3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Preamble to Deuteronomy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP210040S

00:01 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn,
00:02 and we welcome you to 3ABN Sabbath School.
00:05 We are beginning a brand new Adult Bible Study Guide
00:08 called Present Truth in Deuteronomy.
00:13 And this was authored by Clifford Goldstein,
00:17 who is the editor for the Adult Study Bible Guide.
00:22 If you don't yet have yours,
00:24 you can go to ABSG.Adventist.org
00:29 and download one or run by any
00:32 Seventh-day Adventist Church,
00:33 I'm sure they'll be happy to welcome
00:35 you into their fellowship, give you a copy of the study
00:38 and study with you.
00:40 This is a beautiful quarter.
00:44 The lessons we're going to study
00:47 Deuteronomy topically covering such things
00:50 as the everlasting covenant
00:55 of God's grace.
00:57 The law and grace,
00:58 we're going to look at what it means to love God
01:02 and to love your neighbor.
01:04 And most particularly,
01:06 we will see how the Book of Deuteronomy reveals
01:10 the love of God,
01:12 as demonstrated in Christ's death on the cross
01:16 and His resurrection.
01:17 So we hope you will join us today with a pen
01:20 and your Bible, piece of paper to take notes.
01:24 This study is the preamble to Deuteronomy.
01:58 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn,
02:00 and we welcome you once again to 3ABN Sabbath School.
02:04 I want to introduce the rest of the family that's sitting
02:07 around the table with me.
02:09 We have Pastor Ryan Day.
02:10 I'm here and accounted for and excited to study
02:13 the Book of Deuteronomy.
02:14 Amen. John Lomacang, pastor?
02:16 Praise the Lord. We always learn something as we share.
02:19 Amen. And my precious sister Jill Morikone.
02:22 Thank you, Shelley. Always excited to study.
02:24 And this is a brand new quarter,
02:26 so looking forward to Deuteronomy.
02:27 Amen.
02:29 And then we have a new face on our panel, but he's not new,
02:33 I should say a new member on our panel,
02:35 but he's not a new face to 3ABN
02:37 and that's Pastor James Rafferty.
02:39 It's so good to be here.
02:40 This is my first time, so go easy on me.
02:42 Oh, we're so excited.
02:44 We never go easy on first timers, so.
02:47 Just teasing. Okay.
02:50 James, would you like to have our prayer
02:52 before we begin today?
02:53 Absolutely.
02:54 Father in heaven, again, we just
02:56 want to thank You for Your Word.
02:57 We want to thank You for the promise of Your Spirit.
02:59 We claim the promise now that Your Spirit
03:01 will come to teach us, to guide us, to instruct us,
03:03 to convict us, to comfort us,
03:05 be with us, be with the viewers.
03:07 We pray and ask these things in Jesus' name.
03:09 Amen. Amen, and amen.
03:12 I just want to begin by saying,
03:14 Bible study should always be done through
03:17 the perspective of a lens of God's love.
03:22 It's so important to understand God's love
03:25 if you're going to understand the Bible.
03:27 And context is critical, because the Bible doesn't
03:31 make sense without context.
03:34 So what we're going to do today is,
03:38 I'm going to start off with just kind of...
03:41 Kind of pulling back, so that we get a wide view
03:45 of the five books that Moses wrote.
03:49 You know, these books are called the Law of Moses,
03:52 Moses' Law.
03:53 They're called the Torah in the Hebrew.
03:57 In the Greek it's called the Pentateuch.
03:59 And when Moses was writing, I find this amazing,
04:04 the Bible covers 4100 years of history.
04:09 But the first book of the Bible,
04:11 the Book of Genesis covers like 2300
04:15 of those 4100 years.
04:17 In fact, the first 11 chapters of Genesis,
04:22 which is the book of new beginnings,
04:24 or book of beginnings, the book of origins.
04:26 The first 11 chapters,
04:29 11 chapters cover
04:32 over 2,000 years of history.
04:35 And we see five epic events in those first 11 chapters.
04:40 There's creation, then the fall of mankind,
04:44 the announcement of the Messiah,
04:47 then we see the flood,
04:48 and the dispersion of the nations,
04:52 all in those five chapters.
04:55 I find that amazing, over 2,000 years
04:58 of history distilled into five chapters.
05:01 And you know what's interesting?
05:03 God's existence and God's law are assumed.
05:08 They're not explained.
05:10 But what happens then in verse 12,
05:13 through verse, Chapters 12 through 15,
05:17 is now it's going to give us the patriarchal history.
05:21 God calls Abraham.
05:23 And when God calls Abraham,
05:25 He announces to him the everlasting covenant
05:29 of salvation by grace.
05:32 Hallelujah.
05:34 And He tells Abraham,
05:35 "This salvation is going to come through your seed."
05:39 And we know that God's commandments
05:41 were in place, because when God renews
05:44 the covenant with Isaac in Genesis 26:5,
05:49 He says, "Hey, I'm renewing this covenant with you,
05:51 because your father Abraham obeyed all of My commandments,
05:55 all of My statutes."
05:57 And so we see then in these latter chapters of Genesis,
06:01 it goes from Abraham, Isaac,
06:03 Jacob, then Joseph goes down into Egypt,
06:06 then the rest of the extended family follows him down.
06:10 Now, Exodus is probably one
06:12 of my favorite books in the Bible, because Exodus,
06:15 of course, most people think of it,
06:17 well, it's the story of Moses.
06:19 He grew up 40 years maturing in the Pharaoh's court,
06:23 then 40 years on the backside of the desert,
06:25 and then 40 years leading God's people.
06:29 And when Moses began to lead God's people,
06:34 what we see is that they've now
06:37 been down there for 430 years in Egypt,
06:41 many of those years as slaves.
06:43 And God saves them before
06:47 He even reminds them of their obedience to Him.
06:52 He saves them, He parts the Red Sea, they make the escape.
06:57 Then God comes down on the mountain
06:59 and speaks His Ten Commandments.
07:01 And then Moses goes up.
07:03 And God speaks to him the words of the Book of the Covenant.
07:09 Now let me explain something, the Ten Commandments,
07:11 the way I see it,
07:13 the Ten Commandments are God's Bill of Rights.
07:16 The first four commandments is the love for Him.
07:19 The last six are the Bill of Rights,
07:22 the love for our covenant community.
07:24 But God gives Moses civil laws and ceremonial laws,
07:30 and it's all based around the Ten Commandments.
07:34 Moses comes down, and then we find in verse,
07:38 Exodus 24:7,
07:40 Moses speaks all these words to the people,
07:44 writes it in a book, builds an altar,
07:47 and he ratifies is the book
07:50 is called the Book of the Covenant.
07:51 That's important, because this was the first...
07:54 Most scholars believe it was the first written portion
07:57 of the Bible.
07:58 But what happens?
08:00 Moses goes back up the mountain for another 40 days.
08:04 God's giving him Ten Commandments written on stone.
08:08 And guess what?
08:09 The people have broken the covenant by the time
08:11 he got down there, with those Ten Commandments,
08:14 which Moses throws down and he has to go back up
08:17 and get another copy.
08:19 And so,
08:20 when we look at Exodus,
08:25 we see a rebellious people, they failed to follow God.
08:30 Now, both Genesis and Exodus, they advance historically
08:34 or chronologically, we're covering some time.
08:37 You get to Leviticus, Leviticus doesn't advance in time.
08:42 This is the instructions to the Levitical priesthood,
08:45 how to lead the people in worship.
08:48 That's one portion of the book.
08:51 And it has a lot to do with ceremonial laws.
08:53 Another portion of the book is that it's teaching people
08:58 how to walk in obedience and live a holy life.
09:02 So Numbers, we get to the Book of Numbers,
09:05 another book that Moses wrote,
09:07 and this chronicles the 39 years
09:11 of history of God's chosen people.
09:16 They rebelled at Kadesh Barnea.
09:20 And then it's their wanderings in the desert.
09:24 And that gets us to Deuteronomy.
09:27 Deuteronomy doesn't advance chronologically.
09:31 It happens in a period of a month.
09:33 The older generation of the people
09:36 who rebelled have died off.
09:38 Now the new generation standing at the edge of promise,
09:43 and they're about to go in.
09:44 So Moses gives them some sermons.
09:47 And what he is doing
09:50 is he is leading them in a renewal
09:54 of the covenant that was written in the Book
09:57 of the Covenant
09:58 and the emphasis is on covenant love.
10:01 Deuteronomy is a covenant document.
10:06 That's, it's all about God's redemption
10:09 and how He's going to fulfill His promises to the patriarchs.
10:13 So Deuteronomy is called the Book of the Law.
10:19 But we're also going to see it's called the Book
10:21 of the Covenant.
10:23 So what Moses was doing, he's 120 years old,
10:26 these are his farewell speeches.
10:28 And Moses is expanding the understanding
10:32 of God's covenant.
10:33 And he says in Deuteronomy 30:10,
10:36 "The Lord will again rejoice over you for good
10:39 as He rejoiced over your fathers,
10:42 if," if, the biggest two letter word in the world,
10:46 "you obey the voice
10:48 of the Lord your God, to keep His commandments
10:50 and His statutes which are written in this Book
10:53 of the Law," there's Book of the Covenant,
10:55 "and if you turn to the Lord your God
10:58 with all of your heart and with all of your soul."
11:01 That's always been God's goal.
11:03 In Deuteronomy 31:24-26,
11:08 it says this,
11:09 "When Moses had completed writing the words of this law,
11:15 this covenant law, in a book,
11:17 when they were finished,
11:19 Moses commanded the Levites saying,
11:22 'Take this Book of the Law and put it beside
11:24 the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord your God,
11:27 that it may be there as a witness against you.'"
11:30 Why was it a witness against them?
11:32 Because it not only contained the blessings,
11:35 but it contained the curses
11:37 if they broke covenant with the Lord.
11:40 It's on the side, it's temporary,
11:44 inside the ark, what have we got?
11:46 The Ten Commandments of God.
11:49 Sunday's lesson and, boy, we got to do this went fast,
11:52 but it's love to be loved.
11:55 1 John 4:8, 4:16 say, "God is love."
12:00 Listen, that's not just some emotional
12:04 experience that God has.
12:07 That is the essence, the nature of God.
12:12 This love is expressed by salvation,
12:15 by grace through faith.
12:17 It was demonstrated when Christ died on the cross for us.
12:21 But God never changes.
12:23 He says, "I change not."
12:26 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.
12:29 I'll bet if you've been in the church very long,
12:32 you know the words agape and grace.
12:36 And somebody told me once,
12:37 well, grace isn't in the Old Testament.
12:40 The Old Testament is filled with grace.
12:42 But the word that was used is hesed.
12:47 Oh, it's the most beautiful
12:49 Hebrew word in the whole vocabulary.
12:53 And it talks about God's hesed.
12:56 Here's you cannot describe it
13:00 in a single phrase in English.
13:03 What it means is loving-kindness,
13:06 steadfast love, grace, mercy, faithfulness,
13:10 goodness, devotion, generous, patient,
13:14 loyal love, not of feeling, it's expressed by doing.
13:19 Everything that God does
13:22 is an expression of His love.
13:25 And Psalm 136:1 says,
13:27 "Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!
13:30 His mercy," that's actually his hesed,
13:33 "His love, His grace,
13:35 His mercy, His patience endures forever."
13:40 Now, when we are looking, you know,
13:42 1 John says that we love Him
13:47 because He first loved us.
13:48 That's right.
13:49 Deuteronomy, it's all...
13:51 God's covenant is all about
13:54 entering into a love relationship with Him.
13:57 Deuteronomy 6:4-6 says this,
14:01 "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one!"
14:05 Now get this.
14:06 "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
14:09 with all your soul, with all your strength.
14:13 And these words
14:14 which I command you today shall be in your heart."
14:17 Jesus answered someone who asked Him,
14:23 what's the most important commandment.
14:25 In Mark 12:30, this is what Jesus says,
14:28 is the most important commandment in the second
14:32 is to love your neighbor as yourself.
14:34 I just want to point out one thing.
14:37 God's government operates by love.
14:40 The Ten Commandments are written in future
14:42 tense in the form of promises.
14:46 The risk of love is free will.
14:50 And we see what happened in Ezekiel 28:12-17,
14:55 Isaiah 14:12-15.
14:58 We see a covering cherub,
15:00 who was created with perfection,
15:05 but iniquity entered his heart.
15:08 He got prideful and lifted up.
15:11 And he started a war in heaven.
15:13 And that's where the great controversy comes in.
15:17 Amen. Thank you so much, Shelley, for that.
15:19 I'm Ryan Day.
15:21 And I have Monday's lesson entitled,
15:22 The Fall and the Flood.
15:24 And we're going to kind of continue off
15:26 of what Shelley just set up for us,
15:28 which is a beautiful introduction, by the way.
15:30 But I had, I normally try to find
15:33 some little snippets throughout
15:34 the lesson that the author wrote,
15:36 just to kind of hide in there or bring about
15:39 something that the author actually in his own words,
15:42 and I love how he opened Monday's lesson,
15:44 because it really sets us up for the content.
15:46 And I'm gonna read through this, it says,
15:48 "Almost every school child has heard the story
15:50 about an apple falling on Isaac Newton's head, and voila!
15:54 Newton discovered gravity.
15:56 Whether or not an apple really fell on his head
15:58 isn't the crucial point,
16:00 instead, the point is that Newton's great insight
16:02 was to understand that the same force that dropped the apple,
16:06 of course, gravity,
16:07 also kept the moon in orbit around the earth,
16:09 the earth in orbit around the sun, and so forth.
16:13 This was important because for millennia
16:15 many people believed that the laws that governed
16:17 the heavens were different from the laws
16:19 that governed the earth.
16:21 Newton showed that this belief was wrong.
16:24 "And then I love this next point.
16:26 "And though Newton's contribution was in the area
16:28 of natural law, the same principle holds true
16:30 with moral law.
16:32 The same freedom, the freedom inherent in love,
16:35 that led to Lucifer's fall in heaven
16:37 led to humanity's fall on earth, as well."
16:41 And that's where we're going to pick up.
16:43 We've all read these texts,
16:44 but we have to go back to the beginning to understand
16:47 what is coming because pastor is going to take us
16:49 through to Abraham in just a moment, Abram.
16:52 And in this case,
16:53 we're setting up for Tuesday's lesson.
16:56 But let's go to Genesis 2:16-17. Let's start there.
16:59 These are verses that we have read many, many times.
17:02 But this is where God basically He lays out the groundwork,
17:05 He brings about the conditions of this relationship,
17:09 and Adam and Eve had been living in a perfect
17:11 uninterrupted communion with God up to this point.
17:14 And God lays it out very clearly in Genesis 2:16-17.
17:18 Notice what the Bible says.
17:19 It says, "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying,
17:22 'Of every tree of the garden that you may freely eat,
17:26 of every tree of the garden you may freely eat,
17:28 but of the tree of knowledge of good
17:30 and evil you shall not eat, for in it, for in the day,"
17:34 excuse me, "for in the day that you may eat of it
17:37 you shall surely die.'"
17:39 So again, of all the trees,
17:41 and I have to just highlight this,
17:42 because this highlights again, this God of love aspect.
17:46 Notice what God says,
17:47 "Of every tree, you may freely eat."
17:51 I heard a minister one time say,
17:53 let's just put a numerical value to this.
17:54 If there was one, let's just say there's thousand
17:56 trees in the Garden of Eden,
17:58 God gave 999 yeses to one no.
18:03 And that's not, that does not tell the story
18:04 of a restrictive God.
18:06 It's not like God was out there pointing out
18:07 all these different elements, you can't go here
18:09 and you can't go there, and you can't do this
18:10 and you can't do that.
18:11 Oftentimes, we see Christianity in that way.
18:13 But yet we see a God of love, a God of freedom,
18:16 because true love requires freedom.
18:18 And so in this case, this is a God who loves us
18:21 enough to give us choice.
18:24 And so true love, as I said, requires freedom.
18:28 But, of course, with freedom comes risk.
18:30 And therefore, in the aftermath of this beautiful
18:33 commandment that God has set out very clearly,
18:35 again, of 999 yeses to one no.
18:38 We see the fall of man comes in Genesis Chapter 3.
18:41 Let's go there. Let's read verses 1 through 7.
18:43 I'm going to read through this because there may be someone
18:44 watching right now that has never
18:46 heard these verses before.
18:47 So we're going to read Genesis 3:1-7.
18:50 And notice what the Bible says.
18:52 It says, "Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast
18:54 of the field which the Lord God had made.
18:57 And he said to the woman, has God indeed said,
18:59 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?'"
19:02 So he's kind of throwing God under the bus already.
19:04 Really, God, God's being restrictive in that way.
19:06 Come on, right?
19:08 Verse 2, "And the woman said unto the serpent,
19:10 'We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden,
19:12 but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst
19:14 of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat of it,
19:17 nor shall you touch it, lest you die.'
19:20 Then the serpent said to the woman,
19:21 'You will not surely die.
19:23 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes
19:26 will be opened, and you will be like God,
19:28 knowing good from evil.'"
19:30 Okay, so now she's kind of already
19:32 sucked into this deceptive void.
19:34 And now here comes the aftermath of it.
19:36 "So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food,
19:39 that it was pleasant to the eyes,
19:40 and a tree desirable to make one wise,
19:42 she took of its fruit and ate."
19:46 And also it say, "She also gave to her husband with her,
19:49 and he ate.
19:50 Then the eyes of both of them were opened,
19:52 and they knew that they were naked,
19:54 and they sewed fig leaves together
19:56 and made themselves coverings."
19:58 You know, it's interesting because when I read
19:59 through this, could God have showed up at this very moment
20:03 and said, "Hey, hey, Eve, what are you doing?
20:06 What's happening here?"
20:07 He could have showed up at that moment and stopped her, right?
20:09 But was she aware of the word of the Lord?
20:13 And I think that's the point here,
20:14 God was giving Eve, in this case, also Adam,
20:17 free will and free choice, why?
20:19 Because the point that this lesson is making
20:21 is that true love requires a freedom.
20:23 And I was...
20:25 I have to mention this also because I've read quite a bit
20:27 of CS Lewis over the years.
20:29 Again, we may not agree with every little thing
20:31 he's ever wrote, but he's a great Christian author.
20:33 And you know, he makes this point, that God
20:36 and basically all of His majesty
20:38 and all of His grandeur and in the vastness
20:40 and His eternality and, you know, His omniscience
20:43 and His omnipotence, He condescends
20:46 not only to make something only in His image,
20:49 but He invests the created with the will so authentic
20:53 and genuine that the creation, get this,
20:55 the creation could resist the Creator.
20:59 And He says, surely, this is the greatest
21:01 mystery of all, right?
21:02 And I just think of that because you can't quite
21:05 wrap your mind around it.
21:06 I think Sunday's lesson brings us out that can
21:08 we fully wrap our minds around the fact that God is love.
21:12 What does that even mean, right?
21:13 But yet we know that true love requires freedom.
21:17 And in this case, God gives man the freewill
21:19 and the free choice to either choose him or to reject Him.
21:23 And, of course, in this case, man rejected him and,
21:25 of course, it launches us into a forever,
21:28 it seems like forever problem,
21:30 at least now 6,000 years into this.
21:33 But, of course, after the fall, things go from bad to worse,
21:36 because now we get to Genesis Chapter 6.
21:39 And God is...
21:40 He's got to hit the reset button.
21:42 At least it seems like it in this case.
21:44 Genesis Chapter 6,
21:45 and I'm gonna read verses 1, 2, and 5.
21:47 So Genesis 6:1, 2, and 5.
21:50 Notice what the Bible says.
21:51 It says, "Now it came to pass,
21:52 when men began to multiply on the face of the earth,
21:55 and daughters were born to them,
21:57 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men,
21:59 that they were beautiful, and they took
22:02 wives for themselves of whom they chose."
22:04 So we already see this, this degradation
22:06 of man to the point and now they're still defying God,
22:09 even from when Adam and Eve had defied God.
22:11 Now, it's even worse than the sons of God,
22:13 God's people, His chosen people are now going outside
22:16 the sanctity of the rules and regulations
22:18 and the plan that God have for them,
22:20 and marrying within the ranks of faith within the church.
22:23 Now they're going outside that
22:25 and they're bringing in the heathen,
22:26 they're basically unequally
22:28 yoking themselves with the world.
22:29 And so because of this, verse 5 comes.
22:32 It says, "Then the Lord saw that the wickedness
22:34 of man was great in the earth, and that every intent
22:36 of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."
22:41 And we know the results of this, God sends the flood.
22:44 And, of course, you know, in a sense,
22:46 He gives man a chance to start over
22:49 through the family of Noah in this case.
22:53 But, of course, by the time we get to the Tower of Babel,
22:56 in Genesis Chapter 11,
22:58 we see man is still intent on defying God.
23:02 And so, you're going through, you know, you see that,
23:05 you know, Noah and his family survive it.
23:07 But of course, you know, out of that Shem,
23:10 Ham and Japheth, now they're beginning to multiply,
23:12 the men is multiplying.
23:13 By the time you get to the Tower
23:14 of Babel in Genesis Chapter 11, things are out of control.
23:18 Because you would think, you know, of course,
23:19 the word of mouth, the stories that were passed down
23:22 of how God had to,
23:23 you know, again flood the earth,
23:24 because of the wickedness of man, man,
23:26 things are still way getting out of control to the point
23:28 that I have to read this quote from Patriarchs and Prophets,
23:31 page 119, to kind of sum up
23:32 what's happening here in Genesis 11 with this Tower
23:35 of Babel situation.
23:36 Patriarchs and Prophets, page 119 says,
23:38 "When the tower had been partially completed,
23:41 a portion of it was occupied
23:43 as a dwelling place for the builders,
23:46 other apartments, splendidly furnished and adorned,
23:50 were devoted to their idols.
23:53 The people rejoiced in their success,
23:56 and praised the gods of gold and silver,
23:59 and set themselves against the Ruler of heaven and earth."
24:04 And so, we see this great defying,
24:07 just outpouring of defiance.
24:09 Of course, in this case,
24:10 we know the Bible goes on to say that God confused,
24:13 not only did He confused the languages,
24:15 but, of course, He scattered the fallen race across
24:18 the face of the earth.
24:19 And it's very interesting when you,
24:20 as Shelley brought up very clearly.
24:22 You know, you have these first 11 chapters of Genesis,
24:24 but it almost seems like where God is not rushing,
24:28 but He's swiftly moving through the first 2,000,
24:31 2,500 years of man's history,
24:34 of earth's history in this case,
24:36 because we're moving closer and closer to Abram, to Abraham
24:39 which Pastor Lomacang is going to be covering,
24:41 but it's powerful to see
24:43 how quick the sin issue just dominated mankind.
24:48 But yet the Bible says, God is love.
24:52 And we're going to be talking a whole lot more
24:54 about how God is love and what that entails,
24:56 even though we can't fully
24:58 comprehend it to the fullest extent.
25:00 The Bible gives us glimpses
25:02 and pictures and imagery beautifully,
25:04 so we can look into apparent of the mind,
25:06 the heart of God to understand just who He is.
25:09 Oh, amen.
25:10 We're gonna be studying this for eternity.
25:13 We need to take a quick break.
25:15 Please stay with this, we'll be right back.
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25:53 This is such an exciting study.
25:54 And Pastor John Lomacang is going to continue
25:57 with The Call of Abram.
25:59 That's right. I have Tuesday's lesson, The Call of Abram.
26:02 Now Abram is the prior name of Abraham.
26:07 One meaning the exalted father, that's Abram.
26:10 And Abraham meaning the father of a multitude.
26:14 But you know, I'm going to begin by talking about
26:15 where he's from, because this
26:17 is very interesting, because the Bible in Genesis
26:19 26:5, speaking about his changed name.
26:24 It says, "Because Abraham kept My commandments,
26:28 my statutes and My laws."
26:30 And it's commonly understood by many
26:32 and even in Christianity that, well, nobody kept
26:35 the commandments until they were
26:36 written on tables of stone.
26:38 Well, let's follow Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
26:40 Jacob's 12 sons, Israel, go into bondage come out,
26:44 go to Mount Sinai week before the Sabbath test.
26:46 And then the stones contained the Ten Commandments
26:49 long before they were written on stone.
26:53 Abraham kept them God's commandments,
26:55 God statutes and God's laws.
26:57 And the other thing that people often think about
26:59 is Abraham was an Israelite.
27:01 Well, that's also wrong. That's right.
27:03 Abraham was from a place called Ur Kasdim, in the Hebrew,
27:07 which is about 200 miles or 300 kilometers,
27:12 southeast of Baghdad,
27:14 where it's located today in lower Mesopotamia,
27:17 called Ur of the Chaldeans, or Chaldeans,
27:20 whichever way you say it, I've heard both.
27:22 So God found a man in the most
27:25 unlikely place to do
27:28 the most uncommon thing.
27:31 It's good.
27:32 God often chooses the most
27:34 unlikely to do the most unimaginable.
27:38 Now when I read Genesis 12:1-3,
27:41 which we're going to turn to right now,
27:43 And, Jill, I have six points.
27:45 We kind of take you through the points today.
27:48 I want to talk about how this verse is really
27:50 the synopsis of almost all Christian's lives.
27:53 When I read this, my wife and I paused,
27:55 I called her and when I was putting my lesson together,
27:58 and I said, "Look at this passage,
28:00 it reminds us so much of our lives,"
28:03 because when we were praying to be involved in ministry,
28:06 we were praying in Orlando, Florida.
28:10 And we wanted so badly to be in Orlando,
28:12 Florida to begin pastoral ministry.
28:15 The Lord called us to Northern California.
28:18 And in so many of these things reminds us
28:21 of the parallel of how our lives unfolded.
28:23 But here's the verses, Genesis 12:1-3.
28:27 "Now the Lord said to Abram:
28:29 'Get out of your country," and I'm going to parallel,
28:32 get out of Florida, "from your family
28:34 and from your father's house, to a land
28:37 that I will show you."
28:39 We had no idea where we were going to live,
28:41 we started in a hotel, at a truck stop,
28:44 no idea where we were going to live.
28:46 "I will make you a great nation.
28:48 I will bless you and make your name great."
28:51 And I want to say this in the context
28:52 of this 3ABN platform we're all on.
28:55 You know, it's so humbling. And I take no glory.
28:58 When we travel to places in the world that we don't
29:00 even know exists, that people say,
29:03 Oh, that's Ryan Day, that's Shelley Quinn,
29:05 that's John Lomacang, that's Jill Morikone.
29:08 God has done something with our humble lives.
29:10 And this is why we have to handle
29:12 what God has given to us with humility, because God
29:15 takes the unlikely.
29:16 Amen.
29:17 Jill, did you ever think you'd be the vice president
29:19 of 3ABN?
29:20 No, but I look back at Jill when I called her Julie.
29:23 'Cause he didn't know what my name was.
29:26 But I look at where God brought her today.
29:29 I look at our time coming to 3ABN,
29:30 I look at my wife doing a program on 3ABN,
29:33 her first solo program.
29:34 And I said, "She wouldn't think of ever doing that."
29:38 But God takes the most unlikely to accomplish
29:41 the most unimaginable.
29:43 And He says in verse 3,
29:44 "I will bless those who bless you,
29:47 and I will curse him who curses you.
29:49 And in you all the families of the earth
29:52 shall be blessed."
29:53 And I tell you, God does amazing things.
29:56 But God is the massive architect,
29:59 the great orchestrator.
30:00 He puts His plans before us.
30:03 And then He starts to arrange our destiny.
30:06 Now Abraham had no idea that in 2021,
30:09 people will still be talking about him.
30:11 Is that amazing? Only God can do that.
30:14 And so we have to keep in mind that all of the components
30:17 of our lives can be in someone's conversation
30:21 many decades from now, or many millennia from now
30:23 for good or bad.
30:25 I'm hoping the world doesn't last that much longer.
30:27 But God is the master architect
30:29 who sees the building occupied before the ground
30:32 is even broken.
30:33 And He saw that in Abraham's life,
30:36 and then we look at what kind of life Abraham had.
30:38 And we looked at Galatians 3:7-9,
30:41 the Bible talks about the kind of man he was.
30:44 "Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons
30:48 of Abraham.
30:50 And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify
30:54 the Gentiles by faith,
30:55 preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand."
30:59 Did you ever think the gospel was preached to Abraham?
31:02 Yes, it was. That's right.
31:03 Because he communicated what the Lord gave to him,
31:06 saying, "In you, all the nations shall be blessed."
31:10 Verse 9, "So then those who are of faith are blessed
31:15 with believing Abraham.
31:17 First point.
31:19 We don't have to see
31:21 God's plans to know God's capabilities.
31:25 We don't have to see God's plans to know
31:27 God's capabilities.
31:29 Hebrews 11:1, and we're going to unfold
31:31 all this in the context of Abraham's life.
31:34 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
31:38 the evidence of things not seen."
31:40 God saw Abraham's life unfold.
31:44 God saw Jeremiah's life unfold.
31:46 He said, "Before you were born,
31:48 before you were formed in your mother's womb,
31:52 I saw all your days before me.
31:54 And I can't hesitate but to think that God,
31:56 this is us sitting here is no shock to God.
31:58 How did Shelley and Ryan get there?
31:59 How did Pastor James, and Jill, and John get there?
32:02 How did they get there?
32:03 God saw this long before we envisioned it.
32:06 The second point is, when we believe God,
32:09 He never disappoints us.
32:11 James 2:23,
32:13 "And the Scripture was fulfilled which says,
32:16 'Abraham believed God,
32:18 and it was accounted to him for righteousness.'
32:21 And he was called the friend of God.'"
32:23 You know, I love that He called Abraham, the friend of God.
32:25 And when Jesus came, He said to His disciples,
32:30 you're not just My disciples, you're My friends.
32:33 And I know one of my good friends,
32:36 Pastor Dwight Nelson always talks about the friend of God.
32:39 But I want to say something about this passage.
32:42 Abraham didn't believe in God, Abraham believed God.
32:46 And in Scripture, there's quite a difference
32:47 between believing in God.
32:49 A lot of people say I believe in God,
32:50 but do you believe God.
32:52 See Apostle Paul also in Acts 27:25,
32:55 when he was taking the journey to Rome,
32:57 in his appeal to Caesar, he said the same thing,
33:00 "Therefore take heart, for I believe God,"
33:04 and he took it further,
33:05 "that it will be just as it was told me."
33:07 So believing God also means believing what He says.
33:11 Believing God also means believing what He says,
33:14 which takes me to the third point in Psalms 37:23.
33:20 When we trust God's plans, He guides our steps.
33:24 You know, when Abraham left,
33:25 he had no idea where he was going,
33:27 but the Lord said, "I'll show you where to go.
33:29 I'll give you guidance."
33:30 God's providential system, GPS,
33:34 God's providential system, GPS.
33:38 Psalm 37:23,
33:40 "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord,
33:44 and He delights in His way."
33:47 Now, we would think that we're
33:48 delighting in God's way, but the Bible says
33:50 He's delighting in our way.
33:51 That's a humbling thing.
33:53 Can you get to the place in your life
33:54 where you live in such harmony with God,
33:57 He starts delighting.
33:58 He says, "Look, look,
34:00 he's following the path I've laid out."
34:01 For God to delight in my way is a humbling thought.
34:06 He delighted.
34:07 He delights in the path of all of the righteous,
34:10 when they do not lean on their own understanding
34:13 and all their ways acknowledge Him,
34:15 then He directs their paths.
34:19 And the fourth one.
34:20 Abram's life was one of faith.
34:22 He followed God out of obedience,
34:23 not out of information.
34:25 Look at Genesis 12:4,
34:28 "So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him,
34:32 and Lot went with him.
34:35 And Abram was seventy-five years old
34:37 when he departed from Haran or Haran."
34:39 However you'd like to say that.
34:41 Now why is this vitally important to me?
34:43 Abraham left, not because God gave him
34:46 all the information that he was going to need.
34:48 Lot of people don't experience God's
34:51 blessings because they want God to tell them
34:53 what He's going to do before He does it.
34:55 Abraham didn't do that.
34:56 He said, "I believe You, God,
34:58 I'm going to follow You, God."
34:59 And God made of him a great nation.
35:01 So here's my point to you.
35:03 Don't wait for the information, because you won't experience
35:07 the transformation.
35:09 God transformed him, not informed him.
35:13 Number five,
35:14 Abram's life was one of testing.
35:17 Abram's life was one of testing.
35:19 God tested Abraham when he said,
35:21 offer up your son Isaac.
35:23 Do you know that the test will come to every one of us,
35:25 but the blessing is on the heel of the test.
35:28 So don't be fearful about the testing of God.
35:32 He tests us not to reveal Himself,
35:35 but to reveal to us whether or not
35:37 we really trust Him the way that we should.
35:40 And finally, those that believe by faith and follow God's plan,
35:43 know that His Word is going to be fulfilled.
35:47 Hebrews 11:9-10,
35:49 "By faith he dwelt in the land of promise
35:51 as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac
35:54 and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise,
35:58 for he waited for the city which had foundations,
36:01 whose builder and maker is God."
36:02 He trusted God, and he looked forward to that eternal city.
36:06 Amen. Thank you so much each one of you.
36:08 That's incredible. I love that.
36:11 We've been spending a lot of time in the Book of Genesis.
36:14 Now flip over one book, we're going to go to Exodus.
36:17 I have Wednesday's lesson, which is The Covenant at Sinai.
36:21 We'll look at the connection
36:22 between the Sinaitic covenant and grace.
36:24 Now I have four major points, Pastor John.
36:28 The covenant is based on, number one, redemption.
36:31 Number two, the covenant is based on relationship.
36:35 Amen.
36:36 Number three, the covenant is based on God's promise.
36:40 And number four, the covenant is based on obedience.
36:43 So let's unpack those four things.
36:45 The covenant is based on redemption.
36:47 Turn to Exodus Chapter 19.
36:49 Now we think the covenant would be the Ten Commandments,
36:51 but it actually begins in Exodus 19 and it carries.
36:55 Of course, the Ten Commandments
36:56 would be the heart of the covenant.
36:58 But let's start with Exodus 19:4,
37:01 God is speaking, and you will have seen
37:04 what I did to the Egyptians, how I bore you on eagles' wings
37:08 and brought you to Myself."
37:10 Now three months have passed since Israel went out of Egypt,
37:13 three months since God delivered them from bondage,
37:17 three months since God parted the Red Sea,
37:20 three months since they were redeemed,
37:21 and they are camped here at Mount Sinai.
37:24 And God says, "You have seen what I did to the Egyptians."
37:28 God redeemed them, He delivered them.
37:32 He bored them on eagles' wings. That reminds me of the eagle.
37:35 You know, the mother eagle sometimes,
37:37 they toss the baby out of the nest,
37:39 but yet the mother always swoops down and catches them,
37:42 so that they do not fall.
37:44 Let's read the next verse.
37:45 Verse 5, now therefore, now when you say now therefore,
37:50 that means something came before, what came before?
37:52 The redemption.
37:53 God redeemed them.
37:55 "Therefore, because they are redeemed,
37:57 you will indeed obey My voice, and keep My covenant,
38:01 then you shall be a special treasure to me,
38:03 above all people, for all the earth is mine."
38:07 We see the covenant is based on redemption.
38:10 After He delivers them,
38:12 then He calls them into covenant relationship
38:15 with Himself.
38:16 We look at the Ten Commandments,
38:18 of course, that's found in Exodus 20.
38:19 In the preamble to the Ten Commandments,
38:21 Exodus 20:2, how does it start?
38:24 It says, "I am the Lord your God,
38:26 who brought you out of bondage."
38:28 There, again, we're reminded that God is our Deliverer,
38:32 that God is our Redeemer.
38:35 And if you look at Deuteronomy,
38:36 this quarter, we're studying Deuteronomy,
38:38 Deuteronomy Chapter 5, the fourth commandment,
38:41 the center of the covenant, in Deuteronomy Chapter 5,
38:45 what we see?
38:46 That the Sabbath commandment, the seventh day is holy
38:49 is connected again with redemption.
38:53 Let's look at point number two.
38:54 The covenant is not only based on redemption,
38:56 it's also based on relationship.
38:59 God desires to enter into relationship with His people.
39:03 From the beginning, Ryan talked so clearly about
39:05 the entrance of sin into this world.
39:08 Adam and Eve used to commune
39:10 with God on a daily basis.
39:12 And then when sin entered, there was a separation.
39:16 They could no longer commune with God
39:18 face to face as they used to.
39:20 But God wanted to dwell with His people.
39:23 He always wanted relationship with His people.
39:26 We see this with a covenant.
39:28 We see this in Exodus 25:8,
39:30 "Let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them."
39:34 We see this when Jesus came, the Word became flesh,
39:36 John Chapter 1, and dwelt among us.
39:40 We see this in the New Testament,
39:41 God wants to dwell in us through the power
39:43 of the Holy Spirit.
39:45 And we get all the way down to the Book of Revelation.
39:47 And again, in the new heavens and the new earth,
39:50 God will dwell with His people.
39:53 So we're in Exodus 19.
39:54 The covenant is based on relationship.
39:58 Sin broke our relationship with God,
40:00 but redemption restores our relationship with God.
40:04 Amen. That's right.
40:06 19:5, we already read it.
40:08 Let's pick it up in verse 6,
40:10 "And you shall be to Me a kingdom
40:12 of priests and a holy nation."
40:14 You see, God delivered them from bondage,
40:16 He redeemed them, He then established
40:18 a special covenantal relationship with them,
40:21 they would be His people, and He would be their God.
40:26 Let's look at number three.
40:27 This is, the covenant is based on God's promise.
40:31 Now, of course, we have the sacrificial system,
40:33 we can look at that,
40:35 and the promise of the coming Savior.
40:36 We know in John 1:29,
40:38 "Behold, the Lamb of God
40:40 who takes away the sin of the world."
40:43 And the sacrificial system
40:44 established there in the Old Testament,
40:47 we see the slain of the perfect lamb,
40:50 symbolic of Jesus, who would come thousands
40:53 of years later who would redeem us from sin.
40:57 But not only do we see that promise
40:59 of a coming Savior, we also see God's 10 promises of love.
41:04 This is what we call the Ten Commandments.
41:06 Now you might say, wait a minute,
41:07 but they're commandments and its do's and don'ts,
41:09 and they're very difficult,
41:11 and I don't think I can keep them.
41:14 You know, the word commandments in Hebrew
41:16 literally means sayings, like the 10 words of God,
41:19 or the 10 sayings of God,
41:22 and the promises the shalt and thou shalt not,
41:25 you know, thou shalt not commit adultery,
41:27 thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal.
41:30 The shalts and the shalt nots are written in the second
41:34 person singular imperfect.
41:37 Now the imperfect verb form note that it's not
41:40 all completed, the action is being completed.
41:45 It's the same verb form used in Judges 6:23.
41:50 It says, "Then the Lord said unto me,
41:52 'Peace be unto thee, fear not, thou shalt not die."
41:55 Now, does that mean I have to sit here
41:57 and try not to die?
41:58 No, that's the promise.
42:00 God says, "You're not going to die."
42:02 It's the same verb tense.
42:04 So when we look at God's law, God's covenant of love.
42:08 And the aspect of these are promises
42:11 that He extends to you and to me saying,
42:14 Yes, I can do this in your life.
42:17 These are promises of who you will be in me.
42:20 Now I've done this before, but since we're talking about
42:22 the covenant sign, I want to mention it again.
42:25 I've taken the liberty.
42:27 This is Jill's version of the Ten Commandments
42:30 rewritten as ten promises of love.
42:34 Promise number one, you will desire only me,
42:38 nobody else, and nothing else.
42:41 Promise number two,
42:42 you will need no other gods or support systems because I,
42:47 I fulfill everything you need.
42:50 Promise number three,
42:51 you will reverence and respect Me,
42:54 My name and My character,
42:56 and you will do everything you can to guard our relationship.
43:01 Promise number four,
43:02 you will delight in spending time
43:04 with Me on our special day, the seventh day Sabbath,
43:08 no interruptions, no distractions,
43:11 just God and us together.
43:14 Promise number five,
43:16 you will love those who have given you life
43:19 and respect the family that I have given to you.
43:24 Promise number six,
43:25 you will respect other people's lives
43:29 and hold them sacred as you would your own.
43:32 Promise number seven, you will delight in
43:35 and love the spouse that I gave to you.
43:40 Promise number eight,
43:41 you will have enough with what I've given to you,
43:44 and will have no need to take from anybody else.
43:48 Promise number nine,
43:49 you will speak truthfully
43:51 and well of neighbors and associates
43:53 because I've placed them in your life for a purpose.
43:57 And finally promise number 10,
43:59 you will be content with what I have given to you
44:02 and will rejoice in the gifts I have given in your life.
44:07 So we look at the Sinaitic covenant,
44:08 a covenant based on redemption,
44:10 a covenant based on relationship,
44:12 a covenant based on the promises
44:14 of God extended to you and to me.
44:16 Number four, the covenant is based on obedience.
44:20 Exodus 19:5 we already read this,
44:23 if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant.
44:26 Now the children of Israel, they clearly understood.
44:29 They were supposed to obey because they said
44:31 twice in those several chapters.
44:33 All that the Lord has said we will do.
44:38 But you know, obedience is not gritting teeth.
44:41 Obedience is not trying harder.
44:45 Obedience is based on love.
44:48 John 14:15, "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
44:52 Obedience is based on grace.
44:54 Ephesians 2:8-10, verse 10 says,
44:57 "We're God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus,
45:00 which God ordained before that we should walk in."
45:03 Meaning, obedience itself is a gift from God.
45:07 Obedience is based on Christ working in the heart
45:10 of the believer.
45:12 John Chapter 15, "I am the vine,
45:14 we are the branches."
45:15 It's based on us being connected to Him.
45:18 Now finally, the Sinaitic covenant kind
45:20 of winds up in Exodus Chapter 24.
45:23 And we see that it was ratified with blood.
45:27 And the people said, "All that the Lord has said,
45:29 we're gonna do."
45:30 This covenant that God put in place,
45:34 based on redemption, based on relationship,
45:37 based on God's promises in our hearts,
45:40 and in our lives, and based on obedience was set up perfectly.
45:44 But did the people obey it perfectly?
45:46 Did the people walk after God
45:49 and seek Him with all their heart?
45:51 Did they seek to honor this God
45:53 who would lavish them with such love?
45:55 I think we'll go to Pastor James
45:57 and find out what happened with the people.
45:59 Okay. Well, that was such a blessing.
46:02 Thursday's lesson is Apostasy and Punishment.
46:05 I'm Pastor James Rafferty,
46:06 and this is my first time on the set
46:08 with these honorable people, but it's a blessing to be here.
46:12 Powerful, really, when we think about our lesson starts
46:14 with this Bible verse in Exodus 19:8,
46:18 right where Jill left off, we're going to pick up.
46:21 Exodus 19:8 says,
46:22 "And all the people answered together, together."
46:25 There's something powerful in unity.
46:26 You know, when you're all together,
46:28 you're all one voice.
46:29 All the people answered together and said,
46:30 'All that the Lord has spoken, we will do.'"
46:33 Yes, it's amazing what you can do,
46:36 and what you can't do, when you're united.
46:39 It doesn't matter how many people
46:41 you get together in football stadiums across
46:43 the United States, we are not promised keepers.
46:48 We're not promised keepers, we just are not able to do
46:51 what God has promised to do.
46:53 And we can't put ourselves in the place of God.
46:56 We have to allow God to fulfill the promises He's made to us.
47:00 And I think that's really the bottom line
47:03 of what happened at Sinai,
47:05 as Jill, as you were sharing there,
47:06 we got the commandments upside down.
47:09 We started thinking these are thou shalt nots,
47:11 these are things we need to do
47:13 and we forgot these are promises.
47:16 These are promises that God has promised to do in us
47:19 and for us.
47:21 Now, the beautiful thing about Israel's failure here in Sinai,
47:25 is that it revealed to them their inability to do for God.
47:31 And over and over again,
47:33 I find this happening in my life,
47:34 I don't know if you've experienced in your life.
47:35 But over and over again, I find myself being reminded
47:38 of my inability to do for God,
47:40 in my relationship with my wife,
47:42 in my relationships with people,
47:44 in my reactions to things that I face, in community,
47:48 in church, in the world, in the way I look at things
47:52 and the way I judge people, and the way I'm critical,
47:54 I find myself over and over again,
47:56 be reminded of my inability to do for God.
47:59 And that is precisely where God steps in.
48:03 You see, sometimes we think that the failure
48:05 of our inability to be obedient to God means we're done.
48:09 It's over, it's ended, we're finished.
48:11 There's no way we're going to be able to do, to be,
48:12 to do the Christian life, to be a Christian,
48:16 but that's actually where the Christian life begin.
48:19 That's where we transition from the world to Christianity,
48:22 because of the world we say, well,
48:24 pull yourself up by your bootstraps,
48:25 and you can do it and grit your teeth,
48:28 and then try it again.
48:29 But in Christianity,
48:31 we come to God as I did 37 years ago,
48:34 and I say, you know, Lord, I can't be a Christian.
48:36 There's no way that I can do what I know I should be doing.
48:40 And if you want me to be a Christian,
48:42 you're gonna have to do it in me.
48:43 That was my first prayer.
48:44 That was the way my life started as a true believer.
48:47 Now I've been raised in a Christian home,
48:49 I said my prayers every night, whether I was drunk or sober,
48:51 but that transition from me trying to meet God's
48:56 expectations failing over and over again
48:58 and thinking I got to do better.
48:59 I got to do better to trusting the Lord,
49:01 trusting in Jesus was a transition from
49:04 the Old Covenant to the New Covenant.
49:06 See, the Old Covenant is not just this idea
49:09 of keeping God's law.
49:11 The Old Covenant is this idea
49:13 of keeping God's law in our own strength.
49:15 There's nothing wrong with keeping the law of God.
49:17 Lot of people say today, well, you know,
49:19 if you're keeping the law of God, you're a legalist.
49:21 You know, that's, that's legalism trying to keep
49:22 the law of God.
49:24 Well, no, actually, all you need to do
49:26 is go to the New Testament.
49:28 Hebrews Chapter 8, Hebrews Chapter 10,
49:31 will tell you what the New Covenant is all about.
49:33 And the center of the New Covenant
49:36 is where God is going to put His law in our hearts
49:39 and our minds.
49:40 God's gonna write them there in our hearts
49:42 and in our minds.
49:43 So the law is still a powerful,
49:45 a central part of the New Covenant,
49:48 what I would call the everlasting covenant.
49:50 I think we'd all agree it's the everlasting covenant,
49:52 because the first promise of the covenant that was given
49:56 was given to Abraham.
49:58 And Abraham was promised something from God.
50:00 And Abraham struggled with the promise,
50:02 you know, I'm going to do this for Abraham of all,
50:04 you know, how could this be, and you know,
50:07 my wife, there's no way that she can have a child.
50:09 That mean, God is making a promise to us.
50:12 And it's typified in Abraham, because Abraham is facing
50:15 something that is overwhelming him, the fact that his wife
50:18 can't have children, and yet he's supposed to have a child.
50:21 And so he tries to figure out another way.
50:25 Sarah helps him, his wife helps him,
50:26 hey, listen, get together with Hagar.
50:28 You and Hagar get together, and we'll help God, right?
50:31 We'll help God fulfill His promise, right?
50:34 We'll do our part, right? God does His part.
50:37 And they do actually, you know, produce a child,
50:40 but God comes to them and He says,
50:41 you know, this is not the child I promised,
50:44 this is not what I promised you.
50:46 I promised you something that surpasses your ability.
50:50 I promised you something that surpasses Sarah's ability.
50:53 And so you know, a year goes by,
50:54 two years goes by, five years goes by,
50:56 10 years goes by, right?
50:58 Abraham was promised when he was 75.
50:59 Now he's 85. Now wait a minute.
51:02 Sarah was 75, 85, 90, he's 100 years old.
51:06 Twenty five years go by, he's 99,
51:09 moving to 100 years old.
51:11 And Abraham himself finally says,
51:13 you know, not only can Sarah and I have kids,
51:15 but I give up on myself.
51:16 I mean, I'm done. I've just, I just can't do this.
51:19 It's just not possible.
51:20 And God says, yes,
51:22 the transition has just taken place,
51:23 you're qualified right now.
51:25 You're qualified to transition from the Old Testament
51:29 to the New Testament, from the Old Covenant
51:30 to the New Cover in the context of experience,
51:33 in the context of understanding how God works.
51:36 And so Abraham then has a son.
51:38 It's a miracle son, it's not a son,
51:40 that he can take credit for.
51:42 It's not a son that his wife can take credit for.
51:45 God gets all the glory.
51:46 And that whole story is told to us in Romans Chapter 4,
51:50 God gets all the glory all the time.
51:52 That's right.
51:53 This is the transition that God wants
51:55 His people to make at Sinai.
51:56 Sinai wasn't a mistake from which they could not recover.
52:00 Sinai, that disobedience
52:02 after the 40 days was a beautiful opportunity
52:06 for them to transition in the New Covenant
52:08 experience for them to realize, you know,
52:10 why did we say all before he said we can do.
52:14 What were we thinking? What were we thinking?
52:16 Those were bad promises.
52:18 And, of course, Paul brings this up in this beautiful Book
52:21 of Hebrews that we focused on in our camp meeting,
52:25 this relational book.
52:26 Paul brings out all of these truths,
52:29 all of these covenant truths.
52:31 And he says, you know what? Those were bad promises.
52:33 You know, that, that the people made,
52:35 they were bad, but it wasn't bad promises that God made.
52:38 But it was bad promises that people made
52:39 when they said, all the Lord has said we...
52:40 Those were terrible promises.
52:42 So God has stepped in,
52:43 He's overruled those bad promises.
52:46 And He's told us, you know what?
52:48 I'm going to put My law in your hearts
52:50 and in your minds.
52:52 I'm going to be your God. You're going to be My people.
52:54 I'm the one that's going to teach you.
52:57 All the way through the New Covenant.
52:59 In Hebrews Chapter 8, you have I, I, I,
53:02 I pointing to God, He's the source.
53:05 This is the lesson that God was longing to teach
53:08 the children of Israel,
53:09 as He transitioned them from this apostasy
53:11 and move them forward.
53:13 He wanted them to understand, if you love Me,
53:16 you will keep My commandments.
53:17 It's going to be an outworking of keeping My,
53:19 if you love Me, so what is our focus to be?
53:22 Our focus is to be loved.
53:23 The children of Israel were to learn this lesson.
53:26 The Jewish nation was to learn this lesson.
53:28 You know, the Jewish nation kept the law of God,
53:31 I mean to the tee, they kept the law of God.
53:33 But in Luke 11:42,
53:36 Jesus says that you left out love,
53:38 you left out the love of God,
53:40 and without the love of God, all that obedience is legalism.
53:43 It doesn't matter if we're keeping God's law for keeping
53:46 the right day or the wrong day.
53:48 If we're religious, according to the Bible
53:50 or religious outside the Bible or in a perversion
53:53 of the Bible, whatever our religion is,
53:55 it's legalism without God.
53:57 It's legalism without the motivation of God's love,
54:00 because the love of God is the only thing that can
54:03 actually cause us to have this New Covenant experience.
54:07 The anointing of the Holy Spirit.
54:09 That's what's promised again in Hebrews Chapter 8,
54:11 the anointing of the Holy Spirit
54:12 is the only thing that can transition us
54:14 from an Old Covenant experience to the New Covenant experience,
54:17 from that apostasy at Sinai, to the reality
54:22 of having a new heart that has fallen in love with God.
54:25 So this week's lesson was powerful in this sense,
54:27 and just want to close it out with Proverbs 3:5-7.
54:32 Proverbs 3:5-7
54:34 really powerful verses here that kind of lay out for us
54:38 the outline of what it means to have
54:41 this relationship with God.
54:42 Proverbs 3, beginning with verse 5
54:44 and all the way through verse 7.
54:46 "Let not mercy and truth forsake thee:
54:48 bind them about thy neck, write them upon the tables
54:51 of thine heart:
54:52 So shalt thou find favor
54:55 and good understanding in the sight of God and man.
54:57 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart,
55:00 lean not on our own understanding.
55:02 In all thy ways acknowledge him,
55:04 and he shall direct thy paths.
55:06 Be not wise in thine own eyes:
55:08 fear the Lord, and depart from evil."
55:11 Do you see the principles in there?
55:12 God is revealing these principles,
55:13 and He's showing us this is the way
55:15 and the way is to have this relationship with God,
55:19 this constant dependence on God,
55:21 this continual communion with God,
55:23 this walk with God that causes us to rely upon His strength,
55:27 His power, His love, His mercy, His grace, and as we do that,
55:31 it works out in us this beautiful picture
55:35 of commandment keeping that Jill brought to us
55:37 and that that we've looked at as we've moved
55:39 through this first part of our lesson.
55:42 Amen. Oh, wonderful.
55:43 We're so glad to have you join the team,
55:47 the family of 3ABN,
55:49 and what a wonderful addition
55:51 you are to our Sabbath School study.
55:53 We learn so much from each other.
55:56 Want to give everyone
55:57 just a few seconds to have a comment about your day?
56:01 Amen.
56:02 Yeah, we've learned here today that the Bible says
56:04 God is love, not that He's mere loving,
56:06 but yet He is love.
56:08 How do we fully comprehend that?
56:09 We're going to continue to learn that over this many,
56:12 many ceaseless ages to come,
56:13 but at the same time, true love requires freedom.
56:15 And we learn that we serve a God of love and freedom.
56:18 Amen.
56:20 And the other thing God calls us
56:21 not because of who we are,
56:23 but because of who we can become.
56:26 He calls us not because of what He sees in us,
56:29 but because of what He wants to do in us.
56:31 Philippians 2:13,
56:33 "For it is God who works in us both to will
56:36 and to do of His good pleasure."
56:39 Amen.
56:40 I had the covenant at Sinai, this incredible covenant God
56:42 made with His people, redemption, relationship,
56:45 God's promise in obedience.
56:47 I'm reminded of Philippians 1:6,
56:49 "Being confident of this very thing,
56:51 that He, that's God, who began a good work in us
56:54 will carry it forward to completion.
56:56 You can rest with assurance in Jesus.
56:59 And I love the fact that no matter what our failures are,
57:04 that those failures are doors, they're gateways,
57:06 they're opportunities for us to see God as He really
57:08 is to trust Him as He really is.
57:10 And to have Him recover us
57:13 and renew us in the true New Covenant
57:15 experience that He wants us to have.
57:16 Amen, and amen.
57:18 And you know, the wonderful thing about God
57:21 is love is that His government is a government of love.
57:25 He operates by the power of love.
57:28 And the unifying theme through Scripture
57:30 is that our God is a covenant keeping God.
57:34 His promises are sure.
57:36 And He says, "I will be your God
57:38 and you will be My people."
57:41 I love the Book of Deuteronomy.
57:44 I am so excited about this study.
57:48 And I pray that you'll be able to join us next time
57:52 and the second lesson is Moses' history lesson.
57:56 So join us then.
57:57 We want to thank each one
57:59 of you for your wonderful input today.
58:03 And thank you at home for joining us.
58:05 Amen.


Revised 2021-10-07