Pressing into His Presence

Confession: The Clearing House of Our Conscience

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn


Series Code: PHP

Program Code: PHP000007

00:01 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn.
00:02 Do you ever have a guilty conscience before God?
00:06 Join us today on Pressing into His Presence
00:09 as we consider how confession
00:11 is the clearing house of the conscience.
00:35 Welcome to Pressing into His Presence.
00:37 This is a series to teach us
00:40 how to have greater intimacy in prayer.
00:44 If you're using our companion book
00:46 Pressing into His Presence,
00:47 we are staring today on page 56.
00:51 Now on our last program we had reviewed
00:54 the five step process of repentance
00:57 and considered the anatomy of sin.
00:59 I believe that you're going to enjoy
01:01 today's teaching on confession.
01:05 But first before we get into the joyful part of this,
01:08 I want to comment on eight scriptures
01:11 that served as a wakeup call to me
01:14 in recognizing my own sin and made me
01:17 appreciate even more how much I needed a savior.
01:21 And why confession is so important
01:24 to clear our conscience before God?
01:27 So let's look at those eight scriptures.
01:30 1 John 3:4 says, "Whoever commits sin
01:35 also commits lawlessness and sin is lawlessness."
01:42 You know, John relates all sin to the breaking of God's law.
01:47 Now the original Greek here translated,
01:50 commits lawlessness means to commit an iniquity
01:54 and that means an intentional
01:56 or unintentional offence against God's law.
02:00 Oh, no, that's alarming.
02:02 Even unintentional offences are included as iniquity.
02:07 Now our second verse to consider is 1 John 5:17
02:12 and that simply says, "All unrighteousness is sin."
02:17 Anything that we do that deviates from God's holy
02:20 and righteous character is counted a sin.
02:24 Now mercy, I knew I missed the mark
02:26 but that sounded somewhat mild,
02:28 this one however nailed me to the heart.
02:31 It strikes me that this scripture can convict us all.
02:35 Now our third scripture is Hebrews 3:19 and this says,
02:41 "So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.''
02:48 Unbelief is the sin that shut the Israelites
02:52 out of the Promised Land.
02:54 How often have we doubted a promise of God?
02:57 To doubt God's testimony is to regard Him as a liar.
03:02 No wonder it's impossible to please God without faith.
03:07 Now our fourth reference and--
03:08 we're gonna get into the good part
03:10 here in a minute but we've got to see our own sin.
03:14 Our fourth reference is Matthew 12:36, 37,
03:18 where Jesus said, "I say to you
03:21 that for every idle word men may speak,
03:23 they will give account of it on the day of judgment.
03:27 For by your words you will be justified
03:30 and by your words will you be condemned."
03:33 Now Jesus presents His solemn thought
03:36 after He previously explained that the words
03:39 from our mouth revealed the condition
03:41 of our heart and our character.
03:44 Truly the tongue has the power of spiritual life or death.
03:50 Now going on our fifth reference is James 4:17
03:54 and it says, "To him who knows to do good
03:58 and does not do it, to him it is sin."
04:02 When James weighs in on this matter of sin,
04:06 he is tipping the scale toward sins of omission.
04:12 Not things that we do but things that we don't do.
04:15 And then the sixth scripture is Romans 14:23
04:19 where Paul adds, "Whatever is not from faith is sin."
04:24 We're sinning when we are uncertain
04:26 that God approves of an action but decide to do it anyway.
04:32 The seventh scripture is Proverbs 24:9,
04:36 which says, "The devising of foolishness is sin."
04:42 Perverse silliness is sin.
04:45 So the next time someone shares
04:47 one of those naughty little jokes with you,
04:49 stifle your laughter because if you don't
04:53 you're demonstrating approval of the impure
04:56 and you stand equally guilty of sin.
04:59 And our final reference
05:00 as we try to define sin is Jeremiah 4:14,
05:06 which says, "Wash your hearts from wickedness,
05:10 that you may be saved.
05:12 How long shall your evil thoughts lodge within you?"
05:18 Thoughts of wickedness and iniquity,
05:21 thoughts of breaking God's law are sin.
05:24 Oh, mercy.
05:26 Now that last scripture
05:27 is where the rubber meets the road.
05:29 Even our thought life can taint us with sin.
05:32 Actually according to Christ reckoning,
05:35 the thought is the sin
05:38 and the action is the fruit of the sin.
05:41 I mentioned in an earlier program
05:43 something that we share in common with King David
05:46 and that is being judgmental of others
05:48 while turning a blind eye to our own faults.
05:51 Perhaps we think we're better than David
05:53 because we've not committed adultery
05:56 or murder, or have we?
05:59 To Jesus thoughts of lust are the sin,
06:04 adultery is the fruit of the sin.
06:07 To Jesus thoughts of hatred are equal to heart murder.
06:12 The act of taking someone's life is merely
06:14 what grows out of an unclean heart.
06:18 Well, there is more to the sin study
06:20 but surely our consciences have been pricked enough.
06:25 Considering God's viewpoint,
06:27 is it safe to say that we are steeped in sin?
06:31 We may have grownup in church
06:33 and thought we didn't need much saving
06:35 because we were such good people.
06:38 But now the blinders are off,
06:40 we see how much we need Jesus.
06:43 And I pray that we will be less judgmental of others
06:45 knowing how crushing our own sin burden is.
06:50 It's time to cry out to our Heavenly Father for mercy.
06:54 And we can take heart
06:56 in the message of Micah Chapter 7,
07:00 and we'll look at verses 18 and 19.
07:03 I love this passage.
07:06 Micah says, "Who is a God like You,
07:11 pardoning iniquity and passing over the transgression
07:15 of the remnant of His heritage?
07:17 He does not retain His anger forever,
07:21 because He delights in mercy.
07:24 He will again have compassion on us,
07:27 and will subdue our iniquities.
07:30 Oh, you will cast all of our sins
07:34 into the depths of the sea."
07:36 Hallelujah.
07:38 You know, for someone
07:40 who once thought that she was so good.
07:42 I have come to appreciate the great number of sins
07:45 that God must cast from me into the depths of the sea.
07:50 With extreme grace He wipes out the tremendous
07:55 and inescapable debt that I owe.
07:58 It makes me love Him ever more.
08:01 In Luke 7 and I believe it's 36 through 50,
08:05 Jesus told a judgmental Pharisee,
08:08 the story of a certain creditor who had two debtors,
08:11 one owed a little, the other a lot
08:13 and neither could pay what they owed.
08:16 The creditor freely forgave both debts.
08:19 Turning to the Pharisee Jesus asked,
08:21 "Which of the two men would love the creditor more?"
08:25 And the Pharisee rightly assumed
08:27 that the one who was forgiven more.
08:30 Jesus related the story in reference to a woman
08:33 of ill repute who was washing his feet with her tears
08:37 and anointing them with a fragrant oil
08:40 from an alabaster box.
08:42 And here is the punch line of Christ story.
08:46 The self righteous Pharisee who recoiled
08:49 at the act of the weeping woman,
08:52 he loved Jesus very little.
08:54 He had not recognized his debt of sin.
08:58 However the woman who had once been filled
09:01 with unspeakable shame and the sins of unutterable,
09:07 unworthiness, knew what Christ had done
09:11 in forgiving her great sin debt.
09:13 She simply could not contain
09:16 her overflowing love for the Savior.
09:19 And Christ concluded in one of my favorite scriptures,
09:23 Luke 7:47, it says, "Therefore I say to you,
09:27 her sins which are many are forgiven, for she loved much.
09:32 But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little."
09:36 You know, the closer that I press
09:39 into the presence of our holy and righteous Father,
09:42 the more I recognize how sin tainted, I am.
09:47 A better understating of his "sin catalog"
09:52 has brought me to a greater appreciation
09:55 of my massive debt erase by him
09:58 and I love Him all of the more for it.
10:02 Romans 3:23 tells us,
10:06 "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."
10:16 When we think about this
10:18 in the Greek, in the original language,
10:22 the phrase for falling short represents a continuous action.
10:28 In other words what Paul was saying is,
10:31 we all keep falling short of the glory of God.
10:35 What is His glory? It's His character.
10:37 I know that I fall short of His character every day.
10:41 How about you?
10:42 Doesn't it seem logical then that
10:45 we should repent of our sins daily?
10:50 Rejoice in the recognition of your sin debt.
10:53 God delights in mercy
10:55 and He stands ready to forgive you.
10:58 His heart beats with pity for the penitent sinner.
11:03 He will not leave you with your head hanging low.
11:06 The greater your debt wiped out by Him,
11:10 the more you will love Him, hallelujah.
11:14 For many years, I have traveled extensively in ministry
11:19 and interacted with thousands of people literally,
11:22 following speaking engagements.
11:24 And as you might guess
11:26 I can't remember all of those encounters
11:28 but I vividly recall a young man
11:31 who chastised me in the year 2000,
11:34 for commending on my need of daily repentance.
11:37 He said to me, "You don't understand grace,
11:40 it's not necessary to confess your sins
11:42 after you've accepted Christ as your savior.
11:45 Jesus has paid the price for it all,
11:47 past, present and future."
11:49 Now I agreed with him about the sufficiency
11:52 of Christ sacrifice to cover the penalty of all sins.
11:56 And I tried to explain how sin separates,
12:00 even the people of God from him.
12:04 God shuts His ears to the unrepentant sinner.
12:08 He requires that we acknowledge our offenses toward Him.
12:13 He actually says in Hosea 5:15,
12:19 "I will return again to My place
12:23 till they acknowledge their offense.
12:25 Then they will seek My face,
12:28 in their affliction they will earnestly seek Me."
12:35 I shared this story with him and I shared with him the story
12:39 of the Apostle Peter at the last supper.
12:42 The impetuous disciple
12:44 did not want to have his feet washed
12:46 until Christ explained that if you did not allow it,
12:50 he could have no part in him.
12:52 Peter was suddenly eager for more than a foot washing
12:55 but Jesus said to him in John 13:10,
12:59 "He who is bath needs only to wash his feet."
13:03 The spiritual application of the story is evident.
13:07 Peter had already received spiritual cleansing.
13:10 He had not dirtied his entire
13:13 being by turning away from the Lord
13:15 and back to the sewage of the royal septic system.
13:18 Still in his daily walk he was not without sin,
13:23 his soiled spiritual feet needed washing
13:28 representing confession of sin in repentance.
13:34 You know the confession of a child
13:37 differs from that of a criminal.
13:39 A criminal might confess his sin merely
13:42 for the reduction of the sin that's against him.
13:45 But the child confesses because the wrong
13:47 he has done bring sorrow
13:49 and a sins of separation from his loving parent.
13:54 As children of God
13:56 when we acknowledge our sins before Him
13:58 and can draw near to our Holy Father
14:01 without feelings of condemnation
14:04 that we know that confession has cleared us.
14:08 Once again this correlates with the sanctuary
14:12 saying that we have been weaving
14:14 into the series on prayer.
14:16 You see before the priest could enter into the holy place
14:19 they were required to purify themselves
14:23 or they dare not enter.
14:25 They had to wash their hands
14:26 and their feet in the laver in the outer court
14:29 which we will explore in the next program.
14:32 But back to my fellow
14:34 because I didn't finished that story.
14:37 As vigorously as I defended the need
14:39 for a continuous attitude of repentance,
14:43 this young man would not budge from his belief.
14:46 Somewhere in the past either he had received
14:50 an erroneous teaching that cheapened
14:52 the value of confession or he had forgotten
14:56 how to be sorry for his sins.
14:58 The Bible tells us in 1 John 1:8-9.
15:02 "If we say that we have no sin,
15:06 we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
15:10 If however we confess our sins,
15:13 He, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
15:19 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.''
15:23 Apostle John here offers believers
15:26 the sheer word of forgiveness
15:29 that results from our confession.
15:31 Now he uses the present active condition of the verb confess.
15:36 That means what John was actually saying is,
15:39 if we keep on confessing our sin
15:42 God is faithful and just to forgive us of our sin.
15:46 Confession of sin is stressed in the Old Testament
15:49 and it is urged throughout the new.
15:52 Please never become callous to the act of confession.
15:57 It is the clearing house of the conscience.
16:01 It is the prescribed manner for allowing God to purify us
16:07 and it results in the renewal
16:09 of a robust relationship with the Lord.
16:12 Are you miserable in your sin?
16:14 Confession in prayer is the place
16:17 where misery meets mercy.
16:20 Bring your sins into his light,
16:22 you'll not be telling him anything
16:24 he doesn't already know.
16:26 As Hosea 14:1-2 say, "Return to the Lord your God,
16:32 for you have stumbled because of your iniquity,
16:36 take words with you, and return to the Lord.
16:41 Say to Him, "Take away all iniquity,
16:45 receive us graciously.''
16:47 Take words with you, words of confession.
16:51 Now look at God's response
16:54 in Hosea 14:4 to those who do this.
16:58 God says, 'I will heal their backsliding,
17:01 I will love them freely, for My anger has turned away."
17:06 Oh, aren't we thankful for the promise of 1 John 1:7,
17:10 "If we walk in the light as He is in the light,
17:13 the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin."
17:18 Christ blood shed at the Calvary
17:21 covers our confessed sins, hallelujah.
17:25 This is how God cleanses us from all unrighteousness.
17:28 His grace changes us from a polluted state
17:33 to a purified condition giving us clean hands
17:36 and a pure heart that we may enjoy
17:39 the privilege of pressing into his presence.
17:42 We're no longer wandering around
17:43 in the wilderness of sin, avoiding the God who loves us.
17:49 His mercy wipes away our misery causing us to believe that
17:53 we are accepted in the beloved Son.
17:57 Earlier in the series we considered
18:00 King David's fall from grace,
18:02 this is after the Bathsheba incident.
18:06 And now let's look at his reaction
18:09 to Nathan's accusation.
18:11 You are the man.
18:13 You know, a hardheaded prideful king
18:16 could have done away with Nathan's head.
18:18 But with eyes opened to his lawlessness
18:22 David exclaimed to Nathan, I have sinned against the Lord.
18:27 David was seized by remorse.
18:30 He confessed his sin against God and he repented.
18:33 And you can read his intense record of confession
18:36 on this occasion in Psalm 51.
18:39 This is the model that I first used
18:42 to learn to confess my sins.
18:45 Now I want to read you an exert
18:48 if I could from one of my first prayer journals
18:52 and if you remember I was...
18:54 writing my prayers at this time.
18:57 And it contains part of Psalm 51
19:00 paraphrased in my own words.
19:02 Here's what I wrote, "Have mercy upon me, Father,
19:06 according to Your loving kindness
19:07 blot out my sins according to the multitudes
19:11 of Your tender mercies.
19:13 Wash me thoroughly and repeatedly
19:14 in the blood of Jesus.
19:15 Take away my iniquity and cleanse me from sin.
19:19 I have sinned against You and done evil in Your sight,
19:21 please forgive me, Father.
19:23 Purge my sins and I shall be clean,
19:25 wash me, Lord, and I shall be white than snow.
19:28 Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities.
19:32 Oh, Father, create in me a clean heart,
19:34 renew a steadfast spirit within me.
19:37 Do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.
19:39 Do not cast me away from Your presence.
19:42 Restore to me the joy of my salvation.
19:45 And uphold me by your precious Holy Spirit,
19:48 then help me to teach transgressors Your ways.
19:52 So that they will also turn to You for life.
19:54 Deliver me from guilt, Lord, and I
19:56 will speak forth Your praise.
19:59 I bring my sacrifice of a broken and contrite heart,
20:03 You only desire that I should confess my sins
20:05 and turn back to You, here I am, Lord,
20:08 I am ready to return to You.
20:12 Help me, Father.
20:13 Thank you for forgiveness of my sins."
20:17 Like David when the stumbling blocks of sin have tripped us
20:21 and send us skating down the slippery slope,
20:24 we should humble ourselves and confess our sins.
20:28 Although our acts maybe directed against others,
20:31 we should recognize that every sin
20:33 is against our holy and righteous Father,
20:36 the creator of all things.
20:38 Did you know constant awareness
20:40 of our absolute dependence upon God is required.
20:46 He alone is able to keep our foot from slipping.
20:50 If we try to walk God's narrow path of life
20:54 without clinging to His hands so to speak,
20:58 we are incapable of preventing our fall.
21:02 Now David had a heart for the Lord
21:04 and he was sensitive to sin
21:06 which makes his failures even more glaringly alarming.
21:11 I'm going to borrow one more thing
21:12 from David's journal to share with you now.
21:15 This is something to consider
21:17 as you confess your sins and seek forgiveness.
21:20 It's his words in Psalm 19:12-14.
21:26 Now it's something good for us to pray.
21:29 David wrote, "Clear me from hidden and unconscious faults.
21:34 Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins,
21:37 let them not have dominion over me!
21:39 Then shall I be blameless, and I shall be innocent
21:42 and clear of great transgression.
21:45 Oh, let the words of my mouth
21:47 and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight,
21:51 O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.''
21:55 You know that's what I love about David.
21:58 His relationship with God was intensely intimate.
22:03 Yet, his approach to God was never flippant.
22:07 He knew as he came before the throne of God
22:11 that he must stand in the glorious presence
22:14 of our heart-searching Lord.
22:17 David desired a blameless conscience before God
22:21 and understood that confession
22:24 is the clearing house of the conscience.
22:27 Why do so many of us have a careless attitude
22:31 regarding our confession of sin?
22:33 We should when possible be specific,
22:38 because this demonstrates that we recognize a wrongdoing
22:42 and we desire to turn away from it.
22:45 Now I don't mean to imply that
22:47 if we cannot remember every transgression,
22:50 all of our past sins and confess each one of them
22:53 individually that God will not forgive us,
22:57 that's not true.
22:59 In these instances David's prayer cleared me
23:02 from hidden and unconscience faults.
23:05 We'll serve as our sincere hearted plea.
23:08 God will hear and forgive
23:11 but it is shallow nonsense to think
23:14 that we can casually confess.
23:17 Oh, Lord, forgive me of my sins,
23:19 I just walked away cleansed.
23:22 If we dare be so presumptuous,
23:25 we seriously underestimate the cost of sin.
23:29 The ideas of mere confession
23:32 without regret for our ungodly behavior
23:35 without the goal of changing our actions is not biblical.
23:41 Let us pause to search our heart
23:43 and to inspect our attitude
23:46 before we approach God's throne of grace.
23:50 Our holy God has a benchmark,
23:55 a benchmark for his behavior
23:59 that is based on foundation of laws
24:02 upon which he bases his government
24:05 and any conduct contrary to his laws,
24:09 carries the penalty of death.
24:11 So I ask, does God forgive us simply
24:15 because He loves us?
24:17 No, such forgiveness would make a mockery of His laws
24:21 and would render Him an unjust judge.
24:25 If God were to waive the penalty of sin
24:28 for the sake of love alone,
24:30 He would violate His own holy standards set in stone.
24:36 Also, he would make a mockery of the cross
24:40 our New Testament altar.
24:42 God forgives us for one reason only
24:46 because His Son Jesus Christ stood in us as our substitute
24:51 and shed His precious blood at Calvary,
24:54 paying the penalty for our redemption from sin.
24:58 The message of the Bible is clear.
25:01 God loves all of mankind unconditionally.
25:05 Still sin demands the punishment of death.
25:09 What more could God have done than to,
25:12 to demonstrate His great love for us
25:16 then by sending His Son to die
25:20 for the sacrifice for our sins.
25:23 He provided the sacrifice for our sins
25:26 while we were yet sinners.
25:29 Forgiveness is offered as a free gift
25:32 to the repentant sinner
25:34 but at a great cost to our Father and our Lord.
25:39 I pray that we will never again
25:43 take a dry eyed look at sin.
25:47 As you come before a holy God
25:50 to confess your sins, count the cost of sin.
25:54 Remember the agony of Calvary
25:57 and cling to the crossed.
25:59 There's no greater miracle,
26:01 no greater grace than the gift of divine forgiveness
26:06 and the gift of salvation.
26:08 And let me tell you something,
26:10 you are worth nothing less to God
26:14 than the unspeakable price that
26:17 He paid for you and for your redemption
26:20 and that price was the precious blood of His own Son.
26:25 God loves you so much
26:27 and I pray that you will reach out to Him
26:31 and just know that you can enter into His gates
26:36 with thanksgiving into His courts with praise
26:39 and just confess your sins before Him.
26:43 This will be the clearing house of your conscience.
26:48 It's something that--
26:49 it's something that's just too precious.
26:52 Now I hope that you've enjoyed today
26:57 and see that confession of sin--
26:59 I hope this has just put a whole new light
27:02 on the idea of confessing your sin
27:04 because it's not bad to recognize it.
27:07 It's actually a good thing to recognize
27:10 what sin is so that we can confess it
27:13 and that we can look for forgiveness.
27:16 And that's what our next program is going to be on.
27:20 The next program will be on the grace of forgiveness.
27:25 You know, grace is more than just divine favor.
27:30 Grace is God's supernatural power into salvation.
27:36 Grace is His divine assistance for salvation.
27:40 And He wants to give you the grace of forgiveness
27:44 as you confess your sins.
27:46 So please join us next time
27:49 and I think you're going to enjoy
27:51 that particular teaching.
27:53 Now our time has slipped into eternity,
27:56 it goes by so quickly but my prayer for you,
28:00 our prayer for you is that the grace of our Lord
28:03 and Savior Jesus Christ, the love of the Father
28:07 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
28:09 will be with you today and always.
28:13 Thanks for joining us.


Revised 2014-12-17