Sanctuary, Salvation, & Our Savior

Sanctified in the Holy Place

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSOS

Program Code: SSOS190004B

00:01 Welcome back...
00:02 before the Break, we made the observation
00:05 that justification is pardon from sin
00:09 and sanctification is power over sin.
00:13 Now, sometimes we get into this argument of either or...
00:17 justification or sanctification is a power or pardon...
00:21 but here's a case where it's not either/or
00:25 it's actually both/and...
00:27 just like we use the analogy,
00:28 "Is it more important to be born or to grow?"
00:31 It's actually both...
00:33 now, I want to use this illustration
00:35 from planetary motion.
00:37 In the year 1605, Johannes Kepler was studying
00:43 planetary motion
00:44 and he noticed that the planets were orbiting the sun
00:49 not in a perfect circle
00:52 but it was actually what we would call an ellipse.
00:55 Johannes Kepler was studying planetary motion
00:59 and the numbers did not add up
01:01 and prior to that, everyone assumed
01:04 that the planetary motions were in a perfect circle,
01:08 but he came to the conclusion
01:10 that it was actually something that we call an ellipse.
01:13 Now, what is the difference between an ellipse and a circle?
01:18 Well, it's very simple actually when you look at it,
01:21 a circle centers on one central point
01:25 while an ellipse centers on two.
01:29 Now, I have on the screen an illustration of this
01:32 and you can have two central points
01:35 and draw a circle around it
01:38 and that is what an ellipse looks like,
01:40 and this is the way
01:42 that our planets actually stay in balance...
01:45 not centering on one central point
01:48 but actually centering on two.
01:51 Now, if this is the way our solar system stays in balance,
01:56 I believe that this is an analogous way
01:58 for us to understand
02:00 that this is a way of keeping our theology
02:02 in balance as well.
02:04 In other words, rather than focusing on one central point
02:08 like justification and pardon,
02:10 to the exclusion of power and sanctification,
02:14 we must look at these not as a circle as it were,
02:18 but rather, take an elliptical approach
02:22 saying that both are to be essential
02:25 to the Christian experience.
02:27 You get into problems when you start to say,
02:29 "It's justification to the negation of sanctification... "
02:33 and you also get into the problem
02:36 when you emphasize sanctification
02:39 to the negation... or to the neglect of justification.
02:42 You need both.
02:44 Now, there are certain tensions in Christian theology...
02:47 one of them has to do with Christology...
02:50 the study of Christ
02:51 and there's two tensions
02:53 that theologians have been haggling over
02:55 and arguing over for centuries,
02:58 going all the way back to the beginning of Christianity
03:00 in the first century...
03:02 and the idea that they battled over
03:05 was whether Jesus was human or divine
03:08 and they would go back and forth...
03:10 one group would come and say,
03:12 "Jesus is human but He was not divine. "
03:15 Another group would come and say,
03:17 "He was divine but He wasn't really human. "
03:21 Now, if you camp out in either one of these,
03:25 whether you say, "Jesus was human
03:26 to the neglect of His divinity"
03:28 or whether He was divine to the neglect of His humanity,
03:31 you have what you call heresy...
03:34 in other words, when you emphasize one central point
03:38 to the negation of the other one,
03:39 you have an imbalanced theological framework
03:43 and what I contend here is that the actual way of approaching
03:48 things like Christology,
03:49 where you look at the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ,
03:52 it's not either/or
03:54 it's both/and
03:56 and there's a mystery in
03:58 the divinity and the humanity of Jesus Christ
04:01 that we need to be comfortable with,
04:02 and say, "Look, we won't understand
04:04 even when we get to heaven all the dynamics I believe
04:09 of the mystery of Godliness, of how God became a man...
04:13 and here is another tension in Scripture
04:16 that is brought up beautifully
04:17 in the Courtyard and the Holy Place
04:19 it's not justification or sanctification...
04:23 in actuality it is both
04:25 We need to take an elliptical approach to the gospel
04:29 and this keeps us centered and balanced in our theology.
04:34 Here's a quotation from "Steps to Christ" page 63,
04:37 "Our only ground of hope is in the righteousness of Christ
04:42 imputed to us,
04:45 and in that wrought by His Spirit
04:47 working in and through us. "
04:50 Now, what is she talking about here?
04:52 The righteousness of Christ imputed to us is justification.
04:57 That is our "Born Again" experience.
04:59 The righteousness of Christ, working by His Spirit
05:03 in and through us
05:05 is actually sanctification.
05:07 That is Christian growth
05:09 and notice, she brings so beautifully these two together,
05:13 by-the-way, if there's a book that you should read
05:16 and I do... every single year,
05:18 it is the book, "Steps to Christ"
05:19 because it brings out the beauties of the gospel
05:23 in very plain, simple language that we can understand.
05:28 So we come into the Courtyard, we are born again...
05:32 we are justified...
05:34 and then God brings us into the Holy Place
05:38 into a growing relationship with Him
05:41 and as we noted earlier, it's not about how far you get,
05:46 it's about being in the process
05:48 and you come to that first article of furniture...
05:52 you receive the assurance of salvation...
05:54 and then God says, I want you to walk with me...
05:57 I want you to grow with me...
05:58 I want you to go through a process of sanctification
06:01 this process which is of a lifetime
06:06 to grow up in Christ as a Christian.
06:08 Proverbs chapter 4 verse 18 says,
06:11 "The path of the righteous is like the morning sun,
06:15 shining ever brighter till the full light of day. "
06:20 Here, in Proverbs, the Bible brings out
06:23 that the Christian experience is like the sun...
06:26 the sunrise.
06:28 Now, when the sun comes up,
06:30 it doesn't immediately go to the height of noon,
06:33 it is gradual...
06:35 there is a process...
06:37 this has implications for a Christian experience,
06:40 in other words, when you become a Christian,
06:43 you are born again
06:46 and there is this process of growth
06:49 and it is a process...
06:51 just as though a baby's born into the world,
06:53 he doesn't learn how to walk immediately,
06:56 he doesn't learn how to talk immediately,
06:58 it is a growth path of maturity
07:01 and just as you watch...
07:03 or you can't watch grass grow...
07:06 it's a painful process... not a good investment of your time,
07:09 many times, our own growth is imperceptible.
07:13 We don't even know that we are growing
07:16 but we're growing in grace
07:17 and in knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
07:19 So, as you are born again,
07:22 many times, there will be this unconscious...
07:25 you're not even aware that you're changing...
07:28 but as you look back on your Christian experience,
07:31 you will notice that there has been growth...
07:34 there has been development...
07:35 there has been this trajectory of movement.
07:38 Now, I have this graph here on the screen
07:41 to illustrate justification and sanctification
07:44 and notice that birth is a point,
07:47 just like when you're born into this world,
07:49 there is a birth day...
07:51 there's a point in which your life began.
07:53 That is justification in Christian birth.
07:57 After birth... there is Christian growth.
08:00 Now I have it in a trajectory headed toward a certain point,
08:05 but in reality, the Christian experience
08:07 can be kind of more like the New York Stock Exchange,
08:10 it kind of goes up and down,
08:13 but it's the trend of the life
08:15 that is the most important thing.
08:17 It's the trajectory... it's not the occasional misdeeds
08:22 it is the trend of the life.
08:25 Furthermore, you can never come to the place
08:28 in your Christian experience,
08:29 where you say, "Look, I've arrived, I'm perfect... "
08:33 quite the contrary...
08:35 if you think that you've arrived...
08:37 if you think that you're perfect...
08:39 if you think that you're all mature and full grown...
08:41 that actually shows you
08:43 that you're further back from the process
08:46 than you actually are,
08:47 because the closer you get to Christ,
08:50 the more sinful you will feel.
08:53 Now, this is not to say
08:54 that you'll dwell on your own sinfulness,
08:57 but the closer you come to Christ,
08:59 you will have a sense of your unworthiness
09:02 as you focus on Him,
09:04 so, you have Christian birth which is a point
09:07 you have Christian growth which is the work of a lifetime.
09:11 I believe that we will be continually growing
09:15 even in heaven.
09:17 Now, this is not to say that we'll be sinful in heaven,
09:19 but there will be development in heaven.
09:22 I believe that's what makes heaven fun.
09:25 You will always be growing, you will always be developing,
09:28 you will always be coming more and more like Jesus
09:32 in character because even as God is infinite,
09:35 you can never come to the place where you say
09:39 that you've arrived.
09:40 That was one of my favorite quotes from the book,
09:43 "Christ's Object Lessons" Page 65,
09:45 "At every stage of development our life may be perfect
09:49 yet if God's purpose for us is fulfilled,
09:52 there will be continual advancement.
09:56 Sanctification is the work of a lifetime. "
10:00 In other words, as long as you are alive,
10:04 as long as you are walking in Christ,
10:07 you will always be growing,
10:10 it doesn't matter if you've been a Christian for 50, 60, 70 years
10:13 you should still be growing in Christ.
10:17 In other words, you can never come to the place
10:20 in your Christian experience,
10:22 where you say, "I've arrived...
10:24 I'm there... I don't need to grow anymore"
10:27 quite the contrary...
10:28 you will always be growing in Christ
10:31 as long as you are alive.
10:33 "The closer you come to Jesus,
10:35 the more faulty you'll appear in your own eyes,
10:37 for your vision will be clear,
10:38 and your imperfections will be seen
10:41 in distinct contrast with His perfect character.
10:44 Be not discouraged,
10:46 this is an evidence that Satan's delusions
10:49 are losing their power. "
10:51 You can never come to the place where you say,
10:54 "Look, I am sinless...
10:56 I've grown so much that I don't need sanctification
11:00 and Christian growth anymore. "
11:02 Quite the contrary, the closer you come to Jesus,
11:06 the more keenly will you sense your unworthiness.
11:10 This is the paradox of how sanctification works
11:14 because even though you're becoming
11:17 more and more like Jesus in character,
11:19 in your own heart... in your own sense...
11:21 you recognize that it is not your righteousness
11:25 but it's the righteousness of Christ.
11:27 You see, the more you become like Jesus,
11:30 the less pride and sufficiency take up residence
11:35 in your own heart and in your own life.
11:37 When you look at the illustration
11:40 of how Jesus dealt with this woman caught in adultery,
11:44 can you imagine what that felt like
11:46 as these rough men took this woman
11:49 and dragged her before Jesus and set her before Jesus
11:53 and said, "What are you going to do with this woman?"
11:55 And Jesus looked at those men and said,
11:59 "He who has no sin among you, may he cast the first stone. "
12:02 And the Bible tells us that one by one
12:05 beginning with the oldest to the last...
12:07 they all departed from that place
12:09 and the Bible says...
12:10 it was just Jesus and that woman standing there.
12:14 Notice what Jesus said to that woman
12:16 that was caught in the very act of adultery
12:19 and here you see the beauty of the gospel in what He said,
12:23 He said, "Neither do I condemn you,
12:27 go and sin no more. "
12:30 Right there in that phrase, you have pardon...
12:34 "Neither do I condemn you"
12:35 and then you have power, "go and sin no more... "
12:40 and that is the exact way that Jesus relates to us.
12:44 Have you sinned?
12:46 I have...
12:47 I have things in my life that I'm not proud of
12:50 and I'm so thankful that I can come to Jesus
12:53 just the way that I am
12:54 and Jesus looks at me, just like He did with that woman
12:58 and says, "Neither do I condemn you,
13:02 "go and sin no more. "
13:05 The way that Jesus relates to this woman
13:08 is the way that Jesus relates with us.
13:11 Won't you come to Him today?
13:12 Won't you accept Him as Savior and Lord of your life?
13:16 Won't you accept the provision and the righteousness
13:20 that Jesus has provided for us?
13:21 I appeal to you to accept Him today.
13:24 Let us study again
13:25 as we look at the sanctuary, salvation and our Savior.


Revised 2019-10-03