People Just Like Us

The Best King in the World

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PJU

Program Code: PJU190011A

00:01 Were the people in the Bible any different to us today
00:06 or ordinary people like you and me?
00:14 What can we find out from their lives that will help us?
00:25 Find out with Pr. Geoff Youlden and Rosemary Malkiewycz here on
00:33 People Just Like Us.
00:38 Life is full of ups and downs, good times and the worst
00:42 of times. So what do we do when these changes come suddenly
00:47 and what do when that happen? During bad times we may turn to
00:51 God for help, yet during the good times we often forget all
00:56 about Him. Is this the smart way to behave? Let's look at the
01:01 story of the best king in the world and see what lessons we
01:05 can learn from his life. Who was this best king Pastor Geoff?
01:13 Well let me ask this question before I tell you. Oh okay.
01:18 There are two chapters in the Bible that are identical and
01:24 when I say identical I mean word for word, pretty well word for
01:27 word. And I often ask folks where are those chapters found?
01:33 What books are they found in?
01:36 I know one's in Isaiah.
01:38 Yes, one's in Isaiah and the other is in Kings and it
01:43 concerns King Hezekiah. God said he was the best King that Israel
01:47 ever had. The very fact that the story is recorded twice in
01:54 the Bible would say to me that God regards this as being very,
01:59 very important.
02:00 An important story.
02:01 Very important. And we pick out the story here in 2 Kings if
02:07 you'd like to turn with me 2 Kings 17:1. It says...
02:24 The Bible says he did evil in the sight of the Lord; That's a
02:28 sort of recurring statement.
02:30 Oh the same thing.
02:31 but not as the kings of Israel who were before him...
02:40 And as you read on there in verse 6 it says...
02:51 ... In other words this is the attack against the 10 northern
02:55 kingdoms because at this time Israel was divided into two
02:57 sections. There was Judah, the southern kingdom, and Israel
03:01 referring to the 10 northern kingdoms and because of the
03:05 apostasy of Israel, the 10 northern kingdoms, God allowed
03:09 the Assyrians to come down and to take them captive. And it's
03:14 not because they didn't have warning. Verse 13 of 2 Kings 17
03:17 says...
03:19 ... and so forth. In other words every prophet of God upheld
03:32 the commandments and pled with the people to come back to truth
03:38 and to be obedient, but unfortunately verse 16 says
03:42 they left all the commandments of the Lord their God, made to
03:43 themselves a molten image and two calves and so forth and
03:49 served Baal and as a result the Lord was very angry, verse 18...
03:58 so this is the division. Then it says in verse 19, a very sad
04:02 verse also...
04:09 and as a result of that
04:15 God allowed the Assyrians to come down now against
04:19 Judah. And we pick up the story because like a plague it spread
04:23 because like a plague it spread and the Assyrians came down and
04:30 they said in chapter 18 and verse 1...
04:45 and the Bible says...
04:55 and verse 4 says...
05:00 The sacred pillars were the symbol of sun worship and...
05:08 Now they were worshiping this bronze serpent
05:18 And then verse 5 makes a statement...
05:28 In other words, he was just a wonderful, wonderful good man.
05:32 You see the Assyrians at this time were the mightiest nation
05:37 on the earth. And very cruel. Very cruel. They would skin
05:42 their captives alive. Terrible. I mean if you thought the
05:48 Assyrians were coming down back in those times the fear would
05:53 shudder through you. And they had already conquered at this
05:58 stage Samaria. Now Samaria was the capital of the Northern
06:03 kingdom and there was a conquered Megiddo which was the
06:07 fortress to protect Samaria. Now they were down at Lachish
06:10 which was the fortress to protect Jerusalem and King
06:15 Sennacherib had already conquered Lachish and he wrote Hezekiah a
06:23 letter from Lachish and he says you might as well throw open the
06:28 gates because we're coming down God or no God. In fact, his
06:34 statement is made in verse 35, this is chapter 18 and verse 35,
06:43 he says,...
06:52 You can see what he's saying. Don't you get any idea that your
06:55 God is going to protect you because no other God has
06:57 protected them from me. So you might as well throw open the
07:01 gates.
07:02 Each nation had their own God in those days and it used to be
07:07 when one nation went to war with another nation it was basically
07:11 their God fighting the other God and they expected the same would
07:17 happen here with Judah just as it had with Israel. Israel
07:21 apparently had the same God as Judah and they had defeated
07:24 Israel so their God hadn't protected them. But Israel was
07:27 not following God, so He wasn't protecting them.
07:30 Correct. And so Hezekiah in chapter 19:14 it says received
07:36 the letter from the hand of the messengers and read it and
07:39 Hezekiah went up to the house of the Lord and spread it before
07:42 the Lord. And you can just see the fear of the Assyrians coming
07:48 and Hezekiah takes the letter and puts it in the church, in
07:53 the temple and spreads it out and asks God what am I going to
07:58 do? And these two chapters that are identical, 2 Kings 19 and
08:03 Isaiah 37 record that incident and the prayer of Hezekiah.
08:09 See, Hezekiah when he took that letter and laid it before God
08:16 I find it very encouraging and it gives me hope because when
08:21 things happen in my life because of what Hezekiah did I feel like
08:26 I can go to God and place it before Him and say, I can't
08:30 handle this, it's too big for me; you'll have to do it for me
08:34 and I leave it with you. Then I can walk away knowing I've given
08:39 it to God and it's His business. And that's basically what
08:43 Hezekiah's doing here. I can't handle this Lord. It's too much
08:47 for me; I need you to take care of it.
08:49 Well verse 19 is his statement when he says that. He says...
08:53 ...and you can hear him saying it. And then he gives the reason
09:09 In other words, he wasn't just praying for his own skin. He was
09:13 actually praying that God's name would be honored and glorified
09:18 among all the nations around as they see this mighty deliverance
09:22 This chapter is such an amazing chapter.
09:25 A very important thing for us to learn here too is how
09:31 prayer is so important, as important for us as much as us
09:37 just talking to God. It strengthens us. But previous to
09:41 this when Hezekiah when the king of Assyria had taken Lachish,
09:47 Hezekiah sent him gifts. He said impose on me whatever you want
09:54 me to pay. And he did. It says in 2 Kings 18:14 that he gave
10:03 him 300 talents of silver and 30 talents of gold. Now to get an
10:07 idea of how much money was that King Hezekiah had that he gave
10:14 to the king of Assyria to sort of basically say, here it is, go
10:18 away. I'm giving you money, just leave me alone. A talent is
10:25 is equivalent to around 33 kilograms. Currently silver is
10:32 worth, and I looked all this up, silver is worth over $566 U.S.
10:38 a kilo. Now remember in one talent there are 33 kilograms.
10:47 That's $18,700 U.S. per talent and the 300 talents of silver
10:58 would be 9,900 kilos which is over five and a half million
11:06 U.S. dollars currently and the gold is $48,000/kilo U.S. at
11:14 the moment and it would have been worth over $45,000,000,
11:19 equivalent today. That was a lot of wealth that Hezekiah had that
11:25 he gave away to try and get peace, but he didn't. Assyria
11:29 said right, if I got that much, let's get the rest and they
11:32 came down again.
11:34 Well, it's interesting, Rosemary that when you're reading chapter
11:37 19:35, God answers Hezekiah's prayer and he answers it in the
11:43 most amazing way. Because chapter 18:35 has the defiant
11:47 attitude of Sennacherib, who among the gods has delivered
11:52 them, but God answers in exactly one chapter later, chapter 19:35
11:55 And it says...
12:09 I always smile at that one. Have you ever seen a live corpse?
12:12 Well the King James says there were all dead corpses. So yes I
12:15 do smile at that too because a corpse is a dead person or a
12:19 dead body.
12:20 I mean, think of it; one angel comes down from glory and slays
12:26 185,000 of the world's toughest soldiers, wipes out Sennacherib's
12:33 army. We ought to talk a lot more about the angels, the power
12:39 of the angels, because the Bible says all of us have a guardian
12:41 angel. The angel of the Lord encamps about them that fear
12:45 Him and he will deliver them. Of course, when Sennacherib got
12:52 back to Nineveh he said to the priest, how come this happened?
12:57 So when you read in verses 36 and 37 of chapter 19...
13:15 Now what tradition tells us, this is not in the Bible, but
13:17 the story tells us that the priest over in Nineveh said well
13:23 it's very easy to explain because Hezekiah's father
13:27 Abraham was going to offer his son as a sacrifice to his God
13:32 and Sennacharib thought well okay, I've got three sons. If I
13:38 _and sacrifice them I'll become invincible like Hezekiah.
13:46 But the trouble is the boys heard about it and they got rid
13:48 of father before he got rid of them. Just an interesting side
13:53 light to the story of Sennacherib and it's interesting
13:57 that in the next chapter, chapter 20, an amazing thing
14:00 happened. After this amazing, amazing deliverance of wiping
14:04 all of that enemy, just amazing. Then the very next news that
14:09 comes to poor old Hezekiah is
14:24 Now that's the pronouncement.
14:25 Well it is. Thus says the Lord: This is it.
14:29 Set your house in order.
14:31 And it's interesting, if you look back and work out
14:35 Hezekiah's age, he was 39 when the happened. Entering the very
14:40 best years of his life. Someone wrote a book some years ago,
14:42 Life Begins at 40. Do you know whether that's true.
14:46 I don't think so.
14:48 I can't work out whether that's true or not. But the facts are
14:51 that his philosophy was that you've learned a few things up
14:54 until the age of 40, you still got the youth of your years
14:58 to be able to put it into practice. Once you get after 40
15:01 it's you know downhill all the way. Whether you believe that
15:07 I'm not pushing it, but I'm just saying here that Hezekiah was
15:12 39 years of age when this news, get your house in order because
15:14 you're going to die.
15:16 He wasn't an old man.
15:17 No. Hezekiah didn't want to die and as we read the story he
15:21 pled with the Lord and Isaiah goes back and says all right
15:28 We've heard your prayer Hezekiah the Lord heard your prayer and
15:32 will extend your life 15 years.
15:35 See God hears prayers.
15:37 Yes. But Hezekiah still was finding it difficult to believe
15:42 God so he said you've got to give me a sign. And as you read
15:46 here, the sign that he gave him was that he would put the sun
15:50 back 10 degrees, which of course meant that the day would be
15:55 longer and so when the Lord put the sun back 10 degrees, that
16:02 made a big impression on the Assyrians and the Babylonians
16:05 because they worshiped the sun. Much of the mathematics that we
16:08 have today comes to us from the Babylonians and the Assyrians
16:14 they worked out on the 60 system we work out on the decimal
16:18 system on 10 and 10 is divisible by 5 and by 2, but 60 is
16:23 divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. So they worked the system out
16:29 that's where we get 60 seconds to the minute, 60 minutes to the
16:34 hour, 360 degrees in a circle. All come from the ancient
16:38 Babylonians. And the imperial measurement is 12 inches in a
16:43 foot and 3 feet into a yard and it all works with 6 into all of
16:49 those things.
16:52 Yes, well the Babylonian system worked on this principle and so
17:00 they worshiped the sun and they saw the sun go back, so they
17:04 sent over a big delegation because they heard that it was
17:08 they heard that it was the God of Hezekiah that actually
17:12 shifted their God. I've often thought too about this 15 years.
17:21 If the Lord said to you, You've got 15 years left, I'll extend
17:25 your life another 15 years. I'm not so sure that's good news.
17:28 It may be good news while there's 15, but what happens
17:31 when it gets down to five, four, three, two, and then you get
17:41 into the last year. I mean talk about stress, I reckon you'd be
17:46 experiencing. So it's probably a good thing that we don't know
17:48 when our demise will come, that God has that kept secret from us
17:54 because I think we'd all stress.
17:56 Even doctors try to predict sometimes how much people have
18:00 got left and it doesn't necessarily work.
18:03 Well this delegation as we read on in the story, this delegation
18:07 came over from Babylon, from Assyria, and in chapter 20 and
18:13 verse 13... You can imagine. These are the world's very best
18:18 mathematicians. They're the best leaders and they all come
18:24 over to sit at Hezekiah's feet to learn from him and he has a
18:28 rush of blood that goes to his head. Instead of being humble
18:34 and being recognizing, it's interesting to see what Hezekiah
18:38 does. Now remember this is the king that God says is the best
18:40 man, none before him and none after him in being good.
18:44 And he helped him with the Assyrians and he gave him
18:49 another 15 years.
18:51 All right, and it says in verse 13...And Hezekiah was attentive
18:53 to them, this was the delegation that comes from across the way.
19:15 You'd think he had nothing left to show them after he gave
19:19 all that money to the Assyrians.
19:20 Well evidently he did. He showed them everything. You know, often
19:23 I think about this story because when someone comes to visit us
19:27 what's the impression that we give them? You know, we might
19:31 have a nice home, we might have a nice cow, nice this, nice
19:35 that, nice farm, a lot of things nice business. What's the
19:41 impression that we give to people. Is it like foolish
19:48 Nebuchadnezzar said, Is not this great Babylon that I have built.
19:51 In other words, he took the glory to himself. Is that
19:53 that exactly what Hezekiah was doing? Because he said fellas
19:57 come here and I'll show you this and he shows them this and he
19:59 shows them that and shows them everything else. Well there's
20:03 not one statement there that you read where he talked about God.
20:07 Well the record says Hezekiah was...
20:25 In other words, it was all about Hezekiah and he made a
20:30 dreadful mistake and the fellows were very happy to chat with
20:36 Hezekiah. Then they went on their way back. And God called
20:38 Hezekiah and said Hezekiah I've got something to say to you.
20:41 Seeing that you haven't told them anything about Me, I'm
20:44 going to allow them to come down and they're going to take
20:48 everything that you showed them, they're going to come down and
20:51 take the lot. And Hezekiah, as you read the record; this is
20:54 part of the Bible I wouldn't have written in if I'd been
20:56 writing the Bible because it says Hezekiah says, Well may it
21:01 not happen in my day, may it happen in my son's day. You know
21:08 here's the scoundrel. He makes the big mistake and doesn't want
21:09 to take the consequences of the mistake, and let his son do it.
21:14 Yeah be it in my son's day...
21:18 One of the things I learned from this story is that Hezekiah
21:21 shows them all his stuff and not his God. And so, he missed an
21:28 opportunity that God had given him through this miracle to show
21:35 those from another country that God who did this the God who
21:40 moved their God and so God had to do it another way. Through
21:48 captivity with Nebuchadnezzar, he finally who finally converted
21:54 to the truth of God. Through the kings of the Medes and Persians
22:02 This is the problem which is why the Bible is emphasizing
22:08 this point because
22:12 Hezekiah, he made two tragic mistakes and they all happened
22:16 in the added 15 years of his life. Up until the 15 years
22:21 there's nothing recorded against Hezekiah. I'm not suggesting he
22:25 was perfect but there's nothing in the Bible recorded against
22:30 Hezekiah. The big mistakes that he made were all made in that
22:35 added 15 years. Now that says something to me that God knows
22:39 best. You know we think that we know what we should pray for.
22:44 Hezekiah was actually convinced that he ought to have lived
22:48 longer. But God saw that it was best that he die. And it would
22:53 have been better for Hezekiah to die when he died
22:56 than to live on because he made that mistake but he also made
23:01 another mistake and the other mistake is recorded in chapter
23:05 21 and verse 1 where it says...
23:16 And verse 2 says he did evil in the sight of the Lord according
23:20 to the abominations of the nations that the Lord had cast
23:22 out before the children of Israel. And if you read the next
23:25 few verses it goes on and on and on about the terrible things
23:30 that Manasseh did. In other words, the worst King that
23:34 Israel had had was king Manasseh. Now he should have
23:36 never been born because how old was he? 12. 12 which means that
23:42 he was conceived and born in the added 15 years. So the world
23:49 would have been a better place if Manasseh had never been born.
23:52 And Manasseh should never have been born. And there are some
23:55 people that are born that should never have been born and some
24:00 people live too long. For example: Lot lived too long. In
24:06 other words, if Lot had died before he did die then we would
24:12 never have had the Edomites and the Moabites. They plagued
24:15 Israel all through their journey because they came from Lot's
24:18 incestuous relationships with his own two daughters. So one of
24:24 the big issues that I learn from this lesson of Hezekiah is that
24:30 we must always learn to pray God's will be done, because the
24:35 temptation is that we think we know everything. We know what is
24:41 best. We know that someone ought to be healed from their sickness
24:44 We know that we ought to be healed or we know that we ought
24:45 to do this or do that or_ We think we know but in actual
24:52 fact we don't know. That's why we must always pray thy will be
24:55 done. God knows the future, we don't.
24:59 We don't and like this story that has been recorded in the
25:03 Bible to show us that the best of men are only men at best.
25:07 Even though Hezekiah did all those wonderful things. You know
25:13 sometimes we look at individuals and we think they're wonderful
25:16 It always reminds me of these grandparents who went over to
25:19 China and bought this beautiful Chinese vase and it was just
25:23 exquisite because it fitted into their decor in their home and it
25:27 was beautiful. You could almost see through it, it was so
25:29 beautiful. And they brought it back and the grandson came over
25:32 one day to visit them and he was hanging on the mantel piece,
25:36 swinging on the mantel piece, he didn't mean it but he knocked
25:40 the vase down, it fell on the carpet. But because it was so
25:44 fragile it did break into 100s of pieces. And of course, what
25:49 can you say, it's the grandson. But the grandfather spent hours
25:55 and hours and hours. He got some superglue and he stuck it all
25:58 back together again and put it back on the mantel piece.
26:01 But every time he came into... and grandma goes into the lounge
26:06 room all they can see are these terrible cracks. I don't know
26:09 why it took them so long but one day they realized while they
26:11 were eating lunch together, we remember they said that if we
26:15 ever wanted anything more we could send there to China and
26:18 they'd send it back. So they sent it back and they said we
26:21 want one exactly the same as this one. And they addressed it
26:25 to the place that they had the card from and some month or two
26:29 later the card came in the post saying that there was a parcel
26:34 down at the post office, they understood exactly what it was.
26:38 So when they opened it, there it was with the cracks and all
26:45 because when you're a china man over in China and you see you
26:49 want one exactly the same, you look up in the dictionary,
26:52 it says exactly the same. And that's what happens if we
26:55 pattern our life on anyone else except the Lord Jesus Christ.
26:58 This story has been recorded to teach us that the best of men
27:05 are only men at best. And if we could only learn that lesson
27:09 that the only person, the only superman that there is in this
27:13 world is Jesus.
27:14 Jesus is the best king. He's the only king that we should follow.
27:18 So pattern your life on Jesus and you will not make a mistake.
27:23 We'll see you next time.


Revised 2019-11-25