Revelation's Seven Trumpets

Lesson 6 - The Fifth Trumpet Part 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: RST

Program Code: RST000012S

00:14 Well, welcome back for our final session today.
00:19 I expected you to say, "Aww."
00:24 ~ Aww. - Good, good. Thank you.
00:29 Alright, let's go back to our study notes, page 168.
00:35 And I'm going to review what we studied at the very end of
00:38 our last session together.
00:43 Verse 1 reads as follows, "The fifth angel sounded his trumpet.
00:49 And I saw a star that had fallen from heaven,
00:52 from the sky, to the earth.
00:54 The star was given the key to the shaft of the abyss."
01:01 Now there's several things that we noticed here.
01:04 One is the "divine passage," right?
01:07 God is allowing this to happen.
01:10 In other words, God is in control.
01:12 Also we noticed that even though the King James Version says
01:17 that he saw a star fall from heaven,
01:19 really the tense of the verb is that the star
01:22 had fallen from heaven.
01:24 And who is that star that had fallen from heaven?
01:27 It is Lucifer who is mentioned in Isaiah chapter 14.
01:34 Then we went to the comments on verse 2.
01:38 It says, "And he opened the bottomless pit..."
01:41 With the key, that is.
01:54 So when the pit is opened with the key,
01:59 there is a deep darkness, isn't there,
02:01 according to this.
02:03 And we noticed also that the star is a "he," right?
02:09 It's not an "it." It's a "he."
02:12 And most of the trumpets, it says that a third was affected.
02:18 Here, there's no mention of a third.
02:20 So this must be an overwhelming and total darkness
02:24 wherever it falls.
02:26 Now let's go to verse 3.
02:28 "Then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth.
02:33 And to them was given power..."
02:36 Notice once again, "was given power."
02:38 Who is really in control here?
02:40 Who is allowing these things to happen?
02:43 It's God who is allowing them to happen.
02:51 So now we have not only locusts, but we have what?
02:54 Scorpions; the locusts are really scorpions.
02:57 Now when the shaft of the abyss opens,
03:00 all hell breaks loose.
03:03 As we have previously seen when we studied the fourth trumpet,
03:07 the sun, which is the greater light,
03:10 the moon, which is the lesser light,
03:12 representing Christ and the Scriptures,
03:15 and the stars, which represent God's people,
03:19 were partially eclipsed.
03:21 There was partial darkness during the fourth trumpet.
03:25 But it appears that in the fifth trumpet, the darkness
03:28 is much deeper than the darkness that was there
03:33 during the period of the fourth trumpet.
03:36 Now let's read Exodus 10:15
03:40 where we find a very interesting detail.
03:43 When you read Exodus 10:15, which speaks about the plague
03:47 of locusts that fell upon Egypt, the impression that you get
03:52 is that the cloud that comes from the abyss
03:54 and darkens everything is really the cloud of locusts.
03:59 So notice what we find in Exodus 10:15.
04:03 "For they," that is the locusts in Egypt...
04:12 So what is it that caused the darkness
04:15 under the fifth trumpet?
04:18 It is the host of locusts that come up,
04:20 that are related also to scorpions.
04:23 And it says, this is in Egypt...
04:28 This is, of course, literal.
04:40 So what is it that caused the darkness in the fifth trumpet?
04:43 The locusts are so pervasive, there are so many of them,
04:48 that they totally cover the sun and the moon.
04:50 There's no light on the earth.
04:54 France...
04:55 Now here comes the application from the spirit of prophecy.
04:58 France had the bright light of the Reformation,
05:02 and rejected that light.
05:04 And the result was what?
05:06 Great darkness.
05:07 Notice, Testimonies, v1, page 232.
05:11 "I saw that the greater the light which the people reject,
05:16 the greater will be..." What?
05:18 "...the power of deception and darkness
05:22 which will come upon them.
05:24 The rejection of truth leaves men captives..."
05:31 And the subject of whom?
05:33 "...the subjects of Satan's deception."
05:37 Did France reject the light?
05:39 It was the one nation that strongly
05:42 opposed the Reformation.
05:43 You know, slaughtering so many of the Huguenots
05:47 during the St. Bartholomew Massacre.
05:50 And so she reaped what she sowed.
05:52 The words of Jesus that we find in Matthew 6:22-23
05:58 are a fit description of how the rejection of the light
06:01 of the Reformation led to the pitch darkness
06:05 of the French Revolution.
06:06 Are you understanding that the darkness intensified
06:09 between the fourth and the fifth trumpet?
06:11 At least there's some light during the fourth trumpet.
06:14 During the fifth trumpet, everything on earth is what?
06:17 Darkened.
06:19 Matthew 6:22-23
06:34 That means, if you don't want to accept the message;
06:37 if your eye is bad.
06:51 So that describes what happens when people reject the light.
06:54 The darkness becomes ever more intense.
06:59 Now the next section, I believe, is very interesting.
07:03 In Scripture, God's points of the compass
07:08 are the north and the east.
07:11 You read Scripture, the north and the east.
07:15 Here's some examples.
07:16 When Jesus came the first time, He came by way of what?
07:21 The rising sun, or the east.
07:23 Luke 1:78-79
07:26 When Jesus went to heaven...
07:28 That is, up.
07:29 Because up is north, according to Scripture.
07:32 was by way of the Mount of Olives.
07:34 On which side of Jerusalem?
07:36 On the east side of Jerusalem.
07:39 The sealing angel comes from where?
07:42 From the east.
07:44 When Jesus comes again with His armies, it will be from where?
07:48 From the east.
07:50 The east is God's point of the compass.
07:54 Why?
07:55 Because of the position of the sun.
07:59 Where does light begin?
08:01 Light begins in the east.
08:03 And God is a God of light.
08:05 Are you following me?
08:06 That's why God is compared with the sun.
08:10 Furthermore, According to Isaiah 14:13-14,
08:15 as well as Psalm 48:1-2, God's throne is where?
08:21 In the sides of the north.
08:23 In other words, up in heaven.
08:27 Why?
08:29 Because the sun reaches its brightest intensity
08:33 when it is directly overhead.
08:37 For that reason, in Ezekiel 1 when God comes to judge
08:40 Jerusalem, His chariot comes from the north,
08:44 according to Ezekiel 1:4, and arrives by way of the east.
08:50 On the other hand, the west is the place
08:53 where darkness begins.
08:55 And the south, or the underworld, is the place where
08:59 darkness reaches its deepest intensity
09:02 because it's directly underground.
09:05 Midnight.
09:07 The ancients considered the south the realm of
09:11 the underworld where demons thrive,
09:14 because it was the place of deepest darkness.
09:18 For this reason, darkness in the fifth trumpet comes from where?
09:22 It comes from the abyss, which is the underworld.
09:27 Now let's go to Amos 8:11-12
09:30 and notice something very interesting,
09:31 very, very interesting.
09:35 Amos; that's one of the little minor prophets
09:38 that is not always easy to find.
09:44 Amos.
09:48 Where are you, Amos?
09:54 You know, just to give you a little help,
09:57 it's right before Obadiah.
10:03 Okay, Amos 8:11-12.
10:08 Notice where people go seeking the Word of God.
10:11 Do they go west and south?
10:13 No no, no, no. They don't go west and south.
10:15 Verse 11 says...
10:38 Because, of course, the door of probation has what?
10:41 The door of probation has closed.
10:46 So Amos 8:11-12 tells us that after the close of probation
10:50 people will run to the north and the east
10:53 seeking the word of God,
10:54 because the word of God is light.
10:57 Right?
10:59 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
11:05 The ancients would never think of going
11:08 to the west and the south because these directions
11:11 are the realm of darkness.
11:13 Darkness begins in the west where the sun sets,
11:15 and it reaches its deepest intensity
11:18 when it's directly south.
11:19 That's why Ellen White describes the period of papal dominion
11:22 as the midnight of the world.
11:25 Because the sun is directly south in the underworld.
11:29 Now you might wonder what the directions of the compass
11:33 have to do with the fifth trumpet.
11:35 You say, "Why do you introduce this about
11:37 the points of the compass?
11:38 What's the point?"
11:40 Well, now we're going to the point.
11:43 Well, Egypt was literally south of Israel.
11:48 And therefore, it was the king of what?
11:52 The king of the south.
11:53 By the way, if you want a reference for that,
11:56 you can go to Daniel 11:8-9 where Egypt is identified as
12:02 the king of the south because Egypt is south of Israel.
12:06 And the king of the north was Babylon.
12:08 Because Babylon is actually north and east,
12:11 but in order to arrive in Israel they couldn't
12:14 cross the Arabian desert.
12:16 They had to go across the fertile crescent
12:19 and come down by way of Lebanon to Jerusalem.
12:23 So they would come from the north,
12:24 the Babylonians would come from the north.
12:27 So Egypt was literally south of Israel.
12:30 Which means that Egypt was the king of what?
12:34 It was the king of the south.
12:36 As we will notice later in this study,
12:41 it is not accidental that Revelation 11:8
12:46 refers to the demons that rose from the abyss
12:50 in the French Revolution with the name, what?
12:53 Egypt.
12:56 Are you following me or not?
12:58 Darkness became notorious in Egypt at the
13:02 time of the tenth plague, didn't it?
13:05 This is persuasive evidence that there is a connection
13:08 between the fifth trumpet and the French Revolution
13:12 described in Revelation 11:7-10.
13:17 Now it's also significant that Daniel 11 verse 40
13:22 describes the king of the south rising and attacking
13:26 the king of the north at the beginning of
13:29 the time of the end.
13:31 Let's go there to Daniel 11 very quickly.
13:34 We don't have time to really deal with
13:36 Daniel 11 in its fullness.
13:38 We will deal with that probably tomorrow
13:43 when we talk about Revelation chapter 10.
13:47 But in Daniel 11:31-39,
13:56 it's speaking about the period of papal dominion.
13:59 It's speaking about the 1260 years.
14:02 But then verse 40 tells us that something happens
14:05 at the time of the end.
14:07 When is the time of the end?
14:08 When does the time of the end begin?
14:11 1798. And what event happened in 1798?
14:17 That's when the papacy received it's what?
14:19 Deadly wound.
14:21 Who gave the papacy the deadly wound?
14:23 France, the king of the south. Right?
14:27 Are you following me?
14:29 Now notice...
14:36 Did France attack the papacy?
14:39 Yes.
14:40 Did it take away the civil power that the papacy had used?
14:43 Yes. That's what this is referring to.
14:50 Is that the end?
14:52 No, you read the following verses and the king of the north
14:56 recuperates from the attack.
14:59 And basically he overwhelms the world.
15:04 As I have noted in my notes on Daniel 11,
15:07 this attack of the king of the south
15:09 against the king of the north...
15:11 By the way, this is the counterfeit king of the north.
15:13 Okay?
15:14 God is the real king of the north.
15:16 Because His throne is in the sides of the north.
15:19 This is the man of sin who sits in the temple of God on earth
15:23 making people think that he is the king of the north.
15:27 So as I have noted in my notes on Daniel 11,
15:30 this attack of the king of the south against
15:32 the king of the north is a depiction
15:34 of the French Revolution.
15:37 Thus, the fifth trumpet, Revelation 11:7-10,
15:43 and Daniel 11:40 are all describing the same
15:48 historical event: the French Revolution.
15:53 Are you understanding this point?
15:55 Now, let me just read to you about what locusts do.
16:00 Locusts have no mercy.
16:04 They finish off everything that is before them.
16:09 I found this vivid description in Kitto's Encyclopedia,
16:13 volume 2, page 263.
16:16 "Locusts seem to devour not so much from a ravenous appetite
16:22 as from a rage for destroying."
16:28 You know, they're not going to say, "Well, you know,
16:31 let's eat all the leaves because we're hungry."
16:35 No, it's a rage for destroying.
16:38 "Destruction, therefore, and not food is the chief impulse
16:43 of their devastations, and in this consists their utility;
16:49 they are, in fact, omnivorous."
16:52 What does, omnivorous, mean?
16:54 They will eat anything and everything.
16:57 "The most poisonous plants are indifferent to them;
17:01 they will prey even upon the crowfoot,
17:04 whose causticity burns even the hides of beasts.
17:08 They simply consume everything without predilection:
17:13 vegetable matter, linens, woolens, silk, leather.
17:17 And Pliny does not exaggerate when he says,
17:20 'fores quoque tectorum,'
17:23 which means, 'even the doors of houses,'
17:26 for they have been known to consume the very
17:28 varnish of furniture.
17:32 They reduce everything indiscriminately to shreds,
17:37 which become manure."
17:40 Does that give you a picture of the French Revolution?
17:44 Why they're compared with locusts?
17:48 Notice that Exodus describes the devastating destruction
17:53 caused by the locusts in Egypt.
17:55 You know, this corroborates what we just read
17:58 from this encyclopedia.
18:02 "For they covered the face of the whole earth,
18:05 so that the land was..." What?
18:08 "...darkened; and they ate every herb of the land
18:12 and all the fruit of the trees which the hail had left.
18:16 So there remained nothing green on the trees or on the plants
18:21 of the field throughout all the land of Egypt."
18:26 A fit description of what happened in the
18:29 French Revolution when Satan and his angels were released
18:34 to do their work.
18:36 Now Revelation 9:12 tells us that this cloud of locusts
18:41 had a king who led them.
18:44 And what was the name of the king?
18:46 In Hebrew, Abaddon; and in Greek, Apollyon.
18:52 Now normal locusts, according to those who have studied locusts,
18:56 have no king over them.
18:59 In fact, the Bible tells us that.
19:02 Notice Proverbs 30:27.
19:06 Proverbs 30:27
19:09 That shows that these locusts are not literal locusts.
19:12 These are weird locusts.
19:15 Notice Proverbs 30:27.
19:22 Proverbs 30:27 says...
19:32 So they're very organized, right?
19:35 But not because they have a king.
19:37 So locusts have no king over them.
19:40 So these must be what?
19:42 Unusual and supernatural locusts?
19:47 Now we're going to skip the next two pages.
19:51 You can read this at your leisure.
19:54 Let's just read the paragraph at the top of page 172.
19:58 Some interpreters have seen in this plague of locusts
20:02 a depiction of the devastations caused by Mohammad
20:06 and the Muslims in Arabia.
20:10 However, in his commentary on the book of Revelation,
20:14 Seiss, Joseph Seiss who wrote an entire commentary
20:17 on Revelation, he's not an Adventist but this is very good,
20:21 provides a multiplicity of reasons why this
20:24 interpretation cannot be accurate.
20:27 So you need to read those two pages to see why
20:30 this particular trumpet does not apply to Muhammad
20:33 and the Muslims in Arabia.
20:36 So let's go to page 174, because time does fly by.
20:43 The Old Testament uses locusts to describe God's judgments
20:48 against people who are in rebellion against Him.
20:52 Was France in rebellion against God?
20:56 Yeah. So God sent locusts as a punishment
21:01 for their rebellion against Him.
21:05 These locusts make a raging noise like fire.
21:08 Have you ever heard locusts doing their work?
21:11 It sounds like the vegetation is burning.
21:13 Hissing.
21:16 That's why you have the metaphor of fire here as well.
21:20 These locusts make a raging noise like fire.
21:23 Because they come from the abyss where the fire is.
21:26 They look like what?
21:28 Like horses ready for battle.
21:30 So these locusts, they're going to come on to France,
21:34 and what are they going to do?
21:36 They're going to totally devastate it,
21:38 spiritually speaking.
21:40 And they devour like what?
21:42 Like lions.
21:44 Have mercy!
21:46 Who is represented by a scorpion in the Bible?
21:49 Satan and his angels.
21:51 We're going to notice that in a few moments.
21:53 Who is represented as a lion?
21:56 Not only Satan, but also his angels.
21:58 We're going to notice that.
22:00 So, these locusts make a raging noise like fire,
22:05 and they look like horses ready for battle,
22:08 and they devour like lions.
22:11 This bizarre symbolism describes the almost absolute destructive
22:16 power of whom?
22:18 Of Satan and his angels in France
22:21 during the French Revolution.
22:24 These locusts are clearly what?
22:27 Symbolic.
22:29 Because they are a hybrid combination of locusts
22:32 and scorpions, and they don't attack vegetation.
22:35 They attack people, not plants.
22:38 So obviously these locusts...
22:41 We're not to look for a certain place where suddenly
22:43 from the deep come all of these locusts up.
22:47 No. These are supernatural locusts.
22:50 They have no king.
22:51 Furthermore, they're a hybrid combination.
22:54 They're not only locusts, they have the characteristics
22:57 of scorpions and lions.
23:00 So it continues saying here,
23:03 and they attack people, not plants.
23:06 According to Jesus, the scorpion represents whom?
23:11 Satan. And his angels, I might say.
23:15 Let's go to Luke 10:18-19.
23:20 Luke 10:18-19
23:25 See, we allow the Bible to interpret itself, right?
23:29 Because the Holy Spirit placed in the Bible
23:31 everything we need to understand the Bible.
23:34 Luke 10:18-19
23:39 This is when the seventy return to Jesus
23:42 and they had the power to cast out demons.
23:45 They say, "Even the demons obey us."
23:48 And now notice, it says in verse 17...
24:04 And by the way, Ellen White comments that this
24:08 looks at the whole sweep of Satan's fall from heaven.
24:11 Not only originally, but also at the cross,
24:14 till the very end of time when he's destroyed.
24:17 Verse 19, "Behold, I give you..."
24:31 Who's the enemy?
24:33 Satan and his angels.
24:35 Notice, "scorpions," not, "scorpion."
24:44 So, the most dangerous part of a scorpion is what?
24:49 It's tail.
24:51 And what does the tail represent?
24:53 The tail represents lies.
24:57 You say, "What?"
25:00 Well let's go, first of all, to Revelation 12.
25:04 Isn't it nice to interpret the Bible by using the Bible?
25:09 It makes studying very simple and very easy.
25:13 Revelation 12 and let's read verse 9.
25:18 12 and verse 9.
25:23 Actually, not verse 9.
25:25 We'll read verse 9 in a moment.
25:26 Let's read verse 3.
25:39 And what is it that drew a third of the stars of heaven?
25:49 What do the stars represent here?
25:52 Verse 9...
26:07 So what was it that Satan used to take all of the angels
26:10 with him, or a third of the angels, the ones that he took?
26:14 His tail.
26:16 Now what does the tail represent?
26:18 Well, let's let the Bible interpret itself.
26:21 Go with me to Isaiah chapter 9.
26:23 Isaiah 9:15
26:32 It says here...
26:43 Now listen to this carefully.
26:51 So what is the tail that drew a third of the angels of heaven?
26:55 His lies.
26:57 Now in order to understand this more fully,
27:00 we need to go also to the book of Ezekiel.
27:03 Go with me to Ezekiel 28.
27:09 Did Jesus say that the devil is a liar from the beginning?
27:13 John chapter 8, He says, "There's no truth in him.
27:16 He's a liar from the beginning."
27:18 So how did Satan draw a third of the angels?
27:20 With his tail, which means with his what?
27:23 With his lies. That's right.
27:26 So notice Ezekiel 28.
27:29 This is a description of this majestic being,
27:33 Lucifer, the covering cherub.
27:35 And we are going to read verses 17 and 18.
28:04 That word, "trading," is very interesting.
28:07 The root of the word has to do with a commercial transaction.
28:13 So what did Lucifer do?
28:16 He traded.
28:18 He sold.
28:20 What did he sell?
28:21 He sold lies.
28:24 Have you ever heard the expression,
28:27 "I don't buy that."
28:32 "You can't sell me that one."
28:36 So what is Satan selling? Lies.
28:39 By the way, the same root of this word is used
28:43 in the book of Leviticus 19:16.
28:47 Leviticus 19:16
28:50 The same root word is used there.
28:53 It says there in Leviticus 19:16,
28:55 God is warning the Israelites...
29:00 "...talebearer..."
29:02 That's the same root word.
29:04 So what was Satan selling to the angels in heaven?
29:08 His lies.
29:09 His tail draws a third of the angels with his lies.
29:19 Notice also Ezekiel 22.
29:23 Ezekiel 22 and we'll read verse 9
29:29 where the same root word is used.
29:31 Chapter 22 verse 9.
29:34 It says, "In you," speaking about Tyre...
29:43 The word, "slander," there is the same root word.
29:46 So what did the devil do?
29:48 He was a talebearer. He was a slanderer.
29:51 He was a liar from the beginning.
29:54 He lied to the angels.
29:55 And that's what lead him to what?
29:58 To take all of the third of the angels,
30:00 which is nearer to half according to
30:02 the spirit of prophecy, from heaven and stole them
30:05 from the Lord.
30:08 So in brief, the middle of page 174,
30:12 This army has all the biblical characteristics
30:16 that apply to Satan and his angels.
30:19 Scorpions, serpents, lions, locusts, sulfur,
30:24 bottomless pit; all of those in Revelation
30:28 are related to Satan and his angels.
30:32 Now let's go to...
30:34 So must there be a special manifestation
30:36 of satanic power during the fifth trumpet?
30:39 Absolutely.
30:40 Now let's notice the comments on Revelation 9:4.
30:44 They were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth
30:49 or any green thing.
30:51 Now is this kind of weird?
30:53 What do locusts eat?
30:57 They eat vegetation, folks.
30:59 That's their main course.
31:01 And then they have the varnish off doors for dessert.
31:07 So anyway, you know, it says,
31:10 "...don't harm the grass of the earth, or any green thing,
31:13 or any tree, but..."
31:15 Ahh!
31:17 "...but only those men who do not have the seal of God
31:21 on their foreheads."
31:22 So what does the green things, the green grass
31:26 and the tree, represent here?
31:27 It represents those who have the what?
31:30 Those who have the seal.
31:31 Are you with me or not?
31:33 In this case, the tree represents the righteous.
31:36 By the way, are God's people compared to trees?
31:40 Let's read a couple of statements.
31:41 Psalm 1:1-3
31:44 Many of you probably have this memorized.
31:47 Psalm 1:1-3
31:50 It speaks about a tree,
31:51 comparing the righteous to a tree.
31:54 It says there in Psalm 1:1...
32:10 That's a righteous person, right?
32:27 Are you following me?
32:29 Let's notice also Psalm 92:12, being that we're in Psalms.
32:37 Psalm 92:12
32:41 It says there in Psalm 92:12, once again
32:45 comparing a righteous person with a tree, the following...
32:50 Psalm 92:12 says...
33:04 So these locusts, they are not given permission
33:08 to touch those who are faithful.
33:11 They are given permission only to afflict whom?
33:14 Those who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.
33:21 Now the question is, how can the fifth seal
33:24 be speaking about the seal on the forehead,
33:28 the fifth trumpet be speaking about the seal on the forehead
33:31 if the sealing doesn't take place until the sixth trumpet?
33:35 Because we're going to see the sealing on the forehead
33:37 takes place under the sixth trumpet.
33:39 So there appears to be a discrepancy.
33:42 The question was asked here about that.
33:45 Well, the fact is that the Bible and the spirit of prophecy
33:49 tell us that when a person accepts Jesus Christ as Savior,
33:53 they receive a seal.
33:56 It's the gospel seal.
33:58 It's not the end time seal that will seal the 144,000
34:03 living saints that will go through the time of trouble.
34:06 That is a final seal of protection.
34:09 But there's another seal that people receive
34:11 when they accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
34:16 Let's read some verses.
34:18 Ephesians chapter 1.
34:21 Ephesians chapter 1, and we'll read verses 13 and 14.
34:26 We'll let the Bible speak first.
34:28 Ephesians 1:13-14
34:33 Here, the apostle Paul wrote...
34:50 So were the Ephesians sealed when they received Jesus Christ?
34:55 Absolutely.
34:57 Notice, being that we're in the writings of Paul,
34:59 chapter 4 and verse 30.
35:01 Ephesians 4:30
35:12 Notice also 2 Corinthians 1:22.
35:17 2 Corinthians 1:22
35:23 Once again, there's a gospel seal.
35:26 It says there in verse 22...
35:28 Let's read verse 21 for the context.
35:45 So do believers receive a seal when they accept Jesus Christ
35:49 as Savior and Lord?
35:50 Absolutely.
35:52 That's the seal that is being described here.
35:54 Those who are true believers in Jesus.
35:57 Now, Ellen White also measures in.
36:00 Ellen White, in, Selected Messages, v2, page 263,
36:06 referred to a Sister Hastings who died in 1850.
36:11 It wasn't her husband, it was her.
36:12 She died in 1850.
36:14 And Ellen White comforted him, or her, rather,
36:21 by saying in 1850 that Brother Hastings was sealed.
36:30 So, sealed how?
36:38 Is she alive now?
36:40 So is she going to receive the seal of Revelation 7?
36:44 No.
36:46 But Ellen White said she was sealed.
36:49 And that at the resurrection she would resurrect
36:54 and be among the saved.
36:56 So even Ellen White states that there is a gospel seal
37:01 and there is an end time seal.
37:04 Now she also wrote the following in,
37:06 v6, Manuscript Releases, page 28.
37:09 "Those who thus unite with the church by baptism are..." What?
37:16 "...are sealed as men and women who have been born again
37:20 of water and of the Spirit.
37:22 They have entered upon a new life."
37:26 So we need not to confuse the gospel seal
37:31 with the final eschatological or end time seal.
37:36 Now let's go to Revelation 9:5.
37:54 Now here's an interesting detail.
37:56 Scorpions rarely kill human beings when they sting them.
38:01 But they do cause excruciating pain
38:06 by their poison.
38:08 Swelling, suffering, even to the point of people wanting to die.
38:17 Applying the year/day principle, the five months
38:20 would be equivalent to 150 years.
38:24 Notably, the Age of Reason...
38:27 Have you ever heard of the Age of Reason?
38:29 Or the Enlightenment?
38:31 ...began in the early 17th century with the work
38:35 of an individual called Rene Descartes.
38:40 What country was Rene Descartes from?
38:44 France. That's right.
38:47 A contemporary of his, Blaise Pascal,
38:51 wrote the following about Rene Descartes, the rationalist.
38:57 "I cannot forgive Descartes; in all his philosophy
39:01 he did his best to dispense with God."
39:07 Is that atheism?
39:11 "But he could not avoid making Him set the world in motion
39:14 with a flip of His thumb.
39:16 After that, he had no more use for God."
39:21 Or for miracles, or for anything supernatural.
39:25 Descartes' most famous book was called,
39:28 A Discourse on Method, published in 1637;
39:33 some 150 years before the beginning
39:35 of the French Revolution.
39:37 The Age of Reason jettisoned the need for faith
39:42 and the miraculous in religion.
39:45 It supplanted faith in God with faith in human wisdom.
39:50 During this period, the sciences would come to believe that
39:54 all could be resolved through human ingenuity
39:58 without the need of an ever interfering God.
40:01 Notably, these philosophies would not kill people,
40:05 but they would make them what?
40:07 Existentially miserable.
40:10 The Age of Reason inspired the French Revolution.
40:15 Now let's go to the next verse which is connected
40:18 with the concept of verse 5.
40:33 Is that what happens with the person who doesn't
40:36 believe in God?
40:37 Someone who has no hope for the future,
40:39 no reason to live?
40:40 Absolutely.
40:42 Notice this statement from Ellen White that I read before.
40:44 I think I read it this morning.
40:47 "Atheism can shed no ray of light into..." Where?
40:53 "...into the grave.
40:55 It cannot restrain crime or quicken the moral energies.
41:00 It has no power to elevate the character or purify the soul.
41:05 On the contrary, it always tends to degenerate the human race."
41:10 Is that what happened in France?
41:12 Yes.
41:14 "It leads away from purity and peace.
41:19 An instance of this is given in the history
41:21 of the French Revolution."
41:23 Now she's going to apply this to the French Revolution.
41:26 That period when the existence of God was denied
41:29 and His commandments were abolished was the most
41:32 revolting that is recorded on the pages of human history."
41:38 The main characteristic of contemporary society
41:41 is meaninglessness.
41:44 Do you know that suicide is greatly increased
41:47 in recent years?
41:48 Why?
41:50 Because life has no meaning for people.
41:53 This is why people are hungering and thirsting for what?
41:56 For spirituality.
41:58 But they're looking for it in the wrong places.
42:02 That's right.
42:03 They're looking for a reason to live.
42:07 The rise of philosophies such as deism, ethical relativism,
42:11 nihilism, rationalism, existentialism, evolutionism,
42:15 and atheistic communism has led people to be pessimistic
42:20 about the meaning of life.
42:22 After all, if there is no supernatural divine beginning,
42:26 what hope is there for a supernatural divine end?
42:31 If there is no creator God, there is no future.
42:34 And if there is no future, then life has no ultimate meaning.
42:39 This is the reason why the psalmist says that the fool
42:43 has said in his heart, "There is no God."
42:46 Are you catching the picture?
42:48 People wanting to die.
42:51 The scorpions sting.
42:54 They cause excruciating pain and suffering.
42:57 Spiritually speaking.
42:59 Now notice this statement from Ellen White.
43:04 I think this TDG is, Today With God, page 339.
43:10 "There are many ways in which human beings
43:12 can crucify the Son of God afresh,
43:14 and put Him to open shame.
43:16 The worship of worldly business so confuses the mind
43:21 that Satan stealthily approaches and insidiously gains entrance.
43:27 He has many theories by which to lead astray
43:30 those who will be led.
43:31 The erroneous views of God that the world is entertaining
43:35 are skepticism in disguise, preparing the way for..." What?
43:40 "...for atheism.
43:41 By hasty words and selfish deeds,
43:44 men often grieve the heart of Christ.
43:47 Thus Satan works untiringly to lead them to disloyalty.
43:52 As he gains control of minds, he makes upon them lasting
43:57 impressions, and the realities of eternity fade away."
44:04 The book of Ecclesiastes is a good illustration of
44:08 the spirit that inspired the French Revolution.
44:11 Have you ever read Ecclesiastes?
44:13 Do you know that's one of the last books that the Jews
44:16 included in the canon of Scripture?
44:19 There were three books that were included
44:21 last by the Jews in the Old Testament.
44:24 One was Psalm of Solomon.
44:27 It was too..
44:30 Um, how would I say it?
44:33 Too graphic.
44:36 In referring to sensual love.
44:39 The second book which took a long time to include was Esther.
44:44 Because the name of God is not mentioned.
44:47 And the third book is Ecclesiastes.
44:49 Because this appears to be an extremely pessimistic book.
44:55 "Vanities, vanities;
44:57 all is vanity."
45:00 You know, you read the book; it's depressing.
45:05 The question is, why is this book included in Scripture?
45:09 Because Solomon is describing his life
45:11 when he went astray from God.
45:14 The important thing is not the pessimism of the book,
45:17 but how he ends the book.
45:19 "The end of the matter is this:
45:21 fear God and keep His commandments,
45:24 for this is the whole duty of man.
45:26 For God will bring every work into judgment."
45:30 And then he counseled the youth.
45:33 He says, "Remember thou thy Creator
45:36 in the days of their youth."
45:38 Before the evil days come and you look back and you say,
45:42 "I have no joy in them."
45:46 He's describing his life separated from God.
45:50 And do you know that Solomon, Ellen White even said that he
45:55 toyed with the idea of atheism, of becoming an atheist?
46:00 Notice what we find at the top of page 177.
46:04 Ecclesiastes 2:17-18
46:07 And I'm reading from the New International Version
46:10 which I think is more vivid.
46:13 Solomon says, "So I hated..." What?
46:16 Did he want to die?
46:18 Yes. Was he suffering?
46:20 You better...
46:22 In fact, Ellen White said that he became effeminate.
46:26 What does, "effeminate," mean?
46:29 He became woman-like.
46:32 Now that's not a bad thing, unless you're a man.
46:41 It's good for women to be effeminate.
46:44 It's not good for men.
46:46 So he says, "So I hated life because the work that is done
46:50 under the sun was grievous to me.
46:53 All of it is..." What?
46:56 "...meaninglessness, and chasing after the wind."
47:01 Have you ever tried to grab the wind?
47:05 And then in verse 18 he says, "I hated all the things
47:08 I had toiled for under the sun, because I must leave them
47:12 to the one who comes after me."
47:16 That is the life of the atheist.
47:19 The life of the person who has gone astray from God.
47:22 That is the spirit of the French Revolution.
47:26 Ellen White wrote in, Prophets and Kings, page 58,
47:29 about Solomon.
47:31 "His faith in the living God was supplanted by atheistic doubts.
47:37 Unbelief marred his..." What?
47:40 "...his happiness, weakened his principles,
47:45 and degraded his life."
47:48 Does that sound like what happened to the people
47:50 who participated in the French Revolution?
47:53 Absolutely.
47:55 A good illustration of this is Ernest Hemingway,
47:59 who spent a good share of his life in Cuba.
48:03 A miserable man.
48:06 Drunk a good share of the time.
48:09 Nobel prize winner for literature in the year 1954
48:16 because of the book that he wrote, The Old Man in the Sea.
48:20 It's a depressing story.
48:21 Man, you read that, it's depressing.
48:24 You know, this fisherman has gone out.
48:26 You know, he's old, he's over the hill.
48:29 And he's gone out fishing.
48:30 And he can't catch anything anymore.
48:33 And so his friends are making fun of him.
48:35 And so one day he goes out and he catches this huge marlin.
48:41 And, "Wow!" he says.
48:42 "Now I'm going to take it back to the shore
48:44 and I'm going to show that life still has meaning."
48:48 And so when he's on his way back, the sharks attack.
48:51 Because he's put this huge fish such as nobody has
48:54 ever seen before next to his boat, and the sharks attack.
48:59 To make a long story short, by the time that
49:03 gets to the shore, all he has to show is a skeleton.
49:09 That is a symbolic depiction of his life.
49:14 Do you know how Ernest Hemingway died?
49:17 In 1961 he took out a revolver and shot himself in the head.
49:25 By the way, do you know that Ernest Hemingway
49:28 was a great student of the book of Ecclesiastes?
49:33 He wrote a work which has not been published;
49:35 the title of the work is, The Sun Also Rises,
49:39 which is a phrase that appears in the book of Ecclesiastes.
49:44 He was fascinated by Ecclesiastes because
49:47 he could see in it a reflection of his own life.
49:52 And at the end, life had no meaning.
49:55 So he committed suicide.
49:57 Are you with me?
49:58 That's the spirit of the French Revolution.
50:00 That's what the world is reaping today.
50:04 Now let's read the statements here in the middle of page 177.
50:09 Have you ever heard of Hume, the philosopher?
50:14 "It is said that Hume the skeptic was, in early life,
50:19 a conscientious believer in the Word of God.
50:23 Being connected with a debating society,
50:26 he was appointed to present the arguments
50:28 in favor of infidelity."
50:31 Be very careful about defending what you don't believe in.
50:36 He studied with earnestness and perseverance,
50:40 and his keen and active mind became imbued
50:44 with the sophistry of skepticism.
50:48 Erelong, he came to believe its delusive teachings,
50:52 and his whole afterlife bore the dark impress of infidelity."
50:58 Voltaire, one of the key figures in the French Revolution,
51:01 we're told, "When Voltaire was five years old,
51:04 he committed to memory an infidel poem..."
51:08 "Infidel," means faithless.
51:12 "...and the pernicious influence was never effaced from his mind.
51:18 He became one of Satan's most successful agents
51:22 to lead men away from God.
51:24 Thousands will rise in the judgment and charge
51:27 the ruin of their souls upon the infidel Voltaire."
51:35 Rationalism even came to the point of denying
51:39 the story of creation.
51:41 You can read the next statement that begins at the
51:44 bottom of page 177 and ends at the top of page 178,
51:49 because we need to finish this particular chapter.
51:53 Let's notice the comments on Revelation 9:7.
51:58 "The shape of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle.
52:02 On their heads were crowns of something like gold,
52:07 and their faces were like the faces of men."
52:11 Where is the backdrop to this in the Bible?
52:13 The backdrop of this imagery is in Joel 2:4-10
52:18 where God compares an invading army with a plague of locusts.
52:24 This is an interesting thing,
52:26 that the Italian word for, "locust," is, "cavalletta."
52:31 What does "cavalletta" mean in Italian?
52:34 Little horse.
52:36 Interesting.
52:37 The locust is related to the horse.
52:39 In fact, in some ways it looks a little bit like a horse.
52:43 And the German peasants call the locust, "hupferde,"
52:46 which means, "hay horses."
52:50 At this point, Satan and his angels are already
52:52 gathering their forces for what?
52:55 For the final battle against God, the Bible,
53:00 and His people.
53:03 "Their hair was like women's hair,
53:06 and their teeth were like lion's teeth.
53:09 They have breastplates like breastplates of iron,
53:13 and the sound of their wings," they're flying,
53:16 "was like the thundering of..." What?
53:18 "...of many horses and chariots rushing into battle."
53:22 Were they ready to go to France and do their work?
53:26 Yes.
53:27 "They had tails and stings like scorpions,
53:31 and in their tails they had..." What?
53:33 "...power to torment people for five months."
53:36 So let me ask you, are their lies a torment to people?
53:41 The doctrines of the French Revolution.
53:43 Absolutely.
53:44 Now what does a lion represent?
53:46 It says here that they had lion's teeth?
53:49 What does the lion represent in the Bible?
53:51 Well it can represent Christ.
53:52 It can represent Babylon.
53:54 It can represent Judah, the son of Jacob.
53:57 But it can also represent whom?
54:00 Satan who goes forth as a roaring lion
54:02 seeking whom he may devour.
54:04 But his angels also are compared with lions.
54:08 Notice this statement from, Early Writings, page 191.
54:12 This is after Jesus gained the victory over Satan
54:16 and ascended to heaven.
54:17 "Satan related to his angels that Jesus had given
54:20 His disciples power to rebuke them and cast them out,
54:24 and to heal those whom they should afflict.
54:28 Then Satan's angels went forth like..." What?
54:33 " roaring lions seeking to destroy
54:37 the followers of Jesus."
54:41 In Scripture, as I mentioned, the tail represents lies.
54:46 It is significant that during the 1260 years
54:49 Satan deceived people by the lie of what?
54:53 False religion.
54:55 But during the Age of Reason, Satan deceived and hurt people
54:59 by the lies of what?
55:01 Secularism.
55:03 Or atheism.
55:06 And here comes the interesting part.
55:09 You know, let me ask you, who are going to be the greatest
55:12 enemies of God's people, the liberals or the conservatives?
55:19 Well it all depends whether you support
55:21 Joe Biden or Donald Trump.
55:27 No, actually, who are the liberals in Christ's day?
55:30 The liberals were the Sadducees.
55:33 Who were the staunch conservatives?
55:36 The Pharisees.
55:38 They hated each other.
55:39 And they had different doctrines.
55:42 But when it came to destroying public enemy number one,
55:46 they joined forces.
55:48 So let's not get politically involved and say,
55:50 "Oh, we need to side with the conservatives."
55:53 Or, "We need to side with the liberals."
55:55 You know, because the Bible tells us that the
55:58 king of the south and the king of the north will join forces
56:02 to persecute God's people.
56:05 The final comment, Revelation 9:11.
56:09 The king who rules over the locusts
56:12 is the angel of the abyss.
56:14 Who is identified in the Bible with the abyss?
56:18 Satan, in Revelation 20. Right?
56:23 He's put in the abyss.
56:24 Or the bottomless pit, as it's mistranslated.
56:27 So the king who rules over the locusts, over this army
56:31 that is going to unleash on France in the fifth trumpet,
56:34 his name is in Hebrew, Abaddon; and in Greek, the equivalent
56:41 Greek word is, Apollyon.
56:43 The names, Abaddon and Apollyon means what?
56:49 The destroyer.
56:50 Is that exactly what happened in the French Revolution?
56:53 Oh yes, absolutely.
56:56 The New Testament describes Satan as the
56:58 ruler or prince of demons.
57:02 Isn't that true?
57:03 So who is the leader of this host?
57:06 Satan.
57:07 And Jesus referred to him as the what?
57:11 As the destroyer in John 10:10.
57:17 Which is the verse with which we will end
57:19 our study this afternoon.
57:21 John 10:10, Jesus said the following...
57:47 Tomorrow we will study the interlude of Revelation 11.
57:52 And then maybe tomorrow we'll study Revelation 10,
57:56 which is also part of the interlude.


Revised 2020-09-12