3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Worship In Education

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP200046S

00:01 Hello, friends.
00:02 Welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:04 My name is John Lomacang.
00:05 I wanna thank you for taking the time
00:06 to tune in to join us,
00:08 we always enjoy your participation.
00:10 We are talking about Education for this fourth quarter lesson.
00:13 And today's specifically is Worship and Education,
00:17 what you need to join us as a Bible
00:19 and a Sabbath School lesson.
00:20 If you'd like to get a copy of the lesson
00:22 two ways you can get it.
00:23 One, you can download one at ABSG.Adventist.org.
00:28 That's for the digital copy.
00:29 Or if you prefer a physical copy,
00:32 look for a local Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:34 and walk in and join them for an exciting walk
00:37 through the Word of God.
00:38 Education is something we all need
00:40 and worship is the highest offer
00:43 that we can give to the Lord.
00:44 So join us right now
00:46 as we dive in the Word of God together
00:48 on our 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
01:21 Hello, friends.
01:23 Welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
01:24 I'm John Lomacang.
01:26 Thank you for taking the time to tune in and join us.
01:29 Today, we're talking about Worship in Education.
01:34 Now worship spans a number of different subcategories,
01:38 but worship is the supreme category
01:40 because every one of us worships something.
01:45 And we're gonna find out today,
01:47 what category you might possibly fit into.
01:50 So all you need is a Bible and some time to join us.
01:53 And thank you for deciding to make us
01:56 the Sabbath School Lesson Study of your choice.
01:58 We do appreciate that.
02:00 Today, I have my family with me again.
02:02 And I know that you,
02:03 if you are a regular you know these names,
02:05 but if you're just joining us,
02:07 I'd like to introduce you to those who are on our panel
02:09 to walk you through.
02:11 To my immediate left is Vice President of 3ABN,
02:14 Jill Morikone.
02:15 Good to have you here, Jill.
02:16 Privilege to be here. Thank you, Pastor John.
02:18 But today you're in a different capacity.
02:19 You're the list lady today.
02:21 Yeah, I think so.
02:23 If you don't know her title,
02:25 that's her subtitle, the list lady.
02:27 And you'll find out
02:28 how much we appreciate those lists.
02:30 Ryan, good to see you here today.
02:31 Man, I'm blessed. Good to be here.
02:34 Pastor and singer in Israel and the newest member,
02:38 it's gonna be a while
02:40 before you're not the newest member,
02:41 but hey, we appreciate you anyway.
02:42 You know, I'm not technically
02:44 the new Jason Bradley's been on here
02:45 and he's kind of the new guy.
02:47 I'm the second newest I guess.
02:48 Okay. All right.
02:49 But that's okay.
02:51 And, Shelley Quinn.
02:52 Good to see you, Shelley.
02:54 It's so good to be here.
02:55 Yes.
02:56 It's always a blessing to open the Word of God
02:58 and to hear what everyone has to share.
03:02 Yes. Okay.
03:04 And, Pastor Dinzey, we share something in common,
03:06 the name, John.
03:08 Yes. Good to have you here.
03:09 Thank you. It's a blessing to be here.
03:11 And I'm looking forward to it.
03:12 He's head of 3ABN Latino who's done an amazing job.
03:14 I think he's the veteran on the panel today.
03:17 He's been here longer than all of us.
03:19 That's right.
03:20 And it's been about 30 years almost?
03:22 Almost 31. Almost 31. Wow.
03:24 Good to have you here today, man of the Word.
03:27 And we thank you for tuning is taking the time.
03:30 Would you have prayer for us today, John?
03:32 Sure. Okay, let's do that.
03:35 Our loving Heavenly Father, we are grateful to You, Lord,
03:38 because You have given us this day of life.
03:41 We are grateful to You, Lord,
03:42 because we can open the scriptures
03:45 with the confidence
03:47 that Your Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth.
03:50 So we ask for Your Holy Spirit,
03:52 that You may use us
03:53 according to Your good pleasure.
03:55 We also ask that You will bless everyone that is joining us.
03:57 Help them also to understand and see wonderful things
04:02 in Your scriptures.
04:04 In Jesus' name. Amen.
04:05 Amen. Amen.
04:07 We all worship something.
04:09 Now years ago, I used to say if you wanna find out
04:12 what people worship, look at their checkbook,
04:14 but who use checkbooks anymore?
04:17 Some people still do.
04:19 Once in a while somebody might say to me,
04:22 write me a check.
04:23 And that sends me into a tailspin
04:25 because I'm starting to forget what a checkbook looks like,
04:29 but if you wanna find out what people worship,
04:30 maybe you might look at their credit card statement
04:33 or maybe you might look at their phones
04:36 to see there's a new thing on Apple.
04:39 Many of you probably know about this.
04:41 It's called Screen Time,
04:43 and will tell you how long you've been
04:45 on a particular app on your phone.
04:47 And I would hate to say
04:49 that if you look at some people's phones
04:51 that have that feature turned on
04:53 you'll say, "Ah!
04:55 They've in Facebook
04:57 a lot longer they've been
04:58 in their Bible Ellen White app."
05:01 Something always pulls our attention.
05:03 And it tends to take precedence over the place
05:07 that belongs to the Lord alone.
05:09 Our memory text is in 1 Chronicles 16:29.
05:13 I'll read that in your hearing, if you'd like to join us there.
05:17 This is a beautiful passage.
05:19 The Bible tells us in 1 Chronicles 16:29,
05:23 "Give to the Lord the glory due His name,
05:28 bring an offering, and come before Him.
05:32 Oh, worship the Lord in the," what panel?
05:35 Beauty.
05:36 "Beauty of holiness."
05:39 For whatever reason,
05:40 Satan has tried to paint holiness as an ugly thing,
05:43 or worship as a terrible thing.
05:46 Sometimes people approach worship
05:48 as what do I have to give up?
05:50 Well, when you recognize
05:52 that the greatest beauty and greatest joy
05:55 is in the experience of worship,
05:57 it is something you'd wanna haste to,
05:59 something you'd wanna do with an exuberance
06:02 and a joy looking forward to it.
06:05 When you look at the Jewish culture,
06:07 they would prepare for Sabbath worship,
06:09 and they would begin on Wednesday.
06:11 So they wouldn't wait till Friday,
06:13 the preparation day,
06:14 they would be done by the preparation day
06:16 because they literally celebrated
06:19 the Sabbath, Sabbath worship.
06:21 People today tend to decide
06:24 to pick the day they wanna worship,
06:26 but the reality of it is,
06:27 we'll find it in a newer translation
06:30 of a particular book,
06:31 I'll share with you in a moment here,
06:33 that worship is not something
06:34 that happens on a only on a particular day,
06:36 but when you become a Christian,
06:38 you're worshiping the Lord all the time.
06:41 Everything you do is an act of worship
06:42 towards the Lord,
06:44 but I wanna share with you worship in the noun sense
06:47 and in the verb sense.
06:48 In the noun, worship is the feeling
06:51 or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity,
06:56 the freedom the feeling or expression of reverence
06:59 and adoration for a deity.
07:01 And so, yes, it should bring a sense of awe and reverence
07:06 when we are in the presence of the Lord,
07:09 but feeling shouldn't be the primary focus.
07:11 Sometimes people make feeling the primary focus,
07:14 and they would listen to a message
07:16 that's replete
07:17 with beautiful examples of Christ
07:19 and what we should do,
07:20 but some people say, "Well, I didn't feel that."
07:22 Well, the caution is,
07:24 while the word feeling is included in this definition,
07:27 don't allow feeling to be the primary focus
07:29 of your worship.
07:31 The verb is also to show reverence and adoration
07:35 for a deity through a religious ritual,
07:38 and that ritual will be worship.
07:40 Worship is a part of humanity,
07:41 it's a part of everybody's life.
07:43 It's a part of human nature.
07:45 Everybody has something that naturally draws them,
07:48 but wrongly understood
07:51 it could draw them to something
07:52 that they might consider worship,
07:54 when in fact, it's just an addiction.
07:56 Some people do things out of what they call
07:59 a repetitious clock.
08:00 Some people go to church, because their parents did,
08:02 and their parents, parents did, and so on and so forth,
08:05 but they never make a connection to the one
08:06 that they're supposed to worship.
08:08 So some people know their doctrines back and forth,
08:11 even in our church 28 fundamentals,
08:13 some people can recite them back and forth,
08:15 but they've never come to the place
08:17 where they are beyond intellect
08:19 to where their heart is filled
08:21 with a desire to worship the Lord.
08:23 Worship, another definition is whatever we love the most,
08:27 whatever we focus on the most
08:29 and give our attention to the most,
08:31 whatever we live for that is what we worship,
08:35 but when you look at the Bible worship is mentioned 197 times
08:38 in varying ways of worship, worshiping.
08:40 And I thought, "Wow, that's a lot."
08:42 You find that worship is a very primary thing,
08:45 but go to Genesis 22:5-8,
08:47 and I'll show you
08:48 one of the core truths about worship.
08:50 It's found
08:51 in the very first reference of worship in the Bible,
08:54 one of the first references about worship,
08:57 the core truth about worship is listed here.
09:00 Verse 5 of Genesis 22,
09:02 it speaks about Abraham and Isaac.
09:04 "And Abraham said to his young men,
09:07 'Stay here with the donkey.'"
09:08 By the way, the Lord impressed him
09:10 to go ahead and sacrifice his son Isaac.
09:12 So he's journeying now
09:14 to this place where the Lord told him to go,
09:16 he's going now to the place of sacrifice.
09:19 And the Bible says,
09:21 "The lad and I will go yonder and worship,
09:26 and we will come back to you.'
09:29 So Abraham took the wood and the burnt offering
09:32 and laid it on Isaac his son,
09:35 and he took the fire in his hand, and a knife,
09:38 and the two of them went together.
09:40 But Isaac spoke to Abraham his father and said,
09:43 'My father!'
09:44 And he said, 'Here I am my son.'
09:47 Then he said, 'Look, the fire and the wood,
09:50 but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?' "
09:54 And I love this.
09:55 "And Abraham said,
09:56 'My Son, God will provide for Himself
10:00 the lamb for a burnt offering.'
10:02 So the two went together.'"
10:05 When I look at this,
10:06 what I discovered and the Lord impressed me
10:09 as I studied this verse.
10:10 Sacrifice always precedes worship.
10:17 Worship that does not have a price
10:20 will not yield any interest.
10:22 Worship that does not cost you something
10:24 will not yield any interest.
10:26 So in this particular story,
10:28 the Lord wanted to see
10:29 how far Abraham was willing to go
10:31 to prove
10:32 that he was willing to worship
10:34 the Lord at any cost.
10:36 And that's the key.
10:38 And this is vital today because a lot of people say,
10:40 "Well, I would worship on the Sabbath,
10:42 but I have to go to work, but I have a class,
10:45 but it's my most convenient day to shop."
10:48 It doesn't cost them anything.
10:50 So what doesn't cost you anything
10:52 brings no interest to you and really no interest to God.
10:56 Worship requires the willingness
10:58 to surrender the thing that is nearest to your heart.
11:01 And that's what the Lord was testing
11:02 Abraham about.
11:04 Look at Luke 14:26-27
11:08 and this is what the Lord meant
11:09 when He said this to His disciples.
11:11 He was measuring their willingness
11:13 to worship Him, it always comes as a cost.
11:18 Luke 14:26-27,
11:20 "If anyone comes to Me
11:21 and does not hate his father and mother,
11:24 wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes,
11:27 and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.
11:30 And whoever does not bear his cross
11:32 and come after Me cannot be My disciple."
11:35 You know, David Foster said, David Foster Wallace says,
11:39 "If you worship the wrong thing,
11:41 it will eat you alive."
11:44 It's a powerful statement,
11:45 "If you worship the wrong thing,
11:47 it will eat you alive."
11:49 If we worship the wrong thing, it will eat us alive.
11:52 It will be filled with us, it'll ingest and digest us,
11:56 but if we worship the true God, we will be filled with Him.
12:01 There's a difference altogether,
12:03 what you want to be filled with.
12:04 Also worship has to come at the risk
12:07 of even giving away your life.
12:10 Look at Daniel 3:18,
12:12 don't allow anything that wants to rob your worship,
12:16 to penetrate the sphere that belongs only to the Lord.
12:20 When Daniel,
12:21 when the Hebrews were at the most fragile place
12:23 in their worship,
12:25 notice how they responded
12:26 to the king who demanded of them
12:28 to bow and worship an image.
12:30 Daniel 3:18,
12:32 he talked about God is able to deliver us,
12:34 but he said, "But if not,
12:36 but if not, let it be known to you,
12:38 O king, that we do not serve your gods,
12:41 nor will we worship
12:43 the gold image which you have set up."
12:46 And, friends, today,
12:47 something is gonna try to erect itself in your life
12:50 as an image of worship.
12:51 It could be television, it could be media,
12:53 it could be your iPad, some people,
12:55 their phones are a lot closer than their Bibles.
12:57 They grope in the dark for their Bibles,
12:59 but they can grab their phones at an instance.
13:02 And that's why I always recommend
13:03 to put your Bible closer to your bed
13:04 than your phone.
13:06 So when you wake up in the morning,
13:07 and you reach for anything, there it is.
13:09 Get the living Word
13:11 before you get the news of the day,
13:12 the latest gossip and put that as the doorposts,
13:16 put that as the bar
13:18 from all the other things to come in,
13:19 but in the interest of time, I wanna go to Romans 12:1-2,
13:24 worship can only occur within the parameters
13:26 of transformation and not confirmation
13:30 without a renewed mind and heart,
13:32 worship will always elude us.
13:35 I'm reading this in the NIV,
13:36 I love the way it translates it here.
13:38 Romans 12:1-2.
13:40 Paul says, "Therefore, I urge you, brothers,
13:43 in view of God's mercy,
13:45 to offer your bodies a living sacrifice, "
13:48 same thing Isaac and Abraham learned
13:51 a living sacrifice,
13:52 "holy and pleasing to God,"
13:54 I love the way,
13:56 "this is your spiritual act of worship."
13:59 NIV.
14:00 This is your spiritual act of worship,
14:02 presenting your body, your mind,
14:04 your heart to the Lord every day.
14:05 This is your spiritual act of worship,
14:06 and then when you do that,
14:08 "Do not be conform
14:09 any longer to the pattern of this world,
14:12 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
14:15 Then you will be able to test and approve what is God's will,
14:19 His good, pleasing and perfect will."
14:21 That's where worship begins.
14:23 Amen. Jill.
14:24 Thank you, Pastor John,
14:25 what an incredible lesson, worship.
14:27 That's right.
14:29 This entire life is all about worship.
14:32 The conflict at the end is all about worship,
14:34 who will we serve?
14:36 And as parents and grandparents and teachers,
14:40 it's important to teach your children and grandchildren
14:44 who they need to worship.
14:46 That's what my day is about.
14:47 And Declare Them to Their Children
14:51 which is really training your children,
14:53 teaching your children,
14:54 instructing them
14:56 to have a relationship with Jesus,
14:58 teaching them about Jesus.
15:00 Teaching them His Word,
15:01 His law that's what this day is about.
15:04 We're gonna go to Psalms, but before we go there,
15:06 let's look at Deuteronomy 8.
15:09 Deuteronomy, sorry, Deuteronomy 11:18.
15:13 That's where the eight came in, Deuteronomy 11:18,
15:16 and then we'll go to the Psalm,
15:18 which was what we had for our lesson today.
15:20 Deuteronomy 11:18,
15:22 "Therefore you shall lay up these words of mine
15:25 in your heart and in your soul,
15:28 and bind them as the sign on your hand,
15:30 and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
15:32 You shall teach them to your children,
15:35 speaking of them when you sit in the house,
15:37 when you walk by the way, when you lie down,
15:39 and when you rise up.
15:41 And you should write them on the doorposts of your house
15:43 and on your gates,
15:44 that your days and the days of your children
15:46 may be multiplied
15:47 in the land of which the Lord swore
15:49 to your fathers to give them,
15:50 like the days of the heavens above the earth."
15:53 We are called, now Greg and I are not parents,
15:56 but parents especially,
15:58 are called or mothers or fathers in Israel,
16:02 who can offer instruction to other young people,
16:06 or older woman instructing the younger,
16:09 or older men instructing the younger
16:10 or teachers,
16:12 we all have people that we have influence over,
16:14 teaching them all day, every day, every opportunity,
16:20 opening up the Word of God to them.
16:23 So the lesson talks about Psalms
16:26 and the importance of Psalms in ancient Israel.
16:29 Psalms, of course, it's just poetry
16:31 that was set to music,
16:33 you could say sacred poems that were meant to be sung
16:37 used often with the children of Israel
16:39 during times of worship, Pastor John.
16:42 There's, of course, 150 Psalms,
16:44 and they were written spanning close to 1,000 years.
16:48 King David wrote most of them,
16:50 but we have several other authors
16:52 in the Book of Psalms as well.
16:54 There's many different Psalm types,
16:56 you could say.
16:57 There's individual and community prayers for help.
17:01 There's individual and community prayers
17:03 of thanksgiving and praise.
17:06 There's hymns honoring God as our Creator and as our King.
17:10 There's songs of trust, and songs of Zion,
17:13 there is royal songs and pilgrimage songs,
17:16 and liturgies or rituals for public worship.
17:20 There is Torah Psalms,
17:22 and the Psalms covers an incredible theme,
17:25 incredible range of themes.
17:28 There's a worthiness of God as our Creator
17:30 and Judge and Savior
17:32 and Redeemer and Sustainer and Healer,
17:34 Refuge and Shepherd.
17:36 There's great cries for deliverance.
17:38 I know when I need that,
17:39 I open up and read something that David wrote,
17:42 these cries for deliverance are vindication.
17:45 There's sorrow for sin and confession of sin,
17:48 discussion of the law, the coming Messiah,
17:50 the righteous and the wicked, the Sabbath,
17:53 the heavenly and earthly sanctuary,
17:55 salvation and suffering,
17:56 the Book of Psalms covers it all,
17:59 but we're going to Psalm Chapter 78.
18:02 Psalm 78,
18:03 and that's the Psalm we're focusing on
18:05 in today's lesson.
18:06 Of course, Psalm 119 is the longest Psalm,
18:09 but 78 is the second longest Psalm.
18:13 And it's written by Asaph,
18:15 who's a contemporary of King David.
18:18 This is really a wisdom Psalm
18:20 that recounts God's mighty acts for His covenant people.
18:25 It starts from Egypt, and the Exodus,
18:28 and it goes all the way down to the time of David.
18:32 We're only gonna focus on the first eight verses,
18:35 which is the call to pass this knowledge,
18:39 this instruction on to future generations.
18:42 That's what
18:43 the first eight verses focus on.
18:45 After that there are some accusations
18:47 against Ephraim or Israel.
18:49 There's this cycle of the wilderness experience
18:52 where they went away from God
18:53 and then God's judgment and mercy.
18:55 That happens twice, and then at the very end,
18:58 it ends with some promises,
19:00 but we're just looking at the first eight verses.
19:03 I call this the call to parents.
19:07 You know, if you think about it,
19:08 in today's society,
19:09 there are many single parent homes,
19:13 and the role of the father is marginalized.
19:17 If you watch any sort of television,
19:19 you look at sitcoms or anything.
19:21 What do you see?
19:23 The father's role is marginalized or made fun of.
19:28 There was a quote I read once, which is horrible,
19:32 but it says this,
19:33 "Fathers are a biological necessity,
19:36 but a psychological absurdity."
19:38 Nothing is further from the truth.
19:42 The role of moms is vitally important, yes,
19:45 but the role of fathers
19:47 is just as important in teaching and educating
19:52 and training children.
19:54 As goes the home so goes the society.
19:58 So the role of parents in the home
20:00 is vitally important.
20:01 So let's look at this call to parents.
20:03 We're in verse 1.
20:04 I divided the call to parents up,
20:06 kind of into three different sections.
20:08 The first section is the invitation to hear
20:11 and understand,
20:12 this is verses 1-3.
20:14 "Give ear, O my people, to my law,
20:17 incline your ears to the words of my mouth."
20:21 Now that word give ear means to hear,
20:23 to listen with understanding, to hearken.
20:27 So pay attention to my law,
20:30 pay attention to what I'm going to share,
20:32 pay attention to the words in the Word of God.
20:36 Now the word incline
20:38 is really interesting in the Hebrew,
20:40 it means to stretch out, to bend or bow,
20:44 literally like a dog or a horse
20:46 that kind of swiveled their ears around
20:48 when you're talking to them,
20:49 you know, they could have their back to you,
20:51 and you call their name at the ear,
20:53 you can tell just the ear turns
20:54 and you think they're listening to me,
20:56 even if they did not turn their head.
20:59 What's it mean?
21:00 We need to lean forward to catch everything
21:04 that God wants to give us.
21:06 Verse 2, "I will open my mouth in a parable,
21:09 I will utter dark sayings of old,
21:12 which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us."
21:15 Now that word dark sayings
21:17 doesn't literally mean dark sayings,
21:19 but it would be a riddle or a perplexing
21:21 saying or question.
21:23 Psalm 78 is a history
21:25 of God's dealing with His people,
21:29 God's faithfulness, His mercy, His love, His grace,
21:33 His judgment.
21:34 And by contrast, we see Israel's unfaithfulness,
21:38 Israel's stubbornness, and Israel's rebellion.
21:44 It's important that we remember the past,
21:49 not that we repeat the mistakes of the past,
21:52 but that we remember the past.
21:54 There's a quote Ellen White makes,
21:56 this is in Life Sketches, page 196,
21:59 I really liked this quote,
22:00 "We have nothing to fear for the future,
22:02 except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us,
22:06 and His teaching in our past history."
22:09 It's important for parents to teach their children.
22:13 This is what God has done in our lives in the past.
22:16 This is the way we had seen Him work.
22:19 And this is how we can have faith
22:20 for how He's going to work in our lives in the future.
22:23 The second section is verses 4-5,
22:26 the invitation to teach the children and grandchildren,
22:30 "We will not hide them from their children,
22:32 telling to the generations
22:34 to come the praises of the Lord,
22:36 and His strength and His wonderful works
22:38 that He has done.
22:40 For He established a testimony in Jacob,
22:42 and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers,
22:45 that they should make known to their children."
22:49 It is important to communicate truth,
22:51 especially God's Word to our children
22:54 in succeeding generations.
22:57 Don't hide it. Don't forget to speak of it.
23:00 Don't water it down,
23:01 simply speak the Word of God
23:04 into your children's lives.
23:06 And the third section is verses 6-8,
23:09 this is the goal of this instruction,
23:12 "That the generation to come might know them."
23:14 Why do we teach children?
23:15 Why do we teach grandchildren? Why do we do that?
23:17 So that the generation to come might know them,
23:20 they might know the Lord,
23:21 "The children who would be born,
23:23 that they may arise and declare them
23:25 to their children,
23:27 that they may set their hope in God,
23:29 and not forget the works of God,
23:31 but keep His commandments."
23:32 Don't make the mistakes of the past.
23:35 "And may not be like their fathers,
23:37 a stubborn and rebellious generation,
23:39 a generation that did not set its heart aright,
23:43 whose spirit was not faithful to God."
23:46 Future generations need to know the Word of God.
23:49 Future generations need to understand the mercy,
23:52 grace and kindness of God.
23:55 Future generations need to teach this Word
23:58 continually to their children,
24:00 to remember God's goodness to them and to their parents,
24:03 to trust God and to learn to hearken
24:06 to walk in obedience to God's commands.
24:11 What a call is upon parents,
24:13 especially mothers and fathers
24:15 to teach the Word of God to succeeding generations.
24:20 Wow. Thank you, Jill. Amazing.
24:22 When you look back on your life,
24:24 and I look back on my life,
24:25 I could see the greatest impression
24:27 of who I am today,
24:28 started when my parents taught me
24:30 about the Lord,
24:31 specifically the lady that raised me,
24:33 and that's the responsibility each one of us has as a parent,
24:37 but we're gonna go to In Spirit and In Truth
24:38 right after the break
24:40 is gonna be an exciting portion of the lesson.
24:42 Don't go away. We'll be right back.
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25:18 So welcome back to our topic, Worship in Education.
25:21 And we are on Tuesday now Pastor Ryan Day
25:24 In Spirit and In Truth,
25:26 I love that title.
25:27 Hey, you got that right, Brother,
25:28 In Spirit and In Truth,
25:30 lots to say little time to say it,
25:31 but we got to go.
25:32 So here's the thing,
25:34 we're gonna be talking about the two legs
25:35 on which true worship stands.
25:37 And that's spirit and in truth, you leave one out,
25:40 that's not true worship.
25:42 So we have a lot of people who worship the Lord
25:43 and what they believe to be in spirit,
25:45 but they don't worship the Lord in truth,
25:47 where you have those people who worship the Lord
25:49 and all the truth that they know
25:50 and all the truth that they have,
25:52 but they're not worshiping Him in spirit.
25:53 So where we find the foundation of this,
25:56 or what we find this reference in Scripture
25:57 is in the story of Jesus conversation
26:00 with the woman at the well.
26:01 And that is found in John 4:7-26.
26:05 We may not read the entire story,
26:08 but I just wanna reference here for those of you
26:09 who may be watching for the first time
26:11 and have never heard the story before.
26:13 Basically, the background of this is Jesus
26:15 and His disciples,
26:16 they're kind of on an evangelistic mission.
26:18 They're kind of going from city to city,
26:19 Jesus is performing miracles,
26:21 Jesus is introducing Himself to the people in the area.
26:24 He's doing a wonderful preaching work
26:26 and sharing the gospel.
26:27 And He ends up in Samaria.
26:29 And so they end up in this particular city.
26:31 And the Bible says
26:32 the disciples go into town to get food,
26:34 okay, they've been traveling,
26:36 and Jesus stops and has a divine appointment
26:38 with this woman at a well.
26:40 And, of course, He tells the woman,
26:41 you know, "Hey, I'm thirsty,
26:43 could you give me some water to drink?"
26:44 And she's caught off guard by this
26:46 because if you know the history
26:47 between the Jews and the Samaritans,
26:49 the Samaritan people were kind of looked
26:50 as a lower class of people from the Jews.
26:53 They were kind of looked at
26:55 as a kind of a much lower class,
26:57 I'll just put it that way.
26:58 And so she's taken off by the fact
27:00 that she's caught off guard by the fact
27:01 that Jesus being a Jew
27:03 is having this conversation with her.
27:04 So she says, "You know, yeah, you would Jew speaking to me?"
27:07 You know, Jesus says,
27:09 "Look, you know, give me a drink of water."
27:11 And she says, surely, you know,
27:12 you know, you surely you can give
27:14 your own self some water
27:15 because, you know, I'm a Samaritan,
27:16 and you're a Jew,
27:18 and it just really doesn't work out, right?
27:20 And just, you could just read into this
27:21 and clearly see
27:23 that this is an awkward encounter
27:25 between her and Jesus,
27:26 but then Jesus begins to tell her
27:28 about this living water.
27:30 He says, "Look because I have a water
27:31 that I can give you,
27:33 that is a living water, you will never thirst again,
27:35 it will change and transform your life."
27:37 And, of course, she begins to inquire
27:39 about this living water.
27:41 And she eventually learns
27:43 that after Jesus reveals Himself to her
27:46 and begins to say things about her life,
27:49 He begins to predict things or not predict things,
27:50 but He begins to tell things about her life,
27:52 then perhaps no one else would know,
27:54 a complete stranger.
27:56 And she recognizes
27:57 that this surely you are a prophet, she says,
28:00 a prophet of Israel,
28:02 but interesting that she quickly diverts
28:04 the conversation to worship.
28:06 And this is the meat of our conversation.
28:08 And I really just went through,
28:10 if you wanna read this story a little bit more clearly,
28:12 go to John Chapter 4 and read from verses 7
28:14 all the way through to about verse 18.
28:16 And that'll kind of give you the background
28:18 of what we're about to talk about,
28:20 but in verse 19, let's pick up there, John 4:19,
28:25 the Bible says, "The woman said to Him,
28:26 'Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet.
28:29 Our fathers worshiped on this mountain,
28:31 and you Jews say
28:32 that in Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship.'
28:35 Jesus said to her, 'Woman, believe Me,
28:37 the hour is coming
28:39 when you will neither on this mountain,
28:40 nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father.
28:43 You worship what you do not know,
28:45 we know what we worship,
28:46 for salvation is of the Jews."
28:48 Now it kind of sounds like
28:50 Jesus as being a little kind of little selfish,
28:52 a little proud, proud here, that's not the case.
28:54 This is a divine appointment,
28:56 He knows exactly what's happening.
28:57 And He's got a special, special message
28:59 He wants to share with her.
29:01 So notice what happens in verse 23.
29:03 He says, "But the hour is coming,
29:05 and now is,
29:07 when the true worshipers will worship
29:09 the Father in spirit and truth,
29:12 for the Father is seeking such to worship Him."
29:14 And then here's the verse, verse 24, "God is Spirit,
29:17 and those who worship Him
29:19 must worship in spirit and in truth."
29:23 So let's first get this out of the way.
29:26 We have to understand the difference
29:27 between worship and actions of worship.
29:30 Of course, there are actions of worship,
29:32 there are expressions of worship,
29:34 but then there's a little bit more of a formal name for
29:36 and that would be the liturgy.
29:37 Many people go to church,
29:39 and they do things and they call it worship,
29:42 raising of the hands, clapping, singing songs,
29:44 those are the actions
29:45 which are expressive of worship,
29:47 but worship is
29:49 as Pastor John brought up beautifully,
29:50 and I'm just gonna kind of add this,
29:51 that worship is the attitude of the heart.
29:54 It's a state of being, okay?
29:56 You worship God in your actions and in your choices
29:59 and in your very attitude towards God each and every day.
30:03 And so when we worship God,
30:04 we must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
30:06 So what does that mean?
30:08 I'm gonna start with the Spirit aspect
30:10 'cause this is the one
30:11 that usually most people don't fully understand.
30:13 I'm gonna read a quote here from Desire of Ages, page 189.
30:16 Notice what she says here
30:17 about this worshiping God in spirit.
30:20 "Since the religion that comes from God
30:22 is the only religion that will lead to God.
30:25 In order to serve Him aright,
30:27 we must be born of the Divine Spirit."
30:31 Keep that in mind. "Born of the Divine Spirit.
30:33 This will purify the heart and renew the mind,
30:37 giving us a new capacity for knowing and loving God.
30:40 It will give us a willing obedience
30:43 to all His requirements."
30:45 Okay, notice this.
30:46 It goes on to say,
30:47 "This is true worship in spirit.
30:51 It is the fruit of the working of the Holy Spirit."
30:55 Okay, so I'm gonna reference this really quickly
30:58 worshiping in spirit, if you just go back a chapter,
31:00 we just read the meeting
31:02 between Jesus and the woman at the well,
31:04 in John Chapter 4,
31:05 but if you go back a chapter to John Chapter 3,
31:07 Jesus had already explained this spiritual transformation.
31:11 If you're gonna worship the Lord in spirit, okay?
31:14 Don't miss this point.
31:15 You have to be renewed by the Holy Spirit.
31:18 You have to have
31:19 a spiritual transformation from Christ.
31:22 And it has to be an ongoing experience
31:24 in which you are led by the Spirit of God
31:26 into an obedient relationship with Him.
31:29 Therefore, it puts you
31:31 in a constant state of worshiping Him in spirit,
31:35 referencing John Chapter 3
31:36 when Jesus was talking to Nicodemus, okay?
31:39 Nicodemus says,
31:40 "You're telling me to go back into my mother's womb
31:42 and be born again."
31:43 He's like, "Nah, man, you missing it,
31:44 you missing it either.
31:46 What's of the flesh is of the flesh,
31:47 but what is a born of the spirit is spirit."
31:49 And then he gives an example.
31:51 He says, "You don't take into consideration the wind."
31:53 He goes, "You know, you feel its effects,
31:55 you can hear it,
31:56 but you can't see
31:57 where it's going so is the spirit."
31:59 In other words, he's like, "It's a spiritual thing.
32:00 You need to be born of the Spirit."
32:03 And at any time that can happen,
32:04 but here's what you got to do.
32:06 And I'm going to reference this.
32:07 This is John 3:14, Jesus says,
32:09 "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
32:11 even so must the Son of Man be lifted up."
32:14 And so how can we have
32:15 this constant ongoing worshiping
32:17 in spirit
32:19 in which we are being renewed by the spirit
32:20 and the Holy Spirit blows through our heart
32:22 and transforms our life,
32:24 you have to be constantly looking
32:27 to the uplifted Savior.
32:28 You have to put Jesus in the forefront
32:31 and constantly keep your eyes on Him.
32:33 Now I'm speaking spiritually here.
32:34 Obviously, we have lives, but spiritually speaking,
32:37 Christ should always be at the center of our lives.
32:40 When we lift up the Savior
32:42 and we behold the uplifted Savior,
32:44 all the time, we will be renewed day by day.
32:48 The Holy Spirit as the Bible teaches us
32:49 in John Chapter 14 and John Chapter 16.
32:52 He teaches us all things,
32:54 he will bring all things to our memory,
32:56 he will reprove the world of sin,
32:57 he will guide you into all truth,
32:59 and he will always glorify Christ
33:02 by revealing his character to you.
33:04 Again, that's John 14, and John 16, and John 14:26,
33:08 and John 16:8, 13, and 14, I'm going pretty fast here,
33:13 but you can go to YouTube and rewatch it and pause it.
33:16 Let's move on.
33:17 So being transformed by the Holy Spirit,
33:19 being led by the Holy Spirit
33:21 to live an obedient, faith-filled life in Christ
33:25 that's worshiping God in spirit,
33:26 but what about truth, okay?
33:28 Worshiping God in truth, you see, at the same time,
33:30 we must worship in truth,
33:32 we must have some correct knowledge of God,
33:36 but we also need to know that we need to know
33:38 His requirements for us.
33:39 In other words,
33:40 this is where doctrine comes in.
33:42 Many people wanna worship the Lord in spirit.
33:43 In other words,
33:45 I've been to churches and grew up,
33:46 you know, in certain churches
33:47 where it was all about the feelings
33:49 and the emotions,
33:50 but there was no truth.
33:51 You have to pair the two.
33:53 Jesus said in John 17:17, "Sanctify them by Thy truth.
33:58 Thy word is truth."
33:59 How are we sanctified?
34:01 By the Word of God.
34:02 Jesus Himself said
34:04 that if you're gonna be sanctified,
34:05 which by the way means to be set apart, for a holy use,
34:07 God wants to set us apart for a holy use.
34:10 He wants us to worship Him in spirit, but also in truth.
34:15 That's why in 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2,
34:17 Paul talks about,
34:19 you know, those who do not have the love of the truth,
34:22 this is 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
34:24 talks about those in the last day,
34:25 they don't have a love for the truth.
34:27 And therefore he says,
34:28 "For this reason
34:30 God will send them strong delusion,
34:31 that they will continue to believe a lie,
34:33 that they may be condemned
34:34 who did not believe the truth."
34:37 My friends, you can think
34:38 you're having a spiritual experience.
34:40 You can think that you're having
34:42 this great, amazing, emotional spiritual experience,
34:45 but if you are rejecting
34:47 the truth of God's Word, my friends,
34:49 that's where Jesus says they worship Me in vain.
34:53 Jesus talks about being worship.
34:54 That's why Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:2-4,
34:57 "Preach the word!
34:58 Preach the word, be instant, in season and out of season.
35:01 Reprove, rebuke
35:02 with all longsuffering and doctrine."
35:04 They don't save us, but they lead us to the Savior.
35:07 "For the time will come," he says,
35:08 "when they will not endure sound doctrine,
35:10 and they shall turn away their ears from the truth,
35:12 and shall be turned into fables."
35:14 So, my friends, I wanna end with this.
35:16 This is John 8:31, it says,
35:19 "Then Jesus said to those Jews which believed on Him,
35:21 'If you continue in My word,
35:23 then you are My disciples indeed.
35:24 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall, "
35:27 not set you free, but, "make you free."
35:30 Be free in Jesus,
35:31 worship Him in spirit and in truth.
35:33 Amen. Hallelujah.
35:34 So far, I think this is my favorite lesson now
35:36 if we turn back.
35:38 I have Wednesday,
35:39 which is The Beauty of Holiness.
35:41 If you open your Bibles to 1 Chronicle 16,
35:46 we're going to spend some time in 1 Chronicles 16.
35:50 I wanna start off with verse 29 because this is the topic.
35:55 It says, "Give to the Lord the glory due His name,
35:58 bring an offering, and come before Him.
36:02 Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness!"
36:07 How do we worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness?
36:10 We're concentrating on His purity, His perfection,
36:14 His power, His purpose, His plan,
36:18 but there's more than that,
36:20 you know, as we concentrate on the Lord,
36:24 it draws our hearts to thanksgiving and praise,
36:28 but there's more and you hit that
36:31 is that we worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness,
36:34 when we are living our lives,
36:37 according to His plan
36:40 when we are set apart for His purposes.
36:43 Obedience is the highest expression
36:47 of worship
36:48 when you think about that.
36:50 So let's look at 1 Chronicles.
36:52 Well, let me just set this up.
36:55 1 Chronicles Chapter 16,
36:58 has one of the most beautiful psalms in it.
37:02 And this is the,
37:04 at the dedication of the tabernacle,
37:07 in Mount Zion.
37:09 And what had happened is,
37:11 the Philistines had stolen the ark,
37:16 then it was returned to Israel,
37:19 and it rested at the house of Abinadab.
37:24 Aren't you glad your name is not Abinadab,
37:28 but it was there for 20 years.
37:29 Now he had two sons,
37:33 one son was Eleazar, the priest,
37:37 but also Uzzah was his son.
37:40 So King David prepares this tabernacle in Jerusalem.
37:44 And, you know what, I love about the tabernacle,
37:46 it is theology in physical form.
37:52 It all pointed to Jesus,
37:54 it was all about the plan of Jesus,
37:56 and worship, we need worship in education,
38:00 we need to let the plan of salvation,
38:04 the love of Jesus be the center,
38:07 but so what he has done is he's built this tabernacle.
38:13 And, you know, they would go there
38:15 and they'd give burnt offerings,
38:17 which that was to indicate
38:20 their total commitment to the Lord.
38:23 They would give fellowship offerings
38:25 that was to indicate
38:26 the covenant relationship with the Lord,
38:28 but they go...
38:30 Oh, David also made music an intrical part,
38:34 you know, he appointed the musicians,
38:36 and I'm telling you,
38:38 they had the trumpeting priest, they had the string ensembles,
38:41 and clanging cymbals.
38:43 This was pretty good step,
38:45 but they go down to get the ark,
38:48 that is at Abinadab's.
38:52 And they move it
38:53 not according to God's instructions.
38:56 So Uzzah is struck dead.
38:58 And they have to leave the ark at Obed-Edom's house.
39:04 Now the interesting thing is, he's a Philistine,
39:07 but he was loyal to David and Israel,
39:11 but Obed-Edom and he's got it for three months at his house,
39:14 and he's unusually blessed, while the ark is there.
39:20 So now the second attempt,
39:21 they bring the ark to Jerusalem.
39:25 And they transported it this time,
39:27 according to the prescribed Old Testament law,
39:31 but what I love if you look in 1 Chronicles 15,
39:34 I know that we can't base our worship on feeling,
39:39 but I don't, I mean, feelings alone,
39:41 but you can't really worship without feelings.
39:44 You've got to let have feelings in your heart
39:46 that love for the Lord.
39:48 David was so excited to think
39:49 that the ark was gonna come to rest
39:52 in a permanent place
39:54 that his house would be blessed from here on out.
39:57 He's so excited that as they're proceeding.
40:01 He's dancing before the Lord in the procession going there.
40:05 He remember
40:06 and he writes this beautiful song
40:10 that he's remembering, and recounting
40:13 and rejoicing in God's works for his covenant people.
40:18 So let's look at this.
40:20 1 Chronicles verses,
40:22 it is 1 Chronicles 16:8-13.
40:27 He's exhorting the people to recall and proclaim
40:32 what God has done in the past.
40:35 You know what, that's what praise is about,
40:37 as we're praising God for what He's done and listen,
40:40 oh, listen what he says, "Oh, give thanks to the Lord!
40:44 Call upon His name.
40:46 Make known His deeds among the peoples!
40:49 Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him,
40:51 talk of His wondrous works!
40:54 Glory in His holy name,
40:56 let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the Lord!
41:01 Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His face forevermore!
41:07 Remember His marvelous works which He has done,
41:10 His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth,
41:14 O seed of Israel His servant,
41:16 you children of Jacob, His chosen ones!
41:19 Woo!
41:21 I'm already worshiping when you're reading that,
41:23 just gives me chills.
41:24 Now verses 14-22.
41:27 David rehearses the Abrahamic covenant
41:31 that was renewed with Isaac and Jacob
41:35 talking about the land that they're going to get,
41:38 that the Messiah is going to come
41:40 from these progenitors
41:41 and talking about the everlasting justification
41:47 by faith in verse 23 and 24.
41:51 He adds an evangelistic thrust
41:55 that all the world should learn about the God of Israel.
41:59 Listen, verse 24,
42:01 "Declare His glory among the nations,
42:06 His wonders among all people."
42:09 You know, the whole purpose,
42:12 if we look in Deuteronomy, where Moses said,
42:16 "The Rock, your Rock begot you."
42:21 You are begotten of God, Israel,
42:24 which that term means to be set apart
42:26 for unique covenant purpose.
42:28 The whole reason he chose these people,
42:31 is that the world would understand
42:34 through their experience,
42:36 how wonderful God was,
42:38 and understand the plan of redemption.
42:41 Now in verse...
42:43 We're still in 1 Chronicles 16:25-27 is
42:48 He's the only true God, worship Him as Creator.
42:51 Verse 28 and 29, this is interesting.
42:55 Worship Him with offerings, and let me tell you something.
43:00 Praise is an offering to God, we're supposed to.
43:04 God's works should motivate us
43:07 to service and part of that is praise.
43:10 Verse 28, "Give to the Lord, O families of the peoples,
43:16 give to the Lord glory and strength."
43:19 It's saying
43:20 ascribe these attributes to Him.
43:23 Let your mouth worship Him for this.
43:26 "Give to the Lord the glory due His name,
43:31 bring an offering, come before Him.
43:35 Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness!"
43:40 When is the last time you worship the Lord
43:43 in the beauty of holiness.
43:47 Now he goes on
43:48 and just I wanna get here verses 30-33.
43:52 He talks about the power of God as Creator is recognized
43:57 and that we're to testify of His glory.
44:00 But he ends with the need to rely on God for salvation.
44:04 Let's look at 1 Chronicles 16:34.
44:07 "Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!
44:10 For His mercy endures forever.
44:13 And say, 'Save us, O God of our salvation,
44:17 gather us together,
44:18 deliver us from the Gentiles,
44:20 to give thanks to Your holy name,
44:23 to triumph in Your praise.'
44:25 Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel
44:28 from everlasting to everlasting!"
44:32 He's talking about
44:33 God's eternal unchanging nature.
44:36 "And all the people said," what?
44:38 "'Amen!' "
44:40 So bottom line is what God has done,
44:43 deserves our praise and worship,
44:47 when you think of the sacrificial system,
44:51 and how God became a man
44:55 and was our substitute on the cross,
44:59 this gives us hope for eternal life,
45:02 but we should worship Him in the beauty of holiness.
45:07 And I just want to encourage you.
45:11 I make praise, at least 50% of my prayer,
45:15 I always begin with praise and thanksgiving.
45:18 It's probably 50 to 70% of my prayer
45:22 because then I am reminded
45:26 of the beauty of the holiness of God
45:28 in everything that comes after that the supplications,
45:33 even the intercession,
45:35 it's based on knowing the God who's going to answer.
45:39 Amen.
45:40 Could you mention the scripture you read last one
45:43 because I think you said
45:44 Corinthians while you meant something else?
45:46 1 Chronicles. Okay.
45:47 Did I say Corinthians, isn't that funny?
45:49 How we do that?
45:50 1 Chronicles 16.
45:51 Thank you. Thank you very much.
45:53 Well, God's blessings continue
45:55 as we go into the next day's lesson.
45:57 Now I wanna read some of the titles
45:59 that we went through
46:00 because the title of this lesson
46:01 is Worship in Education then we heard,
46:05 we all worship something, the next one,
46:08 And Declare Them to Their Children,
46:11 the next one In Spirit and In Truth,
46:13 and then you just heard The Beauty of Holiness,
46:15 this one is entitled Idolatry in Education.
46:18 Why?
46:19 Because we are facing a great controversy
46:22 between good and evil.
46:25 And you see this even in education.
46:27 So when we look at the word idolatry,
46:30 and you look it up in the dictionary,
46:32 one from Merriam Webster says,
46:34 "The worship of a physical object as God,
46:37 also a moderate attachment or devotion to something."
46:42 And I will add or someone
46:45 because people worship people, people worship celebrities,
46:49 some people worship singers, which are also celebrities,
46:53 some people worship presidents or kings,
46:56 but the only one worthy of worship is God
46:59 and God alone.
47:00 Now the word in the Greek
47:02 is very similar to the way it sounds in Spanish,
47:05 idolatria, which means also,
47:08 when you look it up, is image worship, as well.
47:13 So we need to be extremely careful with this
47:16 because we are facing a great controversy
47:19 between good and evil.
47:20 I will read to you from Revelation 13:15-17,
47:24 to remind you that we are living in times
47:27 when we are going to see this.
47:29 "He was granted power
47:32 to give breath to the image of the beast,
47:36 that the image of the beast should both speak and cause
47:40 as many as would not worship the image of the beast
47:43 to be killed."
47:45 This is coming.
47:46 "He causes all, both small and great,
47:48 rich and poor, free and slave,
47:51 to receive a mark on their right hand
47:53 or on their foreheads,
47:56 and that no one may buy or sell
47:58 except one who has the mark or the name of the beast,
48:02 or the number of his name."
48:04 So this is idolatry.
48:06 And you may think today,
48:08 "Well, people don't worship images as they used to,
48:11 but yes, they do."
48:13 I can tell you that.
48:14 Every week, some people bow before images.
48:18 You may know in some countries, they do worship things,
48:21 from rocks to plants,
48:23 and different things of this nature.
48:26 It's not a secret, you can go to India.
48:28 I remember our son was in India,
48:30 preaching over there.
48:32 And as he was walking by, he says,
48:34 "Oh, look at this beautiful plant."
48:35 "Don't touch it."
48:36 He was told, "That's a god here."
48:39 It was a plant.
48:40 And so people worship different things.
48:42 Satan has worked hard
48:45 to put something else in front of people
48:48 so that people will worship something else instead of God,
48:51 but he is the one that wants worship.
48:54 Notice what he said to Jesus, when he tempted him in person,
48:59 there in Matthew Chapter 4, I'm going to read verses 8-10.
49:03 "Again, the devil took Him up
49:06 on an exceedingly high mountain,
49:08 and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory."
49:13 Verse 9, "And he said to Him,
49:15 'All these things I will give You
49:17 if You will fall down and worship me.'"
49:20 This is what the devil wants.
49:22 He wants worship.
49:24 And if you won't worship him directly,
49:26 he wants you to worship something else or someone else,
49:30 but Jesus said in verse 10, "Then Jesus said to him,
49:33 'Away with you," I like that,
49:34 'Away with you, Satan!
49:37 For it is written,
49:38 'You shall worship the Lord your God,
49:40 and Him only you shall worship.'"
49:45 Praise be to God, that's whom we shall worship,
49:48 the only one worthy of our worship.
49:50 And I encourage you to consider your life.
49:52 You may have something
49:53 that you're worshiping in your house.
49:55 And what could that be?
49:57 Pray, God will reveal it to you.
49:59 If God is not the one that you're worshiping.
50:02 Stop today and worship the only true God,
50:05 our Creator.
50:07 Now the lesson brings Mark 7:1-13
50:11 because we have some principles here
50:13 that we need to highlight
50:15 because we're talking about Idolatry in Education.
50:19 How can idolatry get into education you may ask?
50:23 Well, this is more of something you may see,
50:26 you may see it in Christian schools,
50:27 but you'll see it most definitely
50:29 in the secular educational system.
50:33 So let's look,
50:35 we don't have time to read the whole Mark 7:1-13.
50:40 I encourage you to do so,
50:41 but here's the scene where the Pharisees and scribes
50:43 came to attack Jesus,
50:46 let's say attacking Jesus,
50:48 finding a way to cause Him to stumble
50:52 to have something to accuse Him.
50:54 So they're in Mark Chapter 7
50:56 and I'll just read verses 5 maybe through 9.
50:59 And this is what the Bible says.
51:01 "Then the Pharisees and scribes asked Him,
51:03 'Why do Your disciples not walk
51:05 according to the tradition of the elders,
51:09 but eat bread with unwashed hands?'
51:12 He answered and said to them,
51:13 'Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites,"
51:17 now this is strong language,
51:19 but this is what they were,
51:20 "as it is written,
51:22 'This people honors me with their lips,
51:25 but their heart is far from Me."
51:29 You see, if you're just worshiping God,
51:31 from your lips, but your heart is far from God,
51:34 then you're not really worshiping God.
51:36 Like it was already said
51:38 we must worship God in spirit and in truth.
51:40 And to do this, you must do so with all of your heart.
51:43 Notice, "And in vain they worship Me,
51:47 teaching as doctrines the commandments of men."
51:52 Notice what they do.
51:53 "For laying aside the commandment of God,
51:56 you hold the tradition of men,
51:59 the washing of pitchers and cups,
52:01 and many other such things you do.'
52:04 He said to them,
52:05 'All too well you reject the commandment of God,
52:08 that you may keep your tradition.'"
52:11 Be careful with tradition,
52:13 if what you do is not found in the Word of God,
52:17 it is a tradition
52:19 and should not be put above God's Word.
52:23 Now, what happens when you do this?
52:26 Verse 13 is the highlight of this,
52:31 it says, "Making the Word of God
52:33 of no effect through your tradition
52:36 which you have handed down.
52:37 And many such things you do."
52:39 So when you put something else above God,
52:43 then you are putting aside God and the Word of God
52:48 and you are worshiping that becomes an idol.
52:52 Now I wanna say something to you
52:54 because there's a great, great danger
52:57 in the school systems.
53:00 And that is the children are presented ideas
53:04 that are contradictory to scriptures,
53:07 and I'm gonna mention one of them
53:08 that is easy to see, evolution.
53:12 Now evolution is an idea that is not founded
53:15 on the Word of God.
53:16 It puts God aside and say we came from nothing,
53:21 basically from nothing, but God created us.
53:24 We are created in His image, Praise be to God.
53:27 Now I want to mention something to you
53:29 about the illusion of truth effect.
53:32 Wow, I don't have enough time to do this,
53:35 but the illusion of truth effect,
53:38 the validity effect,
53:40 truth effect or reiteration effect
53:42 is something that has been proven
53:46 by studies, by universities, what it is?
53:48 The repetition of an idea,
53:50 even if it's a false idea that you know, it's false,
53:55 but you keep hearing it over and over again,
53:58 your mind it becomes familiar in your mind,
54:01 and you then look at that as a truth.
54:04 So consider these children
54:06 that come into the kindergarten,
54:09 first grade,
54:10 and all the way through college.
54:12 They tell you, evolution, evolution, evolution,
54:16 this can have a devastating effect
54:18 on people they begin to question
54:20 and they begin to accept these things as truth.
54:24 In a 2015 study,
54:27 researchers discovered
54:28 that familiarity can overpower rationality,
54:32 and that repetitively hearing that a certain fact is wrong
54:37 can affect the hearer's beliefs.
54:40 Researchers attributed the illusory of truth effects
54:47 impact on participants
54:48 who knew the correct answers to begin with,
54:51 but were persuaded to believe otherwise,
54:54 through the repetition of a falsehood
54:57 to a processing fluency, very dangerous.
55:02 And I encourage you to consider it,
55:04 you know, your children are going to public school,
55:06 some people can't afford to pay,
55:07 but you must hold these family worships,
55:11 and keep continuing to present to them the truth,
55:15 the truth of God's Word,
55:17 to counteract the things
55:19 that may lead them away from the Lord.
55:22 So, and I encourage you to consider Psalms 16:11,
55:27 "Thy will show me the path of life,
55:29 in Thy presence is fullness of joy,
55:32 at Thy right hand
55:33 there are pleasures forevermore."
55:35 Let's worship the only true God.
55:37 He alone is worthy of our worship.
55:39 Amen. Amen. Amen.
55:41 Wow. What a powerful lesson.
55:42 I mean, this has been a beautiful lesson.
55:44 We were laying foundation.
55:46 We can't say for the last six lessons,
55:48 but surely this was one of our favorite ones.
55:51 Education is coming up next,
55:53 Education and Redemption is gonna be the next one
55:55 we're talking about.
55:57 If you notice the entire core is about education.
55:59 So, Jill, why don't you summarize
56:00 what you cover today?
56:02 I had declare them to their children.
56:05 Revelation 14:12.
56:07 "Here is the patience of the saints,
56:08 here are those who keep the commandments of God
56:10 and the faith of Jesus."
56:12 So the goal of education,
56:14 the goal of parenting is to teach children,
56:18 young people to know understand God's law,
56:21 and to love Jesus.
56:23 Amen.
56:24 Jesus says in John Chapter 16
56:27 that the Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth.
56:31 And so if you worship the Lord in spirit and in truth,
56:34 you're kind of getting an all encompassing deal.
56:36 So to worship God in spirit and truth
56:38 means to submit yourself to the Holy Spirit,
56:40 that He may constantly lead you into truth,
56:43 and to worship and serve God always.
56:45 Amen and amen.
56:46 Mine was the Beauty of Holiness.
56:48 And I would just say this, that central to all worship,
56:52 and all worship education is the plan of salvation.
56:56 Teach your children how much God loves them,
56:59 and what He stand for them.
57:01 Amen. Amen.
57:03 I want to highlight a song very well-known,
57:08 God and God Alone.
57:09 God and God alone
57:11 created all these things we call our own,
57:13 from the mighty to the small,
57:14 the glory in them all is God's and God's alone.
57:17 God and God alone
57:19 is fit to take the universe's throne.
57:21 Let everything, everything that lives
57:23 reserve its truest praise for God and God alone.
57:27 That's right.
57:29 And my thought is before the spirit of worship
57:31 is expressed in your actions,
57:33 the truth of God's Word must be embraced in your heart.
57:38 Education and Redemption is gonna be the next quarter.
57:41 We were blessed by the study, haven't?
57:43 But the next lesson, lesson number eight,
57:45 and we are encouraging you to join us then,
57:48 but remember what we said today,
57:50 if you're not worshiping the Lord,
57:52 your worship is in vain.
57:54 Find out where that roadblock is,
57:56 and remove it and put the Lord on the altar of your heart.
58:00 Join us next time for an exciting study.
58:03 God bless you until we see you again.
58:04 Amen.


Revised 2020-11-12