3ABN On the Road

Where Are All His Miracles?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. J.D. Quinn


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000909

01:00 Hello, friends, and welcome to Thompsonville, Illinois,
01:03 the largest little city in the world.
01:06 Where the world is being impacted by the axle
01:08 that God has set up here in Southern Illinois
01:11 and truly the lights of the Lord Jesus Christ
01:13 are going out in all directions
01:15 like a spoke on a bicycle wheel.
01:17 And we thank you for tuning here tonight
01:19 to receive of God's grace and of God's kitchen
01:23 the bread of life that He's baked for you tonight,
01:25 so join us as we began our meetings
01:27 another night of "Where Are All His Miracles."
01:29 Let's sing our theme song 111, "It Took A Miracle."
01:33 Let's all stand together as we sing our theme song
01:41 My Father is omnipotent
01:45 And that you can't deny
01:49 A God of might and miracles
01:54 'Tis written in the sky
01:59 It took a miracle
02:04 To put the stars in place
02:09 It took a miracle
02:14 To hang the world in space
02:19 But when He saved my soul
02:25 Cleansed and made me whole
02:30 It took a miracle
02:34 Of love and grace
02:41 Though here His glory
02:43 Has been shown
02:45 We still can't fully see
02:49 The wonders of His might
02:53 His throne 'twill take eternity
03:00 It took a miracle
03:05 To put the stars in place
03:10 It took a miracle
03:16 To hang the world in space
03:21 But when He saved my soul
03:26 Cleansed and made me whole
03:32 It took a miracle
03:36 Of love and grace
03:43 The Bible tells us of His power
03:47 And wisdom all way through
03:52 And every little bird and flower
03:57 Are testimonies too
04:02 It took a miracle
04:08 To put the stars in place
04:13 It took a miracle
04:18 To hang the world in space
04:21 What's the greatest miracle?
04:23 But when He saved my soul
04:29 Cleansed and made me whole
04:35 It took a miracle
04:39 Of love and grace
04:47 Amen.
04:48 Let's bow our heads for prayer.
04:50 My gracious Father in heaven,
04:51 what a blessing it is tonight to know that
04:53 we are all miracles in the hand of a loving God
04:59 who sent His Son to die for us
05:02 and by that death and resurrection to give to us
05:06 not only the blessing of a new life
05:08 but the miracle of His love and His grace,
05:11 living that spirit filled life now,
05:14 living that life where Jesus is seen and then Father
05:18 when this life is over, when Jesus comes
05:20 we'll all have the joy of eternal life.
05:23 We pray Your blessing again tonight on Your man servant
05:27 as You've chosen to be the instrument
05:29 through which heaven speaks to our hearts
05:31 and those who are watching and listening to this program,
05:34 Lord, may they also find in Your written word
05:37 and in the power of your Holy Spirit
05:39 the miracle that can happen in their lives
05:41 and what we shall receive we thank You
05:43 and we give You the glory in Jesus' name we pray, amen.
05:47 You maybe seated.
05:49 Once again we like to thank those of you
05:51 who are joining us, whatever medium you use,
05:53 whether internet or television or radio
05:56 or however you're listening even by a CD
05:58 if that is in fact or DVD,
06:00 however you've received a copy of this message.
06:02 We thank you for taking the time to tune in
06:04 to listen to God's voice and tonight,
06:07 we have a wonderful line up, we've been blessed every night.
06:09 Can you say amen? Amen.
06:10 Last night Pastor Hal Steenson lit the pulpit on fire,
06:13 I could still smell the smoke.
06:15 And but we had been so on fire by the Lord,
06:18 thanking God for His blessings.
06:20 Each night we've had presenters
06:21 that have come to this pulpit filled by the spirit of God
06:25 and we have not been disappointed.
06:27 And tonight we're gonna thank the Lord
06:29 not only for the instrument He's chosen
06:31 but for the growth that we've seen and our elder,
06:35 Elder J.D Quinn who is the husband of Shelley Quinn.
06:38 J.D Quinn is a part of our
06:39 pastoral department here at 3ABN.
06:41 I must say he has a pastor's heart.
06:43 Amen.
06:44 I mean, I've met a lot of people
06:46 that may even have the position
06:47 but he's got a pastor's heart.
06:49 One who has life that is easy
06:52 and one who is easy to approach
06:54 and one, if you ever need prayer,
06:55 he's one that would love to pray for you.
06:58 So if you ever call our pastoral department at 3ABN,
07:00 you are allowed to get Pastor Hal Steenson
07:02 and also J.D Quinn and Pastor Richard Pinero
07:05 and Pastor Jose Medina and others
07:07 who will fill in and let you know
07:09 that the Lord loves you and cares for you.
07:11 But tonight we'll have our scripture reading
07:13 by Donnie Shelton
07:15 who is a member of the Thompsonville
07:16 Seventh-day Adventist church,
07:18 I said Donnie, not Danny Shelton
07:19 and he's a an evangelist also.
07:21 Up until a few years ago
07:23 the only place he knew was Southern Illinois,
07:24 but now God has taken him around the world
07:26 blessing his life.
07:27 After him we'll have
07:28 a wonderful musical piano selection
07:30 by Michael Settle
07:32 and the song he'll play is entitled "Something Beautiful,"
07:35 and after him God's man servant Elder J.D Quinn
07:38 will bring to us tonight the bread of life.
07:41 Donnie, come and bless us right now.
07:49 Well, good evening, brothers and sisters.
07:51 Anybody need a miracle tonight?
07:53 Well, you came to the right place, amen.
07:56 You know, God's universe is full of miracles
07:59 but the good news is there's always room for one more.
08:02 And this might be the miracle that you need tonight, amen.
08:06 Let's turn our scriptures if you are writing this down,
08:09 we're gonna be in Romans 12:1, 2,
08:12 Romans 12:1, 2, it says here,
08:15 " I beseech you therefore, brethren,
08:17 by the mercies of God,
08:19 that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
08:23 holy, acceptable to God,
08:25 which is your reasonable service."
08:27 And verse 2 says,
08:29 "And be not conformed to this world,
08:32 but you transform by the renewing of your minds
08:35 that you may prove what is that good
08:38 and acceptable and perfect will of God."
08:42 Amen.
09:00 And He made
09:02 Something beautiful
09:09 Something good
09:13 All of my confusion
09:18 He understood
09:24 All I had to offer Him
09:28 Was brokenness and strength
09:33 Yet He made something
09:37 Beautiful out of my life
09:41 He made something beautiful
09:45 If there ever were dreams
09:48 That were lofty and noble
09:52 They were dreams at the starts
09:56 And the hopes for life's best
09:59 Were the hopes that I harbored
10:03 Down deep in my heart
10:07 But my dreams turned to ashes
10:10 My castles are crumbled
10:12 My fortune turned to loss
10:17 So I wrapped it all in the rags up my life
10:23 And I laid it at the cross
10:31 Something beautiful
10:36 Something good
10:41 All of my confusion
10:46 He understood
10:52 All I had to offer him
10:57 Was brokenness and strength
11:01 Yet He made something
11:06 Beautiful of my life
11:13 Yes He made something
11:17 Beautiful of my life
11:34 Amen. Praise God.
11:38 Thank you so much, Michael.
11:42 You know that's what we're talking about tonight
11:44 something beautiful transformation.
11:54 Well, first of all I just want to thank the Lord Jesus Christ
11:59 that I'm here.
12:01 Everybody here has a story to tell.
12:04 Hello precious people, you were here last night.
12:09 We're all miracles and we're gonna go in tonight,
12:13 we're gonna just kind of get an idea of how that works.
12:17 I want to welcome first of all
12:19 my local brothers and sisters in Christ.
12:23 I love each one of you
12:24 and what's absolutely fantastic is that I know you love me too.
12:29 Amen.
12:30 And so consequently if that's what God is all about,
12:35 you know, because I'm sure that there's people that are lonely.
12:40 Because they don't know that there's somebody out there
12:44 that's bigger and better than everybody.
12:48 Somebody that won't let you down
12:51 and that's who we're gonna be talking about tonight.
12:54 Also I want to welcome the people
12:55 that have televisions is watching us,
12:58 that have radios is watching us
13:00 and having streaming internet.
13:03 Welcome.
13:04 Amen.
13:06 Where Are All The Miracles?
13:08 That's what we're talking about.
13:10 I know that Hal has talked about it,
13:12 Shelley has talked about it,
13:14 Johnny has talked about it,
13:17 C.A has talked about it
13:19 and Cheri Peters have talked about it.
13:22 And we've got Jim Gilley is gonna talk about it.
13:25 And Danny Shelton is gonna talk about miracles.
13:27 And I have no doubt that anybody here
13:30 sitting in here could be up here talking about miracles
13:33 because we are a miracle.
13:37 Have you witnessed a miracle in your life time?
13:40 I know that I have because I witness them daily.
13:42 I have the distinct pleasure and it's an honor
13:47 that I work into 3ABN pastoral staff.
13:49 Amen.
13:50 We have people that call in everyday all over the world,
13:53 all over the world
13:55 and they have issues that they're dealing with.
13:58 It is our responsibility to do the very best that we can do
14:02 using the talent that God has given us
14:04 to lift them up as an encouragement.
14:07 Some people after sharing what their issues are
14:12 can't wait to call back in a couple of days
14:17 with a success story.
14:21 Success story could be something small
14:24 like having their rent paid,
14:26 to we've had people just called from Africa
14:29 and I want you to listen to this
14:31 that have been cured from AIDS.
14:34 Doctors don't seem to be able to do it.
14:37 But Jehovah Rapha can, amen.
14:44 But that's not what I want to talk about tonight.
14:47 What we're gonna be talking about tonight
14:49 is the power of God
14:51 and how He changes each one of us into a new creation.
14:58 So we're gonna talk about a miracle of transformation.
15:01 We all do this.
15:03 We didn't accidentally become born again.
15:06 There is a way of going about it.
15:10 Now if you are lucky and this is where I messed up,
15:15 you start life, you are good little boys and girls.
15:19 If you're fortunate enough
15:20 to be bought up into a good family,
15:23 you learn about God
15:25 but man there's some place in there
15:27 that you kind of go left when you should have gone right.
15:31 What I did wrong was that
15:37 I took a wrong turn
15:39 and it took me a long time to find my way back on to--
15:43 to find my back on where I was supposed to be.
15:45 But anyway I want to go with the definition of a miracle.
15:49 "It's an effect or an extraordinary event
15:51 that surpasses all known human or natural powers.
15:55 As God manifesting His supernatural power,
15:58 it happens when God enters to the scene or circumstances
16:02 and exerts his divine power overruling suspending
16:05 or modifying the ordinary course of nature."
16:08 And I like one right here,
16:11 "It's a priority service gift from God
16:14 that comes in different packages."
16:16 Now as I was saying while ago
16:18 what I was hoping that would happen to J.D Quinn,
16:21 I wanted to shortcut, most people want the shortcut,
16:24 we want that Damascus road experience.
16:27 I didn't read the small print
16:32 that after Paul was blinded nearly
16:35 had that thought in his side for the rest of his life
16:39 that he went and spent three years studying,
16:45 I didn't say that part.
16:47 I just went okay, Lord, here I am,
16:49 if you are real just get it done with,
16:52 knock me off my feet, I'm a believer.
16:55 Very few people have the opportunity
16:58 of having that particular road to follow.
17:01 Most of us do it the old fashion way.
17:05 The old fashion way is that it's a progression, okay.
17:12 Let's talk about transformation.
17:14 Transformation is to be radically changed,
17:17 radically changed.
17:18 Radically changed, it means this.
17:20 You are going in this particular direction here
17:23 and radically you're turned around
17:26 going the other way.
17:28 Now that's what radically changed me,
17:29 because lots of times wherever I said
17:31 I was took a short left or a right
17:34 whenever I should have gone the designated way.
17:37 You know, you kind of skew off
17:40 and you kind of like it
17:41 because you are thinking for yourself.
17:44 But the thing about is you are not following the path
17:48 that God has destined for you.
17:50 Amen.
17:51 You know, anyway
17:53 for us to be transformed into the image of Jesus,
17:56 we must experience God's power in our life.
17:59 And that's why it's called a miracle.
18:01 Amen.
18:02 No human power could achieve this.
18:05 Transformation of the sin nature being recreated,
18:07 a new creation in Christ is a miraculous event
18:11 that takes place in people's life daily
18:14 around the world.
18:16 So bottom-line is,
18:18 God is still in the miracle working business.
18:23 Transformation of the sin nature
18:26 to the nature of Christ.
18:29 It isn't like we were just talking about while ago
18:31 we're on the spot lightning fast transformation
18:34 but it is developmental, step by step.
18:39 And it happens as we set the feet of Jesus
18:42 learning from Him, receiving His love
18:44 allowing Him to cloth it with a robe of righteousness
18:47 and then going out to share our testimony
18:52 of His mercy, love, grace.
18:55 In other words His power to change.
18:58 That's when the rewards are really present
19:03 whenever you can take the gift that He gave you
19:08 and you incorporated into your own heart and your own mind.
19:13 And then you are excited to pass it on to someone else.
19:17 Amen.
19:18 Oh, now you talk about it,
19:20 we can sit and we can talk about cocaine,
19:22 we can talk about meth,
19:23 we can talk about all the supposedly highs of the world.
19:27 But those are downers.
19:29 The greatest high in the world
19:32 is whenever you can take what the Lord has given you
19:34 and if you haven't been there don't knock it
19:38 because I'll tell you,
19:39 it'll take you some places that you've never been before.
19:41 Amen.
19:43 And it gives-- it's a passion
19:46 and you really want to get out there and I mean,
19:48 I know people out here that are evangelist.
19:51 I know there's people out here
19:52 that don't thank their evangelist
19:54 but they evangelize everyday in their own backyards.
19:56 And so anytime that you do something that's wonderful,
20:03 you'll be blessed by it
20:05 but not only will you be blessed by it
20:07 but someone else will be blessed by it.
20:10 Go back to Romans 12:1 and 2.
20:14 I don't know, I'd like for you,
20:16 I know lots of people take notes.
20:18 I've got lots of scripture here tonight,
20:20 so we're gonna fly through a lot of scripture.
20:22 But this where we need to begin right here.
20:26 Thank you Brother Donnie for sharing this.
20:29 "I beseech you therefore, brethren,
20:31 by the mercies of God,
20:34 that you present your bodies
20:36 a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God,
20:38 which is your reasonable service.
20:40 And do not be conformed to this world,
20:43 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
20:46 that you may prove what is that good,
20:48 and acceptable, and perfect will of God."
20:51 So we're gonna be transformed by the renewing of our mind.
20:55 Boy, is that supernatural?
20:57 Because I mean each one of us,
20:59 everybody has a mind
21:02 and you don't know what's going on up there,
21:05 but boy, I'll tell you,
21:07 once you are infused and you are renewed.
21:12 Somebody here's the new sheriff in town,
21:15 and boy with that new sheriff in town,
21:18 you get lots of respect.
21:21 If people don't respect you
21:23 the most important person in the world respects you
21:25 and that's God
21:26 and number 2 is your own self
21:28 because you knew where you came from.
21:32 Nobody knew you when you were down in the gutter.
21:35 But, boy, when you were pulled up you know,
21:37 now you feel good about feeling good
21:39 because you know the trip that you took.
21:42 And nobody else can appreciate that.
21:44 How can Satan tells stories that just frightened me.
21:48 Our roads went different whenever we were young men.
21:51 And, boy, I'll tell you those pills couldn't get him
21:56 and I mean this is...
21:59 Mark would like to get a hold and see what he did there,
22:01 you know, I mean taking all these pills
22:02 and everything and still walking good.
22:04 But anyway the word transformed
22:07 in the Greek language is metamorphoo,
22:12 metamorphoo which means to be radically change
22:15 for us to live according to God's will in a sinful world.
22:19 We need a complete metamorphosis,
22:21 a radical change in our mind,
22:23 in our nature, in our character.
22:26 We need a total renewing of our mind
22:28 by the power of God's word and the Holy Spirit.
22:32 We need a miraculous metamorphosis,
22:34 the miracle of transformation that only God can achieve,
22:40 only God can achieve, not mankind,
22:43 not the newest drug that's on the market, only God.
22:48 It's a change, it's an alteration,
22:50 it's a conversion.
22:53 What is metamorphosis?
22:55 Here again, you're gonna know
22:57 by the time you leave here this evening
22:59 that a metamorphosis is the transformation.
23:03 Transformation is the development process
23:05 involving the conspicuous and relatively abrupt changes.
23:08 It proceeds in distinct stages.
23:12 A moth change in appearance, character,
23:14 condition and function and in the physical realm
23:19 normally we think of what
23:20 when we talk about metamorphosis.
23:26 We think of butterflies,
23:30 one of the best courses I ever took in college was entomology.
23:34 One of those classes you know that I was just taking
23:37 because it look like it was fun.
23:38 I want to just take just--
23:40 I wanted it just to because
23:41 I could just see myself just running through
23:43 you know my little net,
23:45 with my little net, catching butterflies and bugs
23:48 and whatever.
23:49 You know but boy, I learned names like Carabidae,
23:52 Scarabaeidae, Lampyridae, you know,
23:54 Muscidae what is your ordinary housefly
23:57 but I learned all this stuff.
24:00 But what I really like was the butterfly
24:04 and what we're going to talk about tonight
24:07 is the monarch butterfly.
24:09 Beautiful bright orange you know
24:11 with all the black streaking through it.
24:13 Everybody knows a monarch butterfly.
24:17 What I want to attempt to do
24:20 by the grace of God it'll be done
24:23 is take the developmental stage of that monarch butterfly
24:28 and draw an analogy of us in our metamorphosis.
24:34 Okay, so we're coming from two different sides
24:38 but we're coming in the middle because God had a plan.
24:42 He has systems and it all makes sense,
24:47 if you can look at the big picture.
24:53 Monarch butterflies the female butter,
24:57 the female monarch is very picky
25:02 about where she lays her eggs.
25:04 This is a miracle right here
25:06 because the monarch butterfly can only lay eggs
25:11 underneath a milkweed leaf.
25:16 Now if it laid an egg under an oak leaf,
25:20 poor little monarch, he's not gonna make it.
25:24 But there's a miracle in itself to me.
25:27 I mean if somebody had to be in charge of,
25:28 you just didn't evolve into, you know,
25:30 I mean there is trillion milkweeds
25:34 and they finally found an egg that lived.
25:37 Doesn't work like that.
25:38 I mean He knew from the very beginning,
25:39 He mean God.
25:42 The eggs are laid singly
25:43 and germinating on the underside of the leaves
25:45 are small about the size of a period on your typewriter
25:48 you know, and then from the egg comes a caterpillar,
25:52 so small at first that it can barely be seen.
25:58 Now I'm miracle, we just saw the monarch,
26:02 our miracle is yours and my miracle
26:04 transformation begins when we are born again,
26:07 by the power of His spirit
26:08 and by the word of God.
26:10 John 3:5 Jesus answered,
26:12 "Most assuredly I say to you
26:15 unless one is born of water and the spirit,
26:17 he cannot enter the kingdom of God."
26:20 Found in 1 Peter 1:23
26:23 I like that 1, 2, 3
26:25 these are easier for me to remember 123,
26:28 "Having been born again, not of corruptible seed,
26:30 but incorruptible, through the word of God,
26:33 which lives and abides forever."
26:35 So you are not exchanging bad seed for bad seed.
26:38 He's taken you from the corruptible seed
26:41 which we were and perhaps are, you know,
26:47 and He just put some good seediness oil.
26:53 Now the caterpillar only has one responsibility,
26:59 eat, eat, inch along, eat, inch along, eat, inch along,
27:06 that's his responsibility.
27:09 It would seem to me that when we're first born again,
27:13 we're all feed to because
27:15 that caterpillar has 8 legs 16 feet
27:22 and they are really clumsy too.
27:25 But here we are now you know,
27:28 I think that... you bet
27:31 so weird little baby Christians,
27:33 we're clumsy, we're curious
27:36 and our job is to eat, eat, eat.
27:41 And we start off by feeding on the milk of the word
27:45 as we just inch along.
27:47 1 Peter 2:2, "As newborn babes,
27:50 desire the pure milk of the word,
27:53 that you may grow thereby."
27:56 Mathew 4:4, "Man shall not live by bread alone,
27:58 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
28:02 So what does this mean?
28:03 It means that we're learning who we are in Jesus Christ.
28:06 We are learning, who we?
28:08 Do we have a identify crisis or not,
28:10 that's what we're learning
28:12 as we're starting of as baby Christians.
28:14 Is there something to this?
28:16 I mean there's people, I remember, boy,
28:18 when I first read, my first Luke,
28:20 my first King James.
28:21 I read through there
28:23 without inviting the Holy Spirit
28:24 to come in and be my God,
28:26 to be my comforter, to be my intelligence.
28:30 I couldn't understand it.
28:33 So I mean but I sure do understand today.
28:37 But I'll tell you what I'm no longer on milk,
28:40 I'm eating meat.
28:41 Amen, but it was a developmental process,
28:46 just didn't jump in there one day and start,
28:47 oh, I want a T-bone of word to God.
28:51 Now certainly I started with that little old milk, okay.
28:56 2 Corinthians 5:15,
28:58 "Therefore if anyone is in Christ,
28:59 he is a new creature, old things have passed away;
29:02 behold, all things have become new..."
29:06 Part of my transformations from--
29:09 from drinking milk to progression
29:14 was Shelley Quinn my little precious wife
29:18 wrote a book called Exalting His Word.
29:20 On page 136 it says,
29:22 it's got a new creation in Christ relates to past.
29:25 Now this is an affirmation,
29:26 she took three scriptures and gave her affirmation.
29:30 But then you pray this over your life and listen here,
29:35 I'm a new creation in Christ Jesus.
29:38 I do not dwell, J.D does not dwell on the past
29:41 for God is doing a new thing in J.D.
29:44 I released J.D's past and I press forward.
29:47 J.D's all nature has vanished.
29:50 And now only my J.D Quinn's new Christ like nature exists.
29:55 Everyone of us ought to be saying that out loud
29:58 because you know
29:59 the power of life and death is in the tongue
30:02 and so we've got good stuff is going in,
30:06 then there's good stuff is going to come out.
30:08 But if you're gonna sit here and say poor me,
30:10 well, I don't deserve this, I don't deserve that,
30:12 you know I had--
30:14 I got whipped too many times when I was a kid,
30:16 you know, I mean this is programming your mind.
30:20 You need to find out
30:21 that you're a new creation in Christ.
30:22 Then hold on because you're gonna go on trail, okay.
30:26 The caterpillar faces a challenge as it grows,
30:29 their skin cannot grow with them.
30:32 So their progression remember,
30:37 they're eating, eating, eating
30:39 so the outside skin gets to be too small
30:41 but miraculously God has set things up
30:45 so that underneath the old skin there's new skin
30:48 that's a little bit bigger.
30:50 And so what happens is as he goes along
30:53 he ditches that--
30:54 he ditches that the old skin and a new skin.
30:57 He does this five times,
31:00 so I mean this little dude's eating
31:03 and then by the time that he gets through eaten.
31:05 There's a caterpillar now he go went from a dot
31:09 that can barely be seen, he's two inches long.
31:13 It took 9 to 14 days to get that two inches long.
31:18 As Christians we undergo
31:19 a similar molting process as we grow,
31:21 we're admonished to put off the old, put on the new, amen.
31:28 Ephesians 4:22-24,
31:32 Ephesians 4:22-24, okay,
31:36 "That you put off, concerning your former conduct,
31:38 the old man which grows corrupt
31:40 according to the deceitful lusts,
31:41 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind,
31:43 that you put on the new man
31:46 which was created according to God,
31:48 in true righteousness and holiness."
31:50 So your spiritual destiny
31:55 is the death of the old life in the flesh
31:57 and the beginning of a new life in the spirit.
32:00 Amen, developmental one step at a time,
32:04 process, process going milk, eat--
32:07 drink more milk,
32:09 you know drink more milk of the word, amen, amen.
32:15 Let's get this straight. Thank you, Shelley.
32:21 Now when the caterpillar becomes full grown,
32:24 he leaves the milkweed, plant and he finds a safe place,
32:29 oh, what a word the pupate.
32:33 I didn't make that word up,
32:37 forgive me if I am saying it wrong
32:39 but it's called pupate.
32:43 The pupate is that's the development stage
32:45 between the last larvae form and the adult form.
32:48 So anywhere some place in there, there is a pupae,
32:52 okay, so unlike moths who have cocoons
32:57 and there's a sermon in itself because we've been told
33:02 that we're not supposed to stay in that cocoon.
33:05 We're supposed to get out and fulfill our destiny
33:08 as men and women of Jesus Christ.
33:12 So what happens now is that it makes a silk like mat
33:16 and then it attaches its last two legs,
33:18 Remember it had eight legs.
33:20 Now this is an insect, insects have six legs,
33:23 well, now all of a sudden it makes sense
33:24 for those other two legs limp.
33:26 He's attaching those to that little mat
33:29 and then he just hangs down there.
33:32 Well, now lot of people think that he's taking a vacation,
33:36 well, he's hanging there but he's not lots of stuff
33:38 that's going on right there.
33:40 And they called this the chrysalis
33:43 and they're about an inch longer.
33:44 Chrysalis is a casing.
33:49 And inside this chrysalis the caterpillar
33:52 is undergoing major changes.
33:56 He's growing, he's being transformed from that pupae,
34:04 from that egg into that caterpillar
34:11 and to a beautiful butterfly, amen.
34:16 What a miracle, what a miracle.
34:19 And God designed that
34:21 so that we could just look and enjoy that.
34:24 But at the same time, He's working on us.
34:28 So the chrysalis age for the Christian is
34:30 when we really learn to die to self, amen
34:35 and acknowledge that our real life
34:36 is hidden with Christ in God,
34:39 Colossians 3:2, 3,
34:41 "Set your mind on things above,
34:42 not on things on the earth.
34:44 For you died."
34:45 The old man died and you're live,
34:48 your real life is hidden in Christ Jesus.
34:53 So we need to learn to be still and to know
34:57 that God is indeed in charge.
35:01 We need to know that we can trust Him.
35:03 We need to know that He equips us
35:06 with everything that we need.
35:08 I want to say that again because this is humongous.
35:13 We have to learn to be still and to know that He's God
35:17 and that we can trust big word right there
35:21 because nobody can trust anybody,
35:24 but we can trust Him to equip us
35:29 with everything that we need.
35:31 Wait a minute here,
35:34 you mean that I show up and I listen,
35:39 and I know through faith that your God,
35:42 and I place my trust in you
35:44 and that you're going to take care of me.
35:47 You're going to enable me to take the next step.
35:51 I didn't say it, this is what the Bible says.
35:55 This is what inspired man said
35:58 they got their inspiration from God Himself.
36:02 Hebrews 13:20, 21 "Now may the God of peace
36:05 who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead,
36:07 that great Shepherd of the sheep,
36:09 through the blood of the everlasting covenant,
36:11 make you complete in every good work to do His will."
36:14 To align our will with His will.
36:19 You know, we pray about this all the time in pastoral.
36:22 Brothers, let's get on the same page
36:23 because for something to happen,
36:26 we've got to align your will with His will,
36:28 otherwise you know we can just sit here
36:31 and pray till the cows come,
36:33 because you are not on the same page.
36:35 So here it's saying you know that by us
36:38 cooperating with Him that the wills become as one.
36:43 Amen. Amen.
36:46 So it's a wonderful comfort to our faith.
36:50 Lots of faith, lots of comfort.
36:54 Little faith, little comfort.
36:58 Philippians 2:13,
37:00 "For it is God who works in you both to will
37:03 and to do for His good pleasure."
37:06 It's consequently not your brothers and sisters,
37:09 it's not by ourselves.
37:11 We give Him permission
37:15 so people that are looking for miracles,
37:19 you just got a glimpse of it.
37:22 Turn it over to Him.
37:25 It's said up here if we learn to be still know
37:27 that He's God trust Him and everything
37:29 we need will be there and but the great--
37:32 the great news is,
37:33 is that we don't have to do this by ourselves
37:36 because we can't do it by ourselves,
37:38 we're just little old babies.
37:41 So he turns around,
37:42 he takes over and then we blossom.
37:47 And then as we share our faith with other people they blossom.
37:51 Amen. Amen.
37:55 So we have to cooperate rely totally upon God's power.
37:59 The power of His word and the spirit
38:00 to get us to the next stage
38:02 of our Christian development growth.
38:05 Now step five dramatic changes
38:08 occur inside the chrysalis, the case.
38:12 Remember, chomp, chomp, chomp,
38:14 chomp, chomp, chomp.
38:15 Well, wait a minute
38:16 as he's flying around as a little butterfly.
38:20 He's not out there chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp, chomping,
38:22 he's going to flower to flower so something's got to happen.
38:26 He's got to create a beak that he can suck that juice,
38:32 so this is what happens there.
38:34 This is what happens inside that chrysalis.
38:38 I mean these are just things
38:39 that who would think about this?
38:41 I mean, I don't think about stuff like that,
38:44 I've never in my life thought about chomp, chomp, chomp,
38:47 then all of a sudden, you know,
38:48 you turn around and here's a beautiful butterfly
38:50 over here sucking nectar out of the flower.
38:54 Hence 9 to 14 days transformation
38:56 from caterpillar to butterfly is complete
38:58 and that little old baby creepy insect
39:01 that we saw before now becomes a beautiful flying insect.
39:05 Miracle?
39:06 Yes.
39:07 Did it happen that fast?
39:09 No, developmental, step by step.
39:14 As we are hidden with Christ in God,
39:16 His ways become our ways.
39:19 We begin to graduate from the milk of the word
39:22 and by the power of the Holy Spirit,
39:23 we're trained by practice get that,
39:28 you don't just grab it and then you sit on it.
39:32 We got to practice, so we get what we--
39:35 we absorb what we got
39:37 and then we go out in practicing
39:39 and I know that if you are on the fire for the Lord,
39:42 you can't wait to do that.
39:44 Now you don't know everything.
39:46 But your passion, it'll make up the difference for the things
39:52 that you don't know and you'll find out
39:54 because then you become very honest with yourself
39:56 because you don't want to disappoint you savior.
39:59 I don't know that answer
40:00 but I'll sure find out 'cause I want to know
40:03 and so then there's that development
40:05 so you know you could just see how you just grow.
40:11 Psalms 34:8,
40:16 I like this because it threw me off,
40:19 "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good."
40:21 Taste food, so that's where my mind went
40:26 but He's talking about taste here means no J.D,
40:30 you got to experience it, so taste here means,
40:33 oh, experience and see that the Lord is good.
40:38 "Blessed is the man who trust in Him."
40:42 My goodness I know that I'm blessed
40:49 and I know that I'm blessed with beyond my wildest dreams
40:54 because I guess that my faith must be wild,
40:58 made beyond my wildest dreams you know and I'm still a baby.
41:02 So this is gonna be exciting by the time this is over.
41:06 And if I'm a baby,
41:07 there's people out there that are babies too.
41:11 But you got to jump on the wagon sometime or the other
41:14 because the secret of this is,
41:17 is that you don't have to do it by yourself.
41:20 Even if you had to do this by yourself,
41:22 I don't know if I could carry all that load.
41:25 Even as a young man I couldn't carry the load.
41:29 Philippians 1:6, "Being confident of this very thing,
41:32 that He who has begun a good work in you
41:36 will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."
41:41 What a promise.
41:43 I started my walk and I'm not gonna be dumped.
41:50 He's the Author, He's the Finisher.
41:53 So you know we're a team, we're partners.
41:57 I'm getting excited because this is about Him,
42:02 He's the pilot you know
42:04 I remember whenever I was young,
42:06 is God your co-pilot?
42:09 Well, we sure dumped that.
42:12 You are the co-pilot,
42:13 He's the pilot and it went right over my head,
42:19 I thought well, I'm glad that He's my co-pilot.
42:23 You know but that when you're on the milk, see.
42:29 The chrysalis suddenly cracks open
42:34 and out crawls the monarch butterfly.
42:40 His little wings are tiny.
42:42 They are crumpled, they are wet.
42:44 They're extremely vulnerable to predators
42:46 because they're not yet able to fly.
42:50 So he is clinging to that empty chrysalis as his pumps,
42:57 what they call hemolymph through his body
43:00 and that is insect blood.
43:02 But--
43:03 And then as that goes through
43:04 and it feels a monarch's body wings
43:06 they began to get larger
43:10 and then after about an hour
43:14 after he comes out of that chrysalis,
43:16 the monarch wings are full size dry
43:19 and ready for flying.
43:22 Wow, in our lives...
43:26 as the miracle of spiritual transformation is in process,
43:29 we're also vulnerable to a predator.
43:33 I'll tell you who that predator is...
43:36 Satan.
43:38 Some people take the easy way out calling to evil one.
43:43 He's bad, he's a bad dude.
43:46 He takes no prisoners.
43:50 1 Peter 5:8-10 "Be sober"
43:53 didn't know what sober meant,
43:55 I thought well no booze,
43:59 that's where the milk is,
44:01 okay "be sober" that meant be well balanced.
44:06 Boy, I do believe in balance.
44:09 Be well balanced J.D, "be vigilant;
44:11 because your adversary the devil
44:13 walks about like a roaring lion,
44:15 seeking whom he may devour.
44:17 Resist him, steadfast in the faith,
44:20 knowing that the same sufferings
44:21 are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.
44:24 But may the God of all grace,
44:26 who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus,
44:30 after you have suffered for a while."
44:32 Oh, oh, it's not a free ride, not a free ride.
44:39 You've to suffer a little bit but that's all right
44:42 because then it will be perfect established
44:44 strength and settle you.
44:47 Amen.
44:51 The blood that gives Christians wings
44:53 to fly is the blood of Jesus.
44:58 It's not hemolymph, it's the blood of Jesus.
45:03 We were purchased by His blood.
45:05 We were redeemed by the blood of the lamb.
45:09 1 Peter 1:15-19.
45:14 "He who called you holy,
45:16 you also be holy in all your conduct,
45:19 because it is written,
45:22 'Be holy, J.D, for I am holy.'
45:27 And if you call on the Father,
45:28 who without partiality judges according to each one's work."
45:33 To me that's fair enough, you know,
45:37 I can't be judged on what Shelley does,
45:39 Hal does, Donnie does, the pastor does,
45:42 I can't be judged on what they did.
45:46 No, I mean, this is mine, this is me.
45:52 "Conduct yourselves throughout the time
45:54 of your stay here in fear,
45:56 knowing that you were not redeemed
45:58 with corruptible things,
45:59 like silver or gold, from your aimless
46:01 conduct received by tradition from your fathers,
46:06 but with the precious blood of Christ,
46:09 as of a lamb without blemish and without spot."
46:13 Amen.
46:15 And of course we can all go different places
46:17 we know that silver and gold.
46:20 They feel good in your pocket
46:22 but after a while you may not have pockets
46:25 to even put 'em in.
46:27 So consequently you know it's the blood of Jesus.
46:32 He washes away our sins by His blood.
46:35 Revelation 15:1, 5-6,
46:40 "From Jesus Christ, the faithful witness,
46:42 the firstborn from the dead,
46:45 and the ruler over the kings of the earth.
46:46 To Him who loved us and washed us
46:48 from our sins in His own blood,
46:49 and has made us kings and priests
46:52 to His God and Father,
46:53 to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever."
46:58 And then it ends it amen, amen.
47:02 His blood cleanses our conscience
47:05 from dead works as He takes us
47:06 through the transformation process
47:08 and I want someone out there to listen to this because, men,
47:11 when we talk about consciences, our conscience can kill us.
47:16 And then here is something
47:18 I think that I'm gonna learn
47:19 through this transformation process
47:21 that someone can get me a clear conscience.
47:25 Oh, I do I want that.
47:27 Boy, do I want comfort. Boy, do I want peace.
47:32 Boy, do I want confidence and, boy, do I want quietness.
47:37 And I'll guarantee you
47:38 Shelley and I've been into business for over many years
47:41 and boy there for awhile we were broke, broke, broke.
47:44 We put it all on the line. We went red, it went black.
47:48 That's the joke but anyway it didn't go our way.
47:52 So, you know, we hated every time
47:59 the phone called every time--
48:01 and you know we as human beings
48:04 because we have a conscience
48:07 that we went left when we should have gone right,
48:10 in fact we're just fearful all the time
48:14 because we're scared but there is a way out.
48:18 Amen.
48:19 There is a way out.
48:20 Amen.
48:21 'Cause I know in my particular case
48:24 I like that quietness that means
48:27 that I'm settled that means that bring it on.
48:32 "Greater is He that is in me than that is in the world."
48:35 And if you're still on milk you can understand that words
48:38 but you don't really understand the dynamics of that
48:43 because, boy, when you know the greater
48:44 He is in you and that's Jesus Christ in you
48:48 because we've all read the end of the book the Bible.
48:52 We know that He's going to prepare a place for us.
48:57 And if He went to prepare a place for us
48:59 that means He's going to come back
49:01 and that means it Hal and Mollie,
49:03 Shelley and I, Pastor and Angie,
49:05 you know everyone of us in here
49:08 is going to have our own home.
49:10 And we're gonna get to build our own home.
49:13 Wow, this could be fun.
49:15 Don't have to worry about loan.
49:19 You know, the money is there.
49:23 Hebrews 9:14,
49:24 "How much more shall the blood of Jesus Christ,
49:26 who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself
49:28 without spot to God,
49:30 cleanse your conscience from dead works
49:32 to serve the living God?"
49:34 For you out there that have a conscience
49:36 that's eaten you up.
49:37 Hebrews 9:14,
49:40 put that one in your back pocket
49:42 because you don't need to be out here
49:44 with all that weight on your shoulders.
49:47 There's a miracle working God out there.
49:49 That's waiting to transform each one of us.
49:53 He's ready to take that old nasty dead conscience
49:56 and He's ready to throw it on the ground and stomp on it.
50:00 Revelation 12:11,
50:01 "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb
50:03 and by the word of their testimony."
50:05 Amen.
50:07 I love that word of the testimony.
50:09 Didn't understand what that meant
50:11 when I was on milk
50:14 but that mean what that means is that
50:17 as each one of us go from our larva,
50:21 caterpillar larva, the pupae, the caterpillar
50:28 and we come out like a butterfly.
50:31 That means that we have a testimony.
50:35 Let me tell you what the Lord did for me
50:38 I was talking with Lenny here while ago.
50:40 We had a good time the other night,
50:42 the last night and that we heard some real miracles.
50:46 Tell us some miracles J.D because we all want to know,
50:49 we all want to know that God is alive and well.
50:52 We want to know that He's still in a miracle working business.
50:56 We all want to know that miracles exist today.
50:59 I'm a miracle? Yes.
51:01 Boy, I know that I'm a miracle.
51:03 And I'm gonna fast track right now
51:06 and I thank Jesus for putting me on that fast track.
51:09 And I'll guarantee you
51:10 sometimes you feel like choking on the milk
51:13 'cause it's coming down so fast
51:15 but then you know that you don't know
51:16 when the next train is going to come by.
51:19 And so you don't want to sit here
51:21 and just disappoint the person that wired you.
51:25 The person that created you because we all have a destiny,
51:30 we don't know what that destiny is,
51:31 until it's all said and done.
51:33 And whenever we're sitting across the table
51:35 from our Lord Jesus Christ,
51:36 can you explain what my destiny was,
51:39 and I'll tell you please young people don't go
51:44 and throw this stuff away, this is real.
51:46 If you get into the milk of the word
51:49 and if you will stay with it and you can't do it.
51:52 Don't have to do it,
51:54 He says hey I'll come in there and I'll help you.
51:56 I'll help you understand what this is all about
51:59 'cause I got a plan for your life.
52:01 I want to take you out of that message
52:03 you're in right now, amen.
52:06 They unto have to exercise our faith muscles
52:09 before we can fly, we have to walk in obedience.
52:12 May be really dried out and everything
52:14 but we got to have our wings too
52:16 and our wings is by obeying.
52:19 It feels good to obey.
52:21 You know it feels good
52:22 to be able to look over your shoulder
52:24 and the booker man is not there whatever that is...
52:29 you know, it may be somebody looking for some money,
52:34 you know may be you stole from somebody
52:37 and you're looking over your shelf.
52:39 It may be that you got yourself in a message
52:41 that you never meant to get there,
52:43 but there is a way out.
52:45 'Cause, boy, there's nothing better than quietness
52:48 that you can sleep good at night.
52:52 1 John 5:3-4, "For this is the love of God,
52:56 that we keep His commandments,
52:57 and His commandments are not burdensome.
52:59 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world,
53:01 and this is the victory
53:02 that has overcome the world, our faith."
53:07 Our faith.
53:10 After the monarch butterfly takes flight
53:13 that now uses its strong like tongue to sip the nectar
53:18 from all the beautiful flowers.
53:20 For us says in 2 Corinthians 1:20,
53:24 this is when we learned
53:25 that all of His promises are ours in Christ.
53:29 So we're going out there
53:30 and we're drinking the nectar from His promises.
53:33 We're getting stronger and then we're drinking deep
53:38 from the wells of salvation.
53:40 Amen. Amen.
53:43 Four to six days after emerging,
53:45 the monarch is old enough to mate.
53:48 The monarch butterfly takes flight to pursue
53:50 its main adult activities
53:51 and that is mating and reproduction.
53:54 It has no time to waste because its adult life
53:58 will last no longer than 2 to 6 weeks before it dies.
54:04 Likewise J.D you have no time to waste.
54:11 Brothers and sisters, we have no time to waste.
54:15 We need to pursue our main activity of going out
54:17 and making disciples for the Lord.
54:19 Yes. Amen.
54:21 We have all received the great commission
54:25 and I know here at 3ABN,
54:27 we know what our great commission is,
54:29 but I'm just gonna share Matthew 28:19-20,
54:33 " Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,
54:36 baptizing them in the name of the Father
54:38 and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
54:41 teaching them to observe all things
54:43 that I have commanded you,
54:45 and lo," J.D, "I'm with you always."
54:50 J.D, "I am with you, even to the end of the age."
54:55 Wow, it's exactly right
54:58 'cause I'm not in this by myself.
55:01 I'm sitting over in the co-pilot seat you know.
55:06 My responsibility is to--
55:09 and I've given the Lord permission to do this.
55:11 Lord Holy Spirit,
55:13 if I go left when I should go the right,
55:15 I give you permission to grow my ears.
55:17 If you don't make my ears bigger till they are falling,
55:19 I still I'm not listening,
55:21 I give you permission to get out that stick
55:22 and hit me over the head.
55:23 I'm tired of going left when I should go right.
55:27 Just tired of it,
55:29 and if you start getting some gray hairs,
55:32 then all of a sudden you know
55:34 that you just find out that you just don't like hassles.
55:39 You know I'm tired of hassles
55:41 and so, boy, whenever red lights
55:43 are read light I stop,
55:45 I used to run through them when they were only yellow.
55:48 I knew it was like a game.
55:50 But I'm tired of hassles, you know.
55:53 But I don't have to sit and worry
55:55 about little things like that anyway.
56:04 The butterfly, monarch butterfly lives 60 days,
56:07 70 days, 70 days, 3 score and 10, 70 years.
56:13 So there is how it all fits in together.
56:16 There is no doubt that of a transformation
56:18 from the sin nature to divine nature of Christ
56:20 is a miraculous work of God.
56:22 We know that.
56:24 Miracle of transformation by God's divine power,
56:29 we gonna make new creations in Christ.
56:31 A miracle we must all experience in our lives
56:34 to be fit for eternal life in the kingdom of God.
56:40 You'll never regret it.
56:45 I know that God loves each one of us here.
56:48 I know that God loves each one of you out there.
56:51 This is about Him, it's not about you.
56:55 If nothing else, remember
56:56 that you don't have to do it by yourself.
56:59 He's your best friend, amen.
57:02 Love each one of you.
57:04 God bless you.


Revised 2015-03-19