Pioneer Media

Why We Are Here, Part 1: Our Finest Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PME

Program Code: PME240406S

00:02 ♪
00:17 >> Good morning, Church.
00:18 Happy Sabbath.
00:21 I invite you all to stand
00:24 as we sing what I believe is one
00:27 of the most Adventist songs
00:29 there are.
00:31 I learned that this song
00:33 was commissioned by a general
00:34 conference in the 1960s,
00:37 I believe.
00:37 We're singing
00:38 "We Have This Hope."
00:41 "We Have This Hope."
02:59 Amen. Amen.
03:01 Praise God. Praise God.
03:02 We do have this hope.
03:04 And because we have this hope,
03:05 it does not matter how hard
03:08 our weeks might be,
03:11 how hard our days may be.
03:14 We have hope
03:16 that there is someone
03:17 who's always available for us.
03:20 So in this moment,
03:21 as we sing the next song,
03:23 I invite those of you
03:25 who would like to come forward
03:27 to the foot of the cross
03:29 and bring a special request
03:31 or a special thanks,
03:33 please do so.
03:35 Feel welcome to come forward
03:36 as we sing "Still."
06:24 >> Amen.
06:25 ♪
09:29 >> Praise God. Praise God.
09:30 Amen. Hallelujah!
09:33 >> Now it is time
09:34 for our Scripture reading.
09:43 And our Scripture is coming from
09:46 2 Peter 1:16-19.
09:51 It says, "For we did not follow
09:53 cunningly devised fables when we
09:55 made known to you the power and
09:57 coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
09:59 but were eyewitnesses of His
10:01 majesty.
10:02 For He received from
10:04 God the Father honor and glory
10:06 when such a voice came to Him
10:08 from the Excellent Glory: 'This
10:10 is My beloved Son, in whom I am
10:12 well-pleased.'
10:14 And we heard this voice which
10:16 came from heaven when we were
10:17 with Him on the holy mountain.
10:19 And so we have the prophetic
10:22 word confirmed, which you do
10:24 well to heed as a light that
10:26 shines in a dark place, until
10:28 the day dawns and the morning
10:30 star rises in your hearts."
10:32 Amen. Amen.
10:37 And as we sing this last song,
10:41 I want us to ponder on this.
10:44 Because when this song
10:45 was brought up in the set list,
10:46 it reminded me
10:47 of one of my favorite passages
10:49 from Isaiah 28:16.
10:52 And it says, "Thus says the
10:53 Lord God, 'Behold,
10:55 I lay in Zion a stone
10:58 for a foundation, a tried stone,
11:02 a precious cornerstone,
11:05 for a foundation.'"
11:08 And he says, "'Whoever believes
11:11 will not act hastily.'"
11:14 I love this.
11:15 We see a messianic
11:16 prophecy here.
11:17 This cornerstone is none other
11:18 than Jesus Christ himself,
11:20 brothers and sisters.
11:22 And God is telling His people
11:23 to trust in this stone, to trust
11:26 and believe in this foundation.
11:29 And He also says to exhibit
11:30 patient faith.
11:32 I don't know what it is that you
11:33 may be going through at this
11:34 very moment,
11:35 brothers and sisters,
11:37 but God is also telling us
11:39 to trust
11:40 and believe in this cornerstone.
11:42 Can I see a show of hands of
11:44 those that are willing to trust
11:45 and believe in our cornerstone?
11:47 Who came and won the victory
11:49 over sin
11:50 and who is also coming back
11:51 again for you and me.
11:54 So we're going to be singing
11:55 this song, "Cornerstone."
11:56 Don't be afraid to lift
11:57 your voice and sing
11:58 to our Savior and our Creator
12:00 if you know the words.
12:00 Amen.
12:02 May you be blessed.
12:17 Thank you, Jesus.
12:26 You guys sound beautiful.
12:47 Amen, amen.
12:48 Let's sing that one more time.
12:49 Let's sing that together.
12:50 Sing it.
16:35 Amen, Church.
16:36 >> Amen. Amen. Hallelujah.
16:37 You may be seated.
16:47 >> We are blessed with
16:48 good music, are we not?
16:50 Amen.
16:51 Thank you to our praise team
16:53 for leading us in worship.
16:54 I appreciate it.
16:58 Imagine that it is
16:58 a beautiful day
17:00 in Berrien Springs, Michigan.
17:03 Not a difficult thing to do.
17:07 It's not always like today, but
17:08 imagine that it was like today
17:10 and that you're walking down
17:12 the sidewalks in Berrien Springs
17:13 that don't exist.
17:14 You're walking down
17:16 next to the road and you get to,
17:18 let's say, about Rite Aid or so.
17:21 And from the gas station there,
17:22 there comes a man swiftly.
17:24 He's in a trench coat
17:25 and he's carrying a briefcase
17:26 and he says,
17:27 "Hold it right there."
17:27 And you stop.
17:29 And he opens the briefcase,
17:30 and there is $1 million in cash.
17:34 Alright?
17:36 Now, this isn't too hard
17:36 to imagine.
17:37 This happens
17:38 all the time in Berrien Springs.
17:40 He opens it up.
17:41 He says, "This can be yours."
17:44 And immediately, your mind
17:45 begins to turn.
17:45 "What could I do with
17:46 $1 million?
17:47 Oh, the things I could do,
17:48 places I could go,
17:49 the people I could help,"
17:49 et cetera.
17:50 And all of these dreams
17:51 are going through your mind.
17:52 He says,
17:52 "But there is a condition.
17:55 You say, "What is it?"
17:57 He said, "I need you to answer
17:58 one question, and you have
17:59 to answer it correctly."
18:01 You say, "What's the question?"
18:03 And he says, "The question is,
18:07 what is the mission of the
18:08 Seventh-Day Adventist Church?"
18:12 Immediately, you're beginning
18:13 to wonder why millionaires
18:14 don't seem to have much
18:15 to do in Berrien Springs
18:16 except to confront people
18:17 on religious questions.
18:18 You're thinking to yourself,
18:18 "Oh, wait.
18:19 I know the answer to this
18:20 question.
18:20 Uh, uh, uh..."
18:23 "I'm sorry it's too late."
18:25 Closes the briefcase and goes
18:26 back to the gas station.
18:28 And let's imagine
18:30 that nine other Adventists
18:32 do the same thing, one by one.
18:35 Briefcase opens.
18:36 "Million dollars.
18:36 It's all yours."
18:37 "Uh, well, I think, uh, uh..."
18:41 So, my experience
18:43 is not with a guy
18:45 with $1 million in a briefcase.
18:47 My experience is,
18:48 is that you just might
18:50 get 10 different answers
18:53 to that question.
18:56 In fact,
18:57 I even go one step further.
18:58 Many times, the question
19:00 has no interest to us.
19:05 Ignorance and apathy sometimes
19:06 go together on that thing.
19:07 What is the mission of the
19:08 Seventh-Day Adventist Church?
19:10 Even if confronted
19:11 with the prospect of $1 million,
19:13 we might be pressed to come up
19:16 with the right answer.
19:17 Now, when I have done
19:19 this -- again, not with
19:19 a briefcase with dollars in it,
19:20 but in maybe a classroom
19:22 setting or something, there's a
19:23 whiteboard or something where
19:24 we're writing down
19:25 the answers that people have,
19:27 eventually people's wheels
19:28 get turned and they say, "Okay,
19:29 um, the mission of the
19:30 Adventist Church is to love
19:32 God."
19:35 Not bad.
19:38 Our Methodist friends
19:39 are nodding their heads and say,
19:40 "Well, that sounds familiar.
19:42 That kind of sounds
19:42 like us, too."
19:43 And someone says, "Well, wait,
19:44 wait.
19:44 I know what the mission
19:45 of the Adventist Church is.
19:46 The mission
19:47 of the Adventist Church
19:48 is to serve other people
19:50 as Jesus would serve them."
19:53 And our Baptist friends
19:55 are like,
19:57 That kind of sounds like
19:58 what we do, too," right?
19:59 And, so, they say, "Oh, wait a
20:00 second, Pastor Shane.
20:01 I know the answer.
20:02 The mission of the
20:03 Adventist Church is to know God
20:05 and make Him known."
20:08 Ooh, sounds good.
20:11 And our Catholic friends
20:12 are saying,
20:15 That kind of sounds like
20:16 what we do, too," right?
20:17 And then someone will get
20:19 a little frustrated and say,
20:20 "Wait a second, Pastor Shane.
20:21 I know what the answer is.
20:23 The answer is,
20:24 the mission of the Seventh-Day
20:25 Adventist Church is to fulfill
20:27 the Great Commission
20:28 of Matthew 28:18-20."
20:33 Now, ladies and gentlemen,
20:34 that's got some horsepower.
20:34 In fact,
20:35 I'd like you to look at that.
20:36 Would you, please?
20:36 Would you open
20:37 your Bible to Matthew 28?
20:39 Beginning with Verse 18.
20:41 In the red pew Bible
20:42 that's somewhere nearby there,
20:42 it's on page 672.
20:44 672. Matthew 28,
20:47 beginning with Verse 18.
20:51 This is the final statement
20:52 that we have of Jesus
20:53 in the entirety
20:54 of the Gospel of Matthew.
20:55 It's obviously said near the end
20:56 of His earthly ministry,
20:58 and it is, indeed,
20:59 quite a statement.
21:00 I can see why someone would say,
21:02 "Hey, check this out.
21:03 Is this the mission?"
21:05 Verse 18, Matthew 28 says,
21:07 "Then Jesus came to them --"
21:08 his disciples -- "and said,
21:09 'All authority
21:11 in heaven and on earth.'"
21:13 How much authority? All of it.
21:15 He says, "'All authority in
21:16 heaven, on earth has been given
21:17 to me.'"
21:18 Pause for just a moment.
21:19 This is the most powerful
21:20 statement that Jesus makes in
21:22 all of his earthly ministry.
21:24 I mean, this is -- I mean,
21:25 what could possibly be better?
21:26 "All authority in heaven and on
21:28 earth has been given to me,
21:31 and now I'm going to do
21:32 something with it.
21:33 I'm going
21:34 to do something powerful
21:35 with all of this authority
21:36 that's been given to me."
21:37 What does Jesus ask us to do
21:39 in response to this?
21:40 Verse 19.
21:41 "'Therefore --" here it is --
21:43 "Go and make disciples
21:46 of all nations,
21:47 baptizing them in the name
21:48 of the Father and of the Son
21:50 and of the Holy Spirit,
21:51 and teaching them to obey
21:52 everything I have commanded you.
21:54 And surely, I am with you always
21:55 to the very end of the age.'"
21:59 Let it be crystal-clear.
22:01 Any church, including this one,
22:04 that calls itself Christian
22:06 must be about the business
22:08 of fulfilling the
22:09 Great Commission of Matthew 28.
22:11 >> Amen.
22:13 >> Thank you.
22:14 I appreciate it, Sister, for
22:14 responding.
22:15 Yes, the rest of the
22:16 congregation will catch up
22:17 with you momentarily.
22:18 Okay? Alright?
22:19 So, what I said was, any church
22:21 that's going to call itself
22:22 Christian, including this one,
22:23 must be about the business
22:24 of making disciples
22:26 according to the
22:26 Great Commission of Matthew 28.
22:28 >> Amen.
22:29 >> Yes, yes, yes, yes.
22:30 And not just any disciples.
22:31 Baptism, like what we saw up
22:32 here today -- that's the
22:34 beginning, not the end.
22:35 It says, "Make these
22:37 fully devoted followers,
22:38 the ones that are taught
22:40 to obey everything
22:41 that Jesus commanded them."
22:42 That's a mature disciple,
22:43 someone who's growing up
22:44 into the fullness of Jesus.
22:46 Baptism is the beginning.
22:47 Now we grow them up by the best
22:49 means possible to help them
22:51 become more and more like Jesus.
22:52 That's what we are called to do
22:55 as a Christian organization.
22:56 Absolutely.
23:01 And...
23:05 if that's all there
23:07 is to our mission,
23:11 then the sooner we lock
23:12 the doors on this building
23:15 and on Ruth Murdoch
23:17 and on Andrews Academy
23:19 and on Andrews University
23:21 and put a "for sale" sign
23:23 on our respective lawns
23:25 and sell the whole place
23:26 and join up with every
23:28 other Christian denomination
23:29 out there, the better, because
23:32 that's their mission, too.
23:36 They say, "Oh, that's great.
23:36 We're all
23:37 about the Great Commission.
23:38 We're here to make disciples.
23:40 Come and join up with us."
23:43 Ladies and gentlemen,
23:44 have you ever stopped to ponder
23:46 the arrogance required
23:49 to have the same mission
23:50 as everybody else and still
23:52 maintain your own buildings,
23:53 your own hospitals,
23:55 your own universities,
23:56 and colleges and elementary
23:57 schools and academies?
23:58 That's just arrogant
24:01 and terribly inefficient.
24:04 But I notice something.
24:06 You're sitting inside
24:08 the building.
24:09 It wasn't locked when you came.
24:12 The doors are still open.
24:13 There's not a "for sale" sign.
24:14 At least there wasn't
24:15 in first service.
24:16 Maybe somebody put something
24:17 up there out during second.
24:18 I don't know.
24:18 There's no "for sale" sign on
24:20 the front lawn, nor is there one
24:21 over at Ruth Murdoch or
24:22 Andrews Academy or
24:22 Andrews University,
24:23 because even though
24:26 we share a great deal
24:28 with other Christian entities,
24:30 even though we participate fully
24:32 and completely with passion
24:34 in the Great Commission
24:34 of Matthew 28:18-20,
24:37 even though all those things
24:38 are true, ultimately,
24:40 our mission is different.
24:43 It is not the same
24:45 as everybody else out there.
24:48 Because we take the
24:49 Great Commission and we take it
24:51 one final step further.
24:56 Would you like to know what
24:57 the mission of the
24:58 Seventh-Day Adventist Church is?
24:59 In fact, I'm going to ask you
25:00 to be bold.
25:01 Raise a hand if you'd like to
25:02 know what the mission of the
25:04 Seventh-Day Adventist Church is.
25:05 Okay?
25:07 Great. Come back next week,
25:08 and I'll tell you.
25:09 [ Laughter ]
25:09 Okay?
25:10 At least I'll begin to tell you.
25:12 This is actually the first --
25:14 This is part one of a four-part
25:15 series entitled
25:16 "Why We Are Here."
25:18 And it's going to be exploring
25:19 the mission of the
25:20 Seventh-Day Adventist Church,
25:21 the unique message and mission
25:23 of the Seventh-Day
25:23 Adventist Church.
25:25 And if you'd like to know
25:25 about those things,
25:26 I encourage you to come back and
25:27 and to listen
25:28 or to watch this online.
25:30 This is really important stuff.
25:32 If we get this wrong,
25:34 it will impact
25:35 millions of people for eternity.
25:38 This is really, really,
25:39 really important.
25:40 Not because I say so,
25:42 but because Christ Himself
25:43 has said so.
25:46 Now, the reason why I'm not just
25:47 diving into explaining what the
25:49 mission of the church is today
25:51 is because there's something
25:51 that we have to
25:53 We need to lay or
25:55 or perhaps revisit a
25:57 foundation that will help us
26:00 to understand what our
26:02 unique message and mission is.
26:04 It's a foundation which
26:05 has experienced some neglect
26:07 over time, in my opinion.
26:09 And I think if we can recapture
26:13 this, good things can happen.
26:18 Take a look at Revelation 12,
26:19 please.
26:21 Revelation, the 12th chapter,
26:24 beginning with Verse 13.
26:25 It's page 829 in your red pew
26:28 Bible.
26:28 829. Revelation 12,
26:34 beginning with Verse 13.
26:35 Now, I'm going to confess
26:37 something to you here.
26:38 In this series,
26:39 including right now,
26:41 I am going to cut some corners.
26:43 Okay? I'm going to make some
26:45 jumps that I am banking on some
26:47 previous knowledge on your part.
26:48 Now, if you are a guest
26:49 with us today,
26:49 if you're not a Seventh-Day
26:50 Adventist, if you're here
26:51 visiting us today, we are so
26:52 glad that you are here.
26:53 Thank you for coming.
26:55 You're in for a real treat
26:56 today and for the next
26:57 three Sabbaths here.
26:58 Come back anytime.
26:59 We'll save you a seat.
27:00 And it may be that I'm going
27:01 to cut some corners here,
27:03 and you're going to say,
27:04 "Wait a second.
27:04 I saw where he started,
27:06 but I don't know how he got to
27:07 where he ended."
27:08 Come and see me afterwards.
27:08 I'll be up here somewhere
27:09 in the front.
27:10 Come and see me.
27:10 You can call the church,
27:11 make an appointment.
27:12 Love to chat with you
27:13 and study more.
27:14 But in the interest of time,
27:16 they only give me 90 minutes
27:18 for this sermon, okay?
27:21 [ Laughter ]
27:24 That was a joke.
27:25 That's not true. Yeah, okay?
27:26 But I do have to be --
27:27 I have to pick and choose.
27:28 I have to be picky about what
27:29 I cover and what I don't cover.
27:30 So I am going to cut
27:31 some corners and I'm going
27:32 to start right now.
27:33 Those of you that are familiar
27:34 with Revelation 12,
27:35 in the beginning of the chapter,
27:36 there is this pure woman.
27:38 She has sun, moon, and stars
27:39 as her decoration here on her
27:40 head.
27:41 She represents what?
27:42 >> The church.
27:43 >> Okay, the church.
27:44 It represents
27:45 God's people, first of all,
27:46 in the Old Testament,
27:47 the Jewish nation, and then, by
27:49 extension, the Christian church
27:50 in the New Testament,
27:51 in the New Testament era.
27:52 There is a son
27:54 that is born from this woman.
27:55 The son represents...
27:56 >> Jesus.
27:57 >> Jesus. Okay.
27:58 And there is a dragon,
27:59 the villain
27:59 very much in this chapter.
28:01 The dragon represents...
28:02 Satan, okay?
28:03 And the text
28:04 is explicit about that.
28:05 We don't have to guess about it.
28:06 That is who
28:07 the dragon represents.
28:08 When Jesus is crucified, He lies
28:10 in the grave.
28:10 He is resurrected.
28:12 He goes back to heaven
28:13 and is inaugurated
28:14 in the heavenly sanctuary
28:15 as our High Priest.
28:17 When that happens, Satan is cast
28:19 to this planet, and
28:20 that's where we join the story.
28:21 Verse 13 of Revelation 12.
28:25 "When the dragon saw that he had
28:26 been hurled to the earth,
28:27 he pursued the woman who had
28:29 given birth to the male child.
28:31 The woman was given
28:32 the two wings of a great eagle
28:34 so that she might fly to
28:35 the place prepared for her
28:36 in the desert,
28:37 where she would be taken care of
28:39 for a time, times,
28:41 and half a time out
28:42 of the serpent's reach."
28:45 This is a representation of
28:46 a time of terrible persecution.
28:47 It's not the only persecution
28:49 that God's people will
28:50 experience, but it was an
28:51 intense time and it lasted for a
28:53 time, times, and half a time.
28:54 How long is that in years?
28:57 Okay, 1,260 days,
28:58 which equals 1,260 years.
29:00 1,260 years.
29:01 From 538 AD to 1798 AD,
29:04 that was this time of intense
29:06 persecution.
29:07 Now, the story continues here.
29:08 The devil's not done. Verse 15.
29:10 "Then from his mouth, the
29:12 serpent spewed water like a
29:13 river to overtake the woman and
29:14 sweep her away with the torrent.
29:16 But the earth helped the woman
29:17 by opening its mouth
29:18 and swallowing the river
29:20 that the dragon had spewed
29:21 out of his mouth."
29:22 Verse 17.
29:23 "Then the dragon was enraged
29:26 at the woman and went off --"
29:28 notice what happens here --
29:30 "to make war against the rest
29:33 of her offspring."
29:34 Hmm.
29:35 "The rest of her offspring."
29:36 And then it gives
29:36 this descriptor.
29:38 "Those who obey
29:39 God's commandments and hold
29:42 to the testimony of Jesus."
29:47 In the Greek here, the word
29:49 that's translated as "rest" --
29:50 "The rest of her offspring" --
29:51 is loipos.
29:52 That's the Greek word there.
29:54 It's where we get our English
29:55 word remnant from, okay?
29:57 "That which remains."
29:58 That's what the Greek word
29:59 loipos -- that's what it means.
30:00 That which remains of the
30:02 woman's seed.
30:03 In other words, this is the last
30:05 group of God's people on earth
30:07 just prior to the
30:08 Second Coming of Jesus.
30:10 And if we would say,
30:12 I want to know more about it.
30:13 How could you identify them?"
30:14 You can identify them by
30:15 at least these two
30:16 characteristics that are given.
30:17 Number one, they keep the
30:18 commandments of God.
30:20 And secondly, they have
30:21 this thing.
30:22 What's it called?
30:23 What's the second one?
30:26 The testimony of Jesus.
30:28 Well, I wonder what that is.
30:29 Well, we don't actually
30:29 have to wonder too much.
30:31 If you look at Revelation 19:10,
30:33 the testimony of Jesus is
30:35 the spirit of prophecy, right?
30:38 It's very easy to find these
30:39 answers there.
30:40 The spirit of prophecy.
30:41 In other words,
30:42 if we want to identify
30:44 this last group of God's people,
30:45 we need to look for a group,
30:46 at the bare minimum,
30:47 that, number one, takes all
30:48 of God's commandments seriously
30:50 and, number two, that takes
30:51 prophecy seriously.
30:53 Has the spirit of prophecy,
30:55 that has the gift of
30:56 prophecy expressed within them,
30:58 that takes Bible prophecy
31:00 in the Old Testament seriously,
31:01 that takes Bible prophecy
31:02 in the New Testament seriously,
31:04 that teaches
31:05 and preaches Bible prophecy
31:06 and that appreciates it.
31:10 That is God's remnant people.
31:14 Well, wouldn't you know?
31:16 In the middle of the 1800s,
31:19 there came a group of people,
31:22 headed by a retired sea captain
31:23 named Joseph Bates
31:25 and matched with a young married
31:27 couple, James and Ellen White.
31:30 And along with other leaders,
31:31 this tiny group
31:33 began to slowly grow,
31:34 and humbly and fearfully,
31:36 they came to see themselves
31:37 as a direct fulfillment
31:39 of Bible prophecy,
31:40 including, ultimately, the
31:42 prophecy of Revelation 12:17
31:45 that we just read.
31:46 They came to see themselves
31:47 as a group of people called
31:49 into existence by God Himself,
31:51 confirmed with miraculous
31:52 visions and other divine
31:54 phenomenon, commanded to prepare
31:55 the world not for the
31:57 First Coming of Jesus, but for
31:58 the Second Coming of Christ.
32:02 I'll tell you what -- that task
32:03 must have seemed impossible.
32:05 I mean, just a handful of people
32:06 to reach the world
32:08 for Jesus Christ,
32:09 to prepare the world
32:10 for the Second Coming of Jesus.
32:11 What a job.
32:14 And as impossible as it may
32:15 have seemed, as it turns out,
32:16 from that handful of people,
32:18 the Seventh-Day Adventist Church
32:20 today now numbers
32:22 more than 21 million
32:24 people around the world.
32:25 Someone say "Amen."
32:26 >> Amen.
32:27 >> That's incredible.
32:28 From so small a beginning to
32:30 21-plus million people.
32:32 You know, Ellen White has become
32:33 the most published female
32:35 author on religious topics
32:36 in the history of the world.
32:38 She was so influential,
32:40 even to this day, that in 2014,
32:41 Smithsonian Magazine
32:42 named her one of the top-100
32:44 most influential Americans
32:45 of all time.
32:48 And thanks to her commitment
32:50 and that of countless others,
32:51 the Adventist Church today
32:52 has the largest Protestant
32:54 school system in the world.
32:55 We also have the largest
32:56 Protestant
32:57 health system in the world,
32:58 with more than 500 institutions
32:59 in 65 different countries.
33:01 Our church membership --
33:03 on the ground, local churches --
33:04 it is growing by leaps
33:05 and bounds globally,
33:06 going strong, and meeting
33:08 with fantastic success.
33:15 Except in the Global West.
33:19 Yeah. That's us.
33:23 It's the United States, Europe,
33:24 England, UK, Australia.
33:28 In the West,
33:29 we're not quite keeping up
33:31 with the rest of the world.
33:33 In fact,
33:34 It's not that we're not growing.
33:35 In fact,
33:36 if you look at the stats,
33:37 we're actually ahead
33:38 of almost everybody else,
33:40 but the bar is pretty low.
33:42 Okay? And that same fire
33:45 and that same vigor
33:47 that is still running strong
33:49 in so many parts of the world,
33:50 and the Advent movement
33:51 isn't running so strong here.
33:57 And I wonder...
33:59 I wonder if we might benefit, in
34:03 the West, from a reminder,
34:08 from a refresher course
34:10 on what it means to be
34:11 a prophetic movement.
34:16 For if we can recapture
34:18 the Christ-centered passion
34:20 for our prophetic mission
34:22 that our foremothers
34:22 and forefathers had
34:24 and if we allow God's Spirit
34:26 to have His way in our lives,
34:27 revival will come,
34:30 we will be changed,
34:31 and, ultimately, the work
34:33 will be finished
34:34 and we can, at last, go home.
34:36 Would you like to see that
34:37 happen?
34:38 >> Amen.
34:38 >> I would love to see that
34:40 happen.
34:40 I -- Why live in this
34:42 neighborhood any longer
34:44 than you have to, right?
34:46 This corner of the galaxy
34:47 isn't so friendly.
34:48 It's time to go home.
34:51 So, if that's going to happen
34:54 and if that revival and
34:55 reformation that is prophesied
34:56 is going to come to pass,
34:58 I would suggest that we can move
35:00 in that direction by asking
35:01 and answering at least
35:02 one simple question --
35:04 what does it mean
35:06 to be a prophet for God?
35:11 Let that sink in.
35:12 What does it mean to be
35:14 a prophet for God?
35:18 You see, we are a prophetic
35:19 movement of God,
35:21 and if we can study
35:22 how God led the individual
35:24 prophets in the Bible,
35:25 we will gain a better
35:26 understanding of how we, as
35:27 a prophetic movement,
35:29 can function best.
35:31 All of which,
35:32 to my way of thinking,
35:33 is absolutely essential
35:34 when we begin, next week,
35:36 to look at the unique message
35:37 and mission of the
35:38 Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
35:40 So, let's get to it.
35:42 Three lessons on prophets
35:45 and prophetic movements.
35:46 Lesson number one --
35:47 Jeremiah 23, please, Verse 16.
35:50 Jeremiah 23,
35:52 beginning with Verse 16.
35:54 It's on page 525 in your red pew
35:55 Bible.
35:57 525. Jeremiah Chapter 23,
35:59 beginning with Verse 16.
36:01 Let me just set the stage here.
36:03 In this particular story,
36:04 Israel is in apostasy.
36:05 God has sent them prophets
36:07 to help bring them back to Him.
36:09 In this case, the prophet
36:10 in question is Jeremiah.
36:13 At the same time that God
36:15 is sending a true prophet,
36:16 Jeremiah, to Israel, Satan
36:18 is generating false prophets,
36:20 and they outnumber
36:20 Jeremiah easily.
36:21 I mean, if you read
36:22 the details of the story,
36:24 there are false prophets galore,
36:25 and they're saying things,
36:26 et cetera, et cetera.
36:27 God intervenes in this
36:30 situation.
36:31 Here's what he says. Verse 16.
36:33 "This is what
36:33 the Lord Almighty says.
36:35 'Do not listen
36:37 to what the prophets --'"
36:39 these are the false prophets --
36:41 "'are prophesying to you.
36:43 They fill you with false hopes.
36:46 They speak visions from
36:47 their own minds,
36:49 not from the mouth of the Lord.
36:50 They keep saying to those
36:52 who despise me, "The Lord says,
36:54 you will have peace."
36:55 And to all who follow
36:56 the stubbornness
36:57 of their hearts, they say,
36:58 "No harm will come to you."
37:01 But which of them has stood
37:02 in the council of the Lord
37:04 to see or hear His word?
37:05 Who has listened
37:06 and heard His word?
37:09 See, the storm of the Lord
37:10 will burst out in wrath,
37:12 a whirlwind swirling down
37:14 on the heads of the wicked.
37:14 The anger of the Lord will not
37:15 turn back
37:16 until he fully accomplishes
37:17 the purposes of His heart.
37:19 In days to come,
37:20 you will understand it clearly.
37:22 I did not send these prophets,
37:26 yet they have run
37:27 with their message.
37:29 I did not speak to them,
37:31 yet they have prophesied.'"
37:32 Verse 22.
37:34 "'But if they had stood
37:37 in my counsel,
37:39 they would have proclaimed
37:41 my words to my people
37:45 and would have turned them
37:46 from their evil ways
37:47 and from their evil deeds.'"
37:52 Lesson number one
37:55 about being a prophet of God
37:57 and a prophetic movement of God
37:58 is this.
37:59 Prophets are to do and say what
38:03 God commands them to do and say.
38:10 Now, you may have been
38:12 expecting something
38:13 a little bit more ethereal.
38:15 Sorry for the practicality.
38:17 This is what it says.
38:18 This is what God,
38:19 through Jeremiah,
38:21 This is the crux of the problem.
38:23 There are prophets --
38:24 "prophets" --
38:25 but they are not speaking
38:27 what God has asked to be spoken.
38:29 The message here
38:30 is crystal-clear.
38:31 The agenda of a true prophet
38:33 of God is not up to the prophet.
38:36 It's not up to a committee.
38:38 It's not up to
38:39 a group of people to sit down
38:40 and decide, "Well, here's
38:41 what we think God's prophets
38:42 or God's prophetic movements
38:43 ought to say."
38:44 No. The agenda of a true prophet
38:46 of God is not up to the prophet.
38:48 It's up to God.
38:49 And what was true for the
38:51 Old and New Testament prophet
38:53 is just as true today
38:54 for prophetic movements.
38:55 We must be faithful
38:58 to the specific charge
39:00 that God has given to us.
39:03 We must say and do the things
39:05 that God would have us to say
39:06 and do, regardless of the cost,
39:10 regardless of the difficulty,
39:13 and regardless of -- listen
39:14 carefully -- of the awkwardness
39:16 that can sometimes bring.
39:21 Which brings us
39:22 to lesson number two.
39:23 Lesson number two is built
39:24 squarely on lesson number one.
39:25 I want to put a series of texts
39:27 up here on the screen for you.
39:28 And who knows?
39:29 Maybe by the end
39:30 of it, you will already know
39:31 what lesson number two is.
39:35 Isaiah chapter 20:1-4.
39:46 Isaiah's a prophet.
40:17 Ezekiel 5:1-3.
40:21 This is God speaking to Ezekiel.
40:53 A few strands of hair
40:54 as a remnant.
40:56 Hmm. Jesus, the greatest
40:59 of all the prophets.
41:00 Mark 8:22-23.
41:11 "Then He --" What did He do?
41:14 I didn't hear you. What'd He do?
41:15 >> Spit.
41:15 >> He spit.
41:16 Ooh! Aah! Mm!
41:24 If your optometrist
41:25 is doing this to you,
41:26 find another doctor, okay?
41:28 Acts 21. Last one here.
41:30 Verses 10 and 11.
41:50 Can you see lesson number two?
41:53 It's practically shouting
41:53 out to you, okay?
41:56 Lesson number one was
41:57 that prophets are to say
41:58 and do what God commands them
41:59 to say and do.
42:00 Lesson number two -- God
42:02 often commands prophets to say
42:04 and do strange things.
42:10 That's almost not debatable,
42:11 isn't it?
42:12 I mean, we just read the
42:13 evidence.
42:14 There's more, by the way, where
42:15 that came from.
42:16 We left the line on one side,
42:17 you know, for --
42:18 We left all that out.
42:19 There's much more out there,
42:20 right?
42:21 God often commands prophets to
42:23 say and to do strange things.
42:26 The life of a prophet, of a true
42:29 prophet of God, is not normal.
42:31 This has driven many
42:33 a theological scholar to
42:34 their wits' ends trying to
42:35 figure out how the rules apply
42:37 with prophets, because it seems
42:38 that there are some different
42:39 rules for prophets.
42:40 I mean, you see the average
42:41 person who's following God
42:42 throughout salvation history,
42:44 and then you come to a prophet.
42:45 And the average day
42:46 at the office is shaving
42:47 your head with a sword
42:48 and weighing it on a scale?
42:49 I mean, how does that work,
42:51 right?
42:52 Being a prophet of God
42:54 is not a normal thing.
42:57 Sometimes, they get asked to do
42:59 and say strange things.
43:03 Now, I want to be clear
43:04 about something.
43:06 Just because God sometimes
43:08 calls a prophetic movement
43:10 to say strange things
43:11 doesn't mean that we embrace
43:13 everything that is strange.
43:16 You follow me? Right?
43:18 And, furthermore, nor does
43:20 it mean that everything we say
43:21 or do must be strange
43:23 in order to be from God.
43:26 Alright? So we're not looking
43:27 to be fools out there unless
43:28 it's absolutely necessary.
43:31 Right?
43:33 But sometimes, make no mistake,
43:36 God asks prophets
43:38 and prophetic movements to say
43:40 some apparently strange things.
43:44 You know, honestly here,
43:45 the Adventist Church,
43:46 we've had it pretty easy
43:47 compared to others.
43:49 I mean, I've never been asked
43:49 to shave my head by God.
43:51 I'm guessing you haven't either.
43:52 We're not spitting in
43:53 people's faces, praise the Lord.
43:54 I'm a fan of not doing that.
43:56 I think that's a nice thing,
43:56 alright?
43:57 And, yet, there
43:59 are some voices in the church
44:01 that have nonetheless been
44:03 made sufficiently uncomfortable
44:04 by what God has asked the church
44:06 to say and do
44:08 that they have become quite
44:10 creative in finding excuses
44:12 to avoid saying and doing it.
44:15 For instance,
44:16 some have said that
44:18 while the founders of the Advent
44:20 movement were correct in their
44:22 understanding of Bible prophecy,
44:23 they ultimately only had
44:25 a message for their time.
44:29 "We have grown up now,"
44:30 such critics, in essence, say.
44:32 "We no longer have need
44:33 of dealing with the
44:34 sometimes-challenging nature
44:35 of Bible prophecy.
44:37 We've matured beyond that."
44:41 Others offer a slightly
44:42 different excuse, in essence
44:43 saying something like this.
44:44 "It's been 160, 170,
44:46 180 years since Adventism
44:48 started talking about
44:49 Bible prophecy being fulfilled.
44:51 Obviously, anything that takes
44:52 that long to fulfill
44:53 is past its use-by date.
44:56 It's time to start talking about
44:58 and focusing on something else
44:59 more relevant to our time."
45:07 To these critiques, I would
45:10 gently offer the following.
45:14 The last prophecy in the Bible,
45:16 the Book of Revelation,
45:17 dates from the end
45:18 of the 1st century AD --
45:20 It's about AD 90, AD 92,
45:21 somewhere in that range,
45:22 is when John the Revelator
45:24 finished the Book of Revelation.
45:26 The prophecies of Daniel were
45:28 written in the 6th century BC.
45:31 Now, the reason I mention that
45:32 is because the Advent movement,
45:33 in the beginning,
45:34 was built upon those two books.
45:36 I mean, yes, we pay attention
45:37 to the entire corpus
45:38 of Scripture, absolutely.
45:39 And Daniel and Revelation
45:41 figured most prominently
45:42 in our understanding
45:43 of our identity and our calling.
45:45 No question about it.
45:47 Most people, furthermore,
45:49 in the church today
45:50 agree that those prophecies
45:52 were relevant when the Adventist
45:54 Church was getting started.
45:55 In other words -- do the math --
45:58 for more than two millennia,
45:59 the prophecies didn't go stale.
46:03 2,000 years.
46:04 That's a pretty good shelf life.
46:08 But then, magically, in the last
46:10 mere 170-or-so years,
46:14 they've gone stale?
46:17 Really? How does that work?
46:21 When did that happen exactly?
46:24 Did we go to bed one day
46:25 and they were relevant,
46:26 and the next day, they weren't?
46:29 At what point does a
46:30 not-yet-fulfilled prophecy
46:31 become not a prophecy at all?
46:34 And this notion that we have
46:36 become so advanced now,
46:37 so sophisticated that we no
46:39 longer need Bible prophecy --
46:42 Boy, I tell you what.
46:43 Every time I open a news site
46:45 on the web, I learn exactly how
46:48 mature and sophisticated
46:49 we really are as a society.
46:52 How's that working out for you?
46:55 Not so well.
46:58 You know, our iPhones
46:59 and our iPads and our
47:01 modern procedures
47:02 and advanced modes of travel,
47:03 et cetera -- they have not
47:05 brought us to heaven.
47:08 We have not evolved to a point
47:10 where we no longer need
47:11 the prophetic Word of God.
47:12 Far from it.
47:13 We need it now more than ever.
47:17 And I would even add this.
47:18 I would gently assert
47:20 that the question of
47:21 the relevance of prophecy,
47:22 et cetera is not one of time
47:25 that has elapsed since 1844,
47:27 1863, when we adopted
47:29 the name Seventh-Day Adventist.
47:30 It's not a matter of technology.
47:32 It is, instead, a question
47:33 of respect for and loyalty
47:35 to God's calling, God's power,
47:37 and His promises.
47:38 You see, when we're
47:40 dealing with a human promise,
47:42 you can take it or leave it.
47:43 Who knows if it will last?
47:44 But when God promises something,
47:46 it's going to stay.
47:48 It's going to happen.
47:49 And, again,
47:50 this is not because I say so.
47:52 This type of accusation
47:53 against Bible prophecy has been
47:54 around for a long time.
47:56 Even the disciples had to deal
47:57 with it.
47:57 Let me show you what I mean.
47:59 Peter, in 2 Peter 3, had this to
48:02 say about this very thing
48:03 we're talking about.
48:04 He says, "Beloved,
48:05 this is now my second
48:06 letter to you.
48:07 Both of them are reminders
48:09 to stir you to --" What kind of
48:11 thinking does it say?
48:12 "Wholesome thinking."
48:13 The word here means to maturity,
48:15 to goodness, this totality of
48:16 God and His goodness.
48:18 This is what Peter is trying to
48:19 spur people on to.
48:20 How do we get there?
48:22 "By recalling what was foretold
48:25 by the holy --" Who?
48:26 >> Prophets.
48:27 >> Ah! Interesting.
48:29 How old were the holy prophets
48:30 when Peter said that?
48:33 400 years? 500 years?
48:35 Still very relevant,
48:36 obviously relevant.
48:37 The Spirit of God
48:38 inspires Peter to say, "Hey,
48:39 point the people back to this."
49:03 What's old is new, huh?
49:23 Translation --
49:24 when God says something is going
49:26 to happen, it's going to happen.
49:28 How do we know?
49:29 Because there's still ground
49:30 for us to stand on.
49:31 The earth is here.
49:33 God spoke, and the world
49:34 came into existence.
49:35 The stars, the universe --
49:36 it was all created by His hand.
49:38 Ladies and gentlemen, that is
49:39 power on an unfathomable scale.
49:41 You cannot match that.
49:42 I cannot match that.
49:43 All the nuclear bombs in the
49:44 world, if exploded at once,
49:46 God would say, "Did something
49:47 happen?"
49:48 You know, because His power
49:50 dwarfs all, and that same power
49:52 is the one that said,
49:53 "Behold, I am coming soon."
49:56 God's promise will stand.
49:58 Every other one He's made
50:00 has been fulfilled on time,
50:02 exactly in the way that
50:03 He said it would be fulfilled.
50:05 And the promises
50:05 of the Second Coming
50:06 and the unfulfilled prophecies
50:07 of this time,
50:09 they will all come to pass,
50:12 just as certainly as God is God
50:13 and still sitting on His throne.
50:16 Peter finishes with this.
50:30 Unless the Lord
50:30 specifically says so,
50:32 there is no expiration date
50:34 on unfulfilled prophecy.
50:36 It will come to pass.
50:39 So I want to be clear here,
50:41 and I'm not trying to spook
50:42 anyone or drive anyone off.
50:44 I'm just telling you the truth.
50:46 If you are looking
50:47 for a denomination
50:48 that is guaranteed to never make
50:50 you or others uncomfortable,
50:53 don't join a prophetic movement.
50:55 Don't do it.
50:57 Save yourself the trouble.
50:59 If you're looking for a
51:00 denomination that is always
51:02 mainstream or eternally cool
51:03 by the world's standard,
51:05 don't join a prophetic movement.
51:08 Just save yourself the trouble.
51:10 But...
51:12 on the other hand, if you have
51:14 grown weary of a picture of God
51:16 who supposedly accepts
51:17 everything and stands for
51:19 nothing, if you're tired of
51:21 hearing that God and the Bible
51:22 are nebulous abstractions
51:24 rather than tangible realities,
51:26 if you're hungering
51:27 for a spiritual adventure
51:28 that will stretch you
51:28 to the nth degree
51:30 and lead you to a life
51:31 where love and justice and mercy
51:33 and faith are real experiences,
51:35 where you really do walk hand
51:36 in hand with Jesus Christ
51:37 in the final days
51:38 of Earth's history,
51:39 then maybe you're ready to join
51:41 a prophetic movement.
51:45 Which brings us to lesson
51:46 number three.
51:48 Mark 1, please, Verse 14.
51:50 Page 673 in your red Bible.
51:53 Page 673. Mark 1:14.
51:58 And we'll read, also, Verse 15.
52:00 The scene is this.
52:01 This is
52:02 very early in Jesus' ministry.
52:04 In the previous verses,
52:05 if we were to read,
52:06 Jesus has been baptized.
52:08 He's wandered in the wilderness
52:10 and now He's beginning
52:11 His public ministry.
52:14 Verse 14 -- it says,
52:15 "After John was put in prison,
52:17 Jesus went into Galilee
52:18 proclaiming
52:19 the good news of God."
52:21 And notice what he says here --
52:22 Verse 15.
52:23 "'The time is fulfilled,'
52:26 He said.
52:28 'The time is fulfilled.
52:30 The kingdom of God is near.
52:32 Repent and believe
52:34 the good news.'"
52:37 Now, some of your translations
52:38 may say, "The time has come."
52:40 It's an acceptable translation.
52:42 But the thrust
52:43 of the language here is that
52:45 prophecy has been fulfilled.
52:46 Do you remember what happened
52:48 when Jesus was baptized?
52:49 Jesus baptized --
52:50 He comes up out of the water.
52:51 What comes down out of heaven?
52:53 Okay, the dove.
52:54 It's the Holy Spirit, in the
52:54 form of a dove, anointing him.
52:56 He is now
52:57 officially the Anointed One.
52:59 It is the fulfillment
53:00 of 490 years of prophecy.
53:02 You know, 457 BC to 27 AD.
53:04 Right on time.
53:06 Jesus, the Son of God,
53:07 the Messiah, is anointed
53:08 as such, and He begins
53:09 His public ministry.
53:11 This is what Jesus is saying,
53:12 the greatest of the prophets.
53:13 This is what He is saying.
53:14 It says, "'The time is
53:15 fulfilled,' He said.
53:17 'The kingdom of God is near.
53:18 Repent and believe the good
53:19 news.'"
53:21 Lesson number one for a prophet
53:23 is, the prophets are to say
53:24 and do what God commands them
53:25 to say and do.
53:26 Number two,
53:26 God often commands prophets
53:28 to say and do strange things.
53:29 And lesson number three --
53:31 prophets say and do strange
53:33 things because God is trying to
53:34 rescue people from disaster.
53:38 This is what Jesus is saying.
53:40 You know, "The prophecy has been
53:41 fulfilled, so repent
53:42 and believe the good news.
53:43 I've come here to save you,"
53:44 Jesus says.
53:45 You know, we didn't
53:47 sit down in a committee --
53:48 God did not have
53:49 a special meeting.
53:50 "Gabriel, I'm bored here
53:51 at the end of time.
53:52 Couldn't we come up with
53:53 something that was interesting
53:54 so I could have a reason to get
53:55 out of bed in the morning?
53:56 I know, let's start a remnant
53:57 prophetic movement."
53:58 No, that's not what happened.
53:59 That's not what happened.
54:01 Instead, God is deadly
54:02 serious about this.
54:03 God looks at the world
54:05 in these last days,
54:06 and He said, "You know what?
54:08 I've got some good sons
54:09 and daughters down there,
54:09 and they're doing
54:10 some good things,
54:11 but there are millions upon
54:12 millions of people that aren't
54:13 ready for my son to return.
54:15 I've got to do something
54:16 different.
54:18 I've got to do something
54:19 that will get their attention.
54:20 I need to raise up a prophetic
54:22 movement that will do
54:23 what I ask them to do and say
54:25 what I ask them to say,
54:26 because only then will there
54:29 be many, many, many people
54:31 that will end up in my kingdom."
54:35 The peculiarness has a point.
54:40 Now, ladies and gentlemen,
54:42 this job is not easy.
54:45 This is not something
54:46 that we can do on our own steam.
54:48 And some people look at
54:49 prophecy, and if they take it
54:50 seriously, they look at what the
54:51 Bible has to say about what the
54:53 times just ahead of us are going
54:54 to be like.
54:54 You know what?
54:55 There's going to be some
54:56 incredible successes.
54:57 We're going to exceed
54:58 what happened at Pentecost.
54:59 There's going to be thousands
55:00 of people
55:02 I mean, we're going to be
55:03 on our 20th worship service by
55:04 10:00 p.m. on Sabbath evening.
55:05 I mean, great things
55:07 are going to happen.
55:08 And make no mistake -- in part
55:10 because of those great things,
55:12 there will be great opposition.
55:14 And if you are signing up
55:15 to be a part
55:16 of this prophetic movement,
55:17 there will be pushback.
55:19 It's going to be difficult.
55:22 So I want you to know something.
55:23 Let's be crystal-clear.
55:25 We do not despair
55:27 about that future,
55:29 because the finest hour of God's
55:32 church lies just before us.
55:35 The finest hour.
55:36 We are not going to cave to
55:37 pressure.
55:39 We're not going to give in to
55:40 theological fads or fashions.
55:42 We are going to stand firm
55:44 by the blood of Jesus Christ and
55:45 the power of His Holy Spirit.
55:46 We will stand firm.
55:48 We will do
55:49 what God has asked us to do.
55:50 We will say
55:51 what God has asked us to say.
55:52 And by the power of His
55:53 Holy Spirit working through us,
55:55 the work will be finished.
55:57 The finest hour of the church
55:59 lies just before us.
56:01 And I'll tell you what -- when
56:03 I look at that and I remember
56:06 what God has said, that, indeed,
56:08 we do have the sure word
56:09 of the prophets,
56:11 confirmed by Christ Himself,
56:13 and when I think that we will
56:15 pay attention to it as to a lamp
56:16 shining in a dark place,
56:18 I remember that the day
56:20 will dawn and that morning star,
56:22 Jesus Christ, will rise in our
56:24 hearts and ultimately in that
56:26 sky out there,
56:29 may that day be soon.
56:30 Amen.
56:33 [ Cheers and applause ]
56:43 >> Have you ever wondered
56:44 what Jesus was like
56:45 when He walked on this planet
56:46 2,000 years ago?
56:48 Have you ever wondered where
56:50 He traveled, who He talked to,
56:52 who His friends were,
56:53 what His family was like?
56:55 Or have you heard about
56:55 the astonishing miracles
56:57 that Jesus did,
56:58 like feeding 5,000 people
57:00 with just five loaves of bread
57:01 and a couple of fish
57:02 or giving sight back to a man
57:04 born blind?
57:06 What would it have been like
57:07 to be there with Jesus
57:09 in those unprecedented days?
57:12 I hold in my hands a free book
57:14 that I'd like to give to you.
57:14 It's called
57:15 "The Desire of Ages,"
57:17 and it's one of the finest
57:18 biographies of Christ
57:19 ever produced.
57:21 It goes into incredible detail
57:22 of who Jesus was,
57:23 what His life was like,
57:25 who His enemies were, and what
57:26 His followers were like,
57:28 and, of course, ultimately how
57:30 He died on the cross and rose
57:31 from the grave to give freedom
57:33 to people just like you and me.
57:35 "The Desire of Ages" can be
57:37 yours for free by calling
57:39 877-HIS-WILL.
57:41 That's 877-HIS-WILL.
57:44 Jesus is the most influential
57:46 person in all of human history.
57:48 You owe it to yourself
57:50 and those you love to find out
57:52 who he really was.
57:59 ♪


Revised 2024-04-22