says, well I think it's time
51:20 we go home son. But what happened is
51:22 I took my eyes off the storm was looking
51:23 in the face of my father, and as long as
51:27 I concentrated on the face of my father
51:28 I didn't worry about the storm.
51:30 A big problem at the church today,
51:32 every new sign you love, hey, if I wrote
51:35 book on a 20 foot Tsunami you won't
51:38 buy it 'cause you're sign watchers,
51:42 you're sign watchers. I wrote a book on
51:44 when the Sunday Law's gonna happen
51:45 boom you buy it like that, but don't
51:48 look at he storm, look at Jesus because
51:53 the signs can't get you out of the storm,
51:56 only Jesus. They lost their first love.
52:04 Father, we art in heaven,
52:05 I humbly bow in your presence.
52:07 Storm's building, we're seeing people
52:11 ship wrecked on every hand.
52:13 We're seeing a church Lord that's Laodicea.
52:16 We're seeing a church so lukewarm
52:17 they don't even come to church any longer.
52:20 We're raising a new generation of
52:22 non-believers like agnostics, humanists,
52:27 seculars, materialists, oh God please
52:32 save us, wake us up, help us to recover
52:38 what we've lost if we've lost it.
52:42 There maybe some here right now
52:44 who come to this camp meeting you're outside,
52:46 the divorce proceeding is already
52:47 taking place but you want to return
52:51 to that first love. With your head bowed,
52:55 your eyes closed if there's some that
52:56 would like me to pray for you that
52:58 you'll return to that first love.
52:59 Just lift up your hand quietly right here
53:01 and let me pray for you, hold the hands
53:02 up right now. God bless you, so many
53:04 hands here. Now listen hold it up,
53:06 don't be ashamed now. You're not ashamed
53:08 of your love, I'm not ashamed of my wife,
53:09 if she was here I'd hold her up.
53:11 God you see the hands, they want
53:13 to return to you to the God of their
53:16 childhood. Bless them, I pray in Christ name,
53:19 amen, and amen. God bless you.
53:22 Before I begin the message tonight
53:24 I got to finish the story I started
53:25 this morning, alright, would you like
53:28 to hear the end, alright. I you know,
53:32 I must have to see, I wish my wife had
53:35 been here. She would have jumped up
53:36 and said, you got to finish the story,
53:38 so everybody they didn't say Ron,
53:41 good to see you, what about the story?
53:43 What's the end of the story?
53:44 What's the end of the story?
53:45 So I figured I better tell you the end
53:47 and then get to the beginning,
53:48 so we'll stall at the end.
53:50 Well, I would like to know I called the father
53:53 and the father repented and wanted
53:56 his daughter home and so on my way
53:58 back to Brooklyn I stopped at LaGuardia
54:00 airport and brought a one way ticket
54:01 to California. I figured if I was gonna
54:05 ask you to get out I needed a way
54:06 for her to get out. Don't ask people to get out,
54:09 not give them a way out. So I took the ticket
54:13 and I got my car drove back to the
54:14 neighborhood, and ran up the stairs
54:16 and boom, boom, by the way don't
54:19 wait for people to get right for you
54:20 to do right. I mean I'm throwing pearls
54:26 out of here, I hope you understand
54:28 what I'm saying. And so I knocked boom,
54:37 boom, on the door and it was boom, boom,
54:39 finally she came to the door opened up and,
54:41 she didn't ask who I was then,
54:43 she knew who I was, she unlocked the locks
54:45 and I said, your daddy wants you home.
54:47 She said, I can't believe that I said,
54:49 look here's the ticket. She started to cry,
54:56 of course, I was crying by that time big lug
54:59 you know I did a holy dance, I can't,
55:03 I can't do those things it's terrible,
55:04 a right brained person in a left-brained church.
55:07 Do you know that? You know because
55:10 I sit on my hands you know I don't
55:12 want to be a religious in the Advent,
55:13 you know I got so carried away other
55:15 day in the sermon, preacher was preaching
55:17 I raised my hand and gave praise and
55:20 the preacher knew me, he stopped
55:21 and he said brother Halvorsen,
55:22 you have a question, I said, no, I have
55:23 the answer then I finally sat down on
55:27 my hands the rested of the day.
55:28 What make you left-brainers think
55:29 right-brainers are unholy.
55:32 Anyway, I get off that.
55:33 Anyway, so I did a holy dance.
55:36 Next day I took her to the airport
55:38 and the little one, I was holding the
55:40 little one in my arms and had to say
55:43 goodbye. I leaned over and handed
55:48 the little baby to mom, and gave
55:50 them both a hug, and sent them on
55:52 their way. Five years later I was in Anaheim,
55:56 California preaching to 37,000 Adventists
55:59 in the Anaheim convention center
56:02 camp meeting. And after I finished
56:04 I came down in the front.
56:05 People you know how they do it,
56:06 they come down and say, remember me.
56:09 She come down and she was standing
56:11 beautiful woman and a little girl
56:14 and a handsome man.
56:15 She said, remember me.
56:16 I said, I can't remember me,
56:17 I got to look in mirror twice every
56:19 morning to see who I am?
56:21 She kind of laughed and She said, boom, boom.
56:28 I said, Brooklyn, she said, yeah, she said,
56:32 I went to home my daddy and he loved me
56:35 and sent me to PUC and I got an education,
56:38 I became an elementary school
56:40 teacher in one of our church schools,
56:41 and I met this wonderful Adventist Christian
56:46 and we got married and this is the
56:49 little one growing up. That's the rest
56:53 of the story. Can you say, amen.
56:56 God is all powerful, amen. God is all powerful.
57:00 And I needed to share that,
57:02 that text with you and that wonderful story.


Revised 2014-12-17