Pause to Pray

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHPTP

Program Code: PHPTP210038S

00:30 It's a fact we live in a world of great sadness,
00:34 feelings of disadvantage, loss, despair,
00:38 grief, helplessness, disappointment, sorrow.
00:42 Sadness has been a part of life
00:44 ever since the happy couple in the garden
00:47 disobeyed and set unhappiness into motion.
00:50 When Adam and Eve sinned,
00:52 their sin sent them into a spiral of sadness.
00:56 But God has the power
00:57 to overcome sadness with gladness.
00:59 His very presence erases sadness.
01:02 In Isaiah 41:10 God speaks,
01:05 "Fear not for I am with you,
01:06 be not dismayed for I am your God,
01:09 I will strengthen you,
01:10 I will help you, I will uphold you
01:12 with My righteous right hand."
01:15 In James 4:8 we read,
01:16 "Draw near to God
01:18 and He will draw near to you."
01:21 When we want to get warm,
01:23 we get close to a source of heat.
01:26 When we're sad,
01:28 well, I encourage you then to lay your cares upon God.
01:31 He is your source.
01:33 Let His loving strength restore your joy.
01:36 Join me as we pray for those who are downhearted.
01:42 Father, You are our refuge in times of sadness.
01:48 In Psalm 16, You tell us
01:50 in Your presence is fullness of joy.
01:53 Bring us into Your presence more fully,
01:56 and replace our sadness with the joy we need,
01:59 the joy only You can give.
02:02 Lord, we love You.
02:03 We thank You for Your tender mercies
02:05 and care over us in Your healing love.
02:09 O Lord, You are a wonderful God.
02:12 And we thank You in Jesus' name.
02:15 Amen.
02:19 Father in Heaven, Lord, I come before You now,
02:21 Father, on behalf of many people
02:23 who are struggling with sadness.
02:26 Father, there is a real unfortunate epidemic of sadness
02:29 of severe depression.
02:31 People feeling like they have no hope.
02:33 And the devil would like us to be that way.
02:36 He wants us to think we have no hope.
02:38 He wants us to believe lies about ourselves,
02:39 Father, that we can never find joy.
02:41 But I thank You, Lord,
02:43 that there is joy in Your presence.
02:45 Lord, I thank You that
02:47 You are the source of love
02:49 and hope and peace and joy.
02:52 I think You've got that one,
02:53 the fruits of the Spirit is joy,
02:55 not sadness, it's joy.
02:56 So I pray, Father,
02:58 that You will send this love to these people
03:01 who are struggling with sadness,
03:02 send people who are there to encourage them, Father,
03:05 as they struggle with their depression
03:08 and their sadness and these lies
03:09 the devil is planted in their hearts.
03:11 I pray all this in Your name Lord Jesus.
03:13 Amen.
03:17 Our loving Heavenly Father,
03:19 we come before You in Jesus' name
03:21 to bring to You our sadness, our difficulties, our sorrows.
03:26 Lord, You know that as we go through this life
03:28 we face times of sorrow,
03:31 and help us to take hold of Your strength
03:34 and Your promise that You will be with us always,
03:37 even unto the end of the world.
03:41 Help us, Lord, to realize that You are our comfort,
03:44 our strength and our refuge.
03:47 Thank You, Lord, for hearing our prayer
03:49 for we ask it in Jesus' name.
03:51 Amen.
03:58 Be still, my soul
04:01 For Lord is on your side
04:05 Bear patiently
04:07 The cross of grief or pain
04:11 Leave to your God
04:14 To order and provide
04:19 Who threw all changes Faithful
04:24 Will remain Be still,
04:29 My soul Your best
04:32 Your heavenly friend
04:35 Through thorny ways
04:39 Leads to a joyful end
04:48 Father God, we come before You today
04:50 because we are broken and crushed in spirit.
04:54 And yet You have promised
04:56 that when we cry that You hear
04:58 and You will deliver us,
05:00 You have promised that You are near those
05:03 who have a broken heart,
05:05 and that You save those who have a crushed spirit.
05:09 So right now we just bring You our heart,
05:11 we bring You our sadness,
05:13 we bring You our brokenness,
05:16 asking God would You mend us?
05:18 Would You fill us?
05:20 Would You heal us?
05:21 Would You make us whole again?
05:24 Would You comfort us
05:26 by the power of Your Holy Spirit?
05:29 Would You do a new thing in our hearts and lives
05:33 and where there seems to be brokenness,
05:35 where it's dry, where it's barren
05:37 where it is a desert,
05:39 God, would You pour rivers of water?
05:42 And would You bring something beautiful,
05:45 something new again?
05:50 Dear Heavenly Father,
05:51 thank You for all the love and mercy
05:53 You have for each one of us.
05:55 Father, as I look at the world around me,
05:58 I see so much sadness.
06:00 Many have lost loved ones to this COVID-19
06:03 and other diseases.
06:05 Others are feeling the pain of someone
06:07 who has turned their backs on You.
06:09 There are many who are sad because of other circumstances.
06:12 At this moment,
06:14 I pray for each one of these individuals.
06:16 Please grant them peace and joy and happiness.
06:20 O Father, we pray that grand moment will come soon
06:23 when every tear will be wiped away.
06:25 Hear my prayer, O Lord, in Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
06:32 Lord, You have said
06:34 that obedience, perfect and perpetual
06:39 is the condition of eternal happiness.
06:42 Let not my heart be troubled, falling into sadness,
06:47 by keeping my eyes set on You,
06:50 the lifter of my head,
06:52 in Jesus' name.
06:54 Amen.
07:00 Be still, my soul,
07:03 For God will undertake
07:07 To guide our future surely
07:11 As our past Your hope,
07:15 Your confidence,
07:17 Let nothing shake
07:20 All now mysterious
07:24 Shall be clear at last
07:28 Be still, my soul,
07:31 The waves and winds still know
07:36 The voice that calmed
07:39 Their fury long ago
07:47 So much goes on in our mind
07:52 When we are sad.
07:54 So I think it's important
07:55 to look to Philippians 4:8 that says,
07:59 "Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true,
08:02 whatever is noble, whatever is right,
08:04 whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,
08:07 whatever is admirable,
08:09 if anything is excellent or praiseworthy,
08:13 think about such things."
08:17 Don't let your mind get away.
08:20 When you are overcome with sadness,
08:24 take hold of the promises of God,
08:28 of the good things God has done.
08:32 Think on good things.
08:36 God, I want to thank You for the good things
08:38 that You have brought into my life.
08:42 One of those things is grace.
08:45 Your supply of grace is vast.
08:49 We'll never exhaust Your grace.
08:53 We'll never exhaust Your love, O Father.
08:55 So we come to You to find rest
08:58 from the burdens that are weighing us down.
09:01 Making us sad.
09:04 Lord, may we experience
09:06 the transforming power
09:08 of Your grace and Your love.
09:12 We know, Lord, that You are the giver
09:14 of good gifts to Your children.
09:16 You are the source of life itself.
09:20 We have no other hope but You, God.
09:23 We thank You, Lord,
09:24 that You will never let us down.
09:31 Father, we know that You are the Prince of Peace.
09:34 We know that You give peace to Your people.
09:38 Thank You that You suffered Jesus.
09:41 You died for us,
09:43 proving Your great love.
09:46 You paid the greatest price to meet our deepest need.
09:51 So we can trust you with every aspect of our life.
09:57 You are a rock of hope, Lord,
09:59 You were rejected and forsaken, so that we never have to be.
10:07 So we put our trust in You, Lord.
10:11 Thank You, Lord.
10:16 Faithful God, I thank You that You are the God
10:18 who gives hope to the hopeless.
10:22 And, Lord, I simply ask
10:24 that You would fill heavy hearts
10:26 with that hope.
10:29 Lord, may we praise You
10:30 during the good times and the bad.
10:36 Lord, our circumstances, they change,
10:41 but Your love doesn't change.
10:46 Thank You for being near to us, Your nearness is our good, God.
10:51 You're not a distant God.
10:54 You are living and active and present right here with us.
11:02 If you're going through a time of sadness,
11:07 I encourage you just right now
11:08 to spend a moment reaching out to the Father.
11:14 He's waiting there for you.
11:18 So take some time to pray.
11:59 Be encouraged and remember that
12:00 nothing, nothing can separate you
12:04 from the love of God.
12:07 When the cares of this world cause sadness in your heart,
12:11 all you have to do is call on the Holy Spirit.
12:14 Ask Him for comfort.
12:16 Ask Him for freedom from sorrow.
12:21 And remind yourself, God loves me.
12:25 Then I encourage you to get in the Word of God.
12:28 Stir up your faith
12:30 until you experience happiness and joy.
12:36 The Lord is on your side.
12:38 He cares about you.
12:42 In Psalm 147:3,
12:44 we're reminded,
12:45 "He heals the brokenhearted
12:47 and He binds up their wounds."
12:50 And I love the scripture in Revelation 21:4
12:54 that it's just the one most wonderful promise.
12:57 He says,
12:58 "He will wipe away
13:00 every tear from their eyes.
13:03 There will be no more death,
13:06 no more mourning,
13:08 no more crying, no more pain.
13:11 For the old order of things has passed away."
13:17 Thank you, Lord.
13:21 So be still my soul
13:23 The Lord is on my side
13:28 The Lord is on my side
13:35 He loves you. You are His child.
13:40 Rest in Him.
13:44 Let Him know how much you love Him.
13:47 Amen.
13:50 Please send us your prayer request
13:52 or become a part of our Prayer Warrior Team.
13:54 For more information, please visit
13:59 or call for prayer at 618-627-4651 extension 1.
14:04 And thank you for being a part of the worldwide 3ABN family.


Revised 2021-08-20