Praise Him Pause to Pray

Episode 33 - Christian Businesses

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHPTP

Program Code: PHPTP200033S

00:31 The prayer of focus for today is on Christian business.
00:34 How important is it to be ethical
00:37 and to have integrity and high morals
00:39 to represent the character of Jesus?
00:41 It seems rhetorical or it should.
00:44 Integrity and high morals should be as standard
00:47 as a steering wheel in a car.
00:49 If you believe that God has blessed your business,
00:52 how does He do that?
00:54 Well, one way is by leading people
00:56 into your place of business.
00:58 If you have no customers, you have no business.
01:01 Even customers of differing faith and values.
01:05 You see it isn't the business that is Christian any more
01:08 than my car is Christian, just because I drive it.
01:11 If Christ is in me,
01:12 then I conduct business
01:14 the way He would conduct business.
01:16 And nowhere in the gospels did Jesus turn away people.
01:20 My hope is that you will treat your business
01:22 as an extension of Christ's commission
01:25 to reach the world for Him.
01:31 I have decided to follow Jesus
01:38 I have decided to follow Jesus
01:45 I have decided
01:48 To follow Jesus
01:52 No turning back No turning back
02:03 Father, it is so good
02:05 that You give us these gifts.
02:08 You've given us responsibility.
02:11 You have blessed us as stewards of Your work,
02:16 of Your possessions.
02:18 And we ask, Father, that we use these possessions
02:21 in order to increase Your kingdom
02:23 for Your name and glory,
02:25 that you may be praised.
02:27 We thank You, Father.
02:29 We thank You for the opportunity
02:31 we have to serve you in Jesus' name.
02:35 Amen.
02:40 Dear heavenly Father,
02:42 there are many, many Christian businesses,
02:46 many Christian ministries.
02:49 Many of them are struggling.
02:51 Many of them are thriving.
02:53 Lord, but You're still God,
02:55 You are there, provide us, Lord.
02:57 And I want You to help them throw
03:01 all their worries on You.
03:04 Help them to trust You,
03:06 help them to have faith and love
03:10 for the places in their communities
03:12 where they are that they may seek
03:15 and serve those that are needy in their communities.
03:20 You are a powerful God.
03:22 And we know that they're not coincidence.
03:25 Many people are driving to these businesses
03:28 and we want You to help those businesses
03:31 to be a light to them
03:33 that they may be a good influence,
03:35 that they may see You through them, Lord.
03:39 And whatever their situation is, Lord,
03:42 help them to know that You are with them
03:45 regardless of their situation,
03:46 that You will still provide for them
03:49 no matter what happens in the future.
03:51 Thank You, Lord, for giving us this opportunity
03:54 to serve You and to help others in Jesus' name.
03:59 Amen.
04:05 Dear Lord, for those of us who have businesses,
04:08 we ask for Your guidance in everything that we do.
04:13 It's one thing to have a business,
04:15 and it's another thing to have a Christian business.
04:18 And, Lord, we want to conduct everything in the way
04:21 that You would have us to do it.
04:22 Everything that fits Your guidance,
04:25 everything that follows Your guidelines.
04:28 We want to be able to display to people, to our co-workers,
04:32 to our employees, to our friends,
04:35 to our customers.
04:36 We want to be able to display to them
04:38 that we are the way we are
04:39 because of You
04:41 because we're followers of Christ.
04:43 And, Lord, we ask now and always
04:46 for You to bless our business
04:48 and guide us in the ways that we can do Your will.
04:51 In Jesus' name, amen.
04:56 The world behind me
05:00 The cross before me
05:04 The world behind me
05:07 The cross before me
05:10 The world behind me
05:14 The cross before me
05:17 There's no turning back
05:22 No turning back
05:30 Loving heavenly Father,
05:32 we thank You for all Christian businesses.
05:35 We pray that You strengthen and sustain them,
05:38 provide for their every need, Lord.
05:40 These are Your vessels doing Your work, Lord.
05:44 Be it a ministry, a restaurant, or a big corporation,
05:48 please fill them with Your love to pass on to others,
05:52 help them to provide for their employees,
05:54 customers, and clients,
05:56 help them cling to Your word, Father,
05:59 and to share Your word with those
06:01 they are in contact with.
06:03 Help them to be a reflection of You.
06:07 In Jesus' name, amen.
06:13 Oh, Father God, we thank You
06:15 for Your amazing love
06:16 towards all the Christian businessmen
06:19 and women on this planet.
06:21 We all ask that You show them the path, oh Lord,
06:26 that to trust You in the light is nothing.
06:29 But to trust You into dark, that is faith.
06:33 Oh, Father and our God, keep them at Your side,
06:37 give them the divine guidance and wisdom and let them say,
06:41 Oh Lord, I am stepping out from the comfort zone,
06:46 letting go of me holding onto You.
06:50 Keep them at Your side.
06:51 In Jesus' name, amen.
06:59 Heavenly Father, we come to You right now
07:01 on behalf of Christian businesses
07:03 and ministries that I know You have raised up,
07:07 that You have made a light in the communities
07:09 around the world, around this planet.
07:12 Father, they're in a time of need
07:15 during this crisis.
07:17 We have been hit physically.
07:18 We've been hit financially, socially.
07:21 Every way You could think about.
07:23 So, Father, we realize that You own a cattle
07:26 on a thousand hills, that You can sustain,
07:30 that You can give us ways that we can continue
07:32 as Christians to reach out in our businesses,
07:35 to reach out through our ministries.
07:37 Father, we pray that You'll continue
07:39 to uphold them, continue to sustain them,
07:42 whether it be physically or spiritually or financially.
07:45 Father, You know best
07:47 and we give You all the praise and the honor
07:49 and glory for what You are about to do.
07:51 Thank you, God.
07:53 Thank You that we can call upon You
07:54 in our time of great need.
07:56 In Jesus' name, amen.
08:02 Several verses in the Bible refer to work.
08:06 And Genesis 2:15, it says,
08:13 "The Lord God took the man
08:14 and put him in the Garden of Eden
08:16 to work it and to keep it."
08:19 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 says,
08:24 "Now there are varieties of gifts,
08:26 but the same spirit.
08:28 And there are varieties of service,
08:30 but the same Lord.
08:33 And there are varieties of activities,
08:35 but it is the same God
08:36 who empowers them all in everyone.
08:40 Father, I thank You for the privilege
08:42 that we have of working.
08:46 Sometimes it's a pain, a drudgery,
08:51 not something that we always look forward to.
08:54 Maybe we have other things that we would rather be doing,
08:58 but, Father, we thank You for the discipline
09:01 that work brings.
09:04 So I thank You that Your word has supported
09:08 the idea of work.
09:14 And again, as we are Your children,
09:17 we take You into our workforce.
09:20 We take You into the place of business
09:23 so that wherever we are, there You are.
09:29 And I just thank You
09:31 that we have the privilege of working for You.
09:35 1 Peter 4:10 says,
09:37 "As each has received a gift,
09:40 use it to serve one another
09:42 as good stewards of God's varied grace."
09:47 And one more found in Proverbs 16:3 says,
09:50 "Commit your work to the Lord
09:53 and your plans will be established.
09:55 Father I thank you that You care so much
09:59 about even the work that we do,
10:02 because it is our opportunity to interact with people
10:06 that may not otherwise encounter You.
10:11 And it is certainly our responsibility
10:13 to share You with others.
10:16 So thank You that we can do that through,
10:19 through the work that You've blessed us with.
10:21 And while I'm on that topic,
10:22 I just ask God that for those viewers
10:26 who have been displaced from their work,
10:32 their jobs have been let go,
10:36 and that the businesses have closed.
10:38 God, I know that You are able to open doors for other jobs,
10:44 for employment,
10:46 to give them opportunity to use their gifts
10:49 that You have blessed them with.
10:52 Lord, I know that we find a lot of times our purpose
10:56 in what we do
10:58 and whether that's right or wrong.
11:00 It's just that we spend so much time doing our jobs,
11:02 that it becomes a part of who we are.
11:06 And as long as we are promoting You
11:10 and sharing with our fellow coworkers
11:15 and those who come into our businesses,
11:17 as long as we're sharing with them, the love of Christ,
11:21 Lord, I pray that You would just continue
11:24 to give opportunities and open doors for employment.
11:29 Thank You, Father, I pray, Lord,
11:32 for opportunities
11:37 for those who are unable to work,
11:41 Lord, because of maybe a disability.
11:46 God, I just ask
11:48 that You would provide for them.
11:51 Thank You for the pattern of the church
11:54 that is to provide for the needs
11:59 of those who are unable to provide for themselves.
12:06 And, Lord, we continue to pray for those
12:09 who are in need of healing
12:11 from viruses and various disease.
12:16 Lord, I pray for a bold and compassionate witness
12:22 in the lives of those who are close to us,
12:26 Lord, that you would draw them close to You
12:28 and save those who we love so dear,
12:32 we want to see won to Your kingdom.
12:36 Lord, we pray for missionaries
12:38 and pastors and teachers of Your Word.
12:45 Father, we thank You for the privilege again
12:46 of being Your children.
12:50 Follow Jesus, I will follow Jesus
12:55 Anywhere He leads me, I will follow
13:01 Follow Jesus, I will follow Jesus
13:07 Anywhere He leads
13:11 I'll go
13:15 1 Corinthians 10:31 reminds us,
13:18 "Whether you eat or drink, whatever you do,
13:21 do it all to the glory of God."
13:25 I encourage you to strive to glorify God
13:28 in your work and in all you do.
13:32 God bless you as you influence others for Christ.
13:36 Please send us your prayer request
13:38 or become a part of our Prayer Warrior Team.
13:41 For more information, please visit
13:45 or call for prayer at 618-627-4651 extension 1.
13:50 And thank you for being a part of the worldwide 3ABN family.


Revised 2021-04-02