3ABN Sabbath School Panel

From Contamination to Purification

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP200009S

00:01 The Bible tells us,
00:02 "In the beginning was the Word,
00:04 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:08 It says, "To receive with meekness
00:10 the implanted Word,"
00:12 which is able to save your souls.
00:14 And to be diligent to present yourself
00:16 approved to God,
00:18 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:21 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is the Book of Daniel.
00:31 Hello, my name is Shelley Quinn,
00:34 and we welcome you to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:37 We are so glad you're taking timeout
00:40 to study with us.
00:41 We enjoy studying with each other
00:44 and we enjoy sharing this with you.
00:46 Our study today,
00:47 as we continue in lesson 9 as today
00:51 from the Book of Daniel,
00:53 from contamination to purification.
00:57 Now, if you don't have a quarterly,
01:00 we want to tell you
01:01 how you can obtain your own copy.
01:03 Just go to ABSG.Adventist.org,
01:09 and you can download a copy or better yet,
01:12 go to your local Seventh-day Adventist Church,
01:14 they'll give you a copy.
01:16 And I'm sure that they would love
01:17 to have you sit with them and study further together.
01:22 Let me introduce my brothers and sisters
01:25 sitting on this panel,
01:27 who we have so much fun as we work together
01:30 to do this,
01:31 but first I have Brother Kenny Shelton to my left.
01:35 It's good to be here. Praise the Lord.
01:36 Love to study the Word.
01:38 We know you do and you get good fired up.
01:42 We like that about you.
01:43 And then Sister Jill Morikone.
01:46 Privilege to be here and open up God's Word.
01:48 Well God has given you a gift of teaching, Jill.
01:51 It's really precious.
01:53 Then we have Pastor Ryan Day with us.
01:56 Oh, I'm always excited to be here.
01:58 And you know what?
01:59 Last study,
02:01 did I not give everybody the right assignments,
02:03 I think this study as well.
02:05 You're doing well.
02:06 And then Pastor John Lomacang, my pastor.
02:09 Praise the Lord.
02:10 We're looking at a prophecy that really helps us
02:13 see where we are, in the time table of eternity.
02:16 Amen and amen.
02:18 Well, let's open with prayer.
02:19 Jill, would you like to have our prayer?
02:20 Sure.
02:22 Holy Father, we come before You in the name of Jesus,
02:24 praising You for this study
02:25 in this time we have together to open up Your Word.
02:29 We thank You that Your Word is anointed,
02:31 but right now would You anoint our minds and our hearts
02:34 to receive what You have for us,
02:36 in Jesus' name, men.
02:38 Woo, amen.
02:40 Okay, our memory text for today is Daniel 8:14.
02:44 And if you've been in the Adventist Church.
02:48 very long, you'll know this one.
02:50 "He said to me, "For 2,300 days,
02:54 then the sanctuary shall be cleansed."
02:58 The vision that was given to Daniel in Chapter 8
03:03 was given somewhere around 548 or 547 BC.
03:09 And Daniel 8 parallels the presentation
03:13 of the nations, the kingdoms
03:16 as Daniel 2 and Daniel 7.
03:19 So in 2 and 7 we see
03:22 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and...
03:26 Rome. Rome.
03:27 Thank you, my mind just went blank.
03:29 That's okay. That's an interesting one.
03:31 But what we see in Daniel 8
03:34 is that it begins with Medo-Persia
03:38 rather than Babylon
03:39 because Babylon was already in decline.
03:43 So, when we look at Daniel 7,
03:46 we see a judgment in heaven
03:49 and then the second coming.
03:51 When we look at Daniel 8,
03:53 we see the cleansing of the sanctuary
03:56 and the second coming.
03:58 Both occur after the 1260 year period of persecution
04:03 that was perpetrated by the little horn power
04:05 from 538 to 1798 BC.
04:11 Chapter 8 divides into two major sections.
04:15 Verses 1-14 is the vision,
04:19 and verses 15-27 is the interpretation
04:23 and it orbits around three main characters,
04:28 a ram, a goat, and a little horn.
04:32 The language changes
04:34 because we are now getting into sanctuary language,
04:39 let me just say it that.
04:41 Let's look at Sunday the ram and the goat,
04:44 because what we're gonna find
04:46 in Daniel Chapter 8 is
04:50 it is connected with heavenly Day of Atonement.
04:54 Daniel Chapter...
04:56 Or Sunday the ram and the goat.
05:00 As in Daniel 2 and 7, where Daniel 8 continues
05:04 with the rise and fall of the nations.
05:06 But the symbolism changes to that of the sanctuary.
05:11 There is an apocalyptic vision on this ram and this goat.
05:15 And it's interesting.
05:17 The ram and the goat were both used
05:20 as sacrifices in the temple services.
05:26 But the only time the ram and the goat
05:30 were mentioned together in the temple services
05:35 was on the Day of Atonement.
05:37 So what we're seeing here is this vision
05:41 has something to do with the sanctuary ritual
05:45 and the judgment of ancient Israel.
05:48 So let's look, we're gonna begin with verse 3
05:52 because this is a fast moving vision.
05:55 It's kind of like watching a sci-fi movie picture
05:59 and as the vision unfolds,
06:01 Daniel 8:3, he says,
06:03 "Then I lifted my eyes and saw,
06:05 and there, standing beside the river,
06:08 was a ram which had two horns,
06:10 and the two horns were high,
06:13 but one was higher than the other,
06:15 and the higher one came up last."
06:18 You know in verse 20 as we go on down,
06:22 the Angel Gabriel identifies this ram
06:26 as Medo-Persia.
06:28 Daniel 7, you remember that the bear
06:31 was raised up on one side,
06:33 the bear that had the three ribs in its mouth.
06:36 Well, here we're talking about the same power
06:38 and that's why one horn was higher than the other
06:42 because the Persians came along a little later,
06:45 but they were more powerful than Media was.
06:49 Verse 4, "I saw the ram pushing
06:51 westward, northward, and southward,
06:55 so that no animal could withstand him,
06:59 nor was there any that could deliver
07:02 from his hand,
07:03 but he did according to his will
07:05 and became great."
07:08 So this ram is who?
07:11 This ram is Greece.
07:13 This ram is...
07:14 Excuse me Medo-Persia.
07:16 Medo-Persia. That's right.
07:17 So, see,
07:18 Medo-Persia covered a lot more territory
07:21 than Babylon did.
07:23 They extended from India to Ethiopia,
07:26 and basically to the eastern and southern extremities
07:30 of the then known world.
07:33 So they had three major conquests,
07:35 their westward expansion
07:37 when Cyrus conquered Lydia,
07:40 the southward expansion,
07:42 Cambyses into Egypt in Nubia,
07:46 and the northward expansion of power was when Darius...
07:50 I'm so glad that y'all don't go
07:53 by my pronunciation of things.
07:55 Hystaspes, Darius Hystaspes.
07:58 Anyway, he came against the Scythians in 513.
08:02 But the point is that God who knows the future
08:06 predicted the rise of Medo-Persia,
08:10 and this symbolic ram seems to be indestructible,
08:15 nobody can stop him.
08:17 Until, God raises up a goat,
08:20 unlike anything anybody's ever seen before.
08:23 Daniel 8:5, "As I was considering,
08:28 suddenly a male goat came forward from the west,
08:32 across the surface of the whole earth,
08:34 without touching the ground,
08:37 and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes."
08:42 Now verse 21, we don't have to guess who this is.
08:45 The Angel Gabriel identifies this
08:47 as the Greek Empire
08:48 and it was under the command of Alexander the Great,
08:51 who was the horn,
08:53 the notable horn between the eyes.
08:55 But he came from the west so fast
08:58 that his feet didn't even touch the ground.
09:01 The whole earth felt his fury.
09:05 The swift conquest of Alexander.
09:09 We remember he was the winged leopard
09:12 in Daniel 7, right?
09:14 And God who knows the future
09:17 predicted the rise of Greece and Alexander the Great.
09:22 So verse 8, excuse me, Chapter 8 verse 7,
09:26 "I saw him confronting the ram,
09:27 he was moved with rage against him,
09:30 he attacked the ram, and broke his two horns.
09:33 There was no power in the ram to withstand him,
09:37 but he cast him down to the ground
09:40 and trampled him,
09:42 and there was no one that could deliver the ram
09:48 from his hand."
09:49 You know in verse 21,
09:50 the angel reveals that the goat is Alexander, the Greece,
09:55 the one with the great conspicuous horn
09:58 and Alexander and his armies when they came against Persia,
10:03 there was such savage fury
10:05 that they just decimated the Persian Empire.
10:09 Verse 8,
10:10 "Therefore the male goat grew very great,
10:14 but when he became strong,
10:16 the large horn was broken,
10:18 and in place of it four notable ones came up
10:22 toward the four winds of the earth."
10:25 The male goat grew great.
10:28 Greece became powerful overnight.
10:32 And even though Alexander's life was brief,
10:36 boy, I tell you what,
10:37 his influence in spreading the Greek culture
10:42 and it was so very strong.
10:44 It's still with us today, is it not?
10:47 So but at the pinnacle of his power, Alexander died.
10:51 He was just 33 years old.
10:54 And his kingdom was divided
10:57 between four notable ones, his four generals
11:01 which will come into or look at in just a moment.
11:04 And they continued in existence
11:06 until mighty Roman came into place.
11:09 So the point is, now Daniel's bewildered
11:13 and God is gonna send Gabriel with an interpretation
11:16 so I love how God delights at revealing Himself
11:23 and His plans to His people.
11:25 What a gift scripture is to us.
11:27 Daniel 8:15,
11:29 "Then it happened,
11:31 when I, Daniel, had seen the vision
11:32 and was seeking the meaning,
11:34 that suddenly there stood before me
11:36 one having the appearance of a man.
11:40 And I heard a man's voice between the banks of the Ulai,
11:42 who called, and said,
11:44 'Gabriel, make this man understand the vision.'
11:47 So he came near where I stood,
11:49 and when he came I was afraid and I fell on my face,
11:53 and he said, 'Understand, son of man,
11:57 that the vision refers to the time of the end.'"
12:02 So this is important
12:04 and it's also important to remember
12:05 that understanding God's Word requires divine assistance,
12:09 does it not?
12:11 So verse 18, "As he was speaking with me,
12:13 I was in a deep sleep with my face to the ground,
12:15 but he touched me, and stood me upright.
12:17 And then he said, 'Look, I am making known
12:20 to you what shall happen
12:21 in the latter time of the indignation,
12:23 for at the appointed time the end shall be.
12:27 The ram which you saw, having the two horns,
12:30 they are the kings of Media and Persia.
12:32 The male goat is the kingdom of Greece.
12:35 The large horn that is
12:36 between its eyes is the first king.'"
12:40 That would be Alexander the Great.
12:42 "As for the broken horn
12:43 and the four that stood up in its place,
12:46 four kingdoms shall arise out of that nation,
12:49 but not with its power."
12:51 So his four generals, Cassander, Lysimachus,
12:55 Seleucus, and Ptolemy arose
12:57 but they were minor powers.
13:01 They never became a major power.
13:03 So they rose from that nation but without its power.
13:07 Here's the main point.
13:08 Daniel 2:38, Daniel 8:20-21,
13:13 God identifies three of the four empires.
13:18 And you know when you think about the detail, the accuracy,
13:22 Daniel's writing this hundreds of years in advance.
13:26 Wow, we can trust the prophetic word.
13:29 That's right. Absolutely.
13:31 Boy, It didn't give you confidence
13:32 like when we're reading scripture,
13:33 when we go over these things
13:35 and really even in our lesson study,
13:37 we are building one right on the other
13:40 with these studies
13:41 and some of it is kind of a repeat, you know,
13:46 it's good because I know I need to have things repeated
13:48 so that I can retain it.
13:49 So we're gonna be looking at Monday's lesson,
13:52 the rise of the little horn.
13:53 So anytime you say
13:55 rise of the little horn at front,
13:56 most generally people's ears perk up
13:58 and there's lot of who said what is that?
14:00 So we pray that through this study today
14:02 and through the studies that we've been giving here
14:04 that people will be tuning in
14:05 and I'm really excited about it.
14:07 And they want to know what truth is
14:09 and I guarantee you this.
14:10 If you want to know what truth is,
14:12 God will make sure you get that truth,
14:14 if you're praying.
14:15 If you don't want it, you're not gonna get it.
14:16 If you want it, you shall receive it.
14:18 That's right.
14:19 We're gonna read here in Daniel 8:8-12.
14:22 Now this is, I think very exciting
14:25 that what's going on right here and get it...
14:28 It can be controversial
14:29 even in the religious circle here,
14:31 but we wanna try to follow scripture
14:33 and try to read line upon line and preset upon preset.
14:36 Verse 8 Daniel 8.
14:38 It says, "Therefore the he goat waxed very great,
14:41 and when he was strong,
14:42 the great horn was broken,
14:45 for it came up four notable ones,"
14:47 which we've been hearing about,
14:48 "toward the four winds of heaven."
14:50 Now again that begins
14:52 to be controversial with some people
14:53 and some people studying the Word of God.
14:55 We want to look at that little closer.
14:56 "Out of one of them came forth a little horn
14:59 which waxed exceedingly great
15:00 toward the south, toward the east,
15:03 and toward the pleasant land.
15:05 And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven,
15:08 and it cast down some of the host
15:10 of the stars of the ground,
15:11 and stamped upon them."
15:13 11, "Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host,
15:18 and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away,
15:22 and the place of the sanctuary was cast down."
15:25 Last verse, number 12, "And a host was given to him
15:28 against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression,
15:31 it cast down the truth to the ground,
15:34 and it practiced, and prospered."
15:39 All the sudden, we have issues here
15:40 where the truth is thrown down to the ground
15:44 just like the enemy would have it
15:46 and then it's covered up.
15:47 That's right.
15:48 So it sounds to me like this power here,
15:50 this coming up and all the powers
15:52 we've been talking about here plays a part in that
15:55 of hiding the truth of God's Word,
15:57 and the little horn especially is then all of this can do
16:00 is we see it rises to power
16:02 to hide the truths of God's Word
16:04 and then god's last day people
16:06 has a obligation by the grace of God
16:09 to uncover these truths
16:12 because they're cast down and covered up.
16:13 So we're looking at Daniel 8:8-12,
16:16 the vision, now in Chapter 8,
16:18 this is been said several times.
16:19 Chapter 8 parallels those of what?
16:22 Daniel 2 and Daniel 7.
16:25 Both of them tell us
16:26 that's about this next power that is to come.
16:30 After, notice this, after Greece is Rome,
16:33 we know that,
16:34 the Bible says in Daniel 2:14 and 7, verse 7.
16:37 The horn power of Daniel Chapeter 8
16:40 also we realize applies to whom?
16:42 To Rome, there's no doubt about it.
16:44 Why?
16:46 Because Rome fulfills various specifications.
16:50 So that's kind of what we look for
16:52 is when we study this.
16:53 If the powers talked about,
16:54 it has to fulfill certain specifications
16:56 that the Bible has laid out.
16:58 So that we know we have the right power.
16:59 That's right.
17:01 And God does that so beautifully.
17:02 We know that when Alexander died,
17:04 it was mentioned here
17:05 his kingdom was divided into, you mentioned.
17:07 Four. Four different kingdoms.
17:09 But may be a debate might come in
17:11 on Daniel 8:9, it says,
17:13 "Out of one of them came forth a little horn."
17:19 Now, did this little horn come out
17:21 from one of the four horns
17:23 or the four generals as it was broken down to,
17:26 represented by those four generals of Alexander
17:30 or of the four winds of heaven.
17:33 So it's something we have to look at
17:34 because it makes a...
17:35 I think it makes a difference of how we get truth
17:37 and what truth is here, you know.
17:39 Again, many people take this first thought
17:42 and they'll say, oh, well it was
17:44 the little horn came out of the four generals.
17:46 With that you get a whole different interpretation.
17:48 Okay.
17:49 But again, so let's look at it little closer.
17:51 Since the little horn power
17:52 came up after the reign of Alexander,
17:55 I think here's a point that came up what?
17:57 After the reign of Alexander and his four generals
18:01 and them refers to the winds,
18:04 it makes sense that the little horn power
18:07 came up from one of the four points
18:11 of the compass.
18:12 That makes more sense because they come up
18:14 after the other ones you notice that.
18:17 Now that accomplish the power, it represents Rome.
18:21 It represents Rome in two phases
18:23 as we well know, pagan and then papal.
18:26 We understand that.
18:28 Now what did Daniel see?
18:29 Daniel saw an awful lot.
18:31 But what did he really see here?
18:33 Saw at first he saw pagan Rome,
18:35 and he begin to identify
18:37 fighting against once again, as usual against God's people.
18:41 You know, if God's people, I feel like, you know,
18:43 I wanna say it in the right way,
18:44 we need to fight back.
18:46 We need to fight back
18:47 and we know we do it on our knees,
18:49 but also it's more than our knee,
18:50 we fight back through articles
18:52 and through programs like this and 3ABN,
18:54 and going out and speaking in different place.
18:56 You fight with the Word of God and you present it
18:58 because the enemies going to,
18:59 he's gonna out fight you, you see
19:02 and this is showing here all the things of the world
19:04 that took place and all things going.
19:05 The enemy has his hand in all of these things directing,
19:09 but praise God,
19:10 God's over it and He's letting it play out
19:12 the way He says it's going to happen.
19:14 But still yet there's fight and I believe this
19:16 that we as God's people need some fight!
19:19 Amen.
19:20 You know, we need to fight. Why?
19:22 Because listen, Pastor,
19:23 we've seen pastors and ladies and gentlemen,
19:25 whoever's listening, anybody listening
19:27 is that we're heading in this time
19:30 that we realize that we see
19:31 these events taking place
19:33 that you've been talking about here so beautifully.
19:36 And this is the time that we need not lay back.
19:39 This is time that we need to step out in faith,
19:42 and we need to move forward in a way
19:45 that maybe we've never done before
19:46 because what's going to happen.
19:48 You said, well, I've been given the three angels message
19:49 and so on and so forth.
19:51 But you think about the third angel's message
19:53 is not been given like the third angel's message
19:55 will be given with great power
19:57 when that fourth angel comes down,
19:59 or the latter rainfalls that third angel
20:02 is going to have such power,
20:03 that people are gonna hear the Word
20:04 for the very first time
20:06 and they're gonna join our ranks.
20:07 Praise the Lord. That's right.
20:08 They're not gonna join if they don't hear it.
20:10 They're not gonna join if they are not challenged.
20:12 I hear a lot times people say, well, you just challenge,
20:14 challenge, challenge, yes.
20:15 That's right.
20:16 Yes, challenge them with the Word of God,
20:18 I think it's a right thing to do
20:19 And then the people will be turned off by it.
20:21 That's my...
20:22 What's inside of me is
20:24 because that's the way that I am.
20:25 And someone does something
20:27 where it needs to be a point where it gets my attention.
20:29 And this message certainly gets my attention
20:31 when we talk about beasts and animals
20:33 and powers coming up
20:34 and then history verifies everyone of these moves
20:37 and identifies the players even in by their name.
20:41 How can you beat that? You really can't.
20:43 I mean you look at it.
20:45 This power though is fighting against the true church.
20:48 And I refuse by the grace of God.
20:50 I know I can't do it on my own
20:51 but by the grace of God, I refused to lay down
20:54 and to take a beating as it were.
20:56 When somebody's coming across
20:57 with false doctrine and teachings,
20:59 God has given us truth in His Word
21:01 and we need to come back with this truth right now.
21:04 Not be babying and coddling, pacifiering somebody
21:08 as it were, give him a pacifier and keep him quiet,
21:10 or just give them the truth of God's Word.
21:13 Agitate, agitate, agitate.
21:17 And that's in a good way, isn't that right?
21:19 You know what,
21:20 if you take that wrong, please don't.
21:22 I agitate or you won't agitate because I love you,
21:25 because I care where you spend eternity,
21:27 I care where I spend eternity.
21:29 I'm thankful, there's been people
21:30 who's cared enough about me in my life,
21:33 that's agitated me sometime on some things.
21:35 I'm glad that they did
21:37 because it's brought me
21:38 into different relationship with Christ
21:40 and I'm thankful for that.
21:42 Where was I at?
21:46 It's all good, praise God.
21:47 That's right, Brother.
21:48 Just a few words from Daniel 8:11.
21:51 I may get back on the other.
21:53 We're gonna talk about the daily sacrifice,
21:54 but again, we hesitate talk about few things
21:56 because others down the road is gonna be talking,
21:58 going into more depth
21:59 because of the time frame that we have right here.
22:02 Remember the daily sacrifice
22:04 translation to King James Versions
22:06 that the sacrifice
22:07 that's supplied isn't it the daily.
22:09 So I'm ready to sacrifice a supply.
22:11 So we look into word daily,
22:12 there's those who are looking at how it's paganism,
22:14 we're looking at it
22:16 because the sanctuary has been attacked.
22:18 So we're looking at this word in the last days
22:20 is it the truth of God's Word,
22:22 the things that we hold so dear
22:24 that this denomination,
22:26 this faith is going to be weighed
22:27 in the balances of the sanctuary,
22:30 of the truth of the sanctuary
22:31 so therefore we've gotta get it out.
22:33 If you wanna know what truth is,
22:34 all my brothers and sisters, study the sanctuary.
22:37 This is what we're doing right now!
22:38 This truth just pop out to you
22:41 and God would have us to be doing that
22:42 in this day and this time.
22:44 I know somebody's gonna talk more about it
22:46 as we go down the line.
22:48 And so I don't want to do any more
22:50 other than to say that as we look at the hour
22:53 that we're living,
22:55 I say every time
22:56 I feel a burning desire in my heart.
22:59 It doesn't make me good, it doesn't make me better,
23:01 but I just feel the burning desire in my heart.
23:03 And impression keeps getting back, Kenny,
23:06 do what needs to be done now.
23:08 Time is so short, the time will come
23:10 when this works is gonna be so difficult
23:12 to be able to get this message out
23:14 and while you're dilly dallying around with other things
23:17 maybe good within themselves.
23:18 My people need to hear a warning.
23:21 And through I think these studies,
23:23 the prophecy being fulfilled,
23:24 you mentioned giving us encouragement in scripture
23:26 to saying these things have come to past.
23:28 Why not this last little bit, why not?
23:31 It will because God says it will
23:33 and I invite you to just grab into this and go with it
23:36 because my Lord and Savior's coming soon,
23:39 He's coming back after you and me.
23:40 Amen. Agitate, agitate, agitate.
23:43 It's just like the sand inside of the oyster
23:48 that agitation that creates the pearl.
23:50 And that's what he's talking about.
23:52 We're gonna take a very quick break.
23:54 We'll be right back. Amen.
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24:32 Now we will continue in our study of Daniel 8
24:34 and Jill Morikone has Tuesday's lesson,
24:36 "The Attack on the Sanctuary."
24:39 Thank you so much, Shelley, and Pastor Kenny.
24:41 What an incredible study Daniel Chapter 8
24:45 and sometimes you might read this
24:47 and you might say,
24:48 I'm not even sure how to understand this.
24:51 But God's Word interprets itself.
24:54 Amen.
24:56 And as we study
24:57 and His Holy Spirit is poured out,
24:59 you can see the truth contained in this
25:02 and there's precious truth in Daniel 8
25:04 regarding his Holy sanctuary.
25:06 I like where Shelley said Daniel 7
25:08 dealing with the judgment and Daniel 8
25:11 specifically with the sanctuary.
25:14 So I have the attack on the sanctuary,
25:15 the same verses
25:17 that Pastor Kenny just talked about.
25:18 Daniel 8:10-12.
25:22 But, specifically the lesson says,
25:24 what kind of activity is the little horn
25:26 depicted as doing here?
25:28 And I would submit to you
25:30 that there are five attacks in these verses.
25:35 I'm gonna list the attacks
25:36 and then we're gonna unpack each one.
25:37 The first attack is the attack against God.
25:40 We see that in the vertical grows
25:42 as it were of this little horn power.
25:44 We'll talk about that in a moment.
25:46 Second attack is the attack
25:48 against Christians or God's people,
25:52 the saints of the Most High.
25:54 We see that in the attack
25:55 against the heaven and the stars
25:56 who were cast down.
25:58 The third attack is the attack
25:59 against Christ's power, authority and position.
26:04 We see that with the little horn trying
26:06 to exalt himself up to the Prince himself,
26:10 who's none other than the Lord Jesus Christ,
26:12 we'll study that.
26:13 Attack number four,
26:14 attack against the high priestly ministry of Jesus.
26:19 That is contained in the daily
26:21 and we will discuss that in a moment.
26:22 And I know Ryan will probably talk about that some more.
26:25 That is where the earthly intersession
26:27 of this little horn,
26:29 the earthly intersession that the priest did
26:33 during this power
26:34 that the little horn power reigned
26:36 during the papal system,
26:38 that they tried to take the place
26:41 as it were of Christ heavenly intersession,
26:44 in the heavenly sanctuary.
26:46 Then attack number five is the attack
26:48 against the Word of God.
26:51 And we're gonna see all five of those attacks
26:53 just in this couple of verses.
26:55 So let's look at the first attack,
26:56 the attack against God.
26:58 Daniel 8:10, the first part of the verse,
27:00 "And it, that being a little horn,
27:03 grew up to the host of heaven."
27:06 Now we see in the previous verse, verse 9,
27:09 this is more of the pagan form of Rome.
27:12 In verse 9
27:14 where the little horn goes horizontal.
27:16 It goes to the south and to the east,
27:18 and towards the glorious land.
27:20 You could almost divide it sort of
27:21 and say this is the horizontal growth
27:23 of the little horn, more the pagan phase.
27:25 But now when we see this direct attack against God,
27:30 the vertical growth as it were of this little horn power.
27:34 Now how does the little horn attack God?
27:37 We see independence from God,
27:40 you know, Babylon originated in the tower of Babel.
27:44 They had this motivation
27:45 to separate themselves from God,
27:48 and be independent as it were.
27:51 Genesis 11:4, "They said
27:53 let us build ourselves a city, and a tower
27:55 whose top is in the heavens,
27:56 let us make a name for ourselves,
27:58 lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the earth."
28:01 We see this attack against God with a little horn
28:04 speaking pompous words and blasphemy against God.
28:10 He speaks pompous words several times in Daniel 7,
28:14 we'll just read one Daniel 7:8,
28:16 "I was considering the horns,
28:17 there was another horn, the little one,
28:19 coming up among them.
28:20 And in this horn,
28:22 were eyes like the eyes of a man,
28:23 and a mouth speaking pompous words."
28:26 We know those are great words, arrogant words.
28:29 And in Revelation 13, the sea beast power,
28:32 the first part of Revelation 13
28:34 is this same power as the little horn power.
28:38 And we know, in Revelation 13:1,
28:42 "I stood on the sand of the sea,
28:44 and a beast rose up out of the sea,
28:46 having seven heads and ten horns,
28:48 on his horns ten crowns,
28:49 and on his head's a blasphemous name."
28:53 Verse 5, "He was given a mouth
28:54 speaking great things and blasphemies,
28:57 he was given authority to continue for 42 months."
28:59 That's a1260 prophecy from 538
29:03 we talked about this before to 1798.
29:06 And he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God,"
29:09 there it is, "to blaspheme his name,
29:11 his tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven."
29:14 So the first attack is the attack against God.
29:17 The second attack of the little horn
29:18 is the attack against Christians.
29:21 We see this, the saints of the Most High in verse 10.
29:25 "The little horn grew up to the host of heaven,
29:27 and it cast down some of the host
29:29 and some of the stars to the ground,
29:31 and trampled them."
29:34 Now who in the world are the host
29:36 and the stars of heaven?
29:37 Now sometimes in scripture,
29:39 it literally refers to heavenly bodies.
29:41 But in this case,
29:44 it refers to God's people,
29:48 who are cast down.
29:49 We see that in Daniel 8:24,
29:51 if you jump over just a couple of scriptures,
29:53 Daniel 8:24,
29:55 this is still talking about the little horn power,
29:56 "His power shall be mighty,
29:58 but not by his own power,
29:59 he shall destroy fearfully,
30:00 and shall prosper and thrive, he shall destroy,"
30:03 here comes, "the mighty, and also the holy people."
30:07 We also know this word for host in the original Hebrew.
30:12 Sometimes is translated
30:14 'cause we're back to Hebrew now in Daniel Chapter 8.
30:16 Sometimes host is translated host,
30:18 sometimes it's translated armies.
30:20 And in Exodus 12:41, it says,
30:23 "It came to pass at the end of the 430 years,
30:25 on that very same day, it came to pass
30:27 that all the armies of the Lord,"
30:30 there is that word, armies,
30:32 "went out from the land of Egypt."
30:34 Now that's the same word translated here as hosts,
30:38 referring in this case to God's people,
30:40 the children of Israel.
30:42 We know the stars,
30:44 there are several references in scripture
30:45 where stars refer to God's people.
30:48 Think of Abraham, Genesis 15:5,
30:51 "God brought him outside and said,
30:53 "Look towards the stars if you're able to number them,
30:55 they shall be as your descendants."
30:58 We know in Daniel 12:3,
31:00 "Those who are wise shall shine
31:02 like the brightness of the firmament,
31:03 and those who turn many to righteousness
31:05 like the stars forever and ever."
31:09 So this power tries to attack God's people
31:12 by throwing down as it were the host
31:16 and the stars and trampling on them.
31:18 This is the persecuting power
31:20 of the little horn power of the papacy.
31:23 Attack number three, attack against Christ power,
31:27 His authority and His position.
31:30 Verse 11,
31:31 "He, meaning the little horn the papal system,
31:34 exalted himself as high as the Prince of the host."
31:38 The little horn power exalted himself
31:40 against the Prince or the Commander
31:43 of the armies of heaven.
31:46 Now this Prince of the host is the very same being
31:48 we discussed last week in Daniel 7:13
31:52 where Daniel watched in the night visions
31:54 and the Son of man was coming.
31:56 This is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ.
32:00 That word in Hebrew saw is the same word used
32:04 when Joshua met another commander
32:07 of the armies of heaven that is in Joshua 5,
32:10 you can look it up later.
32:12 But Joshua encountered this man with a sword drawn
32:17 and Joshua went to him and said,
32:19 "Are you for us or you for our adversaries?"
32:22 And then in verse 14, he says,
32:24 "No, but as the commander
32:25 of the army of the Lord, I have come."
32:27 That word commander is the same word here
32:29 as used for Prince.
32:32 It's also the same word in Daniel 12:1,
32:34 "At that time Michael shall stand up,
32:36 the great prince who stands
32:38 watch over the sons of your people."
32:40 The very same word.
32:42 Who is exalting himself to be like the prince?
32:45 None other than the little horn power.
32:47 That reminds me of Isaiah 14
32:51 where Lucifer wanted to be like the Most High.
32:55 Lucifer wanted to exalt himself
32:58 even above or equal to God himself.
33:02 That's right.
33:04 The little horn power,
33:06 the Roman papal church system,
33:08 you can see is what's the word,
33:11 the power working behind that system
33:13 is none other than Satan himself
33:14 because he wants to exalt himself above Christ.
33:20 Moving very quickly, the attack against
33:22 the High Priestly ministry of Jesus.
33:25 Verse 11, "The little horn exalted himself
33:27 as high as the Prince of the host,"
33:29 that's Jesus Christ,
33:30 "and by him the daily sacrifices
33:32 were taken away,
33:33 and the place of the sanctuary was cast down."
33:37 Now as Pastor Kenny just mentioned,
33:38 sacrifice is not in the original Hebrew.
33:41 But the word daily is, meaning daily, continuity, regular.
33:46 The daily refers to the earthly sanctuary,
33:49 the sacrifices and the intersession
33:52 that took place there,
33:54 through those sacrifices in intersession,
33:56 in the earthly sanctuary, sinners were forgiven.
34:00 The little horn power exchanges the intersession of Christ
34:04 for the intersession of priest
34:06 by this counterfeit system of worship.
34:09 The little horn takes away Christ's intercessory ministry
34:14 and symbolically cast down the place
34:16 of Christ's sanctuary.
34:18 Only Christ can forgive sins,
34:20 only Christ can die for us,
34:22 only Christ is the mediator between us and God.
34:26 Only Christ allows us direct access to the Father
34:29 and only Christ in His word are to be obeyed.
34:32 So finally attack number five,
34:33 the attack against the Word of God.
34:36 "Because of transgression," Daniel 8:12,
34:39 "an army was given over to the horn
34:40 to oppose the daily sacrifices,
34:42 and he, the little horn,
34:44 cast the truth down to the ground."
34:47 John 14:6, Jesus said,
34:49 "I am the way, the truth, and the life."
34:53 The little horn power
34:54 prohibited the translation of the Bible
34:56 and to the language of the people
34:57 and place the interpretation of the Bible
34:59 under the authority of the church.
35:02 Wow. Thank you so much Jill.
35:03 That was powerful and has helped me tremendously
35:06 in setting up what it is.
35:07 I'm talking about on Wednesday's lesson
35:09 which is the "Cleansing of the Sanctuary."
35:11 And I just wanna just briefly as I'm setting this up
35:14 just refer to the structure of Daniel Chapter 8
35:16 in the sense that we talked about this repeat
35:19 and enlarge method that God uses
35:21 to communicate the prophetic message.
35:24 And so, I just wanna mention
35:26 if we consider this passage in this chapter,
35:29 verses 1-10 is really nothing new
35:32 in the sense that God is simply expounding
35:35 or He's giving a little more information
35:38 of something that He's already given,
35:41 just with a little more historical detail.
35:43 But by the time you get to verse 11, 12, 13 and 14,
35:48 now we have some new information
35:50 about this little horn.
35:52 In other words what the Lord is doing,
35:53 He's saying, remember that little horn
35:55 from Daniel Chapter 7
35:56 just in case you didn't get the identity
35:58 right the first time,
36:00 let me give you a little bit more information
36:01 so that you can know clearly
36:02 who it is that I'm talking about.
36:04 And so I have Wednesday's lesson.
36:07 My verse that I'd been given is verse 14,
36:09 but I actually wanna backup and read verse 13
36:12 because verse 13 helps us set up verse 14.
36:14 And so, so far it is amazing what's happened
36:16 because Daniel's seeing all this very vividly
36:18 in his mind,
36:20 about the time he gets to verse 13, something happens.
36:23 I don't know about you guys, I grew up with a VCR,
36:26 you guys remember what those are?
36:28 A VCR back in the days when there was no DVD's.
36:31 I'm still a young guy
36:32 but I used a VCR most of my life.
36:34 We didn't have DVD players.
36:35 And so I remember when I used to hook that VCR
36:37 up to my computer,
36:39 it had three cords, it had a red,
36:40 it had a white and it had a yellow, okay.
36:43 And the yellow cord represented video
36:45 and the white cord, of course, audio
36:47 and so what we have here interestingly
36:49 is God pulls the plug on the yellow cord,
36:52 by the time you get to verse 13.
36:53 So Daniel's vividly seeing all this in his mind,
36:56 but then the video cuts out and all you hear is the audio.
36:59 So Daniel is just hearing what is happening
37:02 at verse 13 and14.
37:04 And so notice what it says here.
37:05 It says, "Then I heard a holy one speaking,
37:08 and another holy one said to that certain one
37:10 who was speaking,
37:11 'How long will the vision be, concerning the daily.'"
37:14 And I just wanna pause there that sacrifice,
37:16 you mention the word sacrifice as it is not there,
37:19 and I believe the reason why that the case it is there
37:21 even though it was added,
37:23 it's not in the original, is you know,
37:24 many of the translators of the Bible
37:26 had a preterist view of Bible prophecy
37:29 and they believed
37:30 that this Antichrist little horn power
37:31 was Antiochus Epiphanes who basically done away
37:35 with the sacrifices in the Jewish temple
37:36 for three and a half years.
37:38 So that's why that word was added there.
37:39 So I'm gonna read this without ado, it says,
37:41 "Concerning the daily
37:43 and the transgression of desolation,
37:45 and giving the both the sanctuary
37:47 and the host to be trampled underfoot?"
37:49 So they're putting the spotlight on,
37:51 look at what this little horn is doing.
37:53 Its casting truth to the ground,
37:55 its trashing God's sanctuary truth,
37:58 how long does this gonna continue
38:00 before it comes to an end?
38:02 And then verse 14,
38:03 "And he said to me, "For 2,300 days,
38:06 then the sanctuary shall be cleansed."
38:10 And I'm not gonna go specifically
38:11 into the time frame of this,
38:13 just you gotta think that's probably
38:14 what Pastor Lomacang's gonna get into.
38:16 But what I wanna do is
38:18 identify what is this cleansing of the sanctuary?
38:20 What does that mean to us
38:22 when we're talking about the cleansing of the sanctuary?
38:24 Well first of all, I just wanna mention,
38:26 we know we're not talking about the earthly sanctuary,
38:29 because this is dealing with the time
38:30 of the little horn power
38:32 that's Roman papal church state power
38:34 which through the Dark Ages was one by one by one,
38:37 when it says casting down the daily,
38:40 and that's another thing.
38:41 To understand what the cleansing
38:42 of the sanctuary is,
38:44 you gotta know what the daily is?
38:45 If you don't have a proper understanding
38:47 of the daily,
38:48 then you're not gonna have a proper understanding
38:49 of what the cleansing of the sanctuary is.
38:51 And of course as beautifully done by Jill,
38:52 the daily, of course,
38:53 represents that of the ministry of Jesus Christ
38:56 on a daily basis in our lives
38:59 from the perspective of the courtyard
39:01 and the holy place
39:03 which is where the priesthood
39:04 done the daily ministering work
39:06 from day to day for 360 days out of the Jewish year.
39:10 And so, to be very, very clear on this,
39:12 the daily represents today as Christ is our mediator
39:16 in the heavenly sanctuary.
39:18 All that work that would've been done
39:19 in the courtyard
39:21 and in the holy place of the heavenly sanctuary,
39:23 Christ is carrying that out in our lives on a daily basis.
39:26 The devil can't have that
39:28 because if he's allowing the work of God
39:31 to be done in your life on a daily basis,
39:33 well then you're gonna end up having a cleansing
39:36 of the sanctuary experience.
39:37 You're gonna end up in the most holy place,
39:39 he can't have that.
39:40 That's why he has this little horn,
39:41 casting truth to the ground,
39:43 trashing God's sanctuary message
39:45 so that by the time you get
39:48 to verse 13 and 14, the question is,
39:50 how long this is gonna go on until it's put back together,
39:52 until it's cleansed and to be able to cleanse,
39:55 that which has been contaminated.
39:56 And so the daily, of course,
39:58 was the daily work in the holy place
40:00 and of course, the courtyard of the earthly sanctuary.
40:05 So what is the cleansing of the sanctuary then?
40:07 Well, of course, this is again sanctuary terminology
40:10 referring to the one day out of the Jewish year
40:13 and which was considered the holiest day of all.
40:16 We're talking about the Day of Atonement,
40:18 Yom Kippur in which all of the Jews would sit
40:23 and sat clocking ashes
40:24 and they would pray towards the sanctuary,
40:26 they would fast,
40:28 they would afflict their souls
40:30 before the Lord and pleading for God
40:32 to forgive their sins
40:34 that had been taken into the sanctuary
40:37 all the rest of that year.
40:39 So let's consider the sanctuary for a moment.
40:41 You have the courtyard, and you have the holy place.
40:44 Oh, how this would work is the sinner would come
40:46 and they would bring their sacrifice.
40:48 They would place their hands upon the head,
40:49 we're gonna use a lamb for example,
40:52 the hands upon the head of that lamb,
40:53 they would confess their sins to the head of that lamb,
40:56 when the lamb signifying that the record of sin
40:58 has passed from the sinner to now the lamb.
41:01 And who does that lamb represent?
41:03 Jesus Christ.
41:04 And so Jesus takes upon the sin of the world as the Bible says,
41:07 but Jesus was sacrificed just as they would take a knife
41:11 and they would take the life of that innocent little lamb.
41:13 The blood was shed.
41:14 So now, the record is transferred
41:16 from the sinner, to the lamb, now to the blood,
41:19 because the life of that animal is in the blood.
41:21 And the life of Christ,
41:23 the life that we have through Christ
41:24 is because of His shed blood.
41:26 And so now that blood is gonna be taken
41:28 into pass the holy place on the Day of Atonement
41:33 into the most holy place,
41:36 and of course throughout the year,
41:38 during this daily,
41:39 the record of sin is building up.
41:42 That holy place was a bloody scene
41:43 and when you can't get to that veil,
41:45 right where the altar of incense is,
41:47 you would just see a bloody scene there
41:49 because they would come in 359 days out of the year
41:52 and they're touching that blood
41:53 to the four corners of the altar of incense,
41:55 they're casting it before the veil,
41:57 and so there has to be a cleansing process,
41:59 the record of sin coming in,
42:01 coming in, coming in to that sanctuary
42:04 359 days out of the year
42:06 by the time you get to that most holy day,
42:08 the Day of Atonement.
42:09 Now God is gonna deal with the record of that sin.
42:12 If you have been humble enough
42:13 to bring your sins into the sanctuary.
42:15 Now on the Day of Atonement,
42:17 there's gonna be a cleansing of that sanctuary
42:19 where only the high priest is gonna walk in
42:22 and he's going to take some blood
42:24 from a sacrificed animal and he's gonna put it
42:26 upon the mercy seat of the Most Holy Place.
42:30 It was only done once a year,
42:32 it was only done by the high priest,
42:34 signifying that all the record of sin throughout the year
42:37 that had been brought in is now taken before God.
42:41 Only God can deal with sin. You and I can't deal with sin.
42:44 Even though those priests,
42:45 while they were intercessory figures,
42:47 they couldn't deal with sin.
42:48 Only God can deal with the record of sin.
42:51 And so here we are until 2,300 days,
42:55 then the sanctuary shall be cleansed.
42:57 And I can't emphasize that enough, until, in fact,
43:00 the better translation for that to be honest with you
43:04 would actually be...
43:07 I have made a note here.
43:08 I was doing some research on this,
43:09 it actually should be until when shall the vision be
43:12 'cause that's what the question should've been.
43:14 Until when shall the vision be?
43:16 The difference between these two translations
43:18 is the subtle importance of the until.
43:21 The proper emphasis is on when the vision ends,
43:24 not on how long it lasts.
43:25 And a lot of people do that.
43:27 They wanna place the emphasis on, ooh, 2,300 years,
43:30 look at all that time.
43:31 The emphasis is on the then and so otherwise,
43:34 if it's translated correctly, it's gonna say until 2300 days,
43:37 then, shall the sanctuary be cleansed.
43:41 And so what is being communicated here
43:42 in this particular verse of Daniel 8:14
43:45 is God is saying, just as on the Day of Judgment,
43:48 just as at Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement,
43:51 God is saying, look, in correspondence
43:53 with what we're seeing in Daniel 7,
43:55 Christ coming into the Most Holy Place
43:58 before the Ancient of Days,
44:00 we see those saints crying out of the altar in Revelation
44:02 that you mentioned in the previous lesson.
44:05 They're crying out, "Lord, how long
44:06 are you gonna avenge?"
44:08 They're pleading for judgment, they're pleading for justice.
44:12 And so what we see here is the same question.
44:14 How long is this mess gonna go on?
44:16 How long is this little horn gonna be able
44:18 to continue trashing the truth to the ground
44:21 and defiling God's sanctuary message.
44:23 And so God answers and said,
44:24 "Look, you know, it's gonna go on for a time."
44:26 This papal power,
44:27 they're gonna distort the message for the time,
44:30 but little bit by little bit,
44:32 it's gonna be brought back together
44:33 so that by the time you get to the end,
44:36 then the sanctuary shall be cleansed
44:38 at the end of these 2300 not days,
44:42 but years as we apply that year-day principle.
44:44 And so, you know what?
44:45 We're living in this holy judgment
44:47 time period right now,
44:48 and I know pastor is going to expound on the time frame
44:51 and the significance of this as...
44:53 I'm gonna go ahead and pass it onto you, Brother,
44:54 for you to take us to the Promised Land.
44:56 Thank you, thank you.
44:57 I mean you all have done a tremendous job
45:00 and I have just a couple of passages,
45:01 just Daniel 8:13 and 14
45:04 which I'll go ahead and read and you're hearing,
45:06 because the writer of this lesson
45:08 asks the question.
45:09 What is the question asked here
45:11 and how does it help us to understand the answer
45:14 in the next verse.
45:16 He starts in verse 13,
45:18 and then the answer is given in verse 14.
45:20 I'll read that for you.
45:22 Daniel 8:13, "Then I heard a holy one speaking;
45:26 and another holy one said
45:27 to that certain one who was speaking,
45:30 "How long will the vision be,"
45:32 here's the three part breakdown,
45:34 "concerning the daily sacrifices,
45:36 which was covered already by both of you wonderfully,
45:39 "the transgression of desolation,
45:42 the giving of both the sanctuary
45:44 and the host to be trampled underfoot?"
45:46 Let me go ahead and make a point that Ryan,
45:48 I'm gonna just segue of where you pointed out
45:50 just to make the point very abundantly clear.
45:52 The cleansing wasn't happening for 2,300 days,
45:55 the cleansing happened on the 2300th day.
45:58 That's right. That was the key.
46:00 So it doesn't really matter how long an event occurs, Jill,
46:04 I think in one of our prior lessons
46:05 she pointed out,
46:07 when the saint says how long O Lord holy and true do you.
46:09 Will it's gonna be till you avenge our blood?
46:12 Well, avenging is not taking period,
46:15 not taking place all that time,
46:17 the duration of how long it's gonna take
46:18 is not the matter but that is going to happen.
46:21 Another inference is,
46:23 when will Jesus come is not the point,
46:25 the fact is He will come.
46:27 That's right.
46:28 And so many of us have become discouraged
46:29 because we have locked ourselves in on the when
46:33 rather than that He will.
46:35 So don't get caught up in,
46:37 and that's why scoffers will come
46:39 in the last day saying where is His promise?
46:41 That's right.
46:42 The whole inferences they put
46:44 is on how long is it going to take?
46:47 The fact of the matter is it's going to happen.
46:49 He that shall come, will come and will not tarry.
46:52 On that note, I wanna just go to the very important point
46:56 in Daniel 8:14, it says,
46:58 "And he said, "For, 2,300 days, then,"
47:03 don't they miss the word then,
47:05 "the sanctuary will be cleansed."
47:07 Not the cleansed, the sanctuary is being cleansed for 2,300.
47:11 But then, the sanctuary will be cleansed.
47:15 So here we have to establish something
47:17 that was talked about periodically,
47:19 but I wanna give a little bit a more amplification
47:21 to the day-year principle,
47:24 because the day-year principle
47:25 and as I'm looking forward to the lesson studies we have,
47:28 you know, we prepared ourselves
47:30 and we're looking forward to it.
47:31 But we're gonna get to the lesson later on,
47:33 that's gonna break down the intervals
47:36 of the 2,300 year period
47:38 in which I have the blessing
47:40 to be able to cover that too, praise God.
47:41 But right now,
47:43 I just want to establish the day-year principle
47:44 because the importance of this is prophecy,
47:49 the certainty of the prophecy is the accuracy of its timing.
47:53 That's good.
47:55 The certainty of the prophecy is the accuracy of its timing.
47:58 You find in Galatians 4:4,
48:01 one of the reasons why we know that Jesus is the Messiah
48:03 the Bible says,
48:05 "But when the fullness of the time had come,
48:07 God sent forth His Son, born of a woman,
48:10 born under the law."
48:12 So many people,
48:13 throughout their course of human history
48:16 in Old Testament times,
48:17 from the times the prophecy was given to Eve
48:20 that the seed would come.
48:23 Satan had attempted
48:24 to prevent the seed from coming.
48:26 All throughout human history, he tried to prevent that seed
48:30 because he knew that seed, the seed of Christ
48:33 was the only seed
48:34 that he had to be concerned about.
48:37 You notice, here's the point.
48:39 Abraham was a wonderful gentleman.
48:42 Job was one that, you know,
48:45 he tried his best to prevent all evil in his life.
48:48 Daniel was an upright man,
48:50 but none of their seeds mattered
48:52 when it came to redemption.
48:54 So through the whole line of David,
48:55 he tried to corrupt David to the point
48:57 where his family line,
48:59 he tried to prevent that with that awful encounter
49:02 with David and Bathsheba.
49:04 He talked about Rehab the Harlot
49:05 and when you look at the 42 generations
49:07 that existed.
49:09 Satan's number one aim was, "I've got to stop one seed."
49:13 But, when the fullness of time had come,
49:16 God sent forth His Son.
49:18 Amen.
49:19 Which means that nothing the devil can do to stop it.
49:22 I'm so excited right now, I'm talking like a New Yorker.
49:25 Nothing the devil can do
49:27 could stop that seed from showing up.
49:29 That's right.
49:30 When he got wind that the seed showed up he said,
49:33 find out where he was born,
49:36 liar so I could go worship Him.
49:39 He didn't wanna worship Christ,
49:40 he wanted to obliterate Him.
49:42 And when the wise men were given wisdom,
49:44 to go another way,
49:46 he said you know it's been too long,
49:47 let's kill everybody over the last two years.
49:49 Oh boy!
49:50 Every male child and he still couldn't stop Him.
49:53 Then he met Him in the garden to try to deceive Him.
49:56 If you are the Son of God, if you are,
50:00 let's work this out, you fall down and worship me,
50:02 I'll give you everything.
50:03 How do you give something to someone who owns everything?
50:06 That's right.
50:07 He tried to get Jesus to defeat him in the garden,
50:11 he tried to defeat Him in the court of temptation
50:14 and the court of trial.
50:15 And the only thing that Jesus said was,
50:18 you wanna know if I am He,
50:19 I am He and you'll see me again,
50:21 but you're gonna be on the wrong side of the coin.
50:23 He tried to defeat him at the cross, He said,
50:25 "You will not defeat Me,
50:26 you'll not defile the purity of My sacrifice."
50:29 He was concerned about that seed,
50:31 but I say once again,
50:33 the certainty of prophecy is the accuracy of its timing.
50:37 Habakkuk 2:3, notice what the Bible says,
50:41 "Write the vision and make it plain,"
50:44 That's what Daniel was told to do.
50:46 Make it plain on tablets that he may run who reads it,
50:50 for the vision is yet for an appointed time.
50:54 But, at the end it will speak,
50:57 and it will not lie,
50:59 "though it tarries, wait for it,
51:02 because it will surely come, it will not tarry."
51:05 So we can be sure when we get into the specifics
51:08 of the 2,300 day, we can be sure
51:11 that the vision is gonna be clear.
51:13 It's gonna be concise
51:14 and the one who prognosticated it,
51:16 the one who ordained it will make every interval of it
51:19 very accurate and very clear.
51:22 But let's look at the day-year principle
51:23 because there's a particular part of the day-year principle.
51:25 We often go to Numbers14:34 which the Bible says,
51:30 "According to the number of the days
51:32 in which you spied out the land, 40 days,
51:35 for each day you shall bear your guilt one year,
51:39 namely 40 years,
51:40 and you shall know My rejection."
51:43 A Day for a year principle, Numbers 14:34.
51:46 Then we often go to Ezekiel 4:6,
51:49 I have laid on you a day for each year."
51:52 That's the ending of verse 6.
51:55 But here's one that you may not have considered, Genesis 29:27,
52:00 "Fulfill her week," Laban said to Jacob.
52:04 "Fulfill her week
52:06 and we will give you this one also
52:09 for the service which you shall serve me
52:12 still another seven years a week."
52:15 Seven years.
52:17 He said, you need to work for me for one more week,
52:20 seven more years and he was so in love.
52:23 He worked another seven years.
52:26 Now then you find another one, Revelation 11:9,
52:31 "Then those from the peoples, tribes, tongues, and nations
52:34 will see their dead bodies
52:36 three and a half days, and not allow their dead bodies
52:39 to be put into the grave."
52:41 When you look at this prophecy of how the Word of God
52:44 seemed to have been killed,
52:46 it was a three and a half year period.
52:49 But when that period passed,
52:51 the Word of God grew and multiplied
52:54 into this very day,
52:55 the Word of God cannot be defeated.
52:57 So you find that Revelation 11:9, Genesis 29:27,
53:01 Ezekiel 4:5-6 and Numbers 14:34 are all partners,
53:06 not just a singular scripture
53:08 but there's a unity, there's a cohesion
53:10 showing us that you can be sure
53:12 that when prophecy speaks about a day,
53:14 it speaks about a year.
53:16 When we get 2,300 days, we get 2,300 years.
53:20 And when we go to the breakdown of the 2,300 year period,
53:24 you'll discover also at the end of Daniel 8,
53:26 there's no particular time frame given
53:28 to as to when this begins!
53:31 But Daniel 9 comes in and shows a larger picture,
53:35 and uses word.
53:37 Pay attention for this in the future lesson,
53:42 he uses the word 'Cutoff'.
53:44 When you cut something off,
53:45 that means it's the longer period.
53:47 That's why I'm not crazy about daylight savings time.
53:50 They do that to make us think we have more time.
53:53 Well one Indian proverb goes this way,
53:55 "They cut off the top of the blanket,
53:57 sews it to the bottom of the blanket
53:59 and says it's longer."
54:03 You get that on Tuesday.
54:06 The time frame that God gives us
54:08 is to establish the veracity of prophecy.
54:12 Ryan did a very good job and so did Jill
54:14 and all of our other panelists talking about
54:16 the Babylonian Empire coming to an end,
54:18 the Medo-Persian, the Grecian Empire,
54:20 all these empires were very significant
54:23 during the time of the development of the vision.
54:26 But Daniel knew that it was not for a 2,300 day period,
54:30 which was just about 6 years because the Lord said,
54:33 it's for the time of the end.
54:35 And he was told to seal up this vision
54:38 at the time of the end it will speak.
54:40 And in Revelation you'll find this later on,
54:42 there's a bitter sweet experience
54:44 that gives us the impetus
54:46 to unfold this very significant prophecy
54:49 helping us understand when the judgment will begin.
54:52 Amen, and amen.
54:54 I am just, you know,
54:56 I can't wait to watch this program over
54:58 just to hear it all again.
55:00 We have just a couple of minutes left.
55:02 Why don't you each take a few seconds
55:05 to have a closing thought?
55:07 It's something I found in the book called
55:08 the Mount of Blessing, page 119.
55:11 It said, "Could our spiritual vision be quickened
55:14 when needs to be.
55:15 The battle waging between the two armies
55:17 are as real as those fought by the armies of the world,
55:21 on the issues of the spiritual conflict,
55:24 eternal destinies are decided."
55:27 Wow, amen.
55:29 Daniel 8 really talks about the heavenly sanctuary
55:31 and I'm so thankful as it says in Hebrews 7
55:34 that Jesus has become the surety
55:36 of a better covenant.
55:38 Amen.
55:39 And He is able to save to the uttermost,
55:41 those who come to God through Him.
55:44 Because He always lives to make intersession for us.
55:48 Amen.
55:49 2,300 days in the sanctuary shall be cleansed
55:51 as it's speaking of a time of judgment,
55:54 and you know that correlates with what I mentioned earlier
55:57 Daniel 7 where Christ comes at the Ancient of Days,
56:01 and He receives His kingdom.
56:03 There's a passage of scripture that I'd love to read
56:05 because we think of Isaiah 9:6 which is a Messianic prophecy,
56:09 "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given,
56:11 and the government shall be upon His shoulder
56:13 so forth and so on."
56:14 But many people don't read the next verse.
56:16 I love this next verse.
56:17 "Of the increase of His government and peace
56:20 there will be no end, upon the throne of David
56:23 and over His kingdom, to order it
56:25 and to establish it with judgment."
56:28 We serve a God of justice
56:30 and His kingdom is given at a time of judgment.
56:33 And so, I'm looking forward to studying rest of this
56:35 because we're gonna get into that time of judgment.
56:38 Amen. Amen.
56:39 And let me encourage you not to get too enamored
56:41 with the beast and kingdoms and the leaders
56:43 and the princes and all the governors,
56:45 the focal point of all prophecy is Jesus Christ.
56:48 Thank you.
56:49 John 14:29,
56:51 the orchestrator of all understanding, he says,
56:55 "And now I have told you before it comes,
56:58 that when it does come to pass,
57:00 you may believe."
57:02 John 13:19,
57:03 "That you may believe that I am He."
57:06 Jesus is the central focus of Daniel,
57:09 Revelation and all prophecy.
57:10 Amen and amen. That's right. Amen.
57:12 You know, the Lord changed my life
57:15 through a study of his sanctuary
57:17 and now that's what actually that studies
57:21 what brought me into the Adventist Church.
57:23 I just want to thank each one of you,
57:25 and thank you at home and let me say this,
57:28 when calamities come,
57:30 when darkness is oppressing you,
57:32 look up because He, the God who has the power
57:37 to raise nations and fill nations.
57:41 He can exercise that same power in your life
57:47 and judgment will be on your favor
57:52 when you are a child of God.
57:55 Join us next time for
57:57 "From Confession to Consolation."


Revised 2020-03-02