3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Planning for Success

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP230008S

00:01 You may have heard this saying,
00:02 "If you fail to plan... you plan to fail. "
00:04 We don't want that to happen to you
00:05 so, join us today on Sabbath School Panel
00:08 where we will be studying: Planning for Success.
00:12 If you do not have your Adult Bible Study Guide:
00:15 Managing for the Master Till He Comes,
00:18 you can go to 3abnsabbathschoolpanel. com
00:22 and download a copy.
00:23 Get your Bibles and your pens and papers and join us today.
00:27 Music...
00:58 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn
00:59 and we are so glad that you're joining us today
01:02 for 3ABN Sabbath School Panel
01:05 because we do this for you
01:07 and we have fun doing it don't we?
01:09 We enjoy studying the Word of God.
01:12 Today, we're on Lesson 8: Planning for Success
01:15 but let me introduce the Panel to you...
01:17 I have here Ryan Day.
01:20 Ryan: Amen, I've got Monday's Lesson
01:22 entitled: The Blessing of Work... Ideally.
01:25 Shelley: Amen, and John Dinzey.
01:29 Dinzey: Thank you, I...
01:31 it's a blessing for me as well to be here
01:34 and I have Tuesday: The Earning Years.
01:36 Shelley: Ah... it's good...
01:37 my sister in Christ... Jill Morikone.
01:40 Jill: Thank you, Shelley, on Wednesday:
01:42 Working With Integrity.
01:44 Shelley: Amen... and finally my Pastor: John Lomacang.
01:47 Lomacang: I'm way down here at the end.
01:49 I have: Seeking Godly Counsel...
01:52 a powerful lesson.
01:53 Shelley: That is... it's all...
01:55 what I love about this particular Quarter...
01:58 it's very practical...
02:00 it's... it's getting us right at that place
02:03 where we need counsel the most
02:05 and John Dinzey, would you please have our opening prayer?
02:09 Dinzey: Sure, let us pray together.
02:11 "Our loving Heavenly Father,
02:14 blessed be Your holy name.
02:16 Thank You, Lord for the privilege to be used by You.
02:19 We ask that You will bless us with Your Holy Spirit.
02:23 Let us not speak our words but Your words.
02:25 We pray Lord for a blessing upon each and every person
02:28 that would join us... wherever they may be in this world,
02:32 we pray that Your Word will not return unto You void...
02:35 that it will bring fruit
02:36 that will bring You honor and glory.
02:37 Thank You for 3ABN
02:39 and what You are doing every day through this ministry
02:42 of divine origin.
02:44 Thank You, heavenly Father,
02:45 we pray for these things
02:47 in the holy and blessed name of Jesus, amen. "
02:50 Panel: Amen.
02:51 Shelley: We always love...
02:53 we believe that the Holy Spirit is the Teacher...
02:56 we're just being a mouthpiece here.
02:58 If you have your Bible,
02:59 please open to Colossians 3:23
03:02 and we are going to read together our Memory Text,
03:08 Colossians 3:23 and 24,
03:11 it says, "Whatever you do, do it heartily,
03:15 as to the Lord, and not to men;
03:18 knowing that from the Lord you will receive
03:22 the reward of the inheritance... "
03:24 that's what He has stored up in heaven for us.
03:27 "For you serve the Lord Jesus Christ. "
03:30 Do you want to live a happy successful life?
03:35 You know, in our fallen world,
03:37 sometimes that's hard to achieve
03:39 but it depends upon what your definition of success is.
03:44 We can look at Joseph in Egypt
03:47 and he went from a pit to a prison
03:51 to a palace
03:52 and say... he was successful.
03:54 Or we can look at John the Baptist
03:57 who went from preaching and making the way
04:02 for Jesus Christ
04:05 to being imprisoned and then beheaded.
04:10 But yet, he was a success.
04:13 So, it depends on how we define success.
04:16 But this week what we're going to do
04:18 is look at the idea of success
04:21 in the context of basic stewardship
04:26 and financial principles.
04:28 So, what we're going to do is look at these practical steps
04:32 that won't guarantee success
04:35 but I do guarantee... if you follow them,
04:38 you're going to be better off than if you did not.
04:42 So, Sunday's Lesson is: First Things First.
04:46 Ecclesiastes 12:1, Solomon writes,
04:50 "Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth,
04:55 before the difficult days come,
04:58 and the years draw near,
05:00 when you say, 'I have no pleasure in them. '"
05:03 I talked to a lot of Seniors who say,
05:05 this whole idea of the golden years is a joke.
05:09 Sometimes, as you're growing older,
05:11 you're in pain...
05:12 you are going through difficult times,
05:14 and we need to remember to look to the Lord
05:18 when we're young.
05:20 As youth begin to mature,
05:22 they take on responsibilities
05:24 for basic necessities of life... food and clothing and shelter
05:28 and there are so many things
05:31 that can complete with our attention
05:34 and distract us from serving the Lord
05:38 so, we need to learn how to prioritize...
05:42 first things first.
05:44 Jesus tells us what to do in Matthew 6:33,
05:49 He says, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God,
05:54 and His righteousness;
05:57 and all these other things will be added unto you. "
06:01 When you enter into a covenant relationship with the Lord...
06:05 when you are seeking His righteousness
06:09 which He gives us by faith
06:10 but then, we also continue to develop...
06:13 it is something to see
06:16 how God provides for His children...
06:19 I'll tell you.
06:20 Isaiah says this...
06:23 I'm going to tell you,
06:25 I pursue righteousness.
06:28 That is something every morning I say,
06:31 "Create in me a clean heart...
06:33 cleanse me of all unrighteousness...
06:35 Oh Lord, cause me to hunger and thirst for Your righteousness. "
06:39 And people say, "But why?"
06:41 Here's one of my favorite promises about righteousness.
06:46 Isaiah 32:17 says,
06:49 "The work of righteousness will be peace. "
06:53 When you are in right standing with God,
06:58 and you're in right doing with God,
07:00 you can count on God's peace
07:03 and the effect of righteousness...
07:06 quietness and assurance forever.
07:09 You can count on God to satisfy your needs.
07:13 But I always like to show people
07:16 that being made righteous by faith doesn't mean
07:21 that we don't walk in obedience
07:24 because the goal of righteousness by faith
07:27 is that we become like Jesus.
07:30 Romans 6:16,
07:32 Paul says this,
07:33 "Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves
07:37 slaves to obey,
07:39 you are that one's slaves whom you obey... "
07:43 we're all a slave to one power or the other.
07:46 He says, "Whether of sin
07:49 leading to death,
07:51 or of obedience
07:55 leading to righteousness?"
07:58 God expects His children
08:01 to walk in loyalty to Him
08:05 and in love that motivates obedience.
08:09 Jesus said in Matthew 7:21 to 23,
08:13 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,'
08:16 shall enter the kingdom of heaven,
08:17 but he who does the will of My Father... "
08:24 So, what we're going to look at in this Lesson,
08:27 is the story of Jacob in Genesis 28.
08:31 So, let me set this up,
08:33 we know that Jacob's mother was told by God...
08:39 the younger would serve the older
08:42 of the two twins that were in her belly.
08:44 So, she devices this scheme and Jacob participated in it.
08:50 Jacob means Deceiver.
08:51 And she tricks her husband, Isaac,
08:56 into giving the clan blessing...
09:01 the firstborn-clan blessing
09:03 that actually, Esau had sold for a bowl of lentils
09:08 but she disguises her son, Jacob,
09:12 and Isaac gives the firstborn-clan blessing
09:16 to Jacob.
09:18 Well, what happened?
09:20 Esau felt like he'd been supplanted again
09:24 even though he had sold his birthright
09:26 for a bowl of soup
09:28 and he thought his father was near death
09:31 and he planned to kill him as soon as...
09:35 kill his brother Jacob
09:37 as soon as the days of mourning were over.
09:39 So, Rebecca says, "Go to my... my...
09:43 your uncle Laban's house
09:45 and stay there for a few days...
09:47 a few days ended up to be 20 years.
09:49 But, I did some research in the Bible...
09:52 this is going to fascinate you.
09:53 Did you know that he... Jacob
09:57 was close to 77 years old...
10:00 he was beyond middle-aged
10:03 because he lived another 70 years
10:06 but he was 77 years old when he fled for Laban's house.
10:10 Now, he was weary because he was running from...
10:13 he believes his brother is going to kill him.
10:16 He stops for the night...
10:18 he wasn't looking for God... but God was looking for him
10:22 and God appeared to him in a divine dream
10:25 and there was a ladder with angels
10:27 that went from earth to heaven...
10:30 heaven to earth
10:31 and there were angels going up and down
10:33 and God stood at the top of the ladder
10:36 and He said, "I am the Lord your God...
10:40 the God of Abraham your father
10:42 and the God of Isaac... "
10:43 and in Genesis 28:18 through 22,
10:48 what we see is... Jacob has had a spiritual wake-up call.
10:53 He has had... he has seen the Lord
10:57 in the form of the vision.
10:58 He recognizes... God as his provider
11:01 and he is ready to submit and commit to the Lord
11:06 and he promises right there in Genesis 28
11:10 that he is going to return a tenth
11:14 of all that he receives to the Lord
11:17 and you know what happened?
11:19 God became known not just as the God of Abraham and Isaac
11:24 but the God of Jacob as well.
11:27 So, it shows us that even when we're older,
11:31 maybe we haven't always made the right choice for Jesus,
11:35 but it's never too late to wake up
11:39 and to enter into... I... I say it's never too late
11:43 as long as you've got a breath,
11:45 you've got time but we never know...
11:47 none of us are promised tomorrow.
11:49 So, Jacob makes some important life choices
11:53 both spiritual and financial
11:56 and as part of his vow,
11:59 he says in Genesis 28:21,
12:02 "The LORD shall be my God. "
12:05 Now, it's interesting because our...
12:09 the author of our Adult Bible Study Guide
12:13 says, "What is important about the timing of this event?"
12:17 After Jacob made his spiritual commitment
12:21 and his financial commitment to God,
12:24 you know what happened?
12:25 He arrives at Uncle Laban's house
12:28 and he sees Rebecca at the well
12:31 and he falls in love
12:33 and let me read directly from what the Quarterly says.
12:38 "It is fitting to make your spiritual decision
12:42 and your life-work decision
12:45 before commitment to marriage. "
12:48 Your future spouse should know what they're getting into.
12:52 Hey, if you're getting ready to get married,
12:55 know what you're getting into.
12:57 Is this person a committed Christian?
12:59 What type of work will they be involved in?
13:02 What kind of life are you committing to?
13:06 And then he says... other questions that need answers
13:09 before marriage
13:10 are what level of education have they completed?
13:14 What amount of debt will come into the marriage?
13:17 And, am I willing to accept this situation
13:21 as part of my responsibility?
13:23 I want to tell you,
13:24 the second most important decision you ever make...
13:28 the first being accepting Christ as your Savior,
13:32 the second most important decision is who you marry.
13:36 So, enter into that commitment very prayerfully.
13:40 Ryan: Hmmm... amen... thank you so much, Shelley
13:43 for that great foundation.
13:45 An introduction... my name is Ryan Day
13:47 and I have Monday's Lesson entitled: The Blessing of Work
13:51 and I found it interesting because in parenthesis,
13:53 Brother Reid put "Ideally".
13:56 Panel: Laughter.
13:58 Ryan: That's the idea, right?
13:59 Idea is that work is for sure a blessing
14:02 if we will allow it to be.
14:03 I'm going to actually...
14:05 the way I approach this lesson
14:06 even though there was some incredible things brought out.
14:08 As I begin to really develop this lesson
14:10 and really study it through
14:12 you know, I basically broke it up into a list.
14:15 I have... I have eight truths about work.
14:19 We know that it is a blessing...
14:22 we're going to see it,
14:23 the Bible brings out many different ways,
14:24 of course, it's not limited to just these eight.
14:27 But just to share a few of these things with you
14:29 as we go through.
14:30 Work... Number 1:
14:32 Work is meant to be a blessing even before sin.
14:35 Did you know that Genesis chapter 2 verse 15,
14:38 that perfect world that God had created for Adam and Eve
14:41 in placing them into the garden of paradise,
14:43 He told them... it says here in verse 15 of Genesis 2,
14:46 "Then the LORD God took the man
14:47 and put him in the garden of Eden
14:49 to tend and keep it. "
14:50 So, it was meant to be a blessing
14:52 even before sin...
14:53 a lot of people think work is...
14:55 is the result of sin...
14:56 no... God meant for it to be a blessing even before that.
14:58 Even in "Our High Calling" page 223,
15:01 the lesson brings out this... I'm quoting: Our High Calling,
15:04 page 223,
15:05 it says, "And to Adam was given the work of caring
15:07 for the garden.
15:09 The Creator knew that Adam could not be happy
15:11 without employment.
15:12 The beauty of the garden delighted him
15:14 but this was not enough.
15:16 He must have labor to call into exercise
15:19 the wonderful organs of the body.
15:20 Had happiness consisted in doing nothing,
15:23 man in his state of... of... of holy innocence
15:27 would have been left unemployed.
15:28 But He who created man
15:30 knew that what would be for his happiness
15:33 and no sooner had he created him
15:35 than He had given him an appointed work...
15:38 a promise of future glory and the decree that man must
15:41 toil for his daily bread came from the same throne. "
15:45 So, again, even before sin,
15:46 work was meant to be a blessing.
15:48 Number 2... point Number 2:
15:50 Work teaches us to give our best
15:52 and be disciplined to do things the right way.
15:55 Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 10 says,
15:58 "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might;
16:02 for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom
16:05 in the grave where you are going. "
16:06 You know this Scripture as well as many others
16:09 teach us that God not only wants us to be blessed
16:12 with the idea and the very reality of work
16:14 but that it teaches us...
16:15 it helps to discipline us in...
16:17 in doing things the right way,
16:19 there's nothing more irritating
16:20 than having to work with someone who does something, you know,
16:23 half-heartedly or give them a job and they do it half way.
16:26 When my dad sent me out as a young man
16:28 to start mowing the lawn at 9 years old,
16:31 I started at 9 years old
16:32 and I remember, he wasn't about to have a half-mowed lawn,
16:35 he said, "You're going to go out and do it the right way.
16:37 You're going to weed it...
16:38 you're going to pull the weeds... "
16:40 and he taught us how to do all of that
16:41 and so, no stranger to hard work in good.. good labor.
16:44 Point Number 3:
16:45 It's God's plan for us to work for our resources
16:48 and needs.
16:50 And so, the Bible says in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3
16:52 verses 8 to 10,
16:54 it says, "For you yourselves know how you ought to follow us,
16:57 for we were not disorderly among you;
16:59 nor did we eat anyone's bread free of charge,
17:02 but worked with labor and toil night and day,
17:05 that we might not be a burden to any of you,
17:09 not because we do not have authority,
17:11 but to make ourselves an example of how you should follow us.
17:15 For even when we were with you, we commanded you this:
17:18 If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat. "
17:22 We live in a world today where people... you know, this...
17:24 this modern culture and this modern time
17:27 where people have the idea that you know what?
17:29 Just... just to receive free handouts
17:31 and I'm not saying that's everyone
17:33 but there's certainly a mentality out there
17:34 that they're entitled to just receive things.
17:36 I saw an episode... and I wouldn't watch the whole episode
17:39 but I saw a clip that somebody had shared
17:41 on Social Media recently
17:42 of a young girl who appeared on Dr. Phil Show
17:44 and her mother had just showered her with Credit Cards
17:47 and she had maxed them all out
17:49 and she just wants to go shopping
17:50 and she wants free handouts
17:52 but then the mother...
17:53 Dr. Phil encouraged and brought the mother
17:54 to make the decision...
17:56 "Do you know what?
17:57 Make your... your 16-17-year old daughter
17:59 go out and get a job. "
18:00 And the girl just wept and cried
18:01 because she had no idea to work...
18:03 to actually go out and earn something for herself
18:06 and it was just sad to watch the state
18:08 of this young girl's mind.
18:09 Ephesians chapter 4 verse 28... it says,
18:11 "Let him who stole steal no longer,
18:13 but rather let him labor,
18:15 working with his hands what is good,
18:17 that he may have something to give him who has need. "
18:20 Point Number 4:
18:22 Work teaches us a sense of accomplishment.
18:24 It helps establish healthy goals
18:26 and a healthy mindset.
18:27 Oh, I love this... every time I read it I...
18:29 it just... just me read it,
18:31 Proverbs chapter 12 verse 11,
18:33 I'm going to read New King James Version,
18:34 it says, "He who tills the land,
18:36 will be satisfied with bread,
18:38 but he who follows frivolity
18:40 is devoid of understanding. "
18:42 But then, I read NIV and it says,
18:44 same... same text...
18:46 Proverbs 12:11,
18:47 "Those who work with their land will have abundant food,
18:50 but those who chase fantasies, have no sense. "
18:55 I mean, that's just the way it is.
18:56 If you chase fantasies, you have no sense.
18:59 How many people have some sense here today?
19:01 Let's... let's act like we have some sense.
19:02 The Lord has given us some clear...
19:04 clear counsel on this issue,
19:06 Proverbs 12:24 even says,
19:07 "The hand of the diligent will rule,
19:09 but the lazy man will be put to forced labor. "
19:12 All of these principles are made clear in the Word of God.
19:14 Point Number 5:
19:15 Work helps to prevent poverty.
19:17 Proverbs 14 verse 23,
19:19 "In all labor there is profit,
19:21 but idle chatter leads only to poverty. "
19:24 You know, we know not always...
19:26 we understand poverty sometimes comes in the form of misfortunes
19:29 and other things
19:30 but for the... for the...
19:32 for the sake of this particular lesson,
19:33 yes, talking about work...
19:35 if you choose not to work, it could lead to poverty.
19:37 Proverbs 6 verse 10 and 11,
19:39 "A little sleep, a little slumber,
19:40 a little folding of the hands to sleep...
19:43 so shall your poverty come on you like a prowler,
19:46 and your need like an armed man. "
19:49 And so, again, God wants us to work...
19:52 it's His plan that we are to labor for those things
19:54 and... and... and to bring about a healthy situation
19:57 in our life.
19:59 Point Number 6:
20:00 Work helps us stay out of trouble.
20:02 Now, when I... when I... when I...
20:04 when I... when I thought of this one,
20:06 immediately there was a story that came to my mind.
20:08 I'm going to read it...
20:09 then we're going to talk about it just for a moment,
20:11 2nd Samuel 11 verses 1 and 2,
20:12 We know this chapter to say,
20:14 "It happened in the spring of the year,
20:16 at the time when kings go out to battle,
20:19 that David sent Joab and his servants with him,
20:21 and all of Israel;
20:22 and they destroyed the people of Ammon
20:24 and besieged Rabbah.
20:25 But David remained in Jerusalem.
20:28 Then it happened one evening that David arose from his bed
20:30 and walked on the roof of the king's house.
20:33 And from the roof, he saw a woman bathing,
20:35 and the woman was very beautiful to behold. "
20:37 You know the rest of that story.
20:39 David stayed home from work,
20:41 he didn't go to work when he should have been at work
20:43 and should have been attending
20:44 to what he should have been doing as the Leader of Israel,
20:47 setting the example,
20:48 he stayed home from work and it got him in trouble.
20:51 So, be careful not to stay home from work
20:52 when you ought to be at work
20:54 doing those things that the Lord even counsels us
20:56 that we should be doing.
20:58 Point Number 7:
20:59 We have a responsibility to work
21:01 and provide for those who cannot provide for themselves.
21:04 This is a big one.
21:06 1st Timothy chapter 5 verse 8,
21:07 notice what the Bible says,
21:09 it says, "But if anyone does not provide for his own,
21:11 and especially for those of his household,
21:14 he has denied the faith
21:16 and is worse than an unbeliever... " my Friends,
21:20 I mean that's a... that's a strong one
21:22 and we live... unfortunately, we live in a society
21:26 where it is the case that many men and women are neglecting
21:31 the needs of those within their control.
21:33 Maybe it's their children...
21:35 maybe it's their family... their wife... their mother...
21:36 their father who cannot provide for themselves.
21:39 I mean, we even live in a culture
21:40 and I'm certainly not kicking this down
21:42 because I recognize that in certain situations
21:44 you know, you cannot avoid
21:46 certain cases in which your own family members need to go
21:49 in Special-Care Homes or what not
21:51 but, you know, we certainly live in a society
21:52 and even this was condemned in Scripture
21:54 that people just forget about their loved ones,
21:56 they say, "Ah, I'm just going to live for me...
21:57 I'm going to do my thing...
21:59 Mom and Daddy, get out of my life... "
22:01 and then... it's... it's just a sad thing
22:03 that that is a reality in the world that we live in
22:05 where people live more for themselves
22:07 than to live up to the responsibility
22:08 that God has called them to do
22:10 and that is... work is not just a blessing,
22:12 it's a blessing not just for you and for your personal gain,
22:15 but also for the... for the sustaining of others...
22:18 and the helping of others
22:20 especially those within your control...
22:21 within your home... your household...
22:23 in your family...
22:25 so, remember that... 1st Timothy 5 verse 8.
22:27 Of course, the last one here I had to add
22:29 just came to my mind... I'm excited about it, you know,
22:32 a lot of times we think,
22:34 you know, I've heard people say, "Oh, I'm getting tired of work
22:36 and tired of labor...
22:37 I'm ready for Jesus to come back and deliver me
22:39 from all this hard, hard, hard labor and this life. "
22:41 Well, you know what?
22:43 Work is still a blessing even in the new earth to come
22:46 because in Isaiah chapter 65 verses 21 to 23,
22:49 it says, "They shall build... "
22:51 this is in the new earth, right?
22:53 This is when we have a city home
22:54 and the Bible says we're going to have country homes,
22:56 we're going to work on these properties,
22:58 we're going to... we're going to build them...
22:59 we're going to care for them
23:01 and it's going to be a blessing.
23:02 Isaiah 65 verses 21 to 23,
23:04 "They shall build houses and inhabit them;
23:06 they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit.
23:09 They shall not build and another inhabit;
23:11 they shall not plant and another eat;
23:13 for as the days of a tree,
23:15 so shall be the days of My people,
23:17 and My elect... " notice,
23:19 "My elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.
23:24 And they shall not labor in vain. "
23:27 When we... when we get to the new heaven and earth,
23:29 we'll never get tired...
23:30 we'll look at work as a blessing.
23:32 Not a single soul is going to complain
23:34 about labor or work when they get to the new earth.
23:36 It's going to be a blessing,
23:38 we're going to co-exist together...
23:39 we'll have a country home... a beautiful property,
23:42 a beautiful home
23:44 and a venue that we're going to tend and work
23:46 each and every day with a smile on our face
23:48 and so, work is for sure.
23:50 Ideally, a blessing according to Scripture.
23:53 Panel: Amen and amen.
23:54 Shelley: Amen and I just want to say...
23:56 Parents, your responsibility is to teach your children
23:59 to have a love relationship with the Lord
24:02 but the second-most important thing
24:04 is to instill a good work ethic in your child
24:07 and if you're getting ready to get married,
24:10 it's more important to me...
24:11 they've got a good work ethic than a Master's degree.
24:14 Okay, we're going to show you how you can share a link
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24:56 Shelley: And now we continue with Tuesday's Lesson
25:00 and Pastor John Dinzey.
25:01 Dinzey: Thank you, the blessing of Tuesday's Lesson is...
25:06 the title: The Earning Years.
25:08 And this takes us into what the family...
25:11 what their responsibility is... family unity
25:14 and the importance of work as well.
25:17 And according to the Lesson's ah...
25:20 we are supposed to understand...
25:23 teach the children that work is important
25:25 and it says here that the average individual
25:28 works about 40 years
25:29 and it says, "During the earning years,
25:33 this can be a very intense time financially.
25:36 It is a very sensitive time
25:38 because the family is learning to work together,
25:42 and its members are creating lifelong bonds.
25:45 Financial stress can wreck the marriage at this point,
25:48 and frequently does. "
25:50 And this is true.
25:51 You look at the statistics
25:53 and one of the top reasons why there is divorce
25:58 is because of financial difficulties.
26:01 So, it is important to learn to handle finances.
26:04 And that's why this... this whole Quarterly is
26:08 important for the Christian families.
26:11 And really, it is important for us to learn how to handle money.
26:15 We talked about putting the Credit Cards in the Freezer
26:18 and not getting them out
26:21 and so, let's go right to 1st Timothy chapter 5 verse 8,
26:26 notice this Scripture,
26:28 "But if anyone does not provide for his own,
26:31 and especially for those of his household,
26:34 he has denied the faith
26:36 and is worse than an unbeliever. "
26:39 And the King James Versions says, "an infidel. "
26:43 So, we see that the Bible really brings the importance of work
26:48 to a very high level.
26:50 So, we have to also understand that there are individuals,
26:55 there are families that have some difficulty...
26:57 maybe there's a family member that has a...
27:00 let us say, a life-long illness
27:02 and so, the family has to adjust.
27:05 At some time it could be that the father
27:08 which normally is the... what they call
27:11 "the breadwinner of the household. "
27:12 A disease comes or... has a heart attack
27:16 or a stroke
27:17 and now the family has to adjust.
27:18 Perhaps the wife that did not work
27:20 now has to work
27:21 and it creates a difficulty in the family.
27:24 So, we understand that there are some individuals
27:26 that cannot work
27:27 but those that can work and refuse to work...
27:30 this is why you have this Scripture
27:31 and if you don't provide for your own,
27:33 especially for those in your household,
27:35 you have denied the faith.
27:37 So, according to this,
27:38 it is part of the Christian faith
27:41 to be a worker
27:43 to provide for yourself and your family.
27:46 In Proverbs chapter 14 verse 23,
27:48 we have the following words,
27:50 "In all labor there is profit,
27:52 but idle chatter leads only to poverty. "
27:55 A very important point to understand
27:58 in order for us to have the things we need in our homes,
28:03 the food on our table,
28:04 electricity, water,
28:05 and the things that are necessary for life,
28:07 somebody has to work.
28:08 I have met some people
28:10 that... there are some societies like the United States,
28:14 that because somebody has some type of incapacity,
28:18 they have something called Welfare,
28:20 but there are people that try to find loopholes
28:23 and they say, "Oh, Man! I can...
28:25 I can live without work...
28:26 I just have to claim that I have some kind of incapacity. "
28:29 And so, unfortunately, there are those types of people.
28:33 So, the Bible says what we have just read.
28:35 You deny the faith if you refuse to work when you can.
28:40 Colossians chapter 3 verse 23 tells us how we should work
28:44 and I'll also read verse 24,
28:47 "And whatever you do, do it heartily... "
28:50 how?
28:51 as "to the Lord and not to men,
28:53 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward
28:57 of the inheritance;
28:58 for you serve the Lord Christ. "
29:00 Wherever you work... whatever your job is,
29:02 we should consider that we're working for the Lord...
29:06 not only that...
29:07 we are representing Jesus Christ
29:09 especially if you work in a place
29:12 where it's not a Christian company...
29:14 it's not a Christian environment...
29:16 you are representing the Lord
29:18 and people should look upon you as somebody that is dedicated...
29:23 somebody that does... is not a slacker.
29:26 Sometimes... sometimes the word "slacker" is used
29:28 and Christians should be the best example
29:30 and have the best reputation of doing a job well.
29:33 Not somebody that is looked upon as,
29:36 "Okay, he's gonna... he's not going to do the job right,
29:40 he's going to take his time
29:42 and also not somebody that you can count on. "
29:46 Here in the Lesson,
29:49 we have this thought that I like to read to you,
29:52 it says, "The Children who are brought into the world
29:55 during this segment of life... "
29:56 that's the earning years...
29:58 "are called a heritage from the LORD." Psalm 127 verse 3.
30:02 "We must remember that that children bring
30:05 with them an awesome responsibility. "
30:07 And while we have to work,
30:10 we have to balance these things
30:11 because society...
30:14 you know you have that thing that's still around:
30:17 Keeping up with the Joneses...
30:19 "Oh, they have a car... we'd better get a car
30:22 because the Joneses have a car
30:23 and whatever they get, we have to get. "
30:25 We have to be careful with those things
30:27 and use money wisely.
30:30 And I want to bring some points out
30:32 that are brought out in the Lesson
30:34 which are very important... they... they did a good job.
30:36 Keeping this in mind...
30:39 in the last part of Hebrews chapter 2 verse 13
30:42 because we're talking about bringing up children as well.
30:44 "And again: 'I will put My trust in Him. '
30:47 And again: 'Behold,
30:48 I and the children which God hath given Me. '"
30:52 So, if God has given you children,
30:55 you have the awesome responsibility...
30:57 the great responsibility
30:59 to show them the way of the Lord.
31:00 To let them know that there is a God in heaven.
31:03 He created us and there's a plan of salvation.
31:07 It's a great responsibility
31:10 and we have to set an example.
31:11 Children see us just being lazy
31:15 when there are things to do in the home
31:17 that are necessary
31:20 but the... the thing they see from day to day,
31:24 week to week is that,
31:25 "Okay, Honey, when are you going to take the garbage out?"
31:28 Because according to most families,
31:30 the husband is supposed to take the garbage out.
31:32 "When are you going to take the garbage out?"
31:34 And if you see this thing kind of taking place...
31:36 the children are learning... they are sponges
31:39 and I've learned a lot from our Samuel and Caleb,
31:41 it's very interesting
31:43 and one of these things that we're going to share is
31:45 as we go along...
31:46 here it says in... Number 1...
31:49 there are three points brought out in the Lesson:
31:50 Provide a Christian Home Environment.
31:53 This would include regular and interesting family worship.
31:56 Regular Sabbath School and Church Attendance,
31:59 and faithfulness in tithes and offerings.
32:02 Children need to learn to see you faithful
32:05 in tithes and offerings.
32:06 It's not that you just prepare it and drop it in the envelope
32:10 because kids are watching you
32:11 and they want to drop it in the envelope.
32:13 Tell them why you are preparing your tithe envelope.
32:17 Why you are preparing offering
32:20 and let them know that they too from what they receive
32:24 because children receive gifts,
32:26 they too can set aside offerings
32:28 and of their increase,
32:30 we taught our children that whenever they receive something,
32:34 they should save a tithe to give it to...
32:37 to return it to the Lord.
32:38 And this is an interesting quote from Adventist Home, page 32,
32:43 "The greatest evidence of the power of Christianity,
32:48 that can be presented to the world
32:51 is a well-ordered, well-disciplined family.
32:54 This will recommend the truth as nothing else can
32:58 for it is a living witness
33:00 of its practical power upon the heart. "
33:04 So, provide a Christian environment for the home.
33:08 This is something that children need
33:09 and teach them.
33:11 As it says in Proverbs 9:10-11,
33:13 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
33:17 and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding.
33:20 For by me thy days shall be multiplied,
33:23 and the years of thy life shall be increased. "
33:26 Let's go to Point Number 2:
33:28 Teach them a willingness to work
33:30 and an appreciation for it.
33:32 Children will discover that diligence and integrity at work
33:35 are always noticed, appreciated and rewarded.
33:38 So, it was very interesting teaching our children to work.
33:42 You know, we... one of the things I would tell the kids...
33:45 "It's good to work...
33:47 but it's better to work smart
33:49 so, you know, if you're doing a job around,
33:51 if there's a better way to do it,
33:53 try... it's not... don't just be a robot,
33:55 try to figure out a better way to do it. "
33:57 I also told them
33:58 because sometimes, you know, "Do this... "
34:00 and I found them... they started playing
34:03 and I said, "Hey, wait a minute,
34:05 do what you're supposed to do
34:08 and when you're done,
34:09 you can do what you like to do. "
34:11 And so, these are very simple things
34:12 to bring to children's attention so that they can understand
34:15 there's a time to work...
34:16 there's also a time that you can play.
34:18 In Proverbs chapter 6 verse 6 and onward, it says,
34:24 "Go to the ant, you sluggard!
34:26 consider her ways and be wise,
34:28 which have no captain, Overseer, or ruler,
34:30 provides her supplies in the summer,
34:32 and gathers her food in the harvest.
34:34 How long will you slumber, O sluggard?
34:37 When will you rise from your sleep?
34:39 A little sleep, a little slumber,
34:41 a little folding of the hands to sleep...
34:43 so shall your poverty come on you like a prowler,
34:46 and your need like an armed man. "
34:49 So, the Bible stresses the importance of work.
34:53 And, of course, it says here,
34:55 Number 3: Help with a good education.
34:58 Children need to be educated.
35:00 They need to understand that they have to study
35:03 to learn some type of career
35:05 that will be a... a benefit to them...
35:07 a blessing to them
35:09 and their families if they choose to have families.
35:12 So, time is gone and so, consider these things.
35:15 Jill: Amen, thank you so much Pastor Johnny.
35:19 We know Samuel and Caleb well
35:21 and you and Idalia did a great job with your sons.
35:23 I'm Jill Morikone, I have Wednesday's Lesson:
35:26 Working With Integrity.
35:29 Now, I've renamed it: Living a Life of Integrity
35:33 because, you know, Integrity counts in your workplace
35:35 absolutely
35:37 but it also matters in your home.
35:38 Integrity matters at the school.
35:40 Integrity matters in the church and in the community.
35:45 So, first, we'll just look at: What is integrity?
35:47 And then we have five Biblical keys
35:50 to living a life of integrity.
35:53 But what is integrity?
35:55 The dictionary says... it's the quality of being honest
35:58 and having strong moral principles.
36:02 Another site says, "Integrity implies trustworthiness
36:06 and incorruptibility
36:09 to a degree that one is incapable
36:12 of being false to a trust, responsibility or a pledge. "
36:17 This is Jill's definition of integrity.
36:20 A person with integrity is a person who is honest.
36:23 They always tell the truth.
36:25 Incapable of being deceptive or dishonest.
36:29 A person of integrity is a person who is trustworthy.
36:33 They're reliable.
36:34 They accomplish what they say they will do.
36:36 They meet you at the time they say they will
36:39 or they let you know if they can't make it at that time.
36:41 I remember we had an employee... this was several years ago
36:44 that... she possessed reliability and trustworthiness.
36:49 She possessed integrity.
36:50 If she would take a paper clip by accident from 3ABN
36:53 and she would get home
36:55 and discover that the paper clip was at home,
36:57 you know what she did?
36:58 She got in her car... she drove back to 3ABN
37:01 and she would return the paper clip after hours.
37:05 Now, if it was me...
37:06 sometimes, I'd bring a pen home by accident...
37:08 I'd just say, "I'd bring it in the morning. "
37:09 You know, I'll return it in the morning
37:12 but she would get in her car that night...
37:14 that is a person who is trustworthy.
37:16 A person who is trustworthy
37:17 keeps your information in confidence...
37:20 does not spill secrets...
37:22 a person who is loyal... has your back...
37:24 does not discuss you with others...
37:26 never cheats.
37:28 A person with integrity is a person with morality.
37:32 They take the highest road.
37:34 They don't lie... they don't cheat...
37:35 true to their word...
37:36 they avoid even the appearance of fraud,
37:39 deception or immorality.
37:42 A person of integrity is a person who is accountable
37:46 to God and to other people...
37:49 who accepts responsibility for their own actions
37:52 and does not, Shelley, as Molly used to say,
37:55 blame, shift and justify their actions.
37:58 A person with integrity is a person who is ethical...
38:01 who chooses to do the right thing
38:04 regardless of the consequences.
38:07 Now, I don't know about you but when I hear that list,
38:09 wow! that's a high list.
38:12 How are we even supposed to live lives of integrity?
38:16 The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked,
38:19 who can know it?
38:20 We can think, "Oh yes, I live in integrity... "
38:22 and then the next moment, you realize,
38:24 "I didn't even know what was in my heart. "
38:26 So, how do we live lives of integrity
38:30 as men and women of God?
38:32 Here are five keys to help you on that journey.
38:34 Number 1: Choose God and His Law.
38:38 We're going to Jeremiah 31.
38:40 Jeremiah 31 verse 33,
38:43 "Choose God and His law... "
38:46 this key is foundational
38:48 to developing a life of integrity.
38:51 "But this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel;
38:54 after those days, says the LORD,
38:56 I will put my law in their minds,
38:58 and write it on their hearts;
39:00 and I will be their God,
39:01 and they shall be my people. "
39:04 You cannot be a person of integrity without God.
39:08 You know, Pastor John, people say, "Oh, I'm a good person,
39:10 I can live a moral life...
39:12 I can live an upstanding life. "
39:14 The truth is, you cannot be a person of integrity without God.
39:19 The principles of integrity are Biblical principles.
39:23 So, the first key... if you want to live a life of integrity,
39:25 is just choose God.
39:27 Say, "God, I'm choosing to give You my life
39:30 and will You write Your law in my heart. "
39:33 Key Number 2:
39:34 You have to make a choice to walk in integrity.
39:39 Proverbs 22 verse 1,
39:41 "A good name is to be chosen
39:44 rather than great riches. "
39:47 You have to make a choice.
39:49 I want to walk in integrity.
39:52 "Loving favor rather than silver or gold. "
39:55 You know, integrity... it doesn't just happen by accident.
39:58 You just don't roll out of bed and say, "Oh yeah,
40:00 I'm a person of integrity. "
40:02 It is a choice to take the high road
40:05 and to take the difficult road sometimes.
40:09 There's a quote I like...
40:10 this has to do with integrity in business.
40:12 Integrity alone will not make you a great business leader.
40:15 But if you act without integrity,
40:17 you will eventually erode your opportunity
40:21 to influence other people.
40:23 There are three forms of integrity
40:26 I would submit to you.
40:27 We have internal integrity.
40:29 That's doing the right thing
40:30 even when nobody else is looking.
40:32 I'm going to do the right thing.
40:35 We also have external integrity.
40:37 That's doing what you promised to other people.
40:40 This is external integrity.
40:42 But we also have... and we don't often consider this,
40:45 the image of integrity.
40:47 What does that mean?
40:49 How do you even protect the image of integrity?
40:54 Here's an example,
40:55 say you have a business Corporate Card,
40:58 and you charge something personal on that card
41:00 and then you say, "It won't matter,
41:02 I can repay it later... "
41:04 and you repay it later.
41:05 There was nothing morally wrong with that
41:07 because it's paid... nothing ethically wrong with it
41:09 but if someone sees you make that charge...
41:12 this is the "image of integrity... "
41:14 if someone knows
41:15 and doesn't know that it was actually paid back,
41:17 that that could be tarnish
41:20 on that image of integrity.
41:23 If you say... you'll do something
41:25 to do it.
41:27 Live a life in private that possesses just as much integrity
41:32 as the life in public.
41:35 Key Number 3 to living a life of integrity:
41:40 Choose Biblical principles
41:42 and God's law over your personal feelings and preference.
41:47 You know, so many times...
41:49 I'm a feeling-based person
41:51 and so, that's how I tend to operate
41:53 but that's not how God's Word says it.
41:56 We need to choose to operate by principle
41:59 not by how we feel at that moment.
42:03 You know, I think about the story of Joseph.
42:06 You know, Genesis 39...
42:08 he was in Potiphar's house... he was a slave
42:10 and what does the Bible say in verse 6?
42:12 Potiphar... Genesis 39:6,
42:15 Potiphar left everything he had in Joseph's hand.
42:18 Why?
42:19 Joseph was a person of integrity.
42:20 He did not know what he had
42:22 except for the bread which he ate.
42:24 Potiphar... he trusted Joseph
42:26 and yet in verse 9... if you follow the story,
42:30 you see that Potiphar's wife attempted to seduce Joseph
42:33 and... well how does he respond?
42:35 He says, "There is no one greater in this house than I;
42:38 nor has he kept back any thing from me but you,
42:42 because you are his wife:
42:43 how then can I do this great wickedness,
42:47 and sin against God?"
42:49 You see, we see that Joseph chose the approbation of God
42:53 over the approval of men.
42:56 Joseph chose principle over preference.
42:58 He chose decision over desire.
43:01 He chose faith over feeling.
43:05 Integrity might not always be easy
43:07 but it is always worth it.
43:09 When we make the choice to choose principle
43:13 and the principles of God's Word
43:15 over how we feel
43:16 or our personal preference.
43:18 Key Number 4 to living a life of integrity:
43:22 Choose to live with eternity in view.
43:26 1st Corinthians 10 verse 31...
43:29 1st Corinthians 10 verse 31,
43:31 "Whether you eat, or drink, or whatever you do,
43:35 do all to the glory of God. "
43:39 Everything should be filtered
43:41 through the lens of God
43:43 and what is pleasing to God.
43:45 Not what I want to do...
43:47 not what I feel like doing
43:49 but what is pleasing to God?
43:51 We should make decisions in light of eternity.
43:55 Integrity... it focuses on the end goal
43:57 not the here and now.
43:59 We can say... Pastor John,
44:01 integrity practices delayed gratification
44:04 in some of those things.
44:05 Finally, Key Number 5...
44:07 Last key...
44:08 Choose to trust everything with God.
44:12 A person of integrity will trust the results with God.
44:15 It's not our job to try to gain favor,
44:18 it's not our job to try to get a promotion
44:21 or any of that.
44:22 We leave the results with God.
44:25 We trust Him.
44:27 We choose to praise and exalt His name.
44:30 Proverbs 21 verse 1,
44:32 I love this verse because it says that
44:35 truly we can trust God with everything.
44:38 "The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD.
44:41 Like the rivers of water;
44:43 and He turns it wherever He wishes. "
44:46 What does that tell us?
44:48 That says that God's in charge of everything.
44:49 We think we have to worry about stuff...
44:51 we think we have to be concerned?
44:53 No, God sees the government...
44:56 God sees the kings and rulers...
44:59 God sees the church...
45:00 God sees Organizations.
45:02 We can trust all that with Him.
45:05 So, I just want to challenge you if right now,
45:08 you're not living a life of integrity,
45:11 you can make a choice,
45:12 a choice for God and His Word.
45:15 You can seek to practice the principles of integrity
45:19 and watch as God can change your life for the better.
45:23 Lomacang: Wow! Thank you, Jill,
45:25 wonderful... wonderful... praise the Lord.
45:27 Wonderfully said and wonderfully communicated
45:30 which leads in a beautiful way right into Seeking Godly Counsel.
45:34 That's the foundation from which integrity can continue.
45:37 You know, the writer... and I appreciate the approach
45:40 to the Lesson
45:42 as I mentioned, knowing you personally knows that
45:43 this is a man whose heart has been consumed
45:46 in understanding finances
45:47 in the context of Godly application
45:50 and Godly living.
45:52 This talks about seeking Godly counsel
45:54 and he points out that there are many
45:56 money-management companies today...
45:58 many money-management gurus...
46:01 many get-rich-quick schemes
46:04 and people are anxious to counsel you
46:06 as to how to handle your money.
46:08 You know, you hear people say...
46:09 and they may have good intentions...
46:11 "I could help your money grow,
46:12 I could invest it aggressively
46:14 but be willing to take the risk. "
46:15 One person once says,
46:17 "Don't be willing to invest more than you are willing to lose. "
46:20 When it comes to handling God's money,
46:22 God doesn't want you to put your life at risk.
46:25 God doesn't want you to put your hard-earned monies...
46:28 your hard-earned possessions
46:31 in the hand of someone who is promising you something
46:32 that he cannot predict or she cannot predict
46:35 and cannot honestly deliver.
46:36 That's why the Bible says in Proverbs 24 and verse 6,
46:39 "For by wise counsel you will wage your own war,
46:43 and in a multitude of counselors there is... " what?
46:46 Jill: safety... Lomacang: "there is safety. "
46:48 God sent off the people that have experience
46:50 and I say that... people have experience in finances
46:53 like... people like G. Edward Reid
46:56 appreciate him so much.
46:57 People that have been there...
46:59 have seen the money markets go up...
47:00 sometimes even those of us who have retirements,
47:03 the market may shift
47:04 or there may be an earthquake in the financial world,
47:06 don't get nervous and, you know, damage your entire future
47:10 by pulling your money out or...
47:12 those are plans you have to make with counsel...
47:15 people that understand how things operate
47:16 and so, when we think about that,
47:19 you almost always have to include God in those decisions
47:22 and so, don't put your money
47:27 in the hand of a secular-minded person
47:28 who doesn't use Godly principles.
47:30 Psalm 1 verses 1 to 3 makes this point very clear,
47:32 "Blessed is the man
47:34 who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly... "
47:36 That means, people who don't have any Godly commitment.
47:39 They say, "I can make your money grow... who is God?"
47:42 Don't put your money in that person's hand.
47:45 "Nor stand in the path of sinners... "
47:47 Sometimes, we like to meander in the maze of mediocrity...
47:50 be around people that are financially savvy...
47:52 people that have lot of money...
47:53 but what's their relationship to God
47:55 is more important than how much they possess
47:57 because many people that possess much
47:58 are possessed by much.
48:00 "Nor sits in the seat of the scornful... "
48:02 but watch this...
48:04 "But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
48:06 and in His law, he meditates day and night. "
48:08 People that have a... an accountability factor,
48:11 I like the way you said that Jill,
48:12 and that accountability factor is not based on public
48:15 but public and private life.
48:17 They're not saying, "How can I swindle this person?"
48:20 Life the Bernie Madoffs
48:22 and the individual that...
48:23 there was somebody that was recently arrested
48:25 had, you know, this Ponzi Scheme and this...
48:28 you know the digital currency...
48:29 all these things that are just...
48:31 for the most part a "Get-rich-quick" movement
48:34 and people say, "I promise you...
48:36 I could make your money grow exponentially. "
48:38 No... you are standing in this...
48:42 you are standing in the path of sinners
48:44 and you may be sitting at the seat of the scornful.
48:46 But if they delight in God's law,
48:48 and watch this...
48:50 they meditate on that principle day and night.
48:52 What will happen to you?
48:54 "You shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters,
48:56 that brings forth its fruit in its season...
48:59 Your investments will come to pass
49:01 when you follow Godly principles
49:03 "whose leaf also shall not wither;
49:05 and whatever he does shall prosper. "
49:08 But you must delight in the Lord.
49:10 How do you delight in the Lord?
49:12 Proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6,
49:13 "Trust in the LORD your God with all your heart... "
49:17 and whether you can't see the future or you can,
49:20 "lean not on your own understanding... "
49:22 when you write your checks, when you pay your bills,
49:24 "in all of your ways acknowledge Him,
49:27 and He promises to direct our paths. "
49:29 So, Jill, what I loved about my day is,
49:32 I like to put points together but He put them together for me.
49:35 So, let's go through this seven points of how you can apply
49:39 Godly principles to have...
49:41 to have a life of... of integrity
49:44 and financial feasibility.
49:46 First one...
49:48 Get organized.
49:49 Say it with me...
49:50 Panel: Get organized.
49:52 Lomacang: Devise a plan...
49:53 Proverbs 27 verses 23 to 24,
49:55 "Be diligent to know the state of your flocks,
49:59 and attend to your herds... "
50:01 that means... understand your bank balance.
50:03 Understand how you're spending money,
50:05 look at that in reality.
50:07 Some people are afraid to look at money
50:09 but it tells a story about their heart.
50:12 He says in verse 24,
50:14 "For riches are not forever,
50:16 now does a crown endure to all generations. "
50:19 You might be at the top today but at the bottom tomorrow.
50:23 You might be basking in that corner office
50:25 overlooking the ocean
50:27 but one false move...
50:28 you're in the basement sweeping the floors.
50:30 Be careful not to glory in the position you're in
50:33 but to use principles guided by Godly counsel.
50:37 The other one... Number 2:
50:38 Spend less than you earn.
50:39 Determine to live within your means.
50:41 Don't covet other people's possessions
50:44 or don't even covet your own possessions
50:46 saying, "I need more. "
50:47 Proverbs 15 verse 16,
50:49 "Better is a little with the fear of the LORD,
50:52 than great treasure with trouble. "
50:55 Wow! Isn't that nice?
50:56 You know, if you could have a heart at peace at night
50:58 and not worry about... "I heard a siren...
51:00 are they coming to arrest me?"
51:02 No, be able to walk down the street
51:03 and not fear going to jail
51:05 or go to the store
51:06 and be honest when you purchase something
51:07 that you're not using someone else's Credit Card
51:09 without their permission.
51:11 Believe me... that happens today.
51:13 That's why my wife and I when we throw out
51:15 things like bills or Credit Card offers,
51:17 we shred it
51:19 because people take that.
51:20 I lost my identity once
51:21 and it took me six months to get it back
51:23 to prove I am who I am.
51:24 So, I speak from experience.
51:26 Many people in the Western world...
51:27 they live above their means.
51:29 They spend more than they earn
51:31 and they make it impossible
51:32 to live a life where children could look forward
51:36 with a great heart of,
51:37 "My Mom and Dad are taking care of me...
51:39 my Mom and Dad are making wise plans. "
51:41 Which brings me to the third point:
51:43 Save a portion from every paycheck.
51:45 John Dinzey used this passage, Proverbs 6 verses 6 to 8,
51:50 "Go to the ant, you sluggard;
51:52 consider her ways, and be wise:
51:54 which having no captain, Overseer, or ruler,
51:56 provides her supplies in the summer,
51:58 and gathers her food at the harvest. "
52:01 So, look at the ants...
52:02 I mean, really, you can try and get rid of ants
52:05 but there are so many of them
52:07 because you know why you can't get rid of them?
52:08 They have a plan
52:10 and that plan is way deeper than you think.
52:12 Those ants are working their hearts out
52:15 because they know the cold weather is coming
52:17 and I'm not going to be out there freezing.
52:18 While you're trying to get rid of them,
52:20 they're planning for the seasons ahead.
52:22 What does that say to us?
52:24 Plan for the seasons where
52:25 all the circumstances may not be in your favor
52:29 but if you look down the road,
52:30 I would say, "You got to perspire...
52:33 perspire now and be at ease later. "
52:35 Number 4:
52:36 I love the way he said this,
52:38 Avoid debt like COVID-19.
52:39 Panel: Laughter.
52:42 Lomacang: Wonderful Elder Reid.
52:44 Proverbs 22 verse 7,
52:46 "The rich rule over the poor,
52:48 and the borrower is servant to the lender. "
52:51 You know some people have just come out of the holiday season
52:54 out of the season, they were spending
52:57 and they are sitting there...
52:58 the gifts no longer look as appealing as they did
53:00 at the beginning
53:02 because the bills are coming in now
53:04 and they cutting on all the edges.
53:06 What do I pay? What do I not pay?
53:08 Did I really need that television
53:10 because it's like 25 dollars more than I could afford
53:12 per month.
53:14 Watch out... the slave that you have made yourself
53:17 is not one that you can easily extricate yourself from.
53:21 Watch out... and even interest payments.
53:23 Those things may look good,
53:25 "Hey, zero interest for six months...
53:27 after that, 31 percent interest. "
53:29 Don't go for it... be a diligent worker
53:32 which brings me to Point Number 5:
53:33 Be a diligent worker.
53:35 Proverbs 13 verse 4,
53:37 Proverbs is a powerful book.
53:40 If you want to be wise,
53:41 get some of these Proverbs in your heart
53:43 so they can guide your life.
53:45 Proverbs 13 verse 4,
53:46 "The soul of the lazy man desires, and has nothing:
53:50 but the soul of the diligent shall be made rich. "
53:53 And that doesn't necessarily mean
53:55 you're going to have a lot of money,
53:56 but that means you are going to be financially soluble.
53:59 You're going to be able to cover your needs
54:01 and there's another passage,
54:03 "The lazy man says, 'There's lion in the streets,
54:05 if I go out he's going to devour me. '"
54:07 There are some people who won't find a job
54:09 because they want the job to come to them.
54:11 I asked a young man once, I said,
54:13 "Are you looking for a job?"
54:14 every day... "Have you left the house yet?"
54:16 "Nah... "
54:18 "What are you doing?"
54:19 "Playing video games but I put some applications in online. "
54:21 That's laziness.
54:22 Don't be a lazy person.
54:24 Money, you know, even if somebody mailed a check to you,
54:27 you got to go to the Post Office to get it.
54:29 You got to walk across the floor to the mailbox to get it...
54:32 don't be lazy... be careful...
54:33 be a diligent worker and let me tell you something,
54:36 nobody ever died from being a diligent and honest worker.
54:40 Number 6:
54:42 Be financially faithful to God.
54:44 Deuteronomy 28 verse 10,
54:46 it's a very long one all the way to verse 14,
54:49 but it points out very carefully
54:51 that all the people of the earth shall see that you are called
54:53 by the name of the LORD,
54:55 and they shall be afraid of you. "
54:57 Why? Because God is prospering you,
54:59 God is blessing you
55:00 and when you follow those principles,
55:02 it's not that their fear of you is
55:04 because you're going to hurt them
55:05 but they say, "Wait a minute, don't touch that individual,
55:08 that person is under God's guidance and God's blessings. "
55:10 When you are faithful to God,
55:12 God will be more than faithful to you
55:14 and Point Number 7,
55:16 Remember that this earth is not our real home.
55:19 Matthew 25:21,
55:21 "His lord said to him,
55:22 'Well done, good and faithful servant;
55:24 you were faithful over a few things,
55:27 I will make you ruler over many things.
55:29 Enter into the joy of your Lord. '"
55:31 Yes, seek Godly counsel
55:34 and God will bless you.
55:36 Panel: Amen.
55:37 Shelley: Ah, thank you, each and every one of you,
55:40 I just so appreciate the opportunity
55:43 to sit and learn from what you all have studied.
55:47 We have a few moments for closing thoughts.
55:50 Ryan: Amen, we learned on Monday's Lesson
55:52 that work is a blessing.
55:54 In Ecclesiastes 9:10 which we read,
55:56 let me read it again,
55:57 "Whatever your hand finds to do,
55:58 do it with your might;
56:00 for there is no work nor device or knowledge
56:02 or wisdom in the grave where you are going. "
56:05 Dinzey: Amen, thank you so much
56:07 and for those who have family members... those parents...
56:11 I would like to encourage you
56:13 to let your light so shine before men
56:15 and your children and your family
56:17 that they may see your good works
56:19 and glorify your Father in heaven.
56:21 Shelley: Amen, thank you.
56:22 I had Wednesday which is living a life of integrity
56:24 and if you've not lived a life of integrity,
56:27 maybe you've been dishonest or not always told the truth
56:29 and maybe you're not even sure
56:31 if there's any hope for you,
56:32 I want to tell you... there is hope for you.
56:35 1st John 1:9, "If we confess our sins,
56:37 He is faithful and just
56:39 to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. "
56:42 From today, you can begin that life of integrity.
56:44 Lomacang: That's right in Proverbs 24 verse 6,
56:47 "In a multitude of counselors there is safety. "
56:50 Here's the point,
56:51 When your mind is guided by God,
56:53 your life will not be deceived by man.
56:55 Trust the safety of a multitude of counselors.
56:59 Shelley: Amen and amen,
57:00 thank you Ryan... John Dinzey...
57:04 Jill... John Lomacang.
57:06 Thank you so much for your input
57:08 and we're so grateful that you've watched.
57:10 Remember, if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.
57:16 We want you to plan for success
57:18 and it begins with your priorities.
57:21 Jesus said, "Seek first the kingdom of God
57:24 and His righteousness
57:26 and all this will be added unto you. "
57:30 Seek to do God's will...
57:35 to do it His way.
57:37 He wants you to be successful.
57:40 Now, we are so glad that you are with us this week
57:45 but be sure and join us next week
57:48 for Lesson Number 9: Beware of Covetousness.
57:53 Our prayer for you
57:54 is that the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...
57:57 the love of the Father
57:59 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
58:01 is with you today and always.


Revised 2023-04-13