Secrets to Wellness

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: STW

Program Code: STW170006A

00:21 Welcome again to Secrets to Wellness.
00:25 We've been studying these secrets to wellness
00:28 that will help you to live longer,
00:30 healthier, and happier.
00:32 And we've covered a number of things already.
00:34 Water, exercise, love, lifestyle,
00:39 and now we are covering nutrition.
00:41 This is one of my favorite things
00:43 because I have been doing nutrition classes
00:46 in cooking schools now for 48 years.
00:49 So we're going to study a number of things
00:51 about nutrition in this session,
00:53 and good nutrition is essential for good health.
00:57 If we're going to have good health, my friends,
00:59 we do need good nutrition.
01:02 So let's look at some simple principles of nutrition.
01:05 There are so many directions that we could have gone,
01:08 but I'm going to give you some simple principles
01:11 that will help you to know
01:13 that you are getting adequate nutrition
01:15 on a good diet, on a good original diet.
01:19 So what are these principles?
01:21 Well, the three key principles of good nutrition are
01:24 to choose the right kinds of food,
01:27 to choose the right time when we eat,
01:30 and to choose the right amount of food.
01:32 So we're going to cover
01:34 each one of these very thoroughly.
01:35 So what are the right kinds of foods?
01:38 For good nutrition, we need the right kind.
01:41 Well, God knew what the right kind was
01:44 right was right beginning,
01:45 but what are you going to put in that wagon?
01:48 What are you going to put in your...
01:50 The wagon at the grocery store and then bring home
01:53 and put on the table?
01:54 What are the right kinds of foods?
01:57 Well, God said in Genesis 1:29,
02:01 "See, I have given you every plant yielding seed
02:05 that's on the face of all the land,
02:07 and every tree with seed in its fruit,
02:10 and you shall have them for food."
02:12 So God says, my friends,
02:14 that I'm gonna give you the best food ever.
02:17 Fruits, nuts and seeds, grains and vegetables,
02:21 this is what is going to keep you healthy.
02:24 That's the kind of food that I'm going to give you.
02:27 So the Eden diet, my friends,
02:29 was a plant-based, vegetarian diet.
02:32 That's what we had right in the beginning,
02:35 some of these beautiful fruits,
02:37 and they could just go and pick them off the trees.
02:40 And so "Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables
02:43 constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator.
02:48 And these foods,
02:49 prepared in as simple
02:51 and natural a manner as possible,
02:53 are the most healthful and nourishing."
02:57 In fact, they will impart us strength,
02:59 you will be stronger,
03:01 a power of endurance,
03:02 and you'll have vigor of intellect
03:06 that are not afforded by a more complex
03:08 and stimulating diet.
03:10 So God says, "I'm going to give you
03:12 the very best diet ever."
03:14 And we cannot improve upon the Creator's plan,
03:19 given us right in the beginning,
03:20 and science is recognizing that as well.
03:23 Science is confirming that even a plant-based diet
03:28 is the very best
03:30 if we truly want to be healthy and live longer.
03:34 Medical researchers have discovered that
03:37 some foods actually are protective foods
03:40 against the killer diseases of the 21st century.
03:44 So what are those foods that are protective foods?
03:47 What are they?
03:49 Well, science has discovered
03:51 that they are plant-based foods,
03:54 such as fruits, nuts, grains, and vegetables.
03:58 And population groups
04:00 who eat a wide variety of protective foods
04:03 have a reduced rate of cancer and heart disease.
04:08 We've been talking about
04:10 how we can lower the risk of cancer
04:12 and heart disease.
04:14 Well, population groups who eat a variety
04:17 of these plant-based foods have a reduced rate.
04:21 Documented scientific evidence
04:24 confirms the validity of a plant-based diet.
04:28 Over 200 studies in the last 25 years
04:32 have shown those eating plant-based foods
04:35 have 50% less cancer.
04:38 So if we want to have less cancer,
04:42 less heart disease,
04:43 all of these chronic diseases that are directly connected
04:47 to these lifestyle practices that we are going over,
04:50 then you can reduce them by a plant-based diet.
04:55 And God placed all the natural ingredients
04:58 in a plant-based diet.
05:00 Everything is here.
05:01 Someone says, "Well, will I get enough protein?
05:04 Will I get enough nutrients?"
05:06 Yes.
05:07 A plant based diet contains adequate carbohydrates,
05:10 and, my friends, we need those carbs.
05:13 I know there are some who are teaching
05:15 that we don't need them, but we need the good carbs,
05:19 not the packaged processed foods
05:21 and refined foods, but...
05:23 Of carbohydrates,
05:25 but we need the good carbohydrates.
05:27 And yes, we need the protein.
05:30 We need protein,
05:31 but we get adequate protein in a plant-based diet,
05:34 and we get all the vitamins and minerals that we need.
05:39 And Counsels on Diets and Foods,
05:41 a wonderful book on health, says this.
05:44 "In grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts,
05:47 are to be found all the food elements
05:50 that we need."
05:51 Those elements are nutrients.
05:54 So in all of this plant-based diet,
05:56 we have all the nutrients or elements that we need.
06:00 So let's look at some advantages
06:02 of a total vegetarian diet.
06:05 Well, first of all,
06:06 a vegetarian diet is rich in phytochemicals
06:09 and antioxidants.
06:11 What are phytochemicals, some of you may be wondering?
06:15 What are those anyway?
06:16 That's a new term, more recently.
06:19 And so phyto just simply means plant, my friends,
06:23 and phytochemicals are protective chemicals
06:26 found only in plant food.
06:29 This is not found in animal foods,
06:31 but your phytochemicals are found in plant foods.
06:35 And tomatoes are filled with an abundant of...
06:39 Abundance of phytochemicals.
06:41 In fact, I eat those delicious red juicy tomatoes
06:46 just about every single day, it's one of my favorite foods.
06:50 So tomatoes are filled with those phytochemicals,
06:53 and soy beans and tofu
06:55 are packed full of protective chemicals,
06:58 and they have lots of protein as well.
07:01 You know, just before I was doing
07:04 cooking school most recently,
07:06 I had someone come to me and say,
07:08 "Don't talk about tofu, don't talk about soybeans
07:11 because there are studies that say
07:13 that they are not good for you."
07:15 So I decided to do a very thorough study on soybeans.
07:19 And, my friends, after my study,
07:22 and I had studied a lot of scientific evidence,
07:25 I was more convinced
07:27 that I needed to eat more of that edamame
07:30 and more of those soybeans.
07:32 So they are good for you, God made these,
07:35 and they are wonderful and nutritious.
07:38 And they reduce...
07:40 Actually can help reduce breast cancer, colon cancer,
07:45 rectal cancer, lung cancer, and even stomach cancer.
07:49 It's because these foods are filled with phytochemicals
07:53 and antioxidants.
07:56 What are antioxidants, you say?
07:59 Well, antioxidants are chemicals found in food
08:02 that prevent or repair damage to the cells
08:06 caused by substances called free radicals.
08:10 In other words, were not only going to prevent
08:14 these cells from damaging,
08:16 but also it can repair the cells
08:19 that are already damaged by these free radicals.
08:24 And the highest antioxidants are found in berries.
08:27 Now we love berries in our home,
08:30 we eat lots of berries.
08:31 In fact, we had an antioxidant test,
08:34 and my husband and I were off the charts in antioxidants,
08:38 and the nurse said to us,
08:40 "Are you eating lots of berries or carrot juice?"
08:43 And we said, "Yes, all of the above."
08:45 "And your antioxidant level is so high."
08:49 Well, someone says, "I can't afford berries."
08:52 But, my friends,
08:54 when I get one package and it says,
08:56 "Buy one, get one free." I buy them.
08:59 So that's a little tip,
09:01 a little help that you can get
09:03 when you're at the grocery store.
09:05 If it says, "Buy one pack of strawberries,
09:07 and get one free."
09:09 Buy those.
09:11 And you can even freeze them
09:12 and use them in blueberry pancakes
09:14 or whatever.
09:16 And also, you will be high in those good antioxidants.
09:21 And a plant-based diet also can help reduce the risk
09:25 or reverse heart disease.
09:26 Not only reduce the risk today,
09:29 but scientific studies actually show
09:32 that we can reverse heart disease
09:34 on a plant-based diet.
09:36 In fact, that's one of the only ways
09:39 that we can actually reverse heart diseases
09:41 on these principles that I'm talking to you about
09:45 right here on 3ABN.
09:47 Another plant-based diet...
09:50 Another advantage of a plant-based diet
09:53 is that we can reduce the risk of cancer.
09:56 So cancer can be reduced on a plant-based diet.
10:00 And a plant-based diet contains alkaline-forming foods,
10:04 and we want our body to be more alkaline than acidic,
10:09 so we need to have the alkaline-forming foods.
10:12 The right kind of food is primarily alkaline-forming,
10:17 but the typical western diet is acidic-forming.
10:21 What's the difference between
10:23 alkaline-forming and acidic-forming?
10:27 Well, the best diet is to consist of at least 50%
10:32 or more alkaline-forming foods.
10:35 And your alkaline-forming foods include your fruits,
10:39 just like these beautiful fruits here,
10:41 and your vegetables, and your lentils, your seeds,
10:45 and even some nuts.
10:47 And your acidic-forming or your acid-forming foods
10:50 include your meat, all of your animal products,
10:54 meat, fish, poultry, eggs, processed foods, desserts,
10:59 sugar, fast foods, and even most grains.
11:03 But then someone says, "What about grains?"
11:05 Well, no, we need the grains that needs to take up
11:09 the percent after the 50% that you're getting
11:12 with the alkaline-forming foods.
11:16 And so we need the grains for the fiber,
11:18 we need the grains for the B vitamins,
11:21 and so we need all of that.
11:23 But the alkaline-forming foods, we need to increase.
11:27 We need to increase our fruits and vegetables.
11:32 And many people and many health problems
11:35 are associated with our body being too acidic.
11:39 You have high acidic-forming foods
11:42 which produce those free radicals.
11:44 So here you have a normal cell,
11:46 but then you have a damaged cell over here,
11:49 where it just gets all those free radicals
11:53 and goes in every direction.
11:56 And these free radicals set the stage for cancer,
12:00 for heart disease, other diseases,
12:02 and even premature aging.
12:04 So we need alkaline foods in our diet...
12:08 Alkaline-forming foods in our diet.
12:11 And for good nutrition,
12:12 we need to reduce the cholesterol intake.
12:15 Yes, most people are on a high cholesterol diet.
12:19 And animal foods are high in cholesterol,
12:22 but plant foods contain no cholesterol.
12:26 So we don't have cholesterol
12:28 in these burgers or in plant foods.
12:32 But eggs, my friends,
12:33 are one of the highest known sources
12:36 of cholesterol to man.
12:38 In fact, the Heart Association says that
12:40 if you are eating eggs,
12:42 don't eat more than two to three a week,
12:45 even used in cooking.
12:47 So we want to cut down on that cholesterol.
12:50 Dr. Neil Nedley, medical doctor,
12:52 in his book Proof Positive, page 29, says,
12:56 "A high intake of cholesterol,
12:58 which is present in meat, eggs, and dairy products,
13:02 has also been linked to an increase incidence
13:05 of cancer in several studies."
13:07 And this is what we're trying to do
13:09 in these programs, my friends.
13:11 We're trying to cut down the risk of cancer,
13:15 heart disease, and these chronic diseases.
13:19 And a high fat diet contributes to cancer and heart disease.
13:24 So cutting down in the fat will help as well.
13:28 In the book Counsels on Diet and Foods,
13:31 written way back in even 1886, it says,
13:34 "The liability to take disease
13:37 is increased tenfold by meat eating."
13:40 So ten times by meat eating,
13:43 and science is proving this today.
13:46 According to Valter Longo,
13:48 a university of Southern California
13:50 gerontologist and co-author of a 2014 study
13:54 on eating lots of protein,
13:56 particularly from animal sources,
13:59 speeds up aging
14:01 and hastens the development of some diseases.
14:05 So when we eat a meat,
14:07 we actually hasten and speed up the aging process.
14:11 In fact, studies have shown that young people
14:15 reach puberty sooner,
14:18 age sooner, and die sooner
14:20 when we're on an animal-based diet.
14:24 In another article titled
14:26 "Animal Protein Linked to Death"
14:28 by Thomas Campbell.
14:30 Now this Thomas Campbell is the son of Dr. Campbell
14:34 who wrote The China Study book.
14:36 It was modified on August 29.
14:39 2016, and it says this.
14:41 "A study released this week shows that
14:45 among two very large American studies population,
14:50 both female nurses and male health professionals,
14:54 that those that consumed the most animal protein
14:58 compared to plant protein had a higher risk of death,
15:02 particularly cardiovascular disease."
15:05 So on an animal diet,
15:07 they had a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.
15:10 And then he goes on to say,
15:12 "Those consuming the most plant protein were found
15:16 to have 33% reduced risk of death..."
15:20 So you can reduce the risk of death by 33%
15:24 by just eliminating animal foods.
15:27 "And 40% reduced risk of cardiovascular death,
15:31 and 28% reduced risk of cancer death."
15:35 So we know science is proving these principles, my friends,
15:39 that we're giving to you right here.
15:41 So how can we do this?
15:43 Cut out those high fat, high cholesterol foods,
15:47 and you'll feel so much better as well.
15:50 But again in Counsels on Diet and Foods, we are told that,
15:55 "Cancers, tumors, and pulmonary diseases
15:58 are largely caused by meat eating."
16:01 And what are those pulmonary diseases?
16:04 They are lung diseases.
16:05 And that's why some people who are not smokers,
16:09 but eating largely of animal foods
16:12 can actually contract these lung diseases
16:16 such as even lung cancer.
16:18 And then many people...
16:19 "Many die of diseases wholly due to meat eating,
16:23 when the real cause is scarcely suspected
16:27 by themselves or others."
16:29 In other words, actually people are dying
16:32 from eating all of that meat, high cholesterol, high fat,
16:37 which is linked to so many of these diseases,
16:40 and they don't even know it.
16:42 And that's why I'm sharing with you, my friends,
16:45 right here on 3ABN,
16:47 I'm sharing with you these secrets
16:49 because I know
16:51 that you will not only feel better,
16:53 but you will live longer if you follow these principles.
16:57 So, my friends, for good nutrition,
16:59 we need to eat also foods that are high in fiber,
17:04 and all fruit has an abundance of fiber.
17:07 So eat fruit in abundance.
17:09 And whole grains,
17:10 they are rich in complex carbohydrates,
17:13 and they have different types of dietary fiber, and protein,
17:18 and vitamins and minerals, and a host of phytochemicals.
17:22 So these whole grains are filled with nutrients.
17:26 And even add some beans to your breakfast.
17:29 They are high in fiber, they are nutritious,
17:32 delicious, and satisfying.
17:34 In fact, the centenarians are saying,
17:37 "We need beans and greens, and nuts and seeds
17:41 to keep us living longer."
17:43 So jumpstart your day with a good breakfast.
17:45 I jumpstart my husband's day with a very good breakfast.
17:49 And what does a good breakfast contain?
17:52 Well, lots of fruit, grains, and nuts, and seeds
17:56 because they are high in fiber.
17:58 So plant-based vegetarians
18:00 have plenty of healthy breakfast choices.
18:04 Look at all these different choices,
18:06 from oatmeal pancakes to even hash browns to cobblers
18:11 to granolas, you have many, many choices.
18:15 But how much fiber do we need, someone asks.
18:18 Well, we need 30 grams per day,
18:20 but the average person in North America
18:24 consumes less than 50%
18:26 of the recommended amounts of dietary fiber.
18:30 So we're only getting half of the amount.
18:32 And for youth,
18:33 this value may be as low as 20%,
18:36 a factor considered by experts
18:38 as contributing to the rise in obesity,
18:41 and childhood obesity is on the rise.
18:45 Why is fiber so important?
18:47 Because fiber stimulates the colon
18:50 to discharge the waste faster
18:53 and reduces the concentration of harmful substances
18:57 remaining in the colon.
18:59 In other words, when we eat foods
19:01 that are high in fiber,
19:02 it actually pushes all of those toxins
19:07 and all of those harmful products right through,
19:11 and we will actually cut down and reduce the risk of cancer,
19:17 and diabetes, and even heart disease.
19:20 So increase, my friends, your consumption of fruits,
19:24 vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.
19:26 That's the thing that we need to do
19:28 is just increase these good foods
19:31 and eat at least five to nine fruits
19:35 and vegetables every day.
19:36 You know, it used to be that dieticians said,
19:39 "Five a day."
19:41 Our daughter Rebecca is a dietician,
19:43 she worked in the children's hospital
19:45 many years ago.
19:46 And they were saying, "Five a day."
19:48 But today, we need eight or nine fruits
19:51 and vegetables every day.
19:53 And the United States government provides
19:55 nutrition guidelines for Americans,
19:58 and they are updated approximately every five years.
20:01 And they're coming to the conclusion
20:03 that we need more fruits and vegetables.
20:06 And here's the newest nutritional guide
20:09 called My Plate,
20:10 and vegetables are one of the highest things
20:13 that we need, and then fruits and grains and protein,
20:16 they say, with some dairy.
20:19 But then the USDA's 2015 report
20:24 found that a healthy diet should comprise
20:28 higher plant foods and lower animal based foods.
20:31 So they're realizing, we need more plant-based foods.
20:35 Harvard Medical School and Science
20:37 are coming back to God's original diet of fruits,
20:40 vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts and seeds.
20:43 In fact, the Harvard Eating Plate
20:46 from Harvard University actually says,
20:48 yes, vegetables, we need a lot of, and fruits.
20:52 But not just grains, we need whole grains.
20:55 And not just protein, we need healthy protein,
21:00 protein that's like nuts.
21:03 And avoid bacon, and cold cuts, and all of that processed meat.
21:07 And then drink that water, eat some...
21:11 Use some healthy oils, and stay active,
21:14 and you will be healthy.
21:16 So a plant-based diet was the diet, my friends,
21:19 chosen for mankind by our Creator.
21:24 Let's quickly look at principle number two.
21:27 So the first principle
21:28 is to eat the right kinds of foods,
21:30 and we know that that's plant-based food.
21:33 Eat at the right times.
21:35 Well, what are the right times?
21:36 Well, first, we need to establish
21:38 regular eating times.
21:40 Two to three meals a day
21:42 is all we need with nothing between.
21:46 In fact, allow adequate time between meals
21:49 to give your body the opportunity
21:51 to properly digest the food from the previous meal.
21:57 "Five hours at least should elapse between each meal,
22:00 and always bear in mind
22:01 that if you would give it a trial,
22:03 you would find that two meals are better than three."
22:06 So at least...
22:07 And some people need three meals,
22:09 and some people can do very well on two meals,
22:12 but whatever you see is best for you.
22:15 But nothing between,
22:16 we don't need to be eating
22:18 five, six or more meals with all the snacks today.
22:21 And science is bearing this out.
22:24 Luigi Fontana, physician and co-director
22:26 of the longevity research program
22:28 at Washington University in St. Louis says,
22:32 "Fasting for as little as 16 hours
22:35 could improve some health measures
22:37 and counteract disease processes."
22:40 In other words, if we just skip supper occasionally,
22:44 the evening meal,
22:46 we would be fasting at least 16 hours,
22:49 and this could counteract some of the prominent diseases.
22:52 So the right kinds of foods, the right time to eat,
22:57 and then the right amount of food
22:59 is principle number three.
23:02 Michele Bellantoni,
23:04 of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,
23:09 points out that, "It's more than just finding
23:12 the right foods,
23:14 you need to eat them in the right amounts, too."
23:17 So it's not only the right foods,
23:20 but the right amount.
23:21 And according to the latest statistics,
23:23 actually 66% of Americans
23:27 are overweight or obese.
23:30 And gaining or losing weight
23:32 is all about calorie intake and burning those calories.
23:36 So if you're taking in more calories
23:39 than you're burning,
23:40 you're probably going to gain weight.
23:42 So if you're gaining weight, my friends,
23:44 it's as simple as this.
23:45 You are eating too much.
23:47 And if you're losing weight,
23:49 then you're possibly not eating enough.
23:52 And so you need to eat enough to maintain your ideal weight.
23:58 So here are the three key principles
24:01 of good nutrition, my friends.
24:03 Choose the right kinds of foods,
24:05 choose the right times to eat,
24:08 and choose the right amount of food.
24:10 There it is, all wrapped up there.
24:13 What are the right kinds of foods?
24:15 They are fruits, nuts, grains, and vegetables.
24:18 Basically, the diet that God gave us in the beginning.
24:23 It is a plant-based diet.
24:25 And then the right times.
24:26 Two or three meals with nothing between.
24:30 And then the right amount.
24:32 It's different for different people,
24:34 but the right amount is...
24:36 Make sure that you have your ideal weight
24:39 and keep that ideal weight,
24:41 so that you choose the right kinds,
24:45 the right times, and the right amount.
24:48 And so our prescription for you today
24:52 is eat a variety, a wide variety,
24:56 that's so important.
24:57 Eat a wide variety of fruits, nuts, grains, and vegetables.
25:03 So here are our teenie tips for you.
25:06 Eat a plant-based diet, it's the very best.
25:10 There's nothing that compares to this plant-based diet,
25:13 and science is proving
25:15 that it will keep you not only healthy,
25:18 but give you a longer life.
25:20 And so reduce the fat and cholesterol consumption.
25:24 How do we do this?
25:25 Well, we can eliminate all those animal products.
25:29 And once we do that,
25:30 we automatically reduce the cholesterol consumption.
25:35 And then reduce sugar consumption.
25:37 Sometimes, people when they go from a meat or animal diet,
25:41 they go on a high sugar diet,
25:44 but we need to reduce that sugar
25:47 because sugar actually lessens our immune system
25:52 and it also clogs the system.
25:55 And then reducing the salt consumption.
25:58 We do need some salt,
26:00 but we need to reduce the salt consumption.
26:03 And then increase the consumption of vegetables,
26:06 fruits, and whole grains.
26:08 If you're only eating a few vegetables or a few fruits,
26:12 increase that number and eat more.
26:15 And then eat a substantial breakfast.
26:18 My friends, breakfast
26:19 is the most important meal of the day.
26:22 Our body is ready to eat food in the morning when we get up,
26:27 so eat a substantial breakfast.
26:30 And then allow at least five hours between our meals.
26:35 And when we do all of this, my friends,
26:38 you will be leaving to that healthy 100.
26:42 So I hope that you will incorporate
26:44 these principles into your lifestyle
26:48 because I know that this is God's plan,
26:52 it's God's health assurance plan.
26:55 And you can live longer, healthier, and happier
27:00 if you incorporate all of these things
27:03 that we're talking about into your lifestyle.
27:06 And I know that God will help you to do it.
27:09 So may God bless each of you.
27:12 My husband and I have been doing this for many years,
27:15 and we have the materials out there for you
27:18 to look at our cook book, our work book,
27:22 and instructive book, DVD's.
27:24 So may God bless you as you choose God's way.


Revised 2019-03-08