Pause to Pray

Episode 5 - Fear

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHPTP

Program Code: PHPTP200005S

00:32 Anxiety, despair,
00:34 doubt, dread, panic, suspicion, worry.
00:38 The very mention of those words increases my heart rate
00:41 and causes flashbacks of terrible memories.
00:44 But God gives us encouraging words
00:47 in times of fear.
00:48 One in particular is through the Prophet Isaiah in 41:10,
00:53 where God says, "Fear not, for I am with you,
00:56 be not dismayed, for I am your God.
00:58 I will strengthen you.
01:00 Yes, I will help you,
01:01 I will uphold you with My righteous right arm."
01:04 Needless to say, life will provide
01:07 plenty of opportunities for fear,
01:10 fear about health, of losing our job,
01:13 fear of being alone, fear of the future.
01:15 We will always have something to fear.
01:18 The world is gripped with a fear of uncertainty,
01:21 looking to the media and looking to leaders
01:23 around the world wondering how they're going to answer,
01:26 find answers to the fear that seems to intrude
01:29 and take away our courage and our faith.
01:32 In times of uncertainty, we must remember
01:35 that we serve the God of certainty.
01:37 In times of abject fear, we can turn to the Lord
01:40 and be thankful that He will never leave us,
01:43 He will never forsake us.
01:45 As a matter of fact, He says,
01:47 "I am with you always."
01:49 So when you are uncertain about what the future holds,
01:52 turn your heart to the Lord.
01:54 He is always there.
02:03 I trust in God
02:06 Wherever I may be
02:10 Upon the land
02:13 Or on the rolling sea
02:18 For come what may,
02:21 From day to day
02:25 My heav'nly Father
02:28 Watches over me
02:34 I trust in God,
02:37 I know He cares for me
02:43 On mountain bleak
02:46 Or on the stormy sea
02:51 Though billows roll,
02:55 He keeps my soul
02:59 My heav'nly Father watches
03:03 Over me
03:08 He makes the rose
03:11 An object of His care
03:15 He guides the eagle
03:18 Through the pathless air
03:22 And surely He
03:25 Remembers me
03:29 My heav'nly Father
03:32 Watches over me
03:37 I trust in God,
03:41 I know He cares for me
03:45 On mountain bleak
03:48 Or on the stormy sea
03:54 Though billows roll,
03:58 He keeps my soul
04:03 My heav'nly Father
04:06 Watches over
04:11 Me
04:15 Father God, You've promised in Your Word
04:18 that when I am afraid, I will trust in You.
04:21 We're reaching out to You right now,
04:23 seeking to trust in You.
04:26 There's so much uncertainty right now, God,
04:28 so many unknown, so much sickness,
04:31 so much disease.
04:33 People around us that we know and love,
04:36 hurt alone, isolated,
04:39 maybe in the hospital.
04:41 God, would You take out
04:44 that fear in our hearts right now?
04:47 You said, "Perfect love casts out all fear."
04:50 I ask right now that You would remove that fear
04:53 and that you would fill us with Your perfect peace
04:57 that You would surround us with Your presence.
04:59 Thank you.
05:00 Thank you for Your peace.
05:06 Heavenly Father, we come before Your throne of grace
05:10 recognizing our frailty.
05:12 As we experience fear,
05:15 we claim Your promise in 2 Timothy 1:7,
05:19 "For God has not given us a spirit of fear,
05:22 but a power and of love and of a sound mind."
05:27 And Lord Jesus, we thank You for this promise.
05:30 Amen.
05:36 Oh, Lord our God, and our Father,
05:39 today, we trust ourselves to Your care,
05:41 knowing that nothing can come to us
05:43 that can take You by surprise.
05:45 Therefore lead us through all the events of today,
05:48 no matter what storms that they may bring,
05:50 let us not sink like Peter.
05:52 But if we do, lift us up.
05:56 Today, let us bring glory to Your name.
05:59 Merciful and understanding Lord,
06:01 how well You know our thoughts.
06:03 You knew that fear would be a part of our lives
06:07 and You knew that it would hurt us.
06:09 And so You told us not to be afraid
06:11 because You would be with us.
06:13 And so we claim that promise
06:15 and ask that You replaced that fear
06:18 with an abiding sense of trust and confidence
06:20 that You will see us through.
06:23 Instead of being afraid to lose what we can't keep,
06:27 let us offer ourselves to Your keeping
06:29 in willing sacrifice today
06:32 in the name of Him who gave all for us.
06:35 Amen.
06:38 I trust in God,
06:42 For, in the lion's den
06:46 Or on the battlefield,
06:49 Or in the prison pen
06:54 Through praise or blame,
06:58 Through flood or flame
07:01 My heav'nly Father
07:04 Watches over
07:07 Me.
07:11 The valley may be dark,
07:15 The shadows deep But oh,
07:19 The shepherd guards his precious sheep
07:25 And through the gloom,
07:28 He'll surely lead me home
07:33 My heav'nly Father
07:35 Watches over me
07:41 I trust in God,
07:44 I know
07:46 He cares for me
07:50 On mountain bleak
07:53 Or on the stormy
07:56 Sea
07:59 Though billows
08:02 Roll
08:06 He keeps my soul
08:11 My heav'nly Father
08:17 Watches over
08:22 Me
08:26 Heavenly Father, we know today that fear
08:29 is widespread among most of us
08:31 because we don't understand what we see in the news,
08:34 don't understand what's going on in the world.
08:36 But we do have a clear scripture that says,
08:39 "Let not your heart be troubled."
08:42 And they tell us that in John 14:1.
08:46 I take a take special heart to that in knowing
08:48 that is the truth from Your Word,
08:51 and that You said in John 14:27,
08:53 "That peace I leave with you,
08:56 and peace I give you.
08:58 It's available to reach out
09:00 and to enjoy that everlasting hope and security
09:04 as a peace in Jesus Christ.
09:10 Yea, though I walk through
09:11 the valley of the shadow of death,
09:13 I will fear no evil: for thou art with me,
09:16 thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."
09:19 Oh, Lord help me to remember this truth.
09:21 Help me to remember
09:23 that when things are spiraling out of control,
09:26 when things are frightening,
09:27 when things feel like they can't get any worse,
09:30 that You're just a prayer away
09:32 and You have everything I need by Your power
09:36 to make it through these times.
09:40 Father, I want to thank You that
09:42 we can trust in You.
09:45 And that when I do trust in You with all of my heart
09:49 and I lean on not on my own understanding,
09:54 when I submit to You
09:56 that You will make my path straight.
10:01 Father, I know that
10:03 You ask the question to Joshua, says,
10:06 "Have I not commanded you, be strong and courageous,
10:10 do not be afraid, do not be discouraged."
10:15 And You promised, Lord God,
10:17 that You would be with us wherever we go.
10:21 So I pray, Father, for those who,
10:23 who are battling fear.
10:25 I ask God in the name of Jesus, that You will remind them.
10:30 They have the best friend that they could ever need,
10:34 that they could ever want,
10:36 no matter what they're going through with, Lord.
10:39 Their circumstance
10:43 may not change because life,
10:48 life doesn't promise us wonderful health.
10:52 It doesn't promise us great riches.
10:57 But, Father, thank You for the promise
10:58 that You will not leave us.
11:00 So we don't have to fear.
11:03 Father, I thank You for Your faithfulness.
11:09 When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You.
11:13 Father, for those who are experiencing
11:18 trouble with their finances, because of loss of job,
11:24 I ask Lord that You would provide for them.
11:27 I know You are able to provide,
11:30 You are able to open doors of opportunities for work,
11:34 and You are able to provide a check
11:36 out of nowhere.
11:39 You're able to provide groceries
11:40 out of nowhere,
11:43 because I know it's happened to me
11:45 and I'm just praying, Father, for those
11:47 who are in need of that very thing
11:49 that You would meet that need.
11:53 Father, for healing, for marriages and healing,
11:57 for broken bodies,
12:01 for broken nerves and broken hearts,
12:03 and those who are battling mental situations,
12:08 mental fatigue and breakdown.
12:12 Lord, I pray in Jesus' name...
12:18 That You would speak peace,
12:20 that You would take away all fear.
12:25 I trust in You, God.
12:27 I love You, Lord.
12:29 You have given us a spirit of power
12:32 of peace, of self-control, of love.
12:37 And I don't want my joy to come
12:40 from circumstances
12:45 because I know that when that falls through,
12:49 then fear just opens up all the more.
12:53 So I will put my trust and my hope in You, oh God.
12:58 I bless your name, Father.
13:01 Though billows roll
13:06 You promised
13:07 You will keep my soul
13:12 My heav'nly Father
13:15 Watches
13:19 Over
13:22 Me
13:30 Thanks for taking this time to Pause and Pray.
13:33 Be blessed.
13:38 Please send us your prayer request
13:40 or become a part of our Prayer Warrior Team.
13:42 For more information, please visit
13:47 or call for prayer at 618-627-4651 extension 1.
13:52 And thank you for being a part of the worldwide 3ABN family.


Revised 2021-06-27