Revelation NOW!

Born in a River

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: RNAF

Program Code: RNAF200013S

00:01 Music...
00:03 Hi Friends, do you want to hear an amazing fact?
00:06 The Amazon River is one of the longest rivers in the world.
00:10 In fact, the Nile and the Amazon have had a long-going debate
00:13 which one's longer
00:15 but it's at least 4,000 miles long...
00:17 has 3,000 different kinds of fish
00:20 making it truly a river of life
00:22 and incredibly, the Amazon supplies 1/5th of all the
00:27 fresh water that comes to the rivers...
00:29 through the rivers to the ocean in the world
00:31 but what's really interesting is that in spite of its length
00:36 and its size, there's no bridge across the Amazon River.
00:40 You know, one of the smallest rivers...
00:42 it's mentioned many times in the Bible
00:44 has the biggest bridge.
00:45 We're going to talk about it in this edition
00:48 of Revelation Now.
00:49 Music...
01:04 Ross: Good evening Friends, we'd like to welcome you all
01:07 once again to Revelation Now...
01:08 this special Bible Prophecy Seminar,
01:11 if you're new to our time together,
01:13 we've been looking at some very important prophecies
01:15 found in the Bible.
01:16 Tonight we're looking at a very important subject,
01:19 so, we're glad you've tuned in.
01:20 We also like to let those who are watching,
01:23 if you'd like to get the live Spanish translation
01:25 of this Seminar,
01:27 you can visit the Amazing Facts Latino Facebook
01:30 or YouTube channel
01:31 or you can go to the Revelation Now Spanish website.
01:35 We'd also like to remind those who would like to get
01:38 a translation of this for the deaf,
01:40 we have between 5 and 600 people tuning in
01:43 for each Program
01:44 and they've been taking advantage of our Sign Language
01:47 so, we want to thank those who are helping... by doing that.
01:50 Following the presentation this evening,
01:52 we will be having your Bible Questions.
01:54 If you're watching on Facebook,
01:55 you can type in your Bible Question in the little box there
01:59 with the information... the Comments Section
02:01 and we'll try and answer as many of your questions as possible
02:04 following the Program.
02:05 Now, this is the beginning of a big weekend for us here,
02:09 tonight... a very important subject
02:12 but tomorrow morning at 11 a. m. that's Pacific Time,
02:15 Saturday morning,
02:16 we're going to be having a very important presentation.
02:19 It's entitled: Bowing to the Beast...
02:21 so, we're going to be getting into
02:23 some of those deeper prophecies
02:25 so, tomorrow morning... 11 a. m. Pacific Time
02:28 and then also tomorrow evening, that's Saturday evening
02:30 at 7 p. m. is Part 2 of that same subject
02:33 dealing with the beast power of Revelation,
02:36 it's entitled: Marked for Death
02:38 so, be sure to tune in for all of the Programs this weekend.
02:41 Tell your friends...
02:43 it's not too late to have them join us as well.
02:45 We'd like to thank those who have sent in comments
02:48 telling us where you're watching from.
02:50 We have Emma from Texas, she says,
02:52 "Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to use you
02:54 to teach us about the Book of Revelation.
02:56 I have learned so much. "
02:58 We have Nancy from Colorado, she says,
03:01 "I'm new to the faith
03:02 and I'm very thankful to Pastor Doug
03:04 for his Presentation on: Cleansing the Sanctuary. "
03:07 And then, Patrick from the Netherlands says,
03:10 "I've been staying up every night till 4 a. m.
03:13 to watch your wonderful Programs.
03:15 Thank you for making this possible. "
03:18 And then Isaac from Tanzania says, "I love this Seminar...
03:21 I've been watching from the very beginning
03:24 and sharing with all of my friends, thanks. "
03:26 So, again we want to thank you for letting us know
03:28 that you're out there and you're participating
03:30 and you're sharing with your friends.
03:32 Tonight's Presentation is entitled: Born in a River
03:36 and we have a lesson that goes along with the Presentation,
03:39 it's got the same name...
03:40 it's entitled: Born in a River
03:42 and this is our free gift to all of those
03:44 who are watching.
03:45 If you'd like to receive this,
03:47 just go to the website, Revelation Now
03:49 and you can download the lesson: Born in a River
03:52 and again, we want to encourage you...
03:53 read through the lesson, look up the Bible verses,
03:55 it will help clarify the teachings
03:57 for each of these Presentations.
03:59 Our free gift for tonight is a book entitled:
04:03 Baptism Is It Really Necessary?
04:06 Now, if you'd like to receive a digital copy of this book,
04:09 all you have to do is text the word: BAPTIZED
04:12 to the number: 40544 if you're in North America
04:16 and we'll send you a digital copy of the book.
04:19 Now, if you're outside North America,
04:21 just go to the RevelationNow. com website
04:23 and you'll be able to download the book:
04:25 Baptism Is It Really Necessary?
04:28 Well, I'd like to invite Pastor Doug to come forward
04:31 and we'll prepare for our Presentation this evening.
04:34 Good evening Pastor Doug.
04:36 Doug: Hi, how are you?
04:37 Ross: Good... good... good,
04:39 very important weekend as you mentioned...
04:41 we've got something tonight... tomorrow morning...
04:43 you're going to be dealing with signs
04:45 or at least identifying the Beast Power... Revelation.
04:48 Doug: That's right, the Antichrist.
04:50 Ross: Folks don't want to miss that.
04:51 Doug: What that Mark is... tell your friends to tune in.
04:53 Ross: Absolutely, all right, well let's start with prayer.
04:55 "Dear Father, once again we are grateful
04:57 that we're able to gather together and open up Your Word
04:59 and study a very important subject
05:01 of how we can start fresh in our walk with You,
05:05 so, we ask Your blessing upon our time,
05:07 in Jesus' name, amen. "
05:08 Doug: Amen... thank you Pastor Ross
05:11 and again, Friends, don't forget
05:13 that immediately following our Presentation,
05:16 Pastor Ross is going to join me again,
05:17 we'll do our best to answer questions you may have
05:20 on any of the things we've presented thus far
05:23 and especially on tonight's subject.
05:26 Well, the river... the river... the lesson tonight is titled:
05:30 Born in a River
05:31 and it is a prophecy subject
05:35 but as always,
05:37 we'd like to start with a verse from Revelation
05:39 and this is the last chapter in the Bible.
05:41 It says in Revelation 22 verse 1,
05:44 verse on screen.
05:53 Now, we're going to go back and look at a story in the Bible
05:57 that talks about a river.
05:59 You know, probably one of the most famous rivers in the Bible
06:02 is the Jordan River.
06:04 You got a lot of miracles
06:05 that seemed to happen with the Jordan River
06:07 and I was teasing you a little bit
06:09 with the opening Amazing Fact about the Amazon,
06:12 I think it is fascinating that there is no bridge
06:14 that spans the Amazon all through its 4,000-mile course,
06:19 I think some of the tributaries have bridges
06:22 but not the main Amazon.
06:23 But one of the smallest rivers in the world...
06:26 and the lowest river in the world is the Jordan River
06:29 which is found in the land of Israel.
06:31 It's an interesting piece of geography
06:34 because it starts in the mountains of Lebanon,
06:36 way up above sea level
06:39 and it runs down the Jordan valley...
06:42 goes into the Sea of Galilee,
06:43 out of the Sea of Galilee, down into the Dead Sea
06:47 where it's about 1300 feet below sea level
06:50 and one of the hottest places on earth...
06:52 it is the lowest place on earth.
06:54 Jordan River supplies the Sea of Galilee...
06:57 full of life and fish
06:58 and it also supplies the Dead Sea... nothing alive there
07:01 and the difference, of course, is that the Jordan River
07:04 is going into the Sea of Galilee
07:07 and it's also going out the side,
07:09 so, because it's a channel, it stays alive.
07:12 It receives and it gives and that's like our lives
07:15 but the Dead Sea only takes
07:17 and it just takes and takes... it never gives
07:21 and the water evaporates before it can flow out
07:24 and so, it's just a sinkhole of salt
07:26 and nothing is alive in there
07:28 but the Jordan River also is a border
07:31 for the children of Israel.
07:32 When they came out of Egypt, they crossed the Jordan River,
07:36 when they went into the Promised Land,
07:37 God miraculously parted it, He made a bridge
07:40 and another time, when Elisha the prophet crossed
07:44 and when Elijah the prophet crossed,
07:47 the Lord both times miraculously parted the river
07:50 and what's really important
07:52 is that some miracles have taken place in the river
07:56 that relate to our subject tonight,
07:58 it is in a sense a river of life,
08:00 so, if we go to our story
08:01 that you find in the second book of Kings chapter 5,
08:05 it's a story about a Syrian General by the name of Naaman
08:09 and it introduces the story by telling us
08:13 that Naaman was a mighty man with his master...
08:15 he's a rich man...
08:16 he's a powerful man...
08:18 he's a courageous man...
08:19 seems to have everything going for him.
08:22 He's famous... he's wealthy...
08:23 he's popular... he's got a good reputation
08:26 but then it has five words at the end of that verse
08:29 and it says, "But he was a leper... "
08:32 and leprosy in Bible times was called: the touch of God
08:37 or the curse of God...
08:39 and, you know, it's often equated with sin in the Bible
08:43 because it was contagious... people were separated...
08:47 they could no longer go to the public places of worship
08:50 because they were considered unclean...
08:52 they were separated from their... their families...
08:55 their wives... their children...
08:56 they often had to live in colonies with other lepers
08:59 and then, they were slowly dying.
09:01 So, it tells us all these wonderful things about Naaman
09:04 and people would say, "Oh, I want to be Naaman... "
09:06 until they read the last verses... last words
09:09 "but he was a leper"
09:11 and then it tells us that...
09:13 the story has an interesting turn...
09:15 Naaman, being a wealthy General, he's got many servants,
09:19 one of the servants in his home
09:20 is a little girl that had been captured
09:22 from somewhere in northern Israel
09:24 and taken away
09:25 and she had probably been sold in the market place
09:28 and bought by Naaman' s family
09:30 and she waited on Naaman' s wife.
09:32 She knew her master had come down with leprosy
09:35 and she might have thought,
09:37 "Well, good, I hope he rots
09:38 because they stole me away from my home country... "
09:40 but like Joseph, years earlier, she said,
09:43 "You know, if God has me here,
09:44 I'm going to serve God wherever I'm at... "
09:46 and when she saw her master was sick,
09:48 she remembered the stories of the prophet in Israel... Elisha,
09:51 that everybody that came to Elisha for help...
09:54 they received help.
09:56 Nobody ever got a "no" from Elisha,
10:00 he always helped everybody and he performed many miracles
10:03 and with child-like faith, she told her mistress,
10:06 well, this is in 2nd Kings chapter 5 verse 3,
10:09 "Would God that the prophet Elisha... "
10:11 that he was with the prophet Elisha...
10:14 "for he would heal him of his leprosy. "
10:16 Well, you know, when you're dying, you can get desperate
10:19 and pretty soon, word reached Naaman
10:21 that this prophet down in Israel could heal him of his leprosy.
10:24 Well, they knew about Elisha
10:26 that he was a powerful prophet of God
10:29 and so, Naaman got a letter from his king
10:31 and he got some money
10:33 and he got a contingent of soldiers
10:35 and they took their caravan down to Israel
10:38 and he goes to the king and he says,
10:40 "I've got this letter...
10:41 king says you've got a prophet here that will heal me
10:44 of my leprosy. "
10:46 Well, the king of Israel said,
10:47 "I don't know anything about this... "
10:48 and he became all agitated
10:50 and Elisha the prophet said, "Send him to me...
10:52 he'll find out there's a prophet in Israel. "
10:55 So, Naaman went with his entourage,
10:57 he comes to the humble home of Elisha the prophet
11:00 and he expects this prophet
11:03 that's going to be like the magicians up in Syria,
11:05 he's going to perform some, you know, abracadabra
11:08 and throw gunpowder in the fire and declare him clean
11:11 but he doesn't even come out.
11:13 Elisha sends his servant out to him
11:15 and... and his name was Gehazi... the servant...
11:18 he comes and he gives him the message,
11:21 "Go and wash in the Jordan seven times,
11:23 and your flesh will be restored to you... "
11:26 he may even have lost... you know, with leprosy,
11:28 you can sometimes lose your digits...
11:30 your nose... your toes...
11:31 it's awful...
11:32 he says, "Your flesh will be restored
11:34 and you will be clean. "
11:35 When he heard that, he said,
11:37 "Wash? What are you suggesting?"
11:39 Now, what does it mean if someone tells you to wash?
11:42 That you're dirty.
11:43 What does it mean if they tell you to wash seven times?
11:46 You're really dirty...
11:49 and what does it mean if they tell you to wash seven times
11:52 in a dirty river?
11:53 He must be dirtier than the river.
11:56 So, you know, Naaman gets upset and he says,
12:00 "Are not Abana and Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus,
12:03 better than all the waters of Israel?
12:04 Couldn't I go home and wash in them and be clean?"
12:07 And he rode away in a rage.
12:08 But, you know, on his way home,
12:11 he had to drive by the Jordan river
12:13 and he kept staring at it.
12:14 A servant said, "Wash seven times, you'll be clean. "
12:17 Naaman' s servants rode up close to him...
12:20 you know, he's... he had a pandemic back then,
12:23 they had to keep their distance,
12:24 but it says, "They drew near... "
12:26 and they said, "Master, if the prophet had told you
12:29 to go climb a mountain... you know...
12:31 or fight some battle, you would have done it. "
12:33 He said, "He's telling you to wash and be clean,
12:35 you're right here, why don't you do it?"
12:37 And so, finally he stopped his horse
12:39 and he humbled himself.
12:41 He got off his horse... he peeled off his armour...
12:43 he looked at the brownish water of the Jordan...
12:45 Friends, when I read the Bible and I read all about the Jordan,
12:49 I thought it was like the Mississippi or something.
12:51 Then you go to Israel, you realize,
12:52 you can throw a rock across the Jordan,
12:54 it's not a big river
12:55 and in the summer, it's a series of stagnating pools
12:59 and so, he was thinking,
13:01 "I'm supposed to wash in that and be clean?"
13:03 But you see, Naaman thought his problem was leprosy...
13:06 his problem was pride.
13:08 So, he got his armour off and he took off his clothes
13:13 and you know,
13:14 we sort of come to the Lord... just as I am...
13:17 no medals... no stripes and he got in the water
13:21 and he dipped himself down
13:23 and he could feel the water stinging his sores
13:25 and he came back up...
13:26 he still had his leprosy and he was going to march out,
13:29 his servant said, "The message was...
13:31 wash seven times...
13:33 the miracle doesn't happen until the seventh time. "
13:35 So, he dunked himself again... nothing...
13:39 he dunked himself again...
13:40 and every time he's dunking himself,
13:42 he's become a little more humbler
13:44 and after five times, he comes up and he thinks,
13:49 "Oh, this is ridiculous, how embarrassing,
13:50 I'm going to quit... "
13:51 and the servant said, "No, no... two more... seven times. "
13:55 Now, here's a question for you,
13:57 "Does God mean what He says in the Bible
13:59 when He gives a number?"
14:00 Audience: Yes.
14:02 Doug: When God said to Joshua,
14:03 "March around Jericho seven times
14:05 and a miracle will happen. "
14:06 The blessing didn't come until the seventh time.
14:09 When God says, "I've blessed the seventh day"
14:12 do we pick our own number
14:14 or do we pick the day that God picks?
14:16 Does God mean what He says?
14:17 Audience: Amen.
14:19 Doug: Six times... still a leper...
14:21 but when he went down the seventh time,
14:24 I know he had to feel something
14:26 because if you're missing some of your skin or flesh
14:30 or fingers and... and he came up
14:32 he probably felt some things of pop... pop... pop... pop...
14:35 popping back into place
14:37 and he came out of the water
14:38 and the scars and the sores are gone
14:41 and he realizes he's clean.
14:44 The Bible says his flesh was restored to him
14:47 and not only was his flesh restored,
14:49 it goes on... it says,
14:51 "His flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child... "
14:53 and I can just picture that,
14:56 this is really the story of a Christian
14:58 because a Christian is like a soldier... like Naaman...
15:01 but we're also called: babies... we're newborn...
15:05 and here the story of Naaman being washed in the Jordan
15:10 and a miracle of the leprosy being washed away...
15:12 you know one of the first miracles Jesus performed
15:15 was... a leper came to Him full of leprosy...
15:17 he said, "Lord, if you want to, you can make me clean. "
15:20 Everyone's running away from Jesus
15:22 because this man is contagious...
15:24 and we can kind of relate today, huh,
15:27 and Jesus did not run, He said, "I am willing... "
15:31 He touched him and he became clean.
15:34 Leprosy is a type of sin in the Bible.
15:37 Washing in the Jordan is a symbol of new birth
15:42 and being washed away from your sins...
15:45 it's really the story of baptism.
15:47 Now, we're going to talk about the subject of baptism today
15:51 and I know what some of you are thinking.
15:52 Pastor Doug, you advertise Revelation Now
15:54 and here you are... you're throwing us a curve...
15:57 you're talking to us about baptism...
15:59 that's kind of a churchy subject,
16:01 I just want to know about prophecy.
16:02 Well, Friends, the Revelation is a revelation of Jesus Christ.
16:06 The gospel of Jesus begins with a baptism...
16:09 He begins His ministry with baptism.
16:11 The Bible... New Testament ends by telling people
16:15 to go and to baptize.
16:16 This is a priority to Jesus.
16:19 Knowing about the beast and Armageddon
16:21 and the rapture and all these things
16:23 is not going to save you
16:24 if you've not committed your life to the Lord.
16:26 So, I always insert this very important subject for one reason
16:31 because some people have never made a decision
16:33 to commit their life to Christ.
16:34 You cannot understand the things we're going to study
16:37 unless you have done that.
16:38 That's why we talk about it.
16:40 Jesus said, "Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. "
16:43 You cannot understand the spiritual things
16:45 we're going to discuss about last-day events
16:47 unless you commit your life to the Lord.
16:49 Then it will become clear.
16:51 The Bible says... otherwise your ears will be stopped,
16:53 your eyes will be closed
16:55 and it's not going to make sense to you.
16:56 The other reason... there are some of you
16:58 who've drifted from the Lord.
17:00 You may need to re-commit your lives to the Lord
17:02 and make a... get a new beginning
17:04 so, we talk about this important subject of baptism
17:07 but before we get into our questions,
17:09 as always, we like to go out...
17:12 find out what people on the street have to say
17:14 about our topic for tonight.
17:16 Pause...
17:19 Baptism to me is a way that you go to your church
17:25 where you worship...
17:26 and you're cleansed of your sins.
17:29 Baptism is when you put the old man to death
17:32 and bring out the new man in Christ.
17:33 Baptism is to be clean... clean and pure of...
17:38 of evil, I guess.
17:40 Baptism is when someone decides to renew themselves
17:47 in the name of the Lord.
17:49 If you give your life to Christ
17:51 and you kind of kill that old you
17:53 and come back as your new you.
17:55 Baptism represents the cleansing of the soul
17:57 and of the... the vessel that you're in
18:00 so, when you're dipped into the water,
18:02 you come back out clean and pure
18:04 and then you're supposed to live your life out so.
18:07 Well, there's a lot of different baptisms
18:09 but baptism really came from the ancient Egyptians.
18:12 I would imagine, there's multiple types of baptisms,
18:16 I would say... more than 20 plus.
18:18 No, I don't believe that baptism is necessary of salvation,
18:21 I believe an open and repentive position is appropriate
18:28 and all that's necessary.
18:30 I was, you know, baptized and confirmed
18:31 but you can still believe in Jesus Christ...
18:34 you can still believe that He's our Lord and Savior
18:36 even if... even if not.
18:38 In my opinion... no...
18:41 but that's just my opinion.
18:42 Pause...
18:44 All right, well, we had a number of opinions there,
18:46 some people are pretty close
18:48 to the Biblical truth on this subject,
18:50 but we're going to find out from the Word of God
18:52 what does it say about this subject of this covenant
18:56 called: Baptism...
18:57 where a person actually makes a decision
18:59 to transition from death to life
19:01 to cross the Jordan river, so to speak
19:03 and we're going to go to the first question for tonight,
19:06 I think we're going to learn a lot along the way.
19:08 It tells us... well, let's read the question,
19:10 What New Testament prophet
19:12 washed people in the Jordan river?
19:14 and I think most people know this,
19:16 Matthew chapter 3 verses 1, 5 and 6, it says...
19:20 verse on screen.
19:32 So, when John began baptizing,
19:35 evidently the people knew something about this
19:37 and it represented a cleansing...
19:39 a spiritual rebirth.
19:41 He was inviting people to repent
19:43 for the kingdom of heaven is at hand
19:45 and they wanted their sins washed away...
19:47 they were looking for the mercy of God...
19:50 and wanted to get a new beginning
19:52 so, John was there preaching with power
19:54 and he was also telling people,
19:55 "The Messiah is soon to make His appearance,
19:58 you need to prepare yourself... "
20:00 for His first coming.
20:02 Well, Friends, you know, Jesus is about to come again
20:04 and we need to be prepared for His second coming.
20:07 So, this is a very relevant subject
20:09 for people in the world to study today.
20:11 Second question,
20:13 on screen.
20:20 And we're using that metaphor from the story of Naaman.
20:23 You can read here in Acts 22,
20:25 Peter's preaching on the day of Pentecost and he says,
20:29 on screen.
20:35 And it must have been a priority
20:37 because Jesus told the disciples,
20:39 "Where you go... preach... teach...
20:42 once people embrace the truth,
20:43 help them to make a covenant to accept it
20:46 by going through this... this ceremony of baptism
20:50 and I hope somebody...
20:51 if I don't cover it, I hope someone ask me the question,
20:54 "Is it possible to go to heaven if you're not baptized?"
20:57 Or even if you're not baptized correctly...
20:59 and maybe I'll get to that a little later
21:02 but if not, I hope someone writes that down.
21:04 Third question:
21:06 According to the Bible,
21:08 how many different kinds or methods of baptism
21:10 are acceptable?
21:12 But you know, it tells us in the Bible there,
21:14 in Ephesians 4 verse 5,
21:16 "There is one Lord, one faith... "
21:19 how many? "One baptism. "
21:22 There's only one Bible... one Holy Spirit...
21:24 one God... one truth...
21:26 and yet, there are so many different things
21:28 that are called: baptism in the Bible.
21:32 Some churches baptize by sprinkling water,
21:35 others do... what you call: immerse...
21:38 where a person is dunked...
21:39 some immerse a person three times...
21:42 once for the Father... once for the Son...
21:44 once for the Holy Spirit.
21:45 Some people sprinkle salt...
21:47 some churches sprinkle salt on a person...
21:49 they call it baptism.
21:50 Some churches have a method where they just speak words
21:54 to a person... it's called the "Dry-cleaning Method" I suppose,
21:58 that way you know you could call a pastor
21:59 and he can baptize you over the phone.
22:01 So there are all these different methods
22:03 that people call: Baptism but does it make a difference?
22:06 And is there... is there a truth on this subject?
22:10 Now, I'll tell you why I think this is important to understand.
22:12 There are only a couple of rituals
22:14 that Jesus gave the Christian church.
22:16 The Lord's Supper... two sacraments you might say,
22:19 two ceremonies... the Lord's Supper and Baptism.
22:22 In the Lord's Supper you've got the... the grape juice
22:25 and the unleavened bread.
22:27 It's supposed to be unfermented wine and unleavened bread
22:29 type of the pure blood and the pure body of Jesus
22:32 and those symbols...
22:35 when they're properly taught from the Bible,
22:38 they're great with meaning,
22:39 it means... when you partake of that...
22:41 that the blood of Jesus cleanses you from sin
22:43 and that His life comes into you...
22:45 it's the bread of life... the Word of God
22:47 and they're lots of beautiful symbols.
22:48 So, what do you think when the youth pastor
22:50 tells his youth group,
22:52 he said, "We're going to go to McDonald's for Communion
22:55 and it's just a symbol,
22:57 so we're going to use hamburgers and Coco Cola
22:59 and call it: Communion. "
23:01 Well, I know that's an extreme
23:04 but you can see how little by little
23:06 when people get away
23:08 from the exact method that God gives us,
23:10 you can start losing the symbolism
23:12 and eventually, it gets to where it's just plain old sacrilegious
23:15 and blasphemous
23:17 and it's the same thing with baptism.
23:19 When God says something... these are the words of God,
23:21 He means what He says...
23:23 we drift away from the original way
23:25 and we can start losing the symbolism and the meaning.
23:28 So, these things are important.
23:30 So, what does Baptism mean?
23:32 Well, it's rich with meaning, it means several things.
23:34 I'll tell you quickly and then I'm going to repeat myself.
23:37 They say the key to a good sermon is:
23:39 tell people what you're going to say...
23:40 say it and tell them what you said.
23:41 So, I may repeat myself
23:43 and that way, I want everyone to catch this
23:46 because this is in reality...
23:47 if you get this subject tonight
23:49 and you don't understand everything about the rapture
23:51 and you don't understand everything about the Millennium,
23:54 this is really important because we are talking about
23:57 committing your life to Christ.
23:58 It's that river of life
24:00 where you're born in the river so to speak
24:03 and that's what baptism symbolizes.
24:04 "You must be born again... " Jesus said.
24:07 So, baptism represents a new birth...
24:09 baptism represents a marriage...
24:12 it represents a death to the old person.
24:15 You know, when a person goes under the water
24:18 and they come back up again,
24:20 it symbolizes that a burial of the old person...
24:22 a birth of the new person...
24:24 like when a baby is born, it takes its first breath
24:26 and all of these things are wrapped up
24:29 in that symbol... that ceremony of baptism.
24:32 So, the Greek word...
24:34 if you want to know something about the method of baptism,
24:36 it's very easily... to determine,
24:38 it's right there in the Word itself.
24:39 There is a Greek word that you find in the Bible for baptism
24:42 is "baptizo"
24:44 and baptizo itself means "to dip... "
24:46 "to immerse... " to plunge under water.
24:50 You cannot sprinkle a little water on a person and say,
24:54 they've been baptized.
24:55 If you tell your kids... you're out at the ranch
24:58 and you give them the bag of garbage,
25:00 you say, "Go out to the dump out back,
25:03 dig a hole and bury the garbage... "
25:05 and they come back
25:07 and the next morning you see garbage scattered
25:08 all over the yard, raccoons got into it
25:11 and you say, "What happened, did you bury it?"
25:13 They say, "No, I went out and sprinkled some dirt on it. "
25:15 Does it make a difference?
25:16 Do you want your sins sprinkled with dirt or buried?
25:19 And that's why these things are...
25:22 these symbols actually are relevant... it does matter.
25:25 You can read in Colossians 2:12,
25:28 verse on screen.
25:37 And also, well, let's read Question number 4.
25:42 So, how was Jesus... who is our example in all things
25:45 how was He baptized?
25:47 If you want to know what a Christian is,
25:48 he's a follower of Christ.
25:50 Well, the Bible tells us,
25:51 "Jesus came... and He was baptized of John in Jordan.
25:55 And straightway coming up out of the water,
25:59 He saw the Heavens opened. "
26:00 So, when John the Baptist started baptizing,
26:03 if the method of baptism was sprinkling,
26:06 then, he didn't need a river,
26:08 he could sprinkle with a spring water up in Jerusalem,
26:11 he could sprinkle anywhere.
26:13 It wasn't just pouring...
26:14 they needed a place where people could walk on in...
26:17 they were laid down...
26:18 they were brought up again
26:20 and it symbolized that new birth...
26:23 a complete thorough washing from sin
26:25 and I think it really does matter,
26:28 now, I want to make something very clear.
26:32 just so people don't get the wrong idea,
26:34 I believe there's going to be a lot of people in heaven
26:36 that were not baptized biblically,
26:38 there'll be some people in heaven
26:40 that were not baptized because they did not know.
26:42 God is merciful... you can read in the book of Acts chapter 17,
26:46 "At the times of this ignorance God winks at
26:50 but now commands everyone everywhere to repent. "
26:53 When we know the truth, we should walk in the truth
26:56 is what it tells us
26:57 and you're going to find here in this Seminar,
26:59 God is trying restore truth to His people
27:01 before Jesus returns.
27:03 So, Jesus is our example, He went down to the river
27:06 and was Jesus baptized to wash away His sin?
27:09 Did Jesus sin?
27:11 The Bible says, "Who did no sin...
27:14 He died for our sins. "
27:16 So, why was He baptized?
27:17 Couple of things,
27:19 Jesus was baptized for one thing... as an example.
27:23 The Bible tells us, He's given us an example
27:25 that we should walk even as He walked.
27:28 The second thing is,
27:29 in the same way that Jesus died on the cross,
27:32 not for His sins but for our sins,
27:35 He was baptized on behalf of those who maybe could not be.
27:39 Do you remember when Christ was on the cross dying,
27:42 there was a thief... I suspect he was the thief on the right,
27:45 the Bible says... the goats are on the left,
27:47 the sheep are on the right
27:49 and that thief turned to Him and said,
27:50 "Lord, remember me when You come into your kingdom... "
27:52 and Jesus said,
27:53 "If you can go and get baptized, I'll save you. "
27:55 Is that what He said?
27:56 No, He said, "Verily I say to you today,
27:59 you will be with me in Paradise. "
28:02 He promised him everlasting life...
28:04 but he... he wasn't baptized.
28:05 I think Jesus gives people like that credit for His baptism.
28:08 I've been in the hospital with people who were dying,
28:12 my own brother... and never baptized...
28:14 and I asked... there at the end when he was at the hospital
28:18 if I could pray with him
28:20 and he asked me to pray with him.
28:21 Well, I'm looking forward to seeing him in the kingdom
28:23 but he couldn't be baptized.
28:24 So, as you are listening to this,
28:26 some of you are saying, "Well, Pastor Doug,
28:28 but maybe I wasn't baptized correctly. "
28:30 Well, it's not too late, you can do it the right way
28:34 but let's find out what the Bible teaches.
28:35 Jesus went down into the river...
28:37 He came up out of the river...
28:39 we'll look at a couple of other examples.
28:40 It tells us that now, John chapter 3 verse 23,
28:44 "John the Baptist was baptizing in Aenon near Salim
28:49 because there was much water there. "
28:51 And it says, "They came and they were baptized. "
28:54 Why did John baptize there?
28:55 Deep water... which is sometimes hard to find in a desert
28:59 because they were immersing people
29:02 so, they could get the experience
29:04 of the full cleansing... holding their breath...
29:07 taking that new breath like a baby being born again
29:10 and they come out of the water and through faith...
29:13 H20 doesn't wash away our sin...
29:15 it's the blood of Jesus
29:16 but it's through faith, we're forgiven
29:18 but ceremonies matter.
29:20 So, if you're going to get married,
29:25 how important is a wedding?
29:27 Most women will agree it's important...
29:29 they kind of look forward to it.
29:31 Well, let's face it, it's a ceremony
29:32 and, you know, even as a Pastor,
29:34 I often have people... young couples...
29:35 they start shacking up together and they say,
29:37 "Well Pastor, we're married in God's eyes. "
29:39 I can't tell you how many people told me,
29:41 "We're married in God's eyes... "
29:43 and then they had a tiff and they break up
29:44 and they go... move in with someone else...
29:46 and then they move in with someone else and...
29:47 and... no... marriage is a covenant.
29:50 It's a serious decision... it's a promise...
29:53 it's a public decision
29:55 and there are certain rights and privileges and laws
29:59 connected with it after you go through that covenant
30:02 and that public ceremony.
30:04 Baptism is the ceremony ordained by Jesus Himself
30:08 where He said, "I want you to publicly declare
30:10 that you are accepting Me...
30:11 that you want that cleansing from sin
30:13 and by my grace, you're going to follow me,
30:15 you're going to live in the newness of life. "
30:18 So, it did matter... the method also matters.
30:20 "How did Philip... "
30:23 now we're going to the book of Acts chapter 8,
30:25 "How did Philip the Evangelist
30:27 baptize the treasurer of Ethiopia?"
30:29 Now, it's a great story...
30:31 God just speaks to Philip and He says,
30:33 "Go down to the desert by Gaza... "
30:35 so he obeys and he goes down to this place
30:38 and while he's there,
30:39 all of a sudden, he runs into this very important man,
30:43 he's the treasurer for the Queen Candace of Ethiopia
30:46 and he's in... he a... he's a believer of Jehovah...
30:50 he's reading the scroll of Isaiah...
30:51 must have had money
30:53 because not everybody had their own private scrolls back then
30:55 and he's reading the prophecy in Isaiah
30:57 that talks about Jesus dying for our sins
31:00 and he's reading out loud and Philip hears him,
31:02 he says, "Do you understand what you're reading?"
31:05 He said, "Well, how can I unless someone helps me?"
31:07 He said, "You know, can I help you?"
31:09 He said, "Well, come on up in the chariot... "
31:11 so he helped him into his chariot...
31:13 first hitchhiker in the Bible
31:15 and as they're riding along,
31:16 he shows him from the Scriptures that Jesus was the fulfillment
31:20 of that prophecy
31:21 and he's so excited that as they're riding by
31:25 he either rode by an oasis
31:26 or maybe he's going down by Gaza...
31:28 you'd actually see the Mediterranean,
31:30 he said, "Here's water,
31:31 what prevents me from being baptized?"
31:34 And Philip took him and he baptized.
31:36 He said... he said, "Can I get baptized?"
31:39 Philip said, "If you believe with all your heart... "
31:41 and so, that's one of the criteria for baptism...
31:43 you need to believe.
31:44 So, they both went down into the water... both of them...
31:48 not one person sprinkling another...
31:50 both Philip and the Eunuch... and he baptized him
31:53 and the Bible tells us that
31:55 when they were come up out of the water...
31:57 so they go down in... they come up out...
31:59 it says the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip
32:02 and Philip suddenly found himself...
32:03 God said, "Look, you walked all the way to the desert
32:06 to do My will down there,
32:07 I'm going to give you a quick trip back up to Caesarea. "
32:10 It's like, first example of someone being beamed
32:13 in the Bible... just took him and transported him
32:16 but it was so important that that man go through the ceremony
32:20 that they have Philip go all the way down
32:22 to baptize that one man, so, does it matter to God?
32:25 I think it must.
32:26 What other truths are symbolized by baptism?
32:30 Well, you can read in Romans 6 verse 4 and 5,
32:34 verse on screen.
32:46 So, baptism is telling us
32:48 that we should be willing to repent of our sins
32:50 and turn away,
32:51 now, does that mean you need to be perfect
32:55 before you're baptized?
32:57 Nobody would ever be ready
32:59 but it does mean, you need to forsake
33:02 any known or habitual sins
33:04 and be willing to repent of those things
33:06 and walk in the newness of life.
33:07 Pause...
33:10 If I had to wait until I knew everything about Karen
33:13 before I got baptized, you'd never get baptized...
33:15 or married... that's what I was trying to say, that's right.
33:19 So... but you want to know the main things...
33:21 I think everybody... if I were to ask you,
33:23 "Did you learn a lot of things afterward?"
33:25 They say, "Yup... some good, maybe not all... "
33:29 but... so, if you say, "I'm going to wait
33:32 until I know everything about the Bible,
33:34 well, you'll never be ready
33:35 or... "I'm going to wait till I'm perfect... "
33:37 you'll probably never feel perfect
33:39 but if I come to Karen and said,
33:40 "Karen, I love you and I want to marry you
33:42 but you don't mind if I keep dating Betty and Jane. "
33:45 She'd say, "What! get out of here... "
33:48 she'd say, "I want exclusive commitment here... "
33:51 and so, if we go to Jesus and say,
33:53 "Lord, you know, I love you and I want to follow you,
33:56 I want to be a Christian but I...
33:57 I'm still dating the devil, is that okay?"
33:58 He said, "No... "
34:00 Now, it doesn't mean you're never going to make
34:01 a mistake and sin
34:03 but you're involved in some kind of habitual sin,
34:05 you want to confess and repent of that before baptism.
34:09 Some people think, "If I can just get baptized,
34:12 suddenly, I'll have the power to turn away from my sins. "
34:15 Now, that has probably happened on occasion
34:17 but, that's not the way to do it...
34:19 that would be like me going to Karen and saying,
34:20 "Karen, if you just marry me,
34:22 I think I could stop dating these other girls
34:24 and I'll love you. "
34:25 No, you want to have the love and the commitment
34:28 before the ceremony... is that clear?
34:31 So, you make sure you love the person
34:33 and you've got the commitment...
34:34 too dangerous with baptism, some people wait too long,
34:38 some people go too fast...
34:40 that happens with marriage too
34:42 and so, you want to make sure, you've got your timing right
34:45 but we'll go through what the criteria are.
34:48 Furthermore, Romans 6:4 and 5,
34:50 verse on screen.
34:58 So, baptism is a symbol of a death and a burial
35:03 and a resurrection...
35:04 and some people wonder,
35:06 "Isn't Sunday what God gave us to celebrate the...
35:12 the death and the resurrection of Christ?"
35:14 No, it doesn't say that anywhere in the Bible,
35:17 He did give us baptism to celebrate the death, burial
35:20 and resurrection of Christ
35:22 and so, that's why we participate in it
35:24 and then the other thing that's beautiful...
35:26 Jesus said... we need to be born again.
35:28 Baptism... you know when a baby
35:30 is in that envelope of water,
35:33 and it emerges and it takes it's first breath,
35:35 you've got new life and there's innocence there
35:38 and so, God looks upon us as though we're perfectly innocent.
35:42 After we've been baptized, we commit ourselves to the Lord
35:46 and if you ever sin... as you will along the way,
35:49 He's designed... then we'll have a Communion Service,
35:52 so you can have a mini baptism in the process.
35:55 How important is baptism?
35:58 Why are we talking about this in a Revelation Program?
36:00 Again, one reason is... because spiritual things
36:04 are not going to be spiritually recognized and understood
36:07 unless we make a spiritual commitment.
36:10 When we surrender our hearts to the Lord,
36:12 then He opens our understanding.
36:14 The promise is: if you draw near to God,
36:16 He will draw near to you.
36:17 Baptism is a decision where you say,
36:19 "Lord, I want to commit my life to You,
36:22 help me understand the truth... "
36:23 and these other mysteries of prophecy will begin to unfold
36:26 and the importance of them will become really clear
36:29 when we make that commitment.
36:31 So, what does Jesus say?
36:33 Mark 16:16...
36:35 "He that believes and is baptized shall be saved;
36:40 he that believes not shall be damned. "
36:43 That sounds pretty serious.
36:44 What did Jesus say to Nicodemus?
36:46 John 3 verse 5,
36:50 verse on screen.
36:53 Now, I know some people read this verse and they say,
36:56 "Except a man be born of water... "
36:58 and they say, "Well, that means born of your mother...
37:00 you're in the embryonic sac of water
37:02 and the Spirit... you cannot enter the kingdom of God"
37:05 but why would Jesus say that?
37:07 Why would Jesus say, "Unless you're born of a woman
37:10 and the Spirit... "
37:11 anyone here not born of a woman?
37:13 I mean, that's kind of...
37:16 He's just not talking about this...
37:18 unless you're born of your choice to be baptized
37:20 and God's choice to baptize you with the Spirit,
37:23 you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
37:25 See, the Bible always talks about:
37:27 born of the water... born of the Spirit...
37:30 children of Israel... when they came out of Egypt,
37:31 they went through the Red Sea,
37:32 1st Corinthians 10 tells us that's baptism...
37:35 and they were baptized in a pillar of fire...
37:38 they were born in the water... born in the fire...
37:40 Planet Earth... back in the days of Noah...
37:43 everything was wiped out by water...
37:45 2nd Peter chapter 3 said, "When Jesus comes,
37:48 it's going to be now baptized in fire. "
37:51 Then, He's going to make a new heaven and a new earth.
37:53 So, our world is going to get new birth
37:55 after it's born of the water and the fire.
37:57 You got... you need kind of both baptisms,
38:00 so, one is your choice for the baptism
38:03 and then God gives you the Spirit baptism as well.
38:06 What blessed ceremony can be compared to baptism?
38:10 Well, I've already kind of told you this little secret,
38:14 Galatians 3 verse 27,
38:16 verse on screen.
38:22 It's compared to... like a beautiful wedding.
38:24 It's a new beginning... it's a covenant...
38:27 it's that commitment to Jesus.
38:28 Husbands love your wives just as Christ loved the church
38:33 and gave Himself for her.
38:35 You know, the Bible calls the New Jerusalem
38:38 the bride of Christ
38:39 and even in some of the last verses of Revelation,
38:42 it says, "The Spirit and the bride says, 'Come. '"
38:44 He's inviting us to come to Him
38:46 and so, baptism is this beautiful ceremony
38:49 that represents the commitment... the covenant...
38:53 the new birth...
38:55 the washing away of the old sin...
38:57 the death of the old person.
38:59 I can just stand here and talk to you Folks about this subject
39:02 if it wasn't for the promise that through baptism
39:05 God has taken my sins
39:07 and cast them into the depths of the sea
39:08 but I really believe that I'm not the same person.
39:11 The Bible says, "Old things are passed away,
39:14 all things are become new. "
39:16 Baptism is sort of that transition point.
39:19 Jesus began His ministry at His baptism
39:22 and it's a very important turning point
39:25 for a believer as well.
39:26 Number 9...
39:28 What command did Jesus give to His people
39:31 just before He ascended to heaven?
39:33 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
39:36 baptizing them in the name of the Father,
39:39 and the Son, and the Holy Spirit... "
39:41 and He goes on to say,
39:43 "teaching them to observe all things
39:45 whatsoever I have commanded you... "
39:46 and so, people need to be taught when they're baptized
39:51 and we're doing the gospel teaching here...
39:53 we've got presentations on what is the gospel...
39:56 but there's some teaching that also comes afterwards,
39:59 so, again, you don't have to wait till you know everything
40:01 but you need to know what the basics are
40:03 and before a person's baptized, they ought to say,
40:06 "Yes, I believe the Bible is the Word of God. "
40:08 "Yes, I believe in God the Father, Son
40:10 and the Holy Spirit. "
40:12 "Yes, I've accepted Jesus as my Savior
40:14 and believe through faith that He's washed away my sins... "
40:17 and there's some basic vows.
40:19 When I marry people, I go through the wedding vows
40:22 and those vows are very important...
40:25 it's a covenant of promises...
40:27 and the promises are made because of love
40:29 and when we're baptized, we're making promises
40:32 because of love for the Lord.
40:34 So, by the way, those are the last words of Jesus.
40:37 "Go ye therefore, teach and baptize. "
40:39 Also, you find that in the gospel of Mark.
40:42 So, I would think the last words of Christ
40:44 ought to be a first priority for Christians.
40:46 Number 10...
40:48 so, obviously there's a lot dear people...
40:51 Christians from other faiths
40:52 that maybe don't understand biblical baptism,
40:55 where did all these counterfeit forms of baptism come from?
40:58 Mark 7 verse 8,
41:00 "For laying aside the commandment of God,
41:03 you hold the tradition of men... "
41:06 then gradually it began to change.
41:09 Let me give you a little history real quick,
41:12 baptism... for 100s of years after Christ,
41:14 all Christians were baptized by immersion...
41:17 they followed the biblical method...
41:18 it was so clear in the Bible, it was hard to misunderstand
41:21 and just an example here for instance
41:24 is a first-century baptistery in Philippi.
41:27 Church is built around the baptistery...
41:29 you can see it right there...
41:31 they would go down in this pool and get baptized.
41:32 Even the Jewish Essenes down by the Dead Sea...
41:36 they had baptisteries...
41:37 and John the Baptist didn't baptize very far from them,
41:40 they... they all knew it represented
41:42 a spiritual cleaning.
41:43 You can go to a fifth-century baptistery in Emmaus.
41:47 Again, they went down in the water,
41:50 they were immersed...
41:52 there was room there for the pastor and the candidate
41:53 to be immersed
41:55 and they were symbolically washed from their sins.
41:58 Now, I've been here to the Leaning Tower of Pisa
42:01 and many people know about that building...
42:03 not as many know about the building that is adjoining
42:06 or just next door to it...
42:07 almost looks like the tower is going to fall on it,
42:10 that church was built around a baptistery... a big one...
42:13 people get into...
42:15 they were still practicing that kind of baptism
42:17 over a 1,000 years after Christ.
42:19 They were baptizing biblically, by immersion
42:22 and even in Rome... they've got this edifice here
42:25 and it is a church built around...
42:28 there it is inside... a baptistery
42:30 and so, what happened?
42:32 Well, as with all compromise of truth...
42:36 it happens little by little.
42:37 You know, the devil's got a counterfeit
42:38 for every truth of God.
42:40 You got a counterfeit for the Holy Spirit...
42:41 he's got a counterfeit for love...
42:44 got a counterfeit for speaking in tongues...
42:46 there is the true and there is the false...
42:49 you just find any Bible doctrine...
42:51 the devil will almost always have some counterfeit
42:53 for it out there.
42:55 There are also counterfeit baptisms.
42:56 Gradually... over time... people felt it was inconvenient,
43:03 it wasn't until... you can read here,
43:06 the Council of Ravenna in AD 1311
43:09 that sprinkling and pouring were officially accepted
43:12 as equally valid... they were still immersing...
43:14 but they said, "We're also... since it's a symbol,
43:17 if someone wants to just get sprinkled
43:19 or if they want to have it poured on them...
43:21 that will be equally as valid as immersion
43:24 as a rite of baptism. "
43:26 So, here it is... like 1300 years after Christ...
43:28 they were doing it biblically
43:30 and they gradually began to compromise.
43:32 What happened is... for example...
43:34 somebody was sick
43:36 and the priests were teaching you how to be baptized
43:38 or you couldn't be saved.
43:39 They said, "Well, they're too sick to be baptized,
43:41 what shall we do?
43:42 Let's bless the water... we'll call it holy water...
43:44 we'll wrap up a sheet... we'll wrap them up in a wet sheet,
43:46 we'll call that baptism. "
43:49 Or they said, "You know,
43:51 we got royalty that wants to get baptized,
43:54 they don't really want...
43:55 it's not very dignified, you know,
43:57 to get down in the water...
43:58 let's just sprinkle a little water on them. "
44:00 Well, started the... started pouring a little bit
44:02 since it's just a symbol... we don't need it all done,
44:05 started just pouring it and then sprinkling it...
44:08 and from there, everything began to change.
44:11 God wants us to get back to the Bible, I believe.
44:13 So, with this background,
44:16 what about child baptisms?
44:20 Does the Bible teach it's okay to baptize babies?
44:23 What does the Bible say?
44:25 The Bible tells us... you need to repent...
44:28 you need to confess your sins...
44:30 you need to be taught...
44:32 you need to believe with all your heart...
44:34 can a baby do those things?
44:36 Has the baby sinned?
44:37 What... what sins are they repenting of?
44:39 Now, many who are watching right now, you say,
44:42 "Pastor Doug, I was baptized as a baby,
44:44 you're telling me that I'm not qualified. "
44:46 No, I'm telling... your parents dedicated you.
44:48 When Jesus was a baby,
44:50 He was brought by His parents to the temple
44:53 and they dedicated Him to God
44:54 and that's when He was named.
44:56 Some people call it a "Christening"
44:58 like when you name a ship
44:59 and you crack the bottle over there.
45:01 You may be dedicated by your parents
45:04 but baptism is something you must decide.
45:06 It's your decision.
45:08 Every individual makes their own decision,
45:10 nobody makes it for you
45:12 and so, children can't repent...
45:15 they can't believe... they can be taught...
45:16 they have no sins to repent of...
45:18 baptism should happen as a person gets older
45:21 so they can comprehend these spiritual truths.
45:24 Question 11...
45:26 What does the Bible say about those
45:28 who put the teachings of men before the truth of God?
45:32 Jesus said in Matthew 15 verse 9,
45:35 on screen.
45:41 There's a lot of man-made doctrines out there
45:44 that just are not in the Bible.
45:46 Places where the church has drifted far away
45:49 from the teaching of God's Word
45:50 and whenever that happens, we miss a blessing.
45:53 We miss the power of God's Spirit,
45:55 we miss the real meaning
45:56 and so, we got to pray that God helps us to stick with the Word.
46:00 Galatians 1 verse 8, Paul says,
46:04 verse on screen.
46:13 So, Jesus said they are the doctrines of men
46:16 and if anyone diverges from the Bible teaching,
46:19 let them be accursed.
46:20 Paul warned the early church,
46:22 he said, "After my departure,
46:23 grievous wolves are going to come in
46:25 not sparing the flock
46:26 and from your own selves, people will arise,
46:29 teaching perverse things
46:31 and Paul talks about doctrines of devils...
46:33 all kinds of false teachings have come in
46:35 that just are not based on the Bible
46:37 so that modern Christianity barely resembles the real thing.
46:41 Before Jesus comes back,
46:43 He is calling people to return to the truth of His Word.
46:46 That's why we do Programs like this.
46:48 Question number 12:
46:50 But doesn't the baptism of the Holy Spirit
46:53 replace baptism by immersion?
46:55 What does the Bible say, the Bible says you need both.
46:59 Acts chapter 2, I think we touched on this verse
47:02 Peter... when preaching there at Pentecost,
47:04 he said, "Repent, and be baptized
47:07 every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ
47:11 for the remission of sins,
47:12 and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. "
47:15 You notice that? That's a wonderful promise.
47:17 He didn't say, "You might... "
47:18 He said, "You shall. "
47:20 Now, we need the Holy Spirit.
47:21 We need to make our choice to be baptized
47:24 and then we pray to God to baptize us,
47:26 remember, John the Baptist said,
47:29 "I baptize you with water
47:31 but the One who's coming after me...
47:33 I'm not worthy to carry His sandals,
47:34 He'll baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. "
47:37 So, we need that Holy-Spirit-fire baptism...
47:40 Jesus said, "Unless you're born of the water and the Spirit,
47:42 you cannot enter the kingdom of God. "
47:45 Some churches put a big emphasis on water baptism,
47:48 they don't talk about the importance of being baptized
47:50 in the Holy Spirit
47:52 and at Pentecost, of course,
47:54 the Holy Spirit came down with mighty power...
47:56 they were filled... the gospel went flying like fire
47:59 and I think that's going to happen again
48:01 before Jesus comes back.
48:03 We, once again, need a Pentecostal baptism.
48:06 A lot of churches say, "Oh, we've got it,
48:08 I don't think we've seen what they saw back in those days.
48:11 I believe you're going to see signs and wonders and miracles
48:15 that not only are equal what happened at Pentecost,
48:19 I think it will be even greater in scope
48:21 because the work is even greater in scope right now.
48:24 Now, when do you get the Holy Spirit?
48:28 Well, sometimes in the Bible, people have got the Holy Spirit
48:31 after baptism
48:33 as were the disciples at Pentecost...
48:35 they'd been baptized by John the Baptist
48:37 but then later, they got baptized with the Holy Spirit.
48:39 Cornelius and his family...
48:42 they got baptized with the Holy Spirit
48:43 and then Peter said, "Oh wait,
48:45 you got to be baptized in water also... "
48:47 and with Jesus...
48:48 He got baptized with the Holy Spirit and water
48:51 at the same time.
48:52 Sometimes it happens that way,
48:54 so, God can do it any way He wants.
48:55 According to the Bible,
48:57 what must a person do before he is baptized?
49:00 Now, I'm going to go through these quickly
49:02 because I think I've touched on them
49:04 but just so we are being very clear
49:06 because I think some of you listening right now are thinking
49:08 "You know, I either have never been baptized biblically
49:12 or maybe you were baptized and you've kind drifted
49:15 and you're wondering,
49:16 "Maybe I need to re-dedicate my life to the Lord. "
49:19 First of all, understand the main teachings of Jesus,
49:23 what it means to be saved...
49:25 to repent of your sins... to follow Him...
49:27 to be part of a... a Christian body.
49:30 B. Believe the teachings of Jesus.
49:34 It's one thing to say, "Oh, I understand them... "
49:37 but do you believe them?
49:38 "Believe them" means willing to follow them,
49:40 it means, be... live... them...
49:42 and so, if you say,
49:43 "Yes, I believe these things are true,
49:45 I want to order my life in harmony with these beliefs. "
49:48 That's what it means...
49:49 and you remember when Philip spoke to the Ethiopian,
49:52 he said, "If you believe with all your heart... "
49:55 that Jesus died for your sins, you may be baptized.
49:58 Repent of your past sins
50:00 and ask God to give you His power of His Spirit
50:03 to live a new life, and He will.
50:05 But tell the Lord, you're sorry.
50:06 Now, part of repentance is a verbal aspect of that,
50:09 repentance means being sorry for your past sins
50:11 I think most people are
50:12 but then it means confessing them to God
50:14 and you might be thinking,
50:16 "Why? doesn't God know everything?"
50:18 Yes, but something happens in your heart...
50:21 the Bible said, "If we confess our sins,
50:24 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins... "
50:27 this is 1st John chapter 1 verse 9,
50:30 "and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. "
50:32 How much unrighteousness?
50:34 He'll cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
50:36 So, repent of your sins... confess your sins to God.
50:39 This is what happened when the Philippian jailor
50:42 came to Paul and Silas,
50:44 he said, "What must I do to be saved?"
50:46 He said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ
50:49 and you'll be saved and your household... "
50:51 and then, they taught him later that night...
50:54 they baptized him... he did believe.
50:55 He repented of his sins.
50:57 As a matter of fact, he nearly killed himself that night...
50:59 he was so tired of his life of sin.
51:01 Agree to turn from a life of sin.
51:04 Do you remember that woman many believe was Mary Magdalene,
51:07 caught in the act of adultery
51:08 and Jesus said, "I do not condemn you...
51:11 go... you're free... and sin no more...
51:14 turn from that life that you've been living. "
51:17 and I'm putting the verses on the screen
51:19 and they're also in your support material,
51:21 I hope you request those, they're free...
51:25 and so, accept Jesus as your personal Savior
51:28 and experience that new birth
51:30 and say, "You know, I've made...
51:32 I know Jesus is in my heart, I've asked Him in,
51:34 I sense there's this change... just like...
51:36 before marriage you want to know there's love there.
51:38 Question 14...
51:40 Is rebaptism ever proper or appropriate?
51:44 Yes, there's three examples where you might get rebaptized.
51:48 One is, if you were not baptized biblically.
51:51 If you were baptized by, you know, sprinkling
51:53 or pouring... or salt... or words...
51:55 or one of these other methods,
51:56 you want to follow Jesus' example and do it by immersion
52:00 and do it with a Bible-believing church.
52:02 I know, people that hear this sermon...
52:04 they run out and grab their friend and say,
52:05 "Will you dunk me in the swimming pool?"
52:07 There is more to it than that.
52:09 The other reason to be rebaptized is,
52:11 if you were baptized...
52:13 you were a Bible Christian...
52:15 but you drifted from the Lord,
52:16 that doesn't mean you you miss church one week
52:18 but it means... you really turned away from God,
52:20 you sort of divorce yourself from the church and the Lord,
52:23 you may need to be rebaptized, kind of re-married.
52:26 Third reason, you have an example here in Acts 19,
52:29 Paul is preaching up in Asia...
52:31 he encounters 12 Ephesian believers...
52:34 they've heard about John the Baptist...
52:37 they were baptized by immersion
52:38 but they left before Jesus began His ministry
52:42 and Paul said, "Were you baptized?"
52:44 And they said, "Yes, we were, we were baptized by John. "
52:48 He said, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit?"
52:50 They said, "We've not even heard
52:52 whether there be any Holy Ghost. "
52:53 He said, "Unto what then were ye baptized?"
52:56 They said, "John's baptism... John the Baptist. "
52:58 Paul said, "Verily John baptized with the baptism of repentance,
53:03 saying to the people, that they should believe on Him
53:06 that should come after him,
53:08 that is, on Jesus Christ. "
53:10 When they heard this,
53:11 they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
53:13 and they were filled with the Holy Spirit
53:16 and so... they were rebaptized
53:19 because they came into a whole new understanding of the truth
53:21 and, you know, I might mention that
53:23 I've been baptized twice.
53:26 First time I was baptized, I read the Bible...
53:29 I was up in the cave...
53:31 accepted Jesus...
53:32 just was a Baby Christian
53:34 and some Christians...
53:37 two Christian gentlemen came hiking by my cave...
53:39 they were part of the Jesus Movement
53:41 and they were from, I think, Calvary Baptist Church
53:43 and they said... they wanted to witness to me,
53:47 they said, "Do you know the Lord?"
53:48 I said, "As a matter of fact, I just accepted the Lord
53:50 a few days ago... I read my Bible up here
53:51 and I finally gave my heart to the Lord... "
53:52 and first chance I really had to tell someone about this.
53:55 They said, "Ah, were you baptized?"
53:56 I said, "No... I know I read about it... "
53:59 I hadn't even thought about it even though I read it
54:01 and they said... they gave me a quick machine-gun Bible study
54:04 on baptism...
54:05 they took me to the creek right outside of my cave,
54:07 and... which by the way came from melted snow
54:10 and it was winter
54:12 and they baptized me
54:14 and I can tell you,
54:15 I did feel born again for a little while
54:17 because it... it felt really good to get out of that water
54:19 but they hadn't taught me
54:21 and after... they kept hiking...
54:24 they said, "Oh, congratulations you're a Christian...
54:25 you're baptized... you're saved. "
54:27 I said, "Wonderful... "
54:28 they left... I thought... oh! I was so excited,
54:30 "I'm going to go to town and celebrate with my friends. "
54:33 Went to town... got some beer...
54:35 said, "Hey Guys, I got baptized today... "
54:37 I was in jail before the sun went down that day.
54:40 True story...
54:42 so, I had not been properly taught...
54:44 several years later,
54:46 I met a Godly minister who did teach me
54:50 and I was baptized
54:52 and I have not had any more beer
54:54 and the only time I'm in jail now is to visit people,
54:57 so, I understood what the commitment meant after that.
55:00 Question 15...
55:02 Is baptism connected with joining a church?
55:05 Yes, Acts 2 verse 41,
55:08 verse on screen.
55:17 It says they were baptized and added to the church.
55:19 Acts 2:47...
55:21 "Praising God, and having favor with all the people.
55:24 And the Lord added to the church daily
55:26 such as should be saved. "
55:28 Notice the connection...
55:29 baptized and added to the church.
55:31 Babies should be part of the family.
55:34 A little lamb that is not part of the fold
55:37 is going to get taken by the wolves
55:38 and you might be thinking, "Oh, Pastor Doug,
55:41 I'm spiritual but I'm not religious... "
55:43 and so, being part of a religion is a bad thing.
55:46 You know Friends, if you're not part of an organized religion,
55:49 you're probably part of a disorganized one.
55:51 Jesus' church is organized.
55:53 "Oh, but there's hypocrites in the church... "
55:55 and as a Pastor once said,
55:57 "There's always room for one more. "
55:58 So, yeah, there are people that do things wrong in church
56:01 and you know one reason you need to be part of the church?
56:04 God needs to save us.
56:06 You cannot be saved if you don't learn to love God
56:10 and love your neighbor
56:11 and that means, sometimes you need to be around
56:14 some people that will challenge your love
56:16 and that can even happen in the church
56:19 so, we need to be part of a church family.
56:21 Jesus said, "I've called you into one body. " Colossians 1:18
56:26 He is the Head of the body... the church...
56:29 we are baptized into the body of Christ.
56:32 We become different members and parts of one body.
56:35 Some are the ears...
56:36 some are the eyes... some are the nose...
56:37 some are the toes...
56:39 we're all different parts of the body
56:40 but we need to be connected.
56:42 If a toe is off on the floor by itself,
56:44 it doesn't last very long...
56:45 or nose... needs to be part of the body
56:49 or we don't survive.
56:50 "For by one Spirit we are all baptized into one body. "
56:54 Now, if I refuse baptism,
56:56 whose counsel am I refusing?
56:58 This is what the Bible says,
57:00 "But the Pharisees and the lawyers
57:03 rejected the counsel of God... "
57:05 of who?
57:07 The counsel of the Pastor...
57:09 the counsel of the Apostles...
57:10 now, they were rejecting the counsel...
57:13 the teaching of God against themselves
57:16 being not baptized of Him.
57:18 So, that's a serious matter with God
57:20 when He commands us,
57:22 "Go therefore... teach... baptize... "
57:24 and Jesus by His own example baptized...
57:27 He begins a life of ministry
57:28 and He says, "I want you to make a commitment to me
57:31 if you believe in me.
57:32 If you're not with me, then you shouldn't make that commitment
57:34 but if you want to be in heaven,
57:35 you need to be born of the water and born of the Spirit
57:38 and we need both baptisms.
57:40 When Jesus was baptized, what did His Father say?
57:44 You'll find this both in the gospel of Mark and in Matthew.
57:48 I'm going to read it to you from Matthew here,
57:51 it tell us in Matthew chapter 3 that verse 16 and 17,
57:55 verse on screen.
58:17 Now, you know Friends, I'm going to back up
58:19 and I want to show you these words again more carefully.
58:23 What happened to Jesus at His baptism
58:27 is what the Lord wants to happen to each one of us.
58:30 You see, Jesus was not baptized for Himself,
58:33 He was baptized as our example
58:35 and He wants us to share in that experience.
58:37 He came up out of the water,
58:39 first of all, He came... He humbled Himself...
58:40 He was baptized...
58:43 and when He came out of the water,
58:44 the heavens were opened.
58:46 Before we're baptized...
58:48 in one sense, the heavens are closed.
58:50 Jesus said, "When you pray, you pray in my name... "
58:52 that's assuming you've made a commitment to Christ,
58:54 you have no right to expect God to answer your prayers
58:57 if you haven't committed your life to Him.
58:59 Now, God is good
59:01 and He answers the prayers of a lot of people
59:03 but the Lord tells us, when we pray in His name...
59:06 that means we've committed our lives to Him.
59:09 The heavens are opened in a new way
59:11 and it says that He saw...
59:14 we will now see in a new way, our eyes are opened.
59:17 That's why we study baptism
59:18 before we get into these heavy prophetic subjects.
59:21 It also says the Spirit of God...
59:24 He sees the Spirit... Spirit came into His life.
59:26 What does the Spirit bring?
59:28 Comes like a dove.
59:29 What's a dove symbolize?
59:30 Peace comes into our hearts at baptism
59:33 alighting upon Him and suddenly a voice...
59:36 He's not only seeing... now He's hearing...
59:38 our ears will be opened,
59:40 our eyes are opened...
59:41 we're now hearing whose voice?
59:43 God's voice... speaking to us in a new way
59:46 and what is that voice saying?
59:48 "This is my beloved... "
59:50 we're not just the children out there,
59:52 we're beloved... and He says, "Son... "
59:54 or "Daughter... " meaning He's adopted us
59:56 into His family...
59:58 "in whom I am... " what?
59:59 "Well pleased... "
01:00:00 Jesus comes out of the water...
01:00:02 He says, "This is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased. "
01:00:04 What happened to Christ is what happens to every true believer
01:00:07 when they're baptized.
01:00:08 You come out of the water,
01:00:10 now for you... you're married to Christ...
01:00:11 the heavens are open to you.
01:00:13 Jesus said, "Ask in my name
01:00:14 you've asked nothing...
01:00:15 ask now that your joy might be full. "
01:00:17 He says, "I will now give you new hearing...
01:00:19 I'll give you new seeing... new vision...
01:00:22 I'll declare that you are adopted...
01:00:24 you're my son... you're my daughter...
01:00:26 and I'm well pleased with you...
01:00:28 all your sins are washed away.
01:00:30 Have you gone through your life thinking,
01:00:31 God is always angry at you?
01:00:33 I remember preaching this story once
01:00:35 in a town here in northern California
01:00:38 and a... a lady came up to me and she was crying.
01:00:40 She said, "I've been in the church all my life
01:00:42 and it never occurred to me that God could be pleased with me
01:00:44 and that baptism represented that new birth... "
01:00:48 and she just had such a joy... she actually got re-baptized
01:00:51 and I still remember the smile on her face to this day
01:00:54 and Christ is asking us to experience that.
01:00:57 He wants us to have that new beginning...
01:00:59 that new birth... like a little baby.
01:01:01 What did the Lord tell the Apostle Paul through Ananias?
01:01:07 In Acts 22:16,
01:01:10 when Paul recognized that Jesus was the Christ,
01:01:13 He said, "And now why are you waiting?
01:01:16 Arise and be baptized,
01:01:18 and wash away your sins,
01:01:20 calling on the name of the Lord. "
01:01:22 Pray to God... be baptized...
01:01:24 He will wash away your sins
01:01:25 and Paul was filled the power of the Spirit
01:01:28 and became one of the greatest teachers
01:01:31 in the New Testament.
01:01:32 Now, this is one of those nights...
01:01:34 there are a few nights during our Seminar,
01:01:36 we ask you to respond.
01:01:37 We don't do these Seminars just to be interesting.
01:01:40 We do it because we want people to be ready for Jesus' coming.
01:01:43 I hope that's not a secret.
01:01:44 We're going to ask...
01:01:46 some of you are meeting in groups
01:01:47 where your group leader is going to hand out a card like this.
01:01:50 Here... we'll put it on the screen if you're watching,
01:01:52 we're going to ask you during our break
01:01:54 before Bible questions...
01:01:56 if you want to make a decision to get baptized,
01:01:59 I want to pray for you...
01:02:01 I'd like to know about that decision...
01:02:03 you can let us know online
01:02:04 but here are the questions I'm going to ask you.
01:02:06 When you go to your car...
01:02:07 or you can make that decision now
01:02:09 and mark it later and send it to us.
01:02:11 "Realizing that I'm a sinner,
01:02:14 I want to repent of my sins and accept Jesus
01:02:18 as my personal Savior. "
01:02:19 You might be thinking, "Well, that's a good idea,
01:02:22 one of these days, Pastor Doug, I'd like to do that. "
01:02:24 There's no time like now.
01:02:26 The best time to listen to God's voice is when you're hearing it.
01:02:29 Jesus said, "Today, if you hear my voice...
01:02:33 don't harden your heart. "
01:02:35 So, He's speaking to you now, make the decision now.
01:02:38 If you want to be a Christian and you want to follow Jesus
01:02:42 and accept His salvation, say, "Yes" there.
01:02:45 Secondly, if you say, "I love Jesus
01:02:48 and I desire to follow His example of baptism by immersion"
01:02:51 I'd like to know that... we want to pray for you.
01:02:54 Mark that... you can make your decision right now.
01:02:56 It doesn't mean... no one's going to knock on your door
01:02:58 and force you into a baptism,
01:02:59 it means, you've made your decision...
01:03:01 it's like setting a date for a wedding
01:03:03 and then you prepare for that.
01:03:04 We hope that you'll talk to a pastor
01:03:07 and we'll be able to help you answer your questions.
01:03:09 Third question... some of you are out there...
01:03:13 this is important.
01:03:14 "I've wandered away from Jesus
01:03:16 and I'd like to re-dedicate my life to Him
01:03:19 and be re-baptized. "
01:03:21 You may be... know you need a new beginning
01:03:24 and you want that fresh experience.
01:03:26 Write that down... we'll pray for you
01:03:28 and you can get some counsel on how to proceed
01:03:30 and then that fourth question...
01:03:33 "I'm considering baptism
01:03:35 and I'd like to have somebody visit me. "
01:03:37 Friends, we've just been teaching the Word of God,
01:03:40 I'm not really a preacher as much as a teacher
01:03:43 but I know I've told you the truth
01:03:45 and Jesus is clear...
01:03:46 He wants you to be a part of His bride... His church...
01:03:49 He loves you...
01:03:50 He wants you to hear his voice say...
01:03:52 you are now His beloved daughter... His son...
01:03:54 in whom He is well pleased
01:03:56 and have all of your sins washed away.
01:03:58 He'll look upon you as a newborn baby
01:04:00 and He wants to give you the gift of the Holy Spirit
01:04:03 and I should warn you in all fairness...
01:04:05 Jesus... when He was baptized...
01:04:07 God filled Him with the Spirit...
01:04:09 He began a life of ministry...
01:04:11 the devil also came to try to discourage Him from His ministry
01:04:15 but Christ overcame every temptation...
01:04:17 He said, "It is written... "
01:04:19 when you're baptized, there may be trials afterward
01:04:22 but you're beginning a journey to the Promised Land
01:04:25 and there's a joy that is worth much more
01:04:27 than any of the trouble, Friends,
01:04:29 you'll never be sorry...
01:04:30 I've never met anybody that was sorry they decided
01:04:33 to accept the One that died for their sins...
01:04:36 that loves them that much.
01:04:37 So, I'd like to pray with you and encourage you...
01:04:43 fill out this card... please let us know...
01:04:46 you can go to the Revelation. com website...
01:04:48 RevelationNow. com website
01:04:50 let us know... you can fill out your card online
01:04:53 what your decision is... so we can pray for you as well.
01:04:55 "Father in heaven,
01:04:56 I just pray that Your Spirit will be with those
01:04:59 who are grappling with this eternal decision.
01:05:02 Some have wandered, Lord,
01:05:05 and you're calling them to return
01:05:06 and get that new beginning.
01:05:08 Others have been longing for an opportunity
01:05:10 to start their lives over...
01:05:12 a life with you... a life of new hope and joy
01:05:15 and eternal life as their goal.
01:05:18 Bless them with that experience now.
01:05:20 I pray your Spirit will be in each one's heart...
01:05:23 encourage and move them to follow you
01:05:25 and to trust you...
01:05:27 we thank you and we pray this in Jesus' name,
01:05:29 amen. "
01:05:31 Don't go anywhere, Friends,
01:05:33 we're going to be back with Bible questions
01:05:34 and also, I want you to remember
01:05:37 that we have the lesson tomorrow morning
01:05:39 it's at 11 o'clock
01:05:41 talking about: Bowing To The Beast.
01:05:42 You don't want to miss that...
01:05:44 will be back in just a moment.
01:05:46 Pause...
01:05:59 Get on the ground...
01:06:00 hands on your head...
01:06:02 on screen...
01:08:39 "I was in prison and you came to me. "
01:08:47 On screen...
01:08:49 Assuredly, I say to you,
01:08:51 inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren,
01:08:55 you did it to Me. "
01:08:59 On screen.
01:09:08 Today, millions of prisoners still haven't experienced
01:09:11 the transforming power of God.
01:09:14 Please consider unlocking captive hearts
01:09:16 with a life-changing gift. Thank you.
01:09:24 Pause..
01:09:28 Ross: Hello Friends, welcome back to Revelation Now
01:09:31 and we're going to be taking some of your Bible Questions...
01:09:33 so we want to thank those who've sent in
01:09:36 your Bible questions already and if you haven't yet,
01:09:38 if you're watching this on Facebook,
01:09:40 you can just type your question in the Comments Section
01:09:43 and we'll send that through and we'll get it live
01:09:46 so, we haven't seen all these questions, Pastor Doug,
01:09:48 so it would be fun to see the different questions...
01:09:50 where they're coming from...
01:09:52 we have some questions that have already been sent in,
01:09:55 we're going to put that up on the screen
01:09:56 and we'll start with those.
01:09:57 So, the first one is:
01:09:59 What name should we be baptized in?
01:10:01 Doug: Yeah, that's a good question
01:10:03 and I didn't really get to it in the lesson.
01:10:05 The actual word spoken by the Minister
01:10:09 that officiates at a baptism,
01:10:10 is a very particular exact utterance
01:10:14 you are supposed to say.
01:10:15 Well, Matthew chapter 28, Jesus said,
01:10:17 "Baptize in the name of the Father...
01:10:19 the Son... and the Holy Spirit... "
01:10:21 but then you go into the book of Acts
01:10:23 and I think it mentions two or three different variations.
01:10:26 It says, "Baptize in the name of the Lord...
01:10:28 baptize in the name the Lord Jesus...
01:10:30 baptize in the name of... I think it says: Jesus Christ"
01:10:32 and so, the idea is that you're being baptized
01:10:37 in the name of the God of the Bible.
01:10:39 You know, you and I do weddings occasionally
01:10:42 and we have the couple go over their vows
01:10:45 and sometimes they'll want a more formal vow
01:10:48 and they'll say, you know,
01:10:49 "Do you Elizabeth... James...
01:10:53 so and so the third
01:10:54 marry Robert... William... Randolph... Hearst... "
01:10:56 whoever it is and...
01:10:58 and sometimes, you'll say, "Do you Bill take Mary?"
01:11:02 And you know, technically they're both legal
01:11:04 as long as the people involved in a covenant
01:11:07 and the witnesses realize
01:11:08 that the parties understand
01:11:10 who the commitment is being made to,
01:11:12 that's what makes a Covenant legal
01:11:13 so, I know some churches put a lot of credence
01:11:16 on the exact wording.
01:11:17 In our church, we say, "In the name of the Father
01:11:20 and the Son and the Holy Spirit. "
01:11:21 Sometimes I'll say, "In the name of the Father
01:11:23 and the Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
01:11:26 That's the idea.
01:11:27 Ross: Okay, very good.
01:11:29 We have another question, we'll look at that now.
01:11:31 It says, "How old should one be to be qualified for baptism?"
01:11:36 Doug: I heard a Pastor one time that...
01:11:39 he was on his way during a camp meeting...
01:11:41 he was taking some children to the river
01:11:43 that were going to be baptized
01:11:44 and the parents, of course, were present
01:11:46 and somebody said,
01:11:48 "Brother, aren't those children too young to be baptized?"
01:11:50 and he said, "Are they old enough to be lost?"
01:11:52 He said, "Yeah... "
01:11:55 He said, "Then they're old enough to be saved. "
01:11:58 So, when a person gets to the age of accountability
01:12:01 where they understand the claims of the gospel...
01:12:03 and that varies, you know,
01:12:05 the closest thing we can come to...
01:12:07 any kind of a... an age in the Bible is the Jewish tradition
01:12:10 that a boy reached manhood at 12,
01:12:14 I think today,
01:12:16 a Bar Mitzvah's usually at 13...
01:12:17 that changed somewhere over the centuries...
01:12:18 I don't know when
01:12:20 but... and for a girl, it's Bat Mitzvah
01:12:22 but they figured they were entering adulthood...
01:12:24 they were responsible more for their decisions than...
01:12:26 and, you know, some kids...
01:12:29 they're old enough to make that decision 8... 9 years old,
01:12:32 they might be a little young
01:12:34 but, I say, when they're old enough to read
01:12:36 and have their own personal devotional life,
01:12:38 they understand what sin is...
01:12:39 what it means to repent of their sins,
01:12:43 then, they're probably old enough to be baptized.
01:12:46 Ross: Okay, very good, we have another question,
01:12:49 it says, "There is one sin that I am struggling to surrender,
01:12:52 should I be baptized?"
01:12:53 Doug: Well, you know, if you're...
01:12:57 if you're struggling with... can I...
01:13:01 I'm having trouble...
01:13:03 sometimes, I don't push away from the dinner table
01:13:04 soon enough,
01:13:06 that's a struggle that people have through their lives,
01:13:08 you know, you do okay for a while
01:13:11 then you may backslide
01:13:12 but if you're addicted to some kind of substance,
01:13:15 you know, and...
01:13:16 and you're controlled by some drug or
01:13:19 or you're addicted to pornography
01:13:21 or if, you know, you're struggling with drinking
01:13:25 or smoking or one of these things,
01:13:26 you don't want to be handcuffed to the devil...
01:13:28 and the reason I say that is
01:13:30 you have to ask, "What will this do to my witness?"
01:13:34 If a person gets baptized...
01:13:37 like me... I get baptized and I'm drinking with my buddies,
01:13:39 I mean, in jail telling, "Yup, I got baptized today"
01:13:42 they said, "What a fine Christian you are,
01:13:43 what are you doing here?"
01:13:45 And... so you know, you get baptized
01:13:48 and then you're in the bar... you're nursing a beer
01:13:51 and you're blowing smoke rings and...
01:13:52 and you say, "Yeah, Jesus set me free... "
01:13:55 and then he'll say,
01:13:56 "Well, you don't look like you've been set free... "
01:13:58 so, you want to have those kind of sins
01:14:02 that, you know, monopolizes...
01:14:05 you don't want to be addicted to any kind of habitual sin
01:14:06 and you want to have those things behind you.
01:14:09 It doesn't mean...
01:14:10 you know, after I got baptized,
01:14:11 I thought I... I made a lot of progress
01:14:13 because I quit smoking and drinking and cursing
01:14:15 and... and then I got baptized and then God said,
01:14:18 "Doug, you know, you're pretty selfish and proud"
01:14:20 so, there's still things you're going to learn
01:14:22 even afterward
01:14:24 and don't wait until you feel like you're perfect
01:14:26 but you want to be committed to Jesus
01:14:28 and don't be handcuffed to the devil.
01:14:30 Ross: Okay, we've got some questions
01:14:32 that people have sent in,
01:14:34 this is a question that's coming from Canada
01:14:36 and the question is:
01:14:37 If there is going to be a seventh day in heaven,
01:14:41 will it be kept like the Sabbath?
01:14:43 Doug: Well, I think it's going to be much more glorious
01:14:47 than what happens here on earth
01:14:49 but it does say there in Isaiah that...
01:14:52 chapter 66, "From one new moon to another"
01:14:55 and that means from month to month...
01:14:57 and from one Sabbath to another
01:14:58 shall all flesh come and worship before Me... "
01:15:02 and I know somebody's going to ask the question,
01:15:05 "Pastor Doug... "
01:15:06 but you all wait till the question comes in
01:15:08 about the new moon...
01:15:09 I'm not going to answer that preemptively.
01:15:12 So... but yeah... it's going to be different
01:15:14 because God Himself will be there with us
01:15:18 and in the beginning, when God made man,
01:15:20 He then made one more day...
01:15:23 He made a 7th day to commune with man.
01:15:25 Can you imagine a day to be in the very presence of God...
01:15:28 just the glory and the joy and the bliss that we'll feel...
01:15:31 is... you know... incomprehensible.
01:15:33 So, it will be real...
01:15:35 it's going to obviously be infinitely enhanced
01:15:38 from whatever happens here.
01:15:40 Ross: Okay, all right, another question,
01:15:42 it says, "How do you know if you are saved?"
01:15:45 Doug: You know, Jesus tells us,
01:15:48 "You will know them by their fruits. "
01:15:49 Do you love the Lord?
01:15:51 Do you appreciate what Jesus did for you?
01:15:55 Do you long to communicate with Him?
01:15:57 Do you think about Him through the day?
01:15:59 If you're tempted to sin, does that grieve you?
01:16:03 And, you know, you just...
01:16:06 you have the fruits of the Spirit in your life.
01:16:08 Do you now start loving people more?
01:16:11 Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, goodness, faith, meekness,
01:16:14 temperance... these are the fruits of the Spirit.
01:16:16 You'll start seeing them, you might not see all of them,
01:16:18 you may not have a bumper crop right away,
01:16:20 but when you go... when you turn around...
01:16:22 on the road to life, you go in a new direction...
01:16:26 so has the direction of your life changed?
01:16:28 and that, I think, is a good criteria.
01:16:30 It doesn't mean that you're not still struggling
01:16:32 but have you given your life to the Lord?
01:16:34 Has your direction changed?
01:16:36 Like someone said, "I'm not what I should be
01:16:38 but I thank God that I'm not what I used to be. "
01:16:41 Ross: Right, there needs to be growth and progress.
01:16:43 Here's a great question, it says,
01:16:45 "I was born into Catholicism and I just got re-born recently,
01:16:49 how do I know what church does baptism properly.
01:16:53 Doug: Well, you can quickly research probably
01:16:58 even on the Internet, churches that baptize by immersion.
01:17:00 So, that's not hard to find out.
01:17:02 I'd ask you to keep tuning in two more nights
01:17:05 and we're going to be talking a little more
01:17:09 about how do you find a church
01:17:11 with a kaleidoscope of different churches out there
01:17:15 that call themselves: Christians
01:17:16 and there's many good people in these different churches
01:17:18 don't misunderstand
01:17:19 but there's also a lot of churches
01:17:21 that have got some teachings that are off center
01:17:23 and so, how do you find a good church
01:17:25 where you can grow and be spiritually healthy?
01:17:28 We're going to talk about that Sunday night
01:17:30 so, make sure you keep tuning in.
01:17:32 Ross: All right, this person is asking,
01:17:34 "When Jesus was baptized,
01:17:36 did He start a new mission on earth?"
01:17:39 Doug: Well, Christ really didn't begin His earthly mission
01:17:43 until His baptism...
01:17:44 He was subject to His mother and father...
01:17:46 Jesus was probably helping in the family carpentry shop.
01:17:50 It appears when Christ began His ministry
01:17:52 that Joseph had died at that point
01:17:55 and we don't know exactly what year
01:17:57 but he never appears after Jesus' 12th birthday
01:17:59 so, somewhere between Jesus being 12
01:18:02 and baptized at 30...
01:18:03 He was probably working in the family business...
01:18:06 the people in Nazareth said,
01:18:07 "Is this not the Carpenter's son?"
01:18:09 They all knew who He was and...
01:18:11 but he didn't really start His public itinerary...
01:18:14 preaching... teaching... healing ministry till His baptism.
01:18:17 It says, "He was anointed with the Holy Spirit at His baptism"
01:18:21 and that's when He began to live a life of total service
01:18:24 to... to God as our Savior and our teacher.
01:18:27 He did more in three and a half years...
01:18:29 you know, one reason I believe the Bible is true...
01:18:31 Christ made the most outrageous prophecy...
01:18:33 He said to His disciples,
01:18:35 "My teachings are going to go into all the world. "
01:18:37 That's a pretty... that's a pretty arrogant thing to say
01:18:41 unless you know you're the Son of God.
01:18:43 He's never passed any university...
01:18:45 never went more than a 100 miles from the place of His birth,
01:18:48 He's got no degrees...
01:18:49 He leads no army...
01:18:51 He does not have any royal station...
01:18:52 He says, "My teachings are going to go into all the world. "
01:18:55 Well, today, Christianity is the biggest religion in the world.
01:18:57 So, that prophecy came true.
01:18:59 Ross: Absolutely.
01:19:01 Doug: So... what was the question?
01:19:03 I got hypnotized by my own voice.
01:19:05 Ross: Well, it's a good question I'm trying to think,
01:19:07 what was the question, Pastor...
01:19:09 Doug: He got hypnotized too.
01:19:10 All: Laughter.
01:19:12 Doug: All right, let's go to the next question.
01:19:13 Ross: All right, we got another one.
01:19:15 It says, "I am 17 years old
01:19:16 and I'm struggling to be a Christian 24/7.
01:19:19 Can you give me some advice?"
01:19:21 Doug: Oh yeah, you know, and...
01:19:22 I got a text from a friend...
01:19:24 he's probably hopefully watching now
01:19:25 and just this week he said, "Pastor Doug... "
01:19:27 he's in college and he's struggling
01:19:28 in his relationship with Jesus
01:19:30 and you know, especially during that age...
01:19:33 more young people leave the Lord
01:19:34 during their college years
01:19:36 between High School and 25
01:19:38 because there are so many distractions...
01:19:40 you're transitioning from being a child
01:19:42 under your parents' authority
01:19:44 to having all of this freedoms and all this liberation
01:19:47 and... and you got all the surges and hormones of youth
01:19:51 and it's real easy to start putting spiritual things
01:19:54 on the back burner.
01:19:55 You feel eternal... because you've no aches and pains yet
01:19:58 and you don't realize you're going to get old
01:20:00 and life is temporary
01:20:01 and so, it's a difficult time
01:20:03 and I tell you, when you're going through those years,
01:20:07 the river's going to smooth out, just get through the rapids...
01:20:10 hang in there.
01:20:11 Even if you don't feel like it, talk to Jesus...
01:20:14 He will never leave you...
01:20:15 if you make some big mistakes, don't get discouraged,
01:20:17 stay with Him...
01:20:19 He will not forsake you.
01:20:20 If you give your heart to the Lord... He adopts you
01:20:22 even if you're His child and you misbehave,
01:20:24 He still loves you... He'll chasten you
01:20:26 but don't turn away from Jesus.
01:20:29 Pray... put aside regular time to read His Word...
01:20:34 gather together with other believers
01:20:36 even if sometimes you may not enjoy it or understand,
01:20:39 it is helping you... I promise.
01:20:41 Ross: Hmmm... hmmm... that's a good point.
01:20:43 Doug: Make Christian friends. Ross: Yeah.
01:20:44 Doug: You'll be influenced by your friends.
01:20:45 Ross: Okay, this person is asking,
01:20:48 "Should the laying on of hands be done after baptism
01:20:51 to receive the Holy Spirit?"
01:20:53 The person says, "I have never had that done for me...
01:20:56 even though I have been baptized. "
01:20:58 Doug: Good question, you know, that...
01:21:00 that's something that is a Bible teaching
01:21:02 that's often neglected.
01:21:04 It does say that the Apostles... they came up to Samaria
01:21:07 so that people... when they were baptized
01:21:10 they would lay their hands on them.
01:21:12 When Karen and I were in Russia about 26 years ago...
01:21:15 27 years ago... I knew she'd correct me...
01:21:19 I... 28 years ago...
01:21:21 it's getting longer all the time
01:21:22 well, it was right after Communism...
01:21:26 right after Communism fell in '92, yeah...
01:21:29 and when we baptized the people, everybody...
01:21:32 I couldn't say... I couldn't speak Russian
01:21:35 and so, I didn't do the declaration
01:21:37 but they... I'd been preaching to them through a translator,
01:21:39 they really wanted me to lay hands on them
01:21:41 when they came out of the pool, we had a big Olympic pool
01:21:44 and I stood there by the pool exit
01:21:47 and everybody that came out... I laid my hands over them...
01:21:48 I said a prayer with a translator beside me...
01:21:50 India... same thing...
01:21:52 they all wanted us to lay hands on them and pray...
01:21:54 that's really actually very Biblical
01:21:55 and so, yeah... there's nothing wrong with that,
01:21:59 Bible talks about a teaching of the laying on of hands.
01:22:02 Ross: Okay, another good question... it says,
01:22:05 "Can a person be baptized by a relative
01:22:08 or does it have to be a Pastor?"
01:22:10 Doug: If your relative is a Pastor.
01:22:13 Well, it should be a person who is...
01:22:16 who has some spiritual authority invested in them
01:22:20 and you can read in the Bible
01:22:22 those who did baptizing were either apostles or deacons
01:22:26 and that means... and they all had hands laid on them
01:22:29 to invest them with some spiritual authority
01:22:32 to evaluate if a person was prepared.
01:22:35 If anybody in the family
01:22:37 starts baptizing people too soon
01:22:39 without them being... remember you have to be taught,
01:22:41 so, you need someone qualified to teach them
01:22:43 and know: do they understand?
01:22:44 And, you know, they should have that authority
01:22:49 and so, I think it should be a Pastor... an Elder...
01:22:52 in rare cases, it might be a deacon
01:22:55 or somebody that... you know if there's...
01:22:57 like with Philip and the Ethiopian...
01:22:58 he was technically, I think, a deacon at that point
01:23:00 but he became the Evangelist.
01:23:02 Ross: Okay, we have another question, it says,
01:23:05 "Are we supposed to feel clean or completely new
01:23:08 after we are baptized?"
01:23:10 Doug: Ah, well, you may not feel anything,
01:23:14 you know, when you're baptized,
01:23:15 you're really being saved by faith.
01:23:18 It's kind of like asking a couple,
01:23:20 after the ceremony,
01:23:21 "Do I feel more love?"
01:23:22 Well, you should know there's a difference there
01:23:26 because you've made a covenant...
01:23:29 you've made a promise
01:23:30 and now you believe that relationship is changed
01:23:34 You know, I always like the part
01:23:35 and I suppose, you do too
01:23:37 where you... after they've said the vows...
01:23:39 after you've had the prayer
01:23:41 and after they've agreed
01:23:42 then you turn them towards the audience and you say,
01:23:45 "By the power invested in me,
01:23:46 according to the Word of God and this State,
01:23:48 I now pronounce you man and wife...
01:23:51 what God has joined together, let not man put asunder
01:23:54 and it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you,
01:23:58 Mr. and Mrs... "
01:24:00 and you declare, "Now, they are one flesh. "
01:24:03 It's just a new relationship
01:24:05 and I've often heard a couple say,
01:24:07 "Wow! it struck me, I am now married...
01:24:10 I am now a wife... a husband... "
01:24:13 and... yeah, it's kind of...
01:24:14 I think you'll feel something...
01:24:16 baptism...
01:24:17 Jesus said, "When you do this,
01:24:18 I am promising to wash away your sins
01:24:21 and I will give you the gift of the Holy Spirit as you pray.
01:24:23 Believe it and then you will feel it.
01:24:25 If you know all your sins are washed away,
01:24:28 you're going to feel better.
01:24:29 So, do you believe?
01:24:30 If you believe His promise, you'll probably feel different.
01:24:33 But don't say, "Well, I'm not feeling anything"
01:24:36 God made a promise whether you feel it or not.
01:24:38 Sometimes we don't know the sun is shining up there
01:24:41 because the clouds are in the way but it's still shining.
01:24:42 Ross: Right.
01:24:44 Somebody else is asking,
01:24:46 "How do you know where God is leading you in your life?"
01:24:49 Doug: You know, I...
01:24:51 I'll start this answer by offering something free
01:24:54 because I won't have time to give you all 12 points
01:24:57 but there's a free book you can download
01:24:59 at Amazing Facts called: Determining the Will of God
01:25:01 because we get this question a lot...
01:25:03 we put the answers into a little book:
01:25:05 Determining the Will of God
01:25:06 you'll see little book with a weather vane on it.
01:25:08 First of all, what does the Word of God say?
01:25:11 The Bible tells us, "In the multitude of counsellors
01:25:14 there is safety. "
01:25:16 Look for providential openings that God is giving you.
01:25:20 Sometimes He gives you the desires of your heart...
01:25:23 has God put a special interest,
01:25:25 if you're praying about a direction...
01:25:27 He'll give you different gifts
01:25:28 and guide you in a particular direction.
01:25:30 So, there's about 12 different points in that book
01:25:32 of how do you know God's will.
01:25:34 We have time for one more quick question Pastor Ross.
01:25:36 Ross: Yes, it's a good one, it says,
01:25:38 "Are you forgiven of your sins... "
01:25:39 oh, let me re-read this...
01:25:41 "Are you forgiven of sins you can't remember?"
01:25:43 Doug: Oh, good, I'm glad they asked that.
01:25:45 You don't have to worry about confessing the sins
01:25:49 you don't remember.
01:25:50 I can't remember every sin that I've committed.
01:25:53 The thing to do is just get on your knees and say,
01:25:57 use the Ten Commandments as an outline
01:25:59 and say, "Lord, I know I'm guilty of
01:26:01 worshipping other things as God...
01:26:03 I may be made idols out of other things in my life,
01:26:07 I've been disrespectful with Your name,
01:26:09 I'm not given You Your time like the Sabbath
01:26:12 or respected holy time... "
01:26:13 and you can look at the Ten Commandments...
01:26:15 Bible says if you're thinking impure thoughts, it's adultery,
01:26:18 if you're thinking angry thoughts,
01:26:20 it can be spiritual murder,
01:26:22 and we can call it spiritual homicide,
01:26:24 so, you go through the Ten Commandments
01:26:27 and just begin with those
01:26:28 and then, if you can't think of anything, say, "Lord... "
01:26:30 pray that prayer of David, "Search me and try me...
01:26:34 see if there be any wicked way in me
01:26:35 and lead me in the way everlasting... "
01:26:37 and say, "Lord, if I've forgotten something... "
01:26:39 or if you borrowed something from your neighbor
01:26:41 and you haven't brought it back in three years,
01:26:43 maybe the Holy Spirit will say,
01:26:45 "You know, it stops being 'borrowing' after a year...
01:26:48 and you need to take your neighbor's rake back... "
01:26:51 there might be some restitution that needs to happen...
01:26:53 as you're confessing your sins
01:26:55 and you're going to find a great relief.
01:26:57 I prayed like that once I became very convicted
01:27:00 years later, the Lord puts something on my heart...
01:27:02 I totally forgot about it
01:27:04 and I had to right that wrong
01:27:05 and I felt great peace...
01:27:07 as long as I didn't know... I was okay.
01:27:09 So, He'll reveal those things at the right time
01:27:12 and you don't have to worry...
01:27:14 God is not trying to do a "gotcha"
01:27:16 on the judgment day He'll say,
01:27:18 "Ha, you forgot this one... "
01:27:20 He wants to save you and He'll help you to be saved.
01:27:23 Ross: Absolutely, we'd like to remind our friends
01:27:25 who are joining us...
01:27:27 we have a book talking about baptism...
01:27:29 it's: "Baptism Is It Really Necessary?"
01:27:31 of course, this is our free gift to anyone.
01:27:32 If you'd like to receive it, text the word: BAPTIZED
01:27:35 to the number: 40544
01:27:38 you'll be able to get a digital copy of the book.
01:27:40 If you're outside of North America
01:27:43 and you can't text,
01:27:44 then go to: RevelationNow. com
01:27:46 and you'll be able to download the book and read it,
01:27:48 and you'll be able to share it with somebody else...
01:27:50 real inspiring book
01:27:51 so we want to encourage you
01:27:53 to take advantage of that free offer.
01:27:54 Now, as we've mentioned a little earlier,
01:27:56 tomorrow we have a very special program.
01:27:58 It's going to be at 11 a. m. Saturday morning
01:28:01 and we have one at 7 p. m. in the evening as well.
01:28:05 It's sort of a double header... this subject coming up
01:28:09 so be sure to tune in.
01:28:10 Doug: Bowing to the Beast. Ross: Tell your friends.
01:28:11 Doug: Yeah, look forward to seeing you.


Revised 2021-03-18