Sanctuary, Salvation, & Our Savior

The Altar of Burnt Offering

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSOS

Program Code: SSOS190006B

00:01 Welcome back...
00:02 before the break, we took a look at a sacrifice
00:05 in Leviticus chapter 1
00:06 and it was the sacrifice that was the burnt offering
00:11 in which the entire animal was burned on the altar
00:15 and we noted that this was a sweet aroma to the Lord.
00:19 As a matter of fact, there is another part in the Bible
00:23 that describes this same offering
00:25 in Leviticus chapter 1 verse 12 through 13,
00:28 "And he shall cut it in pieces with its head... its fat...
00:31 the priest shall lay them in order on the wood
00:34 that is on the fire upon the altar:
00:35 But he shall wash the entrails and the legs with water:
00:39 then the priest shall bring it and burn it on the altar:
00:43 it is a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire,
00:47 a sweet aroma to the Lord. "
00:51 The different parts of the animal
00:53 were placed in order on the altar...
00:55 the head... the inward parts...
00:57 the legs and one scholar noted that these parts represent
01:01 the different parts of the human entity.
01:04 The head represents the mind and the intellect...
01:07 the inward represents the will and the emotions...
01:10 the legs indicate the walk...
01:12 which represents the conduct and the lifestyle.
01:16 In other words, the significance of this particular offering
01:21 was that the person bringing the animal
01:24 and placing the animal upon the altar...
01:28 and the entire animal... the head... the inward parts
01:32 and the legs were burned up upon the altar
01:35 which was a sweet aroma to the Lord
01:37 typified this idea
01:40 that the sinner was placing himself on the altar.
01:44 It was a symbol of total surrender to God.
01:49 Not one part of the animal was left back
01:52 and it was the response of the individual
01:56 saying, "Lord, because of what you have done for me,
02:00 I will give you all of me. "
02:03 Now, in our human relationships
02:07 especially our most intimate human relationships
02:11 like marriage...
02:13 we go to weddings all the time
02:17 and I do not find individuals that are there
02:21 weeping and mourning because this is a terrible event
02:26 in which the husband and the wife
02:28 unreservedly give themselves 100% to the other person,
02:34 you don't see people say, "Oh, what a travesty...
02:37 this person is surrendering all to the other individual
02:40 for the rest of their life... "
02:42 radical thing... marriage is
02:43 because in saying, "Yes" to the person
02:46 you are saying "No" to everyone else,
02:48 you are giving all of yourself
02:50 and marriage in its most ideal form
02:54 is so beautiful
02:55 because you have the giving of all to each other.
02:59 The most intimate relationship this side of heaven
03:03 that we can have amongst ourselves is marriage
03:06 and why is that?
03:08 Because of total giving of yourself
03:10 to the other individual.
03:12 Oh, God is no different...
03:14 God wants to have a relationship with us
03:18 and this relationship... we cannot expect
03:21 to be any less than our human relationships
03:25 ideally speaking in terms of marriage.
03:28 When we think of our relationship with God,
03:31 God says, "Look, I give you all... "
03:33 and the freewill response of the individual
03:36 is to give all in return to God
03:40 because of the love of God that has touched our hearts.
03:43 This is what motivates the individual.
03:45 Now, the important thing about this offering
03:48 was that it was not mandatory,
03:50 in other words, it was voluntary.
03:52 The person was not forced to bring this animal
03:55 and bring it before the Lord,
03:57 the person came
03:58 because their hearts were overflowing with love
04:01 which means that every sacrifice we give to God,
04:04 really comes from this motivation of saying,
04:07 "Lord, I surrender all to you because I've been touched
04:11 by the love of God. "
04:12 The is from the book, "The Sanctuary Service" page 90,
04:16 "The offeror placed himself symbolically on the altar,
04:19 his entire life wholly devoted to God. "
04:23 Sanctuary Service, page 90,
04:24 And he was saying, "All that I am is Christ. "
04:29 Romans chapter 12 verse 1 says,
04:31 "I beseech you, therefore, brethren,
04:34 by the mercies of God,
04:36 that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
04:40 holy, acceptable to God,
04:43 which is your reasonable service. "
04:46 So, this idea or this notion of giving ourselves to God
04:50 as a sacrifice typified in the burnt offering
04:53 is not just a New Testament motif...
04:56 it's actually... or I should say,
04:58 it's not an Old Testament motif,
05:00 it is a New Testament idea as well
05:02 because Paul here says that in response to the love of God,
05:07 we give our bodies...
05:09 and notice what he says, "As a living sacrifice. "
05:14 Notice the word on the screen, it says,
05:17 "I beseech you, therefore... "
05:19 up to this point, Paul has been elaborating
05:22 and establishing the grace and the mercies of God
05:27 That's why he says, "Therefore... "
05:29 now whenever you see the word, "Therefore"
05:30 they say, "Ask what it's there for... "
05:32 in other words, it's a concluding statement.
05:34 You have, "premise... premise... premise... therefore... "
05:37 so in chapters preceding this chapter... chapter 12,
05:41 Paul has spent an exorbitant amount of time
05:44 talking about the mercies of God...
05:47 the love of God...
05:48 the grace of God...
05:50 and then he says,
05:51 "In light of all the mercies of God,
05:54 I want you to present your bodies a living sacrifice. "
05:58 In other words, when you're touched by the love of God...
06:02 when you're just filled with that heartfelt response
06:08 to what He has done for you,
06:10 you say, "Lord, I give myself as a living sacrifice. "
06:14 This is what's typified in the Altar of Burnt Offering
06:18 or the Burnt Offering Sacrifice on the brazen altar
06:21 and notice what Paul says at the end of this verse,
06:24 "You present yourselves a living sacrifice,
06:27 holy acceptable to God... "
06:29 and in the last part he says, "which is reasonable. "
06:34 In other words, this is not unreasonable,
06:36 this is not something that is incomprehensible,
06:40 this is not something that's irrational,
06:42 Paul says, "In light of everything
06:44 that God has done for you,
06:45 when you give yourself back to Him
06:48 and say, "Lord, all that I am... all that I have is Christ... "
06:52 Paul says, "Look, this is reasonable...
06:55 this is rational...
06:56 this is something that makes sense
06:59 in light of everything that God has done for us. "
07:01 Now, in Leviticus chapter 2,
07:03 there's another sacrifice that the Bible mentions
07:06 and it is the meal or the food or the grain offering
07:09 and the Bible says,
07:10 "When anyone brings a grain offering to the Lord,
07:12 their offering is to be of the finest flour...
07:15 they are to pour olive oil on it,
07:17 put incense on it
07:19 and take it to Aaron's sons... the priests...
07:21 "The priest shall take a handful of flour and oil,
07:24 together with the incense... "
07:26 This was a meal offering
07:28 and they were to burn it as a portion
07:31 on the altar...
07:32 the food offering... an aroma pleasing to the Lord,
07:34 the rest of the grain offering belongs to Aaron and his sons.
07:38 It is a most holy part of the food offerings
07:42 presented to the Lord.
07:43 "By this burnt offering... " according to Leslie Hardinge
07:46 "the worshipper affirmed 'all that I am is Christ's'
07:50 and then on the basis of this dedication,
07:53 further declared through his meal offering
07:55 'all that I have is Christ's. '"
07:58 Now, the unique thing that connects
08:00 Leviticus chapter 1 and 2
08:02 is... chapter 1, you are placing yourself symbolically
08:06 on the altar.
08:08 In chapter 2, you are giving up your possessions...
08:12 or of your food and placing it on the altar.
08:15 Leviticus chapter 1 was saying, "All that I am is Christ's... "
08:20 and Leviticus chapter 2 was saying,
08:22 "All that I have is Christ's. "
08:25 This is an important distinction to make.
08:28 In other words, it's one thing to say,
08:30 "Lord, all that I am is Christ's
08:33 but you can't have anything that I have... "
08:35 no, the second part logically follows the first part.
08:39 In other words, if you accept Jesus as your Savior,
08:43 it indicates that all of your possessions
08:46 belong to Him as well.
08:49 Jesus is Savior and Lord of your life.
08:53 Matthew chapter 22 verse 37, you have this idea
08:57 of loving God with all your heart...
09:00 with all your soul...
09:02 and with all of your might.
09:05 This is reasonable... this is rational...
09:07 in our relationships with one another,
09:10 we expect... especially in the marriage relationship
09:13 even in the secular world,
09:14 we want the total heart of the other individual
09:19 in response to our love.
09:21 Jim Elliot, a missionary to South America,
09:24 who died as a martyr, notice what he said,
09:27 "Father, let me be weak
09:29 that I may lose my clutch on everything temporal.
09:33 My life, my reputation, my possessions,
09:37 Lord, let me loose the tension of the grasping hand.
09:40 How often I have released a grasp
09:43 only to retain what I prized
09:46 releasing all that I may be released...
09:48 so let me release my grasp. "
09:53 I found, in my Christian experience,
09:56 there are certain areas of my life
09:59 that I find a whole lot easier to let go of than others.
10:04 Do you find it the same way?
10:05 Do you find that there are areas of your life
10:07 that you're like, "Lord, you can have it all... "
10:08 and then other areas of your life,
10:10 you're like, "No Lord, I want to have a little bit more control
10:12 of this area of this life... "
10:14 and here, Jim Elliot, who died as a missionary
10:16 to South America says,
10:18 "Lord, let me loose my grasp on these things. "
10:22 Now, this is not to say that God is calling us to go out there
10:25 right now to sell everything that we have,
10:27 but what it is saying is to hold on to entities
10:31 whether they be physical or... or things in our own lives
10:34 hold on to them loosely...
10:37 so that if God ever calls us to surrender...
10:40 specially our possessions...
10:41 we can say, "Lord, whatever it is you want me to do,
10:45 I will do... "
10:46 and this is a prayer that we can pray.
10:48 Clifford Goldstein in his book, "Bestseller"
10:52 describes how his dream was to be a novelist.
10:56 He went to a Kibbutz in Israel
11:00 and dedicated his life to writing this novel
11:03 and this is what he said,
11:04 "One night, the Lord came to me and just said to me,
11:07 'You've been playing with Me long enough,
11:10 if you want Me tonight, burn the novel... '
11:12 and in that instant the Lord showed me
11:15 that the novel was my God
11:16 and nothing else in the world meant more to me than that book.
11:20 That book was everything to me
11:22 but then, it's fascinating
11:25 because I had this back and forth
11:27 and then finally at one point, I surrendered...
11:30 I said, 'Okay God, I want You,
11:33 I want truth more than I want this novel... '
11:36 and once I made that choice...
11:38 I made that surrender...
11:40 all the turmoil and all the struggle...
11:43 everything lifted.
11:45 I've never been sorry.
11:46 My life radically, radically changed
11:49 and that night I became a born again believer. "
11:55 Here Clifford Goldstein is...
11:57 he's struggling because he's holding on to this novel,
12:00 this novel was his life
12:01 and he said, "Lord, I want You more than I want this novel. "
12:06 There are times in our Christian experience
12:09 when we can come to God and kind of be fakey...
12:11 we say, "Lord, everything is fine, I'm not struggling... "
12:14 but the authentic communication that we can have with God
12:18 through prayer is saying, "Lord, I love this thing,
12:20 help me to hate it. "
12:22 You see, surrender is not something
12:25 that we have to fabricate,
12:26 surrender is not something that we have to
12:29 just get from our own bootstraps
12:31 or pull ourselves by our own bootstraps
12:33 and say, "Lord, I'm going to surrender to you
12:35 and just grit it out. "
12:36 No, the reality is that even surrender
12:39 is a God-given gift.
12:41 You can say, "Lord, help me to be willing to be made willing,
12:45 change my heart because I can't change myself.
12:48 I'm holding on to this idol in my life
12:51 help me to let go. "
12:54 Won't you surrender to Jesus today?
12:56 Won't you say to Him, "Lord, help me to be willing
13:00 to be made willing. "
13:02 Won't you say, "Lord, I love this thing...
13:04 change my desires...
13:06 help me to desire. "
13:08 God is willing and able to change your heart.
13:12 He's not asking you to fabricate surrender,
13:15 He's asking you to come to Him
13:17 just the way that you are
13:19 and ask Him for the gift of surrender.
13:22 Won't you surrender to Him today?
13:24 Join us again next time as we study
13:27 the sanctuary, salvation and our Savior.


Revised 2019-10-08