Starting with Jesus

Using Our Talents for Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SWJ

Program Code: SWJ000059S

00:26 (Miss Ruthie) Welcome to Starting with Jesus boys and
00:28 girls. I'm so glad you're here. We want to encourage you to
00:31 start every day, everything you do with Jesus. Now we have an
00:36 exciting program for you today. And we have a Bible story with
00:40 Miss Michelle and we have our singing. Right? I hope you're
00:44 singing with us. Do you know one way that we can praise Jesus is
00:47 in song. So you don't want to miss out on our singing.
00:50 So let's go ahead and join in singing praises to Jesus.
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04:39 Welcome back to our nature story for today. This one comes from
04:42 Bermuda (Eugene Prewitt) that little tiny island that exists
04:46 there off New York and New Jersey. One day I was there and
04:50 I was walking along the beach when I found a very interesting
04:55 rock. I looked it over for awhile and then I threw it into
05:00 the ocean. And something amazing happened. It floated and then it
05:07 came back to me. I picked it up. This is the rock right here.
05:12 This is the one I picked up. You know what this rock is?
05:15 It's pumice. It's a blob of lava that was boiling so hard that
05:20 when it came out of the volcano and it hit the water the water
05:25 hardened the outside of it and kept all the bubbles stuck
05:29 inside and that's why it floats. It's not nearly as heavy as it
05:33 looks. Pumice is interesting. You remember the story I told
05:37 you about it. When I threw that pumice into the ocean it came
05:43 back to me. That reminds me a lot about love. Do you know that
05:48 love isn't bossy. Love doesn't give commands so often as love
05:55 makes requests. Just like I threw this into the water and
06:00 gave it freedom and then it came back to me, when we give our
06:05 brothers and sisters, our moms and dads, our friends, when we
06:09 give them freedom they have a chance to show their love by
06:13 staying close to us. For example you might say, tell your little
06:18 brother, Go get my book. And maybe if he's afraid of you he
06:22 might go get it. But if you say to him, Do you have time to help
06:27 me get my book? By making that gentle, sweet request you give
06:33 him a chance to show love. What I see from this rock is that
06:37 God's law is a law of liberty. It's a law that while it tells
06:43 us what to do it gives us a chance to make our own choices
06:47 so that we can show our love. What if God made you like a
06:51 robot? You couldn't show your love that way. So I'm going to
06:55 keep this rock as long as I can, I've had it 20 years already,
06:59 I'm going to keep it because it reminds me that I have it
07:03 freedom and it came back. So I want to give my wife freedom
07:07 I want to give children freedom. I don't mean no rules, maybe I
07:11 want to give them a chance to make their decision about
07:13 whether they're going to show love or not. And if I give them
07:16 that chance I bet they'll do it. Let me read a verse to you. This
07:20 is from Colossians. Colossians chapter 4 and verse 6.
07:24 Colossians 4 and verse 6 says:
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07:36 That is, always let freedom or love be in your mouth. That's
07:41 like having good tasting food. Let me have a prayer with you.
07:45 Father in heaven, please teach us how to show love and give
07:49 liberty. I ask for that gift. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
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07:59 (Miss Michelle) Um, I'm sure glad that I'm borrowing my son's
08:02 book. Here. Oh, oh. Hey everybody. Welcome to Starting
08:07 with Jesus Story Time and you caught. I was just reading a
08:10 book. Can you see what it's all about. It's called How to Earn
08:15 Money: A Smart Kid's Guide to Personal Finance. I should
08:18 probably get the adult version for me. Right? But I thought I
08:22 would see if I could learn some new ways to make some money.
08:24 Well actually it has an illustration for today's story.
08:29 But when we think about making money we think about different
08:33 ways you can get money. Maybe the money is given to you, maybe
08:36 in an inheritance when someone in your family has died they
08:39 give you a large sum of money. Or maybe for your birthday you
08:42 got 10 bucks or 5 bucks or 20 bucks, whatever. Or the more
08:49 common way to make money is to get a job and do some work to
08:51 make some money. Right? There's another way to make money too.
08:54 If you put your money in the bank the bank will then use your
08:59 money while you have it there. Right? It's still your, but
09:02 they'll use it for other things like to give someone else a loan
09:05 or to pay a bill or do these things. When you go back you
09:07 still have money there but they'll give you something as a
09:11 little gift for having your money in the bank and that's
09:13 called interest. We're going to talk more about that today.
09:15 So those are the different ways to make money. Right? Today
09:20 we're going to be talking about a parable Jesus told in the last
09:23 week of His life about money and about wise stewardship, how we
09:29 spend our money and how we use our money and other things too.
09:32 Dear heavenly Father, we praise you and we thank you for being
09:36 here with us now. Please send your Spirit to be with us as we
09:39 talk about things really important today. I'm so excited
09:43 that we're talking about this when these young people are
09:47 young because it will help them for the rest of their lives. We
09:49 Maybe your Sabbath School class or your church or your
09:56 Pathfinder club, or your family has come up with some sort of
09:59 investment project. For instance maybe you got some tomato seeds
10:03 and you planted them, and you watered them and you grew them
10:05 up and sold the tomatoes and made more money. Or did a car
10:08 wash to make money or a bake sale. Maybe people donated the
10:11 items for the bake sale and then anything you sold was a profit
10:14 and you could use that money for a mission or maybe a lemonade
10:18 stand. The options are through the roof. Right? Now today we're
10:23 going to talk about that parable about a man who wanted to make
10:27 money, but he did so in an interesting way. You see he left
10:30 on a trip, but before he did he give three of his servants some
10:35 money to invest and they were supposed to, while he was on a
10:40 trip. Sounds like a good deal for him. Right? They were
10:43 supposed to make him some money. And he knew what each servant
10:48 was capable of so he gave them different amounts of money which
10:51 at first I thought was unfair, but I think we'll see that it's
10:55 not as we read through this story. This story is found in
10:58 Matthew 25 verses 14 and 15 and it's called the parable of
11:04 the talents.
11:05 For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far
11:08 country who called for his own servants and delivered his goods
11:12 to them. To one he gave five talents, to another two talents,
11:16 and to another one talent, to each according to his own
11:19 ability. And immediately he went on his journey.
11:22 Farewell servants. All right, let's see what happens.
11:26 You see back them even one talent was an awful lot of money
11:30 so to even give one talent to his servant, to trust his
11:34 servant with one talent was a big deal. Let's see what
11:37 happened to the servants who had five talents and two talents.
11:40 Let's see. Verse 16 continues.
11:44 Then he who had received the five talents went and traded
11:47 with them and made another five talents.
11:51 Wow! He used those very wisely. I don't know if he was on the
11:55 stock market or what he was doing with those, but he was
11:58 able to double the money. Five to ten. Good job, servant.
12:03 And likewise he who had received two gained two more.
12:07 Nice work. Now let's check out that servant who received one
12:13 talent.
12:15 But he who had received one went and dug a hole in the ground and
12:18 hid his lord's money.
12:20 The equivalent to that would be he went home and put it in his
12:24 little savings bank. This is my son's; he has a little llama
12:27 savings bank. And he just left it there. Well kind of the
12:30 equivalent because we don't usually dig holes for money
12:33 these days. The other two had perhaps put it in the stock
12:37 market and got returns from companies that were doing well.
12:40 Or maybe they put it in the bank and they received interest or
12:43 maybe they did another investment where they bought
12:45 that wasn't worth a lot, they fixed it up and they sold it for
12:48 more. A lot of different ways you can make money. Right?
12:50 But the last servant didn't do anything with it; it just sat.
12:54 Sat on the shelf. Nothing wrong with saving money and setting on
12:57 the shelf. Right? But parents, might want to get your kid a
13:00 bank account. Probably be kind of a cool way that they could be
13:03 earning a little bit of interest So talk to mom and dad about
13:05 that because it may be an option But he who had received the one
13:10 dug the hole in the ground and:
13:11 After a long time the Lord of those servants came back and
13:16 settled accounts with them.
13:17 Back from his journey and what did he find?
13:20 So he who had received five talents came and brought five
13:23 more talents, saying, Lord, you delivered me five talents. Look,
13:27 I have gained five more talents besides.
13:29 Do you think he felt proud of himself? I bet he did and I
13:32 think it's okay for him to feel that way, don't you? He had done
13:35 a really good thing. He had done what his master had asked him to
13:38 do. And his lord said to him, Well done, good and faithful
13:42 servant. You were faithful over a few things and I will make you
13:45 ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.
13:50 He also who had received two talents came and said, Look lord
13:53 You delivered me two talents, I gained two more talents besides
13:56 them. His Lord said to him, Well done good and faithful servant.
14:00 You have been faithful over a few things, I will make you
14:03 ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.
14:08 Then he who had received the one talent came and said:
14:14 Lord so I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you've not
14:17 sown and gathering where you've not scattered seed and [I'll be
14:22 honest] I was afraid and I went and I hid your talent in the
14:25 ground. Look I still have what is yours. [The one talent right]
14:29 But the lord answered and said to him, You wicked and lazy
14:33 servant. You knew that I reap where I have not sown and that
14:36 I gather where I've not scattered seed.
14:38 Here's a good business man, this master and he was not used to
14:42 not making money.
14:43 So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers and
14:47 at my coming I would have at least received my own back with
14:50 the interest.
14:51 Remember that money that the bank gives you as a thank you
14:53 for letting them use your money.
14:55 Therefore, take the talent from him and give it to the one who
14:59 has 10 talents.
15:01 So they did. They took the one talent of money and they gave it
15:04 to the one who had 10, so now he had 11. Right?
15:07 For to everyone who has more will be given and he will have
15:12 an abundance. But for him who does not have even what he has
15:18 will be taken away. And cast the unprofitable servant...
15:24 Unprofitable means he didn't make a profit or make money.
15:28 into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of
15:32 teeth.
15:33 What a sad ending? But isn't that sad that he also did not
15:37 make the good choice of even making a little bit of money
15:40 like his master had asked him to do. Hmm. Well as we talked about
15:45 before, with Jesus's stories there always comes a lesson.
15:49 Not just a little lesson that we should be good with our money.
15:52 Right? But also a spiritual lesson. Now today the parable
16:01 was called the Parable of the Talents and back then that's
16:03 what the money was called but what else do we call talents
16:06 today? You might see someone playing the piano, like whoa
16:09 they're really talented. That's awesome how well they play the
16:12 piano. Or wow, that person is really good at leading the
16:17 church in reading responsive reading and they're a really
16:21 great reader. How talented they are. Or maybe you see someone
16:25 who can really draw. Whoa can they draw! They're so talented.
16:28 Right? We have talents today. And our talents, the number one
16:33 important thing to remember, they don't belong to us. God
16:35 gives us those talents. Just like the master gave talents to
16:40 his servants in the story. And the second thing to remember is
16:44 that Jesus lets us choose how to use our talents. Now you
16:48 might compare yourself to others sometime and it's a bad
16:50 trap to fall into, isn't it? We might be the person with two
16:54 talents and say well oh well so and so has so many more talents
16:57 than I have. I shouldn't even try. That's like what happened
17:00 with the person in the story, the servant who had one talent.
17:03 Isn't' it? So Jesus wants us to have our talents grow and if we
17:09 don't use those talents for Jesus Satan wants those talents
17:12 where he can use them to destroy us as well. A lot of
17:15 times if we think about talents being specific things like
17:19 playing an instrument or being good at art or things like that.
17:22 But there are so many talents that you have and that you can
17:26 sit down with your parents or another trusted adult and talk
17:29 about those things because some people are just really good at
17:32 making friends. That's a talent folks. Or maybe they're really
17:36 good at designing things or fixing things when they break or
17:39 maybe you're really good at technology like you can always
17:42 figure out what's wrong with the TV or the internet even though
17:45 your mom and dad can't. Maybe you're really good at sports.
17:49 That's a talent. Right? All of those talents Jesus would love
17:53 for you to use for Him. Our lesson goes into some categories
17:57 of talents. Maybe you have a thinking talent; you're really
18:01 good at thinking through problems and helping people
18:03 solve their problems. Or a speaking talent. You're not
18:06 afraid to get up in front of people and share with them about
18:09 Jesus or just about learning different things. Right? Maybe
18:13 you're really good at learning and studying or reading and
18:16 these are all really great things that you can use for God.
18:21 Maybe you have the talent of influence. Maybe you're a
18:24 natural leader and people listen to you. Well, Miss Michelle, how
18:28 do I know if I'm a natural leader or not. Well one good
18:32 way to check is if you're in the room and people are planning
18:34 something or talking about something, when you talk do
18:37 people look your way and pay attention to your ideas? Now if
18:41 they don't, that's okay because followers are important too.
18:44 But maybe you've noticed that people really do listen to your
18:47 ideas. Whoa! That's a huge responsibility and talent that
18:50 God has given you and you want to use that for Him. Right?
18:54 Because we can use influence for good or for bad and it can help
18:58 or hinder others, our influence and what we do. Time is a huge
19:03 Talent and that's one that Miss Michelle has trouble with
19:06 sometimes. Sometimes I waste time. You probably do it as well
19:10 I'm not going to say you do because I don't know you
19:11 personally. But we all have the same amount of time in the day
19:14 and how we spend our time is really a talent that we can
19:18 use for Jesus, isn't it? Our health is a talent and being
19:22 good to our bodies and helping other people learn about how to
19:25 be good to our bodies by following the laws of health.
19:28 That's a talent as well. And of course, our money is a talent.
19:31 God has given us money as well that we can use for Him and that
19:36 we can use to help other people. The second story that I'm going
19:40 want you guys to check out is also in Matthew and it's in
19:45 chapter 25 and we're going to talk more about this in upcoming
19:49 stories but I'm just going to kind of summarize it for you,
19:51 If you want to read it, it's in Matthew 25 starts in verse 31.
19:54 And Jesus was talking about the different kinds of people in
19:57 this world. But he called them two different animals. Have you
19:59 read this before. He called for all the sheep to go on His right
20:03 hand and all the goats to go on His left. Now it helps to
20:08 remember when I say right is right. So you want to be a sheep
20:11 Baa, baa, baa, baa. Right? And it goes into greater detail here
20:15 and I really encourage you and your family to either pause the
20:17 video now if you can and read it or read it later. Matthew 25
20:22 verse 31 and on. But there's a really important part at the end
20:27 and it says: (Let's do the ones on the right.)
20:33 And this He will say to those on the right, For I was hungry
20:39 and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink,
20:42 I was a stranger and you took me in, I was naked and you clothed
20:44 me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came
20:48 to me. Then the righteous will answer and say, Lord, when did
20:51 we see you hungry and feed you and thirsty and give you drink?
20:55 And He will say, As you have done it unto the least of these
20:58 my brethren, you've done it to me.
21:01 Wow! Let's use our talents for God.
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21:08 Thank you Miss Michelle for that Bible story. Now I know that you
21:12 all saw those questions last week because I know I've got a
21:16 whole long list of names of those of you who sent in your
21:18 answers and I am so proud of you. Great job for sending in
21:22 your answers to the questions we had. So, let's see who sent in
21:27 their answers and if you guys got them right.
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21:56 Well, it's time for our new questions. Are you ready?
22:01 Question #1:
22:12 There were three servants. How many talents were given to each
22:16 servant. Question #2:
22:31 And question #3:
22:47 Now you can send your answers to us at:
22:48 and you will get a shout out
22:52 in next week's lesson at our website at
22:57 You can see those shout outs and we love to see you answering
22:59 those questions and listening closely. So send your answers to
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23:10 Hello boys and girls. Today's memory verse is found in
23:13 Matthew 25 verse 40: It says:
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23:39 Hello welcome to activity time. My name's Amy and I'm really
23:42 excited about the program we have planned for you today.
23:45 The things you will need are a paper towel roll or you can
23:51 use some card stock, roll it up and tape it together. Then
23:56 you'll need some scissors and something to write on the paper
24:02 plate and the paper towel roll or card stock that you have.
24:06 And then you'll need a paper plate. So the first thing you'll
24:10 need to do is take the scissors and you'll need an adult's help
24:16 for this, and cut little lines like that along the end like
24:23 that on the end of your paper towel roll or card stock on each
24:28 side. I already had my aunt do this so... And if you're doing
24:33 the paper towel roll you'll probably need an adult to take
24:39 bigger scissors to do it for you Next we're going to set that
24:41 aside and get our paper plate cut. So we're going to want to
24:46 cut it kind of like that. So I'm going to draw a line of
24:50 where I want to cut. Next I'm going to ask my aunt to cut for
24:59 me. Aunt Ruthie, would you cut it for me? Sure. ♪ ♪
25:09 Next you're going to write on your paper plate:
25:14 DO NOT BURY YOUR TALENTS because we do not want to bury
25:18 our talents.
25:19 ♪ ♪
25:30 We're going to be making a shovel and this is the handle of
25:34 the shovel. So, on your shovel you can either draw your talent
25:37 or you can print out pictures of your talent or you can write the
25:42 word of your talent or you can cut them out from magazines and
25:47 take a minute to do that.
25:50 ♪ ♪
25:57 You can write down more. And if you're having trouble thinking
26:00 of a talent ask your parents. Everybody has a talent of time
26:06 so you could always write down time. So now, you might want a
26:11 parent for this part. Remember where you cut on your handle?
26:16 You're going to put the paper plate in that cut. If you're
26:21 using your card stock you can tape it or you can even finish
26:26 cutting it here and then tape it flat. Okay. Here's your shovel.
26:34 And you can always remember Do Not Bury Your Talent.
26:39 I hope you had fun making it.
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26:46 Thank you so much for joining us today. Now some of you might not
26:51 know that you can send your memory verse videos in to us too
26:55 at We are always excited to see you
27:01 sending in your memory verses. Do you know why? Because we know
27:04 that you are memorizing God's word and hiding it in your heart
27:07 So you can send you memory verse videos to us at:
27:12 Let's pray and ask Jesus to be
27:16 with us.
27:17 Our Father in heaven, thank you so much for today. Thank you
27:19 for the talents that you give us Thank you for the talent of time
27:23 that each one of us has that we can use it for you. I pray that
27:27 we will use our time for you, that we will use every talent
27:30 that you give us whether it be music, maybe we might be
27:33 musicians, maybe we might be very friendly, maybe we might be
27:38 really good at writing, maybe we might be really good at sharing
27:42 things with others. I pray that you will help us to use whatever
27:46 we have, whatever talent that is that you will help us to use it
27:50 for you. I pray that you will be with us today and that you will
27:55 help us to listen to your voice when you speak to us and help us
27:58 to be missionaries to everybody we're around and to share your
28:01 love with them. We love you Jesus and we thank you. In
28:04 Jesus' name, Amen.
28:05 Thank you for watching. Have a blessed week and keep in touch.
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Revised 2021-12-22