Praise Him Pause to Pray

Episode 26 - Understanding

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHPTP

Program Code: PHPTP200026S

00:31 Today, I wanna pray for understanding.
00:34 Proverbs 3:5-6 says,
00:36 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart
00:38 and lean not on your own understanding,
00:40 in all your ways, submit to Him,
00:43 and He shall make your path straight."
00:45 This scripture reminds me to trust in God
00:48 through the good and the bad times.
00:50 Consider Abraham,
00:52 he wasn't leaning on his own understanding
00:53 when he went to the land of Moriah
00:55 to offer his son, Isaac, as a burnt offering,
00:59 as much of, as much as Abraham loved his son,
01:02 he was obedient and faithful to God.
01:06 So just like Abraham,
01:08 I may not completely understand
01:09 why God may ask me to do certain things,
01:12 but I pray for spiritual guidance,
01:15 so that I will serve Him with all of my heart.
01:25 Trials dark on every hand
01:28 And we cannot understand
01:31 All the ways of God would lead us
01:34 To that blessed Promised Land
01:37 But He guides us with His eye
01:40 And we'll follow till we die
01:44 For we'll understand it better
01:47 By and by
01:51 By and by, when the morning comes
01:57 When the saints of God are gathered home
02:02 We will tell the story how we've overcome
02:09 For we'll understand it better
02:13 By and by
02:19 Dear Heavenly Father,
02:21 thank You for creating us in Your image.
02:24 I pray You will give us
02:26 a discerning and understanding heart.
02:29 Guide us according to Your will and not our own.
02:32 During this time of uncertainty,
02:35 help us to be more understanding,
02:37 compassionate, kind and patient with one another.
02:41 And when we don't understand the challenges of life,
02:43 let us remember Proverbs 3:5-6,
02:48 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
02:51 lean not on your own understanding,
02:53 in all your ways acknowledge Him,
02:56 and He shall direct your path."
02:59 In Jesus' name I pray.
03:01 Amen.
03:05 Our loving Heavenly Father,
03:07 we come before You, Lord,
03:08 to ask for understanding.
03:11 Lord, we ask of You to help us
03:14 to be slow to speak and swift to hear.
03:17 Give us clearness of thought
03:19 and to daily spend time with You
03:22 that we may be more understanding
03:24 and compassionate.
03:25 Help us, Lord, to realize our need of You,
03:28 that we may become all that You want us to be.
03:32 We ask in Jesus' name.
03:34 Amen.
03:37 Father in heaven, I come before You forward
03:39 on behalf of myself and others, Lord,
03:41 who seek better understanding not only, Father,
03:45 of Your Word and what it says,
03:47 but also of each other.
03:49 Because, Father, sometimes,
03:50 you know, we struggle with difficult passages
03:52 and the devil would like us
03:54 to not be able to understand Your Word.
03:55 But I pray, Father,
03:57 that You'll send the spirit of truth to us,
03:59 so that we may be able to understand
04:00 Your Word
04:02 and get what you're trying to tell us.
04:03 But, Father, I also pray that You will send
04:06 that same spirit
04:07 to help us learn
04:08 how to understand our brothers and sisters.
04:10 Because sometimes, Father,
04:12 we think we know everything,
04:13 we think we understand,
04:15 and we just talk past each other.
04:16 So, Father, I pray for Your help in this
04:19 because it is difficult for all of us.
04:21 So please, Lord, give us love for the folks
04:23 that we're talking to and love for Your Word
04:25 and help us to understand in Jesus' name.
04:28 Amen.
04:34 Temptations, hidden snares
04:37 They often take us unaware
04:41 And our hearts are made to bleed
04:44 For a thoughtless word or deed
04:48 And we wonder why the test
04:51 When we try to do our best
04:56 But we'll understand it better
04:59 By and by
05:03 By and by, when the morning comes
05:09 When the saints of God are gathered home
05:15 We will tell the story how we've overcome
05:22 For we'll understand it better
05:26 By and by
05:31 Lord, I pray for understanding
05:35 that I shall keep Your law with all my heart.
05:40 Amen.
05:43 Dear Heavenly Father, thank You, Lord.
05:46 Thank You for Your love.
05:48 Thank You for Your forgiveness.
05:52 Thank You for Your protection.
05:54 Lord, we come today before You
05:58 asking You for understanding.
06:03 Asking You to help us to understand, Lord,
06:07 why so much suffering, why so much sorrow.
06:12 We ask you, Lord,
06:14 to be with those around the world
06:16 that are suffering illness.
06:19 Those who have lost someone.
06:22 Help them and help us to understand
06:27 that these happen because there is an enemy
06:32 that is looking to destroy your creation.
06:36 But if we trust in You,
06:39 we will be enjoying eternal life.
06:44 And that we'll enjoy Your eternal company.
06:48 Lord, help us to understand all this
06:51 and to help us, Lord,
06:53 to live our lives trusting in You.
06:57 We ask you these in Jesus' name.
07:00 Amen.
07:04 Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your love
07:06 and Your grace in our lives.
07:08 We thank You, Father, that Your ways are not our ways
07:11 and Your thoughts are not our thoughts.
07:13 Lord, we just give You all that's going on right now
07:16 in the world.
07:18 All that we have no control over.
07:19 And ask, Father,
07:21 that You would just give us peace and understanding
07:24 that You are in control of it all.
07:26 And that, Lord, you are still God,
07:28 no matter what the enemy throws at us.
07:31 We love You and praise You in Jesus' name.
07:33 Amen.
07:37 Proverbs 4:7 says,
07:40 "The beginning of wisdom is this.
07:43 Get wisdom though it cost all you have,
07:48 get understanding.
07:51 Father, we call out to You
07:52 asking that You would give us wisdom.
07:56 We ask for Your understanding.
08:00 Psalm 32:8 says,
08:01 "I will instruct you and teach you
08:03 in the way you should go.
08:05 I will counsel you with my loving eye on you."
08:09 Lord, I thank you for this promise
08:11 that we can call out to You and we can receive instruction,
08:14 direction and understanding.
08:19 Lord, You don't want us to wander around lost, unsure.
08:25 So thank You for the promise
08:27 of direction and insight.
08:33 Proverbs 21:2,
08:34 "A person may think their own ways are right,
08:38 but the Lord weighs the heart."
08:41 God, even my own heart will fail me
08:45 and do things that I didn't see coming
08:51 and have to deal sometimes with the result
08:55 of a reaction that I made.
08:59 And I think later,
09:00 why in the world did I do something like that?
09:03 I don't understand why I would do that.
09:09 Father, thank You for Your forgiveness.
09:14 Thank You for Your love for us.
09:16 You give us another opportunity to do better next time
09:21 to respond and react
09:23 to one another with understanding.
09:29 Ecclesiastes 11:5 says that we may not always...
09:33 We may not ever understand.
09:35 It says, "As you do not know the path of the wind
09:38 or how the body is formed in a mother's womb.
09:42 So you cannot understand the work of God,
09:44 the maker of all things."
09:46 So, Lord, I pray
09:48 that You would give us the wisdom
09:49 to even accept that there are things
09:53 we may never understand.
09:57 Lord, we understand that we're not in charge.
10:01 We do understand that.
10:05 So help us just to simply trust
10:08 that You have all things under control
10:11 that You are in charge.
10:15 And we thank You for being in charge.
10:19 Lord, we have so many viewers that are praying and asking
10:24 for prayer for protection and safety.
10:29 This one viewer says,
10:31 "Please pray for my two friends
10:33 who are going through anxiety and suicidal depression.
10:37 God, I ask in Jesus name
10:40 that You would wrap a hedge of protection
10:43 around these friends, their minds,
10:45 Lord, of all our minds.
10:46 We can be so easily drawn into the things
10:50 that are going on around us,
10:51 the troubles and the strife and the unsurity.
10:56 Lord, I pray that You will not allow
10:58 that You will give us the strength
10:59 not to look on the things
11:01 and to be persuaded
11:06 or dissuaded by those things.
11:09 But may we put our confidence in You, Lord.
11:14 Take away our anxiety, oh, God.
11:18 Father, this one viewer says,
11:20 " My brother passed recently.
11:23 He'd been sick for many years."
11:31 They're going through this time of grief.
11:34 Lord, I just ask
11:35 that You would be near the brokenhearted.
11:38 Your Word claims that You will be.
11:45 One viewer calls in and says,
11:49 "They were granted a scholarship
11:51 for the MBA program at the university.
11:54 But there are some technical problems
11:58 with the enrollment portal.
12:02 I kindly ask that you please pray
12:04 that these problems can be resolved.
12:08 Lord, sometimes most of the time,
12:11 I don't understand technology.
12:15 But, Lord, I know
12:16 that You are the master of everything.
12:20 So even with technology,
12:22 I pray for those who are struggling
12:26 to understand praying
12:29 that things will get a little easier
12:32 with technology.
12:34 And so I'm asking God that You would put people
12:38 in their path
12:39 that would help them to understand
12:44 maybe how to access technology more easy.
12:49 Lord, we are here to help each other.
12:51 That helps us understand a lot of things
12:53 if we will just give what we have to the cause
12:58 to help each other understand things.
13:05 Many viewers again are praying
13:07 for the salvation of a lost soul.
13:15 So I ask, oh, God,
13:16 that You would hear our prayers,
13:17 meet these needs.
13:19 Give us understanding.
13:21 Lord, I do know that Psalm 145:3 says,
13:25 "Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise,
13:29 His greatness no one can fathom."
13:35 So in all of your lack of understanding,
13:40 I encourage you just to trust in God
13:42 know that He has the whole world
13:44 in His hand
13:46 and you can depend on Him.
13:49 Amen.
13:51 Please send us your prayer request
13:53 or become a part of our Prayer Warrior Team.
13:55 For more information, please visit
14:00 or call for prayer at 618-627-4651 extension 1.
14:05 And thank you for being a part of the worldwide 3ABN family.


Revised 2021-02-25