Pillars of Faith

Satan's Greatest Fear

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kenny Shelton, Pastor


Series Code: POF

Program Code: POF000015A

00:26 Hello, and welcome once again to, Pillars of Faith.
00:30 A word for today in today's world.
00:33 My name is C. A. Murray, and once again it's
00:36 my privilege, my pleasure to welcome you to
00:38 the last of this five part series as presented by our
00:42 pastor, our friend, Kenny Shelton.
00:45 The theme for this series has been,
00:48 A Vessel For The Refiner.
00:51 We have heard the messages, Holiness is Not Just a Feeling,
00:55 a powerful message, Filled With the Spirit,
00:59 followed by, Shake Off the Dust.
01:02 And then the message just before this one was,
01:04 God Will Visit This Planet Again.
01:09 And today he addresses, Satan's Greatest Fear.
01:15 An interesting topic.
01:16 I remember reading a wonderful book called,
01:18 Patriarchs and Prophets, written by Ellen White
01:21 where she says, at the time of the flood the waters rose
01:26 some 26 feet above the highest mountains
01:30 in a storm so violent that Satan himself feared for his live.
01:36 So we know that he can experience fear.
01:39 And today Kenny Shelton is going to give us
01:43 a glimpse into Satan's greatest fear.
01:48 And we are all anxious to hear that message
01:52 and to hear what God has brought to his heart
01:56 for our thirsty souls this day.
01:58 So we want you to prepare your minds, prepare your hearts,
02:00 for a word from the Lord.
02:03 We will have prayer and then we will ask
02:05 Pastor Kenny Shelton to come and speak to us.
02:09 I want to hold him up in prayer.
02:10 Hold his ministry, his wife, his family up in prayer;
02:13 as each of these preachers who come to us from time to time
02:17 who are lifting up the name of Jesus
02:20 are always assaulted by the enemy.
02:22 You know, we know that the Lord never sleeps
02:26 and never slumbers.
02:27 But it is also true that Satan never sleeps, never slumbers.
02:31 He is constantly on the trail of those who would be
02:36 soldiers of the cross.
02:37 So pray with and for these men and women of God
02:42 who lift up the name of Jesus.
02:43 For surely they stand in need of your prayers.
02:47 And that is true for Pastor Kenny Shelton.
02:50 Shall we pray, and then we will hear a word from the Lord.
02:54 Father God, how we praise You and thank You.
02:59 How we bless Your name.
03:01 How thankful we are for the Word which is preached with power.
03:06 And we're thankful for students of the Word,
03:09 For when we give ourselves to the study of the Word,
03:12 we find nuggets of gold and rivers of living water
03:18 that will enrich us and help us to be strong in the Lord,
03:25 and to walk the walk, talk the talk, and live the life
03:30 of men and women for Jesus.
03:33 Bless now he who has been called to lift up the Word,
03:38 to preach the Word, to dig into the depths of the Word,
03:43 and bring forth truths for this hour.
03:47 Fill us with Your Spirit.
03:49 Help us to be not just hearers of this Word,
03:54 but doers thereof.
03:56 For it is in the doing that we are made like Christ Jesus.
04:01 Bless us now this sitting as You have the previous four.
04:07 And we give You honor, praise, and glory.
04:10 In Jesus' name, amen and amen.
04:15 And now our speaker, our pastor, our friend,
04:17 Pastor Kenny Shelton.
04:21 Oh, it's a good word. Thank you.
04:28 Praise the Lord for another opportunity to share the Word.
04:32 It makes my heart glad to be able to share the Word
04:35 with God's people around the world.
04:38 I'm thankful for the Pillars of Faith.
04:40 You know, what an opportunity for us to come together
04:42 to study the Word and really concentrate
04:47 upon those beautiful truths that God has made so plain
04:50 in His Word that we might, by the grace of God, be obedient
04:54 and be prepared for His coming.
04:57 I was very grateful and thankful for Brother C.A.
05:00 who has just done the introduction.
05:02 Before he came up here to do that we were sitting in
05:06 the back and we sang a line or two, or hummed,
05:10 Sitting at the Feet of Jesus.
05:12 You know, that we should be sitting at the feet of Jesus.
05:15 Oh what words I hear Him say.
05:18 I'm sure some of you are humming that right now.
05:21 We're going to be talking about, the subject about,
05:24 Satan's Greatest Fear.
05:26 And so before we do, once again I'd like to
05:28 kneel and have prayer.
05:29 And where you can, how about you kneeling with me and praying.
05:32 Because, you know, I sense I need
05:34 the power of the Holy Spirit.
05:36 And I know that maybe today you're sensing something special
05:39 in your life that you need.
05:40 God is able.
05:42 Let's pray together, shall we?
05:46 Merciful God in heaven, again we thank You for Jesus.
05:48 We thank You for the cross of Calvary.
05:51 We thank You that we have the Word of God.
05:54 We thank You that You've made it clear for us and You've
05:56 given us the Holy Spirit that we might be able to
05:59 understand spiritual things.
06:01 I pray now for Your Holy Spirit to consume each and every
06:04 one of us, every one of Your children.
06:05 Those who are hungering and thirsting after righteousness,
06:09 may they be filled.
06:10 I pray You'll clear my mind and my heart.
06:13 Cleanse me with Your blood that I may stand
06:15 righteous before Thee.
06:17 Not because of who I am, anything I've ever
06:19 done or ever will do.
06:20 It's as filthy rags.
06:22 It's not good without Jesus, but because of Jesus.
06:25 I pray now that the words that will be spoken
06:27 will bring light and life to each one who hears.
06:30 And I'm going to thank You in advance for what
06:32 You're going to do, because Your word will not return void.
06:35 In Jesus' name, amen.
06:39 I know you have your notebook and pencil and pen,
06:42 and so on, and you have your Bible,
06:43 and you're going to be writing some things down as we go along.
06:46 But in my mind and heart here in our fifth part,
06:51 I remember reading this one time.
06:52 And I think about Calvary.
06:54 So I'll give you a little hint here.
06:55 We're talking about Calvary.
06:57 It simply said, many minds are hungering for something...
07:01 Now think about it.
07:02 Many minds are hungering for something,
07:04 but they're seemingly unaware where that something is.
07:11 Could that be Calvary?
07:13 Could that be Jesus?
07:15 They know they're hungry. They want something.
07:18 But they don't quite know where that something is.
07:21 I hope that's not you. I hope you know where it is.
07:25 And some people, I heard this, they said that, you know,
07:28 confession of ignorance.
07:30 And many times I've had to say, "Oh, I don't know."
07:33 Ignorance means, you know, not knowing.
07:35 But confession of ignorance is disgrace to no man.
07:40 Just say, "I don't know. I heard that."
07:42 That's not a disgrace to any man.
07:44 But to make no effort to escape from it is inexcusable.
07:50 What a thought!
07:52 I like the thought about Calvary.
07:54 You have your Bible, turn with me to John 12:32.
07:58 Well I think we can include this in that
08:02 with Satan's greatest fear.
08:05 He is afraid.
08:06 And we will look at that issue.
08:08 But here, notice what Jesus says to us in John 12:32.
08:14 Now remember, Jesus is predicting His death.
08:18 He's talking to His disciples.
08:20 He's talking about what is soon to take place.
08:22 And He said... You know what?
08:24 Verse 31, in fact let's just read that too.
08:25 It says, "Now is the judgment of this world:
08:28 Now shall the prince of this world be cast out."
08:31 Now is the judgment: the prince of this world
08:33 is going to be cast out.
08:35 But Jesus said, "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth,
08:40 will draw all men unto Me."
08:43 Jesus talking about the cross of Calvary.
08:46 If He be lifted up.
08:47 If He would give His life.
08:50 You're going to get rid of the ole prince of darkness.
08:53 Praise God for that.
08:55 Every one of our discourses, everything that we do,
08:57 every sermon that's preached needs to be centered
08:59 around the cross of Calvary.
09:02 The devil fears it.
09:04 He hates the cross of Calvary.
09:07 He hates when you and I say, we talk about the blood
09:10 that flows so freely that cleanses us from all sin
09:13 and all unrighteousness.
09:15 He's afraid of this thing called Calvary
09:17 and he doesn't want you to hear about it,
09:19 and he doesn't want me to hear about it.
09:22 What is it that Satan really, really fears in this life?
09:26 We get real personal. Certainly the cross.
09:27 Certainly Christ.
09:29 But you know, I got to thinking about this.
09:32 He's afraid that you and I are going to have a revival
09:36 of true godliness.
09:37 Please think with me.
09:39 A revival of what?
09:40 Of true godliness.
09:42 He hates the word when you say, "prepare."
09:45 We've talk about it several times in our meeting.
09:46 When you use the word, prepare, or preparest, or prepared,
09:50 and you know, whatever might be in that vein.
09:53 That's used over 200 times in Scripture, that word.
09:56 But no, you say, "Well, it's not important."
09:58 Really? Over 200 times.
10:00 But on the other hand you have, "unprepared,"
10:02 is only used one time in Scripture.
10:05 It shows the importance of being prepared for His coming.
10:10 Being prepared for that which is soon to take the world
10:12 by an overwhelming surprise.
10:14 Don't let it surprise you.
10:18 If you'll turn with me to 2 Timothy 3:5.
10:22 2 Timothy 3:5
10:25 Now notice this passage.
10:26 You've read it before, but remember, we're leading up to
10:29 Satan fears this.
10:31 But it's going to happen.
10:33 Notice, 2 Timothy 3:5.
10:36 The Bible is talking about here, he said there's a group of
10:38 people, they have "a form of godliness,
10:41 but denying the power thereof.
10:44 From such turn away."
10:46 Interesting.
10:47 There are people who have a form of godliness.
10:50 I've thought about that form.
10:52 That word, "form," there in the Greek, they have
10:54 a formation of godliness.
10:56 They have the appearance of godliness.
10:59 Oh it looks pomp.
11:01 It looks, oh it looks like... Oh this is the thing.
11:02 Heaven must look...
11:04 This is the way the angels may talk.
11:05 This is the appearance.
11:07 It has the semblance...
11:09 ...interesting, of God.
11:11 But it's denying the power, the power of God to change
11:16 hearts and lives.
11:17 There's a lot of talk going on.
11:21 How does God's last day people,
11:24 how does God's last day people gain these victories
11:28 over the things in our characters that
11:30 just doesn't need to be there?
11:32 How can that take place?
11:33 You think the devil, the enemy, is afraid that somehow
11:36 God's people will somehow come to the point
11:40 that they also want a revival, not a form of godliness,
11:44 but they want true godliness?
11:46 What might happen to the church that's really on fire?
11:50 What happens to a church that really has revival?
11:53 Think about having revival in a church
11:55 where all the church members are one and they're unified.
11:59 They want the gospel preached, they want to be set on fire,
12:02 they want to work for Jesus.
12:05 You think the devil fears that?
12:09 Let's read a little article from, Review and Herald.
12:12 In March 22, 1887 this was written.
12:15 But notice, "A revival of true godliness among us
12:20 is the greatest and most important," did you get it,
12:23 "and urgent of all of our needs."
12:25 So what's the most urgent of our needs?
12:28 A revival of true godliness.
12:31 But before this can take place, "There must be an earnest effort
12:36 to obtain the blessings of the Lord."
12:39 Notice, "Not because He's not willing to bestow His blessing
12:43 upon us," but notice this, "but because we are unprepared
12:47 to receive it."
12:49 God wants to shower us with His blessings.
12:51 We're talking about the latter rain,
12:53 we're talking outpouring of the Holy Spirit,
12:54 the Holy Ghost,
12:56 which we need to revive us from this Laodicea,
12:58 this lukewarm condition that God's going to spew out
13:02 in these last days.
13:03 He's going to spew us right out of His mouth.
13:05 It makes Him sick.
13:07 Greatest need is a revival of this true godliness,
13:11 not the forms.
13:13 The enemy is afraid of that.
13:16 He wants us to have a form of godliness.
13:19 He doesn't care if you have a form of godliness.
13:21 He doesn't care if you go to church every week.
13:22 He doesn't care if you pay your tithe.
13:24 He doesn't care if you pray.
13:26 He doesn't care if you read the Word.
13:28 And really, to be honest, he doesn't care if you
13:30 mention the cross of Christ.
13:32 Unless it begins to change you.
13:35 Then he is afraid, then he begins to fear.
13:39 His greatest fear is that God's people will, notice,
13:44 will clear the way so that the power of the latter rain
13:48 can fall upon us.
13:50 The devil is afraid that we will get on the ball.
13:53 That we will understand our sinfulness
13:56 and we want to get rid of these sins,
13:58 we want to be ready for the outpouring of the Spirit,
14:01 we want to be used in these last days.
14:03 So the devil fears that you and I will clear the way.
14:06 Clearing the way is taking that sin and giving it to Jesus.
14:09 Being covered by the blood.
14:10 Because he knows then, you will not be silent.
14:13 He knows you're going to tell everybody you meet about Him.
14:18 Let me give you just a small example.
14:20 You remember the Pharisees?
14:22 Oh the Pharisees, oh my, you know, they prayed
14:25 and they fasted, they observed all kind of forms,
14:29 they gave money, you know, they...
14:31 But you know what? They were corrupt in the heart.
14:33 Think about it.
14:35 They did all of these things, but they were corrupt in heart
14:39 and in life.
14:40 So would we say Satan's greatest fear, what is it?
14:43 That we're going to clear the way,
14:44 that we're going to get right with God,
14:46 that we're going to get rid of sin.
14:49 By the grace of God.
14:52 Again, Review and Herald, this is March 22, 1887 still.
14:56 It says this, notice, "When the way is prepared
15:00 for the Spirit of God, the blessings will come."
15:03 See, this encourages me.
15:05 This gives me strength.
15:06 Notice, "When the way is prepared
15:08 for the Spirit of God..."
15:09 How is the way going to be prepared?
15:11 When the sin is out of our life.
15:13 When God gives us victory.
15:15 When we're ready to receive the blessings, they will come.
15:17 He will give them to us.
15:19 I've often said, why don't we see more blessings,
15:22 more miracles, more signs, more wonders,
15:24 things happening in the world?
15:25 Well, certainly issues to be studied out.
15:28 But when God's people are ready.
15:31 You look at the churches today and say, "Where are the people?
15:33 Where are the people?
15:34 Why aren't the people coming to church?"
15:36 Maybe because they don't love Jesus, I don't know.
15:38 Maybe they've grow lukewarm.
15:40 But I do know this.
15:42 When the church as a body, when we are ready to receive,
15:46 God will bring the people.
15:49 That might tell us something, huh?
15:51 It might tell us that maybe we are not ready.
15:54 We might drive them out.
15:57 We have to be ready to receive them.
15:58 When we are, when God can trust us with them,
16:01 He will bring the people.
16:03 When sin is gone.
16:05 When we're confessing and faithful and just
16:07 to forgive us, He says.
16:09 "When the way is..." What?
16:11 ...prepared for the Spirit of God, the blessings will come."
16:14 I want those blessings.
16:16 And you say, "Well, how?
16:18 How can this be done?"
16:20 1 Corinthians 15:28
16:22 When you get a chance, you read that.
16:23 Because it talks about here...
16:25 If they will, if you, me, the church, if we will
16:29 with subdued, contrite hearts...
16:33 Subdued means what?
16:34 With submitting our hearts to Him.
16:36 Submitting self to Him.
16:40 Contrite hearts means, oh, humble hearts,
16:44 broken hearts.
16:47 I wonder how many of us really have broken hearts
16:49 because we maybe have done something wrong.
16:51 We know we shouldn't have done it.
16:52 We confess that, but it broke our hearts
16:55 and it hurts so bad that we purpose, by the grace of God,
16:58 that it'll never happen again.
17:01 Think about it.
17:02 Humble, broken.
17:04 And that word also means crushed.
17:07 Sin crushes us.
17:09 Sin will crush you, sin will crush me.
17:12 That's why we need to give it to Jesus.
17:14 When we confess, notice, the church, when we confess,
17:17 we're subdued, right, then we have contrite hearts,
17:19 we confessed, and then we put away the sins,
17:23 and in faith claim His promises.
17:26 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins..."
17:28 So if we want real revival, more than just a form of godliness,
17:32 we need to come to Him subdued, contrite, confessed,
17:35 put away sin.
17:36 Then His blessings are going to be poured out.
17:38 And the devil says, "Oh, I'm trembling.
17:41 Whoa, I don't want that to happen.
17:43 I'm going to lose a lot of people.
17:44 So I'm going to try to keep them busy on some other things.
17:48 I'm going to try to keep them busy on things of the world.
17:50 I'm going to make them think they're doing some good things
17:52 once in a while here and there.
17:53 Maybe they'll be happy with that."
17:56 It's time that we held on.
17:58 It's time that we hold fast to Jesus Christ.
18:01 We need to be pleading and striving and crying between
18:04 the porch and the altar, "Lord, have mercy on us."
18:07 A little letter that was written, Letter 20,
18:09 August 5, 1888, notice.
18:12 When I read these things, many times I go over and over,
18:15 and I read it again because it bothers my soul,
18:17 it bothers my heart.
18:19 I read it because a lot of times the issue will say
18:22 something like, "Many will be lost."
18:25 "Many will not make it because..."
18:28 And I say to myself, "Oh how wonderful, Lord, You are.
18:32 How wonderful, how precious, how holy You are!
18:35 You tell us these things."
18:37 "Many will be lost because..."
18:40 "Many will be lost..." Why? "...because..."
18:43 And so now we can learn so we're not lost.
18:46 Notice this, "Many, many..."
18:48 "Many, many..." It's used twice.
18:49 "Many, many will be lost because they have not studied the Bible
18:54 upon their knees with earnest prayer to God..."
18:59 Notice, "...that the entrance..." What is it?
19:01 "...of the Word of God might give light and understanding."
19:06 How long has it been since we've really studied
19:10 the Word of God upon our knees begging and pleading,
19:14 "Oh God, I want to understand it.
19:16 I want power and strength to be an overcomer."
19:19 How long has it been?
19:20 Or have we been occupied with the other things.
19:22 Maybe not bad within themselves,
19:24 but it's not leading us toward heaven.
19:26 Actually, it's leading us the opposite direction.
19:29 You can't be going up and down at the same time.
19:33 Which way are you really heading?
19:34 What's your heart's desire?
19:36 Psalm 119, we realize that, you know, the entrance of
19:40 the Word of God gives us light.
19:41 Read that when you get an opportunity.
19:43 If you want light, we're going to have to be
19:44 reading the Word of God.
19:47 Also the spirit of prophecy in, Letter 11, in 1890
19:50 this was written, please pay attention.
19:53 It says, "The Lord has shown me clearly..."
19:56 Listen carefully, because this is pretty heavy duty.
19:58 Maybe you're familiar with this lingo, maybe you're not,
20:02 or with the Word of God.
20:03 Many people don't realize the mark of the beast,
20:05 the image to the beast, and so on, is even in the Word of God.
20:07 Many of the preachers, bless your heart,
20:09 you're going to be heal accountable for
20:10 saying, "Don't study the book of Daniel.
20:12 Don't study the book of Revelation."
20:13 Shame on you.
20:15 If you don't mind, I'm just going to say it like that.
20:16 Shame on you.
20:17 Revelation is a revealing of Jesus Christ and prophecy;
20:20 what we need to do to prepare for the coming of Jesus.
20:23 We need to be studying those two books like never before.
20:27 It says, "The Lord has shown me clearly that the image
20:30 of the beast will be formed," notice,
20:32 "before probation closes."
20:34 There's a point to this. Don't miss it.
20:36 Because we're talking about preparation.
20:37 We're talking about being holy, gaining victory over sin.
20:40 Things that the devil fears the most.
20:43 Holiness is more than just a feeling.
20:46 These are some things that's coming together,
20:47 things that we have studied here.
20:48 But look at it.
20:50 Notice, "...the image to the beast will be formed
20:52 before probation closes.
20:54 For it is to be the great test for the people of God,"
20:59 notice, "by which their eternal destiny will be decided."
21:05 Wow, did you get this? It's the truth.
21:08 "This is the test that the people of God must have,"
21:11 here's the word, "before they are sealed.
21:15 Hmmm.
21:16 Before they are sealed.
21:18 A lot of messages going here, a lot of messages going there.
21:20 We realize we take them in context, we read the Scripture.
21:23 And sealing time.
21:25 God has given a specific message here.
21:27 His last day people will grasp that message.
21:29 But before He can finally seal them and save them for eternity,
21:33 notice the test to the people of God.
21:39 The image to the beast will be formed before
21:41 because it's going to test before they can be sealed.
21:47 You read, The Great Controversy, certainly Scripture,
21:49 things of the world, tells us on page 640,
21:52 "Soon, none know how soon, it will pass
21:56 into the cases of the living."
21:58 So we're talking about we're in the judgment hour.
22:00 Have been since, right, 1844.
22:04 It's a long time to be in the judgment hour.
22:07 It starts with, you know, those who profess...
22:09 ...the righteous dead.
22:10 Then it goes over, it transfers to the living.
22:14 Names could be coming up in the judgment.
22:17 Once your name comes up, sentence is passed; that's it.
22:21 Because God knows the future.
22:24 How would it stand today if your name came up?
22:29 Would you pass the grand final test, as it were?
22:34 Hmmm.
22:36 Why has the latter rain not fallen?
22:39 We desperately need more power.
22:42 We desperately need that Revelation 18 angel
22:46 to lend power to the three angels' messages
22:48 because they've almost all, whoa glory, almost all died.
22:54 People don't want to mention the three angels' messages
22:56 hardly anymore.
22:58 They don't want to talk about the three angels' messages.
23:00 "Well, somebody is liable to get offended by it."
23:03 "We don't want to offend other people of other faiths."
23:06 That's not the issue.
23:07 The issue is what's the truth of God's Word
23:09 and what He's given us as a people to give to the world.
23:12 The testing truths before He comes in this hour
23:16 that we are living.
23:19 You want to give it because you care.
23:21 You're not trying to cause trouble.
23:23 You're not trying to say, "Some people, they love Jesus."
23:24 "They don't love Jesus."
23:26 It's what has God said is the testing truths
23:28 before He shall come.
23:31 A lot of people will try to give the three angels' messages.
23:33 They don't want to talk about, we talked before,
23:35 the mark of the beast.
23:37 They don't want to give about the image to the beast,
23:38 the United States in Bible prophecy.
23:40 The don't want to talk about the Sabbath/Sunday issue.
23:45 They just don't want to.
23:46 I want to talk about it because God said to talk about it.
23:49 I would be an unfaithful servant if I did not.
23:53 And you are too, if you've been called to give the message.
23:57 I want to be counted faithful.
24:01 Why hasn't the latter rain fallen?
24:04 Simple. Because we're not prepared.
24:07 As soon as we're prepared, we're told what?
24:09 It will fall.
24:10 As soon as we're ready, God's going to pour it out on us.
24:12 Sad to say, why hasn't He? Because we're not ready.
24:15 Instead of sitting around and saying, "Oh I think
24:17 we're ready and we're, oh boy, we've got it all made.
24:19 Everything's going..." No, we don't.
24:21 We need help.
24:24 We're poor, blind, miserable, naked.
24:26 We don't know it, and we say, "We're increased with goods.
24:28 We've got it all going our way."
24:30 Something's wrong with us.
24:34 The Bible tells us clearly.
24:36 I like this little book, the little book, you know,
24:38 The Faith I Live By.
24:40 Kind of like a daily devotional.
24:41 We should have these books and just read them.
24:43 They'll encourage you.
24:45 They'll give you what you need for the day
24:46 to gain some victories.
24:47 Encouragement.
24:49 The Faith I Live By, page 287, notice what it says.
24:51 Talking about the seal of God again.
24:53 Now remember, God can't seal anybody, right?
24:55 You've got the latter rain.
24:58 The latter rain is going to have to fall.
25:00 The test is going to have to come.
25:02 Are we going to pass those tests?
25:04 The seal of God is "a settling into the truth..."
25:08 How do we settle into the truth?
25:10 "...both intellectually and spiritually,
25:12 so that we cannot be moved."
25:15 God's looking for a people today who will not be moved
25:18 from the truth, from the pillars of truth.
25:22 You're going to be moved if you don't know what they are.
25:26 You're going to be sidetracked if you don't
25:28 know the importance of it.
25:30 If all the time you hear, "Well, this is really not important.
25:32 This is not really the way that it's going to be."
25:35 Remember, you're going to re-populate heaven,
25:36 by the grace of God.
25:38 I am too.
25:39 What kind of a character does it take to re-populate heaven?
25:42 Be like the angels of heaven.
25:44 To occupy a place closer to Jesus
25:47 than the angels do and will.
25:49 Wow!
25:53 That's an interesting thought.
25:57 Let's remind ourselves here.
25:59 We talked about the purpose of the latter rain,
26:01 for those who maybe have not tuned in.
26:03 Maybe you haven't heard of it.
26:05 The purpose.
26:07 Notice, what are we to be doing
26:08 during the time of the outpouring?
26:09 We're to, first of all, empty our hearts
26:13 of all selfishness.
26:17 Clean up the heart, clean up the life.
26:19 Get it ready.
26:21 Confessing and forsaking our sin in preparation
26:24 to receive the latter rain, or the outpouring of the
26:26 Holy Spirit from heaven.
26:29 See, that's going to lend power and strength
26:31 to God's last day people.
26:33 He knew that we would need it.
26:35 He knows that we have grown careless and indifferent.
26:38 There's no difference between us and this group over here,
26:41 or this group over here.
26:42 You know, it's not a compliment.
26:44 It's not a compliment if you're preaching a sermon and
26:46 somebody visiting from another church goes up and says,
26:48 "Well that's the same thing I hear in my church."
26:52 I'm not trying to say what's good or bad.
26:54 I'm just simply saying, God said He's going to have a
26:57 different people, they're going to be peculiar,
26:59 they're going to have a different message.
27:04 So that's not very complimentary as you think about it here.
27:08 You're a peculiar people,
27:10 you're preaching a different message,
27:11 you're living a different kind of life.
27:13 Following the Word of God.
27:15 In which most people say, "We've put that on a shelf.
27:17 Now we don't have to worry about it.
27:18 After all, you know, 2016 or whatever."
27:21 Time doesn't change the truth.
27:25 Preparation for the latter rain is getting rid of selfishness.
27:29 To deny self and take up the cross and follow Him.
27:32 Cleansing from every sin, the Bible is clear on that.
27:36 It comes first before receiving the latter rain.
27:40 I hope you get that.
27:42 If you haven't, we need to keep going over it until we do.
27:47 We understand the necessity of the latter rain, do we not?
27:51 But it cannot fall on us until every sin besetment
27:56 is turned to the blood of Jesus Christ and cleansed.
28:00 We must reach full maturity before probation closes.
28:06 Someone says, "Man, I don't get it."
28:09 Victory, we talk about victory.
28:11 If you'd just do me a little favor.
28:13 I know you've got your pencil and paper, so just
28:16 jot down, we're going to say, Romans chapter 6.
28:19 Just Romans chapter 6 right now.
28:21 Let's give five, six, seven passages just talking about
28:25 victory over sin in our life.
28:27 Just in Romans chapter 6.
28:29 Read Romans 6:6, and then Romans 6:7,
28:36 Romans 6:12, Romans 6:14, Romans 6:18, Romans 6:22.
28:43 You know, it just goes on just in that chapter.
28:46 You can't just tear it out and throw it away.
28:48 We just must look at it.
28:52 And we know, we've heard it said over and over,
28:54 nearly all who profess to believe present truth...
29:01 ...are not really qualified to receive the latter rain.
29:04 And again, we talked about it before, that was written
29:06 quite a few years ago, but let me tell you,
29:08 I don't think things have gotten any better.
29:10 I'm entitled to my opinion.
29:14 We should know better than some of the things that we are
29:18 teaching and preaching and watered down from the pulpit.
29:21 God can't bless you, pastor, when you do that.
29:25 He did ask and say, "Well, you do this
29:27 and you're going to be popular."
29:29 Jesus wasn't very popular, was He?
29:31 Look what they did to Him.
29:34 I've heard people say to me, "Well, if you were just a little
29:35 kinder and a little bit sweeter, and said it
29:37 in a little different way."
29:38 There's no one could say it any different, any better,
29:40 any sweeter than Jesus did.
29:42 And look what they did to Him.
29:45 Isn't it time to stir the pot?
29:49 Isn't it time for the cream to come to the top?
29:50 Is somebody still there with me?
29:53 Isn't it time that we say something that would maybe
29:57 provoke somebody to get back into the Word of God,
30:00 rather than you hear truth day in and day out
30:03 and you sit in your, you know, sleepy state,
30:06 or I sit in my sleepy state, and do nothing.
30:08 It brings no conviction upon me.
30:09 In fact, if I don't accept it, I'm hardened in it.
30:13 Does that make sense?
30:15 The more that you hear these truths and the more you
30:18 reject them, the harder you get against it.
30:24 God's calling you, He's calling me.
30:31 Early Writings, page 71, another book I love.
30:34 "I saw that none could share the 'refreshing'..."
30:38 Do we need the refreshing, outpouring of the Holy Spirit?
30:40 Absolutely. None could share.
30:43 Notice, "...until they receive victory over every besetment..."
30:49 Every constant harassments of the devil.
30:54 Every attack of the devil.
30:57 And then it goes on and says, until victory over pride,
31:01 victory over selfishness, "love of the world,
31:04 and over," listen, "every wrong word and action."
31:10 See, I can't get any clearer than that.
31:11 You can say, "Well, that doesn't..."
31:13 The Bible is clear.
31:14 The spirit of prophecy is clear.
31:16 I'm not trying to be difficult and hard, but I'm trying to say,
31:18 why are we fighting this thing?
31:21 Many people are fighting.
31:22 We must gain the victory.
31:24 We know "pride cometh before a fall."
31:26 That's what the Bible said.
31:28 Prideful people are in the world.
31:30 And if we have that tendency and say, "God, help me with that,"
31:34 He will humble that into the dust.
31:36 If you have it in your life and you submit it to Him.
31:41 And most of us maybe have a little too much at times.
31:43 "Well you didn't do this, you didn't do this.
31:45 You didn't tell it right."
31:46 Oh, right quick we rise up and say, "Oh yeah, well..."
31:50 We have too much love of the world.
31:53 We go to every fellowship lunch and every church picnic,
31:55 and everything else, but we can't come to church.
31:58 We're part time Christians, you know.
31:59 We can't come to Sabbath school, we can't teach this,
32:02 we can't come to Wednesday night,
32:03 but we'll go to the worship hour.
32:05 You're just one step from falling out completely.
32:07 I've watched it over the years, years, years, years.
32:10 First of all, people get dissatisfied with
32:12 prayer meetings, so they stop.
32:13 Then they get dissatisfied with the Sabbath school,
32:15 then they stop.
32:17 Then it won't be long till the worship hour,
32:18 that's no longer any good.
32:20 And then they'll tell you, "Well I kind of have
32:22 my doubts on the Word anymore.
32:23 I have my doubts on the spirit of prophecy."
32:25 There's nothing to doubt.
32:28 It truth.
32:29 We need to look at it and say, "Thank You, Lord, for that.
32:31 Now help me to shape my life accordingly."
32:35 I mentioned before, we may pray, we may plead with God
32:39 for the latter rain, "Oh God."
32:41 "No one will ever receive," notice, "the seal of God
32:46 while our characters have one spot or stain upon them."
32:50 Did somebody get that?
32:52 5 Testimonies, page 214. We've read it before.
32:54 Listen, no one will ever receive the seal of the
33:00 living God while we have one spot or one stain
33:05 oh my, upon our character.
33:09 To cleanse the soul temple of every defilement.
33:14 See, there can be no room for excuse here.
33:17 There can be no room to say,
33:18 "Well this here, but this here is an exception."
33:20 There's no exceptions. I'm no exception.
33:24 And I look at it and I say, "Oh wow, oh this is..."
33:27 I look at it, in the flesh that's an impossibility.
33:29 But I don't look at it in the flesh.
33:31 I look through the spiritual eyes that God has
33:33 given in His Word to say it's possible.
33:35 All things are... Don't quote the Scripture,
33:36 "All things are possible through Jesus Christ,"
33:38 if you don't mean it.
33:40 Why say it and then say, "Well yeah, He really
33:42 can't do this though."
33:44 Really?
33:45 He said He came to do away with sin, isn't that right?
33:47 The works of the devil, the deeds of the devil.
33:50 He came to do away with the sin issue.
33:52 Praise God.
33:54 Remember, sin is going to have to go,
33:56 or we're going to have to burn with it.
33:57 Are you still with me? I know you are.
34:01 "The latter rain will fall upon us as the early rain
34:04 fell upon the disciples on the day of Pentecost..."
34:07 When what?
34:09 "...the soul temple is cleansed of every defilement."
34:14 How often we forget that we'll miss heaven
34:16 because we've been backbiting our neighbor,
34:19 a church member.
34:20 We'll miss heaven doing a little cannibalizing.
34:26 We'll miss heaven because we're a little bit too prideful.
34:28 The Bible is very clear. We've talked about it.
34:33 Selfishness.
34:35 We'll miss heaven because we're selfish.
34:38 I've often said...
34:39 You say, "Well so and so... We've got a lot of enemies."
34:41 Listen church, the enemy...
34:43 My greatest enemy I have in this whole world is me.
34:48 The greatest enemy I face every day is myself.
34:52 I need help from heaven.
34:55 That's every person, because every sin, everything that
34:58 any of us may do wrong is based upon...
35:02 Somebody pray for me.
35:03 ...is, "I want."
35:06 "I did it because I wanted to."
35:09 It always is based when we do wrong on, "I wanted to."
35:14 That's what the Devil said. "I want."
35:18 Look what he's getting.
35:23 Early rain fell on the disciples.
35:25 Man, what a time to be present to see it take place.
35:30 You have the opportunity and privilege, and I do to,
35:32 to be here as the latter rain falls upon the people of God.
35:35 Some, we understand, will receive it in the pew
35:38 right next to others, and others won't even
35:39 know that it's falling.
35:41 They won't even know someone's on fire
35:42 because you're so dead, as it were.
35:43 You're the walking dead.
35:46 You'd have to be.
35:48 Somebody at least think with me for a moment.
35:50 The Holy Spirit, latter rain, falls upon somebody
35:53 sitting shoulder to shoulder with you,
35:54 and you can't tell any difference from them
35:56 and what else is going on.
35:57 You must really be asleep.
36:05 Jesus said, "I'm coming after that church..."
36:07 We read before in Ephesians 5:27.
36:09 "I'm coming after a church without spot or wrinkle."
36:11 The church is me. The church is you.
36:13 It's not a building, it's not this denomination.
36:15 It's not. It's a people.
36:17 That's exactly what it means.
36:19 "I'm coming after that without a spot
36:21 or wrinkle, or any such thing.
36:23 Without fault. Faultless before God.
36:24 Faultless before the throne."
36:26 "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me
36:28 on the throne."
36:31 Again, who's going to receive this latter rain?
36:35 I'm praying for it.
36:37 But I also know, when I pray for it I have to do some
36:39 self-examination to say, "Lord, where am I falling short?"
36:43 If you don't know. You may not know.
36:46 In fact, if I knew ten years ago what I'm trying to learn
36:49 even at this point in time, I'd really be discouraged.
36:51 I thought I might be doing pretty...
36:53 You know, by the grace of God, I'm looking and striving.
36:55 And right now a lot of other stuff has been
36:57 revealed to me, and I'm saying, "Oh no."
36:58 It'd be overwhelming if everything was revealed,
37:01 my issues, all at once.
37:04 Isn't it nice, He's graceful and gracious, and loves us,
37:07 and He shows us a step at a time.
37:10 Gives us one at a time.
37:12 We need to walk in that, we need to receive that
37:14 grace and that strength and that victory.
37:17 1 Testimonies, 187-188.
37:20 This is interesting, because who's going to
37:21 receive the latter rain? Notice.
37:24 This is interesting.
37:26 I'm talking about heavy duty.
37:27 Jot it down. 1 Testimonies, 187-188.
37:30 It says, now those who will receive the
37:32 latter rain are going to be tested.
37:34 We understand that.
37:36 This article says, "Those who come up to every point,
37:41 stand the test, and overcome..."
37:45 Look how often you and I have flunked it.
37:50 This is different.
37:52 This is different than school.
37:53 Is somebody with me?
37:55 I know we're in the school of Christ.
37:56 I'm talking about maybe, you know, high school,
37:59 or whatever it might be, college.
38:00 This is different than getting a grade.
38:04 Probably one of the worst...
38:06 Oh, look out now.
38:07 ...one of the worst mistakes I ever made and choices I made,
38:10 in school I took a year of chemistry.
38:13 Well, my, my, my.
38:15 Well.
38:17 The teacher knew right off the reel that I wasn't the
38:20 chemistry student.
38:21 Ha, ha.
38:22 And I really didn't want to be one, but I thought, you know,
38:24 it'd be a pretty easy class because the teacher,
38:27 I could pass pretty easy and not have to do anything.
38:30 He was pretty smart.
38:32 Looked around and saw those who would study
38:33 and those who would prepare for the test,
38:35 and so on and so forth.
38:36 And you know, he said, "The bottom line:
38:37 Those who are preparing for the test are going to
38:39 make the good grades.
38:40 They're going to pass on.
38:41 They're going to make something of their life.
38:43 Most of you are just here to try to get a passing grade
38:45 and go somewhere else."
38:47 He said, "If that's your attitude, fine.
38:49 You just work hard as you can, I'll give you a passing grade
38:51 so you can get out of my class."
38:54 Well, bless their heart, I got out of his class
38:57 with a passing grade.
38:59 I hope somebody is thinking spiritual with me.
39:04 Are we really spending that time?
39:07 "Those who come up to every point, stand the test,
39:11 and overcome," notice this, listen,
39:14 "be the price what it may..."
39:17 No matter how much, oh church, no matter how much it costs.
39:22 It gives me, kind of like, goosebumps.
39:28 I know the Spirit is impressing my mind.
39:29 It's just, I feel goosebumps when it says,
39:31 whatever the price.
39:37 "...be the price what it may, have heeded the counsel
39:40 of the True Witness, they will receive the latter rain..."
39:46 Only those who stand the test, only those who overcome,
39:50 regardless of what it costs you in this life.
39:53 And I tell you, it costs to be a Christian.
39:57 He doesn't take anything good away from you.
40:00 But the devil is pursuing. He's after you.
40:02 He does not let off.
40:04 People think it's so easy to be in ministry.
40:07 3ABN here and all the people working here
40:09 and leading out in worldwide ministry.
40:11 The devil is harassing every one of them.
40:16 Can't get them to get off track, he can't get them to
40:18 do something willfully that's wrong,
40:20 so he attacks their character.
40:23 Absolutely he does.
40:25 To destroy a person's character, you destroy them.
40:29 That's why you have to be careful about
40:31 backbiting and gossiping.
40:32 And people tell me, they say to me, "Well, why?
40:34 Because that was true."
40:36 Even if it be true, we won't say it if it hurts their character.
40:39 Because, you know, they can confess their sin.
40:41 He's faithful and just to forgive.
40:43 But a lot of times you can't get it out of people's mind.
40:45 We know that.
40:46 So the devil then is going to try to destroy the character.
40:50 Brethren, keep our eyes focused upon Jesus Christ
40:53 regardless of the cost.
40:58 There's a price.
41:00 They will receive the latter rain.
41:03 And I remember, I thought, "Oh, a price!
41:06 Well how far?
41:08 How far is one willing to go?"
41:13 And Christ was willing to go to Calvary.
41:15 He gave His life rather than sin.
41:18 You and I have to come to that point rather than
41:21 willfully, knowingly sin.
41:23 To give our life before we will knowingly do that.
41:28 In the Bible, Matthew 5:29-30, it talks about...
41:35 I kind of see my name in here.
41:36 I don't know if you ever see your name
41:38 when you're reading Scripture.
41:39 Some people think you're out of your mind.
41:40 But I think when I read, the Spirit of God is talking to me.
41:43 I hope you feel the same way.
41:46 As I was reading here, it talks about here,
41:50 "Kenny, if you're right eye," ooh, "if your right eye
41:54 offends, pluck it out."
41:57 Have you read that?
41:58 People read that and they kind of chuckle about it.
42:00 "Well, you know, that's not really what it meant."
42:02 Well, I'm not encouraging people to do that.
42:04 But what is He saying here?
42:07 "If your right hand is offending..."
42:09 You can't get victory because that hand, you know,
42:12 is causing all kind of trouble.
42:13 It says what?
42:15 It's better to cut it off and enter the kingdom
42:16 maimed than not enter at all.
42:19 It's talking about here how far, how willing we are,
42:21 how far we will go, by the grace of God,
42:24 that we don't willfully commit something, to sin.
42:28 Does that make any sense to you at all?
42:33 It says, "offend."
42:34 If your right eye, your hand, offends you.
42:37 Do you know what that means, "offend," here in the Greek?
42:40 If that right eye or the hand trips you up.
42:44 Let me tell you what. That dirty devil.
42:46 He's tripped us up many times, has he not?
42:48 Don't sit there all snug and say it didn't happen to you.
42:52 Most righteous is filthy rags.
42:54 There's none good, no not one.
42:56 Yeah, you are a sinner. And I am a sinner.
42:58 The only way we'll be saved is by grace.
42:59 That's what the Bible says.
43:02 See, that's good news.
43:03 Instead of looking at somebody else, "Oh, they're this,"
43:05 "Oh, they're that," look at yourself.
43:06 I need to look at myself.
43:08 But whatever has entrapped you,
43:11 whatever made you take your eyes off of Jesus,
43:15 whatever entices you into sin, even into apostasy,
43:21 get rid of it.
43:24 Man, to come to the point...
43:25 God, help me to come to the point...
43:29 ...to where I would rather die than willfully commit sin.
43:36 Oh Lord, I need some help.
43:37 I don't know about any other people here.
43:41 Luke 11:34 goes on with that same kind of thought.
43:43 I want to bring it home to you. Come on, church.
43:47 It says, "...but when the eye is evil,
43:51 the body is full of..." What?
43:53 "...of darkness."
43:55 Like the tongue is small, remember, but oh it's deadly.
43:57 The eye, when the eye, it talks about here, is evil,
44:01 the body is full of darkness.
44:02 Darkness represents the devil, doesn't it?
44:05 Think about that.
44:06 Or when the vision is poor. Hmmm...
44:10 When the eye is evil; when the vision is evil.
44:15 That word is also translated, a side glance.
44:18 When the side glance is evil.
44:19 I'm going to look if no one is...
44:21 Somebody stay with me.
44:25 The word also means, continually inspecting.
44:30 Some people, they think their job is inspector.
44:36 They're inspecting everything and everybody else,
44:40 and things they shouldn't be inspecting.
44:44 Are you still with me?
44:46 "When the eye is evil, the body is full of darkness,"
44:50 the Bible says.
44:52 Oh God, help me.
44:53 How do we remedy the defects in our character?
44:56 How are we going to be cleaned up?
44:59 How can the soul temple be cleaned up
45:01 from every defilement?
45:06 Well the Bible is very clear about
45:07 committing ourself to Christ.
45:09 The spirit of prophecy says this, 1 Selected Messages,
45:11 page 190, and then all the way through 192.
45:14 Notice this.
45:16 "It is our work today..."
45:17 Praise God, we've got some work to do.
45:19 Well I need to do some work.
45:20 Notice this, "It is our work today
45:22 to yield our souls to Christ..."
45:25 How do we gain the victory?
45:26 Every defilement, every sin; submitting it up.
45:29 Did not Jesus do that? Yes He did.
45:31 Is He our example? Yes.
45:32 Are we to copy His pattern? Yes.
45:36 Notice, "It is our work today to yield our soul to Christ..."
45:42 To yield our souls is to yield our wills,
45:45 that we've been talking about in this series, to Christ.
45:48 What? "...that we may be fitted for..." Translation.
45:52 Wait a minute. The refreshing.
45:53 "...the time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord..."
45:58 Uh-oh, ooh! "...fitted for the baptism
46:01 of the Holy Spirit."
46:03 Did you get what it said here?
46:04 We yield ourself to Christ.
46:06 Body, soul, mind; all to Jesus Christ.
46:09 So that we can be what?
46:10 Fitted for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
46:13 The latter rain experience.
46:15 That's the only way that it can happen.
46:18 Remember, why the will?
46:20 Some of you say, "Oh the will. What do you mean, the will?
46:22 And what is the will?"
46:23 A little book called, My Life Today, page 318, says this,
46:26 "The will is the governing power in the nature of man."
46:30 What is it?
46:32 It's the governing power in the nature of man.
46:34 Everything stems from the choices that we make.
46:37 Make a decision and follow through with that.
46:40 Notice, the article is a warning.
46:42 It says, "You will be in constant," oooh, "peril until
46:47 you understand the true force of the will."
46:51 You will be, what?
46:52 You're going to be in peril until all of us understand,
46:55 until you understand the force of the will.
46:58 The force of the will is your part.
47:02 It's your part to put yourself on the side of Christ.
47:07 Somebody march with me.
47:08 I'm going to put myself on the side of Christ.
47:12 That means, that's all that you can do.
47:13 There's nothing, you're miserable, your lost,
47:15 you're on probation, the death penalty.
47:17 There's no way you can get out of this mess,
47:19 except for Jesus Christ.
47:20 And the only thing I can do is say, "God, help me.
47:23 I want to be on Your side."
47:25 Oh, don't you know heaven rejoices?
47:26 Don't you know there's music?
47:27 Don't you know there's singing and there's encouragement?
47:30 I just sense that in my heart.
47:32 Heaven is interested in you and interested in me.
47:35 They find joy when they see someone turning their
47:38 life around and asking Jesus to come in.
47:42 When you yield yourself to Him, notice, what happens?
47:46 "Well, it's going to take a week or two weeks.
47:48 I'm going to check you out to kind of see
47:50 how you're going to do."
47:51 No. Immediately...
47:54 Immediately when you give yourself to Christ
47:57 He takes possession of you.
47:59 He's wanting to take possession of you.
48:01 But the devil has a death grip.
48:03 There's going to have to be a fierce fight.
48:06 There's going to be a fierce struggle.
48:08 I'm not acting like, "Oh, this stuff is just easy and simple,
48:11 and one, two, three you've got it made."
48:13 I still have knots on my head.
48:15 I still have whelps.
48:16 I don't know about some of you.
48:19 But I know who is able.
48:20 I know what the Word says.
48:22 I know what God wants for me and wants for you.
48:24 He says, "I want to do My will through you."
48:27 "To will and to do of His good pleasure."
48:29 I read that in Philippians 2:13.
48:33 Commit your will, governing power, everything to Him,
48:36 and let Him continue to work in you.
48:39 What is His will? All man would be saved.
48:42 I need to come to the point, in Psalm 139, I need to say,
48:45 "Search me, oh God." Do you remember?
48:47 "Search me, oh God. Know my heart.
48:50 Try my reigns.
48:53 Know my thoughts."
48:56 I mean, how many can really do that with a
48:58 clear good conscience...
49:00 You know, "Oh God, search my heart."
49:03 ...and really mean it?
49:04 Don't talk to God that way if you don't mean it.
49:07 If you want to say, "I want to be saved
49:09 in the kingdom," mean it.
49:10 Don't say it if you don't mean it.
49:12 There will be things that will happen in your life
49:14 you'll not be able to take without being
49:15 on the side of Christ.
49:17 You want to give your life to Him, He knows exactly
49:20 how to work all that out.
49:22 He knows exactly who to put in your path.
49:25 He knows exactly what you need to encourage and strengthen
49:28 and growth to where He would have you to be.
49:31 The tests and the trials are God's little workmen.
49:34 The tests try and prove the character.
49:40 He immediately... Oooh!
49:43 See, there's none, my brothers and sisters today,
49:46 there's none, none in the universe that can fashion
49:53 the character that has been ruined by sin.
49:58 The characters, people, have been ruined by sin.
50:02 But there's only that can change that.
50:04 That's Jesus.
50:07 He came, praise God, He came to expel the demons of hell
50:13 that control the will.
50:14 Do you realize that?
50:16 If your will is not on the side of Christ,
50:17 the enemy has it.
50:20 Don't hear anybody snickering and carrying on,
50:22 because you know that's just not right.
50:23 Think, if you have not committed your will,
50:26 if you have not committed your will to God,
50:31 the devil has control of your will.
50:34 And the demons of hell is going to have to be expelled.
50:38 But you know, Jesus said, "I'm willing to do that.
50:41 I'm willing to come and fight the battle.
50:43 I'll cast out those demons of hell.
50:44 You just need to tell Me you want Me to do it."
50:47 Friend, how simple can it get?
50:50 He took the stripes, He took Calvary.
50:52 He paid it all.
50:55 Without sin.
50:56 He's my example.
50:59 He did all the things right that I messed up.
51:02 And He says, "Kenny, I give them to you.
51:05 Just follow Me."
51:07 How many of us really are willing to do that?
51:12 Never say, "I cannot."
51:14 Say, "Because the Bible says, I can, by the grace of God.
51:19 I will, by the grace of God."
51:22 And when you say, "I give my live to You,
51:24 I pledge myself to You, oh God,"
51:26 all of heaven is on your side.
51:29 The pleasure of the Holy Spirit, God, the Son, all the angels;
51:32 all of heaven is on your side.
51:34 You cannot lose.
51:36 You're losing now because they're not on your side.
51:38 The demons of hell, you can't count on them.
51:41 They're going to use you as long as they can
51:43 and throw you out.
51:44 That's right.
51:45 Heaven won't do that.
51:47 Heaven wants you for eternity.
51:51 People say, "I need to destroy this earthly nature.
51:53 Man, I mean, it's just rooted and grounded in me.
51:55 I need the earthly nature...
51:57 How is the earthly nature destroyed?"
52:01 Remember, the answers will always be the same.
52:03 Maybe coming from a different angle.
52:04 But you know, Desire of Ages, again, the life of Christ,
52:07 a beautiful book, page 391, says this...
52:09 It makes it so simple. Even I can understand it.
52:12 It says, "The word," or truth...
52:14 The Word of God, the truth, "...destroys the natural
52:19 earthly nature, and imparts a new life in Christ Jesus."
52:25 If we're tired of that natural, earthly, sinful,
52:29 pathetic nature, it says right here all we have to do
52:34 is get into the Word of God and begin to
52:35 let the truth come in.
52:37 It destroys that natural earthly nature,
52:41 and it imparts new life in Jesus Christ.
52:43 I want new life in Jesus Christ.
52:47 Are you excited about every day that you get up?
52:49 You get up and you say, "What are the possibilities?
52:52 What does God have in mind for me today?
52:55 What is it that God has in mind?
52:56 I know it's got to be something good.
52:58 It's a new day that God can use me maybe to
53:00 touch someone else's life.
53:02 To help to train and to teach me, and be ready
53:04 for the outpouring of the latter rain."
53:08 How many of us are excited about it,
53:09 rather than get up and say, "Oh, not another day."
53:14 Oh a brother one time told me, they said,
53:17 "First two hours I'm up, don't anybody even look at me.
53:20 First two hours I'm up, I'm too grouchy.
53:22 I don't want to talk to anybody."
53:24 Maybe we all felt that way at different times.
53:26 But you know what?
53:28 When My eyes pop, I think about possibilities.
53:32 What does God have in store?
53:35 It's exciting.
53:37 Because I find every day He has something good.
53:40 Why?
53:41 Psalm 119, he says, "Thy word have I hid in my heart,
53:45 that I might not sin against Thee."
53:50 "Thy word have I hid..."
53:53 God, my friends, is leading a people today.
53:56 There's no doubt about it.
53:58 But He's doing it so merciful, so gracious, so kind.
54:01 He's leading us a step at a time.
54:04 He brings us up to one position.
54:07 And then you know what? Some of us, you know...
54:10 What that position is, it's calculated to show me
54:13 who I really am.
54:15 Are you thinking with me?
54:18 He puts these tests out here so that you and I are confronted
54:21 so that we look and see who we really are,
54:25 not who we say we are.
54:28 Some will gain a victory at that point.
54:30 Others will be discouraged and defeated.
54:35 And then the Lord comes back in His long suffering,
54:38 and He wants us to gain the victory,
54:39 with more scrutiny and we're tested a little
54:42 closer than we were last time.
54:44 Wow!
54:49 Are you thanking Him for those tests and those trials?
54:54 He's doing a work in you.
54:56 I know He's doing a work in me.
55:00 The Great Controversy says, in our last couple of minutes,
55:02 pay attention, page 593, "The word is clear, none..."
55:08 None means none.
55:10 "...none but those who have fortified the mind with
55:13 the truths of the Bible will stand through the
55:16 last great conflict."
55:19 Friend, if you don't know what you believe; why?
55:24 You think you're always going to be able to run to the pastor
55:26 and he's going to help you, or an elder of the church,
55:27 or a husband is going to help the wife?
55:29 You are going to, one of these days, stand alone
55:32 and have to give an account for the hope that's in you.
55:36 Will you be able to do that, by the grace of God?
55:38 You can't do it unless you're putting it in your heart.
55:40 You can't recall what you've not put there.
55:43 God's not going to work that miracle for you.
55:44 He said, "If you hide it in your heart, then I'll bring it up
55:47 when it needs to be."
55:51 We must take great care in the truths that
55:54 God's entrusted to us, these warnings
55:56 He's made clear in Scripture.
55:59 "And if I be lifted up," He says, "will draw all men
56:03 unto Me."
56:04 Friend, I pray that this little study that we've done,
56:07 just touching on the edges of this, about being
56:10 right before God, receiving the latter rain,
56:12 doing the work that God wants you to do,
56:14 get sin out of our life.
56:16 See, that's part of John the Baptist's message.
56:18 The Elijah message is what?
56:19 Repent, the kingdom of God is at hand.
56:23 Are you ready for the kingdom?
56:25 You want Jesus to come?
56:26 See, if you say, "Well, I don't know if I want Him to come,"
56:28 it's probably because you're still holding on to something.
56:31 Lord, I want you to come.
56:33 And I want to pray for those who have made that decision.
56:35 I believe every time that people hear the Word,
56:37 I'm praying that the Holy Spirit will bring conviction,
56:40 and decisions will be made.
56:42 Write 3ABN and tell them you made the decisions,
56:44 you were watching the Pillars, it's been an encouragement.
56:47 Let's pray together, shall we?
56:49 Father in heaven, again I thank You for Your precious Word.
56:51 I thank You for the decisions that are being made right now.
56:54 I believe it in faith that the Holy Spirit is working
56:57 upon hearts and minds and lives that maybe have never
56:59 made the decision before, but they want to be
57:01 on the side of Christ.
57:02 And as they do, I pray You'll bless them, encourage them,
57:05 strengthen them, and save them.
57:06 In Jesus' name, praying for His sake, amen.
57:10 It's been good to be able to spend this time with you.
57:12 You know, a five part series is an awful lot of information.
57:14 Again, we just went around the edges of it.
57:17 But I pray it's been a blessing to you.
57:19 Let 3ABN know that it's a blessing.
57:20 Support that which has been a blessing to you.
57:22 We love ya, thank you for spending the time with us.
57:24 We'll see you next time.


Revised 2017-03-29