3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Jesus, The Perfect Sacrifice

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP220009S

00:01 Hello, friends, welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:03 If you've been following us this quarter, you know,
00:06 we've been talking about the Book of Hebrews
00:07 and the theme has been,
00:09 "In These Last Days The Message of Hebrews."
00:12 But today lesson number nine is about Jesus,
00:15 the Perfect Sacrifice.
00:17 We have enjoyed so much studying the Book of Hebrews.
00:20 And if you've been following week to week,
00:22 you know that it has been exciting,
00:24 revealing, uplifting Christ as our only hope.
00:29 If you'd like to follow us by having a lesson,
00:31 you can do one of two ways,
00:32 you can download it by going to 3abnsabbathschoolpanel.com
00:36 and download a digital copy.
00:38 Or better yet, find a local Seventh-day Adventist Church,
00:41 walk in and say 3ABN sent you
00:43 and you can have an excursion together
00:45 as a group walking through this exciting
00:47 and revealing book.
00:49 But nonetheless, don't go away.
00:50 We'll be right back in just a moment
00:52 to begin this journey together.
01:25 Hello, friends, and welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
01:29 We are at lesson number nine
01:30 and that welcome might be welcome back.
01:33 Because if you've been here from week to week,
01:34 you know, we've been walking through a book
01:36 that has just been, oh, I says exponentially
01:41 revealing to us things that we knew,
01:43 but we really know now and praise the Lord.
01:46 It's been a blessing, hasn't it? Amen.
01:49 And our Sabbath School Panel has done their homework.
01:51 But there's something that happens when we get together.
01:54 I could only compare to saying,
01:56 you know, you can watch Thanksgiving on television
01:58 it might look good, but you got to be at the table
02:01 to enjoy how it tastes.
02:03 And it tastes so good at this table
02:04 because I thank the Lord for the diligent work
02:07 put in the hours and the time and the prayer
02:11 to try to communicate to you, as clearly as we can,
02:14 what the Word of God says,
02:15 and specifically on this quarter
02:17 what the Book of Hebrew talks about.
02:19 Today we're talking about Jesus, the Perfect Sacrifice.
02:22 Is there any sacrifice better than the sacrifice of Jesus?
02:26 The answer is absolutely not.
02:28 But before we go any further, first let's go ahead
02:30 and reintroduce you,
02:31 if you're new to our family be introduced,
02:34 but if you've been here week to week,
02:36 you know these are family members.
02:37 To my immediate left is Jill Morikone.
02:39 Good to have you here, Jill. Thank you, Pastor John.
02:41 Privileged to be here and excited about the study.
02:43 And what are you covering today?
02:44 Diverse kinds of sacrifices. Okay.
02:47 And, Ryan, good to have you here, Ryan.
02:48 Amen. It's always a blessing to be a part of this panel.
02:51 And today,
02:52 I'm going to be covering on Tuesday's lesson,
02:53 Jesus' Perfect Sacrifice.
02:55 Shelley, always good to have you here. Thank you.
02:57 It's always good to be here when I can.
02:59 Today I cover The Cross and the Cost of Forgiveness.
03:04 I like that. James?
03:06 Judgment and the Character of God.
03:07 Good to be here too.
03:08 See James and John,
03:11 we have the ends taken care of.
03:13 There you go.
03:14 But it's always good to have each one of you here today.
03:16 And, Jill, I'd like to ask you to pray for us today.
03:19 Holy Father, we're just grateful
03:21 that Jesus was our perfect sacrifice
03:23 and through Him, we have the gift of salvation.
03:26 Right now we open up our minds and hearts to receive
03:30 what Your Holy Spirit wants to teach us
03:32 through Your Word in Jesus' name.
03:35 Amen.
03:36 Amen. Amen. Thank you so much, Jill.
03:38 Let's go to that particular lesson.
03:41 And if you have your quarterly, I would encourage you
03:43 to just kind of pull that down off the shelf
03:46 and follow along with us as we talk about Jesus,
03:48 the Perfect Sacrifice.
03:50 The memory verse for today
03:54 is from the Book of Hebrews 10:14.
03:57 Hebrews 10:14,
04:00 I'll go ahead and read that.
04:01 And here it is.
04:04 "For by one offering,
04:07 He has perfected forever
04:09 those who are being sanctified."
04:13 I don't want you to miss that,
04:14 those who are being sanctified.
04:17 We have been sanctified, we are being sanctified,
04:21 and we will be sanctified by the eternal aspects.
04:25 We are saved, we are being saved,
04:28 and we will be saved.
04:29 Amen.
04:31 The beauty of the work of Christ,
04:32 it is not only immediate, it's continual,
04:35 and then it has an eternal and immortal impact on us.
04:39 I've been thinking about this, why were sacrifices needed?
04:42 That's a huge question.
04:44 Why were sacrifices needed?
04:45 And the short answer is
04:47 where there is no shedding of blood,
04:49 there is no remission of sin.
04:50 In one of our prior lesson Shelly made the statement
04:52 that God established the penalty for transgression.
04:57 And the Bible says the wages of sin is death.
05:00 So when you stand before the judge in any court setting,
05:04 if you are guilty, what do you ask for?
05:07 And if you're innocent, what do you ask for?
05:09 If you're guilty, don't ask for justice.
05:12 Want mercy. You want mercy.
05:14 But if you're innocent, what do you ask for?
05:16 Justice.
05:17 And so when we look at what the Lord has done,
05:22 the Apostle John says,
05:24 "Love has been perfected in this,
05:27 that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment."
05:30 And I thought about that, you know, come boldly,
05:32 before the throne of grace,
05:33 have boldness in the Day of Judgment.
05:35 And it almost sound to some degree,
05:38 we will have,
05:40 I don't want to use the word arrogance,
05:41 but it seems like we could just run to the Lord.
05:43 Well, in fact, that's exactly what it saying.
05:45 It's an assurance. Yes.
05:46 Abba Father,
05:48 when the covenant relationship has accomplished
05:50 the mending of both hearts to one,
05:53 when you and your father are one,
05:56 and there is no gap between you because you love each other,
06:00 he loves you and provides for you,
06:02 you love him and are obedient to him,
06:05 then you can run to him for any and everything.
06:08 So I want to say to you today at the very beginning
06:10 of the outset,
06:11 because of the efficacious sacrifice of Jesus,
06:14 we can run to Him,
06:16 and know that we are going to be received
06:18 by an Eternal Father, and a Lord that keeps us
06:22 and strengthens us all the way.
06:24 Hebrews 9:15,
06:26 let's look at this together, Hebrews 9:15.
06:30 The Bible says, "And for this reason
06:32 He is the Mediator of a new covenant,
06:36 by means of death, for the redemption
06:39 of the transgressions under the first covenant,
06:43 that those who are called may receive the promise
06:47 of the eternal inheritance."
06:49 You know, the first covenant was continually practiced.
06:54 But it was just to be the foundation
06:58 or the ground work to remind people that when Jesus comes,
07:04 He would be able to ratify all of that.
07:07 He would be able to,
07:08 as was the case for many truckers,
07:10 He would be able to seal everything
07:13 that we have put inside of the trailer.
07:15 If the seal is not there, then we have no guarantee
07:18 that the work He has done is sufficient.
07:22 But when Paul says that His grace is sufficient for us,
07:27 he brings out another component that I want to emphasize,
07:29 which was very much a part of the first covenant
07:31 because of the people.
07:33 Why is His grace sufficient for us?
07:34 Because in our weakness, His strength is made perfect.
07:38 And that's something that the Israelites missed.
07:41 They thought that the sacrifice was sufficient
07:44 for their weakness.
07:45 But it wasn't because the sacrifice
07:47 and the people, they were both weak.
07:49 That's why there was a need for a more perfect sacrifice,
07:53 there was a need for a more perfect lamb.
07:58 Nothing that the people could have done
08:00 could have made their work sufficient.
08:03 So Jesus had to come.
08:05 So we find in Hebrews 9:15, it explains that
08:08 the death of Jesus as a sacrifice
08:10 had the purpose of providing redemption.
08:12 It was providing something, not just substituting,
08:15 but it was also a sacrifice of provision,
08:18 providing redemption of the transgressions
08:21 that were committed under the first covenant.
08:23 What is that saying?
08:24 Think about how many thousands of years
08:26 those sacrifices were going on.
08:29 And then somebody,
08:30 let's just say 3000 years later say,
08:35 "Was that okay?
08:37 Do we do that? Do we do okay?"
08:39 And, and then the response is, "If He's victorious,
08:43 everything you did is not in vain."
08:45 Amen. That's right.
08:46 "But if He's not victorious,
08:48 you just did 3000-4000 years of work
08:50 for no apparent benefit."
08:53 That's how the salvation of humanity teetered,
08:57 like the fulcrum point on a seesaw.
09:00 Jesus became the fulcrum point between the first covenant
09:03 and the second, or the more perfect covenant.
09:08 But the covenant hadn't changed.
09:09 It was continuous all the way through.
09:11 That's why Jeremiah made it very clear.
09:13 Let's go to Jeremiah 34.
09:15 And I want you to see how in verse 18, and 19,
09:19 he points out
09:21 why the sacrifices were necessary to atone for sin,
09:24 and ratify the covenant made between the parties involved.
09:28 Jeremiah 34:18-19,
09:30 "And I will give the men who have transgressed
09:34 My covenant,
09:35 who have not performed the words of the covenant
09:38 which they made before Me,
09:40 when they cut the calf in two
09:43 and passed between the parts of it."
09:46 It was in fact an exercise
09:47 whenever there was a covenant made,
09:48 they would separate the animal and walk between them
09:51 as a sign of I'm accepting this covenant,
09:54 I agree to this covenant.
09:57 But look at verse 19, "The princes of Judah,
10:00 the princes of Jerusalem, the eunuchs, the priests,
10:04 and all the people of the land
10:05 who passed between the parts of the calf."
10:08 Now why did He mention the princes of Judah,
10:10 Jerusalem, the eunuchs and all the priests?
10:13 He says, as they made a covenant with one another,
10:16 and with me, I'm making a covenant with them.
10:19 Now He becomes, and when you go to Ephesians now,
10:22 the Bible says He broke down that middle wall of partition,
10:26 because walking between there was a separation
10:29 between one portion of the temple and the other.
10:34 And that curtain even itself,
10:37 Jesus became that middle partition.
10:40 So He removed the temporary partition,
10:43 He made all of those who were separated
10:45 by the ceremonial systems.
10:47 And let me add this component.
10:49 You had to be an Israelite, you had to be a Jew,
10:51 you had to be circumcised
10:52 to participate in the ceremonial services.
10:55 But when the Gentiles came in,
10:58 the circumcision of the heart was more important to Christ
11:02 than the circumcision of the flesh,
11:04 which was a necessity under the first covenant.
11:07 We find in Hebrews Chapter 9,
11:10 let's look at verse 6 and 7
11:13 why the sacrifices were necessary.
11:16 Hebrews 9:6-7,
11:18 "Now when these things had been thus prepared,"
11:22 that is the sacrifices,
11:23 "the priests always went into the first part
11:26 of the tabernacle, performing the services.
11:29 But into the second part
11:31 the high priest went alone once a year,
11:34 not without blood, which he offered for himself
11:37 and for the people's sins committed in ignorance."
11:41 I want to add something here.
11:42 This is something we don't often focus
11:43 on committed in ignorance.
11:46 Paul the Apostle says, if we willfully sin,
11:49 there's a difference between a sin and iniquity.
11:51 Iniquity is this continual willful sin,
11:55 but in the growth aspect of preparing
11:59 for that eternal day, in our journey,
12:02 as David the Psalmist says,
12:03 a righteous man falls seven times,
12:05 but he gets back up.
12:07 The falling aspect is not the Bible saying,
12:10 just go ahead and intentionally fall,
12:12 intentionally participate in things that's going
12:14 to make you fall.
12:15 No, because it says in Jude 24,
12:16 "Unto Him who was able to keep you from falling."
12:18 Amen.
12:20 A lot of people think that I'm going to be a sinner
12:21 continuously until the day that I'm perfected.
12:24 No, overcoming by the blood of the lamb is available now.
12:28 That's right.
12:30 He says, "My children, I write to you that you not sin."
12:32 So He's not saying just keep on sinning,
12:34 that's not what He told the woman at the well.
12:35 He said, "Go and sin no more."
12:38 So whatever you are confronted with,
12:40 whatever challenge you had in your life,
12:42 because Jesus is the one who provides the sacrifice,
12:46 He doesn't just provide a sacrifice
12:48 to forgive you of your sin, He provides the grace
12:51 and the strength to make you an overcomer over that sin.
12:55 Amen. So a lot of people say that's just how I am.
12:59 And we make excuses for continuing
13:01 and a broken character, not seeking the sufficiency
13:04 that is in Christ.
13:06 So when He says, His grace is sufficient for us,
13:08 in our weakness His strength is made perfect,
13:10 it's not saying keep on being weak.
13:12 No, it is saying that in Christ,
13:14 I can do all things
13:16 that is also including the overcoming
13:18 of the transgression, that at one point,
13:20 cause you to stumble so easily,
13:22 laying aside every weight,
13:24 and the sin that so easily besets you.
13:27 Don't carry the weight, lay it aside.
13:30 That's why Revelation 12:11, says,
13:32 "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb,
13:34 and by the word of their testimony,
13:36 and they did not love their lives to the death."
13:38 Now what does that mean?
13:39 Did not love their lives to the death?
13:41 It is also a comparison to the dedication
13:45 and the obedience of Jesus.
13:47 He was obedient unto the death of the cross.
13:49 It's not just saying that they are willing
13:51 to be martyrs for their faith is far deeper than that.
13:54 They are willing to be obedient even if it means
13:56 giving their lives to maintain an unbroken relationship
14:00 in obedience to Christ.
14:02 A lot of people are not obedient to the death,
14:04 because when death is mentioned,
14:05 they're ready to give it up.
14:07 I'm not dying for that, no, true dedication to Christ.
14:11 And an example of our gratitude for what He has done
14:15 would make us obedient even unto the death.
14:17 And so we see Romans 12:1, "I beseech you therefore,
14:20 brethren, by the mercies of God,
14:22 that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
14:24 holy, acceptable to God,
14:27 which is your reasonable service."
14:28 Only in Christ and through the better sacrifice
14:31 is that made possible.
14:33 Amen. Amen. Thank you so much, Pastor John.
14:35 I love that beautiful foundation.
14:37 I'm Jill Morikone and I have Monday's lesson,
14:40 Diverse Kinds of Sacrifices.
14:43 Now, to me, this is an incredible study.
14:45 We know as Pastor John said so beautifully,
14:48 without shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins,
14:52 and Jesus died to fulfill the claims of the law.
14:55 The wages of sin is death,
14:57 but the gift of God is eternal life
14:59 through Christ Jesus our Lord, through His shed blood.
15:02 But as we look at Monday's lesson,
15:04 Diverse Kinds of Sacrifices, to be honest with you,
15:06 I learned a lot,
15:08 because I have not spent a great deal of time
15:11 studying the sacrificial system.
15:14 The overarching themes, of course, I've studied,
15:16 but not really super in detail.
15:18 So this has been a great study for me.
15:21 We're going to look at the five major types
15:24 of sacrificial offerings.
15:26 We're going to look at the meaning
15:28 of each one of those types, what it represented,
15:33 how it was fulfilled in Christ, and then the application.
15:36 So we're going to do the meaning,
15:38 the representation, and the application.
15:40 And those five types are all found in the Book of Leviticus.
15:44 Type number one, I'll tell you the five
15:45 and then we'll unpack them all.
15:47 Number one is the burnt offering.
15:49 Number two is the grain offering.
15:53 Number three is the peace offering
15:56 or the fellowship offering.
15:58 Number four is the sin offering,
16:01 or the purification offering.
16:03 Number five,
16:04 I call it the restitution offering, because to me,
16:07 that makes more sense,
16:08 but you could call it the reparation offering.
16:12 So let's unpack those.
16:13 What in the world does all this mean?
16:14 Let's look at the burnt offering.
16:17 We will find that in Leviticus Chapter 1.
16:19 What is the meaning of the burnt offering?
16:22 They actually offered, the Israelites,
16:25 they would offer a sheep, sometimes it was a goat,
16:28 sometimes it was a boar, sometimes it was a bird,
16:32 it always had to be without blemish.
16:35 This was an atonement offering.
16:38 The burnt offering,
16:40 the key point in the burnt offering
16:41 is that the entire animal was to be consumed on the altar.
16:45 Everything was to be burned except for the hide,
16:48 or the skin of the animal.
16:50 Everything else was to be burned.
16:52 Of course, the person would place their head,
16:54 their hand on the head of the animal,
16:57 and then that animal was accepted
17:00 to make atonement for them.
17:02 This is, of course, looking forward by faith
17:04 to Jesus the coming Messiah.
17:07 So what's the representation of the burnt offering?
17:10 Christ's entire life was consumed for you and for me.
17:15 Remember, the entire animal was consumed on the altar,
17:18 Christ's entire life is consumed,
17:20 Hebrews 7:27, "Who does not need daily,"
17:24 this is referring to Jesus,
17:25 "as those high priests to offer up sacrifices,
17:28 first for His own sins, and then for the people's,
17:31 for this He did once for all, when He offered up Himself."
17:35 Jesus gave Himself completely,
17:37 entirely, His entire life was consumed for our salvation.
17:43 We also say we don't have time to read it.
17:45 But in Philippians Chapter 2,
17:47 we have this reference of Jesus being God,
17:50 being equal with God, giving up that station,
17:54 coming down to this earth, taking the form of a servant,
17:58 and then humbling Himself to death on the cross.
18:02 We see that entire sacrifice of Himself
18:07 when He came down.
18:09 What is the application for us today?
18:12 The blood of Jesus is to cover all of us,
18:14 not just one piece, but entirely.
18:17 Forgiveness is complete, forgiveness is total,
18:21 but surrender and submission
18:23 to God are to be complete in total.
18:26 Many times we'll only give a portion of the offering.
18:28 We don't give a burnt offering.
18:30 Okay, God, You can have this portion of me,
18:33 but I'm keeping back a portion for myself,
18:36 because I don't want my entire life
18:38 to be consumed or to be surrendered
18:41 or to be given to God.
18:43 Let's look at offering number two,
18:45 this is the grain offering.
18:47 And this was not an offering for atonement,
18:49 and this offering had no blood,
18:52 no flesh,
18:54 there was no death involved in this offering.
18:58 It did not have the purpose of providing atonement.
19:01 It was actually a gift of gratitude
19:03 for God's provision in sustaining His people.
19:08 Now what's interesting with all the offerings,
19:10 I just thought this is an interesting side note,
19:12 they added salt as a preservative,
19:14 symbolizing the permanence of God's covenant
19:17 with His people, all the offerings,
19:19 they added salt.
19:20 So what is the representation of this?
19:22 Remember, this grain offering is a gift of gratitude
19:25 for God's provision in sustaining His people.
19:28 Christ is the one who provides eternal life,
19:31 He is the bread of life.
19:32 The grain offering, He is the bread of life.
19:35 John 6:35.
19:37 Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life.
19:41 He who comes to Me shall never hunger.
19:43 He who believes in Me shall never thirst."
19:47 You see, Christ sustains us.
19:49 Christ provides eternal life for us.
19:52 That's right. Jesus is the bread of life.
19:56 And what's the application for us today?
19:58 We need to feed on Jesus, the Word,
20:01 we need to feed on Him and His Word.
20:06 In addition to that, I believe we need to walk in recognition
20:09 of His provision for our lives.
20:11 If this offering is a gift of gratitude
20:14 for God's provision and sustaining His people,
20:17 clearly every day, I need to recognize
20:20 He is my God, He is my Creator, He is my Savior,
20:24 He is my Redeemer, and soon coming King.
20:27 Let's look at offering number three.
20:28 This is the peace offering, or the fellowship offering.
20:33 Now, in this case,
20:35 the offer ate not just the priest,
20:39 so the person bringing the offering would partake
20:43 of the flesh as well.
20:45 Now they did not partake of the fat or the blood,
20:47 but they would partake of certain portions.
20:50 The purpose of the offering was to praise God,
20:52 this was not an atonement offering either,
20:54 the grain offering is not atonement,
20:56 and the peace offering is not an atonement offering.
20:59 They could bring a male or a female animal,
21:01 which is interesting, without blemish to the Lord.
21:06 This would be a communal meal with friends and family
21:10 to celebrate the well being provided by God.
21:14 So what's the representation of this?
21:16 Remember, the offer would partake of the meal together,
21:20 the representation, you and I,
21:23 are to spiritually partake of Christ.
21:26 Now this is really fascinating.
21:28 Remember, this is called the peace offering.
21:29 I've always thought of Jesus sacrifice in terms
21:32 of blood, right?
21:33 Without the shedding of blood, there's no remission of sins.
21:35 His blood covers my sins, His blood covers my debt.
21:38 That's how I have processed it.
21:41 But also there's a lot in peace involved with His death.
21:45 Romans 5:1, "Having been justified by faith,
21:48 we have peace with God," why?
21:50 "Through our Lord Jesus Christ."
21:52 Does that mean that Jesus' sacrifice
21:54 provides peace for us?
21:56 Think about Isaiah 53.
21:58 This is, of course, referring to Jesus.
22:01 He was wounded for our transgressions,
22:04 He was bruised for our iniquities.
22:06 The chastisement for our, what's that word?
22:08 Peace was upon Him, by His stripes, we are healed,
22:12 His sacrifice provided peace for us.
22:15 Ephesians 2:14,
22:16 "He Himself is our," what's that word?
22:18 "Peace who has made both one,
22:21 and broken down the middle wall of separation."
22:24 Now, that's something I want to study more,
22:26 is the sacrifice of Jesus providing peace.
22:30 You and I participate in this sacrifice
22:33 by eating His flesh and drinking His blood,
22:36 we see this in John 6.
22:37 Now let's look at the sin offering
22:39 or the purification offering.
22:41 This is offering number four.
22:42 Now, this is most definitely an atonement offering.
22:46 Of the five offerings, three of them were atonement offerings.
22:49 The burnt offering was for non-defiant type of sins.
22:54 The sin offering, which we're discussing right now
22:56 was for non-deliberate sins.
22:59 The restitution offering, which is offering number five
23:02 was for misusing holy things.
23:06 And you can see this in Leviticus 4 and 5,
23:08 the sin offering.
23:09 The interesting point is that the blood was applied
23:11 to the outer altar in the courtyard.
23:14 So the blood in this offering is more prominently displayed
23:18 than in the other offerings.
23:20 The representation, Christ redeemed me,
23:24 His life was provided,
23:26 His blood redeems us from sin.
23:30 He says in Matthew 26,
23:31 "This is My blood of the new covenant,
23:34 which has shed for many for the remission of sins."
23:39 What's the application for you and I today?
23:40 We are to accept His blood that can cover our sin.
23:44 Finally, number five, we're running out of time,
23:47 the restitution offering or the reparation offering.
23:50 Now this was also an atonement offering.
23:53 But the interesting thing is that the person
23:55 who brought the offering was required to make restitution.
23:59 Not only did they bring the sacrifice,
24:01 but they had to pay a penalty of 20% to restore
24:06 what was wrongfully taken.
24:09 It represents that Jesus Christ has paid the debt for my sin.
24:14 He does not just redeem me by His blood,
24:17 but He paid the debt that I owed.
24:20 And it says that you and I today,
24:22 even though we come to God and we ask for forgiveness,
24:25 there are times when,
24:26 if we have wronged someone else,
24:28 God requires us to make restitution
24:32 for what we have done and to pay that back.
24:35 That is the restitution offering.
24:37 Amen. Wow, Jill, thank you so much.
24:40 And I'm so glad the way you did that,
24:41 unpack that because I kind of lead into by seeing
24:44 the sin of ignorance and how powerful it is.
24:47 You know, we have a lot more to go.
24:49 So don't go away.
24:51 We'll be right back in just a few moments.
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25:27 Welcome back to our Sabbath School Panel.
25:28 I am going to give the time now
25:30 to Ryan Day as he talks about...
25:33 Jesus' Perfect Sacrifice. Okay.
25:36 That's the title of the overall lesson.
25:37 And I certainly appreciated that foundation.
25:40 It was very, very precise
25:41 and very helpful in us understanding deeper
25:45 what this means by Christ or Jesus' perfect sacrifice.
25:48 I have Tuesday's lesson, of course,
25:50 and the lesson starts out by having us read Hebrews 7:27,
25:55 as well as Hebrews 10:10. So let's go to those passages.
25:59 Hebrews 7:27,
26:02 and notice what the Bible says.
26:05 It says, "Who does not daily need daily,"
26:07 this of course referring to Christ,
26:09 "as those high priest to offer up sacrifices for,
26:12 notice, first for His own sins and then for the people's,
26:16 for this He did once for all,
26:19 when He offered up Himself."
26:21 I love that.
26:22 He did this once for all, when He offered up Himself.
26:26 I love that.
26:27 And, of course, going to Hebrews 10:10,
26:29 the same message is echoed.
26:31 Hebrews 10:10 says, "By that way,
26:34 we have been sanctified
26:36 through the offering of the body of Jesus,"
26:39 there it is, again, "once for all."
26:42 Of course, Jesus was the perfect sacrifice,
26:44 which is why He could only be offered up once
26:47 and only for all
26:48 because He is the perfect sacrifice.
26:50 The Levitical priest daily
26:52 as brought out in Hebrews 7:27,
26:54 as well as every year
26:56 as brought out clearly in Hebrews 9:25,
26:59 offered gifts and sacrifices that cannot perfect
27:03 the conscience of the worker.
27:04 And, of course, this is also clearly communicated
27:07 in Hebrews 9:9-10, as well as Hebrews 10:1-4,
27:11 there's going to be lots of scripture, so get ready.
27:13 Hebrews 9:9-10.
27:15 Notice what the Bible says,
27:18 again, bringing out the fact that this cannot perfect
27:21 the conscience of the worshiper.
27:23 So Hebrews 9:9-10,
27:25 "It was symbolic for the present time
27:27 in which both gifts and sacrifices are offered,"
27:30 there it is, "which cannot make Him
27:32 who performed the service perfect in regard
27:35 to the conscience, concerned only with food and drinks,
27:37 various washings and fleshly ordinances
27:39 imposed until the time of reformation."
27:42 Of course, Jill covered that a little bit in depth there.
27:44 She went through the different sin or the different offerings,
27:48 but Hebrews 10:1-4
27:50 goes a little deeper in expressing this as well.
27:53 Notice, Hebrews 10:1-4, it says, "For the law,
27:57 having a shadow of good things to come,
27:59 and not the very image of the things
28:01 can never with the same sacrifices,
28:05 which they offer continually year by year,
28:08 make those who approach perfect.
28:11 For then would they not have ceased to be offered?
28:14 For the worshipers, once purified,
28:17 would have had no more conscious of sins.
28:20 But in those sacrifices, there is a reminder
28:23 of sins every year, for it is not possible
28:27 that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sin."
28:30 All of that, of course,
28:32 as the Bible makes it very clear,
28:33 we're types and shadows pointing forward
28:35 to the perfect sacrifice which we find in Christ Jesus
28:39 who died once for all, as the scripture plainly says.
28:43 Jesus' sacrifice is superior to the sacrifice of animals
28:47 because, notice this, Jesus was the Son of God,
28:51 He was perfect and in of Himself
28:52 who perfectly fulfilled God's will,
28:55 according to Hebrews 10:5-10.
28:57 In fact, let's go to Hebrews 7 again,
28:59 we've read this text many times
29:01 that again this amplifies this message
29:03 and communicating what we're establishing today
29:05 as Christ's perfect sacrifice.
29:06 So Hebrews Chapter 7, we're going to read verses 26 to 28.
29:10 And notice what the Bible says here,
29:11 "For such a high priest was fitting for us
29:14 who is holy, harmless, undefiled,
29:16 separate from sinners,
29:18 and has become higher than the heavens,
29:21 who does not need daily as those high priests
29:23 to offer up sacrifices, first for His own sins
29:27 and then for the people's, for this He died,"
29:29 here it is again, "once for all,
29:32 when He offered up Himself,
29:33 for the law appoints as high priest,
29:35 men who have weakness, but the word of the oath
29:38 which came after the law appoints the Son
29:41 who has been perfected forever."
29:45 I love that. He has been perfected forever.
29:47 My mind goes back to that beautiful prophetic text
29:50 of the 70 weeks prophecy, where it says He,
29:53 speaking of Christ, confirmed the covenant
29:55 with many for one week but in the midst of that,
29:56 He brought an end to sacrifice and offering.
29:59 Only Christ can confirm the covenant.
30:02 Only Jesus' blood can bring in into all sacrifice
30:05 and offering.
30:06 It is very, very clear.
30:07 Hebrews 10, and we're going to read verses 5 through 10.
30:10 Hebrews 10:5-10.
30:13 It says, "Therefore, when He came into the world,
30:15 He said: 'Sacrifice and offering
30:17 You did not desire, but a body You have prepared for Me.'
30:22 In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin
30:24 you had no pleasure.
30:26 Then I said, 'Behold, I have come,
30:28 in the volume of the book it is written of Me,
30:31 to do Your will, O God.'
30:33 Previously saying, 'Sacrifice and offering, burnt offerings,
30:37 and offerings for sin You did not desire,
30:40 nor had pleasure in them, '
30:41 which are offered according to the law,
30:43 then He said, 'Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God.'
30:47 He takes away the first that He may establish the second.
30:51 By that will we have been sanctified
30:54 through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ,"
30:57 there it is again," once for all.'"
31:00 My friends, once Jesus Christ died,
31:02 it was done once for all, He completed the work
31:04 because His sacrifice was indeed a perfect sacrifice.
31:09 First, Jesus' sacrifice is perfectly effective
31:12 and never to be surpassed.
31:14 The sacrifices of the Levitical priests
31:15 were repeated because they were not effective.
31:18 Otherwise, would they not have ceased to be offered
31:20 since the worshipers having once been cleansed,
31:23 as we read earlier, would no longer have
31:25 any consciousness of sins?
31:27 Second of all, okay, this is important,
31:29 the different kinds of sacrifices
31:31 of the Old Testament found their fulfillment at the cross.
31:34 Thus Jesus not only cleanses us from sin, this is huge,
31:38 please get this, not only cleanses us from sin,
31:41 He also provides sanctification
31:43 as we see there in Hebrews 10:10-14,
31:46 which I believe we're going to read in just a moment.
31:48 It says here, lost my place. There we go.
31:52 Jesus not only cleanses us from sin,
31:54 He also provides sanctification
31:56 by putting sin away from our lives.
31:59 This is huge. And pastor alluded to this earlier.
32:01 And I just want to reemphasize and imply,
32:03 apply here very clearly, that a lot of people's idea
32:06 of the gospel is that Jesus died on the cross simply
32:09 for the means of forgiveness.
32:11 You know, Jesus died on the cross
32:13 so that I might have forgiveness and that's true.
32:15 Christ did die so that we might have forgiveness.
32:17 But He died, my friends,
32:18 for much more than just forgiveness.
32:20 Christ also died, that we might have complete
32:23 victory over sin.
32:24 That's where that sanctification process comes.
32:27 In fact, it's implied and very clearly communicated
32:29 in 1 John 1:9, when it says,
32:31 "If we confess our sins,
32:32 He is just to forgive us our sins,"
32:34 and then people stop right there.
32:35 But they don't read the next part.
32:37 "And to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
32:39 My friends, the cross,
32:41 the perfect sacrifice of Jesus was yes,
32:44 to pay the penalty, yes,
32:45 to provide a way for forgiveness,
32:47 but to also pave the way
32:49 and to make it a reality that just as Christ
32:52 was able to overcome the sin of the world,
32:54 we also through Him and through His shed blood,
32:56 and through His power can also overcome sin.
32:59 Before the priests could approach God in the sanctuary
33:02 and minister in behalf of their fellow human beings,
33:05 they had to be cleansed and sanctified or consecrated.
33:09 And when you read about this in Leviticus
33:10 Chapter 8 and 9, we're not going to read it.
33:12 I'm just referencing it so you can go read it for homework,
33:15 Leviticus 8 and 9.
33:16 Jesus' sacrifice cleanses us and consecrates us
33:19 so that we may approach God with confidence
33:22 and serve Him as a royal priesthood.
33:26 So now we go to Hebrews Chapter 10,
33:28 and you see this very clearly
33:29 communicated in Hebrews 10:10-14,
33:32 as well as 19 through 23.
33:34 So let's notice what the Bible says here in Hebrews 10:10-14.
33:38 It says, "By that will we have been sanctified
33:42 through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ,"
33:43 there it is once more, "once for all.
33:46 And every priest stands ministering daily
33:49 and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices,
33:51 which can never take away sins.
33:54 But this Man,
33:55 after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever,"
33:59 I love that, once for all, forever,
34:02 "He sat down at the right hand of God,
34:04 from that time waiting till His enemies are made His footstool.
34:08 For by one offering He has perfected
34:10 forever those who are being sanctified."
34:13 And then now you go down to verses 19 through 23.
34:16 It continues, "Therefore, brethren,
34:17 having boldness to enter the Holiest
34:20 by the blood of Jesus."
34:21 Notice, you're not going into the Holiest
34:23 unless it's by the blood of Jesus Christ.
34:25 "By a new and living way
34:27 which He consecrated for us, through the veil,
34:29 that is, His flesh,
34:31 and having a High Priest over the house of God,
34:34 let us draw near with a true heart
34:36 in full assurance of faith,
34:38 having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience
34:41 and our bodies washed with pure water.
34:44 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering,
34:47 for He who promised is faithful."
34:50 And the lesson has this final comment here.
34:52 It says finally Jesus'
34:54 sacrifice also provides nourishment
34:58 for our spiritual life.
34:59 I love that.
35:00 It provides an example that we need to observe and follow.
35:05 Thus, Hebrews invites us to fix our eyes upon Jesus,
35:09 especially the events of the cross
35:12 and follow His lead.
35:14 That's why the Bible says in Hebrews Chapter 12,
35:16 we've quoted this so many times.
35:18 In fact, it's probably the theme of Hebrews,
35:20 Hebrews 12:1-3.
35:22 But I'm looking at verse 2 here,
35:24 "Looking unto Jesus,
35:26 the author and finisher of our faith,
35:28 who for the joy that was set before Him."
35:32 And why was that joy set before Him?
35:33 Why did He look into that with joy?
35:35 Because God is love, Christ is love.
35:38 "For the joy that was set before Him,
35:39 He endured the cross, despising the shame
35:41 and has sat down at the right hand
35:43 of the throne of God."
35:44 My friends, plain and simple, Jesus' sacrifice,
35:47 the only sacrifice was perfect.
35:50 Amen.
35:51 Oh, that's absolutely, once for all,
35:53 He is the perfect sacrifice.
35:55 I'm Shelley Quinn.
35:57 And my lesson today is The Cross
36:00 and the Cost of Forgiveness.
36:02 We always talk about the free gift of God,
36:06 which is salvation by grace through faith.
36:08 Grace is free to us, but I want you to know,
36:12 it cost God everything.
36:16 He had to become a man and die to shed
36:20 the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
36:22 That's the cost of grace,
36:24 but that's how much God puts a value on your life.
36:29 Let's look at Hebrews Chapter 9,
36:31 we're going to start with verse 22.
36:34 Hebrews 9:22, "According to the law,
36:37 almost all things are purified with blood,
36:39 and without the shedding of blood,
36:41 there is no remission."
36:42 You can think back to Adam and Eve in the garden
36:45 when they sinned,
36:46 and they lost that covering of light,
36:50 that they found themselves naked.
36:52 What did God have to do?
36:54 He killed an animal to provide skins to cover their sin.
36:58 So without the shedding of blood,
36:59 there is no remission of sin.
37:01 That's right.
37:02 Verse 23, "Therefore it was necessary
37:04 that the copies of the things in the heavens,
37:07 that would be the earthly copies,
37:09 the sanctuaries should be purified
37:13 with these sacrifices of the animals,
37:16 but the heavenly things,
37:19 the heavenly sanctuary should be purified
37:23 with some a better sacrifice than these."
37:26 And that was the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
37:29 Verse 24, Hebrews 9:24,"
37:32 For Christ has not entered into the holy places
37:35 made with hands like the tabernacle on earth,
37:38 which are just copies of the true
37:41 but into heaven itself."
37:44 Now to appear in the presence of God for us,
37:48 He sits at the right hand of the throne as the last Adam,
37:52 the new representative of mankind,
37:54 He intercedes for us continually.
37:57 And it says not that He should, at verse 25,
38:01 "Not that He should offer Himself often
38:03 as the High Priest does when He enters
38:05 the Most Holy Place every year
38:07 with the blood of another."
38:09 Then it says in verse 26,
38:11 "He would have had to suffer often since the foundation
38:14 of the world, but now,
38:16 once at the end of the ages,
38:20 ever since Christ showed up, this is the end of the ages,
38:25 things are coming to a culmination,
38:27 He came to perform God's will and achieve God's will.
38:32 So now at the end of the ages,
38:34 He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself,
38:39 and as it is appointed for men to die once,
38:44 but after this the judgment.
38:46 So Christ was offered once
38:50 to bear the sins of many."
38:52 I have to pause here and say this,
38:55 He died for all,
38:58 but He will only bear the sins for many,
39:00 because it will only be those who receive Him
39:04 as Lord and Savior of their life.
39:08 "To those who eagerly wait for Him," it continues,
39:12 "He will appear a second time apart from sin for salvation."
39:16 Hallelujah.
39:18 You see, the old, the sanctuary of the Old Covenant
39:22 was nothing but a copy of the heavenly sanctuary.
39:27 Hebrews 8:5, God is talking about this.
39:31 And it says, "That those priests,
39:34 the earthly priests, the Levitical priests
39:36 served the copy and shadow of the heavenly things
39:40 as Moses was divinely instructed
39:44 when he was about to make the tabernacle
39:46 for God said to him,
39:48 'Moses, see that you make all things according
39:52 to the pattern shown you on the mountain.'"
39:55 The Ark of the Covenant when you saw the tabernacle,
39:59 there was the outer court, where the burnt,
40:02 altar burnt offering was, there was the Holy Place
40:05 where we had the table of showbread,
40:08 the incense that was before the veil,
40:11 and we had the seven-branched candlestick.
40:14 But behind the veil was the Holy of Holies.
40:18 Only once a year did the high priests go in there.
40:20 The Holy of Holies had the Ark of the Covenant.
40:24 This was the symbolic of the throne of God.
40:28 The Ten Commandments were inside the ark,
40:31 because the Ten Commandments are the foundation
40:34 of God's government.
40:35 It was in the Old Covenant, it's in the New Covenant.
40:39 And above the Ten Commandments was the mercy seat
40:43 because mercy always triumphs
40:46 judgment between the cherubim,
40:49 the Shekinah Glory of God would come down,
40:52 and He would sit on His throne, that throne,
40:56 that ark was a symbol of God's government.
40:59 Yes.
41:01 So Psalm 97:2 says, "That righteousness
41:04 and justice are the foundation of His throne."
41:10 As the omnipotent ruler, God is our judge,
41:14 He bears judicial responsibility.
41:19 To be fair, He's got to vindicate the innocent,
41:24 but He must judge and punish the guilty.
41:28 Let me tell you something,
41:31 justice is to get what you deserve,
41:34 mercy is not to get what you deserve,
41:40 but grace,
41:42 grace is to receive what you don't deserve.
41:47 In Exodus 34:7, it talks about God,
41:51 "He's speaking Himself that He keeps mercy for thousands,
41:54 forgiving iniquity, and transgression and sin,
41:58 but by no means clearing the guilty."
42:01 His way of judging affects the public perception
42:06 of righteousness of His government.
42:09 So to carry out just,
42:12 He's a just God and to carry out justice,
42:16 God had to become a man to take on our flesh,
42:20 so that He could die in our place,
42:24 paying that penalty.
42:26 And you know what?
42:28 That makes Him both just and the justifier
42:32 because He bears our sin.
42:35 In the original Hebrew, the word for forgiveness
42:41 means to bear, to carry our sin.
42:46 So under the Old Covenant system,
42:48 which pointed to Christ, everything about it,
42:51 there were two phases of cleansing from sin.
42:54 The first, the sinner brought an animal sacrifice,
42:58 he placed his hands on the little sacrifice,
43:01 the lamb, transferring his sins from himself to the substitute,
43:06 and then cut its throat.
43:09 Now, I'm saying that and I did that.
43:12 I don't mean to be disrespectful.
43:13 Can you imagine what it would be like
43:16 to cut the throat of a little baby lamb,
43:20 because you sinned?
43:21 Boy, make, I think you would think about it
43:24 twice before you sinned again.
43:26 But the blood of the animal was dobbed on the horns
43:29 of the altar,
43:31 and then that's the burnt offer,
43:35 the altar of burnt offering.
43:37 And then it was transferred before the veil,
43:40 it was sprinkled before the veil
43:43 that separated the Holy and Most Holy Place.
43:46 So the sin was symbolically transferred
43:50 to God Himself.
43:52 It allowed God to show justice
43:56 and mercy at the same time.
43:59 But the second phase of cleansing of sin was done
44:03 once a year on the Day of Atonement,
44:05 the only day that the high priest
44:09 and only the high priest
44:11 could go behind the veil.
44:13 Now we've got a whole study coming up on the veil.
44:16 It's fabulous.
44:17 But the high priest
44:19 went behind the veil to,
44:24 in the Holy of Holies to cleanse
44:27 the sanctuary of sin.
44:29 Now listen to what our author of our quarterly says,
44:33 "At the end of the year, on the Day of Atonement,
44:36 which was the Day of Judgment,
44:39 God would cleanse the sanctuary,
44:41 clearing His judicial responsibility
44:44 by transferring the sins from the sanctuary
44:50 to the scape goat, Azazel..."
44:53 Azazel.
44:55 Azazel, one day I'll pronounce that correctly.
44:57 "Azazel, who represented Satan."
45:02 You find that in Leviticus 16:15-22.
45:06 But then the author goes on and says,
45:08 "Those who confessed their sins during the year
45:11 showed loyalty to God by observing a solemn rest
45:15 and afflicting themselves on the Day of Atonement.
45:18 Those who did not show loyalty would be cut off."
45:24 Wow, that's eye-opening.
45:27 It makes sense that Jesus,
45:30 as our substitutionary sacrifice,
45:35 cleansed the heavenly temple.
45:37 Everything was a pattern.
45:39 So it had to be done. There had to be a cleansing.
45:43 What happened at that time,
45:46 the vindication of God's character,
45:49 because the cosmic conflict has all been about God's character,
45:53 and what happened is Christ transferred sin
45:59 to its rightful author, Satan.
46:01 Amen. Amen.
46:04 Praise God.
46:05 These lessons have been incredible.
46:07 They've been such a blessing, the Book of Hebrews.
46:09 I have Thursday's lesson,
46:10 which is really going to pick up Shelley
46:12 where you left off.
46:13 It's entitled Judgment and the Character of God.
46:16 My name is James Rafferty,
46:18 and we're looking here in Romans 3:21-26.
46:22 Now, we are going
46:23 to be staying in the theme of Hebrews.
46:25 But for this day,
46:27 we haven't really been given Hebrews to look at.
46:29 But if you want to think about
46:31 as we read through these verses,
46:33 what we're talking about,
46:34 what we're going to be focusing on judgment
46:36 and the character of God,
46:38 the overall foundation for this is going
46:40 to be Hebrews 11 and Hebrews 12.
46:42 We haven't really gotten there yet.
46:43 We're still at Hebrews 10,
46:44 kind of moving towards that direction.
46:46 But we'll see how what we're going to look at now
46:48 connects with Hebrews 11, and Hebrews Chapter 12.
46:51 Okay, Romans Chapter 3, beginning with verse 21.
46:55 "But now, the righteousness of God,
46:59 the justice of God, the righteousness of God,
47:01 the fairness of God, without the law is manifested,
47:04 being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets,
47:07 even the righteousness of God
47:09 which is by faith of Jesus Christ,
47:13 unto all and upon all them that believe,
47:15 for there is no difference."
47:17 There's no difference between believers
47:19 and those that don't believe when it comes to God
47:22 doing what's right.
47:24 That's right. The righteousness of God.
47:25 God has to do what's right.
47:27 And He does this through the faith of Jesus.
47:30 Now, the faith of Jesus is something
47:32 that Jesus wants us to have.
47:33 But before we have it, He has it.
47:35 It's His faith before it's our faith.
47:38 The Bible says that Jesus Christ
47:40 is the author and the finisher of faith.
47:43 And that's, of course, Hebrews 12:2.
47:46 So Jesus Christ has this faith toward us
47:50 before we have faith back toward Him.
47:52 And that faith causes Him,
47:54 well it says here to be presented,
47:56 for those who are awe and for those who believe,
48:00 that is according to Romans Chapters 1 and 2,
48:02 everyone, all we like sheep have gone astray,
48:05 we turned everyone to His own way
48:06 and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all."
48:10 Isaiah 53:6.
48:12 Then it goes on to say, for all have sinned,
48:14 that's past tense, and come short, present tense,
48:18 continue, of the glory of God.
48:20 All have sinned,
48:21 and come short of the glory of God
48:24 being justified freely by His grace...
48:26 Hallelujah.
48:28 Through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
48:29 Grace is getting what we don't deserve.
48:32 That's right.
48:34 "Whom," it says in verse 25, "God has set forth Jesus Christ
48:37 to be propitiation through faith in His blood,
48:39 to declare His righteousness for the remission
48:41 of sins of the past through the forbearance of God
48:43 to declare I say, at this time, His righteousness,
48:46 that He might be just and the justify Him
48:49 that believes in Jesus."
48:50 These are the verses that we're looking at here
48:52 in Thursday's lesson.
48:54 I want to read from the NIV these last two verses,
48:56 verses 25 and 26.
48:58 Here is what the NIV says, I think it's a little clearer.
49:00 "God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement
49:04 through His blood, excuse me, through the shedding
49:08 of His blood to be received by faith.
49:10 He did this to demonstrate His righteousness,
49:13 or we could say to demonstrate His justice."
49:16 Why? Why did God need to demonstrate His justice?
49:19 Because in His forbearance,
49:22 He had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished.
49:25 Now let's just stop there for just a second.
49:28 This verse is telling us that up until the coming of Christ,
49:31 we might even say even to our time,
49:33 no one has been punished for sin.
49:36 No one has been punished for sin.
49:37 You might say, "Well, what about the, you know,
49:39 the antediluvians, you know, God flooded the world?
49:41 And what about, you know, Sodom and Gomorrah,
49:43 you know, where God just brim fire and brimstone?"
49:45 Well, that actually wasn't punishment.
49:47 The ultimate punishment for sin is the second death.
49:51 That's right. Amen.
49:52 And the Bible indicates that there is no one
49:55 who has actually experienced that punishment but one,
49:59 and that is Jesus.
50:01 That's why in Psalm 51,
50:03 David is repenting of His sin with Bathsheba
50:05 and he actually says there in Psalm 51:4,
50:08 "Against Thee and Thee only have I sinned."
50:13 Because Jesus, God in the person of humanity
50:17 is the only one that has actually experienced
50:19 the ultimate consequence of sin.
50:22 God in His forbearance has not brought
50:24 that consequence upon the world.
50:25 Why?
50:27 Because the faith of Jesus says, "You know what?
50:28 If I die, if I become a man, if I take their sin upon,
50:31 if I carry that sin,
50:33 I believe that if they see that,
50:35 I believe that if I be lifted up,
50:37 John 12:32, that it'll draw all unto me,
50:40 I believe that."
50:42 That's my faith towards humanity.
50:43 And that faith towards humanity
50:45 is going to be rewarded in those that actually exercise
50:48 faith back to Jesus, who appreciate what He's done,
50:50 who respond to what He's done,
50:53 and who allow what He's done to be lived out in their lives.
50:56 And so the author here is saying
50:58 that this is the walk,
50:59 the reason why we have a judgment,
51:02 the reason why we have a judgment that's connected
51:04 with the character of God is because the character
51:07 of God is being revealed through Jesus
51:09 and that revelation actually causes us to make a decision.
51:13 Are we going to accept that or not?
51:15 And the judgment is where we figure out
51:18 if we accept that or not.
51:20 You see, we're not saved by our works,
51:21 we're saved by grace.
51:23 But our works testify as to whether
51:26 we've accepted that grace.
51:27 Amen. Have we accepted that salvation?
51:29 Because if we have, there's going to be fruit in our lives.
51:33 If we've accepted
51:34 what Jesus Christ has done for us,
51:36 if we have received the faith He's exercised toward us,
51:39 if we have the faith of Jesus that He exercised towards us,
51:44 we are actually going to keep the Commandments of God.
51:47 Amen.
51:49 That's why Revelation Chapter 14 closes out
51:51 with this beautiful picture in the proclamation
51:53 of the everlasting gospel.
51:54 Here are they that have or keep the faith of Jesus,
51:57 the faith that He's exercised toward us.
51:59 That's the gospel, and the Commandments of God,
52:01 the fruit of that faith
52:03 obedience in their lives.
52:08 So we look at this, it's powerful,
52:10 because what happens with God's people
52:12 is this mediation in the judgment applies
52:15 to all who receive the grace of Jesus Christ.
52:18 And as it is applied to them, their record comes up,
52:23 have they accepted, their record comes up.
52:25 And Hebrews Chapter 11 tells us what that record looks like.
52:27 You see Noah, who was faithful to preach for 120 years,
52:32 Hebrews 11 doesn't mention that he got drunk in his tent.
52:34 That's right.
52:36 You see Abraham who stepped out in faith,
52:38 you know, not knowing where he's going,
52:39 doesn't say he lied about his wife
52:41 being his sister twice.
52:44 You see Moses, who refused to be called Pharaoh's son
52:47 and suffered affliction with the people of God
52:49 doesn't say that Moses killed that Egyptian
52:51 and buried him in the sand.
52:53 There is no record in Hebrews 11
52:56 of the failures of God's people,
52:58 because they are standing in the faith of Jesus Christ.
53:01 They are standing in the blood of Jesus Christ,
53:04 the righteousness of Jesus Christ,
53:06 and all of their record has been blotted out.
53:09 Hebrews 11 could be a perfect example
53:12 of the investigative judgment
53:14 that vindicates the character of God because God said,
53:17 I believe if these people see me and accept me
53:19 that their lives will be transformed
53:21 and they will be returned to obedience,
53:24 they will be returned to faithfulness to My law.
53:26 There's a closing statement we want to look at here
53:28 it's in the quarterly speaking of this judgment,
53:31 Ellen G. White wrote,
53:34 "Man cannot meet these charges himself."
53:38 That is the accusations that Satan is bringing against us
53:41 in this judgment time.
53:43 "Innocence stain garments confessing his guilt,
53:45 he stands before God but Jesus, our advocate,
53:48 presents an effectual plea in behalf
53:51 of all who by repentance, and faith, the faith of Jesus,
53:55 have committed the keeping of their souls to Him.
53:58 He pleads their cause and vanquishes their accuser
54:01 by the mighty arguments of Calvary."
54:03 Hallelujah. Amen.
54:05 His perfect obedience to God's law.
54:10 Even unto the death of the cross,
54:12 has given Him all power in heaven and earth,
54:16 and He claims of His Father,
54:19 mercy and reconciliation for guilty man.
54:22 His perfect obedience is how we stand in the judgment.
54:26 Well, what about our obedience?
54:28 Well, our obedience testifies that we trust in His obedience.
54:31 Amen.
54:33 But why we should realize our sinful condition,
54:35 we have to rely wholly upon Christ as our righteousness,
54:38 our sanctification, our redemption
54:40 that's taken from 1 Corinthians 1:30.
54:42 We cannot answer the charges of Satan against us.
54:45 Christ alone can make an effectual plea in our behalf.
54:48 Why is that? Because He perfectly obey God's law.
54:50 And in the judgment, the law of God is the perfect standard.
54:54 And it has to be met perfectly
54:56 and only Christ was able to do that.
54:58 Amen. But guess what?
54:59 He did that so that we can put our trust in Him
55:03 and our lives and hearts can be transformed.
55:06 The perfect righteousness of Christ is not an excuse
55:09 to turn that grace into a license to sin.
55:13 Jude warns us not to allow people to convince us
55:17 that they're going to slip in among us.
55:18 But we got to earnestly contend for the faith,
55:21 Jude says in verses 3 and 4.
55:23 "Christ alone can make an effectual plea on our behalf.
55:26 He is able to silence the accuser
55:28 with arguments founded not upon our merits,
55:30 but upon His own."
55:32 And that's Testimonies for the Church, volume five,
55:35 pages 471 and 472.
55:37 And I would encourage you, copy that.
55:41 If you have access to those writings, copy that.
55:43 I have a copy of that in the front of my Bible.
55:46 I read it often because it reminds me
55:49 of this beautiful picture of the investigative judgment
55:52 and the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
55:54 And so when we look at our lesson for Thursday,
55:57 the title of this lesson,
55:58 The Judgment and the Character of God,
55:59 God's character is going
56:01 to be vindicated in this judgment,
56:03 because we're going to be seeing Jesus Christ
56:05 as He really is and the faith of Jesus toward us.
56:08 Amen. Amen.
56:09 Amen.
56:10 Thank you, James, thank you, Shelley, thank you, Ryan,
56:12 thank you, Jill.
56:13 A few closing thoughts, what do you have?
56:15 Monday's lesson, we looked at diverse kinds of offerings,
56:17 the five offerings burned, grain, peace,
56:20 sin and reparation, and they all point to Jesus.
56:24 Amen.
56:25 Scripture I didn't have an opportunity to read,
56:27 but Hebrews 13:12-13, says, "Therefore Jesus also,
56:32 that He might sanctify the people with His own blood
56:35 suffered outside the gate.
56:37 Therefore, let us go forth to Him outside of the camp,
56:40 bearing His reproach."
56:42 Let us be drawn to our Savior today.
56:44 Amen.
56:46 My lesson, The Cross and the Cost of Forgiveness.
56:49 Let me read 1 Peter 2:18-19,
56:52 "Knowing you were not redeemed with corruptible things
56:55 like silver and gold from your aimless conduct,
56:58 but with the precious blood of Christ
57:01 as a lamb without blemish, and without spot."
57:05 Amen.
57:06 We've heard the phrase, one for all and all for one,
57:08 I like to turn it on end and say,
57:11 one, the one Jesus Christ for all
57:14 so that all could be for the one.
57:17 Amen. I like that And thank you so much, everyone.
57:19 And thank you for joining us.
57:20 We have had an exciting study,
57:23 and we still have some more lessons to go.
57:26 But I'd like to just remind you
57:28 that when we talk about this beautiful sacrifice,
57:31 why sacrifices were needed,
57:34 let's not forget that the ultimate,
57:37 the pinnacle of our salvation is centered in Christ,
57:41 and Christ alone.
57:43 We find in 1 John 5:11,
57:45 "And this is the testimony
57:48 that God has given us eternal life,
57:50 and this life is in His Son."
57:53 So when you think about eternal life,
57:55 think about Jesus.
57:57 He's the only source of eternal life.
57:59 Join us next week for lesson number 10,
58:02 "Jesus Opens the Way Through the Veil."
58:05 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2022-02-03