People Just Like Us

The Man Who Forgot

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PJU

Program Code: PJU190001A

00:03 Were the people in the Bible any different to us today?
00:10 Or ordinary people like you and me?
00:22 What can we find out
00:23 from their lives that will help us?
00:29 Find out with Pastor Geoff Youlden
00:31 and Rosemary Malkiewycz
00:33 here on, People Just Like Us.
00:37 Welcome to today's program.
00:39 You've joined us for a very interesting series
00:42 on Bible characters.
00:43 And, Geoff,
00:45 who are we going to talk about today?
00:46 The man who forgot.
00:48 Man who forgot.
00:49 Whether he forgot on purpose is for us
00:52 to discuss in our program, but actually,
00:54 our stories today
00:56 centers around three individuals
00:57 who were all in prison.
00:59 They had offended their masters one way or another.
01:02 The third person we know very well
01:04 by the name of Joseph.
01:06 And he offended his master by being loyal
01:09 and being very moral.
01:11 And when part of his wife made sexual advances
01:16 toward him, he refused.
01:18 And as a result, he finished up in prison.
01:22 But to illustrate, Rosemary, the character of Joseph,
01:26 it wasn't very long after he got into prison
01:29 that he was actually in charge of all the other prisoners.
01:31 Yes, that's right.
01:33 And the two latest prisoners
01:35 called the butler and the baker,
01:37 we don't know their names, but just called in the Bible,
01:40 the butler and the baker.
01:43 Were very sad one morning and Joseph saw
01:47 their countenance or their faces were very upset.
01:50 And so he said to them, "What's upsetting you?"
01:54 You know, one of the interesting things
01:55 is that when someone else is in sorrow,
01:59 and you can appreciate
02:00 that Joseph himself was in sorrow
02:01 when he was in prison unjustly.
02:03 Maybe the others were justly in prison.
02:05 But he was certainly unjustly.
02:07 And if there was ever a cause for feeling unjust
02:11 about the whole situation,
02:12 it would have been Joseph.
02:14 But he didn't.
02:15 In fact, he encouraged those other two men,
02:19 and they had a dream.
02:21 And Joseph, who trusted in the Lord said,
02:25 "Look, I know someone who can interpret your dreams."
02:30 And they actually found over here
02:32 in the Book of Genesis Chapter 40.
02:35 And I thought that we might, Rosemary,
02:36 we might read the section
02:40 down in 40:9,
02:43 where it says,
02:45 "Then the chief butler told his dream to Joseph,
02:47 and said to him,
02:48 'Behold, in my dream a vine was before me,
02:51 and in the vine were three branches,
02:54 it was as though it budded, its blossoms shot forth,
02:57 and its clusters brought forth ripe grapes.
03:00 Then Pharaoh's cup was in my hand,
03:02 and I took the grapes
03:04 and pressed them into Pharaoh's cup,
03:05 and placed the cup in Pharaoh's hand.'
03:09 And Joseph said to him,
03:10 'This is the interpretation of it,
03:12 The three branches are three days.
03:14 Now within three days Pharaoh will lift up your head
03:17 and restore you to your place,
03:18 and you will put Pharaoh's cup in his hand
03:20 according to the former manner,
03:22 when you were his butler."
03:25 And then, of course, the baker had a dream, as well.
03:30 That's right.
03:31 And Joseph tells about his dream.
03:35 In fact, in Genesis 48:16, it says,
03:38 "When the chief baker saw that the interpretation was good,"
03:41 he was obviously very encouraged.
03:43 And he thought his was gonna be good too.
03:45 Yes, "he said to Joseph, 'I also was in my dream,
03:48 and there were three white baskets on my head.
03:51 In the uppermost basket
03:52 were all kinds of baked goods for Pharaoh,
03:55 and the birds ate them out of the basket on my head.'
03:58 So Joseph answered and said,
03:59 'This is the interpretation of it,
04:01 The three baskets are three days.
04:04 Within three days
04:05 Pharaoh will lift off your head from you
04:07 and hang you on a tree,
04:09 and the birds will eat your flesh from you.'"
04:11 Oh, that's terrible.
04:13 Well, you can imagine how depressed
04:15 the poor baker would have felt
04:17 with an interpretation like that.
04:19 And on the third day,
04:21 it came to pass exactly as Joseph had said it would.
04:24 And I can just sort of picture in my mind
04:28 these two men going out of the prison
04:29 this particular day,
04:31 and he speaks to the butler, and he's very encouraged,
04:37 of course, he's got his job back.
04:39 And then the baker I can imagine
04:41 that Joseph would be very sad
04:43 because he would know
04:45 that he was walking out to his death.
04:48 And it's interesting in verse 14,
04:52 Joseph makes a very natural human plea
04:56 to the butler when he says,
04:59 "But remember me when it is well with you."
05:02 You know, you can appreciate the fact that
05:04 here is this man who is unjustly in prison,
05:06 but remember me,
05:08 "and please show kindness to me,
05:11 make mention of me to Pharaoh, and get me out of this house."
05:15 Yes. No.
05:17 I mean, he'd been in it for years.
05:18 Yes.
05:19 I mean, and by the way, the prisons back in those days
05:22 weren't like they are today.
05:23 Well, he says there in verse 15,
05:25 he was actually in the dungeon.
05:26 Yes, well, there were no windows,
05:28 no toilet facilities,
05:30 no septic tanks running.
05:32 So you can just imagine the stench of the place
05:35 after they'd been there for, you know, for a while.
05:38 But unfortunately,
05:40 if you come down to verse 23 of the 40th chapter, it says,
05:43 "Yet the chief butler did not remember Joseph,
05:49 but forgot him."
05:51 How sad that really is.
05:53 Now, this just gets back to the fact
05:55 did he have a memory lapse
05:56 while he was in prison and when he was released,
05:58 or did he do it on purpose.
06:02 I'm gonna suggest that actually he purposely forgot.
06:05 Oh, that's interesting.
06:06 I hadn't thought of that before.
06:08 Well, I'll give you a couple of reasons
06:09 why I think that's the case.
06:12 First of all,
06:14 Pharaoh will have had good days and bad days
06:17 and from what we read about the Pharaohs,
06:19 the way they ate and the way they live,
06:21 probably more bad days than good.
06:23 And I think that probably the butler realized
06:25 that if he went to Joseph to Pharaoh and said,
06:28 "Now listen, what about my friend back in prison?"
06:32 If Pharaoh wasn't having a good day,
06:34 he felt that maybe he could have finished up
06:36 back in prison again,
06:37 and he wasn't willing to do that.
06:38 Not even for Joseph sake.
06:41 And the second reason is that the Jews
06:45 were not favorites with the Egyptians.
06:47 And so the butler's friends would have said,
06:50 "What are you doing
06:51 helping those despised Hebrews today?"
06:56 And as time went by, I think that probably Joseph,
07:01 the butler gradually, gradually forgot.
07:05 You know, went out of his mind, out of mind, out of sight,
07:07 out of mind, you know.
07:09 He didn't have a favorable time to say something.
07:12 So he ended up
07:13 forgetting to say anything good.
07:14 Yes, but God hadn't forgotten.
07:16 Two years later, that's a long time.
07:18 I mean, imagine if you were Joseph sitting in there
07:20 and you've done the right thing.
07:22 And everything's happening,
07:23 you're doing the right thing serving God.
07:25 Another two years ago past, and he's still in prison.
07:27 And one day, Pharaoh has a dream.
07:31 And suddenly the butler remembers,
07:35 so he hadn't forgotten, you see,
07:36 he hadn't forgotten at all.
07:38 It was still there but just not ready to remember.
07:40 But he's not remembering
07:42 because he's helping Joseph really.
07:46 We would like to think that
07:47 he starts now to repent of his forgetfulness,
07:51 but I don't think that's the case.
07:53 Actually, he was trying to curry favor
07:55 with Pharaoh because, you know,
07:58 if he was to get Joseph in to tell him the dream
08:01 who would get the credit for bringing Joseph in
08:03 to interpret Pharaoh's dream.
08:05 So really, once again, it was a selfish motive
08:08 that the butler had in remembering Joseph.
08:13 And so here we find this whole story.
08:17 And I guess too, Rosemary, by this stage,
08:21 even though Joseph was not that old,
08:23 he would have been in his 20s,
08:25 perhaps mid 20s by this stage.
08:29 He was beginning to learn a little bit
08:31 about human nature.
08:32 First of all, he remembered
08:34 about the jealousy of his brothers.
08:37 So he'd learned about jealousy in a pretty serious way.
08:40 That's why he finished up in Egypt.
08:41 That's why he end up being a slave.
08:42 Yes.
08:44 Then secondly,
08:45 he learned about lust and lying with Pharaoh's...
08:49 With Potiphar's wife. Potiphar's wife.
08:52 And...
08:53 End up in jail because she lied.
08:55 Yes. And then...
08:57 And then, of course, the ingratitude,
08:59 he learned about ingratitude of the butler.
09:02 So three important traits of human nature.
09:05 And that for Joseph learned when he was very young.
09:11 And once again it brings
09:13 the whole point of the story and the reason why
09:15 I want to talk about this story today
09:16 is because of ingratitude.
09:19 You know, this is a perfect illustration
09:21 of human beings
09:24 and the ingratitude that many people manifest
09:28 in their life.
09:29 You know, God gives us wonderful blessings.
09:32 Story that's in the Bible, in the New Testament
09:36 that's full of ingratitude.
09:37 There's a story of...
09:39 Remember the 10 lepers?
09:40 Yes.
09:41 Only one came back. Yes.
09:43 You know, you would think I mean,
09:45 that was a death sentence
09:46 when you had leprosy back in those days.
09:49 And you would think that when you are healed,
09:52 you'd come back and say
09:54 thank you to the one who healed you,
09:56 you would think that,
09:58 but only one of those lepers came back.
10:01 And that one was a foreigner.
10:03 He was a hated Samaritan.
10:05 Isn't it interesting?
10:07 The ingratitude that we have.
10:10 I mean, King David also, I picked up in the Bible there.
10:15 Recently I was reading the Book of Psalms
10:17 and King David had done one of his friends
10:21 a great service and helped him
10:25 and he showed absolute ingratitude to David
10:30 who had risked his life for him.
10:32 And I was reading in Psalm 55,
10:37 with David himself,
10:39 obviously it worried him and it upset him
10:42 because this is what he said in the Psalms 55...
10:52 We're down here in verse 12.
10:55 He says, "For it is not an enemy
10:58 who reproaches me.
10:59 Then I could bear it."
11:01 Yes, that's true.
11:02 If someone, you know he doesn't like you.
11:04 Yes, really upset.
11:05 You can expect that
11:07 they will do something against you to hurt you.
11:09 They're not very favorable toward me.
11:12 So I expect them to treat me badly.
11:16 But he says, "Then I could bear it
11:19 if I knew it was my enemy.
11:21 Nor is it one who hates me
11:23 who has exalted himself against me."
11:27 This is what the stress poking David.
11:30 "Then I could hide from him.
11:32 But it was you, a man my equal,
11:36 my companion and my acquaintance.
11:39 We took sweet counsel together,
11:41 and walked to the house of God in the throng."
11:44 So you can see poor David as he's contemplating
11:48 and then thinking about this person
11:50 who would let him down so seriously,
11:54 and, you know, we walked, we had sweet counsel together,
11:58 which means they were deeply in a friendship.
12:02 But they went to church together as companions,
12:05 as friends to worship God.
12:09 You would expect that you had a good communication
12:12 and good relationship.
12:13 And then he says in verse 16,
12:15 "As for me, I will call upon God,
12:19 and the Lord shall save me.
12:22 Evening and morning, at noon I will pray,
12:24 and cry aloud, and He shall hear my voice.
12:28 He has redeemed my soul in peace
12:30 from the battle that was against me."
12:32 In other words, David felt reconciliation
12:36 and he felt
12:40 an emotion of appeasement
12:42 when he thought about God
12:43 that God was his helper and...
12:48 God would stand up for him in the situation.
12:50 Yes.
12:52 It's really terrible when you feel like
12:54 a friend has let you down.
12:56 A friend has spoken against you,
12:58 a friend has done something to hurt you
13:01 when you've trusted that person.
13:03 Correct.
13:04 And then finally find out
13:05 that person wasn't a friend at all.
13:07 No, that's what poor David here is expressing and...
13:11 But he knows that God is his friend.
13:13 That's right.
13:14 That God will never let him down.
13:16 One of the charming things, Rosemary,
13:18 that I find about the Apostle Paul and,
13:21 you know, we often think about Paul
13:23 as the big preacher, and the establishing churches
13:27 and doing all the wonderful things
13:29 that the Apostle Paul did.
13:31 But one of the things that impresses me
13:33 about the humanity of all
13:34 is the fact that he was always very grateful
13:39 to those who had helped him.
13:41 Come over to Romans 16 with me, if you wouldn't mind,
13:44 Romans Chapter 16.
13:47 And it's interesting here in this chapter,
13:50 he records by name
13:55 and he reminds the Romans of the gratitude
13:59 that he has for certain individuals,
14:01 like for example, verse 3, where he says,
14:06 "Greet Priscilla and Aquila,
14:08 my fellow workers in Christ Jesus."
14:12 You know, he could have written the Book of Romans
14:14 without mentioning Aquila and Priscilla.
14:16 Yeah. But he remembers them.
14:18 And then it says in verse 4,
14:20 "Who risked their own necks for my life,
14:23 to whom not only I give thanks,
14:25 but also all the churches of the Gentiles."
14:28 So then he says,
14:29 "Why he wants them to greet him?"
14:31 Because he's grateful for what they did for him.
14:33 Yes, yes, indeed.
14:36 And verse 8 says, "Greet Amplias,
14:39 my beloved in the Lord."
14:41 So here's another person
14:42 that Paul felt great gratitude
14:46 for helping him.
14:48 And then down in verse 12.
14:50 "Greet Tryphena and Tryphosa, who have labored in the Lord.
14:55 Greet the beloved Persis, who labored much in the Lord."
14:59 And then verse 13,
15:01 "Greek Rufus, chosen in the Lord,
15:03 and his mother and mine."
15:05 So obviously Rufus's mother
15:07 had a very close connection to Paul,
15:10 whenever he visited in the area where she lived.
15:14 And so it impresses me that even though
15:17 Paul was the great evangelist, he was a great preacher,
15:20 he was the great traveler, he was the great character,
15:25 and all the things that we appreciate about Paul.
15:29 Nevertheless, he was not to be to remember
15:33 and to thank the little people that affected his life
15:38 in a very positive way.
15:39 In fact, in that section there, he greets many,
15:42 many different people for different reasons.
15:46 Some of them we've never heard
15:47 of anywhere else in the Bible...
15:48 But where he mentions them here.
15:50 That's right. But they were important to him.
15:51 Correct.
15:53 Because he could see in them the working of God's character
15:57 and they were working for God.
15:59 They were helping other people and him so.
16:02 Well, I think, Rosemary, that's a great example for us
16:05 that none of us should be too busy,
16:08 no matter what, who we are,
16:09 and no matter what we do to remember those
16:11 and sometimes they are the little people
16:14 who assist us along the way.
16:16 And I've often thought how much sweeter
16:19 our homes would be
16:20 if we express to our families.
16:25 How much we appreciate what they do
16:28 and what they have done.
16:29 You know, our parents who, you know,
16:34 have labored when we were naughty children
16:38 did many things that were not good, but they...
16:41 Okay, adolescence.
16:42 Yes, and through adolescence. That's right.
16:44 But they stuck by us and we ought to be
16:47 eternally grateful for them.
16:49 What about even in our churches?
16:51 What about writing an email to someone perhaps
16:55 and expressing to them our gratitude
16:59 and our thanks because...
17:05 there's something that does to a person.
17:09 And I'm sure
17:10 when these people in Paul's experience here
17:13 got this letter and they saw their names,
17:16 and Paul was expressing his gratitude to them.
17:19 There was a warm feeling in their heart.
17:21 Yes.
17:22 They would have felt drawn closer to Paul.
17:25 Yes.
17:26 Because he actually mentioned them
17:28 and he remembered me.
17:30 And so, if we do that for other people,
17:32 it makes other people feel good.
17:33 Why don't we do that?
17:35 I don't know why we don't do it.
17:36 It's something that we need to do more
17:40 than we're doing in the mind.
17:41 Of course, there are some people
17:43 who are very good at it,
17:44 but I'm talking generally in the main,
17:45 you know, get your phone and SMS.
17:48 Or as I say, have an attitude of gratitude.
17:50 Yes.
17:53 That's what we need.
17:55 I'm just so very encouraged as I read here
17:57 in the 16th Chapter of Romans
18:01 to see how the big Paul,
18:04 the great evangelist, didn't forget those people
18:07 that matter to him in his life.
18:10 And as you said before too
18:11 our parents for ourselves today,
18:14 in every generation, we all have parents
18:17 and we should always be ready to thank them.
18:19 Yes.
18:20 And to let them know while they're alive,
18:22 that we're grateful.
18:24 Yeah, well often, you know,
18:25 we say lovely things at their funerals.
18:27 It's amazing, isn't it?
18:29 But that's not very important really,
18:32 that's certainly satisfying ourselves
18:35 or appeasing our own feelings.
18:38 They can't, the person who's died can't hear,
18:40 and it's so important that we express that
18:43 while people are alive.
18:45 And, you know, I think, Rosemary,
18:48 that ingratitude to God is a heinous sin.
18:52 In fact, we've got Romans there,
18:55 just come back to Romans Chapter 1.
18:58 And Romans 1:21 Paul writes this,
19:04 this is pretty heavy stuff when he says,
19:07 "Because, although they knew God,
19:10 and did not glorify Him as God,
19:13 nor were thankful,
19:15 but became futile in their thoughts,
19:17 and their foolish hearts were darkened."
19:20 So here he's talking at the beginning of this book
19:23 about those who
19:25 don't have any gratitude to God.
19:30 You know, I think of the blessings,
19:32 you know, there's a song
19:34 that probably most people have heard.
19:38 Count your many blessings.
19:40 Yes.
19:42 Name them one by one. That's it.
19:43 Yeah, name them one by one.
19:45 And what does it say next?
19:47 See, and you'll be surprised at what the Lord has done.
19:51 In other words, one of the good things to do
19:54 is to put down on a piece of paper
19:56 all the things that we should be grateful for.
20:01 That's right.
20:02 All of us have heard of Robinson Crusoe.
20:05 He is the only man who ever got all his work done by Friday.
20:08 Yes, that's right.
20:10 Very good, Rosemary.
20:11 But, you know,
20:13 when he got landed on that island
20:16 or and found himself all by himself,
20:18 he drew up a little piece of bark.
20:21 I don't know whether he wrote it in the sand
20:23 or how he wrote it.
20:25 But he wrote down the fors and against of the things that
20:31 he felt that were positives
20:32 and the things that were negatives
20:34 and he wrote those down.
20:35 For example, he wrote
20:37 that he didn't have any clothes.
20:40 That was the negative.
20:41 But the positive was that
20:43 it was a warm temperature anyway,
20:44 and he hardly needed them anyway, you see.
20:48 He wrote down that he'd been shipwrecked.
20:53 But the positive was that all the other men
20:55 had been killed drown but he was alive.
20:57 His life, hmm, his life.
20:59 And I think that in life, we've got to remember
21:03 even though many of us
21:06 have bad things happen to us in life.
21:11 There's hardly a human being on the earth.
21:13 In fact, I could probably say there isn't a human being
21:16 that's ever lived on the earth
21:17 that hasn't had bad things happen to them.
21:20 But I guess it relates to the fact of us
21:23 being grateful for what we have.
21:26 And that gives us a positive attitude in life
21:28 and helps us to be positive.
21:31 That, "Yes, I've got this difficulty,
21:33 but I've also got this positive."
21:36 And...
21:39 If someone is having trouble with a negative attitude...
21:41 Yes.
21:43 The good thing for them to start doing
21:45 is to start training themselves to be thankful.
21:50 To thank other people to be grateful
21:52 for what they do have,
21:54 be grateful for the things that do happen.
21:57 And that will help shift a negative attitude
21:59 to a more positive one.
22:01 Yes.
22:02 Well, I think that's a very important point for us
22:04 all that we ought to show gratitude to God
22:07 in the deeds and kindnesses.
22:09 Now one of the questions is how do I show gratitude to God?
22:12 You know, the Bible says
22:14 we ought to show gratitude to God.
22:15 Well, I mean, what can I do that would be
22:18 and I can express my gratitude and praise to Him,
22:22 as the Bible suggests.
22:24 But I think that we show our gratitude to God
22:27 in a practical way by helping others
22:30 and being kind to others.
22:32 Because remember, Jesus made the statement
22:35 there in Matthew 25, wasn't it where He said,
22:38 "Inasmuch as you've done it
22:40 unto one of the least of these My brethren,
22:43 you've actually done it unto Me."
22:45 That's right.
22:46 So we are really showing gratitude
22:48 to God by helping others
22:53 and like Joseph, you know,
22:54 going back to our story in the dungeon that...
23:02 He must have been said...
23:04 But he made the most of wherever he was.
23:06 He did.
23:07 And that's what made him the man that he was,
23:10 that he could be sold into slavery.
23:14 And when you think about all the bad things
23:16 that happened to him,
23:18 I mean, back to his father,
23:20 spoiling him amongst these other brothers.
23:22 Well, I mean, that's the most basic law
23:24 of parenthood
23:26 is you don't make favorites of one child
23:28 over another unless you wanna create
23:29 major problems in the family.
23:32 And his father wasn't wise enough to understand that
23:35 or to realize that and, of course,
23:37 the other brothers got jealous,
23:39 we're going to kill him.
23:41 So none of that was good.
23:43 Then he was sold into Egypt.
23:45 None of that was good.
23:46 Finished up in Potiphar's house.
23:49 And I know, I imagine that house
23:51 was a very nice house.
23:53 Everything that he touched
23:55 probably was of very high quality.
23:58 And Potiphar seemed like a good boss.
23:59 Yes.
24:00 I think he was a good man,
24:02 there's nothing recorded in the Bible
24:03 that would suggest otherwise.
24:07 And probably Mrs. Potiphar was all right too,
24:09 but Joseph might have been a good looking young fellow.
24:14 And while Potiphar was away traveling,
24:17 then her thoughts went in the wrong direction,
24:20 but and then he finishes up in prison
24:24 and he's not just in prison for a little while,
24:26 he stays there for a long, long time.
24:29 And...
24:31 Then he's forgotten by them. Forgot him.
24:34 Well, it seems that the Lord's forgotten him.
24:36 I mean, how would you feel?
24:38 I think I'd feel that the Lord's forgotten me too.
24:41 No, that he must have known
24:43 that God was with him just the same.
24:45 Well, he was faithful to God.
24:46 That's the important thing.
24:47 And it reminds me of that text,
24:49 you know, in the Book of Romans,
24:51 where it says, "All things work together
24:53 for good to those who love God."
24:57 Romans 8:28.
24:59 8:28, yes, which is a wonderful verse.
25:01 That verse doesn't say that
25:02 everything that happens to us is good.
25:04 Doesn't... But it works out for good.
25:05 If we love the Lord,
25:07 He will work it together for our good.
25:09 And I think that's a very important differentiation
25:12 because the Bible never says
25:14 that everything that happens to us as good.
25:16 As it we've all got very negative things
25:18 that have happened to us in our life.
25:21 But if we trust the Lord, and we believe the Lord,
25:23 He will work things together for good.
25:26 So there's a verse in Ephesians 5:20
25:29 that talking about what you were saying before,
25:33 where you said that
25:35 we need to always be thanking God.
25:36 Yes.
25:38 And it says in Ephesians 5:20,
25:40 "Giving thanks always for all things to God
25:44 the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
25:47 So it says thank God for everything.
25:50 Even if things are going bad.
25:51 Even the bed reverses in life.
25:54 Thank God because he has some reason
25:56 like Romans 8:28 says.
25:58 That's right.
25:59 There's one other verse I just want to finish
26:00 with in our story.
26:02 You know, Paul had a vast vocabulary,
26:04 but he was lost for words when he wrote this verse.
26:06 Have a look at this.
26:08 This is 2 Corinthians Chapter 9
26:11 and verse, 2 Corinthians
26:14 where's that, just find it here.
26:16 Second Book of Corinthians
26:18 9:15.
26:23 At the end of the chapter where Paul says,
26:26 "Thanks be to God
26:28 for His indescribable gift!"
26:33 I think the old version says unspeakable gift
26:36 if I remember correctly.
26:39 In other words, he was lost for words,
26:40 as he thought about the wonderful gifts
26:42 that God has given to us in Jesus.
26:45 And that's something that all of us ought to be
26:49 very grateful for the salvation that He has provided.
26:52 Even though things may be very bad in our life
26:56 that they may be very negative, but nevertheless,
26:59 let us never forget that God has given to us
27:04 an unspeakable gift.
27:06 And that gift is worth
27:07 more than anything in the world.
27:09 Correct.
27:10 No matter what happens to us,
27:12 if we have Christ,
27:13 we have the power to overcome sin.
27:16 We have the power to overcome death
27:18 and to have eternity.
27:20 That's worth everything, isn't it?
27:21 That's right.
27:22 So our story today, the man who forgot,
27:26 let's not forget,
27:27 let's not forget all the Lord's benefits.
27:30 And He has promised as we praise Him,
27:34 and as we forget not those things
27:37 that He's done for us, that will change our own hearts
27:40 and give us an attitude of gratefulness.
27:42 That's right.
27:44 And today as we finish the program,
27:46 we pray that God will bless you and help you
27:48 to have an attitude of gratitude.
27:51 We'll see you next time.
27:52 God bless you.


Revised 2019-10-07