Pressing into His Presence

With Whom Does God Speak?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn


Series Code: PHP

Program Code: PHP000020

00:01 Hello, I am Shelley Quinn.
00:02 Have you ever thought
00:03 that your loving heavenly father
00:04 might have something personal
00:06 He would like to share with you.
00:07 Please join us today on "Pressing in to His Presence"
00:10 as we consider with whom God speaks.
00:35 Welcome to "Pressing in to His Presence."
00:38 On our last two programs we have considered
00:40 10 manners in which God has spoken
00:42 to mankind throughout scripture,
00:45 and here's what we have learnt.
00:47 Godhead speaks to us primarily through scripture.
00:50 He has spoken to us through His prophets
00:52 and His Son Jesus Christ,
00:54 through appearance of angels, creations
00:57 and creatures, through answered prayers,
00:59 science and circumstances,
01:01 through visions, dreams,
01:03 the audible voice which is rare,
01:05 and a still small voice of the Holy Spirit.
01:09 Now today, we will examine scripture to see
01:13 just exactly what type of person
01:15 God wants to speak to?
01:17 Could it be you?
01:19 If you are following along in the program companion book
01:21 also titled Pressing Into His Presence.
01:24 Today we begin on Chapter 11.
01:28 Should Christians of this era
01:30 expect God to speak with them?
01:32 I believe scripture supports a resounding yes.
01:36 And we find our answer in Malachi 3:6
01:40 because God declares
01:41 "I am the Lord, I do not change."
01:44 And in Hebrews 13:8 Jesus said that
01:46 "He is same yesterday, today and forever."
01:50 The experience of Christians around the world
01:53 testifies to the fact
01:55 that are loving heavenly Father still communicates
01:58 in an intimate manner with His children.
02:01 Off course the word of God is the primary manner
02:04 in which the Lord communicates with us.
02:07 It's good to make scripture reading
02:09 a part of your prayer time.
02:10 So that prayer becomes a two way conversation.
02:15 And I also believe that God would impress
02:17 His thoughts upon our heart by the power of His Holy Spirit
02:21 just as He did with so many ordinary disciples
02:25 in the New Testament.
02:26 If we would just learn how to train our ears
02:30 to receive His loving words
02:32 of encouragement, instruction and discipline.
02:36 You know, Jesus said in Mark 4:24.
02:39 "Take heed what you hear.
02:42 With the same measure you use,
02:44 it will be measured to you,
02:46 and to you who hear, more will be given."
02:50 As we press into His presence in prayer.
02:54 Let us do it with reverence and awe
02:58 and a heart just filled with expectation.
03:02 Increase the measure of your expectations
03:05 because the measure you use will be measured back to you.
03:10 Before God taught me to press into His presence,
03:13 I confess that I only heard
03:15 that still small voice on rare occasions.
03:19 I remember that first morning in September 1999
03:24 when I was trying to learn how to pray for an hour
03:28 and I was sitting at my computer
03:30 journaling my prayer.
03:31 And I became completely absorbed
03:34 in earnest prayers to the one who loves me most.
03:38 Finally giving myself permission
03:40 to glance at the clock that I had covered
03:42 so I wouldn't check on it.
03:44 I was surprised to see I'd spent
03:46 over two hours talking to the Lord.
03:49 The deep intimacy of that prayer session
03:53 delighted my soul.
03:55 So satisfied I typed the words in Jesus' name, amen.
04:00 And as soon as I added the exclamation point,
04:03 the Lord added one of His own.
04:06 He impressed upon my heart the very words of Psalms 46:10.
04:12 "Be still, and know that I am God."
04:18 This was to be a major turning point in my life,
04:22 stunned by His unexpected command,
04:26 I stood at a crossroads
04:27 and I try to trust God's continued leading.
04:31 Was this really the voice of the Lord
04:34 or merely my own subconscious thought?
04:37 Doubt was revolving in my mind
04:39 and it ruined any attempt to be still.
04:42 And I said, "Oh, Lord, is this you or is this me."
04:46 Unfamiliar thoughts were impressed upon me
04:48 and frantically I questioned again and again,
04:52 desperately wanting to identify the source
04:55 breaking through the silence.
04:57 His next thought came to my mind and he said,
05:01 "I will teach you to quit interrupting
05:03 in a spiritual realm as well as in the physical realm.
05:08 Write what I speak to you
05:09 that you may take note of it often."
05:12 And in hindsight
05:13 I see that the Lord's sense of humor
05:16 was in that remark because never before
05:18 had I acknowledged my very irritating habit
05:21 of interrupting others as they spoke
05:23 until God pointed out my problem.
05:26 I believed it was the still small voice of the Lord.
05:30 He had my attention and he was about to teach me
05:34 that prayer can be a two way communication.
05:39 Listening for God's gentle whisper during prayer
05:42 was a novel idea to me.
05:44 I think perhaps it could be to you as well.
05:47 For this reason, we reviewed the many ways
05:49 that God communicates
05:51 with the human family in previous programs.
05:54 Is He looking for the people who will listen today?
05:57 Why would the Lord want to impress
05:59 His thoughts upon our minds by the power of His Spirit?
06:03 As we delve deeper into this topic,
06:06 we will let scripture guide us to the answers.
06:09 If we are to entertain
06:11 this means of divine communication,
06:14 it is vitally important to know it is God's will.
06:19 Equally important,
06:20 we must learn to recognize His voice
06:23 to protect ourselves from following another.
06:26 First let's look at who might expect
06:29 to hear from God.
06:30 And at the conclusion
06:31 of our brief review of scripture,
06:34 I'll share my personal experience
06:36 of being still before God
06:38 and how life changing it proved to be.
06:42 So with whom does God speak?
06:46 We have already considered
06:47 the many ways God communicates
06:50 with those He calls to be prophets,
06:53 one of which is to cause them
06:55 to hear his voice.
06:56 Now when God promised
06:58 to pour out His Spirit on all flesh.
07:01 One of His stated purposes was to empower
07:04 his sons and daughters to prophesy,
07:06 to speak forth his council with regard to the future,
07:10 the present or even the past.
07:13 Not all prophecies are predictions of the future.
07:16 God speaks through His prophets
07:19 to give words of instruction, correction, encouragement,
07:23 edification, building up,
07:25 in other words of the saints and comfort.
07:28 He told the Prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 51:16,
07:33 "I have put my words in your mouth
07:37 and have covered you with the shadow of my hand."
07:41 Whether prophets, kings, disciples or apostles,
07:44 all the writers of the Bible also heard God's voice
07:47 with spiritual ears if not literally.
07:51 Every scripture is God breathe
07:54 given by inspiration of the Lord.
07:56 God put the words of His mouth into His servant's hearts
08:00 by the power of His Spirit.
08:03 tells us
08:06 that "His secret counsel is with the upright."
08:12 So it's not just prophets but with the upright.
08:15 As a rhetorical question the Lord asked,
08:18 shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing.
08:22 We know from the record that God shared His counsel
08:25 about Sodom and Gomorrah with upright Abraham.
08:29 Off course when we consider God speaking to Abraham,
08:33 some of us think of one alarming event
08:36 and we shutter.
08:37 That story is found in Genesis Chapter 22.
08:41 Why would God ask Abraham
08:44 to sacrifice Isaac his son of promise,
08:48 his seed through whom the covenants to make him
08:51 a father of many nation would be fulfilled.
08:55 Did Abraham agonize over his decision
08:58 to obey the Lord's voice?
09:00 Did he think it was a cruel test of his fate?
09:05 You know, I used to believe so
09:07 but now I understand it as little differently.
09:10 Jesus told to the Jews in John 8 in verse 56,
09:16 He said your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day.
09:21 He saw it and he was glad.
09:24 My personal belief is that Genesis 15
09:27 records the time
09:29 that Abraham saw Christ day in vision
09:31 and was comforted.
09:33 There in Genesis 15 is the account of God
09:36 passing through the animal sacrifices
09:38 as the Lord cut covenant with Abraham.
09:42 And Abraham had assurance of God's Calvary plan
09:46 because he saw Christ day.
09:49 He became so familiar with God's voice
09:53 that when he was tested to offer up Isaac.
09:57 The Bible says
10:02 that he went forth in faith concluding
10:06 that God was able to raise Isaac up
10:10 even from the dead.
10:12 Abraham had seen Christ day
10:15 and he knew God's son
10:17 would be set not only sacrificed
10:20 but resurrected again.
10:22 He trusted God to do the same with Isaac.
10:29 God also takes us into His confidence
10:33 if those who are obedient to His will and His word.
10:38 The Holy Spirit is within us
10:41 and leads the children of God by his counsel.
10:44 He opens our ears to hear
10:47 as one who is taught by the Lord.
10:50 God also speaks
10:51 to those He is trying to turn away from sin.
10:55 In a previous program we took note of Balaam
10:58 who was rebuked for his inequity
11:01 by a dumb donkey that God used to speak
11:04 with a man's voice
11:06 which restrained the madness of the prophet.
11:10 And then there was Saul of Tarsus
11:12 who breathing murderous threats against Christians
11:16 was knocked to the ground
11:18 when a light from heaven flash around him
11:20 and he heard the voice of the Lord.
11:22 Hebrews 3:7-8 says this.
11:26 "Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says:
11:30 "Today, if you will hear His voice,
11:34 do not harden your hearts."
11:38 Years ago I met an old farmer
11:40 who after 30 years
11:42 still tells his testimony with tears.
11:44 One moonless night he was home alone
11:46 in on a drinking binge and sometime after midnight
11:50 in a blind stupor he stumbled into the fields
11:53 and passed out falling face down into a trench
11:57 that had several inches of accumulated rain.
12:01 Unconscious he laid there with his face buried
12:04 in the mud under the water.
12:07 No one knew, no one but God.
12:11 A loud voice roused him commanding him to wake up.
12:17 The voice told of his love for this farmer
12:20 and urged him to repent and mend his ways
12:23 that he might receive a chance at eternal life.
12:28 The farmer had no doubt
12:30 that it was God's voice he heard.
12:32 Yielding his heart
12:33 and control of his life to the Lord,
12:35 he eventually became an active elder
12:39 in the church.
12:42 the story is told
12:49 how the Lord came and stood
12:51 and called saying Samuel, Samuel.
12:55 Then Samuel answered,
12:57 speak Lord for your servant is listening.
13:00 Here we see that God also speaks to those
13:03 whom he has chosen for special work.
13:06 Young Samuel gave God his full attention
13:08 and permission to speak into his heart
13:11 and he became a mighty prophet of the Lord.
13:14 Moses heard the voice of the Lord
13:16 from a burning bush.
13:17 Abraham answered the call of the Lord
13:20 and heard often the voice of God.
13:24 Sometimes the special work that God has chosen us to do
13:29 is not what we expect
13:30 as I learned in December of 1996.
13:34 You know my husband J.D and I
13:37 have always enjoyed buying gifts for family
13:39 and friends particularly at Christmas
13:42 when we leave no one off our gift list,
13:45 but still staggering under the weight
13:47 of the business debt, that we had inherited
13:51 from our prince business partner, our famous,
13:55 infamous I should say Middle Eastern partner.
13:58 I had been swirling away coins in a cane
14:01 for months to accomplish our holiday shopping.
14:05 Cashing them in I was disappointed
14:07 that my stash only amounted to about $200,
14:10 it was 200 almost even.
14:13 So one Wednesday evening I returned home from speaking
14:18 at as a guest speaker at a Baptist church.
14:21 And although I had spoken there before,
14:23 I didn't know the members all that well.
14:26 Before I settled in for the night,
14:28 the Lord impressed me to take money to a couple
14:32 who had been absent from attendance
14:34 during that mid week service.
14:37 I said yes, father so I rig hard,
14:39 I said how much shall I give them.
14:42 There was no answer.
14:44 Turning this over in my mind
14:45 I approached the Lord with various amounts.
14:47 Well, should it be 25, 50, a 100.
14:51 I was feeling somewhat anxious
14:54 and what he impressed upon my mind was this.
14:58 All of it, give them all you have saved,
15:01 all that you have saved.
15:05 Well, I sighed and I said yes, Lord,
15:07 I'll take it to them tomorrow.
15:09 Then this thought rang loud and clear in my mind.
15:13 Now child, take it tonight. It was after 9 o'clock.
15:17 I had no idea where they lived.
15:19 They didn't have a phone,
15:20 so I had to call several people from their church
15:22 until I found someone
15:23 who could provide their address.
15:25 And in hour later I arrived at their home
15:29 and the husband answered my knock at the door
15:31 standing outside there in the freezing weather,
15:34 I just thrust into his hands an envelope
15:38 on which I had marked a gift from the Lord.
15:42 I said God told me to bring this to you tonight.
15:45 Don't thank me, thank him.
15:47 And then learning that his wife Cathy
15:49 and their children were ill with the flu,
15:52 I said a quick prayer and I departed.
15:54 There was joy in my heart because I knew I heard
15:57 from the Lord because I can tell you
15:58 it certainly wasn't my idea, but I had heard and obeyed.
16:03 So on the following Sunday,
16:04 I was ministering at that same church again.
16:07 Cathy's husband approached me to express his appreciation
16:10 and he said, "Boy was I excited to get that $200."
16:14 I told Cathy we could finally install cable TV.
16:19 Well, the joy of obedience
16:21 drained momentarily from my heart.
16:24 Did God direct me to forfeit our Christmas fund
16:27 for such nonsense,
16:29 but then the husband shared the rest of the story.
16:32 The family had awakened the next morning
16:34 just after I delivered the money
16:37 to discover that their electricity
16:38 had been disconnected.
16:40 It seems that they had
16:41 a very haphazard bill paying habit.
16:44 And they were poor and without realizing it
16:47 they had fallen three months behind on their payment
16:50 and although the weather was bitterly cold,
16:54 the electric company refused to restore power
16:57 until the amount due was paid in full,
16:59 all $219 and 20 cents of it.
17:04 So borrowing a neighbor's phone
17:05 Cathy pleaded with the service representative.
17:08 She now had 200 the gift from the Lord,
17:11 surely they would carry the balance for a few weeks
17:15 but her efforts were in vain.
17:17 No other option was given other than payment in full.
17:22 And hoping to play on their sympathies,
17:24 she bundled her sick children and hopped into the car
17:28 heading for the downtown office.
17:31 As she pulled out of her driveway,
17:33 a non Christian neighbor crossed the street
17:36 and flagged her down and Cathy thought now what,
17:41 she never even speaks to us.
17:43 What's her problem today?
17:45 The neighbor rather angrily snorted.
17:48 I don't have any idea why I am doing this
17:51 but for some reason I know I'm supposed to give you this.
17:54 And tossing something through the car window,
17:56 she abruptly turned and walked away.
17:59 Well, a startled Cathy looked at her lap
18:02 to see what had landed there,
18:05 it was a $20 bill.
18:08 What a testimony?
18:10 She was able to share
18:11 with the electric company's employees
18:14 and she paid her bill in full
18:16 and held her hand out for 80 cents in change.
18:21 God had spoken to two somewhat reluctant hearts,
18:25 one who recognized his voice
18:27 and one who didn't.
18:29 Calling them to do a special work
18:32 to keep a poor sick family from freezing.
18:37 You know when God chose Ananias for a special work,
18:41 he gave him these words for Saul of Tarsus
18:45 that are recorded in Acts 22:14 which says,
18:50 "The God of our fathers has chosen you,
18:53 that you should know his will, and see that Just One,
18:58 and hear the voice of his mouth."
19:01 Here God's telling a little known...
19:05 a little known disciple who is Ananias,
19:09 but he's saying tell Paul
19:11 you'll hear the voice of his mouth.
19:14 You know Saul was well schooled in scripture.
19:17 He was the member of the Pharisees.
19:18 He was a student of Gamaliel
19:20 who was a leading rabbinical teacher of the time,
19:23 but still he seriously was misdirected.
19:29 And he was determined to destroy the Christian faith.
19:32 But after his conversion,
19:34 Saul who became Paul did not consult
19:38 with any other leaders of the early Christian church
19:42 but he went into Arabia for three years
19:45 where he received divine revelation from the Lord
19:48 and he preached the gospel to the Gentiles.
19:52 Our good shepherd Jesus declared his followers
19:57 would know and recognize him.
20:01 He says in John 18:37.
20:06 "Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice."
20:12 And again in John 10:27
20:16 he says "The sheep that are My own
20:19 and are listening to My voice,
20:21 and I know them, and they follow Me."
20:25 In comparing himself to a shepherd,
20:28 he emphatically stated the sheep,
20:32 his sheep would know his voice and follow him only,
20:36 fleeing from the voice of strangers.
20:39 As followers of Christ,
20:41 we become familiar with his voice, how?
20:45 By studying the scriptures.
20:47 Any voice that speaks contrary
20:50 to God's written word will alarm us
20:53 and send us scurrying in the opposite direction.
20:56 The Bible tells that God rewards
21:00 those who earnestly seek Him.
21:04 People like King David,
21:06 like Elijah who ask and keep on asking,
21:09 who seek and keep on seeking, who knock and keep on knocking.
21:14 People who perceive that God has a plan
21:17 for their lives, a good plan
21:19 and they persevere in prayer,
21:21 seeking him with all of their hearts.
21:25 Isaiah was such a man as this.
21:28 He saw God's face pressing into His presence,
21:33 pressing into actually the most holy place in heaven
21:38 where God was sitting on His throne of grace.
21:42 He says in Isaiah Chapter 6
21:45 and we're going to look at verses 1 and verses 5-8.
21:50 "In the year that King Uzziah died,
21:53 I saw the Lord, sitting on a throne,
21:55 high and lifted up,
21:57 and the train of his robe filled the temple.
22:00 So I said: "Woe is me, for I am undone!
22:04 Because I am a man of unclean lips,
22:06 and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips,
22:09 for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.
22:13 Then one of the seraphim flew to me,
22:16 having in his hand a live coal
22:18 which he had taken with the tongs from the altar.
22:21 And he touched my mouth with it, and said:
22:24 "Behold, this has touched your lips,
22:26 your iniquity is taken away, and your sin purged."
22:30 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying:
22:32 "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?
22:37 Then I said, "Here I am! Send me."
22:42 You know, I love this verse, this passage
22:47 because it shows that Isaiah had pressed in prayer
22:54 clear into the throne room of God
22:57 into the most holy place
23:00 and that's what we want him to do.
23:02 We want to learn how to pray with God,
23:05 and how to make it such an intimate prayer
23:08 that we are not just seeking His hand
23:11 to answer our prayer,
23:13 but we are seeking His face as Isaiah did.
23:18 And trust me when we do, we'll feel like Isaiah.
23:22 We'll think Woe is me. I am undone.
23:25 For we're all people of unclean lips
23:28 according to the Lord is not just a problem Isaiah had.
23:31 But God is searching,
23:34 He is searching to find a people
23:38 who will listen for His voice.
23:41 In 2 Chronicles 16:9
23:46 it says "That the eyes of the Lord
23:49 run to and fro throughout the whole earth,
23:53 to show Himself strong on behalf of those
23:57 whose hearts are loyal to Him."
24:01 So let summarize what we have studied thus far.
24:09 In this program we have considered
24:11 the human classes of people with whom God speaks.
24:16 We know He speaks with prophets,
24:19 but we also know He spoke
24:21 through the authors of the Bible,
24:23 through those who were obedient
24:25 to His will and His word.
24:28 We saw that He speaks to those
24:31 He is trying to turn away from sin,
24:33 to those whom He has chosen for a special work
24:37 and He speaks to his truth seeking sheep,
24:41 the followers of Christ, those who earnestly seek him.
24:47 But now, for accuracy
24:50 I must cover two more all inclusive classes of humans
24:56 who will hear the Lord's voice.
24:59 Those who are made righteous by Christ
25:02 who will take part in the first resurrection
25:05 and those who are participators of the evil
25:09 who are reserved for the second resurrection.
25:13 You know Jesus said in John 5:28-29.
25:21 "Do not marvel at this, for the hour is coming
25:25 in which all who are in the graves
25:27 will hear His voice and they will come forth.
25:31 Those who have done good, to the resurrection of life,
25:35 and those who have done evil,
25:37 to the resurrection of condemnation."
25:44 We are all going to listen to His voice some time.
25:49 God has a passion for His people.
25:53 And he has a passion for the lost.
25:56 The desire of His heart is to communicate His love,
26:01 His light, His life and His power
26:04 to all who will listen and except His counsel.
26:08 But some of us like stubborn children
26:12 stick our fingers in our ears
26:15 and our tongues out at God refusing to listen,
26:20 but the day will come
26:22 when they will hear His voice from their graves.
26:26 Please take this advice. Don't wait to listen.
26:31 Please don't wait to listen
26:33 for what God wants to speak to you.
26:36 Learn how to press into His presence
26:41 entering His courts with Thanksgiving
26:44 and praise repenting before Him
26:47 so that you can have clean hands
26:49 and a pure heart and He will hear your prayer.
26:52 Going before the Lord,
26:54 claiming His promises, his affirmations,
26:57 praying His word back to Him,
27:00 interceding on behalf of others
27:02 which is this the greatest training school
27:05 to become Christ like.
27:08 And as you intercede for others,
27:10 God would do a work in your heart.
27:13 Then we come to that point of supplication
27:17 when we're praying for ourselves.
27:19 At that the most important pursuit of the day
27:23 is to pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
27:27 Before you ever leave the house,
27:29 pray that God will help you to walk
27:31 in the power of surrender.
27:34 And then we--
27:36 after we've been in supplication,
27:38 then we're pressing forwards to be still
27:42 and know that the Lord is God.
27:44 Please join us next time as we discuss
27:47 what the Lord wants us to hear.
27:51 Our prayer for you as always is that
27:54 the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
27:57 the love of the father
27:59 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
28:01 will be with you today
28:03 and everyday for the rest of your lives.
28:06 Thank you.


Revised 2015-01-08