3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Unlimited Possibilities

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP200032S

00:01 Hello, friends, and welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:03 We're in the middle of the third quarter,
00:05 Making Friends for God.
00:08 This lesson, lesson number six
00:10 is titled Unlimited Possibilities.
00:12 I want to invite you to grab your friends
00:14 and your family,
00:16 pick up your Bible
00:17 and your Sabbath School Quarterly,
00:19 and join us for this study.
00:20 If you don't have a quarterly for yourself,
00:22 I encourage you to go to the following website,
00:24 absg.adventist.org.
00:29 That stands for Adult Bible Study Guide.adventist.org.
00:34 You can download the study guide
00:36 and follow along with us
00:37 on this edition of 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
01:13 Hello, Friends, Welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
01:16 Lesson number six, Unlimited Possibilities.
01:20 What an incredible blessing this lesson has been
01:23 and this study has been, and we're so glad
01:25 that you have tuned in week by week
01:27 as we journey through the Word of God
01:30 and learn how we can better witness
01:32 for the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:34 I want to introduce our panel at this time.
01:36 To my left, pastor John Dinzey, privileged to have you here.
01:40 We have prayed and asked
01:41 for the blessing of the Holy Spirit,
01:42 and we can expect the blessing.
01:44 Amen. That's right.
01:45 To your left our evangelist preacher
01:48 Pastor Kenny Shelton.
01:49 Thank you for being here.
01:50 It's always a pleasure to study the Word of God.
01:53 I'm looking forward to this lesson,
01:54 it's a good one.
01:55 Amen. Absolutely.
01:57 To your left, Pastor Ryan Day. Amen.
01:59 Always passionate about the Word of God.
02:00 Hey, Word of God is the bread of life,
02:03 and I'm certainly happy to be here to talk about it.
02:05 Amen.
02:06 And last but not least,
02:08 my pastor, Pastor John Lomacang.
02:10 Thank you, Pastor John, for being here.
02:12 Amen.
02:13 Looking forward to the lesson,
02:15 I have about growing in our gifts.
02:16 Amen.
02:17 I know it's all gonna be a blessing
02:19 all the way down the line,
02:20 so I'm waiting for the last catch.
02:21 That's right.
02:23 That's the blessing of Thursday.
02:24 Before we go any further,
02:25 we want to go to the Lord in prayer.
02:27 Pastor Ryan, would you pray for us?
02:28 Sure, absolutely.
02:30 Our Father in heaven, Lord,
02:31 we place this time of study into your hands, Lord,
02:32 and we simply ask for the outpouring
02:34 of the Holy Spirit on each and every one
02:35 of these panel members right now
02:37 that You are best represented, that Your Word is made clear,
02:41 and that each and every person at home
02:43 also will receive the Holy Spirit
02:45 and receive Your Word in their heart and mind.
02:47 May this be a blessing to us, may it be a blessing to all,
02:50 and may You be glorified today
02:52 on this Sabbath School Panel lesson,
02:54 we ask in Jesus' name, amen.
02:56 Amen.
02:58 So on lesson number six,
02:59 the title is Unlimited Possibilities,
03:01 but we're really discussing spiritual gifts
03:04 and the spiritual gifts given to the body of Christ,
03:07 to the church, to you, and to me.
03:09 You know, we're all called to be witnesses for Christ.
03:12 As soon as we accept the Lord Jesus into our heart,
03:16 we become His witness.
03:19 Isaiah 43:10 says,
03:21 "'You are my witnesses,' says the Lord,
03:23 'And my servant whom I have chosen,
03:25 that you may know and believe Me
03:27 and understand that I am He.'"
03:30 Acts 1:8,
03:31 we've quoted this verse many times on this panel,
03:34 "But you shall receive power
03:36 when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.
03:39 And you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem,
03:41 and in Judea, and Samaria,
03:43 and to the uttermost parts of the earth."
03:46 We are called to be His witness.
03:49 Now in the Word of God,
03:50 there's different words meaning the same thing.
03:52 Sometimes Jesus says we are called
03:55 as we just referenced to be His witness.
03:57 Sometimes He calls us His ambassador,
03:59 I like that, 2 Corinthians 5.
04:02 Sometimes we're called His royal priesthood,
04:06 1 Peter 2:9.
04:08 We are the light of the world, Matthew 5.
04:11 We are the salt of the earth, Matthew 5.
04:13 We are fishers of men, Matthew 4.
04:16 We are His aroma or fragrance, the sweet perfume,
04:21 2 Corinthians 5.
04:23 There is a quote in the lesson which I also have written
04:27 in the flyleaf of my Bible.
04:29 This Bible I use now I've had it few years,
04:31 Greg gave it to me, my husband.
04:33 But the Bible before I had this,
04:35 quote written in as well
04:37 because I just love it and each Bible I use,
04:39 I transfer it.
04:41 It is a quote from Ministry of Healing
04:43 page 159.
04:45 It says, "There is no limit to the usefulness of one
04:49 who, putting self aside,
04:51 makes room for the working of the Holy Spirit
04:55 upon his heart,
04:56 and lives a life wholly consecrated to God."
05:00 Did you catch that?
05:02 There is no limit to your usefulness
05:04 if you give your heart wholly to God
05:07 and live a life consecrated to Him.
05:10 If we put ourselves aside,
05:11 the Holy Spirit wants to use us as His witness.
05:16 Let us read our memory text
05:18 that is found in 1 Corinthians 12.
05:21 1 Corinthians 12:11.
05:24 This week we look specifically at the spiritual gifts
05:28 that are given to the members of the church.
05:30 We look at how the gifts are given,
05:31 what the purposes of the gifts?
05:33 How do we identify the gifts, and how do we grow those gifts?
05:38 So our memory text 1 Corinthians 12:11,
05:41 "But one and the same Spirit works all these things,
05:46 distributing to each one individually
05:49 as He will."
05:51 Sunday, we look at differing gifts
05:53 but united in service.
05:55 The lesson brought out a great point
05:57 that we are all different
05:59 and God created us to all be different.
06:03 You think about Peter, he was impetuous,
06:06 and enthusiastic.
06:07 Yeah, he possessed natural leadership abilities.
06:10 Think about John,
06:11 he was given to anger and defensiveness,
06:14 yet he loved deeply
06:16 and that anger and defensiveness
06:17 dissipated with the conversion
06:19 and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
06:21 Matthew was very precise and accurate, right,
06:24 as a tax collector.
06:26 Andrew was a people person aware of his surroundings,
06:29 sensitive to the needs of others.
06:32 You see, God uses us all as the body of Christ,
06:35 different gifts, different abilities,
06:37 they all come together to help build up the body
06:41 and to witness to those,
06:45 the lost and dying world.
06:47 1 Corinthians 12 is about authentic Christian unity.
06:52 It's not just unity in diversity,
06:54 certainly not unity despite diversity,
06:57 but it is unity through diversity.
07:01 So we're going to look at the body of Christ
07:03 in that analogy.
07:05 But before we get there, I want to do a quick preface.
07:07 We're in 1 Corinthians 12, let's look at verse four.
07:11 Paul says,
07:12 "There are diversities of gifts,
07:14 but the same spirit."
07:16 That word diversities
07:17 is used three times in the New Testament,
07:19 and it's used in the next three verses.
07:21 It means diversities or differences, distinction.
07:25 The next verse, verse 5,
07:26 "There are differences of ministries,
07:29 but the same Lord."
07:30 Now that is the same word so diversities of gifts,
07:33 differences of ministries, it's the same word used there.
07:36 The word ministries literally means
07:39 to wait at tables.
07:41 It's a service so we are called,
07:45 there's a difference in the gifts of grace,
07:47 there's a difference in how you and I serve.
07:49 Verse 6.
07:51 "There are diversities of activities,"
07:53 that's the same word again diversities.
07:56 "But is the same God who works all and in all."
08:00 There are differences
08:02 in the gifts of grace were given
08:03 and how we operate in that grace.
08:06 There are differences in the ministry
08:08 that were given
08:09 and how we choose to serve.
08:11 There are differences in the task we are given,
08:13 and how we function within that operation,
08:16 but the differences are divine
08:19 because they are given by the Holy Spirit.
08:22 1 Corinthians 12:11, that was our memory text.
08:25 It says the Holy Spirit gives the different gifts
08:28 to whomever He will,
08:31 meaning these differences came from the Holy Spirit,
08:35 those differences are divine.
08:37 Now we won't go over the list of spiritual gifts
08:39 'cause I'm pretty sure someone's going to cover it
08:41 on this panel.
08:42 So we're going to go down to verse 12.
08:44 1 Corinthians 12:12.
08:47 I want to give you six lessons
08:50 that we learn from this analogy of the church
08:54 as the body of Christ.
08:57 Lesson number one, unity does not mean uniformity.
09:01 Lesson one, unity does not mean uniformity.
09:05 Verse 12,
09:06 "For as the body is one and has many members,
09:09 but all the members of that one body, being many,
09:12 are one body, so also is Christ."
09:16 And verse 14 says,
09:18 "For in fact the body is not one member but many."
09:22 So we are all united into one body,
09:25 but we have different parts,
09:27 we have different elements, we have different pieces.
09:30 Unity does not mean uniformity.
09:33 Number two,
09:34 our differences don't have to divide us.
09:37 They can unite us as long as we are in Christ.
09:41 Verse 13,
09:43 "For by one spirit,
09:44 we were all baptized into one body,
09:47 whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free,
09:51 have all been made to drink into one spirit."
09:54 So that means race, ethnicity, class, origin,
09:58 the differences that we naturally
10:00 were born with or created with,
10:02 we all can be made one in Christ.
10:05 And those differences don't have to separate us.
10:08 They don't have to push us apart.
10:09 We don't have to say, "Oh, you're different than me,
10:11 I'm going to operate, I'm going to function,
10:13 I'm going to go to a church with people like me,"
10:15 those differences don't have to divide us,
10:18 they can unite us.
10:20 Number three, lesson number three,
10:22 jealousy cannot exist in the body.
10:27 In fact, the way Paul puts it,
10:28 it's almost humorous if jealousy exists in the body.
10:31 Let's read that.
10:32 Verse 15,
10:33 "If the foot should say,
10:35 'Because I am not a hand, I am not of the body,'
10:37 is it therefore not of the body?
10:39 And if the ear should say, 'Because I am not an eye,
10:42 I am not of the body,'
10:43 is it therefore not of the body?
10:45 If the whole body were an eye, where would be the hearing?
10:49 If the whole were hearing, where would be the smelling?
10:52 But now God has set the members,
10:55 each one of them, in the body just as He pleased.
11:01 And if they were all one member,
11:02 where would the body be?"
11:05 You see, it is almost humorous if you were to think,
11:08 "Oh, I really wish I were the eye,
11:11 I really want, I covet," have you ever done that?
11:14 I wish I could sing like pastor John
11:16 or like Ryan,
11:17 I wish I could preach like so and so,
11:20 I wish I had the gift of whatever the gift is that
11:24 you happen to be jealous over or you happen to covet
11:27 or say, "I wish I had this gift but yet,"
11:30 if we were all the eye or the hand,
11:35 the body would be hideous, the body, right?
11:38 Really literally.
11:40 The body would not look good
11:42 because we need the eyes, and the ears, and the hands
11:46 because we are all function as part of the body
11:49 so jealousy cannot exist in the body.
11:52 Lesson number four,
11:54 all are essential to the work.
11:56 All are equally important.
11:59 Verse 20,
12:01 "But now indeed there are many members,
12:03 yet one body.
12:04 And the eye cannot say to the hand,
12:06 'I have no need of you,'
12:07 nor again the head to the feet, 'I have no need of you.'
12:10 No, much rather, those members of the body
12:13 which seem to be weaker are necessary."
12:15 You know, the story is told of a man
12:17 who was out in the wilderness and he was cutting down trees,
12:21 perhaps you've heard the story.
12:22 And he, in the process of cutting down a tree,
12:26 a tree limb came down, and it pinned his leg.
12:29 Now he was out in the wilderness
12:30 and his cell phone was in his pickup
12:32 and he couldn't get to it and he's there
12:34 and he couldn't move, and he thought,
12:35 surely someone's going to notice that I'm missing.
12:37 Someone's going to come and find me,
12:39 but he waited and he waited and hours passed
12:41 and his leg was pinned.
12:43 And he made the incredibly difficult decision.
12:47 I don't even like to think about it.
12:49 And he sawed off his leg.
12:51 Oh, my, my.
12:52 Wow.
12:54 Now that's extreme.
12:55 When you hear that story,
12:56 you think that is incredibly extreme.
12:58 Nobody would want to cut off their leg,
13:01 yet how often we willingly cut off
13:04 a part of the body of Christ
13:07 because we think you are not important,
13:10 your gift doesn't really even matter in the church,
13:13 we don't need the toe,
13:15 and we clearly don't need the ear on this side,
13:17 we're going to function without you.
13:20 All are essential to do the work.
13:23 All are equally important.
13:25 Lesson number five,
13:26 exercise care instead of competition.
13:30 Don't criticize, don't judge harshly,
13:34 instead we are called to build up,
13:36 to take care, to have compassion
13:39 on the weaker parts of the body.
13:41 Verses 23 to 25.
13:44 "And those members of the body
13:45 which we think to be less honorable,
13:47 on these we bestow greater honor,
13:50 and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty,
13:53 but our presentable parts have no need.
13:55 But God composed the body,
13:56 having given greater honor to that part which lacks it,
14:00 that there should be no schism in the body,
14:03 but that the members should have the same care
14:05 for one another."
14:06 And finally, lesson number six,
14:08 all should suffer equally.
14:11 If one member suffers the rest suffer as well.
14:14 Whoever stubbed your toe, pretty soon what happens
14:17 if he stubbed it real hard not just your toe hurts
14:19 your whole leg can throb, is that true?
14:21 Oh, yeah.
14:22 And my mom once broke her foot, and she actually got a fever,
14:24 the whole body suffered.
14:27 Verse 26,
14:28 "If one member suffers, all the members suffer with it,
14:32 or if one member is honored,
14:35 all the members rejoice with it."
14:38 So we are called as Christians to be the body of Christ.
14:43 Pastor John. Amen.
14:44 What a blessing. Thank you so much.
14:46 Well, we move on to Monday's part,
14:49 which has the title
14:50 God, The Giver of All Good Gifts.
14:54 And this is a wonderful lesson,
14:57 and we are going to start with Mark 13:34.
15:02 And Mark 13:34,
15:05 we have this scripture.
15:07 "It is like a man going to a far country,
15:10 who left his house
15:11 and gave authority to his servants,
15:13 and to each his work,
15:16 and commanded the doorkeeper to watch.
15:19 So we have this scripture that helps us understand that
15:23 to each and every person,
15:26 God gives a task
15:29 something that person can do.
15:33 Unique in such a way
15:35 that the job is done and says,
15:39 "This is your mission," let's say.
15:41 But, you know, the wonderful thing is that
15:43 as we make use of the gifts that God gives us,
15:48 He gives us more. So we praise the Lord for that.
15:51 Now I would like to point to a scripture
15:55 that is just marvelous.
15:57 Another one, another marvelous scripture
15:58 is Psalms 145:9,
16:02 Psalms 145:9,
16:05 we have this message for us.
16:07 It says, "The Lord is good to all.
16:12 And His tender mercies are over all His works."
16:17 You know,
16:19 this is a message for us to remember
16:22 the Lord is good to all.
16:25 And so we should take time to consider the great things
16:28 that God has done for us, how good He's been to us,
16:31 and we will be blessed.
16:34 You may sit back and say,
16:35 "Let me think what good things..."
16:37 And you can spend some time rejoicing
16:41 that the Lord is good to all, He's good to us.
16:45 And so sometimes we
16:46 as Christians meet one another says,
16:48 "The Lord is good."
16:49 And everybody answers what?
16:51 All the time. All the time.
16:55 James 1:17,
16:59 "Every good gift
17:01 and every perfect gift is from above,
17:04 and comes down from the Father of lights,
17:07 with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning."
17:12 So every good gift,
17:14 and every perfect gift is from above.
17:17 And, you know, sometimes we think
17:18 it came from another source,
17:19 but God is the giver of every single good gift.
17:24 And if you think,
17:27 oh, I can't think of anything
17:28 that God has done for me lately,
17:30 I have news for you.
17:32 Because God gives us gifts every day, every single day.
17:37 That's why we're going to read Psalm 68,
17:40 Psalm 68:19.
17:43 And listen to these words,
17:44 "Blessed be the Lord, Who daily,"
17:49 how often did I say it,
17:50 "daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation!
17:55 Selah.
17:57 Our God is the God of salvation and to God the Lord belong
18:02 escapes from death even."
18:04 So praise be to His name.
18:07 And so when you understand that God is good,
18:11 and He's the giver of good gifts,
18:13 you're going to realize that you have so little
18:14 to complain about.
18:16 And so perhaps
18:17 what we should be complaining is,
18:19 "Boy, I'm not suffering enough."
18:22 So let's go to Luke 11:13,
18:26 another message for us,
18:27 because we have to understand that God is good.
18:31 And He daily loads us with benefits
18:33 and every perfect gift comes from our heavenly Father.
18:36 Luke 11:13,
18:38 "If you then, being evil,
18:39 know how to give good gifts onto your children,
18:44 how much more shall your heavenly Father
18:47 give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him!"
18:52 Now please understand that there's a reason
18:55 for sharing this scripture is that
18:57 there are some gifts
18:58 that the Lord is willing to give
19:00 that we must ask for.
19:02 And Jesus, more than once said to His disciples,
19:06 "Ask that ye may receive."
19:09 And so the door is open,
19:11 the heaven doesn't have a closed,
19:15 for inventory sign,
19:16 closed until such and such a time.
19:18 The door is open for you to come
19:21 before the throne of grace, present your needs,
19:24 and God will bless you.
19:27 And so let's consider this,
19:30 you know, God gives each one His work,
19:32 and sometimes people focus on, oh, singing or speaking
19:38 but there are the diversities of gifts like Sister Jill said.
19:42 And to each one God has given at least one talent.
19:46 And so there are some wonderful people in church,
19:49 and I...
19:51 This sister has the gift of hospitality.
19:53 I know some of you may speak on this,
19:55 but God gives to every single person
19:58 the blessing of a gift to make use of it
20:04 multiplies more.
20:05 And so make use of the gifts that God gives to you.
20:09 Now 1 Corinthians 12:11.
20:12 Again, the Bible tells us,
20:14 "But one and the same Spirit
20:17 works all these things,
20:20 distributing to each one individually as He will."
20:24 So to each one, the Lord gives a gift,
20:29 a lot of scriptures to share.
20:30 Now I'm going to 1 Peter 4,
20:32 1 Peter 4:7-11.
20:37 And I like the way this begins because this is true.
20:40 "But the end of all things is at hand,
20:43 therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers."
20:48 We need to be serious and watchful in our prayers,
20:50 especially in these times that we're living in,
20:53 perilous times, perilous times.
20:55 Now verse 8.
20:57 "And above all things have fervent love for one another."
21:00 Oh, we need this fervent love for another.
21:04 "For love will cover a multitude of sins.
21:06 Be hospitable to one another without grumbling."
21:11 I don't know if you had any grumbling today
21:13 or yesterday or sometime in your life,
21:15 but it's time to put that stuff away
21:18 and be serious and watchful in your prayers.
21:21 Notice, verse 10,
21:23 "As each one has received a gift,
21:26 minister it to one another,
21:29 as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
21:33 If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God.
21:37 If anyone ministers..."
21:39 They are different areas of ministry.
21:41 "Let him do it
21:42 as with the ability which God supplies."
21:46 God supplies ability.
21:47 "That in all things God may be glorified
21:51 through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory
21:54 and the dominion forever and ever.
21:57 Amen."
21:59 So the lesson brings out very clear
22:01 that God has a special assignment
22:05 for each one of us
22:06 and sharing the gospel with others.
22:08 And I want to encourage you to ask the Lord,
22:12 "Lord, what would you have me to do?
22:16 What do you want me to do?"
22:17 You know, when you pray that prayer,
22:19 you'll be surprised at how God gives opportunities.
22:23 And at first, you might not recognize it
22:24 as an opportunity,
22:26 you may naturally see the need
22:27 and start doing what you're doing
22:30 and somehow, someway somebody will say,
22:33 you know, I really want to thank you
22:34 because you did such and such and such.
22:36 And then is when you realize, hey, God did something here.
22:40 And, you know,
22:41 it's interesting how as we get close to the Lord,
22:43 we will naturally do things
22:46 that the Lord would have us to do.
22:49 Your life can be one blessing after another
22:52 as you come to the Lord.
22:54 In the lesson, there is a quote that I like to read,
22:57 it's a letter number 260 from December 2, 1903,
23:03 and this is what it says.
23:05 "We are all members of God's family,
23:08 all in a greater or lesser degree
23:11 entrusted with God-given talents,
23:14 for the use of which we are held responsible,
23:18 whether our talent be great or small
23:20 we are to use it in God's service
23:22 and we are to recognize the right of everyone else
23:26 to use the gifts entrusted to them.
23:29 Never should we disparage the smallest physical,
23:32 intellectual, or spiritual capital."
23:34 So each one has been given a gift
23:38 and then there's the aspect of responsibility
23:42 to use that gift
23:44 for the honor and glory of the Lord
23:45 and for the benefit of the church
23:47 to edify one another.
23:50 And so there's a lot here
23:51 that we could spend more time on,
23:53 but we have to keep going,
23:55 you know, through this and limit ourselves
23:59 what we should share because time is essential here.
24:03 Oh, boy. Let's see which one.
24:04 Let's go to Acts 2:38-42.
24:11 "Then Peter said to them, 'Repent,
24:13 and let every one of you be baptized
24:15 in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins."
24:19 Then what happens?
24:20 "And you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
24:23 For the promise is to you and to your children,
24:26 and to all who are afar off,
24:28 as many as the Lord our God will call."
24:32 I have to stop there.
24:33 But this is an opportunity
24:36 for each and every single one of us.
24:38 What do we have to do? Repent.
24:41 Repent is something we need to do.
24:44 Make ourselves available to the Lord
24:46 and wonderful things will happen.
24:48 Amen.
24:49 Thank you so much, pastor Johnny.
24:50 I love that because when we repent,
24:53 the gift of the Holy Spirit is given to us.
24:56 That's one of the greatest gifts of all.
24:58 We're going to take a break. We'll be right back.
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25:36 Welcome back to our study, Unlimited Possibilities,
25:39 the gifts that god has given to the church.
25:42 We pick it up with Tuesday, Pastor Kenny.
25:44 Praise the Lord.
25:45 I like this, The Purpose of Spiritual Gifts
25:47 for Tuesday's lesson.
25:49 Now not going to go through all of the gifts,
25:51 but I'm going to encourage you
25:52 where to look in the Word of God
25:54 and spend some time.
25:55 So is it okay to give you some homework?
25:56 Oh, I'm sure it is. I'm sure you want to do that.
25:59 The Bible gives us example of spiritual gifts,
26:01 there's no doubt about it.
26:02 It's the Holy Spirit in parts, to us people so,
26:04 you know, actually,
26:06 you can pick some up in Romans 12.
26:07 You can do it in 1 Corinthians 12,
26:08 1 Corinthians 14,
26:10 you know, Ephesians 4.
26:12 So just jot those whole chapters down
26:13 and, boy, when you have time
26:14 just sit down and read all of those,
26:16 but we'll go through just some things,
26:17 the purpose
26:18 because that's the title of this lesson
26:20 is The Purpose of the Spiritual Gifts.
26:22 And if you had to,
26:24 someone challenged you and said,
26:25 "What is the purpose of spiritual gifts?"
26:27 I just want to break it down just three little lines here.
26:30 Number one is to edify the body of Christ.
26:33 Number two advance the cause of Christ.
26:37 And number three,
26:38 so that we all can become one in Christ.
26:42 I want to read Christ's Object Lesson
26:44 page 328.
26:46 It actually talks about the talents in Matthew 25,
26:50 I think maybe 14 and on.
26:51 So it says here,
26:52 "The special gifts of the Spirit
26:54 are not the only talents represented in this parable."
26:59 Matthew 25 and 14 and on.
27:01 "It includes all gifts
27:03 and endowments, whether original or acquired."
27:08 Would that be but some people seem to be born with gifts.
27:11 And then you have others who work on gifts,
27:14 you know, we often said about my brother Tommy,
27:16 he's learned to play the piano very well.
27:19 Well, he spent his time.
27:20 I think he had that natural gift in the ear,
27:24 but he had to work at it.
27:25 Of course.
27:26 And so while he was working hard at it,
27:28 I was, well, I was working,
27:30 playing ball and doing things and look what it...
27:33 Well, anyway, we'll go on with that.
27:35 So anyway, "Original and acquired,
27:37 natural or spiritual."
27:39 If I had to do over again,
27:41 I'd be out there trying to pick on the instruments, the pianos,
27:43 doing string and whatever else too,
27:44 but can't always do that.
27:46 "All are to be employed in Christ's service."
27:48 Now I like this part.
27:50 "In becoming His disciples, we surrender ourselves to Him
27:55 and all that we are and all that we have.
27:59 Sometimes we think,
28:01 "Oh, but we've got this, we've got this,
28:02 we've got this gift, we have this."
28:04 But notice how this goes on here.
28:06 "These gifts He returns to us purified and ennobled."
28:12 So this is my thought,
28:14 here is evidently they're not so pure
28:16 and not so ennobled as they're given to us
28:19 unless the Spirit of the living God
28:21 gets a hold of these gifts,
28:23 then He returns them pure
28:25 because we have so much yourself
28:26 and all these things that needs to be gone.
28:30 "These gifts He returns to us, uses for His glory
28:33 and in blessing of certainly of our fellow man."
28:37 I mean, after all, isn't that the duty?
28:39 Our duty we have we're saying hangs on all these two,
28:42 our duty to God and our duty to our fellow man.
28:44 So we know number one the God or through the Holy Spirit,
28:47 the Holy Spirit gives us gifts
28:50 according to the several ability
28:52 in Acts 11:29.
28:56 This means that what?
28:57 That God gives
28:58 as is in the Parable of the Talents
29:00 that everybody knows.
29:02 I've often wondered as a young person, so on,
29:04 it said this one got five
29:05 and then the other one got two, and the other one got one.
29:09 I mean, I'm saying "Man somebody got cheated.
29:11 Someone got cheated."
29:12 As you're younger, you're thinking
29:14 of why did he get five
29:15 and why did I end up with one, that's selfishness,
29:17 you know, we think.
29:18 But that's the way the parable went.
29:19 And you think now why did it go this way?
29:23 They received
29:24 what they could use and improve.
29:29 So if some could receive five
29:30 if they didn't use them properly,
29:31 they have to improve for the cause of Christ.
29:33 Why have the five?
29:34 Good news, God only holds us accountable
29:37 for what He's given.
29:38 So I can say here seriously, and I do it often, praise God,
29:41 you see, that you only hold me accountable God
29:44 for what you've given me up here.
29:46 I don't have to worry about
29:47 what my brothers and sisters have
29:48 here on the panel
29:50 or what somebody else may have out there.
29:51 I'm not accountable for that,
29:53 only what God has given me
29:54 and certainly, we want to improve that.
29:56 So sometimes I say, you know, God's given me one talent,
29:59 but I want to improve that
30:00 and He will certainly give us more.
30:01 Good news. Praise God.
30:03 2 Corinthians 8:12.
30:05 Notice this, He says, "He gives according to a man hath,
30:08 and not according to what he," what, "Hath not."
30:11 So that's it.
30:13 That's how God is going to judge us
30:14 and look at us.
30:15 This is what I've given you, and He expects...
30:17 I want to say dividend,
30:18 he expects a return of the gifts He's given us.
30:21 1 Corinthians 12:7, the Bible says,
30:24 "But the manifestation of the Spirit."
30:27 That word's an interesting word,
30:29 the manifestation of the Spirit
30:30 means the elevation of the Spirit.
30:32 That means the altitude of the spirit,
30:36 of the dignity of the spirit
30:38 is given to every man to profit with all.
30:42 So what God has given?
30:44 What you were working on, what you're improving,
30:46 must be not for sale, but it must be for the...
30:49 For everybody else,
30:51 it must be for the cause of Christ.
30:53 In letter 19, written in 1901.
30:55 Notice these words,
30:57 "The perfection of the church,"
30:58 and it's been mentioned here,
31:00 "does not depend on each member being fashioned alike."
31:02 Isn't that good?
31:04 God calls for each one of us to take a proper place.
31:06 As you mentioned, I think that Sister Jill mentioned
31:08 if everyone else was just like it, we kind of...
31:11 Can I say born?
31:13 Oh, yeah. Yeah.
31:14 So we're all just alike. That's true.
31:15 You know, God gives these different gifts
31:17 to different ones.
31:18 And so He take access to what He gives us
31:21 to stand in our place in His lot.
31:24 That reminds me of Daniel 12, isn't it?
31:26 Where to stand in our place and where to stand in our lot
31:29 as God has blessed us with it our appointed work to do.
31:33 The big question,
31:34 maybe that we should ask
31:36 is not how many,
31:38 and I think probably I've done this in past,
31:39 how many talents, how many gifts?
31:41 Not how many talents do I have
31:44 but what am I doing
31:46 with the ones that God has given me?
31:49 That's typical.
31:50 What am I doing with what God has given
31:52 because we know everyone's got at least one talent,
31:53 isn't that right?
31:55 One gift.
31:56 Through the parable it can be seen clearly
31:58 that God uses,
32:00 notice this, He uses us to develop
32:02 all that He's given to develop it, develop it.
32:06 And so that would increase
32:07 and break dividends to the glory of God.
32:09 'Cause I found this out early in my experience.
32:12 If we're not growing, then we're dying.
32:14 There's no such thing in the cause of Christ
32:16 to just a standstill,
32:17 I'm going to take time out, I'm going to take a year off,
32:20 it's not in the cause of Christ.
32:21 We don't have time to take a year off,
32:22 my brothers and sisters, now is the day,
32:24 now is the acceptable time,
32:26 that God wants us to move forward
32:27 with great power of the Holy Spirit
32:29 that we've been talking about,
32:30 taking those gifts,
32:32 those things that God has given us,
32:33 send them back to him,
32:35 and then he's going to bless them,
32:36 He's going to purify them,
32:37 and send them back to you for His honor
32:39 and for His glory.
32:40 If we're not growing, we're dying.
32:42 God wants all that we can be through,
32:46 be all that we can be through Him,
32:47 I've heard that advertised.
32:49 Be all that you can be,
32:50 be all that you can be in the world.
32:51 Why can't we say that here,
32:53 be all that you can be in the power
32:55 in the name of Jesus Christ?
32:57 Through Him,
32:58 you can do some great good by the grace of God
33:00 through power and his strength.
33:02 I want to read something
33:03 I think from Christ's Object lesson
33:04 here in page 330 that really touched my heart.
33:07 It said, "God will accept only those
33:08 who are determined to aim high."
33:10 Praise God.
33:11 If we haven't been aiming high,
33:13 now is the time we need to aim high.
33:14 We need to aim high because we serve a high God.
33:16 We don't be looking down, we're looking up right now.
33:19 He places every human agent
33:21 under His obligation to do his best.
33:24 Notice, moral perfection is required of all.
33:30 And we need to understand
33:31 that imperfection of character is sin.
33:34 Wow, it's pretty big, isn't it?
33:36 All righteous attributes of character dwell in God
33:41 as a perfect, harmonious whole.
33:43 Everyone who receives Christ as a personal Savior
33:47 is privileged to possess these attributes.
33:51 It means to be like Jesus, and then He requires that,
33:54 you know, to those of us who are saying
33:56 He's our example we're to strive to be like Him,
33:59 not just do the very...
34:00 "Oh, I'll do the best I can, and it's gonna be alright."
34:02 That's not what He says. Right.
34:04 He asked us to be like Him,
34:05 and He asked us to have the mind of Christ,
34:07 not the mind of anything or anybody else.
34:10 I could hear someone say right now
34:11 "Oh, well, I can't do,
34:12 I can't gain the victory over this,
34:14 I can't gain the victory over my defects of character
34:17 while I've, you know,
34:18 all these things have been in my life too long,
34:20 knows what Christ's Object Lesson 331 says,
34:24 Let no one say.
34:25 So if you said...
34:26 Man, I'm sure probably we've all thought in the past.
34:30 Only by the grace of God can we do that absolutely.
34:32 But let no man say,
34:33 "I cannot remedy my defects of character."
34:36 If you come to this decision,
34:38 you will certainly fail of obtaining eternal life.
34:42 So if we've ever said, "Lord have mercy."
34:45 I take it back.
34:46 We need to take it back
34:48 and ask God to forgive us right now
34:49 because we want heaven to be our home.
34:51 Never say no, you can't, you can't, you can't,
34:54 you know, do these things.
34:55 You can't gain the victory by yourself.
34:57 Only through the power and the might
34:58 of the Holy Spirit.
35:00 But we can certainly obtain what God has in mind for us.
35:04 Ephesians 4:11-16,
35:06 you know, it just, it gives us the nature
35:08 and the purpose of all these gifts.
35:09 If you have time just read all that when you can.
35:12 Because I thoroughly believe with all my heart here,
35:14 God has given the gifts to the church.
35:16 God wants us to be using these gifts for His honor
35:18 and for His glory, there's no doubt about it.
35:21 And as God's people
35:22 why not use these gifts God's given you...
35:24 Don't say, "Oh, we don't have any gifts."
35:25 And well, we don't have
35:27 God's given every man several as He will.
35:30 I believe this is the time that God wants us
35:32 to put those things into action right now
35:35 is for the good of others, for the good of the church,
35:37 to win souls to the kingdom of God.
35:39 We need to be ready right now
35:41 just saying, "Lord, by your grace,
35:43 by your strength, by your power,
35:45 I commit myself into your care and keep me
35:47 and, Lord, use me where You see fit.
35:51 Amen. Amen.
35:53 That was awesome. Praise the Lord.
35:55 I always enjoy listening to everyone else.
35:58 I'm on Wednesday's lesson, Discovering Your Gifts.
36:01 So if you're watching right now,
36:03 and you're wondering, "You know what,
36:04 you've been talking a whole lot about these gifts,
36:05 but I want to know how can I get this gift?
36:08 And how can I discover which gift is mine
36:10 that God wants to give me?"
36:12 And so I want to start off with a couple of promises
36:15 first, from the book of 1 Corinthians,
36:17 and then we're going to jump over to 2 Corinthians.
36:18 So first reference,
36:20 we want to read from is 1 Corinthians 1:4-9,
36:25 and notice what the Bible says.
36:27 Again, this is coming from 1 Corinthians 1:4-9.
36:31 The Bible says, "I thank my God always concerning you
36:35 for the grace of God which was given to you
36:37 by Christ Jesus,
36:39 that you were enriched in everything by Him
36:42 in all utterance and all knowledge,
36:46 even as the testimony of Christ
36:47 was confirmed in you,
36:49 so that you come short in no gift."
36:51 Okay, God doesn't want us to come short in any gift.
36:54 "Eagerly waiting for the revelation
36:56 of our Lord Jesus Christ,
36:57 who will also confirm you to the end,
37:01 that you may be blameless in the day
37:03 of our Lord Jesus Christ.
37:05 God is faithful,
37:06 by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son,
37:09 Jesus Christ our Lord.
37:11 So we have the promise
37:13 that God wants to gift us with special gifts,
37:16 and for the purpose of using these
37:19 for God's kingdom
37:20 as brother Kenny beautifully brought out.
37:22 Now let's jump over to 2 Corinthians 1:20-22,
37:25 again, these are beautiful promises
37:27 that we can hang on to in reference to God,
37:29 desiring to equip us with these special gifts.
37:33 So 2 Corinthians 1 beginning in verse 20.
37:36 The Bible says, "For all the promises of God
37:38 in Him are Yes."
37:42 I saw a sermon years ago,
37:44 I think it was by David Asscherick
37:45 for someone who said,
37:46 you know, God has always,
37:48 you know, He's always given 1,000 yeses
37:49 to maybe one no in the sense
37:51 he was talking about the Garden of Eden,
37:52 you know, got 1,000 trees,
37:54 there were 1,000 trees in the garden.
37:55 It was 999 yeses to one no, and I love that.
38:00 It says here in verse 20,
38:01 "All the promises of God in him are yes,
38:04 and in Him amen, to the glory of God through us.
38:07 Now He who establishes us with you in Christ
38:10 and has anointed us is God,
38:12 who also has sealed us
38:14 and given us the Spirit in our hearts
38:18 as a guarantee."
38:20 Praise God for that promise, amen.
38:22 God has promised to bestow upon us, His people,
38:26 special gifts from the Spirit,
38:28 He wants to give us these gifts
38:31 for the functionality of His church
38:33 and the advancement of His kingdom.
38:35 And I praise God for it.
38:37 So the ultimate question is,
38:38 brother, how do we obtain these gifts?
38:40 How can I know which gift is mine?
38:42 How can we obtain these gifts?
38:44 Well, the simple,
38:45 very biblical, correct answer is
38:47 you have to receive the Holy Spirit.
38:49 You can't receive a gift of the Spirit
38:52 if you don't have the Holy Spirit, right,
38:53 if you haven't received the Holy Spirit.
38:55 So the simple answer,
38:57 you must receive the Holy Spirit
38:58 and with that reception of the Holy Spirit,
39:01 God bestows upon you a special gift from Him.
39:05 But how can I make sure
39:06 that I can receive the Holy Spirit
39:08 that I can get this gift?
39:09 Luke 11:13.
39:12 Again, this is Luke 11:13.
39:14 The Bible says, "If you then, being evil,"
39:16 and I think we've read this a couple of times,
39:18 "know how to give good gifts to your children,
39:21 how much more will your heavenly Father
39:23 give the Holy Spirit to those who,"
39:26 and what does it say there?"
39:28 Ask. Ask Him!
39:29 So we have to receive the Holy Spirit
39:31 in order to receive the gifts
39:32 but in order to receive the Holy Spirit,
39:34 we have to say, "Father, I desire to have that Spirit.
39:38 Lord, give me your Holy Spirit."
39:39 We must ask Him genuinely and desire it.
39:43 And pastor, I want you to just take a moment here
39:45 because when people think of,
39:46 you know, receiving the Holy Spirit,
39:48 will I have to receive the Holy Spirit?
39:50 But, you know, they're saying that I can't have this gift
39:52 or, you know, what does it mean for God
39:54 to give you the Holy Spirit
39:56 to work on you, in you, and through you?
39:59 Because we know the Holy Spirit works on us
40:00 but that doesn't necessarily mean that
40:02 we have received it or that is working on us.
40:03 So tell us a little bit of that.
40:05 Right.
40:06 When the Holy Spirit works on us,
40:07 He brings conviction. Right.
40:09 When we accept the conviction,
40:10 He works in us to bring conversion.
40:12 Right.
40:13 When He brings conversion, He works through us
40:15 to accomplish commission.
40:17 So beautifully worded.
40:18 That's why I just gave it over to him,
40:20 'cause he explains it so eloquently.
40:21 That's beautiful.
40:23 So the Holy Spirit is always working on us.
40:25 But we have to receive the Holy Spirit to work in us
40:28 and through us for His divine mission.
40:31 James 1:5-8,
40:33 again, we're confirming how can I receive this gift.
40:36 How can I receive the Holy Spirit?
40:37 James 1:5-8, I love this.
40:41 It says, "If any of you lack wisdom,
40:43 let him ask of God."
40:45 Lord, give me wisdom.
40:46 That's what we should be asking.
40:47 "Who gives to all liberally and without reproach,
40:51 and it will be given to him.
40:52 But let him ask in faith, and no doubting,
40:55 for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven
40:58 and tossed by the wind."
41:00 Verse 7 says, "For let not that man suppose
41:03 that he will receive anything from the Lord,
41:05 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways."
41:08 When you ask the Lord and you believe
41:10 that the Lord can give it to you,
41:11 and that He will give it to you,
41:13 believe that He will.
41:14 Do not suppose,
41:15 "Well, I might have received this gift,
41:17 but I'm not sure."
41:18 The Holy Spirit is surely going to be given to those who ask.
41:21 Matthew 7:7, 8. I love this.
41:24 That famous verse where Jesus says
41:26 in the Sermon on the Mount here,
41:28 "Ask, and it will be given to you,
41:30 seek, and you will find,
41:31 knock, and it will be opened to you.
41:33 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds,
41:36 and to him who knocks it will be opened."
41:39 And I love just bringing this out
41:41 because right there in the original Greek,
41:43 it doesn't just mean to ask once,
41:44 you know, I've heard people say,
41:46 "Well, you know, I asked for the Holy Spirit
41:47 back in 1979.
41:49 And I just never received it."
41:51 Well, but in the original language
41:52 here it says keep asking, keep knocking,
41:56 you know, keep seeking
41:57 because the Lord wants that perseverance.
41:59 He wants us to persevere in pleading.
42:01 That's why Paul said, "Pray without ceasing.
42:03 Seek the Lord constantly."
42:04 So, you know what,
42:06 if I've pleaded for the Holy Spirit,
42:07 but it doesn't seem like there's much of a change,
42:09 do I just give up and say, "Well, I've asked."
42:11 Eventually, He'll give it. You keep persevering.
42:13 Keep asking, keep knocking, keep seeking,
42:16 and the Lord will give you the Holy Spirit.
42:18 And with that comes His gift.
42:20 We receive the gifts of the Spirit
42:22 as we consecrate ourselves to God
42:24 and ask Him to reveal to us the gifts,
42:28 He has given us.
42:29 When our hearts are emptied of self-glory,
42:33 and our priority is to serve Jesus,
42:36 His spirit will impress us
42:38 with the spiritual gifts he has for us.
42:41 So once we received the Holy Spirit,
42:43 you know, it may not be very clear at first,
42:45 you know, you might be asking, Lord, what are my gifts?
42:47 What have You bestowed upon me?
42:48 What can I use for the advancement
42:50 of Your kingdom
42:51 and for the functionality of Your church?
42:53 I love this quote from Ellen G. White.
42:55 Christ's Object Lessons page 327.
42:59 It says here, "Not until through faith
43:02 and prayer,
43:03 the disciples had surrendered themselves fully."
43:07 Excuse me, not until, I mean, let me start over.
43:09 "Not until through faith and prayer,
43:11 the disciples had surrendered themselves fully.
43:14 For his working was the outpouring
43:16 of the Spirit received,
43:18 then in a special sense the goods of heaven
43:21 were committed to the followers of Christ.
43:23 The gifts are already ours in Christ,
43:26 but their actual possessions depend upon our reception
43:30 of the Spirit of God.
43:32 I love that. It's very, very, very clear.
43:34 And of course, when we receive the Holy Spirit,
43:36 it's just automatic.
43:38 We automatically receive power
43:40 to be a witness unto Him according to Acts 1:8,
43:44 one good way you can tell if you have the Holy Spirit,
43:46 that you can't keep your mouth shut about Jesus,
43:49 you want to tell everyone about Jesus,
43:50 you usually can't help.
43:52 It's just like, it's just natural.
43:53 It's like, it's like breathing. It's as constant as breathing.
43:56 You just want to tell people about Jesus
43:58 when you're around them.
43:59 And that is one indication that you have received
44:01 the Holy Spirit.
44:02 But back to these gifts.
44:04 Now, pastor, you're going to read to us
44:05 this list of gifts in just a moment.
44:08 But I just want to cover something
44:09 in the closing minute and a half that I have here.
44:11 You know, I was taught growing up that,
44:13 you know, all must receive a certain gift
44:15 in order to make sure that you have the Holy Spirit.
44:18 In other words, the evidence of the Holy Spirit,
44:21 some teach is the gift of tongues.
44:23 And I just want to slide in here to make this clear,
44:25 the evidence that you have the Holy Spirit
44:27 is not the gifts of the Spirit, okay?
44:30 The evidence that you have the Holy Spirit
44:31 are the fruits of the Spirit,
44:33 which is in a different place in the Bible,
44:35 but we want to be clear on that,
44:37 you know, if you go out to a tree
44:38 and someone says, "Hey, that's an apple tree."
44:40 And there's no ultimate evidence
44:42 that there's an apple on that tree
44:45 you're going to wonder
44:46 and, you know, kind of be a little skeptical that
44:49 that's an apple tree.
44:50 You know that that's an apple tree
44:51 when you see the fruit of an apple hanging
44:53 on that tree, right?
44:54 The same thing of a Christian.
44:56 And I just want to clarify this.
44:57 You do not confirm
44:59 whether or not you have the Holy Spirit
45:01 on exercising some spiritual gift, right?
45:04 It's the fruits of the spirit that are the evidence
45:06 that you have the Holy Spirit.
45:07 And as brought out clearly in 1 Corinthians 12
45:11 and more specifically,
45:12 we've read some of these verses already,
45:14 verse 11.
45:15 And then you can read all the way
45:16 through to verse 29 and 30, do all...
45:18 Verse 30 says, "Do all have gifts of healings?
45:20 Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret?"
45:23 The answer is no, not everyone,
45:25 God is not going to give everyone the same gift.
45:28 So indeed, the spiritual gift of speaking in tongues
45:31 is a real gift.
45:32 And it is used for the purpose of communicating the gospel
45:35 to those people of different languages
45:37 on earth.
45:38 But not everyone is going to speak
45:39 in the gift of tongues
45:41 or manifest the gift of tongues.
45:42 I just wanted to clarify that
45:44 'cause I have a lot of people questioning me
45:45 and asking me today, you know, I haven't spoken in tongues
45:47 and someone's told me that I must
45:49 in order to receive the Holy Spirit.
45:50 Hey, you just ask the Lord for the Holy Spirit
45:53 as we've clearly just read, believe you have received it.
45:56 And the Lord in time will reveal that gift to you.
45:59 Amen. Amen.
46:00 That's right.
46:02 Just to recap what Ryan asked me
46:03 to point out, you know, when the Holy Spirit works,
46:04 He works first on us to bring conviction,
46:07 then in us to bring conversion,
46:10 then through us to accomplish commission.
46:13 When He works to bring conviction,
46:14 that's the transmission of the gospel.
46:16 When He works to bring conversion,
46:18 that's the transformation of the gospel.
46:21 And when He works to accomplish commission,
46:22 that's the transportation of the gospel.
46:25 So you have to remember that.
46:26 So when people say, "Well, Holy Spirit spoke to me today."
46:29 Well, the question is, did you respond?
46:32 Because until you respond,
46:33 you will never be worked on, worked in,
46:36 and definitely not worked through.
46:38 And the amazing part is the last part,
46:41 He works through.
46:42 The Bible made it clear, the apostle says,
46:45 "He gives His Holy Spirit to those who obey."
46:48 That's right. Amen.
46:50 Now very quickly in Matthew 25:14-30,
46:52 I'm not going to read it, but I'm going to summarize it
46:54 because pastor Kenny alluded to it.
46:56 Talents were given,
46:58 five what else, two, and one.
47:02 And the one who chose
47:04 not to use the single talent he had was
47:06 he thought, "Well, if I lose this only talent,
47:10 then the master is going to be upset with me.
47:13 Well, you know, that's not the case.
47:15 I remember a number of years ago,
47:16 Pastor T Marshall Kelly, from Oakwood,
47:19 I just always admire his,
47:21 he's to me, one of the last of the best,
47:25 what a man of God.
47:26 And when he came to 3ABN
47:27 when I first came to 3ABN years ago,
47:30 he said, he pulled me aside on the floor.
47:32 He said, "Young man, I've been following you
47:34 throughout your ministry.
47:35 And I want you to know by God bringing you here,
47:37 He gave you one more gift,
47:40 but you're still responsible for all the rest."
47:43 So that's an amazing thing.
47:44 And here's what the Bible says in Luke 12:48.
47:47 Luke 12:48,
47:49 "But he who did not know,
47:50 yet committed things deserving of stripes,
47:53 shall be beaten with few.
47:55 For everyone to whom much is given,
47:58 from him much will be required,
48:01 and to whom much has been committed,
48:03 of him they will ask the more."
48:05 So the more gifts God gives to you
48:08 and, you know, what Ryan brought this out.
48:11 He doesn't give you a gift that you don't need.
48:13 This gift of tongues is not needed
48:15 in an English-speaking congregation.
48:18 Just make it very clear that some people teach you
48:20 that is somehow a spirit language
48:21 or a prayer language
48:22 or you talking to God without the devil knowing,
48:25 that's deception.
48:26 There's nothing you can say that the devil doesn't know.
48:29 Well, all right.
48:31 Since when you thought
48:32 you were smarter than the devil.
48:34 That's right.
48:35 So the only one that could wrap your prayers up
48:37 where the devil can't affect them
48:39 or infect them is the Holy Spirit.
48:41 Romans 8: 26-28,
48:43 the Spirit of God
48:45 intercedes with groanings you can't even utter
48:47 so don't try to look for some arterial language.
48:50 That's the word there in the Greek
48:51 called glossolalia.
48:52 Meaning simply confusion.
48:54 And just in the interest of time,
48:56 I might communicate this at a different time and again,
48:59 but God does not give gifts to create confusions,
49:03 He gives gifts to create cohesion.
49:05 That's right.
49:07 1 Corinthians 14:33,
49:09 I'm jumping down to my sixth point
49:10 which I have now made my first point.
49:13 - Okay? - Okay.
49:14 "For God is not the author of confusion
49:18 but of peace,
49:19 as in all the churches of the saints.
49:23 He does not give gifts to create confusion,
49:26 He gives gifts to create cohesion
49:28 until we all come to the unity of the faith.
49:32 And if I don't know what you're saying,
49:33 how can I be unified with you.
49:36 Absolutely not.
49:37 But Let's go on further.
49:39 The first one, the Holy Spirit gave gifts to the church
49:41 so that the church would be able to flourish.
49:44 1 Corinthians 12:4-6.
49:46 "There are diversities of gifts,
49:49 but the same Spirit.
49:51 There are differences of ministries,
49:53 but the same Lord.
49:54 And there are diversities of activities,
49:57 but it is the same God who works all in all."
50:00 Now I'm not with any intention to diminish,
50:03 but somebody once said I heard the most wonderful illustration
50:06 of different gifts.
50:07 Some gifts are not seen in public.
50:09 But if the custodian decides not to operate in his gift,
50:14 the church will know.
50:15 That's right.
50:16 It'll be clear.
50:18 If the custodian or the person who cleans the church decides
50:21 I'm not using this gift this week,
50:23 everybody would know.
50:25 So the gifts offer the benefit of everyone.
50:28 Some gifts are not displayed publicly,
50:31 but the public benefits from that gifts nonetheless.
50:35 Secondly,
50:36 1 Corinthians 12:7,
50:38 "None of the gifts have been given
50:40 for personal benefit alone.
50:44 But the manifestation of the Spirit
50:45 is given to each one for the profit of all."
50:49 I add this one more time.
50:50 How can Ryan profit if I start sitting next to him
50:54 saying things that he didn't even understand?
50:56 That's why Paul says it's better to speak five words
50:58 in my understanding
51:00 than 10,000 words in an unknown tongue,
51:02 by the way, the word unknown was added
51:05 it meant in a tongue.
51:07 So there was no such thing as an unknown tongue.
51:09 It simply meant unknown to the hearer.
51:12 Kenny decided to speak in German,
51:14 I have no idea what he's saying because it's unknown to me.
51:17 But it's known to him and to God until Ryan says,
51:21 "Hey, that's German," and then Ryan interprets it.
51:23 But this was never a language that was to create confusion
51:26 but the gifts always were to create cohesion.
51:29 Third point,
51:31 all gifts work in harmony to accomplish a complete work.
51:34 1 Corinthians 12:8-11,
51:37 "For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit,
51:39 to another the word of knowledge
51:41 through the same Spirit,
51:42 to another faith by the same Spirit,
51:43 to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit,
51:45 to another the works of miracles,
51:47 to another prophecy,
51:48 to another discerning of spirits,
51:50 to another different kinds of tongues,
51:51 to another the interpretation of tongues.
51:54 But one and the same Spirit works all these things,
51:58 distributing to each one individually
52:00 as He wills."
52:02 He decides what you get.
52:04 Here's the point.
52:05 I know that kids have done this.
52:08 But they decide which one they're going to give you.
52:11 You might put the list together what gift you want.
52:13 But the Lord said, this is the one you need.
52:15 And they might say,
52:16 "Mom, you didn't give me what I want."
52:18 She said, "Because you didn't need that."
52:19 See, that's the key.
52:21 The Spirit of God doesn't give you what you want.
52:24 He gives you what you need.
52:25 He looks at your situation and says,
52:27 "You know, you're about to build a house.
52:29 You don't need a model airplane,
52:31 he needs some hammers and some saws
52:33 and some paint and some wood.
52:35 So if you're about to speak to English people,
52:37 you don't need to gift of tongues,
52:39 not to beat that up
52:40 but that's the one that Satan has used to deceive most.
52:43 But here's the way it says in the NIV,
52:45 just the last part,
52:47 New King James,
52:48 "He gives individually as He wills."
52:51 NIV says, "He gives them to each one,
52:53 just as He determines.
52:56 He decided it, not us.
52:57 So don't ask for what the Lord
52:58 doesn't see that you have need of.
53:00 Number four,
53:01 none of the church have all the same gifts.
53:04 Ryan just with it, are we... Do we all have work...
53:07 Are we all work as miracles? No.
53:09 Are we all prophets, teachers? No.
53:12 Do we all have administrative gifts?
53:14 No. Are we all...
53:15 Do we have all the gifts of health?
53:16 No. The gifts of healing? No.
53:20 Now I want to say this, you're going to get this,
53:22 you will never forget it.
53:23 If all I was ears, my body will be in trouble.
53:27 Okay?
53:28 If my whole body was an ear,
53:30 my rest of my body would be in trouble, okay?
53:32 That's the point.
53:33 We don't all need the same heart.
53:35 We must all...
53:37 The parts must all work harmoniously
53:38 so that the entire body can benefit.
53:41 What an illustration. I like it.
53:44 Number five.
53:45 The church functions
53:47 as God provides each component of ministry
53:50 by qualifying the membership.
53:52 Romans 12:4-8.
53:54 "For as we have many members in one body,
53:57 but all the members do not have the same function,
54:00 so we, being many, are one body in Christ,
54:04 and individually members of one another.
54:06 Having then gifts differing according to the grace
54:09 that is given to us,
54:10 let us use them if prophecy,
54:12 let us prophesy in proportion to our faith or ministry,
54:16 let us use it in our ministering,
54:18 he who teaches, in teaching, he who exhorts, in exhortation,
54:21 he who gives, with liberality, he who leads, with diligence,
54:25 he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness."
54:27 All of this is making it very clear.
54:29 Don't use these things inadvertently,
54:32 use them intentionally
54:34 and always one other avenue of counsel,
54:38 never use your gift to glorify yourself.
54:42 That's right.
54:43 'Cause some people,
54:45 I'm not talking about Ryan at all,
54:46 but some people sing for themselves.
54:49 Now we loved it in Australia.
54:51 Ryan serenaded us every morning when he was vocalizing,
54:55 we love they said, "Hey, the singer in Israel."
54:58 But we were blessed by it and that's the whole thing.
55:01 When God gives you any gift, the gift of preaching,
55:03 teaching, administration, whatever the gift is,
55:06 it's for the benefit of those who are given to you
55:09 to minister to.
55:11 Number seven, oh, number six,
55:13 God does not take away the gift that He imparts to us.
55:17 We're the only one that could lose
55:19 the use of the gift.
55:20 Romans 11:29,
55:22 "For the gifts and the calling of God
55:24 are irrevocable."
55:26 But here's the caution.
55:27 The only way that the gift can be a blessing,
55:30 efficiency grows through exercise.
55:33 Together, efficiency grows through exercise.
55:37 Hebrews 5:12 says it this way,
55:40 "But solid food belongs to those
55:42 who are of full age, that is,
55:44 those who by reason of use
55:48 have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil."
55:53 Use your gifts, exercise them so that everyone benefits
55:57 and God receives all the glory.
56:00 Amen. What an incredible study.
56:02 This has been an amazing lesson.
56:04 I want to give each one of you a moment
56:06 to share something about your day or the week?
56:09 Well, I am going to read from Matthew 20,
56:12 and you'll pick up the parable that I'm talking about here
56:14 and about the 11th hour he went out
56:16 and found others standing idle, and said to them,
56:19 why have you been standing here idle all day?
56:22 So I will say to you,
56:24 if you've been standing there idle,
56:25 not using the gift that God has given you,
56:28 use it for God's glory.
56:30 Amen.
56:31 Desire of Ages 658, I like this
56:33 'cause it gives evidence that You are my disciple.
56:36 It says right here, "As you administer to Me,"
56:38 Jesus say, "and as you administer to Me,
56:40 so you are to minister to them.
56:43 This is evidence that you are My disciples."
56:46 Amen.
56:48 Paul says, desire the best gifts.
56:51 But I think the appropriate prayer
56:52 would be for us to pray, Lord, not my will but Yours.
56:56 He knows which gift,
56:57 as Pastor Lomacang brought up beautifully.
56:59 He knows exactly the gift
57:00 that you would use best for His kingdom
57:03 and the agenda of His kingdom.
57:05 And here's the last one, don't desire commission
57:08 if you don't want conversion until you get conviction.
57:13 Amen.
57:14 That's powerful. Thank you so much.
57:16 I got to write that down. Drop the mic.
57:17 Pastor John, Ryan, Pastor Kenny, Pastor Johnny,
57:20 thank you all so much for sharing your study
57:23 and your hearts with Jesus with you at home.
57:26 Thank you for joining us as well.
57:28 I want to leave you with this quote
57:29 and you might say
57:31 what does this have to do with gifts?
57:32 This is Desire of Ages page 224,
57:36 "Of all the gifts
57:37 that heaven can bestow upon men
57:40 fellowship with Christ in His sufferings
57:44 is the most weighty trust and the highest honor."
57:49 Think about that for a bit
57:50 as we contemplate the gifts of the Spirit
57:53 that God has given to us as the church.
57:55 Join us next week for lesson seven,
57:57 Sharing the Word.


Revised 2020-08-07