3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP210051S

00:01 Hello, friends,
00:02 welcome to our 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:04 My name is James Rafferty,
00:05 and we are so excited, so glad that you could join us.
00:08 We are studying the Book of Deuteronomy.
00:10 Present Truth in the Book of Deuteronomy,
00:12 and we are in lesson number 12,
00:14 Deuteronomy in the New Testament.
00:16 Now still not too late.
00:18 If you'd like to get the Sabbath School quarterly,
00:19 it's been an excellent study,
00:21 so it'd be great to have it to study later if you need to,
00:23 you can go to absg.adventist.org
00:27 That's absg.adventist.org
00:31 or you can visit your local Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:33 They probably have a few leftover
00:36 that they will gladly give to you.
00:38 Anyway, again, we're just so happy
00:39 you've joined us and we look forward
00:41 to continuing our study in lesson number 12.
00:43 Glad you've joined us.
01:15 Hello, friends, we're so glad
01:16 you've joined us for our Sabbath School lesson,
01:18 Present Truth in Deuteronomy.
01:20 We are in lesson number 12 and that is entitled
01:23 Deuteronomy in the New Testament.
01:25 So we're going to be moving to the New Testament.
01:27 My name is Pastor James Rafferty,
01:29 or I should say I am Pastor James Rafferty
01:31 and we have four more presenters here
01:33 on the Sabbath School Panel with me.
01:35 Our first one is Pastor Kenny Shelton.
01:38 It's good to be here.
01:40 I got an interesting title, Lifting up Faces.
01:45 Wait and see what that means.
01:46 That's all about.
01:49 Next to Kenny Shelton is our own Jill Morikone.
01:53 Thank you, Pastor James, I have Cursed on a Tree.
01:57 That's going to be interesting, so.
01:59 And next to Jill Morikone is Pastor Ryan Day.
02:03 Man, I'm excited.
02:04 We're in lesson number 12.
02:06 But today, Wednesday's lesson, A Prophet like unto Thee.
02:09 A Prophet like unto Thee.
02:10 Okay, and finally we have Shelley Quinn.
02:15 I have A Fearful Thing, but there's good news in it.
02:20 Yeah. All right.
02:21 Wonderful.
02:23 So that's the outline of our lesson titles.
02:24 My lesson is titled It Is Written.
02:27 We're starting here, in Deuteronomy,
02:29 in the New Testament Sabbath afternoon.
02:32 We got a lot of verses to read,
02:33 but the memory text for this lesson is,
02:37 "It is written,
02:38 man shall not live by bread alone,
02:40 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
02:42 And that's Matthew 4:4.
02:45 So we're going to take a little moment to pray
02:47 and then we're going to find out exactly
02:49 what this is all about
02:50 and what kind of connection this has in Matthew 4,
02:53 with the Book of Deuteronomy.
02:55 Shelley, would you like to pray for us?
02:56 I would love to pray. Thank you.
02:57 Father, we are so grateful to You,
03:00 for Jesus Christ, Your Holy Spirit,
03:02 and Your Word.
03:03 And, Lord, we know Your Word is life to us.
03:06 We know that we need to live by every word
03:11 that is implanted in our souls can save us.
03:16 And so, Father, we ask in the name of Jesus,
03:18 that You will send Your Holy Spirit
03:20 to be our teacher in Jesus' name.
03:22 Amen. Amen.
03:25 It's interesting,
03:26 when you read the Book of Deuteronomy,
03:28 that there is so much connection
03:29 with the New Testament.
03:31 I didn't realize how much connection there was
03:32 with the New Testament.
03:33 And that's why we have over and over again reminded you
03:36 that Deuteronomy was one
03:38 of the most quoted books by Jesus Christ.
03:41 And we're going to see that more than ever
03:42 here in Matthew Chapter 4.
03:44 He is tempted three times and he goes back
03:47 to the Book of Deuteronomy time and time again.
03:49 Now, this temptation took place in the wilderness.
03:53 Deuteronomy takes place in the wilderness
03:56 just before they enter into the Promised Land,
03:58 so there's a connection that has been made there.
04:00 And, of course, we understand
04:01 that God's people in the wilderness failed
04:04 to keep covenant with God,
04:05 they failed to keep their end of the bargain.
04:06 But guess who didn't fail in the wilderness
04:09 to keep their end of the bargain?
04:11 Jesus Christ, the second Adam, the one who stood in our place
04:14 and accomplished for us
04:16 what we couldn't accomplish for ourselves.
04:17 So we're going to see this over and over again as the lesson
04:19 quarterly brings out in the Sabbath School lesson
04:23 on the Sabbath day, it brings out over
04:25 and over again there we see the New Testament
04:28 quoting the Book of Deuteronomy,
04:30 some good stuff right there,
04:31 but we're gonna jump right into Sunday's lesson,
04:33 which is entitled It Is Written.
04:35 And we've quoted Matthew 4:4, Jesus Christ here,
04:39 just to set us up is in the wilderness.
04:42 He's been tempted of the devil on the lust of the flesh,
04:45 the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life,
04:47 the three leading temptations.
04:49 1 John 2:15-17 tells us
04:52 that all the temptations that come to us
04:54 come out of these three leading temptations.
04:56 Well, Jesus Christ is called to be tempted in all points
05:00 such as we are, and these are the three points
05:04 because there's no other temptation that comes
05:05 to us that doesn't come to one of these three leading points,
05:09 so in order for Jesus to sympathize with us,
05:11 to empathize with us,
05:12 to be able to relate to us in our temptations,
05:14 He has to be tempted in these three points,
05:16 but not just in His day-to-day activity.
05:19 He's taken out into the wilderness,
05:21 He's taken out into a place where He fast for 40 days
05:25 so that He can feel the frailty,
05:26 the weakness of human nature such as we do.
05:30 In that context, He finally is left alone,
05:34 you know, He's in converse with God,
05:36 He's connected with God for those 40 days
05:37 and 40 nights, but then finally
05:39 the presence of God is pulled away,
05:41 and Jesus is left there,
05:43 like we are in our sin and temptation,
05:45 feeling like God has abandoned us,
05:47 feeling like where is God?
05:49 And in comes Satan.
05:51 And what is Jesus going to do in this kind of situation?
05:54 Well, again, He's been tempted like as we are,
05:56 He's going to trust like
05:58 we need to do on the Word of God.
06:01 That's where He needs to turn.
06:03 He needs to turn to the Word of God
06:04 and that's what He does over and over again.
06:06 I love this.
06:07 It's such a powerful interaction
06:10 that takes place here between Satan and Jesus.
06:13 Let's just read a bit of it in Matthew Chapter 4,
06:16 and let's just go down here in Matthew 4:3,
06:21 "When the tempter came to Him, that is to Jesus,
06:23 he said, 'If thou be the Son of God,
06:28 command the stones to be made bread.'"
06:31 If thou be the Son of God.
06:33 Devil ever said that to you, Shelley?
06:36 If you're a Christian, if you're a believer,
06:38 if you're a child of God, prove it by what you do,
06:43 prove it by your obedience, prove it by your actions.
06:48 The devil ever come and say that to you?
06:50 And this is exactly
06:51 what the devil is doing with Christ.
06:53 He's coming to Him and he's saying, listen,
06:54 if you're the Son of God,
06:56 not remembering those words
06:58 that were just spoken in Matthew 3,
07:00 just spoken at the baptism of Christ,
07:01 just spoken there at the Jordan,
07:03 remember those words?
07:04 Yeah.
07:05 This is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased.
07:07 Satan doesn't want us to remember
07:08 the promises of God, the words of God,
07:10 the blessings of God.
07:11 He doesn't want us to remember the gospel of Jesus Christ
07:13 that's spoken into us.
07:15 He wants to blank all of that out
07:16 and he wants to get us focused
07:18 on proving that we're God's children
07:20 because of what we do,
07:21 because of our actions, because of our obedience.
07:23 Do this and I'll believe that you're a child of God,
07:26 but Jesus resists as we need to do.
07:30 He resists this temptation
07:32 by going back to the Word of God.
07:34 He resists this temptation by placing His feet
07:37 firmly on the Word of God.
07:39 It is written, is what He says and I love this, it is written.
07:43 Verse 4, "But He answered and said,
07:45 'It is written, man shall not live by bread alone,
07:47 but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.'"
07:52 Now, it's really interesting
07:53 when we look at this temptation,
07:54 you know, Jesus is tempted to turn stones into bread.
07:57 Jill, when was the last time you attempted to turn
07:59 stones into bread?
08:00 Never.
08:03 What kind of temptation is that for us?
08:05 How does Jesus relate to us in that kind of a temptation?
08:08 Right?
08:09 Well, we need to remember that Jesus was God man,
08:11 Jesus was divine-human.
08:14 He laid aside His divinity, but it was still there.
08:16 He could have turned stones into bread.
08:18 And let me tell you, it was hard for Him
08:20 not to respond to this, because you can imagine
08:23 He's got the divinity in Him,
08:24 He doesn't have to run down to the store to sin, right?
08:26 He doesn't have to go around the corner.
08:28 He doesn't have to do anything, but just speak, even blink,
08:31 perhaps, and those stones will be turned into bread.
08:34 Can you imagine that kind of temptation,
08:36 with that kind of power that He has within Him?
08:38 But if Jesus would have done that,
08:40 He would have relied upon Himself,
08:42 instead of relying upon God.
08:43 He would have relied upon His divinity
08:45 instead of relying upon God's divinity.
08:47 And that would have left us hopeless because the only thing
08:51 we can rely on is the power of God,
08:53 the divinity of God, the Word of God.
08:56 And so Jesus came to give us that example, He says, listen,
08:59 I'm not even going to parley with you Satan,
09:00 I'm not even going to think about it for a second,
09:03 it is written, man does not live by bread alone,
09:06 but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
09:09 And then the devil comes at Him again.
09:11 You ever notice how the devil comes at us again,
09:12 you know, and again, right?
09:14 He comes out to Him again and again,
09:16 and that's why it's so important for us to recognize
09:19 that Jesus Christ is our example
09:20 because He's taking all the assaults of the devil,
09:23 one after another,
09:24 and He's telling us what we need to do
09:26 when we are attacked by the devil,
09:27 we need to go to the Word of God.
09:29 And so He says, here, the devil, of course,
09:31 says here in verse 5,
09:33 "And the devil takes him up into the holy city,
09:36 he sets him upon a pinnacle of the temple,
09:37 and he says to him, 'If thou be the Son of God..."
09:40 Here we go again, right? Okay.
09:42 I already have had this temptation
09:45 to disbelieve that I'm God's child.
09:47 I've already had this temptation because,
09:49 you know, I look at what I'm doing,
09:50 and I don't see it there but again,
09:53 the devil comes at us and he says,
09:54 if you're a child of God, if you're a Son of God,
09:56 if you're a daughter of God, he's coming at us
09:59 right there where it matters the most.
10:00 If you're the Son of God
10:02 cast yourself down, for it is written.
10:06 That's right. Yeah.
10:08 Satan will use the Word of God against us.
10:10 Satan will use the commands of God against us.
10:12 Satan will use what we ought to be doing in the Word of God
10:14 against us.
10:16 He'll try to crush us, oh, he'll just come at us
10:17 with the word, hey, you know,
10:18 it's written right here, you know,
10:20 isn't this what you should be doing?
10:21 Isn't this what should be identifying your life?
10:24 And when he does that,
10:27 because Satan always takes the Word of God out of context.
10:29 He always takes the Word of God to extreme.
10:32 When he does that,
10:33 we need to come back with him the way that Jesus did.
10:36 Because Satan's quoting scripture,
10:37 "He shall give His angels charge concerning thee,
10:39 in their hands they shall bear thee up,
10:40 lest thy dash, thy foot against a stone."
10:42 And by the way, that's Psalm 91.
10:44 Powerful Psalm that we need to claim for ourselves.
10:47 Jesus said unto him, verse 7, you ready for this?
10:49 "Jesus said unto him, 'It is written...'"
10:51 What's the next word? Again.
10:53 "It is written again."
10:55 You see, we've got to go to the Word of God.
10:57 Sometimes we just need
10:58 the weight of evidence of God's Word.
11:00 You know we've got to saturate our minds with the Word of God,
11:03 you know, we've got to get that gospel sandwich,
11:06 we need to be filled with God's Word,
11:09 so that we can resist the assaults of Satan
11:11 as he comes against us, promoting our weaknesses,
11:14 promoting our failures, pointing to the things
11:16 that we're not doing that are in harmony
11:18 with the Word of God.
11:20 And so Jesus says, in verse 7, "It is written again,
11:22 thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God."
11:25 Again, you get that word, right?
11:27 Again, the devil comes in, he's relentless, isn't he?
11:30 He's relentless in his attacks.
11:32 "Again, the devil takes Him up
11:33 into an exceedingly high mountain,
11:34 he shows him all the kingdoms of the world,
11:36 the glory of them and he says to Him,
11:38 all these I will give you,
11:39 all these things I will give you
11:40 if you will fall down and worship me."
11:42 That's what he really wants.
11:44 He really wants worship.
11:45 Satan wants to put himself in the place of God.
11:48 He wants to be in the sides of the north.
11:50 He wants to be in the Mount of the Congregation.
11:52 He wants to receive the worship that belongs only to God
11:55 and get us that and so many subtle ways.
11:57 I mean, here he's quoting the Bible.
11:59 But Jesus says unto him, get the hint, Satan.
12:03 Why can he say this?
12:05 Why can Jesus say this, for it is written,
12:08 thou shalt worship the Lord thy God,
12:09 and Him only shall thou serve?
12:12 You know this is so powerful.
12:14 This is so powerful because Jesus doesn't let Satan define
12:18 who He is and neither should we.
12:22 We are who God says we are,
12:24 not who Satan tempts us to think we are.
12:26 The greatest temptations that come to us aren't those things,
12:29 you know, to lust after.
12:30 The great temptations that come to us are the temptations
12:34 to insecurity.
12:35 And when we're insecure about ourselves in our relationship
12:38 with God that's when temptations have
12:40 their way with us.
12:42 We need to get into that secure relationship with God.
12:45 He is our Father. We are His children.
12:47 He loves us.
12:48 He's forgiven us, He's justified us.
12:50 We are saved by His righteousness.
12:51 And when we have that assurance,
12:55 Ephesians 2:9-10 says,
12:57 we become his workmanship, His poiema,
13:00 we become his workmanship,
13:01 we're created of the good works,
13:02 and we just bathe in those good works.
13:05 We love those good works, because we have this assurance
13:07 that we're God's children,
13:09 we have this assurance that God is with us
13:10 that He's walking with us that He's talking with us.
13:13 So in summary,
13:14 remember you are not who the devil tempts you to be,
13:18 you are not who the devil tempts you to think you are,
13:22 you are not the summation of your greatest temptations.
13:26 You are who God says you are.
13:30 You are a prodigal returned to the fold.
13:33 You are a sheep brought back to the fold.
13:37 You are a publican justified.
13:39 You are a sinner forgiven
13:42 and ransomed by the blood of Jesus Christ.
13:44 Amen. Amen.
13:46 Praise the Lord.
13:48 I let you a little extra time there, Kenny.
13:49 Come on. I love it.
13:51 He got every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
13:54 Thank you for emphasizing that.
13:56 And I have Monday's lesson.
13:58 And that's such a good foundation which to build upon.
14:00 This kind of a transition really looking at,
14:04 you know, this part, but we need, Lifting up Faces.
14:06 What could that possibly mean lifting up faces on Monday,
14:10 but in Deuteronomy 10, Moses,
14:11 I like the word you talked about again, right?
14:14 Moses, again, was recounting Israel's history and again,
14:17 use these accounts
14:19 and admonished people in their faithfulness.
14:22 So we want to look in Deuteronomy 10:17-19.
14:31 Notice the Word of God, I love to say,
14:33 this is what the Word of God says.
14:34 This is what God says in His Word.
14:36 Seventeen, notice it says,
14:38 "For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords,
14:42 a great God, a mighty and terrible,
14:46 which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward.
14:50 He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless
14:52 and the widow and loveth the stranger,
14:55 and giving him food and remnant,
14:57 and love ye, therefore,
14:59 the stranger for ye were strangers in the land
15:02 of Egypt."
15:03 So, again, we go back and we look at again
15:05 God said these are some of the reasons why we love God.
15:08 He's supplying all of our needs.
15:10 I know He's been supplying all of your needs
15:11 as He has mine throughout my life.
15:13 So really, why should I worry when times really get tough?
15:15 He's been there all the time.
15:16 He'd been there for years, I've never been forsaken, right.
15:18 He said, "I've never seen the righteous forsaken
15:20 nor the seed begging bread."
15:23 Praise God for that.
15:24 It's the central message for today, Lifting up Faces.
15:26 And so we look at that.
15:28 He says, which regardeth not,
15:29 there's a phrase in there that regardeth not in verse 17,
15:32 regardeth not persons.
15:34 So this is kind of interesting,
15:36 regardeth not or show no partiality,
15:38 I think that's what we're seeing in these verses.
15:39 There'll be several more we can share here
15:41 as we go along.
15:42 It's translated from the Hebrew figure of speech,
15:45 it means literally, that he does not lift up faces.
15:49 And what does that mean?
15:50 I know our lesson kind of brings it out too,
15:51 and you do a little more study on it.
15:53 It comes from a kind of like a legal background
15:56 setting for many years ago,
15:58 where you had a judge or you had a king,
16:01 you know, they'd pass sentence.
16:02 They'd bring somebody before them
16:04 and if they were a man of means,
16:06 you know, if they were somebody big in the community,
16:10 you know, somebody that may be carried
16:11 a little extra weight, he looked at their face,
16:14 or what they had or their position,
16:16 and therefore he would pass sentence.
16:20 You say, well, surely we haven't gone that far today?
16:22 Surely, we wouldn't do anything like that?
16:25 Well, maybe we went a little bit backward
16:27 rather than going forward here.
16:29 I'm glad that God doesn't judge us that way,
16:33 about how we look, or maybe our education
16:36 or our background where we were raised.
16:38 But you know, even in this country,
16:40 we find some things that went on in the 1800s
16:43 that you're thinking, they really did.
16:46 It bled over into the 1800s 'cause they did...
16:51 I wanna say this nicely.
16:52 Now, come on, somebody stay with me,
16:54 you know because they had ugly laws on the book.
16:59 Ugly laws?
17:01 Ugly laws,
17:02 and a lot of had to do with whether you were disabled,
17:06 or you were poor or you were a beggar, or no,
17:10 I don't wanna say but you go to Wikipedia,
17:11 you'll find that out .org,
17:13 you'll find out that these laws.
17:14 If your face was a little bit, you know, you'd be fined.
17:20 So you didn't want to get out during the daytime.
17:22 And listen, you think that's really interesting.
17:24 Listen, Chicago had it on the books,
17:27 legislative books,
17:29 and it was in operation until 1974.
17:32 Finally, they threw it out. Think about it.
17:35 To me ugly laws, first one was at 1867,
17:39 California, New York, Denver, and Oregon,
17:41 so on had these laws.
17:44 If your looks were bad, you could be fined.
17:48 You know, we were thinking during our time
17:50 you could see it.
17:51 I want to relate more back in the time of the judge
17:53 or kings way back then that again,
17:55 they were looking out for themselves and so on.
17:57 But why would these kinds of laws be on there,
18:00 you know, 1883, 1867, 1881,
18:03 and stay on for 90 years in Chicago?
18:07 The last time they repealed it 1974 so anyway,
18:12 I'm thankful we have a God that doesn't look on the,
18:14 you know, outside of man.
18:16 He looks on the inward that He looks at the heart
18:19 and looks in the mind and so I praise God for that.
18:22 Acts 10:34, we'll go on because we want to match up
18:25 with what we read in Deuteronomy 10:17 here.
18:28 Notice what Peter said here.
18:30 Acts 10:34,
18:31 "Then Peter opened his mouth and he said of a," what?
18:35 "Of a truth, I perceive that God
18:37 is no respecter of persons."
18:40 Praise God that we serve one who's no respecter of persons.
18:44 No one has an advantage over the other.
18:46 God loves everyone the same.
18:48 And I don't know that we can say that for ourselves.
18:52 We're partial, and maybe sometime
18:54 we should be in a right balance.
18:56 You're partial to your wife,
18:57 you're partial to your children,
18:58 and so on and so forth but God says
19:00 we're to love everyone.
19:02 We get to heaven, we're going to love everybody the same.
19:05 Man, that's kind of interesting thought, everyone the same,
19:07 no one's gonna be put above another.
19:10 And that's the way God looks at us.
19:11 I'm thankful for that.
19:12 Desire of Ages, page 639, you have a chance to look at,
19:15 I'm going to read it for you
19:16 but in case you gonna do some study on it.
19:18 It says angels of heaven, praise God for the angels
19:20 of heaven, that are passing throughout the length
19:23 and the breadth of the earth.
19:24 Right?
19:25 Those angels just coming and they're going
19:27 and usually a lot for me,
19:29 I know because I need extra help all the time.
19:31 So the angels are coming and going
19:32 and getting message from the Father and so on.
19:34 They're seeking to comfort those who are sorrowing.
19:37 So if you're sorrowing today and to protect the imperiled
19:40 and to win hearts of men to Christ.
19:43 Angels are busy people.
19:44 Praise God for our angels. Okay.
19:46 Not one of us is neglected or passed by.
19:48 I love that not one.
19:50 Remember, it's not God just looks on the face
19:52 or he looks at his face and said oh, they don't,
19:54 their education you can't, no you can't,
19:55 you don't know, you're disable you're blah-blah-blah.
19:58 No, God looks at us right here.
19:59 Not one is passed by, God is no respecter of persons.
20:03 He has an equal care for all souls that he has created.
20:08 I mean, really that challenges
20:10 my thinking because we're used to everything
20:12 is here little laws going your love,
20:13 you have a little partiality.
20:15 In Desire of Ages 638 says this, I like this,
20:18 well, kind of a one-liner.
20:19 "Not to any class is Christ love restricted.
20:24 Not to any class is it restricted.
20:27 When you and I may go down the street
20:28 and we restrict our love.
20:30 And what we might do we see somebody
20:32 we think maybe he's not.
20:33 Well, you know what I'm talking about here? Yeah.
20:35 He identifies himself with every child of humanity.
20:39 I'm thankful that he does that he hasn't forgot us
20:41 or the little poor Shelton Boy
20:43 who was born 812 West Warden Street.
20:45 I'm thankful that God didn't look on the faces
20:47 of the wallet, you know, He still dwelt
20:50 and still worked with us as He does everyone.
20:52 Romans 2:11, this comes in our lesson.
20:56 Romans 2:11.
20:57 Again, just reiterating once again,
20:59 for there is no respecter of persons with what?
21:03 With God.
21:04 Prophets and Kings, 369 says this,
21:07 "No distinction on account of nationality,
21:10 race, or caste is recognized by God.
21:14 He is the Maker of all mankind.
21:16 So somewhat going over some of the same things
21:18 but I think sometimes we need that
21:20 because in this world that we're living in right now,
21:22 there's a lot about race,
21:23 there's a lot about nationality.
21:25 There's a lot about this group and that group and what so.
21:27 God is no respecter of person, He loves everybody the same
21:31 and He wants us to love man too.
21:33 I give you a example here quick,
21:34 couple of examples of it that God loves
21:36 and gives everyone equal opportunity.
21:39 In Exodus 12:31-32,
21:42 we're not going to read that there
21:43 but you'll know this is dealing with pharaoh.
21:45 Right?
21:46 Pharaoh finally said, after you know,
21:47 all this came to him, let my people go,
21:49 let my people go, finally he said what?
21:51 Go serve your Lord, right, and bless me also.
21:56 He was feeling that tugging of the Holy Spirit even on him,
21:59 he said, and bless me also.
22:02 Go serve your God. Joshua 2:11.
22:04 In Jericho, the heathen woman said,
22:06 "The Lord your God, He is God in heaven above
22:10 and on earth beneath."
22:14 God was working on her also.
22:16 Rahab you remember that in Hebrews 11:31,
22:20 by faith Rahab perished not with them that believe not.
22:24 God's giving everybody a fair shake,
22:25 you're getting a fair shake.
22:27 God's got his eye on you.
22:28 He got his eye on the sparrow, right?
22:29 He knows everything about you.
22:31 He's not gonna take his eye off of you because He wants
22:32 to help you and He wants to help me.
22:34 Prophets and Kings, 370 says this,
22:36 "All men are of one family."
22:38 I like this.
22:39 If we really believe that, I think we might treat
22:40 each other just a little bit differently than we do.
22:43 We're family by creation and all through one,
22:47 through redemption,
22:49 we're all part of the family of God,
22:51 We're all kin.
22:53 I like that. We're all related.
22:54 Isn't that wonderful?
22:56 Could we call it a blood relation here too
22:58 from very beginning?
23:00 Yes.
23:01 And if you do you always say, well, my aunt, my uncle,
23:03 my mom, my dad, my brother
23:05 we're all part of the family of God
23:06 so when you look upon your brother and sister
23:07 part of the family of God.
23:10 Galatians 2:6, Paul speaking,
23:11 but of these who seemeth to be somewhat,
23:15 whatsoever they were, it maketh no matter to me.
23:19 Some people seem like they're some because they think
23:21 they're walking in tall cotton.
23:22 Have you seen somebody like that?
23:24 They're dressed fit to kill they talk about,
23:26 and they think they're something.
23:27 Paul looks down, he says right.
23:29 They seem to think they're somewhat.
23:31 But he said to me, it doesn't matter to me.
23:35 And that said doesn't matter to God.
23:36 God accepteth no man's persons.
23:39 Well, praise God for that.
23:41 That gives us all hope, gives us all encouragement,
23:43 regardless of what side of track that you came on,
23:45 or wherever you're going, or wherever you're headed,
23:47 God's headed there with you.
23:48 He did not take his eyes off you.
23:50 He loves you and I know He's coming back
23:51 with invitation, be ready.
23:53 Amen. Praise the Lord.
23:55 God is good.
23:56 I love that, Pastor Kenny.
23:57 We are all one family.
23:59 We're gonna continue to understand
24:01 this beautiful theme.
24:02 So don't go away. We'll be right back.
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24:38 Hi, friends, and welcome back to our Sabbath School study
24:41 Present Truth in Deuteronomy.
24:43 Deuteronomy in the New Testament,
24:44 we are moving to Tuesday's lesson.
24:46 Thank you so much, Pastor James and Pastor Kenny,
24:49 what an incredible foundation.
24:50 What an amazing lesson study.
24:53 I'm Jill Morikone and I have Tuesday's lesson,
24:55 Cursed on A Tree.
24:57 You probably know where we're going.
24:59 We're going to the Book of Galatians.
25:01 Galatians and we're going to look at the connection
25:04 between Galatians and Deuteronomy
25:06 and the verses that were quoted,
25:08 that Paul quoted in Galatians from Deuteronomy.
25:10 Of course, Paul wrote the Book of Galatians,
25:13 probably one of his earlier letters.
25:15 And one of the issues that he addressed in the early
25:18 Galatian Church was that of grace and works,
25:23 that of how we are saved.
25:26 Circumcision was a big deal in the early Christian Church
25:30 at that time, namely, did Gentile Christians
25:33 once they accepted Jesus as Messiah did they need
25:36 to be circumcised in order to be saved?
25:39 In other words, were they saved by grace plus
25:42 the outward work or outward act of circumcision
25:45 or were they just saved by grace through faith?
25:49 Paul addresses this in the Book of Galatians.
25:52 It's also addressed in Acts Chapter 15
25:54 at the Jerusalem Council.
25:56 You know, Galatians offers a uniquely Christian reading
26:00 of the Old Testament.
26:02 It explains the differences in the traditional
26:04 Jewish understanding of the Old Testament
26:07 and the church's new understanding
26:10 of the Old Testament.
26:12 Paul argues that the promises given to the Jews
26:15 were now extended to the entire world.
26:18 And that salvation for the Gentiles
26:20 is also found in the Old Testament too.
26:22 You know, the Jews fell, it was very exclusive
26:25 and Paul opens up their understanding
26:28 and expands our understanding.
26:29 So we're looking at Galatians 3:1-14
26:34 that's what the lesson has this read.
26:35 We're not going to read them all,
26:37 but we're going to read portions of that.
26:39 And, Pastor Ryan, I have six takeaways from this passage.
26:42 Galatians 3:1-14.
26:45 Let's pick it up in verse 1.
26:46 Oh, foolish, Galatians.
26:48 Now, when you read that in English, that's pretty strong.
26:51 My mom used to say, don't ever call someone stupid, right?
26:55 Don't ever call someone foolish.
26:57 And yet he says, oh, foolish, Galatians.
27:01 The word foolish in Greek is even stronger than in English.
27:04 It means mindless and stupid.
27:08 "Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth?
27:11 This is the gospel
27:13 before whose eyes Jesus Christ
27:16 was clearly portrayed among you, as crucified."
27:19 Jump down to verse 3.
27:21 "Are you so foolish?
27:24 Having begun in the spirit are you now being made
27:27 perfect by the flesh?"
27:29 And, of course, the flesh he's referencing that circumcision.
27:32 If you were saved by grace, do you need outward works
27:37 to add to that salvation?
27:40 Takeaway number one,
27:41 salvation is by grace through faith,
27:44 works cannot add to our salvation.
27:48 Works are clearly evidence of our salvation,
27:52 but they cannot add to our salvation.
27:56 Takeaway number two,
27:57 it's easy to be walking in works yet think you
28:01 walking in grace.
28:03 Have you ever discovered that?
28:05 It's easy to think I'm saved by grace through faith
28:08 and I truly believe that, and I'm walking in that,
28:12 and you're not even be walking in at all.
28:15 Jeremiah 17:9, what's the Word of God say?
28:17 The heart is deceitful above all things,
28:19 and desperately wicked, who can know it?"
28:22 We can be spiritually deceived,
28:25 thinking that we're walking in grace
28:28 when we're actually walking in works after all.
28:30 You know, Greg and I talk about this
28:32 a lot and that is the term balance.
28:36 What is balance?
28:37 What is balance spiritually?
28:39 And we talk about this a lot.
28:41 I could say, we could say we're balanced.
28:44 We only say that because there are some people
28:46 who lean more to the right than us
28:48 and some people who lean more to the left than us,
28:51 but is that balance?
28:53 And the person who leans maybe more to the right says
28:55 I'm balanced because there's people
28:57 who lean more to the left from them,
28:59 and people who still lean more to the right from them.
29:02 So it's easy for us to be walking in grace
29:06 and think we're walking in grace,
29:08 and yet we're spiritually deceived.
29:10 We don't even know our own hearts.
29:12 Let's jump down to verse 5.
29:14 Galatians 3:5,
29:15 "Therefore, He who supplies the spirit to you,
29:18 and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works
29:21 of the law, or by the hearing of faith?"
29:25 Just as Abraham believed God,
29:28 and it was accounted to him for righteousness,
29:32 to pass to one's account,
29:33 it was imputed to him for righteousness.
29:38 Now was Abraham justified by faith or by works?
29:41 Clearly, he was justified by faith
29:44 even prior to the circumcision
29:46 that took place there in Genesis Chapter 17.
29:51 Paul brings this out, we won't look it up.
29:53 But in Romans Chapter 4, he says,
29:54 was Abraham justified before circumcision
29:56 or after circumcision?
29:58 Meaning, are we saved by grace
30:00 and then we have to add some works to it,
30:02 or we saved by grace through faith?
30:04 And Paul makes it very clear, Abraham was justified.
30:08 Abraham was accepted by God as righteous,
30:11 even though he was still uncircumcised
30:13 before the works took place.
30:16 Takeaway number three,
30:18 we are justified by the merits and blood of Jesus alone.
30:22 Works don't add to our justification
30:24 to our standing with God.
30:25 Works don't earn favor with God.
30:29 You know, what's interesting to me
30:31 is that sometimes we take this gospel truth
30:34 found in the Book of Galatians,
30:35 which to me is incredibly liberating.
30:38 We are saved by grace through faith, it's amazing.
30:40 But we can take it, Pastor Kenny,
30:42 and we can tip it on the other side.
30:44 And then we can say, oh, it's all about grace.
30:48 I'll sit back and rest because Jesus has done everything
30:51 and it doesn't matter how I live,
30:52 doesn't matter what I think, it doesn't matter how I speak.
30:56 But that's not what the Word of God teaches.
30:58 You know, in Galatians Chapter 5,
31:00 we have the works of the flesh, right?
31:01 And the fruit of the Spirit.
31:04 And it's so clear, if I do not walk in love,
31:08 if I do not walk in joy, in peace,
31:10 in patience toward others, I am not converted.
31:14 I do not know Jesus.
31:17 Works automatically follow salvation.
31:20 They follow our justification process.
31:23 Let's keep going, verse 7.
31:24 "Therefore, know that only those who are of faith
31:28 are sons of Abraham.
31:29 And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify
31:32 the Gentiles by faith,
31:33 preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand,
31:36 saying, 'In you all the nations shall be blessed.'
31:40 So then those who are of faith, these would be the Gentiles,
31:44 are blessed with believing Abraham.'"
31:47 Those who were justified before circumcision.
31:50 Takeaway number four, all have access to the gospel.
31:54 All have access to salvation, the Jews and the Gentiles,
31:58 circumcised and uncircumcised.
32:00 All have access to the gospel.
32:02 All can be justified by faith and made righteous with God.
32:07 Takeaway number five,
32:08 be careful when you limit
32:10 who you think God is gonna save.
32:12 When you become a respecter, Pastor Kenny, of persons,
32:18 the gospel is not a club.
32:19 It is for everyone.
32:21 James 2:1, "My brethren,
32:23 do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ,
32:25 the Lord of glory, with partiality."
32:28 Now let's get to verse 10.
32:29 "For as many as are of the works of the law."
32:32 These are the Jews or those who depend on the law
32:35 to make them righteous.
32:37 They are under the curse or separated from God.
32:40 For it is written now we quote from Deuteronomy 27:26,
32:46 "It is written, cursed is everyone
32:50 who does not continue in all things
32:52 which are written in the Book of the law to do them,"
32:55 referring to Deuteronomy.
32:58 Takeaway number six, be careful not to place
33:00 a wrong interpretation on the role
33:03 of the law in our lives.
33:06 The law is important.
33:07 Romans 7 clearly say the law is holy, just and good.
33:10 The law points our sin and our need of a Savior,
33:13 but the law does not change us.
33:14 Now we get to cursed under the law, verses 11-13,
33:18 "But that no one is justified by the law in the sight
33:21 of God is evident,
33:23 for the just shall live by faith.
33:24 Yet the law is not a faith,
33:26 but the man who does them shall live by them.
33:29 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law,
33:32 having become a curse for us."
33:34 We quote again from Deuteronomy 21:22-23,
33:40 "For it is written, cursed is everyone
33:43 who hangs on a tree."
33:45 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law.
33:47 You and I were sold under sin.
33:50 Romans 3:23,
33:51 "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God
33:54 and the wages of sin is death."
33:56 Christ took my sin.
33:58 Christ took your sin, our penalty on the cross.
34:02 He hung on the cross.
34:05 He died in our place that is called
34:07 substitutionary atonement.
34:09 The Lord Jesus took our sin on him on the tree.
34:15 He was not guilty, yet He took my shame.
34:18 He took my guilt.
34:20 He bore the curse for me, so that I could be righteous,
34:25 so that I could be justified,
34:27 so that I could be brought back into right standing with God.
34:31 2 Corinthians 5:21, "God made Him who knew no sin,
34:35 to be sin for us,
34:37 that we might become the righteousness
34:40 of God in Him."
34:41 Galatians 3:14,
34:43 why was he cursed on the tree?
34:45 "That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles,"
34:48 that's you and I, "in Christ Jesus,
34:50 that we might receive the promise of the Spirit
34:52 through faith."
34:54 Amen. Wow, praise the Lord.
34:57 It's amazing to see how flooded the Bible is especially
35:00 the New Testament with that what many people consider,
35:03 old look, right, Old Testament book,
35:06 Deuteronomy, we're seeing that the gospel
35:08 is all through this book.
35:09 And it's just such a blessing. Thank you, Jill, for that.
35:11 I'm Ryan Day.
35:13 And I have Wednesday's lesson entitled
35:15 A Prophet Like Unto Thee.
35:17 And we are indeed going to learn how God's speaking
35:20 to Moses told the people, you know,
35:23 after a summation of different things
35:25 that he encouraged them to practice or not practice,
35:29 obviously, He says, look, after Moses,
35:31 I'm going to send another prophet like unto thee.
35:33 We'll get into that in just a moment.
35:35 But the blessing brings out over and over that the Lord
35:37 had warned Israel not to follow after the practices
35:41 of the nations around them.
35:42 On the contrary, they were to be a witness to those nations.
35:46 And, of course, we see that in Deuteronomy 4:6-8,
35:49 God wanted them to be a blessing
35:51 to the rest of the world, that beacon of light
35:53 to everyone else.
35:54 And, of course, in Deuteronomy Chapter 18,
35:56 which is what we're going to be reading from now.
35:58 Deuteronomy 18:9-14,
36:02 Moses again warns them about their specific practices,
36:05 which were an abomination to the Lord.
36:08 And, of course, we see this in Deuteronomy 18:12,
36:10 more specifically,
36:12 but in that context then he tells them
36:14 that they must be blameless before the Lord your God.
36:18 We're gonna see that here in verse 13.
36:20 So again, right now,
36:22 we're going to read that passage,
36:23 Deuteronomy 18:9-14.
36:26 There are some interesting notes here that we can take,
36:28 and I'm going to highlight a few things before
36:30 we get to that specific passage later on,
36:33 that talks about the prophet like unto thee.
36:36 So Deuteronomy 18:9-14.
36:39 Notice what the Bible says.
36:41 It says, "When you come into the land
36:42 which the Lord your God is giving you,
36:45 you shall not learn to follow
36:47 the abominations of those nations.
36:49 There shall not be found among you anyone
36:52 who makes his son or his daughter
36:53 pass through the fire,
36:55 or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer,
36:59 or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer,
37:03 or one who conjures spells, or a medium,
37:06 or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead.
37:10 For all who do these things are abominations to the Lord.
37:14 And because of these abominations
37:17 the Lord your God drives them out from before you."
37:21 And then verse 13,
37:23 "You shall be blameless before the Lord your God.
37:27 For these nations which you will dispossess
37:30 listened to soothsayers and diviners,
37:33 but as for you, the Lord your God has not appointed
37:37 such for you."
37:39 Now, my question is, before we get into the theme
37:42 of this particular study,
37:43 why in the world would the Lord not want them
37:47 have to do with these particular practices?
37:50 Well, there's an obvious reason, right?
37:52 But I want to look at just a few texts
37:53 to that kind of summarize this.
37:55 Back up here in verse 9
37:58 and starting into the beginning portion of verse 10, it says,
38:01 "You shall not learn to follow
38:03 the abominations of the nations."
38:04 And then notice verse 10, near the beginning,
38:06 it says, "There shall not be found among you,
38:08 anyone who makes his son or his daughter
38:10 pass through the fire."
38:11 You read this a lot throughout the Old Testament,
38:14 you know, evil kings, you know, of the 43,
38:18 kings of Israel and Judah.
38:19 So the above total,
38:21 there were only seven righteous kings
38:23 that did right in the sight of the Lord.
38:25 And there were other ones that the Bible says
38:26 did right in the sight of the Lord but they ended up
38:28 doing evil in the latter portions of their days,
38:30 but only seven from beginning to end out of the 43 kings
38:34 of both Israel and Judah.
38:35 And the majority,
38:37 the vast majority of them
38:38 practiced these certain practices, one of which,
38:41 which is mentioned here, making their sons
38:43 and their daughters pass through the fire.
38:44 What in the world does that mean?
38:45 You know, you probably see some of the pagan practices.
38:48 I've seen, you know, video footage of people
38:50 walking on coals and stuff like that.
38:51 That's actually not what this is referring to.
38:53 Well, that is a pagan practice and you shouldn't do it
38:55 for those false spiritual reasons.
38:58 Literally, these evil kings, one of which we're going
39:00 to read about now in 2 Kings 16:2-4.
39:04 Ahaz was an evil king.
39:06 Ahab was an evil king, Omri was an evil king, Jeroboam,
39:10 you know, Jehoiachin all of these different,
39:12 Manasseh, all of these different kings,
39:14 they were evil kings.
39:16 But interesting, 2 Kings 16:2-4 speaking of Ahaz,
39:20 notice what it says, "Ahaz was twenty years old
39:22 when he became king,
39:23 and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem,
39:25 and he did," notice,
39:26 "He did not do what was right in the sight of the Lord,
39:28 as his father David had done.
39:30 But he walked in the way of the kings of Israel,
39:33 indeed he made his son," there it is,
39:35 "pass through the fire,
39:36 according to the abominations of the nations
39:38 whom the Lord had cast out from before the children of Israel.
39:41 And he sacrificed and burned incense on the high places,
39:45 on the hills, and under every green tree."
39:47 These were false gods and making their children
39:50 the sons and their daughters pass through the fire.
39:52 What were they doing?
39:53 They were literally sacrificing their children alive,
39:55 burning them alive for these false gods,
39:58 and it's a horrible thing to think of.
40:00 And that's what God saying here to them.
40:01 He said look,
40:02 that's what all these heathen nations do around you.
40:04 You're my people, I'm gonna give you this lamp,
40:08 you're gonna be a light to the world.
40:09 You can't be doing
40:11 what these other nations are doing,
40:12 you know, sacrificing their sons
40:14 and their daughters to these false gods
40:17 who don't even exist.
40:18 And really what they're doing
40:19 is they're taking the lives of their sons
40:21 and their daughters for the devil himself.
40:22 That's exactly what they're doing.
40:24 He goes on to talk about communication
40:26 with the dead, right?
40:27 We just read about that about the soothsayers
40:28 and the mediums and the spiritist.
40:30 1 Samuel 28, again King Saul,
40:34 God had told His people not to practice these things.
40:38 But notice what we find in 1 Samuel 28,
40:40 we're gonna read verses 3, 13 and 14, it says,
40:43 "Now Samuel had died,
40:44 and all of Israel had lamented for him,
40:46 and buried him in Ramah,"
40:48 and then it goes on to say, "in his own city,
40:50 and Saul had put the mediums
40:51 and the spiritists out of the land."
40:53 So he knew the truth, right?
40:55 He heard what God had told him, don't practice,
40:58 don't contact these people,
41:00 don't have anything to do with them,
41:01 because they're not of Me.
41:02 But what does that brother going do?
41:04 Verses 13 and 14, he goes and meets with the Witch of Endor.
41:08 And verse 13, it says, and he said,
41:10 "And the king said to her, 'Do not be afraid,
41:12 what do you see?'
41:13 And the woman said to Saul,
41:14 'I saw a spirit ascending out of the earth.'
41:16 And he said to her,' What is his form?'
41:17 And she said, 'It's an old man, it's coming up,
41:19 and he's covered with a mantle,
41:21 and Saul, notice, perceived that it was Samuel.'"
41:24 Notice and he stooped his face to the ground and bowed down.
41:28 What was Saul doing?
41:29 He was automatically disobeying God's command by going
41:33 and communicating with a medium, the spiritist.
41:36 And notice, it's interesting here,
41:37 he actually thinks he's now
41:39 so deceived into believing that he's communicating
41:41 with Samuel because it says here he perceived
41:45 that he was communicating with Samuel,
41:46 he wasn't communicating with Samuel,
41:48 he was communicating with a demon.
41:49 And this is what God is trying to protect them from.
41:52 1 Chronicles 10:13, tells us,
41:55 it says, "So Saul died for his unfaithfulness
41:57 which he had committed against the Lord because,"
41:59 notice, "he did not keep the word of the Lord
42:01 and because he had consulted a medium for guidance."
42:04 So why does God not want them to communicate
42:07 with all of these spiritists and these different soothsayers
42:11 and sorcerers.
42:12 1 Timothy 4:1-2,
42:15 now the Spirit expressly says that in latter time,
42:17 someone depart from the faith
42:19 giving heed to deceiving spirits
42:22 and doctrines of demons.
42:23 Revelation 16:13-14,
42:26 "And I saw three unclean spirits
42:28 like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon,
42:30 out of the mouth of the beast,
42:31 out of the mouth of the false prophet,
42:32 for they are the spirits of demons,
42:34 performing signs
42:36 which go to the kings of the earth
42:37 and the whole world."
42:39 1 John 4:1,
42:40 "Beloved, believe not every spirit but test the spirits,
42:43 whether they are of God, because many false prophets
42:46 have gone out into the world."
42:47 God did not want them communicating with these,
42:49 these spiritists, these sorcerers,
42:51 the soothsayer, these mediums,
42:53 and all of these different avenues because they're not
42:56 communicating with real dead people.
42:59 The dead sleep in the grave, the Bible says,
43:01 and they await resurrection,
43:03 they're communicating with demons.
43:05 That's why God says, don't do it, don't do it.
43:07 And yet these people often did that,
43:09 and the Lord would correct them for it.
43:11 Let's go into Deuteronomy 18:15-19.
43:15 It says, "The Lord your God will raise up for you
43:18 a prophet like me from your midst,
43:20 from your brethren, him you shall hear,
43:23 according to all you desire of the Lord your God,
43:26 and Horeb in the day of the assembling, saying,
43:28 Let me not hear again the voice of the Lord my God,
43:31 nor let me see this great fire anymore, lest I die.
43:34 And the Lord said to me, what they have spoken is good,
43:37 I will raise up for them a prophet,
43:39 here it is, I will raise up for them
43:41 a prophet like you from among their brethren,
43:45 and will put my words in their mouth
43:46 and he shall speak to them
43:49 all that I have commanded them
43:50 and it shall be that whoever will not hear my words,
43:53 which he speaks in my name,
43:54 I will require it of him."
43:56 What God is saying is look don't go
43:57 to all these other nations
43:58 and listening to their spiritists
44:00 and their mediums and all their sorcerers and,
44:02 you know, all of these witches.
44:03 No, no, no, look, I'm gonna raise a man of God
44:06 from among you just like you Moses
44:08 down the line if they want to hear from me,
44:10 I'm going to speak through my prophet
44:12 shouldn't surprise us, because through Amos 3:7,
44:16 we see very clearly here it assuredly
44:18 the Lord does nothing
44:20 unless He reveals His secret to His servants, the prophets.
44:25 Peter quotes the same point
44:28 when he was referring to Jesus.
44:30 In Acts 3:22, it actually says,
44:33 for Moses truly said to your father's,
44:34 the Lord your God will raise up you a prophet like me
44:37 from among your brethren.
44:39 Again, he was referring to that Prophet being Jesus.
44:41 Jesus was that Prophet in His day,
44:44 to rise up to point people back to God,
44:46 even Stephen, as he's rebuking
44:48 the Sanhedrin right there in Acts 7:37,
44:51 he gives them the history of Israel,
44:53 and he quotes the words of Moses.
44:54 My friends, we don't need to listen to the outside world.
44:58 We just listen to God's Word.
45:00 Listen to God's prophets.
45:02 Don't mess with any spiritists,
45:03 don't mess with any spiritualists.
45:05 Listen to the Lord, listen to His Word,
45:08 and His prophets will lead you unto God.
45:10 Amen. Praise the Lord.
45:12 Well, I am Shelley Quinn and the lesson for Thursday
45:16 is my assignment.
45:17 It is called A Fearful Thing.
45:20 You know, when I read 1 John 4:18 that says,
45:25 "There is no fear in perfect love,
45:28 but perfect love casts out fear."
45:31 Doesn't that make you feel good?
45:33 You know, and that's the way I feel about the Lord.
45:36 I don't have that dreaded fear,
45:42 but there's a different kind of fear that I do have.
45:47 And that is the word that is meant to respect,
45:52 to honor, and to submit to his authority
45:56 as a parent with a child.
45:58 Here's the scripture that I used to agonize
46:01 over this scripture.
46:03 And it's in Hebrews 12:28-29.
46:08 Hebrews 12:28 says this,
46:12 "Let us have grace, by which we may serve
46:17 God acceptably with reverence
46:20 and godly fear."
46:22 So far, so good, verse 29,
46:27 "Our God is a consuming fire."
46:32 Mercy.
46:34 I used to think whoa!
46:37 Now, how can you see that
46:40 and how do you match that up
46:43 with the feeling of 1 John 4:18,
46:45 no fear in perfect love?
46:47 If you think about God being a consuming fire,
46:51 let me tell you something.
46:52 God is love.
46:56 God is perfectly sinless.
46:59 Love consumes sin.
47:02 Love cannot commit sin, that's why God is holy.
47:06 His nature is love.
47:10 So love consumes sin.
47:12 You know, God can't do anything
47:16 that is not of love.
47:18 I mean, even God's wrath is His,
47:23 His judgment, His holy righteous judgment,
47:26 and it is Him handling sin
47:30 that's done in love.
47:33 It is love.
47:34 So when we think
47:38 about the reason
47:41 we can't stand in the presence of God
47:45 without the robe of righteousness by faith,
47:48 the righteousness of Jesus Christ
47:51 is because no sin can stand in His presence.
47:54 He's a consuming fire.
47:56 If Shelley Quinn went into the presence of the Lord
47:59 without the robe,
48:00 I would be like a little dry kindling for that fire,
48:03 because he'd consume.
48:06 So that's why he gives us the robe of righteousness.
48:09 And you know what Clifford Goldstein points out,
48:12 our author.
48:14 I just want to read real quick.
48:15 He said the Book of Hebrews
48:17 is just one long exhortation to Jewish believers in Jesus.
48:20 And what it's exhorting them to do is this,
48:24 stay faithful to the Lord.
48:26 This faithfulness, of course,
48:27 should stem from our love for God of who he is,
48:31 His character, and His goodness,
48:33 most powerfully.
48:36 That love most powerfully expressed the cross of Christ.
48:41 And He said, sometimes, though,
48:42 human beings need to be reminded
48:44 of the terrible consequences of falling away.
48:48 And that is, we need to remember,
48:51 in the end, if we didn't accept
48:54 what Jesus has done for us,
48:58 in having paid the penalty for our sins.
49:02 If you don't accept that, guess what?
49:05 You have to pay the penalty yourself for your own sins.
49:10 I want to turn to Hebrews
49:12 and we're going to look at how the writer of Hebrews
49:15 whom I believe was Paul, but some disagree,
49:18 but the writer of Hebrews uses Deuteronomy.
49:22 Hebrews 10:26-31.
49:26 This applies to us all,
49:29 not just to that exhortation to the Jews.
49:32 Hebrews 10:36 says,
49:34 "If we sin willfully
49:36 after we've received the knowledge of the truth..."
49:39 That means if we deliberately are disobeying God,
49:42 this is not a sin of ignorance.
49:44 This is a sin of choice.
49:46 "So if we sin willfully
49:48 after we've received the knowledge of the truth,
49:51 there no longer remains a sacrifice for sin."
49:54 Verse 27,
49:56 "But a certain fearful expectation of judgment
50:00 and fiery indignation
50:02 which will devour the adversaries.
50:05 Now, verse 28, he's gonna quote
50:08 Deuteronomy 17:6 he says,
50:12 "Anyone who has rejected Moses law
50:16 dies without mercy on the testimony
50:19 of two or three witnesses."
50:21 Now, I want to point out,
50:23 not every violator of the law died.
50:26 That's why God put the sacrificial system into place.
50:30 But there was for certain capital offenses,
50:34 what Deuteronomy 17:6 says
50:37 that it couldn't be just hearsay,
50:39 it had to be on the basis of two to three witnesses.
50:44 And let me read this to you because I love this.
50:46 Numbers 15 talks,
50:50 and I'm not going to read the whole thing, but 27-31.
50:54 If there was an unintentional sin,
50:57 they brought a female goat as a sin offering
51:00 and the priest made atonement for their sins
51:03 if it was unintentional,
51:06 but Numbers 15:30.
51:08 Listen, what this says,
51:10 "The person who does anything presumptuously,
51:14 whether he is native-born or stranger,
51:18 that one brings reproach on the Lord."
51:21 So when you're deliberately sinning,
51:24 he shall be cut off from among His people,
51:26 because he's despised the Word of the Lord.
51:29 He's broken His commandment,
51:31 that person shall be completely cut off.
51:34 There is no atonement for that.
51:36 It says, "His sin shall be upon him."
51:39 So defiant rejection
51:42 of God's law
51:44 is apostasy.
51:48 What is the punishment for rejection?
51:52 Well, in the Old Testament, it was death by stoning.
51:55 So let's look at what Hebrews 10:29 says,
51:58 "Of how much worse punishment do you suppose
52:01 will be thought worthy,
52:03 he who has trample the Son of God underfoot,
52:07 counted the blood of the covenant."
52:10 Remember, in the Old Testament, and Exodus 24,
52:13 that when Moses had written the Book of the Covenant,
52:16 he built an altar, he sacrificed,
52:19 and he ratified the covenant with blood.
52:24 But Hebrews 13:20 tells us it is Jesus Christ.
52:28 It is His blood of the eternal covenant of God.
52:34 It is Jesus who ratified the new covenant
52:38 with His blood.
52:40 So it's counted the blood
52:41 of the covenant by which he was sanctified,
52:44 a common thing and insulted the Spirit of grace.
52:49 When we reject Christ,
52:51 when we count His precious blood is no big deal.
52:55 He died on the cross.
52:58 If we reject His Spirit,
53:02 I'll tell you what?
53:04 The Spirit is one who testifies of him.
53:06 There are our two witnesses against us.
53:09 Yeah, I'll tell you.
53:11 So if we treat them with contempt,
53:14 we're guilty of apostasy.
53:17 Now, I want to, I'm gonna have to...
53:20 I just want to say this word
53:22 and then I get to the next one real quick
53:23 because I want to show you in Deuteronomy.
53:27 Those who sin defiantly are rejecting
53:32 the free gift of salvation by grace.
53:36 Now we go on and I'm rushing through this,
53:38 but Hebrews 10:30, once again,
53:41 we see that Paul is going to buttress
53:45 one of his arguments
53:46 of what he is writing with a quote from Deuteronomy.
53:51 Hebrews 10:30 says,
53:53 "We know him who said, vengeance is mine,
53:56 I will repay, says the Lord.
53:59 And again, the Lord will judge His people."
54:04 Then he says, "It's a fearful thing
54:06 to fall into the hands of the living God."
54:09 So it's Deuteronomy
54:13 32:35-36, that he's quoting here
54:17 because God says vengeance is mine.
54:19 He never gave that prerogative to anybody else,
54:21 because He's the only one that knows everything.
54:24 And He says, in verse 36,
54:28 the Lord judges people,
54:31 and I have to tell you real quickly,
54:33 this one goes on to say
54:35 and have compassion on his servants
54:38 when he sees that their power is gone.
54:42 Judgment is a two-sided coin.
54:45 On the one side,
54:47 God judges the evil.
54:51 He judges and He assigns vengeance to those,
54:56 punishment for their sin, but the flip side
55:00 is that there's God's judgment on the righteous,
55:05 and its further vindication,
55:07 He has compassion for those who love Him
55:13 and obey Him.
55:14 And He judges in favor of them. Amen.
55:19 That's right.
55:20 Present truth in Deuteronomy,
55:22 and Deuteronomy in the New Testament,
55:24 some closing thoughts from each one
55:25 of our presenters.
55:27 You know, I was thinking about this quickly
55:29 about loving one another as Christ love us.
55:31 And I found this in My Life Today, 187, says,
55:34 "We shall have to face one another in the judgment,
55:38 and behold a record of our thoughts
55:40 and our words and our deeds,
55:42 not as we have viewed them,
55:45 but as how they were in truth.
55:48 Amen. Yeah. Lord have mercy.
55:50 As I look at Tuesday's lesson, Curse Under A Tree,
55:52 I'm reminded over and over again of our God,
55:56 the Creator God, the God who made everything,
56:00 willing to humble Himself and take my curse,
56:03 take my shame, take my punishment,
56:06 so that I could live forever with Him.
56:08 That's love. That's right.
56:09 Amen.
56:11 We read this earlier, 1 John 4:1 it says,
56:13 "Beloved, do not believe every spirit
56:15 but test the spirits, try the spirits,
56:18 whether they are of God because many false prophets
56:20 have gone out into the world."
56:21 How do we test the spirits? Well, we use the Word of God.
56:24 That's why Isaiah 8:20, says,
56:26 "To the law and to the testimony
56:28 if they do not speak according to this word,
56:31 it is because there is no light in them."
56:34 Our God is a consuming fire.
56:37 He burns the dross of sin off of us, that's the process
56:40 of sanctification but when it comes to judgment,
56:43 Romans 8:1
56:44 is one of my favorite scriptures.
56:46 "There is therefore now no condemnation for those
56:50 who are in Christ Jesus
56:52 who do not walk according to the flesh,
56:55 but according to the Spirit."
56:56 I love it. I love it.
56:58 Each one of the points you made,
57:00 Kenny, God loves everyone.
57:02 We are one family, Jill,
57:10 the gospel is not a club, it's for everyone.
57:12 I can't read my writing, I should have been a doctor.
57:15 Ryan, God wants to protect us from deception.
57:17 Shelley, God's grace makes us fireproof.
57:21 Deuteronomy quoted by Jesus three times
57:24 when he was tempted.
57:25 What a powerful book it's been.
57:27 Don't go away because, well,
57:29 you can go away for now but join us for our next
57:31 and final lesson number 13,
57:33 which is Deuteronomy in Present Truth,
57:35 The Resurrection of Moses.
57:38 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2021-12-09