Pause to Pray

Episode 13 - Homeless and Poor

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHPTP

Program Code: PHPTP200013S

00:31 Today, I want to pause to pray for social issues
00:34 in regards to those who are homeless, poor,
00:37 and in great need.
00:39 The Bible has much to say on this subject
00:41 and is filled with spiritual counsel
00:43 throughout the scripture
00:45 in how we should respond
00:46 and coexist with those in need.
00:49 In fact, many of the biblical texts
00:51 can be quite eye-opening to those who may not have
00:54 ever considered how important this issue is to God.
00:58 A particular text comes to mind that provides great wisdom
01:01 and instruction on this subject.
01:03 It's found in Isaiah 58:7.
01:06 It says, "Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
01:10 and that you bring to your house the poor
01:13 who are cast out.
01:15 When you see the naked, that you cover him,
01:18 and not hide yourself from your own flesh?"
01:22 Wow, such texts remind us
01:24 that God wants us to be considerate
01:26 and thoughtful to those who struggle,
01:29 perhaps in poverty,
01:30 and could use a kind heart to extend some help,
01:33 especially when God has blessed us
01:34 with so much.
01:36 Let's pray that God gives us a compassionate heart
01:39 when it comes to dealing with those in need.
01:42 Those are His children, when we see that person
01:46 begging on the street,
01:51 those are His children.
01:58 In the lands beyond the sea
02:01 Countless million children be
02:04 Who have never heard the gospel story told
02:10 Little ones for whom the Christ Died,
02:14 And bo't them with a price
02:16 Waiting to be gathered
02:19 in the Savior's fold.
02:24 Jesus loves the little children
02:30 All the children of the world
02:35 Every child in every land,
02:39 Jesus holds them in His hand
02:42 For He loves the little children
02:46 of the world
02:52 Dear Heavenly Father,
02:54 I pray for those who are struggling today.
02:57 Especially think of the homeless,
02:58 runaways, addicts.
03:01 I also think of those
03:02 who have recently lost their job
03:04 or not allowed to work right now
03:06 because of their job is not considered essential
03:09 during this time of war on COVID-19.
03:12 Please give them peace, comfort,
03:15 and provide for their daily needs
03:17 as only You can.
03:18 May they feel Your presence, and learn of You
03:22 and Your great love for them.
03:24 In Jesus Holy Name I pray.
03:26 Amen.
03:31 Father in heaven,
03:32 we thank you for this day that You've given us.
03:34 We thank you for Your many, many blessings.
03:37 Lord, we realize that there are many among us
03:39 that are struggling, many among us
03:41 that are facing issues,
03:43 whether it be abuse or homelessness
03:47 or going without not having enough to eat,
03:50 financial issues.
03:51 Lord, You know their issues and their problems, Father,
03:54 but Lord, we ask that
03:56 You will help our eyes to be open
03:58 to the situations around us.
04:00 Maybe we don't live in a community
04:02 that has homelessness.
04:03 But, Lord, we realize that there are people
04:05 that are struggling and in need,
04:07 help our eyes to be open,
04:09 help us to see things as You see them, Father,
04:12 that our hearts would open,
04:13 that we would be willing to be
04:15 used by You to reach out to those around us
04:18 or to help others who are seeking to reach out
04:21 Lord in different areas.
04:22 There's always something
04:24 that we can do and we thank You
04:26 for working in our lives
04:27 and helping us to have our eyes open
04:30 and we ask it in Christ's name.
04:32 Amen.
04:38 Everywhere we hear their cry
04:42 Come and save us or we die
04:46 Who will haste to these the blessed news to tell?
04:52 They are precious to the King
04:56 Let us go these lambs to bring
04:59 To the gracious arms of Him
05:03 We love so well
05:08 For Jesus cares
05:11 For all the children
05:15 All the children are his care
05:22 Every child in every land
05:25 Jesus holds them in His hand
05:29 For he loves
05:31 The little children of the world
05:40 Our loving, kind, and Heavenly Father,
05:42 I thank You that You are a God that cares
05:45 for Your children.
05:46 I echo the words in Psalm 82:3 and 4,
05:51 that You would defend the poor and fatherless,
05:53 that You would do justice to the afflicted and needy,
05:56 that You would deliver the poor and needy,
05:59 and rid them out of the hand of the wicked.
06:01 Lord, please deliver Your children
06:04 from the stresses and strains of this world.
06:07 And give them the hope and the courage that
06:08 they need to keep fighting,
06:11 that You would continue shaping their characters
06:13 and fit them for heaven.
06:14 In Jesus name, amen.
06:21 Let us pray.
06:23 Father in heaven, we bow our heads right now,
06:25 as we think of the social issues
06:28 that many are confronted within our world,
06:31 the homelessness that abounds from country to country,
06:35 from city to city.
06:38 Lord, we thank You that
06:39 You've left us an example in Your word,
06:41 that there were those who are hungry,
06:43 those who are thirsty,
06:45 those who were strangers,
06:47 those who had no basic necessities,
06:50 those who was sick and imprisoned
06:52 and those who were the outcasts of society.
06:55 Father, today, we lift them up before You.
06:58 Give us wisdom, Lord,
06:59 to make a difference in our circles of influence,
07:02 but we thank You, Lord, that these precious souls
07:06 will receive their needs supplied
07:09 from the gracious hand of our Heavenly Father.
07:12 We thank You, Lord,
07:13 that each one of these precious souls
07:16 are important as Your children and Your kingdom.
07:20 In Jesus' name I pray, amen.
07:28 Dear Lord, I come to You today in prayer,
07:31 asking You to catch the hearts of every person
07:35 on the street that is homeless.
07:38 I pray that You show us how,
07:40 we can show Your love and Your light.
07:42 For God has said I will never fail you
07:45 or abandon you.
07:47 Teach me, Lord, how to do Your will daily.
07:50 So I can show Your love.
07:52 Teach me, Lord, please.
07:55 In Your name, I pray Your humble servant.
07:58 Amen.
08:07 Isaiah 1:17 says, "Learn to do good,
08:11 seek justice, reprove the ruthless,
08:15 defend the orphan, plead for the widow."
08:21 Proverbs 31:9 says,
08:23 "Open your mouth, judge righteously,
08:26 and defend the rights of the afflicted and needy."
08:31 Matthew 22:39, one we should know so well.
08:37 "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
08:43 James 1:27,
08:44 "Pure and undefiled religion
08:46 in the sight of our God and Father is this,
08:51 to visit orphans and widows in their distress
08:54 and to keep oneself unstained by the world."
09:01 The scripture I love so well section of scriptures
09:03 and this is one in Matthew 25:40,
09:06 "The king will answer and say to them,
09:08 'Truly I say to you,
09:10 to the extent that you did it
09:12 to one of these brothers of mine,
09:14 even the least of them.
09:17 You did it to me.'"
09:22 Father, I just...
09:24 I know that You said that
09:27 the poor will always have with us.
09:32 My Father, I just ask that
09:33 You would stir our hearts
09:35 fill us with compassion.
09:39 Lord, when we wonder
09:42 what they would do with the money say
09:45 that we would give them on the street.
09:48 Lord, may we just leave that up to You.
09:53 We want to be good stewards and we want to be cautious.
09:57 But, Lord, I pray that You will fill us
09:59 with such compassion and love
10:06 that it overlooks our prejudices
10:14 and that it looks through Your eyes of love.
10:22 Father, we have viewers who have needs
10:24 that are beyond the social issues.
10:29 One is praying for a specific job.
10:34 And for a family, she's single
10:38 and she would love a husband
10:40 and would like specifically three children.
10:43 Lord, we know that Your word says we have not
10:46 because we asked not and only You know
10:50 what You have planned for her.
10:52 So I'm asking God in Jesus name
10:54 that You would give her the desires of her heart,
10:58 that You would protect her from any harm.
11:03 And, Father, for those who are watching
11:05 who are just like her who are wanting a specific job,
11:08 who are wanting a family,
11:10 wanting a husband, or a wife,
11:15 Lord, Your will be done.
11:18 Open that door,
11:20 according to Your will for their lives.
11:22 We thank You that You love so much Your children,
11:26 that You're interested in all the little details
11:30 which are not little details, they're big.
11:34 But You are a big God.
11:37 I pray for this man who is in a work situation
11:40 where his co-workers are giving him grief.
11:44 One particular suffers with outbursts of anger.
11:49 Lord, we know that the work relationship can be...
11:54 It can be a kind of
11:56 a volatile atmosphere sometimes.
11:58 I ask God that you will help this gentleman
12:01 to be a light in his workforce,
12:06 that he would be in his office
12:08 that he would be the calm
12:11 and the peace in the direction.
12:16 Thank You, Father, for all that You do,
12:19 all that You are, the ways that you love us,
12:22 the ways that you care about us.
12:24 Father God, you are so precious.
12:27 So wonderful.
12:30 And we thank You for your provision.
12:34 Thank You for Your protection, thank You for deliverance.
12:36 Father, for those who are watching
12:37 who need safety, who need healing,
12:42 who need mending their relationships,
12:48 physical needs, and mental needs
12:49 and emotional needs, financial, and spiritual needs, God.
12:55 We all have them.
12:58 We thank You for meeting every need.
13:03 We love You, Lord.
13:05 Micah 6:8 says, "He has told you,
13:07 O man, what is good,
13:09 and what does the Lord require of you
13:12 but to do justice and love kindness,
13:15 and to walk humbly with your God?"
13:18 We only have to step our foot
13:20 out the front door to encounter
13:21 someone in need of a Savior.
13:23 And actually, we only need to look in the mirror.
13:28 So I encourage you to be the person
13:30 that God has called you to be.
13:33 Thank you for taking time to pause to pray.
13:38 Please send us your prayer request
13:40 or become a part of our Prayer Warrior Team.
13:42 For more information,
13:44 please visit or call for prayer
13:48 at 618-627-4651 extension 1.
13:52 And thank you for being
13:53 a part of the worldwide 3ABN family.


Revised 2021-08-05