Pure Choices

How to Avoid an Affair

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Joshua Nelson (Host), Brittany Hill-Morales, Kimberly Douglas, Kory Douglas, Xavier Morales


Series Code: PC

Program Code: PC000077A

00:01 The following program discusses sensitive issues.
00:02 Parents are cautioned that some material
00:04 may be too candid for younger children.
00:37 Hello and welcome to Pure Choices.
00:40 I'm your host Pastor Joshua Nelson,
00:42 and I'm so excited that you decided
00:43 to join us once again.
00:45 This is going to be a great one.
00:47 We're talking about how to avoid having an affair.
00:52 Yes, this is going to be a really good one.
00:53 So before we get into it, let's call for the Spirit
00:57 to be with us at this time.
00:58 Let's pray.
01:00 Heavenly Father, please send your Spirit
01:02 to shape this conversation and help us guide,
01:04 in Jesus' name we pray, amen.
01:06 Amen.
01:07 All right, well, let's go ahead and introduce the panel.
01:09 To my left, and my friend chaplain Xavier Morales,
01:13 happy to have you here, my brother.
01:15 And this time, we separate you from your wife
01:16 who is over here to my right, Brittany Hill-Morales,
01:21 and she is an intern out there in Berrien Springs,
01:24 pastor intern.
01:25 Happy to have her here with us.
01:27 Next to her, we have Kimberly Douglas.
01:30 See, I can't get these last names
01:31 but you all just got married, and so glad to have her,
01:35 scholar in her own write.
01:37 Next to her is her husband Pastor K.P. Douglas.
01:40 So happy to have everyone here today and of course,
01:42 I'm Pastor Nelson and my wife of course isn't here.
01:45 So I'm sad, but I'm happy you all have your spouses here.
01:49 But we're talking about this thing, okay,
01:51 for married couples.
01:52 And I understand that people watching us
01:54 probably laughing right now and saying,
01:55 "Man, these fresh married couples
01:57 are going to talk about how to avoid an affair."
02:00 And of course, we're supposed to be
02:01 in the most happy honeymoon stage right now.
02:04 I got married, been about a year now
02:06 since I'm married.
02:08 You all been what? Couple months now?
02:09 Okay, praise God. And few months here.
02:11 So we don't know everything,
02:12 let's just put that out there disclaimer,
02:14 what we do know from looking at the people
02:16 on our churches, people on our families,
02:19 and even doing a lot of counseling ourselves
02:21 to know there are some tips that we have learned
02:24 that we're putting in practice now
02:26 that we can maybe give to those who are watching.
02:29 But let's start with the first question which is,
02:33 why do people have affairs?
02:38 Why do you all think people have affairs?
02:40 I know none of us are thinking about it.
02:42 So why do you think other people have affairs?
02:45 I think it's mainly from what I've noticed
02:49 and counseled people on before, it's mainly
02:53 because they're not getting whatever satisfaction
02:55 they're trying to get from their spouse,
02:58 they're not getting it and they...
03:00 Like they say, the grass is greener
03:01 on the other side sometimes,
03:03 and that's what they want to do,
03:05 they want to go see if they can get, you know,
03:06 that feel good moment that they want to be able
03:09 to whatever they lost in the marriage,
03:12 they want to try to rekindle it,
03:13 but instead of rekindling it with the spouse,
03:15 they try to rekindle it elsewhere to try to go back
03:18 to that euphoria of the dating stage.
03:20 Yeah, yeah.
03:21 Okay, let's go... I like that.
03:23 So let's go a little deeper into that
03:25 why do people have affairs.
03:28 I don't think that everyone sets out saying,
03:31 "I'm going to have an affair."
03:33 Granted, there are some people who might,
03:35 but I don't think that's everybody's intention,
03:39 for some, it's honestly that one step
03:42 in the wrong direction and then you find yourself
03:44 on a slippery slope.
03:46 And you find yourself making compromises and decisions
03:50 that you promised yourself and your wife or husband
03:53 that you would have never made.
03:54 Yeah.
03:56 All right, let's make it a little bit harder, okay,
03:57 I'm going to ask you a little more pointed question.
03:59 I'm going to ask the women first.
04:01 Ladies, why do you all think men cheat?
04:06 What do you think, Brittany? What do you think?
04:08 It could be different reasons.
04:12 I personally think some men cheat
04:14 because either they are not being satisfied at home,
04:19 so they go out to find
04:20 that satisfaction that they need.
04:23 Even though I've heard the flip off,
04:24 they may not be
04:26 because they're not being satisfied
04:27 they may not be being heard, not being respected,
04:30 so they go out to have someone listen to them,
04:34 to have someone value them, to have someone want
04:36 to respect them, and that's my understanding.
04:41 I'm not a man. Okay.
04:42 I just want your opinion.
04:43 I'm going to let the men talk in a second.
04:45 Kimberly, you want to add to that?
04:46 I think that it has to do with immaturity
04:52 and do not...
04:56 I think it has to do with immaturity
04:58 and just not being realistic sometimes.
05:05 In terms of immaturity, you know,
05:08 you think whatever practices you might have been doing
05:11 when you were dating, you think you get married
05:14 and the switch just flips
05:16 and you stop automatically not so.
05:20 You know, whatever you want to happen in your marriage,
05:22 you need to cultivate or begin to cultivate
05:25 before you're married.
05:28 And that's such a good point because I think even now
05:30 as us being freshly married, this is the time I think
05:33 that's the hardest for us because we have to learn
05:34 how to not be single anymore, you know.
05:37 I mean, so it's a temptation and go back to how you were
05:40 and so there is more of a possibility that,
05:42 you know, we could slip into that cheating,
05:44 especially if that's something we did when we were dating.
05:46 So, men, let's just break...
05:48 Oh, I'm sorry. All right, go ahead, Kim.
05:51 I think also sometimes when you're not being
05:53 intentional about the decisions that you make,
05:56 it can lead to having affairs
05:59 because if you begin a marriage and...
06:04 I remember when we were engaged and, you know,
06:06 how everybody gives you advice at that point of time.
06:09 Everybody. Everybody.
06:11 I remember somebody said to us, well, said to me,
06:15 "Don't make divorce an option."
06:18 And it sounds good.
06:20 Real good. It sounds very good.
06:23 But when you think of doing the work to not make divorce
06:28 an option and not make extramarital affairs
06:32 and those things an option, it calls for being intentional
06:36 about some things and if we're not intentional
06:39 about those things,
06:40 the little problems can then, you know, grow into big things.
06:43 Yeah, that's a good point, intentionality,
06:45 and we're going to touch on that a little more.
06:47 That's really good.
06:49 So, men, I guess we haven't been very intentional
06:51 if we think about cheating every...
06:53 but what is it that, you know, the women are watching,
06:56 what is that really causes us?
06:58 I know a lot of us have thought about it,
06:59 but what is that causes, I mean, in the past
07:01 or the men watching, what causes them to cheat?
07:06 Oh, I'll take it. Okay.
07:08 Well, I can tell from experience.
07:09 I'm not a cheater, and I've only been married once
07:12 and I'm happily married.
07:14 But anyway, I know in my younger years
07:18 what leads to stepping outside a relationship is oftentimes
07:22 just the availability of another person, you know.
07:26 And I think even what Kim touched on
07:28 is very important is that being intentional,
07:32 and most of the times, I had that...
07:34 Talking about a long time ago
07:36 and I was a lot younger,
07:38 I had that opportunity to step outside of relationship,
07:42 it was usually with somebody I had dated before,
07:44 maybe or somebody I knew, you know,
07:47 or had some kind of run in with in the past
07:51 and it was just a moment
07:52 where we were both available, you know.
07:54 And I think and based on television
07:58 and shows of that has any truth
08:00 'cause they kind of make it seem like everybody cheats,
08:02 but usually what we see on television,
08:06 it usually is that being
08:07 in the wrong place the wrong time,
08:09 putting yourself in bad positions.
08:11 You know, nobody wants to cheat, but, you know,
08:13 sometimes as a guy, you know, some beautiful woman
08:16 and she makes herself available, you know,
08:18 then you got a real hard decision to make.
08:21 Yeah, there's always that possibility for a scandal.
08:24 There's always that possibility.
08:26 Yeah.
08:27 I mean, you know, and oftentimes,
08:29 what we see on TV is that people or men think,
08:32 "You know, oh, well, I married the wrong person,
08:34 you know, so I'm cheating because I want to be with
08:37 the "right" person, you know."
08:39 Another thing I've heard is men will cheat
08:41 because they want to have power over the woman
08:43 because they feel insecure and so they feel that
08:45 maybe she will, and so they want to make sure
08:47 that something went upon her, you know,
08:48 a lot of psychological things going on there.
08:50 Xavier, you want to add to that?
08:52 Yeah, I think it goes back to monogamy
08:54 and also availability and intentionality, you know,
08:56 society hasn't taught, I don't think ever,
08:59 that men should be, you know, monogamous, you know,
09:02 were created to go forth and procreate, you know.
09:06 I know I'm speaking personally like in my culture,
09:09 Puerto Rico, Caribbean culture, you know,
09:12 you don't really see a lot of committed men.
09:16 So, you know, you have to work against that.
09:18 And then, you know, we recently got married
09:21 and that was a very difficult, you know,
09:23 situation or decision for me
09:25 because I've been in situations before in my past, you know.
09:29 I have a past in which I was, you know, when I was single,
09:32 you know, you go from woman to woman.
09:34 So the idea of being with one single person
09:38 and not getting that feeling of, you know,
09:42 being here one minute,
09:43 over here the next or as my friends would...
09:46 the friends that I used to have would say, "Baskin-Robbins,
09:48 trial all 31 flavors," you know.
09:51 That feeling, you know, it's like you don't want it
09:53 to go away, you know, the idea of one person.
09:56 And I think men are driven more by testosterone.
10:00 Yeah. And the conquering, yeah. Yeah.
10:02 I conquer this one, this one, and this one rather than,
10:05 you know, being committed to the one
10:06 and actually dedicating that work
10:08 and time to building that relationship
10:11 with that one.
10:12 Yeah, that goes back to lot of things
10:14 we've talked about before, you know,
10:15 if you are living a promiscuous life,
10:17 you're not making pure choices, it's going to be hard for you
10:19 to get married and then think you're going to be able
10:21 to all of a sudden be with one person.
10:23 So let's go ahead and talk about...
10:24 we talked a lot about why men cheat.
10:26 You all discuss them at home.
10:28 But let's go why do women cheat?
10:29 That's what we want to know. Why do women usually cheat?
10:34 I thought the men were going to answer first.
10:36 Oh, yeah, no, last time we did...
10:37 Okay, fine, fine.
10:39 To be fair, look at me, I'm there.
10:41 Okay, all right, Pastor Douglas,
10:43 tell us why do you think women cheat?
10:46 I have no idea. I really don't.
10:47 I can try, why women cheat, I mean,
10:50 probably the same answer we gave for men,
10:54 just feeling inadequate, maybe not having needs met.
10:59 I do think though that
11:00 and I'm just throwing this out there
11:01 and maybe more emotional for women,
11:03 you know, maybe they're not have any emotional needs met,
11:06 I don't know, is that...
11:08 You're looking at me...
11:10 I'm trying to say the right things.
11:13 Let's let the women talk about that what do you think
11:16 'cause of course, you are not the one doing it,
11:17 what do you all think of that why women cheat.
11:20 I think that some women do because they can.
11:23 Okay. Because you can.
11:28 When I think about relationships
11:33 and what happens
11:36 when a guy cheats on a woman chances are you hear about her
11:43 forgiving him and, you know, they work things out.
11:47 But in the reverse, when a woman cheats,
11:51 and the guy, he can't take it.
11:54 Don't come home, baby. You know?
11:57 So I think sometimes women do because they can
12:01 and because they can get away with it.
12:03 I know that sounds bad,
12:04 but I think that is the truth for some people.
12:07 I also think that, you know, some truth to what
12:10 Kory was saying emotionally, you know,
12:15 because we I guess tend to be more emotional creatures
12:19 that, you know, if safer instance,
12:23 I don't know, if I...
12:29 There's some area of our marriage
12:32 where I feel like, you know, "I'm not being heard
12:35 or I'm not being understood," you know,
12:38 you look for somebody else who will hear
12:41 and who will understand.
12:44 But of course, it's dangerous.
12:46 Right, that person comes right along
12:47 and filling those needs.
12:49 It's dangerous and, you know, it tends to come around like
12:51 you said at the wrong time, you know, it's dangerous.
12:54 Okay.
12:55 Brittany wants to add a little something to that.
12:56 I was going to add like, what she said,
12:58 it's like a slippery slope.
12:59 If you think, "Okay, I'm just going to go,"
13:01 and someone says, "Oh, you look really nice today."
13:04 I remember someone did tell me that.
13:05 I was having a really bad day, the guy I was dating
13:08 at that time was getting all on my nerves
13:10 then I went off Facebook and it popped up,
13:12 "You really look beautiful on the pulpit today."
13:14 Oh, man.
13:15 Made you feel like you're all in the clouds.
13:18 And sometimes it's just little things
13:20 and it just starts slowly, and slowly, and slowly
13:22 until you wake up one morning and like, "What happened?"
13:25 But then another switch for some women,
13:29 it may not be a slippery slope, it may be intentional of,
13:33 "I'm going to go out because I need something."
13:36 And some things might be,
13:37 "My husband is not providing sexually for me,"
13:40 because some women do have to get that sexual desire met.
13:43 "I'm going to go and do this and then come back home
13:46 and still get satisfied by him," and it could be...
13:49 that's just so many different areas.
13:52 So let's now talk about those individuals
13:54 who are maybe in a married relationship
13:56 right now and, you know,
13:58 maybe their marriage is not the best,
14:00 but they're maybe in that danger zone
14:03 of possibly having an affair, what are some things
14:06 they can look for to know that maybe they're in danger
14:10 of having that affair
14:11 or their spouse is in danger of having?
14:14 Are you talking?
14:16 Say it again. Are you talking?
14:18 Are you communicating? Oh, okay.
14:20 I'm saying as one of the signs. Yeah, yeah.
14:22 Are you communicating with each other?
14:24 Yeah.
14:26 Whether it's, you know, you come home,
14:27 "Hey, guess what happened at work today or,
14:31 you know what, you didn't do this."
14:34 You know, it's still communication,
14:36 so I think that's definitely one thing, you know,
14:40 that people can look out for is that communication,
14:43 constant communication still happening.
14:45 Sure.
14:47 Does he run, try to beat you to his phone
14:49 when you reach for it?
14:51 Yes. It has a lock.
14:52 That's the problem.
14:54 When you don't know the password.
14:55 You know her password, she don't know yours.
14:59 Yeah.
15:00 It's one of the two of them being very secretive.
15:04 There's a difference between 'cause, you know,
15:06 with my spouse, my wife, you know,
15:08 I give her some level of respect and privacy
15:11 for her things that she needs to do,
15:13 but then there's privacy and then there is secrecy.
15:15 You know, people being secretive
15:17 of what they're doing.
15:19 Usually, you can notice that by an elevated sense of,
15:24 you know, you ask them something
15:25 they jump all over you.
15:28 Usually, they tend to be on edge all the time,
15:31 so you notice those things, you know,
15:34 it's one of them staying a little extra longer out,
15:38 you know, and not meeting like a couple minutes, I mean,
15:41 I'm talking about hours, hours.
15:45 So those little things like that usually
15:47 like the biggest one is just a high,
15:49 a sense of walking on eggshells
15:50 or being on edge all the time over anything.
15:53 Yeah, and I like that because, you know,
15:55 it may mean that they're having an affair,
15:56 but if someone is spending so much time away
15:59 from each other,
16:00 then they're going to open up a door
16:02 to allow someone to fill that time
16:03 because you still as a human being,
16:04 you want that emotional connection
16:06 with the opposite sex.
16:07 So, you know, that's another big one.
16:09 And also surprising, you know, I'm reading that another sign
16:13 is that you have stopped having arguments,
16:15 you know, you're just done.
16:17 I'm going to say, "Okay, this is it, whatever you say,"
16:19 you know, that's another danger.
16:21 I was going to say based on what, you know,
16:23 like Xavier was saying maybe you should ask yourself,
16:25 "Do I trust this person?"
16:27 You know, if you can't trust somebody,
16:29 you have problems with that person in general.
16:31 But if you also have the trust issue,
16:33 then that may lead to something as well.
16:35 You know, some people cheat because they're paranoid
16:38 that they're going to get cheated on.
16:40 You know, maybe try to beat the person to the punch.
16:43 And so I think you should really act yourself
16:44 even when you were talking about secrecy,
16:46 I mean, we began to think, you know,
16:48 secrecy is a serious thing.
16:50 You know, you think about what the devil used to trip up
16:53 Eve was the fact that he told her,
16:56 "God is keeping a secret from you," you know,
16:58 and she wouldn't be able to trust God anymore.
17:01 You know, and so her relationship with God
17:02 was broken based on that lack of trust and the fact
17:05 that she thought that God will keep us on the front.
17:08 But honestly, I think that even with these, you know,
17:11 potential indicators that we've thrown out in a situation
17:15 that isn't healthy or is not necessarily happy,
17:20 the smallest thing
17:21 that's nothing will seem like an indicator.
17:24 Yeah.
17:25 And so I think that, you know, just taking some time
17:28 to look at your current situation
17:30 and analyze it with as clear lens as possible...
17:34 And sometimes also having an accountability partner
17:36 or prayer partner, someone, you know,
17:38 because you don't want to necessarily go
17:40 and spread your business to the world,
17:42 but somebody who has your best interest at heart,
17:45 someone you can trust,
17:47 and ask if they've seen anything
17:50 because sometimes too,
17:51 when you're in a situation, you can't see it.
17:54 Yeah, okay, that's a good one as well.
17:57 Okay, go ahead.
17:58 I think so too what she said is cool,
18:00 accountability because and it sounds funny,
18:02 but it happens in real life, you know, you got these people,
18:05 you tell your boys
18:06 or the girlfriend tells their girlfriend,
18:08 "Hey, did you hear what happened?
18:09 Girlfriend, did you hear what happened here and there."
18:11 You know, it just maybe nothing,
18:14 it may just be an unhappy circumstance
18:16 that can be easily solved,
18:17 but then it's made into something.
18:19 So I think what she...
18:21 Can we say what's key there, you know,
18:23 whoever you have accountability,
18:24 make sure you can trust them too.
18:26 Well, I was just going to say just make sure that you talk
18:29 to your spouse as much as you talk
18:31 to your accountability person
18:32 or make sure he's praying with this spouse
18:34 as much as praying with your prayer partner.
18:36 And what can help with that and we didn't touch on
18:38 in terms of signs is intimacy, you know,
18:41 if intimacy is not there and I didn't say sex,
18:44 I said intimacy, you know, because if you are not able to,
18:49 you know, see into them
18:50 and be able to connect with them
18:52 in that deep level, then there is a good sign
18:55 that maybe there is going to be, you know,
18:56 some sort of affair that could possibly happen.
18:58 So, you know, I think if your husband watching this,
19:02 you know, you don't have that intimacy with your wife,
19:04 you got to fight for that.
19:06 And same with the wife, you know,
19:07 you got to fight for that because if you don't have
19:08 that connection intimately,
19:11 it's going to open up a lot of doors.
19:13 And the sex is important too because that is what God
19:16 has given us to glue us together, you know.
19:18 Sorry.
19:20 And I don't think that you should necessarily wait
19:22 until something happens because I think when two people
19:26 are in sync and you fall off, you can sort of detect
19:31 when things are not the same or when something...
19:34 And it could be something that's happening with me,
19:36 you know, I could be the one in the situation
19:40 with both of us, and I'm just like,
19:41 "You know, something's not right."
19:43 I might notice, you know, you just lingering,
19:46 it's not a quick glance anymore,
19:47 it's a long stare and then you start thinking things,
19:50 and that's what I meant by a slippery slope.
19:52 It will start as something seemingly innocent,
19:55 and then it, you know, balloons into something.
19:57 So don't wait until, you know, you end up in a bedroom
20:01 that's not yours or something.
20:03 Yeah.
20:04 All right, let's go and talk about some tips which,
20:06 you know, the title is avoiding affairs,
20:08 so let's talk about how we can really avoid the affairs.
20:10 What are some things that you all started practicing
20:12 in your own marriages
20:14 that are helping to avoid affairs.
20:17 I would start with mindset, you know,
20:20 if you don't have a mindset for marriage,
20:22 your might as well forget about it.
20:24 And if you don't have a correct mindset,
20:25 you might as well forget about it.
20:27 The bottom line is marriage is a lot of work,
20:29 where I'm from, it's mad work.
20:32 Marriage is mad work, okay?
20:34 And if you come into a marriage not thinking
20:37 it's not going to be work, you know,
20:38 we look at marriage on television,
20:40 you often get married when everything is okay,
20:42 you know, "I want to get myself together, my career together,
20:44 my life together, or my own house,
20:46 and see what this is like first."
20:47 So by the time you come together
20:49 you're expecting two complete whole people
20:50 who are perfect to just kind of all of a sudden be together
20:53 and be perfect,
20:55 I think that is not even remotely close, I love my wife,
20:58 does not even remotely close to what the truth
21:00 is there's going to be struggles,
21:01 there's going to be issues, there's going to be arguments.
21:03 And I think maybe even go back to the first question,
21:07 marriages fail because people are lazy, you know,
21:09 they're not expecting to do so much work.
21:12 So from the beginning, you have to have a mindset
21:14 that this thing is going to take some work.
21:16 Yeah, and I think, you know, for me and my wife, you know,
21:18 we had to recognize each other's brokenness,
21:20 you know, who we really were.
21:22 I think sometimes you enter marriages thinking
21:23 there's a white picket fence around the individual,
21:27 you think they're perfect and stuff...
21:28 Especially for women you can be blinded,
21:30 And I had to tell, "Look, baby,
21:31 I'm a mess," you know,
21:32 she had to really see that and accept that.
21:34 I had to see stuff about her until, you know,
21:36 we could really, you know, understand that a lot of times,
21:40 and unfortunately, a lot of times individuals
21:42 will come into relationships wounded, you know,
21:44 broken and they're expecting that spouse to put them
21:46 back together, to heal them, you know.
21:49 And where it is true that the two become one
21:52 that one is... you have to understand
21:56 the wounds that they have and the brokenness
21:58 that they brought to the situation,
22:00 so you can actually not be repulsed by it
22:02 and run away to somebody else, but actually be able
22:06 to stay glued to the individual.
22:08 Yeah, I would definitely add you need to know yourself
22:11 because affairs won't just happen
22:13 because you were with someone of the opposite sex
22:16 'cause you could have an affair with a man or with a woman,
22:19 that's the society that we're living in now,
22:21 you can just slip to either side.
22:24 You have to know whatever the core issue is
22:27 that's going on with you to first start within yourself.
22:30 Either you're missing some sort of love
22:33 that could be connected to a father or a mother
22:35 or whatever it is something that's deeply going on
22:38 within you that makes you want to cling to a woman
22:41 or cling to a man and then leads to that affair.
22:46 You have to know yourself first.
22:48 It's not just, "Okay, I'm missing, you know,
22:51 feeling hugs every day, so I'm going to go
22:53 and find a girl who's going to hug me all the time.
22:55 And she's a girl she's going to be okay
22:57 'cause it is not a guy."
22:58 You can end up having an affair with a girl
23:00 because that's the society that we're living in right now.
23:02 Yeah.
23:03 I think I would just take a few moments
23:06 to think before acting.
23:11 You know, if you just pause for a few seconds,
23:15 think about what you're about to do,
23:18 and think about the repercussions
23:21 of the action, and you're right it might,
23:25 you know, work well for some people,
23:27 it might not work well for others.
23:30 But that definitely came to mind,
23:32 take a few moments to be...
23:33 Yeah, you got to be able to think about
23:35 what you're doing and who you're doing it to,
23:37 you know, when you're in a situation.
23:39 You know, and a big part of this is really making sure
23:41 your love connection is tight, you know,
23:43 knowing each other's love languages
23:44 and being able to speak that language
23:47 that is going to appeal that individual, you know,
23:50 fill up their love bank so that you won't be seeking
23:53 that from somebody else, you know...
23:56 You have something? Go ahead. Yeah.
23:57 I was going to say, you know, one of the biggest things is,
24:00 you know, when you're dating, don't stop dating.
24:04 And one of the biggest things that we have
24:06 'cause like I said, when you mentioned brokenness,
24:09 you know, I brought a lot of brokenness, you know,
24:11 I had to really get some self-awareness
24:13 because I didn't know it was not fair to her.
24:16 You know, to my wife to have to deal with everything
24:18 that was a result of my past and everything I did,
24:24 but one thing that we keep sacred
24:26 is our date night.
24:27 You know, we have a date night, and this day and age
24:30 when everything everybody so busy whether with work,
24:33 iPhone, iPad, computer, Wi-Fi, everything else,
24:36 you know, where it's going to be easily distracted.
24:39 So I think a date night, you know,
24:41 where you can actually go turn everything off.
24:43 You know, if you have kids, find a babysitter that trust,
24:46 leave the baby with the babysitter,
24:48 and really have that time alone where you can restore
24:52 that intimacy, restore and nurture
24:54 that relationship to the way it was before.
24:57 There's hope, but you just got to put it in the work.
24:59 Yeah, I'm so happy you said that man.
25:00 Yeah, there has to be a sacred time.
25:02 You know, you have to keep that time with that individual
25:04 to keep that love alive.
25:06 Yeah, go ahead.
25:07 There is something else I thought of when I guess
25:08 this is just putting us kind of on front street.
25:10 Hey, please, put my bit up, please do.
25:13 I remember we had an argument one time.
25:19 And the argument ended all because Kory said,
25:26 "You know what, let's just stop and pray."
25:30 And there's just something
25:31 about having to pray with somebody.
25:37 That's a good one, man.
25:39 When you're upset,
25:40 two don't really go together well.
25:42 And, you know, you really don't want to in the moment,
25:46 "No, I don't want to stop and pray right now,
25:47 I'm not really happy with you."
25:49 But, you know, you're kind of,
25:52 "All right, whatever, let's just pray."
25:54 And in the midst of that like I almost felt that anger or,
25:59 you know, disappointment just subsiding,
26:03 and it sounds idealistic, but it actually works.
26:08 Yeah, it does, sometimes it does I guess.
26:11 If you can manage to.
26:13 Yeah, but I was going to say something similar to that,
26:16 you know, to where even if you stop
26:18 and even force yourself to like touch each other,
26:20 you know, and that's touch or even I was saying before
26:23 about, you know, staring in someone eyes
26:24 she is not saying just look at me,
26:26 you know, and that kind of reconnects about
26:28 who they really are because you're angry
26:30 at the moment at that thing,
26:32 but you really have to remember I do love you.
26:35 You know, and so they have to make sure you separate
26:37 the two 'cause arguments is a lot of times
26:39 what will lead to when you're fed up
26:41 with a relationship and just want to get over with.
26:44 If I could just use one word, I would just say connection
26:49 which we've kind of talked about for the most part,
26:51 but I think you got to just be real
26:53 like you've got to be connected to God,
26:55 you know, no marriage is going to work
26:58 if you're trying hard to be connected to each other
27:01 and neither person is trying to be connected to God.
27:03 And I'm not necessarily talking about, you know,
27:06 couple worship and all that good stuff like, you know,
27:08 we'll pray together, put our devotion together now
27:11 all the time, you know, but we do, but I make sure
27:14 that the mornings where we don't have devotion
27:16 and she didn't even know it all times,
27:17 sometimes I'll just hug her and pray for her.
27:19 You know, I'll pray by myself on my devotion.
27:21 Oh, man, that's nice. I know, right?
27:23 I got points for that. I did that too, baby.
27:27 Just trying to stay...
27:30 Just trying to stay connected as much as I can to God,
27:33 you know, knowing and trusting
27:34 that God is really the deciding factor.
27:38 And also that we've been talking also stay connected
27:40 to each other, you know.
27:42 Amen.
27:43 And that's where we're going to end it.
27:44 It's a really good topic,
27:46 I'm sure we could discuss more about it.
27:47 But I didn't add this one, at the end of the day,
27:50 one thing that helps not having an affair just have more sex.
27:54 Honestly, at the end of the day
27:56 just remember to always make Pure Choices.
27:58 God bless you.
28:00 That definitely helps.


Revised 2018-02-07