3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Sabbath: Experiencing and Living The Character Of

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP200051S

00:01 It's that time again,
00:02 time to open your Bibles
00:04 and join us on 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:06 We are on the 12th lesson of the series
00:10 called "Education."
00:11 Today, our lesson is, "Sabbath:
00:15 Experiencing and Living the Character of God."
00:19 So get your quarterlies,
00:20 get your Bible and a pen and paper and join us.
00:23 Now if you don't already have a quarterly,
00:25 you can still go online and get one.
00:28 Just go to ABSG.Adventist.org
00:34 and download it for free.
00:36 Come join us.
01:08 Hi, I am so glad that you're joining us
01:10 for this wonderful study.
01:12 Let me introduce the family
01:14 that's sitting around the table.
01:15 We call them a panel but they are family.
01:17 My pastor, John Lomacang.
01:20 Good to be here with you, Shelley.
01:21 We are talking about a vitally important topic.
01:24 I'll let you introduce it
01:25 but it's good to be on the panel with you.
01:27 Amen.
01:28 And Ryan Day, Pastor Ryan Day.
01:31 Well, evangelist,
01:34 pastor some people call me but he's the pastor,
01:36 I'm the evangelist.
01:38 Okay, evangelist.
01:40 And Jill Morikone, Sis.
01:42 Thank you, Sis.
01:43 So glad to be here and study God's Word together.
01:45 And Pastor John Dinzey.
01:48 We're so glad you're with us.
01:49 It's a pleasure to be here.
01:51 I know God has a blessing for everyone
01:52 that watches this program and hears this program.
01:54 Amen and amen.
01:56 Pastor John, do you want to have
01:58 a prayer please,
02:00 I started to say a sermon.
02:03 I'll start with prayer first.
02:05 Loving Lord, what a blessing it is
02:07 to be able to rightly divide the word of truth.
02:10 And this topic, Father, we know
02:11 and every topic we've covered is vitally important.
02:14 We ask You to send Your Spirit to speak to us, through us,
02:17 and reach the hearts and lives
02:19 of those watching this program we pray.
02:21 In Jesus name, amen.
02:24 Amen. Amen and amen.
02:25 All right, this is lesson 12, "Sabbath:
02:28 Experiencing and Living the Character of God."
02:32 So let's look at our memory text,
02:34 it's Mark 2:27 and 28.
02:37 And this is Jesus speaking.
02:40 And he said, "The Sabbath was made for man,
02:45 and not man for the Sabbath.
02:47 Therefore the Son of Man
02:49 is also the Lord of the Sabbath."
02:52 When God instituted the Sabbath,
02:55 He intended that it would be a blessing to mankind,
03:01 not a burden, but by the time of Jesus,
03:04 the Jewish religious leaders had the observance of Sabbath
03:10 had become so weighed down
03:13 with mandated legalistic requirements,
03:17 that it's sucked the joy right out of the Sabbath.
03:22 Sabbath was created to be a benefit to mankind.
03:27 It was a time to be astonished at our Father's love,
03:31 a time for rediscovering for learning priorities,
03:36 finding balance, a time for community.
03:40 And the benefit was to us
03:43 that we had a day off from our labors
03:46 and we had to focus on God's blessing.
03:50 The Sabbath School quarterly started off
03:53 with an interesting story about two ladies Jody and Gail.
03:57 And Jody was the only one in her graduate program,
04:02 who was a Seventh-day Adventist.
04:04 Well, everybody knew
04:05 she operated a little differently.
04:07 Well, her friend Gail,
04:09 her husband was going out of town for six weeks.
04:11 So she calls Jody and says,
04:13 "Hey, I know you don't do anything
04:14 on Friday nights anyway.
04:16 So why don't you come spend,
04:17 hang out with me
04:18 for the next six Friday nights?"
04:20 Well, they do.
04:21 And they listen to Christian music
04:23 and they talk about the Lord and they eat together.
04:27 Well, what happened after four Sabbaths had passed,
04:30 Gail, non-Adventist was downtown shopping.
04:35 And it was on a Friday,
04:36 and all of a sudden she looks at her
04:38 watch and thinks,
04:40 "Wonderful.
04:41 The Sabbath is about to begin."
04:45 And she's getting ready to rush home
04:46 and she realizes how much she had grown
04:50 in her relationship with the Lord
04:52 as she had celebrated God's Sabbath.
04:55 So let's look at Sunday, time to be astonished.
05:01 The first two chapters of Genesis
05:03 gives us two different creation accounts
05:07 on the same event,
05:09 but two different accounts of creation.
05:11 Because there's no way you could cover
05:13 creation one account.
05:14 Let me read what
05:16 the Sabbath School quarterly says.
05:18 Genesis 1 recounts the creation week
05:21 and the growing wonder of the earth
05:22 as it is given form and then life,
05:25 culminating in the creation of man
05:27 and woman on the sixth day.
05:29 So first, we learn
05:31 of the powerful artistic creator,
05:35 who has an eye for perfect beauty.
05:38 But then Genesis 2 it says, looks at the same account,
05:41 but from a different perspective,
05:43 with a special focus on the sixth day.
05:47 Adam is at the center of the picture.
05:48 Now, everything is described as being there for him
05:53 and the woman, the garden,
05:55 the rivers, the animals, and of course, woman.
05:58 So this second account is showing us
06:03 that we're going to meet the God of relationships,
06:07 and that He wants humanity
06:09 to love and care for each other,
06:11 and for the rest of creation.
06:13 But I want to add this point.
06:16 There is a dramatic punctuation
06:19 between the first account and the second account.
06:22 Let's look at it.
06:23 Genesis 2:1-3,
06:26 we've just finished the first account creation.
06:29 And Genesis 2 begins this way.
06:31 "Thus the heavens and the earth and all the host of them
06:34 were finished.
06:36 And on the seventh day,
06:37 God ended His work which He had done,
06:40 He rested on the seventh day from all of His work
06:42 which He had done,
06:44 then God blessed the seventh day
06:47 and sanctified it,
06:48 because in it, He rested from all His work
06:51 which God had created and made."
06:53 Now Hebrew for rested is Shabbat,
06:56 and it means basically to cease and desist from work.
07:00 And, you know, God didn't rest because He was exhausted.
07:05 Isaiah 40:28 says,
07:07 "The Lord, the creators of the end of the earth,
07:10 neither faints nor grow weary."
07:12 So why did God rest?
07:14 He ceased from the work of creation,
07:18 because the work was completed.
07:22 You know, that's how I feel on the Sabbath
07:23 when I keep the Sabbath, I am resting.
07:27 To me, Sabbath is never a work.
07:29 Sabbath is a rest
07:31 because I remember
07:32 that God's work of salvation is completed,
07:36 that in Christ Jesus,
07:38 He is going to not only justify me
07:42 by grace through faith,
07:44 but He's working in me
07:46 to sanctify me by grace through faith.
07:49 But Jesus said,
07:50 "My father has been working until now,
07:52 and I have been working."
07:54 So when we look at this account of creation,
07:57 it says in Chapter 1,
07:59 and the evening and the morning were the first day,
08:02 and the evening and the morning were the second day,
08:05 and it goes all the way through,
08:07 till on the sixth day, which was Friday,
08:10 He creates Adam and Eve,
08:12 the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
08:15 So on that evening,
08:18 Saturday evening is when the Sabbath began,
08:22 and God rested
08:26 to basically establish a pattern
08:29 for man's work cycle when you think about it.
08:32 We have a yearly cycle, that is a solar cycle, right?
08:38 We have a monthly cycle, that is a lunar cycle.
08:42 But the only reason
08:45 that we have a seven-day work cycle
08:48 is because this is God's perfect pattern.
08:52 We work six, six on, the seventh day is off.
08:56 So God blessed the seventh day.
08:59 And you know, this is the only unit of time
09:01 in the creation account that God blesses.
09:04 And then He sanctified that day.
09:06 That means He set it aside.
09:08 And He made it holy,
09:11 just meaning that He's set aside
09:12 for His purposes.
09:14 So I want to add, oh, my God can sanctify a day.
09:19 And there's no other day.
09:21 Sunday is never sanctified in the Bible.
09:24 Here's the bottom line.
09:26 God is a relational being.
09:28 He longs for you to open your heart
09:32 and to let Him pour His love into your heart.
09:35 He longs to be part of your life experiences.
09:39 God, the ideal would be that we are like Enoch
09:44 that we walk with God in uninterrupted fellowship.
09:48 But you know what?
09:49 God knows the end from the beginning.
09:51 And He knew that man would get busy
09:54 and in his busyness interrupt that fellowship.
09:58 So God set aside the seventh day
10:01 that we can come to Him,
10:03 forget about all of our troubles,
10:06 build our trust in Him,
10:08 our faith in Him as our Creator,
10:11 and the one who recreates us
10:13 in the image of Jesus as our Redeemer,
10:16 and our Deliverer and the one who sanctifies us.
10:19 And the intimacy of our relationship
10:22 is magnified when we spend time
10:24 in God's presence.
10:26 I love this day.
10:27 God is the one who teaches us how to follow His path of life.
10:32 But now, just think about this.
10:35 Sabbath is a time of uninterrupted fellowship.
10:39 When we can look up from our work,
10:42 we can look at the skies and marvel at the stars
10:46 and how God created everything with such beauty.
10:49 We can smell the flowers,
10:51 walk through the forest or the trees.
10:54 And then we also learn how to accept responsibility
10:59 for the interdependence of relationship
11:02 with family and church.
11:04 But now let's just think about Adam and Eve for a moment.
11:08 Here they're created on the sixth day,
11:11 and they are getting ready to have their first full day
11:15 from Friday evening, till Saturday evening,
11:19 that seventh-day,
11:21 their first full day with their Creator,
11:23 their first full day with their spouse,
11:25 can you imagine.
11:27 It was a day that touched all of their senses.
11:33 Their eyes marveled
11:35 at all the beautiful colors of the Lord.
11:38 They're looking at the beautiful colors
11:40 of the different birds,
11:41 the beautiful colors of the flowers.
11:45 And you know, for me, because I like,
11:47 I like to dabble in painting.
11:50 When I look out on the green, if I'm looking at the trees,
11:55 I see maybe 50 different shades of green in the trees.
11:58 I love it.
12:00 So here, their eyes are marveling
12:02 at the unique shapes and sizes of everything.
12:05 They see the huge elephant,
12:07 and they see the duck billed platypus.
12:10 And they knew God had a sense of humor
12:12 if He created the platypus,
12:14 and the little tiny hummingbirds,
12:16 and their noses are crinkling with the light
12:19 as they smell the aroma of the flowers and the fruits.
12:24 And when you think about it,
12:26 even smelling the lion's breath.
12:28 I'm sure the lion's breath was like puppy's breath
12:31 at that time.
12:33 The lush grass,
12:34 just think about how their senses,
12:36 the sense of touch as they laid in the lush grass
12:41 and it was like, ooh, it feels like velvet.
12:44 And then they feel the coolness of the cascading waterfalls on,
12:49 the heat of the sun
12:50 as they're warming up from that.
12:52 And then when you think about it,
12:54 they heard the bleeding of the sheep,
12:58 they hear the braying of the donkeys,
13:00 they hear the beautiful sounds
13:02 of all the birds.
13:03 And it was just a symphony of sounds.
13:06 How marvelous it must have been.
13:09 Then their sense of taste, mangoes, grapes,
13:12 all the goodies that God had for them.
13:15 They were enraptured by the Creator,
13:19 and the creation, their first full day.
13:23 Let me just share with you very briefly my first day.
13:27 When God called me to full time ministry, he said,
13:31 "Forget what you think, you know, come sit at my feet,
13:33 and I will teach you."
13:35 He started me on a study of the sanctuary.
13:38 And I found out the Ten Commandments
13:41 were inside the ark,
13:42 and that book of the law was on the outside.
13:45 I realized, wow.
13:48 Sabbath is the only one that I am ignoring.
13:52 And you know, the first Sabbath,
13:54 I'll never forget, as the Sabbath rolled in,
13:57 it was like, all of my stress sweat out
14:02 because all of my life
14:04 I had been trying to speak good enough for God
14:07 and save myself.
14:09 And finally I realized,
14:11 Exodus 31:13
14:13 God said the Sabbath is a sign
14:16 that I'm the one who sanctifies you.
14:18 Amen. Well, thank you, Shelley.
14:20 Well, what an astonishing picture
14:22 that you drew.
14:23 I was there on the carpet,
14:26 smelling the lion's baby breath.
14:29 It was an amazing picture.
14:31 We don't think about it often that way.
14:33 But what a picture it must have been
14:34 that perfect day of creation.
14:36 They could lay on the grass and there were no ants
14:38 crawling on them to bite them.
14:40 What a setting.
14:41 You know, if we're faithful, we'll get that chance.
14:43 Again, I'm looking forward to that.
14:45 What a garden it was.
14:46 But now we go to Monday, "Time for Rediscovery."
14:51 Now as Shelley laid the foundation for the Sabbath
14:53 as it was in the beginning, the first and second stage.
14:57 We now look at the Sabbath in a different light.
15:01 You know, sin really took its course in the earth.
15:03 And as the progression of the generations continued,
15:07 finally, the Lord called a man by the name of Abraham,
15:11 and Genesis 26:5 says, Abraham,
15:14 because Abraham kept my commandments,
15:17 my statutes and my laws.
15:19 Abraham was not an Israelite,
15:21 they were not in existence then,
15:22 there was no such thing as a Jew.
15:24 He was from Chaldea or Chaldea, whichever way you say it,
15:27 a province in Babylon,
15:29 but he saw God and God made him faithful.
15:32 From him came generations, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
15:35 from Jacob came 12 sons, the children of Israel,
15:39 after Jacob overcame in his night of wrestling
15:41 with the Lord.
15:43 And then the nations began to grow,
15:45 they fell into bondage because of disobedience.
15:49 And a famine arose,
15:50 and they ended up Joseph went to Egypt.
15:53 And when the famine arose,
15:54 the family went to Egypt for provision,
15:56 and they were there a total of 400 years,
15:59 the generations 430 if you count
16:02 when Joseph was there,
16:04 but can now imagine 400 years, generation after generation,
16:08 being born and dying, being born and dying,
16:11 and something got lost in the slavery,
16:13 in the bondage of Egypt.
16:15 They went from the free people to the people in bondage
16:17 when a Pharaoh rose that did not know Joseph.
16:21 The bondage time came, and somewhere in the mix,
16:24 the Sabbath got lost.
16:26 Because now as we go to Exodus 16,
16:29 you'll find on the post Exodus,
16:32 one of the very first test
16:33 that God brings to the Israelites
16:35 is on the Sabbath.
16:37 Let's dive into Exodus 16.
16:39 And by the way, for those of you that think
16:41 the Sabbath did not exist until Sinai,
16:43 this is an indelible example,
16:45 a story of history
16:46 that shows that before was written
16:48 on tables of stone,
16:49 the Lord brought the test back.
16:52 Exodus 16:14, and the Lord gave them he said,
16:55 I'm going to provide you food, and look at what he says.
16:59 "And they saw something every morning
17:00 on the desert floor called manna,"
17:02 but it says,
17:03 "And when the layer of dew lifted, there,
17:05 on the surface of the wilderness,
17:06 was a small round substance, as fine as frost on the ground.
17:10 So when the children of Israel saw it,
17:12 they said to one another, 'What is it?'"
17:14 And by the way, manna means exactly that,
17:16 what is it?
17:17 Like what do you having, nut n honey, exactly.
17:20 What are you having? Nut n honey.
17:21 There was a cereal called nut n honey.
17:24 You get to say nut n honey.
17:25 She said exactly. What are you having?
17:27 Nut n honey. Exactly.
17:28 Well, they had manna, what is it?
17:30 "For they did not know what it was.
17:33 And Moses said to them,
17:34 'This is the bread
17:35 which the Lord has given you to eat.
17:37 This is the thing which the Lord has commanded:
17:39 'Every man gather it according to each one's need,
17:41 one omer for each person,
17:43 according to the number of persons,
17:45 let every man take for those who are in his tent.'
17:48 Then the children of Israel did so and gathered,
17:50 some more, some less.
17:51 So when they measured it by omers,
17:54 he who gathered much had nothing left over,
17:56 and he who gathered little had no lack.
17:59 Every man had gathered according to each one's need.
18:01 And Moses said,
18:04 'Let no one leave any of it till morning.'
18:06 Not withstanding they did not heed Moses.
18:10 But some of them," the guys had snacked at night,
18:14 "some of them left part of it until morning,
18:16 and it bred worms and stink.
18:18 And Moses was angry with them.
18:20 So they gathered it every morning,
18:22 every man according to his need.
18:24 And when the sun became hot, it melted.
18:26 And so it was, on the sixth day,
18:28 they gathered twice as much bread,
18:30 two omers for each one.
18:31 And all the rulers of the congregation
18:33 came and told Moses.
18:35 Then he said to them,
18:37 'This is what the Lord has said:
18:39 'Tomorrow is a Sabbath rest, a holy Sabbath to the Lord.
18:44 Bake what you will bake today, boil what you will boil,
18:48 and lay up for yourselves all that remains,
18:51 to be kept until morning.'
18:52 God blesses the work of the sixth day.
18:55 So they laid it up into the morning,
18:57 as Moses commanded, and it did not stink,
18:59 nor were there any worms in it.
19:01 Then Moses said, 'Eat that today,
19:03 for today is a Sabbath to the Lord,
19:05 today you will find none in the field.
19:08 Six days you shall gather it, but on the seventh day,
19:10 the Sabbath, there will be none.'"
19:12 Now it happened
19:13 that some of the people went out
19:14 on the seventh day to gather,
19:16 but they found none.
19:17 And the Lord said to Moses, listen to this,
19:20 "How long do you refuse
19:22 to keep My commandments and My laws?
19:25 See!
19:26 For the Lord has given you the Sabbath,
19:28 therefore He gives you
19:30 on the sixth day bread for two days.
19:34 Let every man remain in his place,
19:36 let no man go out of his place on the seventh day."
19:38 And then verse 30,
19:40 "So the people rested on the seventh day."
19:43 The Bible calls the seventh day the Sabbath before Sinai.
19:47 So you see, when He said how long,
19:49 that meant, this wasn't the first test.
19:51 They had lost track of the Sabbath in Egypt.
19:53 And one of the things,
19:55 one of the things that got Pharaoh angry,
19:56 I think, is Exodus 5:5
19:58 because Aaron and Moses restored a day of labor,
20:02 a day of rest for them while they were in Egypt.
20:05 And it got Pharaoh angry.
20:07 And that's when he commanded
20:08 that they make brick without straw.
20:10 But there are six points
20:12 I want to bring out very quickly,
20:13 seven points.
20:15 And if I'm as good as Jill,
20:16 I could get it done in four minutes.
20:18 The first purpose of the Sabbath,
20:21 Matthew 6:11,
20:23 the daily provision to show
20:25 was to show God's care for their daily needs.
20:28 That's why Matthew years later said in Matthew 6:11,
20:32 "Give us this day, our daily bread."
20:35 All the way back from the Exodus.
20:38 The second reason for the Sabbath test
20:41 was to show that God is our provider.
20:44 He gave them food every day.
20:45 And Paul many centuries later said,
20:48 "And my God shall supply all your need
20:50 according to His riches and glory."
20:52 Philippians 4:19,
20:54 going all the way back
20:55 to the account in the wilderness.
20:58 The third one was to remind the manna
21:01 that they receive was a reminder
21:03 of the coming Messiah.
21:04 Oh, that's good.
21:06 John 6:32,
21:07 "Then Jesus said to them, 'Most assuredly, I say to you,
21:11 Moses did not give you the bread from heaven.
21:14 But my father gives you the true bread from heaven."
21:18 And Jesus was talking about Himself,
21:20 He is the bread of life.
21:22 So that was a reminder
21:23 all the way back to the post Exodus.
21:27 The fourth reason or the fourth lesson,
21:29 the early morning provision
21:30 revealed the mercy and the faithfulness of God.
21:34 Lamentation 3:21-24,
21:37 "This I recall to mind, therefore I have hope.
21:41 Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed,
21:43 because His compassions fail not."
21:45 He could have easily consumed the disobedient
21:48 who went out on the Sabbath,
21:49 or kept more food during the night
21:51 but He was merciful.
21:52 And it says in verse 23,
21:54 "They are new every morning, great is your faithfulness.
21:59 The Lord is my portion,"
22:00 he said take a certain portion every day,
22:03 says my soul, "therefore I hope in Him!"
22:06 All pointing back to the portion,
22:08 God's compassion, God's mercy in the wilderness.
22:12 Lesson number five,
22:13 the Sabbath was a test of loyalty
22:15 to the specificity of God's requirements.
22:18 Exodus 16:16.
22:20 This is the thing which the Lord has commanded.
22:23 He said, "Take a certain measure."
22:25 God was specific.
22:26 And, friends, if God is specific,
22:28 we should also be specific.
22:30 That's where tithing and offering comes in.
22:32 Don't just give God what you want,
22:34 give God what He requires.
22:37 Number six,
22:39 the Sabbath was a test of obedience
22:41 to the God of the Sabbath.
22:43 Exodus 16:27-28,
22:45 "Now what happened
22:47 that some of the people went out
22:48 on the seventh day to gather,
22:50 but they found none.
22:51 And the Lord said to Moses,
22:52 'How long do you refuse
22:54 to keep My commandments and My laws?'"
22:56 To those of you not keeping the commandments,
22:58 because you may not have heard about it,
22:59 I challenge you,
23:01 study the Sabbath and the Bible.
23:03 And as Ryan on my left, and Shelley on my right,
23:06 they both discovered in God's leading
23:09 the perpetuity of the law,
23:12 and they honored the Lord of the Sabbath
23:15 by accepting and embracing the Sabbath,
23:18 thus as Shelley said, the memory text,
23:21 the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath.
23:25 Mark 2:27, "Therefore,
23:27 the Son of Man is Lord also of the Sabbath."
23:30 Is He Lord of your life is the question.
23:32 And lastly, the Sabbath was an outward test
23:36 of an inward commitment.
23:38 Ezekiel 20:12, "Moreover,
23:40 I also gave them my Sabbath to be a sign
23:43 between me and them,
23:45 that they might know that I'm the Lord
23:47 who sanctifies them."
23:48 We are only made holy
23:50 by honoring the Lord of the day,
23:52 the day doesn't sanctify us,
23:53 but by honoring His day that He blessed,
23:56 we are sanctified in our relationship.
23:58 And then verse 20, "Hallow My Sabbath,
24:01 and there will be a sign."
24:03 Is the sign missing,
24:05 a sign between Me and you,
24:07 that you may know that I am the Lord your God.
24:09 The Lord your God already picked the day,
24:12 you pick the Lord,
24:13 He'll give you the day
24:14 and you will enter into a sanctifying relationship
24:17 that will never change.
24:18 Amen.
24:19 You know, I actually celebrated the Sabbath
24:21 for two and a half years
24:23 before I discovered 3ABN
24:25 because I thought Adventist were a cult
24:30 and I wouldn't watch,
24:31 you know, at first I wouldn't watch,
24:32 then I found everything God was teaching me
24:35 is what they were teaching.
24:36 And now I am one, we'll be right back.
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25:14 We hope that you are enjoying this study as much as we are.
25:18 Now it is Pastor Ryan Day's.
25:21 Amen. Praise the Lord.
25:22 Tuesday's lesson is entitled, "Time for Learning Priorities."
25:26 And, of course, we're on the theme
25:28 or the subject of the Sabbath.
25:29 And you know I've to say up front,
25:30 the Sabbath is definitely a time
25:32 in which we can learn priorities.
25:34 But it's also a time
25:36 in which your priorities can be examined or tested.
25:39 And that's essentially
25:40 what Tuesday's lesson deals with.
25:41 It kind of goes back into the history of Israel
25:44 and it uses Israel as an example,
25:46 the ups and the downs that Israel had
25:48 in the relationship with the Lord.
25:51 You know, what we seek,
25:52 essentially through the history of Israel,
25:54 and the history of the Old Testament
25:55 is this constant in and out of the children of Israel,
25:59 breaking up with God, coming back to God,
26:00 breaking up with God, coming back to God.
26:02 And essentially, it always was dealing
26:04 with the commandments of the Lord.
26:06 And the Sabbath was in the mix.
26:08 Many times, a couple of times in Scripture we have record,
26:11 where we see
26:12 that God specifically calls them out.
26:14 And He's addressing the fact that,
26:16 you know, He's seen their unwillingness
26:18 to respect the Sabbath,
26:20 essentially, as a sign of His irrelevance
26:22 in their own lives.
26:23 And unfortunately, there's many Christians
26:25 still today that have that issue,
26:27 the Lord is, the Sabbath is a test.
26:29 And we've been told that it's going to return
26:31 as the ultimate test.
26:32 How can God know that you are on His side
26:35 that you are His chosen,
26:36 He's going to send the Sabbath test.
26:38 And if you are willing to obey God
26:39 and receive that blessing,
26:41 then He knows that
26:42 that is a sign of His authority,
26:43 and that you are His special people.
26:45 But unfortunately, on the flip side of that,
26:47 we got people that will not receive
26:49 the Sabbath as a sign.
26:50 And we're going to talk about two extremes through this,
26:52 but I want to start in Jeremiah.
26:54 Let's go to Jeremiah 17:19-27.
26:58 There's a chance I may not read the entire passages
27:00 due to time.
27:01 But I want to highlight
27:03 a couple of passages in Scripture
27:04 before we get to the main one,
27:06 just to set the foundation
27:07 because you're going to see a couple of common themes
27:10 in these two passages.
27:11 We're going to read first from Jeremiah 17 here,
27:14 and then we're going to jump over to Nehemiah
27:16 and you're going to see a couple of,
27:18 you're going to see a pattern.
27:19 And then when we get to our passage in Isaiah,
27:21 we're really going to pick it up
27:22 and go home with it.
27:24 So Jeremiah 17, beginning with verse 19.
27:26 Notice what it says, "Thus the Lord said to me:
27:28 'Go and stand in the gate of the children of the people,
27:31 by which the kings of Judah come in
27:33 and by which they go out,
27:35 and in all the gates of Jerusalem,
27:36 and say to them,
27:38 'Hear the word of the Lord,
27:39 you kings of Judah, and all Judah,
27:41 and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
27:43 who enter by these gates.
27:45 Thus says the Lord: 'Take heed to yourselves,
27:48 and bear no burden on the Sabbath day.'"
27:51 Okay, so I just want to pause there
27:52 and highlight the fact that the,
27:54 that's the whole purpose of the fourth commandment
27:57 is that God is granting us rest in Him
28:00 and He is commanding us that not only should we rest,
28:04 but anyone within our influence and control,
28:06 we should allow them to rest,
28:07 even all the way down to our cattle.
28:08 That's right.
28:10 The Lord says it's a holy day,
28:11 we should remember we should observe,
28:12 we should honor this day as a day of communion,
28:15 a day of rest.
28:16 And so that's what He means by this burden.
28:19 The children of Israel were bringing in a burden
28:21 on the Sabbath,
28:22 because they were bringing in all of their labors,
28:24 all of their business transactions,
28:26 and they were defiling the Sabbath.
28:27 So that's why He says here,
28:29 "And bear no burden on the Sabbath day,
28:30 nor bring it in by the gates of Jerusalem,
28:33 nor carry a burden out of your house
28:35 on the Sabbath day,
28:37 nor do any work but hallowed the Sabbath day,
28:39 as I commanded your fathers."
28:42 And, of course, it goes on to say,
28:44 "But they did not obey or incline their ear
28:47 but made their neck stiff
28:49 that they might not hear nor receive instruction."
28:52 We're talking about education, right?
28:54 In order for you to be educated,
28:56 you got to be able to receive instruction, right?
28:59 But notice God's response in verse 27.
29:01 Let's go ahead and jump down to verse 27.
29:03 Here it says, "But if you will not heed Me
29:05 to hallow the Sabbath day,
29:08 such as not carrying a burden
29:10 when entering the gates of Jerusalem
29:12 on the Sabbath day,
29:13 then I will kindle a fire in its gates,
29:15 and it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem,
29:18 and it shall not be quenched."
29:21 And so, other words,
29:22 this is leading up to their great apostasy
29:25 in which they're going to fall.
29:26 And they're going to end up
29:28 in the hands of the Babylonians,
29:29 and under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar.
29:30 But ultimately, it began and we see the essential issue
29:33 was they were not only disobeying
29:35 all of God's commandments,
29:37 but they had come to the point
29:38 where they were completely dishonoring
29:40 God's Sabbath.
29:41 It showed their priority. God was not their priority.
29:43 The Sabbath was the test.
29:45 And you'll notice that the theme in here
29:47 was that God says don't bring in your burden.
29:49 What was the burden? I'll reiterate that.
29:51 They were bringing in their business,
29:53 they were defiling the Sabbath with their labors
29:55 and their daily ongoing business
29:57 that they would have done on days one through six.
29:59 Remember God says, "You shall work for six days,
30:01 you shall labor for six days.
30:03 But the seventh day
30:04 is the Sabbath of the Lord your God."
30:06 They were taking what would be done
30:07 on the six days of laboring working
30:09 and basically carrying out business transactions.
30:12 They were bringing that in on the Sabbath day
30:14 and God said, "I'm not going to have that.
30:16 You're going to be My people,
30:17 I need you to show Me your commitment."
30:19 And, of course, they would...
30:20 We just read there in verse 27,
30:22 that God had to kindle a fire
30:23 in the gates to get their attention.
30:25 We see this same theme over Nehemiah.
30:27 Okay.
30:28 Let's go to Nehemiah Chapter 13.
30:29 And then we're going to jump over
30:31 to Isaiah 58 afterwards.
30:34 So Nehemiah Chapter 13.
30:35 Notice the same common theme.
30:37 Nehemiah had the same issue.
30:40 I'm going to start reading in verse 19.
30:41 There it says, "So it was, at the gates of Jerusalem,
30:44 as it began to be dark before the Sabbath,
30:46 that I commanded the gates to be shut,
30:48 and charged that they must not be opened
30:51 till after the Sabbath."
30:52 I want to pause here and set the setting here.
30:54 This is now after the Babylonian captivity.
30:57 So before when we just read in Jeremiah,
30:59 that's before they went into captivity,
31:01 and because of their disobedience
31:02 to the Sabbath,
31:03 and the other commandments of the Lord.
31:05 Now they end up in 70 years of Babylonian captivity,
31:07 but now, Nehemiah is their leader.
31:10 He's helping them build the wall.
31:12 He's helping them reestablish Jerusalem
31:15 as an independent statehood,
31:16 and they are now, they're back to it again.
31:18 They're starting to defile the Sabbath.
31:20 So notice Nehemiah he, he lifts the bar,
31:23 notice what he says here.
31:24 He says, "Then I posted
31:25 some of my servants at the gate,
31:27 so that no burdens would be brought
31:29 on the Sabbath day."
31:30 So notice verse 20.
31:32 Now the merchants and sellers,
31:33 notice, here's the business aspect.
31:35 "Now the merchants and sellers of all kinds of wares
31:37 lodged outside Jerusalem once or twice.
31:40 Then I warned them, and said to them,
31:42 'Why do you spend the night around the wall?
31:44 If you do so again," watch it he says,
31:47 "I will lay hands on you!'"
31:48 This brother meant business.
31:50 He said, "If I catch you defiling the Sabbath,
31:51 and bringing your business in and camping out here,
31:54 so that you can go ahead and conduct your business
31:56 to defile the Sabbath
31:57 and bring it within the gates of Jerusalem,
31:59 I will put hands on you.
32:00 Now, obviously, he didn't have enough hands
32:01 to put on all those people.
32:03 I'm sure he had other men that would back him up
32:06 and to carry out this action.
32:07 But what we're seeing here in these two passages
32:09 that we read in Jeremiah and Nehemiah
32:11 is we see that the business transactions,
32:13 the daily ongoing business that should have been done
32:16 on days one through six,
32:17 God is saying your priorities are wrong.
32:19 You're bringing them in on My holy day.
32:21 This is a day that I've given to you
32:22 to bless you,
32:23 to give you rest so that I can commune with you
32:25 and you can commune with your brothers
32:27 without all the labors
32:28 and the ongoing businesses of the day.
32:30 So now that leads us to Isaiah 58.
32:32 This is God's ultimate response.
32:34 Even though this was written many years
32:36 even before Jeremiah and Nehemiah,
32:38 God gave His ultimate response
32:40 to how the Sabbath should be conducted
32:42 and how it should be an ultimate test to us
32:45 and help us to prioritize the Sabbath business.
32:48 I have little time to do this.
32:49 So let's read through this really quickly.
32:51 Notice verse 13,
32:52 we're going to start Isaiah 58:13-14.
32:55 Notice what he says there,
32:56 "If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath,"
32:59 Now I just want to say it upfront,
33:01 again, you can do research on this and find this.
33:03 The English translations here really don't do this justice.
33:06 In fact, much of this if you dig a little deeper
33:08 into the original Hebrew,
33:10 you'll find that the message
33:11 is not entirely communicated as well
33:13 as it should be in the English.
33:15 When it says here, if you turn away your foot
33:17 from the Sabbath, in the original Hebrew,
33:19 it actually says,
33:20 if you turn away your foot from what you have it on,
33:24 and turn back to the Sabbath.
33:25 That's what God is ultimately saying,
33:27 Come back to the Sabbath.
33:28 And notice what He says,
33:30 from doing your pleasure on My holy day,
33:33 and call the Sabbath a delight,
33:35 the holy day of the Lord honorable
33:36 and you shall honor Him nor not doing your own ways,
33:40 nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words,
33:44 then you show the light yourself in the Lord.
33:47 And that will cause you to ride up
33:48 on the high heels of the earth.
33:50 And God says
33:51 He's going to declare a blessing.
33:52 Look, in these little closing moments I have,
33:54 I want to make something clear here.
33:55 There's a lot of people who find themselves
33:57 in one of two extremes
33:59 when it comes to Sabbath keeping
34:00 and finding their priority in the Lord.
34:02 You have on one hand these people that are ultra,
34:05 I mean, it's legalistic approach
34:06 to say, you can't do this,
34:08 you can't do this, you can do this.
34:09 And when they read these words, finding,
34:10 you know doing your own pleasure,
34:12 finding your own pleasure, they look at that,
34:13 and they say there's nothing that can be done
34:15 on the Sabbath day,
34:17 and they do exactly the opposite of what God says,
34:18 they don't make it a delight.
34:20 They make it a horrible displeasure.
34:23 And a lot of people grow,
34:24 a lot of our young folks are growing up,
34:25 they're despising Sabbath keeping,
34:27 because of the oppression
34:28 and the legalistic approach
34:30 that we have toward the Sabbath.
34:31 And then on the flip side,
34:32 you got those people just like anything goes.
34:34 I can do anything I want on the Sabbath,
34:35 and they're doing exactly
34:37 what the Israelites done there in Jeremiah 17
34:40 and also in Nehemiah.
34:41 My friends, we got to find the happy medium.
34:43 Let me show you something here really quickly,
34:45 because I'm running out of time here.
34:47 In the original Hebrew here,
34:48 the common theme
34:50 that you see through this passage
34:51 in verses 13 and 14
34:53 is God saying do not do
34:54 your business pleasure on My day.
34:56 Do not do your business pleasure
34:58 on My house.
34:59 When it says do not find your own pleasure.
35:01 That doesn't mean, Ryan,
35:02 you know what if I strive by your home
35:03 and I see you throwing frisbee
35:05 with your wife out in the yard on Sabbath
35:07 oh, you're having a pleasurable moment,
35:09 you are sinning.
35:10 That is not what God is saying.
35:11 Sometimes we can, again pick things apart,
35:13 we need to make it a delight,
35:15 but make sure that we're not dishonoring
35:16 the Sabbath,
35:18 put our priorities in order
35:19 so that when we keep the Sabbath a delight
35:21 in honoring it, not doing work,
35:23 not doing our own pleasure.
35:24 At the same time,
35:26 we also are not going through just the motions
35:28 or honoring the Lord on His day,
35:30 as He has told us to do.
35:31 Amen.
35:33 Thank you so much, Ryan,
35:34 you perfectly set up what my day is,
35:36 "Time for Finding Balance."
35:38 Now, when I first read this title,
35:40 I hadn't really studied the lesson at all.
35:41 And when I got the assignment from Shelley there,
35:44 you have Wednesday time for finding balance.
35:46 I thought, oh, Lord Jesus, you know, I need this lesson,
35:49 just because balance can be a hard thing
35:52 to find in life.
35:53 And then I thought,
35:55 oh, the lesson has nothing to do with that.
35:56 And then I thought,
35:57 well maybe the lesson's about the Sabbath
35:59 and how that helps us achieve balance,
36:02 you know, come apart and rest a while.
36:05 But that's not what the lesson is about either.
36:07 It's about the balance between legalism
36:10 and keeping the Sabbath,
36:12 or relationship with the Lord of the Sabbath.
36:17 Just what Ryan ended with.
36:18 It's about how Jesus kept the Sabbath
36:22 versus how the Pharisees and Scribes
36:26 tried to enforce legalistic behavior
36:29 on the Sabbath.
36:31 That's what this lesson is about.
36:33 So I see five lessons as we talk about time
36:36 for finding balance.
36:38 Five lessons stood out to me as we read the scriptures.
36:40 Lesson number one,
36:42 spiritual legalism often comes in
36:45 through spiritual leadership.
36:49 Jesus made the Sabbath.
36:50 It was created in Eden.
36:51 Shelley talked about that, I'm in Genesis 2.
36:54 We were reminded of it on Mount Sinai
36:57 with the Ten Commandments.
36:58 Jesus demonstrated its beauty and relationship
37:01 when He walked this earth,
37:02 that was our memory text in Mark 2.
37:04 The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath.
37:07 The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.
37:10 However, the Jewish leaders,
37:12 they were the spiritual leaders of the people.
37:15 They brought in legalism
37:18 to something that God had created
37:20 and God had beautified.
37:22 Spiritual legalism often comes in
37:25 through spiritual leadership.
37:28 They created laws
37:30 if you read in the Jewish Mishnah,
37:32 they created 39 categories for work
37:35 that was prohibited on the Sabbath.
37:37 And there's an entire list such things as carrying,
37:42 nothing can be removed from the house,
37:44 only things that were carried
37:46 were things that you put on or things that you wear,
37:49 such as burning, no burning,
37:52 no striking a match,
37:53 no turning on a stove, no driving a car,
37:56 no electric lights, no telephone,
37:58 because those things work by electricity.
38:01 Reaping, no plucking a flower or picking fruit from a tree,
38:06 no smelling of a flower on the Sabbath,
38:10 harvesting grain.
38:11 The lesson brought out,
38:12 some Rabbis discouraged walking through a grain field
38:16 if the grain was at ankle height,
38:18 because your ankle might accidentally knock off
38:21 the grain by stepping on it and that is threshing.
38:24 No threshing, no shearing,
38:26 and that includes combing the hair
38:28 because if you comb your hair, you might pull out a few hairs.
38:31 And that would be shearing.
38:33 So, but a soft brush was allowed.
38:36 The point is that legalism came in
38:39 and crept and took over the beauty of the Sabbath.
38:44 Lesson number two, the law is not the problem,
38:47 the interpretation of the law, that's the problem.
38:51 Psalm 19:7, David says, "The law of the Lord is" what?
38:55 "Perfect, converting the soul,
38:58 the testimony of the Lord is sure
38:59 making wise the simple."
39:02 Matthew 5, Jesus said,
39:04 the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5:17-18.
39:08 The Pharisees thought He's destroying the law.
39:10 They thought He's doing away with the law.
39:12 They were upset
39:13 because all they knew was legalism.
39:15 And then when He came
39:17 with this beautiful practice of how He kept the Sabbath,
39:20 they got scared
39:22 and so He says in Matthew 5:17-18,
39:24 "Do not think that I came to destroy
39:26 the law or the prophets.
39:28 He didn't come, the law, of course,
39:29 being the first five books of the Old Testament,
39:31 the prophets referring
39:33 to the rest of the Old Testament.
39:34 I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.
39:38 "For assuredly, I say to you,
39:39 till heaven and earth pass away one jar
39:41 or one tittle will by no means,
39:43 pass from the law till all is fulfilled."
39:46 So Christ showed the permanence of Scripture.
39:51 And in the New Testament, the law was not done away with.
39:54 In fact, it was elevated and ennobled.
39:58 And He fulfilled that.
40:00 We see lesson number three,
40:02 spiritual things are to be looked at
40:04 through the lens of Jesus, not the law.
40:08 That's right.
40:10 Let's turn to Matthew 12.
40:11 Matthew Chapter 12,
40:13 this is the time where Jesus had an encounter
40:15 with the Pharisees and Scribes
40:17 over the keeping of the Sabbath.
40:20 Matthew 12,
40:21 we're going to jump through verses 1-8 quickly.
40:24 "At that time, Jesus went through the grainfields
40:26 on the Sabbath,
40:28 and his disciples were hungry,
40:29 and began to pluck heads of grain and eat.
40:32 And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to him,
40:34 'Look, your disciples are doing
40:36 what is not lawful on the Sabbath.'"
40:39 Have you ever noticed that when you're legalistic,
40:41 you tend to judge other people?
40:44 "But he said to them,
40:46 'Have you not read but David did
40:47 when he was hungry,
40:48 he and those who were with Him.
40:50 How we entered the house of God and ate the showbread,
40:52 which was not lawful for him to eat,
40:54 nor for those who were with him,
40:55 but only for the priests,
40:57 or have you not read in the law that on the Sabbath,
40:59 the priests in the temple profane the Sabbath
41:01 and are blameless,
41:02 yet I say to you, in this place,
41:04 there is one greater than the temple.
41:07 But if you had known what this means,
41:08 I desire mercy and not sacrifice,
41:11 you would not have condemned the guiltless.
41:13 For the Son of Man is Lord, even of the Sabbath."
41:17 Jesus was there in person, in the flesh,
41:20 much greater than anything they had known or studied.
41:23 And they're setting these laws and these rules,
41:26 they're looking at things through the filter of the law,
41:29 or their legalistic interpretation
41:31 of the law,
41:32 versus the lens or filter of Jesus.
41:35 The debater issue in this passage
41:37 is not whether the Sabbath
41:38 should be observed or abolished.
41:40 The issue is how it should be kept,
41:43 and who has the authority to make that determination.
41:47 The Pharisees followed the traditions
41:49 commanded by the Rabbis.
41:51 Jesus claimed the ultimate authority
41:53 because He was Lord of the Sabbath,
41:56 He had made it.
41:58 The Sabbath is a day of mercy,
42:00 of relieving pain and suffering,
42:02 of restoring and redeeming, of fulfilling basic needs.
42:05 There's a quote from Desire of Ages,
42:07 I like in page 284.
42:09 It says, "In the days of Christ,
42:11 the Sabbath had become so perverted,
42:14 that its observance
42:15 reflected the character of selfish and arbitrary men,
42:19 rather than the character of a loving Heavenly Father.
42:24 That's what Jesus came to,
42:26 to eradicate that the way
42:29 that they were interpreting the Sabbath
42:31 and to bring about a new way to look at
42:34 and Shelley always says,
42:35 celebrate the Sabbath.
42:38 Lesson number four,
42:39 relationships are more important than rules.
42:43 Restoration and redemption are more important
42:47 than criticism and judgment.
42:50 Matthew 12, we're in the same chapter
42:53 just verses 9-13.
42:55 So Jesus just has this encounter
42:57 with the Pharisees
42:58 all over the keeping of the Sabbath
43:00 with the disciples,
43:01 and now He went to the synagogue,
43:02 and there's a man with a withered hand,
43:05 and they said,
43:06 "Is it okay to heal on the Sabbath?"
43:08 Verse 11, "He said to them,
43:10 'What man is there among you who has one sheep,
43:12 if it falls into the pit on the Sabbath
43:14 will not lay hold of it and lift it up?
43:17 Of how much more value is a man than a sheep?
43:21 Therefore, it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath,
43:24 and then he went and healed the man
43:26 with the withered hand."
43:28 People are vastly more important than animals,
43:31 and yet they were elevating animals,
43:33 and trying to do good to animals
43:35 while ignoring the people.
43:38 Lesson number five,
43:39 the Sabbath is the day for healing.
43:41 It's a day for deliverance.
43:43 It's a day for freedom.
43:45 We won't reference it, but in Luke Chapter 13,
43:49 we won't read it.
43:50 But in Luke 13:10-17,
43:53 you see the story of the woman
43:55 with a spirit of infirmity for 18 years,
43:57 and she was bent over and could not even raise up.
44:01 And Jesus said,
44:02 woman you are loosed from your infirmity,
44:04 but the ruler of the synagogue got mad,
44:07 and said, there's six days to be to work
44:09 and she could have been healed
44:10 on one of those six.
44:12 Why is this happening now?
44:13 And the Lord was pretty strong.
44:14 He said, hypocrite,
44:16 does not each of you on the Sabbath
44:17 lose his donkey.
44:19 Here we come to the animals again
44:20 and how they treated them.
44:22 And how much more this woman
44:23 who has been bound for 18 years by Satan,
44:26 should she not be set free on the Sabbath?
44:30 One more quote from Desire of Ages.
44:32 I really liked this one.
44:34 It's on page 287.
44:36 When Jesus turned upon the Pharisees,
44:38 with the question whether it was lawful
44:40 on the Sabbath to do good or evil,
44:42 to save life or kill,
44:43 He confronted them with their own wicked purposes.
44:47 They were hunting His life with bitter hatred
44:49 while He was saving life
44:51 and bringing happiness to multitudes.
44:54 Was it better to slay on the Sabbath
44:56 as they were planning to do
44:58 than to heal the afflicted as He had done.
45:01 Was it more righteous to have murder in the heart
45:03 on God's holy day than love to all men
45:08 which finds expression in deeds of mercy?
45:11 You know what that gets back to is the motive.
45:14 What is the motive of our heart when we keep
45:18 and celebrate the Sabbath?
45:20 Is it because we love God?
45:22 And we love Jesus
45:24 and we want to spend time with Him
45:26 and be made into His image,
45:29 or is it because we're all about those rules
45:31 and do's and don'ts.
45:33 I pray that each one of us experience
45:35 the joy of the Sabbath.
45:37 Amen. Amen.
45:38 Praise the Lord.
45:40 You know, some people may be listening
45:41 and maybe saying,
45:43 don't those people know
45:44 that the Sabbath is for the Jews,
45:46 that the Sabbath has been done away with.
45:49 But, you know, I want to read to you
45:51 the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:17, 18, and 19,
45:56 "Do not think that I came to destroy
45:59 the law or the prophets.
46:00 I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.
46:04 For assuredly, I say to you,
46:05 till heaven and earth pass away,
46:07 one jot or one tittle will by no means
46:10 pass from the law till all is fulfilled.
46:13 Whoever therefore breaks
46:15 one of the least of these commandments,
46:17 and teaches men so,
46:19 shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven,
46:21 but whoever does and teaches them,
46:24 he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
46:27 So as we look at this, we ask ourselves,
46:30 did Jesus do away with the Sabbath?
46:32 No, according to what Jesus said, No.
46:35 I pointed to Matthew 24:20,
46:37 if someone would do me a favor reading Matthew 24:20,
46:41 because there Jesus is talking
46:44 and the context of that is Jesus talking
46:46 about the destruction of Jerusalem,
46:48 which took place in 70 AD.
46:50 Pastor John Lomacang will read Matthew 24:20.
46:54 Jesus said, "And pray that your flight
46:56 may not be in winter or on the Sabbath."
47:00 Thank you so much.
47:01 I know you could preach a whole sermon on that.
47:03 But thank you for reading that.
47:05 Here we see Jesus talking about pray
47:09 that your flight or your escape from Jerusalem
47:13 from escaping Jerusalem
47:16 because Jerusalem was going to be destroyed,
47:18 pray that it's not in the winter,
47:19 because of the harshness of the winter,
47:22 nor on the Sabbath day.
47:24 Jesus expected His followers to be keeping the Sabbath
47:27 even in 70 AD, and even today.
47:31 That's right. Amen.
47:32 So now I pointed to Mark Chapter 11
47:34 because the title of this lesson
47:37 is "Time for Community."
47:38 Jesus wants His community
47:40 of believers to be united
47:42 in the understanding that they should keep
47:44 the commandments of God.
47:45 That's why Jesus said, "If you love Me,
47:48 keep My commandments."
47:49 John 14:15.
47:51 Mark 11:15-17.
47:53 Notice this, "So they came to Jerusalem,
47:56 Then Jesus went into the temple,
47:58 and began to drive out those who bought
48:00 and sold in the temple
48:02 and overturned the tables of the money changers
48:05 and the seats of those who sold doves.
48:08 And He would not allow anyone to carry wares
48:11 through the temple.
48:12 Then He taught, saying to them,
48:15 "Is it not written,
48:17 My house shall be called a house of prayer
48:21 for all nations,
48:23 but you have made it a den of thieves."
48:26 Now, why did I read this scripture?
48:28 This scripture, particularly verse 17,
48:32 is taken from the context of keeping the Sabbath,
48:35 keeping God's laws,
48:37 and I'm going to point you to that in a moment.
48:38 But notice that Jesus says,
48:40 "My house shall be called the
48:41 house of prayer for all nations."
48:43 It is, was God's purpose from the beginning,
48:46 that all of His creatures
48:48 should be keeping the Sabbath day.
48:50 This is why you heard Shelley Quinn saying
48:52 that the Sabbath was sanctify when?
48:55 During on the seventh day. That's right.
48:58 At creation God sanctified the Sabbath day
49:01 when there was no distinction of nations.
49:04 They were, we were all one, one big family.
49:08 That's what and had not sin entered into the world,
49:11 God's people would have been keeping
49:13 the Sabbath day uninterrupted.
49:16 Isn't that marvelous?
49:18 Now, why did I read this scripture?
49:19 Jesus said, "My house shall be called
49:21 the house of prayer for all nations."
49:22 Let's go to where this is taken from.
49:24 Isaiah 56.
49:26 Isaiah 56:4-7,
49:30 I have to give a little bit of context there.
49:32 Notice, "For thus, says the Lord,
49:35 'To the eunuchs who keep My Sabbath
49:38 and choose what pleases Me
49:40 and hold fast my covenant,
49:43 even to them,
49:44 I will give in My house and within My walls a place
49:48 and a name better than that of the sons
49:50 and daughters.
49:52 I will give them an everlasting name
49:54 that shall not be cut off.
49:55 Also the sons of the foreigner
49:59 who joined themselves to the Lord
50:01 to serve Him
50:02 and to love the name of the Lord to be His servants,
50:05 everyone who keeps from defiling the Sabbath,
50:09 and hold fast to My covenant.'"
50:12 So God is including all nations here.
50:14 Notice, "Even then I will bring to My holy mountain,
50:19 and make them joyful in My house of prayer.
50:22 Their burnt offerings
50:24 and their sacrifices will be accepted on My altar,
50:27 for My house shall be called
50:29 a house of prayer for all nations."
50:31 So it was God's intended purpose
50:34 that the Jews were to teach all the other nations
50:38 the wonderful things the Lord had taught them.
50:40 And notice, of course, it says here,
50:43 the Lord will accept their sacrifices.
50:45 Well, this was in the context before Jesus died on the cross.
50:49 We know that Jesus fulfilled all the sacrifices,
50:52 because He is the Lamb of God
50:53 that takes away the sin of the world.
50:55 While the sacrificial system was done away with,
50:58 the Sabbath
50:59 which was instituted at creation
51:01 was not done away with
51:02 because it is not a symbol or a shadow of anything.
51:05 It identifies God as our Creator.
51:09 Our Creator.
51:11 And so all nations were supposed to have
51:14 God's house as a house of prayer.
51:16 This is a marvelous understanding.
51:18 So the Lord hallowed,
51:19 sanctified the seventh day before any nation existed.
51:23 And you heard was said here,
51:25 that the Sabbath was made for man
51:27 and not man for the Sabbath.
51:29 Man in general, everyone.
51:31 Now let's look at some scriptures
51:33 that highlight that God's people
51:36 continue to keep the Sabbath even after crucifixion
51:39 and the resurrection of Christ.
51:41 Let's move to Acts Chapter 16.
51:44 And I'm going to ask someone to read Acts 17:1-5,
51:49 1-4 in a moment,
51:51 but I'm going to read Acts 16:13-14,
51:54 "And on the Sabbath day,
51:56 we went out of the city to the riverside,"
51:58 it's okay to go out of the city,
52:00 to go to the riverside on the Sabbath,
52:02 "where prayer was customarily made
52:04 and we sat down
52:06 and spoke to the women who met there.
52:08 Now a certain woman named Lydia heard us.
52:10 She was a seller of purple from the city of Thyatira,
52:13 who worshiped God.
52:15 The Lord opened her heart
52:16 to heed the things spoken by Paul."
52:19 So we see here,
52:20 these are people that were keeping the Sabbath,
52:23 and even another lady that was not part of the Jews.
52:27 Now, let's go to Acts 17:1-4 who will read that for us?
52:32 Let me read. Okay.
52:34 You said Acts 17?
52:35 Acts 17:1-4. Okay.
52:36 Acts 17:1-4,
52:38 "Now when they had passed through Amphipolis, "
52:42 there we go,
52:43 "and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica,
52:47 where there was a synagogue of the Jews.
52:49 Then Paul, as his custom was, went in to them,
52:51 and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them
52:54 from the Scriptures,
52:55 explaining and demonstrating that Christ had to suffer
52:58 and rise again from the dead,
52:59 and saying,
53:01 'This Jesus whom I preach to you is the Christ.'
53:04 And some of them were persuaded,
53:05 and a great multitude of the devout Greeks,
53:08 and not a few of the leading women,
53:13 joined Paul and Silas."
53:14 Thank you so much.
53:15 So we see here
53:17 that the Greeks also studied on the Sabbath
53:21 and Paul reasoned with them from the scriptures.
53:24 Let's go ahead and move to Acts Chapter 13.
53:27 Paul is talking to the Jews.
53:29 And He's spending a moment.
53:32 Actually, I need to skip that one
53:33 because of the time.
53:35 Let's go to Acts 18.
53:36 Acts 18:1-4, notice,
53:41 "After these things Paul departed from Athens
53:43 and went to Corinth.
53:45 And he found a certain Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus,
53:48 who had recently come from Italy
53:50 with his wife Priscilla
53:52 because Claudius had commanded all the Jews
53:54 to depart from Rome, and he came to them.
53:56 So, because he was of the same trade,
53:58 he stayed with them and worked,
54:00 for by occupation they were tent makers.
54:02 And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath,
54:05 and persuaded both Jews and Greeks."
54:09 And so, we have many instances like,
54:13 we don't have time to read Acts Chapter 13,
54:16 where it says there in verse 42,
54:17 that the Gentiles begged
54:20 that the gospel would be preached to them
54:23 on the next Sabbath, interesting.
54:25 You had other days of the week,
54:26 but they asked for the Sabbath day.
54:27 Isn't that interesting?
54:29 Now, let's go to Genesis 26:4-5.
54:35 God is talking to Abraham and the Lord says,
54:37 "I will make your descendants multiply
54:39 as the stars of heaven,
54:41 I will give to you and descendants,
54:42 all these lands and in your seed
54:44 all the nations of the earth shall be blessed.
54:47 Because Abraham obeyed My voice, kept My charge,
54:51 My commandments, My statutes and My laws."
54:53 Why?
54:54 This is in Genesis before Mount Sinai
54:58 before it was written on stone.
55:00 We already have the evidence of God's servant Abraham
55:02 keeping God's commandments, keeping the Sabbath,
55:05 which is one of the commandments.
55:07 And so, Exodus 20:8-11, do I have time?
55:10 Let's try.
55:12 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
55:13 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
55:16 but the seventh day is the Sabbath
55:18 of the Lord your God.
55:19 In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son,
55:21 nor your daughter, nor your male servant,
55:23 nor your female servant, nor your cattle,
55:25 nor your stranger who is within your gates.
55:27 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth,
55:30 the sea, and all that is in them,
55:32 and rested the seventh day.
55:34 Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
55:36 and hallowed it.
55:37 He expects you and I to do the same.
55:39 Amen and amen.
55:40 Thank you so much. What a beautiful study.
55:43 Appreciate each and every one of you.
55:45 Why don't you each take a moment
55:47 to just give a final thought?
55:49 Well, mine was talking about the Sabbath and rediscovery.
55:52 The Sabbath is a time for you
55:54 to rediscover your roots as sons and daughters of God.
55:58 Only when you connect with your roots in Christ,
56:01 and the Sabbath is that connecting link
56:04 will you be able to appreciate not only how creation began,
56:08 but how it will continue
56:09 and how eternity is going to be rediscover your roots.
56:13 Christ is waiting for you. Amen.
56:16 I would just say that the Sabbath is,
56:18 should be pleasurable, it should be a delight.
56:20 The Bible says that we should delight in it.
56:23 So in keeping the Sabbath,
56:24 we're showing God that He is our God,
56:27 and we are His people.
56:28 So make the Lord your God and obey Him in every aspect.
56:31 Amen.
56:33 I had time for finding balance.
56:34 And I love that
56:35 because the Sabbath is about relationship,
56:37 relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ,
56:39 and relationship with others, with family and in community,
56:43 as a body in Christ.
56:44 So make a decision
56:46 to make that relationship central in your life.
56:49 Amen. Amen.
56:50 And I want to say time for community,
56:52 God expects His children to rejoice in the Lord.
56:56 And to understand
56:58 that the law of the Lord is perfect,
57:00 cannot change because it's already perfect.
57:02 You can't make it better because God made it perfect.
57:05 Amen and amen.
57:06 I just want to go back once more to think
57:08 about that first Sabbath of Adam and Eve.
57:11 It certainly wasn't a passive experience.
57:15 I guarantee you, they were celebrating,
57:18 they were celebrating the Creator.
57:20 They were celebrating creation,
57:22 and they were celebrating each other,
57:24 and I believe
57:25 that's what God would have us to do.
57:27 The Sabbath is a benefit to man.
57:30 It is a time to be astonished at our Father's love.
57:34 It is a time for rediscovery for learning priorities,
57:39 for finding balance and enjoying community.
57:44 The Sabbath is a blessing to be celebrated.
57:47 Well, we hope
57:49 that you will join us next week.
57:50 We're going to have our final lesson,
57:52 lesson 13
57:53 and it is "Heaven, Education and Eternal Learning."
57:59 We'll see you next time. Bye-bye.


Revised 2021-01-22