3ABN On the Road

Where Are All His Miracles?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000907

01:01 "Where are all His miracles."
01:03 This is our fifth sitting together.
01:05 And I think you'll agree with me that
01:06 the Lord has been powerfully with us, has He not?
01:09 And we've been blessed through each of the messages
01:11 thus far and we know that,
01:13 that blessing is going to be with us again this evening
01:16 as we hear from our own Shelley Quinn.
01:18 But we want to move right to our theme song,
01:20 "It took a miracle."
01:22 It is found as 111 in the church hymn note
01:25 and we ask you to sing lustily and from your hearts
01:28 as we sing together "It took a miracle."
01:31 Let's go.
01:32 My father is omnipotent
01:36 And that you can't deny
01:40 A God of might and miracles
01:44 'Tis written in the sky
01:49 It took a miracle
01:53 To put the stars in place
01:58 It took a miracle
02:02 To hang the world in space
02:07 But when He saved my soul
02:12 Cleansed and made me whole
02:17 It took a miracle
02:21 Of love and grace
02:25 Very good. Stanza number two.
02:28 Though here His glory has been shown
02:32 We still can't fully see
02:35 The wonders of His might
02:39 His throne 'twill take eternity.
02:45 It took a miracle
02:49 To put the stars in place
02:53 It took a miracle
02:58 To hang the world in space
03:02 But when He saved my soul
03:07 Cleansed and made me whole
03:13 It took a miracle
03:17 Of love and grace
03:21 And now the last stanza.
03:24 The Bible tells us of His power
03:28 And wisdom all way through
03:32 And every little bird and flower
03:36 Are testimonies too
03:41 It took a miracle
03:46 To put the stars in place
03:50 And it took a miracle
03:55 To hang the world in space
03:59 But when He saved my soul
04:04 Cleansed and made me whole
04:11 It took a miracle
04:15 Of love and grace
04:22 Well done, well done.
04:24 We welcome you once again, our in-house audience,
04:28 our audience worldwide, those who are viewing,
04:30 and those who are listening to this particular broadcast.
04:34 God has been very, very good to us as we've talked about
04:37 and reaffirmed the fact
04:39 that we serve a miracle working God.
04:42 When you can't, He can.
04:46 And the same God who worked miracles
04:49 years and years ago still works miracles today.
04:53 I've got a pastor friend of mine who says,
04:54 "I've seen God do so much with so little, for so long,
04:57 I'm convinced that God can do anything with nothing."
05:00 And that's what miracles are all about.
05:02 It's God doing anything with nothing.
05:06 Changing our lives, changing our hearts.
05:09 Our speaker for this night
05:10 is our own Shelley Quinn, as we have said.
05:12 And we are waiting for and expecting
05:14 a miracle working message from her.
05:16 But before she comes to speak with us,
05:19 a couple things we need to do.
05:20 Our scripture reading is coming to us from.
05:23 J.D. Quinn, an elder in the Townsville
05:26 Seventh-day Adventist church.
05:27 He will be followed by our musical message
05:29 from John Lomacang, who will be singing
05:31 "Abide with me."
05:32 And then the next voice you will hear
05:34 will be that of Shelley Quinn.
05:42 God bless each one of you.
05:44 And I want to be reading
05:45 from the New King James Version.
05:48 "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me,
05:52 the works that I do he will do also,
05:55 and greater works than these he will do,
05:57 because I go to My Father."
06:00 May God add His blessing through the scripture.
06:18 Abide with me
06:23 Fast falls the eventide
06:31 The darkness deepens
06:38 Lord, with me abide
06:44 When other helpers
06:51 Fail and comforts flee
06:57 Help of the helpless
07:02 Lord, abide with me
07:11 I need Thy presence
07:17 Every passing hour
07:24 What but Thy grace
07:29 Can foil the tempter's power?
07:36 Who, like Thyself
07:41 My guide and stay can be?
07:49 Through clouds and sunshine
07:54 Lord, abide with me
08:15 I fear no foe
08:20 With Thee at hand to bless
08:28 Ills have no weight
08:33 And tears no bitterness
08:41 Where is death's sting?
08:45 Where, grave, thy victory?
08:53 I triumph still
08:58 If Thou abide
09:04 With me.
09:27 Thank you, John. Good evening.
09:30 Just want to thank all of you
09:31 for coming out in this nasty weather.
09:34 You know what, in Texas we call this-
09:36 and it is indeed.
09:38 And we want to welcome all of our international guests
09:41 from around the world,
09:43 all those who are viewing either by satellite
09:45 or cable or the internet, radio.
09:47 However you're hearing this program, we welcome you.
09:51 And you know, I want to start off by saying this,
09:54 in Ephesians 4, the Paul wrote and he said that
09:59 Jesus Christ gave some to be apostles,
10:02 some to be prophets, some to be evangelists,
10:05 some to be pastors, and some to be teachers.
10:08 Well, I am not an apostle, I'm not a prophet,
10:12 I am not a an evangelist or a pastor, I'm a teacher.
10:17 And because I'm a teacher,
10:18 I use a lot of Bible scriptures.
10:20 So we're going to have a good old fashioned
10:22 Bible study tonight.
10:24 And what we'd like to do first is
10:25 let's go before the Lord and ask Him
10:28 to send His Holy Spirit to be our teacher.
10:32 Loving Father God, we come before you tonight
10:35 and we thank You, Lord for Your word.
10:39 We thank You father,
10:40 that You did not leave us as orphans.
10:42 We thank You, Father God, for Your Holy Spirit.
10:45 We thank You, oh, Lord, that we know that
10:49 these are spiritual words, spiritually discerned
10:53 and we know how much we need Your Holy Spirit,
10:56 so we thank You for sending him now
10:58 to be our teacher.
11:01 Lord, we want to do all things for the glory of Your name,
11:04 so I ask in Jesus' name, you just get me out of the way.
11:08 And Lord, take these scriptures
11:11 and teach us in Jesus' name, amen, amen.
11:14 I wanted to ask and answer three questions
11:19 before we really get into the message.
11:21 And those three questions are this.
11:23 First of all, what is a miracle?
11:26 You know different people have different ideas
11:28 of what a miracle, what constitutes a miracle.
11:32 And this is the definition that I came up with,
11:35 "A miracle is an effect or an extraordinary event
11:41 in the physical world that surpasses all human powers,
11:46 all natural or known human powers
11:49 and it is ascribed to God."
11:53 In the most cases, those are the true miracles.
11:56 But there are another miracle, another type of miracle
11:59 that is ascribed to other supernatural powers,
12:03 and that's of the devil.
12:05 The lying wonders of the devil.
12:07 So we're going to try, I hope tonight
12:09 we'll have time to touch on both of those.
12:12 But why does God work miracles?
12:16 You know, we're talking about tonight,
12:18 "Where all His miracles?"
12:19 Why does God work miracles in the first place?
12:23 He does it so that He can show His power
12:27 and His love to mankind.
12:30 So the question is, where are all the miracles?
12:34 That's the title of this series.
12:37 And you know, that's a good question.
12:39 Now, for some people who are watching,
12:41 perhaps you haven't seen a miracle in your life.
12:45 I hope that I'll have time tonight
12:46 to share several miracles
12:48 that we have personally seen in our lives.
12:51 But I want you to know that at 3ABN
12:54 we see miracles every day, don't we?
12:57 We hear about miracles every day,
12:59 we witness miracles every day.
13:02 And we want to share some of those miracles
13:04 with you tonight.
13:06 "Where are all of His miracles?"
13:08 Where is the God of Moses who parted the Red Sea?
13:12 Where is the God of Joshua
13:14 who made the sun and the moon standstill?
13:17 Where is the God of Peter who actually let a shadow
13:24 that is being cast, be the agent of healing?
13:28 Do you ever think like that?
13:30 Have those questions ever kind of
13:32 rumbled around in your mind?
13:34 You know, when we think like that,
13:35 our thinking is upside down.
13:37 We've got to reverse the way we think
13:40 because God has not changed, He is not absent,
13:43 He says in Malachi 3:6, "I am the Lord, I change not."
13:47 And in Hebrews 13:8, it says that
13:50 "Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and for ever."
13:55 So it is not God who has changed.
13:58 I submit to you, it is His people
14:01 who have changed.
14:03 And when we think of this,
14:05 what we've got to ask ourselves are"
14:08 Where are the people who are trusting God
14:12 like Moses did for deliverance?
14:15 Where are the people
14:16 who believe that God can do the impossible,
14:21 that He can do things in the physical realm
14:24 that seem absolutely impossible to us,
14:28 just like Joshua did?
14:29 And where are the people like Peter
14:33 who walked so closely united with the Lord
14:36 that they were so in step with the Holy Spirit,
14:39 that when their shadow was cast
14:41 it was united with His?
14:43 It was the power of the Holy Spirit
14:45 that was doing this heeling.
14:47 So what we're going to talk about tonight,
14:49 if I had to give this a title,
14:51 and I'm not one to title my messages, you know,
14:53 C.A. always comes up with great titles.
14:55 But for me, what I would give this is as a title
14:59 for this message is "The Source, the Secret,
15:04 the Seed and the Surge of Miracles."
15:08 Those are the four points
15:09 we're going to try to cover tonight.
15:11 The source of all true miracles is God.
15:15 Goes without saying that Zechariah 4:6, he said,
15:19 "Not by power, not by might, not by any human agency,
15:24 but by my spirit," says the Lord.
15:28 The secret to experiencing the miracle is in abiding.
15:34 And we're going to spend some time on that.
15:36 The seed of the miracle is stored.
15:40 It's wrapped up inside of His word.
15:43 And the surge of miracles that Jesus promised would come
15:48 will only come when two things happen.
15:51 And that is, when His people are so closely united with Him,
15:57 abiding in Him that they are walking
15:59 in perfect unity with Him.
16:03 And number two is when they increase
16:07 the measure of their expectancy,
16:10 when they increase the measure of faith
16:13 and exercise greater faith.
16:15 Because you know, there is a biblical principle
16:17 that the measure you use will be measured back to you.
16:22 So now if you open your Bibles to John 5, John 5.
16:28 We're going to look at the source of all true miracles
16:32 from creation to recreation, and that is God.
16:37 In John 5, and we're going to begin with verse 19.
16:43 You know Joshua, Moses, Peter, the men of God
16:48 knew to look to God for all the answers.
16:53 No matter what their need was,
16:55 they look to the Lord for as their source,
16:59 they knew that from him emanated these miracles.
17:04 But did you know that even Jesus
17:07 looked to the Father for the miracle?
17:10 And He set a standard for us.
17:13 He set an example for us
17:15 of our absolute total dependence upon God.
17:20 Let's look at John 5:19.
17:24 It says, "Then Jesus answered and said to them,
17:27 'Most assuredly, I say to you,
17:30 the Son can do nothing of Himself."
17:34 Now that's interesting, isn't it?
17:36 Here is the Son of God, perfectly divine,
17:42 perfectly human but He laid down His powers
17:45 when He came here
17:47 because He had to live to be a perfect savior.
17:50 He had to live just like you and I have to live.
17:54 He had to deal with the same limitations
17:58 that you and I have to deal with.
18:00 And so what He did was He came and He said,
18:03 I can do nothing of myself.
18:05 "But only what he sees the Father do,
18:08 for whatever He does, whatever the Father does,
18:12 the Son also does in like manner."
18:17 Verse 20 says, "For the Father loves the Son,
18:20 and shows Him all things that He Himself does,
18:24 and He will show Him greater works than these,
18:28 that you may marvel."
18:31 Greater works than the things that I've already been doing,
18:34 that you've already seen me do,
18:36 that you may marvel that you may bring glory to God.
18:41 Now in John 14, flip over there and let's look at this.
18:46 Not only did Jesus do
18:50 only what the Father told him to do,
18:55 He also said only what the Father told Him to say.
19:00 Now isn't that amazing?
19:01 If we can get this in our mind
19:03 that this is the source of miracles,
19:07 He is the source of miracles, the Father.
19:10 And what we need to do is be like Moses, be like Joshua,
19:15 be like Peter, be like Jesus.
19:18 Learn to be totally dependent upon a God
19:23 that has infinite love for us.
19:26 Look at John 14:8.
19:30 "Philip said to Him, to Christ, 'Lord, show us the Father,
19:35 and it is sufficient for us.'
19:38 And Jesus said to him, 'Have I been with you so long,
19:43 and yet you have not known Me, Philip?
19:46 He who has seen Me has seen the Father,
19:51 so how can you say, 'Show us the Father?'
19:54 "Jesus here is claiming His divinity.
19:59 He says, "Do you not believe that I am in the Father,
20:03 and the Father in Me?"
20:05 He says, I abide in the Father and the Father abides in me.
20:10 Now look at this one, this is verse 10.
20:12 "The words that I speak to you,
20:16 I do not speak on My own authority,
20:19 but the Father who dwells in Me does the works."
20:26 I want to pause just a second here.
20:28 Jesus as Son of Man was a man pf prayer.
20:34 He was a man who sought his Father's will.
20:39 You know, you've heard it said that prayer
20:42 is the breath of the soul, the breath of the spirit.
20:46 This is, this is how you and I breathe spiritually.
20:50 That's why Paul says, pray without ceasing.
20:54 When you cease to breathe what happens?
20:56 You suffocate.
20:58 And you know what, there's a lot of people
21:00 who are suffocating spiritually
21:03 because their prayer life is so sporadic
21:07 that they end up when they do go to prayer,
21:09 they're just gasping for spiritual life.
21:14 So he goes on in verse 11.
21:17 He says, "Believe Me that I am in the Father
21:22 and the Father in Me,
21:24 or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves.
21:27 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me."
21:32 Now get this, John 14:12,
21:39 "He who believes in Me,
21:41 the works that I do he will do also,
21:46 and greater works than these will he do,
21:50 because I go to My Father."
21:53 Now Jesus is not talking about greater miracles,
21:57 greater spiritual works
21:59 as far as the quality of the works
22:01 but the quantity of the works.
22:04 I have a question to pose to you.
22:06 Are we doing greater works in quantity than Jesus did?
22:13 Are we doing greater works in quantity
22:16 than the early church did?
22:19 We've got to learn how to go to the Lord
22:24 in absolute total dependence upon Him,
22:27 believing that nothing is impossible with Him,
22:30 and drawing on Him.
22:33 He goes on in verse 13, he says,
22:35 "Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do,
22:42 that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
22:46 If you ask anything in My name, I will do it."
22:50 Now do you believe that?
22:52 Do you really?
22:54 Is it that we believe it up here
22:56 or do we believe it down here?
22:58 You know what I think?
23:00 I think we're still stuck up here.
23:02 I think it's mental assent.
23:05 You know why I believe that?
23:07 I mean, we believe it because it's the word of God
23:09 but it's not down here yet.
23:11 And I can tell you that
23:13 because of our little bitty prayers.
23:15 We pray such small prayers.
23:20 Jesus, if you want to turn now to John 10,
23:24 in setting this example for us, the standard that He only did
23:29 what the Father told him to do,
23:31 that He was this man of prayer.
23:33 He only spoke what the Father told him to speak.
23:37 He, in John 10:37, he tells us, he is one with God.
23:44 Let's look.
23:46 John 10:37, "If I do not do the works of My Father,
23:51 do not believe Me, but if I do,
23:55 though you do not believe Me, believe the works,
23:59 that you may know and believe
24:02 that the Father is in Me, and I in Him."
24:07 Again, over and over we're getting this idea
24:11 that Jesus was abiding in the Father,
24:14 and the Father was abiding in him.
24:17 It's not just an idea Jesus said this.
24:20 And that's point number two.
24:23 Number one, God is the source of all miracles.
24:26 Number two, the secret to the miracle,
24:30 to experiencing miracles in our life
24:33 is abiding in Christ.
24:37 This is a secret that Moses knew to abiding God,
24:40 Joshua knew he was abiding in God.
24:43 Peter and the apostles were abiding.
24:46 Now what does the word abiding mean?
24:49 First of all, let me tell you,
24:50 it's not just dipping your toe into the spiritual waters,
24:55 it's diving in.
24:57 It's living, totally immersed to abide in something.
25:02 It's not a weekend Christian.
25:05 You don't take a vacation from God.
25:07 In the Greek, the word abide is meno, m-e-n-o.
25:13 And if I had to reduce it to just two words,
25:17 what I would say it means to abide
25:20 is to continue in and to comply with.
25:26 To continue in, to do well in God, to endure,
25:31 to persevere, to remain and to stand firm in God.
25:36 To comply with means to obey Him,
25:39 to observe what He's taught us to follow,
25:42 to conform to, to acknowledge, and adhere to.
25:46 Just as Jesus said,
25:49 "I am in the Father and the Father's in me.
25:52 I am the father and one."
25:55 Did you know that when we are in Christ,
25:59 the Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 6:17,
26:03 that when we are united with Christ,
26:05 we are one in spirit with Him?
26:10 That's what abiding is, to be one in spirit.
26:15 Means to be one in purpose, in thought, and in action.
26:21 Oh, I think that
26:24 this is probably one of the most difficult things
26:27 when I'm doing life affirmations from scripture
26:30 and I quote 1 Corinthians 6:17, and I say,
26:33 Lord, thank you,
26:34 that because I'm united with Christ,
26:37 I'm one with you in spirit.
26:39 I know that I'm calling things
26:41 that are not as though they already were.
26:43 It's a confession of faith over my life
26:45 that this is what God's going to do
26:47 but this is where God wants to get us,
26:50 if we want to see the miracles that He has promised.
26:55 We've got to be abiding in Him.
26:58 The perfect illustration is John 15:4, 5.
27:04 Jesus said there that
27:07 He's talking about the vine and the branch.
27:11 And He says, abide in me.
27:14 Is that an option?
27:16 This is not an option, this is a command.
27:18 He says, abide in me and I in you,
27:22 as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself
27:25 unless it abides in the vine,
27:27 neither can you.
27:29 Unless you abide in me, you've got to continue in me,
27:33 you got to dwell in me.
27:35 You've got to adhere to me,
27:36 you got to comply with the doctrines
27:39 that I had taught you.
27:40 He says, I am the vine, you are the branches
27:45 and apart from me you can do what?
27:48 Nothing.
27:50 What does the vine give to the branch
27:52 when it's connected?
27:54 What flows from the vine into the branch?
27:57 The sap.
28:00 When we're connected to Jesus, the sap that flows from Him
28:05 is the spirit's anointing power.
28:09 And it flows into us.
28:12 And this is what empowers us to walk as Jesus walked.
28:18 So He's telling us that this is what
28:22 we are commanded to do.
28:24 Now, let me ask you, are you abiding?
28:27 How do we know if we're abiding in Christ?
28:31 I want to give you a little subset here,
28:33 I don't want to mess you up on your numbering.
28:35 But I want to give you five ways to know
28:38 that you are abiding in Christ.
28:40 And we'll go through these rather quickly.
28:42 John 14, and we won't look every one of these up,
28:46 just write these down and listen.
28:48 Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word.
28:52 John 14:15-17.
28:56 If you are abiding in Christ,
28:59 you are going to be spirit filled
29:02 and commandment keeping.
29:05 He says in John 14:15,
29:07 "If you love Me, keep My commandments.
29:12 And I will pray the Father,
29:13 and He will give you another helper,
29:15 that He may abide in you forever."
29:18 Who is that helper?
29:20 "The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive,
29:24 because it neither sees him nor knows him,
29:26 but you know him, for he dwells with you
29:30 and he will be in you."
29:32 He abides in you.
29:34 He's going to continue in you unless you quench him
29:39 and send him away.
29:41 And that same vein of commandment keeping,
29:44 this is the first point of how you know if you're abiding.
29:47 Jesus said, "If you keep My commandments,"
29:50 John 15:10,
29:51 "you will abide in my love
29:55 just as I have kept my Father's Commandments
29:59 and abide in His love."
30:01 So if you're of abiding, you got to be spirit filled
30:05 and keeping the commandments of God.
30:08 If you're not, you're not abiding.
30:10 And number two way to show that you know that you're abiding
30:14 is that you are continuing in the doctrines.
30:20 Let me give you two scriptures, 1 Timothy 4:16.
30:24 1 Timothy 4:16.
30:27 Paul writes and says,
30:28 "Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine.
30:31 Continue, abide in them," hold fast to them,
30:36 is what he's saying.
30:37 "For in doing this you will save both yourself
30:41 and those who hear you."
30:43 You know nowadays,
30:45 sometimes when we talk about doctrines,
30:47 people turn up their nose.
30:49 Have you noticed how people wrinkled their nose
30:51 sometimes when you're talking about doctrine
30:53 as if that's a bad thing?
30:54 Doctrine is simply the teaching of Christ.
30:57 And there should be no wrinkling of a nose.
30:59 There should be something that we want to learn the doctrines,
31:02 that we want to keep the doctrines,
31:04 that we want to be able to share and teach the doctrines
31:07 because this is where salvation begins.
31:12 He says in 2 John 1:9, John writes,
31:17 "Whoever transgresses
31:19 and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ
31:23 does not have God.
31:27 He who abides in the doctrine of Christ
31:30 has both the Father and the Son."
31:34 If you are not abiding in the doctrine of Christ,
31:39 you do not have salvation.
31:41 Because it says here, if you're not abiding,
31:44 you do not have the Father and the Son.
31:47 So that is an absolute prerequisite
31:52 to keeping this gift of salvation
31:55 that He gives us.
31:57 It is salvation by grace,
31:59 but Grace is more than just unearned,
32:03 unmerited favor.
32:05 It is the supernatural power for salvation.
32:09 It's God working in you to will and to act
32:12 according to His good purpose.
32:14 Now the third point to know if you are abiding in Christ.
32:19 Guess what?
32:20 You're going to be practicing righteousness.
32:22 1 John 2, just write this down.
32:26 1 John 2:28, 29, "And now, little children,
32:32 abide in Him, that when He appears,
32:36 we may have confidence
32:38 and not be ashamed before Him at His coming.
32:41 If you know that He is righteous,
32:45 you know that everyone who practices righteousness
32:52 is born of Him."
32:54 Righteousness by faith
32:56 is the only kind of righteousness there is,
32:59 but when that righteousness of Jesus Christ
33:02 has been imparted to you and imputed to you,
33:05 you will walk in righteousness.
33:09 Now the fourth point of how to know if you're abiding?
33:12 In 1 John 3:9,
33:15 people who are abiding in Christ
33:18 don't make a habit of sinning.
33:21 Let me read this, 1 John 3:9,
33:24 "Whoever has been born of God does not sin."
33:28 Oh, boy, now that will make your knees knock.
33:30 Doesn't it?
33:32 I mean, that makes you question yourself and say,
33:33 am I born again because I know,
33:35 I fall short of the glory of God everyday.
33:38 But listen, this is a linear present active indicative.
33:43 In other words, what he is saying here
33:46 is that the child of God does not keep on sinning,
33:51 He's not a habitual sinner.
33:53 Yes, your feet may slip and fall occasionally.
33:56 You may trip upon something,
33:58 a snare that the devil's put out there.
34:00 But it is not your practice to sin.
34:03 You don't deliberately, knowingly sin.
34:07 So it says, "Whoever has been born of God
34:09 does not keep on sinning,
34:12 for His seed remains in him, his seed abides in him."
34:17 The seed of God, His word and His spirit, by that,
34:22 He gives us that divine life principle,
34:24 that's alive in us.
34:26 And he goes on and he says, "He cannot sin."
34:29 He cannot habitually practice sin
34:32 because he's been born of God.
34:36 Now, the fourth point to know how you're abiding.
34:39 1 John 3:6.
34:41 Oh, this is still part of the fourth point.
34:43 It talks about, does not continually sin.
34:46 He says, whoever abides in Him, does not sin.
34:49 If you're living in communion and union with the Lord,
34:53 you're complying with His teachings,
34:55 you're walking in obedience to Him.
34:57 So you cannot just continue on as a habit of sinning.
35:01 He says, whoever sins as a habit
35:04 has never seen Him nor known Him.
35:08 Now the fifth point,
35:09 how to know you're abiding in God, in Christ.
35:14 You will walk as Jesus walked.
35:17 1 John 2:3-6,
35:21 "Now by this we know that we know Him,
35:24 if we keep His commandments.
35:28 He who says, 'I know Him,'
35:30 and does not keep His commandments,
35:32 is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
35:35 But whoever keeps His word,
35:38 truly the love of God is perfected in him.
35:40 By this we know that we are in Him.
35:44 He who says he abides in Him
35:49 ought himself also to walk as Jesus walked."
35:55 Are we abiding in Christ?
35:58 Are we walking in that,
36:01 and living in that unconditional love,
36:04 that self-sacrificing love?
36:06 Let me give you one more scripture
36:08 that goes with that.
36:10 In 1 John 4:15-17, it says,
36:15 "Anyone who confesses that Jesus is the Son of God,
36:18 God abides in him, and he abides in God.
36:22 And we have know and believed the love
36:24 that God cherishes for us.
36:25 God is love, and he who dwells and continues in love,
36:30 dwells and continues in God,
36:32 and God dwells and continues in him."
36:34 In this union and communion with Him,
36:37 love is brought to completion
36:40 and it attains perfection with us
36:42 that we may have confidence for the Day of Judgment
36:46 because as He is in this world, so are we.
36:52 So the secret to attaining the miracle
36:57 is to abide in Him.
37:01 Now, the third point,
37:03 getting back to our three main points.
37:05 We've looked at the source of the miracle,
37:07 the secret of the miracle.
37:10 Now let's look at the third point,
37:13 the seed of the miracle is in the word of God.
37:19 You know, Jesus said in Matthew 4:4,
37:22 "Man shall not live by bread alone
37:24 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
37:28 Just as we talked about people
37:29 who were gasping for spiritual life
37:32 because they weren't as prayer is the breathing of the soul.
37:37 Then we have to look at the word
37:39 as being the food for the soul.
37:41 And there are a lot of
37:43 malnourished Christians out there.
37:45 People who know a lot up here,
37:49 but they're not abiding in the word.
37:51 We're going to look at that.
37:53 Jesus said in John 8:11 as He was interpreting
37:57 the Parable of the Sower.
38:00 He said, the seed is the, what?
38:04 The word of God.
38:06 Now that sentence structure in the Greek,
38:09 the article with both the subject
38:12 and the predicate as written here
38:15 means that it can be absolutely reverse.
38:17 The seed is the word of God, the word of God is the seed.
38:23 And the word of God contains the power,
38:26 He spoke and it came into existence, right?
38:30 So the seed of the miracle is in the word.
38:35 And if you and I know the word,
38:38 we'll be set free, right?
38:39 Know the truth and the truth shall set you free, right?
38:43 It's a trick question,
38:45 you think about this for a second.
38:47 It's a trick question.
38:49 You cannot separate John 8:32 from John 8:31.
38:56 John 8:32 says, "Then you'll know the truth,
38:59 and the truth will set you free."
39:01 But he starts off by saying, "If you abide in my word."
39:09 If you dwell in it, if you live in it,
39:12 if it is part of you and my way, he says,
39:16 if you abide in my word, you're my disciples indeed,
39:20 then you will know the truth
39:22 and the truth will set you free.
39:24 The Pharisees had it up here.
39:26 There was a mental assent
39:28 but they weren't abiding in Him.
39:30 What does it mean to abide in the word?
39:33 It means that you have to let it be the confession
39:36 over your life, the confession of faith.
39:38 You got to pray the word back to God.
39:40 You got to speak the word over your life.
39:42 You've got to be so much in the word
39:44 that the word becomes a part of you.
39:46 It can't just be that you're doing a Bible study,
39:50 it can't just be that you're doing,
39:52 you're studying to answer the Sabbath school questions.
39:55 You got to let the word be your spiritual nutrition.
39:59 And I want to tell you that I know for a fact
40:04 there is power in confessing the word of God over your life.
40:08 Every time that I quit praying the scriptures
40:11 back to the Lord and confessing them over my life,
40:14 if I just do it even,
40:16 if I take a break for a couple of months,
40:18 there's a lot of scripture in my heart
40:20 and I pray it automatically.
40:23 But there's something so powerful
40:25 about setting aside time every day
40:28 to overcome the identity crisis,
40:30 to get into the word of God.
40:32 And any time that I quit doing it, guess what?
40:34 My spiritual power is like the oil, you know,
40:37 when you check in the dip-stick in the car
40:40 and the oil is just kind of going down
40:41 and you're low on oil.
40:43 Every time that I quit doing it,
40:44 for even a short time,
40:46 my spiritual power is diminished,
40:48 that oil level is going down.
40:51 When we think of the word,
40:53 we know that we're born again of the word.
40:55 Wow, what power the word has.
40:58 But and to me, that's one of the greatest miracles
41:01 that there is.
41:02 But the greatest miracle is not just being born again,
41:09 it's not just how the word can convert you
41:14 but it is total transformation.
41:17 It is the changing of your spiritual DNA.
41:23 Did you know you've got spiritual DNA?
41:27 It is, everybody's got spiritual DNA.
41:29 It is either the Devil's Nature Acquired, DNA.
41:35 You're born with that, are you not?
41:39 But when you are transformed,
41:42 it is the Divine Nature Acquired.
41:47 That is your new spiritual DNA.
41:49 And 2 Peter 1:3-4 tells us how we get it.
41:54 He says in 2 Peter 1:3,
41:58 "His divine power has given to us
42:01 all things that pertain to life and godliness,
42:05 through the knowledge of Him
42:06 who called us by His glory and virtue,
42:09 by which by His glory and virtue
42:11 have been given to us exceedingly great
42:14 in precious promises."
42:16 How many of those promises are yours if you're in Christ?
42:19 All of them, 2 Corinthians 1:20 says.
42:22 He's given us these exceedingly
42:24 great and precious promises that through these,
42:28 through these promises you may partake
42:32 of the divine nature and escape the lust,
42:37 the corruption that's in the world through lust.
42:40 Do you want to have more of Jesus?
42:43 Do you want to be more like Jesus?
42:45 The seed of that transforming miracle
42:49 is wrapped inside His word.
42:52 You got to plant that seed in your heart.
42:55 And again, He says, if you abide in Me
42:58 and My words abide in you, ask what you want,
43:03 whatever you desire and it will be given to you.
43:06 That's John 15:7.
43:08 You know people get
43:10 so uptight about that scripture.
43:12 You know why?
43:14 They think that, that means you can ask for a Rolls Royce,
43:18 or you can ask for a million dollar home.
43:21 But that's not what's going to happen.
43:23 When you are abiding in the word
43:26 and the word's abiding in you,
43:27 God aligns your will up with His will.
43:31 His desires become your desires,
43:33 His thoughts become your thoughts.
43:35 And when you start praying, you're praying in agreement
43:39 with His word and His will, and you've got it.
43:43 Now, I'm going to skip over a couple of points
43:46 and I'll come back if we have time.
43:48 But I want to get to the fourth major point.
43:51 We've talked about the source of the miracle,
43:55 of all true miracles is God.
43:57 The Secret, number two, to experiencing the miracle
44:01 is to abide in Christ.
44:05 Number three was the seed of the miracle
44:08 is the word of God.
44:10 Now number four is the surge of miracles
44:14 that we should be expecting.
44:16 And it will only come when there's unity
44:20 and greater faith.
44:22 The surge of miracles that Jesus promised will be released
44:25 when His people are vitally united with Him.
44:28 And in the church, where there's no division,
44:33 and when we increase the measure of our expectancy,
44:36 when we have greater faith.
44:38 Turn with me to Acts 2.
44:41 Acts 2.
44:43 Because I want to show you what unity can bring.
44:48 It's more than just abiding with Christ.
44:51 It's you and I as God's people,
44:55 His true people being united with one another.
44:59 And in Acts 2, we're going to look at verse,
45:02 begin with verse 1.
45:04 "When the Day of Pentecost had fully come,
45:08 they were all with one accord in one place."
45:14 What does that mean to be one accord?
45:16 That means they are being like minded,
45:19 they're all seeking the same thing,
45:21 they're studying the scriptures,
45:22 they're trying to find out what's going on.
45:25 Jesus has descended, we thought that once He resurrected,
45:28 that we still had this idea
45:30 that He was going to take over right now
45:32 and deliver us from the Romans.
45:35 So they're seeking to understand this better.
45:38 "And suddenly there came a sound from heaven,
45:41 as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house
45:44 where they were sitting.
45:46 Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire,
45:50 and one sat upon each of them.
45:52 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit
45:56 and began to speak in other tongues,
45:58 other languages as the Spirit gave them utterance."
46:03 When was the Spirit poured out?
46:06 When they came together.
46:08 This miracle working spirit
46:11 was when they were abiding with Christ,
46:14 when they were in the work
46:15 where they've seen the miracle restored,
46:17 where they were united with one another.
46:19 They weren't arguing over
46:21 what color is the carpet going to be.
46:23 They're not arguing over
46:25 what kind of collection plate are we going to have,
46:27 the little bags or the gold plates.
46:30 They're coming together seeking what God wanted
46:33 for them to have.
46:34 Now I want to show you something
46:35 because this is so special.
46:37 Turn to Acts 4.
46:39 This same group of people
46:41 we're going to see them together again.
46:44 In Acts 4, let me set this up.
46:46 Peter and John had just healed a 40-year old man
46:49 that had been lying all of this life.
46:51 They were arrested, they were held overnight,
46:54 they went before the Sanhedrin.
46:55 The Sanhedrin recognize
46:57 that these men had been with Jesus,
46:59 because these uneducated men were speaking so boldly.
47:02 They knew that they had been with Jesus.
47:05 And then they warned them and commanded them,
47:07 they said, don't go out teach in His name anymore.
47:09 And then they released them.
47:11 And so what happened was then that Peter and John
47:14 went to meet with all the rest of the disciples.
47:17 And look at Acts 4:23, let's start there.
47:21 "And being let go,
47:23 they went to their own companions
47:26 and reported all that the chief priests
47:28 and elders had said to them.
47:30 So when they heard that,
47:33 they raised their voice to God with one accord."
47:36 These are the same disciples that were up in the upper room
47:39 that were filled with the Holy Spirit
47:42 on the day of Pentecost.
47:43 Once again, they are together in one accord
47:47 and they say, "Lord, You are God,
47:51 who made heaven and earth and the sea,
47:53 and all that is in them, who by the mouth
47:55 of Your servant David have said:
47:57 'Why did the nations rage,
47:58 and the people plot vain things?
48:01 The kings of the earth took their stand,
48:03 and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord
48:05 and against His Christ.
48:06 For truly against Your holy Servant
48:09 whom You anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate,
48:12 with the Gentiles and the people of Israel,
48:14 were gathered together to do whatever Your hand
48:17 and Your purpose determined before to be done.'"
48:21 Now, verse 29, "Now, Lord, look on their threats,
48:27 and grant to Your servants that with all boldness
48:31 they may speak Your word,
48:34 by stretching out Your hand to heal,
48:38 and that signs and wonders may be done
48:41 through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus."
48:45 They're praying for God to do miracles.
48:50 They're praying for signs and wonders
48:53 for the glory of His name.
48:55 When was the last time we got together in one accord
48:58 and said, Lord, stretch out Your hand and perform signs
49:03 and wonders in Thompsonville, Illinois,
49:05 that people may know you are God.
49:09 He says, when they prayed, verse 31.
49:14 This is Acts 4:31, "When they had prayed,
49:18 the place where they were assembled together
49:20 was shaken,
49:22 and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit,
49:26 and they spoke the word of God with boldness."
49:30 Same people that had been together
49:32 on the day of Pentecost.
49:33 Do you see this? Do you see a pattern here?
49:36 It's unity, when we get together
49:39 and when we are united, praying with one mind,
49:43 like mindedness,
49:44 seeking God to asking Him to do something
49:48 for the glory of His name, the Holy Spirit is poured out.
49:52 Now, it takes that unity but it also takes faith.
49:55 We got to increase our faith, we got to pray.
49:58 Hebrews 11:6, says that,
50:01 "Without faith it is impossible to please God."
50:06 Because we must believe, anybody that comes to Him
50:08 must believe that He exists and that He rewards
50:11 those who earnestly seek Him.
50:15 We've got to be more earnest in our seeking.
50:18 We've got to come to the Lord and say, Lord,
50:21 increase our faith.
50:23 Why is it impossible to not please God without faith?
50:30 The answer is found, 1 John 5:10.
50:33 It says that anyone who disregards His testimony
50:37 is regarding God as a liar.
50:41 So when you don't accept what His word says about
50:44 who you are in Christ, as a new creation,
50:47 you're regarding God as a liar.
50:50 You know, what our job to do,
50:51 is to do is to get into the word
50:54 to pray it back to Him.
50:55 In Isaiah 55:11, it says, His world will not return void,
50:59 but will accomplish every purpose
51:01 for which he send Him.
51:02 Jeremiah 1:12 says, He's watching over His word
51:05 to perform it.
51:06 And Romans 4:17 say, that he calls things
51:09 that are not as though they already were.
51:12 He's the God who knows the end from the beginning,
51:14 but we can know it too.
51:16 How?
51:17 By getting into the word.
51:20 Now, I wanted to leave you with this one thought.
51:23 Luke 11:29, Jesus said,
51:26 an evil generation seeks a sign.
51:30 There are people out there who are seeking the sign
51:33 that God would prove Himself to them.
51:36 We've got to be so careful.
51:39 We've got to know the word of God so well
51:43 that we will not be deceived.
51:47 We started off by saying that God
51:49 is the source of all true miracles.
51:51 But there are lying signs and wonders out there
51:55 and the devil is going to do them.
51:58 Just going to give you a few scriptures.
52:00 In Matthew 7:22, 23, Jesus is saying,
52:05 there's going to be those who come to Him and say,
52:07 Lord, Lord, did we not cast out demons
52:10 and heal in Your name,
52:11 and do many wonders in your name?
52:14 And he says, away from you,
52:16 you who practiced lawlessness, I never knew you.
52:20 They're going to be those who think
52:22 that they're doing miracles of God,
52:24 that God's working through them.
52:26 But they're not walking in obedience,
52:27 they're not abiding in Him.
52:29 And it's not true.
52:31 In Matthew 24:24, Jesus warns us
52:35 about the great signs and wonders that the false Christ
52:39 and the false prophets will perform.
52:42 In 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10.
52:46 He talks about the coming of the lawless one,
52:49 and the power and the signs and the lying wonders.
52:52 In Revelation 13:11-14, he talks a beast that--
52:57 about the beast that comes up from the earth
53:00 and he performs great signs
53:02 so that he even makes fire come down from heaven
53:04 and earth in the sight of men.
53:06 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth
53:09 by those signs which he was granted to do
53:12 in the sight of the beast.
53:15 We know in Revelation 16, it talks about
53:17 the three unclean spirits, the dragon, the beast,
53:21 and the false prophet.
53:23 And there's spirits of demons performing signs and wonders.
53:27 Is it important for us to know what a true miracle is.
53:32 Let me share real quickly.
53:34 We've experienced three physical healings,
53:38 more than that miraculous healing in our life.
53:41 The first was with me.
53:43 Actually, the first was with JD.
53:46 JD had open knee surgery, got an infection in his body,
53:51 he would have a raging fever.
53:53 And all of a sudden this man goes from being very ill to
53:57 at death's door.
53:59 And they, they couldn't figure out
54:02 what was going on.
54:03 His haematocrit was at zero.
54:05 They did a bone marrow test on him.
54:07 And when they did this bone marrow test,
54:09 they found out that his bone marrow
54:11 had totally shut down.
54:13 Four weeks they're saying to me,
54:15 now they think he's got acute leukemia.
54:17 Four weeks.
54:19 He's in the hospital couple of weeks,
54:20 I had him take, bring him home.
54:21 And I was given him his IVs and things
54:24 through a shunt they put in.
54:25 Four weeks.
54:26 And I've got him in home for a couple of weeks now,
54:29 in the home, health nurses come in all the time.
54:31 And one night I'm praying so hard and the Lord says,
54:34 call the elders and have them come, anoint him,
54:37 James 5.
54:39 I call the elders.
54:41 And it was a Wednesday night, they were all in church.
54:44 But they said, well, we'll come tomorrow night.
54:45 And I said, No God said, tonight.
54:47 They came over and we prayed for him.
54:50 And you know what?
54:51 When we prayed, I knew that I knew that he was healed.
54:54 And they all kept talking like nothing happened.
54:57 And I'm thinking, what's wrong with you folks?
54:59 And did you know the next day, it took an act of Congress
55:03 because the home health nurse had been out that morning.
55:06 It took an act of Congress to get him out again
55:09 because our insurance wasn't going to cover
55:11 and I said, I'll pay for it.
55:12 And the long story short,
55:15 God healed JD literally overnight.
55:18 His blood went from zero haematocrit
55:21 to dawning to being absolutely perfect.
55:24 And the doctor calls me and says
55:26 something wrong with this test, we got to do it again.
55:27 And I said, there's nothing wrong with this test,
55:29 it's my God.
55:31 And you know, it happened because
55:34 I was abiding in the council of the word of God.
55:38 And you've heard my testimony
55:39 of how God took me out of a year,
55:42 when they're getting ready, I had vertigo for year,
55:45 spinning like a top,
55:46 and they wanted to cut the nerves in my ears.
55:49 And God got me into His words
55:52 and I was claiming His word over my life,
55:55 and He miraculously healed me overnight.
55:58 So let's look at the four points.
56:01 The source of all true miracles is God.
56:06 The secret to experience the miracle is to abide in Him.
56:13 The seed of the miracle is the word of God.
56:16 And as Jesus said in John 14:12,
56:19 "Most assuredly I tell you, he who believes in me,
56:22 the works that I do, he will do also
56:25 and greater works than these will he do
56:27 because I go to my father."
56:30 The surge of miracles that He's promising right there
56:35 will only be released
56:37 when His people are vitally united to Him
56:40 and vitally united in one accord, likeminded.
56:45 And when we increase the measure of our expectancy,
56:50 when we operate with increased faith,
56:54 because the measure we use will be measured back to us.
56:59 I pray that you will learn to expect a miracle from God
57:04 and not to be deceived by the false miracles.
57:07 Thank you so much for joining us.


Revised 2015-12-17