3ABN On the Road

Stand Up and Be Counted

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Sherwin Jack


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR001046

01:01 And good evening, everyone.
01:04 We've had a glorious time here
01:05 at the Witness Conference, haven't we?
01:07 How many of us can truly say this evening that
01:10 we were blessed as a result of being here?
01:13 Praise the Lord.
01:15 I know, I've been blessed in my spiritual walk
01:18 with the Lord have been enriched.
01:20 My soul have been encouraged because of your faith,
01:23 your participation, your words of encouragement,
01:27 the messages by the various speakers,
01:29 the presentations that were presented.
01:31 All of that worked together to give us a renewed sense
01:35 of who we are, whose we are and what we are about.
01:39 Amen?
01:40 And I know that we are gonna leave here
01:42 tonight taking with us all of the blessings
01:46 of this experience and we are gonna go out
01:49 and do something wonderful for the Lord.
01:51 Amen?
01:52 God has truly been good to us.
01:55 And I just want to thank God for His continued goodness
01:59 and mercy towards me
02:01 and what I see He is doing in the life
02:03 of each and every one of you.
02:04 Tonight as we begin this final message tonight,
02:08 I want to ask you to bow your heads with me
02:09 as we seek God in prayer.
02:13 Eternal God, our heavenly Father,
02:15 tonight we want to thank you
02:17 for Your goodness and Your mercy.
02:20 We thank You for the privilege
02:21 that is ours to be a part of this wonderful experience
02:25 of this Witness Conference.
02:28 Father, we have learned things new and old.
02:31 We've been encouraged, our souls have been revived.
02:34 And Father, we pray tonight that
02:35 You will bless us as we again open Your word.
02:38 Help us oh, God, to not be hearers only,
02:41 but to be doers of the Word.
02:43 This we pray in Jesus' name, amen.
02:49 This evening I've entitled the message
02:51 "Stand Up and Be Counted."
02:56 Stand Up and Be Counted.
03:00 I don't know what life is truly like here
03:03 for you on a day to day basis.
03:07 I haven't been here long enough on this trip
03:09 to really observe some of the things
03:11 that I would normally be able to observe.
03:13 But I can tell you from my experience
03:16 living in the United States,
03:18 looking at what is happening in the news,
03:20 looking at what is going on in our lives,
03:22 in the church and without the church,
03:24 here's what I've discovered that everything and everyone
03:29 that was in the closet has come out, except us.
03:37 There are still too many of us
03:39 who name the name of Jesus Christ
03:41 that are still hiding in the closet.
03:45 And Jesus is looking for us to stand up and be counted.
03:51 He is looking for people who are willing to say yes,
03:54 I'm a child of the King.
03:55 Yes, I'm a son of God. Yes, I believe in Jesus Christ.
04:00 I'll never forget many years ago
04:03 and some of you probably weren't even born yet
04:05 but there was a very well known
04:07 television program in the United States
04:10 and the moderator or the host
04:12 was a man named Phil Donahue.
04:15 And Phil Donahue interviewed one of the prominent preachers.
04:17 He is dead now.
04:19 And this particular preacher, he asked him,
04:24 "Do you believe that Jesus Christ
04:26 is the only way to heaven?"
04:30 And my brothers and sisters, I sat there with some fear
04:34 and trepidation as to what this preacher was going to say.
04:38 And he danced all around the question.
04:42 And my bothers and sisters,
04:44 I sat there with great disappointment
04:46 because this man had built a university in Virginia.
04:50 This man was a man who had led
04:54 many people to the Lord.
04:56 And yet I'm still when he was confronted with the question,
04:59 is Jesus Christ the only way?
05:02 But the way that the host phrased the question,
05:05 it put him on the spot.
05:07 He said, you mean to tell me
05:09 that unless I accept Jesus Christ,
05:11 unless I believe in Jesus Christ
05:14 that I can't make it to heaven.
05:16 The answer to the question
05:17 should have been categorically yes,
05:20 that's what the Bible says.
05:23 Jesus did not say I'm one of the ways,
05:26 Jesus said I'm the only way.
05:29 And brothers and sisters,
05:30 tonight we need not be apologetic
05:33 for standing up for what the Bible says
05:36 and what the Lord himself declares.
05:39 And so tonight I want to share with you
05:40 a message on the subject "Stand Up and Be Counted."
05:47 Turn with me if you will in your Bibles
05:48 to the 3 Chapter of the Book of Daniel.
05:52 Daniel Chapter 3.
05:55 It is a well known and very, very popular Bible story
05:58 and most of us at some part place in our journey
06:02 have read this story and studied this story.
06:06 And yet and still I believe that
06:08 there is so much here for us
06:11 that we can read it over and over and over
06:14 and each time that we read this passage,
06:16 God has fresh insights
06:19 and helps to deepen our convictions
06:22 and help to clarify what we are here for.
06:25 The Bible tells us in Daniel Chapter 3
06:28 about three men who were faced
06:31 with a challenge that most of us
06:33 in our lifetime will not have to face.
06:37 The Bible tells us that Shadrach,
06:39 Meshach and Abednego
06:40 were brought to Babylon as slaves.
06:45 Nebuchadnezzar had gone up to Jerusalem
06:48 and conquered the people
06:49 and brought them back to Babylon.
06:52 From among those who had been taken captive,
06:55 Nebuchadnezzar sort out the best
06:57 and the brightest to train them
07:00 and utilize them in his service.
07:03 Among them was Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
07:08 When we study the prior two verses, chapters rather,
07:11 here's what we discover in Chapter 1.
07:14 From the very outset that we encounter
07:17 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
07:19 they were faced with challenges and faced with choices.
07:24 Each and every one of us, each and every waking moment
07:26 of each faced every day we are faced with challenges
07:30 and we are also faced with choices.
07:34 In Chapter 1 we read the story about them
07:37 being asked to partake of the king's table
07:39 and the Bible tells us they refused to eat
07:42 from the king's table because what was prepared
07:46 and presented before them was not in harmony
07:49 and in keeping with what they were taught
07:52 from the Word of God
07:53 as to what should go into their bodies.
07:55 And you know the story,
07:56 they requested time to pray and to seek God
08:00 and then they asked the king for a simple diet
08:03 and God honored their faith and trust in Him.
08:07 And the Bible tells us at the end of ten days
08:10 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
08:12 were in much better spiritual and physical condition
08:17 than those who had partaken of the king's food.
08:21 In Chapter 2 the Bible tells us another crisis.
08:24 It seems that in the lives of these men of God
08:27 one crisis followed the other.
08:30 In Chapter 2 the king had a dream
08:32 that he could not remember or recall.
08:35 It so disturbed the king that the Bible tells us
08:39 he called for all of the wise men
08:41 in the realm to come
08:43 and not only tell him the interpretation,
08:45 but to tell him the very dream.
08:48 And we know what the dream unfolded.
08:51 God in His wisdom and mercy was giving to Nebuchadnezzar
08:56 a sort of a glimpse into the future.
08:59 God was showing him his place in history.
09:03 But just as it was then so it is now,
09:06 that many of us find ourself in a state of discontent
09:11 with where God has seen fit to place us.
09:15 I see this unfolding sometimes in a church.
09:18 People want to be in certain offices that
09:20 God has not gifted them to be in.
09:23 Have you ever run into an usher who should not be at the door?
09:27 An usher who is having a bad day?
09:31 There are some people that are not cut out.
09:34 Their temperament, their personalities,
09:36 their disposition does not recommend them
09:39 to be a greeter or an usher, yet they want to be there
09:43 and sometime we have to lovingly tell them,
09:46 hello.
09:51 God in His wisdom and mercy
09:53 gave Nebuchadnezzar a glimpse into the future
09:57 and in the dream God showed him the successive nation
10:02 that would rise and fall and his place.
10:06 God said to him there is gold-- this image that was set up
10:09 in his dream made up of the various metals.
10:12 The head of it being gold
10:13 and God says that's you Nebuchadnezzar.
10:16 And one would think that
10:17 if God was in His wisdom was to designate you
10:20 as the head that would be satisfactory,
10:23 but Nebuchadnezzar was not satisfied
10:25 because he discerned
10:27 that each of the succeeding metals depicted kingdoms
10:31 that would come after his kingdom.
10:35 What it said to Nebuchadnezzar was
10:37 that as important as you are and as brilliant as you are
10:42 and significant as you are, you will not be here forever.
10:48 There is a lesson in that for some of us
10:49 church members and church leaders.
10:52 The church will go on with or without us.
10:58 All of us are here for time
11:00 to serve in a place of God's choosing
11:05 but please let us never get to the place
11:07 where we believe that somehow we are indispensable to God.
11:12 God will use us but there comes a time
11:15 when God will say, you have done your part
11:19 and it's time for others to come up on the scene
11:21 and do what God has instructed them to do.
11:27 Daniel Chapter 3,
11:30 Nebuchadnezzar discontent with God
11:32 led to disobedience to God.
11:36 Disobedience springs from a heart
11:38 that is discontent with the ways
11:41 and the will of God.
11:45 And so in defiance of God's revelation to him,
11:48 the Bible tells us that Nebuchadnezzar
11:50 then made an image of pure gold
11:54 and set it up and then commanded the people
11:57 to come to the place at a designated time
12:00 to bow down and worship the golden image.
12:05 Now I know what some of us are saying right about now.
12:07 If I was there, I would be standing right next
12:11 to Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
12:15 It's easy for us to say that now.
12:18 It's easy for us to look back
12:21 knowing the outcome of the story
12:23 and make that bold declaration.
12:25 And yet and still in our world today
12:27 and even in our church,
12:29 I've been out with church members to restaurants.
12:33 And people who you would not think
12:36 would be hesitant to say a prayer over their food,
12:39 they are hesitant
12:42 because somehow in that public arena,
12:44 somehow in that public setting
12:46 they find it difficult to express their faith
12:49 and trust in God for the food that they are about to eat.
12:52 Matter of fact, when you go to some restaurant
12:54 you would better pray before you eat.
12:58 Hello, amen.
13:03 Because the chances are, there are times and places
13:06 you really don't know what's in that plate
13:10 and it just may be that that prayer
13:12 that you have prayed is what makes the difference
13:15 between you walking out and you being carried out.
13:20 And so the Bible tells us
13:21 that Nebuchadnezzar set up the time and the place,
13:24 he set up the occasion and he orchestrated
13:27 and he says that when the music sounded,
13:29 he said I want everybody to bow down
13:31 and worship the golden image.
13:36 The Bible tells us that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
13:39 were being watched and observed.
13:42 And I want to tell you today my brothers and sisters,
13:43 that those of us who named the name of Jesus Christ
13:46 we're being watched and we are being observed.
13:49 Your co-workers and your neighbors
13:51 and your friends, they are watching you
13:53 and they are taking note and the first time you slip up
13:56 here's what they are gonna say, I thought you were Christian,
14:00 I thought you were child of God,
14:02 I know you were phony, I know you didn't mean
14:04 what you were saying all this.
14:05 We are being watched not only by our friends
14:09 but we are being watched by the universe.
14:12 Because you and I, we are on trial for God.
14:16 God as it were is on trial within us
14:20 and people are watching to see what we will do.
14:23 The Bible tells us that when the music was sounded
14:25 that everyone bow down.
14:27 Now please understand that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
14:32 were not the only Jews present that day.
14:36 But the Bible tells us that when the crises came,
14:40 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego stood tall, why?
14:44 Because they had a relationship with God.
14:49 Now my brothers and sisters, there are something here
14:51 that's also important for us to note right now.
14:54 The Bible tells us that those who are watching
14:57 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego went back to the king
14:59 and reported what they had seen.
15:02 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego standing tall,
15:05 standing up and being counted
15:07 as those who are children of God.
15:09 Cannot tell you right now
15:11 that crisis does not create character,
15:14 crisis reveals character.
15:19 It's easy for us to say oh, how I love Jesus.
15:22 It's easy for us to talk about how good God is
15:24 and how much we love God,
15:26 but when we are faced with our crisis,
15:30 the crisis does not create character,
15:34 crisis reveals character.
15:36 It shows what we are and whose we are.
15:41 But watch what happens now, this is instructed.
15:44 The Bible tells us that those men who were jealous,
15:50 those men who were envious
15:52 that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
15:55 who were brought there as captives
15:57 and were promoted above themselves
16:00 and had enjoyed the favor of the king,
16:03 now they thought they had something on them
16:05 and they hasten back
16:07 to Nebuchadnezzar with the news.
16:09 Nebuchadnezzar, guess what,
16:11 those three Adventist young men that you promoted
16:16 they aren't grateful, unthankful and unfit.
16:22 They refused to bow down. But here is the lesson.
16:26 Here is the lesson that we as Christians
16:28 needs to learn from this incident.
16:30 The Bible tells us this heathen king,
16:33 Nebuchadnezzar, did not take the word
16:37 of these men who brought the news.
16:41 He did not go along with the gossip.
16:45 He called them in and asked them
16:47 for himself, is it so.
16:52 There's a lesson for church members here.
16:54 Quite often we hear rumors floating around the church
16:58 and we are not interested in whether or not it's true,
17:01 we are only interested in whether or not it's juicy.
17:07 Hello.
17:09 So the Bible tells us that Nebuchadnezzar,
17:12 a heathen king demonstrated more character in that moment
17:16 because he called them in for himself
17:19 to find out, is this so.
17:25 There are people who are hurting in the church
17:26 because of gossip.
17:28 There are people who have walked away from the church
17:31 because of lips that could not be controlled
17:33 and tongues that were moving
17:34 when it should not have been moving
17:37 and words that were spoken
17:38 when prayer should have been uttered.
17:44 The Bible tells that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego appeared
17:46 before the king and they said, king, listen,
17:47 we don't mean to embarrass you, we're not at all ungrateful.
17:51 We know what you've done for us
17:52 and we appreciate it but we can't go along.
17:54 The Bible says we ought to obey the laws of man as long as
17:58 and until they conflict with the laws of God.
18:03 I want you to understand today my, brothers and sisters,
18:05 that this story that we often read
18:07 and so glibly rush through is a window
18:12 through which we can see what's coming.
18:17 If we understand what this church teaches
18:19 and believes that there is coming a day
18:22 and what the Bible tells us in the Book of Revelation
18:24 that is going to come a time
18:25 when all of us will have to make a choice
18:28 to receive the mark of the beast or the seal of God
18:31 and it will surround the same issues
18:33 that is being challenged here
18:35 in Daniel Chapter 3, the law of God.
18:38 Just as we know that a day will be set,
18:42 when a death decree is to be issued
18:44 we see it right here in this third chapter of Daniel.
18:48 The last day events
18:52 that will culminate in the very near future,
18:54 that will involve many of us here tonight,
18:57 those events have already been played out here
19:00 in Daniel Chapter 3.
19:01 The law of God again
19:03 is at the center of the controversy.
19:07 So the king says, I'll give you a second chance.
19:11 Can we give Nebuchadnezzar a little hand clap right now?
19:13 Come on help me, all right, now give him a little hand.
19:16 Give Nebuchadnezzar a hand. Why?
19:18 Because at least Nebuchadnezzar
19:20 was willing to give them a second chance.
19:23 How often in the church
19:24 we fail to give each other a second chance?
19:27 How often in the church we slip one time,
19:30 we make one mistake, one fault and we are through.
19:36 You might as well head to Hallelujah hill
19:39 and sing Oh, How I Love Jesus all by yourself
19:41 because you'll finish down here.
19:43 You are done, one mistake.
19:46 But here is a heathen king
19:49 that was willing to give them a second chance.
19:54 Aren't you glad tonight that we serve a God
19:55 who gives a second chance over and over and over again?
20:00 How is that we can't give each other a second chance?
20:04 How is that we are so willing to say Lord,
20:07 I hope they get what they deserve?
20:09 What if God gives us what we deserve?
20:16 The Bible tells us
20:18 and here's where the story gets real good.
20:21 Look what it says in verse 17,
20:24 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, verse 16 it says,
20:26 we are not careful to answer you in this manner.
20:30 Look at verse 17, Daniel Chapter 3,
20:34 this is where it really gets good.
20:38 "If it be so..."
20:41 and what's the next word, everybody?
20:43 No, no, what's the next word, not the next two words.
20:45 What's the next word?
20:46 Our. Our God, our God.
20:54 It speaks of a personal relationship
20:57 that these three young men had with God.
21:02 Not instant religion because of our crisis.
21:07 Not declaring who we are in the moment
21:11 but they are speaking of a relationship
21:13 that had been long established, our God.
21:18 Is God your God or is God your mother's God
21:22 or your daddy's God or your wife's God
21:24 or your husband's God?
21:25 Is God your God?
21:28 The only way that we are gonna be able
21:30 and unable to stand up and be counted
21:34 is when we have a personal connection,
21:37 a personal relationship with God for ourselves.
21:42 Our God whom we serve. Not a God that we sing about.
21:48 Not a God that we read about.
21:50 Not a God that we see in church once a week.
21:53 Not a do that we see three times throughout our lives.
21:55 You know, there are some people
21:57 who only go to church three times in their lives,
21:59 when they hatch, match and dispatched.
22:03 Three times.
22:09 Yeah, but listen to what the Bible says,
22:13 "Our God whom we serve."
22:15 Hallelujah, do you serve Him or do you just know about Him?
22:20 You see, there is a qualitative difference between
22:23 knowing God and knowing about God.
22:30 Knowing about God will get you to praise
22:33 and accolades of men
22:36 but that won't get you through the crisis.
22:40 That will not enable you
22:41 and empower you to get through those moment
22:43 when all hell breaks loose
22:46 and you are confronted with the enemy.
22:49 You got to know Him and the only way to know Him
22:53 is day by day spend sometime with God.
22:58 There's a song that says, speak of with your God.
23:05 And friends of mine,
23:06 I can tell you tonight it doesn't just happen.
23:10 This kind of relationship
23:12 that is necessary to face this kind of crisis
23:15 and come through it is a relationship
23:19 that is forged in personal, intentional devotion.
23:25 Knowing God for yourself,
23:27 spending time with God in your own prayer closet,
23:31 crying loud to God, it's me, it's me, it's me oh, Lord
23:34 standing in the need of prayer.
23:35 Not my brother, not my sister,
23:37 not my pastor, not my elder, not my deacon
23:39 but it's me, it's me, it's me, oh, Lord.
23:43 When we part our soul with that kind of intensity,
23:47 the Spirit of God comes upon us
23:49 and enables us and equips us
23:51 to face the challenges
23:53 that we are all going to face sooner or later.
23:57 But listen what the Bible says, we are still in verse 17,
24:00 "Our God whom we serve is able."
24:05 Do you know that God is able?
24:07 Do you really believe that God is able?
24:10 You see, if we really believe that God is able,
24:13 there is no place for worry in our lives.
24:18 I shared with a group that I did the first seminar
24:20 with something I read about worry.
24:23 It says that worry is like a rocking chair,
24:25 it will give you something to do
24:26 but it won't get you anywhere.
24:29 Yeah, and yet we spend so much time worrying.
24:37 Our God is able.
24:39 How did they know that God was able?
24:43 How did they know?
24:45 Do you think they remembered a story
24:46 about what God did in Egypt?
24:50 Do you think for a moment that
24:52 may be it's what they heard about
24:54 what God did at the Red Sea?
24:57 God is able. Where did they get that from?
25:00 They were taught about how God had led in the past.
25:06 Doesn't Ellen White say the only fear
25:08 that we have for the future is as we forget
25:15 the way God has what, led us in the past.
25:20 If we remember what God has done before
25:23 and we know that He is the same yesterday,
25:25 He is the same today, He will be the same tomorrow,
25:27 why do we worry about what the future brings.
25:31 The same God who brought us through all the crises before,
25:34 that same God is able and available.
25:37 They say that God is able.
25:40 We knew what He did for Moses
25:41 and we know what He did for Abraham
25:43 and we knew what He did at Jericho.
25:45 We know all of that, so we know God is able.
25:49 But here's where their faith really shines through.
25:53 Here's what they said,
25:54 but if not, but if not.
26:01 What happens to us?
26:04 What happens in us when God often
26:10 will move in ways contrary to our expectations?
26:16 What do we do when we pray
26:18 and we fast and we pray and we fast?
26:21 And somehow it seems that
26:23 God is in some distant remote part of the universe
26:27 and He is unconcerned and unconnected
26:29 with what we are dealing with right now.
26:31 What do we do then?
26:34 Do we still say that God is able
26:36 or do we throw our Bibles on the shelf
26:38 and say I'm not going back to church anymore,
26:40 all that religion stuff doesn't make or mean a thing?
26:42 Oh, my brothers and sisters,
26:44 let me tell you something about faith
26:46 that I've discovered that has been helpful to me.
26:51 Faith is believing and behaving consistent
26:57 with the Word of God.
27:01 Real faith, godly faith, spirit inspired faith,
27:07 believes and trust God
27:09 in the face of contrary evidence.
27:18 Real faith enables us
27:21 to overcome facts.
27:28 That's gonna kind of make sense you're around Tuesday.
27:34 You may not get it right now but stick around.
27:36 Round two, they say, oh, that's what he meant
27:44 and it's right there in the Bible.
27:50 Elijah the preacher showed up
27:51 and the woman is about to have her last meal
27:54 and just like a pastor he says,
27:56 go in there and make a bread for me first.
28:08 And God says, that little bit of oil
28:12 and little meal will not diminish
28:15 until the famine is over.
28:18 Her faith overcame the facts.
28:23 You see, when you are a child of God,
28:24 the fact may be contrary
28:29 but because you serve a God who transcends facts
28:36 when we put our faith into operation.
28:40 So the Bible tells us,
28:42 they cried out, our God is able.
28:46 But even if He chooses to move
28:48 in a way that we think, He should.
28:50 We're gonna remain confident
28:52 in knowing He is working all together for our good.
28:57 Faith, trust in God in the face of contrary evidence,
29:02 faith is trusting God in spite of the circumstance
29:06 and faith is trust in God in spite of the consequence.
29:14 Our God is able.
29:17 What I try to tell people is, listen,
29:19 there are things that are gonna happen in your life
29:21 if you love the Lord and if you are serving God.
29:23 There are circumstances that are gonna take place
29:25 in your life that logic and reason
29:29 will not give you a rational explanation.
29:34 So what do you do? What you do when God is silent?
29:36 What do you do when doesn't move?
29:38 Here's what I do, I go right back to the cross.
29:42 I go back to what I already know.
29:45 I go back to what is firmly established.
29:48 I go back to that which is incontrovertible.
29:54 I go back to what I was taught as a little boy,
29:58 Jesus loves me.
30:00 This I know, for the Bible tells me so.
30:05 So I can look at the facts
30:08 and my faith in God helps me to overcome
30:11 and get over and get past the facts.
30:14 Why? Because Jesus loves me.
30:17 But I don't know what He is doing now,
30:18 I go back to what I know He's already done
30:23 and I wait right there
30:25 until the way clears up before me.
30:27 This what the Bible says.
30:31 Our God is able but if He doesn't deliver us,
30:35 that's all right, that's okay.
30:39 Paul says it's a little different.
30:41 He said, whether I live or die God be praised.
30:46 That kind of faith, that kind of confidence
30:51 doesn't happen just showing up at church one day a week.
30:56 That kind of faith and that kind of confidence,
30:58 that kind of connectedness with God
31:01 grows out of a daily communing with God.
31:07 Amen.
31:10 So Nebuchadnezzar said, I know what's wrong here,
31:13 you fellows need a little help, so I'm gonna help you up.
31:15 Heat up the furnace seven more times hotter.
31:19 You need little incentive, I'm gonna help you up.
31:27 Yeah, here's my answer,
31:32 I'm listening to the Hebrew boys,
31:33 I'm listening on their conversation
31:35 so here's what I think they say.
31:37 Well, okay, you got it all wrong king,
31:41 you are saying
31:44 if we don't bow we're gonna burn.
31:46 King, you got it all wrong, you got dyslexia
31:49 because if we bow we're gonna burn.
31:57 Oh, king, you got it all wrong.
31:58 You see, God has another furnace
32:01 that's coming at the end of the world
32:03 that's hotter than anything you can come up with
32:05 so if we've got to chose furnaces,
32:07 we're gonna choose yours.
32:12 Hallelujah.
32:17 The Bible tells us that king is now upset.
32:24 He is upset, why?
32:26 He is upset because he knows what they are saying is true
32:31 but his pride has been hurt.
32:37 The Bible tells us they heated up
32:38 the furnace seven times hotter.
32:42 I've heard some preachers in flights of fantasy says,
32:45 well, God came down with a hallelujah fan
32:48 and took the heat out of the furnace.
32:51 So when the three young men were thrown in there,
32:53 the heat was gone.
32:55 It sounds good but it's not true
32:59 because the men who threw them into the furnace
33:02 were consumed by the heat.
33:06 So what happened?
33:07 God didn't take the heat out of the furnace,
33:09 what God did was to fireproof those boys.
33:16 Oh, God could have kept them out of the furnace.
33:21 We sometimes wonder
33:23 why it is that we fall into trials.
33:26 Why sickness comes? Why unemployment comes.
33:29 Why our children walk away? Why our spouses act crazy?
33:34 Oh, don't be doing that now, I'm watching you.
33:38 Don't be doing that, I got my eye on you.
33:44 God allows trials to come into our lives
33:49 so that He can test us.
33:52 We have to be tested in order to be trusted.
33:58 Yeah.
34:00 Abraham, take that boy and go three days.
34:06 Why three days?
34:08 Because God wanted him to have every opportunity to turn back
34:13 and you noticed something about this story, right.
34:15 You know, what's good part of this story?
34:18 Abraham didn't ask Sarah's permission.
34:27 Had Sarah gotten wind of what Abraham was up to,
34:33 she would have been the one wheeling that knife on him.
34:37 You are not taking my boy.
34:50 They bound them hand and foot, throw them in the fire.
34:57 I heard a preacher friend of mine explain it this way.
35:02 He said, whatever is happening down here to God's people,
35:07 God is taking note in heaven.
35:11 He is using his sanctified imagination
35:13 and he said, God, the Father called
35:14 a meeting in heaven and he says listen.
35:17 You know, the Bible talks about angels,
35:18 some have two wings, some have four wings,
35:20 some have six wings
35:23 and he said to the angel of the two wings.
35:24 He said, my boys down there in trouble
35:25 I need somebody to go down.
35:26 How long will it take you?
35:28 The angels with two wings says three minutes.
35:30 Father said, too long.
35:33 He called the angels with four wings,
35:34 he said, how long will it take you to get down there?
35:36 And they said, well, Father, two minutes.
35:39 Father said too long.
35:41 Called the angels with six wings,
35:42 He said how long will it take you to get down there.
35:45 My servants are in trouble.
35:47 He says, Father, one minute. Father said too long.
35:50 So he looked over there and saw the son
35:52 and He says son, boys are in trouble down there,
35:55 how long will it take you to get down there.
35:57 He said, Father, I'm already down there.
36:03 When we need Him the Bible says,
36:07 while we are calling on Him,
36:11 the prayer has already been answered.
36:15 You know, what I like about
36:16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?
36:18 They threw them in and yet they got up
36:21 and walking around in the fire and they are singing.
36:26 You don't know what they sang?
36:28 They are singing. What are they singing?
36:30 Oh, how I love Jesus,
36:33 in the fire and the singing must have been so sweet
36:38 that Jesus shows to take the trio
36:41 and make it a quartet.
36:44 He joined in with them in the fire,
36:47 hallelujah what a mighty God we serve.
36:52 My brothers and sisters,
36:54 if we are gonna stand up and be counted,
36:57 let's be real clear tonight.
37:00 God is not gonna prevent us
37:02 from being thrown into some fiery furnaces.
37:07 You know, I often hear people,
37:10 just then I often hear people say, "why me?"
37:12 You know, my response to them is,
37:14 why not you?
37:18 I have not read an exemption clause in the contract.
37:24 The last time I read the contract,
37:26 it says all that live godly in Christ--
37:31 help me with it, what does it say?
37:33 Will suffer persecution and sometime the persecution
37:39 doesn't come from Nebuchadnezzar.
37:41 Sometime it's a lot close to home.
37:44 Sometime the persecution comes
37:46 from the church that you are part of.
37:48 Sometimes the persecution comes from friends that you fought.
37:53 So they are in the fire and the Bible tells us
37:57 there is a fourth person that comes
37:59 and joins them in the fire.
38:02 I would have loved to been there to see
38:04 Nebuchadnezzar's face.
38:07 Can't you not see now, did not we cast in three,
38:11 one, two, three, three, two, one,
38:15 but I see four.
38:21 Stand, stand up and be counted.
38:27 The Bible tells us and Jesus promises
38:29 they that honor Me, I will honor.
38:36 When we stand up for Him, He stands up with us.
38:42 This is something I learned in seminary,
38:44 just that you may have learned it already
38:46 but if not it's coming.
38:48 Dr. Davidson, one of my favorite teachers
38:51 Richard Davidson, great godly man,
38:54 helping us young fledgling theologians
38:57 to understand the difference between the western mindset
39:03 and the Hebrew mind.
39:05 Here's what the western mind says
39:07 which all of us had been sort of it,
39:09 you know, partakers of.
39:12 I must understand then I'll do.
39:16 The Hebrew mind says I'll do and then I'll understand.
39:22 It's quite a different way of looking at the world.
39:28 But if we are people of faith,
39:32 we will be willing to trust God and believe in God.
39:34 So here's what God says, stand and when we stand,
39:40 He empowers us and enables us to withstand,
39:46 and by and by we will understand.
39:52 There's a whole lot that God is not gonna explain to us now.
39:56 God didn't call us to understand,
39:58 He called us to obey,
40:01 to trust, to believe, to rest in Him.
40:09 I'm not gonna do that until I understand,
40:11 doesn't make any sense to me.
40:13 Well, you know what?
40:14 There's a whole lot of things that don't make sense to me
40:16 but it's still real, because I don't understand
40:18 how a black cow eats green grass
40:20 and produces white milk.
40:24 I don't understand but it's real.
40:32 There's a whole lot of things that we don't understand.
40:34 You get sick, you go to a man that you don't know.
40:38 He sends you down the road to a store to the chemist
40:40 with some things scribbled
40:42 on a piece of paper that you can't read.
40:44 He goes in the back put some stuff in a bottle,
40:46 tells you go home
40:48 and take it three times a day and you do it.
40:54 Well, yet when it comes to God I don't understand that,
41:00 don't make any sense to me.
41:03 Hello?
41:06 Amen.
41:11 How did they do it?
41:13 How did Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
41:15 do what today seems to be
41:19 impossible and incredible?
41:22 Let me suggest three things.
41:24 Number one,
41:26 first of all Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
41:30 were committed to God's purpose.
41:37 When we live our lives committed to God's purpose,
41:45 we don't have to understand everything that happens to us
41:49 because everything that happens to us
41:51 is not about us.
41:57 Yeah.
42:00 Joseph spent many years in jail
42:05 only to find out and discover, discern,
42:07 it really wasn't about him.
42:11 God sent him there to prepare a way for God's people.
42:17 Paul and Silas thrown in jail, it wasn't about them.
42:22 There was a jailor
42:24 who wouldn't come to witness,
42:31 so God sent Paul and Silas in there.
42:35 Hello, are you with me?
42:37 Yeah. Yeah.
42:41 Committed to God's purpose, that's the first thing.
42:46 Live our lives committed to God's purpose.
42:49 Secondly, live our lives
42:52 conscious of God's presence.
42:57 When we are conscious of God's presence,
42:59 fear is gone.
43:02 Man, when I was a little fellow I would fight anybody.
43:06 I don't care how big you were,
43:08 I'm willing to fight anybody
43:10 as long as my older brother was close by.
43:16 My awareness of his presence gave me a confidence
43:21 and a boldness that I would not otherwise have.
43:27 When we live our lives committed to God's purpose
43:30 and conscious of God's presence--
43:36 doesn't the Bible day if God be for us,
43:40 who bring it on devil.
43:43 Who can be against us?
43:46 Conscious of God's presence.
43:49 And the third thing is connected to God's power.
43:56 You know, most people in life live
44:00 their lives trying to make connections.
44:04 You know, connection
44:06 because connection gets you a job,
44:07 connection gets you promotion,
44:09 connection gets you into places that otherwise.
44:12 But you know what I discovered?
44:14 That not everybody with connections is connected.
44:21 I'm talking about being connected to God's power.
44:27 Few years ago before the smartphones
44:31 and all these things, you know,
44:34 we had those cordless phones, you know,
44:37 and so I went and bought one.
44:41 And like most men, you know,
44:45 I started to try to get this thing
44:47 to operate by myself.
44:50 So two hours into the project and I'm not getting anywhere,
44:53 I had a brilliant thought, read the instructions.
44:59 Yeah.
45:03 So I got the box and I--
45:05 you know, I had crumbled up the instructions
45:06 and throw it away, so I got it and I open it up
45:08 and you know, smoothed it out
45:10 and here's what the instruction says.
45:12 Before this phone can be used, it must be charged.
45:17 Okay, brilliant thought.
45:23 I kept on reading and here's what the instruction said.
45:28 In order for this phone to operate
45:30 at its maximum capacity,
45:33 the handset can only go so far away from the base.
45:40 Yeah.
45:42 I kept reading and here's what it says.
45:45 In order for this phone to continue
45:47 to operate at maximum capacity
45:50 the handset must make frequent contact with the base.
45:58 But here's what I discovered.
46:02 The time when you put the phone on the base
46:04 and you think it's making contact, it's not.
46:10 But here's how you know that it's making contact.
46:14 When the handset makes proper contact with the base,
46:17 a little light goes on.
46:22 When you and I have made proper contact with God,
46:26 the light of the glory of Jesus Christ shines forth
46:31 from our countenance.
46:33 People will know that we have been with Jesus.
46:41 The Bible tells us that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
46:44 came out of the fiery furnace
46:45 and you know, I like the way God--
46:48 you know, my God is a God of sense of humor
46:51 and He likes to brag on us every so often.
46:53 He gives us little details that,
46:55 you know, we sometimes miss.
46:57 But one of them says
46:58 when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
47:00 came out of the fire, God even took away
47:03 the smell of smoke from their garments.
47:09 You see, when we encounter Christ and surrender to Him,
47:16 He removes all of the stench
47:20 and the smell of where we have been,
47:25 so that we are now new creatures in Christ.
47:30 Stand up and be counted, how do we do that?
47:34 Committed to God's power.
47:38 Committed to God's purpose.
47:41 Live conscious of His presence.
47:46 Live connected to His power.
47:50 Many years ago I came across a story.
47:54 I like stories.
47:56 I came across a story about little fellow.
48:00 Little fellow loved to read western novels.
48:06 He had a particular author that he had grown to love.
48:13 And so one day he was upstairs in his room
48:15 and his dad was downstairs in the other room
48:18 and he kept hearing his little boy saying,
48:20 if you only knew what I know.
48:23 Over and over and over again so he became concerned.
48:27 He thought maybe the little fellow
48:28 had read too many novels and was losing it.
48:32 So he went upstairs, he knocked on the door
48:34 and he says, son, what's going on in here?
48:36 He said, dad, I was reading about my favorite author
48:42 and in my favorite author there was a favorite hero
48:44 of mine called the sheriff
48:46 and every time the bad guys would come into town,
48:49 the sheriff would put on his guns
48:50 and get on his horse
48:51 and he would chase the outlaws out of town.
48:54 He said, but dad, I was reading this one story
48:57 and it seems that one day this outlaw came into town
49:01 and my hero the sheriff tried as he would,
49:04 he couldn't chase the outlaw out of town.
49:06 He said, dad, I became so discouraged,
49:07 I was about to throw the book away
49:09 and give up on my hero.
49:11 He said then I had a thought
49:13 and the thought says go to the back of the book
49:16 and see how the story ends.
49:19 He said, dad, I went to the back of the book
49:22 and lo and behold I discovered that one day my hero,
49:25 the sheriff got the courage
49:29 and he chased the outlaw out of town.
49:31 So he said, dad, I went back to the place in the story
49:33 where the outlaw was walking around
49:35 the town like he owns it
49:36 and I kept saying to the outlaw,
49:37 if you only knew what I know.
49:43 My brothers and sisters,
49:44 tonight I want to tell you something.
49:47 There is an outlaw running loose in this world,
49:52 and he acts like he owns the world.
49:55 He causes strife and chaos and confusion in our homes,
49:59 in our families, in our personal lives.
50:01 Oh, but before you get this courage
50:04 and throw away your hero, go to the back of the book.
50:07 And John says that I saw them standing on the sea of glass,
50:10 a number that could not be numbered
50:13 from every nation, kindred, tongue,
50:14 and people singing the song of Moses.
50:17 Go to the back of the book
50:19 and you will discover a city coming down from God
50:23 with all of the saints of God within the city.
50:28 Tonight the good news for us is that
50:31 we know how this story is going to end.
50:35 We know that no matter how difficult
50:37 and daunting the journey is
50:39 but God has already decreed in the end.
50:44 The story ends with two words, He won.
50:49 That's it, Jesus won.
50:52 And when we put our faith and trust
50:55 and confidence in Him, we too shall win.
51:00 Stand up, stand up and be counted
51:05 as one who loves God, as one who fears God,
51:09 as one who is waiting to see Him when He comes.
51:13 As our musician comes and play softly for us tonight,
51:18 there are some of you here tonight
51:19 who have been attending these conferences.
51:23 You may have come here with questions
51:24 and concerns, anxieties and fears
51:29 but tonight Jesus is speaking to your heart
51:31 and He is saying to you,
51:32 it's time for you to stand up and be counted.


Revised 2015-04-02