Praise Him Pause to Pray

Episode 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHPTP

Program Code: PHPTP200001S

00:32 Sooner or later, every believer discovers
00:34 that the Christian life is a battleground,
00:36 not a playground.
00:38 You and I face an enemy
00:39 who is much stronger than we are.
00:42 That is apart from the Lord.
00:44 Ephesians 6:10-12 says,
00:47 "Finally, my brethren,
00:48 be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
00:51 Put on the whole armor of God,
00:53 that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
00:57 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,
00:59 but against principalities, against powers,
01:02 against the rulers of the darkness of this age,
01:04 against spiritual hosts of wickedness
01:06 in the heavenly places."
01:08 You see, we waste our time when we fight with one another,
01:12 we must fight the real enemy,
01:14 the devil who seeks to control us
01:16 and make us oppose the work of God.
01:20 Remember by His death and resurrection
01:22 Christ overcame the world,
01:24 the flesh and the devil.
01:26 As believers, we don't have to fight for victory.
01:29 Victory is already ours through Christ.
01:32 God wins His battles and proves His faithfulness.
01:40 Great is Thy faithfulness
01:45 Great is Thy faithfulness
01:51 Morning by morning
01:54 New mercies I see
01:59 All I have needed
02:03 Thy hand has provided
02:09 Great is Thy faithfulness,
02:14 Lord, unto me
02:17 Oh, sing that with me now.
02:18 Oh great is Thy faithfulness
02:24 Great is Thy faithfulness
02:29 Morning by morning
02:33 New mercies I see
02:39 All I have needed
02:44 Your hand has provided
02:49 Great is Thy faithfulness,
02:55 Lord, unto me
03:06 One of the ways that God proves His faithfulness
03:10 is by putting us in contact with people
03:15 who we then grow close to.
03:20 And a very dear friend of mine
03:23 is also president, vice president rather,
03:26 and COO of 3ABN.
03:28 Her name is Jill Morikone.
03:31 Jill, thank you for being my friend.
03:32 And thank you for joining me on Pause to Pray.
03:35 Thank you so much, Tim, for the invitation.
03:37 It's a privilege to be here and to pray,
03:40 to spend time seeking our Father's face.
03:43 I'm so grateful
03:45 for the faithfulness of God toward us.
03:48 I love that song. Thank you.
03:51 This is a special time that we have to join you
03:55 our viewers and pray for needs
03:57 that you have called in.
04:01 So I just want to take time to pause and pray.
04:05 Jill, would you like to open us with a word of thanksgiving?
04:08 Father God, we're grateful that You are faithful,
04:13 that You're faithful in our lives and in our hearts,
04:15 and in our homes and in our marriages,
04:17 and in our families and in our communities.
04:20 Thank You, God, that You Are on the throne.
04:23 Thank You for parting the Red Sea.
04:26 Thank You that you are mighty and powerful and strong.
04:30 Thank You that You fight our battles for us,
04:34 that You want to give us victory.
04:37 Thank You for the blood of Jesus
04:41 that cleanses us from all sin.
04:44 We just give You praise right now,
04:47 for you are a great God,
04:50 but yet You are our savior.
04:54 And we're so grateful today.
05:01 Father, we bring before You
05:05 those who are battling cruel cancer,
05:11 those who are in the beginning phases,
05:14 those who've endured the various treatments
05:16 and are left weak.
05:20 Those who seem to have no hope.
05:25 God, in whatever stage,
05:27 I pray that Your healing touch would be evident
05:31 and that Your presence
05:35 would be obvious
05:38 that it would overcome the fear of the process
05:44 that they're going through, Lord.
05:47 You are greater than cancer God,
05:49 we have no doubt.
05:52 So we ask Lord that
05:54 You would do what only You can do.
06:00 In Jesus' name, thank You, Lord.
06:05 Father God, I lift up those in school,
06:08 elementary school, high school, college, university,
06:12 even pre-K and the little ones.
06:15 Lord, Satan comes as a roaring lion,
06:19 especially against our young people.
06:22 Right now I wanna stand in the gap
06:25 for our young people, God.
06:27 For those who maybe haven't made a decision for You,
06:31 for those who are bullied,
06:36 who are oppressed,
06:37 who deal with peer pressure every day.
06:40 God, would You make a way of escape for them?
06:43 Would You part their own Red Sea
06:46 and allow them to walk on dry ground?
06:51 Father, would You pour Your wisdom
06:54 into their hearts and into their lives
06:56 like You did for Daniel and his three friends.
06:59 Give them wisdom in what they study.
07:02 Give them favor.
07:06 Father, give them direction.
07:08 If they're trying to decide what course to take,
07:11 what direction to go with their life,
07:14 grant them direction.
07:15 Most of all, God,
07:16 would You save them in Your kingdom?
07:22 Yes.
07:30 Father, I lift up those
07:31 who are seeking gainful employment,
07:37 profitable employment,
07:39 those who are young and inexperienced,
07:44 looking for opportunities to prove themselves.
07:48 And on the other end
07:50 those who have many years of experience
07:53 and are having difficulty finding work,
07:56 maybe due to their age.
08:01 Father, You have used work to provide for us.
08:06 So I ask that You will make jobs available
08:12 and that the pay would meet the needs of Your children.
08:18 I thank You, Lord, that You again
08:22 have always been faithful to meet our needs,
08:25 according to Your riches and glory,
08:29 knowing that You own the cattle on a thousand hills
08:32 and that's nothing to you to provide in miraculous ways.
08:37 Lord, we don't know Your ways.
08:39 And so I just ask for those who are looking for work,
08:44 Father, keep them healthy.
08:51 Father, thank You, Lord, in Jesus' name.
08:57 Father, God, I lift up
09:00 our brothers and sisters right now,
09:02 watching, listening,
09:05 who are trying to decide
09:08 whether they wanna still walk with You.
09:11 Who wonder if...
09:14 Maybe they should go on their own?
09:17 Maybe they're discouraged.
09:19 Maybe they're tired.
09:22 Maybe it seems like
09:24 they've been asking for something
09:25 and they haven't heard any answer from You, God.
09:29 And they're not sure they wanna keep walking with You.
09:33 God, I pray for them right now
09:36 that You would reveal Yourself to them
09:39 in such an amazing way.
09:41 Yes, God.
09:43 I ask that You would reveal Your love
09:45 that You would wrap Your arms around them,
09:48 that they could really taste and see
09:50 that You are good.
09:53 That you are love
09:55 and that You have a plan for their lives.
09:59 Oh, Father, keep them from making a decision
10:02 to turn away from You
10:03 to walk as it were in darkness.
10:09 God, sometimes Satan brings temptations,
10:14 the glitter of the world,
10:15 the things that look appealing and we might think,
10:19 "Oh, I'm done with God and I wanna go my own way."
10:23 But, Father, the end of that is misery and destruction.
10:27 The end of that is fear and oppression.
10:31 The end of that is death.
10:34 And so, Father, I ask in the name of Jesus
10:39 that my brothers and sisters would make a choice for You.
10:42 Just look up into your face and say,
10:45 I don't understand everything happening in my life right now,
10:48 but I want Jesus.
10:51 Father, would You save them
10:53 right now in Your kingdom.
10:59 Praise the Lord.
11:02 Father, I know You said that
11:05 there would always be the poor among us
11:12 and that really to me doesn't seem fair,
11:15 but I pray, Lord, that You would lay on my heart,
11:20 someone who is in need
11:24 so that I might help meet that need.
11:28 And in doing so,
11:30 lead them to a knowledge of You, Lord.
11:36 Father, I ask that You would remind us
11:37 all of our personal poverty
11:41 and that if it weren't for You
11:42 and Your blessings in our lives,
11:47 we would all be destitute.
11:55 And teach me not to judge others, Lord,
11:58 by how much they own,
12:01 by what they live in,
12:04 by what they wear.
12:06 But rather may I love one
12:12 simply because You love us.
12:19 I thank You for that love, Lord.
12:24 And so I thank You, Father, for the plan of salvation,
12:28 the gift of eternal life.
12:34 Thank You for Your faithfulness to me,
12:36 precious God.
12:40 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 says,
12:43 "For though we walk in the flesh,
12:45 we do not war according to the flesh.
12:48 For the weapons of our warfare,
12:51 they're not carnal,
12:53 but they are mighty in God for pulling down strongholds."
12:57 We fight in the power of God's might.
13:01 So trust that God will move on your behalf
13:04 if you will only pause to pray.
13:07 And, Father God, I pray for Jill Morikone.
13:10 I pray, Lord, that
13:11 You will give her the mind of Christ,
13:14 that You will order her steps,
13:17 that You will give her wisdom,
13:19 that You will give her peace.
13:21 That, Lord, the times her job is stressful.
13:24 I pray, oh God, that You will remind her
13:27 that she is your daughter
13:30 and You control it all.
13:33 You calm the waves.
13:35 So you've got her.
13:37 Thank you Jesus, in Jesus' name.
13:44 Please send us your prayer request
13:46 or become a part of our Prayer Warrior Team.
13:49 For more information, please visit
13:53 or call for prayer at 618-627-4651, extension 1.
13:58 And thank you for being a part of the worldwide 3ABN family.


Revised 2021-06-20