Revelation Insights

Travelogue: Pisa Sermon: Is Baptism Important?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Lyle Albrecht


Series Code: RIN

Program Code: RIN000013

01:00 Good evening and welcome to each of you.
01:02 It's time to travel so fasten you're seatbelts if you will
01:05 as the lights go out.
01:06 Our journey this evening is one of my very favorites.
01:10 We're going to go to Pisa.
01:14 The city of Pisa is laid out from Piazza del Duomo,
01:20 The Place of the Cathedral.
01:21 This cathedral, ladies and gentlemen, is more than
01:24 a thousand years of age.
01:26 And it's famous, not only for its age and its architecture,
01:31 but also because of some parishioners of whom we're
01:35 going to speak in just a little bit.
01:38 If you have an address in the city of Pisa,
01:41 and it says, "18 blocks North and 7 West,"
01:46 you that this address is 18 blocks north of the cathedral
01:51 and 7 blocks west of it.
01:52 Now there's an American city that is laid out in
01:56 the very same way.
01:57 And I'll bet someone here knows which city it is.
02:00 Which one?
02:02 Not Washington, DC. No.
02:04 There it is. Salt Lake City.
02:06 That's right.
02:07 It's laid out from the temple, Salt Lake City,
02:09 in the very same sort of way.
02:11 Well when you say this name, by the way,
02:14 don't call it "Pizza. "
02:17 I've discovered that folks over there are just a little bit
02:23 disturbed when you call their city "Pizza".
02:26 It's "Pisa".
02:28 And 800 years ago, it was twice the size that it is today.
02:33 Two reasons for that.
02:35 It was a major university, a major teaching center.
02:38 Particularly with emphasis upon mathematics and other sciences.
02:43 And the other reason was, it was, 800 years ago, a sea port.
02:46 I mean, it was a sailor town and the ships dropped anchor
02:50 a stone's throw from right here.
02:52 And the sailors did commerce and brought a lot of money and
02:55 unloaded and offloaded.
02:57 And that has all changed because the Arno River,
03:01 the same Arno that runs through Florence where we visited
03:04 the Medici chapel and those other famous places
03:08 a few evenings ago.
03:09 That same Arno runs here, ends here.
03:12 And over the centuries, it has dumped a delta here
03:16 so that it's now about 7.5 miles out to the Mediterranean Sea.
03:20 So for those reasons, no longer a great university center,
03:23 no longer a sea port center.
03:25 And the city then has, like not very many places in the world,
03:32 gotten smaller and smaller and smaller still.
03:36 Now, from here we have a wonderful view of the
03:39 Leaning Tower of Pisa.
03:43 It is the bell tower.
03:45 You probably knew that.
03:47 And it is about 50 feet in diameter,
03:49 it's about 150 feet high except to the top of the bells.
03:54 And the final circle up there, that's another
03:57 20 or 30 feet high.
03:59 And you can see how badly it leans.
04:02 There has, over the centuries, been the worry, the real concern
04:06 that there might come an earthquake, because there are
04:09 faults in the area, and the thing might topple
04:13 down to the ground.
04:14 Well, just a few years ago, they decided it was finally time
04:18 to do something about it.
04:19 And we'll talk about that something in just a little bit.
04:22 First, however, let's look at the facade of this
04:26 beautiful, beautiful cathedral.
04:27 I want you to notice a number of things.
04:29 Firstly, I want you to notice out on the corners
04:32 there are gargoyles.
04:34 If we had a close-up you could see that they're
04:37 hideous looking creatures.
04:38 They're really ugly, kind of dragon animal things
04:42 with bared fangs.
04:44 And they were put there for two reasons.
04:46 One was practical and the other was ridiculous.
04:50 The practical is, they're the down spouts.
04:53 When the rains run off of the stone roof,
04:57 they run down to the gutters and then make their way
05:00 to the gargoyles.
05:01 And the water goes inside the bodies of these gargoyles
05:05 and then spews out the mouth and lands several feet away
05:09 from the wall and the foundation.
05:12 And that keeps the basement dry.
05:13 So that was the practical side of it all.
05:16 The ridiculous side was, these cathedrals, many of them
05:20 including this one, were built during the dark ages
05:23 where there was a great amount of superstition.
05:25 And folks really believed that if they would put these hideous
05:29 dragon-like things around the corners of the church
05:32 it would keep the devil from coming to church.
05:35 Yeah ridiculous, huh.
05:37 Well, look at the style.
05:39 This is a combination of what is called Tuscan and Romanesque.
05:43 And we saw that also in Florence at the great cathedral of
05:47 St. John the Baptist.
05:49 I'm going to talk to you now about how history was made
05:52 inside this church and about it's most famous parishioner.
05:58 We've alluded to him on prior evenings.
06:00 His name was Galileo Galilee.
06:05 Galileo was a child prodigy.
06:07 Today we would say he was gifted.
06:12 His daddy was a musician for two royal families;
06:16 the Medici family over in Florence,
06:20 and the Dougal family over in Venice, the Doge.
06:27 He was an organist of great repute
06:31 and he was also a flautist.
06:36 It was his desire that his son, Galileo, follow in his steps
06:41 and perhaps become the musician, the chief musician
06:45 for some king or queen of Europe.
06:48 And so when he was just a little guy, senior Galileo began to
06:54 teach little Galileo how play upon the organ.
06:58 And by the time he was 9 or 10 years of age,
07:01 they were dueting together and it was quite remarkable.
07:05 But by the time he was a young teenager, 13 or 14,
07:10 he was developing interest in another area;
07:13 mathematics, particularly as it was applied to the movements
07:17 of the heavenly bodies and to the great scheme of
07:20 things time-wise.
07:24 Now Galileo did not invent but did perfect the telescope
07:28 and made it to be a very useful item.
07:32 And by the time he was 19 or 20, he had already spent years
07:36 tracking the movements of the heavenly bodies
07:39 in their orbits, and measuring time and putting mathematical
07:43 equations together that would shock teachers of math
07:48 that had been around for many, many, many years.
07:51 When he was still really basically a kid, or surely
07:54 just a young man, he was asked to come and be
07:57 a fellow professor in the mathematics department
08:00 here at the university.
08:02 And while here, he would come to this church
08:06 to worship on weekends.
08:07 He would also come to just pray and meditate when the
08:15 place was quite empty.
08:16 He would come mid-week and take a seat in the pew,
08:19 or perhaps kneel in front of a pew, and just meditate.
08:23 And on one such occasion while he was meditating,
08:27 praying, in came the caretaker.
08:31 We would call him the janitor, I suppose.
08:34 He had with him his high ladder and he put the ladder up
08:38 beside one of the chandeliers, climbed it, reached over and
08:41 took hold of the chandelier that was hanging upon its chain,
08:46 he trimmed the wick and filled the bowl, and then released it
08:50 and moved on, did the caretaker, to the next and the next.
08:54 But Galileo was fascinated by the swinging
08:58 of that first chandelier.
09:00 For the longest time, back and forth it swung.
09:04 Back and forth.
09:05 And from that happy accident in this church,
09:08 the theory of pendulum motion was born.
09:10 And all of the grandfather clocks, any pendulum clock,
09:15 the metronome for the piano, and all of those devices
09:18 were born here in the creative mind of Galileo Galilee.
09:25 Now, he would get in trouble here and it would
09:31 nearly cost him his job, and some say almost his life.
09:34 But before we talk about that, let's talk about
09:36 this tower again.
09:39 When first I visited here, you were allowed to, after paying
09:44 a few dollars, go inside and climb the serpentine staircase
09:50 and come out at each level or at whatever one you choose
09:55 including the very top.
09:59 They have, in the last few years, prevented that.
10:01 They will not allow anyone to go inside.
10:04 And the major reason, of course, is the possibility
10:07 that it could collapse.
10:09 Now, I'm going to tell you folks how badly it leans.
10:15 If we were to go inside and go over to what they call
10:19 the downhill side or the leaning side, right here,
10:22 and there we drop a plumb-bob, or we have a long string with a
10:27 rock on it, we hold that right against the side up here and
10:31 drop it, and when it hits the ground down here
10:34 it's going to be 18 feet away.
10:37 That is a serious list, isn't it.
10:39 That's quite a lean.
10:41 Well, why does it lean?
10:46 Simply because it was not built upon solid ground.
10:50 It's built upon an ancient seabed, upon the sands of
10:55 the old sea of the Mediterranean.
10:57 And they didn't put proper foundation beneath it.
11:01 And it began to tilt a little bit, and then a little bit
11:04 more under pressure.
11:05 The more it tilted, it would grow greater.
11:08 And so they decided a few years ago they were going to
11:10 do something about it.
11:11 They sent out the problem to the major engineering
11:14 schools of the world.
11:16 And it was a young man from
11:18 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
11:20 that sent back a suggestion that was considered by the scholars
11:24 to be the best of all.
11:26 His idea was,
11:29 we build a container around the whole tower.
11:32 I mean, we put it inside a can, if you please.
11:38 We make this container to be water tight.
11:42 And then between the can, the inside wall of the can
11:47 and the wall of the tower, we put freezing rods.
11:52 Fill it with water, energize the rods, freeze the thing until its
11:58 encapsulated in an ice cube.
12:00 Maintain it in that suspended way and then with great cranes
12:06 remove it, set it aside and build sufficient foundation
12:11 to hold it upright, and then reverse the process.
12:14 Now that could be done and it wouldn't cost
12:17 a great amount of money.
12:18 But it hasn't been done and it won't be done.
12:21 And I think you know why.
12:23 There are thousands, yes hundreds of thousands of people
12:27 who, every year, bring multiplied millions of dollars
12:31 to come and see the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
12:35 And they know of certainty that there would be few people
12:38 who would come, and fewer dollars by far spent to see
12:43 the straight tower of Pisa.
12:47 But they did, a few years ago, become concerned enough
12:51 to do something that they hope would prevent it.
12:55 From the uphill side, they began to auger, at an angle
12:59 I think they said of around 18 degrees, six inch holes.
13:03 Bored six inch holes, several of them, back underneath
13:08 the uphill side with the idea that the thing might settle back
13:13 the other way just a little bit.
13:16 And it worked.
13:17 It did that. It has worked.
13:19 And in spite of that, they don't let folks go inside.
13:23 And I think that is a really good idea.
13:28 When I was here first, you were allowed to
13:31 go inside, as I mentioned.
13:33 And up near the top, I saw children, little children,
13:36 I'm sure pre-schoolers, loose from their parents
13:40 and running around up there.
13:42 And I thought that over especially on the downhill side,
13:46 the leaning side, it could be very dangerous
13:48 because there are no restraints.
13:51 There's no chain, there was no netting, there was no fencing.
13:55 There was nothing.
13:58 Now after my first trip here, I came back and casually
14:04 bumped into a lady who had once been my parishioner.
14:10 And she asked me where I'd been and what I enjoyed most of all.
14:14 And I said, "Well, I made an amazing discovery,
14:17 a shocking discovery at the Tower of Pisa. "
14:20 "Oh," she said, "my grandson from Seattle is going to go
14:24 to Europe with a group of young people.
14:25 I must tell my grandson to be sure and see the
14:29 Leaning Tower of Pisa. "
14:32 And she told her grandson and he came to the
14:35 Leaning Tower of Pisa.
14:37 And somehow, this 14 year old grandson fell from
14:41 the top to his death.
14:45 So I'm glad they've stopped folks from going up inside.
14:48 I'm really very thankful for that.
14:52 But you can see folks up in there.
14:54 By the way, I shot that picture from inside the main doorway.
14:58 And it kind of makes the doorway
15:01 look crooked, doesn't it.
15:04 That is what, in Idaho, we call an obstetrical illusion.
15:17 Ah, enough silliness.
15:20 Well, separate and apart from the cathedral and the tower
15:24 is this building.
15:26 Circular and lovely, and after the same style
15:30 and the same design.
15:31 And it was in there that I made the discovery that we're
15:35 going to talk about tonight.
15:36 This building, ladies and gentlemen, is the baptistery.
15:42 Before we go inside, however, I'm going to tell you about
15:45 a cemetery that is behind the wall.
15:48 There's the wall.
15:50 I wish that I had a picture, but it's really only
15:55 a cemetery, a graveyard, with headstones
15:57 and that sort of thing.
15:58 Not so terribly unusual.
16:00 But the cemetery itself has quite a history.
16:03 While the cathedral a thousand years ago was under
16:05 construction, the fathers of the city sent an armada of ships
16:11 over to the Holy Land.
16:14 And along the coast of Palestine, the Holy Land,
16:17 they dug up sand and dirt, and took it aboard these ships.
16:22 And then they brought it back and scattered it out
16:26 over this ground that's behind the wall
16:28 and began to sell cemetery plots with the guarantee
16:33 from the church that if you're buried in this cemetery
16:37 beneath the soil upon which the feet of the apostles
16:41 and Jesus Himself may have walked, you're guaranteed
16:45 to come up in the first resurrection.
16:47 And those cemetery plots sold out in a hurry.
16:50 You can be sure of that.
16:53 Well, what is the significance of this building,
16:58 the baptistery?
17:00 Let's go inside.
17:03 In the very center and beneath the dome,
17:06 there is a large Baptismal font.
17:12 Where I'm standing to shoot this picture, there is a
17:15 little stairway where the pastor would climb up from the outside
17:20 and then go down the stairs into the water.
17:23 And there he would baptize.
17:27 Now this I learned, ladies and gentlemen,
17:29 that for the first 1200 years of Christianity,
17:33 every single person that was baptized was immersed
17:38 totally, completely beneath the water.
17:42 We, last night over in the city of Rome, went to
17:46 the Pope's church, you remember.
17:47 The Cathedral of St. John's Lateran.
17:49 And I showed you, last night, the baptistery in which
17:52 Constantine was immersed.
17:54 For the first 1200 years of Christianity, everybody that
17:59 was baptized, was baptized the Jesus way by immersion.
18:04 Laid back totally, completely beneath the water.
18:09 And then in the 12th century, a change came in this way.
18:13 Not from the Bible but from a church leader,
18:17 there came a doctrine called the doctrine of original sin.
18:22 And a thumbnail sketch of that doctrine is this.
18:26 As soon as a baby takes its first breath outside the
18:31 mother's womb, that infant is tainted with the sin
18:35 that has been passed down generationally from Adam and Eve
18:39 to the present.
18:41 Original sin.
18:43 And moreover, if that baby should die without the right
18:49 and the sacrament of baptism, that baby would go to limbo
18:54 or perhaps purgatory or even something worse.
18:59 Now suppose you're the mother or the grandmother,
19:05 the baby is born, and as soon as the baby is born,
19:09 soon as the delivery is over you know there's something
19:14 wrong with this baby.
19:17 Its skin is cyanotic, blue.
19:20 It's not breathing properly.
19:24 And we have no modern medicine and we're quite sure the baby
19:28 is not going to live not for very long.
19:30 "What if our baby dies without baptism?"
19:32 And so we rush our baby down to the baptistery
19:35 and we pay the required fee.
19:40 And the pastor goes over the side and into the water.
19:44 And over the wall we hand the pastor our baby
19:48 and he puts the baby down beneath the cold water.
19:54 For this is long before they have the ability
19:56 to heat the baptisteries.
20:00 History says that many an infant, ill or otherwise,
20:03 died as a result of the shock of being submersed
20:08 in that cold water.
20:10 And especially if it's ill, it simply adds to the problem.
20:18 And so, an amendment was made.
20:21 It said, "Instead of handing the baby over and putting the baby
20:26 down beneath the water, we shall, into the water,
20:30 put a blanket, completely submerse the blanket,
20:35 and then bring it out and wrap our baby in the blanket. "
20:39 And they did that for a good while.
20:43 But many children died as a result, many babies were
20:46 shocked because of that.
20:48 And by the way, it was from that experience in the baptisteries
20:52 and in the history of the church that there came a phrase
20:54 that we still today use.
20:56 "It's about as popular as a wet blanket. "
21:02 Or, "He threw a wet blanket on my party," you know.
21:04 The wet blanket expression came from this
21:08 practice of the church.
21:10 And so the church leadership said, "Well, we're going to
21:14 make a little change because that's not so helpful. "
21:17 And so they then put a serviette or handkerchief in the tank
21:22 and submersed it and put it upon the head
21:26 of the infant or the older person, whomever.
21:30 And then a few years after that, they changed again
21:34 to what is still the practice.
21:36 And that is the pouring upon the head of the person
21:40 of a little water and calling it baptism.
21:45 The question tonight is, does it matter?
21:48 What difference does it make?
21:52 We're going to learn the answer from our Bible again tonight.
21:55 I must be sure to go on record to say,
21:58 we're never going to, here, sit in judgment upon anyone's
22:02 relationship with Jesus whether Catholic or Protestant
22:04 or Muslim or whatever else.
22:07 We never sit in judgment upon folks relationship with God.
22:11 But at the same time, we do have to look at teachings
22:14 and practices, and what prophecy says about them,
22:18 and the response of history.
22:20 We have to ask here, night by night,
22:22 "What is the will of Jesus?"
22:24 Wouldn't you agree with me that's what's important?
22:27 What would Jesus say? What is the will of Jesus?
22:30 And so we'll talk about that tonight.
22:31 I want to thank you now for travelling with me.
22:37 And now, ladies and gentlemen, is our subject.
22:39 Bible Baptism, Is It Important?
22:44 Please open your Bibles with me if you will to
22:46 Matthew's gospel chapter 28.
22:48 This, oft times, is referred to as the 11th commandment.
22:52 Sometimes, it's also called the final marching orders of Jesus.
22:57 Our Lord has come to the end of if His ministry,
22:59 this has been 40 days after His resurrection
23:06 and just hours, perhaps, before His ascension.
23:11 And He gives to His disciples their final marching orders.
23:15 So I'm going to read then from chapter 28 of Matthew's gospel,
23:19 verses 19 and 20.
23:22 The last words of Jesus, the 11th commandment.
23:26 Jesus said to His disciples, "Go ye therefore
23:29 and teach all nations, and then baptize them in the
23:32 name of the Father and the Son and the... " help me now.
23:36 "'... and the Holy Ghost, and teach them to observe
23:39 all the things that I have commanded you.
23:41 And lo, I'll be with you always, even to the
23:44 end of the world. ' Amen. "
23:51 I have, on various occasions, had folks come to me and say,
23:53 "Well, when it comes to this baptism business, I just
23:57 personally don't think it matters.
23:59 This way, that way, any way, no way.
24:01 It doesn't matter because baptism is only just a symbol. "
24:06 And If I say to you baptism is a symbol, that's correct.
24:09 But a good deal hangs on the way that I say it,
24:11 and perhaps even the tone and intonation that I use to say it.
24:17 I remember a senior citizen, an old gentlemen
24:22 who had never been baptized.
24:24 And we were making an appeal to the man,
24:27 "You ought to be baptized. "
24:28 And he kind of put his hands on his hips and he said,
24:31 "It doesn't matter.
24:32 It's only just a symbol, just a symbol that's all. "
24:39 And then he was asked, "Sir, have you ever been married?"
24:45 And he instantly softened.
24:48 "Oh yes," he said, "I was married to the sweetest girl
24:52 for more than 50 years.
24:54 And she recently passed away. "
25:00 "Did you love your wife sir?"
25:02 "Oh, more than life. "
25:09 "Did your wife ever kiss you?"
25:20 And the tears came.
25:26 "Oh yes.
25:31 Every morning, every night, every time I left the house. "
25:38 "Well, that kiss was only a symbol. "
25:47 Yeah.
25:52 I have another symbol in my pocket here, I believe.
25:56 Yeah, surely enough.
26:05 What do you think?
26:08 By the way, had I presented this message 10 days from now,
26:15 instead of showing you this with 5's in the corners,
26:19 I could have shown you one with 20's in the corners.
26:22 Because our check would have come and Peggy would have
26:25 given me my allowance.
26:28 She never fails, I mean within a day or two after the
26:31 check clears the bank, I'll in my wallet or in my pocket
26:35 a crisp 20 dollar bill.
26:39 Sometimes if things are good, I might even find
26:42 an additional one there.
26:44 My allowance is always on time.
26:47 But you know what?
26:49 It's only a symbol.
26:53 And nearly every week of my ministry, I visit with someone
26:56 or see someone, a neighbor perhaps, who is killing himself
27:00 for this symbol.
27:01 It's become vitally important to them.
27:02 They're spending 60, 70, 80 hours a week and then
27:06 half of the night playing with the computer trying to
27:08 get more of this.
27:11 It's only a symbol.
27:16 There are other symbols in the church that many
27:21 consider to be sacred.
27:22 I'm one of them.
27:24 One of those happens to be the Lord's supper.
27:29 Do you partake of the Lord's supper when you worship?
27:31 Yeah.
27:33 Of course.
27:34 But they're only symbols.
27:36 That bit of bread and that juice.
27:40 Jesus Himself said, "This symbolizes my body
27:44 that was broken for you.
27:45 This symbolizes My blood spilled for you. "
27:50 But they're vitally important symbols.
27:52 Life is filled with very important symbols.
27:55 Bible baptism, ladies and gentlemen, symbolizes
27:58 three very important things.
27:59 And I'm going to underline them and then I'm going to
28:01 innumerate them to some larger degree.
28:03 It symbolizes birth, new birth particularly.
28:07 It symbolizes, moreover, marriage.
28:09 Becoming a part of the bride of Christ.
28:11 Further, it symbolizes death.
28:13 Death to sin and death to the old way of living.
28:16 Our Lord Jesus said, "You must be born of the water. "
28:20 John chapter 3.
28:21 We may refer to that again as time allows.
28:24 And then baptism symbolizes marriage.
28:27 A marriage to Jesus, becoming part of His bride.
28:30 I've often been asked, "Lyle, how can I be sure
28:33 that I'm part of the bride of Christ?"
28:35 Because in Matthew chapter 25, there the
28:38 parable of the virgins.
28:39 Five wise and five otherwise.
28:41 It says, "At midnight the cry went up,
28:42 'Behold the bridegroom cometh. Go ye out to meet Him. '"
28:45 And the bride, of course, is the church.
28:47 And you come to Revelation chapter 19,
28:49 and there at about verse 7-9 it says about our Lord Jesus
28:53 that His bride has made herself ready.
28:56 And to her is granted that she be dressed in garments
28:59 pure and white, for the white garments symbolize the
29:02 righteousness of the saints.
29:03 And so, sometimes I'm asked, "How may I be absolutely certain
29:06 that I'm part of the bride, that I'm ready?"
29:08 And sometimes, in partial answer at least, I ask them,
29:11 "Have you been baptized?"
29:13 Because in a symbolic, in a vitally important symbolic way,
29:17 baptism is a marriage to Jesus Christ and becoming
29:21 part of the family.
29:22 And I want to say to you, it's the happiest family
29:25 I have ever found.
29:27 A wonderfully happy family.
29:30 Welcoming into the family at baptism.
29:33 That means that we're going to have support and we're
29:34 going to have encouragement.
29:36 And we need that in these days and times, don't we now.
29:39 We need it desperately.
29:41 Encouraging one another.
29:43 I was reading the other evening a story about the
29:45 Special Olympics from some magazine.
29:47 Doesn't matter which one.
29:49 You know about the Special Olympics.
29:51 Those that are held for children that are not as well off
29:55 as we are physically or perhaps mentally.
29:57 They're challenged in some way or another.
29:59 And they were doing the 100 yard dash.
30:01 And there was one that had really been practicing.
30:03 I mean this guy had been working and working and working
30:06 for more than a year for this Special Olympics.
30:09 And they shot off the gun and he went from the blocks.
30:13 And in just a little bit, he was well ahead of the others.
30:17 He came to the first curve and he stumbled and he fell.
30:25 Do you know what the others did?
30:27 You'd have thought they'd have passed him by
30:29 and said, "Goodbye, sorry. Too bad for you. "
30:32 No, they all stopped
30:37 and helped him up.
30:41 And then walked across the finish line together.
30:44 And that's the way it ought to be in the church.
30:47 Especially in the last days.
30:49 Hebrews chapter 10:25, "Forsake not the assembling
30:52 of yourselves together as the manner of some is.
30:54 And much more as you see the Last Day approaching. "
30:58 And so, this idea of being part of the bride of Christ is
31:02 being welcomed into the family.
31:04 And encouragement shared with those that share
31:08 like beliefs and like faith.
31:10 Our Lord Jesus is our one and only Bridegroom.
31:15 I want to read a scripture with you right now.
31:17 So go with me to Galatians chapter 3.
31:20 Galatians chapter 3, and there are so many folks who
31:23 really love the gospel, that love Galatians and Ephesians.
31:27 They're similar in so many ways and yet different in some.
31:31 Romans and Galatians and Ephesians.
31:34 Galatians chapter 3, and I want to read for us tonight verse 27.
31:39 Galatians 3:27
31:40 Here's what God, through Paul, says to us,
31:44 "For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ
31:47 have put on Christ. "
31:50 You know what the bottom line symbolism is?
31:52 It means that at this point, we two have become one.
31:56 Does that remind you a little bit of your marriage ceremony?
32:00 It's not right that man should live alone.
32:02 Therefore, God has said that man ought marry
32:06 and you two become one.
32:09 Baptism brings that symbol and it's a beautiful one.
32:13 And then it symbolizes death.
32:17 Death to the former life.
32:18 Death to the old self.
32:20 Death to the lusts.
32:22 And death to the practices that destroy the home and the family
32:26 and disrupt the community.
32:27 It symbolizes death
32:29 and burial.
32:31 At the instant the one who comes to baptism
32:35 is lowered back into the water, that person is saying
32:39 by this beautiful symbol, "I believe that Jesus Christ
32:42 died for me. "
32:44 And in that brief instant that the person is lowered totally
32:48 completely beneath the water, he or she is saying by that
32:51 symbolic deed and act, "I know that Jesus Christ
32:55 was buried in my place.
32:57 His death, his burial was for me. "
32:59 And in the instant that person is raised up out of the water
33:03 dripping wet, he is saying symbolically, "I know that Jesus
33:08 was raised for me and He now lives and intercedes for me. "
33:12 Bible baptism symbolizes death, it symbolizes burial,
33:16 and it also symbolizes resurrection.
33:19 Now folks, you know surely the difference
33:26 between burying that which is dead
33:30 and sprinkling it a little bit.
33:39 You bury the past.
33:41 And with burying the past, there comes a ridding of guilt
33:44 and those complexes.
33:47 There's a wiping away of the slate,
33:49 there's a starting anew with Jesus Christ.
33:53 And I have discovered that those who really understand baptism
33:57 and go into it with the fullness of that understanding,
34:01 their lives change.
34:04 No one, by the way, had to explain to me the power
34:07 of the gospel of Jesus Christ because I saw it demonstrated
34:11 in my own daddy.
34:12 And one of these times soon in an evening or two,
34:14 I'm going to tell you our family story once again.
34:18 My dad, let me just shorten it to tell you, was an alcoholic
34:22 by the time he was 20 years of age.
34:24 And he had no religious background, none whatsoever.
34:28 And by the time I was first able to understand him,
34:32 I could hear those filthy, filthy words that he spoke.
34:37 Hardly a sentence without 3 or 4 expletives deleted.
34:40 And he had some other habits that were life destroying
34:44 and were not pleasant to be around.
34:47 And then he found Jesus Christ.
34:50 And I want to tell you that when my daddy came up
34:52 out of the water, he was indeed born again.
34:56 And all of that past and all of the guilt that went with it
34:59 was left in the tank behind him.
35:01 He was washed clean and remade.
35:04 He had died to self and left it behind him
35:08 and was raised to walk in newness of life.
35:11 How many of you folks think that Christians ought to be
35:13 the happiest people in the world?
35:14 Do you believe that?
35:16 Yea, we ought to have clear consciences and clear minds.
35:19 How many of you think that Christians ought to talk
35:22 differently from the average man on the street?
35:24 I think we should.
35:25 We ought to have that pure language that the Bible says
35:27 that we're going to have in the earth made new.
35:28 "They shall call on My name with one accord
35:31 and I'll give them a pure language. "
35:32 And we ought to begin to practice that now like we
35:34 practice these other things that get us ready
35:36 for the kingdom of God.
35:37 We ought to be the happiest people.
35:39 Our language ought to be different.
35:40 How many of you think that Christians ought to act
35:43 differently and go to, perhaps, different places than the
35:46 average of the street, huh?
35:48 Sure, we ought to be different.
35:50 We know where we've come from, we know why we're here,
35:55 and we know where we're going.
35:56 We should be the happiest people on the face of God's earth.
35:59 How many of you believe it now?
36:00 Come on, I want to see your hands now.
36:03 Well, now look.
36:04 Some of you need to tell your faces.
36:07 "Yea, I want to be the happiest people in the world. "
36:12 Some of us look like we were weaned on pickle juice.
36:23 Happiest folks on earth.
36:24 Changed and different.
36:26 Different from the rest of the world.
36:27 Unfortunately these days, some folks go to church
36:32 and they're even baptized and you can't tell them from
36:36 the folks that go to the bar and some of the rest of the places.
36:38 It was Billy Sunday who's biography I was reading
36:40 not so very long ago.
36:41 And he put it this way.
36:42 I felt that, on the outset, it was a little crude but there
36:45 may be a lot of truth in it.
36:46 He said, "Christians have lowered the bar, the standard,
36:50 so low that any old hog with two suits can get in. "
36:56 But Christians are different.
36:57 God, through Peter, in 1 Peter chapter 2 verse 9 said,
37:01 "I want you to be a peculiar people. "
37:05 And that didn't mean weird, it didn't mean some
37:07 strange thing that stands on the street corner and shouts.
37:10 It simply means we ought to be different.
37:15 We ought to act differently. We ought to look different.
37:17 We ought to go to different places than the average
37:20 person in the world.
37:21 Now, we're going to go once more to the last
37:25 commandment of Jesus.
37:26 Matthew chapter 28.
37:28 We'll review it and then we're going to put together with it
37:31 a similar verse from Mark's gospel.
37:35 We need to review.
37:36 And by the way, I'm going to suggest, folks, that you
37:38 memorize this verse or these two verses
37:40 because they're so very, very important.
37:44 Matthew 28:19-20, once again.
37:49 "Go ye therefore," a commandment of Jesus.
37:51 The eleventh.
37:53 "Go ye therefore and baptize all nations. "
38:00 Now what Jesus is saying is, "I want you to go
38:07 to Moses Lake, but I also want you to
38:10 go to Mankato, Minnesota.
38:14 I want you to go to Payette, Idaho but I also want you
38:16 to go the Philippines.
38:18 I want you to go to the Alto Plano, Bolivia
38:20 but I also want you to go to the Gobi Desert.
38:23 I want you to go to that remote place way out there in the
38:27 Nevada desert where only 3 or 4 folks live,
38:30 but at the same time I want you to go into the ghetto
38:33 of the inner city.
38:34 I want you to go to the whole world.
38:36 You must go everywhere.
38:38 Every man must be given this opportunity.
38:40 Every person, every child must hear of
38:43 My righteousness and My grace.
38:45 Go into the whole world and teach the gospel,
38:47 this good news that I have died for them,
38:51 I have been buried for them, I have risen again,
38:54 and I now live to intercede.
38:56 Go and tell everybody.
38:59 And when this job is done, I'll come again.
39:02 And in the interim, I will be with you until
39:05 the job is completed. "
39:06 That's good news.
39:07 That's really good news.
39:08 When I was sent out on a job that was tough, oft times
39:12 my daddy-in-law would go with me.
39:14 Experienced,
39:17 knew how to do it.
39:19 I wouldn't be alone.
39:20 And if it didn't work out exactly right, I could
39:24 share the blame, you know.
39:26 The boss is with me.
39:29 "I'll be with you to the very end, always. "
39:33 Now, without any transition, we're going to go from here
39:35 to Mark's gospel and we're going to read the famous last words
39:39 of Jesus as Mark remembered them.
39:41 And by the way really, this is Peter's remembrance
39:44 because the gospel of Mark is really the gospel
39:47 according to Peter.
39:48 Mark was not one of the original 12 disciples,
39:50 but rather was a traveling companion of Peter.
39:53 And Peter would go here and there, and Mark as his secretary
39:56 would go with him and he'd write down whatever
39:58 Peter has said.
39:59 And so we're going to read now, something that Peter remembered
40:03 of the final commandment of Jesus, the famous
40:06 last words of Jesus.
40:07 Mark chapter 16, verses 15 and 16.
40:11 He said, "Go into all the world and preach the
40:14 gospel to every person.
40:16 And he that believeth and is... "
40:19 Now you tell me what it says.
40:21 "... baptized, the same shall be saved. "
40:27 Our Lord Jesus connected Bible baptism with eternal life.
40:33 "He that believes and is baptized shall be saved. "
40:39 And the clear inference is that if you don't believe,
40:43 you'll not be baptized.
40:44 You see.
40:46 Here, our Lord Jesus himself, connected Bible baptism
40:49 with eternal life.
40:52 "He that believes and is baptized is going to be
40:54 saved in my kingdom. "
40:56 Now I need to talk to you for just a little bit
40:58 about the word itself.
41:01 "Baptize"
41:03 It is a New Testament word. It is a Greek word.
41:06 And the root form is "baptizo" which means "I baptize. "
41:12 The verb form, "I baptize. "
41:14 "Baptizo"
41:17 It has taken on kind of a churchy context since its
41:21 relationship with Jesus and the church and the disciples
41:25 and the commission, and the example of Jesus of course.
41:29 But it was an everyday common household sort of a word.
41:34 When the ladies were doing the dishes, they were baptizing.
41:39 That's exactly right.
41:40 When they were washing their husband's shirts,
41:42 they were baptizing them.
41:45 And you ladies, again, know the difference between
41:48 sprinkling the dishes and baptizing them.
41:51 It does make a difference.
41:53 To those that say, "Well look, it's unimportant.
41:55 Do it this way or that way or don't do it at all.
41:57 What does it matter?
41:59 It matters not. "
42:00 No, the word means only to submerse and to immerse.
42:04 And I'm going to read you a couple of quotations
42:06 and then I'm going to make a statement that I hope
42:08 doesn't sound harsh.
42:10 I don't mean it in that context, and yet at the same time
42:12 I have to make it so clear that children can understand.
42:15 So you listen.
42:16 A man wrote to Dr. Martin Luther,
42:18 whom I believe to be one of the greatest Christians,
42:20 and certainly one of the greatest New Testament scholars
42:23 since the apostle Paul.
42:25 A man wrote to Dr. Martin Luther over in Germany and he asked
42:30 him this question.
42:31 "I have been asked to baptize a certain gentlemen.
42:34 How should I go about it?"
42:36 And Martin Luther wrote back and I'm going to
42:38 read you what he said.
42:40 "You must fill a large tub completely with water.
42:43 And having divested this man of his clothing, I ask you please
42:48 cover him with a white garment.
42:49 Then you ask him to sit down in the tub and you must
42:52 baptize him completely beneath the water. "
42:56 Yea, Martin Luther.
42:58 John Wesley, another one of my heroes.
43:01 The originator of the Methodist church.
43:02 Someone asked him about baptism and here's what he said.
43:09 "It was certainly the method of Jesus and the practice,
43:15 the only practice, of the early Christian church. "
43:20 Yeah.
43:22 Martin Luther again, he said, "The act or right of baptism
43:26 consists in being placed inside the water
43:31 which flows over us and being drawn up from the water again.
43:35 These two things, being placed in the water and the waters
43:39 flowing over us and emerging them from it, signify the
43:43 power and the efficacy of God in Bible baptism. "
43:48 And he's exactly right.
43:50 And so another quotation quickly.
43:53 Or maybe a couple.
43:55 Martin Luther, and I'm quoting, said, "In the Greek language,
43:59 to baptize signifies only to submerse and to dip.
44:03 And I could wish that all of the baptized be totally immersed. "
44:07 You wonder sometimes, don't you, why those who
44:11 take his name now days don't follow his own beliefs
44:13 in so many areas.
44:15 John Calvin, the Presbyterian reformer, said and I quote,
44:18 "The very word baptize means to immerse.
44:20 And it's certain that immersion was the only practice
44:23 of the Christian church. "
44:24 Now listen, please, very carefully.
44:29 If you, as a child or an adult or whatever,
44:34 were sprinkled upon or poured upon
44:39 surely it has been recorded in the big Book, the Book of Life,
44:43 that you are dedicated or that your parents were dedicated
44:47 to raise you to know and love Jesus.
44:49 But, if you were sprinkled or poured upon and have not
44:55 yet been immersed, it has not yet been recorded in God's Book
45:01 that you've been baptized.
45:06 To submerse.
45:07 That's what it always only means.
45:11 Well those say, "Well, it's unimportant.
45:13 It's unnecessary. It doesn't matter.
45:14 He does it this way, she does it that way,
45:15 some don't do it at all.
45:17 So what, it's just a symbolism. It doesn't matter. "
45:19 Listen, if I take that position, I am sitting in judgment
45:22 upon the mind of God Almighty.
45:25 How dare any of us.
45:27 How dare any of us to tell God He doesn't know the difference
45:31 between commandments and teachings and examples
45:33 that are important and those that are unimportant.
45:36 How dare any of us sit in judgment upon the
45:41 mind of Almighty God.
45:42 Jesus said, "I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I am the Life. "
45:49 And that's from John's gospel chapter 14 verse 6.
45:52 We've used it before.
45:53 The Way and the Truth and the Life.
45:54 And from 2 Peter chapter 2 verse 21,
45:58 there we're told again, Christ is our example that we ought to
46:01 walk in His footsteps.
46:02 And when it came to the example regarding baptism,
46:06 you know well what Jesus did, don't you.
46:09 He gave us an example as to how to live and how to
46:12 conduct ourselves in every area of Christian endeavor.
46:16 When it came to the idea of rest and worship,
46:19 He kept the Sabbath, it was His custom.
46:21 He exampled us that Saturday is the day of rest and worship.
46:25 When it came to baptism, He told us and taught us
46:29 not only by His mouth but also by His example.
46:32 And maybe we ought to read it. Shall we do that together?
46:36 Let's do it, Matthew chapter 3.
46:38 One of the two places where the baptism of Jesus
46:41 is very, very clearly spelled out.
46:43 Matthew's gospel chapter 3, and we'll read at verse 15.
46:48 Matthew chapter 3, reading the 15th verse.
46:52 Matthew 3:15
46:57 Jesus went to John the Baptist, and then it says in verse 15,
47:00 "And Jesus answering said to John the Baptist,
47:02 'Suffer it to be so... '"
47:04 New translations say, "Allow me please. "
47:06 "Don't forbid me. "
47:08 "Suffer it to be so for thus it becometh us
47:11 to fulfill all righteousness. "
47:14 And then John baptized Him.
47:17 And then Jesus, when He was baptized, straightway
47:20 He wiped the water off His forehead.
47:23 Is that what it says in your Bible?
47:24 Huh?
47:25 He flipped that which was on His hair off?
47:29 What does it say then?
47:31 "Straightway, Jesus came up out of the water. "
47:35 It wasn't that a little water was on Him, somehow
47:37 poured or sprinkled, but rather that He was totally and
47:39 completely immersed down beneath the water.
47:42 He's my example in every area.
47:44 "And thus it becometh us to fulfill
47:47 all righteousness," He said.
47:49 And that word righteousness has a basic meaning
47:52 of right doing.
47:53 Jesus said, "I've come here to show you how to do it right.
47:57 I've exampled you as to how to do it right. "
48:01 Jesus was determined to leave no question as to how
48:05 right ought be done.
48:07 When Jesus concluded His ministry, in John's gospel
48:11 chapter 17 verse 4.
48:13 John 17:4, put it in your notes.
48:15 I hadn't meant to bring it up but it just came into my mind
48:17 so I'm going to share it with you.
48:18 Jesus, in His great High Priestly prayer,
48:21 said to the Father at the end of His ministry,
48:23 "I have finished all of the work that You gave Me to do. "
48:27 And part of that was exampling us as to how
48:30 we ought to be baptized.
48:33 "I have finished all of the work that You gave Me to do. "
48:38 Now listen, ladies and gentlemen.
48:42 When it dawned upon my mind what Jesus had done for me,
48:48 when I came to realize all that He had given up for me,
48:53 that He, Jesus the Creator of the universe,
48:57 had stepped off His throne where He had
49:00 for eternity been worshipped and adored.
49:04 Stepped off His throne
49:08 and stepped down beneath the rest of the God family,
49:12 stepped down lower than angels,
49:16 came down to this earth and here didn't wear a crown.
49:20 Here He stepped down beneath the dignity of kings and queens.
49:24 Here He became less than presidents or senators.
49:28 Here on this earth He was willing to become a tiny baby
49:31 in a stinky cow barn.
49:33 And the Bible says He would have done that if there was
49:35 only one lost sheep.
49:36 Had I been the only one, He would have stepped off
49:39 the throne and given His life for me.
49:42 He would have died in my place,
49:44 He would have been buried in my place,
49:46 He would have risen for me.
49:51 And when that realization caught my mind,
49:55 then I wanted a baptism that went all the way for Him.
50:01 No half way business for me.
50:04 No.
50:05 I wanted a dedication of my hands to do His work,
50:11 my feet to run His errands,
50:12 my ears to hear His Holy Spirit, my eyes to see His goodness,
50:17 my lips to sing His praise,
50:20 my hands to reach out and bless.
50:25 I wanted the total dedication of myself to the Jesus
50:30 who gave everything for me.
50:35 I remember early in my ministry, very early,
50:39 the baptism of one of my best buddies.
50:43 His name was Charles Fulmore.
50:46 Some of you know him as Chuck. The Chuck and Dona Fulmore Trio.
50:50 Yeah.
50:51 And he'd slipped away from Jesus and he wanted a re-dedication.
50:55 And so he came to the pastor.
50:57 And the pastor happened to be a dear friend of mine.
51:00 In fact, I followed him in the district and those were
51:03 big, big shoes to fill.
51:05 He name was Pastor Willard Coffman
51:08 and he happened to be a brother of Alice Morgan.
51:11 How about that, huh.
51:14 And Chuck went to Willard and he said, "I want to be baptized. "
51:21 And Pastor Willard said, "Fine, let's do it. "
51:24 And Chuck said, "There's just one thing. "
51:26 He said, "I've always had a problem with being honest
51:29 with my money. "
51:32 And so he said, "When I go in the baptistery,
51:34 I want to be able to go in there with my wallet in my pocket.
51:37 Is that alright?"
51:38 "Alright. "
51:39 And so Chuck baptized his wallet.
51:41 A total dedication because Jesus had done everything for him.
51:44 And he's done the same for you.
51:46 Now, I want you to turn with me please to Colossians
51:49 chapter 2 and we're going to notice verse 12.
51:53 Colossians chapter 2 and we're noticing together verse 12.
51:59 And we're going to find this so very helpful this evening.
52:02 Colossians 2:12
52:04 It says, "Buried with Him in baptism wherein we are also
52:08 risen with Him through faith to the operation of God
52:13 who has raised Him from the dead. "
52:17 Baptism.
52:19 God's working through us.
52:21 Baptism is a public demonstration
52:23 of our faith in God.
52:24 It is a public statement of our declaration
52:27 of our faith in Him because of all that He's done for us.
52:31 And God is watching.
52:32 You remember what Jesus said in Matthew chapter 10 verse 32.
52:36 "Whosoever confesses me before men, him will I also
52:40 confess before My Father in heaven. "
52:43 And so Jesus' heart is thrilled when we make the
52:46 public declaration and we are baptized in a public way.
52:50 God is watching.
52:52 His heart is thrilled.
52:53 I read the other day about a little girl who was standing
52:55 up against a big plate glass window during a violent
52:58 thunder and electrical storm.
53:00 And the lightening was flashing and mother came into the
53:02 family room and saw the little girl there
53:04 pressed up against the glass.
53:06 She said, "Honey get away, get back. "
53:08 "Oh no," she said, "I can't, I can't do it.
53:11 God's taking my picture. "
53:13 God's watching.
53:21 "He who confesses Me, him will I also confess before My Father. "
53:28 Now I've been asked on many occasions, "Lyle, what about
53:32 being baptized the second time?
53:36 I've been immersed the Jesus way. "
53:41 I've had some who've gone so far as to show me a scripture
53:44 that they have felt precludes them from being
53:48 baptized a second time.
53:50 And it's in Ephesians chapter 4 verse 5.
53:52 We'll just allude to it very briefly here.
53:54 Ephesians chapter 4 verse 5 where it says,
53:57 "One Lord and one faith and one baptism. "
54:02 And some have gotten the mistaken notion that it's
54:04 sort of like taking cookies to school on your
54:06 little boys birthday.
54:08 And there are only just enough, one for each child.
54:11 And some little guy comes up and says,
54:12 "Teacher, could I have two?"
54:14 "Oh no, I'm sorry.
54:15 We only have barely enough to go around, just one. "
54:17 No, that's not what God's talking about here.
54:20 He's not talking about numbers, He's talking about modality.
54:24 He's talking about methodology.
54:26 There's one true Lord. How many of you believe that?
54:28 One true Lord. That's our Lord Jesus.
54:30 One true faith. That's the faith of Jesus.
54:32 You need not raise your hand, but ask your heart.
54:35 What about one true baptism?
54:37 It becomes obvious now, that there are many man-made
54:40 additions and substitutions.
54:44 Is it alright to be re-dedicated in the water baptism?
54:47 Yes.
54:48 Let's go to Acts chapter 19.
54:52 We said the other evening that the book of Acts
54:54 is the history of the first 30 years of the Christian church.
54:58 And in chapter 19, we're going to begin to read at verse 1.
55:02 And we're going to learn something that relates
55:05 directly to our subject matter tonight.
55:07 "It came to pass while Apollos was in Corinth,
55:13 Paul, having passed through the upper coast, came to Ephesus.
55:16 And he found certain believers there and he asked them,
55:19 'Have you received the Holy Ghost since you were baptized?'
55:22 And they said to him, 'We've not heard there was
55:24 such thing as a Holy Ghost. '
55:26 He ask them, 'Unto what then were you baptized?'
55:28 And they said unto him, 'Unto John's baptism. '"
55:31 Now, the John spoken of here is John the Baptist.
55:35 Was there anything wrong with his baptism?
55:37 Huh?
55:38 Of course not. He baptized Jesus.
55:39 There was nothing wrong with his baptism.
55:41 And so Paul goes on.
55:43 Verse 4, Paul then said, "'John verily baptized with the
55:46 baptism of repentance, saying to the folks that they should
55:49 believe on He who was to come after,
55:51 that is, on Jesus Christ. '
55:52 And when they heard this, they were baptized again
55:55 in the name of Jesus Christ. "
55:57 The context here, my dears, is abundantly clear.
55:59 That when folks grew in grace, when they learned more,
56:03 when they got nearer to Jesus, they were re-washed,
56:07 re-dedicated.
56:10 I have had the happy privilege, in the last near 40 years now,
56:16 to be a part of the baptizing of around 5000 people.
56:19 I praise God.
56:20 Everyone is special, every one is precious.
56:29 Among the thousands, there have certainly been dozens,
56:33 dozens, who've said to me, "You know Lyle,
56:36 I didn't know until just recently, I didn't recognize
56:39 until now that unwittingly I was breaking one
56:42 of the 10 commandments.
56:43 I didn't know until just recently that I was breaking
56:46 the Lord's Day which is Saturday.
56:48 I want to be re-dedicated, I want to be baptized into that. "
56:52 And many have been.
56:54 I remember being down in Warner Robins, Georgia
56:56 preaching as I'm doing now.
56:57 And coming night after night was a man and his wife.
56:59 And I went to their home to visit, to discover that the man
57:02 had for more than 37 years been a pastor of a
57:06 Southern Baptist church.
57:08 And they came every night, every night.
57:10 And they learned about the Sabbath and wanted
57:12 to be a part of it.
57:13 And they learned about some of these other wonderful truths
57:15 and wanted to be a part of it.
57:16 Wanted to be a part of this last day movement.
57:19 And so, Bill Thompson asked me if I'd baptize him.
57:22 And I shall never forget when I raised him up out
57:24 of the water, he looked out at the congregation and said,
57:27 "You know, brother and sister, I have been a pastor for
57:30 nearly 40 years, and all of those 40 years, though I knew
57:33 Jesus and knew the gospel, I also knew something was missing.
57:36 And now I know what it was. "
57:38 And that man began to hold Revelation seminars.
57:41 And until his death in Oklahoma, he continued to write me
57:45 or phone me, "Lyle, where's that quotation?
57:46 Where's the answer to this?"
57:49 He was re-dedicated in Jesus because of his love for Him.
57:53 "He that believes and is baptized,
57:57 the same shall be saved. "
57:58 Let's pray.
58:00 Jesus dear, thank You for these many decisions made tonight
58:05 to walk in the water with You.
58:08 Don't let anything or anyone turn these dear folks
58:11 from this decision.
58:12 I beg You in Jesus' name, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17