Special Feature

Communion and Consecration Service 2014

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton (Host), C.A. Murray, Jim Gilley


Series Code: SF

Program Code: SF000039

00:12 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
00:21 There's just something about that name
00:32 Master, Savior, Jesus
00:41 Like the fragrance after the rain
00:52 Jesus, Jesus
00:57 Oh, Jesus
01:01 Let all heaven and earth proclaim
01:12 Kings and kingdoms
01:17 Will all pass away
01:22 But there's something about that name
01:33 He's my Lord
01:39 There is no other one
01:45 Who can calm the storms of life
01:52 Like my Lord
01:59 He'll give rest to the weary
02:05 Give new life to the hopeless
02:11 There's no doubt about it
02:19 He's my Lord
02:27 Jesus, Jesus
02:32 Oh, Jesus
02:36 Let all heaven and earth proclaim
02:48 Kings and kingdoms
02:53 Will all pass away
02:58 But there's something
03:02 About that name
03:13 There is something about the name of Jesus Christ.
03:26 Our Father and our God,
03:29 there is certainly something about the name of Jesus.
03:36 It's that name on which we rely completely for life eternal.
03:44 And, Father, we commit our lives once again to You
03:50 and to the task of proclaiming Jesus to a lost world.
03:56 In His name, amen.
04:02 Comes time, at the end of the year
04:05 and the beginning of a new year to look back
04:09 and also to look forward in commitment,
04:13 we have a task to do.
04:17 Lord said that we have the great commission,
04:19 we should go to all the world and preach the gospel.
04:24 And that we were given that responsibility
04:28 that these are our marching orders
04:32 to accomplish this task.
04:35 He says that He will not leave us,
04:37 that we must not feel that we are alone in doing this,
04:41 that He will be with us.
04:43 Through the power of the Holy Spirit,
04:46 we will see things happen
04:49 that we could never accomplish in our own strength.
04:53 We look back at Joshua when the children Israel
04:57 were ready to enter into the Promised Land.
05:01 You know, we find ourselves
05:03 we feel in that same position,
05:06 waiting to enter the Promised Land.
05:10 We have a message to proclaim.
05:12 We have a task to do and remember that
05:17 Joshua said to the people in Joshua 3:5.
05:24 Joshua said to the people "Sanctify yourselves,
05:30 for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you."
05:34 Amen.
05:36 Ordinary people, but God says,
05:38 I am gonna do wonders with you,
05:42 not because you are wonderful people.
05:45 Because if we look at the children of Israel,
05:48 they very much parallel us today
05:51 they were ordinary human beings with frailties,
05:57 with mistakes, with shortcomings.
06:00 But He said, I'm gonna use you
06:02 if you will just commit yourself to me
06:06 and to the task I'm gonna use you to do wonders.
06:11 And He said, you are going to enter the Promised Land.
06:18 When I looked at the sanctification
06:20 that He is speaking about,
06:22 Joshua really points it out in the first chapter
06:27 and this is actually the Lord pointing it out to Joshua,
06:30 "No man should be able to stand before you
06:32 in all the days of your life
06:34 as I was with Moses so I will be with you."
06:38 In other words, as the movement of God,
06:41 we not as individual,
06:44 but as collectively God's people,
06:48 He says, "Nothing will be able to stand before you."
06:53 He said, "I will not leave you nor forsake you."
06:58 Amen.
06:59 Now, knowing that should give us faith.
07:03 Faith.
07:04 Without faith God says it's impossible to please Him.
07:08 And this should be the number one thing
07:12 in sanctifying ourselves
07:14 is that we have faith that we believe that God is.
07:17 The Bible says that He's a rewarder
07:19 of those that believe in Him, and trust in Him.
07:23 And then secondly in verse 6 it says,
07:26 "Be strong and be of good courage."
07:30 You know, you have to act upon your faith.
07:35 James said, "Faith without works is dead."
07:38 What He really meant was faith without action is dead.
07:43 He's not saying you can earn your way to heaven.
07:45 That's not what that's about it all.
07:47 He's saying that without acting upon your faith
07:51 what good does it do.
07:53 And so He says, be strong and of good courage
07:56 for to this people--
07:57 You shall divide as an inheritance
08:00 and then He says, "Only be strong and very courageous
08:05 that you may observe to do according to all the law."
08:11 Obedience.
08:13 You see, if we have faith
08:15 and we have the courage to act.
08:17 God says, you're going to obey me.
08:19 That does not mean that we are perfect.
08:23 We are obedient as we can be in our own imperfection.
08:29 But we commit to Him.
08:31 We're not rebellious towards Him.
08:33 You remember, George Vandeman
08:35 wrote a book called "The Planet in Rebellion."
08:37 And rebellion is when we say, I'm not going to do God's will.
08:42 But to be able to say, I want to do God's will
08:46 and by His grace I will do His will,
08:48 it's what He asks in our response to Him.
08:53 And then it says, in verse 8
08:55 "The book the law shall not depart from your mouth
08:59 but you shall meditate in it day and night
09:02 that you may observe to do
09:05 according to that which is written."
09:07 And He says, we should be studying His Work.
09:10 So we need faith, we need courage,
09:14 we need obedience, and we need Bible study
09:19 to make us stronger in our faith,
09:25 and in our trust, and in our belief.
09:28 And in this way, He says, you sanctify yourself,
09:32 you prepare yourself for the task that is ahead.
09:37 We have a great task ahead of us,
09:40 to continue to proclaim the message
09:43 as we have never proclaimed it before.
09:46 To reach out in ways
09:48 that we have never reached out before,
09:51 to reach every segment of society
09:54 and this is what we're trying to do
09:56 with 3ABN, 3ABN Latino,
09:59 3ABN Dare to Dream.
10:02 We're reaching out to Russian people,
10:04 the French speaking people, as many groups as we can,
10:09 and not forgetting our children.
10:12 Because the children, my friend,
10:14 we need to reach them first.
10:17 Jesus said, "Suffer little children
10:19 to come unto me, and forbid them not,
10:21 for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
10:24 And we need to be reaching out to our children
10:28 as well as to those who are adults.
10:33 See, God is giving us a great task.
10:36 It's a wonderful task,
10:37 it's a privilege to even be a small part of that.
10:43 Those who are the supporters and viewers of 3ABN
10:47 or our partners in this, we stand together
10:51 because without you there is no way
10:55 that we can accomplish anything.
10:57 The lights would not stay on a single month
11:00 without your support because you stand with us.
11:04 Because your commitment and as we sanctify ourselves
11:09 or set ourselves aside
11:11 at this time for greater service,
11:14 we do so believing that you will do the same
11:20 and that we will reach out together.
11:23 You see, we must be willing to bear any burden.
11:29 We must be willing to pay any price.
11:32 We must be willing to meet any hardship.
11:36 We must support those who teach the truth
11:39 and we must oppose those who would destroy God's cause.
11:45 We need to give all that we have
11:49 to ensure that the undiluted three angels' message
11:53 continues to be preached all over the world.
11:58 The message of revelation 14,
12:01 which is the message of Jesus Christ
12:05 to a world that is in need,
12:10 to a world that is dying.
12:13 It's such a privilege to be a part of that
12:17 and today I would like to rededicate myself
12:22 to that task of reaching out with the gospel,
12:26 praying that God will give us all of the spirit,
12:30 His Spirit, that we need
12:33 in order to proclaim this message.
12:36 Thirty years ago, God laid this message.
12:41 A little over 30 years now the message to Danny Shelton.
12:46 Danny, God has led, hasn't he?
12:49 Absolutely, absolutely, Jim.
12:51 Thank you for talking about faith.
12:53 I get excited when people start talking about faith
12:56 because I've been learning about faith
12:58 for over 30 years now.
13:00 Alan Molloy, you know, you remember when it started.
13:03 But I was thinking about faith is an action word
13:06 and I know the Lord laid that on your heart,
13:08 Jim and I didn't discuss what were gonna talk about.
13:11 But the Lord impressed me to talk about faith
13:13 for just a few moments.
13:14 So I love it when you know
13:16 that God's in it and there's confirmation.
13:19 But your faith doesn't begin until your side ends
13:22 and that's what I want to encourage you folks at home.
13:24 And I was thinking about the Lord even has to give us,
13:27 we don't have any faith of our own
13:29 but we exercise His faith.
13:31 Actually it's what we do
13:32 when we submit and commit our lives to Him
13:35 and I was thinking about when we stepped out in faith,
13:37 in a cornfield and decided to build a television station
13:40 that would reach the world.
13:41 Now we didn't know where we were going.
13:43 We didn't know where to start.
13:44 The Lord began to bring people into our lives
13:46 and finally we got a satellite system
13:49 shooting signals 22,300 miles to space.
13:53 I thought everybody would be excited about it
13:55 but I talked to folk and they'd say,
13:57 "Well, you got--"
13:58 First, they said you'll never get the signal up, right?
14:01 You'll never get it up, those guys never built that.
14:04 It got built, went up 22,300 miles to space,
14:08 then they said, "It'll never come down,
14:10 won't come down into the homes of people."
14:12 Jim Gulley went in 1979,
14:15 tried to talk to some of the leaders at the church
14:17 about building a television network
14:20 and of course with no experience
14:22 and new technology
14:23 they weren't prepared for that.
14:24 But then in the '80s even once that he heard about 3ABN
14:28 and I talked to him
14:29 and knew the satellite signals was going up.
14:32 He said, "We need to be part of this,"
14:34 then they said, "Well, how many people even have big dishes?"
14:37 Well, I think they said about a million.
14:39 And he said, "Well, it's a million people"
14:41 they said, "Well, it's not worth
14:42 all that for a million people."
14:44 But you know what,
14:45 when you go forward, God honors it.
14:47 Because that million end up
14:49 growing into 6 million big dishes.
14:51 Well, that could've been the end of it
14:53 and it reaches North America.
14:54 But we said, "Well, we'll just take
14:55 another little step of faith.
14:56 We'll go forward."
14:57 And meanwhile while God said,
15:00 "Go, ye into all the world."
15:01 We just took one bite a time.
15:03 As you say, one step at a time, went forward.
15:06 All of a sudden, we realized there's other technology
15:08 coming in on the scene.
15:10 And then all of a sudden, I heard about, you know what,
15:13 we can actually get a satellite now and go to Europe.
15:16 So we decided, hey, Mark Finley's
15:18 doing a NET series in the mid '90s,
15:20 let's do that.
15:22 Well, then all of a sudden,
15:23 we heard the FCC is opening windows
15:25 that people can apply for television stations.
15:29 We said, "Wow, we can send signals up to satellite,
15:32 down to television stations
15:34 and it'll rebroadcast those signals
15:36 and people only have to have rabbit ears."
15:38 Well, you don't have to have an expensive
15:40 $2,000 dish now to get it.
15:43 So now we're excited, one more step at a time.
15:46 All of a sudden, 3ABN is going up,
15:48 coming down into 6 million big dishes.
15:50 We start building, we're aggressive
15:52 when it comes to building downlink stations
15:55 we call them and we apply for dozens at a time
15:57 and to our surprise, we're getting them.
16:00 When we wanted to go up,
16:01 they told us it'll take 3 to 5 years,
16:03 thanks to the Lord and Congressman Kenny Grey,
16:06 that license came in 8 months.
16:08 See, when you go forward God will honor your faith.
16:12 God will honor that faith.
16:13 So now we have all these signals going up.
16:15 We got them coming down and downlink stations
16:17 are rebroadcasting the signal.
16:19 We got 6 million people or so with the big dishes
16:22 and just when we think we've just about got there.
16:25 Finally, we're able to go to Europe,
16:26 then, we hear about a little dish.
16:28 This little dish is just 2 to 3 feet.
16:31 Now this dish can be used in subdivisions,
16:34 even in some cities on a network called Sky Angel.
16:38 So on this network called Sky Angel
16:40 there was a number of other religious networks
16:43 and all of a sudden that added
16:44 several hundred thousand more people,
16:46 but these people were special.
16:48 Because these are people
16:49 who already are spiritually minded.
16:51 Because you know when you get Sky Angel
16:54 you want to watch religious programming
16:56 because that's just about all that was there.
16:58 It took me back to a dream that I had
17:00 when before 3ABN was built,
17:03 the Lord impressed me to build a station to reach the world.
17:06 That's fine, it didn't have a name,
17:08 didn't know what to call the station.
17:09 So I had a dream one night,
17:11 and in my dream I saw it look like
17:13 I was looking out at stars
17:14 but one of them became closer and closer
17:18 and I saw it had color on it, didn't look like a star
17:21 and then I saw three angels flying
17:23 around the earth blowing the three trumpets.
17:26 I said, that's the name of it 3 Angels Broadcasting Network.
17:29 I was so excited I started going to churches,
17:32 anybody that would let me go to church.
17:34 So I ended up going to churches
17:36 and I would tell the people
17:37 "We're building a television station to counteract.
17:40 We're gonna counteract
17:42 the Jim and Tammy Bakker's programs
17:44 because they're not telling all the truth.
17:46 And we're gonna counteract to Jimmy Swaggart.
17:50 And we're gonna counteract some of these evangelicals.
17:52 We're so excited about this we weren't even on the air.
17:56 It's a dream of doing it.
17:58 Few days later, I had another dream
18:00 and all of a sudden I was in a huge apple orchard.
18:03 As far as the eyes could see,
18:05 all I saw was apple trees
18:07 heavy laden with beautiful red ripe apples
18:11 that were hanging down.
18:12 I didn't have to get a ladder to get up.
18:14 I could just reach out and pluck
18:16 these red ripe apples.
18:18 And I was talking to the Lord.
18:19 I didn't see Him, but I said,
18:21 "Lord, why am I here and what do all of these
18:24 beautiful big red ripe apples represent?"
18:28 And He said, "Your fight is not against these other ministries.
18:32 They're not your enemy. The devil is your enemy.
18:35 These ripe red apples represent people
18:39 who have come to the knowledge of Christ
18:41 through all these ministries that you've been talking about.
18:44 My Word will not return in me voy."
18:46 It's not about the messenger it's about the message.
18:50 So the Lord said, "These are ready to be plucked
18:53 as they hear the truth of the three angels' messages.
18:56 Suddenly, Sky Angel is on the air
18:57 and we began to get these letters
18:59 from all over America and North America.
19:02 Soon we're into Europe then we take advantage
19:04 of other satellites literally going around the world.
19:09 And technology continues to increase.
19:12 Moses Primo comes way back
19:14 and he starts teaching us things
19:15 that we had no idea, no ways,
19:17 had no idea how to get this message to the world.
19:20 But suddenly something came
19:21 on the scene called the internet.
19:24 Anybody ever heard the internet?
19:25 And all of a sudden,
19:26 anybody could use the internet and people can watch it
19:30 literally all around the world.
19:32 The walls of communism fell.
19:34 This is all since 3ABN started.
19:36 Eastern European countries:
19:38 Russia, Romania, East Germany,
19:41 all these countries we could've never dreamed
19:43 we could get in.
19:44 Suddenly, the gospel is going, 3ABN goes to Russia.
19:47 We end up going to New Guinea, 3ABN goes to the Philippines.
19:51 God continues to open doors, new technology
19:54 then we get down to even things lately like the Roku Box,
19:58 Mo, that people can get it in a small box now
20:01 it's a little thumbnail that you can literally
20:03 stick in the back of your television.
20:05 And all of a sudden here comes smartphones
20:07 and within smartphones
20:09 millions and millions of people can watch 3ABN
20:11 anywhere in the world.
20:12 Download the app, you get 3ABN on your iPhone,
20:15 your android, your tablets, your iPads.
20:19 God is in the business of creating miracles.
20:21 I want to tell you that, when you step out in faith,
20:23 I can tell you, 30 years ago
20:25 when we took our first little steps
20:28 we had no idea that 30 years later
20:32 that God would do what He had told us He would do,
20:35 but we had no idea how it would happen.
20:37 That literally hundreds of millions of people
20:40 can watch 3ABN at anytime 24x7 around the world.
20:44 We're going to Latino, then we go into 3ABN Radio.
20:48 Jay, now you have hundreds of radio stations
20:51 down linking and rebroadcasting.
20:53 We go into Dare to Dream.
20:55 We go into all these different networks,
20:57 now we have six different networks.
20:59 Molly, our Russian network,
21:01 our proclaimed network CA, we have our children's network.
21:05 God is in the business of creating beautiful things.
21:10 And when the Lord says go,
21:12 "He said go ye into all the world"
21:14 and I want to encourage you today
21:16 that we're either on the side of go or stop.
21:18 The Lord says go and the devil says stop.
21:21 So we have to make up minds.
21:22 Which side do we want to be on?
21:24 What do we want to do and I want to tell you today
21:26 when you step out in faith your whole life will change
21:29 because when your sight ends your faith begins
21:32 and I believe that God-- Jim, you've said this before,
21:36 we haven't seen anything yet.
21:38 For those of you here at 3ABN, those of you at home,
21:40 I don't think we've seen anything yet.
21:42 What we have seen recently
21:44 in this huge surge of knowledge and increased technology,
21:49 I think it's just the beginning.
21:51 Jesus wants to come back.
21:54 We're not waiting on Him,
21:55 He's waiting to come back for a purified bride,
21:58 a purified church, and today I want to rededicate my life.
22:03 We're here rededicating the ministry
22:06 of 3 Angels Broadcasting Network
22:08 and for those of you at home, thank you for joining with us
22:11 as we continue to take this gospel of the kingdom
22:14 and to all the world and we want you to participate
22:17 in this communion service with us
22:20 in honor of the Lord, Jesus Christ
22:23 who cared enough to make a plan of salvation.
22:25 He could have done away this.
22:26 Made a plan of salvation, decided to come down,
22:29 be born in a lowly manger,
22:32 give his life on the cross of Calvary.
22:35 The song He gave me recently "Calvary says Love to Me"
22:39 and that's really what it is.
22:40 It's an action.
22:41 The Lord showed us how much he loves us.
22:43 But this time very soon,
22:45 He's coming back not as that babe
22:47 in swaddling clothes in a manger in a Bethlehem.
22:50 He's coming back as King of kings
22:52 and Lord of lords and it's our prayer
22:55 that each of us will make it to see Jesus come back
22:58 and we can look up and say,
23:00 "Lo, this is our God whom we've waited for.
23:02 He has come to save us."
23:11 For you that would like to dedicate
23:14 and consecrate your life,
23:15 a fresh and new, for this upcoming year,
23:19 if you can bow your knee,
23:21 but if you can't bow your knee, bow your heart.
23:31 Holy Father, we come before you
23:33 in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
23:36 and we thank you, Father, for the way
23:38 You've led us in the past.
23:40 Thank you, Father, for this past year,
23:43 for the times we've seen Your hand of provision,
23:46 Your hand of health, Your hand of comfort,
23:51 Your hand, Lord, that has guided us this past year.
23:55 Thank you for that, oh, Father.
23:57 Now, Father, we give You our upcoming year.
24:00 We ask, Lord, that You take every one of us.
24:03 Take our hearts, oh, Lord.
24:05 Father, search us if there be areas in our lives
24:09 that aren't consecrated and committed to You.
24:11 We ask, oh, Father, that You would open our eyes
24:14 to those areas, search us, oh, God,
24:16 and know our hearts, try us and know our thoughts,
24:19 see if there be anyway in us that is unlovely
24:23 and unlike You and, Father, we ask
24:25 that You would lead us in a path of righteousness.
24:28 Now, Father, we give our lives to You.
24:30 We give our thoughts to You.
24:32 We ask, Father, that You would guide us
24:34 and that You would grace us.
24:36 Thank you, Father, for this ministry
24:38 that You've given us to be a part of.
24:40 Father, we dedicate and consecrate 3ABN
24:44 into Your hands for this upcoming year.
24:46 Father, allow this ministry to accomplish all
24:50 that You've called it to accomplish.
24:52 We ask, Father, that You would
24:54 take each one of us and draw us into deeper
24:57 and a closer relationship with You.
25:00 And, Father, use us to bring glory
25:03 and honor to Your kingdom.
25:05 Now, Father, for everyone in our viewing audience
25:07 and our listening audience, we pray the same prayer,
25:10 Father, that You would touch all of our hearts,
25:13 You would bind us together in unity and harmony
25:16 and in one accord and that You would lead us,
25:18 Father, in that path that is everlasting.
25:21 This is our prayer for this upcoming year in Jesus' name.
25:25 Amen.
25:40 One of the things that I love about the Word of God
25:44 is that you can read the same text over and over
25:49 and get meaning from it
25:52 and then one day you read that text
25:55 and it's like that text has totally changed.
25:59 Your life changes, a light shines in that text
26:02 that gives you a whole new understanding
26:05 of the Word of God,
26:07 who you are and who God is.
26:11 Last night, Erm and I were sitting
26:12 at the dinning room table
26:14 going over bills and moving papers around
26:18 and being generally aggravated because you always aggravated
26:21 when you're going over the bills and moving papers.
26:24 And I pushed that aside and I just went to the Bible.
26:30 And we're sitting there and she said,
26:32 "Are you working on something?" I said, "I got something.
26:34 It's in my heart here"
26:35 and I opened to 1 Corinthians 11
26:39 and a line that we've all read millions of times
26:41 "Do this in remembrance of me."
26:45 And somehow the Lord was pleased
26:48 to shine a little light on that line.
26:52 And I went to Desire of Ages and Ellen White says,
26:59 in the chapter "In Remembrance of Me,"
27:01 page 652, she says,
27:04 "The service which Christ established
27:06 was to be observed by His followers
27:08 in all lands and through all ages."
27:12 This was to go on forever.
27:15 "The ordinance of the Lord's Supper
27:16 was given to commemorate the great deliverance
27:19 wrought out as a result of the death of Christ,
27:23 till He shall come the second time
27:25 in power and glory,
27:28 this ordinance is to be celebrated,
27:32 it is the means by which his great work for us
27:38 is to be kept fresh in our minds."
27:42 So I wondered about this memorial service
27:47 and I began to play in my mind and asked myself
27:51 "Is this memorial service or is it a commemoration?"
27:57 And do the words mean anything, is this a memorial service?
28:03 Because Christ said, "Do it in remembrance of me."
28:06 Or is this a commemoration?
28:10 Luckily, nowadays genius is not very far away.
28:14 You go to the internet, you Google it,
28:17 and you're a genius.
28:20 So I went and I Googled memorial service
28:24 and I found that a memorial service
28:29 can only be held for someone who has passed away.
28:34 Memorial is inexorably linked to death.
28:39 So if you're having a memorial service
28:43 someone has to be dead.
28:48 So this can never be a memorial service.
28:52 You can't link a memorial service with Jesus.
28:56 It's got to be a commemoration
29:00 because the one who we're honoring is not dead.
29:05 All right. That's right.
29:07 Now several of us have been to The Garden Tomb,
29:10 Sully, JD, Molly, Hal, Joe, a lot of us,
29:15 yeah, we've been to The Garden Tomb.
29:17 We've all gone in at different times,
29:20 but we've all seen the same thing.
29:24 You were there.
29:26 When you go in there, Jim, the tomb is empty.
29:30 Praise the Lord.
29:32 Amen. Amen.
29:33 There's nobody there, Greg, you were there, it's empty.
29:37 We all saw an empty to-- It's beautiful.
29:41 It's clean. It's swept.
29:45 But it's empty.
29:47 Amen.
29:50 So it would be like saying
29:52 this is the 30th anniversary of 3ABN
29:54 let's have a memorial service for Danny Shelton.
29:59 So some thinking person would say,
30:01 "You can't have that, that's inappropriate"
30:04 because Danny is still here.
30:08 He's still alive, praise the Lord.
30:11 So the word memorial,
30:14 when it comes to Christ is patently inappropriate.
30:19 Because Jesus is still alive. Amen.
30:21 Now I must admit to you
30:22 there was a short window of time
30:25 when it would have been appropriate.
30:27 Shelley, there was a little 3-day window
30:30 between Friday and Sunday
30:33 we could have had a memorial service.
30:36 That would've been the time to have it
30:37 because He was dead and in the tomb,
30:39 but Sunday morning the angel said,
30:42 "Why seek ye the living among the dead?"
30:48 And so from that day to this, memorial is inappropriate.
30:54 This is a solemn celebration.
30:59 It's a time, when we afflict our souls in solemnity
31:04 but we also praise God
31:07 for the work wrought by Jesus Christ.
31:09 It's a solemn celebration. Yes.
31:12 No more memorial. Mm-mmm.
31:15 It's a celebration of the work of Christ
31:18 who died for each of us
31:21 and who sits at the right hand of the Father.
31:24 Amen.
31:25 Brian, ever living to make intercession for us.
31:31 That's what gives this life.
31:33 That's what gives this meaning.
31:35 That's why we know that the same God
31:38 who got us this far is gonna get us all the way home.
31:43 And that next year will be a great year
31:47 because we serve a great God.
31:50 Amen.
31:51 A powerful God,
31:53 who can do anything but fail.
32:02 Father God, we just praise You.
32:06 We praise You, and praise You,
32:08 and praise You, and praise You.
32:11 Because You are worthy to be praised.
32:15 We are here not through any goodness of our own
32:20 but that we serve a keeping God,
32:25 a loving God, a sustaining God,
32:29 who will one day take us home.
32:33 Give meaning to this service
32:37 because of the sacrifice of Him
32:40 who we honor, in Jesus' name.
32:44 Amen.
33:29 I'd like to continue the thought that Pastor CA
33:31 just shared with you.
33:36 And because I haven't been to The Garden Tomb,
33:38 I want to say, "Blessed are those
33:41 who haven't seen and yet believe."
33:44 Amen.
33:47 I don't know geographically that Jesus is not there
33:50 but I know experientially that He's isn't there.
33:54 I haven't walked where He was but He walks where I am
33:59 and so today is very special to me
34:03 because as I was asked to pray for the bread.
34:07 How significant that is as I had bread for lunch today.
34:11 And bread has always been a part of my diet,
34:14 rye bread, pumpernickel, you name it,
34:18 whole-wheat, multigrain bread.
34:21 But the bread we're talking about today
34:23 is quite different than the bread
34:25 that you can buy in a store.
34:27 And as I was sitting thinking about bread
34:29 I came to the conclusion
34:31 that I could be standing in the bread aisle in Walmart
34:35 and die of hunger
34:37 if I don't partake of the bread.
34:40 You know, the children of Israel,
34:41 how amazing it is that when the Lord freed them
34:44 from the land of Egypt.
34:45 He said to Moses "Say to the children of Israel,
34:49 behold I will rain bread from heaven for you."
34:54 It should've rung a bell
34:55 but it didn't because they thought to themselves
34:56 they had bread in Egypt.
34:58 What difference is that?
34:59 I had bread in Egypt,
35:00 what difference is the bread in the wilderness going to be?
35:04 And He said to them don't forget to gather
35:06 a certain quota everyday.
35:08 And I've come to understand
35:10 unless I have a certain quota of Jesus everyday
35:12 I'm going die in the wilderness,
35:14 what do you say?
35:15 Hallelujah.
35:16 But they still didn't understand.
35:18 The fact of the matter is when you read the story,
35:20 when you read the story
35:21 in the Bible in the book of Exodus,
35:23 they went out to get some of this bread
35:25 and they were so unfamiliar with God,
35:28 they said, "What is it?"
35:30 They looked at it, they ate it, they tasted it,
35:32 but they said, "What is it?"
35:34 And somebody said, "That's what it is."
35:39 You'll never know who God is.
35:43 You'll never know who Jesus is.
35:46 And the power that's resident in Him
35:49 unless you partake on a day-by-day basis,
35:52 your quota of Jesus in your life.
35:55 Amen.
35:56 You know, the children of Israel
35:57 had continued to eating this bread
35:58 even after they entered Canaan.
36:00 And then one day Jesus shows up
36:02 and in the vernacular of a language
36:05 that seemed to have lost its meaning
36:07 in the course of a thousand or so years.
36:09 He said to them, "Moses didn't give you bread.
36:14 My Father gave you the bread that came down from heaven."
36:18 They still didn't understand that.
36:20 You see, there's bread
36:21 and we know very well that bread can get stale.
36:25 Bread can get old. Bread could mildew.
36:27 Bread could lose its nurturing qualities and propensities.
36:32 But Jesus never gets old.
36:34 Jesus never loses His power.
36:37 And there He stood in their presence,
36:39 those who were so filled with their daily bread.
36:42 And He says to them,
36:45 I am the true bread that came down from heaven.
36:48 If you partake of Me you'll never hunger again.
36:53 And all of a sudden the light went on in the minds
36:56 of one of the disciples and they said to Him,
36:58 "Lord, Lord, give us this bread always."
37:05 And those of you that are watching this broadcast today,
37:08 one of the reasons why we're gonna be able
37:09 to be sustained beyond today
37:11 is not because of the bread that we get
37:13 that's made by our wives or bought in our food stores
37:17 or put together on the tables
37:18 of those that have extra secret ingredients.
37:23 But the only bread that's going to sustain us
37:25 is the daily bread that came down from heaven.
37:29 When we realize how imperative
37:31 our daily bread is we say like the disciples,
37:34 "Lord, give us this bread always."
37:37 And I need to say in my own testimony,
37:39 unless I have my daily quota of Jesus always
37:43 I don't have enough strength to make it through the day.
37:46 And for those of us that have come to the place
37:48 Brian that had that spiritual starvation.
37:51 You know, we've come to be able to narrow that down, Shelley,
37:54 to the fact that we didn't get our quota of Jesus
37:57 and we try to catch up on that
37:59 and have our bread at the end of the day.
38:01 It's just not the same.
38:02 And so let me encourage you when the day comes to you
38:05 as it has been given to you today
38:07 ask the Lord to pour into your life.
38:10 And then all of a sudden now you'll understand
38:12 what the bread is all about not to look at,
38:14 not to handle but to ingest
38:18 and allow it to nurture your spiritual walk with Christ.
38:21 That's what Paul the Apostle meant when he said,
38:24 "As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup,
38:28 you do proclaim the Lord's death till He comes."
38:31 And Pastor CA, as you said,
38:33 you know, sometimes you read the scriptures.
38:34 Well, today all of a sudden it took on new meaning to me.
38:37 Greg, it didn't mean that I just eat that in preparation
38:40 for the coming of the Lord.
38:42 But what it meant to me
38:43 is unless I eat of Jesus everyday,
38:47 I cannot proclaim that I'm even waiting for His coming.
38:51 And so the imperative nature
38:53 of having the Jesus in our lives
38:54 is not just to get our daily bread.
38:57 But by partaking of Jesus every day
38:59 we're proclaiming to the world
39:02 that we're waiting for Jesus to come.
39:05 So as often as we eat this bread
39:07 and drink this cup,
39:08 we proclaim the living bread,
39:10 who is Christ Jesus.
39:14 Let us pray, Father,
39:17 help us today to have this living bread.
39:23 Up until this moment,
39:24 we have been at many communion services,
39:27 we have partaking of bread many times, fermented bread.
39:31 We have had wafers.
39:33 Some have had bread without gluten in it.
39:36 We've had all different types and styles,
39:39 but Father that's not the bread we seek today.
39:42 We seek the living bread that has come down from heaven.
39:45 We don't want to hunger anymore,
39:48 we want to be filled.
39:50 And so, Father, today, as we close out this year
39:54 and we sit down and look at our itinerary,
39:56 where we've been and what we've done,
39:58 we look at our program logs.
39:59 We look at the challenges and the blessings.
40:02 The rainy days and the days of tornados,
40:05 the days of hurricanes we look at all of this
40:08 and we say, had it not been for the living bread
40:10 we would not be here.
40:12 So anoint us afresh we pray.
40:15 Fill us anew and sustain us
40:18 as one year closes and another begins.
40:21 In Jesus' name I pray.
40:23 Amen.
40:31 We think of the wine,
40:36 the pure juice from the grape.
40:42 In fact, this whole service is a service of symbolism.
40:46 And the symbolism teaches us lessons
40:50 and I'm just thinking of some of you
40:52 who may be viewing this service with us at this time.
40:57 Maybe this is the first time
40:59 you've ever seen anything like this before.
41:01 And you're wondering about it
41:04 and this is the way Seventh Day Adventists
41:09 stop every once in a while, every quarter normally,
41:14 and we remind ourselves of what the Son of God,
41:17 who came in human flesh, did for us.
41:22 Gave His body, gave His life, life blood
41:27 so that you and I could live.
41:29 The only human being who lived on this earth
41:32 without sin, never once sinned.
41:36 That's not our story
41:38 but that's His story for us, isn't that right?
41:42 We're quite familiar with this service,
41:44 but I was thinking some of our viewers
41:46 as we've-- Elder Lomacang has prayed
41:48 a blessing on the bread
41:50 and I will pray a blessing over the wine.
41:55 This does not magically turn the bread and the wine
42:00 into the actual body or blood of Jesus.
42:05 You see, there was only one sacrifice.
42:08 It was good for all time and for all people.
42:12 So we don't have to repeat it.
42:14 It's good once and for all.
42:16 The book of Hebrews tells us
42:18 that Christ's sacrifice is preeminent.
42:22 Nothing can do better
42:24 and nothing needs to be repeated.
42:26 So this is a symbol
42:29 but it helps us remember and that's its value.
42:33 I used the word wine,
42:36 when I used the word wine in our service,
42:38 I mean pure unfermented juice.
42:44 Jesus had no sin
42:47 and so that we don't use anything that symbolize sin
42:51 and fermentation symbolizes sin.
42:54 So we used the pure, unfermented juice.
43:01 The songwriter and this won't be an exact quote
43:06 but he penned the words
43:08 or she penned the words something like this,
43:12 the blood of Jesus that blood shed for us, for me,
43:19 so long ago on Calvary
43:22 that blood will never, never lose its power.
43:29 Never, never lose its power.
43:32 Bow your heads with me and join me in prayer.
43:34 Father in heaven, thank you so much
43:40 that You are willing to give Your life,
43:45 actually shed Your blood for us.
43:52 And as we partake a least emblems
43:55 both the bread and the wine,
43:59 we are commemorating, we're celebrating,
44:02 and we're giving thanks for what You did for us.
44:07 And one day, Father, one day, Jesus,
44:11 one day, Holy Spirit, one day, angels,
44:14 we look forward to being around a table
44:19 in the kingdom of heaven and celebrate there with You
44:24 and be able to cast our crowns at Your feet
44:28 and thank you personally, right there visibly.
44:32 Thank you for what You did for us.
44:34 Please bless this service and particularly
44:37 bless the emblem of the wine.
44:40 We pray in Jesus' name.
44:43 Amen.
49:06 Be seated.
49:13 What a wonderful time.
49:17 What a wonderful a moment to reflect
49:24 a new and again on the sacrifice of Jesus
49:28 and to reconsecrate ourselves to Him.
49:31 What a wonderful day that we live in.
49:38 What an incredible time to be alive.
49:41 To be serving the Lord.
49:46 Ellen White in the book "Desire of Ages"
49:47 talks about how things were set in place
49:51 for Christ's first Advent.
49:54 World was speaking one language generally,
49:57 there was a general peace in the world
50:00 and the message could get out.
50:03 We live in a parallel time now.
50:07 They're speaking English almost everywhere.
50:10 In Philippines, Africa, New Guinea
50:16 with their own language
50:17 there's English across the world.
50:21 And there is enough peace for the gospel to get out.
50:28 And then Christ has been pleased
50:31 to look down into Southern Illinois,
50:35 a cornfield, cornfield.
50:39 He didn't do it in New York, didn't go to Dallas.
50:44 Didn't go to Los Angeles, Boston, Florida.
50:50 A cornfield in Illinois and said,
50:56 "I'm going to erect for myself a monument
51:02 that will shine the light of my love
51:06 to everyone who wants to see it."
51:11 And then He was pleased...
51:18 to call us all.
51:23 He said, Jim, go to Southern Illinois.
51:26 Brian, Southern Illinois.
51:30 Lomacang, get out of California.
51:34 Southern Illinois.
51:36 Mol and Hally.
51:38 Mol and Hally-- Molly and Hal.
51:41 Leave Alabama, leave the cotton fields,
51:45 go to the cornfield.
51:49 And He called us all.
51:51 Pulled you out of Texas,
51:53 took JD out of those big trucks.
51:57 Brought Moses in from Boston, and here we are.
52:05 Little part to play, in the greatest work ever
52:10 given to the frail hands of men and women.
52:13 Amen.
52:15 How could we, how could we,
52:16 how could we hope to do this without Jesus?
52:23 Who here is sufficient for these things?
52:27 Who's smart enough? Who's got the brains?
52:31 Who's got the intelligence?
52:32 Who's got the money?
52:35 Without God.
52:38 Then we add radio and we go around the world.
52:45 Who here is sufficient?
52:49 The truth is, it always has been,
52:54 it is now, will always be all about Jesus.
53:01 Amen.
53:07 And so the letter to the Corinthians reckons
53:09 that faithful and wonderful evening
53:16 "For I received from the Lord
53:18 that which I also delivered to you.
53:22 That the Lord Jesus on the same night
53:24 in which He was betrayed took bread
53:27 and when He had given thanks,
53:30 He broke it and said, 'Take ye, this is my body,
53:35 which is broken for you.
53:36 This do in remembrance of Me in the same manner.'
53:41 He also took the cup after supper saying,
53:44 'This cup is the new covenant in my blood,
53:49 this do as often as you drink it
53:53 in remembrance of me
53:56 for as often as you eat this bread
54:01 and drink this cup,
54:04 you proclaim...
54:07 the Lord's death till ye comes.'"
54:13 Shall we commune together.
55:08 You have given life to me
55:23 Heartaches, broken pieces
55:36 Ruined lives are why
55:42 You died on Calvary
55:51 Your touch is what I long for
56:04 You have given life to me
56:18 Amen.
57:30 Shall we pray, gracious and glorious Father,
57:36 we praise You and thank You for this time together.
57:42 We thank You for the presence and power of Your Holy Spirit
57:46 and for the wonderful sacrifice of Jesus in our behalf.
57:54 We know that we have nothing to fear for the future
57:58 except we shall forget Your blessings
58:00 and Your leading in our past history.
58:04 But we will not forget, Lord.
58:06 We pledge to take hold of Your unchanging hand
58:11 and never to let it go until you walk us
58:16 through the gates and into that eternal city.
58:20 And we thank you in Jesus' name.
58:23 Amen and amen.


Revised 2015-04-30