3ABN On the Road

Victory In Christ

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bien Tejano


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000944

01:01 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
01:03 It's again a privilege and an honor for me to be here
01:07 and be a part of this program.
01:10 I too myself is so excited to come and share with you
01:15 some of my humble experiences as a diplomat
01:18 and also as an ambassador
01:21 of the Republic of the Philippines
01:23 and of course, as an ambassador of God.
01:25 We are all ambassadors of Christ, amen.
01:28 Amen. All of us.
01:29 All of us. No one is exempted.
01:31 Anyone who accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior,
01:35 accepts the commission that you are an ambassador,
01:39 you are to represent Him in all angles and all capacity
01:43 and all powers that God has given you.
01:46 So we are here in the same, talking of being ambassador
01:52 of our Lord Jesus Christ.
01:56 When I was a literature evangelist, a colporteur.
02:01 I tried to observe why some of my colleague
02:04 are not selling good books, especially health books.
02:10 I was wondering.
02:12 For me it was just easy for me
02:13 to sell health books especially.
02:16 I observed them one by one,
02:19 especially when I become the director of the publishing.
02:23 I observed my men, how they do the canvassing,
02:27 how they try to present the books, the health books
02:30 to their subject, to their target customers.
02:35 I observed something.
02:38 One of those who were presenting the health books
02:43 could not even convince the buyer
02:48 because he himself doesn't look healthy.
02:57 So I kept this, you know.
02:58 I was recording, I was watching
03:00 all my men, my salesmen and women who were under me
03:04 when I was the director of the publishing.
03:07 For other books like, you know, 'Your Food and You.'
03:13 In fact, that 'Your Food and You'
03:14 is even more sensitive because if you see,
03:16 sell your food and you and you are malnourished,
03:20 you are pale and unhealthy,
03:22 do you think you customer will buy your book?
03:25 No, no, no.
03:27 If you talk about hygiene
03:31 and you have a lot of dirt in your face, in your eyes,
03:34 you have not brush your teeth and you face your customer,
03:36 do you think that will convince to sell that book?
03:40 I don't think so.
03:43 So I have to regroup my men again and tell them these tips,
03:46 you know, I did not tell them frankly of what was going on
03:51 but I just told them you know, you just wear your nice dress.
03:57 Clean yourself, tidy yourself.
04:00 If you don't use gel or what, you put something
04:03 that you look healthy and powerful.
04:06 I tell you friends, when I get the tip to change their aimings
04:11 when they face their customers, the sale of my books
04:14 just rose up so high
04:15 and almost all of those who joined my group,
04:18 almost all of them became millionaires.
04:22 Very interesting.
04:25 Now, we are talking here about evangelism.
04:28 We are talking here about selling Christ
04:32 as our commodity.
04:34 Selling the kingdom of God as our goods for the people
04:40 to understand what it is about, you know.
04:42 People doesn't just join Christianity just by joining,
04:46 they join because they're feeling themselves
04:48 importance of it.
04:50 And that is why when you describe about Christ,
04:53 do you really know Him as an ambassador of Christ?
04:58 Do you understand when He talks to you?
05:01 My son, my daughter, please tell them
05:04 how good and precious I am.
05:07 Could you speak in His behalf?
05:10 Could you tell the people that the kingdom
05:12 where He belongs is the kingdom
05:14 that you will not want anything anymore?
05:18 If you are not ready to speak on that,
05:21 you won't be able to sell His book.
05:25 They will have to close their doors
05:28 and their hearts.
05:33 I was mandated this morning to share with you
05:36 on the witnessing and evangelism
05:39 and then you ask me, "Hey, ambassador.
05:42 How is it to witness for the Lord,
05:44 now that you are the ambassador?"
05:47 Friends, I wish I could tell you
05:50 the excitement that I have.
05:52 Too much excitement, too much joy for me.
05:57 As a poor pastor coming from a poor province
06:01 of the nothing, nothing.
06:03 You know that.
06:07 It's just too much for me to accept
06:10 how the Lord has open to me the opportunity.
06:14 You know, when I was in the union,
06:18 we have to fight for our...
06:24 trip going to from one place to the other.
06:28 We have to fight for operation.
06:31 We have to fight on the transport.
06:34 Sometimes we are given 2,000 pesos for the whole year,
06:39 and that 2,000 is just enough
06:41 to fly to from Manila to Palawan,
06:43 it's not even enough because now it's already 5,000.
06:47 And that was the limitation that we have.
06:50 Then of course you have to ask your provision, your food,
06:53 your hotel or your place, you don't even talk about hotel
06:56 but that's not the language.
06:58 You talk about where you can sleep in the makeshift there.
07:01 That is where we are pastors, that's how we work.
07:06 And all I decided and I became the ambassador
07:08 of the Republic of the Philippines.
07:11 You know what?
07:14 When I go to a place except this of course,
07:16 I understand, I hope you did.
07:20 When I go to the place, it's all prepared.
07:27 Someone meets me at the airport with all their grand reception.
07:31 Escorted from the airport
07:35 to the place where I want to be.
07:38 Hotels, accommodation are prepared first class.
07:42 The food.
07:46 And you know, I just go to the place
07:49 to preach on Sabbath.
07:53 I say, "Boy, this is an opportunity."
07:58 That's why when I was in Papua New Guinea,
08:01 I had all this privilege to be flying
08:03 from one place to the other, so may trips
08:08 and the government pays with all this expenses,
08:12 then I said, "Lord, why should I not use this
08:16 for your honor and glory."
08:19 Of course the intention is to serve my church
08:22 but all Filipino community are delighted
08:25 because I don't only answer their needs
08:28 and counsel our affairs
08:30 and their needs to have renewal of passports, having visa.
08:35 They have problem entering the Philippines.
08:37 They have some cases, this and that,
08:39 and of course I attend to them
08:40 but much more they are delighted to hear
08:43 that I give them a message
08:45 that they have never heard in their whole life
08:47 when I tell them that all your cares,
08:50 there's is someone who can answer your need,
08:52 and that is Jesus Christ.
08:59 It is so interesting to see this,
09:02 and I can't, this is special privilege, you know.
09:05 And that is why what that personal representation
09:10 and witnessing to the people.
09:13 I have used so many techniques, method, style,
09:19 but I think the church is so much aware
09:21 of the methods of witnessing.
09:24 First of all, is you have, first listen,
09:28 you have to live alive.
09:32 That is so clear reflecting
09:37 of who send you there, okay?
09:42 Live a life that is so clear and clean.
09:47 So that when you speak to the people,
09:50 they don't even have to think second times.
09:57 The representation, the right representation,
10:00 that's why we ambassadors who are called the diplomats
10:04 because we do diplomatic styles and approaches.
10:10 Dealing with people, learning their language properly
10:16 and always remembering that there is someone who sent you
10:23 and that you have to represent Him clearly, cleanly
10:28 and you happen to be Christian that represent Him
10:31 with all clarity of your life.
10:35 So that when I visit from one country to the other,
10:39 I make sure that I'm prepared.
10:42 I'm prepared, I rehearse the words
10:44 that I would like to speak.
10:46 And so exciting, you know,
10:49 especially if you are going to meet the prime minister,
10:52 if you are going to meet the president of the country,
10:55 if you are going to meet the king of the country.
10:59 You have to have all those precise words,
11:04 the first words that your mouth can open
11:07 and others in times they reflect about us
11:11 as ministers as layman, as lay workers,
11:14 as representatives of God, as an ambassadors of God.
11:17 We have to be precise with our own words
11:20 as we speak to the people about Jesus Christ.
11:25 One time when I made my presentation
11:28 of credential to the president of Fiji.
11:40 I was thinking whether to bring the letter of the president
11:44 and to bring my Bible.
11:47 So it was like, 'should I bring my Bible and the same time,
11:52 the letter of president?'
11:53 Then later on I decided,
11:55 "Oh, these people might think that
11:57 I'm trying to proceed like or I'm trying not to."
11:59 So first because I'm there to represent my country,
12:02 and of course back in my mind,
12:05 I'm going, ''I'm representing my Lord.''
12:08 So both I rehearse.
12:11 The first approach, "Your Excellency,
12:15 let me present to you the letter of my president,
12:20 and I'm here to serve your country.
12:22 I'm here as your representative,
12:25 I'm here to cooperate and establish
12:29 stronger diplomatic relation
12:31 between my country and your country."
12:34 Then and on and on and on with this
12:36 and I handed my letter of credits to the president.
12:42 But then my mind arouses and said,
12:44 "In order to have finish my presentation,
12:48 where can I find my way at least for me to,
12:53 you know, it's always my blood, it's always boiling, Jeremiah,
12:58 you know, where he is speaking in the Book of Jeremiah,
13:01 Chapter 37 he says,
13:02 "Oh Lord, please help me
13:04 because your words is just like a fire within my bones.
13:09 It is burning within me."
13:11 So I have that feeling, I said, "Lord, how could I?
13:15 Please help me. You see, I'm your servant.
13:18 I'm also your ambassador.
13:20 I know these people deserve to hear the word of God.
13:24 So after my speech, I was very, you know,
13:33 I was thinking that I was presenting myself
13:36 the way my president wants me to present my country.
13:40 I was looking at the president and he looks at me and he said,
13:47 "So what else."
13:50 I said, "What else?"
13:53 That word what else.
13:55 You know, friends,
13:57 if you are truly the ambassadors of Christ,
13:59 you should know your signal.
14:02 If you are a salesman or a literature evangelist
14:04 and you sell the books, find a way
14:08 and make sure that when there is that buying signal,
14:12 don't let it go.
14:15 Hang on it.
14:17 So when he... when I hit it, so what else?
14:19 "Oh, Your Excellency, yes, of course,
14:22 the very reason I came here is,
14:26 you know, I am a Seventh day Adventist."
14:31 And he opens his eyes.
14:34 And I am an ordain pastor of the church.
14:38 And then he opened his eyes.
14:42 And Your Excellency,
14:46 it is my intention during my term
14:51 and my tour of duty here in your country
14:55 that I'll be able to share the word of God.
14:59 There are beautiful promises from the Bible.
15:03 God has promised.
15:05 With all the trouble world we have.
15:08 He said, "Let not your heart be troubled."
15:10 I started to recite ethics from John Chapter 14.
15:15 "Your Excellency, the Lord said,
15:16 ''Let not your heart be troubled."
15:18 You know that country is a little trouble now.
15:21 You believe in God, believe also in me.
15:24 And He said,
15:26 "In My Father's house are many mansion.
15:28 If it were not so, I would have told you,
15:31 I go and prepare a place for you,
15:33 and if I go and prepare a place for you,
15:36 Jesus said I will come again and receive you unto myself."
15:40 Then He said, "And where he is, you can be there also."
15:45 He was listening, friends.
15:46 I was having a one on one evangelism
15:49 and the president was just mesmerized
15:52 and he was listening.
15:56 And he said, "Well, you know, Mr. Ambassador,
16:02 I've so many ambassadors that came into my country.
16:07 There was no one who ever spoke anything about God except you.
16:14 When I heard that, that was another buying signal for me.
16:19 You know, colporteur, you could not fold in,
16:21 anytime they hit you, you hit back then, all right?'
16:24 So I said, "Well, Your Excellency,
16:28 if you don't mind,
16:30 could I offer a prayer for you and to your--people?"
16:35 "Oh, thank you very much, Mr. Ambassador.
16:37 I'm honored" "Please, Your Excellency,
16:40 could you please kneel down and we will pray."
16:44 You know what he did?
16:46 He rose up from there where he was seated.
16:49 He asked me to come into his chamber
16:52 and there in his chamber a lot of his people there,
16:56 they are all standing and waiting for the word
16:58 and the president said,
16:59 "You all people, you all kneel down and we will pray."
17:07 Oh, man, my hair is standing.
17:10 And then I kneeled down with my power,
17:15 I prayed, "Lord, please give me now the power of your word,"
17:18 and then I pray for the president.
17:21 I pray for the people.
17:22 I prayed for his health, I prayed for his kingdom.
17:26 I prayed for his family.
17:31 After the prayer, he shook my hand and said,
17:34 "Your Excellency, Mr. Ambassador,
17:37 please you come back here again."
17:40 And I told him I will, I will.
17:43 You know what I did?
17:45 I reported immediately to the mission
17:47 and I visited the president of other country
17:50 and that his heart is open to listen to the word of God.
17:53 I told him please visit him.
17:56 He is a soul that is hungry for the word of God.
18:00 Now, listen church.
18:02 Do you think, if not for the Lord,
18:06 I can ever command a president to kneel down?
18:10 No way.
18:12 You don't do that to head of state.
18:18 I tell you, you can be killed.
18:21 But when you are on the mission of Christ,
18:25 remember that the one who send you
18:27 is more powerful than any president,
18:30 any prime minister, or any king in this planet earth
18:34 and that is why when you tilt on his business,
18:38 you are on a higher priority of life.
18:41 What a privilege?
18:43 What a privilege?
18:47 Another place I visited.
18:53 This is another place
18:57 I probably would not mention to you in particular
19:01 but I'll tell you the incident because we are on the air.
19:06 I visited this place.
19:09 I presented my credential.
19:14 They know I was coming, I was met at the airport
19:17 with all the entrance and trip protocol was there.
19:22 You know when you visit as an ambassador,
19:25 they treat you like the president of your country.
19:28 So the moment you arrive, by the way,
19:32 I'm so honored to be traveling,
19:34 and when I am on official mission,
19:35 because they would always give me the first class seat.
19:39 I tell you.
19:41 Even if you buy an economy, economy seat,
19:44 the moment the crew learn that you are the ambassador,
19:48 they would, "Could you please seat in the first class?"
19:52 Sometimes "No, that's all right."
19:53 "No, no, no. Please, please."
19:56 But my heart, "Come on, come on."
19:59 So I have all these special privilege
20:03 that I never had in my life during or ministry of 18 years,
20:07 that's where I wish
20:10 you can be an ambassador one day.
20:11 You are already an ambassador
20:13 but these are the special privileges,
20:14 I'm just trying to share with you, you know.
20:16 We as a family you understand where I am now,
20:18 so I went there
20:23 and when the door opens of the plane,
20:28 I was the first one to come out
20:30 and this court was there to meet me and said,
20:35 "Mr. Ambassador, can I have your passport?"
20:38 So I have to give my passport.
20:41 "Uh, you document for your luggage?"
20:43 So I have to give my document for the luggage.
20:46 And they said, "Mr. Ambassador,
20:48 would you please stay at the presidential lounge?"
20:50 So I have to sit there, you know,
20:52 while they work on my papers, my visa,
20:55 with this customs and all this luggage.
20:58 As soon as they have collected, "So, Ambassador,
21:00 is that all your luggage?"
21:02 I said, "Yes."
21:03 And I said to myself, I confided upon myself,
21:08 like a widow but you know,
21:09 I pretended to be real diplomatic,
21:13 but my hands really wanted to work.
21:16 And I feel just, you know, a little bit awkward
21:19 because I'm not used to this.
21:20 You let me carry whatever.
21:22 I mean, I can do that
21:24 because I'm a graduate of Mountain View College,
21:26 I'm trained to work hard work in the muddy place.
21:30 We sleep on the makeshift on the floor.
21:35 But these people, they treated me like the,
21:37 of course, there is the respect for the country.
21:39 They did that because they honored my country
21:42 and they respect my president.
21:45 So I was brought to the presidential lounge
21:50 and I went to there then later on
21:53 that trip protocol came in and said,
21:56 "Mr. Ambassador,
21:58 the limousine is waiting for you."
22:01 So you know, I acted like
22:04 really willing to ride a limousine, as if I know.
22:12 But I practice many times you know,
22:15 many times, many times I practiced all this.
22:17 So I pretended to stay sitting out there, you know,
22:21 without talking and not opening my mouth,
22:23 just be watchful and my eyes just turning like,
22:27 but I never moved my head but only my eyes.
22:31 You have to be very diplomatic, you know,
22:33 you don't have to show your ignorance at all times.
22:40 So I'm sorry I have to tell you this well.
22:45 Why did I say this?
22:47 Anyway, so I was, you know...
22:52 the trip protocol wanted to talk to me more about dinner.
22:57 I don't want to talk so much so I was so serious
23:01 then driver doesn't open his mouth so yeah.
23:06 "How's the president?"
23:09 "Oh Your Excellency, he is okay.
23:11 He is excited to see you.
23:13 In fact we have a good preparation."
23:16 "Okay."
23:20 Then I was brought to their compound, the palace
23:25 and there I saw all in white uniform,
23:28 all this honored guards under president.
23:34 My heart started to pump.
23:38 I said, "Boy."
23:41 So I stepped out from, you know,
23:43 I wanted to open, you know, as I used to open the door
23:47 but you don't do that.
23:50 You wait for all those people to work and they open.
23:53 "Excellency."
23:55 So, you know, I step up with all formalities.
24:05 And then they escorted me to the dais, it's in the stage
24:13 where I have to face all these honored guards
24:17 and then all of a sudden
24:19 when I look up to my right side,
24:21 they raised the Philippine flag
24:24 while someone sang
24:27 the national anthem of the Philippines, Bayang magiliw.
24:31 And I put my hands on my purse and then and some of them
24:35 they followed, they are not supposed to do that.
24:38 Some of them do like that,
24:41 I think later on at the middle of the singing,
24:43 they realized that this is not their national anthem.
24:48 But we do put our hands right here, right?
24:51 Correct? You Filipinos people.
24:53 I mean, this is a sign of our love and respect
24:56 to our national flag and our country
24:59 so it's supposed like, I'm nervous
25:00 and I was laughing inside me.
25:02 I said they are also confused like me,
25:06 so I was singing my national anthem
25:10 and you know, when you are in a foreign land
25:13 and when you hear your national anthem being sung,
25:16 and your hear your flag and you hear these big band,
25:20 you know, this orchestra and the people there,
25:23 you cannot hold it, your tears will roll down
25:25 from your cheeks.
25:27 So I was there singing with all my heart
25:31 and after the national anthem,
25:34 the commander came to me and said, "Your Excellency,
25:39 the guard is waiting for your inspection."
25:45 I almost retorted, "What?
25:50 I didn't come here to inspect you guys."
25:53 But you know, "Okay, let's go."
25:56 So we move on and he guided my one by one.
26:00 I wasn't actually...
26:02 Don't tell anyone.
26:04 I wasn't that actually looking at him,
26:05 I was just submissive of.
26:07 "What am I doing here now, Lord?"
26:09 So I was just looking at them,
26:11 glancing at them once in a while
26:13 you know and we went around all those
26:17 lines of platoons up and down, up and down.
26:20 And then some of them, well, they acknowledge me
26:23 and give them my, wink my eyes a little bit once in a while,
26:27 to acknowledge.
26:29 Then we came back
26:30 and then they played again the national anthem
26:34 and after that, they made a salute.
26:38 Of course I responded with a salute
26:41 that I practiced many times.
26:45 Many times.
26:47 Then they guided me
26:49 where the president was waiting for me.
26:54 I went up there.
26:58 While I was walking, again it crossed into my mind,
27:01 "Lord, this is the head of the country.
27:05 I might not see him again.
27:08 What would you have me to do?
27:09 Please give me the word.
27:12 Of course I know what to do with my either presentation
27:17 of my president, the introducing letter
27:21 but how about you, Lord?
27:22 What should I say?"
27:23 You know all this questioning in my mind.
27:25 "Remember Lord, you sent me here as your ambassador."
27:30 So I was thinking how would I be able to relate,
27:33 because in this situation,
27:35 you cannot make it like a robot you know,
27:37 that's automatic the same word you are going to say
27:39 to the president of one country so you have seven countries.
27:42 You cannot have because
27:44 everyone have different responses
27:46 and different tastes.
27:48 So I said, "Lord, how does it look like,
27:52 you know, what will be his...
27:53 would he accept my presence?"
27:57 So I was thinking
27:59 when I finally saw him and said,
28:01 "Oh Excellency, come inside."
28:03 And he asked me to sit down
28:06 but my mind was rushing already.
28:08 No, I did not sit down immediately
28:09 but what I did was
28:11 I was bringing my letter of credits
28:16 and I started to set a litany again.
28:20 "Your Excellency, I would like to present you the letter."
28:25 Just have way of my memorized, you know, presentation,
28:30 all of a sudden the president, "No, no no, Bien.
28:32 Come on, come on, you sit down here,
28:34 sit down here."
28:35 So I was surprised.
28:38 He just stopped all his formalities.
28:39 "Come on. Let's be friends."
28:42 So I relax, I started to relax, said, "Oh, God.
28:47 Thank you very much.
28:48 At least you save me one of my presentation."
28:51 Then he started to say.
28:53 "You know what?
28:55 Now listen, I, you know, just want to be friend with you
28:59 because this Filipino friend,
29:03 this Filipino guy is a friend of mine."
29:06 And I said, "Who is he?"
29:07 He said Mr. "Henry Sy."
29:10 Mr. Henry Sy is the wealthiest man
29:12 in the whole Asia and he is a Filipino.
29:15 The one who owns the SM Mall of Asia,
29:19 and now he owns the big
29:21 and even much more richer than Lucio Tan,
29:24 who owns the Philippine Airlines.
29:26 And he told me he is a friend of mine.
29:28 So I become comfortable because Henry Sy was my friend also.
29:32 And we talked together about Henry Sy.
29:34 I forgot about my president.
29:38 We talk about very long, long talk about Mr. Henry Sy
29:41 and how we met in Hong Kong,
29:43 we met in Europe and all these so.
29:47 We had very kind and nice conversation.
29:51 And then started to think on
29:54 how I could again share the word of God.
29:57 I said, "Lord, please let me tell this man
30:01 that I am a pastor of the Seventh Adventist church.
30:04 Let me share to this guy
30:06 that you have sent me for a purpose.
30:10 You know this is my mission,
30:11 where I even have the opportunity.
30:13 I don't have any other plan to do it next time."
30:18 Next time I don't have that language in my ministry
30:22 because I always think that
30:25 this might be my first and my last
30:26 to meet these people,
30:28 although I have met them several times later on
30:30 because of some incidents that happen.
30:33 And during our conversation, I glance at one...
30:41 like stone.
30:43 It cracks in all around and I look at it.
30:49 "Your Excellency, you have this in a very conspicuous..."
30:56 He said, "Oh, yes, yes.
30:59 You know what is it?"
31:01 I get that about just...
31:04 It's a little bit secret but you know,
31:06 I'm not telling anyone in the country
31:09 and the president said, "You know what,
31:14 that one is from the temple in Jerusalem."
31:19 It's just a stone, you know, as if it was chiseled around.
31:24 I said "What do you even think?"
31:27 "Kind of a piece of you know..."
31:31 And then he started to talk to me about his story.
31:34 You know the piece of stone like this, a piece of,
31:38 a part of a tile on the floor.
31:44 And I said, "Yeah, very interesting."
31:47 But to me it doesn't make any appeal.
31:50 It just kind of ''why did he put that dirt on the wall?'
31:54 ' You know, so I just kind of curious about it.
31:59 Then he told me.
32:01 It's a big story on that.
32:03 When I was in the temple, he said I was so impressed
32:07 with the massive all this and then I saw the beautiful,
32:13 was this a cane or stick, of St. Peter.
32:19 And I said, "Boy, I hope I could find a replica on this
32:24 and I'll bring it to my country."
32:27 So he talked to one of his people
32:29 around the church.
32:30 I said, "Could you buy me a replica like that?
32:35 Could you buy me something like the same like that
32:37 to remember St. Peter?"
32:40 And the boy said, "All right, I'll go around."
32:43 But then he did not find any.
32:46 So when he left there,
32:48 when he was already in the airport,
32:50 this boy went to the airport with a package and he said,
32:56 "Hey, Mr. President.
32:59 I wasn't able to find the stick or the replica of the cane
33:07 of St. Peter but you know what,
33:12 I just chiseled the floor
33:17 and maybe you can have this as your remembrance."
33:21 Then I realized that he has an interest, anything about God.
33:25 And I started talking to him.
33:27 "Oh, St. Peter is a very good disciple of Christ."
33:31 "Oh yes.
33:33 Although I did not meet him
33:34 but I hear the story about him," he said.
33:36 I said, "Well, I met him."
33:39 "Did you?" I said.
33:41 I said jokingly, "Your Excellency,
33:43 I met him in the Bible.
33:45 I read a Bible. Do you read a Bible?"
33:48 "Once in a while."
33:49 "Oh, there are great promises in the Bible."
33:52 Then I come again to recite on the Bible
33:56 it says in John Chapter 3:16,
33:59 "For God so loved the world that He gave his..."
34:02 And he was listening to me
34:04 and then while I was in my recitation,
34:06 he said, "Do you care for some liquor?"
34:08 I said, "Well, I'm fine."
34:10 "Your Excellency, some wine?"
34:14 "I'm okay, I'm okay.
34:16 Could you give me orange juice please?"
34:18 And then we interrupted our conversation
34:22 and then he told me, he told me,
34:25 "I want to invite you for a dinner."
34:29 I said," Oh, that's an honor, Your Excellency."
34:33 And he said, "Since there are other guests that are here,
34:37 that so happen that are here.
34:39 The President of Samoa,
34:41 the Vice President of Fiji is here,
34:45 the Speaker of the Parliament of Australia is here
34:50 and some Cabinet members of New Zealand are here.
34:53 I would like to invite you to join us on that dinner."
34:56 Oh, I said.
34:58 "Your Excellency, I'll be honored to do that."
35:00 '8 o'clock tonight."
35:02 I said, "yes."
35:03 So I made pray will and I leave.
35:06 Before 8 o'clock about 15 minutes,
35:09 you know, not really that Filipino time,
35:11 really on 15 minutes, I watched their 15 minutes.
35:15 You know when I arrived, he was still on his night gown.
35:20 He was asleep.
35:22 And then he came to the door and then he met me.
35:25 "I'm sorry.
35:26 Oh yeah, we have a dinner tonight,
35:28 I understand."
35:29 I said it's already 8 o'clock." Yeah.
35:33 "Well, Excellency just sit down and in few minutes
35:35 our guests will be coming here."
35:37 So sure enough in few minutes, all those guests arrived.
35:41 There were there and we have pleasantries,
35:44 we shook hands out there,
35:45 and some they might know, and some I don't.
35:49 Then we waited, we talked.
35:51 They served the wine, all kinds of liquor,
35:54 all kinds of finger foods they served.
35:58 We waited.
36:00 The dinner was at 8 o'clock.
36:02 It was already 10 o'clock, no dinner...
36:08 and I cannot see the president around.
36:12 11 o'clock he appeared, he was already drunk.
36:17 I said, "Oh, man.
36:18 I hope you understand, you are always, you know,
36:20 I hope you are enjoying your life here."
36:22 And of course these people would drink alcohol.
36:26 They didn't feel so much to hunger.
36:28 I was so hungry and I tell you, friends,
36:32 while they served this alcohol, this liquor,
36:35 I continued to drink alternatively,
36:38 water and orange, orange and water.
36:41 When you combine this all, your tummy will bulge you know.
36:46 And I kept going to the toilet
36:50 while these people are just enjoying.
36:51 I said, "Oh, have mercy on me. When is this going to stop?"
36:55 And I thought when the head of the state came
36:59 that we're about to eat.
37:02 He just came and mingled with us
37:04 and enjoyed the drinking.
37:07 So everybody was really getting quite
37:11 and I know we were all hungry.
37:13 12 o'clock, there was no dinner.
37:17 12.30, this president went out
37:23 and then after about 15 minutes,
37:27 he came and he said,
37:29 "All right, we are going to have our dinner."
37:34 And everybody's smiling on.
37:37 I said, "At last, at last."
37:41 Now I was so happy because I was so hungry,
37:43 I was terribly hungry but he said,
37:47 "You know, you will enjoy our food
37:51 because I chose the best part of the pig."
38:05 And I thought, 'I'm not hearing I think right.'
38:07 I said, "What was that, pig?"
38:12 "It's really the choicest part of the pig,
38:14 you will enjoy it."
38:17 Man, it's just like a bomb that hit me.
38:22 You know when you are so hungry,
38:24 and you are so much excited to eat that food
38:29 prepared by the president in a palace,
38:33 you kind of anticipate you know to some--
38:38 And I saw, I said, "Lord, I'm not hungry anymore."
38:44 But how can you sit and be there on the table
38:50 and watch them eat and you yourself.
38:53 They know that you are hungry and all this I was so worried
38:58 and I started praying, "Lord, please."
39:01 Then I started to reflect what was in the Bible.
39:05 I started to look up.
39:07 All the experiences of those people
39:08 who served in the palace of the king.
39:13 I started to think on how these people were able to stand
39:16 and maintain and present themselves
39:18 as the representative and ambassador of Christ
39:21 How they themselves behave on that situation?
39:25 Did they compromise?
39:27 They defy to, you know,
39:29 just let them heal and they are.
39:32 Did they try to just please the host?
39:38 But then you reflect from the Book of Daniel
39:40 when it says,
39:42 "Daniel, before he arrived
39:44 in the palace of King Nebuchadnezzar,
39:47 he made up his mind,
39:50 not to defile himself with the king's meat.
39:54 And that bounce back in my heart and in my mind
39:57 I said, "No matter what happens."
39:59 I immediately called, I immediately declared
40:02 Persona non grata, but I will stand for you, Lord.
40:05 I will stand for you."
40:08 Of course your stomach was complaining, you know,
40:10 you can hear the bubbles and all the...
40:15 "And, Lord, if this is the way
40:17 I can be a testimony to these people,
40:22 if this will be an opportunity for me
40:24 to witness for you, Lord, please help me,
40:29 with all these dignitaries, these people."
40:34 Then I thought,
40:38 ''I think I'll talk to this head of the state.'
40:44 ' So I get the courage.
40:45 I was watching him, he was walking around, you know,
40:48 talking to all issues like economy, like politics,
40:53 like about issues about crimes and all this.
40:58 I was listening so that anytime I can come close to him,
41:00 I can join the issue.
41:02 My ears just...
41:05 I zoom it to his mouth even I'm not looking at him.
41:09 So that anytime I can get near to him, I just can connect.
41:12 You know, if you are a literature evangelist,
41:14 you know where to approach and when to hit the target.
41:18 You don't talk anything so far away from the minds
41:21 on your customer
41:23 because you will not be able too sell the book.
41:26 But if you know, if you are a very diplomatic guy,
41:31 you know where to come in, you know.
41:34 So I was listening even if I was at a distance,
41:37 they did talk about politics,
41:39 they talked about corruptions and crimes.
41:41 I said, "I know all these subjects.
41:43 I have also my story about that."
41:46 I said.
41:47 And finally I caught him in a corner.
41:50 I went just right there.
41:52 "Oh, Your Excellency, your country is so peaceful.
41:59 I understand you have a very sound economy."
42:02 "Oh, yes.
42:04 With the help of my technical people,
42:05 we are doing all right."
42:07 I said, "Good.
42:09 Oh by the way, Your Excellency."
42:11 And this is how the Lord comes in with the problem I have
42:18 in few minutes they are going to bring us to the table.
42:22 "Hey, here Excellency."
42:26 I was praying to the Lord
42:27 what word do I say if I would it.
42:29 Should I tell him I don't like to eat your pig?
42:32 He would slap me right there or he can even, you know,
42:36 the head of a state can even declare immediately
42:40 a Persona non grata and move you out.
42:46 I told him, "Your Excellency,
42:53 I like to eat fish."
42:56 That's the word that came from my mouth.
43:01 You know, of all list of, you have to think,
43:04 I wanted to be a full vegetarian,
43:06 but at least more or less you have all this, you know.
43:10 And he looked. "No, no, no."
43:12 He said there, we have the pig.
43:13 It's nicely cooked.
43:15 I want to eat fish.
43:18 No, we have the...
43:19 Your Excellency, I hear that the fish you got
43:22 is so beautiful, it tastes too good.
43:24 Oh, we have the pig.
43:25 Your Excellency, you know, I want to eat the fish.
43:28 And he just looked at me and said, "We have the pig."
43:32 "Excellency, your fish are good here, really good.
43:34 I admire, you know I would feel sick
43:39 if I leave this country without tasting your fish.
43:41 And I want it now, please."
43:44 And he looked at me
43:46 and turns back and waved to the kitchen
43:49 without saying a word and it took another 40 minutes.
43:54 Think of it, was it really like about 1 o'clock in the morning.
43:59 That was a dinner.
44:04 He came back, he was so perspiring with all,
44:09 it was so wet all around and I said, "All right."
44:13 And he came to me, you know you have your fish
44:16 I cook it myself.
44:22 Church, you might laugh but I have it as an answer,
44:29 a direct answer from the Lord.
44:32 The message that I got here is this
44:35 and this is still true with Daniel's experience.
44:39 You stand for him and be true to your God
44:46 and he will have all the answer that you need.
44:51 Who would ever think that God would give in us
44:54 the president to cook for you,
44:57 that's impossible in this world.
45:00 It cannot happen,
45:02 but when the Lord give the answer to those
45:07 who remain faithful and loyal to him,
45:09 friends there is nothing impossible.
45:12 We were ushered to the table, I was the only one with fish
45:16 and vegetables and fruits and while we were eating,
45:20 all the eyes of all those who were there
45:23 were just all focusing on me
45:25 and he said, "Oh, you have a healthy food."
45:30 To those that were seated on my right and my left
45:33 and they whisper, "Can I share some?"
45:35 "Of course."
45:37 So I did a ministry
45:41 and I had the privilege to pray before we started.
45:45 Amen.
45:47 These are some of the experiences
45:50 that I wish I could share to you
45:52 and this is not the only one I tell you.
45:54 One time, I think time is running out.
45:58 We will have another round
46:00 because we have another topic to move on this,
46:01 but truly friends, the best thing for us
46:05 to be an effective witnesses for the Lord
46:08 is for you yourself to stand firm on your belief.
46:12 Make yourself a presentable,
46:14 something when you do approach people about Christ,
46:17 prepare yourself.
46:19 Please don't approach anyone when all your mouth
46:22 and all your mouth here are so dirty,
46:24 you do not comb yourself.
46:25 I say, "You know what, the Seventh-day Adventists
46:28 are very good.
46:29 They are really good, healthy people
46:32 and then they look at you, you are so pale
46:34 and you haven't brushed your teeth.
46:35 Do you think someone will join you?
46:38 Please don't invite me to your church,
46:40 I don't want to be a part of you.
46:44 But I tell you, friends,
46:46 when you have all the excellent representation,
46:50 I see if you really are bringing the image of the one
46:53 who sent you, being the ambassadors of Christ,
46:57 friends, there is no way that these people can turn you back.
47:00 They will accept the one whom you believe
47:04 and that is Jesus Christ, our Lord.
47:06 I challenge to this church.
47:08 I mean, I challenge you with all my heart,
47:11 with all the humble experiences that I have.
47:14 Friends, let us represent Christ
47:17 if we really are going to be witnesses
47:20 for His kingdom.
47:22 May the Lord bless us. This is my prayer.
47:25 Let's have a break for a while and just before we do that,
47:29 could we bow our heads for prayer?
47:32 Our Heavenly Father,
47:33 what a privilege to witness for You.
47:37 What an honor to bring your name in our hearts,
47:40 in our minds and mumble it with our lips
47:43 that You are the one sent us.
47:45 Yes, we accept that we are Your ambassadors,
47:50 ambassador for the kingdom, for Your kingdom.
47:53 We can hardly describe the kingdom where You belong,
47:58 so far away in comparison with the kingdom in this earth.
48:05 And yet, Lord, sometimes we misrepresent You.
48:09 Could You please give us that courage?
48:13 From this time on, Lord, speak in Your behalf
48:16 and to present ourselves as truly we are,
48:20 Your representative and we are Your ambassadors.
48:25 Thank you so much for the privilege
48:28 and being a part of the family
48:31 and the workforce of your kingdom.
48:33 All this we ask in the name of Your Son,
48:36 Jesus Christ, our Lord.
48:37 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2015-10-08