Revelation's Seven Trumpets

Lesson 4 - The Third Trumpet Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: RST

Program Code: RST000005S

00:16 Well, good morning, everyone.
00:18 Good morning.
00:19 I hope you had a good night's rest.
00:22 Those of you from New Zealand and from the east coast,
00:26 hopefully you're getting over your jetlag.
00:29 And today, we have another four presentations
00:33 and we are going to begin with the third trumpet.
00:37 And if you have the study notes,
00:40 we will begin on page 65.
00:44 But before we do begin,
00:45 we want to have a word of prayer.
00:46 We want to begin each session,
00:49 morning and afternoon with a word of prayer.
00:52 So, let's bow our heads for prayer.
00:55 Father in heaven, we come before Your awesome throne
00:57 in the powerful name of Jesus.
01:00 Knowing that when we come in faith,
01:03 You hear and answer our prayers.
01:06 Thank You for giving us life this day,
01:09 we ask that You will enlighten our minds,
01:12 open our hearts and empower us
01:16 to understand and to share that
01:19 which we will study today
01:21 and throughout the course of the week.
01:23 We thank You for the promise of Your presence
01:25 and we claim that promise, in the name of Jesus.
01:28 Amen. Amen.
01:31 Okay, the first trumpet represents what?
01:36 Reviewing from yesterday.
01:39 The destruction of Jerusalem.
01:41 The second trumpet describes which historical event?
01:46 It describes the fall of what?
01:50 Of the Roman Empire.
01:53 And then we have the third trumpet.
01:56 So, let's read Revelation 8:8,
02:00 where you have a description of the third trumpet.
02:04 We have several symbols here.
02:06 "Then the third angel sounded,
02:10 and a great star fell from heaven,
02:14 burning like a torch,
02:17 and it fell on a third,"
02:19 notice the concept of a third once again,
02:21 "on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters.
02:27 The name of the star is Wormwood.
02:31 A third of the waters became Wormwood
02:34 and many men died from the water
02:38 because it was made bitter."
02:41 So, we have several symbols in this verse,
02:44 we have a star, the falling of the star.
02:49 The star is compared to a torch.
02:52 We have the defiling of rivers and fountains of waters,
02:56 that's drinking water,
02:57 it's not the same as the seas of yesterday.
03:00 And we have Wormwood,
03:02 which embitters the waters
03:04 and when people drink the waters,
03:06 they are poisoned, and they die.
03:10 That's the picture of the third trumpet.
03:14 Now let's look
03:15 at a little bit of historical context following
03:19 what we have in our study notes.
03:22 There can be little doubt that the falling star
03:26 of the third trumpet refers in a primary sense to whom?
03:31 To Satan.
03:33 Yet, this is an important detail.
03:36 This star cannot refer to the original
03:39 fall of Satan from heaven,
03:42 because that happened when?
03:44 It happened before creation week.
03:46 And the third trumpet is into the Christian era.
03:49 It cannot refer to the fall of Satan at the cross
03:52 because Satan had a further fall at the cross.
03:56 You know, Jesus in John Chapter 12 said,
03:59 "The Prince of this world shall be cast out."
04:03 And in Luke 10:18,
04:05 He spoke of Satan
04:07 falling like lightning from heaven.
04:08 Ellen White describes that
04:09 as being a fall of Satan at the cross
04:13 because Jesus took
04:14 over the rulership of the world,
04:16 the legal rulership of the world.
04:18 So, Satan was cast out at the cross.
04:20 It cannot refer
04:21 to the casting out Satan at the cross,
04:24 because the third trumpet
04:25 is taking place long after Jesus died on the cross.
04:29 So, we have to look at the historical context
04:32 in order to understand when this applies.
04:35 Now, though this trumpet, we're at the bottom of page 65.
04:39 Though this trumpet
04:41 cannot refer primarily to the fall of Satan,
04:44 the original fall of Satan
04:46 at the beginning or at the cross.
04:49 Nevertheless, the language
04:51 is very reminiscent of the fall of Lucifer
04:55 as described in Isaiah 14:12-14.
05:01 Correct?
05:02 Let's read those verses.
05:04 Isaiah
05:05 14:12-14.
05:12 "How you are fallen from heaven,
05:14 O Lucifer, son of the morning!
05:18 How you are cut down to the ground,
05:20 you who weakened the nations!"
05:22 By the way, what does Lucifer mean?
05:24 Lucifer means the day star.
05:27 That's the literal meaning of the word Lucifer.
05:30 So, Lucifer is compared to a falling star.
05:34 Verse 13, "For you have said in your heart,
05:37 'I will ascend into heaven,
05:38 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God,
05:42 I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
05:44 on the furthest sides of the north,
05:46 I will ascend
05:48 above the heights of the clouds,
05:49 I will be like the Most High.'"
05:52 So, the sin of Lucifer was that
05:54 he wanted to take the place of whom?
05:57 He wanted to sit on the mountain of God,
06:00 the sanctuary is on the mountain of God,
06:02 and he wanted to occupy the throne of God.
06:07 Does that sound familiar?
06:09 Now let's go back to our study notes,
06:12 the terminological links between the third trumpet
06:16 and Isaiah 14 and Revelation 12
06:20 leave a little doubt that say the fall of Satan
06:24 is in the background of the third trumpet.
06:27 Satan, the star of the morning, who was originally perfect
06:33 apostatized and became what kind of star?
06:36 He became a fallen star.
06:39 He then did what?
06:41 He defiled and poisoned Adam and Eve
06:44 with his specious teachings.
06:48 And the result was that the entire human race
06:52 became what?
06:53 Infected with a virus of sin.
06:57 The result was that the entire race
07:00 came under the sentence of what?
07:02 Of death.
07:03 That is the context in which we need to look
07:06 at the third trumpet.
07:09 Now the fall of this star portrays
07:11 the Great Apostasy
07:13 that defiled the church from within.
07:16 When papal Rome rose to power,
07:20 from the shambles that the barbarians
07:23 left in the Roman Empire.
07:24 Do you remember that the second trumpet
07:25 describes the barbarians carving up the Roman Empire?
07:29 We studied that yesterday.
07:31 And from there arose the Roman Catholic papacy.
07:35 So, this is speaking
07:36 of the period in the Roman Catholic papacy
07:38 is beginning its rise
07:40 not when it reaches its apex of power.
07:44 Now, the crucial question then is this.
07:48 What principle allows us to say that
07:51 the fallen star represents Satan
07:55 as well as the fall of papal Rome?
07:59 We have three reasons why we can say that
08:01 this fall of the Satan is really in the background
08:06 of the fall of the church in the times of Constantine
08:11 and thereafter for the next two centuries.
08:13 Three points that we need to take into account.
08:17 In the first place,
08:19 what the Bible attributes to Satan,
08:22 he actually accomplishes through whom
08:25 or through what?
08:26 Through human apostate powers.
08:30 You all are aware that in Revelation 12:4,
08:33 we're told that
08:35 the dragon stood next to the woman
08:36 to devour her child as soon as a child was born,
08:39 the dragon is doing this.
08:41 But who did the dragon use?
08:42 Who did Satan use?
08:44 He used Herod, a Roman ruler.
08:47 In fact, in Great Controversy, 438,
08:50 Ellen White wrote, thus,
08:52 while the dragon primarily represents Satan,
08:56 it is in a secondary sense a symbol of what?
09:01 A symbol of pagan Rome.
09:04 Likewise, when pagan Rome gave its power to the papacy,
09:10 I want you to notice
09:11 the terminology that is used in Revelation 13:2.
09:16 Notice this quotation from Ellen White.
09:19 "In the sixth century the papacy
09:20 had become firmly established."
09:22 By the way that means that the papacy
09:24 had already been rising before that, right?
09:27 It only becomes firmly established in 538.
09:29 "In the sixth century,
09:31 the papacy had become firmly established,
09:33 its seat of power was fixed in the imperial city,
09:37 and the Bishop of Rome
09:38 was declared the head over the entire church."
09:41 Now listen to this.
09:42 Paganism had given place to what?
09:46 To the papacy.
09:48 And what text do we find that shows that the paganism,
09:53 the Roman Empire
09:54 had given its power to the papacy?
09:56 Revelation 13:2.
09:59 The dragon had given to the beast.
10:02 So pagan Rome is compared to what?
10:05 To the dragon, right?
10:07 So, the dragon had given the beast,
10:10 his power and his seat and great authority.
10:14 So, the dragon works through pagan Rome.
10:17 Both when Jesus was born
10:19 and then pagan Rome gave its seat
10:21 and its power to what?
10:23 To the papacy.
10:25 At the end of time, Ellen White explains that
10:28 the dragon represents
10:29 the political rulers of the world.
10:31 Now, doesn't the dragon represent Satan?
10:34 Yes, it's Satan working through visible powers that he uses.
10:38 Notice this statement
10:39 from Testimonies to Ministers, page 39.
10:42 "Kings and rulers and governors have placed
10:48 the brand of Antichrist upon themselves
10:51 and are represented as the," what?
10:55 So, what does a dragon represent?
10:57 Yes, Satan primarily but it also represents what?
11:01 Kings, rulers and governors.
11:03 So, it says, "Are represented as the dragon
11:06 who goes to make war with the saints,
11:09 with those who keep the commandments of God,
11:12 and who have got faith of Jesus."
11:16 So that's the first reason
11:18 why we can say that, you know, the third trumpet,
11:21 the falling star can represent the papacy,
11:24 even though primarily, it represents whom?
11:28 Primarily it represents Satan.
11:31 Now, the second reason why we know this
11:34 is because when you look at Daniel Chapter 7,
11:36 you have a little horn, right?
11:39 And the little horn persecutes whom?
11:43 The saints of the Most High.
11:45 In Revelation 13, you have a beast
11:49 that persecutes the saints of the Most High.
11:52 In Daniel, the little horn persecutes God's people
11:56 for time times and the dividing of time.
11:59 In Revelation Chapter 13,
12:01 the beast persecutes God's people for 42 months,
12:03 it's the same period of time.
12:06 However, when you go back to Revelation Chapter 12,
12:09 you find that the woman flees to the wilderness
12:13 because the dragon wants to slay the woman.
12:18 So, if you take Revelation 13, it's the little horn
12:21 and the beast, that is,
12:22 that are persecuting God's people.
12:24 But Revelation Chapter 12 tells us that for time times
12:28 and the dividing of time,
12:29 it is the dragon
12:31 that is persecuting God's people.
12:34 So, who is the papacy an emissary of?
12:39 It's an emissary of the dragon, an emissary of Satan.
12:45 In the third place, the third reason
12:47 why we can say that this fallen star represents
12:51 the papacy and not only Satan personally
12:55 is because of what we find in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4.
13:01 Here we are told explicitly
13:05 that the man of sin exalted himself
13:09 because he wanted to take whose place?
13:12 He wanted to take God's place,
13:15 sitting in the temple of God showing himself to be God.
13:20 Are you with me?
13:21 Who is this man of sin?
13:24 This man of sin is primarily Satan,
13:27 but Satan working through whom?
13:30 Working through papal Rome.
13:34 And it's interesting that in 2 Thessalonians 2:9,
13:38 we are told in the literal Greek says this,
13:42 that the man of sin is energized by Satan.
13:46 That's the terminology
13:47 that is used there in 2 Thessalonians 2:9.
13:53 So, the backdrop to the idea expressed above
13:57 is that Satan does not accomplish
14:00 his work in person,
14:02 but through his seed or his body.
14:05 What he was not able to accomplish in heaven,
14:08 he does on earth through his vicegerent
14:11 or through His representative.
14:14 And as Christ works through His body.
14:18 What is the body of Christ?
14:20 The church.
14:21 Satan also has a what?
14:23 He also has a body through whom he works.
14:26 Is this principle clear?
14:29 Now, let's talk about Satan and his vicegerent.
14:35 On the mount of temptation,
14:37 you remember that Satan offered Jesus what?
14:41 All the kingdoms of the world
14:44 if He simply bowed before him.
14:48 Jesus rejected the offer
14:50 of all of the kingdoms of the world.
14:53 But in the times of Constantine,
14:57 Satan offered the Bishop of Rome
15:00 those same kingdoms, and he what?
15:03 And he accepted the offer.
15:07 And so, if Christ had accepted Satan's offer,
15:11 Christ would have become Satan's what?
15:14 Vicegerent or representative.
15:17 But in the times of Constantine
15:19 when the papacy accepted the offer
15:22 of the kingdoms of the world,
15:24 the papacy, the line of pope's became what?
15:28 The vicegerent of Satan.
15:31 Are you understanding the principle?
15:33 Now let's read these statements from the Spirit of Prophecy.
15:35 Ellen White understood this.
15:37 There is one pointed out in prophecy as the man of sin.
15:42 What is he?
15:45 He is the representative of Satan.
15:48 That's the meaning of the word vicegerent.
15:51 He is the representative of Satan,
15:54 taking the suggestion of Satan,
15:56 concerning the law of God
15:58 which is as unchangeable as his throne,
16:00 but this man of sin comes in
16:03 and represents to the world that he has changed that law,
16:07 and that the first day of the week
16:08 instead of the seventh is now the Sabbath.
16:11 Professing infallibility
16:12 he claims the right to change the law of God
16:15 to suit his own purposes.
16:18 So very clearly Ellen White explains that the papacy
16:22 is the representative of Satan
16:26 because the papacy accepted the offer
16:28 of the kingdoms of the world.
16:30 We find also this other statement,
16:32 Story of Redemption, page 327.
16:36 "The compromise between paganism and Christianity,"
16:39 this is taught in the days of Constantine,
16:42 "resulted in the development of the man of sin,
16:45 foretold in prophecy as opposing
16:48 and exalting himself above God."
16:50 Is this what Satan wanted to do
16:52 originally exalting himself above God?
16:54 Yes.
16:56 That gigantic system of false religion
16:59 is a masterpiece of whose power?
17:02 Satan's. Of Satan's power.
17:05 A monument of his efforts to seek himself
17:10 upon the throne to rule the earth
17:11 according to his will.
17:13 Is this is actually what he wanted to do in heaven?
17:16 So, who does he work through now?
17:18 The papacy.
17:20 She continues,
17:22 "To secure world, the gains and honors,
17:23 the church was led to seek the favor
17:26 and support of the great men of the earth.
17:28 And having thus rejected Christ,
17:31 she was induced to yield allegiance
17:33 to the," whom?
17:35 "The representative of Satan, the Bishop of Rome."
17:39 And when she refers to the Bishop of Rome,
17:41 she's not referring to one particular pope.
17:43 She's referring
17:45 to the entire succession of popes.
17:47 She's referring to the papacy, in other words.
17:51 Now let's go to the next section,
17:53 pagan and papal Rome.
17:56 It is important to take into account
17:59 the chronological sequence
18:01 of the second and third trumpets.
18:03 As we have already studied,
18:05 Satan's throne was originally where?
18:08 If you read the...
18:10 We didn't cover this in class,
18:11 but if you read your homework for today,
18:14 you'll notice that first of all Satan's throne,
18:16 was where?
18:18 In pagan Rome.
18:20 And then his throne
18:21 was transferred via the church of Pergamum,
18:25 which is the period of Constantine to where?
18:28 To papal Rome in the year 538.
18:31 If you didn't read the pages,
18:32 well, you're kind of out of left field
18:34 in the bleachers right now.
18:36 That's why I recommended
18:37 that you read these 12 or 13 pages,
18:39 it's an eye opening thing.
18:41 How the religion of ancient Babylon
18:44 is transferred directly to the papacy
18:46 and ultimately to the United States.
18:48 This is very, very interesting. Now let's continue.
18:52 "In all the great lines of prophecy,
18:54 pagan Rome is always followed by," what?
18:58 "By papal Rome."
19:00 Does papal Rome continue after the iron legs?
19:04 Yes.
19:06 Because the legs have iron and clay.
19:09 The clay represents the church.
19:11 The iron represents the continuation of Rome.
19:14 So, after Rome, the iron kingdom,
19:17 you have another kingdom which is divided,
19:20 and the clay represents the church.
19:23 Do we have in Daniel 7
19:25 also papal Rome following pagan Rome?
19:28 Yes, because you have the dragon.
19:30 Sprouts ten horns,
19:31 and then you have a little horn,
19:33 which is the next power.
19:34 How about Revelation Chapter 12?
19:36 Yes.
19:38 After the dragon tries to slay the man child,
19:41 the man child ascends to God into his throne,
19:44 then the dragon persecutes the church for time times
19:48 and the dividing of time.
19:49 The papacy is the next power on the scene.
19:52 Is that true of Revelation 13?
19:54 Yes, the dragon gives a seat in his power to the beast
19:58 and then the beast,
20:00 the papacy persecutes the church for 42 months.
20:03 Are you with me or not?
20:05 In 2 Thessalonians 2, there's a restrainer
20:08 that is restrained to the papacy
20:09 for manifesting itself that represents a Roman Empire.
20:13 When the restrainer is taken away, what happens?
20:17 Then the man of sin rises to power.
20:19 So, let me ask you this then.
20:23 What would be the next trumpet after the second trumpet
20:27 which describes the barbarian invasions
20:30 and the fall of the Roman Empire?
20:32 What would be the next power
20:33 that would rise according to the great lines of prophecy?
20:37 It would have to be papal Rome. Are you with me or not?
20:40 So, all you have to do is look at the chronology of this.
20:45 Now, let's go to the paragraph in the middle of page 69.
20:50 The prophecy of Daniel 7 leaves no doubt
20:54 that after the ten horns devastated the Roman Empire,
20:57 that's the ten horns.
20:59 Another power would arise to subdue and defile them.
21:04 2 Thessalonians explains that
21:06 after the removal of the restrainer,
21:09 by the ten horns, the barbarian tribes,
21:12 the man of sin would reveal himself
21:15 sitting in the temple of God,
21:16 that is the church showing himself
21:18 that he is God, much like Satan intended to do
21:22 when he fell from heaven
21:24 and he said, I will be like the Most High.
21:27 Are you with me so far? Yes.
21:29 Now, let's go to the perspective
21:31 of 2 Thessalonians 2,
21:33 let's amplify this a little bit more.
21:37 In the writings of the Apostle Paul,
21:40 he always identifies
21:42 the temple of God as the church.
21:45 Never as a rebuilt Jewish temple,
21:48 like the futurists believe.
21:50 They say, oh, you know, that,
21:51 it says that I know Christ
21:53 is going to sit in the temple of God.
21:54 So, the Jewish temple has to be rebuilt
21:56 for the Antichrist to sit there.
21:59 The problem is in all of the other texts
22:01 where the Apostle Paul refers to the temple of God,
22:04 he always says that it refers to the church.
22:07 So, where's the Antichrist going to sit?
22:10 He's going to sit in the church.
22:13 He's an enemy from within.
22:15 So, let's go to the paragraph that begins with John 17:12.
22:20 John 17:12 calls Judas
22:22 by the identical name as the man of sin.
22:27 Judas is called the son of perdition.
22:29 The man of sin is called the son of perdition,
22:31 so must they have a similar character?
22:33 Absolutely.
22:35 Judas was an insider that feigned loyalty to Christ,
22:40 but secretly betrayed Him with a kiss.
22:44 These three expressions in 1 Thessalonians 2,
22:47 the apostasy, by the way,
22:49 you can't apostatize
22:50 unless you had embraced the truth at some time first.
22:55 So, the apostasy, the temple of God
22:58 which is the church
23:00 and the son of perdition clearly indicate
23:03 that an enemy from within, a fallen enemy
23:07 from within would defile and poison what?
23:11 And poison the church.
23:14 2 Thessalonians 2:6, 7 describes the restrainer
23:20 with both the masculine and neuter genders.
23:25 First, Paul tells the Thessalonians,
23:28 you know, what is holding back
23:32 and then he refers to he who holds back
23:36 will be taken out of the way.
23:38 So, in other words, Paul uses both the neuter
23:41 and the masculine.
23:43 Now, what does that mean?
23:45 Next paragraph.
23:46 In Romans 13:1-10, we see a similar phenomenon.
23:51 Paul begins by telling the Romans
23:54 to subject themselves to whom?
23:57 To the governing authorities.
24:00 Then in verse 4, he uses the muscular singular
24:04 he to refer to the individual rulers
24:08 of the governing authorities.
24:10 Are you understanding my point?
24:12 It is very clear that
24:13 the he here does not refer to a particular person,
24:18 but rather to whoever
24:20 is ruling the civil power of Rome
24:23 at any given moment.
24:25 How many of you understand what that means?
24:28 Good. There's four of you.
24:32 All right.
24:34 Now, let's notice a very interesting statement
24:37 by Cardinal Edward Manning.
24:40 He was a convert
24:42 from the Anglican Church to the Roman Catholic Church.
24:44 And then he was made a cardinal later on.
24:48 He wrote this interesting statement.
24:51 He didn't even know what he was describing really.
24:54 He didn't know that he was describing
24:56 that the papacy is the power of 2 Thessalonians 2.
25:00 Let's read now what he wrote.
25:03 Now the abandonment of Rome.
25:06 You remember that Constantine,
25:08 you know, he went, he took the sea
25:10 of the Empire to Constantinople,
25:12 to Istanbul, what is Istanbul today.
25:15 So, this is what he's referring to.
25:16 Now the abandonment of Rome
25:18 was the liberation of the pontiff.
25:20 In other words, when Constantine
25:22 the Emperor goes to the Eastern Roman Empire,
25:25 what happens with, what happens with the pope,
25:28 with the pontiffs?
25:29 They're suddenly liberated. Why?
25:32 Because they are sovereign in the West.
25:35 It continues, whatsoever claims
25:37 to obedience the Emperors
25:39 may have had and whatsoever compliance
25:43 the pontiff may have yielded that is to the Emperor,
25:46 the whole previous relation anomalous
25:49 and annulled again and again
25:50 by the vices and outrages of the Emperors
25:53 was finally dissolved by higher power.
25:57 The providence of God permitted,
25:59 now notice the barbarian invasions,
26:01 the providence of God permitted
26:03 a succession of eruptions, Gothic, Lombard
26:07 and Hungarian to desolate Italy,
26:10 and to efface
26:11 from it every remnant of the empire.
26:15 Is that describing the barbarian invasions?
26:18 The second trumpet? Absolutely.
26:20 What happened when this took place?
26:22 Because the Emperor was gone,
26:25 there was no law and order in the West.
26:27 The barbarians are finishing off the economy
26:31 and causing social disorder and disarray.
26:34 So, what happens?
26:36 The pontiffs found themselves alone,
26:38 the sole fountains of order, peace, law and safety.
26:44 And from the hour of this providential what?
26:47 Liberation, liberation from whom?
26:50 From the power of the Emperor.
26:53 And from the hour of this providential liberation
26:56 when by divine interventions, the what?
26:59 That chains fell off.
27:01 So, was this power restrained before?
27:04 Yes.
27:05 The chains fell off from the hands of the successor
27:08 of St. Peter as once before from his own.
27:11 No sovereign has ever reigned in Rome
27:14 except the vicar of Jesus Christ.
27:17 What a statement, he doesn't realize
27:19 he's commenting on 2 Thessalonians 2,
27:22 and he's incriminating the papacy.
27:27 I'm sure that Manning did not realize that
27:29 his remark indicted the papacy.
27:32 History proves that the removal of the Roman Empire
27:35 did indeed lead to the liberation
27:39 of the Roman pontiff.
27:41 It is noteworthy that Manning describes
27:43 the fall of the Roman Empire as what?
27:47 Chains falling off the hands of the successor of St. Peter,
27:51 the restrainer is taken away.
27:53 From Manning's own words,
27:55 we can conclude
27:56 that the fall of the Roman Empire
27:58 removed the chains
27:59 that restrained the Bishop of Rome.
28:03 Are you with me?
28:05 See, it's very important to study history,
28:07 the historical context,
28:08 the sequence, you know,
28:09 it's not only interpreting symbols,
28:11 you have to look at
28:12 what historical period these symbols apply to.
28:16 So, let's go to page 71.
28:18 The early church fathers were unanimous,
28:21 in the opinion that the restrainer
28:23 was a reference to the Roman Empire in general
28:27 and to the individual emperors in particular.
28:31 Paul made it clear that the church at Thessalonica
28:34 knew the identity of the restrainer.
28:36 He says, you know who I'm talking about,
28:38 if you read that passage in 2 Thessalonians.
28:41 However, Paul wrote in what kind of language?
28:46 Veiled language. Why?
28:48 The answer is that he could not speak openly
28:51 about the fall of the Roman Empire
28:54 that was ruling in his day.
28:55 Why not?
28:56 Well, because if he was going to say
28:58 that the Roman Empire was going to be
28:59 taken out of the way, he could be accused of sedition
29:02 against the Roman government.
29:04 Therefore, Paul had to be what? Cautious.
29:07 Now, the futurists and by the way
29:11 also the Andrews University study Bible claims
29:15 that the restrainer is the Holy Spirit.
29:18 But why would Paul use veiled language
29:20 if he was going to say that
29:22 the removal of the Holy Spirit was going to cause this?
29:25 That's not controversial,
29:26 the Romans would have had
29:27 no problem whatsoever with that.
29:29 Now, let's notice several statements
29:32 by the early church fathers
29:35 where they identified
29:38 the restrainer as the Roman Empire.
29:41 First of all, Tertullian.
29:44 By the way, we're not going to read
29:45 all of these statements
29:47 because we simply don't have the time.
29:49 Tertullian lived between 160 and 240.
29:52 The barbarian invasions have not taken place yet.
29:55 So, he writes, "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work.
29:59 Only he who now hinders must hinder
30:02 until he be taken out of the way."
30:05 And then he asked the question
30:06 what obstacle is there but the Roman state.
30:09 So, what was it that was restraining?
30:12 The pagan Rome.
30:13 "The falling away of which
30:16 by being scattered into ten kingdoms,"
30:18 he understood that the Empire
30:19 was going to be divided into ten kingdoms,
30:22 "shall introduce Antichrist upon its own ruins,
30:27 and then shall be revealed the wicked one."
30:31 He also wrote, "The very end of all things
30:34 threatening dreadful woes is only retarded by," what?
30:40 "By the continued existence of the Roman Empire."
30:44 They were living at that time.
30:47 Notice what Lactantius wrote early in the 4th century.
30:52 "The subject itself declares that the fall
30:55 and ruin of the world will shortly take place,
30:58 except that while the city of Rome remains,
31:01 it appears that nothing of this kind is to be feared."
31:04 Notice, everything is okay as long as Rome is ruling.
31:08 However, when that capital of the world shall have fallen,
31:13 and shall have begun to be a street,
31:15 which the sibyls say shall come to pass,
31:18 who can doubt that the end
31:20 has now arrived to the affairs of men
31:22 and the whole world?
31:24 It is that city,
31:25 that only which still sustains all things.
31:30 So, they actually prayed
31:31 for the Lord to keep the Roman Empire in place
31:34 because they knew that something worse
31:36 was gonna come after that.
31:38 Notice what Cyril of Jerusalem wrote.
31:41 He lived between 318 and 386.
31:45 "But this aforesaid Antichrist is to come
31:48 when the times of the Roman Empire
31:51 have been," what?
31:53 Did they have this straight, they understand this?
31:55 They most certainly did.
31:57 "When the Roman Empire shall have been fulfilled
31:59 and the end of the world is drawing near,
32:02 there shall rise up together ten kings of the Romans."
32:06 So, he's saying that the divisions are also Roman.
32:11 "Reining in different parts, perhaps,
32:13 but all about the same time.
32:16 And after those an eleventh, the Antichrist,
32:19 who by his magical craft shall seize
32:22 upon the Roman power,
32:23 and of the kings who reigned before him.
32:25 Three, he shall humble
32:27 and the remaining seven,
32:29 he shall keep in subjection to himself."
32:32 Ambrose died in 398.
32:36 "After the falling or decay of the Roman Empire,
32:40 Antichrist shall appear."
32:43 Chrysostom, he died in 407.
32:45 By this time the barbarian invasions are going on.
32:50 He says, "When the Roman Empire is taken out of the way."
32:54 He's really referring to 2 Thessalonians 2,
32:57 "Then he," that is the Antichrist,
32:59 "shall come.
33:01 And naturally, for as long as the fear of this empire lasts,
33:05 no one will willingly exalt himself.
33:08 But when that is dissolved,"
33:11 in other words, when the Empire is dissolved,
33:13 "he will attack the anarchy
33:15 and endeavor to seize upon the government,
33:18 both of man and God."
33:23 Let's talk about Jerome, the one who translated
33:27 the scriptures, the famous Vulgate.
33:31 He wrote, "He that leadeth," that means restraints,
33:35 "is taken out of the way.
33:38 And yet we do not realize that Antichrist is near."
33:40 He said, you know,
33:42 that the barbarians are invading now.
33:45 The Roman Empire is being taken all the way.
33:47 And he says,
33:48 and we do not realize that Antichrist is near.
33:51 Ellen White wrote
33:52 some significant statements as well.
33:55 She wrote in Great Controversy, page 49,
33:58 "The spirit of compromise and conformity was restrained."
34:02 Was what? Restrained by what?
34:07 By the fears, persecutions
34:09 which the church endured under paganism.
34:10 In other words, under the Roman Empire,
34:13 but as persecution ceased,
34:15 this is the times of Constantine,
34:16 third trumpet,
34:18 and Christianity entered the courts of palaces
34:20 and kings, she laid aside the humble simplicity of Christ
34:23 and His apostles for the pomp and pride
34:25 of pagan priests and rulers,
34:27 and in place of the requirements of God
34:29 she's substituted human theories
34:32 and traditions.
34:34 And this statement that she makes,
34:36 by the way is the papacy restrained now again?
34:40 Who put the restraint on the papacy?
34:44 Well, there's two answers.
34:45 One is the French Revolution, the deadly wound, and secondly,
34:49 the United States of America.
34:52 The earth helped the woman that was being persecuted.
34:56 And France gave the papacy its deadly wound
34:59 from which it has not healed yet.
35:02 So, Ellen White describes that there's going,
35:05 the restraint of the civil powers
35:07 of the world is going to be removed.
35:09 Again, notice this statement,
35:11 let the restraints now imposed by what?
35:17 Just like Rome, the secular government
35:19 restrain the papacy before,
35:21 and then the papacy rose to power
35:23 to receive a deadly wound.
35:24 She says, let the restraints now imposed
35:27 by secular governments be what?
35:31 Removed.
35:33 And Rome, she's speaking about papal Rome
35:35 be reinstated in her former power,
35:38 and there would speedily
35:39 be a revival of her tyranny and persecution.
35:45 Very significant statement, isn't it?
35:47 Because she uses the same terminology
35:49 as 2 Thessalonians do,
35:51 the removal of the secular governments
35:53 is going to heal the wound and that papacy will do
35:56 as she did during the period of her dominion.
35:59 And then Adan asked a very interesting question
36:02 yesterday about Ellen White,
36:04 and whether she has anything
36:05 to say about the disintegration of the Roman Empire.
36:08 This is the only statement
36:09 I was able to find in the writings of Ellen White,
36:11 there might be more, I haven't found them
36:13 where she describes
36:15 the demise of the Roman Empire
36:18 by the barbarian invasions,
36:19 how the Empire crumbled into pieces,
36:21 and then from that the papacy arose.
36:24 This is in volume one of Manuscript Releases,
36:27 page 50.
36:29 The vast empire of Rome, what?
36:32 There you have
36:33 what the barbarian invasions did,
36:35 crumbled to pieces, and from its what?
36:39 From its ruins, rose that mighty power,
36:44 the Roman Catholic Church.
36:46 This church boasts of her infallibility
36:49 and her hereditary religion.
36:53 So, did Ellen White recognize that the barbarian invasions
36:56 carved up their Empire and ruined the Empire,
36:59 she most certainly did.
37:00 Did she say, did she think
37:02 that we need four trumpets
37:03 to describe that historical event?
37:05 I very much doubt that.
37:07 Now let's talk about the falling star.
37:10 The third trumpet describes the star
37:12 that fell from heaven as a burning lamp.
37:16 See, now we get need to go
37:17 one step further as a burning lamp.
37:20 Therefore, we must not only discover
37:22 the meaning of the word star,
37:24 but also of the expression what?
37:27 Burning lamp.
37:29 As we have seen, in the first instance,
37:32 the falling star represents whom?
37:35 Satan. Satan.
37:36 Several texts of scripture make this absolutely clear.
37:41 So, let's notice those texts.
37:45 Isaiah 14:12-14, we already read.
37:49 Let's read Revelation 12:7-9, "And war broke out in heaven.
37:54 Michael and his angels fought with the dragon,
37:56 and the dragon and his angels fought,
37:59 but they did not prevail,
38:01 nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.
38:04 So, the great dragon was," what?
38:06 "Cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan
38:10 who deceives the whole world,
38:11 he was cast to the earth,
38:13 and his angels were cast out with him."
38:16 In Luke 10:18, Jesus said that he saw
38:22 Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
38:25 Ellen White says that
38:26 this is an allusion to he's cast not originally,
38:29 but she specifies that it's especially talking
38:33 about the casting out of Satan at the cross.
38:35 Notice what Luke 10:18 says,
38:38 "Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, 'Lord,
38:42 even the demons
38:44 are subject to us in your name.'
38:46 And he said to them, 'I saw Satan," what?
38:51 "Fall like lightning from heaven.'"
38:55 Is that similar to what we noticed
38:58 in the third trumpet?
38:59 Absolutely.
39:01 "Behold I give you
39:02 the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions,
39:05 and over all the power of the enemy,
39:07 and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
39:10 By the way in Scripture,
39:11 angels are compared to lamps.
39:16 Is Satan an angel? Yes.
39:19 He's a fallen star.
39:21 But angels are also called lamps.
39:24 Notice, Ezekiel 1:13, 14.
39:30 "As for the likeness of the living creatures,"
39:32 which are angels, "their appearance
39:34 was like burning coals of fire,
39:38 like the appearance of," what?
39:41 "Torches." Interesting.
39:44 "Going back and forth among the living creatures.
39:47 The fire was bright,
39:49 and out of the fire went," what?
39:51 I saw Satan fall like what?
39:54 "Like lightning."
39:55 Angels here are compared to lamps.
39:58 Verse 14, "And the living creatures
40:00 ran back and forth,
40:02 in appearance like a flash of," what?
40:05 "Like a flash of lightning."
40:09 Top of page 75.
40:11 As we have already seen, however, the star that falls
40:16 from heaven at this point cannot directly represent whom?
40:20 Satan.
40:22 Because he had already fallen long before,
40:25 both from heaven and at the cross.
40:28 Then the star must represent
40:30 something that came later.
40:34 Now, let's go one step further.
40:37 Not only is Satan spoken of as a star,
40:41 and also angel spoken of as lamps or as torches,
40:46 as it says here because in the New Testament
40:50 the lamp is actually a torch.
40:53 They did not have lamps like we know today.
40:56 The lamps were actually torches.
40:59 So, stars not only represent angels in the Bible,
41:03 they frequently also represent God's people
41:07 who are agents of God in preaching the pure gospel.
41:11 In Revelation 1:20.
41:13 The seven stars in the right hand of Jesus
41:16 represent what?
41:18 The messengers or the pastors of the seven churches.
41:24 So yes, Satan is spoken of as a star,
41:27 a falling star,
41:28 but the star can also represent what?
41:31 Can also represent God's people.
41:34 Notice, Revelation 1:20,
41:37 "The mystery of the seven stars
41:38 which you saw in My right hand,
41:40 and the seven golden lampstands.
41:43 The seven stars are the," what?
41:46 Are the angels or the messengers, better,
41:49 "of the seven churches,
41:51 and the seven lampstands which you saw are," what?
41:55 "The seven churches."
41:57 Now the seven stars are in the right hand of Jesus.
42:01 And this represents the fact that Jesus, what?
42:05 He directs the work of these messengers.
42:08 The seven churches represent what?
42:12 Seven consecutive eras or periods of church history.
42:16 So, the seven stars must represent the messengers
42:19 or pastors that proclaim
42:21 God's message to the church in each of those periods.
42:24 Are you understanding my point?
42:26 Now, that is to say each of the seven churches
42:29 has one star.
42:30 And each of those stars
42:32 represents the religious leaders
42:34 of that particular period,
42:36 represented by that church.
42:39 These preachers were to keep the truth
42:42 of the pure gospel, how?
42:45 Alive.
42:47 They were not to be fallen stars.
42:50 They were to be stars fixed in heaven,
42:52 giving their light.
42:54 Let's continue.
42:56 Revelation 12:1, because we're taught,
42:59 we're saying that the stars not only represent angels
43:03 but they also represent what?
43:05 Human beings that do the bidding of the Lord.
43:08 In Revelation 12:1, these twelve stars
43:11 on the crown of the woman represent what?
43:14 The twelve apostles of the lamb.
43:17 What did they do?
43:19 They taught the truths as it is in Jesus.
43:22 In Zechariah 9:16,
43:25 the prophet saw the final remnant,
43:27 under a symbol of stars on a crown of glory.
43:31 In Daniel 8:10 and 24,
43:35 we're told that the little horn cast down the stars
43:38 which represents those who have been,
43:41 who are persecuted
43:43 during the period of papal dominion.
43:45 And in Daniel 12:3, we're told that the wise
43:49 will shine as stars forever and ever.
43:53 So, do stars represent God's faithful people as well?
43:57 Absolutely.
43:58 As long as they're not fallen stars by the way.
44:01 Now, Ellen White gives this insightful comment
44:04 about the stars.
44:06 This is found in Acts of the Apostles,
44:08 page 586 and 587.
44:14 "These things saith he that holdeth
44:16 the seven stars in his right hand.
44:19 These words are spoken to," what?
44:22 "To the teachers in the church,
44:25 those entrusted by God with weigh responsibilities."
44:28 So, what do the stars represent?
44:31 The teachers and the church.
44:34 And they're entrusted with what?
44:36 With weighty responsibilities.
44:38 The sweet influences that are to be abundant
44:41 in the church are bound up with God's what?
44:44 Ministers, who are to reveal the love of Christ.
44:48 The stars of heaven are under His control.
44:51 He fills them with light.
44:54 He guides and directs their movements.
44:57 What would happen if they did not,
45:00 they were not directed by Christ?
45:03 If He did not do this, they would become what?
45:06 Fallen stars.
45:08 Are you understanding this point?
45:11 Saul with his ministers,
45:13 they are but instruments in his hands
45:16 and all the good they accomplished
45:17 is done through His power,
45:20 through them His light is to shine forth,
45:22 the Savior's to be there efficiency.
45:25 If they will look to Him as He look to the Father,
45:28 they will be unable to do whose work?
45:31 His work.
45:32 As they make God their dependence,
45:34 He will give them His brightness
45:36 to reflect to the world.
45:37 Isn't that a marvelous statement?
45:39 Yes.
45:40 So, the Satan have fallen stars that do his bidding.
45:43 He is the fallen star, but does he have fallen stars?
45:46 Yes.
45:47 Does, is Jesus the bright and morning star?
45:49 Yes.
45:51 Does He also have stars that do His bidding?
45:53 Absolutely. But they're not fallen stars.
45:55 They're stars that are fixed in heaven
45:57 that are shedding light.
45:59 I hope you're following me.
46:01 Now, let's take a look
46:03 at the positive side of the burning lamp.
46:06 There's a positive side to the star as a burning lamp.
46:10 The word lamp which in Greek is lampades.
46:15 In Revelation 8:8 refers to a burning torch.
46:19 John 18:3 uses the identical word
46:22 to describe the Pharisees
46:24 who came with torches to arrest Jesus.
46:28 So, the lamp is really a torch back then.
46:31 Acts 20:8 describes the torches
46:35 that provided light when the Apostle Paul
46:38 was long winded one night
46:41 and preached till after midnight
46:43 and Eutychius fell out of the window
46:46 and had to be resurrected by the power of God.
46:49 And you think I'm long winded, I tell people.
46:53 Now Scripture not only compares God's people to stars
46:57 but also to what?
46:59 To lamps.
47:00 Satan is a star but he's a lamp, a fallen lamp.
47:04 God's people are stars
47:06 and they're lamps, but they're not fallen lamps.
47:09 Notice Isaiah 61:1, 2,
47:12 where we are told that Scripture not only compares
47:15 God's people to stars, but also to lamps
47:18 or torches that shed God's light
47:20 upon a world of darkness.
47:23 Isaiah 62:1, 2, "For Zion's sake
47:27 I will not hold My peace,
47:29 and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest,
47:32 until her righteousness goes forth as," what?
47:37 "As brightness, and her salvation as," what?
47:40 "As a lamp that burns.
47:43 The Gentiles shall see your righteousness,
47:45 and all kings your glory."
47:47 That's the glory of a lamp, the glory of the torch.
47:51 "You shall be called by a new name,
47:53 which the mouth of the Lord will name."
47:56 Let's skip the next one.
47:57 2 Corinthians 4:5, 6 because we need to advance.
48:01 Let's go to Matthew 5:14-16.
48:05 Jesus said to His followers, you are the, what?
48:09 Now wait a minute,
48:10 I thought Jesus is the light of the world.
48:14 You know, does Jesus contradict Himself
48:16 when He says,
48:17 I am the light of the world, you are the light of the world.
48:19 No, He is the sun and we are moons.
48:24 The sun is original light,
48:27 the moon reflects the light of the sun.
48:30 So, Jesus is the morning star, but those who are His followers
48:33 and preach the pure gospel
48:35 are stars under the leadership of the star.
48:38 So, He says,
48:39 "You are the light of the world.
48:41 A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
48:44 Nor do they light a lamp."
48:45 Now it's not the same word lampades,
48:47 it is the word luchnon, but it's a synonym.
48:51 "Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket,
48:56 but on a lampstand," the word luchnia,
48:59 "and it gives light," lampo,
49:02 so you see that the word luchnos and the word,
49:06 the word lampades are synonymous.
49:11 So, it says, "Nor do they give,
49:13 do they light a lamp and put it under a basket,
49:17 but on a lampstand,
49:18 and it gives light to all who are in the house."
49:22 And then he says what?
49:23 "Let your light,"
49:25 which is the light of a lamp, right?
49:26 "Let your light so shine before men,
49:29 that they may see your good works."
49:32 What is the light?
49:34 "It's the character, the good work that
49:35 they may see your good works
49:37 and glorify your Father who is in heaven."
49:41 Now I'm not going to read the next passage
49:43 because you're very well acquainted with it.
49:45 It's the parable of the ten virgins.
49:47 Interesting.
49:48 The word lamp is used several times.
49:51 It's highlighted there.
49:53 What do the bridesmaids represent?
49:57 They represent God's people
49:59 that are lighting the way to the marriage chamber,
50:03 the marriage of Jesus with His people,
50:06 with His corporate people, isn't it?
50:09 So, are God's people compared to lamps?
50:13 They most certainly are compared to lamps.
50:16 Now let's go to the next page, page 78.
50:20 The passage in Matthew 25 describes God's people
50:24 as illuminating the way
50:26 to the bridegroom's chamber for the wedding.
50:29 The idea in this parable
50:31 is that human beings shed light, like a what?
50:35 Like a lamp.
50:37 Notice this interesting statement
50:39 from Christ Object Lessons, page 414.
50:43 "So, the followers of Christ are to shed light
50:46 into the darkness of the world.
50:49 Through the Holy Spirit,"
50:50 that's the oil in the lamp by the way,
50:53 "God's word is a light
50:54 as it becomes a transforming power
50:57 in the life of the receiver.
50:59 By implanting in their hearts the principles of His word
51:03 the Holy Spirit develops in men the attributes of God,
51:06 the light of His glory, His character is to," what?
51:10 "Is to shine forth in His followers."
51:14 So, whose is the original glory?
51:17 Jesus. We are reflected glory.
51:21 Is that true of Satan's work too?
51:23 Satan is a fallen star, the fallen lamp.
51:26 So, does he work through other fallen lamps?
51:28 He most certainly does or fallen stars.
51:31 Then she concludes by saying,
51:32 "Thus they are to glorify God to lighten the path
51:35 to the bridegroom's home to the City of God,
51:38 to the marriage supper of the Lamb."
51:40 I don't know if we'll be
51:41 able to get to the part in our...
51:44 study notes, dealing with marriage customs.
51:47 You want to read that,
51:49 because sometimes God's people are spoken
51:52 of as guests to the wedding.
51:55 And they're also called the bride.
51:57 So how can they be the bride and the guests?
51:59 Well, we might not have time to get there,
52:01 but it's very carefully explained in the section
52:04 towards the end of the study notes
52:06 on the marriage.
52:09 Now, Revelation 4:5 is a very interesting verse.
52:14 Let's read it,
52:16 "And from the throne proceeded lightnings,
52:18 thunderings, and voices.
52:20 Seven lamps," it's the same word lampades,
52:23 "seven lamps of fire were burning
52:25 before the throne,
52:26 which are the seven Spirits of God."
52:28 So, what do this?
52:29 What does the seven-branched candlestick represent?
52:33 It represents the church,
52:36 and the church receives the oil and the church gives what?
52:40 Light.
52:41 Because the lampstand represents the seven churches,
52:44 seven periods of church history.
52:47 So, during the seven periods of church history,
52:49 the oil goes into the lamp in that period of the church,
52:53 and the church gives what?
52:55 The church gives light.
52:57 So, you know, it's the church
53:00 that sheds the light of Jesus Christ
53:02 through the power of the Holy Spirit.
53:04 Incidentally, the Bible also speaks
53:06 of the Word of God as a lamp.
53:10 Well, what do God's people preach?
53:13 Well, they preach the Word, right?
53:15 So, God's people are the lamp
53:17 because they preach the content that is found in the lamp,
53:22 if you please.
53:23 So, it says in Psalm 119:105,
53:26 "Your word is a lamp to my feet,
53:30 and a light to my path."
53:33 And finally, John the Baptist is called a shining lamp.
53:39 Whom did John the Baptist give witness to?
53:42 He gave witness to Jesus.
53:44 In fact, it says in John 1, he was not the light.
53:48 And yet in John 5:35, he's called a lamp.
53:52 So, what was John the Baptist?
53:54 He was a lesser light that led people to what?
53:59 To the greater light.
54:01 Top of page 79.
54:05 Very interesting statement of Ellen White.
54:08 Speaking to the youth of the church.
54:10 "You are God's," what?
54:13 "God's light bearer.
54:16 He has placed in your hands a," what?
54:19 "A lamp." What is the lamp?
54:22 The Word of God.
54:24 "He has placed in your hands a lamp
54:26 that you are to keep trimmed
54:29 and burning for Him."
54:33 So, are you following me so far?
54:35 Now, let's look at the negative side
54:37 of the lamp and we might not be
54:39 able to finish this particular section
54:40 but let's do our best
54:42 before our first session is over.
54:45 Revelation 8:8 indicates that the ministers
54:48 and teachers that is the angel
54:50 or the star of the church of this period
54:54 were supposed to do what?
54:56 They were supposed to shine as lamps.
54:59 Instead what happened?
55:01 They fell from their post and defile the waters.
55:05 In other words, the teachers started teaching what?
55:09 Error, heresy, apostate ideas.
55:14 Ellen White wrote in Bible Echo,
55:18 November 1, 1892, Satan had been Lucifer.
55:22 What was he? The light bearer.
55:25 In other words, it was God's light
55:26 that shone in him, the light bearer,
55:29 the sharer of God's glory in heaven.
55:33 Before sin, Lucifer was the light bearer,
55:36 a shining star, like a lamp that brought glory to whom?
55:41 To God.
55:42 However, when he became proud,
55:44 and sought to bring glory to himself,
55:46 he defiled and embittered the angels
55:49 with false accusations against God.
55:52 As a result, he fell from heaven
55:54 and he became what?
55:55 He became a falling star, a fallen star or a fallen lamp.
56:01 Something similar occurred in the apostolic church.
56:05 Originally it reflected the purity
56:07 of the Gospel of Jesus.
56:09 However, in the course of time,
56:11 it fell into apostasy, poisoned the pure waters
56:14 of the gospel and brought in spiritual deaths.
56:19 Proverbs 13:9 tells us
56:22 the light of the righteous rejoices,
56:25 but the lamp of the wicked will be put out.
56:28 So, are the wicked spoken of as lamps also?
56:31 Absolutely.
56:33 Jude 11 to 13 speaks of wandering stars
56:37 that have no anchor and compares them
56:40 to three notable apostates of the Old Testament.
56:43 Cain, Korah, and Balaam.
56:47 Let's read those verses.
56:49 Woe to them for they have gone in the way of Cain,
56:52 have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit
56:55 and perished in the rebellion of Korah.
56:57 These are spots in your love feasts
56:59 while they feast with you
57:01 without fear serving only themselves.
57:03 They are clouds without water, carried about by the winds,
57:06 late autumn trees without fruit,
57:09 twice dead, pulled up by the roots,
57:12 raging waves of the sea, forming up their own shame."
57:16 And then it says what?
57:17 Wandering what?
57:19 "Wandering stars for whom
57:22 is reserved the blackness of," what?
57:25 "Of darkness forever."
57:27 In contrast to the falling star,
57:30 and those who study
57:31 the prophecy of the morning star,
57:33 the morning star rises in their hearts.
57:36 Thus, the rising star stands
57:39 in contrast to the falling star.
57:43 You understand what we've studied so far?
57:46 Now we still have to talk about the pollution of waters,
57:50 the fountains of waters
57:51 and the bitterness, the Wormwood.
57:53 And that will be the subject
57:54 that we will study in our next exciting episode.


Revised 2020-07-30