Praise Him Pause to Pray

Episode 16 - Strength

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHPTP

Program Code: PHPTP200016S

00:31 Today we're praying for strength.
00:33 In his second letter to the Thessalonians,
00:36 Paul exhorts us,
00:37 "Brothers and sisters, pray for us
00:39 that the message of the Lord
00:40 may spread rapidly and be honored
00:42 just as it was with you.
00:44 And pray that we may be delivered
00:46 from wicked and evil people,
00:48 for not everyone has faith,
00:50 but the Lord is faithful
00:51 and He will strengthen you and protect you
00:53 from the evil one."
00:56 Other scriptures about our strength in God
00:58 are 1 Corinthians 16:13,
01:01 "Be on your guard.
01:02 Stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong."
01:06 In 1 Timothy 1:7,
01:08 "For God is not given us a spirit of fear,
01:10 but a spirit of power of love and a sound mind."
01:14 And Philippians 4:13 says,
01:17 "I can do all things through Christ
01:18 who gives me strength."
01:20 Finally, Psalm 28:7,
01:23 "The Lord is my strength and my shield,
01:25 my heart trusts in him and he helps me.
01:28 My heart leaps for joy and with my song, I praise Him.
01:32 The Lord is my strength and my shield."
01:34 When I think of strength,
01:36 I think of the mighty power of my heavenly Father.
01:39 And I sing this song.
01:46 I sing the mighty power of God
01:50 That made the mountains rise
01:54 That spread The flowing seas abroad
01:58 And built the lofty skies
02:01 I sing the wisdom that ordained
02:05 The sun to rule the day
02:09 The moon shines full at His command
02:14 And all the stars obey
02:21 Lord, I praise You for Your faithfulness.
02:23 Help me be strong
02:24 and protect me from the evil one.
02:27 I am grateful that
02:28 You've given me not a spirit of fear,
02:30 but a power and love and a sound mind.
02:33 Help me to stand firm in the faith
02:35 and be courageous and strong.
02:38 And help me remember
02:40 that I can do all things through You
02:41 who gives me strength.
02:43 My Father in heaven, holy is Your name.
02:46 May Your kingdom come and Your will be done.
02:50 Please give me what I need today
02:51 my daily bread
02:52 and forgive me
02:54 just as I forgive those around me.
02:56 Don't allow me to fall into temptation,
02:58 but protect me from evil,
03:00 for the kingdom and the power
03:01 and the glory are Yours forever and ever.
03:04 Amen.
03:10 Dear heavenly Father,
03:12 an angel of the Book of Revelation
03:15 called You a lion.
03:16 But John the Revelator saw you as a lamb.
03:20 This is so amazing.
03:22 You being a lion gained the victory as a lamb.
03:27 It is hard for us to understand that our power is in weakness
03:33 because when we recognize that we are weak
03:36 and invite You to dwell in us
03:39 and to completely fill us with your Holy Spirit,
03:42 then through this faith of ours,
03:45 Your righteousness starts indwelling in us
03:49 and Your power acts in us from inside out.
03:55 Please help us
03:56 not to be prideful of our capabilities
03:59 and achievements,
04:01 but take all our pride in You as You use us
04:06 so that Your will in this world is fulfilled,
04:10 in Your precious name we pray.
04:12 Amen.
04:19 Our Father and our God, we thank You
04:21 for Your amazing love towards us
04:23 during this time
04:25 of this COVID-19 pandemic globally.
04:28 We thank You for giving us the strength
04:30 to persevere during these times.
04:33 We ask that You continue to show us with Your strength
04:37 and Your love that we may share and encourage others
04:40 to be strong in this time of need.
04:43 Amen.
04:48 I sing the goodness of the Lord
04:53 Who filled the earth with food
04:57 He formed the creatures With His word
05:00 And then pronounce them good
05:04 Lord how thy wonders Are displayed
05:08 Wherever I turn my eyes
05:12 If I survey the ground I tread
05:17 Or gaze up on the sky
05:25 Father God, I bow before You now,
05:27 asking for a renewed strength.
05:30 God, I seek Your Spirit to come and overwhelm me Lord
05:35 with strength and ability.
05:38 Lord, help me to not be fearful of the things
05:41 that are taking place around me,
05:42 Lord, but to call upon Your name.
05:45 Lord, to rise up with Your strength,
05:47 to seek You and to know You more, Lord.
05:51 With so much uncertainty in the world, God,
05:53 I praise You
05:54 that You give us the strength that we need
05:57 to face it today and every day as we go forward.
06:01 Help us to cling to You, I pray in Jesus' name.
06:04 Amen.
06:10 Our loving heavenly Father,
06:11 thank You for Your blessings of strength.
06:14 Now we know that
06:15 we don't have strength in ourselves,
06:17 we have strength in You.
06:19 And so, Lord, we are asking at this particular moment
06:22 to give us strength.
06:24 We ask for strength in handling any of the challenges
06:27 and stress in our lives.
06:29 Strength for things
06:30 that we know that we will be facing
06:33 and strength to stay on track
06:35 with everything that you want us to do, Lord.
06:38 We need strength in so many different ways
06:40 and we are so happy that we can come to you
06:43 and ask you for strength.
06:45 And we do that, Lord.
06:46 Please give us strength now and always
06:49 in everything that You bless us with,
06:51 we ask in Jesus' name.
06:53 Amen.
06:59 Dear heavenly Father,
07:01 I reach out to You for strength and guidance.
07:04 Please show me which way to turn.
07:07 Calm my anxious thoughts.
07:09 Come speak into my mind,
07:11 strengthen me as I falter and feel weary.
07:14 I trust that You are with me no matter where I am.
07:18 Lord, help me to draw strength
07:20 through Your unchanging love and grace.
07:22 Renew in me a clean heart so that I can serve You.
07:27 Guide my actions and thoughts so that I do not falter,
07:31 for I can do all things through Christ,
07:33 which strengthens me.
07:35 Thank you for hearing my prayer in Jesus' name I pray.
07:39 Amen.
07:44 There's not a plant Or flower below
07:49 But makes Thy glories known
07:53 And clouds arise And tempest blow
07:57 By order from Thy throne
08:01 Creatures That borrow life from Thee
08:05 Are subject to Thy care
08:10 There's not a place Where we can flee
08:15 But you are present there
08:22 Father, it is in Your strength.
08:24 And knowing that You are always there,
08:28 that I rejoice
08:30 and that I know I am strong
08:32 because You are strong in me.
08:35 Isaiah 41:10 says,
08:37 "Fear not, for I am with you.
08:40 Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
08:44 I will strengthen you. I will help you.
08:47 I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
08:50 Father, I thank You that You are my strength.
08:55 1 Chronicle 16:11 says,
08:57 "Seek the Lord and His strength,
09:00 seek His presence continually."
09:02 Lord, may I never forget
09:07 that You are my strength
09:09 and that I can't do anything without You, Lord.
09:14 Exodus 15:2 says,
09:16 "The Lord is my strength and my song.
09:19 He has become my salvation.
09:22 This is my God, and I will praise Him.
09:24 My father's God, and I will exalt Him.
09:27 Lord, I thank You that
09:28 strength is connected with singing in this verse.
09:32 I thank You that because of Your strength,
09:36 I can sing when others are weak.
09:41 I rely on Your strength to sing into their life
09:44 and to be a source of encouragement
09:48 and strength to them
09:50 through my song and through my testimony
09:52 of how You have been strong in my life.
09:55 Thank You, Father.
09:57 And I love Philippians 4:13 that says,
10:00 "I can do all things
10:02 through Him who strengthens me."
10:05 Father, I thank You for such strength.
10:11 Lord, I lift up those who are watching,
10:15 who may be needing a special touch
10:20 and they're crying out to You in their time of need.
10:29 They've lost a job
10:30 or they're seeking for a new job.
10:33 Their finances are in shambles.
10:38 Lord, I pray that
10:39 You would speak healing to their situation,
10:44 that You would open doors of opportunity and for jobs.
10:47 This one says,
10:48 "I would like to ask for prayers to find a job.
10:52 May the Lord help me
10:54 to be as productive as possible?"
10:58 God, we thank You for the purpose
11:01 that we find in our jobs
11:03 and the opportunities
11:05 that our jobs enable us to witness to others.
11:10 So I do ask
11:12 God that You would meet the great cry
11:15 that is going out all over this world
11:18 for job opportunities
11:22 and to meet the needs of financial woes in our lives.
11:29 Lord, we thank You for Your provision, dear God.
11:35 And one writes in, saying,
11:36 "I'm losing weight and exercising regularly.
11:39 I don't drink or smoke.
11:41 Lately, I've noticed that
11:42 my blood pressure is dangerously high.
11:45 I'm taking medication.
11:47 Please pray that the right solution is found
11:50 or for complete healing."
11:54 God, I pray for the many
11:56 who are facing high blood pressure,
12:01 who are trying to manage it by their diet and good habits.
12:08 Lord, again, You are our strength.
12:10 You are our healer.
12:12 And I just ask in Jesus' name
12:14 that You would reach down and touch this viewer
12:17 and the many like them
12:19 that are in need of a healing touch from You.
12:22 Father, if it be blood pressure related or blood sugar related
12:27 or just issues with bodily functions
12:32 or organs that need healing touch from you.
12:36 Dear God, I ask in Jesus' name
12:38 that You would prove Your healing power,
12:43 that we might have a greater testimony
12:48 to share with those
12:50 who are doubting Your faithfulness,
12:52 who are doubting Your ability, be our healer, oh, God.
13:00 Thank You, Father, for Your healing touch,
13:04 for Your strength.
13:06 We love You, God. We praise Your name.
13:08 We are truly grateful to be Your children.
13:12 I thank You for Isaiah 40:28-31.
13:15 "Have you not known? Have you not heard?
13:17 The Lord is the everlasting God,
13:19 the creators of the end of the earth.
13:21 He does not faint or grow weary.
13:24 His understanding is unsearchable.
13:26 He gives power to the faint
13:28 and to him who has no might, He increases strength.
13:32 Even youths shall faint and be weary.
13:35 And young men shall fall exhausted,
13:39 but they who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.
13:43 They shall mount up with wings like eagles.
13:45 They shall run and not be weary.
13:47 They shall walk and not faint."
13:51 Please send us your prayer request
13:54 or become a part of our prayer warrior team.
13:56 For more information, please visit
14:00 or call for prayer at (618) 627-4651, extension 1.
14:06 And thank you for being a part of the worldwide 3ABN family.


Revised 2021-02-11