Special Feature


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Moncrief Michael, Pr. Ezra Mendinghall, Rodney A. Johnson, Willette Johnson (narrator)


Series Code: SF

Program Code: SF000028

01:56 My name is Gavriel. Gabrielle, Jibril, Gabriel.
02:04 The strength of God.
02:09 Journey with me to a time when the emergence
02:13 of government superpowers was not yet,
02:19 to a time before the great wars.
02:26 Before Napoleon and his unstoppable French military
02:30 scoured the face of Europe and Africa.
02:34 To a time before a nation under God declared
02:38 its independence with words and then with blood.
02:44 Won its freedom.
02:47 Before the monk named Luther defied a theocracy when
02:52 he tacked his 95 proofs to the doors of an establishment.
02:58 Before the bubonic plague claimed
03:01 one in every three people of Europe.
03:05 Before Christianity took its first fledgling steps
03:09 into a world that was determined to destroy it.
03:14 Before the apostles. Before the Christ.
03:23 Before Asians crossed the Bering Strait into America
03:27 and swapped their furs for feathers.
03:31 Before the Greeks and their many Gods. Before the Persians.
03:38 Long before the Egyptian Pharaoh Horus Netjeri-khet
03:43 raised the first pyramids atop the broken backs of his slaves
03:48 and his prisoners of war.
03:52 Before the Druids dragged bluestone monoliths
03:56 up the Avon River and made their henge of stone.
04:01 Before the Sumerians hung their famous gardens
04:04 and King Hammurabi formed the earliest constitution.
04:08 Before the first downpour in history
04:11 fell up on Noah's cypress ark.
04:14 Before Enoch walked with God.
04:17 Before Adam fell in love with Eve.
04:22 Even before the earth was just a black wet blotch in space.
04:31 Journey with me to a time
04:36 when there was war in heaven,
04:40 Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon,
04:43 and the Dragon fought and his angels and prevailed not,
04:49 neither was there place found anymore in heaven.
04:54 And the great Dragon was cast out
04:57 that old serpent called the devil and called Satan,
05:01 which deceiveth the entire world.
05:05 He was cast out into the earth,
05:09 and his angels were cast out with him.
05:18 My name is Gabriel, and this is your story.
05:32 The plan for our redemption was not an after thought.
05:37 God did not ordained that sin should exist,
05:41 but He foresaw its existence and made provision.
05:49 The question is often asked how did sin start
05:52 and who did it start with?
05:53 And the Bible is clear in Revelation,
05:56 the 12th chapter in verse 7.
05:59 It says words that shouldn't even make sense
06:01 to the humankind, for there there'd be war in heaven,
06:04 because that's what the word say,
06:06 there was war in heaven.
06:07 It's a declaration that there existed war in heaven.
06:10 Heaven is a place that should be far in a war
06:13 and there was war in heaven between Christ
06:15 and the devil himself named Lucifer at that time.
06:18 The way I pictured it is that
06:20 Lucifer was made-- created perfect.
06:23 And I think sometimes perfection can get to somebody.
06:28 And in that sense, his perfection,
06:30 his beauty, his ability, his wisdom, his power,
06:33 I think got to him because of one ingredient
06:36 that God gave that was really risking it
06:38 with any created being.
06:40 And that was the power to choose.
06:42 And somehow inside of this perfect creature
06:45 was found an element of self-focus.
06:48 And that in itself drove him, we don't know how long,
06:52 year after year, millennium after millennium.
06:55 Something caused him to think very highly of himself,
06:58 so much so until he thought
07:01 he could actually be God and take God's place.
07:04 In my mind, the only way a created being
07:07 can come to the conclusion that they're better
07:09 than their creator is they have to have
07:11 a creator that's very humble.
07:13 So I think God was so non-threatening
07:15 and so loving to His creatures until this created being
07:19 thought that he could be just as good as God.
07:22 And so there was war in heaven
07:24 because you can't have competing Godheads.
07:26 Or gods in heave, so one person had to go.
07:29 And so, Michael and his angels cast out the enemy
07:32 and he was cast down to this earth.
07:35 Of course, in Hebrew, the Bible says they cast out
07:37 the (speaking in Hebrew) or out of darkness.
07:39 So whatever happened, he arrived here somehow.
07:42 But at any rate, he's here, he's causing problems,
07:45 and the controversy continues,
07:47 because good has to confront evil
07:51 and that controversy continues even to today.
07:59 So then here we are, we got a new heaven
08:02 that God has created and Jesus had to spoke
08:04 and He came into existence, but the controversy continues
08:08 and God has enough faith in His ability to redeem
08:12 mankind until He allows mankind to be exposed to this power,
08:18 only in spot in the garden.
08:20 But that creature comes and he tempts Adam and Eve,
08:22 starting with Eve and Adam deliberately
08:24 with his eyes wide open chose to sin which makes his fall,
08:28 his problem worse than his wife's.
08:31 But in essence, they fall.
08:32 They fall because they say "yes"
08:34 to a concept that was really ridiculous.
08:37 The devil offered them what they already had.
08:39 He said if you would just eat of this, you'll become like God.
08:43 Well, of course Genesis said they were made
08:45 an image of God in the first chapter.
08:47 It says that they actually in the image of God already,
08:50 so there they are in a lost condition,
08:53 there should be no hope, there is no excuse really,
08:55 even though they tried the blame different things,
08:58 but there they are caught with the cookie crumbs
09:00 around their mouth and they knew they had the cookies,
09:02 so now they're caught and they're standing there
09:06 and the only thing Jesus can think to do is to redeem them,
09:10 because He's got a heart.
09:11 He wanted to redeem His lost children.
09:14 What Jesus Christ does, he becomes a priest for them
09:18 and He offers two lambs, sacrifices,
09:21 so they might have covering, which is the whole plan
09:25 of salvation wrapped up in His initial act.
09:28 Right at the beginning of sin, He brings the solution.
09:31 He's forecasting His own death,
09:33 He's talking of His commitment to redeem mankind
09:37 even with His own blood, because it's only about
09:39 the blood of Jesus that we make it.
09:47 So that's why John 3:16 means so much to all of us.
09:51 For God so loved the world,
09:52 that He gave his only begotten son,
09:55 that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,
09:57 but have ever lasting life.
09:58 Because in that verse, it says He didn't come
10:00 to condemn us and every human being
10:02 ought to shout when they hear those words.
10:04 Because it's not even His desire to condemn us
10:07 when we condemn ourselves by our actions.
10:09 He doesn't even ratify the position we've taken.
10:11 He simply comes to restore and redeem
10:13 and to bless and to put back into full fellowship with Him
10:17 that which was separated by sin.
10:23 The promise had been given even from the Garden of Eden
10:26 that Christ would come, so that He might crush
10:29 the head of the serpent
10:30 and be heard Himself and then redeem us.
10:35 To be the mother of Christ, Mary must have been
10:37 some kind woman to give birth to the Messiah.
10:41 But God is showing us that He can take each experience,
10:45 He can take a person from nothingness
10:48 and use them to His glory,
10:50 so He gave this teenager this baby by a miracle.
10:56 The Holy Spirit covered her and so Jesus Christ was born
10:59 and He is a one of a kind, the unique one,
11:03 the firstborn, He is truly a firstborn son to all humanity.
11:08 All that night when there was no room in the inn,
11:11 I tell you, I'm glad that somebody made room for Him.
11:15 And Jesus Christ was born, as my brother would say,
11:18 "In the face of the Billy goat."
11:20 I don't even know if a Billy goat was in that limestone cave.
11:23 But He was born in the face of some kind of animal in there.
11:26 There He was, put in a trough where animals feed
11:29 and Jesus the Messiah came all the way from glory
11:33 as a baby to confront the devil
11:36 in the controversies in full blown.
11:39 I would think that Christ should've come on a white horse
11:43 as a grown man to deal with the devil,
11:45 but He came as a babe to show God's power
11:47 to handle anything that the devil can throw
11:50 at any of us at any stage of life.
11:57 As the people on the plains caught sight of Jesus,
12:00 they ran to meet Him.
12:03 It was an object lesson of redemption.
12:06 The divine one from the Father's glory
12:09 stooping to save the lost.
12:14 Many want to ask the question
12:16 about the missing years of Jesus' life
12:17 and what happened as He grew up.
12:19 We've got some years of that life in the scriptures,
12:22 but it's enough said to let us know
12:25 that He was a normal young man,
12:27 He grew up and we don't know what age
12:30 He was in the carpenter shop with Joseph,
12:33 but He surely was there and there are some traditions
12:36 that was handed down by the Jews They said
12:39 that when He was a little boy in the carpenter shop
12:41 working with his dad, that they had a reputation
12:44 of making such fine yokes until Jesus
12:48 was known as a yoke maker and at times
12:50 when the individuals wanted a yoke made for their ox.
12:53 They would bring it to the carpenter shop
12:56 and you had to bring the ox more than one time,
12:58 because the yoke had to be tailor-made
13:00 in order to fit the ox's shoulders,
13:02 so it would not dig into their flesh,
13:04 so the yoke had to be easy.
13:05 The yoke had to be comfortable,
13:07 the yoke had to be tailor-made
13:08 and they said Jesus was the best yoke maker.
13:11 So when you got problems, remember Jesus is a yoke maker,
13:13 because He is the one that does a fine job.
13:19 When Jesus walked the earth, He walked as a man for sure,
13:23 but He walked to show us what the father's like,
13:26 so in all His actions, we can see this is what God is like.
13:30 And any time you see Jesus confronting a problem,
13:32 even supernatural problems, you see Him stepping up
13:36 using the same power that's available to us,
13:38 because He did not use any power that is not available to us,
13:41 otherwise the devil could've accused Him of overreaching.
13:53 This story just stands out in my mind
13:55 that actually depicts Christ for who He is.
13:59 I can't help to go to the one that everybody
14:01 talks about and that's this woman called Mary.
14:05 Caught in the act of adultery, brought to Jesus,
14:08 who is the judge of the universe,
14:09 was pure in every way.
14:11 So they bring this lady, they drag her before Jesus
14:14 and I can just picture her being kind of half clad
14:16 and caught in the act and maybe covered in a bed sheet.
14:19 And she's brought to Jesus and thrown at His feet
14:21 and they ask Him, "Moses' law says
14:25 that this woman ought to be stoned.
14:27 Now what do you say?"
14:30 And Jesus just simply starts writing in the dust
14:33 and from the oldest to the youngest,
14:35 they kind of drifted off the scene
14:37 and Jesus simply said, "Well, let the one
14:40 that's without sin cast the first stone."
14:43 And all of a sudden, the stones started
14:45 hitting the pavement as they walk away.
14:47 And then Jesus says to her and He is messiah,
14:51 He is king, He's the lord of lords,
14:52 He simply says to her, "Woman, where are your accusers?"
14:57 Now she finally lifts her head from the pavement
14:59 and she looks in His eyes and all she sees is love.
15:03 Not love to take something from her,
15:05 but love to give her something.
15:07 She saw mercy and kindness.
15:09 She saw something she probably never seen before
15:11 in the eyes of a priest or anybody else.
15:14 She sees the eyes of God.
15:26 So that scene often crosses my mind.
15:28 And then another that kind of stands out
15:30 in my thinking is when he walked on the sea that evening
15:34 and he had sent his disciples on and he came across the sea
15:37 and met them in the middle of a storm.
15:40 Now some say and I believe it
15:42 that the concept of the Jewish thought
15:44 and people of that day was that Baal owned the winds
15:48 and the rains and the mountain, that they actually a idol,
15:51 a false God of the Israelites.
15:53 The false gods of the pagans was the one
15:55 that ruled the storm and so now Jesus is venturing
15:58 across the water and he's venturing into Baal's territory.
16:03 So now Jesus has a confrontation,
16:05 a great controversy is being fulfilled again.
16:07 The enemy of God in His church is trying to wipe out
16:11 the 12 leaders of the church and Jesus is coming along
16:15 and Jesus simply walks on and because wants Peter wants
16:19 to join him on the water and he does.
16:21 And by faith, he gets out of the boat.
16:23 He has a whole lot of faith, but he joins Jesus
16:25 and Jesus just takes him up and then he walks with Him.
16:28 That may say something to a lot of us
16:29 that we can walk with Jesus and we can walk above the storm.
16:32 We can, we can even walk in an impossible situation.
16:36 I don't know how much buoyancy
16:37 you can have in your feet not to sink in water,
16:40 but there must be something that God would give us
16:43 that would give us the capacity
16:45 to walk along the top of the storm and not sink.
16:50 And Jesus simply spoke to Baal, that's me talking,
16:53 to Baal, the false God, he said,
16:55 "Hush. Stop your noise. Peace," and all of a sudden,
17:00 there's peace and they arrive back in the boat.
17:03 Poor peter, yeah, he fell,
17:05 but I have to give him credit for getting out on the water.
17:07 And he joins Jesus and he joins him in the boat as well,
17:11 so he's safe again.
17:13 So God's able to keep his children safe,
17:14 he'll let you come out and venture
17:16 in miraculous territory with him.
17:18 If you just keep your eyes on him, you'll be all right.
17:20 But to show that he has power over nature,
17:23 power over any idol god, and he's able to speak peace
17:27 in any turmoil in your life, I like a God like that.
17:31 I want to walk with him, in fact,
17:33 whether it means on sand or water,
17:34 I just want to keep my hand in God's hand.
17:55 So I see Him as a forgiving God, a storm-calming God,
18:00 a God that can get us safely in the boat
18:02 to get to the other side, and one other thing is what
18:05 impressed me so much is that the fact
18:06 that he would put his hands on lepers, the symbol of sin.
18:10 The highest form of contamination you can get,
18:13 but Jesus got so much life and so much cleanliness,
18:16 so much purity in his touch,
18:18 He can extend it to somebody else.
18:20 So when a leper got cleaned,
18:21 I know a sinner could be set free.
18:23 When a leper got cleaned,
18:24 I just think he might have some mercy on me.
18:27 If a man whose fingers are falling off
18:29 and nose has disappeared,
18:31 ears are falling off with him
18:32 and you can smell him before he comes
18:34 and he's a walking dead man,
18:35 in fact, his family has already had his funeral
18:38 when he was banished to be with the other lepers.
18:42 When all that's done and you know life is over
18:44 and there is no hope and here comes Jesus
18:46 in your hopeless situation
18:48 and he just simply does not stand back
18:52 and speak cleansing and speak healing.
18:55 He takes the time to put his hands on the untouchable.
18:59 He takes His time to put his pure hand
19:02 on that which is the filthiest
19:04 in the minds of the Jewish priests
19:06 and he touches and everything changes.
19:24 Another occasion in Jesus' life when we see Him
19:27 working on behalf of humankind,
19:30 we all know that a messenger came to Jesus,
19:33 the man was concerned about his daughter.
19:34 She was at the point of death.
19:37 In fact, she was dying when he left,
19:39 but once he got to Jesus asking Jesus to come
19:42 and take care of his daughter and to heal her,
19:44 he was assuming that Jesus must get there
19:46 before she die in order to make a difference.
19:48 But, you know, on the way, he got delayed
19:50 and on the way an old lady who had been sick for 12 years.
19:53 She had been sick as long as the little girl had been alive
19:57 and she stole the blessings, some say.
19:59 She's touched the hem of Jesus' garment and was made whole,
20:03 but Jesus was not rushing, it did not appear.
20:11 Can you imagine parents were concerned about their daughter?
20:14 Now she's gone and still Jesus wants to see her
20:17 and they don't see any hope now, she's gone.
20:19 If he had got there early,
20:21 maybe there would have been a whole another scenario.
20:24 But she's surely dead. They see it and they know it.
20:28 And Jesus just simply walks over to her,
20:31 calls her by her nickname that her parents used,
20:34 and I wish I knew what that was,
20:36 but he called her a precious name
20:38 that she had often heard by her parents.
20:40 It was easy stepping in and doing the father role,
20:43 maybe stepping in letting her,
20:44 "I know what's going on around here.
20:46 I know you, sugar, personally. I know your nickname."
20:48 And He simply says, "Daughter arise,"
20:52 and she just sat up.
20:54 I mean, it wasn't a second command,
20:56 it wasn't a third command.
20:58 He just says it one time
21:00 and life came back into this dead girl
21:04 simply because the giver of life beckoned her.
21:08 And so she sits up and he tells,
21:10 "Just give her something to eat.
21:12 Because now she's gonna live. She needs fuel."
21:14 Can you imagine those parents?
21:16 Can you just kind of figure out what may have happened
21:20 in their hearts when their greatest prize had disappeared
21:25 and now she's given back and then better than before.
21:34 Christ says, "No man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
21:41 He alone is the way by which we may have access to God.
21:46 His time had come. He would go to the cross for us.
22:27 I had the privilege of going to the Garden of Gethsemane
22:30 and looking through the fence at the trees,
22:33 trying to imagine where Jesus knelt the night
22:36 before His crucifixion and my imagination was running with me.
22:40 You know, what was the night like?
22:42 I just had to go to scripture to find out.
22:44 So Jesus is in the garden and He's already gone
22:48 through the Lord's supper with His disciples,
22:50 He's already washed their feet and made them clean,
22:52 and He walks out there and He's pictured
22:55 as if as he walked toward the garden of Gethsemane
22:59 He got weaker and weaker
23:00 till He got to the place where He would pray
23:03 and He threw Himself on the ground
23:06 and begged God to let this cup pass.
23:08 If it were not for the scene at Gethsemane,
23:12 we would not have the window into Jesus' humanity
23:15 that He provided for us that night.
23:17 Because when He said, "Let this cup pass,"
23:20 He's talking human now.
23:21 He's not talking as God, He's actually saying,
23:26 "Is there some other kind of way?"
23:28 But he never says he's not going forward.
23:31 He simply says, "If there's another way, I'll take it.
23:35 If there's not, and so let it be.
23:38 Whatever you say, thy will be done."
23:40 What he sees and we should see
23:42 that there is not other way for us to be saved
23:46 without him going through in sacrificing all.
23:49 That scene clarifies that there are no other options,
23:53 because the only other option is to wipe us all out
23:54 and start over again or to fail
23:57 and Jesus wasn't willing to do that.
23:58 So he's willing to go all the way,
24:01 no matter how bad it tastes,
24:03 so he drank the cup and it is pictured by
24:06 In Desire of Ages that Gabriel comes.
24:24 Imagine an otherwise lovely evening.
24:28 The cherub of crickets, the blinking of fireflies
24:33 entertaining the night. Gethsemane.
24:38 Was there ever a more suspenseful
24:41 and sullen place in all of human history?
24:44 Not even at Calvary was the earth in greater peril,
24:48 for here we find the creator,
24:51 the master, upon his knees,
24:54 supplicating strength to go through with the plan,
24:58 while I, Gabriel, leading legions of battle-hungry angels
25:04 await the command, the nod of his royal head, nay,
25:08 the mere batting of an eyelash permitting us
25:11 to sweep through the halls of earth
25:13 and bring it down--bring it all crashing down.
25:19 It would only require one of us.
25:33 But instead, he prays for strength,
25:37 for endurance, and with each passing heartbeat,
25:43 the cross draws ever closer.
25:57 He should have died in that spot where he was praying.
26:00 Any time blood leaks from the tissues of a person's face,
26:05 that's a medical condition that calls for death.
26:07 But, you see, Jesus can't die
26:10 because he must be sacrificed at 3 p.m. on Friday on time,
26:16 because the Passover lamb dies at that hour.
26:19 So that condition should have taken his life,
26:22 but the angel Gabriel came and sustained him
26:25 and cradled him in his arms
26:28 and rejuvenated him enough to go to the cross to die.
26:31 So he gets up and he's getting ready
26:34 to leave the garden and who comes?
26:37 But the crowd, the rabble, the stick bearing,
26:41 sword wielding madmen from Jerusalem.
26:46 They come to take a man that's non-threatening.
26:49 They come to arrest somebody
26:51 that they had seen in the temple,
26:53 they could have taken easily.
26:55 But somehow they're being led by a disciple.
27:00 I said, "A disciple?"
27:02 A church member, a follower of Jesus,
27:05 somebody who had walked in Jesus' shadow for 3 years.
27:09 He had seen the sick raise up.
27:12 You see, Judas simply thinks that he knows
27:15 how to box Jesus in to make him fight to become king.
27:19 And Jesus simply said, "Friend."
27:21 I mean, that is not the word you want to come up--
27:24 most of us would come up with when being betrayed,
27:26 but Jesus said, "Friend, do you betray me with a kiss?"
27:45 So he finally gets almost to Calvary
27:47 dragging across with 300 pound hard wood implement,
27:51 just a crosspiece, some say.
27:53 But he's walking and everybody is watching and he falls.
27:58 Because now Jesus who has been restored in strength
28:01 and just to make it that far, now needs help.
28:05 "I'm another human being just to make it to be sacrificed."
28:25 And so Simon of Cyrene, who seems to look at Jesus
28:30 and have compassion in his eyes
28:32 and so the soldiers look and see this compassion,
28:34 so they grab him and say, "You carry the cross then,
28:38 since you look like you got sympathy. You carry it."
28:42 But he carried the cross all the way to Calvary.
28:45 Jesus of sin, hauled it to a place that is called Golgotha.
28:49 Which is a hill, they call the hill of the skull,
28:52 because it actually looks like the skull of a man's head
28:56 and there are sockets as if there's missing eyes
29:00 and so he's placed on that hill
29:02 which is a common place for crucifixion.
29:04 The Carthaginians had fine-tuned the act of crucifying somebody.
29:10 The idea was so scientifically worked out
29:13 until a person could stay on the cross dying
29:16 for 48 to 72 hours just standing there at the cross.
29:19 The whole idea was to drag it out as long as they could.
29:23 So there were masses at crucifixion.
29:25 They knew where to place the nails,
29:27 to not cut a vital organ so the person would bleed to death,
29:30 they knew how to fold the feet and pin them to the cross.
29:33 I mean, it was a science.
29:35 They knew how to twist the body so the human being
29:37 on the cross would have to pull up on the nails in order
29:40 to breathe because their lungs would fill with water
29:43 and they would sound like the bellows of a blacksmith
29:46 trying to just suck oxygen in and so the person
29:50 is not supposed to be able to get past a quick death,
29:55 because it was not designed to die quick.
29:58 But Jesus was on the timeframe. Jesus had to die at 3 o'clock.
30:02 And it had to be clear that nobody could take his life.
30:04 So there he is placed on the ground,
30:06 he's pinned down by Roman soldiers,
30:09 I can't imagine what it's like to have nails
30:11 driven through your hands and hear the hammer ring.
30:14 And Jesus was jarred into the ground
30:16 and he's there and people walked by
30:19 and they rail on him or they shout out obscene things to him.
30:25 You know, "You saved others, save yourself."
30:28 Yeah, he saved others, but he couldn't save himself
30:30 or saving them would've been impossible.
30:33 So he's on the cross, he can't save himself,
30:35 would not save himself, had too much love
30:37 to come down from the cross.
30:39 Yes, he could've called 10,000 angels,
30:41 we've all heard that story, but he does not
30:43 because he's a lamb of God slain
30:46 from the foundation of the earth
30:47 and he's attempting to wash away our sins
30:50 and to die the second death for all sinners
30:54 and so he's on the cross
30:56 and the hour's ticking toward 3 p.m.
31:01 And the priest is gathering with his knife to slay the lamb.
33:43 And at that very hour when the lamb
33:45 was supposed to be slain,
33:47 the Earth has already gotten dark,
33:48 the Father is as close as He can behind the clouds
33:51 because He's so concerned.
33:53 Any father having to witness the death
33:55 of His child would rather say,
33:58 "Take my life and let my child live."
34:01 But here He is, the Father has to hold in check all the angels
34:06 and He holds on to them tight preventing
34:09 whoever might intervene to save His child
34:11 and Jesus feels on the cross abandoned by God.
34:16 He actually says, "Father, why hast thou forsaken me?
34:20 Everybody else has, but why you, Lord?"
34:23 But he understands and he gives up his life
34:27 after asking for forgiveness for our sins.
34:30 He dies on the cross at 3 p.m. Why did he die please tell me
34:34 Why did he die?
34:40 Did he die because of something he had done
34:47 Or because they didn't know he was God's son?
34:54 I don't understand tell me why did he die
35:08 What did he do please tell me
35:14 What did he do?
35:20 They say he helped the sick, made blind eyes see again
35:27 Is that a crime is that what caused his pain
35:35 I don't understand it.
35:39 Tell me why did he die
35:45 I saw the crown he wore
35:52 I touched the cross he bore
35:58 A king shall never feel such agony
36:11 His Father never came
36:18 Although he called his name
36:24 This ruler died alone
36:30 upon a tree
36:40 Why did he die please tell me
36:46 Why did he die
36:50 I just can't comprehend
36:56 why his perfect life had to end
37:06 It just isn't fair.
37:10 Tell me why did he die
37:37 Three days had passed and the body of the Savior
37:41 lay in the darkness of a stone sepulcher.
37:46 Outside, human guards stood
37:48 watch over the massive stone door, while inside,
37:53 the Lord was watched by nonhuman guards
37:56 who lurk in dark places and slither in and out
38:01 of the evil crevices of mankind.
38:04 Is he alive? I don't know. He's still dead.
38:23 Jesus' body was in enshrouded in white. His face covered.
38:30 He was dead and all the present parties
38:34 wished it to remain that way.
38:40 Yet even then, somewhere near the center of the galaxy,
38:46 a bright blur shot through the heavens.
38:51 It was Gabriel and his countenance blazed with fury.
38:56 He bolted past the stars of Orion
39:00 and spiraled upward toward a yellow sun at the far edge.
39:05 Pluto whipped by and Neptune and Saturn.
39:10 The blur straightened and screamed to the left
39:14 around the Sun cutting into the orbit of Jupiter.
39:19 Faster than light, he hung left at Mars,
39:23 braked and careened toward the fateful blue planet Earth.
39:28 As he approached, the planet began to shake.
39:32 He blazed bright red when he entered the atmosphere
39:36 and as he turned east, other angels swooped up to join him.
39:42 The earth shook so violently that graves
39:46 broke open and buildings reeled.
39:50 Over Jerusalem, he dived, detouring the Mount of Olives
39:55 through the Garden of Gethsemane.
39:57 A brief twist north and there he stood
40:01 before Jesus' tomb in midair.
40:05 His face shining with the brightness of lightening,
40:09 his white eyes blazing with the awful majesty of Heaven.
40:14 Both men and demon fell to the earth in terror.
40:21 The angel laid hold of that massive bolder
40:24 covering the tomb and tossed it aside.
40:28 Light flooded the cave, sending Satan
40:31 and his host fleeing in terror.
40:35 Gabriel unsheathed his sword and lifted it toward him.
40:42 "Jesus, thou son of God, thy Father calleth thee."
40:52 Life rushed into the Savior's body
40:56 and in a flash, he was immortal.
40:59 He leapt up, not as a peasant,
41:02 but as ruler and creator of the universe.
41:09 Gabriel bowed low, "Oh, death, where is thy sting?
41:17 Pray, where is thy victory?
41:21 He's not dead, he's alive.
41:28 He's alive.
41:34 He's alive."
41:54 So there's Christ resting in the grave
41:56 and he's completely dead.
42:00 There's no thoughts going on,
42:01 there's no visit in hell, there's noting else.
42:03 He's just sleeping, he's just resting,
42:04 keeping the Sabbath and then on Sunday morning,
42:08 the first work day of the week.
42:11 Jesus doesn't stay dead any longer than he has to.
42:14 So as the darker portion of Sunday disappears
42:18 and the lighter portion is coming on,
42:20 Jesus come forth from the grave and of course the Bible says
42:23 his Father called him-- St. Gabriel to get him
42:26 and Jesus as an obedience, he hears the voice of God
42:31 in his state of death until he gets up,
42:35 because his Father calls him, because no one takes his life,
42:38 he gives his life and he takes it back again.
42:41 But when he gets up from that grave,
42:43 from that slab, he walks out of that tomb
42:46 and the devil himself must be nearby,
42:49 because Jesus takes from him
42:51 the keys of death, hell, and the grave.
42:53 Figuratively, he takes and conquers all those things
42:56 and he comes out of the grave and he comes out victorious,
43:00 but he also know if he's be accepted by his Father
43:02 when he gets to heaven.
43:03 So when he comes forth from the grave,
43:05 he does not go to heaven on Friday,
43:07 he does not go on Saturday,
43:09 he comes on Sunday and Mary grabs him by his feet
43:13 and he says to her, "Don't keep holding on to me,
43:17 I must listen to my Father."
43:19 He needs to go and see
43:21 if his sacrifice was accepted by the Father.
43:24 I don't think he was worried about it too much.
43:26 I think he had enough faith to know what was gonna happen,
43:28 but he had to go and see.
43:30 And so I see Jesus going back to heaven
43:33 and when he gets closer to the gates
43:34 and now here my imagination is running again,
43:38 the angels sing, "Lift up your heads,
43:39 Oh you gates, and be you lifted up you everlasting doors"
43:43 and the gates saw joy.
43:45 Jesus walks in and he's totally accepted by his Father
43:48 and the sacrifice is complete and everybody's excited,
43:53 people on earth don't even know what's happening.
43:56 They don't even know that they're being redeemed
43:58 because there's some dead folk that came out the grave
44:00 and they'll testify, but Jesus in glory
44:03 being accepted by his Father
44:04 and I wish that every human being would understand
44:08 that Christ' death made it possible for us
44:11 to enter glory by faith with him
44:15 and hear the same song sung when we arrive.
55:11 If any of us fall asleep with a hope
55:13 and assurance of salvation,
55:15 we can simply rest in unconscious state
55:19 only to have our eyes open to see Jesus
55:23 come in the clouds of glory with myriads of angels
55:25 and all that day when the earth is in turmoil,
55:29 but our eyes are focused on our Savior.
55:31 And we're caught up and meet Him in the air.
55:34 I don't know how you get to fly without a spacesuit
55:37 and all the rest, but when Jesus beckons us,
55:40 we don't come up higher
55:41 or the dead in Christ will rise first.
55:44 And there are no more precious words
55:46 in scripture in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.
55:49 It says, "The Lord Himself shall descend
55:52 from heaven with a shout,
55:53 with the voice of the archangel, with the trumpet of God,
55:56 and the dead in Christ shall rise first.
55:58 Then we which are alive,
55:59 that remain shall be called up to meet Him in the air."
56:02 And it says, "So shall we always be with the Lord."
56:05 We shall be with the Lord forever. What a day.
56:08 When Jesus comes, all our troubles will be over.
56:11 When Jesus comes, there are no more
56:14 frowns to ever be expressed.
56:16 There are no more harsh words ever to be said
56:19 and no more tears to fall.
56:21 There's no more rejection.
56:23 There's no more fatherless children.
56:25 There's no more single parents.
56:27 There's no more sadness and sorrow.
56:30 No more hunger. No more thirst.
56:33 We'd live forever with Him in mansions in glory,
56:37 but more than anything to be His children
56:39 and to live and rule and reign with Him
56:42 throughout the ages of eternity.
56:45 My appeal to you is you can accept Jesus Christ
56:48 as your Lord and Savior, make your calling
56:51 and let's ensure make heaven your home,
56:55 don't let anybody fool you into thinking
56:58 that there's some other way to get to glory
57:00 other than through this man called Jesus
57:02 who's nothing but a loving compassionate Savior.
57:06 A forgiver of sinners and He lives to forgive us.
57:10 So accept Jesus Christ as your all in all.
57:12 Let Him put His mighty arms around you
57:15 and keep you safe until we reach heaven's shore
57:19 and spend an eternity with Him.
57:21 So be strong in the Lord, live for Him.
57:23 Celebrate the fact that He has died to save us.
57:27 John 3:16 is where we're reading again,
57:30 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
57:34 that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish
57:37 but have everlasting life."
57:39 Thank God for the gift of Jesus the Christ.


Revised 2014-12-17