Pure Choices


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Wayne Blakely (Host), Lance Williams, Mike Carducci


Series Code: PC

Program Code: PC000043

00:01 The following program discusses sensitive issues.
00:03 Parents are cautioned that some material may be too candid
00:06 for younger children.
00:40 Hello, I'm Wayne Blakely from Coming Out Ministries
00:43 here today, your host on Pure Choices.
00:46 You won't believe
00:48 what we're going to talk about today.
00:51 It's amazing, you know,
00:52 I am so grateful to Pure Choices
00:54 to be able to reach out with topics of practicality,
00:59 and dealing with Christianity,
01:01 and helping us some who have struggled,
01:06 people who are looking for answers,
01:08 and Pure Choices is helping by giving us the opportunity
01:12 to share our own experiences with you.
01:16 So I open up the topic today of pornography.
01:20 I'm speaking with my ministry colleague,
01:22 Michael Carducci
01:24 and special guest, Lance Williams.
01:26 Thank you for joining me today, welcome.
01:29 You know, today,
01:32 there are some interesting things to be said
01:34 about homosexuality,
01:36 and actually, not only homosexuality
01:39 but it doesn't matter what sexual inclination
01:43 that you have,
01:44 I would like you to listen to the statistics here
01:47 about pornography.
01:48 Statistics are indicating that the pornography industry
01:52 is larger than the revenues
01:54 of the top technology companies combined,
01:57 and that includes all of these,
02:01 Microsoft, Google,
02:03 Amazon, eBay, Yahoo, Apple,
02:08 Netflix, and EarthLink.
02:11 That's a lot of money out there,
02:14 and that's a lot of captivity I would say.
02:17 Mike, tell me about the information
02:21 that you have researched and found out about pornography
02:24 and some more statistics that you actually have.
02:27 Yeah, thank you, Wayne.
02:28 One of the things that we have in Coming Out Ministries is
02:31 each one of our members,
02:33 Wayne included and Ron Woolsey who's also a pastor,
02:37 is we each have areas that it seems that our ministry
02:40 really not specializes in
02:41 but also addresses if you would,
02:43 and for me, struggling not only with homosexuality,
02:46 I struggled with pornography addiction.
02:49 And some of the statistics
02:51 that I actually use in my presentations is
02:54 the average age of first Internet exposure
02:57 to hardcore pornography is 11 years old,
03:00 15 to 17-year-olds having multiple hardcore exposure
03:04 to Internet pornography is 80%.
03:07 And this isn't limited to secular society,
03:09 this is inclusive of Christianity as well.
03:12 Eight to sixteen-year-olds having viewed porn online
03:15 is 90%
03:17 and mostly, while doing homework.
03:19 I've actually talked to a mother
03:21 who was talking about
03:23 how they've finally gotten a computer in their home.
03:26 And her son was on the computer,
03:28 and when he turned on the computer,
03:30 all of a sudden, there were all of these pornographic images,
03:32 and he was very young,
03:34 as a matter of fact, I think he was between
03:36 the ages of five and seven.
03:38 And he said, "Mommy, what's this?"
03:39 And she came over and realized
03:41 that whoever had viewed the computer
03:43 before her son turned it on
03:45 had gotten, you know, onto an adult website.
03:49 And here her young son was now exposed
03:51 to hardcore pornography at such a young age
03:53 even though the mother was supervising her son
03:56 on the computer.
03:57 So many times, when I speak at academies,
04:00 I actually will separate the men from the women,
04:03 and I'll talk to the girls separate from the guys.
04:05 And one girl was as young as six years old
04:08 when she had seen her first hardcore image in pornography
04:11 and the same in the boys group,
04:13 you know, a boy was six years old
04:15 when he had been slammed by pornography.
04:17 Man!
04:18 So what's amazing is that, you know,
04:20 the pornography industry knows
04:21 that the younger that they can get you,
04:23 exposed to hardcore pornography,
04:25 the sooner that they can make you a client.
04:29 So, Mike, let me ask you this question based on that,
04:32 how old were you when you were exposed to pornography?
04:35 I was actually about 10 years old.
04:37 My parents were divorcing,
04:39 and my dad had cleaned out most of his stuff
04:42 and my mother came across his Playboy magazines.
04:45 And, you know, it was in the '70s,
04:47 and everyone was supposedly getting kind of hip
04:49 and I think my mom thought it would be good education,
04:52 well, she gave me the magazines,
04:53 and even though...
04:57 I wasn't even sexual at the time.
05:00 I remember it being a taboo thing,
05:01 something that I couldn't take my eyes off of,
05:04 you know, the images to this day,
05:06 and I'm 52 years old,
05:07 I can still remember those images.
05:09 And, of course, she took them away
05:10 when I started sharing them with the neighbor kids.
05:13 But I remember that that was the first impact,
05:15 and then even later on,
05:17 after my father had become a Christian
05:20 and was an elder in the church.
05:21 My job at 16 years old was to clean his offices,
05:25 so I would go up to his office,
05:26 and I remember finding his pornography,
05:29 and I actually was using his pornography at 16 years old
05:33 while I was supposedly cleaning my dad's offices.
05:35 And all of this while he was, you know, upstanding citizen
05:40 in the Christian community.
05:42 Lance, how about you, how old were you
05:44 when you were exposed to pornography?
05:46 Same age, 10.
05:47 Really? Yeah.
05:48 And what was your experience like?
05:50 Well, the person that was abusing me,
05:53 he would look at pornography before he would do these,
05:56 you know, horrible acts with me,
05:58 and also my mother, when she would be drunk,
06:02 she would be so drunk, she would pass out,
06:04 and she had a sexual addiction,
06:05 and she would be looking at Playgirl magazines.
06:08 And so while she was passed out,
06:09 I would sneak in and look at them.
06:13 Wow!
06:14 That's just kind of, you know, these are indelible images
06:17 that are being implanted on such young minds
06:20 that it kind of lays a roadmap for the future, doesn't it?
06:23 Yeah, it truly does.
06:26 So, Mike, tell me,
06:31 how did it affect your relationships
06:34 as you began to interact with people on a day-to-day basis?
06:39 Did you develop a habit
06:40 or did you distance yourself from it
06:43 or did you sensed that it was wrong,
06:46 tell me about that experience?
06:47 I guess the way that my mom snatched those magazines away
06:51 when I started sharing them with the neighborhood kids,
06:52 let me know that there was something wrong with it
06:55 or something that wasn't acceptable about it, you know,
06:59 but this was the mid '60s.
07:00 And pornography wasn't as easily accessible as it is now.
07:04 I remember, you know, being with friends in a store
07:07 and finding the rack that had the Playboy magazines,
07:09 and we would try to sneak to watch it,
07:11 and, of course, we would run
07:12 when the store clerks would come by
07:14 and catch us, you know,
07:15 sneak in and peak or that kind of thing.
07:17 But it wasn't until...
07:18 I actually have become...
07:21 Actually before I left home, I was living with my mother,
07:24 I was probably about 14 years old,
07:26 and she had a roommate
07:29 who I also found hardcore pornography,
07:32 you know, this was actually people in the act.
07:34 And I remember, it being kind of gross to me.
07:38 It looked really ugly to me, you know,
07:40 but it still was like a train wreck,
07:42 I couldn't keep my eyes off of it.
07:44 But it was just really bizarre looking to me,
07:47 but it was still making, you know,
07:48 the inroads that pornography does.
07:51 So when I became an adult,
07:53 I remember, you know, part of my freedom,
07:55 I'd left the church,
07:56 and I thought, "Well, you know,
07:57 if God has rejected me, then, you know,
07:59 why deny myself anything that I want."
08:02 And so, I started purchasing pornographic magazines,
08:05 and then, of course, very soon after that,
08:08 VHS came out.
08:09 And I remember, even in relationships,
08:11 you know, we would use pornography
08:13 in the relationships as well.
08:14 But the addiction,
08:16 the hardcore addiction to pornography
08:20 probably started when the Internet came out.
08:22 And it was about 19...
08:24 I'd say '97 when I got my first computer,
08:27 and it totally engulfed my world.
08:30 I would be up until 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning
08:32 even in a relationship.
08:34 You know, when I would go back to my house,
08:35 I would be on the internet looking at pornography
08:37 until 2 and 3 o'clock in the morning
08:39 wondering how am I going to get up.
08:41 It had me in such a spell,
08:43 I couldn't turn that button off.
08:45 I even... I think...
08:47 My roommate who I was in a relationship at the time,
08:51 but I think she actually caught me a couple times
08:53 knowing what was on the image
08:55 before I would shut down the monitor
08:56 before she came around.
08:58 So, you know, what I did is
08:59 I just put the computer in my room
09:01 and then I had unlimited access.
09:02 Right.
09:04 You know, I, in my sexual confusion,
09:06 when I was about 16 years old,
09:09 I walked into a liquor store and purchased a Playboy
09:13 and brought it home.
09:15 I guess in hopes that it was going to bring
09:17 some kind of erotic attraction to the opposite sex
09:21 that I hadn't experienced in just my day-to-day experience
09:26 of just interacting with people.
09:28 And I remember that I looked at it
09:31 and at that particular time in the Playboy magazines,
09:35 there wasn't any really positioning of men,
09:38 and it wasn't...
09:40 Nothing was happening, there was no sparks,
09:42 no flare, no nothing,
09:44 but I was keeping it under my mattress
09:47 in my bedroom.
09:50 And to this day, I don't know exactly what happened to it,
09:54 but I wasn't the one that got rid of it
09:56 and nobody seems to recollect.
09:58 But I don't know that's kind of sad.
10:03 Have you experienced, either one of you,
10:05 pornography where you've gone to
10:08 knowing that it was seemingly wrong to you,
10:11 and so that you went about hiding your pornography?
10:15 Oh, yeah.
10:17 Of course, I would keep it, I would hide it.
10:20 I do want to say that, for me,
10:22 even though I looked at my mom's Playgirl magazines,
10:26 there was a long period where I wasn't looking at it all.
10:28 But I'll never forget, one day, I was on my way to work,
10:31 and I pass by a pornography shop,
10:33 and I'll never forget when I saw that pornography shop.
10:35 It just like, it just burned in my mind.
10:38 And the mind was saying,
10:39 "I have to go there, I have to go there."
10:42 And so, I went in there.
10:44 It was the first time I brought my first actually gay magazine,
10:48 you know.
10:50 And I'll never forget when I took it home
10:51 in the secrecy of my own room,
10:53 I opened it,
10:54 and it's like I could feel these evil spirits
10:57 just flowing in me,
10:59 and from then on, I was really, really hooked on this.
11:04 You know, Lance, sadly,
11:06 I also recall the recognition of the sex shops,
11:12 and to me,
11:14 pornography wasn't as major of a draw to me.
11:18 I mean, yes, the pictures were there,
11:20 and they were enticing,
11:21 but to me, they weren't enticing to the point
11:23 that I could satisfy myself
11:25 because I wanted the real thing.
11:27 And what I had found out was that actual sexual acts
11:32 were taking place in these sex shops,
11:34 and that became the draw for me because many people would go.
11:39 Well, it didn't matter whether it was night or day
11:41 because they're dark, and scummy,
11:43 and filthy, and dirty.
11:44 It's amazing to me
11:46 what Satan is able to impress upon people.
11:51 And recently, when I was sharing at a church,
11:56 a gentleman came to me afterwards,
11:58 and he said, "You know,
11:59 why Satan has such heyday with sexuality."
12:02 And I said, "Well, yeah, because he's, you know,
12:05 approaching and attacking our feelings."
12:07 And he goes, "Well, yeah, may be,
12:10 but something bigger than that."
12:11 And I said, "I have no idea."
12:14 And he said, "Consider how the angels were created."
12:18 And I suddenly got the impression,
12:21 "Oh, wow!
12:22 Here's somebody who has no clue whatsoever
12:26 about what it's like to even have a sexual organ."
12:30 And so, he sees how he can begin
12:32 to manipulate God's creatures
12:36 from any kind of degree of degradation
12:39 that you can imagine out of all the crimes
12:42 that are out there today.
12:43 I think sex crimes have got to be the highest
12:47 because he just sees how many buttons
12:50 that he can push with people
12:53 and just, you know, sit back and cackle and react to it
12:56 because he succeeded at taking the focus off of Jesus Christ
13:01 and putting it on self.
13:02 You know, Wayne,
13:04 it wasn't until Lance talked about the dirty bookstore
13:06 that I totally, completely forgot
13:09 that in my early 20s, in my first relationship,
13:12 I had a boyfriend that turned me on
13:13 to, you know, group sex in these dirty bookstores,
13:16 and that became the fuel, before the Internet came out,
13:20 like I was thinking
13:22 I didn't own that much pornography
13:23 because I was frequenting the dirty bookstores.
13:26 And they were frequent
13:28 and many living in Orlando where I was in my 20s and 30s.
13:32 And so, I found myself visiting these places
13:36 several times a week if not a couple times in a day.
13:39 It was absolutely like a kid being in a candy store
13:42 for the addiction and the drive that I had.
13:45 I had nameless and countless encounters
13:47 with people that you can't even imagine the filth,
13:51 and the shame as you would walk into a place like that,
13:54 and especially the shame as you would walk out
13:56 fearful that somebody may have driven by
13:58 that would see you
13:59 or worse yet that you might go inside one of these places
14:02 and see somebody that you know,
14:04 and this went on for me for 20 years.
14:07 Twenty years.
14:09 It's ugly, and I totally and completely relate to that.
14:12 I mean, I would spent entire Sundays, you know,
14:17 if you are sexually driven
14:20 and if you allow that to take you over,
14:22 you know that you are going to search from morning to night
14:25 to find the experience that you're looking for.
14:28 Eventually, it was the uglier the situation,
14:31 the dirtier it got,
14:32 the more drive there was behind it.
14:34 It was almost like a total sell out, it's like,
14:38 it wasn't enough that normal sex would satisfy,
14:41 now it was like with pornography,
14:43 it had to get deeper, and it had to get darker,
14:46 and the harder it was or the more...
14:50 Just the filthier the conquest was,
14:52 it was almost like,
14:54 it created even more of a drive,
14:55 it heightened the experience if you would.
14:58 You know, the hideous thing about this is that
15:00 this is something that we typically don't talk about.
15:04 And so, the sin that we hide
15:07 or the sin that is silent
15:09 becomes the sin of indulgence.
15:13 Mike, I think you know actually some statistics
15:15 about clergy involving pornography, don't you?
15:20 Well, the statistic is actually old now,
15:22 I think it's more than 50%,
15:24 but right now, the only statistic that I know of
15:26 it's 45% of Christian pastors
15:29 are actually addicted to online pornography.
15:32 As a matter of fact, there's a pastor
15:34 who's actually in Orlando now, his name is Bernie...
15:38 I can't think of his last name. Bernie Anderson.
15:39 Yes, Bernie Anderson
15:41 who has a book out about his struggle as a pastor
15:44 addicted to pornography.
15:46 You know, what's amazing to me is
15:48 now that I've come out of that
15:51 through the help of Jesus Christ and Him only.
15:53 Yeah, we're going to talk about that.
15:54 Okay, all right, so you want me to wait?
15:55 No, go ahead.
15:57 So, anyway, at my church, I just, you know,
15:58 I would get up in front
15:59 and say that I came from sexual addiction.
16:01 And what was amazing is
16:03 because this is such a taboo subject
16:04 in our churches,
16:06 I was approached by two men that would say,
16:08 you know, by themselves, they would say,
16:09 "Mike, can we go lunch?"
16:11 And, you know, again,
16:12 with my rejection of masculinity,
16:14 I thought it was like a multilevel marketing scheme
16:15 or something.
16:17 But we would go to lunch and they would share with me
16:18 that they struggled with online pornography addiction,
16:21 and their wives caught them
16:22 or the other guy, his wife had known for 35 years,
16:24 and she basically was putting up with it
16:26 knowing that he couldn't, you know, beat this habit,
16:29 even his children knew that he struggled with this.
16:32 And so, there were no resources,
16:34 there was no safe place in our church culture
16:37 to address this issue or to even create an atmosphere
16:39 safety for this men to get help.
16:41 And so, as they approached me,
16:43 we began a support group in my house
16:45 to address, you know, the onslaught
16:48 of this pornography addiction that they struggle with.
16:50 Right.
16:51 So this is how...
16:53 Now before that actually took place,
16:56 was there a time that
16:58 you were able to break this vicious cycle of pornography
17:03 for you personally?
17:04 Oh, Wayne, it was the hardest thing
17:07 I have ever had to overcome in my entire life.
17:13 I mean, as a matter of fact, you know,
17:14 images while I'm putting together a presentation
17:18 or even a sermon for my church,
17:20 I'll put in a simple search
17:21 for Jesus at the well with the woman,
17:23 and I'll have graphic hardcore pornography
17:26 come up in the images
17:27 that I'm looking to put in a slide.
17:29 And again, I have to absolutely bounce my eyes, you know,
17:32 once I realize what's happening.
17:33 And so, I can feel the pull, I know the draw still,
17:37 you know, men are wired visually, you know,
17:39 that's how we're turned on.
17:40 And so, you know, for men especially,
17:42 this is, you know, a very difficult issue.
17:44 As a matter of fact, one in three women
17:47 are addicted to pornography as well.
17:48 So it's not limited to just men.
17:51 And so, what I realized is in my own struggle
17:53 to overcome this,
17:54 you know, and God was gracious,
17:56 not only did He relieve me of that addiction, you know,
17:59 when I first became a Christian,
18:01 but then I also gave back into it again.
18:03 And you know what, the self-loathing
18:07 and the addiction seemed to be even stronger
18:09 and the desire for it,
18:11 but again, God was gracious again
18:12 the second time to address it
18:14 and to give me the victory.
18:15 And that's why I just can't help
18:17 but share how good God is to help us to overcome that.
18:21 Right, be passionate about the victory.
18:22 Yeah, yes. Absolutely.
18:24 Yeah, there is that draw that, you know,
18:26 as I think some people will stave themselves off
18:28 and because it is a secret sin,
18:30 you know, they're good for a month,
18:32 you know, and they've held out,
18:33 and then it again, it's like the Bible says,
18:35 it's about like the dog returning to its vomit.
18:39 And I think we should talk about this
18:41 what triggers it sometimes,
18:42 and for me, it's always been stress.
18:44 Right. Tell me about that, Lance?
18:45 When I didn't have a good day or I don't feel myself worthy,
18:49 I'm just down in the dumps.
18:51 Yeah, it's like I get this overpowering feeling
18:55 to go and look at it.
18:56 You know, for me, it was
18:58 whenever my masculinity was threatened,
19:00 that was a trigger for me.
19:01 I mentioned in another program that we had earlier that
19:05 whenever my dad would, you know,
19:07 my dad and I would get into it, you know,
19:09 it's like it would make me angry,
19:10 I felt inadequate,
19:12 you know, I felt like I was in competition with my dad.
19:14 Whenever it would attack those feelings
19:16 like I wasn't manly enough,
19:17 that was the first thing that I was driven to,
19:20 you know, and it was impulsive for me,
19:22 and especially because of, you know,
19:24 patterns when you repeat this over and over.
19:26 You know, there's this chemical
19:27 that gets, you know, thrown up into your brain
19:29 at a sexual release that takes a picture and says,
19:32 "You know, let's do that again."
19:33 It's almost like an opioid that's released.
19:36 And so, the drive, the habit was there,
19:38 and then, when the insecurities would come in
19:40 and the emasculation,
19:42 that right there was an explosive combination
19:44 that drove me straight to it.
19:45 Right. You know, this is...
19:47 Just talking about it, it's vicious, it's sickening,
19:51 and it's nauseating when you realize
19:53 that you're in that cycle.
19:56 Are there safeguards that can be put in place,
19:59 you know, as an adult,
20:00 you know, people who have full access to the Internet,
20:04 now it's on your cell phone, you know,
20:06 Satan doesn't care where he can get you,
20:08 but he's been able to get you in
20:10 more and more and more places.
20:12 Yeah.
20:13 Any safeguards that you guys can think of?
20:15 Absolutely, as a matter of fact,
20:17 there's many that you can actually get on the Internet
20:20 that called Safe Eyes, and what's another one,
20:23 Lance, that you can think of?
20:24 I can't think of anything at this time, yeah.
20:26 Yeah, I'm drawing a blank too.
20:27 But all you have to do is look up, you know...
20:29 Do a different search on the web.
20:31 That's right. That's right.
20:32 Yeah, safeguards from pornography,
20:34 and I know that there are some out there too.
20:36 I should have been a little bit better prepared
20:39 to mention some of those, but all you have to do
20:41 is Google or web search
20:42 for safeguards for Internet pornography.
20:46 But it goes well beyond that.
20:48 You're absolutely right, Wayne, it goes way beyond that.
20:51 As a matter of fact, that in my opinion should be
20:54 something else that you try after being authentic about
20:58 what's really going on.
20:59 You know, what is the definition of insanity?
21:01 Doing the same thing over and over
21:03 and hoping for a change.
21:04 So does it have something to do with decision?
21:06 Well, our decision, but I know that every time
21:09 that I got on to the pornography,
21:11 I mean, it was banging in the back of my head
21:13 that the Lord was saying,
21:14 "Mike, don't do this to yourself.
21:15 Don't slime yourself, you know, don't let this,
21:18 you know, keep you apart from Me."
21:20 And as I would hear that, you know, the draw or the pull,
21:23 like even the telephone would ring, you know,
21:25 and I would think, I know God's sending
21:27 that telephone call to keep me off the Internet,
21:30 not only that but the thought would come into my head,
21:32 why don't I call a friend, why don't I call somebody that,
21:35 you know, will help me through this time
21:37 that would pray for me, and eventually,
21:38 I've actually sent out texts to all the males that are,
21:41 you know, that are in my group or that I'm close with,
21:43 and I say, "Please pray for me,
21:45 I'm struggling, I need strength."
21:48 And so what's great is
21:49 I haven't experienced the shame yet,
21:50 but I'm definitely in the middle of temptation,
21:53 and by the power and the body of Jesus Christ
21:55 gathering around and I get text back,
21:57 "I'm praying for you, Mike, how you doing?
21:59 Stay strong.
22:00 You know, all right, get a phone call right away
22:01 and someone would pray with me."
22:03 Those things help, but there's an honesty
22:08 that has to be bridged,
22:09 and I can't even say how that leap comes,
22:12 but for men that are married or for men and women
22:15 that are in relationships
22:17 that they know that this is happening,
22:18 when there's a moment of exposure
22:21 whether it's your choice or not,
22:24 that gives you an opportunity
22:25 to finally come clean with it all.
22:28 And the beauty is as we give utterance to the fact
22:31 that we were addicted to this, Lance,
22:33 there's even freedom in that, isn't there?
22:34 What it does is it helps to expose
22:37 what's been hidden for so long,
22:39 and now, I finally have authenticity
22:41 and power comes.
22:42 So for anyone that's out there that's feeling the grip
22:46 or the control of pornography addiction,
22:48 the first step is just to be honest with yourself,
22:51 and then to cry out to God and say,
22:52 "Listen, I'm struggling with this,
22:54 can You help me?"
22:56 I tell you what, to me,
22:58 it starts with lack of intimacy.
23:00 That's right. And that was with me.
23:03 You know, myself it was so bad,
23:06 I couldn't even perform with a man or a woman.
23:10 And so, the pornography was what was...
23:12 That's what I would... I can control that.
23:15 You know, and so, I'm finding will it set me free
23:19 the more I get into intimate relationships
23:21 with men and women in a healthy way,
23:24 the power is broken.
23:25 Yes, yes, yes. Right.
23:26 And it's not sex that we're talking about.
23:28 We're talking about intimacy that isn't sexual.
23:29 Yes, yes. Right.
23:30 And, you know, for Lance and I, both being abandoned
23:32 by our gender parent, you know, and you with both,
23:36 what happens is pornography only fuels that inclusiveness,
23:40 that self-love because, you know,
23:42 reaching out, you know,
23:43 was so negative for either one of us,
23:46 pornography was a perfect fit.
23:48 You know, so what that did is that it actually kept it in,
23:51 it keeps you away from experiencing intimacy
23:54 and relationships with other people
23:55 and God designed us to be social human beings, right?
23:58 To be intimate beings
24:00 because isn't that what the trinity is,
24:02 you know, the Godhead.
24:03 Amen. Right. Exactly.
24:06 You know, I just feel convicted
24:10 to talk to you as a viewer right now.
24:13 Are you suffering?
24:15 Have you found yourself spending out of control?
24:19 Have you been hiding pornography
24:20 from your spouse?
24:23 Have you found yourself slipping out the door
24:25 and heading to a sex shop?
24:29 I want to beg you to come to Jesus
24:32 and get real with Jesus and to surrender to Him,
24:37 lay it down at His feet,
24:39 and ask Him for the help that He offers you,
24:43 and ask Him to cover you with His blood,
24:47 and to send Satan and his angels
24:49 far away from you,
24:52 and ask Him for the intimacy that He promises you,
24:57 and that whether you're a pastor
25:00 or whether you're just a worker in the public sector,
25:05 it doesn't matter who you are who may be suffering from this,
25:09 reach out, call upon Jesus,
25:12 and reach out to resources that may be out there,
25:16 that are out there for you,
25:18 involving yourself with the church community,
25:21 involving yourself with someone
25:22 who you can have accountability with.
25:25 In the church, you can get close to someone
25:29 and say, "Hey, I have this problem,
25:31 and will you pray for me,
25:32 and will you keep this confidential,
25:35 and will you walk with me through this?"
25:38 Do you have anything that you'd like to add?
25:40 Yes, you know, Wayne, there are powerful scriptures
25:42 that really help me.
25:43 In John 6:37 was implemental for me,
25:46 "All that the Father gives me, shall come to me,
25:49 and Him that comes to me, I will never cast out."
25:53 He also says that, "If we confess our sins,
25:55 He is faithful
25:56 and just to forgive us our sins,"
25:58 and the best part, is He promises
26:00 to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
26:02 Now, this wasn't something that I claimed once,
26:05 but I had to recognize that
26:06 He was the faithful one, not me.
26:08 And every time I fell, I had to claim this
26:10 and again recognize that that would be help me.
26:13 He's still there to pick you up.
26:14 My favorite, "Let these souls in their helpless unworthiness,
26:18 throw themselves upon the mercy of a compassionate Savior."
26:21 And it says, "He that comes to me,
26:24 can never be turned away."
26:26 That was so beautiful for me because in my fallen state,
26:29 I needed that strength, I needed that lifeline
26:33 to help me realize that He hadn't given up on me.
26:35 Right. How about you, Lance?
26:37 Lord has helped me, oh, boy, you shall not need
26:38 to fight this battle, set yourself, stand ye still,
26:41 and seek the salvation of the Lord.
26:42 Amen.
26:44 But the bell is not yours, it's God.
26:46 And so when I go through these temptations stuff,
26:48 I run to Him, and He takes care of it,
26:50 I don't have to worry about it. Right.
26:52 And that was a big difference too.
26:53 Not understanding the maleness of God
26:55 and the goodness of Him.
26:57 You know, I had to recognize
26:59 that I had to run to the one who made me clean.
27:01 You know, in my fallen state,
27:02 I was afraid to approach God for shame
27:05 and rejection that I felt all along,
27:07 but I realize now that God wants me to thrive.
27:10 He wants me to come to Him,
27:11 and He will cleanse me and establish me.
27:13 That's right.
27:15 And you know that our fight as the Word of God tells us is,
27:19 it's not against flesh and blood
27:21 but against the powers of darkness.
27:23 Principalities, that's right.
27:24 I have to thank you so much, it takes so much courage
27:27 for you to be able to sit here
27:29 and be open with the general public about
27:32 what's your journey has been like,
27:34 but that you have found victory.
27:36 And as a viewer, I just want you
27:38 to experience the same victory
27:40 that they have found in Jesus Christ.
27:42 So I want to ask you again today
27:45 to make pure choices,
27:48 to let Jesus come into your heart.
27:50 Invite Him in today.


Revised 2018-04-26