3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP200040S

00:01 Hello, friends, I'm Jill Morikone.
00:02 And welcome to another edition of Sabbath School Panel.
00:05 We're on the fourth quarter, the first lesson.
00:08 Our topic and theme for this quarter is education.
00:12 I want to encourage you to grab your quarterly
00:14 and follow along with us for this study,
00:16 "Education in the Garden of Eden."
00:19 If you don't have a quarterly,
00:20 you can always go to the following website,
00:22 absg.adventist.org.
00:25 That stands for
00:27 adultbiblestudyguide.adventist. org.
00:31 So grab a friend, grab your Bible and notepad,
00:34 and get ready as we explore God's Word together.
01:09 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
01:13 Last quarter, we had an incredible study
01:15 written by Pastor Mark Finley, Making Friends for God.
01:18 And I hope that you journeyed with us
01:20 through that third quarter.
01:22 This quarter, we begin entire quarter on education.
01:27 I'm excited about it.
01:28 I was actually trained as a teacher.
01:30 And so this quarter has a special place
01:33 in my heart, you could say.
01:34 Education is so vitally important
01:36 whether we're young and really in school,
01:39 or 50 or 100, we still are being educated
01:43 in that school of Christ.
01:45 I want to introduce our panel to you at this time.
01:48 To my left, Pastor Ryan Day.
01:49 It's a privilege and joy to have you here.
01:50 Amen.
01:52 It's a blessing to be here as always.
01:53 I'm excited.
01:54 Amen.
01:56 You always bring great enthusiasm
01:57 and fire to the study.
01:59 Always, that's the way.
02:00 Speaking of fire, Pastor Kenny Shelton,
02:01 we know he's going to bring that too through
02:03 the power of the Holy Spirit.
02:04 Glad to have you here.
02:05 It's always good to study the Word of God together.
02:07 Look forward to this quarter.
02:08 Amen.
02:10 And there is a face next on the Sabbath School Panel
02:13 which we have not had on the panel for two quarters.
02:16 We are delighted that our sister Shelley Quinn,
02:19 back from surgery and here on the panel.
02:21 So glad you're here.
02:22 Whoo-hoo.
02:24 I can't tell you how excited I am to be back, really.
02:26 Amen. Amen.
02:28 And a new face we're delighted to have here
02:31 on the Sabbath School Panel, Pastor Ronnie Shelton,
02:34 and he is been on previous Sabbath School Panels.
02:36 And so glad to have you here.
02:38 Well, thank you so much for inviting me.
02:39 Amen.
02:41 Before we go any further to our study here
02:43 on Education in the Garden of Eden,
02:45 let's go to the Lord in prayer.
02:47 And, Ryan, would you pray for us?
02:48 Absolutely.
02:49 Our Father in heaven, Lord, we dare not move
02:53 any further without seeking Your guidance, Lord.
02:56 The subject of Education, Lord, is so important.
02:59 So, so important, Lord.
03:00 And we know that we need the power
03:02 of Your Holy Spirit right now to give us wisdom,
03:04 to give us knowledge, to lead and guide us
03:06 through this study that as we rightly divide
03:09 Your Word of truth by Your leadership, Lord.
03:11 May the words come alive, may the message come alive,
03:13 and that may each and every person at home
03:15 and around the world,
03:17 wherever they are watching be blessed.
03:19 We praise and we thank You for being
03:20 our wonderful God of love.
03:22 And we ask this in Jesus' Holy name, amen.
03:24 Amen. Amen.
03:25 Thank you so much.
03:27 Our opening scripture is Proverbs 9:10.
03:29 You want to open up your Bibles there to Proverbs 9:10.
03:33 Last quarter, of course,
03:35 was written by Pastor Mark Finley.
03:36 This quarter was written by...
03:38 It's a compilation.
03:39 It's written by Seventh-day Adventist College professors
03:43 throughout the North American Division.
03:45 So, you could say the great gifted minds
03:48 got together and put together this lesson.
03:51 Proverbs 9:10,
03:53 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
03:57 And the knowledge
03:58 of the Holy One is understanding.
04:00 All true knowledge, all understanding,"
04:03 by extension, all education, "begins with God."
04:08 It begins with the knowledge of God.
04:09 It begins with the knowledge of His Word.
04:12 It begins with the understanding provided
04:15 by the Holy Spirit.
04:16 That's why we always pray before we open up
04:19 the Word of God.
04:21 You could say all education begins with God Himself.
04:25 If you don't understand God,
04:26 how do you understand life or science or language or art?
04:32 All true education begins with a knowledge
04:34 of the character of God.
04:37 1 John 4:8 tells us that God is love.
04:43 God's character is love.
04:45 In fact, in the book Education, this is a little book,
04:48 compilation written by Ellen White, page 16.
04:51 It says, "Love, the basis of creation and of redemption,
04:55 is the basis of true education."
04:58 All true education begins with God,
05:01 a knowledge of the character of God,
05:03 and of course that character is love.
05:06 "All true education focuses on the restoration
05:10 of the character of God in humankind."
05:13 That's right.
05:14 That's the goal and purpose of education.
05:17 Christ came to show us the Father,
05:19 and to restore us
05:21 back to the image of the divine.
05:24 2 Corinthians 5:17, I love this scripture.
05:27 "If anyone is in Christ, he or she is a new creation.
05:31 Old things have passed away.
05:33 Behold, all things have become new."
05:37 All true Christian education focuses on doctrine
05:40 and worship, instruction, fellowship,
05:42 evangelism, and service.
05:45 By contrast, education to become rich or famous,
05:50 education to become skeptical or cynical,
05:54 education to become knowledgeable
05:56 just for the sake of knowledge.
05:59 Without a true knowledge of God, it means nothing.
06:03 Jesus said in Mark 8:36,
06:05 "What shall it profit if a man gain the whole world,
06:10 but lose his own soul?"
06:14 Literature, science, medicine, art, economics,
06:18 all of that is important,
06:20 but without an understanding of God,
06:22 without the restoration of the character of God
06:24 in our soul, it profits us nothing.
06:28 So we look at education from the standpoint
06:31 of the Garden of Eden.
06:33 That is our lesson for today.
06:36 The first school, as it were,
06:37 Adam and Eve been the first students
06:40 in the Garden of Eden.
06:41 So let's turn all the way back to Genesis
06:43 and we're going to take a look at that.
06:45 Genesis, I pick it up in Genesis 2.
06:48 But before we do that, we better read our memory text.
06:50 That is Job 36:22.
06:53 And if you have your lesson,
06:55 you can just follow along with us there.
06:57 Job 36:22, "Behold, God is exalted by His power,
07:04 Who teaches like Him?"
07:06 That tells us God is the ultimate teacher.
07:10 It's right. I love that.
07:12 He is the ultimate teacher.
07:14 Who teaches like Him?
07:15 And as we go through this quarter,
07:17 we will discover that Jesus was a master teacher
07:21 when He walked this earth.
07:24 What an incredible teacher He was.
07:25 On Sunday, we look at the first school.
07:29 You know, I like to read, and I love stories.
07:32 And you think, when you read stories,
07:33 there's always what?
07:34 A cast and characters, and you kind of develop
07:37 them as you go through the story.
07:39 There's always a setting and a background.
07:41 There's a plotline or a storyline.
07:43 But in the Garden of Eden, in Genesis Chapter 2,
07:46 this is not just a story.
07:47 This really happened.
07:49 And what happened in Genesis Chapter 2 and 3,
07:51 as we will study today, it changed history forever.
07:55 That's right.
07:56 Who are the characters in the story?
07:58 God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit,
08:02 all present in creation, all involved as teachers,
08:06 you could say, in this first school.
08:09 Adam and Eve being the first pupils,
08:12 the first students.
08:14 You know, if the teacher made you,
08:15 would you think he understood you?
08:17 That's just a mind-boggling concept to me.
08:20 You know, as educators we're taught,
08:22 understand your students, know your students,
08:24 know their strengths and weaknesses
08:26 and how best to help them.
08:28 Who better understands us than the Lord Jesus Christ?
08:32 That's right.
08:33 The setting for the first school
08:35 was the Garden of Eden.
08:38 There's an article I read, this is from UC, Berkeley.
08:42 They did a study discussing the work of Dr. Ming Kuo,
08:47 and they studied how it helps and benefit students
08:51 to be educated outside.
08:53 Now, isn't that interesting?
08:55 God knew this in the beginning
08:56 because Adam and Eve were in the garden.
08:58 They were outside in their education,
09:00 their entire education.
09:02 Now in this study,
09:03 they did not do the entire education outside.
09:05 They did one class, they took them out
09:06 for the 30-minute period.
09:08 They just sat in the grass, they did nothing special.
09:10 They did their regular schoolwork.
09:12 They didn't even do anything pertaining to outside,
09:15 they just sat outside.
09:17 They found when they came indoors,
09:19 their focus level and their engagement continued
09:24 exponentially through even the entire next class period.
09:31 What a gift Adam and Eve had to be able to study outside.
09:37 So I want to look, you know, I have a list,
09:39 seven principles of true education
09:42 that we find from Genesis 2.
09:44 Seven principles that we find in this first school.
09:48 Principle number one,
09:49 true education centers on Christ.
09:54 Look at Genesis 2:8.
09:56 We're going to actually get our first principles
09:58 from the same verse.
10:00 Genesis 2:8,
10:01 "The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden.
10:06 And there He put the man whom He had formed.
10:08 The word I want to focus on is garden.
10:11 In Hebrew, it means to be enclosed,
10:14 fenced off, protecting.
10:17 It's a form of temple garden,
10:20 which was later represented by the tabernacle,
10:22 where a man met with God.
10:25 Both the tabernacle that later happened
10:27 with the children of Israel,
10:29 where God would come down with a cloud
10:30 and meet with them,
10:32 and the Garden of Eden in the beginning,
10:35 served as the meeting place, you could say,
10:37 between God and humanity.
10:40 In fact, in Genesis 3, we won't go there.
10:43 But remember, after sin entered,
10:44 God called to Adam, "Where are you?"
10:47 Because He was coming for His regular meeting time
10:51 with His students.
10:53 That would have been Adam and Eve.
10:55 True education centers on Christ.
10:59 Adam and Eve, as the first students,
11:00 had access to their teacher, to God, to Jesus every day.
11:06 Principle number two,
11:08 true education has boundaries and organization.
11:13 The same scripture, we already read it,
11:16 "The Lord God planted the garden in Eden."
11:18 And if you think about that word garden,
11:21 not only is it this tabernacle meeting place with God,
11:24 but if it means to be enclosed, fenced off and protected,
11:27 that shows that there's order,
11:29 that shows that there are boundaries.
11:32 You know, sometimes in education,
11:33 we say we just focus on Jesus and that's it.
11:36 Jesus is incredible and we want to focus on Him.
11:40 But we need some measure of organization
11:44 in that educational structure.
11:46 Principle number three, true education is enjoyable.
11:51 Learning should be enjoyable.
11:54 The same verse,
11:55 "The Lord God planted that garden eastward in Eden."
11:59 The word Eden denotes pleasure and delight.
12:04 Do educators today...
12:05 Now whether you're a teacher, whether you're a pastor,
12:08 you are truly educating in your congregation.
12:11 Whether you are a parent,
12:12 you educate your children every day.
12:15 Whether you are in the workplace,
12:16 you provide education for people around you.
12:19 Your neighbors, you can educate neighbors,
12:21 no matter who they are.
12:23 True education should center on Christ,
12:25 it has boundaries and organization,
12:27 it should be enjoyable.
12:29 Number four, true education involves the teachers'
12:32 knowledge and care for the student.
12:35 The same scripture Genesis 2:8, at the end, it says,
12:38 "He put the man whom He had formed."
12:41 God formed Adam, clearly He understood him.
12:45 Principle number five,
12:46 true education involves teaching right and wrong.
12:50 Verse 9, next verse, "Out of the ground,
12:53 the Lord God made every tree grow
12:54 that is pleasant to the sight and good for fruit.
12:57 The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden
13:00 and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil."
13:02 Jump down to verse 16,
13:04 "And the Lord God commanded the man saying,
13:05 'Of every tree of the garden, you may freely eat,
13:08 but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil,
13:09 you shall not eat, for in the day you eat of it,
13:12 you will surely die.' "
13:14 In today's culture, this is considered extreme
13:16 to teach moral absolutes to teach
13:18 that there is a right and wrong,
13:20 but that is biblical.
13:22 True education involves teaching right from wrong.
13:25 Number six, true education involves work,
13:29 not just book learning, but practical education.
13:33 Verse 15, "The Lord God took the man
13:36 and put him in the Garden of Eden
13:37 to tend it and to keep it."
13:40 Now we think work was a consequence of sin.
13:42 It was not.
13:43 God gave Adam and Eve practical employment work
13:47 before sin ever entered the earth.
13:50 Finally, number seven, true education is not solitary.
13:54 Learning involves companionship.
13:57 We learn in groups together.
14:00 Now this verse, "The Lord God said,
14:02 'It is not good that man should be alone.
14:04 I will make him a helper comparable to him.' "
14:06 Now that refers to marriage, but also in education,
14:09 we can learn together.
14:11 Amen.
14:12 Praise the Lord. Thank you so much, Jill.
14:14 You're always very thorough and I like that.
14:16 Praise the Lord.
14:18 You know, my lesson is Monday's lesson
14:19 and it's got an interesting title "Intrusion."
14:23 Intrusion, which automatically kind of sets a negative
14:25 connotation in your mind.
14:27 What type of intrusion?
14:28 Well, we don't have to go very far
14:30 in the Book of Genesis before the mood changes.
14:33 Genesis Chapter 1 and 2, we see that Adam and Eve
14:36 is placed into the Garden of Eden.
14:39 And Eden simply means pleasure.
14:41 And I love that because we see
14:42 that God is not against pleasure.
14:44 He wants to give us pleasure.
14:46 He loves us so much that He wants us to be happy
14:48 and He wanted to put Adam and Eve in a beautiful,
14:51 perfect atmosphere of love.
14:54 And it's just an amazing thought to know
14:57 that God set them up for perfection.
14:59 I mean, they were in a perfect atmosphere.
15:02 We see that God wanted them to have a pleasurable
15:05 educational experience, learning from,
15:08 as Jill brought out,
15:09 nature as well as the Creator Himself.
15:12 What a blessing to think that we can, you know,
15:14 that we will one day have an opportunity to learn
15:17 from Jesus in person, right?
15:19 This brother and sister had the opportunity to walk
15:22 and talk with God in His very presence.
15:24 And so, I could just imagine how awesome that was.
15:28 But, of course, we know it wasn't long
15:30 before this educational experience was interrupted.
15:34 And so, you look at kind of the layout of Genesis,
15:37 and you kind of would expect
15:39 that there would be a few chapters
15:40 before this great antagonistic figure would approach,
15:43 but I mean, you haven't even had time to open
15:46 the screen door, open the front door,
15:48 come into the foyer or the entrance area
15:50 of the home and kick off your shoes before.
15:53 Here's the enemy already.
15:54 In fact, there's a great shift
15:56 that takes place as we transition
15:57 from Genesis Chapter 2 to Chapter 3.
16:00 It's interesting to note
16:01 that when you're in Genesis 1 and 2,
16:02 you have language, such as, you know,
16:04 words like good and very good and not ashamed and pleasant.
16:10 I mean, you just get this kind of overall feeling
16:12 of everything's just fine and dandy, right?
16:14 But by the time you get to Genesis Chapter 3,
16:17 in the very first verse, it opens with the serpent
16:21 being described as more subtle or cunning than anyone else.
16:27 So definitely a shift in mood from positive to negative.
16:31 So let's go to Genesis Chapter 3,
16:33 and we're going to notice something
16:35 as we get into these first few verses.
16:36 I'm not necessarily going to give
16:38 a kind of a commentary breakdown.
16:41 But I want to look at something that's kind of implied
16:43 and very much clear in these texts,
16:46 if you just read into and look into what is actually there.
16:50 So notice Genesis 3:1, very interesting,
16:53 God's not wasting any time.
16:55 He says, "Now the serpent was more cunning
16:57 than any beast of the field, which the Lord God had made."
17:01 And I just want to pause there,
17:02 God is somewhat giving the reader.
17:05 And in this case, it's us, anyone who's studied His Word,
17:08 He was informing.
17:09 Moses, as Moses is writing this down and recording it.
17:11 Let me give you a little bit of an understanding
17:13 into the character
17:15 and the very nature of this enemy.
17:17 Okay?
17:18 Notice how he didn't say he's all powerful,
17:21 or he's just so strong, or he's just so awesome,
17:24 you know, in his power.
17:26 No, no, no. He's described as cunning.
17:29 He's subtle.
17:31 What does that mean?
17:32 What is his strength?
17:34 He's deceptive. Yeah.
17:35 He's crafty. Yeah.
17:37 You know, he's very cunning in nature.
17:41 His strength is thought, thought interruption.
17:46 His strength is altering and changing
17:49 or causing you to alter your thoughts,
17:52 which we're about to see here.
17:53 It's exactly what it's about to take place
17:55 in Genesis Chapter 3.
17:56 So he's more subtle than any beast of the field.
17:59 So up to this point,
18:00 Adam and Eve have had a wonderful opportunity
18:02 to walk and talk with God, right?
18:04 They are learning from Him and about Him,
18:07 which was wonderful.
18:08 However, the image, notice this,
18:10 the image of the character of God
18:12 is about to be put on the stands,
18:14 and challenged by the serpent.
18:16 What have they known about God up to this point?
18:18 God is just loving, He's kind, He's merciful.
18:21 He's just this awesome, all-knowing, all-loving,
18:24 all-powerful God,
18:26 and they're so great to be in His presence.
18:27 But Satan is about to plant a seed into Eve's mind
18:31 to see God in a different light.
18:32 And you say, what do you say here?
18:34 Let's look at this right here.
18:35 So here comes accusation number one
18:36 against the character of God.
18:38 The devil plants the seed in Eve's mind
18:40 that God is not who He says He is.
18:42 So notice Genesis 3:1, this is a continuance
18:45 of what we just read.
18:46 It says, "And he said to the woman,
18:47 'Has God indeed said
18:49 you shall not eat of every tree of the garden?' "
18:53 Now, many people would just read right over this.
18:54 But notice here, there's an implied accusation
18:57 against the character of God here.
18:59 Did God tell you that?
19:01 Really, did God tell you?
19:03 Now, look at all these wonderful,
19:04 beautiful trees in the garden.
19:05 And there's one in this garden that He said you can't eat of.
19:07 How unfair is that?
19:10 In other words, accusation number one.
19:11 In fact, there's three accusations
19:13 against the character of God in these opening verses.
19:15 And I want you to see the drastic transition
19:17 from Genesis 1 and 2
19:18 to what we see in Chapter 3 here.
19:20 What he's saying here is, you know, God is unclear.
19:23 Isn't He unreasonable and restrictive?
19:25 Is this the kind of God you want to serve?
19:26 Someone who just won't give you
19:28 everything that you want, right?
19:30 How dare He tell?
19:31 You look at this tree...
19:33 You can just imagine and look at this fruit, Eve!
19:34 Man, doesn't it look so good
19:35 and God's keeping this from you.
19:37 He's restrictive.
19:38 Is that the kind of God you want to serve?
19:40 All right.
19:41 But notice, it continues on.
19:42 The woman clarifies in verse 2,
19:44 "And the woman said to the serpent,
19:45 'We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden,
19:47 but of the fruit of the tree
19:48 which is in the midst of the garden,'
19:49 God has said, 'You shall not eat of it,
19:51 neither shall you touch it, lest ye die.' "
19:55 Okay, so notice this.
19:57 Notice how Eve did not emphasize the warning
20:01 the same way that God did in Genesis 2:17.
20:03 That's right. Yeah.
20:04 Okay, so the fact that she is entertaining
20:07 a conversation with this serpent,
20:09 he's already penetrated her thoughts.
20:11 He's already got her confused.
20:13 You know, God had said that you shall surely die.
20:16 And now notice what she says, you know,
20:17 in the day that we eat of it, you know, we shall die.
20:21 But you know, and she even adds a word,
20:23 we can't even touch it,
20:24 even though God didn't say that.
20:25 She's confused because she's entertaining
20:28 this idea or this thought,
20:30 this conversation with the devil.
20:32 And so notice verse 4, the serpent responds,
20:34 "And he says to the woman, 'You will not surely die.' "
20:37 Now notice he added the word surely.
20:39 In Genesis 2:17, God did say, "You shall surely die."
20:42 He says, "No, no, no, no.
20:44 Don't believe that.
20:45 You're not really going to die."
20:47 And so here's accusation number two.
20:50 What is he saying to her?
20:52 God's a liar.
20:53 You can't trust Him.
20:55 He's untrustworthy and He's dishonest.
20:57 So by this, by now I could imagine, Eve,
20:59 she's full fledge, like,
21:01 launched into the state of confusion.
21:02 "Wait a second,"
21:04 because she's never heard a lie before.
21:05 She's never heard it.
21:06 I mean, she's been in a perfect state
21:08 of just perfection and love and truth and honesty.
21:13 And now she's hearing all this for the first time.
21:15 And then comes the big blow.
21:18 Accusation number three, verse 5.
21:20 Notice what it says here.
21:22 "For God knows that in the day you eat of it,
21:26 your eyes will be opened.
21:28 And you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
21:32 Now we know there's someone in scripture
21:33 that said he wanted to be like God.
21:35 Yes.
21:36 This is the devil sharing his own heart.
21:37 And that's not necessarily the truth, obviously.
21:40 Now we know that, yes, her eyes were gonna be opened,
21:42 their eyes were gonna be opened to see things
21:44 that they had never seen before.
21:46 But notice accusation number three,
21:47 the fact that he's saying, "Oh, you know what?
21:49 God just, He knows that you're gonna be like Him,
21:52 and you're gonna know good from evil.
21:53 You're gonna be educated.
21:56 You're gonna be informed in such a way
21:58 that you've never know, God is withholding information.
22:01 He's withholding a good education from you.
22:04 He's keeping all of this other stuff from you."
22:07 In other words, God is selfish.
22:08 He's only looking out for Himself.
22:10 You are better off without God.
22:13 That's what we're seeing right here.
22:15 The enemy has Eve so confused that she now sees God
22:18 in a completely different way.
22:20 This leads her to distrust His word,
22:23 and be overcome by temptation.
22:25 You know the story.
22:26 There's an intrusion.
22:31 So I heard someone once say, sin is the result, get this,
22:34 sin is the result of a misrepresentation
22:36 of God's character.
22:37 Amen. It's right.
22:38 So why did Eve sin?
22:40 Well, obviously, she conceived that,
22:42 she felt to that temptation.
22:43 But ultimately, she felt to the temptation
22:45 because now she sees God in a completely different way
22:49 than what she did before.
22:50 She has been deceived into believing that God is not
22:54 who He says He is.
22:55 My friends, I have just a little over a minute here
22:56 to make this point very clear.
22:58 Many of us have the same...
23:01 We're entertaining thoughts and ideas of the enemy.
23:04 We're entertaining too much conversation
23:07 and too much time with the enemy
23:08 that he has our thoughts confused.
23:10 Many of us are if-ing and if-ing,
23:12 what-if-ing and questioning and budding God's Word
23:16 too much to the point that we're questioning
23:18 God's Word so much that now we distrust God Himself.
23:21 And when we come to the point to where we see God in a way
23:24 that He is not because we've entertained
23:26 too much conversation and too much time
23:28 with the enemy, then it's going to lead us
23:30 to live a life of sin, because sin is the result
23:33 of a misrepresentation of God's character.
23:35 When you see God for who He is, who He truly is,
23:39 then you will see a God of love.
23:41 You will see a God that's not withholding anything.
23:43 He wants you to be fully educated to the utmost.
23:47 In fact that, you know, you say,
23:48 "Well, but why does the devil keep fighting," right?
23:50 You know, he's still...
23:51 Well, because Revelation 12:12 clearly tells us
23:55 that he knows he has but a short time.
23:58 Okay, he may keep fighting in this battle,
24:00 but Jesus has won the war.
24:02 Bring yourself and put yourself on the side of Jesus,
24:05 become educated by the Master of the Universe,
24:08 and leave that devil alone.
24:10 Amen.
24:11 Praise the Lord.
24:12 Thank you, Ryan.
24:14 We're gonna take a short break.
24:15 We'll be right back.
24:17 Amen.
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24:51 Welcome back to our study as we continue
24:53 Education in the Garden of Eden.
24:54 We pick it up with Tuesday's lesson, Pastor Kenny.
24:57 Oh, I tell you, the foundation which was laid was beautiful.
25:01 So really I'm going to play off of that in Genesis
25:04 what both of you have laid there,
25:05 and maybe just put it down kind of some things
25:07 you might take some notes on and refer back to it later.
25:10 But I want to refer, first of all,
25:12 to one text in Genesis 2:17.
25:15 Genesis 2:17, I'm going to read that.
25:19 Again, there's the purpose in reading this
25:21 is because then we're going to play off of that,
25:23 and see where the confusion
25:24 because we're looking at Tuesday's lesson,
25:26 "Missing the Message."
25:27 You know, how can we miss the message?
25:29 How did Eve miss this message that God gave so clearly?
25:36 And is it possible that maybe
25:37 we are missing a message for today?
25:40 Bible says in Genesis 2:17,
25:42 "But of the tree of the knowledge
25:44 of good and evil, thou shall not eat of it.
25:47 For in the day thou eatest thereof,
25:49 thou shall surely die."
25:51 I know you've read that many, many, many times.
25:54 But still, when I read it, it seems clear.
25:57 Of course, I've read a lot of things in Scripture
25:59 that seem really clear and I found out
26:00 I've done the opposite sometimes.
26:02 So we have to come back.
26:03 So let's look at that.
26:04 About 11 things that I find here
26:07 where Eve missed the mark.
26:10 So we're going to look at, number one we're going to miss.
26:12 As we read the passage of scripture there,
26:14 God's command, number one, was clear.
26:17 I think you brought that out.
26:18 God's command, number one, is very clear.
26:19 We just read how clear that it is.
26:22 And then, notice when she was questioned
26:25 by the serpent, number two, Eve, watered down
26:30 what she had been taught in the garden.
26:33 We had to be very careful, we've been taught
26:35 or the Holy Spirit has taught us certain truths.
26:37 And when we were put under pressure,
26:39 what do we do?
26:41 Water it down.
26:42 And that's a no-no with God.
26:44 God doesn't want us to water it down.
26:45 Look what happened here when she watered it down,
26:47 she got herself in trouble
26:48 and got the whole world in trouble.
26:49 Number three,
26:51 she didn't take God's Word seriously.
26:53 I realized you brought all these things up.
26:55 Because if she had realized how serious God was,
26:59 and the implications of what would happen,
27:02 right, to the world and all that followed after,
27:05 maybe she would have made, you know, a different decision.
27:08 So she didn't take God's Word seriously.
27:09 Number four, she began to repeat the message,
27:13 notice, to the serpent,
27:15 but I think you brought out, not exactly.
27:18 See, sometime, we start repeating
27:20 what we've heard, but not exactly
27:22 because we're afraid of stepping on somebody's toes
27:24 or we don't want any repercussions.
27:26 We don't want any letters written.
27:30 You know what I'm talking about here.
27:32 So we begin to kind of water it just,
27:34 and soften it just a little bit here.
27:35 That's what she did.
27:36 But it got her in trouble.
27:38 It's going to get you in trouble
27:39 and get me into trouble.
27:41 Number five, the serpent was already,
27:42 we know this, familiar with God's Word.
27:45 Yes.
27:46 We say, "Oh, don't give him any credit."
27:48 But you know what?
27:49 He knows the Word and he knows that well,
27:51 because he knows what he's going to do with it.
27:54 He knows if you know the Word too.
27:56 Number six, the serpent was well prepared.
27:59 I don't think he used this word,
28:01 Brother Ryan, but he twisted.
28:03 He was ready as soon as the word came out,
28:06 he's ready to twist it.
28:07 As soon as you, you know, get it.
28:09 I want to get this message out to the world.
28:10 He's going to start twisting things around
28:12 and try to twist it around your neck,
28:14 as it were, or around your tongue.
28:16 Yeah, or you got your foot in your mouth.
28:17 So he tries to twist God's Word.
28:20 Number seven, the serpent, notice this.
28:23 I thought it was interesting.
28:24 I sensed in here that the serpent
28:26 preyed on Eve's innocence.
28:29 Yes. Let's think about it.
28:31 He preyed on her.
28:32 You mentioned, all she knew was good,
28:34 wonderful, loving, kind.
28:36 And so he knew she was innocent.
28:37 And just as the enemy tries to prey on our children,
28:42 he starts at a very early age,
28:44 when they're somewhat as it were innocent.
28:46 He begins to twist things in their ears
28:48 and in their mind.
28:49 So we need to be careful that we don't add,
28:53 or we don't subtract from the Word of God,
28:56 Revelation 22:18 and 19 tells us there.
28:59 I mean, our name will be removed,
29:02 so we need to make sure.
29:03 But listen, I'm gonna say something quickly.
29:05 Don't let that stop you from giving the message
29:08 that God has given you.
29:09 I've heard many people say,
29:11 I'm afraid that I might get it wrong.
29:12 And so I'll influence somebody else's life
29:14 and they may be lost to the cause.
29:16 Be praying, studying, know what you know,
29:18 this truth of God's Word.
29:20 Give that truth.
29:21 Get that truth.
29:22 And if you happen, I'll be careful...
29:24 If you happen to make a mistake, right?
29:26 If you happen to, oh, you go back to them,
29:28 and you say, you know what?
29:30 I missed that point right there and I want to make it right.
29:33 But give the Word of God.
29:34 Number eight, serpent said,
29:37 part of the message was incorrect.
29:40 We know that.
29:41 He said part of it.
29:43 He didn't say all of it.
29:44 Basically, insinuation was part of it was incorrect.
29:47 And number nine, upon hearing this,
29:49 Eve could have...
29:51 When he said, "Well, this is not quite correct,"
29:54 well, you look at...
29:55 Eve could have said, "Just a moment.
29:57 I'm going to go and I'm going to ask God.
30:00 I'm going to ask the master teacher,
30:03 I'm going to go back to the classroom
30:05 and I'm going to ask God,
30:06 and He will tell me whether it is.
30:08 She didn't do that.
30:10 See, this was part of her education,
30:12 she did not follow through with it.
30:14 She accepted the serpent's message,
30:16 number 10, instead of God's message,
30:19 couldn't we, deceive she accepted
30:21 serpent's message.
30:23 Now, in order to accept the devil's message,
30:26 we have to, number one, doubt.
30:29 So what did he do?
30:30 He began to plant doubt in her mind on her part about God
30:35 and what He had said.
30:36 You hear that a lot,
30:38 don't you when somebody is reading it?
30:39 Well, I know what it says.
30:40 But, well, it seems like now it's different now.
30:42 And so soon as the enemy hears that,
30:45 or he plants that in your mind, doubt, he's got you.
30:48 We never should doubt Scripture.
30:50 We should say, "Well, I don't understand it
30:51 maybe right now, I want to read more,
30:53 and I want to understand it.
30:55 But I'm not going to doubt what God has said."
30:56 So our lesson wants us to examine a little further
30:58 what Brother Ryan read there in Genesis 3:4-6
31:03 in the few moments that we've got left here.
31:05 And I can't say it will be any clearer.
31:07 But we pray that it'll be an addition,
31:09 it can be added on some things.
31:11 We must be very careful that we are not,
31:13 he used the word I think, deceived.
31:16 Even if we think we have some good training,
31:19 even if we think we have a good education,
31:22 even if we think that we are founded
31:24 on the rock, you know,
31:26 of Jesus Christ, we still must be very careful.
31:29 Because again, Adam and Eve,
31:30 you couldn't get any better teacher,
31:32 you just couldn't do it.
31:34 You didn't have to worry about it.
31:35 Sometime when you go with a class
31:37 of different things, now you have to...
31:38 Are they telling the truth, you know,
31:40 is what they're teaching the truth?
31:42 They didn't have to do that.
31:45 And so as we look at it here,
31:47 we must remember that Adam and Eve, again,
31:49 had the very best education in the garden
31:51 was brought out here.
31:52 Genesis 3:4-6, verse 4 said,
31:54 "And the serpent said unto the woman, ye shall not,"
31:56 what, you read it.
31:58 Surely die. "Ye shall not surely die."
32:00 So what does this do?
32:02 Simply Matthew 21:21, you know, it's a good statement here.
32:06 It says, "Jesus speaking to the fruitless fig tree,"
32:08 what does he do?
32:10 He plants what? Doubt.
32:11 First thing he does, the devil goes doubt, doubt,
32:13 and pretty soon we get turned.
32:14 "Jesus speaking of the fruitless fig tree,
32:16 He said, if you have faith and doubt,"
32:19 I like it, "doubt not, ye shall not only do this,
32:22 which is done to the fig tree,
32:23 but also," then He speaks about the mountain
32:25 you can speak to it and it be cast into the sea.
32:29 Satan's first question was to arouse doubt.
32:32 And he's gonna do it to you
32:34 and he's going to do it to me, arouse.
32:35 You know, I receive letters sometime and people,
32:38 they challenge you on what has been said,
32:39 or what you're teaching or the Advent movement,
32:42 you have to look back and say, "Has God taught this?
32:44 Is it His word?"
32:45 You have to be sure.
32:47 And you have to be strong in that and stay
32:49 with it because you don't know who you're dealing with.
32:51 And people write letters and where they're at in their
32:52 Christian walk or who they are.
32:54 So stay with the Word of God.
32:55 So first question, he did raise doubt.
32:58 Now with this done, what did he do?
33:00 Once he got Eve to doubt,
33:02 automatically that put him in the position of authority.
33:06 He's in charge now, see,
33:08 because he already got her to doubt,
33:11 but he got her to doubt the clear,
33:12 simple command that God said, "Ye shall not surely die."
33:19 Literally, that reads in scripture,
33:21 ye will positively not die.
33:24 You know, no doubt about it.
33:26 Positive, you're not going to die.
33:28 And I'm sure he was persuasive when he said it.
33:30 He already had her under his control.
33:31 Notice that.
33:33 And, of course, Satan is John 8:44, what is he?
33:36 He's a liar and the truth is not him.
33:38 He's a father of lies.
33:40 He's never going to tell the truth because he is a liar.
33:42 Notice that.
33:44 For God, notice this, verse 5.
33:46 It says, notice, "For God doth know
33:48 that in this day ye eat thereof,
33:50 your eyes shall be," you mentioned it, what?
33:52 Opened.
33:53 "Your eyes shall be opened."
33:55 Notice this, don't fear about dying,
33:57 because you're not going to die.
33:58 Don't worry about that.
34:00 You know, to fear, think about fear God,
34:01 you will become, notice this, don't fear God,
34:04 maybe God's afraid that you're going
34:05 to be a rival, maybe God's fearing here that maybe
34:08 you're going to try to be an equal.
34:10 Maybe God is going to feel threatened, you see,
34:13 if you do this thing, you're a competition.
34:16 Then you notice what he said.
34:17 He said he charged God then with doing, what?
34:21 With lying.
34:22 It was mentioned, he charged God with lying.
34:23 And you can go through all that,
34:25 we don't have time to look through all of that.
34:26 I want to read something on the very end here
34:27 in a few seconds that we have,
34:29 I thought was very, very interesting here.
34:32 Patriarchs and Prophets, page 56, notice what it says.
34:35 "Adam understood that his companion
34:36 had transgressed the command of God
34:39 and disregarded the only prohibition laid upon him.
34:42 As a test of the fidelity and love,
34:44 there was a terrible struggle in the mind.
34:47 He mourned that he had permitted
34:48 Eve to wander from his side, but now the deed was done.
34:52 He must be separated from her whose society was a real joy."
34:57 You know, he had to make a choice
34:59 and we have to make a choice today.
35:01 Amen and amen.
35:03 Well, I have Wednesday's lesson
35:06 which is "Regaining What Was Lost."
35:10 So here we have Adam and Eve, they are in the Garden of Eden,
35:14 in the classroom with God.
35:17 They are learning about His character.
35:19 They're learning about His love in such an intimate way.
35:23 Can you imagine having God come alongside of you to teach,
35:27 but they hear the distortion of the truth,
35:31 they hear the twisting of God's Word.
35:36 And what did they do?
35:38 She chooses to accept that.
35:40 And I want to submit to you,
35:42 I think part of that was because Satan,
35:46 the serpent appealed to her ego.
35:49 Yeah. Sure. "What?
35:51 You're gonna let God tell you...
35:53 I mean, he said, you can eat of any tree in the garden,
35:56 just not from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
36:01 What is God saying?"
36:03 It's not up to you to decide what's good for you.
36:06 It's not up to you to decide what's bad for you.
36:09 I'm your Creator.
36:11 I'm going to put you in these protective boundaries.
36:14 So don't eat there.
36:15 But Satan convinces her.
36:19 "You can be like God."
36:20 How many people nowadays are trying to decide,
36:24 as you said, Jill, no absolute truth, you know,
36:27 what's good for me, I decide.
36:29 What's bad for me, I decide.
36:31 They don't go to the Word of God.
36:33 So what's happened now,
36:35 they were banished from the garden,
36:38 they are suffering the consequences of sin.
36:43 And more than ever, remedial education is required.
36:49 You've heard of remedial English,
36:51 that means it's a remedy, it's a cure.
36:54 So the way education, much of Christian education,
36:58 it's pointing back to Jesus, it is to teach
37:03 how he can restore because we see Eden lost,
37:07 we see the fall of mankind,
37:09 they fell under the influence of Satan.
37:12 But now the God's whole purpose is to restore His image in us.
37:18 It is to restore the Garden of Eden,
37:21 which is what's going to happen at the very last.
37:24 We're going to regain what was lost.
37:27 So let's turn to 2 Peter Chapter 1.
37:31 I love this verse.
37:32 This is one of my favorite passages.
37:35 Education is more than gaining knowledge.
37:40 Education is developing character.
37:44 And the good news is that God provides everything
37:47 we need for salvation and restoration.
37:50 So let's look at 2 Peter 1:3 and 4.
37:55 I'm going to read it briefly,
37:57 then I'll go through and break it down.
37:59 2 Peter 1:3-4,
38:02 "As His divine power has given to us all things
38:06 that pertain to life and godliness,
38:10 through the knowledge of Him,
38:11 who called us by glory and virtue,
38:15 by which have been given to us exceedingly great
38:18 and precious promises that, through these,
38:21 you may be partakers of the divine nature
38:25 having escaped the corruption
38:27 that is in the world through lust."
38:29 Wow, that's a mouthful.
38:31 Let's go back and take it apart.
38:33 Verse 2 or verse 3,
38:37 "His divine power, His grace is sufficient."
38:42 He is our sufficiency.
38:45 It's not our power.
38:46 It is His divine power has given to us,
38:50 well, how much?
38:52 All things, every spiritual resource.
38:56 Ephesians 1:11 says that every spiritual blessing
38:59 in the heavenly realms
39:00 is already yours in Christ Jesus.
39:03 So He's given us all things that pertain to life.
39:08 That word is Zoe in the Greek, this is eternal life.
39:12 We're not talking about just life on earth,
39:15 everything that pertains to eternal life
39:18 and to godliness.
39:20 What does that mean, godliness?
39:23 It means godly living, living in obedience to God.
39:27 We're loyal.
39:29 We're expressing our love and loyalty through obedience,
39:34 through the knowledge of Him...
39:37 Listen, this is an intimate knowledge of Him.
39:41 When you think Jesus said in John 17:3
39:46 that this is eternal life that you may know Him
39:52 and the one who He sent.
39:54 So it is through our intimate relationship with Lord
39:59 that we really get to know Him and can draw on His power.
40:04 He says, "Who," speaking of God,
40:08 "call this by glory and virtue,
40:11 by which," by what?
40:15 By His glory, His character and His virtue,
40:19 His moral excellence, through His character,
40:24 moral excellence "had been given to us
40:27 exceedingly great and precious promises.
40:31 And the covenant," the prince of the covenant,
40:35 the mediator of our covenant is Jesus Christ.
40:38 And 2 Corinthians 1:20 says,
40:41 "All of God's promises are ours in Christ Jesus."
40:45 Hallelujah.
40:46 So he says, "Had been given to us exceedingly great
40:51 and precious promises, that through these,"
40:55 through what?
40:56 "Through His promises,
40:59 you may be partakers of His divine nature."
41:04 His character, His moral excellence,
41:08 we get to His righteousness that is imparted to us.
41:13 We're born again.
41:14 We're made anew.
41:16 Hallelujah.
41:18 The Holy Spirit indwells us.
41:22 And we have...
41:23 You know, when Adam and Eve fell,
41:26 I believe there was a spiritual DNA change.
41:31 The DNA was the devil's nature acquired.
41:35 But now we get to have partake of the new,
41:40 His divine nature.
41:43 So it is God's divine nature acquired, DNA,
41:49 having escaped the corruption,
41:52 that's the decomposition of the world
41:55 that's through lust.
41:58 And when it says that we escaped,
42:00 it means that we repent, we flee from it.
42:04 But now let's quickly, if I've got time,
42:06 go over the next verses.
42:09 Because once we accept,
42:11 "Hey, all of these promises are ours.
42:14 All God's promises are yours,"
42:17 then there's some action that's required on our part.
42:20 He's giving us His divine nature.
42:22 He's giving us all of this promises.
42:25 But listen to this, verse 5, "But also for this reason,
42:29 because of all of His amazing grace,"
42:31 everything we've just looked at, "giving all diligence,"
42:36 you've got to dedicate yourself,
42:38 you've got to make a maximum effort to honor God.
42:43 Add to your faith virtue."
42:46 What's a virtue?
42:47 Moral excellence.
42:49 To your virtue, add knowledge,
42:50 that's a diligent study of God's Word
42:54 as you try to comprehend and apply His truth.
42:58 You know, the quarterly I wanted to read this
43:00 one little paragraph said,
43:01 "True education will lead to true knowledge,
43:06 the knowledge of Christ, and that's not only
43:10 will we become more like Him, but we may also stand
43:15 and share our knowledge in Him with others.
43:18 Hallelujah.
43:19 Then the scripture goes on.
43:21 2 Peter 1:6 says,
43:23 "Add to your knowledge self control."
43:28 Hey, self restrain, self discipline.
43:32 God does not control us.
43:34 He is not in the controlling business.
43:37 He granted you free will.
43:40 So, you know, it's actually wrong.
43:43 I used to say, "Well, you know,
43:45 let the Holy Spirit surrender and let Him control."
43:49 No, it is a moment by moment decision.
43:51 He is never in control.
43:54 We always have to be submitting to Him.
43:56 So there's that self-discipline,
43:58 to self control perseverance.
44:01 That's patient endurance as we apply the promises
44:04 of God's Word, to perseverance at godliness,
44:09 to godliness brotherly kindness,
44:12 to brotherly kindness love.
44:14 Now listen to what he says,
44:16 "For these things are yours and abound,
44:18 you will neither be barren or unfruitful.
44:22 But he who lacks these things is short sighted
44:26 even to blindness,
44:28 and is forgotten that he was cleansed
44:30 from his old sins."
44:33 Some people are suffering spiritual amnesia.
44:35 That's right.
44:37 We don't remember Christ's sacrifice for our sins.
44:40 Therefore, Brethren, be even more diligent to make
44:43 your call an election sure,
44:46 pursuing these spiritual guidelines.
44:50 And in so doing, verse 11, says,
44:53 "An entrance will be supplied to you abundantly
44:57 into the everlasting kingdom
45:00 of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ."
45:02 Amen.
45:03 Amen. Amen.
45:05 Praise the Lord. Yes.
45:06 As we continue in our study of school
45:10 and education, I've got Thursday's part,
45:14 "The Despisers of Authority."
45:17 You know, that is so common now,
45:19 the despisers of authority.
45:20 It seems like it's everywhere we look,
45:22 somebody despises the authority that is in charge.
45:26 Now, as we talked about the Garden of Eden and school,
45:29 we know that...
45:30 It makes me think back to my school days.
45:32 There was always some kids in the class who seemed like
45:36 they just got it right off the bat, you know.
45:38 They make good grades,
45:40 they didn't have to take the books home.
45:41 You know, I wasn't one of those fortunately.
45:44 Unfortunately,
45:45 I was one who had to take books home and study.
45:49 But we find that there are those
45:51 who are blessed with that, as I said,
45:53 I wasn't one of those.
45:55 And as we get into our study today,
45:58 we're going to find out as Shelley was bringing out
46:00 in 1 Peter Chapter 1,
46:02 God just revealed a bunch of the blessings
46:05 that He has for us.
46:07 Yes.
46:08 But now I have Chapter 2,
46:10 and we're kind of going the different direction now,
46:13 as the adversary always gets in,
46:15 you know, he gets in his blows.
46:18 And Chapter 2, in my Bible,
46:21 it's listed under destructive doctrines,
46:24 destructive doctrines.
46:25 As we look at Chapter 2,
46:27 the question in the quarterly says,
46:30 what powerful condemning words is Peter saying here?
46:33 And that is in 2 Peter 2:1-17,
46:36 we don't have time to look at all of those.
46:38 But I want to touch on a few of those things.
46:41 Peter warns us of destructive doctrines.
46:44 Notice a few of them.
46:46 In verse 1, first of all,
46:48 he warns the false prophets and false teachers.
46:53 False prophets and false teachers among you.
46:57 You know, teachers of spiritual matters,
47:00 as well as teachers in the public school system
47:03 have a great responsibility.
47:05 A great responsibility, because they are forming lives.
47:09 The people in their class are there to learn,
47:12 and to bring it into their way of life.
47:15 And so he says that there are spiritual teachers
47:19 that are false teachers.
47:22 They have a huge responsibility to preach truth,
47:24 even in our public schools, you know.
47:27 And we find in our public schools,
47:29 there are a number of wonderful
47:30 Christian teachers, in our public schools,
47:34 who will compromise
47:35 when it comes to the origin of man.
47:38 And we think...
47:40 I don't quite understand that, you know,
47:41 the Word of God says that God created man
47:43 in His image.
47:45 And yet we have good Christian people,
47:47 some, not all, in the public schools
47:51 that will water down the truth to make it easier, you know.
47:57 Each student is being formed in the image of God,
48:00 or in the image of the world.
48:03 And you know, we can put parents
48:07 into the category of teachers.
48:08 That's right. Can't we?
48:10 That's right.
48:11 Parents have much more influence than the teachers do.
48:12 Because how many hours of the day, you know,
48:14 are the kids at home with the parents
48:17 rather than in the school.
48:18 So teachers are not just teachers
48:22 influenced the children, but parents even more so
48:25 because children are impacted.
48:28 You know, Solomon wrote in Proverbs 22:6, he says,
48:31 "Train up a child in the way that he should go,
48:34 and when he is old," what?
48:35 "He will depart from it."
48:37 You know, we need to unpack that just a little bit.
48:40 Proverbs 22:6 sometimes feels like a hammer,
48:44 and beats down the already broken-hearted people
48:47 who have watched their children leave the church,
48:50 leave the faith.
48:52 And yet they're claiming the promise of Proverbs 22:6.
48:57 So sometimes, you know, we've seen good, honest,
49:00 faithful parents bring up their children in the nurture
49:03 and admonition of the Lord.
49:05 And yet when the children became of age,
49:07 and even earlier, and decided to go another path.
49:11 And so we think, well, is that not true?
49:13 I've struggled with the understanding
49:15 of that passage myself.
49:17 On the surface,
49:18 it does seem that there is a promise
49:20 they will not depart.
49:22 That's what it says.
49:23 On the other hand,
49:25 there seems to be clear exceptions to the rules.
49:27 We all know that and maybe it's even happened
49:29 in our own families,
49:31 that there seems to be an exception to the rule,
49:34 and that it means pretty much the opposite
49:36 of what we've taken it to mean.
49:39 And let me explain that a little bit.
49:41 It is not necessarily a promise to good parents,
49:45 but a warning to bad parents
49:47 who would shirk their responsibilities,
49:50 shirk their responsibilities to guide their children,
49:52 especially teenage children in the ways of the Lord.
49:57 This verse is meant to be a warning
50:00 about bad results of permissive parenting,
50:04 a failing to set boundaries and give guidance
50:08 to adolescence, you know,
50:10 their characters are being developed
50:11 that will form the rest of their lives.
50:15 And so we have to be so responsible.
50:18 And we have to teach our children to recognize
50:20 the authority of the Word of God,
50:23 the authority of the Word of God.
50:25 We must teach the children to respect the authority
50:28 of the Word of God, to believe it,
50:30 to embrace it, and to live it.
50:32 Yes.
50:34 I'm talking about eternal life and eternal death
50:36 in these matters.
50:38 The responsibilities on every teacher, every parent,
50:41 I would say, you have the influence
50:43 over your students,
50:45 you have the influence over your children,
50:47 over your grandchildren even, regardless of their age.
50:52 And as we go down to 2 Peter 2:3,
50:56 Peter tells us that there are false teachers
50:58 will exploit you with deceptive words.
51:03 Well, verses 4-8, God tells us of the doom of false teachers.
51:09 And in verse 6, he talks about Sodom and Gomorrah.
51:12 And I want to look at that with me
51:13 in your Bible in 2 Peter 2:6.
51:18 It says, "In turning the cities
51:20 of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes,
51:22 condemn them to destruction,
51:24 making them an example
51:27 to those who afterward would live ungodly."
51:33 We have such a responsibility to teach right.
51:38 And you know, even though sin is in the world so strongly,
51:42 there is a limit to God's patience.
51:43 That's right. True.
51:45 And I have a quote here
51:46 from Patriarchs and Prophets, page 162.
51:49 And it is entitled Limits to Sinning.
51:52 The flames that consume the cities of plain shed
51:55 their warning light down even to our time.
51:59 We are taught the fearful and solemn blessing
52:01 that while God's mercy bears long with the transgressor,
52:06 there is a limit beyond which men may not go and sin.
52:10 When that limit is reached,
52:12 then the offers of mercy are withdrawn,
52:15 and the ministration of judgment begins.
52:19 So, well, that is heavy.
52:20 That's right, there is a limit to God's mercy.
52:23 Let's continue now in verse 9
52:27 of that same chapter, Chapter 2.
52:29 "Then the Lord knows
52:31 how to deliver the godly out of temptation."
52:33 Thank you, Lord.
52:34 "And to reserve the unjust
52:37 under punishment for the Day of Judgment."
52:40 And then it continues,
52:42 "And especially those who walk according to the flesh
52:44 and the lust of uncleanness,
52:46 and despise authority,
52:49 they are presumptuous self-willed,
52:52 they are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries.
52:55 And this was a really eye opener,
52:58 whereas angels who are greater in power
53:00 and might do not bring a reviling accusation
53:03 against them before the Lord."
53:06 That's fairly strong itself.
53:09 If you notice that sharp rebuke that Peter talks about
53:13 those who despise authority in verse 10,
53:18 he writes about it, then, as if it were us now.
53:21 It's like he's writing today's news,
53:23 even back then, it was the same.
53:25 There are those who despise authority
53:27 that dates all the way back to heaven itself.
53:31 I think Brother Ryan mentioned something about this.
53:34 The Bible tells us that there was an angel,
53:37 by the name of Lucifer,
53:39 and he despised the authority of God,
53:42 he despised the authority of God.
53:44 And as a result, he was cast out of heaven.
53:47 You can read about that in Ezekiel 28,
53:50 and Revelation 12.
53:52 And then as we bring that down to our church
53:54 situations now, we as a church body must work
53:59 in the assumption of certain levels of authority
54:03 even in the church.
54:06 I want to look at Hebrews Chapter 13,
54:10 just for a second, and I want you to see
54:12 where I'm coming from on this.
54:16 Hebrews 13:7 says,
54:18 "Remember those who rule over you
54:21 who have spoken the Word of God to you, whose faith follow,
54:25 considering the outcome of their conduct."
54:28 Again, he mentions those in 17, verse 17,
54:31 "Obey those who rule over you and be submissive,
54:35 and that they watch out for your souls as those
54:38 who must give an account.
54:40 Let them do so with joy, and not with grief,
54:44 for that would be unprofitable for you."
54:46 And then again in verse 24,
54:48 "Greet all of those who rule over you
54:51 and all of the saints.
54:54 So we find that no man is an island unto himself.
54:58 That's right.
54:59 You know, each one of us in the structure
55:01 of our present environment,
55:03 we all have someone that is over us.
55:06 And we have to learn the authority that they have,
55:10 and find our place in that and be submissive to that.
55:14 We are called to submit and obey those in authority.
55:18 Yes.
55:20 To the degree that one is being faithful
55:23 to the Lord Himself.
55:24 Now you think about that.
55:26 There are those who resist authority
55:28 in every group, in every church,
55:30 there is also those
55:37 that are resisting in every group, everywhere.
55:41 And we find that we have to give to authority.
55:44 We are not the final word, any one of us.
55:46 Amen. Amen.
55:47 Amen.
55:49 Thank you so much, Pastor Ronnie Shelton,
55:50 Pastor Kenny, Pastor Ryan, what an amazing launch,
55:53 you could say, to fourth quarter.
55:55 We just have a few moments left and give you each a moment
55:58 to share about your day or about the lesson.
55:59 That's right.
56:00 It's very simple from my perspective,
56:02 be educated by Jesus, leave that devil alone.
56:05 Very simple, very simple.
56:08 1 Corinthians 10:11 and 12 quickly,
56:10 "Now all things happen unto us for," what?
56:12 "They're examples, and they are written
56:15 for our admonition upon
56:16 whom the ends of the earth are come.
56:17 Wherefore let him that thinketh
56:19 he standeth take heed lest he fall."
56:21 Well, mine would be simply this,
56:23 that God is a God of restoration.
56:26 And He intends to restore the image of Jesus
56:30 and as we open the Bible in Genesis,
56:33 Eden lost, Revelation, Eden restored.
56:35 Amen.
56:37 My closing summation
56:38 would be without proper authority in place,
56:40 the world would be in havoc, wouldn't it?
56:42 What wouldn't it though?
56:43 Oh, wouldn't it be a mess? That's right.
56:45 But we are thankful that God
56:46 is still on His throne of authority.
56:49 And He's still in charge.
56:50 That's right. Praise the Lord.
56:52 Amen.
56:53 What an incredible study.
56:54 I'm looking forward to the rest of the lessons here
56:56 as we study together.
56:58 I want to leave you with this closing scripture.
57:00 This is 2 Timothy, this is Paul's, you could say,
57:04 at the end of his life,
57:05 he's in prison writing to his son in the faith,
57:09 parting words.
57:10 This is 2 Timothy 2:15.
57:14 New King James says,
57:15 "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God."
57:19 Now King James says what, Pastor Kenny?
57:21 Study.
57:22 Study to show thyself approved unto God.
57:26 A workman who does not need to be ashamed,
57:29 rightly dividing the word of truth.
57:32 That is what the goal of all education is,
57:35 that we need to study to know the character of God,
57:39 know who God is,
57:41 and then have that character be restored in us,
57:46 as Shelley brought out so beautifully,
57:48 that reconciliation or restoration
57:50 back to the Father.
57:52 That is the goal when Jesus came
57:55 and died on the cross and that is His goal
57:57 for each one of us to be restored
57:58 into the image of the Father.
58:01 Join us next week, we're going to be picking up
58:04 with lesson number two, The Family.


Revised 2020-10-04