Praise Him Pause to Pray

Episode 28 - Restoration

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHPTP

Program Code: PHPTP200028S

00:31 Community is defined
00:32 as a feeling of fellowship with others
00:35 as a result of shared attitudes,
00:37 interests, and goals.
00:39 A phrase comes to mind, the body of Christ.
00:43 As common as that is in Christian circles,
00:45 imagine how it's perceived
00:47 by those outside of our community.
00:49 Do we bring honor or embarrassment to Jesus
00:53 when we claim to be part
00:54 of the fellowship of the believers?
00:56 Psalm 133:1 says,
00:58 "How wonderful and pleasant it is
01:00 when brothers live together in harmony."
01:03 Romans 12:16
01:04 in kind of common language states,
01:07 "Live in harmony with each other.
01:09 Don't be too proud to enjoy the company
01:11 of other people
01:12 and don't think you know it all."
01:15 As we pray, let's recall
01:17 that unity is the biggest portion
01:19 of this word, community.
01:22 Ephesians 4:3-6 remind us,
01:26 "To endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit
01:28 in the bond of peace.
01:30 There is one body and one Spirit,
01:33 just as you were called in one hope of your calling,
01:36 one Lord, one faith,
01:37 one baptism, one God and Father of all,
01:40 who is above all, and through all,
01:43 and in you all."
01:45 United in Christ,
01:46 we are the body of Christ, His community.
01:56 Father in heaven,
01:58 for where You have placed us at this time is no accident.
02:02 This neighborhood that You have put us in
02:04 is our mission field.
02:06 And we declare the streets around us
02:09 covered by the blood of Jesus Christ.
02:11 Satan, we declare that you have no power here,
02:14 that neighbor will embrace neighbor.
02:17 The strong will stand for the weak
02:18 and the young will respect the old.
02:21 The capable will assist the incapable.
02:24 And these homes will be safe havens
02:26 for friendship, kindness, and compassion.
02:29 No one will go hungry.
02:31 No one will go unnoticed
02:33 and lives will be changed
02:34 in the name of Jesus Christ.
02:36 We praise You, oh Father, in heaven.
02:39 Amen.
02:43 Dear Heavenly Father, thank You, Lord,
02:45 once again for Your love,
02:47 for Your mercy, Your forgiveness.
02:50 Thank You, Lord, for being Your children.
02:54 Thank You, Lord, for so many opportunities
02:57 that You gave us.
02:59 Today, we ask You, Lord,
03:00 to help us to be a light among the people
03:04 that we see every day.
03:06 Help us, Lord, to be a light to our communities,
03:10 to our towns.
03:12 Help us, Lord, to shine for You,
03:14 for Your glory and honor.
03:16 Help us, Lord, to show the communities
03:19 that we're living
03:21 and that there's hope
03:24 that You are the answer for them.
03:26 Lord, we thank You for the opportunity
03:28 to pray for others.
03:31 And for, especially for those who live close to us.
03:36 Thank You.
03:38 In Jesus' name, amen.
03:43 Oh, precious Lord,
03:44 there's so much going on in the world around us,
03:48 in our homes and in our communities.
03:51 And so right now, we just wanna take a moment
03:54 and ask You to please step into our communities.
03:58 Please let us know
04:00 how we can be a light in the darkness.
04:03 How we can share You with others
04:06 and how we can let people know
04:09 that there is hope
04:10 in the midst of all of the confusion
04:12 that's going on.
04:14 We thank You, Lord, that You are with us.
04:17 We thank You that You care
04:19 about our community.
04:21 And we thank You, Lord,
04:23 that You hear
04:24 and that You answer our prayers.
04:27 We pray this prayer
04:28 in the name of Jesus, our savior.
04:30 Amen.
04:40 The church's one foundation
04:44 Is Jesus Christ, our Lord
04:49 We are a new creation
04:53 By water and the Word
04:58 From heaven He came and taught us
05:03 What perfect love can be
05:08 Through life and death
05:10 He sought us
05:12 And rose to set us free
05:18 The church in every nation
05:22 Is one through all the earth
05:26 Our charter of salvation
05:30 One God, one faith, one birth
05:34 One name together blessing
05:39 One holy food we share
05:43 To one hope ever pressing
05:49 At one in work
05:52 And prayer
06:02 Heavenly Father, we are living in a day and age
06:05 where we are seeing the full results of sin
06:09 coming into play.
06:11 Some people don't have peace.
06:14 Father, some people don't have family
06:17 but, Lord, help them to realize
06:19 that they can be a part of the community.
06:21 The community of God, the community that serves You.
06:27 Father, help us to be a light in our community,
06:30 help us to strengthen our community
06:33 and help us to point our community to Jesus.
06:37 We thank You for hearing this prayer.
06:38 In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
06:43 Our Heavenly Father,
06:45 as the trials of this pandemic linger on,
06:48 we realize how important our communities are to us
06:51 in our everyday life.
06:53 Our neighborhoods, where we work,
06:55 our churches and the stores we shop in,
06:58 they are all interrelated with each other.
07:01 Lord, teach us how we are to connect with You
07:04 during this time of anguish
07:06 and how to relate to one another
07:08 as we travel through these challenges
07:10 we are now facing.
07:12 May our hearts draw near to You, God,
07:14 and to each other.
07:15 I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
07:21 Jesus, You say we being many
07:25 are one body in You.
07:28 Our communion with You, Lord,
07:29 teaches us tenderness of heart
07:32 and gives us a voice filled with sympathy
07:35 and love for others.
07:37 Your love seen in us
07:39 will attract others to Your community.
07:42 Please fill us with Your love.
07:46 As we, Your community look to the cross of Calvary,
07:50 we realize sin is our enemy.
07:53 Please fill us with a desire and love for righteousness.
07:58 And may it attract others to Your community
08:02 to be healed and filled
08:04 with the peace and joy of Your love.
08:08 We thank You for all You do.
08:10 Amen.
08:18 Father, may we mirror the Good Samaritan
08:22 recalling that we are brothers and sisters.
08:25 Lord, Your Word teaches us to love others
08:28 regardless of racial differences,
08:30 economic differences, developmental differences.
08:34 Lord, may we be known for love and fairness
08:38 and not discrimination.
08:41 God, eradicate prejudice from our hearts,
08:46 from our words,
08:48 and from our actions.
08:52 Lord, I pray for healing and justice
08:54 for those who have been treated unkindly.
08:58 Lord, I pray for healing and prosperity for businesses
09:01 that are struggling through so many challenges.
09:04 For the families that own those businesses
09:07 and for the employees who work there.
09:11 Lord, we pray for healing and wisdom for our leaders
09:16 as we strive to achieve peace
09:18 and order in such a chaotic world,
09:21 in such a chaotic time.
09:27 And I pray for spiritual revival.
09:30 God, please bring repentance
09:32 and restoration and a renewed focus upon You.
09:38 May revival begin in my own heart,
09:41 in my own spirit right now, Lord.
09:45 I pray for an economic revival
09:48 that You would raise up innovative businesses
09:50 that are hiring local people
09:53 and contributing to our economy.
09:56 Lord, may You raise up an excellent work ethic
09:59 among our population so that our cities prosper.
10:07 Holy God, may Your love and Your compassion
10:10 flow through us to those around us.
10:14 Lord, give us pity and concern
10:16 for the misfortunes and sufferings of so many.
10:21 God, give us compassion and empathy
10:25 to understand with those in our community,
10:29 to understand
10:30 what they're going through, Lord.
10:32 And, God, help us to love them well,
10:36 not only in word, but indeed in action,
10:40 help us not to judge or condemn,
10:42 but rather to come alongside them
10:45 to offer support,
10:47 to be Your hands and feet.
10:52 And righteous judge,
10:53 I pray that You will help us not to seek revenge
10:56 or bear a grudge against our neighbors,
10:59 but to love them as we love ourselves.
11:03 Help us to forgive those who have wronged us.
11:07 Help us to pray for those who have mistreated us
11:11 so that You will forgive our offenses against You.
11:20 Lord, soften our hearts to love our enemies,
11:23 to do good to them.
11:25 Just as You are kind to those who are ungrateful
11:28 and evil against You.
11:37 Lord, may we seek to center our focus upon You
11:41 at all times.
11:42 I pray that You will bring those who don't know You
11:46 into Your fold.
11:47 Draw them in.
11:50 May we who do know You draw closer in holiness
11:55 and in oneness with You, Lord.
11:58 May we strive to live the life
12:00 You modeled when You walked this earth.
12:05 May we reflect Your image at all times.
12:10 Purge us from anything that does not look like You.
12:19 Colossians 3:14 reminds us,
12:22 "Above all cloth yourself with love,
12:27 which binds everything together in perfect harmony."
12:34 Just take a moment right now to pray for Your community
12:39 for situation that is dear to You.
13:12 Bind us together
13:16 Lord, bind us together
13:19 With cords
13:21 That cannot be broken
13:26 Bind us together
13:29 Lord, bind us together
13:34 Oh, bind us together
13:37 With love
13:42 Bind us together with love
13:52 Please send us your prayer request
13:54 or become a part of our Prayer Warrior Team.
13:56 For more information, please visit
14:00 or call for prayer at 618-627-4651 extension 1.
14:06 And thank you for being a part of the worldwide 3ABN family.


Revised 2021-02-25