3ABN Sabbath School Panel

The Creation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP220014S

00:01 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn,
00:02 we welcome you to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:05 This Quarter we will be studying Genesis...
00:09 a book that has so much to impart to us
00:12 and we're glad that you're joining us.
00:15 If you don't already have your Adult Bible Study Guide,
00:18 please go to 3abnsabbathschoolpanel. com
00:23 There you can download the Guide
00:25 and you can even watch some of the previous Quarters.
00:29 So, we're glad you're here... we do this for you
00:32 let's have a good time in the study of the Word today.
00:36 Music...
01:06 Shelley: Oh, we are all studied up
01:09 and ready to share with you Lesson One
01:12 from our new Quarterly: Genesis.
01:15 This is called: The Creation.
01:17 Let me introduce you to our Panel members.
01:20 To my left, I have Pastor John Lomacang.
01:23 Lomacang: Good to be able to study from the very beginning
01:26 the genesis of the understanding of God's Word.
01:28 Shelley: Amen... Evangelist Ryan Day.
01:31 Ryan: Amen... one of my favorite books... the book of Genesis...
01:33 definitely be studying what it means
01:35 which is the origins... the beginning.
01:37 Shelley: Amen... Pastor Kenny Shelton.
01:39 Kenny: It's always a delight to study the Word of God together.
01:42 I always learn so much from each and every one
01:44 and praise God for the opportunity.
01:46 Shelley: Well, we're glad you're here
01:48 and then Sister Jill Morikone,
01:51 how many takeaways do you have today?
01:52 Jill: Ten takeaways for today.
01:55 I'm excited to open up the Word of God and study.
01:57 Shelley: Oh me too... me too.
01:58 John, would you like to have a prayer please?
02:00 Lomacang: Sure... "Loving Father in heaven,
02:01 as we open Your Word...
02:03 you've said to us, 'In the beginning was the Word'
02:05 then You said, 'Let there be light'
02:07 and Lord, today we ask for the same thing.
02:09 Let the light that you reveal to us
02:11 be revealed through us
02:13 to those who are seeking to walk in the light of Your Word
02:16 and may all the glory go only to You.
02:18 In Jesus' name, amen.
02:20 Panel: Amen, amen.
02:21 Shelley: The beauty of Genesis
02:23 is that it reveals the origin of human kind...
02:27 it reveals the origin of time and Biblical history.
02:31 I want to give you an overview of Genesis.
02:35 That's what I was impressed to do as I was preparing
02:38 because Genesis lays the theological foundation
02:42 for some very important points.
02:46 First, God is Father... Son and Spirit.
02:49 Humankind... sin and death...
02:52 God's covenant promises of redemption...
02:57 of blessings and judgments.
03:00 It introduces God's covenant people
03:03 and God's character.
03:05 We will see that the more sin abounds...
03:07 the more God's grace abounds
03:10 to a people that were willfully disobedient
03:13 but it also lays a foundation of... a theological foundation
03:19 for Satan and angels.
03:21 Our memory text is: "In the beginning... "
03:24 this is Genesis 1:1...
03:26 this is how the Bible starts...
03:27 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. "
03:31 Now, this word "God" is Elohim.
03:34 The Bible says in the New Testament
03:38 in John 1:1 through 4...
03:41 "In the beginning was the Word,
03:43 the Word was with God,
03:44 and the Word was God...
03:47 and He was in the beginning with God...
03:50 All things were made through Him;
03:52 and without Him nothing was made that was made.
03:55 In Him was life; His life was the light of men. "
03:59 And verse 14 of John chapter 1 says,
04:03 "He became a man... "
04:06 He tabernacled among us
04:09 and so, we know that Jesus Christ is the Creator...
04:15 He was there in the beginning.
04:17 So, really, when we look at Genesis,
04:20 it is about... Jesus is our Creator...
04:23 our Sustainer...
04:25 you know, Hebrews 1:3 says that He upholds everything
04:28 by His mighty word of power and our redeemer.
04:33 Genesis is the beginning of God's progressive unfolding
04:40 of His everlasting covenant
04:42 and it is introduced in Genesis 3:15,
04:46 and you know what?
04:48 The whole story is not completely unfolded
04:51 till we reach Revelation 22:22.
04:55 Genesis was written after the exodus...
04:58 it was written by Moses after the exodus
05:02 but some time before his death
05:04 and God had him write the history of creation...
05:08 the primitive history of mankind
05:11 and the patriarchal history of His chosen people.
05:17 Genesis ends with the death of Joseph...
05:20 about 280 years before Moses was born
05:24 but it's important to note
05:26 both the Old Testament and the New Testament
05:29 refer to Moses as the author.
05:32 It's quoted or alluded to 100s of times in the Old Testament...
05:36 Genesis is...
05:37 but it's quoted over 35 times in the New Testament.
05:41 So, the contents in Genesis are divided into two primary parts.
05:47 There is chapters one through 11
05:50 and then chapters 12 through 50.
05:53 One through 11 condenses... distills 2000 years of history
06:01 into... it's just a sweeping overview of history
06:06 in those 11 chapters
06:08 and what we see there is the creation of a perfect world...
06:13 perfect man...
06:14 we see the fall of man...
06:15 we see the flood
06:17 and we see the dispersion of the nations
06:20 and what we see also
06:23 is that Genesis relates to Revelation.
06:27 In Genesis, there's the paradise lost...
06:32 Revelation... Paradise regained.
06:35 In Genesis, there is the fall of mankind...
06:38 the curse of sin.
06:39 In Revelation 22:3 says, there will no longer be a curse.
06:44 In Genesis, they're banned from the Tree of Life...
06:47 but in Revelation, we find that robe in Christ's righteousness,
06:53 we are once again eating from the Tree of Life.
06:56 So, let's see Genesis 12 through 50.
07:00 This is the patriarchal history.
07:03 The history of and... and this is important because
07:07 you'll see why it's so important to us.
07:09 The history of Abraham...
07:11 God actually introduced... re-affirmed
07:16 and He confirmed His everlasting covenant with Abraham...
07:22 passed on to Jacob...
07:24 Isaac... Jacob and then Joseph.
07:26 So, what we're going to look at in... in Genesis 1 through 11
07:32 is in Mesopotamia...
07:33 Genesis 12 through 50 is in Canaan
07:38 and the Promised Land.
07:40 So, here's the fascinating thing
07:43 and it puts everything into perspective.
07:47 The Bible records 4100 years of history.
07:51 Do you realize, over 2300 years are recorded in Genesis.
07:57 Why is it that important?
07:59 Wow! and in the beginning, the first verse when it says,
08:04 God created... the word there is "Bara" in the Hebrew
08:09 and you know what that means?
08:11 He created something from nothing...
08:14 "Bara" is never used with mankind...
08:18 it is a word that is only assigned to God.
08:23 So... Sunday: The God of Creation...
08:25 oh, I've got to rush.
08:27 Moses... when... when Moses is introducing God, you know what?
08:31 He doesn't even try to defend or explain God's origin
08:36 or His character.
08:38 He just knows... both are by faith
08:41 and he gets with it.
08:42 But there's two different Genesis accounts
08:46 and they spotlight two different ideas of God
08:50 or of His character.
08:52 The first account is found in Genesis 1:1 through 4,
08:56 when it says, "In the beginning God created... "
09:00 it's Elohim created...
09:03 this is the transcendent God whose eternal existence
09:09 is beyond our material universe
09:12 and His name... this name is Majesty and Preeminence.
09:18 But when we get to the second account
09:22 in Genesis 2:4 through 25,
09:24 let's look at Genesis 2:4,
09:27 "This is the history of the heavens and the earth
09:29 when they were created,
09:31 in the day that the LORD God... "
09:34 this is not Elohim... this is God's covenant name, Yahweh.
09:39 "In that day that the LORD God made the heavens and the earth"
09:45 so, this name denotes an imminent God
09:50 in that, that there's two words for Imminent...
09:53 and people sometimes don't realize the second word:
09:56 I M M A N E N T
09:59 is talking about God's Eminence...
10:02 His presence around us that He is up close and personal
10:07 and He creates... I guess you could say,
10:12 it makes us acknowledge our dependence on God.
10:16 So, in this two-fold...
10:18 in these two names we see the majestic powerful God
10:22 and a God who is close and loving
10:25 and wants us in personal relationship.
10:30 Now, when we look at Genesis, where am I?
10:35 When... when we look at Psalm 100 verses 1 through 3,
10:43 when we see there is that...
10:47 it says, "Make a joyful shout to the LORD, all ye lands.
10:54 Serve the LORD with gladness:
10:57 come before His presence with singing.
11:01 Know that the LORD He is God:
11:04 it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;
11:10 we are His sheep... His people...
11:14 and the sheep of His pasture. "
11:16 So, Genesis is going to explain to us where we came from.
11:23 God created us in His image.
11:26 God created us to have that covenant relationship
11:34 with Yahweh... Jehovah God.
11:37 He wants...
11:39 He... He was increasing the size of His family.
11:43 I guess you could say... when He created us.
11:46 But this also shows us why we're here.
11:50 We're here to have that personal close relationship with our Lord
11:58 and, you know, when you look through and you see
12:03 Elohim... the One who existed forever
12:08 and then we see Yahweh.
12:12 That One who existed forever... His personal name, Jehovah,
12:17 that He wants us.
12:19 It's all about grace...
12:21 it's all about grace.
12:23 We're only here because of God's grace,
12:27 He created this beautiful world...
12:30 then he set man in this world
12:32 and then we're going to see as we go through Genesis
12:36 that God is a God of redemption.
12:42 This... it is such an important part
12:45 and this too... redemption is a gift of God's grace.
12:50 So, we pray that as we go through this,
12:53 don't think, "Oh, I've heard this...
12:55 this story before in my Sabbath School... "
12:59 or my Sunday School...
13:00 wherever you go for Bible Studies,
13:03 what we want you to do is listen
13:06 because we're going to bring out
13:09 points that you may never have thought of
13:12 where it's like we're peeling an onion
13:15 and we're getting down... or better say an artichoke...
13:18 we're peeling off the leaves of an artichoke
13:21 till we get to the heart of the matter
13:23 and it is the heart of God.
13:26 Panel: Amen... amen... praise the Lord.
13:29 Lomacang: Well, we have started in the Genesis... of the Genesis
13:34 and mine is: The Creation... Monday.
13:37 Now, creation is something that all Christians, I believe,
13:42 should believe in Creation.
13:44 I've been surprised to find out the different theories
13:48 that are coming out of what people may believe
13:51 and at the very same time saying they believe in Creation.
13:53 Creation is a record that as a matter of fact,
13:57 you can find seven days in no other place in the world...
14:00 you can't find it in the stars... the sun... the moon...
14:04 the cycles of time... it can only be found
14:06 in the story of Creation
14:09 and you find that at the end of the six creation days,
14:12 this phrase: It was good... and God saw that it was good.
14:15 You find that a continual cadence...
14:18 throughout the story of Creation
14:20 in the book of Genesis chapter 1.
14:23 But the tenure goes to another level
14:26 when creation is completed.
14:28 Let's go to Genesis 1 and verse 31,
14:30 God's observation escalates to another level
14:33 when creation is completed.
14:35 Genesis 1 verse 31,
14:37 "Then God saw every thing that He had made,
14:41 and indeed it was... " together...
14:43 All: "very good.
14:44 So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. "
14:48 We find that phrase, "evening and morning" six times.
14:51 We find the word "day" ten times.
14:53 and that is not... there are some that believe that
14:58 the days were a... a thousand years long
15:01 and they try to cite...
15:02 "With the Lord, a day is as a thousand years
15:05 and a thousand years is as a day... "
15:07 and there are some religions that believe
15:09 the day was broken up into 500-year segments.
15:11 Well, you can't even test the theory
15:13 because no plant life could exist
15:16 for 500 years in darkness.
15:18 But the word there makes it very clear:
15:20 evening... morning, evening... morning...
15:22 the cycles of time that God established in creation
15:25 continues to exist today
15:27 even though sin now inhabits our world...
15:30 now, Genesis 2 verses 1 to 3,
15:32 which Ryan is going to be dealing with: the Sabbath...
15:33 I'm just going to mention the text
15:35 but I'm not going to deal with the topic of Sabbath,
15:37 but we find that on the heels of creation,
15:40 the affirmation of God's work is brought about in the verses
15:45 in Genesis chapter 2 verses 1 to 3,
15:47 "Thus the heavens and the earth
15:49 and all the host of them were finished.
15:51 And on the Seventh day God ended His work
15:53 which He had done,
15:55 and He rested on the seventh day from all His work
15:57 which He had done.
15:59 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it,
16:02 because in it He rested from all His work
16:05 which God had created and made. "
16:06 And He did that to no other day...
16:08 and I can't wait to hear what you have to say
16:10 about the Sabbath.
16:11 But the question I was asked by the writer of the lesson is,
16:13 "What is implied... what is the implied lesson
16:16 contained in the conclusion of creation?"
16:18 Here are some of the things I came out with.
16:21 What you find is that every step of the creation,
16:24 God evaluates His own work.
16:26 Panel: Hmmm... hmmm...
16:27 Lomacang: Now that's powerful, God evaluates...
16:29 and at the end of the day He said,
16:31 "It was good... "
16:32 He continues to evaluate,
16:34 which is the general understanding
16:36 the Hebrew word there is: tov... "tov" meaning good.
16:40 so at the end of every day
16:41 God said, it was "tov" it was good
16:44 generally understanding that the succession of creation
16:49 was the observation that when the Lord created what He did
16:54 on each day... it was good.
16:55 Then another word there meaning: it worked.
16:59 Panel: Hmmm... Lomacang: It worked.
17:00 So... so when you look at the Hebrew word...
17:04 it doesn't just mean that it's good...
17:05 it means: it worked.
17:06 So, what God did on every day... it's still working today.
17:09 Panel: Amen... amen. Lomacang: And it hasn't changed.
17:11 Now, what's wonderful about that...
17:12 James 1:17 says this to us,
17:14 "Every good and every perfect gift is from above,
17:20 and comes down from the Father of lights,
17:21 with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. "
17:25 So, the very word "good... good... good"
17:27 continually at the end of every creation day
17:30 is re-emphasized by James.
17:32 That's what happens when God is involved...
17:33 everything good comes from Him.
17:36 Genesis 1 verse 4, the Bible starts with the illumination,
17:40 "And God saw the light, that it was good;
17:45 and God divided the light from the darkness.
17:47 And He called the light Day,
17:49 and He called the darkness Night. "
17:51 Now, this is something that
17:52 I'd like to develop at a different time
17:54 because people said, "Wait a minute...
17:56 but the sun and the moon were not yet created... "
17:58 which says to God,
18:00 "You don't need a sun and a moon to have light. "
18:03 God created the existence of light
18:07 and the sun and the moon were to govern the light
18:10 not to produce the light.
18:12 The sun and the moon were there to govern the day...
18:15 govern the night but not to produce it.
18:17 God already produced it.
18:19 We also go to the plant life, Genesis 1 verse 12,
18:22 the plants were yielding fruit...
18:24 "And the earth brought forth grass,
18:26 the herb that yields fruit according to its kind,
18:30 and the trees that yield fruit,
18:32 whose seed is in itself according to its kind.
18:35 And God saw that it was good. "
18:37 Now, when you look at the progression of creation,
18:40 it radically contradicts the theories of evolution
18:43 which dogmatically declares that everything happened eventually.
18:49 The way I wrote it down was,
18:51 evolution talks about a progressive creation...
18:54 a successive creation
18:56 that happened on the heels of an accidental explosion.
18:58 Panel: Hmmm... hmmm...
19:00 Lomacang: how could such order come out of such chaos?
19:04 Now, an Astrophysicist by the name of: Neil deGrasse Tyson...
19:07 I don't agree with much of what he says
19:10 but this phrase... he really pulled it off when he said,
19:13 and I apply this to those who believe in evolution...
19:15 how strange... he's one of the believers...
19:17 but what he says actually denies the very things he espouses.
19:21 He says, "One of the greatest challenges in life
19:23 is knowing enough to think you're right
19:25 but not enough to know you're wrong. "
19:28 Panel: Hmmm... hmmm...
19:29 Lomacang: And that's what's happened to...
19:30 Evolutionists today are saying that the evidences of a God
19:34 who created the world is missing.
19:36 Well, you've got to know what the evidence is that's missing
19:39 to know it's missing.
19:40 But they can't produce... when you ask, "What's missing?"
19:43 they can't tell you what's missing.
19:44 Well, the fact of the matter is, they're trying to find God
19:47 and God cannot be found by humanity.
19:49 Panel: Hmmm... hmmm...
19:50 Lomacang: Good news... humanity can be found by God.
19:53 Panel: Amen... amen.
19:54 Lomacang: The Biblical record points it out very clearly
19:56 and Shelley mentioned this,
19:58 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. "
19:59 How did He do it?
20:01 Psalm 33 verses 6 and 9,
20:02 "By the word of the Lord the heavens were made,
20:08 and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth.
20:11 He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap;
20:15 He lays up the deep in storehouses.
20:17 Let all the earth fear the Lord;
20:19 Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.
20:23 For He spoke, and it was done;
20:24 He commanded, and it stood fast. "
20:26 Only God can create
20:29 and I... I love the way you use that word
20:31 when talking about Elohim.
20:32 When God created "Bara" meant He created out of nothing.
20:38 Panel: That's right.
20:39 Lomacang: Now, we can't create anything out of nothing.
20:41 Shelley: That's right. Panel: Hmmm... hmmm...
20:42 Lomacang: We could say a lot of nothing
20:44 but we can't create anything out of nothing.
20:45 What you said meant nothing but it came from something.
20:48 It came from a mind devoid of understanding.
20:50 We did not become...
20:52 the other part is... we did not become humans...
20:55 we were created humans. Panel: Amen.
20:58 Lomacang: Humanity did not evolve into human.
21:01 How God made creation in the very beginning,
21:04 is how it continues to this very day.
21:06 Obviously, sin has interrupted the perfection of it,
21:09 but Genesis 1 verse 26 talks about this.
21:12 The perfection of the creation of humankind.
21:15 Verse 26, "Then God said, 'Let us make man in Our image,
21:19 according to Our likeness;
21:21 let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
21:25 over the birds of the air, and over the cattle,
21:27 over all the earth
21:29 and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. '"
21:32 Verse 27, "So God created man in His own image;
21:37 in the image of God He created him;
21:40 male and female He created them. "
21:43 So, when creation was done,
21:44 male and female were here.
21:47 We did not evolve out of an Amoeba or a Paramecium
21:50 that sprung legs and crawled out of a swampy pond
21:54 then over the course of billions of years
21:56 stood up and became a monkey
21:58 that became an ape... that became a man...
22:00 that became a woman...
22:01 you can't get... I don't want to be...
22:03 I don't want to be cynical here
22:05 but if you've seen how wonderful people look,
22:09 don't contribute the beauty of a human...
22:13 the handsomeness of a man and the beauty of a woman
22:16 to a monkey.
22:17 Panel: Hmmm... that's right. Lomacang: It doesn't match.
22:19 It doesn't even make any sense
22:21 and that will by... by the way,
22:23 that's why people behave the way they do.
22:25 You know, the same is also true about the creation of animals.
22:29 Animals did not evolve into what they are today.
22:33 If that were the case, then how did the monkey stop evolving?
22:36 We have other animals that people have said...
22:39 have come from monkeys or come from apes,
22:42 but apes and monkeys still exist
22:43 so, you see the theory is ridiculous.
22:46 That's why Genesis 1 verse 24...
22:48 the Bible says, "Then God said,
22:49 'Let the earth bring forth the living creatures
22:52 according to its kind:
22:53 cattle and creeping things and beast of the earth,
22:57 each according to its kind';
22:59 and it was so. "
23:00 It worked... and it's still working today.
23:02 So, we find in the Bible also the six references
23:06 to the evening and the morning
23:07 denotes that there was a cycle of time each day
23:10 had a beginning and an end.
23:13 In Genesis 1 verse 6
23:14 talks about the beginning and the end of those days.
23:16 "Then God made two great lights:
23:18 the greater light to rule the day,
23:20 the lesser light to rule the night.
23:22 He made the stars also. "
23:24 Now, in evolution, the theory is
23:26 the big bang unleashed a creative process
23:30 that took millions of years to get to where we are today.
23:34 But the evidence that there was nothing more to be created
23:38 is the word: finished.
23:40 When God finished it, it was finished.
23:44 There was nothing evolutionary to show up
23:46 after God said, "It was finished... "
23:48 it was so finished... He said it was very good.
23:51 If creation was not finished, the seventh day could not exist.
23:54 Panel: That's right... that's right.
23:56 Lomacang: Chew on that for a moment,
23:57 "If creation was not yet done,
23:59 the seventh day could not continue to exist. "
24:02 The seventh day is the capstone of the creation week
24:06 and in just a moment,
24:07 Ryan's going to take charge of that Sabbath day.
24:09 Shelley: Amen, I just have to add one point,
24:11 you know, there's no way that Geologists can date our earth
24:16 because God created everything with a parent age.
24:18 Adam and Eve weren't little babies...
24:20 they were grown, people.
24:22 Plants... trees were grown, so, oh, God's Word is perfect.
24:28 We'll be back in just 30 seconds stay tuned.
24:31 Music...
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25:05 Shelley: Now, we will continue our study for Tuesday
25:08 with Ryan Day.
25:10 Ryan: Amen... praise the Lord, I'm Ryan Day...
25:11 and I have Tuesday's Lesson and it's entitled: The Sabbath
25:14 and I'm so blessed to have this lesson
25:17 because you know, the Sabbath message...
25:19 the truth of the Sabbath...
25:20 the blessing of the Sabbath has just changed my life.
25:23 I wasn't always... and haven't always been a Sabbath Keeper
25:26 according to the Biblical message.
25:28 God showed that to me later in life as an early adult...
25:31 a young adult
25:32 and it has just tremendously changed my life for the better
25:36 and so, I want to... I don't want to take much time,
25:38 I want to jump right into the text
25:40 because actually, Tuesday's lesson dives us right into
25:43 Genesis chapter 2.
25:44 I want to thank Pastor Lomacang and Shelley
25:47 for giving us a great setup for this
25:48 because now we'll get to talk about
25:50 the capstone of creation week...
25:51 of God's beautiful rest day.
25:53 So, Genesis chapter 2,
25:55 we're going to read verses 1 through 3,
25:56 and notice what the Bible says,
25:58 Genesis chapter 2 verses 1 through 3 says,
26:00 "Thus the heavens and the earth,
26:02 and all the host of them, were finished.
26:04 And on the seventh day
26:06 God ended His work which He had done,
26:09 and He rested on the seventh day from all His work
26:12 which He had done.
26:14 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it,
26:17 because in it He had rested from all His work
26:20 which He had created and made. "
26:23 And I just have to emphasize this
26:24 because there may be someone watching right now
26:26 that has never heard this truth...
26:27 never heard the truth about the Sabbath.
26:29 The beautiful thing to note here
26:30 which we often like to bring out
26:32 is that when you're studying this beautiful creation week,
26:34 God is doing this like a Painter on a beautiful canvas,
26:37 He's just doing all of this beautiful work
26:39 on each and every creation day...
26:41 just all of this beautiful creation
26:43 on each and individual day
26:44 but by the time He gets to the seventh day,
26:46 He does three things as this text just brought out
26:49 three things on the seventh day
26:51 that He did not do on any of the previous creation days
26:53 and so, now when He gets to the Sabbath,
26:55 He rests... that's the first thing... He rests...
26:58 He... and the word there is Shabbath...
26:59 He rests He is Sabbath...
27:00 that's where we get the word "Sabbath" from.
27:03 He rested... He blessed the seventh day.
27:05 That's not to say that the other days aren't a blessing,
27:08 right? Every day should be a blessing
27:10 but on that particular day, God placed a special blessing
27:13 on this seventh day
27:15 and now, the third thing of course, is
27:17 that He sanctified it...
27:19 He made it holy... He set it apart...
27:21 He sanctified it and that's what "sanctified" means,
27:23 He set it apart for a holy use.
27:25 He set it apart from the other six,
27:27 He said, "Look, these are the days that I worked...
27:29 these are the days that I created... I done my labor,
27:32 but the seventh day is now set apart for a holy use,
27:35 it's declared holy... it's a holy day.
27:37 When God makes something holy,
27:39 how are you going to reverse that?
27:40 Panel: Amen.
27:41 Ryan: You can't reverse that whatsoever,
27:43 so, this is why we should be emphasizing
27:44 and bringing out the blessing and the holiness...
27:46 the sanctity of the Sabbath day
27:48 and we know that this continues on.
27:50 God's commandments including the Sabbath commandment,
27:52 continues on for creation.
27:54 I've even have people say, "You know, Ryan,
27:56 you know, Sabbath doesn't really come along
27:57 until the commandments in Mount Sinai,
27:59 but we know that the commandments pre-date Sinai
28:02 because we see right there in the 26th chapter of Genesis,
28:04 which we'll get to when we talk about Abraham,
28:06 and how Abraham was obedient to all of God's commandments
28:09 and to God's voice.
28:11 Even in the 16th chapter of Exodus, we see the Sabbath...
28:14 God's saying, "How long do you refuse to keep my laws?"
28:17 And this was before He had given the Decalogue
28:19 or the formal Ten Commandments on the tablets of stone
28:22 and so the Sabbath has always been a blessing since creation
28:26 and He wants all of His people to...
28:28 to participate in that blessing.
28:30 Now, let's go read the command itself,
28:32 because as we often call these the Ten Commandments,
28:35 they're really... and we've said this often as well
28:37 and I just want to emphasize it... it's the ten freedoms.
28:40 God is setting His people free from 400 years of bondage
28:43 in Egypt... and He's saying, "Look,
28:45 I want to now give you the freedom
28:46 to rest on My holy day...
28:48 work six days... yes...
28:50 but rest on My holy day... "
28:52 and so, He emphasizes the... the significance of the Sabbath
28:55 in Exodus chapter 20, verses 8 through 11,
28:58 Exodus 20 verses 8 through 11,
29:00 this is the Sabbath commandment...
29:02 God is verbally speaking this and He tells them,
29:04 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
29:07 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
29:10 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
29:12 In it you shall do no work:
29:15 you, nor your son, nor your daughter,
29:18 nor your male servant, nor your female servant,
29:21 not your cattle,
29:22 nor your stranger who is within your gates... "
29:24 and then He tells us why we keep it holy.
29:26 "For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth,
29:29 the sea, and all that in them is,
29:31 and rested the seventh day.
29:33 Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. "
29:37 I love it... the first verse there... verse 8,
29:40 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy... "
29:41 the general command... God wants us to remember it...
29:44 He wants us to honor it,
29:45 He wants us to keep it holy.
29:47 How do we do that? Verses 9 and 10,
29:49 we rest and allow others to rest
29:52 in our control... within our gates...
29:54 within our property...
29:55 if we have control over that, we should rest.
29:57 We should allow others to receive the blessing of rest
30:00 and then, of course, why do we keep the Sabbath holy?
30:03 Not because God's just trying to put some oppressive...
30:06 like... you can't do this and you can't do that
30:07 and you can't... a lot of people see the Sabbath as a...
30:10 as a curse or as a... as a... as a heavy drudgery
30:13 that they can't do all of these things
30:14 but God says, "No, no, no, no, no,
30:16 it's much more...
30:17 it's farther beyond just the 'rest' aspect...
30:19 it's a memorial of Creation. "
30:22 Lomacang: That's right.
30:23 Ryan: When we... we keep the Sabbath holy,
30:25 we're remembering God's creative work,
30:27 His amazing creative work
30:29 and Him as the Creator of the universe.
30:31 It's all right there even in the general commandment
30:34 and... and, you know, the Sabbath...
30:35 the... the lesson brings this out,
30:36 I'm going to read this portion here
30:38 because this is really, really nice.
30:39 The Sabbath is also a way in which we...
30:41 it's a reminder in which we can take care of our... ourselves...
30:44 our bodies... our lives...
30:45 notice what the Lesson brings here
30:47 and I have to read this, it says,
30:48 "We can rest from our works just as God had rested from His.
30:52 Sabbath-keeping means saying "yes" to God's
30:56 very good creation
30:58 which includes our physical bodies.
30:59 Contrary to some ancient and modern beliefs,
31:02 nothing in Scripture... Old or New Testament
31:05 denigrates the body as evil... "
31:09 and so, it goes on to say that's a pagan concept
31:11 not a Biblical one.
31:12 Instead, Sabbath-keepers are grateful for God's creation
31:15 which includes their own flesh, right
31:18 and that is why they can enjoy the creation
31:21 and what they... and why they care of it.
31:23 We are, we are... we are the... the temple of the Holy Spirit
31:27 and the Bible makes that very clear
31:28 and we need that rest...
31:30 the Sabbath rest is a... is a delight... it should be a joy.
31:33 It's a way for us to... to re-energize
31:36 and to take a pause from our busy life
31:38 and to be able to get that spiritual and physical rest
31:41 that we need each and every... each and every week.
31:44 It's a sign... the Sabbath...
31:46 I love this too... it's beautiful,
31:48 it's a sign of hope for suffering humanity
31:51 and for the groaning of the world.
31:53 Now, this comes obviously Post Fall, right,
31:56 when sin enters the world
31:58 but each and every week
31:59 now that we're living in this sinful world,
32:01 it's a reminder that... that it's a sign of hope
32:04 for suffering humanity.
32:06 We even see this within the context of, you know,
32:08 right there in the beginning of creation
32:10 where it says, "God finished His work. "
32:12 He finished His work
32:13 but then you see the same phrasing... same words
32:16 that are used in Exodus chapter 40 verse 33,
32:18 when Moses... they finished building the sanctuary,
32:22 the tabernacle...
32:23 we see it again within the context of the sanctuary
32:26 in 1st Kings chapter 7 verses 40 and 51,
32:29 during the building of Solomon's Temple
32:31 or we call it Solomon's Temple, it's the Lord's Temple...
32:34 but nonetheless, we see very clearly there
32:36 that in the finishing of that work,
32:38 the blessing of the Sabbath is a reminder...
32:41 it points us to salvation and redemption
32:43 and the fact that when you think of the sanctuary message,
32:46 it's progressive
32:47 and the progressive message the...
32:49 the salvation message and the sanctuary
32:51 is leading us to a time when we will have...
32:53 when we will have eternal spiritual rest in God.
32:56 It's progressively leading us to the very presence of God...
32:59 we can dwell with Him...
33:01 and we no longer have to have these degraded dying bodies
33:04 but when we rest each week on the Sabbath,
33:07 it points forward to the beautiful blessing
33:09 of... of... of the hope that we have
33:11 that God is going to make things new.
33:13 After the fall, the Sabbath at the end of the week
33:15 points to the miracle of salvation as we brought out
33:18 which will take place... notice,
33:20 only through the miracle of a new creation
33:23 which we see in Isaiah 65 verse 17 as well...
33:26 Revelation chapter 21,
33:27 we see the new heaven and the new earth...
33:29 the Sabbath is a sign... it's a symbol of hope,
33:32 we look forward to this...
33:33 when we keep the Sabbath holy,
33:34 and we honor it according to the Bible,
33:36 we're also remembering the fact and honoring the fact
33:39 that the beautiful promise and hope that we have
33:41 that God is going to come back
33:43 and He's going to make all things new
33:45 powerful... powerful truth.
33:46 The Sabbath is a sign at the end of our human week
33:49 that the suffering and trials of this world
33:51 will have an end as well.
33:54 There's so much more... my time is clicking away here,
33:56 there's so much more that we can highlight here,
33:58 I had a whole section that I'm not going to be able to read,
34:01 but you know this... all of this truth
34:02 and I'm going to end on this.
34:04 All of this truth is also emphasized
34:06 and very clearly communicated
34:08 in the fact that Jesus cares for suffering humanity.
34:11 He cares for our groanings.
34:12 In fact, the lesson brings out that Jesus chose the Sabbath
34:16 as the most appropriate day to do all of His healing
34:19 and there's so many different Scriptural examples of this
34:22 but Luke 13
34:23 which I'm not going to have time to read these verses,
34:25 but Luke chapter 13 verses 10 through 17,
34:27 we see very clearly there's a lady with...
34:30 with... with an infirmity there
34:31 and Jesus heals her on the Sabbath.
34:33 One of the Synagogue rulers... it says there in verse 14,
34:36 "But the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation,
34:39 because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath;
34:40 and he said to the crowd,
34:42 'There are six days in which man ought to work;
34:44 therefore come and be healed on them, and not on the Sabbath'."
34:47 Jesus rebukes these brothers
34:48 and He goes on to say, "You hypocrite!
34:50 Does not each one of you on the Sabbath
34:52 loose his ox or his donkey from the stall,
34:55 and lead it away to water?
34:56 So ought not this woman be of the daughter of Abraham,
34:59 whom Satan had bound...
35:01 think of it... for eighteen years,
35:03 be loosed of this bond on the Sabbath?"
35:06 Jesus said it was better to do good on the Sabbath.
35:09 Why? because He's the Lord of the Sabbath.
35:11 My Friends, the Sabbath is a blessing.
35:13 We should receive it as an exquisite delight
35:15 and I hope that you also in your studies
35:17 learn that it can be a blessing for you.
35:19 Panel: Amen... praise the Lord.
35:21 Kenny: Okay, we're going to go into Wednesday's lesson
35:23 but boy! you guys really set it up.
35:25 We're going to go to Wednesday's lesson,
35:27 it's going to be talking about: The Creation of Humanity.
35:29 To me, it's just...
35:31 to me, it was awesome just to go back and to be refreshed
35:33 and to learn some things about creation.
35:36 If you have your Bibles, be sure and turn with me...
35:38 Genesis chapter 1...
35:39 I think couple of these verses have been read
35:41 but I want to read them again just in case you missed it
35:43 so, we set up a good foundation, Genesis chapter 1:26, 27, and 28.
35:48 These will be very familiar verses
35:50 that most of you probably have memorized.
35:52 The Bible says... I love to say that...
35:53 the Bible says,
35:55 "And God said, "Let Us make man in Our image,
35:57 and in our likeness;
35:58 and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
36:02 and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle,
36:04 over all the earth
36:06 and over every creeping thing that creepeth on the earth.
36:09 So God created man in His own image;
36:12 in the image of God created He him;
36:15 male and female created He them. "
36:17 Notice verse 28, it says,
36:19 "And God blessed them, and God said unto them,
36:21 'Be fruitful and multiply,
36:23 and replenish the earth, and subdue it:
36:26 and have dominion over the fish of the sea,
36:28 and over the fowl of the air,
36:29 and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. '"
36:33 Well, I like the way it starts out, verse 26, "God said... "
36:37 He said, "Let us make... let us make man in our image"
36:43 and so, you look at that word "image" as...
36:45 it's... it's... it's quite a challenging word
36:48 but yet it has some real depth and meaning to it.
36:50 When you say "image" there it's talking about
36:52 the... the knowledge... God gave man knowledge
36:54 and... you know, where he can reason things out.
36:56 It has to do with righteousness,
36:58 it has to do with true holiness
37:00 and I'd like to add something here to me... it's...
37:03 it's... it's happiness, you know,
37:05 because in the very beginning, before sin...
37:07 we mentioned that before sin, Adam and Eve, you know,
37:11 they were holy beings
37:12 and they were happy beings.
37:14 God said, "Let's make man in Our image. "
37:17 So, man was made... interesting...
37:19 man was made last... right, of all the creatures
37:23 and now... now I know why.
37:25 I finally figured this one out.
37:27 So that we can look at Scriptures like
37:32 Job chapter 38 verse 4,
37:33 I know I'm funning here a little bit
37:35 but notice what it says, what does it say?
37:37 This is going to fit.
37:39 It says, "Where wast thou
37:41 when I lay the foundation of the earth?
37:43 Declare, if thou has understanding. "
37:45 To me that makes sense, right,
37:47 Man can get... when there's a little discussion here
37:49 between Job and God, we realize
37:51 God's going to be pointing to all of us
37:53 and he did to man and said,
37:54 "Now, where were you?" Right?
37:55 "All this stuff was made before you got here. "
37:59 Everything your little heart desires is here for you.
38:03 His ways are past finding out I think in Romans 11:33...
38:07 His ways are past finding out yet men... men try
38:10 but, you know, we can't find out God,
38:12 we can't find out all of these things,
38:14 but praise God He's left enough that we can understand
38:17 and... and certainly, He can find us.
38:19 As soon as man was created, he had everything,
38:23 I notice, everything that He wanted
38:25 because it was pretty much done.
38:27 So now, the... the...
38:29 something else I want to bring out,
38:30 He said, "Let us make man... "
38:32 just a quick points here, "Let us make man. "
38:35 What is He talking about?
38:36 Three persons of the Godhead.
38:38 You know, again a subject a lot of people want to debate,
38:41 three persons of the Godhead... Father, Son, Holy Ghost...
38:44 They counsel together...
38:46 They consulted together...
38:48 They came in agreement together
38:51 and then, man was... man was made...
38:54 he was created
38:55 and he was to be... why?
38:57 because he was to be dedicated
38:59 and he was to be devoted to those Three.
39:02 Panel: Hmmm...
39:03 Kenny: Kind of interesting...
39:05 devoted tendency toward These...
39:07 I thought it was just beautiful thought
39:09 as we think about "God said... "
39:10 you know, story...
39:11 I think about and I just have to bring it up
39:13 and many people have done this I'm sure
39:15 but I think when... Russia...
39:16 when 3ABN was having their meetings there,
39:18 because we talked about creation of man...
39:21 we're talking about, you know, evangelism,
39:23 which is... people talk about evangelism...
39:25 words going out... praise God...
39:27 he was a man that was trying to find God, was he not?
39:29 Do you remember the story? Trying to find God...
39:31 he didn't have a Bible,
39:32 he never read in the Word of God,
39:34 he had no idea but he was there at the meetings
39:36 and a free Bible was passed out to him
39:38 and so, he opened the first page,
39:41 and he read, "In the beginning was God. "
39:45 Tears began to just flow down his cheeks.
39:48 "That's what I've been wanting to know all of my life,
39:52 and now I know... "
39:54 What faith! Panel: Amen, that's right, yes.
39:57 Kenny: If we would just do that
39:58 like this man did... this gentleman.
40:00 Take the Bible... open it up
40:02 and begin to read, "In the beginning,
40:04 God created the heavens and the earth. "
40:06 So... what a thought! God created...
40:08 notice that... it's a thought.
40:09 God created the world first, right,
40:12 and then, He put man in charge of this world.
40:15 After reading these verses,
40:16 I jotted down a few... few questions.
40:18 You know that... why did God create the world,
40:21 why did He do it?
40:22 Well, here are just a few reasons,
40:25 Manuscript 78, this is in 1901 says,
40:27 "Infinite love... how great it is...
40:30 God made the world... "
40:32 I think Shelley might... message might allude to
40:35 "to enlarge... " what? Enlarge heaven.
40:37 We desire a larger family of what?
40:40 Or He desired a larger family of created intelligence.
40:43 Panel: Hmmm... that's right... Amen...
40:45 Kenny: There's a reason why, Number Two:
40:46 God made man for His own glory.
40:49 You know, again, how is your life working out?
40:52 Give glory to God or maybe glory to the world?
40:55 Three: God's purpose was to repopulate in heaven
40:59 with the human family.
41:01 Right, and sin... they fell short...
41:03 God repopulated the earth and they are to...
41:06 and that being after tests and after trial for sure.
41:09 Review and Herald 1902 says this,
41:12 I like this because I sensed as I read,
41:15 a nearness that heaven is to us...
41:17 how near God wants to be to us
41:19 and how important that all the universe...
41:22 they're interested in you and they're interested in me,
41:25 it says, "All of heaven took a deep... "
41:27 I like this, "joyful interest in the creation
41:30 of the world and of man. "
41:32 Human beings, notice this, "were a new and distinct order,
41:37 they were made in the image of God. "
41:40 So, only human beings then were created in the image of God.
41:44 Four words just kind of stuck out to me,
41:46 I'll tell them to you quick as I can:
41:50 image... likeness... formed and breathe.
41:53 Image... Number One is:
41:55 refers to the shape of the physical body.
41:59 "Likeness" refers to the... I want to call it the abstract
42:03 or... this is in a loose way, right,
42:06 this is kind of in a loose way compared to the divine.
42:10 The Biblical text... in the image of God is both
42:13 physically and spiritually as in the book Education 15 says this,
42:18 listen to this quote:
42:20 "When Adam came from the Creator's hand,
42:22 he bore in his physical, mental and spiritual nature
42:28 a likeness to his Maker. "
42:30 How awesome...
42:32 really to think about how awesome that really is
42:34 that God's going to create... He creates man...
42:36 He creates man in... "in Our likeness. "
42:38 Wow!
42:40 Another purpose why God created the earth
42:42 and, of course, man...
42:43 I found this in Adventist Home page 540.
42:46 "God's original purpose in the creation of the earth
42:50 is fulfilled in it that it made the abode of the redeemed. "
42:56 A place for the redeemed this is where it's going to be
42:58 and these redeemed are going to be free from sin and sorrow.
43:02 So... that's One and Two... Number Three:
43:05 He formed and God breathed.
43:07 We know that in Genesis 2, right... 2:7...
43:09 it says... he was formed of the dust of the ground.
43:12 God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
43:15 and again, spiritual and physical...
43:17 and man became a living soul.
43:19 Book Education, page 20,
43:21 page 20 says... now this is kind of a... a long paragraph
43:24 I'm reading... but I think it deserves to be read...
43:27 we'll go as far as we can within our time.
43:29 But the reading is: created to be...
43:31 you notice, in the image of God.
43:32 In 1st Corinthians 11:7 we read more about that,
43:35 "Adam and Eve had received... " notice this,
43:37 "the endowments not unworthy of their high destiny.
43:41 Graceful and symmetrical in form,
43:43 regular and beautiful in feature,
43:46 their countenances glowing with the tint of health"
43:50 oh, I love that one, don't you?
43:51 "and the light of joy and hope,
43:53 they bore in outward resemblance
43:56 to the likeness of their Maker.
43:58 Nor was this likeness manifested in the physical nature only.
44:03 Every faculty of mind... " notice this...
44:06 "and soul reflected the Creator's glory. "
44:09 Oh my! Man... the way it started out
44:11 that's the way it wants to end, isn't that right?
44:13 Notice, "Endowed with high mental and spiritual gifts,
44:16 Adam and Eve... " notice this
44:18 "were made but little lower than... " what?
44:21 "the angels... " Hebrews 2 verse 7,
44:23 "that they might not only discern the wonders
44:26 of the visible universe,
44:28 but comprehend moral responsibilities
44:33 and obligations. "
44:34 Sometime in this world we forget
44:35 that we have responsibility to God...
44:38 we have moral obligation to God
44:40 and we need to be calling that back...
44:42 when God simply said, "Let Us make man in our image. "
44:48 Can we possibly comprehend those words?
44:52 I know I can't... but we're throwing it out to you today
44:55 by the grace of God that we begin to say,
44:57 "God looks... God saw... God believed
44:59 and He said, 'Here is man...
45:01 I want him to be made in My... in Our image. "
45:04 Now, if we're made in God's image... by the grace of God,
45:06 we need to keep that... isn't that right?
45:08 By the grace of God
45:10 and you notice, God's thoughts toward us...
45:13 they're always good.
45:14 We'll think about that a little bit more as we go,
45:16 our time's up right now... yes.
45:18 Jill: Amen... thank you so much.
45:20 What an incredible lesson! Appreciate all of that,
45:22 I am Jill Morikone and I have Thursday's, Lesson:
45:25 The Duty of Humanity.
45:28 You know, when I think about Genesis...
45:30 you all did such an incredible job of setting the stage...
45:33 who created and how that creation took place
45:36 and the Sabbath is the capstone of Creation
45:39 and man and woman being created...
45:42 "In the beginning, God... " in contrast to Atheism...
45:46 created alone... in contrast to Polytheism.
45:50 He rules over Creation in contrast to Pantheism.
45:55 Matter had a beginning as opposed to Materialism
46:00 and the ultimate reality is God not humanity.
46:05 When we look at Thursday's lesson:
46:08 The Duty of Humanity...
46:10 the Lesson had three duties that were given to Adam and Eve
46:13 in the beginning... in the Garden...
46:16 this is before sin entered the Garden
46:19 but I'm going to give you four
46:20 and within those four,
46:22 we're going to look at the duties
46:24 and each duty is connected with a gift that God gave to them.
46:27 Within that we have, Shelley, the Ten Takeaways.
46:30 So, let's mention the four duties
46:32 and then I'll go back and unpack them.
46:34 Number One is: Care for the Earth.
46:37 Number Two: Keep His Commandments.
46:40 Number Three: Experience Marital Oneness.
46:44 Number Four: Be Fruitful.
46:47 So, let's look at those four duties...
46:49 the first duty given to Adam and Eve
46:51 is: Care for the Earth
46:53 and with that duty came the gift... what was the gift?
46:56 The gift of the earth...
46:58 the gift of the garden where in Genesis chapter 2,
47:02 Genesis chapter 2 verse 15,
47:05 "Then the Lord God took the man
47:06 and put him in the garden of Eden... "
47:09 and what are those two verbs?
47:11 to tend and keep it...
47:15 That word "tend" in Hebrew literally means,
47:18 to work... to serve...
47:19 so, Takeaway Number 1:
47:21 Work is a divine gift... it's not a punishment.
47:25 We often think "work" came as part of the curse
47:29 after sin... as part of the consequences of sin
47:32 and yes, there was a good deal of toil in...
47:35 by the sweat of Adam's brow in the earth... that is true
47:38 but "work" was given to tend the garden...
47:42 that was given before the entrance of sin.
47:45 This duty of humanity...
47:47 you see... it's not enough just to receive a gift.
47:49 We need to work on it and make it fruitful.
47:52 I think about Matthew 25... the parable of the talents.
47:56 We're not called to bury that in the earth,
47:59 we're called to develop... to cultivate... to tend it...
48:03 and it will develop.
48:04 Takeaway Number 2:
48:05 This... develop what you have been given.
48:09 Adam was given a garden to tend.
48:12 Noah... he was given a boat to build
48:14 and his act would save the world.
48:17 Joseph was given a household to manage
48:20 and a prison to run
48:21 and his faithfulness saved a nation and his family.
48:26 Ruth was given some wheat to glean.
48:29 Rahab was given two spies to save
48:32 and they saved her and her family from ruin.
48:35 Mary was given a Son to raise
48:38 and He saved the world.
48:40 Jeremiah 29... I love this reference,
48:43 in Jeremiah 29, he's talking of course
48:46 to the Children of Israel who were in bondage in Babylon.
48:50 They had been taken as captive in Jeremiah 29:5,
48:53 the counsel was given to them...
48:55 build houses... dwell in them...
48:58 plant gardens and eat their fruit.
49:00 To develop even in the land of captivity,
49:04 even where you don't want to be,
49:06 develop what you have been given.
49:08 Panel: That's right.
49:10 Jill: Takeaway Number 3, now, this is interesting...
49:12 we don't have a whole lot of time to develop this,
49:13 but Takeaway Number 3:
49:15 Work is actually connected with worship.
49:17 The same word in Genesis 2:15, they were in the Garden
49:22 to tend and to keep.
49:24 The same word for "Tend"
49:26 is the word used in Exodus 3 verse 12,
49:30 when the Children of Israel were going to go
49:33 and worship God on the mountain.
49:36 It's the same word as "tend. "
49:39 It reminds me of Romans 12 verse 1,
49:41 "I beseech you, therefore, brethren,
49:43 by the mercies of God,
49:45 that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
49:48 holy, acceptable unto God,
49:50 which is your reasonable service. "
49:51 In Greek, it's the spiritual act of worship...
49:56 that Service... being connected with worship.
50:00 Now, let's look at the other verb,
50:02 we have the verb "tend"
50:03 they were in the Garden to tend... to work...
50:05 but they were also to keep it... what does "keep" mean?
50:09 "Shamar... " it means to keep... to watch... to preserve.
50:13 It showcases the responsibility
50:15 to preserve what has been received.
50:19 Takeaway Number 4:
50:20 Stewardship is Biblical.
50:22 We are called to "keep... " we are called to watch...
50:26 we are called to preserve what we have been given.
50:30 And what have we been given?
50:31 Our health... our bodies...
50:34 our mind... our intellect...
50:36 our morals and values...
50:38 the Word of God.
50:40 We are called to preserve how that is presented
50:43 and handled... the earth and everything in it,
50:46 other people that are entrusted to our care.
50:50 Now, let's go back to Genesis 1 verse 28.
50:54 We're still talking about the first duty of humanity
50:57 which is: care for the earth.
50:58 Genesis 1:28...
51:00 "Then God blessed them,
51:02 and God said to them, 'Be fruitful, and multiply,
51:03 and fill the earth, and subdue it:
51:05 and have... '" what's that word?
51:06 "dominion over the fish of the sea,
51:08 the birds of the air,
51:10 and over every living thing that moves on the earth. "
51:12 That word "dominion" means to take care of...
51:14 to direct... to manage...
51:16 this is stewardship again.
51:18 Takeaway Number 5:
51:20 Stewardship is not exploitation.
51:23 Christian Stewardship
51:25 acknowledges God as the owner of everything.
51:28 Panel: Amen.
51:29 Jill: Psalm 24, "The earth is the Lord's,
51:30 in all its fullness. "
51:32 Christian Stewardship acknowledges God
51:34 as the source of all power.
51:36 Deuteronomy 8...
51:38 God's the one who gives us power to acquire wealth.
51:41 Daniel 2... God's the one who sets up kings and removes kings.
51:44 Christian Stewardship is actuated by service.
51:48 Matthew 20... "Whoever desires to be great,
51:51 let him or her be a servant. "
51:54 Christian Stewardship is built on accountability.
51:58 We see that in Matthew chapter 25.
52:02 Let's go to: Duty of Humanity Number 2,
52:05 Keep His Commandments
52:06 and the gift connected with this duty
52:09 is the gift of food...
52:10 you may say, "What in the world?"
52:12 Panel: Laughter.
52:13 Jill: Okay, so we're going to Genesis 1:29,
52:16 we see grace and obedience connected together
52:20 in the Garden of Eden.
52:21 Grace is the gift of food that God gave to His people.
52:25 Genesis 1:29,
52:26 God said, "I've given you every herb that yields seed
52:30 which is on the face of the earth,
52:31 every tree whose fruit yields seed;
52:33 to you, it shall be for food. "
52:35 Jump over to Genesis 2:16,
52:37 "The Lord God commanded the man, saying,
52:40 'Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat. '"
52:42 So what do we see here?
52:43 Grace is freely bestowed... this is Takeaway Number 6.
52:46 They didn't earn the food... it was given.
52:49 God gave them the food.
52:52 We don't earn salvation... it is freely given.
52:56 But yet that grace is connected with the duty with obedience.
53:00 Let's look at that... the next verse... Genesis 2:17,
53:02 "but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
53:05 you shall not eat,
53:07 for in the day that you eat of it
53:09 you shall... " what Pastor Kenny?
53:11 "surely die. " Panel: Hmmm...
53:13 Jill: The affirmative command of tending and keeping the garden
53:16 is followed by the prohibitive command
53:19 that they should not eat of the fruit
53:21 of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
53:24 Takeaway Number 7:
53:26 Restrictions are for our Benefit.
53:29 Did you hear that?
53:31 Restrictions are for our benefit.
53:34 Panel: That's right.
53:36 Jill: There is joy and peace in obedience.
53:38 Isaiah 48:18, "Oh, that you had heeded My commandments!
53:42 Then your peace would have been like a river... "
53:45 there is peace in obedience.
53:47 Now, let's look at duty Number 3:
53:49 Experience marital oneness...
53:51 or Genesis 2 verse 24,
53:54 "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother
53:57 and be joined to his wife... "
53:58 Eve's just been created here.
54:00 "and they shall become one flesh. "
54:03 This is not just talking about sexual unity
54:06 although it definitely encompasses that.
54:08 This is physical unity...
54:10 this is emotional unity...
54:12 this is spiritual unity.
54:14 Takeaway Number 8,
54:15 Marital unity is a gift and a duty.
54:20 Tend and keep your unity.
54:23 Work to preserve and guard your unity.
54:27 Keep your marital union.
54:29 Forsake others... this is physical unity.
54:32 Keep eyes only for your spouse.
54:34 Emotional unity... work through your issues.
54:37 Forgive... communicate with each other.
54:41 Spiritual Unity... pray and study together.
54:45 And the final duty is to be fruitful
54:47 and we know this...
54:49 God said, "Be fruitful and multiply...
54:52 fill the earth and subdue it. "
54:54 Takeaway Number 9:
54:55 children are a gift and a blessing from the Lord.
54:59 Panel: That's right.
55:01 Takeaway Number 10:
55:02 the primary focus of that verse is children... yes...
55:04 but I believe, Takeaway Number 10
55:06 and we don't have time to get into it...
55:08 but that we are called to be fruitful
55:11 as in bearing fruit for the glory of God.
55:14 Panel: Yes... that's right.
55:16 Jill: John chapter 15...
55:18 we are called as Christians to prepare fruit for His glory
55:22 so, Takeaway Number 10:
55:24 Christians are called to bear fruit.
55:26 Panel: Ooooooh... amen... amen.
55:28 Shelley: Jill, that was a beautiful lesson,
55:30 everybody's lesson was beautiful.
55:32 We just have a few seconds left
55:34 to give you each a closing thought.
55:36 Lomacang: Creation was complete when God said,
55:39 "It is finished... " Genesis 2:4.
55:41 This is the history of the heavens and the earth
55:43 when they were created in the day that the Lord had made
55:47 the earth and the heavens.
55:48 When He said, "It is done... " it was over.
55:51 Panel: Hmmm... amen.
55:52 Ryan: I talked about the Sabbath on Tuesday's Lesson,
55:54 The Sabbath was meant to be a blessing for everyone my Friends
55:56 Isaiah 56 says, "Blessed is the man who does this,
55:59 and the son of man who lays hold on it;
56:02 who keeps from defiling the Sabbath,
56:03 and keeps his hand from doing any evil. "
56:06 Yes, we should keep the Sabbath
56:07 but first, we should also lead each other
56:10 to the Lord of the Sabbath
56:11 so, Jesus first and then the Sabbath, amen.
56:13 Kenny: Amen, praise the Lord.
56:15 You know, God's thoughts toward us are still the same
56:18 as from the very beginning of time.
56:20 We read that in Jeremiah 29:11,
56:22 it says, "I have thoughts of peace... and not of evil. "
56:26 Panel: That's right.
56:27 Jill: Amen... and duty of humanity
56:29 we see that God gave to Adam and Eve
56:30 in the very beginning duties...
56:33 things that they could do to work to preserve their unity
56:37 and to tend the garden and keep it.
56:40 Shelley: Amen and amen.
56:41 You know, I guess the point that I want to leave
56:44 with each of you is to remember how condensed Genesis is.
56:49 In the first 11 chapters...
56:52 there's 2,000 years of the world's history.
56:55 Sometimes, people say,
56:57 "Oh, God doesn't lay out His commandments in Genesis... "
57:00 all you've got to do look at what goes on
57:04 when we get into the patriarchal history
57:08 and see how Abraham had obedient faith
57:12 and how God renewed the covenant
57:15 with his son, Isaac,
57:17 in... in Genesis... let me see...
57:21 that's 26 and verse 5,
57:23 let me read that to you, Genesis 26 verse 5,
57:26 He's renewing the covenant with Isaac...
57:29 "because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge,
57:34 My commandments, My statutes and My laws. "
57:38 So, don't think that Moses laid out all of the details...
57:43 if you put 2,000 years of history in 11 chapters,
57:47 that's pretty significant distillation.
57:50 We hope that you will join us next week
57:53 for Lesson Number 2: The Fall...
57:56 until then may God bless you richly.
57:59 Panel: Amen.


Revised 2022-06-28