Starting with Jesus

Jesus and the Children

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SWJ

Program Code: SWJ000049S

00:01 Hey kids, it's time for Sabbath School. So grab your Bibles and
00:03 let's go.
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00:31 (Miss Ruthie) Hello boys and girls. Welcome to Starting With
00:33 Jesus where we want to encourage you to start everything you do
00:36 with Jesus. We have some really fun things planned for you today
00:40 an exciting nature story that you won't want to miss, and our
00:44 Bible story today talks about you. So you won't want to miss
00:50 that. Let's start our program though with some singing.
00:53 ♪ ♪ God sees the little sparrow fall
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04:53 (Miss Gloria) Hello boys and girls. I'm so glad you're here
04:56 today to dive into God's great book of nature with me. As you
04:59 look around you'll notice there are so many types of trees.
05:04 There are types of trees called deciduous or hardwood trees also
05:08 knows as broad leaf trees because their leaves are big and
05:12 broad. Get it? Broadleaf with broad leaves. Well these kind of
05:18 trees lose their leaves in the fall and winter. But don't
05:22 worry. They grow new leaves in the spring and summer. But what
05:26 do you think would happen to this tree if the leaves didn't
05:29 fall in the winter when it was cold and snowy. Well those broad
05:34 leaves would hold onto so much snow that the tree branches
05:38 would be too heavy and it would break. That would not be good
05:42 would it? There are other types of trees in the forest called
05:45 conifers also known as evergreens They stay green all year long.
05:50 Get it? Evergreen, always green. They do not lose their leaves in
05:55 the cold. Their leaves are skinny like needles and God made
05:59 them that way on purpose so that the snow can fall around or
06:02 between the needles and not weigh the tree branches down.
06:06 You know what this tells me? It tells me that God is so merciful
06:09 and has made provision, like ways around, to protect the
06:15 trees after sin came into this world and brought different
06:17 weather conditions like cold and snow. Philippians 4:19 says:
06:29 Doesn't that make you feel great that God takes care of all the
06:32 needs of the trees and he takes care of your needs too. Our
06:36 God's a pretty awesome God isn't he? Here's an idea. Why don't
06:40 you take a walk with a grownup and try and try to find as many
06:43 broad leaves and evergreens as you can. Don't tear them down,
06:47 just count them and let us know how many of each you find.
06:51 You can even send pictures if you want. Doesn't that make you
06:54 feel great to know that God takes care of the needs of all
06:56 the trees and he takes care of your needs too. Isn't our God a
07:00 great, awesome God? I hope you have enjoyed this page in God's
07:04 great book of nature. See you next time.
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07:24 (Miss Michelle) Hmm. Oh, pardon me. I was just replaying some
07:31 memories in my mind. Do you see this cute little bear. He's
07:35 playing a song for us. Have you heard that song before? You
07:40 probably have. It's one of the most popular children's sacred
07:45 songs of all time. Jesus Loves Me. You see some close friends
07:49 of ours gave my son this little bear the day he was dedicated.
07:52 And it's super special because it's a reminder of how much
07:56 Jesus loves him. Today's story is about how much Jesus loves
08:00 kids. Let's pray.
08:02 Dear heavenly Father, we thank you so very much for your love
08:05 for us. Please bless us now as we enter into our special story
08:09 time, our special Bible story time. Send your Spirit to be
08:12 here and open our eyes and ears to your love. In your name we
08:16 pray, Amen.
08:18 I can just imagine one morning a mother waking up and thinking
08:22 wow, I'd sure love for my little boy to be blessed by Jesus.
08:27 Wouldn't that be awesome? You see when my son was dedicated or
08:33 blessed he was blessed by some pastors who were representing
08:35 Jesus. Right? We felt his presence there but Jesus wasn't
08:39 actually physically there in the room. Right? But back in Bible
08:42 times they actually could go and see Jesus. So it was a long ways
08:46 away but she thought, It'll be worth it. If you've walked
08:49 anywhere with a young toddler you know that it can sometimes
08:52 take a very long time. But she thought it would be worth it in
08:55 the end and along the way a neighbor was like, Where are you
08:58 headed today? Oh, we're going to Jesus to have him bless my
09:01 son. I want to come too. I'm going to bring my daughter and
09:05 son. And pretty soon there was a whole little group of mothers
09:07 and their kids headed to see Jesus. What a special time that
09:12 would be. Right? Jesus loves kids. In fact, whenever He saw
09:17 them He'd have a special smile that would spread across his
09:19 face and the look in his eyes just showed how much he cared
09:23 for them. And I'm sure that He gave really special hugs too.
09:28 And kids loved Jesus too. They weren't scared of Jesus and they
09:32 just wanted to be close to Him. So they skipped along the path
09:39 going to see Jesus. Now Jesus saw them coming from afar off
09:43 and he was happy to see kids because he was always happy to
09:47 see kids. But He also wanted to see how His disciples would
09:51 react to the youngest members of God's family and let's see what
09:56 they did. Any guesses. Maybe you've heard the story before.
10:01 In Mark chapter 10 is where we have this story found.
10:06 Then they brought little children to Him that He might
10:10 touch them, but the disciples rebuked those who brought them.
10:14 Rebuked, what does that mean? Rebuke says no, don't do it.
10:20 If someone rebukes you they may say, No don't touch that stove,
10:23 it's hot. Or they may say, No stop. Don't run into the street.
10:27 There might be a car coming. Those are good types of rebukes.
10:30 Right? But this didn't make sense to the mothers and
10:32 children. You see, the disciples didn't want Jesus to be
10:37 interrupted. They thought that His work with the adults was
10:40 more important than Him seeing a bunch of little kids. But when
10:45 Jesus saw it, in verse 14 it says:
10:48 He was greatly displeased with them. [Them the children, No
10:55 them the disciples] and he said to them: Let the little children
10:59 come to me and do not forbid them for of such is the kingdom
11:05 of God. Assuredly I say to you, Whoever does not receive the
11:10 kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter in. And
11:16 He took them up in his arms and laid his hands on them and
11:18 blessed them.
11:19 You can imagine the relief that spread over the mothers' faces
11:24 because they had traveled so far to see Jesus. And the excitement
11:26 for the kids, bouncing up and down right up onto his lap and
11:30 probably still bouncing once they were up there. You can
11:33 imagine Jesus giving them hugs. Maybe some of them fell asleep
11:36 in His arms. I bet he told them some really cool stories.
11:40 And so special. Such a
11:44 special time they had with Jesus Through this story Jesus showed
11:48 everyone, His disciples and everyone there that children are
11:51 so important. In fact, He had said that we should receive the
11:55 kingdom of God like a little child does. You see kids don't
12:00 care about what color your hair is or what color your skin is.
12:03 Kids don't care if you have a lot of money or not very much
12:06 money at all. Kids don't care if you're lame or blind. They
12:10 may ask you questions about it. Right? But they don't care about
12:14 that. They just love people. And they just like hanging out with
12:18 people and playing with people. It doesn't take kids long to
12:21 make a new friend, does it? In fact, you could be standing in
12:24 the grocery store line and my son would make friends with the
12:27 kid in the next line. It doesn't take too long, does it? Jesus
12:31 wants adults to be more like you guys. Isn't that amazing?
12:35 Children also trusted Jesus. They didn't worry about what was
12:41 going to happen or anything like that. They just trusted Him.
12:45 This was a good lesson for the disciples. You see, the
12:49 disciples, they really did care about things that children don't
12:52 care about. They cared about other people and what they
12:55 looked like. They cared about the people who didn't know God
12:59 and they liked to call them names like heathen or pagans.
13:01 They cared about Jesus setting up his kingdom on earth now and
13:05 rescuing them from the Romans. It seemed like they had an
13:09 agenda or a plan for Jesus. Can you imagine making a plan for
13:13 Jesus? But that's what they had done. In fact, they also had a
13:17 couple other issues that they were dealing with. They argued a
13:20 lot about who would be the most important person when that
13:24 kingdom started. They said, Well I'm going to be the right hand
13:28 man. You know I'm the most important, I'm the closest
13:30 friend to Jesus, like He's the one who's always asking me to
13:32 do special things for him or go special places with him. Right?
13:36 They were also jealous of the other people. If they saw
13:38 someone getting closer to Jesus they would be jealous of that
13:41 person and want what they had. They had a lot of things that
13:44 they were working on and Jesus wanted them to see the simple
13:48 faith of a child and how that can change our lives. So He
13:54 continued and he used children several other times in his
13:57 lessons. But I want to tell you about one other quick story
14:00 before we jump to the next time Jesus used kids to help teach
14:03 the disciples a lesson. This story is found in Matthew
14:06 chapter 20. And parents this is a good one for you guys to
14:10 listen to, too. Matthew chapter 20 verses 20 and 21. They argued
14:16 so much that finally one of the mom's got fed up with it and she
14:21 actually went and talked to Jesus about it. You see it was
14:25 the mother of James and John, two of the disciples. And she
14:29 said: The mother of Zebedee's sons came to Him with her sons
14:33 [there with her] kneeling down and asking something from Him.
14:36 And He said to her, What do you wish? [This was Jesus saying
14:39 what would you like?] She said to Him, Can you grant that my
14:42 two sons may sit one on your right hand and the other on your
14:46 left in your kingdom? [Okay] But Jesus answered and said, You do
14:52 not know what you ask. Are you able to drink the cup that I am
14:55 about to drink and be baptized with the baptism I'm about to be
14:58 baptized with? They said to Him, Oh we are able.
15:01 They had no idea that Jesus was going to die. They didn't
15:05 understand that His kingdom is in heaven, not on earth. But
15:10 they said, Oh yeah, we can do that. Now parents this one's for
15:15 you real quick. It's so important that we equip
15:18 our kids to take care of as many of their own problems as they
15:23 can. I know that this mom only wanted what was best for her
15:26 kids but she didn't understand what she was doing. And this is
15:29 a conversation that should have gone on between John and James
15:32 and Jesus. So I want to challenge the parents out there
15:35 to make sure you equipped your kids with problem solving skills
15:38 so that they can deal with those things themselves. Now I'm not
15:42 talking about when they're little, but by the time that
15:44 they're in high school and college there's a lot of things
15:46 that they can handle by themselves that parents don't
15:48 need to help with anymore. It's hard to let go though, I can't
15:51 even imagine. My son's only two. All right I'm preaching to the
15:54 choir on this one. Now the next time that Jesus talked about a
15:57 little child He was walking to Capernaum. He heard his
16:01 disciples and they were whispering about Him. Have you
16:04 ever heard someone whispering about you and you thought maybe
16:07 they were talking about you but you weren't sure. Well Jesus
16:09 knew what was going on because he's Jesus of course. And in
16:13 Mark chapter 9 we're going to pick up this story. Mark chapter
16:16 9 verses 33 and 34.
16:20 With them he came to Capernaum and when he was in the house, He
16:23 asked them, What was it you disputed among yourselves on the
16:26 road?
16:28 Oh He heard us, Oh, Mm-hum, hum. So things got real awkward
16:34 because they really didn't want Him to know what they were
16:38 talking about. Did they? And in Matthew 18:1 it says:
16:42 After that time the disciples came to Jesus saying, Who then
16:45 is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
16:47 That's what they'd been talking about, who was the greatest and
16:50 they didn't really want Him to know that they had been talking
16:53 about that. So in Mark 9 verse 35 it says:
16:57 And He sat them down and He called the 12 and He said to
17:00 them, If anyone desires to be the first he should be the last
17:03 and the servant of all.
17:05 A servant?! How is that person important? That didn't make any
17:08 sense at all. Then he took a little child and set him in the
17:13 midst of them. And when he had taken him in his arms, he said
17:16 to them, Whoever receives one of these little children in my name
17:21 receives Me and whoever receives Me receives not Me but Him who
17:27 sent Me.
17:28 Wow! He said you should treat each other like you would treat
17:34 this child and when you treat them with kindness it's like
17:36 you're treating Me with kindness Isn't that powerful? Now I want
17:44 to do a side note right here and realize that sometimes we have
17:47 adults in our lives who may not be the best examples for us. We
17:51 live in a sinful world, don't we? And even I make mistakes
17:54 sometimes and I have to apologize to my son and say I'm
17:57 really sorry buddy. Mama shouldn't have said it that way
17:59 or I'm sorry that my voice got loud. You know? But remember
18:03 that even when the adults in your life make mistakes we can
18:06 always look to Jesus as our ultimate example and He loves
18:10 you. And this is mind boggling parents; He loves your kids even
18:14 more than you do. Wow! Jesus loves you just that much. Now do
18:19 you think the disciples learned the lessons that Jesus used the
18:22 kids to help teach? By the time Jesus left for heaven after His
18:27 death and resurrection they had changed a lot. Well everyone
18:31 except Judas. But they had changed a lot and Jesus at that
18:36 point talked to Peter about taking care of His sheep and His
18:42 lambs. Who do you think those were representative of? That's
18:45 right. They represented sheep who were like grown. Right?
18:50 Those would be the adults and lambs would be His kids. He now
18:54 trusted those disciples. They had learned their lesson. They
18:58 knew that kids and adults are important to Jesus. And He loves
19:02 them all so much. Now they still had more to learn and we all
19:07 always have more to learn, don't we? But they had learned an
19:10 important lesson through Jesus, that Jesus loves kids, Jesus
19:14 loves adults, Jesus loves everyone and we should too.
19:18 Even when it's hard sometimes. It's hard to love people isn't
19:22 it? But Jesus is the one who can put that love inside our hearts
19:26 because Jesus loves us so very much. Isn't that amazing? I hope
19:32 that you feel that love inside your heart today, that you know
19:36 no matter what's happening in the world around you that Jesus
19:40 loves you. No matter what goes wrong at school or at home, that
19:46 Jesus loves you. No matter what people say or no matter how
19:51 people look at you, no matter anything in our lives, Jesus
19:55 loves you. That's the most important thing to remember in
19:58 the whole wide world. That's probably why that song is so
20:02 popular and maybe you think you've heard it one too many
20:06 times but remember the message that's so important: Jesus loves
20:11 you, this we know. I hope that you have a blessed day and I
20:15 look forward to more Bible adventures with you in the
20:18 future. That care and God bless!
20:20 ♪ ♪
20:33 Have you ever wondered what's going to happen in the future?
20:37 Maybe you've wondered what's going to happen tomorrow or in
20:42 the next month or year? Do you know God wants you to know what
20:49 the future holds. And you may say, Oh I'm just a kid. I can't
20:53 understand prophecies. But that's not true. God wants you
20:58 to understand Bible prophecy. Join us as we go on an exciting
21:02 journey exploring the future.
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21:10 Thank you Miss Michelle for that story. I'm so glad that Jesus
21:13 loves all of us from little all the way to big. And I'm glad
21:21 that He loves me and He loves you. Now it's time to review our
21:25 questions from last week and see if you got the answers right.
21:28 Let's see.
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21:47 Were you listening to the story today? Because it's time for our
21:50 new questions. Question #1: When the children came to see Jesus
21:56 what did the disciples do?
22:03 Question #2:
22:09 What did Jesus say to the disciples when the children
22:14 were there?
22:15 Question #3: Does Jesus love you? Now I know that you know
22:22 that you know that He loves you. And I know that you know that He
22:25 cares about you. So I guess my question for you is a challenge.
22:30 Do you want to give Him your heart today. Say Jesus come into
22:34 my heart. I know that you love me and I know that you care
22:37 about me no matter how old I am, no matter how young I am so
22:42 today do you want to let Jesus into your heart? Now you can
22:47 send your answers to us at
22:51 and on our YouTube we give a shout out to people
22:55 who send in their
22:56 answers. So you won't want to miss that and see a shout out.
22:59 Sometimes we even put them on our Facebook and Instagram
23:01 actually video. So you won't want to miss that and see your
23:05 shout out for answering the questions.
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23:18 It's time now for our memory verse. Let's say it together.
23:20 Matthew 19 verse 14: Jesus said, Let the little children come to
23:26 me, forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
23:31 ♪ ♪
23:45 (Uncle Vince) Ah, many years ago my sister and I, a little boy
23:50 and girl, we were laying in the yard after school and we look
23:56 over the fence and we see our neighbor. Now our neighbor was
24:02 about 20 years old at this time and we were nowhere close to
24:06 that age. So as we were playing we noticed the he looked
24:12 slightly different than we did. Now he was just a taller
24:19 individual and we were shorter than him but for some reason we
24:24 thought that was something to make fun. So my sister and I
24:30 spent the next maybe 20 minutes just making fun of him. Now did
24:38 God make him tall, yes or no? Absolutely yes. Was it the right
24:44 thing to do, make fun of our friend, our neighbor? Absolutely
24:49 not. And so we thought it was just fun and it was innocent and
24:55 it was all good. However, we also thought no one was
24:59 listening. But our Nanny was listening and when our parents
25:04 got home our Nanny came to my parents and said, You know what
25:11 little Vince and Viv were doing? And she went right ahead and
25:17 told our parents exactly what we were doing, making fun of our
25:22 neighbor. My parents called us in and asked us if this the
25:28 right thing to do? Is this what Jesus would do? And we said,
25:33 Well no, it's not. And they said Well you know because of what
25:39 you've done now you have to go and ask your neighbor for
25:44 forgiveness. That was the hardest thing to do, going and
25:51 knocking on our neighbor's door, asking him for forgiveness,
25:55 telling him why we should not have been making fun of his
25:58 height. As a result we learned a lesson, that we should never
26:05 make fun of what God has made. I hope you never make that same
26:11 mistake as we did.
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26:16 Thank you so much for joining us today. I'm so glad you got to
26:18 learn more about Jesus's love and how to share that with
26:20 others. Now this summer we have a very exciting program coming.
26:26 We have a VBS kind of (vacation Bible school) camp meeting kind
26:30 of program and we're really, really excited about it. It's
26:34 going to be happening this summer, we haven't decided
26:37 exactly on the date but we want to keep you informed. So make
26:42 sure to check out the newsletter at so that
26:45 you can know when that will be and what the theme is going to
26:49 be and how you can be involved. It's going to be a super fun
26:53 program. Similar to last year's but also different so
26:57 you'll want to check it out. And we have the weekly podcast that
27:03 you don't want to miss out and make sure you have that daily
27:07 time starting with Jesus every single day, right, in that
27:11 morning time. And when you get to have that special time with
27:14 Jesus. So you can learn more about that at
27:17 Also, make sure to check out our
27:22 at and Instagram and Facebook, all
27:27 at startingwithjesus and you can see different things that we do
27:32 on those (Facebook/Instagram: @startingwithjesus) platforms as
27:34 well. So make sure to check us out and let's pray.
27:37 Our Father in heaven, thank you so much for all that you do for
27:40 us. Thank you that you love us when we're little, when we're
27:45 old, when we're everything in between. Thank you so much that
27:49 you care about each one of us. I pray that you will be with
27:52 each child listening today and watching today. I pray that you
27:56 will help them to learn how to start every single thing they do
28:00 so that they can be able to be ready when you come. But not
28:05 only that so that they can share your love with their friends and
28:08 their family. We love you Jesus and we thank you.
28:11 In Jesus' name, Amen.
28:13 Thank you for joining us. Have a blessed week and keep in touch
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Revised 2021-10-27