Praise Him Pause to Pray

Episode 35 - Generosity

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHPTP

Program Code: PHPTP200035S

00:31 One of the many texts in the Bible
00:34 about generosity is found in Matthew 10:42.
00:38 "And whoever gives one of these little ones,
00:39 even a cup of water,
00:41 because he is a disciple,
00:43 truly I say to you,
00:44 he will by no means lose his reward."
00:47 Every day we have an opportunity
00:48 to be generous.
00:50 Every day there is someone who has a need,
00:52 be it a little one or an adult,
00:54 but whatever we do, we must do
00:56 as we are doing it unto the Lord Himself.
01:00 Being generous means caring enough
01:02 to be aware of a specific need.
01:04 I encourage You today to be Jesus' hands
01:07 and be generous with someone
01:09 who needs something in particular,
01:11 may it be a generous smile, a generous hug,
01:15 a cup of cold water,
01:16 whatever you do, do it as unto the Lord Himself.
01:22 Jesus was the true example of generosity.
01:28 Just when I need Him
01:31 Jesus is true
01:33 Never forsaking, all the way through
01:38 Giving for burdens pleasures anew
01:42 Just when I need Him most
01:47 Just when I need Him most
01:51 Just when I need Him most
01:55 Jesus is near to comfort and cheer
02:00 Just when I need Him most
02:10 Father, we come before Your throne of grace,
02:13 thankful for Your goodness and Your mercies
02:17 with each one of us.
02:19 Thank You, Lord,
02:20 that You bring sunshine to our lives.
02:23 Thank You that You'll walk with us
02:25 across any storm.
02:28 Thank You for caring us.
02:30 Thank You because You are a provider.
02:33 Thank You, Lord,
02:34 because You have given us talents and skills
02:38 to share Your love in so many ways.
02:42 I pray, Lord, for a humble spirit
02:45 and I pray that our eyes will be open
02:47 to the needs of others.
02:50 Help us, Lord, as we take a step of faith
02:52 in fulfilling the need of someone around us.
02:56 In Jesus' name we pray.
02:57 Amen.
03:03 Lord, bless us with the spirit of generosity.
03:07 Bestow upon us all the desire to give,
03:09 for You have said in Your Word,
03:11 a generous person will prosper
03:13 and whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
03:17 Father, we desire
03:18 to be joyful givers in Your sight.
03:21 We want to follow in Your humble example,
03:23 for You are the most generous of all.
03:26 You have indeed poured out blessings upon Your people
03:29 that we do not have enough room to receive them.
03:32 Thank You, Lord, for giving to us,
03:34 even when we did not deserve it.
03:36 May we receive Your spirit of generosity
03:39 and loving-kindness in our hearts today.
03:41 In Jesus' name we pray.
03:43 Amen.
03:49 Our precious Father in heaven,
03:51 Lord, we are so grateful for Jesus,
03:54 the gift from above.
03:57 Thank You for sending our precious Savior.
04:00 Lord, we are in this world of sin and heartache
04:04 and disappointment
04:06 but, Lord, we know that some people,
04:07 they don't even know
04:09 where their next meal is coming from,
04:11 how they're going to pay their bills.
04:13 But, Lord, You are so generous to us.
04:16 You give us life every day.
04:18 You give us health and strength
04:20 and, Lord, we just thank You for that.
04:23 I just pray, Lord, that we will be grateful
04:26 for Your generosity towards us.
04:29 May we look to You
04:30 and be thankful in all that is said and done
04:33 in Jesus name.
04:35 Amen.
04:41 Just when I need Him
04:44 Jesus is strong
04:46 Bearing my burden All the day long
04:52 For all my sorrow giving a song
04:58 Just when I need Him most
05:04 Just when I need Him most
05:08 Just when I need Him most
05:13 Jesus is near to comfort and cheer
05:18 Just when I need Him most
05:29 Lord, we consider the generosity
05:31 of which You have shown to Your people.
05:33 You loved us when we were unlovable,
05:35 Your long suffering,
05:36 the mercy which You extend to us.
05:38 I am blown away, Lord,
05:39 by how You have reached out too,
05:40 I know You love us.
05:42 There's no point of our lives
05:43 that is unaffected by Your generosity.
05:45 And it has touched me, just seeing,
05:47 Lord, how generous and how patient
05:49 and loving You are with us.
05:51 Lord, I ask You help us to see that,
05:53 to see Your mercy and Your love.
05:56 And I ask, Lord, that You'd help us
05:57 to share that with others
05:58 and, Lord, that others would come to know
06:00 Christ as their savior,
06:01 that they too would know Your generosity
06:03 and Your wonderful love for them.
06:04 We ask this in the name of Christ,
06:06 amen.
06:12 Father God,
06:13 I feel abundantly blessed by You.
06:16 You made many grains of sand at the beach,
06:18 not just one grain.
06:20 You made many types of clouds all with their own message.
06:24 Even the number of stars cannot be numbered
06:27 because of Your endless generosity
06:30 displayed in the heavens.
06:32 Today, let my heart also be full of generosity
06:35 toward others.
06:36 May I share Your blessings out of a grateful heart
06:39 for the wonderful things You have done
06:41 and are still doing in my life.
06:45 Your works, oh, Lord, are great searched out by all of them
06:49 that have pleasure in them.
06:51 You have made Your wonderful works
06:52 to be remembered.
06:54 May I always remember Your generosity, oh, God.
06:57 In Jesus' name I pray.
06:59 Amen.
07:05 Dear heavenly Father,
07:06 in Jesus name I come to You
07:08 thanking You for being my God.
07:10 I thank You for sending Your dear Son
07:12 to die for me and for the whole world.
07:15 Lord, while You walk this earth,
07:17 You set forth a great example for each one of us.
07:20 You showed us
07:22 how to be compassionate to one another,
07:24 to be generous
07:25 and to put others above ourselves.
07:27 I pray for each one
07:28 who may be listening at this moment
07:30 to allow the Holy Spirit
07:32 to touch their life in a special way,
07:35 to influence them, to put self aside,
07:38 help us to be kind and generous to one another.
07:41 I pray everyone we meet will see Jesus in us.
07:45 Touch our hearts so we will want to reach out
07:47 to those who are in need.
07:49 Thank You Father.
07:50 In Jesus' name, amen.
07:57 I love the fact that the Bible talks
08:00 so highly about generosity
08:02 that God even gives a promise.
08:05 In Psalm 41:1-3,
08:08 He reminds us of the promise to be generous.
08:11 "Blessed is the one who considers the poor!
08:14 In the day of trouble the Lord delivers him,
08:17 the Lord protects him and keeps him alive,
08:20 he is called blessed in the land,
08:23 you do not give him up to the will of his enemies.
08:26 The Lord sustains him on his sickbed,
08:30 in his illness you restore him to full health."
08:34 Lord, I thank You
08:36 that You respond to the kindness
08:38 and generosity of Your people
08:40 with protection, with health and with the abundance
08:46 that we may be even more kind and more generous.
08:51 And in Luke 6:37-38,
08:54 "Judge not, and you shall not be judged.
08:57 Condemn not, and you will not be condemned.
09:00 Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
09:02 Give and it will be given to you:
09:04 good measure, pressed down, shaken together,
09:06 running over will be put into your lap.
09:10 For with the measure you use,
09:12 it will be measured back to you."
09:18 Withholding judgment, condemnation
09:22 and offering forgiveness,
09:24 these are ways that we can act generously.
09:28 And in God's economy, these are rewarded.
09:33 Father, thank You for a generous spirit.
09:37 Father, I want to thank You
09:39 for Your graciousness to Your children.
09:43 And, Lord, I pray for protection and safety.
09:47 For those who are traveling around this world,
09:53 serving in missions,
09:54 serving in food banks
09:59 and clothe banks,
10:03 giving things away,
10:06 being the hands and feet to those who need
10:09 food and clothing.
10:12 We are a needy people, Lord.
10:15 But, Lord, You have clothed us.
10:21 You have provided for us.
10:26 Lord, I pray for our churches.
10:29 Father, I truly believe that
10:32 our churches should take the lead
10:34 in being generous.
10:41 We have the resources
10:43 provided from Your bountiful supply
10:48 to show the world what it means to be generous.
10:53 So I pray for our church leaders
10:54 that they would be discerning
10:56 that You would give them wisdom
10:59 on how to give of the resources that You bless us with.
11:05 Lord, many of our viewers are facing addictions.
11:12 Many of our viewers need healing
11:14 for various diseases
11:18 and physical ailments.
11:23 Lord God, I pray that You would heal them.
11:27 Thank You
11:29 for Your generous healing, Lord.
11:32 I pray, dear God,
11:35 that Your power would be obvious
11:40 in the lives of Your children,
11:42 that Your love would be obvious
11:44 in the lives of Your people,
11:49 that Your presence would be strong in us.
11:54 Father, that we would share the message of hope in life
11:57 that only You have to offer.
12:00 No more generous could we be than to extend
12:05 the hope in life that You've given us.
12:10 Thank You, Father, for Your hope.
12:16 Just when I need Him
12:20 He is my all
12:23 Answering when upon Him I call
12:30 Tenderly watching lest I should fall
12:36 Just when I need Him most
12:42 Just when I need Him most
12:46 Just when I need Him most
12:50 Jesus is near to comfort and cheer
12:55 Just when I need Him most
13:04 Proverbs 11:24-25 says,
13:08 "One gives freely, yet grows all the richer,
13:11 another withholds what he should give
13:15 and only suffers want.
13:17 Whoever brings blessing will be enriched,
13:19 and one who waters will himself be watered."
13:25 As sure as the law of gravity, the more you grasp and hoard,
13:29 the more you need,
13:30 but those who give freely and generously
13:33 find that they are happier, healthier,
13:35 and experience more blessings.
13:38 Amen.
13:41 Please send us your prayer request
13:43 or become a part of our Prayer Warrior Team.
13:45 For more information, please visit
13:50 or call for prayer at 618-627-4651 extension 1.
13:55 And thank You for being a part of the worldwide 3ABN family.


Revised 2021-04-02